Exhibit 10.9


         This Interactive Marketing Agreement (together with all Exhibits,
Schedules and Annexes hereto, the "Agreement"), effective as of July 1, 1999
(the "Effective Date"), is between America Online, Inc. ("AOL"), a Delaware
corporation, with offices at 22000 AOL Way, Dulles, Virginia 20166, and
americangreetings.com, inc., a Delaware corporation ("AG Parent") and its
wholly-owned subsidiary, AG.Com, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("AGPI" and,
collectively with AG Parent, "AG"), both with offices at One American Road,
Cleveland, Ohio, 44144. AOL and AG may be referred to individually as a "Party"
and collectively as the "Parties."


         AOL and AG each desires to enter into an interactive marketing
relationship whereby AOL will integrate, promote and distribute several
interactive sites referred to (and further defined) herein collectively as the
Customized Site. This relationship is further described below and is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Capitalized terms used but
not defined in the body of the Agreement are used herein as defined on Exhibit




                  1.1.1.   PROMOTIONS TO BE PROVIDED. During the Initial Term
                           (and, during the Term, only to the extent expressly
                           stated herein), AOL will provide AG with the
                           integration, placements, Promotions and Impressions
                           for the Customized Site described on Exhibit A and
                           Exhibit A-1. AOL will implement the Promotions,
                           including the Integrated Promotions in accordance
                           with and pursuant to a timeline established by AG in
                           consultation with AOL, pursuant to the Ramp-Up Period
                           referred to in Section 2.12, or the extent set forth
                           therein, at the times set forth on Exhibit A and
                           Exhibit A-1 (the "Integration Timeline"); provided
                           that failure to do so will not be considered a
                           breach, but shall be remedied in accordance with this
                           Section 1.1.1, Section 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 hereof, as
                           applicable. Subject to AG's prior written approval,
                           which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld,
                           AOL will have the right to fulfill particular
                           promotional commitments with respect to any of the
                           foregoing (other than those identified as "Mission
                           Critical") by providing AG comparable promotional
                           placements in appropriate alternative areas of the
                           AOL Network so long as such integration, placement
                           and Promotions continue to be carried out on the AOL
                           Network. AOL reserves the right to redesign or modify
                           the organization, structure, "look and feel,"
                           navigation and other elements of the AOL Network at
                           any time. In the event such modifications, in AG's
                           reasonable determination, materially and adversely
                           affect any specific Promotion or the overall level of
                           integration of Products within the AOL Network, AOL
                           will provide AG a promotional placement that is, as
                           mutually agreed, comparable. In addition, on an
                           ongoing basis, the Parties shall review the
                           performance of the Promotions and AOL reserves the
                           right to discontinue any Promotions that are
                           under-performing (except any Promotions identified as
                           "Mission Critical"), as reasonably determined with
                           AG's consent (not to be unreasonably withheld). Any
                           Promotion expressly designated in Exhibit A as a
                           "Permanent" Promotion shall not be removed for mere
                           Impressions overdelivery, but shall remain in place
                           during the Initial Term, subject to Section 1 or
                           Exhibit A-1, as applicable.

                  1.1.2.   CONTENT OF PROMOTIONS. The Promotions will link only
                           to the Customized Site (including contextually
                           relevant areas therein) and will promote only the AG
                           Products described on Exhibit D and any additional,
                           substitute or modified AG Products as proposed by AG



                           approved by AOL, such approval not to be unreasonably
                           withheld. The specific AG Content to be contained
                           within the Standard Promotions described in Exhibit A
                           (the "Standard Promo Content") will be determined by
                           AG, subject to AOL's technical limitations, the terms
                           of this Agreement and AOL's policies relating to
                           advertising and promotions. The specific Content to
                           be contained within the Integrated Promotions
                           described in Exhibit A (the "Integrated Promo
                           Content", and together with the Standard Promo
                           Content, the "Promo Content") will be determined (a)
                           to the extent the nature of such Content is related
                           to the marketing message (e.g., traditional ad copy),
                           by AG, subject to AOL's technical limitations, the
                           terms of this Agreement and AOL's policies relating
                           to advertising and promotions, and (b) to the extent
                           the nature of such Content is related to the
                           operation of the AOL Network or the manner or degree
                           of the implementation of integration therein, by AOL
                           in its reasonable editorial discretion, in
                           consultation with AG, and consistent with any express
                           integration requirements herein. AG and AOL will
                           jointly develop a quarterly online marketing plan
                           with respect to the Customized Site and the
                           Promotions. The Parties will meet in person or by
                           telephone at least monthly to review operations and
                           performance hereunder, including a review of the
                           Promo Content, Promotions, integration and carriage
                           plan to ensure that it is designed to maximize
                           performance. Except to the extent expressly described
                           herein, the specific form, placement, duration and
                           nature of the Promotions will be as determined by AOL
                           in its reasonable editorial discretion (consistent
                           with the editorial composition of the applicable

                  1.1.3.   MAKE UP FOR INTEGRATED PROMOTIONS. As used throughout
                           this Section 1.1.3 and in Section 1.1.4 below, in
                           determining the "comparable placement or value" of a
                           particular Promotion, the Parties shall negotiate in
                           good faith to mutually agree, based on a variety of
                           factors (including without limitation [

                                ] In the event that the integration
                           necessary to implement the Integrated Promo Content
                           is not completed in accordance with the Integration
                           Timeline, and to the extent such failure is due to
                           the actions or inaction of AOL, then AOL shall have
                           [     ] full months thereafter to remedy such delay,
                           and, if after such[     ] month period AOL is unable
                           to so remedy, then the Parties shall cooperate in
                           good faith to mutually agree upon an alternative
                           Promotion of "comparable placement or value" to the
                           extent of such undelivered or delayed scheduled

                  1.1.4.   "MISSION CRITICAL" PROMOTIONS. Notwithstanding the
                           foregoing, in the event that AOL fails to provide AG
                           with any integrated Promotion included as a "Mission
                           Critical Promotion" on Exhibit A-1 or an agreed
                           substitute (to the extent such failure is due to the
                           actions or inaction of AOL), in accordance with the
                           express timeline for such integrated Promotion
                           identified on such Exhibit A-1 (subject to Section
                           1.1.6 below) then a "Mission Critical Delayed
                           Integration Event" shall be deemed to have occurred
                           and shall continue until implementation of such
                           Integrated Promotion in question. In the event of a
                           Mission Critical Delayed Integration Event, AOL shall
                           have[     ] full months thereafter to remedy such
                           delay, and, if after such period AOL is unable to so
                           remedy, then the Parties shall negotiate for an
                           additional period of up to[    ] months to reach
                           mutual agreement upon either one of the following two
                           remedies: (A) extending this Agreement on a
                           non-exclusive basis (but only with respect to AOL's
                           obligations for all fixed placements for the
                           particular AOL brand on which the specific Integrated
                           Promotion was undelivered (i.e. a particular
                           Exclusive AOL Property, e.g., only on the AOL Service
                           or only the CompuServe Service, as and to the extent
                           applicable), and expressly not with respect to any
                           other carriage nor exclusivity) for a period equal to
                           [     ] times the length of the duration of such
                           Mission Critical Delayed Integration Event, at no
                           additional charge to AG (for example, a [   ] week
                           delay in achieving such a milestone would result in
                           [    ] such weeks of extension to the Initial Term
                           (with respect to the fixed placements on the
                           applicable brand); any such additional weeks are
                           referred to herein as "Extension Weeks"), but in



                           any case only up to a maximum total extension period
                           for any and all such delays of [       ] in the
                           aggregate for any individual brand; or (B) delivering
                           to AG a mutually agreed upon alternative Promotion of
                           "comparable placement or value" to the extent of such
                           undelivered or delayed scheduled Promotion; provided
                           however, that if after so negotiating for such [


                  1.1.5.   TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT. During the Initial Term, AOL will
                           provide AG with the technology support as set forth
                           in this Agreement (e.g., on Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit
                           I) and will complete the items described in Exhibit
                           A-1 and Exhibit I within the timelines as set forth

                  1.1.6.   TRANSITION FROM V3 TECHNOLOGY TO V4. AG shall achieve
                           the Transition Completion Date on or before [
                                   ] (the "Scheduled Transition Completion
                           Date"), provided that the sole and exclusive remedy
                           available to AOL in the event of any failure or delay
                           in doing so (it being understood that "sole and
                           exclusive remedy" as used in this Section 1.1.6.
                           shall mean the sole and exclusive remedy for such
                           failure to achieve the Transaction Completion Date
                           itself, but not for any other breaches of this
                           Agreement that may be caused as a direct or indirect
                           consequence thereof, e.g., if and to the extent such
                           failure results in another breach hereof, e.g., if it
                           causes, in whole or in part, AG to fail to comply
                           with Section 1 of Exhibit E, then any such separate
                           breach shall still be deemed a breach, with its own
                           remedies and repercussions as set forth herein) shall
                           be as follows: (i) AG shall (a) cooperate with AOL to
                           the extent necessary to ensure that (x) database
                           encryption (with respect to the database of AOL
                           Users' credit card information) is implemented (i.e.,
                           installed in production) by [               ], (y) an
                           Online Viewing Area is available and implemented as
                           set forth herein by [              ] and (z) create
                           multiple databases on one or many servers to meet
                           increased demands (e.g., demand for greetings) as
                           necessary in order to comply with Exhibit E by
                           [                ] and (b) after the [ ] week
                           anniversary of the Scheduled Transition Completion
                           Date, pay AOL's actual and reasonable direct costs
                           (plus 25%) of support for V3 (including without
                           limitation to support encryption (as set forth in
                           Exhibit E and with respect to the database of AOL
                           Users' credit card information), an Online Viewing
                           Area and database scaling as required hereby) and the
                           costs of any mutually agreed enhancements to V3 for
                           the duration of any such failure or delay; provided
                           however that AG shall continue to provide its own
                           `front end' support for V3 (i.e., user interface and
                           other items that AG historically has performed or
                           supported) and AOL shall only be obligated, at AG's
                           expense, to provide such `back end' support for V3
                           and (ii) after the 3 week anniversary of the
                           Scheduled Transition Completion Date, for each
                           additional day late thereafter until the actual
                           Transition Completion Date is achieved, the date for
                           achieving any Hurdles & Thresholds, any date for
                           making payments by AOL to AG pursuant to the
                           Advertising Inventory Agreement Annex and each of
                           AOL's target timelines to integrate any Mission
                           Critical Promotion shall be delayed by an equivalent
                           time period (such that, for a one week delay in
                           achieving the Transition Completion Date, AOL shall
                           have one extra week to implement each Mission
                           Critical Promotion, to meet each of the Hurdles &
                           Thresholds, and to make each payment under the
                           Advertising Inventory Agreement Annex; provided
                           however, that the foregoing remedies shall only be
                           available to the extent that the failure or delay
                           occurs despite the best efforts of AOL (e.g., due to
                           AG's action or inaction). After the [ ] month
                           anniversary of the Scheduled Transition Completion
                           Date, whether or not AG has achieved the Transition
                           Completion Date, then, in addition to all other
                           rights and remedies of AOL herein, AOL shall have no
                           further obligation thereafter to support nor maintain
                           V3 or any related technologies thereafter, except
                           that, with respect to ART, AOL shall continue to
                           provide support to AG (i.e., ongoing maintenance, but
                           not enhancements / developments thereto) to the
                           extent set forth on Exhibit I attached hereto for the



                           existing ART technology, and except that AG shall not
                           be excused from using best efforts thereafter to
                           achieve the Transition Completion Date as rapidly
                           thereafter as possible.

                                    Upon the Transition Completion Date (or the
                                    Scheduled Transition Completion Date,
                                    whichever is earlier), AOL and AG shall
                                    jointly own (and each Party hereby licenses
                                    its rights thereto to the other Party (as
                                    set forth below, the "Technology License"))
                                    all rights to Version 2.0 (as defined in the
                                    Prior Agreement) and V3 as each exists on
                                    the Interim Date and on the Transition
                                    Completion Date, together with any
                                    improvements or enhancements thereto
                                    (including the technology itself but
                                    expressly excluding Content therein to the
                                    extent such Content is supplied by AG and
                                    not by AOL (such Content being owned
                                    exclusively by AG) and expressly excluding
                                    V4 or any improvements or enhancements
                                    thereto) (collectively, the "Licensed
                                    Technology"), and neither Party can sell
                                    such rights to such technology without the
                                    consent of the other Party (not to be
                                    unreasonably withheld). Such Technology
                                    License shall be a perpetual, non-exclusive,
                                    worldwide, license (with the right to
                                    sublicense) to such Licensed Technology, in
                                    object code and source code forms including,
                                    without limitation, any source code
                                    materials, designs, technical
                                    specifications, and documentation related
                                    thereto, including the rights to use, copy,
                                    distribute, transmit, publicly perform and
                                    publicly display, upgrade, enhance, create
                                    derivative works from, and otherwise modify
                                    such Licensed Technology.

                  1.1.7.   CO MARKETING. In addition to the other promotions
                           described herein and without reducing in any way any
                           other such promotion, [
                                        ] of co-marketing in connection with the
                           launch of the Customized Site. Such co-marketing may
                           include, as reasonably determined by AOL in
                           consultation with AG, off-line promotions or on-line
                           promotions within the AOL Network (such as pop-up
                           screen promotions) and shall be coordinated with
                           marketing efforts of AG.

