Exhibit 2.1

                DATED               5th            MARCH  1998

                             IMI KYNOCH LIMITED (1)

                                     - AND -

                             IMI MARSTON LIMITED (2)

                                     - AND -

                                   IMI PLC (3)

                                     - AND -

                            CHART MARSTON LIMITED (4)

                                     - AND -

                            CHART INDUSTRIES INC (5)


                          FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF
                               IMI MARSTON LIMITED


                                PINSENT - CURTIS

                                3 Colmore Circus
                                Birmingham B4 6BH
                               Tel: 0121 200 1050
                               Fax: 0121 626 1040


THIS AGREEMENT is made on              5th                        March  1998


(1)        IMI KYNOCH LIMITED (Registered in England No. 713735) whose
           registered office is at Kynoch Works, PO Box 216, Birmingham B6 7BA,
           United Kingdom (the "SELLER");

(2)        IMI MARSTON LIMITED (Registered in England No. 155987) whose
           registered office is at Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton WV10
           6QJ, United Kingdom ("MARSTON");

(3)        IMI PLC (Registered in England No. 714275) whose registered office is
           at Kynoch Works, PO Box 216, Birmingham B6 7BA, United Kingdom (the
           "SELLER'S GUARANTOR");

(4)        CHART MARSTON LIMITED (Registered in England No. 3497115) whose
           registered office is at 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AS (the
           "BUYER"); and

(5)        CHART INDUSTRIES INC a Delaware corporation whose principal office is
           at 5885 Landerbrook Drive, Suite 150, Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124,
           United States of America (the "BUYER'S GUARANTOR")


(A)        Marston is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Seller.

(B)        By the Transfer Agreement Marston has agreed to sell the Business and
           the Assets (other than the Freehold Property) to the Seller or as it
           may direct.

(C)        The Seller has agreed to sell the Business and the Assets to the
           Buyer on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in this

IT IS AGREED as follows:-


1.1        In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:-

"ACCOUNTS DATE"                         means 31 December 1997

"ACCOUNTS"                              means the unaudited management accounts
                                        of the Business for the 12 month periods
                                        ended on each of 31 December 1995, 1996
                                        and 1997 and the profit and loss account
                                        of the Business for the period of one
                                        month to 31 January 1998 and the
                                        unaudited balance sheet of the Business
                                        as at 31 December 1997, each as annexed
                                        to the Disclosure Letter

"ACT"                                   means the Companies Act 1985

"ADVANCE PAYMENTS"                      means all amounts received by Marston
                                        prior to the date of Completion in
                                        relation to the Business in respect of
                                        goods or services to be supplied by
                                        Marston after Completion but excluding
                                        such amounts which relate to the
                                        Excluded Items or to rights of Marston
                                        not taken over by the Buyer pursuant to
                                        this Agreement

"AGENCY CONTRACTS"                      means those contracts listed in Part I
                                        of Schedule 9 entered into prior to
                                        Completion by Marston for the
                                        appointment of third parties as the
                                        agent of Marston in connection with the

"ASSETS"                                means the property, undertaking, 
                                        rights and assets of the Business 
                                        agreed to be sold and purchased
                                        under this Agreement details of 
                                        which are set out in Clause 2

"ASSOCIATED COMPANY"                    means, in relation to any company,
                                        any subsidiary undertaking or parent 
                                        undertaking of that company or any 
                                        subsidiary undertaking of any such 
                                        parent undertaking 

"ASSUMED  LIABILITIES"                  means:-

                                        (a)       the Creditors;

                                        (b)       Marston's obligations under
                                                  the Contracts as provided


                                                  in Clause 17;

                                        (c)       the Product Warranty
                                                  Commitments as provided in
                                                  Clause 18;

                                        (d)       Marston's obligations in
                                                  relation to performance bonds
                                                  and guarantees as provided in
                                                  Clause 20; and

                                        (e)       all other liabilities or
                                                  obligations of Marston
                                                  expressly assumed by the Buyer
                                                  under this Agreement

"BUSINESS"                              means the business of the Industrial
                                        Heat Exchanger Group carried on by
                                        Marston at Completion under the name
                                        "IMI Marston"

"BUSINESS DAY"                          means a day (other than a Saturday) on
                                        which clearing banks in the City of
                                        London are open for the transaction of
                                        normal sterling banking business

"BUSINESS INFORMATION"                  means all records, data, drawings,
                                        plans, specifications, technical files
                                        and reports owned by Marston relating to
                                        and used solely or principally in
                                        connection with the Business and all
                                        commercial, financial, marketing or
                                        technical information or trade secrets
                                        owned by the Seller or Marston and used
                                        exclusively in the Business each held in
                                        any form or medium whatsoever other than
                                        any records required by VATA to be
                                        retained by Marston

"BUYER'S SOLICITORS"                    means Wragge & Co of 55 Colmore Row,
                                        Birmingham B3 2AS

"CENTRAL SERVICES AGREEMENT"            means an agreement in the agreed form to
                                        be made between (1) the Buyer (2)
                                        Marston and (3) the Buyer's Guarantor
                                        and (4) the Seller's Guarantor relating
                                        to the supply of certain utilities to
                                        and services by the Buyer and/or Marston
                                        to the Business, Marston's retained
                                        businesses and all other businesses
                                        located at the Site, whether or not
                                        carried on by the Buyer or Marston

"COMPLETION"                            means completion of the sale and
                                        purchase of the Business and 


                                        Assets in accordance with this Agreement

"COMPLETION ACCOUNTS"                   means the balance sheet of the Business
                                        as at Completion prepared in accordance
                                        with Schedule 6

"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"              means such of the Business Information
                                        which is secret or confidential,
                                        commercial, financial, marketing or
                                        technical information or trade secrets

"CONSIDERATION"                         means the amount referred to in Clause
                                        4.1, as adjusted by the provisions of
                                        Clause 7

"CONTRACTS"                             means the Agency Contracts, the Customer
                                        Contracts, the Supplier Contracts, the
                                        Finance Agreements, the IP Licence
                                        Agreements and the Foreign Exchange

"CREDITORS"                             means the amounts owed or accrued due to
                                        any person by Marston in connection with
                                        the Business at Completion to or in
                                        respect of trade creditors (including to
                                        any members of the Seller's Guarantor's
                                        Group but, for the avoidance of doubt,
                                        excluding notional debts of the Business
                                        to the "corporate centre" of Marston)
                                        arising through normal business
                                        transactions, including the Advance

"CUSTOMER CONTRACTS"                    means those contracts listed in Part II
                                        of Schedule 9 and all other contracts,
                                        agreements, orders and binding
                                        arrangements (whether written or oral)
                                        entered into prior to Completion by
                                        Marston for the supply or distribution
                                        of goods and/or services by Marston in
                                        connection with the Business and which
                                        remain to be performed (in whole or in
                                        part) by Marston at Completion:-

                                        (a)       the entering into of which
                                                  after the entering into of
                                                  this Agreement has been
                                                  approved by the Buyer; or

                                        (b)       entered into after the
                                                  entering into of this
                                                  Agreement but before
                                                  Completion in the ordinary
                                                  course of the Business and
                                                  under which the margin is 


                                                  not less than that usually 
                                                  experienced in that type of 
                                                  contract; or

                                        (c)       under which the price
                                                  (excluding VAT) of the
                                                  unperformed part of the
                                                  contract, agreement, order or
                                                  arrangement does not exceed

                                        together with all offers made by Marston
                                        prior to Completion to enter into such

                                        means all amounts owing to Marston at
                                        Completion in connection with the
                                        Business by or in respect of trade
                                        debtor accounts arising through normal
                                        business transactions (whether or not
                                        due and payable including, for the
                                        avoidance of doubt, the benefit of
                                        Prepayments and Deposits)

"DEPOSITS"                              means all amounts deposited with third
                                        parties by Marston prior to Completion
                                        (other than bank deposits) to secure the
                                        performance of an obligation or
                                        satisfaction of a condition by Marston
                                        relating to the Business to the extent
                                        such deposits remain outstanding as of

"DISCLOSURE LETTER"                     means the letter (together with all the
                                        documents attached to it) in the agreed
                                        form from the Seller to the Buyer
                                        executed and delivered to the Buyer
                                        immediately prior to the execution of
                                        this Agreement

"EMPLOYEES"                             means those of the employees of Marston
                                        employed in the Business at the date of
                                        this Agreement whose names and other
                                        details are set out in Schedule 1 who
                                        continue to be so employed immediately
                                        prior to Completion

"ENCUMBRANCE"                           means any encumbrance or security 
                                        interest of any kind whatsoever 
                                        including (without limitation) a 
                                        mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or

"EXCLUDED CONTRACT"                     means the agreement between Marston and
                                        Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Limited
                                        (Amoco ref 76290C-16-002, Marston ref
                                        DT617 and a supplemental letter dated 
                                        10 February 1998) relating to an 
                                        extended warranty, performance bond and


                                        outstanding payments and the related
                                        performance bond dated 11 February 1998

"EXCLUDED DEBT"                         means the amounts owing to Marston at
                                        Completion in connection with the
                                        Business by or in respect of the
                                        Excluded Contract as listed in Part IV
                                        of Schedule 2

"EXCLUDED EMPLOYEE"                     means any employee of Marston or the
                                        Seller who is not an Employee

"EXCLUDED ITEMS"                        means the assets and rights referred to
                                        in Clause 3

"EXCLUDED LIABILITIES"                  means any liability to pay employer's
                                        contributions for the period up to
                                        Completion to the Pension Scheme and to
                                        pay employees' contributions and
                                        additional voluntary contributions
                                        deducted from their pay in the period up
                                        to Completion to the Pension Scheme and
                                        all liabilities of Marston arising prior
                                        to Completion other than the Assumed

"EXCLUDED TANGIBLE ASSETS"              means the tangible assets listed in Part
                                        II of Schedule 2

"FINANCE AGREEMENTS"                    means all those contracts listed in Part
                                        III of Schedule 9 entered into by
                                        Marston remaining to be performed in
                                        whole or in part pursuant to which the
                                        Leased Assets are being supplied to or
                                        are held by Marston on hire purchase,
                                        conditional purchase, hire, rental,
                                        leasing, licence or other terms such
                                        that title thereto has not at Completion
                                        passed to Marston

"FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTRACTS"            means those contracts or commitments
                                        listed in Part IV of Schedule 9 entered
                                        into prior to Completion by Marston with
                                        IMI Treasury for the sale or purchase of
                                        foreign currency in connection with the

"FREEHOLD PROPERTY"                     means the property details of which are
                                        set out in Part I of Schedule 5

"GOODWILL"                              means the goodwill of Marston in
                                        connection with the Business as at
                                        Completion together with the exclusive
                                        right (so far as the Seller and Marston
                                        are able to grant the same) for the
                                        Buyer to 


                                        use the name "Industrial Heat Exchanger
                                        Group" and the exclusive right to carry
                                        on the Business in succession to Marston

"ICTA"                                  means the Income and Corporation Taxes
                                        Act 1988

"INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT"                means a chartered accountant agreed upon
                                        by the Seller and Buyer or, in the event
                                        of their failure to agree within 20
                                        Business Days of either party's notice
                                        requiring the appointment of an
                                        independent accountant, nominated (from
                                        a group which excludes any person or
                                        firm which has rendered services for the
                                        Buyer's Guarantor or the Seller's
                                        Guarantor or one or more of their
                                        respective Associated Companies within
                                        the period of two years prior to the
                                        date of this Agreement) by the President
                                        for the time being of the Institute of
                                        Chartered Accountants in England and
                                        Wales (or by such person as such
                                        President may appoint for the purpose of
                                        making such nomination), such chartered
                                        accountant to act as an expert and not
                                        as an arbitrator who shall have the
                                        right to call for information from any
                                        party hereto relevant to any decision he
                                        may be required to make and to whom any
                                        party hereto may make submissions in
                                        connection therewith whose decision
                                        (which shall be notified by means of a
                                        written determination) shall (save in
                                        the case of manifest error) be final and
                                        binding on all parties hereto and whose
                                        costs shall be borne by the Buyer and
                                        the Seller in equal shares or in such
                                        other manner as he shall consider

