WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                   FORM 10-QSB

(Mark One)

|X|      Quarterly report under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
         Act of 1934

For the Quarterly period ended June 30, 1999.

|_|      Transition report under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act

For the transition period from __________ to ___________

Commission File Number 0-23111

                                Cable Link, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (Exact Name of Small Business Issuer as Specified in its Charter

           Ohio                                            31-1239657
- -------------------------------                       -------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction of                       (IRS Employer
Incorporation or Organization)                        Identification No.)

                       280 Cozzins Street, Columbus, Ohio
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (614) 221-3131
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Issuer's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Former Name, Former Address and Former Fiscal Year,
                          if Changed Since Last Report)

         Check whether the issuer: (1) filed all reports required to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2)
has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes   X      No
    -----      -----

         State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of common equity, as of the latest practicable date: 1,695,076 shares of Common
Stock as of July 31, 1999

         Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format (check one):

Yes   X      No
    -----      -----

                                     PART I
                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                                     CABLE LINK, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                  3 Months Ending June 30      6 Months Ending June 30
                                                     1999         1998           1999           1998
                                                  ----------   -----------    -----------    ----------
Net Sales                                         $6,198,988    $4,331,464    $12,133,639    $7,043,631

      Cost of goods sold                           4,952,468     3,268,808      9,588,173     5,097,745
      Operating expenses                           1,401,405       797,738      2,789,227     1,476,248
                                                  ----------    ----------    -----------    ----------

           Total expenses                          6,353,873     4,066,546     12,377,400     6,573,993
                                                  ----------    ----------    -----------    ----------

Income (loss) from operations                       (154,885)      264,918       (243,761)      469,638

      Interest expense                               (50,300)      (13,626)      (113,319)      (22,472)

      Other income                                     4,802         1,010            196         1,337
                                                  ----------    ----------    -----------    ----------

Income (loss) before taxes                          (200,383)      252,302       (356,884)      448,503

      Provision for taxes                              3,422        54,251          5,574        88,502
                                                  ----------    ----------    -----------    ----------

Net Income (loss) before cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle                      (203,805)      198,051       (362,458)      360,001

Cumulative effect of change in accounting
principle                                               --            --          (42,246)         --
                                                  ----------    ----------    -----------    ----------

Net income (loss)                                 $ (203,805)   $  198,051    $  (404,704)   $  360,001
                                                  ==========    ==========    ===========    ==========

Basic earnings (loss) per share for net
income (loss) before cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle                    $    (0.12)   $     0.12    $     (0.21)   $     0.21
Weighted average shares outstanding                1,695,076     1,675,386      1,694,680     1,674,647

Basic (loss) per share for cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle                          --            --      $     (0.03)         --
Weighted average shares outstanding                1,695,076     1,675,386      1,694,680     1,674,647

Basic earnings (loss) per share for net
income (loss) after cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle                    $    (0.12)   $     0.12    $     (0.24)   $     0.21
Weighted average shares outstanding                1,695,076     1,675,386      1,694,680     1,674,647

Diluted earnings (loss) per share for
net income (loss)                                 $    (0.12)   $     0.10    $     (0.24)   $     0.18
Weighted average shares outstanding                1,695,076     1,987,038      1,694,680     2,006,090


                         CABLE LINK, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                  1999           1998
                                                 JUNE 30      December 31
                                               (UNAUDITED)     (Audited)
                                               -----------    -----------
     Current Assets
           Cash                                $    69,838    $    61,418
           Accounts receivable, net              3,244,443      3,228,285
           Income tax receivable                   126,417        389,023
           Inventories                           1,801,290      2,368,694
           Prepaid expenses                        111,080         84,044
           Deferred income taxes                   198,000        198,000
           Covenant not to compete                  91,248        182,498
                                               -----------    -----------
                Total current assets           $ 5,642,316    $ 6,511,962
                                               -----------    -----------

      Property and Equipment
           Property and equipment, at cost       1,948,584     2,043,867
           Accumulated Depreciation             (1,140,199)   (1,108,912)
                                               -----------    -----------
                Total Property and Equipment       808,385       934,955
                                               -----------    -----------

      Other Assets
           Covenants not to Compete                 42,724         45,116
           Goodwill                                501,560        530,857
           Deferred tax asset                       55,000         55,000
           Organization cost                          --           42,246
           Deposits                                 39,599         44,123
                                               -----------    -----------
                Total other assets                 638,883        717,342
                                               -----------    -----------
                TOTAL ASSETS                   $ 7,089,584    $ 8,164,259
                                               ===========    ===========