         1.2.     AG PROMOTION OF CUSTOMIZED SITE AND AOL. As set forth in
                  fuller detail in Exhibit C and subject to the terms and
                  conditions thereof, AG will promote the AOL Interactive
                  Service and will promote the availability of the Customized
                  Site through the AOL Network. The Customized Site shall not
                  promote any other Interactive Service whatsoever except for
                  (a) any offline retail entities with which American Greetings
                  Corporation or its Affiliates has a traditional retailing
                  relationship for the distribution of physical, offline
                  greeting cards (e.g., [                 ]); provided that, if
                  AOL reasonably determines that such entity is a competitor of
                  AOL or its affiliates, then AOL shall be permitted to require
                  AG to stop promoting any such entities on the Customized Site
                  or (b) with AOL's prior written approval, any products or
                  services of an entity which is an Interactive Service, which
                  such products or services themselves, if provided by a
                  distinct entity, would not themselves make such entity an
                  Interactive Service (e.g., promoting phones from [     ]) (but
                  expressly not any products or services which would, themselves
                  qualify an entity as an Interactive Service (e.g., no ISP dial
                  up services of [      ])); provided that any entity which is
                  primarily an Interactive Service (i.e., at least the majority
                  of the products and services it provides or the majority of
                  its activities would, themselves qualify an entity as an
                  Interactive Service) shall not be excluded per this clause (b)
                  regardless of the product or service in question (e.g., if XYZ
                  company is primarily an Interactive Service, then even phones
                  from XYZ company would fall outside the scope of this
                  exception). On the Standard Site, AG shall not promote any
                  [    ] Interactive Service (except any products or services of
                  an entity which is a [    ] Interactive Service, which such
                  products or services themselves, if provided by a distinct
                  entity, would not themselves make such entity a [    ]
                  Interactive Service (e.g., promoting phones from [   ]) (but
                  expressly not any products or services which would, themselves
                  qualify an entity as a [    ] Interactive Service (e.g., no
                  ISP dial up services of [  ])); provided that any entity which
                  is primarily a [     ] Interactive Service (i.e., at least the
                  majority of the products and services it provides or the
                  majority of its activities would, themselves qualify an entity
                  as a [    ] Interactive Service) shall not be excluded per
                  this exception regardless of the product or service in
                  question (e.g., if XYZ company is primarily a



                  [    ] Interactive Service (i.e., at least the majority of the
                  products and services it provides or the majority of its
                  activities would, themselves qualify an entity as a [    ]
                  Interactive Service), then even phones from XYZ company would
                  fall outside the scope of this exception) unless such
                  promotion is accompanied by an AOL promotion of equal or
                  greater prominence (except that AG may create a customized
                  version of AG's website for any third party, including another
                  Interactive Service, if and to the extent such site is
                  intended for or targeted to any third party's customers (and
                  is not the Customized Site nor AG's primary Standard Site) (a
                  "Third Party Customized Site"), and may so promote any
                  Interactive Service within such third party's own Third Party
                  Customized Site). AOL shall be promoted by AG with `equal or
                  greater prominence in the aggregate' (as described below) to
                  any other third party promoted in any AG offline promotions
                  (except for any offline retail entities with which American
                  Greetings Corporation has a traditional retailing relationship
                  (e.g., [       ])); it being understood and agreed that `equal
                  or greater prominence in the aggregate' shall mean as is
                  reasonably agreed by the Parties but may consist of promotions
                  in another offline promotion (i.e., does not generally require
                  side by side promotion in the same promotion), except that, in
                  the case of promotion of more than one Interactive Service in
                  any offline promotion involving AG, AOL must be promoted with
                  equal or greater prominence as every other Interactive Service
                  within the same promotion.


         2.1.     CREATION OF CUSTOMIZED SITE. AG will create customized,
                  co-branded versions of AG's primary Interactive Site (or more
                  than one customized version of AG's primary Interactive Site,
                  if necessary), which customized Interactive Sites shall comply
                  with all requirements set forth in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, and
                  all other requirements of this Agreement (collectively, such
                  site(s), as they or their successors may exist and be modified
                  hereafter consistent with the terms hereof, shall be referred
                  to herein as the "Customized Site"). AG shall be responsible
                  for all costs and expenses directly related to the
                  development, creation, communications, hosting and
                  connectivity associated with the Customized Site, unless and
                  to the extent otherwise expressly set forth herein and
                  excluding the costs and expenses of operating and maintaining
                  the AOL Network. Each page of the Customized Site shall have
                  AOL or AOL affiliate branded headers/toolbars (in mutually
                  agreed size and design, but substantially similar to AOL's
                  other major commerce partners (e.g., eBay)), shall have the
                  appropriate look and feel for the applicable AOL brand and
                  navigation back thereto, and, except as otherwise provided
                  below, shall be located on the URL for the appropriate AOL
                  affiliate (e.g., www.ag.aol.com or www.ag.compuserve.com,
                  provided that AOL makes use of such URL available to AG at no
                  charge) such that AOL receives credit for all traffic thereto,
                  in each case in accordance with AOL's (or the applicable AOL
                  affiliate's) then current generally applicable standards, and
                  contain a navigational link to the appropriate property of the
                  AOL Network. AOL shall cooperate with AG and any third party
                  traffic measurement service (e.g., Media Metrix), to
                  facilitate AG's also receiving credit for traffic to such URL
                  as part of its overall network. Without limiting the
                  foregoing, AOL shall issue a duly authorized letter to such
                  traffic measurement services requesting such credit for AG)
                  (the "Traffic Letter"). In addition to the foregoing, AOL will
                  ensure that AG gets credit (including at least as listed by
                  [                                                       ] in
                  publicly announced traffic measurements regarding unique
                  visitors) for the full reach of unique visitors to the
                  Customized Site, including by, if and to the extent necessary
                  to achieve such result, [


         2.2.     CONTENT. AG will maintain a line of Greeting Products (and
                  other Content to the extent required herein) in the Customized
                  Site which is competitive with any Additional AG Channel and
                  with other leading full line providers of similar products
                  available on the Internet, in terms of breadth of content,
                  depth of content, quality of content, and functionality
                  incorporated within the content, to


                  the extent the AOL Network's service capabilities and
                  functionality permit (the "Product Line Depth Requirements").
                  Except as mutually agreed in writing by the Parties (or as
                  required by this Agreement), the Customized Site will contain
                  only the AG Products listed on Exhibit D as they or their
                  successors may exist and be modified by AG hereafter
                  consistent with the terms hereof, and Content directly related
                  thereto (and any changes in the overall scope and nature of
                  the Products offered by AG in the Customized Site beyond those
                  listed on Exhibit D or otherwise set forth herein or mutually
                  agreed to by the Parties shall be subject to AOL's review and
                  reasonable approval, and the terms of this Agreement)
                  (collectively, the "Product Line Four Corners Requirements").
                  All sales of AG Products through the Customized Site will be
                  conducted either through a direct sales format (including
                  individual Product sales and quantity sales such as a "value
                  pack") or [

                          ]. Subject only to express limitations of this
                  Agreement, AG shall have editorial discretion over the
                  editorial Content, programming and links (including in the
                  Cooperative Advertising Categories) (but in each case
                  excluding any Advertisements) on its Customized Site; [

                            ] provided that, if AOL reasonably determines that
                  such Link [                           ] has a material adverse
                  effect on AOL or its affiliates, then AOL shall be permitted
                  to require AG to terminate such Link [
                              ] (but not to remove the editorial content related
                  thereto) (an "AOL Content Override"). AOL may exercise its
                  option to implement an AOL Content Override at any time;
                  provided that if and after AOL has exercised and implemented
                  an AOL Content Override more than [        ] times in any one
                  calendar year, then thereafter, in the event of any additional
                  AOL Content Override implemented by AOL, if such
                  implementation prevents AG from obtaining such editorial
                  content (e.g., such third party will not provide such content
                  without such Link) which such content, (i) by its unique or
                  special nature, AG is otherwise unable to obtain or supply;
                  (ii) which AG deems reasonably necessary to enhance the AG
                  Customized Site customer experience, and (iii) which AG
                  reasonably determines (in good faith), (subject to AOL's
                  consent, not to be unreasonably withheld), that such content
                  would add significant value or comprehensiveness to AG's
                  Greeting Product offerings, [

                           ] AG will review, delete, edit, create, update and
                  otherwise manage all Content available on or through the
                  Customized Site in accordance with the terms of this
                  Agreement. To the extent AG has control over the sales of any
                  Advertisements within the Customized Site, AG will use



                  commercially reasonable efforts to solicit advertising from
                  AOL's partners first, prior to accepting any Advertisements
                  for, or distributing the products, services or content of, any
                  third party which is a direct competitor in the same industry
                  with any of AOL's most significant exclusive or premiere
                  partners (e.g., in the telecommunications, credit cards,
                  books, music or auctions industry). Any such sales shall be
                  subject to AOL's then-applicable advertising policies and
                  AOL's prior approval (not to be unreasonably withheld). In any
                  case where an AOL partner (i.e. a party that has a customized
                  Interactive Site targeted to AOL Users and linked to from AOL
                  or one of the AOL brands that is an Exclusive Area hereunder
                  (a "Partner Customized Site")) seeks AG's permission to link
                  to an AG Interactive Site from the Partner Customized Site, AG
                  shall only permit such link to the Customized Site. The
                  Customized Site shall be subject to all AOL policies which are
                  generally applicable to AOL's commerce partners regarding the
                  distribution of streaming media (including, without
                  limitation, policies regarding downloads and streaming audio
                  or video) over the AOL Network. AG acknowledges that such
                  generally applicable policies may be different for each AOL
                  property or service. Without limiting any other terms hereof
                  (e.g., without limitation, Section 1 of Exhibit E), AG shall
                  use commercially reasonable efforts to have the applicable
                  Brand Specific Customized Site (e.g., with respect to
                  Netscape, the Brand Specific Customized Site tailored to the
                  Netscape audience), in each case at AOL's option (a) include
                  the ability for an AOL User to select a cover image from a
                  gallery of online electronic photos and pictures and to write
                  their own caption; (b) include the ability to send a
                  professional-looking online card using a photo the AOL User
                  provides themselves; (c) include the ability to send online
                  electronic cards (similar to traditional postcards) from major
                  destination cities; (d) include the ability to attach the AOL
                  User's own voice to an online electronic card by uploading an
                  audio file of themselves saying a greeting; (e) include the
                  ability in selected online cards to compose a lengthy note
                  with formatted text and hyperlinks for inclusion with an
                  online electronic card; and (f) include a catalog of online
                  electronic photos and pictures illustrating major historical
                  events for AOL Users to send in order to commemorate those
                  events, it being understood that (i) AG shall have no
                  obligation under any of (a) through (f) above to provide the
                  technology to carry out the digitization or other input by the
                  user of any sound or image, the foregoing requirements
                  applying only to technology to manipulate (as and to the
                  extent provided for above) such Content once online in digital
                  form, subject to reasonable technological limitations (e.g. as
                  to file size or format) and (ii) any obligation of AG is
                  subject to the capabilities and functionalities provided by
                  the AOL Network.

                  2.2.1.   OTHER CONTENT FOR THE AOL NETWORK. Provided that (i)
                           AG retains ownership of the Licensed Content it
                           provides to AOL to be provided to end users; (ii)
                           end-users are subject to the same online licensing
                           and use restrictions with respect to such Content as
                           those in AG's then applicable online terms of service
                           or subscription agreement for such Content (or
                           substantially similar Content of AG) and (iii) AG is
                           provided appropriate Advertisement placement and
                           branding in any area in which its Content is

                  CAPTIONS FOR YGP. AG will provide, at AOL's
                                    option (to be exercised with reasonable
                                    advance notice to AG), at no cost to AOL or
                                    AOL Users from AG (but AOL may opt to charge
                                    its end users, subject to mutual agreement
                                    with AG as to the appropriate revenue share
                                    to AG therefor), a non-exclusive library of
                                    captions, for YGP users to choose from for
                                    inclusion in their respective photo albums
                                    (the "YGP Captions").

                  HOMETOWN. AG will provide to AOL, at AOL's
                                    option (to be exercised with reasonable
                                    advance notice to AG), at no cost to AOL or
                                    AOL Users from AG (but AOL may opt to charge
                                    its end users, subject to mutual agreement
                                    with AG as to the appropriate revenue share
                                    to AG therefor), (a) clip-art (and AG shall
                                    allow integration of such art into AOL's
                                    publishing tools); (b) home page templates
                                    (and AG shall allow integration of such
                                    templates into AOL's publishing tools); (c)
                                    animated and/or interactive home page
                                    artwork (similar to Thingworld.com or
                                    Zapa.com); (d) member profile templates (and
                                    AG shall allow integration of such templates
                                    into AOL's Member Directory).

