WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K

                                  ANNUAL REPORT
                          PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                         COMMISSION FILE NUMBER: 0-22098


                              FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED
                                DECEMBER 31, 1997


A.       Full Title of the Plan and the Address of the Plan:

                  Insilco Corporation Employee Thrift Plan
                  425 Metro Place North, Fifth Floor
                  Dublin, Ohio 43017

B.       Name of the Issuer of the Securities Held Pursuant to the Plan and the
         Address of its Principal Executive Officer:

                  Insilco Corporation
                  425 Metro Place North, Fifth Floor
                  Dublin, Ohio 43017


                                INSILCO CORPORATION
                                EMPLOYEE THRIFT PLAN

                                Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules

                                December 31, 1997 and 1996

                                (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)



- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Independent Auditors' Report .................................................................................         1

Financial Statements:
     Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits,
        December 31, 1997 and 1996 ...........................................................................         2

     Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits with Fund Information,
        Years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996 ...............................................................        3-4

Notes to Financial Statements ................................................................................        5-8

Supplemental Schedules:
     Schedule I - Line 27(a) - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes ...............................         9

     Schedule II - Line 27(d) - Schedule of Reportable Transactions ..........................................        10


                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

     To the Participants and Administrator of the
         Insilco Corporation Employee Thrift Plan:

     We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for
     benefits of the Insilco Corporation Employee Thrift Plan (the Plan) as of
     December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related statements of changes in net
     assets available for benefits with fund information for the years ended
     December 31, 1997 and 1996. These financial statements are the
     responsibility of the Plan's management. Our responsibility is to express
     an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

     We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
     standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
     obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
     from material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
     evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
     statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used
     and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
     overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits
     provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

     In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
     in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan
     as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the changes in net assets available
     for benefits with fund information for the years ended December 31, 1997
     and 1996 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

     Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the
     basic financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules of
     assets held for investment purposes and reportable transactions are
     presented for the purpose of additional analysis and are not a required
     part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary information
     required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting
     and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
     The fund information in the statements of changes in net assets available
     for plan benefits is presented for purposes of additional analysis rather
     than to present the changes in net assets available for plan benefits of
     each fund. The supplemental schedules and fund information have been
     subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic
     financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material
     respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                                 KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

     June 16, 1998



Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

December 31, 1997 and 1996


                                                                                                   1997            1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments, at fair value (note 3): 
    Shares of registered investment companies:
       Twentieth Century Ultra Fund                                                            $10,052,697       8,140,610
       Twentieth Century International Fund                                                      1,852,768       1,430,639
       American Century Value Fund                                                               5,289,367       4,303,251
       Masterworks S&P 500 Stock Fund                                                            5,417,691       3,768,137
       Benham Premium Bond Fund                                                                  1,081,655       1,136,652
       Benham Premium Government Reserve Fund                                                    3,827,427       3,612,419
       JPM Pierpont Diversified Fund                                                            17,848,098               -
    Insilco Company Stock Fund                                                                     511,526         517,475
    Participant loans                                                                            1,006,527         512,273
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                46,887,756      23,421,456

Participants' contribution receivable                                                              246,675         212,794
Employers' contribution receivable                                                                  62,497          78,291
Profit sharing contribution receivable                                                           1,482,277               -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total assets                                                                                    48,679,205      23,712,541

Participants' contribution payable [note 1(b)]                                                     (77,857)       (187,753)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net assets available for benefits                                                              $48,601,348      23,524,788