                         CABLE LINK, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                 1999          1998
                                                JUNE 30     December 31
                                              (UNAUDITED)    (Audited)
                                              -----------   -----------
Current Liabilities
     Current portion long-term obligation      $   12,813   $   45,186
     Bank revolving credit line                 1,740,912    2,776,607
     Accounts payable                           2,377,685    2,180,117
     Acquisition bonus                               --         30,000

     Accrued expenses                             421,029      448,457
     Accrued warranty                             197,230      245,258
     Covenants not to compete                      34,998      152,498
                                               ----------   ----------
          Total current liabilities             4,784,667    5,878,123
                                               ----------   ----------

Long-term liabilities
     Covenant not to compete                       29,166       29,166
     Acquisition bonus                            120,000      120,000
     Note payable-bank                            400,000         --
     Long-term obligations                         41,579       27,063
                                               ----------   ----------
          Total long-term liabilities             590,745      176,229
                                               ----------   ----------

          Total Liabilities                    $5,375,412   $6,054,352
                                               ----------   ----------

                STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
Current Stockholders' Equity
     Common stock                               1,472,357    1,463,387
     Additional paid-in capital                   136,136      136,136
     Retained earnings                            105,679      510,384
                                               ----------   ----------
                Total Stockholders' Equity      1,714,172    2,109,907
                                               ----------   ----------

                TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY   $7,089,584   $8,164,259
                                               ==========   ==========


                                      CABLE LINK, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                    Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 and the year ended December 31, 1998

                                  Shares of Issued              Additional
                                  and Outstanding    Common       Paid-In      Retained
                                   Common Stock       Stock       Capital      Earnings          Total
                                  --------------   ----------   ----------     ---------      ----------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1997         1,673,802     $1,449,706     $136,136     $ 303,355      $1,889,197

Exercise of options and warrants        15,334     $   13,681         --            --        $   13,681

Net Income                                --             --           --       $ 207,029      $  207,029
                                     ---------     ----------     --------     ---------      ----------

BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1998         1,689,136     $1,463,387     $136,136     $ 510,384      $2,109,907

Exercise of options and warrants         5,940     $    8,970         --            --        $    8,970

Net Income (loss)                         --             --           --       $(404,704)     $ (404,704)
                                     ---------     ----------     --------     ---------      ----------

BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 1999             1,695,076     $1,472,357     $136,136     $ 105,679      $1,714,172
                                     =========     ==========     ========     =========      ==========


                                CABLE LINK, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                   Six Months Ending June 30

                                                                      1999            1998
                                                                   ----------       --------
      Net income                                                   $ (404,704)     $ 360,001
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
        cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
           Depreciation and amortization                              272,854        128,577
           Loss on sale of equipment                                   15,368           --
           Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle         42,246           --
           (Increase) decrease in operating assets:
                Accounts receivable                                   (16,158)      (176,776)
                Income tax receivable                                 262,606           --
                Inventories                                           567,404         84,665
                Prepaid and other assets                              (22,512)       (39,649)
           Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities
                Accounts payable                                      197,568       (250,723)
                Accrued warranty                                      (48,028)          --
                Acquisition bonus                                     (30,000)          --
                Accrued expenses                                      (27,428)      (269,120)
                                                                   ----------      ---------
                      Total adjustments                             1,213,920       (523,026)
                                                                   ----------      ---------

      Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities             809,216       (163,025)
                                                                   ----------      ---------

      Acquisition of stock of PC & Parts, Inc                            --         (700,000)
      Cash acquired from PC & Parts, Inc                                 --           50,359
      Purchase of property and equipment                             (102,610)       (24,565)
      Proceeds from sales of equipment                                 63,897           --
                                                                   ----------      ---------
           Net cash used in investing activities                      (38,713)      (674,206)

      Proceeds from sales of common stock                               8,970          2,801
      Payments on covenant not to compete liability                  (117,500)          --
      Net increase (decrease) in line of credit                      (619,028)       372,483
      Issuance of long-term debt                                       14,515           --
      Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                           --          254,035

      Principal payments on debt                                      (49,040)       (54,414)
      Sale of stock of subsidiary                                        --          100,000
                                                                   ----------      ---------
           Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities       (762,082)       674,905

           Net increase (decrease) in cash                              8,420       (162,326)

      Cash - beginning of period                                       61,418        204,990
                                                                   ----------      ---------
      Cash - end of period                                         $   69,838      $  42,664
                                                                   ==========      =========

      Cash paid during the period for interest                     $  113,319      $  22,472
      Cash paid for income taxes during the period                 $ (243,532)     $ 192,993

                         CABLE LINK, INC AND SUBSIDIARY

On May 18, 1998 the Company purchased 85.1% of the common stock of PC & Parts,
Inc d.b.a. Auro Computer System for $370,000 in cash. On December 28, 1998 the
Company purchased the remaining minority interest for $100,000 in cash.

The interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the Company
without an audit and, in the opinion of management, reflect all adjustments of a
normal recurring nature necessary for a fair statement of the consolidated
financial position of the Company as of June 30, 1999, the consolidated results
of operations for the six months ended June 30, 1999 and consolidated cash flow
for the six months ended June 30, 1999. Interim results are not necessarily
indicative of results for a full year.

The balance sheets as of December 31, 1998 have been derived from the financial
statements that have been audited by the Company's independent public
accountants. The financial statements and notes are condensed as permitted by
Form 10-QSB and do not contain certain information included in the annual
financial statements and notes of the Company. The financial statements and
notes included herein should be read in conjunction with the financial
statements and notes included in the Company's annual report, Form 10-KSB and
the audited statements of the Subsidiary filed with Form 8-K/A on November 6,

The acquisition has been accounted for under the purchase method of accounting
based on the Subsidiary's balance sheet as of May 5, 1998, the agreed upon
closing date. The consolidated financial statements are on the accrual basis of
accounting and include the financial statements of its wholly owned Subsidiary
after the acquisition closing date of May 5, 1998. All significant inter-company
balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported
amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual amounts
could differ from these estimates.

Purchased goodwill is amortized using the straight-line method over 15 years.

As part of the acquisition, the Company borrowed $500,000, which bears interest
at the prime interest rate plus 1%. This matured on April 30, 1999. As of May 1,
1999 this note was converted to a one-year note and amortized on an equal
monthly payment of principal based on a five-year schedule ($8,333.33/monthly)
plus interest. The interest rate is prime plus 1%.

In 1998, the Company Board of Directors approved a $180,000 bonus payable to the
Chief Executive Officer of Cable Link related to the acquisition of the
Subsidiary. The bonus is payable in equal monthly installments of $5,000. The
payments, which commenced in the first twelve months beginning July 6, 1998, are
without conditions. The remaining payments in the second and third twelve-month
periods are subject to the conditions that the percentage of earnings of the
Subsidiary is equal to or greater than 15% of the capital invested in the
Subsidiary by the Company.

Under the terms of the purchase agreement, the Company will pay the sellers
$150,000 in monthly installment over two years. Accordingly, a short-term and
long-term liability has been recognized. The Company has allocated $200,000 of
the purchase price to the covenant to be amortized using the straight-line
method over the same two year period. Additionally, the Company has a
non-compete agreement with the Subsidiary's former president through December
31, 1999. The amount of $82,500 has been paid over six months ending June 30,
1999. Accordingly, a short-term asset and liability have been recorded and will
be amortized using the straight-line method during 1999.

The Company implemented Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 131
"Disclosures About Segment of an Enterprise and Related Information."
Comparative segment information for the three and six months ending June 30
,1998 include the subsidiary from May 5, 1998 since the acquisition of PC &
Parts d.b.a. Auro Computer Systems date was not consummated until May 5, 1998

Management has elected to identify the Company's reportable segments based on
operating units: Cable Link, Inc and PC & Parts d.b.a. Auro Computer Systems.

Information related to the Company's second quarter 1999 and 1998 reportable
segments is as follow:

                                      Cable Link, Inc              Auro Computer System              Total Company
                                  3 months       3 months        3 months        3 months       3 months        3 months
                                   ending         ending          ending          ending         ending          ending
                               June 30, 1998   June 30, 1999   June 30, 1998   June 30, 1999  June 30, 1998   June 30, 1999
                               -------------   -------------   -------------   -------------  -------------   -------------
Revenues                         $2,686,308      $2,043,754      $3,512,680      $2,287,710     $6,198,988      $4,331,464
Cost of sales                     1,764,966       1,213,334       3,187,502       2,055,474      4,952,468       3,268,808
                                 ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------     ----------      ----------
Gross margin                        921,342         830,420         325,178         232,236      1,246,520       1,062,656
Operating expenses                  757,356         606,271         629,401         178,924      1,386,757         785,195
                                 ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------     ----------      ----------
Operating income (loss)             163,986         224,149        (304,223)         53,312       (140,237)        277,461
Interest expenses                   (14,432)        (16,055)        (35,868)          2,429        (50,300)        (13,626)
Other income (expenses)               1,224             384           3,578             626          4,802           1,010
                                 ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------     ----------      ----------
Operating income (loss)          $  150,778      $  208,478      $ (336,513)     $   56,367     $ (185,735)     $  264,845
Cumulative effect of change
in accounting principle, net           --              --              --              --             --              --
                                 ----------      ----------      ----------      ----------     ----------      ----------

Operating income (loss)
after change in accounting
principle, net                   $  150,778      $  208,478      $ (336,513)         56,367     $ (185,735)     $  264,845
                                 ==========      ==========      ==========      ==========     ==========      ==========