                  NETSCAPE WEBMAIL AND ICQ E-MAIL. AG shall,
                                    at AOL's option (to be exercised with
                                    reasonable advance notice to AG), at no cost
                                    to AOL or AOL Users from AG (but AOL may opt
                                    to charge its end users, subject to mutual
                                    agreement with AG as to the appropriate
                                    revenue share to AG therefor), provide
                                    stationery for Netscape's Webmail and ICQ
                                    E-mail products, (a) using HTML that
                                    supports 3.x and above browsers; and (b)
                                    which is organized into useful categories,
                                    such as holidays, invitations, business,

         2.3.     CUSTOMIZATION OF CONTENT. Pursuant to Sections 2.1 and 2.2,
                  and the terms hereof and subject to AOL's approval (such
                  approval not to be unreasonably withheld), AG shall create
                  distinct versions of the Customized Site for each applicable
                  property of the AOL Network (i.e., one for each Exclusive AOL
                  Property, including each Foreign Local Market for AOL
                  International, e.g., one for linking from the AOL Service, one
                  for linking from the ICQ Service, etc., or any other AOL
                  property if and to the extent AOL is providing carriage from
                  such property pursuant to Exhibit A or



                  Exhibit A-1 [
                               ] (each, a "Brand Specific Customized Site");
                  provided that, as used in this Agreement (including without
                  limitation in Exhibit E, but except as otherwise provided
                  herein) each reference to or requirement or obligation for the
                  Customized Site shall apply equally to each individual Brand
                  Specific Customized Site. AG will include certain distinct
                  Content within each Brand Specific Customized Site, tailored
                  and targeted to the applicable audience (the "Brand Specific
                  Content")). The Parties will cooperate to mutually agree on
                  appropriate Brand Specific Content for each site, including at
                  a minimum (but in each case subject to the Rollout in Section
                  2.12 hereof), with respect to international distribution, each
                  Brand Specific Customized Site in each Foreign Local Market
                  and the Greeting Products and Content therein in the
                  appropriate local languages.

                  that all Greeting Products ordered from any Customized Site,
                  when delivered (regardless of the Greeting Media used for
                  delivery, as described below), shall include in the Greeting
                  Media (and, if and to the extent AG includes branding in its
                  Greeting Products for any third party [
                  then also in the Greeting Product) (i) prominent AOL
                  co-branding to appear as mutually agreed, (ii) links to an AOL
                  Interactive Site (provided that such site shall be one which
                  is mutually agreed to be contextually relevant by the Parties
                  or is otherwise a mutually agreeable site), and (iii) links to
                  the Customized Site only (but in no event to the Standard
                  Site). Immediately upon production implementation of V4, any
                  Greeting Products ordered from any Customized Site, when
                  delivered, shall be available for initial viewing by the
                  recipient online (e.g., in an online `pick-up window' rather
                  than being initially viewed as an e-mail or downloadable
                  attachment thereto), and any time any pick up window is used,
                  then such Greeting Products shall reside and be viewable
                  within (i.e., the pick up window itself shall only reside
                  therein) a designated area of an appropriate Brand Specific
                  Customized Site (the "Online Viewing Area") (it being
                  understood that the appropriate Brand Specific Customized Site
                  may depend on the identity of both the sender and the
                  recipient, as well as where and how such Product was ordered
                  (for example, an AOL Service member ordering a Greeting
                  Product through the AOL Service to be sent to a non-AOL member
                  cannot be accessible via the AOL Service Brand Specific
                  Customized Site by the recipient, since the recipient cannot
                  access such site)). However, the Parties may, by mutual
                  agreement as to the best consumer experience and user
                  interface, elect to subsequently change the initial delivery
                  vehicle (Greeting Media) for such Greeting Products (it being
                  understood and agreed that any such change may adversely
                  affect the total amount and/or value of the advertising
                  inventory on the Customized Site, and shall therefore also
                  require (a) mutual agreement regarding appropriate reductions
                  to (and revisions to the timing of) (1) [
                                     ] pursuant to the Advertising Inventory
                  Agreement Annex, and (2) AOL's Advertising Hurdle Amounts
                  pursuant to the Advertising Inventory Agreement Annex, and (b)
                  that AOL receives similar rights to the sale of advertising
                  inventory and revenue sharing with respect thereto on any such
                  new Greeting Medium as it has with respect to the Customized
                  Site). Each screen or page of each Online Viewing Area, if
                  any, shall contain a prominent link to an AOL Interactive Site
                  selected by AOL and co-branding as set forth herein and as
                  otherwise mutually agreed. In addition, any Greeting Media
                  (delivery vehicle for the link) containing the link to the
                  appropriate Online Viewing Area, if any, shall be co-branded
                  as mutually agreed (e.g., in an e-mail delivering a link to
                  view a Greeting Product, if ordered from the ICQ Service, then
                  the e-mail itself should contain a statement to the effect of:
                  "Sent to you by American Greetings, from ICQ" (or whichever is
                  the appropriate brand from which the Greeting Product was
                  ordered), or a substantially similar and/or mutually agreed
                  upon message. If the Greeting Product as ordered is an AOL
                  Exclusive Offer (as defined in Section 2.9), or otherwise
                  consists of content exclusively available to AOL Users or a
                  subset thereof, then such Greeting Media and Online Viewing
                  Area, if any, should contain a statement to the effect of:
                  "This Greeting available exclusively on AOL from American
                  Greetings" or a substantially similar and/or mutually agreed
                  message. [




         2.5.     PRODUCTION WORK. Except as agreed to in writing by the Parties
                  pursuant to the "Production Work" section of the Standard
                  Online Commerce Terms & Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit
                  F or otherwise, AG will be responsible for all production work
                  associated with the Customized Site, including all related
                  costs and expenses, but excluding the costs and expenses of
                  operating and maintaining the AOL Network (and AOL shall be
                  responsible for any integration of any Integrated Promotions
                  within the AOL Network, including all related costs and
                  expenses, as required to implement such Promotions as
                  scheduled herein).

         2.6.     TECHNOLOGY. AG will conform its promotion and sale of Products
                  through the Customized Site to the then-existing technologies
                  identified by AOL which are optimized for the AOL Service
                  including, without limitation, any "quick checkout" tool which
                  AOL may implement to facilitate purchase of products by AOL
                  Users through the Customized Site; provided, however, without
                  limiting any other terms hereof (e.g., without limitation,
                  Section 1 of Exhibit E), in the case of any future technology
                  (and the cost of integration of such technology into the
                  Customized Site) that such technology is generally available
                  on commercially reasonable prices and terms [

                                                     ]). AOL will be entitled to
                  require reasonable changes to the Content (including, without
                  limitation, the features or functionality) within any linked
                  pages of the Customized Site to the extent such Content will,
                  in AOL's good faith judgment, adversely affect, for
                  technological reasons such as Content format incompatibility
                  or excessive demand on bandwidth, any operational aspect of
                  the AOL Network. AOL reserves the right to review and test the
                  Customized Site from time to time to determine whether the
                  site is compatible with AOL's then-available client and host
                  software and the AOL Network, provided that such review and
                  testing is reasonable, is done using non-production system
                  copies of the Customized Site or planned and scheduled in
                  advance to prevent any performance degradation of the
                  production environment of the Customized Site.

         2.7.     PRODUCT OFFERING.

                  2.7.1.   INITIAL PRODUCT OFFERINGS. The Product Line Depth
                           Requirements set forth in Section 2.2 shall not apply
                           to the extent it is commercially or technically
                           impractical to either Party (i.e., compliance would
                           cause either Party to incur substantial incremental
                           costs); and the Product Line Depth Requirements and
                           the Product Line Four Corners Requirements shall not
                           be deemed to have been violated to the extent that
                           any such Content is included briefly in one area on a
                           test basis.

                           SERVICES. AG (subject to its availability of
                           resources and the allocation, in AG's discretion, of
                           its development priorities) shall, upon reasonable
                           request (including reasonable advance notice) from
                           AOL, produce and deliver additional Content
                           ("Broadband Content") tailored to broadband products
                           and services (e.g., animation clips, audio,
                           backgrounds (e.g., for AOL Member profiles, desktops
                           or screensavers)) provided, however, that if such
                           Content requires any additional technology, such
                           technology is generally available on commercially
                           reasonable prices and terms, or, in the case of
                           technology of AOL, that such technology is made
                           available by AOL [            ]. If and to the extent
                           AG creates or distributes any Products based on
                           Broadband Content, AG shall make the same available
                           to AOL



                           hereunder (subject to Section 2.7.1 and the lead in
                           clauses (i) through (iii) of Section 2.2.1).

                  2.7.3.   PARENTAL CONTROLS. AG shall cooperate with AOL to
                           develop appropriate and effective "parental controls"
                           for any AG Content that may not be suitable for
                           children, if any. AG acknowledges that this is in
                           addition to, and not in lieu of, AOL's Terms of
                           Service (available online on the AOL Service at
                           Keyword "TOS"), the terms of which shall still apply
                           to all AG Content as and to the extent provided
                           herein, including without limitation in Section 2 of
                           Exhibit F.

                  2.7.4.   [


         2.8.     PRICING AND TERMS. [

                  provided, however, that AG shall not be restricted from
                  offering special or promotional pricing or from conducting
                  marketing tests of pricing with respect to any Additional AG
                  Channel (on a limited basis and to the extent such does not
                  have a material detrimental impact on AOL); provided further,
                  that AG shall not be restricted with respect to any marketing
                  or distribution channel that is not an Additional AG Channel;
                  and, provided further that AG shall not be deemed in violation
                  of the foregoing to the extent that its offerings are limited
                  by the capabilities and functionality of the AOL Network.
                  Without limiting the foregoing, AG and AOL will meet at least
                  [        ] to review whether the pricing and terms and
                  conditions of the Greeting Products within the Customized Site
                  are generally competitive compared with substantially similar
                  Greeting Products sold by or on behalf of any other major
                  greeting card provider offering a full line of Greeting
                  Products through any other online or Interactive Site
                  (including without limitation the mix of free products versus
                  upsells); and provided further that AOL agrees that AG will
                  not be deemed to have violated the provisions of this
                  Agreement by offering lower prices than those available
                  through the Customized Site in the following circumstances:


         2.9.     EXCLUSIVE OFFERS & CONTENT/MEMBER BENEFITS. AG will promote
                  through the Customized Site a program of special or
                  promotional offers [

                                                                ] provided that
                  such promotions need not be identical or simultaneous to such
                  other offers. In addition, AG shall promote through the
                  Customized Site, [
                                          ] special offers which are exclusively
                  available to AOL Users (the "AOL Exclusive Offers"). The AOL
                  Exclusive Offers made available by AG shall provide a
                  substantial member benefit to AOL Users, either by virtue of a
                  meaningful price discount, product enhancement, unique service
                  benefit or other special feature. Specific AOL Exclusive
                  Offers to be made available by AG shall from time to time
                  include without limitation one or more of the AOL Exclusive
                  Offers listed on Exhibit D-1.



                 AG will provide AOL with reasonable prior notice of AOL
                  Exclusive Offers so that AOL can market the availability of
                  such AOL Exclusive Offers in the manner AOL deems appropriate
                  in its editorial discretion. In addition to such Exclusive
                  Offers, AG will also create certain items of Greetings Content
                  exclusively for AOL Users (e.g., certain kids related content)
                  (the "Exclusive Content"). The Exclusive Content shall
                  include, at a minimum, that listed on Exhibit D-1.

         2.10.    OPERATING STANDARDS. In the event AG fails to comply with any
                  material term of this Agreement or any Exhibit attached
                  hereto, which failure, by its nature and in the specific case
                  has an immediate and material adverse effect on AOL [  ]
                  requires timely or immediate action by AOL [           ] any
                  of: [

                  then AOL will have the right (as the sole remedies available
                  to AOL hereunder, other than Sections 8.6, 8.7, and any
                  indemnification provisions hereof, (it being understood that
                  "sole remedies" as used in this Section 2.10 shall mean the
                  sole remedies for such immediate and material adverse effect
                  itself, but not for any other breaches of this Agreement that
                  may be caused as a direct or indirect consequence thereof nor
                  by the underlying failure to so comply by AG, e.g., if and to
                  the extent such failure results in another breach hereof,
                  e.g., if it causes, in whole or in part, AG to fail to comply
                  with Section 1 of Exhibit E, then any such separate breach
                  shall still be deemed a breach, with its own remedies and
                  repercussions as set forth herein)) to immediately, without
                  notice to AG (provided AOL uses reasonable efforts to so
                  notify AG and in any event so notifies AG immediately
                  thereafter), decrease the promotion it provides to AG
                  hereunder (but such decrease shall only be to the extent
                  reasonably necessary to address such specific problem, to the
                  extent feasible (e.g., by blocking certain Promotions in
                  certain channels rather than blocking all Promotions, if and
                  to the extent that is all that is necessary to prevent the
                  problem), until such time as AG corrects its non-compliance.
                  AOL shall promptly restore any such Promotions if and after AG
                  corrects such problems. In such event, AOL will be relieved of
                  that percentage of any promotional commitment made to AG by
                  AOL hereunder equal to the total number of days AG's violation
                  of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) above divided by the total
                  number of days in the originally scheduled Initial Term
                  (without extensions or renewals) and any Hurdles & Thresholds
                  set forth herein will each be reduced by the same percentage
                  (but only to the extent applicable during the period of
                  non-compliance). The Parties acknowledge and agree that AOL
                  may take the immediate actions as set forth herein, but may
                  not immediately terminate this Agreement as a result of such
                  non-compliance by AG with the terms of this Section 2.10
                  unless after giving AG [         ] days notice and an
                  opportunity to cure during such [ ] day period, such breach is
                  continuing (provided that AG has not demonstrated a pattern of
                  such breaches, each under [ ] days, but in total having a
                  material adverse impact).

         2.11.    TRAFFIC FLOW. AG will take reasonable efforts to ensure that
                  AOL traffic is either kept within the Customized Site or
                  channeled back into the AOL Network (with the exception of
                  Advertising, sponsorship or other Links sold and implemented
                  as expressly permitted by this Agreement). The Parties will
                  work together on implementing mutually acceptable links from
                  the Customized Site back to the AOL Service or other
                  applicable area of the AOL Network. In the event that AOL
                  points to the Customized Site or any other AG Interactive Site
                  or otherwise delivers traffic to such site hereunder, AG will
                  ensure that navigation back to the AOL Network from such site,
                  whether through a particular pointer or link, the "back"
                  button on an Internet browser, the closing of an active
                  window, or any other return mechanism, is reasonably available
                  (as mutually agreed) to the user.

