RECOGNITION AND RETENTION PLAN
                              AND TRUST AGREEMENT

                                   ARTICLE I

     The following words and phrases, when used in this Agreement with an
initial capital letter, shall have the meanings set forth below, unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise.  Wherever appropriate, the masculine
pronoun shall include the feminine pronoun and the singular shall include the

     1.01 "Agreement" means the Columbia Financial of Kentucky, Inc.,
Recognition and Retention Plan and Trust Agreement.

     1.02 "Award" means a right granted to a Director or an Employee under this
Plan to receive Plan Shares or their cash equivalent.

     1.03 "Bank" means Columbia Federal Savings Bank, a savings bank chartered
under the laws of the United States.

     1.04 "Beneficiary" means the person or persons designated by a Recipient
to receive any benefits payable under this Plan in the event of such
Recipient's death.  Such person or persons shall be designated in writing on
forms provided for this purpose by the Committee and may be changed from time
to time by similar written notice to the Committee.  In the absence of a
written designation, the Beneficiary shall be the Recipient's estate.

     1.05 "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

     1.06 "Committee" means the Recognition and Retention Plan Committee
appointed by the Board pursuant to Article IV hereof.

     1.07 "Common Shares" means common shares of the Corporation.

     1.08 "Conversion" means the conversion of the Bank from mutual to stock

     1.09 "Corporation" means Columbia Financial of Kentucky, Inc., a savings
and loan holding company incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio for
the purpose of holding all of the common shares of the Bank issued in
connection with the Conversion, or any successor thereto.

     1.10 "Director" means any person who is a member of the Board of Directors
of the Corporation, the Bank or a Subsidiary.

     1.11 "Employee" means any person who is employed by the Corporation, the
Bank or a Subsidiary.


     1.12 "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, trust,
association, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship,
unincorporated organization or any other form of entity not specifically listed

     1.13 "Plan" means the Recognition and Retention Plan established by this

     1.14 "Plan Shares" means the Common Shares held pursuant to the Trust or
which may be purchased by the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement.

     1.15 "Plan Share Reserve" means the Common Shares held by the Trustee
pursuant to Sections 5.02 and 5.03 of this Agreement.

     1.16 "Recipient" means any Director or Employee who receives an Award
under the Plan.

     1.17 "Subsidiaries" means subsidiaries of the Corporation or the Bank
which, with the consent of the Board, agree to participate in the Plan.

     1.18 "Trust" means the trust established by this Agreement.

     1.19 "Trustee(s)" means the person(s) or entity approved by the Board
pursuant to Sections 4.01 and 4.02 to hold legal title to the Plan assets for
the purposes set forth herein.

                                   ARTICLE II

     2.01 The Corporation hereby establishes a Recognition and Retention Plan
and Trust upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this

     2.02 The Trustee hereby accepts the Trust and agrees to hold the Trust
assets existing on the date of this Agreement and all additions and accretions
thereto upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE III
                              PURPOSE OF THE PLAN

     3.01 The purpose of the Plan is to reward and retain Directors and
Employees of the Corporation, the Bank and the Subsidiaries by providing such
Directors and Employees with an equity interest in the Corporation as
reasonable compensation for their contributions to the Corporation, the Bank
and the Subsidiaries.


                                   ARTICLE IV
                           ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

     4.01 ROLE OF THE COMMITTEE.  The Plan shall be administered and
interpreted by the Committee, which shall consist of not less than three
members of the Board.  The Committee shall have all of the powers set forth in
this Plan.  The interpretation and construction by the Committee of any
provisions of this Agreement or of any Award granted hereunder shall be final,
conclusive and binding.  The Committee shall act by the vote, or the written
consent, of a majority of its members.  The Committee shall report actions and
decisions with respect to the Plan to the Board upon request by the Board.

     4.02 ROLE OF THE BOARD.  The members of the Committee and the Trustee(s)
shall be appointed or approved by and will serve at the pleasure of the Board.
The Board may in its discretion from time to time remove members from or add
members to the Committee and may remove, replace or add Trustee(s).

     4.03 LIMITATION ON LIABILITY.  No member of the Board or the Committee,
nor any Trustee, shall be liable for any determination made in good faith with
respect to the Plan or any Plan Shares or Awards granted under the Plan.  If a
member of the Board or of the Committee or any Trustee is a party or is
threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action,
suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative,
by reason of anything done or not done by such member in such capacity under or
with respect to this Plan, the Corporation shall indemnify such member against
expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in
settlement actually and reasonably incurred by such member in connection with
such action, suit or proceeding if such member acted in good faith and in a
manner such member reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best
interests of the Corporation, the Bank and the Subsidiaries and, with respect
to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe such
member's conduct was unlawful.

