Exhibit 10(i)

                                AMENDMENT TO THE

                  WHEREAS, Harris Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), has heretofore adopted and maintains the Harris Corporation
Retirement Plan (the "Plan");

                  WHEREAS, the Harris Corporation Investment Committee --
Retirement Plans desires to amend the Plan in certain respects;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the power of amendment contained
in section 12.1 of the Plan, the Plan is hereby amended in the following
respects, effective January 1, 1998 except as otherwise provided below:

                  1. The final paragraph of Section 1.9 is amended by deleting
the first sentence thereof and substituting in its place the following sentence,
effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 1997:

                  "Only Compensation not in excess of $160,000 (as adjusted for
                  increases in the cost of living pursuant to section
                  401(a)(17)(B) of the Code) shall be taken into account."

                  2. Section 1.25 is amended in its entirety to provide as
follows, effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 1997:

                           "1.25 Highly Compensated Employee -- means, for a
                  Plan Year, any Employee who is:

                           (a)      a 5%-owner (as determined under section
                                    416(i)(1) of the Code) of an Employer at any
                                    time during the Plan Year or the preceding
                                    Plan Year; or
                           (b)      paid Compensation in excess of $80,000 (as
                                    adjusted for increases in the cost of living
                                    pursuant to section 414(q)(1)(B)(ii) of the
                                    Code) from an Employer for the preceding
                                    Plan Year. The Employees taken into account
                                    under this paragraph (b) for each Plan Year
                                    shall be limited to those Employees who were
                                    members of the top-paid group (as defined in
                                    section 414(q)(3) of the Code) for the
                                    preceding Plan Year, unless otherwise
                                    elected by the Company for such Plan Year in
                                    accordance with applicable law."

                  3. Paragraph (b) of Section 3.2 is amended by inserting the
following sentence immediately after the first sentence thereof:

                  "Any remaining amount shall be allocated based on the ratio of
                  each eligible Participant's Compensation for the Plan Year to
                  the Compensation of all eligible Participants for the Plan

                  4. Paragraph (c) of Section 3.2 is amended by deleting the
phrase "coincident with or immediately following" and substituting in its place
the phrase "nearest to".

                  5. The first sentence of paragraph (a) of Section 9.2 is
amended by inserting the word "by" immediately after the word "prescribed".

                  6. Section 10.2 is amended by deleting the second sentence
contained in paragraph (a) thereof and substituting in its place the following

                  "The minimum allocation shall be determined without regard to
                  any Social Security contribution, and without regard to any
                  Pre-Tax Contributions made on behalf of non-key employees."

                  7. Section 10.3 is amended by deleting the final sentence
thereof and substituting in its place the following sentence:

                  "If the Plan becomes top-heavy and later ceases to be
                  top-heavy, a Participant who has a three-year Period of
                  Service as determined under section 5.3 may elect to have his
                  vested interest continue to be determined under this section
                  10.3, notwithstanding that the Plan is no longer top-heavy."

                  Approved by the HARRIS CORPORATION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE  --
RETIREMENT PLANS on this 23rd day of October, 1998.


                                                   /s/ B. R. Roub