         2.12.    ROLLOUT. The Parties shall cooperate to implement a phased
                  roll out (the "Rollout") of the Customized Sites and ramp up
                  of certain of AG's obligations hereunder, in each case to the
                  extent set forth in this Section 2.12, and of certain of AOL's
                  Promotional obligations, in each case to the extent set forth
                  in this Section 2.12. The first phase of the Rollout shall
                  begin on the Interim Date and end on [                ] (or
                  earlier, if and to the extent mutually agreed) ("Phase One");
                  the second and final phase of the Rollout shall begin after
                  Phase One and end on [



                     ] (or earlier, if and to the extent mutually agreed), after
                  which, the Rollout shall be complete ("Phase Two", with Phase
                  One and Phase Two collectively being the "Ramp Up Period").
                  This Section 2.12 shall only apply during the Ramp Up Period,
                  and thereafter shall in no way limit any obligations elsewhere
                  herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,
                  including without limitation the requirements of Section 1 of
                  Exhibit E, the following shall apply:

                  2.12.1.  DURING PHASE ONE. (i) During Phase One (except as
                           provided below in clause (iii) with respect to the
                           AOL Service) AG shall be excused from any obligation
                           hereunder it is then not meeting relating directly to
                           the technical and operational ability of AG's
                           Customized Site to withstand traffic levels from
                           scheduled Promotions as set forth in Exhibit E); (ii)
                           During Phase One AOL shall cooperate with AG to
                           gradually ramp up Promotions hereunder (e.g., one
                           brand at a time) (and AOL shall therefore be excused
                           from any obligations to implement Promotions to the
                           extent reasonably necessary to comply herewith, and
                           AG shall be excused from any obligations (subject to
                           clauses (iii), (iv) and (v) below) to have the
                           Customized Site and all individual Brand Specific
                           Customized Sites launched on the Effective Date or
                           during Phase One to the extent reasonably necessary
                           to comply herewith (it being understood and agreed
                           that, so long as the requirement to have a Customized
                           Site or Modified Customized Site is excused, so are
                           necessarily all related obligations (e.g., without
                           limitation, that such site have customized content,
                           pick up windows, technology requirements, etc.))), to
                           allow load testing (it being understood and agreed
                           that, during the entire Ramp Up Period (including
                           during Phase One), AOL shall reserve its rights under
                           Section 2.10 to act immediately for timely issues,
                           but not any termination right as a result thereof
                           pursuant to Section 2.10, until after the end of
                           Phase One); (iii) During Phase One the Brand Specific
                           Customized Site for the AOL Service will be launched
                           and fully compliant with all terms of this Agreement
                           applicable thereto by the Scheduled Transition
                           Completion Date; (iv) During Phase One AG will launch
                           all of the other Brand Specific Customized Sites, but
                           such sites may be merely Modified Customized Sites
                           (subject to clause (v) with respect to international
                           sites) (it being understood and agreed that the
                           obligation to have a Customized Site and all the
                           related requirements thereof are excused provided
                           that the obligations to have Modified Customized
                           Sites and all related obligations thereof are met in
                           accordance herewith); and (v) During Phase One AG
                           will launch Content meeting the requirements of
                           Section 1 of Exhibit E for each Brand Specific
                           Customized Site, including each international Brand
                           Specific Customized Site in each Foreign Local
                           Market, except that during Phase One the
                           international Brand Specific Customized Sites need
                           not be fully localized (i.e., Greeting Products and
                           other Content therein shall be provided in the local
                           language, but the Brand Specific Customized Site
                           website itself may still be in English by the end of
                           Phase One).

                  2.12.2.  DURING THE ENTIRE RAMP UP PERIOD. (i) During Phase
                           Two, AG shall convert each of the Modified Customized
                           Sites to the compliant various Brand Specific
                           Customized Sites; (ii) During the entire Ramp Up
                           Period AOL shall not be required to link Promotions
                           to any site that is not a Customized Site, but may
                           link to a Modified Customized Site if the Parties
                           mutually agree (in which case AOL shall share in the
                           revenues to any site linked to in accordance with the
                           terms hereof on the terms provided for a Modified
                           Customized Site; and (iii) During the entire Ramp Up
                           Period AG shall not be deemed in breach of this
                           Agreement for AG's failure, with respect to
                           individual international Brand Specific Customized
                           Sites in any Foreign Local Markets, to meet the
                           obligations of Section 1 of Exhibit E with respect
                           thereto (and therefore AOL shall not be entitled to
                           terminate the Agreement for a material breach of AG
                           for such event); provided that AOL shall still be
                           entitled, subject to Section (v) of Section 2.12.1
                           above, to terminate the exclusivity and/or the
                           carriage in any such Foreign Local Market for such
                           failure to meet such obligations (i.e., in such case,
                           AOL may terminate the exclusivity or the agreement
                           with respect to only those Foreign Local Markets
                           which are not compliant with Section 1 of Exhibit E,
                           but such may not be deemed a material breach of the
                           entire Agreement by AG). By the end of Phase Two, AG
                           will have launched each Brand Specific Customized
                           Site and each



                           shall be fully compliant with all requirements
                           hereof, including being customized to the applicable
                           audience to the extent required by Section 2.3.


         3.1.     [


         3.2.     [


                  3.2.1.   [








                  3.2.2.   [


                  3.2.3.   [


                  3.2.4.   [



                  3.2.5.   [


                  3.2.6.   [


                  3.2.7.   [                                            ]

                  3.2.8.   [


                  3.2.9.   [


                  3.2.10.  [



         3.3.     [                ]

                  3.3.1.   [


                  3.3.2.   [

4.       PAYMENTS.

                  a guaranteed cash payment of One Hundred Million Dollars (US
                  $100,000,000.00), payable as follows:

                  4.1.1.   [


                  4.1.2.   [

                  4.1.3.   [

                  4.1.4.   [

                  4.1.5.   [



         4.3.     IN-KIND PROGRAMMING AND PROMOTION. AG shall provide AOL with
                  the in-kind promotional commitments specified on Exhibit C-1
                  attached hereto (the "In-Kind Promotions"). AG shall be
                  responsible for operation and supervision of such promotions,
                  and for compliance with all applicable laws, rules and
                  regulations related to any such promotions. All In-Kind
                  Promotions shall be delivered in accordance with the terms of
                  such Exhibit C-1, including without limitation, subject to the
                  makegood provisions and remedies therein.

         4.4.     SHARING OF TRANSACTION REVENUES. With respect to each quarter,
                  AG will pay AOL an amount equal to the Applicable Percentage
                  of all Transaction Revenues in such quarter. Such amount shall
                  be due and payable for each quarter within [  ] days after the
                  end of such quarter. The "Applicable Percentage" for any
                  Transaction Revenues shall be [   ]%, except that the
                  Applicable Percentage shall be [   ]% with respect to any
                  Transaction Revenue that is in excess of the


                  Threshold Amount of Transaction Revenue applicable to the
                  Contract Period in which such quarter occurs. Notwithstanding
                  the foregoing, after the applicable Threshold Amounts has been
                  achieved, the Applicable Percentage with respect to
                  Transaction Revenues generated directly for the sale of (a)
                  physical (offline) paper greeting cards shall only be [   ]%
                  and (b) plain paper or any other physical products which are
                  listed on Exhibit D shall only be [   ]%. Failure to hit any
                  Threshold Amount is not a breach hereof, but merely affects
                  the Applicable Percentage; if the Transaction Revenues in any
                  period do not exceed the Threshold Amount, then the amount of
                  the shortfall shall be added to the following period's
                  Threshold Amount (such that, if in calendar year 2001, only $[
                  ] million in Transaction Revenues are generated, then for
                  calendar year 2002, the Threshold Amount shall be $[  ]
                  million (rather than $[  ] million). The Contract Periods and
                  the Threshold Amounts for each Contract Period during the
                  Initial Term of this Agreement shall be as follows (in each
                  case, the actual and reasonable expenses incurred by AG during
                  such period directly for the actual hosting and hardware costs
                  directly related to the Customized Site (but not any Standard
                  Site) shall be added to the Threshold Amounts listed below):



         4.5.     ADVERTISING ON THE CUSTOMIZED SITE. All Advertising on the
                  Customized Site shall be governed by the Advertising Inventory
                  Agreement Annex.

         4.6.     LATE PAYMENTS; WIRED PAYMENTS. All amounts owed hereunder not
                  paid when due and payable will bear interest from the date
                  such amounts are due and payable at the prime rate in effect
                  at such time. All payments to AOL required hereunder will be
                  paid in immediately available, non-refundable U.S. funds wired
                  to the "America Online" account, Account Number [         ] at
                  The Chase Manhattan Bank, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York,
                  NY 10081 (ABA: 021000021).

         4.7.     AUDITING RIGHTS. Each party will maintain complete, clear and
                  accurate records of all expenses, revenues and fees in
                  connection with the performance of this Agreement (i.e., with
                  respect to AG auditing AOL, only to the extent required for
                  collection of Customized Site Advertising Payments hereunder
                  by AOL and for which AG is sharing in such revenues; and with
                  respect to AOL auditing AG, only to the extent required for
                  collection of Site Revenues. For the sole purpose of ensuring
                  compliance with this Agreement, each party (or its
                  representative) will have the right to conduct a reasonable
                  and necessary inspection of portions of the books and records
                  of the other which are relevant to such other's performance
                  pursuant to this Agreement. Any such audit may be conducted
                  after [           ] business days prior written notice to the
                  party being audited. The party requesting the audit shall bear
                  the expense of any audit conducted pursuant to this Section
                  4.7 unless such audit shows an error in such party's favor
                  amounting to a deficiency in excess of [   ] percent ([ ]%) of
                  the actual amounts paid and/or payable hereunder, in which
                  event the other party shall bear the reasonable expenses of
                  the audit. The parties shall pay the amount of any deficiency
                  discovered by an audit within [           ] days after receipt
                  of notice thereof.

         4.8.     TAXES. Each party will collect and pay and indemnify and hold
                  the other harmless from, any sales, use, excise, import or
                  export value added or similar tax or duty not based on the
                  other's net income and arising out of that party's activities
                  hereunder, including any penalties and interest, as well as
                  any costs associated with the collection or withholding
                  thereof, including attorneys' fees.

         4.9.     REPORTS.

                  4.9.1.   SALES REPORTS. AG will, subject to applicable legal
                           and privacy restrictions, provide AOL with monthly
                           reports (but shall have [  ] days to cure
                           non-delivery), providing information necessary to AOL
                           to optimize the marketing plan and the Promotions,
                           and information


                           reasonably required for measuring revenue activity to
                           calculate any revenue sharing, including, for each
                           Brand Specific Customized Site, summary sales
                           information and e-mail address, data used for
                           calculating Transaction Revenues and Site Revenues,
                           and other mutually agreed information (the "Sales
                           Reports"). AOL will be entitled to use the Sales
                           Reports in its business operations, subject to the
                           terms of this Agreement (and provided that AOL
                           acknowledges that such reports may contain
                           Confidential Information as defined herein).

                  4.9.2.   USAGE REPORTS. AOL shall provide AG (but shall have
                           [  ] days to cure non-delivery) with reasonable usage
                           information related to the Promotions (e.g., a
                           schedule of the Impressions delivered by AOL at such
                           time) which is similar in substance and form to the
                           reports provided by AOL to other interactive
                           marketing partners similar to AG; AOL shall use
                           commercially reasonable efforts to include in such
                           reports other data mutually agreed as relevant, as
                           reasonably requested by AG, to the extent feasible.
                           AG acknowledges that such information may be
                           Confidential Information as defined herein.

                           provide AG (but shall have [  ] days to cure
                           non-delivery) with reasonable information with
                           respect to sales of Advertisements by AOL in the
                           Customized Site pursuant to the Advertising Agreement
                           Annex (e.g., Impressions, dollar amounts, advertising
                           entity) which is similar in substance and form to any
                           similar reports provided by AOL to other interactive
                           marketing partners similar to AG; AOL shall use
                           commercially reasonable efforts to include in such
                           reports other data mutually agreed as relevant, as
                           reasonably requested by AG, to the extent feasible.
                           AOL shall deliver such reports at least quarterly,
                           but shall use commercially reasonable efforts to
                           deliver such reports monthly within [ ] business days
                           after the end of the applicable month. If and to the
                           extent AG is permitted to sell any Advertisements in
                           the Customized Site, AG shall so provide similar
                           reports to AOL. Each Party acknowledges that certain
                           information within such reports may be Confidential
                           Information as defined herein.

                  4.9.4.   FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS. To the extent permitted by
                           applicable laws, AG will provide AOL with a prompt
                           report of any fraudulent order, including the date,
                           screenname or email address and amount associated
                           with such order, promptly following obtaining
                           knowledge that the order is, in fact, fraudulent.


         5.1.     AG INTEGRATION. To the extent AG determines, in its discretion
                  (except as provided in Section 5.3 below), to offer any third
                  party Component Product on the Customized Site or any Standard
                  Site (on a case by case basis for each Standard Site) (except
                  for any Third Party Customized Site), AG shall offer
                  exclusively (except as otherwise provided below) an AOL
                  version of such Component Product, so long as AOL is willing,
                  at its option, to license such Component Product to AG for use
                  on the Customized Site or Standard Site in question at no cost
                  to AG (e.g., if AG decides to introduce instant messaging on
                  the Customized Site, AG shall introduce either the ICQ Service
                  or AOL's Instant Messenger brand product, if AOL is willing to
                  license such products without charge to AG). AG shall be
                  permitted reasonable time to implement any Component Product
                  required hereunder, which time may be dependent on, among
                  other things, the Ramp Up Period for the Customized Site. Any
                  AOL Component Products offered by AG on the Customized Site or
                  any Standard Site described in this Section 5.1 shall be
                  prominently co-branded with the appropriate AOL brand and AG's
                  brand, if and to the extent feasible, subject as to AOL's
                  branding to AOL's generally applicable branding requirements
                  for such product, and shall contain a link to an AOL
                  Interactive Site where the user can learn more about the AOL
                  Component Product and/or AOL. AOL may, with respect to
                  Component Products on any Standard Site, if and as mutually
                  determined by the Parties, permit AG to privately label such
                  Component Product.