"INDEPENDENT EXPERT"                    means an engineer agreed upon by the
                                        Seller and Buyer or, in the event of
                                        their failure within 20 Business Days of
                                        either party's notice requiring the
                                        appointment of an engineer, nominated by
                                        the President of the Institution of
                                        Mechanical Engineers (or by such person
                                        as such President may appoint for the
                                        purpose of making such nomination), such
                                        engineer to act as an expert and not as
                                        an arbitrator who shall have the right
                                        to call for information from any party
                                        hereto relevant to any decision he may
                                        be required to make and to take legal
                                        advice from a solicitor or barrister of
                                        his choosing and to whom any party
                                        hereto may make submissions in
                                        connection therewith whose decision


                                        (which shall be notified by means of a
                                        written determination) shall (save in
                                        the case of manifest error) be final and
                                        binding on all parties hereto and whose
                                        costs shall be borne by the Buyer and
                                        the Seller in equal shares or in such
                                        other manner as he shall consider

"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"                 means patents, registered and
                                        unregistered trade marks and service
                                        marks, registered designs, applications
                                        for any of the foregoing and the right
                                        to apply therefor in any part of the
                                        world, any similar rights in any
                                        country, trademarks and service marks, 
                                        mask works, copyrights, rights
                                        in designs and inventions, discoveries,
                                        trade secrets, processes, technology 
                                        know-how and other similar knowledge and
                                        experience and the benefit of all design
                                        and research and development work

"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS"          means the registered Intellectual
                                        Property and applications therefor
                                        specified in Part I of Schedule 4
                                        together with the Intellectual Property
                                        owned by Marston and used exclusively in
                                        connection with the Business

"INTRA-GROUP BALANCES"                  means all sums owed by or to Marston to
                                        or from any other members of the
                                        Seller's Guarantor's Group at Completion
                                        save for those in respect of trade
                                        creditors arising through normal
                                        business transactions

"IP ASSIGNMENTS"                        means assignments of the registered
                                        Intellectual Property Rights in a form
                                        agreed between the Buyer and the Seller

"IPI"                                   means IMI Property Investments Limited
                                        (Registered in England No 2395737)

"IP LICENCE AGREEMENTS"                 means the licences in respect of
                                        Intellectual Property and information
                                        technology listed in Part II of Schedule

"LEASES"                                means the two leases in the agreed form
                                        between (1) IPI and (2) the Buyer for
                                        the Buyer to occupy and use following
                                        Completion the Leasehold Property

"LEASED ASSETS"                         means the plant and machinery listed in
                                        Part III of Schedule 2 used by Marston
                                        in the Business


"LEASEHOLD PROPERTY"                    means the property to be the subject of
                                        the Leases details of which are set out
                                        in Part II of Schedule 5

"NET ASSET VALUE"                       means the value of the Tangible Assets,
                                        Stock and Debts less the value of the
                                        Creditors in each case as derived from
                                        the Completion Accounts

"PENSION SCHEME"                        means the IMI Pension Fund details of
                                        which are set out in Schedule 7

"PERMITTED USER AGREEMENT"              means the licence in the agreed form in
                                        respect of the Marston name

"PERMITS"                               means all licences, approvals, permits
                                        and the like held by Marston exclusively
                                        in connection with the Business and
                                        which are capable of transfer to the

"PREPAYMENTS"                           means all (if any) amounts paid prior to
                                        Completion by or on behalf of Marston in
                                        respect of the carrying on of the
                                        Business to the extent that the same
                                        were paid in respect of the supply to
                                        Marston of goods or services after
                                        Completion (but excluding amounts paid
                                        in respect of Taxation assessed or
                                        chargeable or otherwise relating to the
                                        profits (actual or deemed) of Marston
                                        and amounts paid in respect of, or in
                                        connection with, insurance and any other
                                        Excluded Item)

"PRODUCT LIABILITIES"                   means any liability resulting from
                                        injury or death to any person, damage to
                                        or destruction of property or otherwise
                                        (including, for the avoidance of doubt,
                                        consequential loss arising as a result
                                        of any such liabilities) whether arising
                                        before or after Completion by virtue of
                                        any defect in products supplied or
                                        services provided on or before the date
                                        of Completion by Marston in relation to
                                        the Business other than Product Warranty

"PRODUCT WARRANTY COMMITMENTS"          means the liabilities of Marston
                                        (whether actual or contingent) under any
                                        obligation contained in any contract
                                        with customers to remedy defects in or
                                        replace products supplied before
                                        Completion by Marston in relation to the


"PROVISIONAL CASH CONSIDERATION"        means the sum of (pound)21,000,000
                                        (twenty-one million pounds)

"REGULATIONS"                           means the Transfer of Undertakings
                                        (Protection of Employment) Regulations

"RESTRICTED BUSINESS"                   means the manufacture, marketing and/or
                                        sale of the following:-

                                        (a)       heat exchangers, assemblies
                                                  and cold boxes for all land
                                                  based and offshore cryogenic,
                                                  processing and industrial
                                                  applications, including, but
                                                  not limited to, those for
                                                  atmospheric gas plants,
                                                  hydrocarbon and natural gas
                                                  processing and treatment
                                                  plants, LNG liquefaction and
                                                  air portable oxygen and
                                                  nitrogen generator systems;

                                        (b)       heat exchangers and assembly
                                                  packages for transport
                                                  applications, including, but
                                                  not limited to, those for
                                                  railway locomotive cooling
                                                  systems and "on rail"
                                                  processing and treatment

                                        (c)       heat exchangers for fuel
                                                  cells, process intensification
                                                  applications and
                                                  refrigeration, including, but
                                                  not limited to, gas clean-up,
                                                  gas reformers and
                                                  recouperators for static and
                                                  mobile power systems and
                                                  service vehicles;

                                        (d)       heat exchangers for combined
                                                  heat and mass transfer
                                                  applications, including, but
                                                  not limited to, overflow
                                                  packing elements and
                                                  dephlegmator/reflux units; and

                                        (e)       structured packing elements
                                                  for use in mass transfer
                                                  columns and heat exchange


"RESTRICTED PERSON"                     means the Seller's Guarantor and any
                                        other member of the Seller's Guarantor's
                                        Group from time to time

"RTPA"                                  means the Restrictive Trade Practices
                                        Acts 1976 and 1977

"SELLER'S GUARANTOR'S GROUP"            means the Seller's Guarantor and its
                                        Associated Companies

"SELLER'S SOLICITORS"                   means Pinsent Curtis of 3 Colmore
                                        Circus, Birmingham B4 6BH

"SITE"                                  means the Wobaston Road, Wolverhampton
                                        site, details of which are set out in
                                        Part III of Schedule 5

"STOCK"                                 means all stocks of consumables, stock
                                        in trade, raw materials, work in
                                        progress, partly finished and finished
                                        goods and processed materials, wherever
                                        located, held by or on behalf of Marston
                                        in connection with the Business at

"SUPPLIER CONTRACTS"                    means those contracts listed in Part V
                                        of Schedule 9 and all other contracts,
                                        agreements, binding arrangements and
                                        outstanding orders (whether written or
                                        oral) entered into prior to Completion
                                        by Marston with suppliers for the supply
                                        to Marston of goods or services (other
                                        than in respect of insurance)
                                        exclusively in connection with the
                                        Business which at Completion remain to
                                        be performed in whole or in part:-

                                        (a)       the entering into of which
                                                  after the entering into of
                                                  this Agreement but before
                                                  Completion has been approved
                                                  by the Buyer; or

                                        (b)       under which the price
                                                  (excluding VAT) of the
                                                  unperformed part of the
                                                  contract, agreement, order or
                                                  arrangement does not exceed

"TANGIBLE ASSETS"                       means the plant and machinery listed in
                                        Part I of Schedule 2 together with the
                                        loose plant, machinery, tools,
                                        furniture, fittings, moulds, dies and
                                        other like articles owned by Marston,
                                        and used exclusively or principally in
                                        the Business except for 


                                        the Excluded Tangible Assets and all
                                        those assets required to be used by
                                        Marston in performing its obligations
                                        under the Central Services Agreement

"TAXATION"                              includes (without limitation):-

                                        (a)       advance corporation tax,
                                                  capital gains tax, corporation
                                                  tax, customs and excise
                                                  duties, income tax (including
                                                  PAYE), inheritance tax,
                                                  insurance premium tax,
                                                  national insurance
                                                  contributions, rates and
                                                  community charge, stamp duty,
                                                  stamp duty reserve tax and

                                        (b)       all former and foreign taxes;

                                        (c)       all other levies, imposts,
                                                  duties, charges or
                                                  withholdings in the nature of
                                                  taxes imposed by any Taxation
                                                  Authority; and

                                        (d)       all interest, penalties, fines
                                                  and other charges relating to
                                                  any of the above or to a
                                                  failure to make any return or
                                                  supply any information in
                                                  connection with any of the

"TAXATION AUTHORITY"                    means the Inland Revenue, H.M. Customs &
                                        Excise, the Department of Social
                                        Security and any other body having
                                        functions in relation to Taxation

"TENANCIES"                             has the meaning ascribed to it in Part
                                        IV of Schedule 5

"TRANSFER AGREEMENT"                    means an agreement dated 4 March 1998
                                        between (1) Marston and (2) the Seller
                                        by which Marston agreed to sell the
                                        Business and Assets (other than the
                                        Freehold Property) to the Seller or as
                                        it may direct, a copy of which is
                                        annexed to the Disclosure Letter

"VAT"                                   means value added tax

"VATA"                                  means the Value Added Tax Act 1994


"WARRANTIES"                            means the warranties contained in
                                        Schedule 3 and references to a
                                        "WARRANTY" shall be construed

1.2       In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference

          1.2.1     a Clause or Schedule is a reference to a clause of or
                    schedule to this Agreement;

          1.2.2     a document "IN THE AGREED FORM" is a reference to a document
                    in the form approved, and for the purposes of identification
                    only signed, by or on behalf of the Buyer and the Seller;

          1.2.3     a statutory provision includes a reference to that provision
                    as modified, replaced, amended and/or re-enacted from time
                    to time (whether before or after the date of this Agreement)
                    and any prior or subsequent subordinate legislation made
                    under it except to the extent that any such modification,
                    replacement, amendment or re-enactment would increase or
                    extend the liability of the Buyer, Seller or Marston under
                    this Agreement;

          1.2.4     "COSTS" includes a reference to costs, charges and expenses
                    of every description;

          1.2.5     a "PERSON" includes a reference to an individual,
                    partnership, unincorporated association or body corporate
                    wherever incorporated or situate and includes a reference to
                    that person's legal representatives and successors;

          1.2.6     a "SUBSIDIARY", "HOLDING COMPANY" and "BODY CORPORATE" has
                    the respective meaning set out in section 736 and 740 of the

          1.2.7     a "COMPANY" has the meaning set out in section 735 of the

          1.2.8     a "SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKING" or a "PARENT UNDERTAKING" has the
                    meaning set out in 


                    sections 258 and 259 of the Act; and

          1.2.9     a "GROUP UNDERTAKING" has the meaning set out in section 259
                    of the Act.

1.3       The Schedules form part of this Agreement and shall be interpreted or
          construed as though they were set out in this Agreement.

1.4       The headings to the Clauses, Schedules and paragraphs of the Schedules
          are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of
          this Agreement.

1.5       General words introduced by the word "OTHER" are not to be given a
          restrictive meaning because they are preceded by words indicating a
          particular class of acts, matters or things and are not to be given a
          restrictive meaning because they are followed by particular examples
          intended to be embraced by the general words.