                                      Cable Link, Inc                 Auro Computer System                Total Company
                                  6 months         6 months         6 months         6 months        6 months         6 months
                                   ending           ending           ending           ending          ending           ending
                               June 30, 1999    June 30, 1998    June 30, 1999    June 30, 1998    June 30, 1999   June 30, 1998
                               -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------
Revenues                         $5,849,383       $4,755,921       $6,284,256       $2,287,710     $12,133,639       $7,043,631
Cost of sales                     3,838,812        3,042,271        5,749,361        2,055,474       9,588,173        5,097,745
                                 ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------     -----------       ----------
Gross margin                      2,010,571        1,713,650          534,895          232,236       2,545,466        1,945,886
Operating expenses                1,541,370        1,284,781        1,218,561          178,924       2,759,931        1,463,705
                                 ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------     -----------       ----------
Operating income (loss)             469,201          428,869         (683,666)          53,312        (214,465)         482,181
Interest expenses                   (45,769)         (24,901)         (67,550)           2,429        (113,319)         (22,472)
Other income (expenses)              (8,987)             711            9,183              626             196            1,337
                                 ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------     -----------       ----------
Operating income (loss)          $  414,445       $  404,679       $ (742,033)      $   56,367     $  (327,588)      $  461,046
Cumulative effect of change
in accounting principle, net        (42,246)            --               --               --           (42,246)            --
                                 ----------       ----------       ----------       ----------     -----------       ----------

Operating income (loss)
after change in accounting
principle, net                   $  372,199       $  404,679       $ (742,033)      $   56,367     $  (369,834)      $  461,046
                                 ==========       ==========       ==========       ==========     ===========       ==========

Total assets                     $4,925,778       $4,387,720       $2,939,730       $2,913,055     $ 7,865,508       $7,300,775

Depreciation and
amortization expenses            $  126,060       $  113,610       $  146,794       $   14,967     $   272,854       $  128,577

A reconciliation of the segments' operating income to the consolidated net loss
is a follows:

                                          Six months        Six months
                                            ending            ending
                                        June 30, 1999     June 30, 1998
                                        -------------     -------------
       Segments operating income          $(369,834)        $461,046
          Income tax expense                  5,574           88,502
         Goodwill amortization               29,296           12,543
                                          ---------         --------
       Consolidated net (loss) income     $(404,704)        $360,001

A reconciliation of the segments' total assets to the consolidated total assets
is as follows:

                                                Six months        Six months
                                                  ending            ending
                                              June 30, 1999     June 30, 1998
                                              -------------     -------------
       Segments total assets                    $7,865,508        7,300,775
          Goodwill                                 501,560        1,116,365
           Investment in subsidiary at cost       (470,000)        (720,000)
           Intercompany receivables               (807,484)        (391,573)
                                                ----------       ----------
Consolidated total assets                       $7,089,584       $7,305,567

A reconciliation of the segments' total depreciation and amortization to the
consolidated total depreciation and amortization is as follows:

                                              Six months      Six months
                                                ending          ending
                                            June 30, 1999   June 30, 1998
                                            -------------   -------------
       Segments total depreciation and
         Amortization                         $243,558        $116,034
       Amortization of goodwill                 29,296          12,543
                                              --------        --------
       Consolidated total depreciation
       And amortization                       $272,854        $128,577

The following unaudited proforma consolidated results of operations of the
Company for the six-month ended June 30, 1998 assumes that the acquisition of
the Subsidiary occurred on January 1, 1998 instead of May 5, 1998. These
proforma results are not necessary indicative of the actual results of
operations that would have been achieved nor are they necessary indicative of
future results of operations.

       Net revenues                        $10,064,084
       Net income                              214,253
       Basic net income per share                  .13
       Diluted net income per share                .11

On January 1, 1999, the Company adopted Statement of Position (SOP) 98-5
"Reporting of Start-up Activities," which requires all start-up costs previously
capitalized by the Company to be expensed. The cumulative effect of the change
in accounting principles is reflected in the statement of operations net of tax
effects. All start-up costs incurred after adoption of the SOP will be expensed
as incurred.

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 133, "Accounting for Derivative
Instruments and Hedging Activities." SFAS 133 requires companies to recognize
all derivative contracts as either assets or liabilities in the balance sheet
and to measure them at fair value. If certain conditions are met, a derivative
may be specifically designated as a hedge, the object of which is to match the
timing of gain or loss recognition on the hedging derivative with the
recognition of (I) the changes in the fair value of the hedged asset or
liability that are attributable to the hedged risk or (II) the earnings effect
of the hedged forecasted transaction. For a derivative not designated as a
hedging instrument, the gain or loss is recognized in income in the period of
change. SFAS 133 is effective (as deferred by SFAS 137) for all fiscal quarters
of fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2000.