         5.2.     SPECIFIC INTEGRATION REQUIREMENTS. At AOL's option, AG shall
                  include on the Customized Site links to the appropriate areas
                  of the AOL Network (as mutually agreed) containing the
                  following Component Products, and shall include the following
                  Component Products on the Standard Site, in each case on an
                  exclusive basis (i.e., shall only include an AOL version of
                  such Component Products), except to the extent otherwise
                  expressly set forth below): (i) AOL Calendar, (ii) YGP
                  (exclusively on the Customized Site and with equal or greater
                  prominence to all similar products on any Standard Site),
                  (iii) e-mail (if and to the extent AOL can deliver a product
                  within six months of the Interim Date) and (iv) the ICQ
                  Service instant messaging product or AOL Instant Messenger
                  (exclusively on the Customized Site and, on the Standard Site,
                  exclusively for [          ] months from and after the Interim
                  Date and thereafter on all Standard Sites with equal or
                  greater prominence to all similar products on any such
                  Standard Site) (in each case including any successor versions
                  or products). AG shall be entitled to all Advertising revenues
                  arising as a direct result of the inclusion of AOL Calendar or
                  e-mail on AG's Standard Site. Any AOL Component Products
                  offered by AG or any Standard Site described in this Section
                  5.2 (i.e. AOL Calendar, YGP, e-mail or instant messaging)
                  shall be prominently co-branded with the appropriate AOL
                  brand, and AG's brand, if and to the extent AOL co-brands such
                  product with any third party, subject to AOL's generally
                  applicable branding requirements for such product, and shall
                  contain a link to an AOL Interactive Site where the user can
                  learn more about the AOL Component Product and/or AOL. AOL
                  may, with respect to Component Products on any Standard Site,
                  if and as mutually determined by the Parties, permit AG to
                  privately label such Component Product.

         5.3.     INTEGRATION EXCEPTIONS. Notwithstanding anything to the
                  contrary herein (other than Section clause (ii) of 5.2, which
                  is not subject to clauses (i) and (ii) of this Section 5.3,
                  but only for the first [        ] months of the Initial Term
                  hereof), AG shall not be required to offer any AOL Component
                  Products (i) on any Third Party Customized Site; (ii) that is
                  not, in AG's reasonable determination, clearly supported by
                  reasonable objective market criteria, and such determination
                  is agreed with by AOL (such consent not to be unreasonably
                  withheld) generally competitive in all the following areas:
                  (a) end-user pricing, (b) functionality, (c) quality, (d)
                  customer service and fulfillment available from AOL; and (e)
                  ease of use; (iii) would require AG to expend more than a
                  commercially reasonable amount in order to implement
                  technologically; (iv) is not made available pursuant to a
                  license granting AG and its customers all necessary legal
                  rights on commercially reasonable terms and conditions
                  [                                                     ]; (v)
                  with respect to the Standard Site (but not the Customized
                  Site) in any case or circumstance where AG is already using a
                  Component Product pursuant to an existing agreement with a
                  third party or is already using a Component Product listed in
                  Section 5.2 developed by or on behalf of AG as of the Interim
                  Date; provided AG hereby represents and warrants to AOL that,
                  to the best of its Knowledge, there are currently (as of the
                  Interim Date) no such pre-existing Component Product
                  obligations relating to the specific Component Products
                  expressly described in Section 5.2 only except as follows:
                  [                                                           ];
                  or (vi) as to which AOL fails to meet its obligations pursuant
                  to Section 5.4.

         5.4.     AOL RESPONSIBILITY TO CUSTOMIZE. With respect to the Standard
                  Site (but not the Customized Site) AOL agrees to customize any
                  and all Component Products to AG's reasonable specifications
                  subject to AOL's consent, not to be unreasonably withheld;
                  provided that AOL shall have a reasonable period of time to
                  implement such customization according to a mutually agreed
                  timeline, taking into consideration the nature and extent of
                  such customization (but in no event less than [       ]). Such
                  customization may include, by way of example, a greetings tab
                  on YGP and top line integration into calendar.

         5.5.     CONTINUED USE. To the extent AG is then currently using any
                  AOL Component Product pursuant to the terms hereof at the time
                  of expiration or termination of the Term (subject to Section
                  8.9), then AG may continue to use such AOL Component Product
                  to the extent consistent with the terms hereof for [        ]
                  after the end of the Term.

6.       PARTNER MARKETING. AG shall use best efforts to negotiate in good faith
         with AOL to enter into a separate acquisition marketing agreement (but
         will not be in breach hereof if, despite such efforts to



negotiate, no agreement can be reached), within a reasonable time after the
Interim Date, in form and substance substantially similar to that generally used
by AOL for similar activities.

7.       ENTERPRISE / E-COMMERCE SOLUTIONS. AOL and AG will explore the
         potential of AOL supplying back-end commerce solutions through the
         Sun-Netscape Alliance. Any such supply shall be subject to mutual


         8.1.     TERM. Unless earlier terminated or extended as set forth
                  herein, the initial term of this Agreement (the "Initial
                  Term") will commence on the Effective Date and will continue
                  until December 31, 2004 and thereafter, if and to the extent
                  applicable, until the conclusion of any applicable Extension
                  Weeks as provided in Section 1.1.4. (the "Extension Period").

         8.2.     RENEWAL. Upon the conclusion of the Initial Term or any
                  applicable Extension Period, AOL will have the right to renew
                  the Agreement for successive one-year renewal terms (each a
                  "Renewal Term" and together with the Initial Term, the
                  "Term"). A Non-Exclusive Renewal Term (as defined in Section
                  8.3 below) shall automatically commence following the
                  expiration of the Initial Term (or prior Renewal Term, as the
                  case may be), unless AOL shall have given notice of
                  non-renewal at least[                         ] days prior to
                  the end of the then current term, or notice of AOL's desire to
                  start an Exclusive Renewal Term (as defined in Section 8.3
                  below) rather than a Non-Exclusive Renewal Term, at any time
                  prior to the end of the then current term. AOL shall be able
                  to terminate any Exclusive Renewal Term at any time by giving
                  [  ] days notice to AG, or to change an Exclusive Renewal Term
                  to a Non-Exclusive Renewal Term at any time by giving [ ] days
                  notice to AG. If AOL meets the Final Advertising Hurdle Amount
                  for the Final Advertising Hurdle Dates (in each case as
                  defined in the Advertising Inventory Annex Agreement), subject
                  to all terms applicable thereto, e.g., any reductions or
                  extensions in timing of the obligations to achieve such Final
                  Advertising Hurdle Amount for the Final Advertising Hurdle
                  Dates to the extent expressly set forth herein, then AOL shall
                  retain the right to continue to act as the exclusive sales
                  agent for Advertisements within the Customized Site for the
                  first Renewal Term (but expressly not any subsequent Renewal
                  Terms unless otherwise mutually agreed) as set forth in the
                  Advertising Inventory Annex Agreement for the Initial Term.

                  AOL may designate any Renewal Term as exclusive (an "Exclusive
                  Renewal Term") or non-exclusive (including any Renewal Term
                  not expressly designated as an Exclusive Renewal Term, a
                  "Non-Exclusive Renewal Term"). Any payments required by a
                  Party during any Renewal Term (e.g., revenue sharing) shall be
                  due and payable to the other Party quarterly, within [  ] days
                  after the end of each applicable quarter.

                  8.3.1.   EXCLUSIVE RENEWAL TERMS. During any Renewal Term
                           expressly designated as an Exclusive Renewal Term by
                           AOL, (i) AOL shall continue to fulfill its
                           obligations with respect to Section 3 hereof; (ii)
                           AOL shall continue to provide integrated carriage in
                           e-mail to AG in similar scope and nature to any such
                           carriage as it existed immediately prior to the end
                           of the immediately preceding term or as otherwise
                           mutually agreed; (iii) AG will not be required to pay
                           any guaranteed, fixed payment (i.e., as described in
                           Section 4.1) nor perform the In-Kind Promotions
                           referred to in Section 4.2 and Exhibit C-1; (iv) AOL
                           will be entitled to [   ] percent([ ]%) and AG [   ]
                           percent ([ ]%)  of all Customized Site Advertising
                           Payments; and (v) all other terms and conditions
                           hereof shall continue in full force and effect except
                           as otherwise expressly stated herein.

                  8.3.2    NON-EXCLUSIVE RENEWAL TERMS. During any Renewal Term
                           designated as a Non-Exclusive Renewal Term by AOL (or
                           not expressly designated as an Exclusive Renewal
                           Term) (i) AG will not be required to pay any
                           guaranteed, fixed payment (i.e., as described in
                           Section 4.1) or perform the cross-promotional
                           obligations specified or referred to in Exhibit C or
                           the In-Kind promotions referred to in Section 4.3 and
                           Exhibit C-1; (ii) AG will determine, in its
                           discretion (subject to the last sentence of Section
                           8.2 above), whether or not AOL shall be appointed as
                           AG's exclusive Advertising sales agent on the
                           Customized Site and (iii) AG


                           shall pay AOL [   ] percent ([  ] %) of Site Revenues
                           (or[ ]% or [ ]% as provided in clauses (a) and (b) of
                           Section 4.3), regardless of any Hurdles & Thresholds
                           set forth herein (except that if at the end of the
                           Initial Term, the final Threshold Amount has not been
                           met, then the percentage payable shall remain at [ ]%
                           for [  ] days, and then shall become [ ]% (or [ ]% or
                           [ ]% as provided above) immediately thereafter); (iv)
                           AOL will be entitled to [    ] percent ([  ]%) and AG
                           [     ] percent ([ ]%) of all Customized Site
                           Advertising Payments; (v) AG will maintain a Modified
                           Renewal Customized Site and comply with all the
                           requirements thereof; (vi) AOL shall not be required
                           to comply with the provisions of Section 3 (e.g.,
                           exclusivity); (vii) AOL shall have no placement or
                           promotion obligations; (viii) AG shall comply with
                           the Product Line Four Corners Requirement and (ix)
                           the terms and conditions of Sections 4.6 through 4.9,
                           9 and 10 hereof (including the terms and conditions
                           incorporated therein (i.e., Exhibits F and G)) shall
                           continue in full force and effect except as otherwise
                           expressly stated herein.

         8.4.     CONTINUED LINKS. Upon expiration of the Term, AOL may, at its
                  discretion (subject to the obligations to redirect for six
                  months as set forth below), continue to promote one or more
                  "pointers" or links from the AOL Network to an AG Interactive
                  Site and, continue to use AG's trade names, trade marks and
                  service marks in connection therewith (collectively, a
                  "Continued Link"). So long as AOL maintains a Continued Link,
                  (a) the provisions of a Non-Exclusive Renewal Term shall
                  apply, except only that clause (viii) of Section 8.3.2 shall
                  no longer apply, and (b) Sections 4.6 through 4.9 along with
                  the terms of Exhibits F and G hereto shall continue to apply
                  with respect to the Continued Link and any transactions
                  arising therefrom. For a period of at least [       ] months
                  after any termination of this Agreement (including any
                  renewals or extensions hereof), AOL shall be required to
                  redirect traffic from such co-branded URLs to an AG designated
                  URL and maintain a Continued Link, and AG shall be required to
                  maintain the Modified Renewal Customized Site at such
                  location; provided that AOL shall not be required to redirect
                  to any site that is not a Customized Site, Modified Customized
                  Site or Modified Renewal Customized Site meeting all the
                  requirements thereof (e.g., without limitation, if the
                  location to which AG requests redirection to promotes any
                  Interactive Service in violation of Section 1.2, then AOL
                  shall not be required to link thereto)). Thereafter, AOL may
                  choose to maintain such a Continued Link, but shall not be
                  required to.

         8.5.     CERTAIN STANDARD SITE LINKS. In the case of any link from the
                  AOL Network to a Customized Site or a Modified Renewal
                  Customized Site during a Renewal Term or a Continued Link, in
                  accordance with the applicable terms hereof, in the event that
                  AOL reasonably determines that the Customized Site or Modified
                  Renewal Customized Site is not being maintained in compliance
                  with the applicable requirements hereof AOL may, in addition
                  to any other applicable rights or remedies hereunder, link
                  instead (i.e. upon terminating any link to the Customized Site
                  or Modified Renewal Customized Site) to AG's primary Standard
                  Site. In such event the calculation of AOL's applicable
                  revenue shares shall be made as if such Standard Site were the
                  Customized Site, and using the definition of "AOL Standard
                  Site Purchaser" as the definition of "AOL Purchaser" in place
                  thereof, and, in the case of Customized Site Advertising
                  Payments to the extent of the following fraction of
                  advertising revenues of such Standard Site: (a) Impressions on
                  such Standard Site attributable to AOL Users, divided by (b)
                  total Impressions on such Standard Site.

         8.6.     TERMINATION FOR BREACH. Except as expressly provided elsewhere
                  in this Agreement, either Party may terminate this Agreement
                  at any time in the event of a material breach of the Agreement
                  by the other Party which remains uncured and continuing after
                  [         ] days written notice thereof to the other Party (or
                  such shorter or equal period, in each case without duplication
                  hereof, as may be specified elsewhere in this Agreement (e.g.,
                  if a[  ] day cure period is expressly provided elsewhere in
                  this Agreement, such cure period is not in addition to this[ ]
                  day period)); provided that AOL will not be required to
                  provide notice to AG in connection with AG's failure to make
                  any payment to AOL required hereunder, and the cure period
                  with respect to any scheduled payment will be [          ]
                  days from the date for such payment provided for herein.
                  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a material
                  breach of a provision that expressly requires action (other
                  than the giving of a notice with respect to a breach) to be
                  completed within an express period



                  shorter than [  ] days, either Party may terminate this
                  Agreement if the breach remains uncured and continuing after
                  written notice thereof to the other Party.