1.6       Any statement which refers to the knowledge or knowledge and belief of
          the Seller or so far as the Seller is aware or any similar expression
          shall be deemed to refer to the knowledge only of J O'Shea and P A
          Boulton (a director and the secretary) but to include an additional
          statement that it has been made after (in the case of paragraph 1.6.1)
          due and careful, and (in the case of paragraphs 1.6.2 to 1.6.9)
          reasonable enquiries of:-

          1.6.1     in relation to all of the Warranties, B Watton (director of
                    Marston and general manager of the Business) and T J Davies
                    (finance director and company secretary of Marston);

          1.6.2     in relation to all of the Warranties, K J Blount, G P
                    Causier, P A Morgan, N P Omerod, M T Symonds and T Wood,
                    being the immediate subordinates of B Watton;

          1.6.3     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 16 of
                    Schedule 3 (Pensions), Mrs J R Pickett, IMI Group pensions


          1.6.4     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 18 of
                    Schedule 3 (Property), L Frith, managing director of IPI;

          1.6.5     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 6 of
                    Schedule 3 (Intellectual Property), C Sykes, manager of the
                    Patents and Licensing Department at the Seller's Guarantor;

          1.6.6     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 19 of
                    Schedule 3 (Environmental), M White, IMI Group environmental

          1.6.7     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 15 of
                    Schedule 3 (Employees), J S Kaye, administrative services
                    manager at Marston;

          1.6.8     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 7 of
                    Schedule 3 (Insurance), P Bissell, corporate risk and
                    insurance manager; and

          1.6.9     in relation to all Warranties contained in paragraph 17 of
                    Schedule 3 (Taxation), A Duquenoy, IMI Group taxation


2.1       The Seller agrees to sell with full title guarantee and the Buyer
          agrees to buy, with effect from Completion, the Business as a going
          concern and the Assets comprising:-

          2.1.1     the Freehold Property;


          2.1.2     the Tangible Assets;

          2.1.3     the Goodwill;

          2.1.4     the Intellectual Property Rights (save that in relation to
                    rights in designs and inventions, discoveries, trade
                    secrets, processes, technology and other knowledge and
                    experience and the benefit of design and research
                    development work comprised in the Intellectual Property
                    Rights, the Seller agrees to sell only such right, title and
                    interest as it and Marston may have and its full title
                    guarantee shall not apply thereto);

          2.1.5     the Business Information;

          2.1.6     the Stock;

          2.1.7     the benefit (subject to the burden) of the Contracts;

          2.1.8     the Debts;

          2.1.9     the Permits; and

          2.1.10    all other assets owned by Marston and used exclusively in
                    the Business, save for the Excluded Items.

2.2       The Freehold Property is sold on the terms set out in Schedule 5 and
          the Seller and the Buyer agree to and shall comply with the provisions
          of Schedule 5 relating to the Freehold Property and the Leasehold



          There are excluded from the sale and transfer under this Agreement the

3.1       all cash in hand and at bank;

3.2       the Excluded Tangible Assets;

3.3       the Excluded Contract;

3.4       the Excluded Debt;

3.5       all shares held by Marston;

3.6       the statutory books of Marston;

3.7       the benefit of any repayments of Taxation made by any Taxation
          Authority to Marston or the Seller;

3.8       the benefit of any insurance policies held by any member of the
          Seller's Guarantors Group;

3.9       save as provided in Clause 13 (Names) and in the Permitted User
          Agreement, the right to use the IMI or Marston names, logos or marks;

3.10      without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing all other
          property, assets and rights of Marston which are not exclusively used
          in connection with the Business and which are not expressly


          transferred to the Buyer pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.


4.1       Subject to the provisions of Clause 7 and Schedule 6 (Completion
          Accounts), the consideration for the purchase of the Business and the
          Assets is the Provisional Cash Consideration together with the
          agreement of the Buyer in Clause 16.2 to discharge the Assumed
          Liabilities, apportioned between the Assets as follows:-

          4.1.1     the Freehold Property                      (pound)3,000,000

          4.1.2     the Tangible Assets                        (pound)2,500,000

          4.1.3     the patents and applications 
                    therefor forming part of the 
                    Intellectual Property Rights               (pound)1,000,000

          4.1.4     the know-how forming part of the
                    Intellectual Property Rights               (pound)4,000,000

          4.1.5     the balance of the Intellectual 
                    Property Rights and the Business 
                    Information                                (pound)1

          4.1.6     the Stock
                                                               the sum 
                                                               ascertained from 
                                                               the Completion

          4.1.7     the Debts
                                                               the sum 
                                                               ascertained from 
                                                               the Completion


           4.1.8        the Goodwill                          the balance of
                                                              the Consideration 
                                                              plus the amount 
                                                              of the Assumed 
                                                              ascertained from 
                                                              the Completion 
           4.1.9        the Contracts                        
                                                              the agreement by 
                                                              the Buyer to 
                                                              thereunder to the 
                                                              extent provided
                                                              in this Agreement
           4.1.10       the Permits                          
                                                              the agreement by 
                                                              the Buyer to 
                                                              assume the terms
                                                              of the Permits to 
                                                              the extent 
                                                              provided in this

4.2       The Provisional Cash Consideration is payable by the Buyer at

4.3       If a party fails to pay any sum due and payable by it under this
          Agreement on the due date of payment in accordance with the terms of
          this Agreement, the party shall pay interest on the sum from the due
          date until the date upon which the obligation of the party to pay the
          sum is discharged at the rate of two per cent. per annum above the
          base lending rate of Barclays Bank PLC from time to time in force
          (whether before or after judgment).

4.4       If after the date of this Agreement the Buyer transfers all or part of
          the Intellectual Property Rights for an amount in excess of the
          consideration apportioned to the Intellectual Property Rights under
          Clauses 4.1.3, 4.1.4 and 4.1.5 the Buyer covenants to pay to the
          Seller an amount equal to any additional Taxation liability arising to
          the Seller or Marston as a result of the Inland Revenue challenging
          the amount of the consideration apportioned under Clause 4.1.3 to the
          Intellectual Property Rights together with all costs, expenses,
          penalties and interest reasonably incurred by the Seller or Marston in
          connection with such challenge or such additional Taxation liability.

4.5       If any party to this Agreement or any Associated Company of such party
          to this Agreement obtains a corporation tax deduction or any other
          saving or credit against taxation as a result of any liability or


          matter giving rise to a claim under the indemnities contained in this
          Agreement, the amount payable under the indemnity concerned shall be
          reduced by an amount equal to the tax which is saved as a result of
          the deduction, saving or credit.

4.6       If any party to this Agreement or any Associated Company of such party
          suffers any charge to Taxation in respect of any sum payable under any
          of the indemnities contained in this Agreement (after taking account
          of any reduction made in accordance with Clause 4.5) the amount so
          payable shall be grossed up by such amount as will ensure that after
          deduction of the Taxation so chargeable there shall remain a sum equal
          to the amount that would otherwise have been payable under such

4.7       The parties agree that no election will be made under section 531(3)
          ICTA in relation to the transfer of know-how pursuant to this


5.1       From the date of this Agreement until Completion neither the Seller
          nor Marston shall take any action with the intention of causing the
          Business to be conducted otherwise than in the ordinary and usual

5.2       From the date of this Agreement until Completion:-

          5.2.1     each of the Seller and Marston shall use their respective
                    reasonable endeavours in the ordinary course of the Business
                    and in consultation with the Buyer to preserve intact the
                    business organisation and the relationships with persons
                    having business dealing with Marston in relation to the
                    Business; and

          5.2.2     upon the Buyer giving to Marston reasonable prior notice the
                    Seller and Marston shall give to the Buyer and its
                    representatives reasonable access to the Assets and Business


          Information during the normal operating hours of the Business and
          shall allow the Buyer to consult with relevant and suitable employees
          of the Business in relation thereto (save that in the case of any
          lender or similar person and its representatives, this access shall be
          limited to access to the Site solely for the purposes of assessing the
          value of the Assets for security purposes) provided that at all times
          the Seller or Marston shall be entitled to appoint a person to be
          present at such consultations or when such access is given and the
          Buyer and its representatives shall comply with all regulations and
          reasonable restrictions of Marston or the Seller governing such
          access, including as to confidentiality and prior notification of the
          identity of the individuals requested to have access.

5.3       Solely for the purposes of permitting the Buyer to mitigate any loss
          to it (and not for the purposes of rescinding or terminating this
          Agreement) the Seller shall as soon as reasonably practicable notify
          the Buyer if it becomes aware both of any event or circumstance which
          renders any Warranty inaccurate in any material extent and that such
          event or circumstance has resulted in that Warranty becoming
          inaccurate in any material respect.

5.4       In the event that prior to Completion the Tangible Assets, the
          Freehold Property or the Stock shall sustain significant loss or
          damage by reason of fire, flood, wind or other natural calamity
          (regardless of whether or not such loss is insured):-

          5.4.1     the Seller shall as soon as reasonably practicable notify
                    the Buyer of the damage and provide its reasonable estimate
                    of the cost of repair of the damage together with any
                    estimates provided by contractors or other third parties or
                    reports of any loss adjuster relating in each case to the
                    damage and its repair and the date of Completion shall be
                    postponed until the date 5 Business Days after receipt by
                    the Buyer of such estimate;

          5.4.2     if the cost of repair set out in the estimate provided
                    pursuant to Clause 5.4.1 exceeds (pound)4,200,000 the Buyer
                    shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by notice in
                    writing to the Seller on or before the day to which
                    Completion is postponed pursuant to Clause 5.4.1.


5.5       For the purposes of Clause 5.4 "loss or damage" shall only include
          such physical damage or loss to the Tangible Assets, the Freehold
          Property or the Stock as is caused by fire, flood, wind or other
          natural calamity and shall not include loss of profits or turnover,
          unliquidated damages or other losses arising from any interruption of
          the Business or otherwise caused by such damage or loss.

5.6       If the Buyer terminates this Agreement pursuant to Clause 5.4.2 the
          rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement shall cease
          immediately on termination except that:-

          5.6.1     each party's rights in respect of breaches by any other
                    party of its obligations under this Agreement prior to
                    termination shall continue in full force and effect; and

          5.6.2     the provisions of Clause 25 (Announcements) shall remain in
                    full force and effect.

5.7       On the date of this Agreement the Buyer shall deliver to the Seller:-

          5.7.1     an opinion in the agreed form from Calfee, Halter & Griswold
                    LLP relating to the entering into and performance by the
                    Buyer's Guarantor of this Agreement and the documents to be
                    entered into by it at Completion;

          5.7.2     a copy, certified as true by the secretary or a director of
                    the Buyer or the Buyer's Guarantor (as appropriate), of
                    excerpts from the minutes of meetings of the board of
                    directors of each of the Buyer and the Buyer's Guarantor, as
                    signed by the secretary or a director of each respective
                    meeting, resolving that each of the Buyer and the Buyer's
                    Guarantor (as appropriate) should enter into this Agreement
                    and each document to be entered into by each of them on the
                    date hereof or at Completion, and authorising execution of
                    this Agreement and each such document by each person signing
                    on behalf of the Buyer or the Buyer's Guarantor.

          5.8       On the date of this Agreement the Seller shall deliver to
                    the Buyer a copy, certified as true by the secretary or a
                    director of the Seller, Marston or the Seller's Guarantor
                    (as appropriate), of the minutes 


          of meetings of the board of directors (or a committee thereof) of each
          of the Seller, Marston and the Seller's Guarantor, as signed by the
          chairman of each respective meeting, resolving that each of the
          Seller, Marston and the Seller's Guarantor should enter into this
          Agreement and each document to be entered into by each of them on the
          date hereof or Completion, and authorising execution of this Agreement
          and each such document by each person signing on behalf of the Seller,
          Marston or the Seller's Guarantor.

6         COMPLETION

6.1       Completion shall take place at the offices of the Seller's Solicitors
          on 27 March 1998.

6.2       At Completion the Seller shall deliver to the Buyer (in the case of
          the assets referred to in Clauses 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, at the Freehold

          6.2.1     possession of those Assets which are transferable by

          6.2.2     the Leased Assets;

          6.2.3     the Permitted User Agreement, duly executed by Marston;

          6.2.4     the Leases duly executed by IPI;

          6.2.5     the Central Services Agreement, duly executed by Marston and
                    the Seller's Guarantor;

          6.2.6     the Transfer (as defined in Part IV of Schedule 5), duly
                    executed by IPI, the Seller and Marston;


          6.2.7     the deed of indemnity in relation to the Pension Scheme in
                    the agreed form, duly executed by the Seller, Marston and
                    the Seller's Guarantor;

          6.2.8     the VAT invoice referred to in Clause 21.2; and

          6.2.9     the IP Assignments, duly executed by Marston (provided that,
                    in the event that the Buyer and the Seller are unable to
                    agree the form of the IP Assignments prior to Completion,
                    Completion shall not be delayed and assignments shall be
                    delivered following Completion pursuant to Clause 28.1.).