                                   ARTICLE V

     5.01 AMOUNT AND TIMING OF CONTRIBUTIONS.  The Board shall determine the
amounts (or the method of computing the amounts) to be contributed by the
Corporation to the Trust.  Such amounts shall be paid to the Trustee at the
time of contribution.  No contributions to the Trust by Directors or Employees
shall be permitted.

     5.02 INVESTMENT OF TRUST ASSETS.  The Trust shall not purchase a number of
Common Shares equal to more than 3% of the number of Common Shares issued in
connection with the Conversion, except that if the Bank's tangible capital
exceeds 10%, the Trust may purchase a number of Common Shares equal to up to 4%
of the Common Shares issued in connection with the Conversion.  After such
investment, the Common Shares shall be held by the Trustee in the Plan Share
Reserve until such Common Shares are subject to one or more Awards.  Any funds
held by the Trust, while not invested in Common Shares, shall be invested by
the Trustee in such interest-bearing account or accounts at the Bank as the
Trustee shall determine to be appropriate.


RESERVES.  Upon the allocation of Awards under Section 6.02 of this Agreement,
or the decision of the Committee to return Plan Shares to the Corporation, the
Plan Share Reserve shall be reduced by the number of Plan Shares so allocated
or returned.  Any Plan Shares subject to an Award which is subject to
forfeiture by the Recipient pursuant to Section 7.01 of this Agreement shall be
retained in the Plan Share Reserve.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                            ELIGIBILITY; ALLOCATIONS

     6.01 ELIGIBILITY.  Directors and Employees are eligible to receive Awards
within the sole discretion of the Committee.

     6.02 ALLOCATIONS.  The Committee will determine which of the Directors and
Employees will be granted Awards and the number of Plan Shares covered by each
Award; provided, however, that if this Agreement is implemented prior to the
first anniversary of the effective date of the Conversion, the following
restrictions shall apply: (a) the aggregate number of Plan Shares covered by
Awards to any one Employee shall not exceed 25% of the total number of Plan
Shares, and (b) Directors who are not Employees may not be awarded more than 5%
of the total number of Plan Shares individually or more than 30% in the

     No Award shall be granted if such grant would result in a violation or
possible violation of federal or state securities laws.  In the event Plan
Shares are forfeited for any reason or additional Plan Shares are purchased by
the Trustee, the Committee may, from time to time, determine which of the
Directors and Employees will be granted additional Awards to be awarded from
forfeited or additional Plan Shares.

     In selecting the Directors and Employees to whom Awards will be granted
and the number of shares covered by such Awards, the Committee shall consider
the position, duties and responsibilities of the eligible Directors and
Employees, the value of their services to the Corporation, the Bank and the
Subsidiaries and any other factors the Committee may deem relevant.

     6.03 FORM OF ALLOCATION.  As promptly as practicable after a determination
is made pursuant to Section 6.02 of this Agreement that an Award is to be made,
the Committee shall notify the Recipient in writing of the grant of the Award,
the number of Plan Shares covered by the Award and the terms upon which the
Plan Shares subject to the Award may be earned.  The date on which the
Committee determines that an Award is to be made or a later date designated by
the Committee shall be considered the date of grant of the Awards.  The
Committee shall maintain records as to all grants of Awards under the Plan.

     6.04 ALLOCATIONS NOT REQUIRED.  None of the Directors or Employees, either
individually or as a group, shall have any right or entitlement to receive an
Award under the Plan. The Committee may, with the approval of the Board, and
shall, if so directed by the Board, return all Common Shares and other assets
in the Plan Share Reserve to the Corporation at any time and thereafter cease
issuing Awards.


     6.05 SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL.  This Agreement shall be submitted to the
shareholders of the Corporation at an annual or special meeting to be held no
sooner than six months after the effective date of the Conversion, and, if this
Agreement is implemented prior to the first anniversary of the effective date
of the Conversion, no Awards shall be granted hereunder until the shareholders
of the Corporation approve this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE VII


     (a) GENERAL RULES.  Unless the Committee shall specifically state a longer
period of time over which Awards shall be earned and non-forfeitable at the
time an Award is granted, Plan Shares shall be earned and non-forfeitable by a
Recipient over a period of five years at the rate of one-fifth per year
commencing on the date which is one year after the date of the grant of such
Award.  As Plan Shares become earned and non-forfeitable, any cash dividends,
returned capital and earnings thereon shall also be earned and non-forfeitable.

     (b) REVOCATION.  Unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws and
regulations, any Plan Shares and any cash dividends, returned capital and
earnings thereon that have not been earned and are not non-forfeitable in
accordance with Section 7.01(a) of this Agreement shall be forfeited in the
event that (i) a Recipient who is a Director ceases to serve on the Board of
Directors of both the Corporation and the Bank or (ii) a Recipient who is not a
Director of the Corporation or the Bank ceases to be an Employee of the
Corporation or the Bank, except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this
Section 7.01.

