(614) 480-4228

                                April 17, 1998

Mr. Douglas G. Borror, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Jon M. Donnell, Chief Operating Officer
Mr. David S. Borror, Executive Vice President
Mr. Terry E. George, Treasurer
Dominion Homes, Inc.
5501 Frantz Road
Dublin OH 43017-0766

           Re:   $125,000,000 Senior Unsecured Credit Facility



     You have advised the Huntington National Bank ("Huntington") that Dominion
Homes, Inc. an Ohio corporation (the "Borrower") desires to establish a
$125,000,000 Senior Unsecured Revolving Credit Facility (the "Facility"), the
proceeds of which would be used by the Borrower to: (i) refinance the Borrower's
outstanding loans made under that certain Loan Agreement dated as of September
29, 1997 among the Borrower, the lenders party thereto, Huntington, as issuing
bank, and Huntington as Administrative Agent (the "Existing Loan Agreement");
and (ii) provide working capital, capital expenditure and acquisition financing
for the Borrower and financing for other lawful general corporate purposes
(including those set forth in the attached Annex I). You have asked Huntington
to commit to provide you with financing commitments for the entire amount of the

     Huntington is pleased to inform you of its commitment to provide the entire
amount of the Facility, as sole Lender, subject to the terms and conditions
described in this letter and Annex I attached hereto, and together with the Fee
Letter referred to below, the "Commitment Letter." Huntington's commitment to
provide the entire amount of the Facility shall be without regard to
Huntington's ability to syndicate the Facility as described below, subject to
all the terms and conditions set forth below.

Conditions Precedent

     The commitment of Huntington hereunder is subject to: (i) the preparation,
execution and delivery of mutually-acceptable loan documentation, including a
credit agreement among the Borrower, the Administrative Agent, and Huntington as
lender and issuing bank, incorporating substantially the terms and conditions
outlined in this Commitment Letter; (ii) the absence of a material adverse
change in the business condition, financial or otherwise, operations,
performance, properties or prospects of the Borrower since December 31, 1997;
(iii) the accuracy and completeness of all representations you make to us and
information that you furnish to us and your compliance with the terms of this
Commitment Letter; and (iv) the payment in full of all fees, expenses and other
amounts payable under this Commitment Letter.
Commitment Termination

     The commitment of Huntington set forth in this Commitment Letter will
terminate on May 29, 1998, unless the Facility closes on or before such date.
Prior to such date, this Commitment Letter may be terminated (i) by you at any
time at your option upon payment of all fees, expenses and other amounts payable
under this Commitment Letter or (ii) by the Huntington if any event occurs or if
information has become available that, in its judgment, results or is likely to
result in the failure to satisfy any conditions set forth above.


     Huntington reserves the right, prior to or after the execution of
definitive documentation with respect to the Facility, to syndicate a portion of
its commitment to one or more other financial institutions reasonably acceptable
to you that will become parties to such definitive documentation pursuant to a
syndication to be managed by Huntington Capital Corp. ("Huntington Capital")
(Huntington and any financial institutions becoming parties to such definitive
documentation being collectively referred to herein as the "Lenders"). You
understand that Huntington Capital intends to commence syndication efforts
promptly and that it may elect to appoint one or more syndication agents (which
may include Huntington) to direct the syndication efforts on its behalf.

     Huntington Capital will act as the syndication agent with respect to the
Facility and will manage all aspects of the syndication in consultation with
you, including the timing of all offers to potential Lenders, the acceptance of
commitments, and the determination of the amounts offered and the compensation

     You agree to take all action as Huntington Capital may reasonably request
to assist it in forming a syndicate acceptable to it and you. Your assistance in
forming such a syndicate shall include but not be limited to: (i) making senior
management and representatives of the Company available to participate in
information meetings with potential Lenders at such times and places as
Huntington Capital may reasonably request; (ii) using your best efforts to
ensure that the syndication efforts benefit from your lending relationships; and
(iii) providing Huntington Capital with all information reasonably deemed
necessary by it to successfully complete the syndication.

     To ensure an orderly and effective syndication of the Facility, you agree
that until the closing of the syndication transaction (as determined by
Huntington Capital), you will not, and will not permit any of your affiliates
to, syndicate or issue, attempt to syndicate or issue, announce or authorize the
announcement of the syndication or issuance of, or engage in discussions
concerning the syndication or issuance of, any debt facility or debt security
(including any renewals thereof), without the prior written consent of
Huntington Capital.

     You agree that Huntington will act as the sole administrative agent for the
Facility and that Huntington Capital will act as sole syndication agent and that
no additional agents, co-agents or arrangers will be appointed, or other titles
conferred, without the consent of Huntington Capital and Huntington.