6.3       At Completion the Buyer shall pay the Provisional Cash Consideration
          by telegraphic transfer to the client account of the Seller's
          Solicitors (Account name: Pinsent Curtis Client Account; Sort Code:
          60-02-35; Account Number 10396225; Bank Address: National Westminster
          Bank Plc, PO Box 87, Colmore Centre, 103 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3
          3NS) , who are irrevocably authorised by the Seller to accept the
          same, and whose receipt shall be an absolute discharge to the Buyer of
          its obligation to pay the Provisional Cash Consideration.

6.4       At Completion the Buyer shall deliver to the Seller:-

          6.4.1     a counterpart of the Permitted User Agreement, duly executed
                    by the Buyer;

          6.4.2     counterparts of the Leases, duly executed by the Buyer;

          6.4.3     a counterpart of the Central Services Agreement, duly
                    executed by the Buyer and the Buyer's Guarantor;

          6.4.4     a counterpart of the Transfer, duly executed by the Buyer;


          6.4.5     a counterpart of the deed of indemnity referred to in Clause
                    6.2.7 duly executed by the Buyer and the Buyer's Guarantor;

          6.4.6     counterparts of the IP Assignments, duly executed by the
                    Buyer (provided that, in the event that the Buyer and the
                    Seller are unable to agree the form of the IP Assignments
                    prior to Completion, Completion shall not be delayed and
                    assignments shall be delivered following Completion pursuant
                    to Clause 28.1.)


7.1       Schedule 6 shall have effect for the preparation of the Completion
          Accounts and the ascertainment of the Net Asset Value.

7.2       If the Net Asset Value exceeds (pound)2,867,000 by more than
          (pound)300,000 the Consideration for the sale under this Agreement
          shall be increased by an amount equal to the excess of the Net Asset
          Value over (pound)2,867,000 and the Buyer shall pay to the Seller such
          amount within 10 Business Days of agreement or determination of the
          Net Asset Value together with interest on such amount from (and
          including) the date of Completion until (but excluding) the date of
          payment at the rate of two per cent. per annum above the base lending
          rate of Barclays Bank PLC from time to time in force.

7.3       If the Net Asset Value falls short of (pound)2,867,000 by more than
          (pound)300,000 the Consideration for the sale under this Agreement
          shall be reduced by an amount equal to the shortfall of the Net Asset
          Value below (pound)2,867,000 and the Seller shall repay to the Buyer
          such amount within 10 Business Days of agreement or determination of
          the Net Asset Value together with interest on such amount from (and
          including) the date of Completion until (but excluding) the date of
          payment at the rate of two per cent. per annum above the base lending
          rate of Barclays Bank PLC from time to time in force.

7.4       Any amount payable by the Buyer pursuant to Clause 7.2 shall be paid
          by telegraphic transfer to the client account of the Seller's
          Solicitors, who are irrevocably authorised to accept the same, and


          receipt shall be an absolute discharge to the Buyer of its obligation
          to pay the sum payable under Clause 7.2

7.5       Any amount payable by the Seller pursuant to Clause 7.3 shall be paid
          by telegraphic transfer to such bank account of the Buyer as is
          notified to the Seller by the Buyer on or prior to the due date for
          payment under Clause 7.3

7.6       All amounts payable under this Agreement shall be paid in full without
          deduction, set-off or counterclaim.

8         WARRANTIES

8.1       The Seller warrants to the Buyer as at the date of this Agreement in
          the terms set out in Schedule 3.

8.2       The Warranties are subject only to:-

          8.2.1     any matter which is fairly disclosed in the Disclosure

          8.2.2     any matter or thing done or omitted to be done prior to
                    Completion at the written request, or with the written
                    approval of the Buyer; and

          8.2.3     the provisions of Clause 9 (Limitation on Warranties).

8.3       The Seller acknowledges that the Buyer is entering into this Agreement
          in reliance upon the Warranties but the Seller makes no representation
          and gives no warranty or undertaking to the Buyer save only as and to
          the extent expressly set out in this Agreement.


8.4       Each of the Warranties shall be interpreted as a separate and
          independent warranty so that the Buyer shall have a separate claim and
          right of action in respect of every breach of each Warranty.

8.5       Any amount paid by the Seller to the Buyer as damages for breach of
          the Warranties or any other term of this Agreement shall be treated as
          a reduction or refund of the consideration paid or payable under this

8.6       Except as provided in Clause 5.2.2, the Buyer shall have no right to
          rescind or terminate this Agreement either before or after Completion
          by reason of a breach of any of the Warranties or otherwise.

8.7       None of the Warranties (other than those contained in paragraph 19 of
          Schedule 3) shall be deemed to constitute, directly or indirectly, a
          warranty as to or in respect of any matters relating to the
          Environment or as to compliance or otherwise with any law, regulation,
          rule, treaty or convention relating to the pollution, contamination or
          protection of human health or the Environment, or the creation,
          storage, handling and disposal of industrial waste and/or hazardous
          substances or any other matters relating to the Environment, and the
          Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Seller makes no warranty in
          relation to matters relating to the Environment or such compliance or
          otherwise or as to any other matters relating to the Environment (save
          as expressly provided in paragraph 19 of Schedule 3). For the purposes
          of this Clause "Environment" shall have the meaning given in Schedule


9.1       For the purposes of this Clause 9, "Claim" means any claim (whether in
          contract, tort or otherwise) made by the Buyer for breach of any of
          the Warranties.

9.2       The Seller's liability under the Warranties shall be limited as


          9.2.1     the Seller shall have no liability in respect of, and there
                    shall be disregarded for all purposes (including, but
                    without limitation, Clause 9.2.2), any individual Claim
                    unless that individual Claim exceeds (pound)5,000;

          9.2.2     no Claim shall be made by the Buyer until the aggregate
                    liability for all Claims by the Buyer (including all
                    previous Claims whether or not satisfied and including
                    costs) shall exceed (pound)300,000 in which case the whole
                    amount shall be capable of being claimed and not simply the

          9.2.3     the Seller's maximum aggregate liability in respect of all
                    Claims (including interest and costs) is limited to
                    (pound)15,750,000; and

          9.2.4     no Claim shall be made unless the Claim has been notified in
                    writing (giving such details as are reasonably available to
                    the Buyer of the specific matter in respect of which such
                    Claim is made including the nature of the breach and the
                    amount claimed) to the Seller before the third anniversary
                    of Completion.

9.3       Any Claim which has been made against the Seller (and which has not
          been previously satisfied, settled or withdrawn) shall be deemed to
          have been withdrawn and shall become fully barred and unenforceable on
          the expiry of the period of six months commencing on the expiry of the
          period in which notification of that Claim may be given in accordance
          with Clause 9.2.4, unless legal proceedings in respect of the Claim
          shall have been properly issued and validly served on the Seller.

9.4       The Seller shall have no liability in respect of any Claim:-

          9.4.1     to the extent that it arises or is increased as a result of
                    the passing of any legislation (or making of any subordinate
                    legislation) after Completion with retrospective effect;

          9.4.2     to the extent that it relates to any loss for which the
                    Buyer is indemnified by insurance or provision of applicable


          9.4.3     to the extent that the matter giving rise to the Claim was
                    allowed, provided for or reserved in the Completion

9.5       The Buyer warrants to the Seller that at the date of this Agreement it
          knows of no fact or circumstance which would give rise to a Claim.

9.6       The Seller's liability for any Claim shall be subject to the following
          limitations and procedures:

          9.6.1     The Claim shall not include any amount with respect to which
                    Buyer has been or will be reimbursed by Buyer's insurance or
                    by another source by reason of the provisions of applicable

          9.6.2     The amount of the Claim shall be adjusted by any tax savings
                    actually achieved by the Buyer in respect of the Claim and
                    any tax cost actually incurred by the Buyer in respect of
                    the Claim or payment of the Claim by Seller, the intention
                    of the parties in this Clause 9.6.2 being to place the Buyer
                    in the same economic condition that it would have been had
                    the Claim not occurred.

          9.6.3     The Buyer shall and shall procure that each group
                    undertaking of the Buyer shall take all reasonable steps to
                    avoid and/or mitigate the Seller's liability under the

          9.6.4     In the event Buyer is notified by a third party that it
                    intends to make a claim against Buyer which may give rise to
                    a Claim, Buyer shall follow the procedures described in
                    Clause 9.10 with respect to such third party claim.

          9.6.5     In the event that, subsequent to the date on which Seller
                    has made payment to Buyer in satisfaction of a Claim, Buyer
                    is reimbursed by a third party for part or all of its loss
                    set forth in such Claim or obtains a tax relief or repayment
                    related thereto, Buyer shall 


                    refund to Seller the amount of such reimbursement, relief or
                    repayment (up to the amount of Seller's payment); provided,
                    however, that Buyer shall have no obligation to seek
                    reimbursement from a third party (other than making
                    appropriate claims against Buyer's insurer and other than
                    using Buyer's best endeavours to claim available tax reliefs
                    or repayments) for Buyer's losses which give rise to a

          9.6.6     If the Buyer or any group undertaking of the Buyer is
                    entitled or may be entitled to recover from a third party
                    any sum which is referable to a matter giving rise to a
                    Claim the Buyer shall as soon as reasonably practicable
                    notify the Seller and provide such information as the Seller
                    may reasonably require relating to such right of recovery.

          9.6.7     To the extent Seller offers reasonable evidence that a
                    matter which gave rise to a Claim which has been paid by
                    Seller to Buyer may also form the basis for a claim for
                    reimbursement of all or part of Buyer's loss by a third
                    party, Buyer will, at Seller's request, assign Buyer's
                    rights to such third party claim to Seller and cooperate in
                    any reasonable manner, at Seller's cost, in Seller's efforts
                    to seek recovery from such third party.

9.7       The Buyer shall not be entitled to recover damages from the Seller
          more than once in respect of any individual item or loss or damage
          suffered by the Buyer;

9.8       No liability will arise for breach of any of the Warranties if and to
          the extent that:-

          9.8.1     such breach is attributable to any voluntary act or omission
                    (other than in the ordinary course of conducting the
                    Business) of the Buyer or persons deriving title from the
                    Buyer after Completion; or

          9.8.2     such breach arises from an act or omission of the Seller
                    occurring prior to Completion at the request of the Buyer.


9.9       If the Buyer or any group undertaking of the Buyer becomes aware of
          any matter which it realises or should have realised is likely to give
          rise to a Claim or upon any Claim being made the following provisions
          shall apply:-

          9.9.1     the Buyer shall as soon as reasonably practicable give
                    written notice specifying in reasonable detail the event,
                    matter or default which is likely to give rise or gives rise
                    to the Claim and the amount of such Claim to the Seller of
                    the matter and shall consult with the Seller with respect to
                    the matter;

          9.9.2     the Buyer shall provide, and shall procure that each group
                    undertaking of the Buyer will provide, to the Seller and the
                    Seller's professional advisers full access to premises,
                    personnel and to all relevant assets, documents, records and
                    information within the power, possession or control of the
                    Buyer or any group undertaking of the Buyer for the purpose
                    of investigating the matter;

          9.9.3     the Buyer shall and shall procure that each group
                    undertaking of the Buyer shall use its reasonable efforts to
                    preserve all relevant assets, documents, records and
                    information within the power, possession or control of the
                    Buyer or any group undertaking of the Buyer which are or are
                    likely to be relevant in connection with any matter which is
                    likely to give rise to a Claim for so long as an actual or
                    prospective Claim or such matter remains outstanding;

          9.9.4     the Seller shall at its reasonable cost be entitled to
                    copies of any of the documents or records, and to photograph
                    any premises or assets, referred to in paragraph 9.9.2;

          9.9.5     the Buyer shall not make and shall procure that no group
                    undertaking of the Buyer shall make any admission of
                    liability in respect of or compromise or settle the matter
                    without the prior written consent of the Seller such consent
                    not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


9.10      In the event that any party (the "Indemnified Party") seeks
          indemnification hereunder from another party (the "Indemnifying
          Party") or otherwise seeks damages from another party for breach of
          any of the Warranties and the Indemnified Party's claim arises out of
          a claim or allegation by any third party (the "Third Party Claim"),
          the following procedures shall govern the conduct of the Third Party

          9.10.1    The Indemnified Party shall give written notice to the
                    Indemnifying Party as soon as practicable following its
                    receipt of notice of the Third Party Claim; provided that
                    any delay in giving such notice shall not relieve the
                    Indemnifying Party of liability hereunder unless it suffered
                    actual prejudice as a result of such delay.