Historically, the Company has not entered into derivative contracts either to
hedge existing risks or for speculative purposes. Accordingly, the Company does
not expect adoption of the new standard to affect its financial statements.


The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the financial
statements and footnotes appearing elsewhere herein. Fluctuations in annual
operating results may occur as a result of certain factors such as the size and
timing of customers' orders and competition. Due to such fluctuations,
historical results and percentage relationships are not necessarily indicative
of the results for any future period. Statements which are not historical facts
contained in this report are forward-looking statements that involve risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from
projected results and are made pursuant to the "safe harbor provisions of the
Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995". Factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, the following: the
ability to obtain new contracts at attractive prices; the size and timing of
customers orders; fluctuations in customer demand; competitive factors; the
timely completion of contracts; and general economic conditions, both
domestically and abroad. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on
these forward-looking statements, which reflect management's analysis only as of
the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the
results of any revision to these forward-looking statements, which may be made
to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the
occurrence of unanticipated events.


Cable Link, Inc. (Cable Link) sells new, used and refurbished cable TV equipment
in addition to repairing equipment for cable companies within the United States
and various international markets. The Company operates both its administrative
and manufacturing operations from a single, leased facility in Columbus, Ohio.

In 1998 the Company purchased 100% of the stock of PC & Parts, Inc. d.b.a. Auro
Computer Systems (the "Subsidiary"). The Subsidiary is located in a suburb of
Columbus and resells computer hardware and assembles computer hardware
components into personal computers. The Subsidiary also sells personal computer
software and provides both Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local Area Network (LAN),
year 2000 testing and solutions, and many other services and support needs
throughout Central Ohio and the surrounding areas.


Net sales for the Company for the second quarter ending June 30, 1999 were
$6,198,988 compared to $4,331,464 for the second quarter ending June 30, 1998,
an increase of $1,867,524. This represents an increase of 43.1% over the
previous year for the same period. Sales for the six months ending June 30, 1999
were $12,133,639 as compared to $7,043,631 over the same six-month period in
1998, an increase of $5,090,008 or 72.3%. The increase in sales is primarily
attributable to the inclusion of sales of the Subsidiary.

The cost of goods sold for the Company for the second quarter ending June 30,
1999 was $4,952,468 and $9,588,173 for the six months ending June 30,1999, an
increase of $1,683,660 and $4,490,428 over the same periods in 1998
respectively. The majority of the increase is attributable to the inclusion of
the Subsidiary's cost of goods sold. Hardware and software sales for the
Subsidiary carry substantially higher cost of goods sold as compared to those
products sold by Cable Link. The Subsidiary is focusing efforts on the service
side of the business, which could contribute, to higher gross margins in the
future. Cable Link's cost of goods sold increased slightly due to the increase
in sales and the sale of new products, which carry a lower gross margin than its
refurbished equipment sales and repairs.

Operating Expenses increased to $1,401,405 for the three-month period ending
June 30, 1999 as compared to $797,738 for the same period ending in 1998. The
operating expenses for the six-month period ending June 30, 1999 were $2,789,227

compared to $1,476,248 for the 1998 comparable period. The increase in the
operating expenses is primarily attributable to the inclusion of the
Subsidiary's operating expenses.

Cable Link and the Subsidiary continue to implement procedures and review the
Company's organizational structure in an attempt to increase efficiencies and
further reduce costs.

The loss from operations for the second quarter ending June 30, 1999 was
$154,885 as compared to the income of $264,918 for the same period in 1998, a
decrease of $419,803. The loss from operations for the six-months ending June
30, 1999 was $243,761 as compared to income of $469,638 for the six-months
ending June 30, 1998. The decrease in income from operations is a result of the
Company's increase in cost of goods sold and an increase in operating expenses.
The increase in hardware, software, and new products sales resulted in an
increase in the cost of goods sold for the Company. These product sales carry a
higher product cost than the service, repair, and refurbishing sales.

In the second quarter of 1999, the Subsidiary hired a new president in an effort
to increase the Subsidiary's service sales. The increase in the sales force for
the six-months ending June 1999 and costs otherwise associated with this change
of focus contributed to the Subsidiary's loss from operations.

The provision for taxes for the second quarter ending June 30, 1999 was $3,422
compared to $54,251 for the second quarter ending June 30, 1998. This decrease
is due to the tax operating loss incurred by the Subsidiary which offset taxable
income incurred by Cable Link. The full tax benefit of these losses has not been
accrued because the realization of these benefits is not more likely than not at
this time.

The following are management's discussion and analysis of material changes in
financial position during the second quarter ending June 30, 1999.