     In addition to the fees described below, you agree to pay the fees set
forth in that certain letter between you and us of even date herewith (the "Fee
Letter"). The terms of the Fee Letter are an integral part of the commitment
hereunder and constitute part of this Commitment Letter for all purposes hereof.

Costs, Fees and Expenses

     In further consideration of the commitment hereunder, and recognizing that
in connection herewith, the Huntington and Huntington Capital are incurring
costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable fees and
disbursements of counsel and syndication agent, search fees, due diligence, and
syndication (including printing, distribution and bank meetings), costs and
expenses, you hereby agree to pay, or reimburse the Huntington and Huntington
Capital on demand for all such reasonable costs and expenses, whether incurred
before or after the date hereof, regardless of whether any of the transactions
contemplated hereby are consummated. The Borrower shall not be responsible for
any fees, costs or expenses of any Lenders or their counsel (other than
Huntington and its counsel).


     You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Huntington, Huntington Capital,
each Lender and each of their affiliates and each of their respective officers,
directors, employees, agents, advisors, attorneys and representatives (each, an
"Indemnified Party") from and against any and all claims, damages, losses,
liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and
disbursements of counsel), joint or several, that may be incurred by or asserted
or awarded against any Indemnified Party, in each case arising out of or in
connection with or relating to any investigation, litigation or proceeding or
the preparation of any defense with respect thereto, arising out of or in
connection with or relating to this Commitment Letter or the loan documentation
or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby or any use made or proposed
to be made with the proceeds of the Facility, whether or not such investigation,
litigation or proceeding is brought by the Borrower, any of its shareholders or
creditors, an Indemnified Party or any other person, or an Indemnified Party is
otherwise a party thereto and whether or not the transactions contemplated
hereby are consummated, except to the extent such claim, damage, loss, liability
or expense is found in a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction to
have resulted from such Indemnified Party's gross negligence or willful

     You agree that no Indemnified Party shall have any liability (whether
direct or indirect, in contract, tort or otherwise) to the Borrower or any of
its shareholders or creditors for or in connection with the transactions
contemplated hereby, except to the extent such liability is found in a final
judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted from such
Indemnified Party's gross' negligence or willful misconduct. In no event,
however, shall any Indemnified Party be liable on any theory of liability for
any special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages.


     By accepting delivery of this Commitment Letter, you agree that this
Commitment Letter is for your confidential use only and that neither its
existence nor the terms hereof will be disclosed by you to

any person other than your officers, directors, employees, accountants,
attorneys and other advisors, and then only on a "need to know" basis in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby and on a confidential
basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, following your acceptance of the
provisions hereof and your return of an executed counterpart of this Commitment
Letter to us as provided below, (i) you may make public disclosure of the
existence and amount of Huntington's commitment hereunder and of Huntington's
identity as administrative agent, (ii) you may file a copy of this Commitment
Letter (other than the Fee Letter) in any public record in which it is required
by law to be filed, and (iii) you may make such other public disclosures of the
terms and conditions hereof as you are required by law, in the opinion of your
counsel, to make.

Representations and Warranties

     You represent and warrant that (i) all information that has been or will
hereafter be made available to Huntington or any of the Lenders by you or any of
your representatives in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby is
and will be complete and correct in all material respects and (ii) all financial
projections that have been or will be prepared by you and made available to
Huntington and the Lenders have been or will be prepared in good faith based
upon reasonable assumptions. You further agree to supplement the information or
projections from time to time so that the representations and warranties
contained in this paragraph remain correct. In issuing this commitment,
Huntington is relying on the accuracy of the information furnished to it by or
on behalf of the Borrower and without an independent verification thereof.

No Third Party Reliance

     The agreements of Huntington hereunder to provide financing under the
Facility are made solely for the benefit of the Borrower and may not be relied
upon or enforced by any other person. Please note that those matters that are
not covered or made clear herein or in Annex I or in the Fee Letter are subject
to the mutual agreement of the parties. The terms and conditions of this
Commitment Letter may be modified only in writing.

Governing Law

     This Commitment Letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Ohio. This Commitment Letter sets forth the entire
agreement of the parties with respect to the matters addressed herein and
supersedes all prior communications, written or oral, with respect hereto,
including without limitation, the proposal letters issued to the Borrower by
Huntington on April 10, 1998. This Commitment Letter may be executed in any
number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed, shall be deemed to be
an original, and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same
Commitment Letter. Delivery of an executed counterpart of the signature page to
this Commitment Letter by telecopier shall be as effective as delivery of a
manually executed counterpart of this Commitment Letter. The Borrower's
obligations under the above paragraphs with respect to fees, costs and expenses,
and confidentiality, shall survive the expiration and termination of this
Commitment Letter.