          9.10.2    In the case of any Third Party Claim the whole or part of
                    which is covered by insurance of the Seller's Guarantor's
                    Group, Seller or its insurers shall control the defence of
                    such Third Party Claim.

          9.10.3    Subject to Clause 9.10.2, in the case of any Third Party
                    Claim made by a material supplier or customer of Buyer and
                    with respect to which Buyer intends to seek indemnification
                    hereunder, Buyer shall control the defence of such Third
                    Party Claim. No settlement of such Third Party Claim shall
                    be entered into by Buyer without Seller's prior written
                    consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or

          9.10.4    In the case of all Third Party Claims (other than those
                    described in 9.10.2 and 9.10.3 above), the Indemnifying
                    Party shall be entitled to control the defence and
                    settlement of such claims if, upon its receipt of the notice
                    described in Clause 9.10.1 above, it acknowledges in writing
                    that any loss suffered or to be suffered by the Indemnified
                    Party by reason of such Third Party Claim, is fully
                    indemnifiable hereunder. If the Indemnifying Party fails to
                    submit such written acknowledgement within 30 days after
                    receipt of the notice described in Clause 9.10.1, the
                    Indemnified Party shall control the defence of the Third
                    Party Claim but shall not settle such Third Party Claim
                    without the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party,
                    such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


          9.10.5    The party which is not in control of the defence of any
                    Third Party Claim shall be entitled to participate in, at
                    its own cost, but not to control, the defence of the Third
                    Party Claim and the parties hereto shall cooperate with each
                    other in such defence

10        RISK AND TITLE

          Risk in and title to the Assets shall pass to the Buyer on Completion.


11.1      Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, from Completion the Buyer
          shall carry on the Business and be entitled to all profits earned and
          all income and other sums receivable and bear all losses and shall pay
          all outgoings and be responsible for all liabilities incurred in
          carrying on of the Business. Subject to the provisions of this
          Agreement, the Buyer shall indemnify Marston and keep Marston
          indemnified against all liabilities arising out of or in connection
          with the Business following Completion.

11.2      Each party shall forthwith pass to the other any payment, notice,
          correspondence, information or enquiry in relation to the Business or
          the Assets which it receives after Completion and which properly
          belongs to the other.

11.3      To the extent required by the Seller or Marston or any Associated
          Company of Marston for preparing or auditing their respective
          statutory accounts or tax returns, or responding to any request or
          enquiry of a taxation authority or in connection with any civil,
          criminal, arbitration or other proceedings actual or threatened or for
          the purpose of dealing with claims by Employees or former employees of
          the Business or to fulfil any legal obligation or to carry on its
          remaining businesses, the Buyer shall make available any books and
          records which are delivered to the Buyer under the terms of this
          Agreement for inspection by representatives of Marston or any member
          of the Seller's Guarantor's Group during normal business hours on
          reasonable advance notice being given for a period of up to seven
          years from Completion (or, in the case of books and records relating
          to personnel, health and safety matters, 20 


          years from Completion) and during such period and at such times and on
          such notice, Marston shall make available any books and records not
          delivered to the Buyer which contain information in existence at
          Completion relating to the Business which may be required for the
          purpose of the Business or for any tax or other return in connection
          therewith for inspection by representatives of the Buyer. The party
          receiving or inspecting any information pursuant to this Clause 11.3
          and each group undertaking of such party shall not use (save for the
          purposes intended by this Clause 11.3) or disclose such information
          and shall take reasonable steps to prevent the use or disclosure of
          such information) and in both cases the party inspecting documents (at
          such party's reasonable cost) shall be entitled to take copies of such

11.4      The Buyer may at any time offer to return to the Seller any such books
          and records delivered to it under this Agreement and referred to in
          Clause 11.3 at no cost to the Seller. If and to the extent that the
          Buyer makes any such offer it shall be released from all continuing
          obligations and liability under Clause 11.3.

11.5      Without prejudice to Clause 11.3, the Buyer (or any group undertaking
          of the Buyer) shall provide (or shall procure the provision of) to
          Marston or any member of the Seller's Guarantor's Group and their
          professional advisers and its insurers and their advisers reasonable
          access to premises, personnel and to all relevant assets, documents,
          records and information (howsoever held) within the power, possession
          or control of the Buyer or any group undertaking of the Buyer for the
          purpose of investigating all matters relating to the Product
          Liabilities and/or enabling Marston or any member of the Seller's
          Guarantor's Group to take such action as it deems appropriate and
          shall use reasonable endeavours to procure that all group undertakings
          of the Buyer shall retain and preserve all relevant assets, documents,
          records and information within the power, possession or control of any
          group undertaking of the Buyer of, or relating to, the Business which
          are relevant in connection with any Product Liability and Marston or
          any member of the Seller's Guarantor's Group shall at the Seller's
          reasonable cost be entitled to copies of any of the documents or
          records and to photograph any premises or assets.


12.1      The Seller's Guarantor undertakes to the Buyer that without the
          written consent of the Buyer:-


          12.1.1    for a period of three years from Completion it will not and
                    will procure that no Restricted Person will in any capacity
                    whatsoever directly or indirectly carry on any Restricted

          12.1.2    for a period of three years from Completion it will not and
                    will procure that no Restricted Person will (except by
                    general advertising otherwise than by way of notice
                    exhibited at the Site) directly canvass, solicit or
                    endeavour to entice away any Employee who is an employee of
                    the Buyer at the time of any such approach or contact and
                    who is engaged in a managerial, technical or sales capacity;

          12.1.3    for a period of three years from Completion it will not and
                    will procure that no Restricted Person will at any time for
                    the purpose of any Restricted Business, canvass, solicit, or
                    endeavour to entice away as a customer of the Buyer any
                    person who during the period of 12 months prior to the date
                    of Completion has been a customer of Marston in connection
                    with the Business.

12.2      Nothing in Clause 12.1 shall preclude any Restricted Person from
          acquiring any firm, partnership or business, or any shares of a
          company or group of companies which is or is about to be engaged in
          any activity restricted under Clause 12.1.1 ("the Acquired Business")
          or from carrying on or permitting the carrying on of the Acquired

          PROVIDED  THAT:

          12.2.1    the turnover of the Acquired Business derived from such
                    restricted activities during its last completed financial
                    year prior to its acquisition by the Restricted Person does
                    not represent more than 10 per cent of the total turnover of
                    the Acquired Business during such financial year; and

          12.2.2    the acquisition of such part of the Acquired Business which
                    is engaged or is about to be engaged in such restricted
                    activities is not the principal motive for the acquisition
                    of the Acquired Business.


12.3      Nothing in Clause 12.1 shall prevent any Restricted Person from owning
          not more than three per cent of any class of the issued share capital
          of a company which is dealt in on a recognised investment exchange (as
          defined in the Financial Services Act 1986).

12.4      The Seller's Guarantor has taken independent legal advice and
          acknowledges that it considers the undertakings contained in Clause
          12.1 reasonable for the proper protection of the Business and further
          acknowledges that damages would not be an adequate remedy for breach
          of such undertakings.

12.5      Each of the undertakings contained in Clause 12.1 is separate and
          severable and shall be construed on that basis. In the event that any
          such undertaking is found to be void but would be valid if some part
          of it were deleted or if the period or extent of it were reduced such
          undertaking shall apply with such modification as may be necessary to
          make it valid and effective.

13        NAMES

13.1      The Buyer shall (and shall procure that any group undertaking of the
          Buyer shall), save as specifically provided in Clause 13.2, within the
          period of 60 days following Completion for all items cease to use the
          IMI name, mark or logo and in particular (but without limitation)
          shall remove the same from its products, premises, vehicles, brochures
          and stationery of all sorts and undertakes both for itself and on
          behalf of any of its group undertakings not at any time after
          Completion to represent or hold itself out as being connected or as
          having any association (save for any actual on-going trading
          relationships) with the Seller's Guarantor's Group (including using
          any name, mark or logo likely to be confused with the IMI name, mark
          or logo except during the period of 60 days referred to above) and
          that between the date of Completion and the expiry of the said period
          of 60 days the Buyer (or any relevant group undertaking of the Buyer)
          shall apply stickers to all its outgoing stationery, brochures, goods
          and packaging bearing the IMI name, mark or logo indicating that the
          Buyer (or the relevant group undertaking of the Buyer) is not part of
          the Seller's Guarantor's Group.

13.2      In the event that the Buyer has not obtained any quality stamp
          required by the American Society of 


          Mechanical Engineers to be stamped on the range of products
          manufactured by the Business at the date of Completion by the expiry
          of the period of 60 days referred to in Clause 13.1 then Marston will
          at the Buyer's cost provide reasonable assistance to the Buyer to help
          it obtain such quality stamps and notwithstanding anything to the
          contrary in Clause 13.1 until the earlier of the date 6 months from
          Completion and the date upon which the Buyer has obtained such quality
          stamp, the Buyer shall be entitled to use in relation to the Business
          the relevant quality stamp held by Marston at Completion bearing the
          IMI name, mark or logo.

13.3      The Buyer undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Seller (for
          itself and as agent and trustee for the benefit of each other member
          of the Seller's Guarantor's Group) from and against all losses,
          damages, costs, actions, proceedings, claims, demands and expenses
          arising from the use after Completion of any such names, logos or
          marks as are referred to in Clauses 13.1 and 13.2 and that neither the
          Buyer nor any of its group undertakings will commit or do any act or
          thing (other than enforcing its rights under this Agreement) or pursue
          any course of conduct which might reasonably be expected to bring the
          Seller's Guarantor or any other member of the Seller's Guarantor's
          Group into disrepute to a material degree.

13.4      The Buyer agrees for a period of 18 months after Completion to procure
          for the Seller's Guarantor copies of any stationery used by the Buyer
          (or any of its group undertakings) promptly upon request by the
          Seller's Guarantor and during normal business hours to co-operate with
          the reasonable requests of the Seller's Guarantor necessary for the
          purposes of verifying that the undertakings of the Buyer set out in
          this Clause 13 have been complied with.

13.5      Nothing in this Clause 13 or any other provisions of this Agreement
          shall in any way prohibit or restrict the Seller's Guarantor or any
          member of the Seller's Guarantor's Group from using the names, logos
          or marks IMI or Marston or any colourable imitation of them in any
          manner or combination it sees fit save that with effect from
          Completion neither the Seller's Guarantor nor any member of the
          Seller's Guarantor's Group shall represent or hold itself out as being
          connected or as having any association (save for any actual on-going
          trading relationships) with the Business, the Buyer or any group
          undertaking of the Buyer. Neither the Seller's Guarantor nor any of
          its group undertakings will commit or do any act or thing (other than
          enforcing its rights under this Agreement) or procure any course of
          conduct which might reasonably be expected to bring the Buyer's
          Guarantor or any of its Associated Companies into disrepute to a
          material degree.


14        EMPLOYEE

14.1      The Seller and the Buyer acknowledge that the Regulations apply and
          accordingly the employment of all Employees and any collective
          agreement relating thereto shall be transferred from Marston to the
          Buyer with effect from Completion subject to the right of any of the
          Employees to object to their transfer pursuant to Regulation 5(4A) of
          the Regulations.