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits with Fund Information

Years ended December 31, 1997 and 1996

                                                      /--------------------- Participant-Directed -----------------------/
                                                         Twentieth     Twentieth     American      works         Benham      
                                                          Century       Century      Century       S&P 500       Premium     
                                                           Ultra     International    Value        Stock          Bond       
                                                            Fund          Fund         Fund         Fund          Fund       
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Investment income:
      Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value
        of investments                                 $  (202,801)      37,842      258,415     1,092,940       19,392   
      Interest and dividends                             2,070,824      254,782      856,772       192,689       72,959   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         1,868,023      292,624    1,115,187     1,285,629       92,351   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Participants'                                      1,384,202      301,935      673,719       635,384      160,907   
      Employer's                                           518,415      125,221      252,314       265,505       65,993   
      Profit sharing                                             -            -            -             -            -   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         1,902,617      427,156      926,033       900,889      226,900   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total additions                                          3,770,640      719,780    2,041,220     2,186,518      319,251   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Benefits paid to participants or beneficiaries        1,624,311      276,429      731,676       735,767      384,655   
   Administrative expenses                                  21,191        4,517        9,459        10,481        2,544   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total deductions                                         1,645,502      280,946      741,135       746,248      387,199   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease) prior to interfund transfers     2,125,138      438,834    1,300,085     1,440,270      (67,948)  

Interfund transfers                                       (163,104)      (1,439)    (290,054)      237,054       20,635   
Profit sharing plan transfers (note 7)                           -            -            -             -            -   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease)                                  1,962,034      437,395    1,010,031     1,677,324      (47,313)  

Net assets available for benefits:
   Beginning of year                                     8,185,113    1,434,451    4,315,967     3,784,398    1,138,948   
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   End of year                                         $10,147,147    1,871,846    5,325,998     5,461,722    1,091,635   

                                                      /------------------- Participant-Directed -------------------------/
                                                        Premium                                     JPM
                                                       Government     Insilco                     Pierpont
                                                        Reserve       Stock         Loan         Diversified
                                                          Fund         Fund         Fund            Fund         Total
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Investment income:
      Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value
        of investments                                         -     (94,732)           -         (97,661)     1,013,395
      Interest and dividends                             184,200         369       50,076         420,164      4,102,835
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         184,200     (94,363)      50,076         322,503      5,116,230
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Participants'                                      271,154     132,337            -               -      3,559,638
      Employer's                                         383,913      54,670            -               -      1,666,031
      Profit sharing                                           -           -            -       1,482,277      1,482,277
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                         655,067     187,007            -       1,482,277      6,707,946
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total additions                                          839,267      92,644       50,076       1,804,780     11,824,176
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Benefits paid to participants or beneficiaries        541,644      33,991      102,682              -       4,431,155
   Administrative expenses                                14,005         353            -              -          62,550
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total deductions                                         555,649      34,344      102,682              -       4,493,705
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease) prior to interfund transfers     283,618      58,300      (52,606)      1,804,780      7,330,471

Interfund transfers                                      (66,760)    (62,698)     326,366               -              -
Profit sharing plan transfers (note 7)                         -           -      220,494      17,525,595     17,746,089
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease)                                  216,858      (4,398)     494,254      19,330,375     25,076,560

Net assets available for benefits:
   Beginning of year                                   3,625,010     528,628      512,273               -     23,524,788
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   End of year                                         3,841,868     524,230    1,006,527      19,330,375     48,601,348



Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits with Fund
Information, Continued

                                                        1996 -- Participant-Directed
                                       Money       Columbia                                                   
                                      Market         Fixed      Vanguard    Twentieth    Twentieth   American 
                                     Reserves       Income       Quanti-     Century      Century     Century  
                                       Prime      Securities     tative       Ultra    International   Value   
                                     Portfolio       Fund      Portfolios     Fund         Fund        Fund   
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Investment income:
      Net appreciation (depreci-
        ation) in fair value of
        investments                 $     -           -            -         482,574      20,882     372,211
      Interest and dividends              -           -            -         430,073     143,864     407,378
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                          -           -            -         912,647     164,746     779,589
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Participants'                       -           -            -       1,323,491     263,100     489,484
      Employer's                          -           -            -         334,843      67,487     133,087
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                          -           -            -       1,658,334     330,587     622,571
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total additions                           -           -            -       2,570,981     495,333   1,402,160
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Benefits paid to participants
      or beneficiaries                    -           -            -         647,452      82,006     299,912
   Administrative expenses                -           -            -          21,841       4,541       8,817
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total deductions                          -           -            -         669,293      86,547     308,729
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease) prior
   to interfund transfers                 -           -            -       1,901,688     408,786   1,093,431