     Please indicate your acceptance of the provisions hereof by signing the
enclosed copy of this Commitment Letter and the Fee Letter and returning them
along with a $100,000 nonrefundable fee, to William R. Remias, Assistant Vice
President, The Huntington National Bank (telecopier (614) 480-5791), 41 South
High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43287, on or before 5:00 p.m. (Columbus time), on
April 20, 1998, the time at which the Commitment of Huntington set forth above,
if not so accepted prior thereto, will expire. Upon the closing of the Facility,
the above nonrefundable fee will be credited against the fees set forth in the
Fee Letter. If you elect to deliver this Commitment Letter by telecopier, please
arrange for the executed original to follow by next-day courier.

                               Very truly yours,

                               THE HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK

                               By: */s/William R. Remias
                                       William R. Remias
                               Title:  Assistant Vice President

                               THE HUNTINGTON CAPITAL CORP., as Syndication
                               Agent (and not as Lender)

                               By: */s/Scott L. Moore
                                       Scott L. Moore
                               Title:  Vice President

Accepted this 17th day of April, 1998 by Dominion Homes, Inc.

By  */s/Terry E. George

Its  Treasurer

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10.22

                                     ANNEX I

                              DOMINION HOMES, INC.
                         SUMMARY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

     This Summary of Terms and Conditions outlines certain terms of the Facility
referred to in the Commitment Letter dated April 16, 1998, addressed to Dominion
Homes, Inc. from The Huntington National Bank and Huntington Capital Corp.(the
"Commitment Letter"). This Summary of Terms and Conditions is part of and
subject to the Commitment Letter.

BORROWER:              Dominion Homes, Inc., an Ohio corporation

AGENT:                 The Huntington National Bank.

AGENT:                 Huntington Capital Corp.

ISSUING BANK:          The Huntington National Bank.

LENDERS:               Huntington and other financial institutions acceptable
                       to the Administrative Agent and the Borrower.

CLOSING DATE:          On or before May 29, 1998.

LOAN:                  The Lenders jointly, and not severally, shall make
                       advances up to $125,000,000 in a senior unsecured
                       revolving credit facility (the "Revolving Loan")
                       subject to the terms and conditions of a certain
                       Credit Agreement to be entered into among the
                       Borrower, the Administrative Agent and the Lenders
                       (the "Credit Agreement"), which may limit advances to
                       availability under a Borrowing Base.  Notwithstanding
                       the respective individual limits of the Revolving Loan
                       and the Letters of Credit (as defined below), the
                       maximum principal sum of the Revolving Loan, plus the
                       aggregate stated value of all letters of credit
                       outstanding under the Letter of Credit Facility shall
                       not exceed the lesser of (i) the Borrowing Base, plus
                       the Acquisition Advance (to the extent applicable only
                       during the first 3 years) or (ii) $125,000,000.00.
MATURITY:              The Revolving Loan shall be payable five years from
                       closing (May 31, 2003).

REPAYMENT:              Interest shall be payable monthly and at the end of each
                        interest period. Principal shall be due at maturity.
                        Prior to maturity, subject to the terms of the Credit
                        Agreement, the principal of the Revolving Loan may be
                        readvanced and repaid any number of times.

INTEREST RATES:         During the term of the Revolving Loan, the rate of
                        interest applicable thereto shall, at the Borrower's
                        option, accrue at one or more of the following rates:
                        (a) the Prime Commercial Rate plus the applicable margin
                        set forth below in effect from time to time; or (b) the
                        current reserve adjusted Eurodollar Rate which deposits
                        in U.S. Dollars are offered to leading banks in the
                        London Interbank Market, as reported on Telerate page
                        3750, and subject to the customary change of
                        circumstance provisions, for interest periods of one,
                        two, three or six months, plus the applicable margin set
                        forth below. The appropriate margin for fixed rates
                        shall fluctuate based on the Borrower's ratio of EBITDA
                        to Interest Expense ("Interest Coverage Ratio"). The
                        Prime Rate margin and the Eurocurrency Rate margin from
                        time to time will be determined as of the date of the
                        Administrative Agent's receipt of the Borrower's
                        financial statements for the previous quarter on the
                        basis of the Borrower's Interest Coverage Ratio as set
                        forth below.

                          Performance Pricing Matrix

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest Coverage Ratio          Prime Margin    Eurodollar Margin     Commitment Fee
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Greater than 3.75 to 1.00           0%              1.75%              .25%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Greater than or equal to
  3.25 to 1.00, but less than
  or equal to 3.75 to 1.00            0%              2.00%              .25%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Greater than or equal to
  2.75 to 1.00, but less than
  3.25 to 1.00                        0%              2.25%              .25%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Less than 2.75 to 1.00              0%              2.50%             .375%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       In addition, interest shall accrue on the amount of any
                       Acquisition Advances under the Revolving Loan at an
                       interest rate equal to the Eurodollar Rate, plus the
                       applicable margin set forth in the Performance Pricing
                       Matrix, plus .5% per annum. "Acquisition Advance" means,
                       subject to the terms and conditions below, a sum of
                       permitted advances under the Revolving Loan which may
                       exceed the Borrowing Base (with a maximum sum of
                       $10,000,000) attributable to Permitted Acquisitions
                       consummated by the Borrower, but Acquisition Advances
                       shall be available only during the first three years
                       after closing.