14.2      Marston shall be responsible for all emoluments and outgoings in
          respect of the Employees (including without limitation all wages,
          holiday pay, bonuses, commission, PAYE, national insurance
          contributions, pensions contributions and otherwise) up to Completion
          save that the Buyer shall be responsible for payment to Employees of a
          bonus in accordance with the rules of the IMI Employee Profit Sharing
          Scheme at the rate of 2.0 pence in the (pound)1 of Qualifying
          Remuneration (as defined in the rules of the scheme) in respect of the
          period from 1 January 1997 to Completion. Payment of the bonus will be
          made on the first payroll date of the Business following Completion.
          The amount of the bonus shall for the purposes of this Agreement be
          treated as an Assumed Liability.

14.3      The Buyer shall be responsible for all emoluments and outgoings in
          respect of the Employees (including without limitation all wages,
          holiday pay, bonuses, commission, PAYE, national insurance
          contributions, pensions contributions and otherwise) from Completion
          and shall indemnify and hold harmless Marston against all liabilities,
          claims, demands and expenses (including legal expenses on an indemnity
          basis) in respect of the same.

14.4      The Buyer will assume the outstanding obligations of Marston in
          respect of the accrued holiday entitlements of the Employees at

14.5      Marston shall indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer from and against
          all losses, costs, claims, demands, actions, fines, penalties,
          liabilities and expenses (including legal expenses on an indemnity
          basis) in connection with or as a result of any claim or demand by any
          Employee in respect of redundancy, unfair dismissal or any other claim
          whatsoever within the jurisdiction of an industrial tribunal, wrongful
          dismissal, breach of contract, any other claim whatsoever arising at
          common law, 


          sex, race or disability discrimination, equal pay, any claim in tort
          or otherwise (in all cases whether arising under British or European
          law) arising directly or indirectly from any act, fault or omission of
          the Seller in respect of any Employee prior to Completion;

14.6      Marston shall indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer from and against
          all losses, costs, claims, demands, actions, fines, penalties,
          liabilities and expenses (including legal expenses on an indemnity
          basis) in connection with or as a result of any claim or demand by any
          Excluded Employee arising out of the employment of any Excluded

14.7      The Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Marston from and against
          all losses, costs, claims, demands, actions, fines, penalties, awards,
          liabilities and expenses (including legal expenses on an indemnity
          basis) in connection with or as a result of any claim or demand by any
          Employee in respect of redundancy, unfair dismissal or any other claim
          whatsoever within the jurisdiction of an industrial tribunal, wrongful
          dismissal, breach of contract, any other claim whatsoever arising at
          common law, sex, race or disability discrimination, equal pay, any
          claim in tort or otherwise (in all cases whether arising under British
          or European law) arising directly or indirectly from any act, fault or
          omission of the Buyer in respect of any Employee whether arising
          before on or at any time after Completion.

14.8      The Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Marston and the Seller
          from and against all losses, costs, claims, demands, actions, fines,
          penalties, awards, liabilities and expenses (including legal expenses
          on an indemnity basis) in connection with or as a result of any claim
          (including any entitlement of an Employee under or consequent on such
          claim) by any trade union or staff association or other appropriate
          representative (within the meaning of Regulation 10 of the
          Regulations) arising from or connected with any information given by
          the Buyer to the Seller (including, without limitation, any measures
          the Buyer intends to implement in connection with the Employees after
          Completion) to enable the Seller to comply with its obligations to
          such trade union, staff association or other appropriate
          representative under Regulation 10 of the Regulations and whether or
          not any such claim arises or has its origin before or after

14.9      The Buyer warrants to Marston that it has furnished to Marston any
          information concerning any measures (within the meaning of Regulation
          10 of the Regulations) that the Buyer intends to take in relation to
          any Employee and shall indemnify and hold harmless Marston against any
          breach of this obligation (including against any legal expenses on an
          indemnity basis).


14.10     Without prejudice to Clause 14.7 the Buyer shall indemnify and hold
          harmless Marston from and against all losses, costs, claims, demands,
          actions, fines, penalties, awards, liabilities and expenses (including
          legal expenses on an indemnity basis) in connection with or as a
          result of any claim by any Employee that the identity of the Buyer is
          to that Employee's detriment or that the terms and conditions to be
          provided by the Buyer are to that Employee's detriment provided that
          such claim arises after Completion.


          In relation to pension arrangements the provisions of Schedule 7
          (Pension Provisions) apply.


16.1      Marston hereby undertakes to the Buyer to pay discharge and satisfy
          when the same fall due to be paid, satisfied or discharged the
          Excluded Liabilities and to indemnify and keep indemnified the Buyer
          from and against such liabilities.

16.2      The Buyer hereby undertakes to Marston to pay, discharge and satisfy
          when the same fall due to be paid, satisfied or discharged the Assumed
          Liabilities and to indemnify and keep indemnified Marston from and
          against such liabilities. Where after Completion a Creditor is not
          discharged by the Buyer in accordance with its terms and the person to
          whom the Creditor is payable is a supplier to Marston in respect of
          its continuing businesses Marston may on the expiry of seven days'
          written notice to the Buyer of its intention to do so discharge the
          Creditor and the Buyer will on demand reimburse Marston in respect of
          such payment.


17.1      Save as provided in Clause 18 in relation to Product Warranty
          Commitments, the Buyer shall take over 


          from Marston the benefit and burden of the Contracts and Permits with
          effect from Completion and the Buyer shall adopt, perform and
          discharge all obligations arising under the Contracts and the Permits
          and the Buyer shall be entitled to all payments made in connection
          with the Contracts after Completion. The Buyer shall indemnify Marston
          against all actions, proceedings, costs, damages, claims and demands
          under or in relation to the Contracts and the Permits arising out of
          or in respect of this Agreement or the transfer of the Business and
          Assets pursuant to this Agreement or any act, omission or default
          under any of the Contracts or the Permits following Completion.

17.2      Insofar as any of the Contracts or the Permits cannot be transferred
          to the Buyer except by an assignment made with the consent of another
          party or by a novation agreement and such consent or novation has not
          been received prior to Completion, this Agreement shall not constitute
          an assignment or an attempted assignment of the Contract or the Permit
          and until such Contract or Permit shall be assigned or novated Marston
          shall hold the same in trust for the Buyer absolutely and the Buyer
          shall, as Marston's sub-contractor, perform all the obligations of
          Marston thereunder and the Buyer shall be entitled to all payments
          made in connection with those obligations.

17.3      Marston and the Buyer will each use their respective reasonable
          endeavours to obtain all consents and approvals needed for such
          assignment or novation of each of the Contracts.

17.4      Marston and the Buyer will each use their respective reasonable
          endeavours to obtain all consents and approvals needed for the
          assignment or transfer of the Permits.

17.5      Subject to the provisions of Clause 18.7, Marston shall perform and
          discharge all obligations arising under the Excluded Contract and the
          Seller shall be entitled to all payments made in connection with the
          Excluded Contract after Completion.


18.1      The Buyer undertakes to Marston and the Seller:-


          18.1.1    with effect from Completion to discharge all claims made
                    under the Product Warranty Commitments and to take such
                    actions as it reasonably deems appropriate including,
                    without limitation, settling, compromising, defending,
                    remedying, disputing, resisting or mitigating such claims;

          18.1.2    that in dealing with claims under the Product Warranty
                    Commitments it will deal in good faith having regard to the
                    Seller's obligations under Clause 18.3 and shall not
                    intentionally or gratuitously act in any manner which is
                    likely to increase the Seller's liabilities under Clause

18.2      The Buyer shall, for a period of three years from the date of
          Completion, at the end of every quarter (commencing at the end of the
          quarter commencing at the end of the month in which Completion
          occurred) provide to the Seller a list of all claims under the Product
          Warranty Commitments which have arisen in the preceding quarter and
          such list shall contain full details of the nature of the claim, the
          claimant and a statement of the costs (including reasonable expenses
          and legal costs) incurred by the Buyer solely in discharging Marston's
          liability in respect of each claim under a Product Warranty

18.3      The Seller shall, subject to Clause 18.4, within 30 days of receiving
          the list referred to in Clause 18.2 and a request for payment,
          reimburse to the Buyer:-

          18.3.1    the cost of meeting claims under the Product Warranty
                    Commitments arising prior to Completion; and

          18.3.2    one-half of the amount by which the cost of meeting claims
                    under Product Warranty Commitments arising in the period of
                    12 months commencing on the date of Completion (or if longer
                    the warranty period specified in the relevant Customer
                    Contract at the date of Completion), excluding all claims
                    where such cost is (pound)5,000 or less, exceeds


18.4      If the Seller does not agree with the cost of meeting any or all of
          the claims under Product Warranty Commitments specified in Clause 18.3
          then it shall give written notice to the Buyer that a dispute exists,
          providing details of the dispute and if the Seller and the Buyer have
          not resolved the dispute within 10 Business Days of the date of the
          Buyer's receipt of such notice the dispute shall be referred to the
          Independent Expert. In the event of such dispute referral, the agreed
          or determined cost of meeting claims under the Product Warranty
          Commitments shall be paid by the Seller to the Buyer within 20
          Business Days of such agreement or determination.

18.5      All amounts set out in this Clause are stated exclusive of any VAT
          chargeable thereon.

18.6      For the purposes of this Clause 18 a claim under a Product Warranty
          Commitment shall be deemed to arise when it is first notified to
          either Marston or the Buyer.

18.7      In the event that Marston shall have any liability under the Excluded
          Contract to replace any product (or any part of any product) or supply
          any additional products or services then the Buyer hereby undertakes
          that the Buyer will supply such replacement product or part or
          additional product or service to Marston to enable it to fulfil such
          obligations under the Excluded Contract and in addition will provide
          Marston with all reasonable expertise and labour required by Marston
          in meeting such liability and in return Marston shall pay to the Buyer
          an amount equal to its reasonable cost in supply of such product (or
          part or service), together with an amount per day equal to the daily
          salary of each of the Buyer's employees reasonably required to meet
          the Buyer's obligations hereunder (all sums payable being paid within
          ten Business Days after delivery by the Buyer to Marston of an invoice
          in respect thereof, such invoices to be prepared by the Buyer in
          respect of products (or parts or services) supplied during each period
          of three months commencing with the three month period which commences
          on the day following Completion) and for the avoidance of doubt the
          provisions of Clauses 18.1 to 18.6 shall not apply to any liability
          under the Excluded Contract.

18.8      If Marston does not agree with the amount of any invoice raised by the
          Buyer in accordance with Clause 18.7 then it shall give written notice
          to the Buyer that a dispute exists, providing details of the dispute
          and if Marston and the Buyer have not resolved the dispute within ten
          Business Days of the date of the Buyer's receipt of such notice the
          dispute shall be referred to the Independent Expert. In the event of
          such dispute referral, the agreed or determined cost shall be paid by
          Marston to the Buyer 


          within 20 Business Days of such agreement or determination.


19.1      Following Completion the Buyer will keep confidential and not make use
          of any confidential information of Marston not forming part of the
          Business Information which is in the possession of the Buyer or the
          Employees at Completion or comes into their possession as a result of
          their occupation of the Freehold Property or the Leasehold Property
          after Completion, including, without limitation, financial and
          accounting information and procedures, customer information,
          manufacturing procedures, techniques and knowhow and details of
          product development, in each case of a confidential nature.

19.2      Following Completion, Marston and the Seller will keep confidential
          and not make use of any confidential information of the Buyer (not
          being Confidential Information) which is in the possession of Marston
          or the Seller or the Excluded Employees at Completion or comes into
          their possession after Completion as a result of the Buyer's
          occupation of the Freehold Property or the Leasehold Property after
          Completion, including, without limitation, financial and accounting
          information and procedures, customer information, manufacturing
          procedures, techniques and know-how and details of product
          development, in each case of a confidential nature.

19.3      Save as provided in Clause 11.3, the Buyer's Guarantor will not and
          will procure that no Restricted Person will at any time after
          Completion make use of any Confidential Information.