Interfund transfers                  (3,370,213) (4,406,944)  (4,438,426) (1,139,384)  1,012,757   3,194,673
Thermalex plan transfer (note 7)          -           -            -          92,253      12,908      27,863
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease)              (3,370,213) (4,406,944)  (4,438,426)    854,557   1,434,451   4,315,967

Net assets available for benefits:
   Beginning of year                  3,370,213   4,406,944    4,438,426   7,330,556       -           -    
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   End of year                      $     -           -            -       8,185,113   1,434,451   4,315,967

                                                        1996 -- Participant-Directed
                                        Master-                 Benham
                                         works       Benham    Premium
                                        S&P 500     Premium   Government  Insilco
                                         Stock        Bond     Reserve     Stock      Loan
                                          Fund        Fund       Fund       Fund      Fund       Total
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Investment income:
      Net appreciation (depreci-
        ation) in fair value of
        investments                   $  562,238    (48,178)         (9)  106,396     -        1,496,114
      Interest and dividends             108,352     76,324     216,423     -        13,527    1,395,941
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         670,590     28,146     216,414   106,396    13,527    2,892,055
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Participants'                      470,758    163,193     201,279   106,855     -        3,018,160
      Employer's                         129,984     43,793      60,117    27,866     -          797,177
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                         600,742    206,986     261,396   134,721     -        3,815,337
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total additions                        1,271,332    235,132     477,810   241,117    13,527    6,707,392
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Benefits paid to participants
      or beneficiaries                   320,633    213,266   1,300,180     5,088    41,168    2,909,705
   Administrative expenses                 9,264      2,729      22,244       275     -           69,711
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total deductions                      $  329,897    215,995   1,322,424     5,363    41,168    2,979,416
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease) prior
   to interfund transfers                941,435     19,137    (844,614)  235,754   (27,641)   3,727,976

Interfund transfers                    2,798,514  1,116,176   4,402,622   290,311   539,914        -
Thermalex plan transfer (note 7)          44,449      3,635      67,002     2,563     -          250,673
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net increase (decrease)                3,784,398  1,138,948   3,625,010   528,628   512,273    3,978,649

Net assets available for benefits:
   Beginning of year                       -          -           -         -         -       19,546,139
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   End of year                        $3,784,398  1,138,948   3,625,010   528,628   512,273   23,524,788

See accompanying notes to financial statements.



Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 1997 and 1996



        The following brief description of the Insilco Corporation Employee
        Thrift Plan (the Plan) provides only general information. Participants
        should refer to the booklet entitled Employee Thrift Plan for a
        description of the Plan, a copy of which is available to each
        participant from the Plan Administrator.

        (a)   GENERAL

        The Plan is a defined-contribution plan covering substantially all
        nonunion and certain union employees of Insilco Corporation (Insilco)
        and of participating subsidiaries and divisions of Insilco (the
        Employers). Employees who have completed six months of service are
        eligible for membership. The Plan is administered by the Pension
        Committee of the Board of Directors of Insilco (Plan Administrator) and
        is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security
        Act of 1974 (ERISA).


        Each year participants may contribute up to 10% of their pretax annual
        compensation, as defined in the Plan. The Employers make a matching
        contribution equal to 50% of the first 3% of annual compensation
        contributed by the Plan participants. Additionally, the Employers, at
        their discretion, may make profit sharing contributions to eligible
        participants. Contributions are subject to certain limitations. In 1997
        and 1996, certain highly compensated employees exceeded contributions
        limitations and were refunded $77,857 and $187,753, respectively, in the
        following Plan year. These amounts are disclosed as participants'
        contributions payable in the statements of net assets available for
        benefits and as a reduction in participants' contributions in the
        statements of changes in net assets available for benefits with fund

        Forfeitures of nonvested profit sharing account balances may be used to
        pay administrative expenses or shall be allocated as an additional
        profit sharing contribution in the Plan year following the forfeiture.
        Forfeitures of nonvested employer matching contribution account balances
        may be used to pay administrative expenses or to reduce the Employers'
        future contributions.