PROTECTION:            If any of the Eurodollar rates (without the applicable
                       margins) offered by the Credit Agreement reaches 8.50%
                       per anum, the Borrower will be required to enter into
                       or have entered into interest rate contracts (which
                       may be entered into between the Borrower and any
                       financial institution) with an aggregate notional
                       amount equal to 50% of the Revolving Loan outstanding
                       on such date for a term extending to the maturity date
                       of the Revolving Loan on terms reasonably satisfactory
                       to the requisite Lenders.

USE OF PROCEEDS:       The Revolving Loan proceeds will be used (a) to refinance
                       the revolving credit commitments under the Existing Loan
                       Agreement; (b) for working capital and normal and
                       customary business purposes of the Borrower; and (c) for
                       Permitted Acquisitions.

FEES:                  (a) Unused Fee:  See Performance Pricing Matrix for
                       percent per annum of the difference between (i)
                       $125,000,000 and (ii) the sum of (a) the daily
                       principal balance of the Revolving Loan during any
                       full or partial calendar quarter, plus (b) the daily
                       aggregate sum of issued and outstanding Letters of
                       Credit.  Such fees shall be payable quarterly in
                       arrears and shall be shared on a pro rata basis among
                       the Lenders.

                       (b) Underwriting Fee: As set forth in the Fee Letter.

LETTERS OF CREDIT:     Huntington will make available to the Borrower or to
                       Approved Joint Ventures standby letters of credit up to
                       the aggregate maximum stated value outstanding at any one
                       time not to exceed $20,000,000.00 (the "Letters of
                       Credit"), subject to the limitations stated in this

                       (a) Expiry Date: None of the Letters of Credit shall have
                       an expiry date later than the earlier of (i) 24 months
                       from issuance or (ii) the maturity date of the Revolving

                       (b) Letter of Credit Fees: The fees for issuance of
                       Letters of Credit shall be the Eurodollar Margin, as set
                       forth in the Performance Pricing Matrix as a percent per
                       annum of the stated amount of each Letter of Credit,
                       payable one-fourth of such fees upon the issuance of each
                       Letter of Credit, and the remainder of such fees payable
                       quarterly in arrears: The issuing bank shall retain a fee
                       equal to 1/8% per annum, and the remaining amount shall
                       be shared on a pro rata basis by the Lenders. In
                       addition, the Borrower shall pay to the issuing bank its
                       normal and customary issuing, servicing, and amendment

                       (c) Use of Letters of Credit: The Letters of Credit shall
                       be used by the Borrower (i) to support bonding
                       requirements for real estate site improvements in favor
                       of various municipal entities, (ii) to secure contractual
                       performance of the Borrower's land development
                       activities, (iii) to secure the Borrower's performance in
                       land acquisition activities, and (iv) in connection with
                       the type of activities described above for Approved Joint

                       (d) Approved Joint Ventures: The term "Approved Joint
                       Ventures" shall be defined in the Credit Agreement and
                       shall be substantially similar to the definition of such
                       term contained in the Existing Loan Agreement.

BORROWING BASE:        The sum of (a) advances under the Revolving Loan plus
                       (b) the aggregate outstanding stated amounts of the
                       Letters of Credit shall not exceed the Borrowing Base.
                       "Borrowing Base" shall mean:

                       (a)   100% of the Company's Available Cash, plus

                       (b)   80% of Eligible Accounts Receivable, plus

                       (c)   75% of Eligible Lumber Inventory, plus

                       (d)   90% of Eligible Home --Work-in-Process,

                       (e)   the lesser of $15,000,000 or 50% of Eligible Real
                             Estate Held for Development, plus

                       (f)   the lesser of $10,000,000 or 50% of Eligible
                             Investments in Joint Venture, plus

                       (g)   the lesser of $5,850,000 or 90% of the aggregate
                             sum of Eligible Model Homes, plus

                       (h)   the lesser of $6,000,000 or 90% of Eligible
                             Speculative Homes, plus

                       (i)   62.5% of Eligible Developed Lots, plus

                       (j)   50% of Eligible Lots Under Development.

                       In addition, subject to the terms set forth herein, the
                       Borrower may have borrowing availability in the amount of
                       the Acquisition Advances up to the amount of the
                       aggregate acquisition purchase price, minus aggregate
                       additions to the Borrowing Base as a result of the
                       consummation of any Acquisition or Acquisitions (not to
                       exceed the aggregate sum of $10,000,000).