19.4      Clauses 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3 do not apply to:-

          19.4.1    disclosure of confidential information to the extent
                    required by any stock exchange, the Panel on Takeovers and
                    Mergers or by law or by a court of competent jurisdiction;

          19.4.2    confidential information which comes into the public domain
                    otherwise than by a breach


                    by the party required to keep it confidential.

19.5      The Buyer undertakes to Marston that without the written consent of
          Marston for a period of two years from Completion it will not and will
          procure that no group undertaking of the Buyer will (except by general
          advertising otherwise than by way of notice exhibited at the Site)
          directly canvass, solicit or endeavour to entice away any employee of
          Marston at the time of any such approach or contact who is engaged in
          a managerial, sales or technical capacity.

19.6      The Seller hereby grants or will procure to be granted to the Buyer
          with effect from Completion the non-exclusive right on a perpetual
          basis to use, free of charge, any Intellectual Property owned by
          Marston at the date of this Agreement (other than the Marston name and
          mark referred to in the Permitted User Agreement) and not forming part
          of the Intellectual Property Rights which is currently used in the
          Business at the date of this Agreement ("the Licensed IPR") on the
          following terms:

          19.6.1    the Licensed IPR may only be used by the Buyer for the
                    purposes of the Business and to the extent and in the manner
                    in which it is used in the Business on the date of this
                    Agreement and not for any other purpose; and

          19.6.2    except as provided in Clause 32 the Buyer shall not be
                    entitled to assign and except for the purpose of
                    sub-contracting the operations of the Business the Buyer
                    shall not be entitled to sub-license any of its rights under
                    this Clause 19.6 without the prior written consent of


20.1      Within 28 days after Completion, the Buyer and the Buyer's Guarantor
          shall use their best endeavours to procure the absolute and
          unconditional release of Marston and each other relevant member of the
          Seller's Guarantor's Group from all liability (including contingent
          liability) under or in respect of the performance bonds and guarantees
          listed in Schedule 10 including, without limitation, by providing to
          each relevant issuing bank an indemnity or indemnities in a form
          acceptable to that bank, 


          indemnifying each such bank against all liabilities, losses, claims,
          damages, costs and expenses incurred by such relevant bank under or in
          respect of such performance bonds and guarantees.

20.2      Pending release pursuant to Clause 20.1, the Buyer undertakes to
          Marston (as principal and as agent and trustee for each relevant
          member of the Seller's Guarantor's Group) to keep each member of the
          Seller's Guarantor's Group indemnified against all liabilities arising
          out of or in respect of the performance bonds and guarantees referred
          to in Clause 20.1


21.1      All sums payable under this Agreement are exclusive of VAT.

21.2      On Completion the Seller shall issue to the Buyer a valid VAT invoice
          in respect of the VAT payable in respect of the Provisional Cash
          Consideration and an estimate of the value of the Assumed Liabilities
          ("the Estimated Assumed Liabilities").

21.3      Subject to receipt by the Buyer of a valid VAT invoice as referred to
          in Clause 21.2, the Buyer shall use its reasonable endeavours to
          obtain credit pursuant to section 25 VATA for the input tax in respect
          of the Provisional Cash Consideration and the Estimated Assumed
          Liabilities at the earliest possible date. The VAT payable in respect
          of the Provisional Cash Consideration and the Estimated Assumed
          Liabilities shall be paid by the Buyer by telegraphic transfer to the
          account of the Seller nominated by the Seller on request by the Buyer
          on the date which falls three Business Days after the date on which
          the Buyer obtains credit for the input tax (whether by way of a
          deduction from any output tax then due from the Buyer or by way of a
          payment pursuant to section 25(3) VATA).


21.4      If any additional Consideration is payable by the Buyer pursuant to
          Clause 7.2 of this Agreement or the actual amount of the Assumed
          Liabilities is in excess of the Estimated Assumed Liabilities:-

          21.4.1    the Seller shall issue to the Buyer a valid VAT invoice in
                    respect of the VAT payable in respect of such additional
                    consideration on the day on which such additional
                    Consideration is payable;

          21.4.2    the Seller shall issue to the Buyer a valid VAT invoice in
                    respect of the VAT payable in respect of the difference
                    between the actual value of the Assumed Liabilities and the
                    Estimated Assumed Liabilities ("the Excess") within ten
                    Business Days of such amount being determined; and

          21.4.3    the Buyer shall use its reasonable endeavours to obtain
                    credit pursuant to section 25 VATA for the input tax in
                    respect of the additional Consideration and the Excess at
                    the earliest possible date and the VAT payable in respect of
                    such additional Consideration and the Excess shall be paid
                    by the Buyer by telegraphic transfer to the account of the
                    Seller nominated by the Seller on request by the Buyer on
                    the date which falls three Business Days after the date on
                    which the Buyer obtains credit for the input tax (whether by
                    way of a deduction from any output tax then due from the
                    Buyer or by way of a payment pursuant to section 25(3)

21.5      If the actual amount of the Assumed Liabilities is less than the
          Estimated Assumed Liabilities, then the Seller shall issue to the
          Buyer a valid VAT credit note in respect of the shortfall within ten
          Business Days of such amount being determined.

21.6      If any amount paid by the Buyer as representing VAT is not in fact VAT
          then the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a sum equal to that amount.



          The provisions of Schedule 8 (Environmental) shall apply in relation
          to environmental matters.


23.1      The Buyer's Guarantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably
          guarantees full prompt and complete performance by the Buyer of all
          the Buyer's obligations under or arising out of or in connection with
          this Agreement (including the prompt payment of any sums payable) and
          undertakes to the Seller that if and whenever the Buyer is in default
          in respect of such obligations the Buyer's Guarantor will on demand
          duly and promptly perform or procure such performance of such
          obligations. The Buyer's Guarantor's obligations under this Clause are
          primary obligations and not those of a mere surety.

23.2      The Buyer's Guarantor will not be released from or exonerated of its
          obligations hereunder nor will any such obligation be reduced,
          discharged, impaired or in any way affected by any act, omission,
          matter or thing (whether or not known to the Seller) including, but
          without limitation:

          23.2.1    any time or release or indulgence granted to or composition
                    with the Buyer or any other person; or

          23.2.2    the existence or non-existence, or validity or invalidity,
                    or the taking, variation, compromise, expiry, discharge,
                    renewal or release of or refusal or neglect to perfect or
                    enforce any right, remedy or security against the Buyer or
                    any other person; or

          23.2.3    any legal limitation, disability, incapacity or other
                    circumstances relating to the Buyer or any other person or
                    any amendment to or variation of either or both of this
                    Agreement or any obligations arising out of it or any other
                    document or security relating thereto or any assignment
                    thereof; or


          23.2.4    any other act, event or omission which would or might but
                    for this Clause 23.2 operate to restrict, release, impair or
                    discharge the Buyer's Guarantor's liability hereunder.

23.3      The guarantee contained in Clause 23.1 is a continuing guarantee and
          will remain in full force and effect until the obligations and
          liabilities of the Buyer under or arising out of or in connection with
          this Agreement have been fully performed or been fully discharged.

23.4      Any release, compromise or discharge of the obligations of the Buyer's
          Guarantor shall be deemed to be made subject to the condition that it
          will be void against the Seller if any payment or security on the
          faith of which it was made is set aside or proves invalid for any

23.5      Any demand or demands made pursuant to this guarantee may be made at
          any time and from time to time by notice to the Buyer's Guarantor.


24.1      The Seller's Guarantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably
          guarantees full prompt and complete performance by the Seller of all
          the obligations of the Seller and Marston under or arising out of or
          in connection with this Agreement (including the prompt payment of any
          sums payable) and undertakes to the Buyer that if and whenever the
          Seller or Marston is in default in respect of such obligations the
          Seller's Guarantor will on demand duly and promptly perform or procure
          such performance of such obligations. The Seller's Guarantor's
          obligations under this Clause are primary obligations and not those of
          a mere surety.

24.2      The Seller's Guarantor will not be released from or exonerated of its
          obligations hereunder nor will any such obligation be reduced,
          discharged. impaired or in any way affected by any act, omission,
          matter or thing (whether or not known to the Buyer) including, but
          without limitation:

          24.2.1    any time or release or indulgence granted to or composition
                    with the Seller or any other 


                    person; or

          24.2.2    the existence or non-existence, or validity or invalidity,
                    or the taking, variation, compromise, expiry, discharge,
                    renewal or release of or refusal or neglect to perfect or
                    enforce any right, remedy or security against the Seller,
                    Marston or any other person; or

          24.2.3    any legal limitation, disability, incapacity or other
                    circumstances relating to the Seller, Marston or any other
                    person or any amendment to or variation of either or both of
                    this Agreement or any obligations arising out of it or any
                    other document or security relating thereto or any
                    assignment thereof; or

          24.2.4    any other act, event or omission which would or might but
                    for this Clause 24.2 operate to restrict, release, impair or
                    discharge the Seller's Guarantor's liability hereunder.

24.3      The guarantee contained in Clause 24.1 is a continuing guarantee and
          will remain in full force and effect until the obligations and
          liabilities of the Seller and Marston under or arising out of or in
          connection with this Agreement have been fully performed or been fully

24.4      Any release, compromise or discharge of the obligations of the
          Seller's Guarantor shall be deemed to be made subject to the condition
          that it will be void against the Buyer if any payment or security on
          the faith of which it was made is set aside or proves invalid for any

24.5      Any demand or demands made pursuant to this guarantee may be made at
          any time and from time to time by notice to the Seller's Guarantor.


25.1      Subject to Clause 25.2 no party to this Agreement shall make or send
          before or after Completion any 


          announcement, communication or circular relating to the subject matter
          of this Agreement unless such party has first obtained the other
          parties' written consent to the form and text of such announcement,
          such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

25.2      Clause 25.1 does not apply to an announcement, communication or

          25.2.1    required by law or by the London Stock Exchange Limited or
                    by any governmental authority, in which event the party
                    required to make or send such announcement, communication or
                    circular shall, where practicable, first consult with the
                    other party as to its content; or

          25.2.2    which, in the Seller's reasonable opinion, is required to be
                    given by Marston in connection with or arising out of the
                    transfer of the Employees pursuant to the Regulations; or

          25.2.3    which in the Buyer's reasonable opinion, is necessary or
                    prudent to be given after Completion by the Buyer in the
                    conduct or management of the Business or the Employees.

25.3      The Buyer and Marston shall after execution of this Agreement jointly
          send a letter in the agreed form to the customers, clients or
          suppliers of the Business advising them of the change of control of
          the Business and issue press releases in the agreed form announcing
          the transaction and, after Completion, further press releases in a
          form or forms agreed between the Buyer and Marston announcing its

26        NOTICES

26.1      Any notice or other communication pursuant to, or in connection with,
          this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered personally, or sent
          by first class pre-paid recorded delivery post (air mail if 


          overseas), to the party due to receive such notice at its registered
          office from time to time (or to such other address as may from time to
          time have been notified in writing to the other party in accordance
          with this Clause 26) or by sending it by fax to the fax number of the
          party concerned set out in this Clause, or to such other fax number as
          may from time to time have been notified in writing to the other party
          in accordance with this Clause 26 (subject to the original notice or
          communication being sent by post on the same day in the manner
          specified above):-

          Seller's fax number:-             0121 356 0544
          Marston's fax number:-            01902 780077
          Seller's Guarantor's fax number:- 0121 356 0544
          Buyer's fax number:-              00 1 440 753 1491
          Buyer's Guarantor's fax number:-  00 1 440 753 1491

26.2      Subject to Clause 26.3, any notice or other communication shall be
          deemed to have been served:-

          26.2.1    if delivered personally, when left at the address referred
                    to in Clause 26.1;

          26.2.2    if sent by pre-paid recorded delivery post (other than air
                    mail), two days after posting it;

          26.2.3    if sent by air mail, six days after posting it;

          26.2.4    if sent by fax (subject to the original notice or
                    communication being sent by post on the same day in the
                    manner specified in Clause 26.1) upon receipt of a
                    confirmation of transmission slip subject to receipt during
                    office hours.

