Exhibit 10.1.3

                               FIRST AMENDMENT TO
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                             1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN


         A. The Amended and Restated Aironet Wireless Communications, Inc. 1996
Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") was adopted by the Board of Directors of Aironet
Wireless Communications, Inc. (the "Company") and approved by the stockholders
of the Company on March 30, 1998.

         B. The Plan currently requires that certain conditions be satisfied
prior to the exercise of vested options (the "Exercise Conditions"). Subject to
stockholder approval, the Directors desire amend the Plan to remove the Exercise
Conditions by a date certain.

         C. The maximum aggregate number of shares of Common Stock (as defined
in the Plan) which may be issued under the Plan is 2,150,500. Subject to
stockholder approval, the Directors desire to increase the number of shares of
Common Stock reserved under the Plan.

         D. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan, this
Amendment shall apply to previously issued Options without the consent of the
option holders, as this Amendment is favorable to such holders.

            1. PLAN AMENDMENT.

            Section 3(a) of the Plan captioned "NUMBER OF SHARES ISSUABLE" is
amended in its entirety to read as follows:

            (a) NUMBER OF SHARES ISSUABLE. Subject to adjustment in accordance
         with Section 12, the maximum aggregate number of shares of Common Stock
         which may be issued and sold under Options granted pursuant to the Plan
         is 2,223,000 shares of Common Stock. The Shares issued and sold upon
         the exercise of Options may be treasury Shares, Shares of original
         issue or a combination thereof.

            Section 10(a) of the Plan captioned "EXERCISE ELIGIBILITY" is
amended in its entirety to read as follows:

            (a) EXERCISE ELIGIBILITY. An Option may be exercised in accordance
         with the terms hereof at any time after, and only after, the earlier

                (i) a Change in Control (as defined in Paragraph (c) of
            Section 12) or

                (ii) an IPO; or


                (iii) March 31, 2001.

         In the event of any conflict or apparent conflict between the
         provisions of this Section 10(a) and any other provision in the Plan,
         the provisions of this Section 10(a) shall control.

            2. EFFECTIVENESS OF AMENDMENT. This Amendment was duly approved and
adopted  by the Board of Directors and Stockholders of the Company effective
March 31, 1999.

            3. Each initially capitalized term used but not defined in this
Amendment shall have the same meaning given to such term in the Plan.

            4. Except as amended hereby, the provisions of the Plan shall remain
in full force and effect.

                                    - END -