                       The Administrative Agent reserves the right to deduct
                       from any borrowing availability under the Borrowing Base,
                       such amounts as necessary to establish reserves for the
                       basket of "Excess Permitted Nonrecourse Borrowings" set
                       forth below.

ELIGIBILITY:           The term "Eligible" and the components constituting
                       the Borrowing Base set forth above shall be
                       substantially the same as in the Existing Loan
                       Agreement.  With respect to the Borrowing Base, only
                       real property located in the State of Ohio or
                       contiguous states and joint ventures having Ohio real
                       property in Ohio or contiguous states shall be
                       considered for eligibility.

DEFAULT RATE:          The default rate on the Revolving Loan and on the failure
                       to reimburse any draws under the Letters of Credit shall
                       be two percentage points per annum in excess of the Prime
                       Commercial Rate.

CONDITIONS             Usual and customary, including without limitation:
PRECEDENT:             (1)   The Borrower shall provide the Administrative Agent
                             with certified corporate resolutions of its board
                             of directors authorizing it to borrow the full
                             amount of the loans, closing certificates, a good
                             standing certificate, articles of incorporation,
                             bylaws, and other corporate documents requested by
                             the Administrative Agent.

                       (2)   The Borrower shall execute and deliver to the
                             Administrative Agent and the Lenders, inter alia,
                             promissory notes, letter of credit reimbursement
                             agreements, and the Credit Agreement.

                       (3)   The Borrower will pay all costs and expenses
                             incidental to the Facility, whether or not the
                             loans are closed, but the Borrower shall not be
                             responsible for fees, costs or expenses of any
                             Lenders or their counsel (other than Huntington and
                             its counsel). Such costs shall include, but not be
                             limited to, fees and out-of-pocket expenses of the
                             Administrative Agent, including without limitation
                             attorneys fees.

                       (4)   The Borrower shall provide to the Administrative
                             Agent and the Lenders at closing an opinion of its
                             counsel, acceptable in form and substance to the
                             Administrative Agent, including such provisions and
                             addressing such matters as may be requested by the
                             Administrative Agent.

                       (5)   Except for existing outstanding letters of credit
                             issued by Huntington for the account of the
                             Borrower or certain approved joint ventures, full
                             payment or satisfaction shall be obtained of the
                             obligations under the Existing Credit Agreement.

                        (6)  No change shall have occurred since December 31,
                             1997 which has or is reasonably likely to have a
                             material adverse effect on (a) the business
                             condition (financial or otherwise), operations,
                             performance, properties or prospects of the
                             Borrower, (b) the ability of the Borrower to
                             perform its obligations under the Loan documents,
                             or (c) the ability of the Administrative Agent, the
                             Lenders and issuing banks to enforce such Loan
                             documents) ("Material Adverse Change").

                       (7)   There shall exist no action, suit, investigation,
                             litigation or proceeding pending or threatened in
                             any court or before any arbitrator or government
                             instrumentality that, if adversely determined,
                             could reasonably be expected to result in a
                             Material Adverse Change.

CREDIT:                No default shall have occurred under any of the loan
                       documents, the representations and warranties of the
                       Borrower therein shall be true and correct immediately
                       prior to, and after giving affect to, funding and no
                       Material Adverse Change shall have occurred.

AND WARRANTIES:        Usual and customary for financings of this type and
                       substantially similar to those in the Existing Loan

AGREEMENT:             Those negative, affirmative and financial covenants
                       customarily found in Administrative Agent's Credit
                       Agreements for financings of this type and substantially
                       similar to those in the Existing Loan Agreement,
                       including without limitation the following:

                       (a)   The Borrower shall be required to provide
                             unqualified annual financial statements audited by
                             independent certified public accountants acceptable
                             to the Administrative Agent, within 90 days of the
                             end of its fiscal year;

                       (b)    The Borrower shall deliver the following
                             information and reports to the Administrative
                             Agent and the Lenders on a monthly basis within
                             45 days after the end of each month: (1)
                             internally prepared financial statements,
                             including balance sheets and income statements;
                             (2) Borrowing Base calculation reports; (3)
                             Compliance Certificates together with financial
                             ratio calculations certifying compliance with
                             the Credit Agreement and calculating all
                             financial ratios; (4) aged listing of accounts
                             receivable; (5) Land Development Lot
                             Availability Report detailing completed lots and
                             lots under development for each subdivision; (6)
                             listing of model homes including cost to value;
                             and (7) listing of speculative homes including
                             cost to value;

                       (c)   In addition to the foregoing information, the
                             Borrower shall provide to the Administrative
                             Agent and the Lenders copies of all filings,
                             disclosures, or other information filed with the
                             Securities Exchange Commission, any state
                             securities commission or other regulatory agency
                             and all press releases issued by the Borrower,
                             contemporaneously with the filing, release or
                             disclosure, as the case may be;

