SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE

          This Second Amendment to Lease amends and supplements that certain 
Agreement of Lease (the "Lease") dated as of October 1, 1993, by and between 
Partnership (the "Landlord") and D.I.Y. HOME WAREHOUSE, INC., an Ohio 
Corporation (the "Tenant").


          I.      V & V Limited, an Ohio Limited Liability company ("Purchaser")
                  effective as of October 22, 1998 will purchase all of 
                  Landlord's interest in and to the Leased Premises (as that 
                  term is defined in the Lease), specifically, Landlord's fee 
                  simple title therein.

          II.     Effective as of October 23, 1998, Purchaser and Tenant 
                  amended the Lease pursuant to an Amendment of Lease.

          III.    Effective as of October 23, 1998, Purchaser and Tenant desire 
                  to further amend the Lease as hereinafter provided.

          NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, Tenant and Purchaser (as Landlord of 
the Leased Premises) hereby agree as follows:

          Paragraph 11(a) of the Lease is hereby deleted in it entirety and 
the following Paragraph 11 shall be inserted in lieu thereof:

          (a) As part of the consideration for the execution and delivery of
          this lease and as additional rental, the Tenant covenants and agrees
          during the term of this lease to pay to the officers of public or
          private utilities charges with the collection thereof, as the same may
          become due and payable and before any fine, penalty, interest or other
          charge may be added thereto for nonpayment thereof, all taxes, license
          and permit fees, charged for gas, water or electric charged by public
          or private utilities of every kind, and obligations for any and all
          governmental or non-governmental charges, general and special,
          ordinary and extraordinary, unforeseen as well as foreseen, of any
          kind and nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, assessments
          for sidewalks, streets, sewers, water and other public improvements
          and any other improvements or benefits which shall during the term
          hereof be made, assessed, levied or imposed upon, or become due and
          payable in connection with, or a lien upon, the Leased Premises or
          upon this lease. In the event there shall be imposed a tax, fee,
          charge or assessment of any kind or nature upon, against or with
          respect to the Leased Premises or the rents payable by the Tenant
          hereunder or with respect to the Landlord's ownership interest in the
          Leased Premises, which is assessed or imposed by way of substitution
          for all or any part of the ad valorem real estate taxes or other taxes
          and assessments

          referenced above, or is used to the fund the governmental function
          previously funded by such ad valorem real estate taxes or other taxes 
          and assessments referenced above, then the Tenant shall pay to the 
          Landlord its proportionate share of the Landlord's tax obligation 
          arising out of the Leased Premises or the rents payable by the Tenant 
          hereunder or with respect to the Landlord's ownership interest in the 
          Leased Premises. Real estate taxes and assessments whether general or 
          special and other charges required to be paid by Tenant under the 
          provision of this paragraph 11(a), which are a lien against the 
          Leased Premises, or any part thereof, but not yet due and payable for 
          the last year of the Initial Term hereof, or the last year of the 
          First Renewal Period, Second Renewal Period, or Third Renewal Period 
          (if the options for such renewal period(s) are exercised in 
          accordance with Paragraph 2(b), (c) and (d) of this Lease) shall be 
          prorated between the Landlord and the Tenant based upon the last 
          available tax rate and duplicate as shown on the records of the 
          Mahoning County Auditor. Consequently, upon the expiration of the 
          Lease, the Tenant will pay to Landlord the amount necessary to 
          compensate the Landlord for all taxes and assessments whether general 
          or special and other charges required to be paid by Tenant under the 
          provisions of this Paragraph 11(a), which accrue or are accrued and 
          which are a lien against the Leased Premises or become a lien against 
          the Leased Premises at any time during the term of the lease but were 
          not yet due and payable as of the expiration of the Lease, including 
          expiration of the First Renewal Period, Second Renewal Period, or 
          Third Renewal Period, if some or all of the options discussed in 
          Paragraph 2(b), (c) and (d) hereof are exercised as prorated in 
          accordance with the previous sentence of this Paragraph 11(a). Upon 
          request therefor by the Landlord, the Tenant covenants to furnish to 
          the Landlord, within thirty (30) days after the dates upon which such 
          taxes, assessments, utilities and other charges are payable, official 
          receipts of the proper taxing or other authority or other proof 
          satisfactory to the Landlord, evidencing the full payment thereof. 
          The Landlord agrees to send to the Tenant promptly copies of any 
          notices for any such taxes, assessments, utilities or other charges 
          if such notices are received by the Landlord.

Signed and Acknowledged                    V & V 224, LIMITED
in the Presence of:

Vivian A. Wagner                           By: /s/ Vincent Fond, Sr.
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John R. Learn                                  Vincent Fond, Sr., Member
- - -------------                              
                                          And: /s/ Vincent Fond, Jr.
                                               Vincent Fond, Jr., Member

                                          D.I.Y. HOME WAREHOUSE, INC.

????                                       By: ???
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Diane C. James                            Its: President
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