        Each participant's account is credited with the participant's
        contributions, the Employers' matching and profit sharing contributions,
        an allocation of investment earnings and charged with an allocation of
        administrative expense. Allocations are based on participant earnings or
        account balances, as defined. Profit sharing contributions are based on
        the participant's annual compensation. The benefit to which a
        participant is entitled is the benefit that can be provided from the
        participant's vested account.

        (d)   VESTING

        A participant is vested immediately in his or her contributions and any
        related investment earnings and vests in the Employers' matching
        contributions and related investment earnings according to the schedule

         Completed Years of Service                 Vested Percentage

         Less than 2 years                                   0%
         2 years but less than 3                            25%
         3 years but less than 4                            50%
         4 years but less than 5                            75%
         5 years or more                                   100%



Notes to Financial Statements



        Upon enrollment in the Plan, a participant may direct contributions into
        any of the following investment options, excluding the JPM Pierpont
        Diversified Fund:

        o     TWENTIETH CENTURY INTERNATIONAL FUND--Funds are invested in
              shares of a registered investment company that invests mainly in
              common stocks of foreign companies.

        o     TWENTIETH CENTURY ULTRA FUND--Funds are invested in shares of a
              registered investment company that invests mainly in common stocks
              of domestic companies.

        o     AMERICAN CENTURY VALUE FUND--Funds are invested in shares of a
              registered investment company that invests mainly in common stocks
              of domestic companies.

        o     MASTERWORKS S&P 500 STOCK FUND--Funds are invested in shares of a
              registered investment company that invests in the common stocks of
              the S&P 500.

        o     BENHAM PREMIUM BOND FUND--Funds are invested in shares of a
              registered investment company that invests in longer-term bonds
              and other debt instruments.

        o     BENHAM PREMIUM GOVERNMENT RESERVE FUND--Funds are invested in
              shares of a registered investment company that invests in bonds of
              the U.S. governments and its agencies.

        o     COMPANY STOCK FUND--Funds are invested in the common stock of
              Insilco Corporation.

              ACCOUNT--Participants with at least $2,500 may elect to
              self-direct the investment of part or all of his/her account.

        o     JPM PIERPONT DIVERSIFIED FUND--Funds are invested in a balanced
              portfolio containing shares of a registered investment company
              that invests in common stocks of domestic and international
              companies and fixed-income securities.

        Investments in the JPM Pierpont Diversified Fund consistent solely of
        non-participant directed profit sharing contributions. Additionally,
        participant's who are represented by the United Steelworkers of America
        Local No. 3875 are not able to contribute into the Company Stock Fund or
        Charles Schwab Individually Directed Retirement Account.


        On termination of service due to retirement on or after age 65,
        disability or death, a participant will become fully vested with his/her
        account. If a portion of a participant's account is related to
        contributions made before January 1, 1996, the participant may elect to
        receive that portion of his/her account in the form of a single lump-sum
        payment, a single life annuity, a joint and 50% survivor annuity, or a
        joint and 100% survivor annuity. The portion of a participant's account
        that is related to contributions made after January 1, 1996 will
        automatically be paid in the form of a lump sum payment.

        A participant's beneficiary will receive the participant's account
        balance in the event of a participant's death. Employees may withdraw
        their vested interest in the Plan under certain hardship conditions, as
        defined in the Plan. Terminated participants will be paid their vested
        interest in the Plan.


        Participants who are not represented by the United Steelworkers of
        America Local No. 3875 may borrow from their accounts. The maximum
        amount a participant may borrow is equal to the lesser of (a) 50% of
        his/her vested account, or (b) $50,000 reduced by the highest
        outstanding balance of a loan outstanding during the previous 12-month
        period. The minimum amount a participant may borrow is $1,000. Interest
        on the loan is equal to 1% above the prime rate published in the Wall
        Street Journal on the last day of the




Notes to Financial Statements


        month before the loan is requested. The loan must be repaid in equal
        installments each regular pay period amortized over a term of no more
        than 5 years (or 10 years if the loan is for the purchase of a principal
        residence), and is secured by a pledge on the nonborrowed portion of a
        participant's account.