                       (d)   The Borrower shall be required to provide such
                             other financial information from time to time as
                             the Administrative Agent or the Lenders may

                       (e)   The Borrower shall provide a negative pledge by
                             which it shall agree not to cause, permit, agree
                             or consent to cause or permit in the future any
                             of its property, whether now owned or hereafter
                             acquired to be subject to a lien or encumbrance,
                             except for those liens in connection with
                             purchase money indebtedness permitted in
                             paragraph (g) below, nonrecourse obligations to
                             sellers of real estate, whether acquired
                             directly or as a result of a Permitted
                             Acquisition, and other liens mutually agreed to
                             between Borrower and the Administrative Agent.
                             In addition, the Borrower shall enter into a
                             "double negative pledge" by which it shall agree
                             not to provide a negative pledge to any party
                             other than the Administrative Agent;

                       (f)   The Borrower shall not replace or change the
                             position of its Chief Executive Officer or Chief
                             Operating Officer unless such replacement or change
                             is not reasonably likely to cause a Material
                             Adverse Change;

                       (g)   Except for Excess Permitted Nonrecourse
                             Borrowings, the Borrower shall agree that its
                             other borrowings, additional debt or capital
                             lease obligations (as defined by GAAP) shall not
                             exceed the aggregate principal sum of
                             $10,000,000 outstanding at any one time.  In
                             addition, the Borrower may incur up to
                             $5,000,000 of Indebtedness in respect of
                             nonrecourse obligations to sellers of real
                             estate ("Excess Permitted Nonrecourse
                             Borrowings"), provided that all of such Excess
                             Permitted Nonrecourse Borrowings shall be fully
                             reserved under the Borrowing Base;

                       (h)   The Borrower will not guarantee, indorse or
                             otherwise become surety for Indebtedness of
                             others in excess of $100,000 outstanding at any
                             one time, except for (i) Letters of Credit in
                             connection with Approved Joint Ventures; or up
                             to $10,000,000 of letters of credit not issued
                             under the Facility or in connection with seller
                             financing for Approved Joint Ventures; (ii)
                             indorsement of negotiable instruments in the
                             ordinary course of business; and (iii)
                             partnership liability in connection with joint
                             ventures or partnerships.

                       (i)   The Borrower shall agree to maintain property and
                             liability insurance coverage in such amounts and
                             with such insurers as the Administrative Agent may
                             deem acceptable;

                       (j)   The Borrower shall agree that its annual payments
                             for (i) operating lease rentals will not exceed
                             $2,000,000 in the aggregate, and (ii) model homes
                             rentals will not exceed $1,000,000 in the

                       (k)   The Borrower may make loans and advances in a
                             manner substantially similar to those permitted
                             under Section 8.11 of the Existing Loan

                       (l)   So long as no Event of Default exists under the
                             Credit Agreement, the Borrower may redeem or
                             acquire any of its own capital stock (a) having a
                             value up to $500,000 in any fiscal year; and (b) an
                             amount equal to the net proceeds from the
                             simultaneous sale of an equivalent amount of its
                             capital stock;

                       (m)   The Borrower shall limit its investments to
                             bonds or other obligations in the United States,
                             certificates of deposit issued by commercial
                             banks with minimum capital of $500 million,
                             commercial paper rated at least A-1 or P-1, and
                             having maturity dates of not more than one year,
                             Permitted Acquisitions, those investments
                             permitted by the Existing Loan Agreement and up
                             to $2,000,000.00 in Investments in a mortgage
                             company or companies;

                       (n)   The Borrower shall agree with respect to all
                             real property owned or leased by it to maintain
                             agreed upon standards (substantially similar to
                             the Existing Loan Agreement) with respect to
                             environmental matters, condemnation or eminent

                             domain, boundary line disputes, encroachments,
                             access limitations, surveys, licenses,
                             environmental studies, wetland analyses, zoning
                             (to the extent required), availability of
                             utilities and other related real estate or
                             development requirements;

                       (o)   At all times, the Borrower shall maintain a
                             Tangible Net Worth of the following amounts for
                             the following periods: from closing through and
                             including December 30, 1998, not less than
                             $35,000,000, and from and after December 31,
                             1998, the sum of $35,000,000, plus 75% of the
                             Borrower's net income after taxes in each fiscal
                             year which the Borrower's net income after taxes
                             is positive, beginning with the fiscal year
                             ending December 31, 1998, and ending with the
                             most recently ended fiscal year at the date of
                             calculation.  "Tangible Net Worth" shall mean
                             Borrower's shareholders' equity, minus the sum
                             of all the following: (i) the excess of cost
                             over the value of net assets of purchased
                             businesses, rights, and other similar
                             intangibles, (ii) organization expenses, (iii)
                             intangible assets (to the extent not reflected
                             in the foregoing), (iv) goodwill, (v) deferred
                             charges or deferred financing costs, (vi) loans
                             or advances to and/or accounts or notes
                             receivable from affiliates, and (vii)
                             non-compete agreements;

                       (p)   At all times, the Borrower shall maintain an
                             Interest Coverage Ratio (EBITDA to Interest
                             Expense) of not less than 2.25 to 1.00. The
                             Interest Coverage Ratio shall be determined as of
                             the end of each quarter for the twelve month period
                             ending on such date.