Shares and cash dividends, returned capital and earnings thereon subject to an
Award held by a Recipient whose service as a Director or Employee of the
Corporation, the Bank or a Subsidiary terminates due to (i) death or (ii)
disability (as determined by the Committee) shall be deemed fully earned and
non-forfeitable as of the later of the Recipient's last day of service as a
Director or as an Employee and shall be distributed as soon as practicable


     (a) TIMING OF DISTRIBUTIONS:  GENERAL RULE.  Except as otherwise provided
in this Agreement, Plan Shares shall be distributed to the Recipient or his
Beneficiary, as the case may be, as soon as practicable after they have been
earned, together with any cash dividends, returned capital and earnings thereon
with respect to Plan Shares that have been earned.

     (b) FORM OF DISTRIBUTION.  All distributions of Plan Shares, together with
any shares representing stock dividends, shall be distributed in the form of
Common Shares.  No fractional shares shall be distributed.  Payments
representing cash dividends, returned capital and earnings thereon shall be
made in cash.


     (c) WITHHOLDING.  The Trustee may withhold from any cash payment made
under this Plan sufficient amounts to cover any applicable withholding and
employment taxes and, if the amount of such cash payment is not sufficient, the
Trustee may require the Recipient or Beneficiary to pay to the Trustee the
amount required to be withheld as a condition of delivering the Plan Shares.
The Trustee shall pay over to the Corporation, the Bank or the Subsidiary which
employs or employed such Recipient or which the Recipient serves or served as a
Director, any such amount withheld from or paid by the Recipient or

     (d) REGULATORY EXCEPTIONS.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
this Agreement, no Plan Shares, upon becoming fully earned and non-forfeitable,
shall be distributed unless and until all of the requirements of all applicable
laws and regulations shall have been met.

   7.03 VOTING OF PLAN SHARES.  All Common Shares held by the Trustee in the
Plan Share Reserve which have not yet been earned by a Recipient pursuant to
Section 7.01 of this Agreement shall be voted by the Trustee.  A Recipient
shall be entitled to direct the voting of Plan Shares which have been earned
pursuant to Section 7.01 of this Agreement but have not yet been distributed to

                                  ARTICLE VIII

     8.01 TRUST.  The Trustee shall receive, hold, administer, invest and make
distributions and disbursements from the Trust in accordance with the
provisions of the Plan and the Trust and the applicable directions, rules,
regulations, procedures and policies established by the Committee pursuant to
this Agreement.

     8.02 MANAGEMENT OF TRUST.  The Trustee shall have complete authority and
discretion with respect to the management, control and investment of the Trust,
and the Trustee shall invest all assets of the Trust, except those attributable
to cash dividends paid with respect to Plan Shares not held in the Plan Share
Reserve, in Common Shares to the fullest extent practicable, and except to the
extent that the Trustee determines that the holding of monies in cash or cash
equivalents is necessary to meet the obligations of the Trust.  The Trustee
shall have the power to do all things and execute such instruments as may be
deemed necessary or proper, including the following powers:

           (a) To invest up to 100% of all Trust assets in Common Shares
      without regard to any law now or hereafter in force limiting investments
      for Trustees or other fiduciaries.  The investment authorized herein may
      constitute the only investment of the Trust, and, in making such
      investment, the Trustee is authorized to purchase Common Shares from the
      Corporation or from any other source. Such Common Shares so purchased may
      be outstanding, newly issued or treasury shares;

           (b) To invest any Trust assets not otherwise invested in accordance
      with Section 8.02(a) of this Agreement in such deposit accounts and
      certificates of deposit (including those issued by the Bank), obligations
      of the United States government or its agencies or such other investments
      as shall be considered the equivalent of cash;

           (c) To sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of any property at any
      time held or acquired by the Trust;


           (d) To cause stocks, bonds or other securities to be registered in
      the name of a nominee, without the addition of words indicating that such
      security is an asset of the Trust (but accurate records shall be
      maintained showing that such security is an asset of the Trust);

           (e) To hold cash without interest in such amounts as may be
      reasonable, in the opinion of the Trustee, for the proper operation of
      the Plan and the Trust;

           (f) To employ brokers, agents, custodians, consultants and

           (g) To hire counsel to render advice with respect to the Trustee's
      rights, duties and obligations hereunder, and such other legal services
      or representation as the Trustee may deem desirable; and

           (h) To hold funds and securities representing the amounts to be
      distributed to a Recipient or his Beneficiary as a consequence of a
      dispute as to the disposition thereof, whether in a segregated account or
      held in common with other assets of the Trust.

Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, the Trustee shall
not be required to make any inventory, appraisal or settlement or report to any
court, or to secure any order of court for the exercise of any power herein
contained, or to give bond.