Inventory decreased 24% or $567,404 from December 31, 1998 as compared to June
30, 1999. The decrease is primarily due to Cable Link's sales of existing
inventory for the six months ending June 30, 1999.

Under the terms of Amendment No. 1 of the Stock Purchase and Non-Compete
Agreement included as exhibit 2.3 of the Form 8-K/A filed on November 6, 1998,
the Company will pay the sellers of the Subsidiary $150,000 in monthly
installments over two years and the sellers agreed to not compete with the
Subsidiary for two years. A short-term and a long-term liability have been
recognized. The Company allocated $200,000 of the purchase price to the covenant
to not compete to be amortized using the straight-line method over the same two
year period. The Company has a non-compete agreement with the Subsidiary's
former president through December 31, 1999. The amount of $82,500 has been paid
over six months ending June 30, 1999. Accordingly, a short-term asset and
liability have been recorded and will be amortized using the straight-line
method during 1999.

The short-term obligations ending December 1998 included a term note of
$500,000. This note was converted on May 1, 1999 and will now be amortized on
equal monthly payment on a five-year schedule ($8,333.33). As of June 30, 1999
$400,000 has been classified as a long-term note.

The bank line of credit decreased by $619,028 from December 31, 1998 as compared
to June 30, 1999. This decrease is due to improved cash flows generated by
higher sales by Cable Link and improvement in accounts being received within

The Subsidiary provides a three year on-site parts and labor warranty on
hardware sold. Replacement components are generally provided by the original
equipment manufacturer. The Subsidiary is responsible for installing the
replacement parts. The Subsidiary has estimated the future labor costs to
install replacement parts for the systems that remain under this warranty as of
December 31, 1998. Based on past experience the majority of warranty calls are
made during the first few months of ownership, and therefore the entire
liability is classified as short term. In August 1998, the Subsidiary revised
its warranty policy to provide for on-site parts and labor service for thirty
days. After thirty days, the customer will be charged for all travel time,
unless an extended warranty is purchased. Based on the new policy the accrued
warranty expense has decreased $48,028 from December 31, 1998 to June 30, 1999.

On May 18, 1998, the Company purchased 85.1% of the common stock of the
Subsidiary. Based on the unadjusted purchase price, the Company used net cash of
approximately $700,000 to purchase this common stock. The cash came from an
issuance of long-term debt of $500,000. In September, 1998 the Company signed
Amendment No.1 to the Stock Purchase and Non-Compete Agreement to resolve
differences in the original purchase price. The Amendment provided for a
$350,000 reduction in the original purchase price of $820,000. The $350,000
overpayment was refunded as follows: 1) a cash refund of $80,000, 2)
cancellation of the notes payable to former stockholders of $120,000 3)
repayment to the Company of $100,000 previously held in escrow and 4) a pro rata
reduction of $50,000 in non-compete agreements. On December 18, 1998 the Company
purchased the remaining minority interest for $100,000.

The Company finances its operations primarily through internally generated funds
and bank lines of credit totaling $3,300,000. Bank borrowings decreased by
$619,028 in the second quarter ending June 30,1999 compared to December 31,
1998. Accounts receivable increased $16,158 from December 31, 1998 as compared
to June 30, 1999. Inventory decreased $567,404 from December 31, 1998 to June
30, 1999 or 24%. Accounts Payable increased $197,568 from December 31, 1998 as
compared to June 30, 1999.

As the need for additional capital arises from the increase in business, the
company has made arrangements with the lender through the existing bank credit
facility to meet its needs.

The external sources of cash include the bank line of credit and the $500,000
term note. The Company anticipates no material capital expenditures at this
time. The Company believes that its available financial resources including the
line of credit facility and operating cash flow will be adequate to meet its
foreseeable working capital, debt service and capital expenditures requirements.

YEAR 2000
Cable Link and its Subsidiary ("the Company") have in place detailed programs to
address Year 2000 readiness in its internal control systems and with its key
customers and suppliers. The Year 2000 issue is a result of computer logic that
was written using two digits rather than four to define the applicable year. Any
computer logic that processes date-sensitive information may recognize the date
using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year 2000, which could result in
miscalculations or system failures.

Pursuant to the Company's readiness programs, all major categories of
information technology systems and non-information technology systems (i.e.,
equipment with embedded microprocessors such as heating and cooling systems) in
use by both Cable Link and the Subsidiary, including accounting, repair
equipment, service orders and sales order processing have been addressed. In
addition the plans developed by the Company for information technology systems
and non-information technology systems have been implemented and the required
systems have been modified or replaced. The Company has taken the following
actions regarding its critical areas:

         Accounting - The Company purchased and installed new accounting system
software and hardware or upgrades from outside vendors that are Year 2000
compliant. These upgrades and new systems were required to implement reporting
enhancements and were not purchased solely to become year 2000 compliant.