                       (q)   At all times, the Borrower shall maintain a ratio
                             of Total Liabilities to Tangible Net Worth of not
                             greater than 2.75 to 1.00 through December 31,
                             1999, and 2.50 to 1.00 from and after January 1,

                       (r)   At all times, the Borrower shall maintain a ratio
                             of Uncommitted Land Holdings to Tangible Net Worth
                             of not greater than 2.00 to 1.00 through December
                             31, 1999, and 1.75 to 1.00 from and after January
                             1, 2000;

                       (s)   The Borrower shall be permitted to sell or
                             otherwise dispose of assets in the ordinary course
                             of business, but shall agree

                             not to sell or otherwise dispose any of its
                             assets, except as permitted in the Existing Loan

                       (t)   The Borrower shall obtain prior approval from the
                             requisite Lenders for any purchases of unzoned land
                             that would cause the Borrower to have such land in
                             excess of $2,500,000 at cost outstanding at any one

                       (u)   Uncommitted land holdings in central Ohio (60 mile
                             radius from agreed upon point in Franklin County)
                             shall not exceed $73,000,000 at the end of fiscal
                             1997, and thereafter increasing by 50% of the
                             Borrower's net income, not to exceed the sum of
                             $90,000,000 outstanding at any time;

                       (v)   Other than in markets in which the Borrower has
                             ongoing construction and a substantial presence
                             as of December 31, 1997, total investment in
                             uncommitted land holdings, speculative homes,
                             model homes, and in Permitted Acquisitions shall
                             not exceed the aggregate sum of $25,000,000 (the
                             "Maximum New Market Investment Amount") without
                             all Lender approval.  Notwithstanding the
                             foregoing, the Borrower may only invest up to
                             $15,000,000 of such amount in one or more
                             "start-up" operations involving uncommitted land
                             holdings, speculative homes and model homes not
                             associated with an ongoing business acquired by
                             the Borrower.  In addition, the Borrower shall
                             not build homes or develop real estate in
                             markets other than Ohio and any state contiguous
                             to Ohio without requisite Lender approval;

                       (w)   Subject to the Maximum New Market Investment
                             Amount, acquisitions of other businesses,
                             corporations or entities up to the aggregate
                             amount of $25,000,000 shall be permitted,
                             subject to meeting the requirements of a
                             "permitted acquisition" agreed to between the
                             Borrower and the Administrative Agent under the
                             Credit Agreement in form substantially similar
                             to Permitted Acquisitions in the Existing Loan
                             Agreement, or as set forth below;

                       (x)   Model homes inventory shall not exceed $6,500,000
                             at any time;

                       (y)   Dividends (in the absence of default) in any fiscal
                             year shall not exceed 25% of net income after
                             taxes; provided, however, no default shall occur
                             after the payment of any dividend;

                       (z)   The Borrower shall not incur a quarterly loss in
                             any five consecutive quarters; and

                       (aa)  The Administrative Agent shall be appointed as
                             Administrative Agent to administer the Facility for
                             the benefit of the Lenders, and such agency shall
                             contain terms and conditions satisfactory to the
                             Administrative Agent and the Lenders.

AGENT:                 Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur, 41 South High Street,
                       Suite 31, Columbus, Ohio 43215, Timothy E. Grady,
                       telephone: (614) 227-2105.

LENDERS:               Lenders holding greater than 66 2/3% of the commitments
                       under the Facility.

ACQUISITIONS:          Neither the Borrower nor any Subsidiary shall make any
                       Acquisition without the prior written consent of the
                       Administrative Agent and the Requisite Lenders except
                       in connection with a Permitted Acquisition, the
                       Purchase Price of which, together with the aggregate
                       Purchase Price of all other Permitted Acquisitions
                       made after the date hereof does not exceed the sum of
                       $25,000,000.00, provided, however such Acquisitions,
                       plus all Investments in Restricted Subsidiaries, plus
                       purchases of the real and personal property shall not
                       exceed the Maximum New Market Investment Amount (all
                       such definitions shall be substantially similar to the
                       Existing Loan Agreement).   "Purchase Price" shall
                       mean the sum of cash and cash equivalents paid, notes
                       or other indebtedness given, liabilities assumed, or
                       the fair market value of property transferred in
                       connection with any Acquisition.  A "Permitted
                       Acquisition" shall mean an Acquisition  by the
                       Borrower or any Subsidiary, for which the Borrower or
                       a Restricted Subsidiary satisfies each of the
                       following conditions to the good faith satisfaction of
                       the Administrative Agent and the Requisite Lenders:

                       (a)   such Acquisition is in the homebuilding or
                             related industry.