         8.7.     TERMINATION FOR BANKRUPTCY/INSOLVENCY. Either Party may
                  terminate this Agreement immediately following written notice
                  to the other Party if the other Party (i) ceases to do
                  business in the normal course, (ii) becomes or is declared
                  insolvent or bankrupt, (iii) is the subject of any proceeding
                  related to its liquidation or insolvency (whether voluntary or
                  involuntary) which is not dismissed within [           ]
                  calendar days or (iv) makes an assignment for the benefit of

         8.8.     TERMINATION FOR NON-COMPETITIVE PRODUCT. In the event that AG
                  (due to AG's act or omission, and not due to the act or
                  omission of AOL or any AOL Affiliate) fails to comply with the
                  requirements of Section 1 of Exhibit E (overall; or with
                  respect to the U.S. market; or with respect to any Foreign
                  Local Market; or on any one Brand Specific Customized Site
                  (e.g., if the ICQ Service Brand Specific Customized Site [

                  fails to comply with the requirements of Section 1 of Exhibit
                  E), then AOL may deliver to AG a notice specifying the nature
                  of such failure (a "Non-Competitive Status Notice"), and AG
                  shall have [ ] days after the Non-Competitive Status Notice to
                  cure such non-compliance. If AG fails to so comply, then AOL
                  will have the right, at its option, immediately upon written
                  notice from AOL (a "Termination Notice") (i) to terminate its
                  obligations under this Agreement only with respect to the
                  specific brand or Foreign Local Market in which AG is then
                  continuing to fail to meet the requirements of Section 1 of
                  Exhibit E, or, if AG is then continuing to fail to meet the
                  requirements of Section 1 of Exhibit E overall, then with
                  respect to the entire Agreement (in which case subject to the
                  elimination of any applicable remaining payment obligations by
                  AG and subject to the survival obligations herein), (ii) to
                  terminate the application of Section 3 hereof (AOL Exclusivity
                  Obligations) terminating the exclusivity for the remainder of
                  the then current Term only with respect to the specific brand
                  or Foreign Local Market in which AG is then continuing to fail
                  to meet the requirements of Section 1 of Exhibit E.

         8.9.     TERMINATION ON CHANGE OF CONTROL. In the event of a Change of
                  Control of AG resulting in control of AG by an Interactive
                  Service, AOL may terminate this Agreement by providing [ ]
                  days prior written notice of such intent to terminate. In the
                  event of any such termination, AOL may, at its option, by [  ]
                  days advance written notice to AG, elect to require AG to
                  maintain, for a period of no more than two years (the
                  "Transition Period"), a Modified Renewal Customized Site,
                  subject to the following different requirements: the Modified
                  Renewal Customized Site shall be branded as AOL determines in
                  its reasonable discretion and shall not include any branding
                  of AG (other than "ingredient branding" of AG (e.g. "powered
                  by americangreetings.com" with appropriate logo reference),
                  and shall not contain any branding whatsoever of the
                  Interactive Service that acquired or otherwise controls AG
                  (the "New Parent"). Any links that AOL maintains to such a
                  Modified Renewal Customized Site shall be deemed "Continued
                  Links" subject to the requirements of Section 8.4 and 8.5
                  (including applicable revenue sharing for AOL, or the right to
                  point to the primary Standard Site if AG fails to comply
                  herewith as a non-exclusive remedy). In such event, (but only
                  if AOL was then acting as exclusive Advertising sales agent)
                  AOL shall act as exclusive sales agent for all advertising
                  inventory on such Modified Renewal Customized Site and shall
                  share in revenues therefrom [      ]% (with [  ]% going to
                  AOL), notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein. Upon
                  any such termination, any restrictions on use by AG of AOL
                  User or AOL Member data (but only to the extent otherwise
                  expressly set forth herein) applicable after the Term shall be
                  applicable for two years after the end of such Transition
                  Period (e.g., if otherwise applicable for [     ] after the
                  Term hereof, shall be applicable for such full [      ] period
                  after the Transition Period in this Section 8.9 expires), and
                  the New Parent shall be treated as a third party and not an
                  affiliate of AG for purposes of use of data or sharing of
                  Confidential Information hereunder.

         8.10.    PRO RATA REFUND. [


         8.11. [


         8.12.    PRESS RELEASES. Each Party will submit to the other Party, for
                  its prior written approval, which will not be unreasonably
                  withheld or delayed, any press release or any statement
                  intended for general public distribution (other than
                  advertising or similar statements which qualify as
                  "Promotional Materials" pursuant to Exhibit G, Section 1 and
                  which are governed thereby) ("Press Release") regarding the
                  transactions contemplated hereunder. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, either Party may issue Press Releases and other
                  disclosures as required by law without the consent of the
                  other Party and in such event, the disclosing Party will
                  provide at least [        ] business days prior written notice
                  of such disclosure. The failure by one Party to obtain the
                  prior written approval of the other Party prior to issuing a
                  Press Release (except as required by law) shall be deemed a
                  material breach of this Agreement.


         9.1.     MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. The Parties will act in good faith and
                  use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly resolve any
                  claim, dispute, controversy or disagreement (each a "Dispute")
                  between the Parties or any of their respective subsidiaries,
                  affiliates, successors and assigns under or related to this
                  Agreement or any document executed pursuant to this Agreement
                  or any of the transactions contemplated hereby. If the Parties
                  cannot resolve the Dispute within such time frame, the Dispute
                  will be submitted to the Management Committee for resolution.
                  For ten (10) business days following submission of the Dispute
                  to the Management Committee, the Management Committee will
                  have the exclusive right to resolve such Dispute; provided


                  that the Management Committee will have the final and
                  exclusive right to resolve Disputes arising from any provision
                  of the Agreement which expressly or implicitly provides for
                  the Parties to reach mutual agreement as to certain terms. If
                  the Management Committee is unable to amicably resolve the
                  Dispute during the ten-day period, then the Management
                  Committee will consider in good faith the possibility of
                  retaining a third party mediator to facilitate resolution of
                  the Dispute. In the event the Management Committee elects not
                  to retain a mediator, the dispute will be subject to the
                  resolution mechanisms described below. "Management Committee"
                  will mean a committee made up of a senior executive at at
                  least the Senior Vice President (or equivalent) level from
                  each of the Parties for the purpose of resolving Disputes
                  under this Section 9 and generally overseeing the relationship
                  between the Parties contemplated by this Agreement. Neither
                  Party will seek, nor will be entitled to seek, binding outside
                  resolution of the Dispute unless and until the Parties have
                  been unable amicably to resolve the Dispute as set forth in
                  this Section 9 and then, only in compliance with the
                  procedures set forth in this Section 9.

         9.2.     ARBITRATION. Except for Disputes relating to issues of (i)
                  proprietary rights, including but not limited to intellectual
                  property and confidentiality, and (ii) any provision of the
                  Agreement which expressly or implicitly provides for the
                  Parties to reach mutual agreement as to certain terms (which
                  will be resolved by the Parties solely and exclusively through
                  amicable resolution as set forth in Section 9.1), any Dispute
                  not resolved by amicable resolution as set forth in Section
                  9.1 will be governed exclusively and finally by arbitration.
                  Such arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration
                  Association ("AAA") in Washington, D.C. and will be initiated
                  and conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration
                  Rules ("Commercial Rules") of the AAA, including the AAA
                  Supplementary Procedures for Large Complex Commercial Disputes
                  ("Complex Procedures"), as such rules will be in effect on the
                  date of delivery of a demand for arbitration ("Demand"),
                  except to the extent that such rules are inconsistent with the
                  provisions set forth herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                  the Parties may agree in good faith that the Complex
                  Procedures will not apply in order to promote the efficient
                  arbitration of Disputes where the nature of the Dispute,
                  including without limitation the amount in controversy, does
                  not justify the application of such procedures.

         9.3.     SELECTION OF ARBITRATORS. The arbitration panel will consist
                  of three arbitrators. Each Party will name an arbitrator
                  within ten (10) business days after the delivery of the
                  Demand. The two arbitrators named by the Parties may have
                  prior relationships with the naming Party, which in a judicial
                  setting would be considered a conflict of interest. The third
                  arbitrator, selected by the first two, should be a neutral
                  participant, with no prior working relationship with either
                  Party. If the two arbitrators are unable to select a third
                  arbitrator within ten (10) business days, a third neutral
                  arbitrator will be appointed by the AAA from the panel of
                  commercial arbitrators of any of the AAA Large and Complex
                  Resolution Programs.

         9.4.     GOVERNING LAW. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Secs.
                  1-16, and not state law, will govern the arbitrability of all
                  Disputes. The arbitrators will allow such discovery as is
                  appropriate to the purposes of arbitration in accomplishing a
                  fair, speedy and cost-effective resolution of the Disputes.
                  The arbitrators will reference the Federal Rules of Civil
                  Procedure then in effect in setting the scope and timing of
                  discovery. The Federal Rules of Evidence will apply in toto.
                  The arbitrators may enter a default decision against any Party
                  who fails to participate in the arbitration proceedings.

         9.5.     ARBITRATION AWARDS. The arbitrators will have the authority to
                  award compensatory damages only. Any award by the arbitrators
                  will be accompanied by a written opinion setting forth the
                  findings of fact and conclusions of law relied upon in
                  reaching the decision. The award rendered by the arbitrators
                  will be final, binding and non-appealable, and judgment upon
                  such award may be entered by any court of competent
                  jurisdiction. The Parties agree that the existence, conduct
                  and content of any arbitration will be kept confidential and
                  no Party will disclose to any person any information about
                  such arbitration, except as may be required by law or by any
                  governmental authority or for financial reporting purposes in
                  each Party's financial statements.



                  9.6. FEES. Each Party will pay the fees of its own attorneys,
                  expenses of witnesses and all other expenses and costs in
                  connection with the presentation of such Party's case
                  (collectively, "Attorneys' Fees"). The remaining costs of the
                  arbitration, including without limitation, fees of the
                  arbitrators, costs of records or transcripts and
                  administrative fees (collectively, "Arbitration Costs") will
                  be borne equally by the Parties. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, the arbitrators may modify the allocation of
                  Arbitration Costs and award Attorneys' Fees in those cases
                  where fairness dictates a different allocation of Arbitration
                  Costs between the Parties and an award of Attorneys' Fees to
                  the prevailing Party as determined by the arbitrators.

         9.7.     NON ARBITRATABLE DISPUTES. Any Dispute that is not subject to
                  final resolution by the Management Committee or to arbitration
                  under this Section 9 or by law (collectively, "Non-Arbitration
                  Claims") will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction
                  in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Each Party irrevocably
                  consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the
                  Commonwealth of Virginia and the federal courts situated in
                  the Commonwealth of Virginia, over any and all Non-Arbitration
                  Claims and any and all actions to enforce such claims or to
                  recover damages or other relief in connection with such


         10.1.    STANDARD TERMS. The Standard Online Commerce Terms &
                  Conditions set forth on Exhibit F and Standard Legal Terms &
                  Conditions set forth on Exhibit G are each hereby made a part
                  of this Agreement.

         10.2.    SUBCONTRACTING. AOL agrees that AG may subcontract or delegate
                  the performance of any or all of its duties and obligations
                  hereunder to any Affiliate of AG, subject to AOL's approval,
                  which shall not be unreasonably withheld and which shall not
                  be required for subcontracting to AGCM, Inc. or to American
                  Greetings Corporation, provided that in the event of any such
                  subcontracting or delegation, AG shall remain liable


                  10.3.1.  When fully executed and binding on all Parties
                           hereto, (a) this Agreement shall supercede and
                           replace (i) that certain Interactive Marketing
                           Agreement, dated as of September 1, 1997, by and
                           between AOL and American Greetings Corporation (the
                           "Prior Agreement"), and (ii) that certain Advertising
                           Insertion Order Agreement, dated as of May 4, 1999,
                           by and between AOL and American Greetings Corporation
                           (the "Prior Insertion Order"); and (b) the Prior
                           Agreement and the Prior Insertion Order shall
                           immediately terminate (provided that any accrued but
                           unpaid payment obligations thereunder (including
                           without limitation the unrecognized portions of any
                           subscription revenues, but calculated in accordance
                           with this Section 10.3) as of the date of termination
                           shall remain due and payable, and all payments made
                           by American Greetings Corporation thereunder shall
                           not be refunded by AOL, but the Credit Balance shall
                           be applied hereto to the extent provided in Section
                           4.1.1 hereof).

                  10.3.2.  AG and AOL agree that they each, themselves and on
                           behalf of all their Affiliates, forever waive any
                           claim for breach of the Prior Agreement directly
                           resulting from any of the following activities to the
                           extent occurring prior to the Effective Date hereof:

                           i.       [


                           ii.      [









                  10.3.3.  Notwithstanding Section 14.6 of the Prior Agreement,
                           Section 5.3(d) of the Prior Agreement is superseded
                           by Section hereof.

                  10.3.4.  Notwithstanding Section 14.6 of the Prior Agreement,
                           Sections 4.8, 9.1, 10.1 through 10.4 and 14.5 of the
                           Prior Agreement, respectively, are hereby amended
                           with respect to actions or events under the Prior
                           Agreement and superseded by the corresponding
                           applicable provision of this Agreement (e.g., Section
                           4.8, Section 8 of Exhibit G, Sections 11 through 13
                           of Exhibit G and Section 20 of Exhibit G of this
                           Agreement, respectively).



           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement
as of the Effective Date.