26.3      If a notice is given or deemed given at a time or on a date which is
          not a Business Day, it shall be deemed to have been given on the next
          Business Day.



27.1      This Agreement (together with all documents referred to in it or
          executed at Completion) constitutes the entire agreement between the
          parties in relation to its subject matter and replaces and
          extinguishes all prior agreements, undertakings, arrangements or
          statements (in whatever form) with respect to such subject matter.

27.2      No variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in
          writing and signed by or on behalf of all the parties to this


28.1      Each of Marston and the Seller shall at any time after Completion do
          or procure the doing of all such acts and things and/or execute or
          procure the execution of such documents in a form reasonably
          satisfactory to the Buyer as the Buyer considers reasonably necessary
          for the purpose of vesting the Business and all the Assets in the
          Buyer or giving the Buyer the full benefit of all the provisions of
          this Agreement and the Buyer shall at its own cost be responsible for
          preparing the requisite documentation and all reasonable fees and
          expenses associated therewith.

28.2      Within seven days of the execution of this Agreement the parties shall
          jointly, to the extent they have not already done so, approach each
          third party licensor of any software used in the Business under any
          licence in existence at the date of this Agreement in order to procure
          (as appropriate):-

          28.2.1    for the Buyer the right to use such software from
                    Completion; and/or

          28.2.2    for Marston the right to provide data processing services to
                    the Buyer from Completion.

29        INVALIDITY


          If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or
          illegal, in whole or in part, such provision or part shall to that
          extent be deemed not to form part of this Agreement but the
          enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement shall remain


          This Agreement and in particular the Warranties in so far as any of
          its provisions remain to be, or are capable of being, performed or
          observed, shall remain in full force and effect after Completion.

31        COSTS

          Each party to this Agreement shall pay its own costs in relation to
          the negotiation, preparation, execution and implementation of this
          Agreement and of each document referred to in this Agreement. Should
          the Buyer wish to record with the relevant authorities its title to
          the registered Intellectual Property Rights, the Buyer shall be
          responsible for preparing and filing with such authorities the
          requisite documentation, including without limitation any confirmatory
          assignments that may be required, and shall pay all fees and expenses
          associated therewith and the Seller and Marston shall co-operate with
          the Buyer in this endeavour.

32        ASSIGNMENT

          This Agreement is personal to the parties and neither it nor any
          benefit arising under it may be assigned without the prior written
          consent of the other party and neither party shall purport to assign
          or transfer the same provided that after Completion the Buyer may
          assign, without consent, any or all of its rights under this Agreement

32.1      the purchaser of substantially all of the Buyer's assets and business;

32.2      any of its Associated Companies (provided that if the assignee ceases
          to be an Associated Company of the Buyer, the rights transferred
          pursuant to this Clause shall be transferred to another Associated
          Company of the Buyer, failing which such rights will lapse)


          but any assignment hereunder shall in no way operate to increase
          Marston's or the Seller's or the Seller's Guarantor's obligations
          under this Agreement.

33        RTPA

          No party shall give effect to or enforce any restrictions contained in
          this Agreement or any agreement or arrangement of which this Agreement
          forms part and by virtue of which particulars of this Agreement (or
          the relevant agreement or arrangement) are required to be furnished
          under the RTPA until particulars have been duly furnished to the
          Director General of Fair Trading as required by the RTPA.


          This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by
          each of the parties on separate counterparts each of which when
          executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original, but all the
          counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement.


35.1      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of England.

35.2      The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High
          Court of England in relation to any dispute or claim arising out of or
          in connection with this Agreement.

35.3      The Buyer's Guarantor's address for service of proceedings in the High
          Court of England shall be the company secretary, Chart Marston Limited
          at its registered office for the time being with a copy to Wragge &
          Co, 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AS (Ref: IRM) or such other address
          in England as may be notified to the other parties to this Agreement
          in accordance with the provisions of Clause 26.


SIGNED by or on behalf of the parties on the date which first appears in this

The following schedules have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(b)(2) of
Regulation S-K. A copy of any omitted schedule shall be furnished to the
Securities and Exchange Commission upon request.

Schedule          Description
- --------          -----------

   1              The Employees          

   2              Part I - Tangible Assets
                  Part II - Excluded Tangible Assets
                  Part III - Leased Assets
                  Part IV - Excluded Debts

   3              Warranties

   4              Part I - Registered Intellectual Property Rights
                  Part II - IP Licence Agreements

   5              Part I - The Freehold Property
                  Part II - The Leasehold Property
                  Part III - The Site
                  Part IV - Detailed Property Provisions

   6              Completion Accounts

   7              Pension Provisions

   8              Environmental

   9              Part I - Agency Contracts
                  Part II - Customer Contracts
                  Part III - Finance Agreements
                  Part IV - Foreign Exchange Contracts
                  Part V - Supplier Contracts

  10              Performance Bonds and Guarantees                 

SIGNED by Paul Boulton                            )  /s/ Paul Boulton
for and on behalf of                              )  IMI KYNOCH LIMITED
IMI KYNOCH LIMITED                                )  Acting by its Attorney,
in the presence of:-                              )  Paul Boulton
Signature of Witness:  /s/ Duncan B. Reid         
Name of Witness: Duncan Reid

Address: Pinsent Curtis

SIGNED by                                         )  /s/ Nick Prosser
for and on behalf of                              )  IMI Marston Limited
IMI MARSTON LIMITED                               )  Acting by its Attorney,
in the presence of:-                              )  Nick Prosser

Signature of Witness: /s/ Duncan B. Reid

Name of Witness: Duncan Reid

Address: Pinsent Curtis

SIGNED by Paul Boulton                            )  /s/ Paul Boulton
for and on behalf of                              )  IMI plc Acting by its 
IMI PLC in the presence of:-                      )  Attorney, Paul

Signature of Witness: /s/ Duncan B. Reid

Name of Witness: Duncan Reid

Address: Pinsent Curtis


SIGNED by a duly authorised officer                    ) 
for and on behalf of                                   ) 
CHART MARSTON LIMITED                                  ) /s/ Arthur S. Holmes
in the presence of:-                                   )

Signature of Witness: /s/ A. Goldsworthy

Name of Witness: A. Goldsworthy

Address: 55 Colmore Row
         B3  2AS

SIGNED by a duly authorised officer                    )  /s/ James R. Sadowski
for and on behalf of                                   )
CHART INDUSTRIES INC                                   )
in the presence of:-                                   )

Signature of Witness: /s/ A. Goldsworthy

Name of Witness: A. Goldsworthy

Address: 55 Colmore Row
         B3  2AS



CLAUSE                                                                                    PAGE
- ------                                                                                    ----
1 INTERPRETATION............................................................................1
2 SALE OF THE BUSINESS AND THE ASSETS......................................................15
3 EXCLUDED ITEMS...........................................................................17
4 CONSIDERATION............................................................................18
5 PRIOR TO COMPLETION......................................................................20
6 COMPLETION...............................................................................23
7 COMPLETION ACCOUNTS......................................................................25
8 WARRANTIES...............................................................................26
9 LIMITATION ON WARRANTIES.................................................................27
10 RISK AND TITLE..........................................................................33
11 POSITION AFTER COMPLETION...............................................................33
12 PROTECTION OF GOODWILL..................................................................34
13 NAMES...................................................................................36
14 EMPLOYEE................................................................................38
15 PENSION ARRANGEMENTS....................................................................40
16 LIABILITIES.............................................................................40
17 CONTRACTS AND PERMITS...................................................................40
18 PRODUCT WARRANTY COMMITMENTS............................................................41
19 CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-SOLICITATION....................................................44
20 PERFORMANCE BONDS AND BANK GUARANTEES...................................................45
21 VALUE ADDED TAX.........................................................................46
22 ENVIRONMENTAL...........................................................................48
23 GUARANTEE OF BUYER'S OBLIGATIONS........................................................48
24 GUARANTEE OF OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLER AND MARSTON......................................49
25 ANNOUNCEMENTS...........................................................................50
26 NOTICES.................................................................................51
27 ENTIRE AGREEMENT........................................................................52
28 FURTHER ASSURANCE.......................................................................53
29 INVALIDITY..............................................................................53
30 EFFECT OF COMPLETION....................................................................54
31 COSTS...................................................................................54
32 ASSIGNMENT..............................................................................54
33 RTPA....................................................................................55
34 COUNTERPARTS............................................................................55
35 LAW AND JURISDICTION....................................................................55
SCHEDULE 1 THE EMPLOYEES...................................................................57
SCHEDULE 2 PART I TANGIBLE ASSETS..........................................................58
PART II EXCLUDED TANGIBLE ASSETS...........................................................59
PART III LEASED ASSETS.....................................................................59
PART IV EXCLUDED DEBTSA debt in the sum of (pound)697,000 owed to the Seller from Amoco 
Canada Petroleum Company Limited...........................................................59
SCHEDULE 3 WARRANTIES......................................................................60
1 CAPACITY AND AUTHORITY...................................................................60
2 INFORMATION..............................................................................60
3 ACCOUNTS.................................................................................60
4 CHANGES SINCE THE ACCOUNTS DATE..........................................................61
5 ASSETS...................................................................................62
6 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY....................................................................64
7 INSURANCE................................................................................65
8 CONTRACTS................................................................................66
9 INSIDER AGREEMENTS.......................................................................68
10 TERMS OF TRADE AND BUSINESS.............................................................68
11 LICENCES AND CONSENTS...................................................................70


12 COMPETITION.............................................................................70
13 INSOLVENCY..............................................................................72
14 LITIGATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAW......................................................73
15 EMPLOYEES...............................................................................74
16 PENSIONS................................................................................76
17 TAXATION................................................................................78
18 PROPERTY................................................................................80
19 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS...................................................................81
PART IIIP LICENCE AGREEMENTS...............................................................84
SCHEDULE 5 PART I THE FREEHOLD PROPERTY....................................................85
PART II THE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY.............................................................85
PART III THE SITE..........................................................................85
PART IV DETAILED PROPERTY PROVISIONS.......................................................85
1 INTERPRETATION...........................................................................85
2 TITLE....................................................................................89
3 SUBJECTIONS..............................................................................89
4 CAPACITY.................................................................................91
5 COMPLETION...............................................................................91
6 INSURANCE................................................................................92
7 STANDARD CONDITIONS - AMENDMENTS.........................................................94
8 APPORTIONMENTS OF  RENTS AND OTHER INCOME................................................95
9 OUTSTANDING SUMS DUE FROM TENANTS........................................................96
10 MANAGEMENT PENDING AND AFTER COMPLETION.................................................98
11 MANUALS, PLANS ETC......................................................................99
12 THE TRANSFER............................................................................99
13 DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS..................................................................100
14 THE NEW LEASES.........................................................................100
15 THE WORKSHOP LEASE.....................................................................100
16 THE NEW LEASES.........................................................................100
SCHEDULE 6 COMPLETION ACCOUNTS PART I - PROCEDURE.........................................103
PART II - THE COMPLETION ACCOUNTS.........................................................104
SCHEDULE 7 PENSION PROVISIONS.............................................................108
SCHEDULE 8 ENVIRONMENTAL..................................................................109
SCHEDULE 9 CONTRACTS......................................................................116
PART I AGENCY CONTRACTS PART II CUSTOMER CONTRACTS........................................117
PART III FINANCE AGREEMENTS...............................................................118
SCHEDULE 10 PERFORMANCE BONDS AND GUARANTEES..............................................120


Actuary's Letter (Schedule 7, para 1)
- -------------------------------------


Central Services Agreement (Clause 1.1)
- ---------------------------------------
Disclosure Letter (Clause 1.1)
- ------------------------------
Leases (Clause 1.1)
- -------------------
Permitted User Agrement (Clause 1.1)
- ------------------------------------
Opinion Letter (Clause 5.7.1)
- -----------------------------
Deed of indemnity (Clause 6.2.7)
- --------------------------------
Letters Re Change of Control of Business and Press Releases (Clause 25.3)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transfer (Schedule 5, para 12.1)
- --------------------------------