Exhibit 4.2


         This Second Amendment to Credit Agreement and Extension of Facility
Termination Date (this "Second Amendment"), dated as of November 10, 1997, is by
and among Pioneer-Standard Electronics, Inc., an Ohio corporation, and its
successors and assigns (the "Borrower"), National City Bank, a national banking
association, and the several banks, financial institutions and other entities
from time to time parties to the Agreement (sometimes collectively, "Lenders"
and sometimes individually, a "Lender"), and National City Bank, not
individually, but as "Agent". Capitalized terms used herein, and not otherwise
defined herein, shall have the meaning ascribed to those terms in the Credit
Agreement (as defined herein).


         A. Borrower, Lenders and Agent entered into a Credit Agreement dated as
of August 12, 1996 (the "Original Credit Agreement"), whereby Lenders agreed to
make revolving loans available to Borrower in an aggregate principal amount not
to exceed $125,000,000, pursuant to the terms of the Original Credit Agreement.

         B. Borrower, Lenders and Agent entered into a First Amendment to Credit
Agreement as of June 30, 1997 (the "First Amendment"), amending certain terms
and conditions of the Original Credit Agreement (the Original Credit Agreement
as amended by the First Amendment, the "Amended Credit Agreement");

         C. Borrower, Lenders and Agent desire to amend certain terms and
conditions of the Amended Credit Agreement.

         D. The Amended Credit Agreement as modified by this Second Amendment
shall hereafter be the "Credit Agreement."

         NOW THEREFORE, for mutual consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which is acknowledged by Borrower, Lenders and Agent, the parties hereby agree
as follows:

         1. As provided for in the definition of Facility Termination Date in
the Amended Credit Agreement, the Facility Termination Date is hereby extended
one (1) year (August 12, 2000).

         2. As of the date hereof, Borrower hereby affirms each of the
representations and warranties set forth in SECTION 4 of the Amended Credit

         3. SECTION 5.14 of the Amended Credit Agreement shall be deleted in its
entirety and the following shall be substituted in lieu thereof:


         5. 14 ACQUISITIONS AND INVESTMENTS. Borrower will not, nor will it
permit any Subsidiary to, make or suffer to exist any Investments, or
commitments therefor, or create any Subsidiary (other than Illinois, Minnesota
and the Limited Partnership) or become or remain a partner in any partnership or
joint venture, or make any Acquisition of any Person, except:

         (i)      Cash Equivalents;

         (ii)     up to $10,800,000 investment in Canada, other existing
                  Investments in Subsidiaries and joint ventures, and other
                  Investments in existence on the date hereof and described in
                  Schedule "1" hereto;

         (iii)    acquisitions permitted pursuant to SECTION 5.27;

         (iv)     investments and loans permitted under SECTION 5.26; and

         (v)      up to $7,000,000 investment in World Peace Industrial Co. Ltd.
                  ("WPI"), to acquire approximately 5% of the stock of WPI.

         4. Borrower represents and warrants that as of the date hereof Borrower
is not in Default under any of the terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement.

         5. All other terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect and unmodified hereby.

         6. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each
of which shall be an original, and all of which taken together shall constitute
one instrument.

                                   PIONEER-STANDARD ELECTRONICS, INC.        
                                   Print Name: John V. Goodger               
                                   Title: Vice President                   
                                   4800 East 131st Street                    
                                   Garfield Heights, Ohio 44105              
                                   Phone: (216) 587-3600                   
                                   Facsimile: (216) 587-3563          
                                   Attention: John V. Goodger         


                                   NATIONAL CITY BANK,                    
                                   Individually and as                    
                                   By /s/ Anthony J. DiMare               
                                   Print Name: Anthony J. DiMare          
                                   Title: Senior Vice President           
                                   Via Hand Delivery                      
                                   National City Bank                     
                                   National City Center, 10th Floor       
                                   1900 East Ninth Street                 
                                   Cleveland, Ohio 44114                  
                                   Via U.S. Mail                          
                                   National City Bank                     
                                   P.O. Box 5756                          
                                   Cleveland, Ohio 44101-0756             
                                   Attention: Anthony J. DiMare           
                                              Senior Vice President       



                                   KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION            
                                   By: /s/ Richard A. Pohle                
                                   Print Name: Richard A. Pohle            
                                   Title: Vice President                   
                                   Via Hand Delivery                       
                                   KeyBank National Association            
                                   Large Corporate Group                   
                                   Mail Code OH-01-27-0606                 
                                   127 Public Square                       
                                   Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1306              
                                   Via U.S. Mail                           
                                   KeyBank National Association            
                                   Large Corporate Group                   
                                   Mail Code OH-01-27-0606                 
                                   127 Public Square                       
                                   Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1306              
                                   Michael J. Jackson                      



                                   MELLON BANK, N.A.                         
                                   By: Mark F. Johnston                       
                                   Print Name:  /s/ Mark F. Johnston          
                                   Title: AVP                                
                                   Via Hand Delivery                         
                                   Mellon Bank, N.A.                         
                                   Three Mellon Bank Center                  
                                   Suite 2300                                
                                   Pittsburgh, PA 15259                      
                                   Attention: Loan Administration            
                                   Theresa Heukeshoven                       
                                   Via U.S. Mail                             
                                   Mellon Bank, N.A.                         
                                   Three Mellon Bank Center                  
                                   Suite 2300                                
                                   Pittsburgh, PA 15259                      
                                   Attention: Loan Administration            
                                             Theresa Heukeshoven             
                                   With a Copy To:                           
                                   Via Hand Delivery                         
                                   Mellon Bank, N.A.                         
                                   One Mellon Bank Center                    
                                   Grant Street, Room 4530                   
                                   Pittsburgh, PA 15258-0001                 
                                   Via U.S. Mail                             
                                   Mellon Bank, N.A.                         
                                   One Mellon Bank Center                    
                                   Grant Street, Room 4530                   
                                   Pittsburgh, PA 15258-0001                 
                                   Mark F. Johnston                          



                                   STAR BANK, N.A.                    
                                   By: /s/ John D. Barrett            
                                   Print Name: John D. Barrett        
                                   Title: Senior Vice President       
                                   Via Hand Delivery                  
                                   Star Bank, N.A.                    
                                   1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 220      
                                   Cleveland, Ohio 44115              
                                   Via U.S. Mail                      
                                   Star Bank, N.A.                    
                                   1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 220      
                                   Mail Location 4432                 
                                   Cleveland, Ohio 44115              
                                   John D. Barrett                    