         Repair equipment - All repair equipment has been tested and the
required modification or upgrades have been completed.

         Sales and service order system - All modifications to software have
been made to be year 2000 compliant. These modifications have been tested.

The Company is also communicating with its major customers, suppliers and
financial institutions to assess the potential impact on the Company's
operations if those third parties fail to become Year 2000 compliant in a timely
manner. While this process is not complete, based on responses to date, it
appears that many of those customers and suppliers have only indicated that they
have in place Year 2000 readiness programs, without specifically confirming that
they will be Year 2000 compliant in a timely manner. Risk assessment, readiness
evaluation, and contingency plans are expected to be completed by December 31,
1999. The Company's key financial institutions have been surveyed and it is the
Company's understanding that they are or will be Year 2000 compliant on or
before December 31, 1999. The Subsidiary does not take responsibility for any
software purchased from the Subsidiary that does not allow for the year 2000
rollover. The Subsidiary is providing all major customers with information to
assist them in evaluating processing systems.

The costs incurred to date related to its Year 2000 activities have not been
material to the Company and based upon estimates, the Company does not believe
that the total cost of its Year 2000 readiness programs will have a material
adverse impact on the Company's results of operations or financial condition.

Based on the Company's current assessment of its information and
non-informational technology systems, it does not believe it is necessary to
develop extensive contingency plans for those systems. There can be no
assurance, however, that any of the Company's plans will be sufficient to handle
all problems or issues that may arise.

The Company believes that it is taking reasonable steps to identify and address
those matters that could cause serious interruptions in its business and
operations due to Year 2000 issues. However, delays in the implementation of new
systems, a failure to fully identify all Year 2000 deficiencies in the Company's
systems and in the systems of its suppliers, customers and financial
institutions, a failure of such third parties to adequately address their
respective Year 2000 issues, or a failure of any plan could have a material
adverse effect on the Company's business, financial conditions and results of
operations. For example, the Company would experience a material adverse impact
on its business if significant suppliers' systems fail to timely provide the
Company with necessary inventories or services due to Year 2000 system failures.

The statements set forth herein concerning Year 2000 issues which are not
historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in
the forward-looking statements. In particular, the costs associated with the
Company's Year 2000 programs and the time frame in which the Company plan to
complete Year 2000 modifications are based upon management's best estimates.
These estimates were derived from internal assessments and assumptions of future
events. These estimates may be adversely affected by the continued availability
of personnel and system resources, and by the failure of significant third
parties to properly address Year 2000 issues. Therefore, there can be no
guarantee that any estimates, or other forward-looking statements will be
achieved, and actual results could differ significantly from those contemplated.

On June 21, 1999 the Company signed an agreement with Scientific-Atlanta which
authorizes and approves Cable Link Inc as an out of warranty repair facility.

On September 1, 1999 the Company will begin operating a single leased facility
in Hollywood, Florida. This facility will be to service Cable Link's
international customers for sales and repair of CATV equipment as well as
establish a Florida market for computer services and hardware sales that the
Subsidiary offers.

                                     PART II
                                OTHER INFORMATION








         Not applicable.




         (a)  Exhibits.

               (2) Charter and Bylaws. The Articles of Incorporation and Code of
               Regulations of the Issuer as presently in effect.

               (3) Instruments Defining the Rights of Security Holders.

                    (a)  See Exhibit 2.1 - Articles of Incorporation; Articles
                         IV, V and VI. See Exhibit 2.2 - Code of Regulations;
                         Articles I, IV and VII

                    (b)  The registrant agrees to provide to the Commission upon
                         request instruments defining the rights of holders of
                         long-term debt of the registrant and all of its
                         subsidiaries for which consolidated financial
                         statements are required to be filed.

               (5) Voting Trust Agreement. None.

               (6) Material Contracts.

               See Exhibit 6.1 - 1995 Stock Option Plan dated October 17, 1995.

               See Exhibit 6.2. - Warrant Agreement for Axxess International
               Group, Inc. dated January 8, 1997.

               See Exhibit 6.3. Non-Competition and Consulting Agreement dated
               October 18, 1994.

               See Exhibit 6.4. First Amendment Agreement to Non-Competition and
               Consulting Agreement dated June 1, 1995.

               See Exhibit 6.5. Second Amendment Agreement to Non-Competition
               and Consulting Agreement dated November 16, 1995.

               See Exhibit 6.6. Consulting Agreement dated October 1, 1996.

               See Exhibit 6.7. Eric S. Newman Independent Consulting Letter
               Agreement dated August 1, 1994.

               See Exhibit 6.8. Loan and Security Agreement dated November 27,

               See Exhibit 6.9. Promissory Note dated April 30, 1997.