By: /s/ David Colburn                           By: /s/ Josef Mandelbaum
    -------------------------------                 ---------------------------
Name:  David Colburn                            Name:
Title: Senior Vice President, Business Affairs  Title:

                                                AG.COM, INC.

                                                By: /s/ Josef Mandelbaum

The undersigned is executing this Agreement solely for purposes of Section 10.3
hereof and expressly subject to the provisions of the first sentence of Section
4.2 hereof:


By: /s/ John Klipfell



                                    EXHIBIT A































                                   EXHIBIT A-1
                          "MISSION CRITICAL" PROMOTIONS
















                                    EXHIBIT B

The following definitions will apply to this Agreement:

ADDITIONAL AG CHANNEL. Any other online distribution channel (e.g., an
Interactive Service other than AOL) through which AG makes available an offering
comparable in nature to the Customized Site; but expressly excluding any
licensing to a software developer or marketer for inclusion in retail or OEM

ADVERTISEMENTS. Any advertisements, links, pointers, sponsorships, buttons,
banners, navigation, or any other placements or promotions or similar services
or rights ("Links") to the extent generally recognized and used as a medium for
advertisements (including without limitation "affiliate programs" or referral
sales, i.e., promotions and links to promote sales of Products related to a
promoted or purchased AG Product, whether for a fixed placement fee or a bounty
based on sales), but excluding [


ADVERTISING INVENTORY AGREEMENT ANNEX. The Advertising Inventory Agreement Annex
attached hereto as Annex 2 (and incorporated herein and made a part hereof).

ADVERTISING SALES COMMISSION. The [  ]% commission payable to AOL for the sale
of any Advertisements pursuant to the terms hereof.

AFFILIATE or AFFILIATE. As to any entity, another entity that is controlled by,
controlling or under common control with such first entity, where control means
the ownership of [ ]% or more of the voting equity interest in such entity.



AIM SERVICE. AOL's "Instant Messenger(TM)" branded service, to the extent within
the Exclusive AOL Properties ("IM"), or the "AOL Instant Messenger(TM)" or "AIM"
branded service to the extent within the AOL Service or the CompuServe Service
("AIM"), in each case that enables end-users of such service to exchange, in
real-time, private, personalized messages with, and to monitor the online status
of, other end-users of such service and AOL Members.

AOL INTERACTIVE SITE. Any Interactive Site which is managed, maintained, owned
or controlled by AOL or its agents.

AOL INTERNATIONAL. The standard, narrow-band versions of AOL or AOL Affiliate
branded services primarily aimed at users outside of the United States, launched
and commercially available as of the Effective Date hereof, and offered under
the following brand names and targeted to the corresponding Foreign Local
Markets: AOL UK, AOL France, AOL Germany, AOL Canada, AOL Japan, AOL Australia,
CSI UK, CSI Germany, CSI France, CSI Netherlands, and CSI Canada, but in each
case, specifically excluding (a), [


AOL LOOK AND FEEL. The elements of graphics, design, organization, presentation,
layout, user interface, navigation and stylistic convention (including the
digital implementations thereof) which are generally associated with Interactive
Sites within the AOL Service or AOL.com.



AOL MEMBER. Any authorized user of the AOL Service, including any sub-accounts
using the AOL Service under an authorized master account.

AOL NETWORK. (i) The AOL Service, (ii) AOL.com, (iii) the CompuServe Service and
CompuServe.com, (iv) Digital City, (v) Netcenter, (vi) the ICQ Service, (vii)
ICQ.com, (viii) AOL International, (ix) [

                ] It is understood and agreed that, except as provided herein,
the rights of AG relate only to the specific areas within the AOL Network as
expressly set forth herein and not generally to the AOL Network.



AOL PURCHASER. Any person or entity [

        ] or [   ] who prior to the Effective Date hereof, entered the
"Online Social Expression Store" under the Prior Agreement and generated
revenues therein (to the extent the identity of such person or entity is
traceable though AG's commercially reasonably efforts) (regardless of whether
such person or entity provided an e-mail address which included a domain other
than an "AOL.com" domain).



AOL SERVICE. The primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the America Online(R)
brand service as it exists at any time during the Term hereof (i.e., the current
primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the America Online(R) brand service as of
the Effective Date and any replacement successor primary, narrow-band U.S.
version of the America Online(R) brand service), specifically excluding [








AOL STANDARD SITE PURCHASER. (i) Any person or entity who enters the Customized
Site, a Modified Customized Site, a Modified Renewal Customized Site or the
Standard Site, or any other AG Site (but not any Third Party Customized Site)
(an "AG Site") from the AOL Network including, without limitation, from any
third party area therein (to the extent entry from such third party area is
traceable through both Parties' commercially reasonable efforts), and generates
Transaction Revenues (regardless of whether such person or entity provides an
e-mail address during registration or entrance to an AG Site which includes a
domain other than an "AOL.com" domain); and (ii) any other person or entity who,
when purchasing a product, good or service through an AG Site, provides an
AOL.com domain name or a Compuserve.com domain name (or any other AOL
affiliate's domain name) as part of such person or entity's e-mail address and
provided that any person or entity who has previously satisfied the definition
of AOL Purchaser or AOL Standard Site Purchaser will be or remain an AOL
Standard Site Purchaser, and any subsequent purchases by such person or entity
(e.g., as a result of e-mail solicitations or any off-line means for receiving
orders requiring purchasers to reference a specific promotional identifier or
tracking code) will also give rise to Transaction Revenues hereunder (and will
not be conditioned on the person or entity's satisfaction of clauses (i) or (ii)

AOL USER. Any person or entity who uses the AOL Service, AOL.com, CompuServe,
Digital City, Netcenter, or the AOL Network, only to the extent of the person's
use of these properties as an Interactive Site or Interactive Service. A person
or entity shall not be considered an "AOL User" as a result of or in connection
with their use of these properties other than as an end-user thereof. For
example, use of the AOL Service to carry advertising shall not result in the
advertiser being considered an AOL User.

AOL.com. AOL's primary, narrow-band Internet-based Interactive Site marketed
under the "AOL.COM(TM)" brand as it exists at any timE during the Term hereof
(i.e., the current primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the AOL.com brand
Interactive Site as of the Effective Date and any replacement successor primary,
narrow-band U.S. version thereof), specifically excluding [




AOL WHITE PAGES. AOL's own branded (or co-branded) online, interactive directory
generally available to the public containing national listings of names,
addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for individuals, organized and
searchable by name, address, telephone number or e-mail address as it exists on
the Interim Date as supplied pursuant to the Current White Pages Agreements, to
the extent within the AOL Exclusive Properties (without inclusion of clause (c)
of the AOL Standard Service Exceptions definition); but expressly excluding: [




[                                                                             ]

CHANGE OF CONTROL. (a) The consummation of a reorganization, merger or
consolidation or sale or other disposition of substantially all of the assets of
a party or (b) the acquisition by any individual, entity or group (within the
meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1933,
as amended) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
promulgated under such Act) of more than 50% of either (i) the then outstanding
shares of common stock of such party; or (ii) the combined voting power of the
then outstanding voting securities of such party entitled to vote generally in
the election of directors. Neither the IPO, nor any transaction directly related
thereto (and within approximately the same timeframe thereof), shall constitute
a Change of Control of AG for purposes of this Agreement.

COMPONENT PRODUCTS. Any of the following products or services: (i)
Communications or community tools, products or services (e.g., instant
messaging, chat, voice-activated chat, voice message, IP telephony, e-mail,
message boards) (but specifically excluding a reminder service), (ii) search
engines, navigation services, or directories/listings (e.g., web search, white
pages, yellow pages), (iii) personalization services (e.g.,
homesteading/personal web publishing, calendar functions, "You've Got Pictures"
or other similar photographic services), (iv) shopping guides, decision guides,
"robots", or other similar shopping or decision aids, or (v) commerce/content

CompuServe.com. CompuServe's primary, narrow-band Internet-based interactive
site located at "www.compuserve.com" and marketed under the "CompuServe.com(TM)"
brand as it exists at any time during the Term hereof (i.e., the current
primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the CompuServe.com brand Interactive Site
as of the Effective Date and any replacement successor primary, narrow-band U.S.
version thereof), specifically excluding [


CompuServe SERVICE. The primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the CompuServe
brand service as it exists at any time during the Term hereof (i.e., the current
primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the CompuServe brand service as of the
Effective Date and any replacement successor primary, narrow-band U.S. version
thereto), specifically excluding [





CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Any information relating to or disclosed in the course
of the Agreement, which is or should be reasonably understood to be confidential
or proprietary to the disclosing Party, including, but not limited to, the
material terms of this Agreement, information about AOL Members, AOL Users, AOL
Purchasers and AG customers, technical processes and formulas, source codes,
product designs, sales, cost and other unpublished financial information,
product and business plans, projections, and marketing data. "Confidential
Information" will not include information (a) already lawfully known to or
independently developed by the receiving Party, (b) disclosed in published
materials, (c) generally known to the public, or (d) lawfully obtained from any
third party.

CONTENT. Text, images, video, audio (including, without limitation, music used
in synchronism or timed relation with visual displays) and other data, Products,
advertisements, promotions, URLs, links, pointers and software, including any
modifications, upgrades, updates, enhancements and related documentation.



COST OF PREMIUMS. The actual and reasonable cost to AG of promotional and
premium items approved by AOL (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld)
that are provided to an AOL Purchaser in conjunction with the purchase of
Products. Premiums may include, without limitation and solely by way of example,
umbrellas, t-shirts and tote bags.

CREDIT BALANCE. The credit balance AG has from funds actually paid by AG to AOL
under the Prior Agreement (as defined in Section 10.3), but not yet accrued
under the Prior Agreement as of the Effective Date hereof, in an amount of[

CREDIT CARD COMPANIES. Credit card companies and credit card processing
companies (e.g., Master Card and Visa) and others performing a substantially
similar online payment facilitation service (i.e., "e-money") (it being
understood and agreed that any use thereof must still comply with all the terms
hereof (including without limitation regarding AOL Component Products, such that
an AOL wallet or AOL QuickCheckout should be used rather than a competitively
branded one)).

CURRENT WHITE PAGES AGREEMENTS. The current pre-existing agreements (as of the
Interim Date) between AOL and any third party partner providers of the
functionality and databases for the AOL White Pages, excluding any renewals or
amendments thereto, the term of which such agreements are as separately
disclosed to AG confidentially in writing.

CUSTOMIZED SITE. The specific customized area(s) or web site(s) to be promoted
and distributed by AOL hereunder through which AG can market and complete
transactions regarding its Products, as more further described in Section 2.

CUSTOMIZED SITE ADVERTISING PAYMENTS. Aggregate amounts collected plus the fair
market value of any other compensation received (such as barter advertising)
(but with respect to Referral Sales only, expressly only including only one half
of any amounts actually received by AG (e.g., commissions) pursuant thereto (the
"AG Referral Sales Revenues")) by AG, AOL or either Party's agents, arising from
the license or sale of Advertisements that appear within any pages of the
Customized Site (but excluding the same on any screens or forms preceding,
framing or otherwise directly associated with the Customized Site, which are
owned exclusively by AOL), including all applicable Advertising Sales
Commissions; provided that, [





Digital City or DCI. The primary, narrow-band U.S. version of Digital City's
local content offerings marketed under the Digital City(R) brand name as it
exists at any time during the Term hereof (i.e., the current primary,
narrow-band U.S. version of the Digital City brand service as of the Effective
Date and any replacement successor primary, narrow-band U.S. version thereto),
specifically excluding [


EXCLUSIVE AOL PROPERTIES. The AOL Service, AOL.com, Digital City, the CompuServe
Service, CompuServe.com, the ICQ Service, ICQ.com, Netcenter, and (for two (2)
years from and after the Interim Date) AOL International.

EXCLUSIVE AOL TOOLS. AOL's e-mail, calendar and instant messaging products,
LOVE@AOL, and "AOL Hometown", and the AOL White Pages (provided that solely with
respect to AOL White Pages, Exclusive AOL Tools shall include AOL White Pages
only for the current term of the Current AOL White Pages Agreements (except as
otherwise expressly set forth on Exhibit A)); but in each case, only to the
extent offered directly through and within each of the Exclusive AOL Properties,
except that, [

- ---------------





EXCLUSIVE AREAS.  The Exclusive AOL Properties and the Exclusive AOL Tools.

EXCLUSIVE MENTIONS. Mentions which contain only references to an AOL brand,
logo, name or trade name or to an AOL property, product, or service within the
AOL Network, as designated by AOL (without any reference to AG or any AG
product, service, brand, logo, name or trade name).

[                   ]

FOREIGN LOCAL COMPETITOR. A Marketer of Greeting Products headquartered outside
the U.S. (it being understood and agreed that affiliates and licensees of U.S.
based Marketers of Greeting Products shall be considered headquartered in the
U.S., whose Greeting Products are specifically targeted (both by language and
cultural content) to the audience in a particular Foreign Local Market.

FOREIGN LOCAL MARKET.  Any specific, local, geographic area.



[                                   ]

HURDLES & THRESHOLDS. Collectively, the Threshold Amount (as described in
Section 4.4 hereof) and the Advertising Hurdle Amount (as described in the
Advertising Inventory Agreement Annex).



[                                                                          ]

ICQ SERVICE. The primary, narrow-band English language version of the ICQ brand
communications and messaging service (e.g., to U.S. based ICQ Members) as it
exists at any time during the Term hereof (i.e., the current primary,
narrow-band U.S. version of the ICQ brand service as of the Effective Date and
any replacement successor primary, narrow-band U.S. version thereto),
specifically excluding [


ICQ.com. ICQ's primary, narrow-band Internet-based English language Interactive
Site marketed under the "ICQ.com" brand as it exists at any time during the Term
hereof (i.e., the current primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the ICQ brand
Interactive Site as of the Effective Date and any replacement successor primary,
narrow-band U.S. version thereto), specifically excluding [


IMPRESSION. User exposure to the applicable Promotion, as such exposure may be
reasonably and consistently determined and measured by AOL in accordance with
its standard methodologies and protocols.