     8.03 RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS.  The Trustee shall maintain accurate and
detailed records and accounts of all transactions of the Trust, which shall be
available at all reasonable times for inspection by any legally entitled person
or entity to the extent required by applicable law, or any other person
determined by the Committee.

     8.04 EARNINGS.  All earnings, gains and losses with respect to Trust
assets shall be allocated, in accordance with a reasonable procedure adopted by
the Committee, to bookkeeping accounts for Recipients or to the general account
of the Trust, depending on the nature and allocation of the assets generating
such earnings, gains and losses.  Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, any earnings on cash dividends or returned capital received with
respect to Common Shares shall be allocated (a) to accounts for Recipients, if
such shares are the subject of outstanding Awards, and shall become earned and
be distributed as specified in Article VII of this Agreement, or (b) otherwise
to the Plan Share Reserve if such Plan Shares are not the subject of
outstanding awards.

     8.05 EXPENSES.  All costs and expenses incurred in the operation and
administration of the Plan shall be paid by the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IX

     9.01 ADJUSTMENTS FOR CAPITAL CHANGES.  The aggregate number of Plan Shares
available for issuance pursuant to the Awards and the number of Plan Shares to
which any Award relates shall be proportionately adjusted for any increase or
decrease in the total number of outstanding Common Shares issued subsequent to
the effective date of the Plan if such increase or decrease resulted from any


subdivision or consolidation of shares or other capital adjustment, or other
increase or decrease in such shares effected without receipt or payment of
consideration by the Corporation.

     9.02 AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF PLAN.  The Board may, by resolution, at
any time amend or terminate the Plan.  The Board may also direct the Trustee to
return to the Corporation all or any part of the assets of the Trust, including
Common Shares held in the Plan Share Reserve, as well as Common Shares and
other assets subject to Awards which have not yet been earned by the Directors
or Employees to whom they are allocated; provided, however, that the
termination of the Trust shall not affect a Recipient's right to earn Awards
and to the distribution of Common Shares relating thereto, including earnings
thereon, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the grant by the
Committee or the Board.

     9.03 NONTRANSFERABLE.  Awards shall not be transferable by a Recipient.
During the lifetime of the Recipient, an Award may only be earned by and paid
to the Recipient who was notified in writing of the Award by the Committee
pursuant to Section 6.03 of this Agreement.  No Recipient or Beneficiary shall
have any right in or claim to any assets of the Plan or the Trust, nor shall
the Corporation, the Bank or any Subsidiary be subject to any claim for
benefits hereunder.

     9.04 DIRECTORSHIP RIGHTS.  Neither this Agreement nor any grant of an
Award hereunder nor any action taken by the Trustee, the Committee or the Board
in connection with the Plan shall create any right, either express or implied,
on the part of any Director to continue to serve as a Director of the Bank or a

     9.05 EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS.  Neither this Agreement nor any grant of an Award
hereunder nor any action taken by the Trustee, the Committee or the Board in
connection with the Plan shall create any right, either express or implied, on
the part of any Employee to continue in the employ of the Corporation, the Bank
or a Subsidiary.

     9.06 VOTING AND DIVIDEND RIGHTS.  No Recipient shall have any voting or
dividend rights or other rights of a shareholder in respect of any Plan Shares
covered by an Award, except as expressly provided in Sections 7.01, 7.02 and
7.03 of this Agreement, prior to the time such Plan Shares are actually
distributed to such Recipient.

     9.07 GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
under the laws of the State of Ohio, except to the extent that federal law
shall be deemed applicable.

     9.08 EFFECTIVE DATE.  Subject to Section 6.05 of this Agreement, this
Agreement shall be effective as of the ___ day of ____________, 1998.

     9.09 TERM OF PLAN.  The Plan shall remain in effect until the earlier of
(a) the termination of the Plan by the Board or (b) the distribution of all
assets from the Trust.  The termination of the Plan shall not affect any Awards
previously granted, and such Awards shall remain valid and in effect until they
have been earned and paid or by their terms expire or are forfeited.

     9.10 TAX STATUS OF TRUST.  It is intended that the trust established
hereby be treated as a grantor trust of the Bank under the provisions of
Section 671, et seq., of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (26
U.S.C. Section  671 et seq.).


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the following Trustees execute this Agreement,
accepting and binding themselves to undertake and perform the obligations and
duties of the Trustee hereunder and consenting to the foregoing Agreement
effective the ___ day of ____________, 1998.

                                 By: ___________________________ (Trustee)

                                 By: ___________________________ (Trustee)

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Agreement to be
executed by its duly authorized officer and duly attested, all as of the ___
day of ____________, 1997.


                                 By: ______________________________
                                     Robert V. Lynch
                                     its President and Chief Executive Officer

Carol S. Margrave
its Secretary and Treasurer