               See Exhibit 6.10. Lease dated November 4, 1992 and Lease
               Modification Agreement dated October 26, 1995 for Suite 201, 280
               Cozzins, Columbus, Ohio.

               (7) Material Foreign Patents. None.

               (8) Plan of Acqusition, Reorganization, etc.

               See Exhibit 8.1. Stock Purchase and Non-Compete Agreement among
               PC & Parts, Inc., its Shareholders, Brian Berger and Cable Link,
               Inc. dated May 18, 1998.

               See Exhibit 8.2. Stock Agreement among Cable Link, Inc., PC &
               Parts, Inc. and Brian Berger dated May 18, 1998.

          (b) Reports on Form 8-K.

          A report on Form 8-K was filed on May 29, 1998 reporting the
          acquisition of PC & Parts, Inc. and an amendment thereto was filed on
          July 30, 1998 containing financial statements required pursuant to
          Item 7 of the Form 8-K.

               (10) Consents. The consent of Groner, Boyle & Quillin, LLP


In accordance with the requirements of the Exchange Act, the registrant caused
this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly

                                            CABLE LINK, INC.

Dated  August 12, 1999                      By       s/ Bob Binsky
     -------------------                      ----------------------------------
                                              Bob Binsky, Chairman of the Board
                                              (principal executive officer)

                                            By       s/ Zaida Wahlberg
                                              Zaida Wahlberg, Treasurer
                                              (principal accounting officer)


                                               EXHIBIT INDEX

                                                                                                 PAGE IN
EXHIBIT                                                                                           COPY
2.1.       Articles of Incorporation of Cable Link, Inc., as amended (incorporated
           by reference to Exhibit 2.1 of Form 10-SB, as amended, filed December
           23, 1997 (the "Form 10-SB"); Commission File No. 0-23111).                               *

2.2.       Code of Regulations of Cable Link, Inc., as amended (incorporated by
           reference to Exhibit 2.2 to the Form 10-SB).                                             *

3.1.       See Articles IV, V and VI of the Articles of Incorporation of the
           Registrant (see Exhibit 2.1).

3.2.       See Articles I, IV and VII of the Code of Regulations of the
           Registrant (see Exhibit 2.2).

6.1.       1995 Stock Option Plan dated October 17, 1995 (incorporated by reference
           to Exhibit 6.1 to the Form 10-SB).                                                       *

6. 2.      Warrant Agreement for Axxess International Group, Inc. dated January 8,
           1997 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6.2 to the Form 10-SB).                       *

6. 3.      Non-Competition and Consulting Agreement dated October 18, 1994
           (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6.3 to the Form 10-SB).                            *

6. 4.      First Amendment Agreement to Non-Competition and Consulting Agreement
           dated June 1, 1995 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6.4 to the Form
           10-SB).                                                                                  *

6.5.       Second Amendment Agreement to Non-Competition and Consulting Agreement
           dated November 16, 1995 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6.5 to the
           Form 10-SB).                                                                             *

6.6.       Consulting Agreement dated October 1, 1996 (incorporated by reference to
           Exhibit 6.6 to the Form 10-SB).                                                          *

6.7.       Eric S. Newman Independent Consulting Letter Agreement dated August 1,
           1994 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6.7 to the Form 10-SB).                       *

6.8.       Loan and Security Agreement dated November 27, 1996 (incorporated by
           reference to Exhibit 6.8 to the Form 10-SB).                                             *

6.9.       Promissory Note dated April 30, 1997 (incorporated by reference to
           Exhibit 6.9 to the Form 10-SB).                                                          *

6.10.      Lease dated November 4, 1992 and Lease Modification Agreement dated
           October 26, 1995 for Suite 201, 280 Cozzins, Columbus, Ohio
           (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 6.10 to the Form 10-SB/A of
           Registrant, Registration No. 0-23111)).                                                  *

8.1        Stock Purchase and Non-Compete Agreement among PC & Parts, Inc., its
           Shareholders, Brian Berger and Cable Link, Inc. dated May 18, 1998
           (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to the Form 8-K of Registrant
           filed May 29, 1998, Registration No. 0-23111)                                            *


8.2        Stock Agreement among Cable Link, Inc., PC & Parts, Inc. and Brian
           Berger dated May 18, 1998 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.2 to
           the Form 8-K of Registrant filed May 29, 1998, Registration No. 0-23111)                 *

           Consent of Groner, Boyle & Quillin, LLP (incorporated by reference to
           Exhibit 10.1 to the Form 10-KSB40 of Registrant filed March 31, 1999,
           Registration No. 0-23111)

27.        Financial Data Schedule (submitted electronically for SEC purposes only)

     *Incorporated by reference