        The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual
        basis of accounting.


        Investments are stated at fair value, as determined by quoted market
        prices, which represent the net asset value of shares held by each
        investment fund of the Plan at year-end. Cost is determined using the
        average cost method. Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a
        trade-date basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis.
        Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date.


        Benefits are recorded when paid.

        (d)   USE OF ESTIMATES

        The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
        accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
        assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities
        and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
        financial statements and the reported amounts of changes in net assets
        available for benefits during the reporting period. Actual results could
        differ from those estimates.

        3)    INVESTMENTS

        The following table presents investments at fair value which represent
        5% or more of the Plan's net assets:


                                                                                                    1997           1996
         Twentieth Century Ultra Fund; 368,231 shares in 1997
             (289,805 shares in 1996)                                                            $10,052,697      8,140,610
         Twentieth Century International Fund; 226,223 shares
             in 1997 (179,729 shares in 1996)                                                      1,852,768      1,430,639
         American Century Value Fund; 761,060 shares in 1997
             (652,997 shares in 1996)                                                              5,289,367      4,303,251
         Masterworks S&P 500 Stock Fund; 265,704 shares in
             1997 (236,841 shares in 1996)                                                         5,417,691      3,768,137
         Benham Premium Government Reserve Fund;
             3,827,427 shares in 1997 (3,612,419 shares in 1996)                                   3,827,427      3,612,419
         JPM Pierpont Diversified Fund;  1,305,639 shares
             in 1997                                                                              17,848,098              -




Notes to Financial Statements



        Although it has not expressed any intent to do so, the Employers have
        the right under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time
        and to terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA. In the
        event of a Plan termination, participants will become fully vested in
        their accounts.


        The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined and informed the
        Company by a letter dated December 15, 1995, that the Plan is designed
        in accordance with applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code
        (IRC). The Plan has been amended since receiving that determination
        letter. The plan administrator has been informed by the IRS that a
        favorable determination was made; however, a current determination
        letter has yet to be received. The plan administrator believes the Plan
        is designed and is currently being operated in compliance with the
        applicable requirements of the IRC.

        During 1992, the Employers discovered that certain employees who were
        eligible for participation in the Plan were inadvertently excluded from
        notification of their eligibility to participate in the Plan. The
        Employers notified the IRS of the failure to notify these employees of
        their eligibility to participate, and asked for their assistance in
        curing the error under the Voluntary Compliance Resolution Program (VCR
        Program). In December 1994, the IRS notified Insilco that it was no
        longer eligible to participate in the VCR Program. Insilco subsequently
        requested a district office of the IRS to consider this matter under its
        "Walk-In" Closing Agreement Program. Insilco reached a settlement with
        the IRS which requires the Employers to make additional contributions to
        the Plan with respect to the employees erroneously excluded from
        participation in the Plan. The Employers paid $863,141 in 1997 and will
        pay an additional $184,991 during 1998 under the settlement agreement.
        The Plan and the Plan administrator believe that the Plan's tax exempt
        status will not be affected and, accordingly, no provision for federal
        income taxes in the accompanying financial statements has been made.


        The Plan's investments consist of seven mutual funds and one company
        stock fund. Of the seven mutual funds, five (Twentieth Century
        International Fund, Twentieth Century Ultra Fund, American Century Value
        Fund, Benham Premium Bond Fund, and Benham Premium Government Reserve
        Fund) are managed by American Century Corporation Services. American
        Century Corporation Services is the recordkeeper of the Plan, and
        Insilco is the sponsor of the Plan; therefore, these transactions
        qualify as party-in-interest.