                       (b)   such Acquisition is made at a time when, after
                             giving effect thereto and the related financing
                             thereof, (i) no Event of Default exists or would
                             occur based upon a (A) pro forma prospective
                             calculation for the next twelve (12) month
                             period and (B) a pro forma historical
                             calculation (using Adjusted EBITDA, if
                             applicable) for the most recent twelve (12)
                             month period of the financial covenants set
                             forth in the Credit Agreement performed in
                             accordance with GAAP giving effect to any higher
                             levels of Indebtedness associated with the
                             acquired operations, together with interest
                             thereon to be accrued for such twelve (12) month
                             periods, and (ii) after giving effect to such
                             Acquisition, the Borrower and each Subsidiary
                             would remain solvent pursuant to the warranties
                             contained in this Agreement.

                       (c)   the acquired business entity shall have had
                             positive adjusted EBITDA for the previous twelve
                             (12) months.  "Adjusted EBITDA" shall mean such
                             entity's EBITDA, plus (i) owner's and
                             affiliate's  compensation and other expenses
                             related to owners and affiliates (if such owner
                             and affiliate will not remain with business or
                             if such related expenses will not continue),
                             plus (ii) any extraordinary losses incurred
                             during such period as determined by GAAP, minus
                             any extraordinary gains for such period.

                       (d)   on the date of the closing of the Permitted
                             Acquisition and after giving effect thereto and
                             to any advances under the Revolving Loan made to
                             finance such Permitted Acquisition, (i) no Event
                             of Default shall have occurred and be continuing
                             and (ii) all representations and warranties
                             under this Agreement shall be true and correct
                             as though made on and as of such date, except to
                             the extent that any such representation or
                             warranty expressly relates to an earlier date;

                       (e)   the acquired business entity, if the acquisition
                             is of capital stock and such entity constitutes
                             a Subsidiary, obligates itself on the Loans or
                             the Credit Agreement pursuant to a guaranty or
                             supplement or other loan documents satisfactory
                             to the Administrative Agent and otherwise
                             complies with the requirements of the Credit
                             Agreement and (ii) executes and

                             delivers such documentation as the Administrative
                             Agent deems appropriate with respect to
                             intercompany borrowings from the Borrower.

                       (f)   the acquired assets are free and clear of all liens
                             or encumbrances except as permitted under the
                             Credit Agreement;

                       (g)   the Borrower delivers written notice to the
                             Administrative Agent of its intention to make
                             such Acquisition no less than 45 days prior to
                             the proposed closing date for such Acquisition
                             that sets forth, among other things, information
                             regarding liabilities and obligations with
                             respect to the environmental matters, labor
                             matters, or ERISA matters to be incurred by the
                             Borrower (including, without limitation, the
                             acquired business entity in the event of an
                             acquisition of capital stock) as a result of
                             such Acquisition, any indemnities afforded under
                             the terms of such acquisition and the scope and
                             results of any environmental review, labor
                             review, or ERISA review undertaken by the
                             Borrower in connection therewith and the results
                             of any further due diligence required by the
                             Administrative Agent;

                       (h)   the Borrower shall provide the Administrative Agent
                             with copies of financial statements of the proposed
                             acquired business entity;

                       (i)   the Borrower shall not engage in a Hostile
                             Acquisition.  "Hostile Acquisition" shall mean
                             to acquire, or obtain the right to acquire,
                             beneficial ownership of 5% of common stock or 5%
                             of assets then outstanding of any other business
                             entity pursuant to a tender offer, exchange
                             offer, or other offer not expressly authorized
                             in writing by the Board of Directors of such
                             business entity; and

                       (j)   all assets and/or subsidiaries acquired shall be
                             subject to the provisions of this Agreement.

                 "Acquisition" means any transaction, or any series of related
                 transactions, by which the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries
                 (i) acquires any going business or all or substantially all of
                 the assets of any firm, corporation or division thereof which
                 constitutes a going business, whether through purchase of
                 assets, merger or otherwise, or (ii) directly or indirectly
                 acquires (in one transaction or in a series of transactions) at
                 least a majority (in number of votes) of the securities of a
                 corporation which have ordinary voting power for the election
                 of directors or a majority (by percentage or voting power) of
                 the outstanding interests of a partnership or a joint venture
                 or a majority (by percentage or voting power) of the
                 outstanding ownership interest of a limited liability company.