        Effective January 1, 1996, the employees of Thermalex, Inc. became
        eligible to participate in the Plan. In 1996, net assets of $250,673
        were transferred into the Plan from the Thermalex, Inc. Employee Thrift
        Plan 401(k).

        Effective January 1, 1997, the Thrift Plan was amended and restated
        primarily to (a) add a new profit sharing component, (b) provide special
        provisions for transferred profit sharing accounts, (c) revise how
        limits on participants elective deferrals and matching contributions are
        calculated, (d) enable employees represented by the United Steelworkers
        of America Local No. 3875 to participate in the Plan, and (e) make other
        mandated changes to reflect legislative changes. As a result of these
        design changes, net assets totaling $17,746,089 were transferred during
        1997 from the existing profit sharing plans for Stewart Connector
        Systems, Inc., Stewart Stamping Corporation, Thermal Components
        Division, Inc., Romac Metals, Inc., and General Thermodynamics, Inc.
        into the Plan.


INSILCO CORPORATION                                                  Schedule I

EIN: 06-0635844
Plan Number: 333

Line 27(a) - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes

December 31, 1997


    (a)                 (b)                                        (c)                                  (d)               (e)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Identity of issue,               Description of investment including
                 borrower, lessor,                maturity date, rate of interest,                                       Current
                 or similar party                 collateral, par or maturity value                      Cost              value
- ------------   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *         American Century             Ultra Fund; 368,231 shares                               $10,243,899        10,052,697
     *         American Century             International Fund; 226,223 shares                         1,850,950         1,852,768
     *         American Century             Value Fund; 761,060 shares                                 4,881,686         5,289,367
     *         American Century             Government Reserve Fund; 3,827,427 shares                  3,827,427         3,827,427
     *         American Century             Premium Bond Fund; 106,567 shares                          1,080,966         1,081,655
               Barclays PLC Bank            S&P 500 Stock Fund; 265,704 shares                         4,017,948         5,417,691
               J.P. Morgan                  Pierpont Diversified Fund; 1,305,639 shares               17,966,114        17,848,098
     *         Insilco Corporation          Common Stock Fund; 15,499 shares                             518,236           511,526
     *                   -                  Participant Loans                                            -       +       1,006,527

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                       Total                                                         $44,387,226        46,887,756

* Party-in-interest
+ Cost of participant loans is $0 as indicated in the instructions to Form 5500,
  Line 27(a).

See accompanying independent auditors' report.


INSILCO CORPORATION                                                  Schedule II

EIN: 06-0635844
Plan Number: 333

Line 27(d) - Schedule of Reportable Transactions

Year ended December 31, 1997


Series transactions, when aggregated, involving an amount in excess of 5% of the current value of Plan assets:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (a)                         (b)               (c)            (d)              (g)              (h)           (i)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        Current value
                                                                                                         of asset on       Net
           Identity of                 Description          Purchase        Selling          Cost of     transaction     gain or
          party involved                 of asset             price          price            asset          date        (loss)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   JPM Pierpont Diversified Fund       Mutual fund        $17,945,759          -           17,945,759     17,945,759       -
*  Twentieth Century Ultra Fund        Mutual fund          5,115,290      3,000,402        7,766,958      8,115,692     348,734
*  American Century Value Fund         Mutual fund          2,296,881      1,569,180        3,701,415      3,866,061     164,646
   Masterworks S&P 500 Stock Fund      Mutual fund          1,714,702      1,158,088        2,672,156      2,872,790     200,634
*  Benham Premium Government
       Reserve Fund                    Mutual fund          2,161,543      1,946,535        4,108,078      4,108,078       -


Note: Columns E (Lease rental) and F (Expense incurred with transaction) have
      been omitted because there is no information to report.

*  Party-in-interest

See accompanying independent auditors' report.



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the trustee of the Insilco Corporation Employee Thrift Plan has duly caused this
annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly


                               BY: UMB BANK, TRUSTEE

Date:  June 30, 1998           By: /s/ DALE McALLISTER
                                       Dale McAllister, Assistant Vice President