INTERACTIVE SITE. Any interactive site or area, including, by way of example and
without limitation, (i) an AG site on the World Wide Web portion of the Internet
or (ii) a channel or area delivered through a "push" product such as the
Pointcast Network or interactive environment such as Microsoft's Active Desktop.

INTEGRATED PROMOTIONS.  As defined within the definition of Promotions below.

INTERIM DATE. [        ]

IPO. Any public offering of securities (e.g., an initial public offering) by AG

KEYWORD SEARCH TERMS. or KEYWORDS (a) The Keyword(TM) online search terms made
available on the AOL Service, combining AOL's Keyword(TM) online search modifier
with a term or phrase specifically related to AG (and determined in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement), and (b) the Go Word online search terms made
available on CompuServe, combining CompuServe's Go Word online search modifier
with a term or phrase specifically related to AG and determined in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement).

KNOWLEDGE. The actual knowledge of the applicable Party's senior management
personnel that has substantial managerial authority with respect to the
applicable subject matter, after having made reasonable inquiry of each employee
to whom and in a manner that a prudent business person would inquire under
similar circumstances.

LICENSED CONTENT. All Content offered through the Customized Site by AG pursuant
to this Agreement or otherwise provided by AG or its agents in connection
herewith (e.g., offline or online promotional Content, Promotions, AOL
"slideshows", or pursuant to Section 2.2.1, etc.), including in each case, any
modifications, upgrades, updates, enhancements expressly authorized by AG and
provided hereunder, and, to the extent delivered to AOL, related documentation.




MARKET. Sell, market, distribute (including for free), promote or advertise a

MARKETER. Any person or other entity that sells, markets, distributes (including
for free), promotes or advertises a product.

MENTIONS. With respect to the Traditional Media In-Kind Promotions (as defined
on Exhibit C-1), any on-air audio and/or graphic references (of at least 10
seconds in length) to AOL or any trademark, trade name or logo thereof,
consistent with AOL's promotional and trademark and logo policies.

MODIFIED CUSTOMIZED SITE. A form of a Customized Site, meeting all the
requirements thereof; but excusing (1) the full extent of the otherwise required
co-branding required for a Customized Site and (2) the full extent of the
otherwise required brand specific customization (e.g., look and feel, etc.); but
expressly not excusing any other requirements, and therefor, without limitation,
(a) is a mirrored, cul de sac site (b) contains some co-branding for AOL or the
appropriate property (though not necessarily full co-branded customization such
as header), (c) is located on the appropriate AOL property's URL (e.g.,
www.ag.aol.com), (d) contains only the Products and Content listed on exhibit D
and otherwise permitted herein, (e) does not promote any Interactive Service
(other than if and to the extent expressly allowed by Section 1.2 for a
Customized Site) and (f) is fully compliant with Exhibit E Section 1, and (g)
shall enable tracking of visitors to the full extent necessary to track revenue
sharing as set forth herein. For purposes of calculations of revenue sharing
hereunder (e.g., for purposes of the definitions of Site Revenues, Transaction
Revenues, AOL Purchaser, Customized Site Advertising Payments and any other
provisions applicable, directly or indirectly, to calculating AOL's revenue
shares hereunder), but subject to the limitations above, a "Modified Customized
Site" shall be considered a form of a Customized Site.

MODIFIED RENEWAL CUSTOMIZED SITE. Shall not be a Customized Site (except to the
extent otherwise expressly set forth herein), but expressly subject to the
following requirements herein for a Customized Site: (a) is a mirrored, cul de
sac site; (b) contains some co-branding for AOL or the appropriate property
(though not necessarily full co-branded customization such as header); (c) is
located on the appropriate AOL property's URL (e.g., www.ag.aol.com); (d)
complies with the provisions of Exhibit E (e.g., operational and scalability
requirements) (but subject to clause (f) below); (e) does not promote any
Interactive Service (other than if and to the extent expressly allowed by
Section 1.2 for a Customized Site); (f) need not comply with the requirements of
Exhibit E-1, but shall be at least as comprehensive, competitive and compelling
(e.g., with respect to pricing of Products, scope and selection of Products,
functionality, quality of Products, customer service and fulfillment, and ease
of use) as AG's primary Standard Site (provided that to the extent such Modified
Renewal Customized Site is not so comprehensive, competitive and compelling
solely as a direct result of such restrictions by AOL on AG hereunder, this
obligation to be so comprehensive, competitive and compelling shall be deemed
satisfied); (g) during any Exclusive Renewal Term and for one full year after
the start of any Non-Exclusive Renewal Term, shall comply with all Content and
Product scope restrictions herein applicable to a Customized Site (e.g., shall
contain only Products and Content to the extent permitted by Exhibit D or
otherwise herein); (h) Subject to all terms and conditions applicable to a
Customized Site in Exhibits F and G (e.g., management of such site in a
professional manner, AG shall provide to AOL license to use such Licensed
Content therein, AG shall represent and warrant that it has rights to such
Licensed Content, etc.); (i) shall be subject to Sections 2.10 and 2.11 as if it
were a Customized Site; (j) expressly excusing (1) the full extent of the
otherwise required co-branding required for a Customized Site and (2) the full
extent of the otherwise required brand specific customization (e.g., look and
feel, etc.); (k) shall enable tracking of visitors to the full extent necessary
to track revenue sharing as set forth herein. For purposes of calculations of
revenue sharing hereunder (e.g., for purposes of the definitions of Site
Revenues, Transaction Revenues, AOL Purchaser, Customized Site Advertising
Payments and any other provisions applicable, directly or indirectly, to
calculating AOL's revenue shares hereunder), but for no other purposes (except
to the extent otherwise expressly set forth herein), subject to the limitations
above, a "Modified Renewal Customized Site" shall be considered a form of a
Customized Site.

less all applicable Advertising Sales Commissions.

NETCENTER. Netscape Communications Corporation's primary, narrow-band
Internet-based Interactive Site marketed under the "Netscape Netcenter(TM)"
brand as it exists at any time during the Term hereof (i.e., the current
primary, narrow-band U.S. version of the Netcenter brand Interactive Site as of
the Effective Date and any replacement successor primary, narrow-band U.S.
version thereto), specifically excluding [






PRIOR AGREEMENT.  As defined in Section 10.3 hereof.

PRODUCT. Any product, good or service which AG (or others acting on its behalf
or as distributors) offers, sells, provides, distributes or licenses to AOL

PROMO CONTENT.  As defined in Section 1.1.2.

PROMOTIONS. The promotions described on Exhibit A or Exhibit A-1, residing
within the AOL Network and not the Customized Site, plus any comparable
promotions delivered by AOL in accordance herewith (e.g., as set forth in
Section 1.1), including without limitation any buttons, banners, links,
pointers, sponsorships, or other promotions, advertisements or similar services
or rights ("Standard Promotions"), plus any additional promotions of the
Customized Site provided by AOL (including, without limitation, more integrated
promotions such as Keyword Search Terms, pull down menus, list boxes and other
navigational tools integrated into the AOL Network (including Promotions which
would be Standard Promotions (e.g., buttons or links) but which are more
integration into the AOL Network than standard advertising inventory, e.g., with
respect to the ICQ Service) ("Integrated Promotions").



REMNANT INVENTORY. Non-integrated, banner Advertising inventory which is unsold
at the end of the business day prior to the day on which that inventory will
run. If AG has purchased Remnant Inventory, AG's creative will be slotted into
such unsold inventory by AOL from time to time in accordance with internal AOL
policies. AOL does not guarantee that Remnant Inventory Impressions will be
delivered on any particular day(s) or that such Impressions will be delivered
evenly over the Term. Further, AOL does not guarantee placement on any
particular screen or group of screens (except that Channel level Remnant
Inventory will be run only within the specified Channel).

RUN OF SERVICE INVENTORY or ROS. A collection of non-integrated, banner
Advertising inventory made up of all areas of the relevant AOL property or
service. If Advertiser has purchased Run of Service Inventory, AOL will place
Advertiser's creative in different locations throughout the relevant property or
service in accordance with AOL internal policies. Run of Service Impressions
will be delivered reasonably evenly over a given time period. Advertiser may not
control placement within a Run of Service Inventory purchase and AOL does not
guarantee placement on any particular screen or group of screens (except that
Run of Channel Inventory will be run only in the specified Channel).


SEARCH or SEARCH TERMS. An AOL branded online search tool, as made available by
AOL for use by AOL Users using the NetFind brand search engine and within the
AOL Network (the results of which such search are non-exclusive, and result in
references to many entities; any references to a Promotion related thereto is to
a rotational banner within the standard Advertising inventory available on a
page pulled up as a result thereof, not a manipulation of the results

SITE REVENUES. The combination of Transaction Revenues and Customized Site
Advertising Payments.

STANDARD PROMOTIONS. As defined within the definition of Promotions above.



STANDARD SITE. Any Interactive Site(s) (other than the Customized Site) which is
managed, maintained, owned or controlled by AG or its agents.

THIRD PARTY CUSTOMIZED SITE.  As defined in Section 1.2 hereof.



TRANSITION COMPLETION DATE. The date on which the transition from V3 to V4 is
100% complete, such that, thereafter, V4 is used and V3 is no longer used
(except with respect to ART, as set forth in Section 1.1.6), the system meets
AG's and AOL's scalability specifications, and no longer requires support from




V3. The software system for AG's existing site on the AOL Service under the
Prior Agreement generally known as V3, usable by certain AOL Users but not on
the internet generally; provided that additional features may be implemented
from time to time on V3 codebase but will not cause the system to be known as
anything other than V3.

V4. [






                                    EXHIBIT C
                               AG CROSS-PROMOTION

1.       Within AG's primary non-customized Interactive Sites (specifically
         excluding any Third Party Customized Site), AG shall include at least
         one of the following (collectively, the "AOL Promos"): (i) a prominent
         "Try AOL" feature (at least 90 x 30 pixels or 70 x 70 pixels in size)
         through which users can obtain promotional information about AOL
         products or services designated by AOL and, at AOL's option, download
         or order the then-current version of client software for such AOL
         products or services; (ii) a promotional banner or button (at least 90
         x 30 pixels or 70 x 70 pixels in size) appearing in a mutually agreed
         location on the first screen of the AG Interactive Site, to promote
         such AOL products or services as AOL may designate (for example, the
         ICQ Service or the AOL Instant Messenger(TM)service); or (iii) a link
         back to a location on the AOL Network that AOL shall designate (such as
         a certain screen within the AOL Service or Aol.com). AOL will provide
         the creative content to be used in the AOL Promos (including
         designation of links from such content to other content pages). AG
         shall post (or update, as the case may be) the creative content
         supplied by AOL within the spaces for the AOL Promos within five days
         of its receipt of such content from AOL. Without limiting any other
         reporting obligations of the Parties contained herein, AG shall provide
         AOL with monthly written reports specifying the number of impressions
         to the pages containing the AOL Promos during the prior month. In the
         event that AOL elects to serve the AOL Promos to the AG Interactive
         Site from an ad server controlled by AOL or its agent, AG shall take
         all reasonable operational steps necessary to facilitate such ad
         serving arrangement including, without limitation, inserting HTML code
         designated by AOL on the pages of the AG Interactive Site on which the
         AOL Promos will appear.

2.       In AG's television, radio, print and "out of home" (e.g., buses and
         billboards) advertisements and in any publications, programs, features
         or other forms of media over which AG exercises at least partial
         editorial control, AG will include specific references or mentions
         (verbally where possible) of the availability of the Customized Site
         through the AOL Network, which are at least as prominent as any
         references that AG makes to any AG Interactive Site (by way of site
         name, URL or otherwise). Without limiting the generality of the
         foregoing, AG's listing of the "URL" for any AG Interactive Site will
         be accompanied by a substantially equally prominent listing of the
         "keyword" term on AOL for the Customized Site. [



                                   EXHIBIT C-1
                            IN-KIND PROMOTION OF AOL


Description: The following shall appear on English language printed greeting
cards manufactured or distributed in the U.S. by or on behalf of American
Greetings Corporation during the Initial Term (the "Physical Greeting Cards"),
to appear substantially as shown on Annex 1 hereto (but placement location on
the back of the card to be at the discretion of American Greetings Corporation),
with a guaranteed minimum aggregate number of [                          ] such
cards to be distributed per year (provided that, in the event of a shortfall in
the first year hereof, AG shall not be in breach provided AG makes up such
shortfall during the Initial Term):

                  (Logo) AOL Keyword: AG


                  America Online Keyword: AG


Description: The following shall be included in [         ] impressions per year
of American Greetings Corporation's 4 color print ad placements (to appear
substantially similar as shown on Annex 1 hereto):

                  (Logo) AOL Keyword: AG


                  America Online Keyword: AG

3.    AG (americangreetings.com) PRINT AND RADIO ADVERTISING

Description: The following shall be included in AG's 4 color print and radio ad
placements (based on a $[        ] media plan per year related to this section 3
of this exhibit) (provided that such reference to AOL is, in the case of print
placements, to appear substantially similar as shown on Annex 1 hereto, and in
the case of radio placements, to account for [ ]% of the on air time, e.g., at
least [ ] seconds of a 60 second radio spot, or be at least as prominent as
mention of AG's URL):



                  Print -
                           (Logo) America Online Keyword: AG

                  Radio -
                           Announcer mention, such as "www.americangreetings.com
                           or on America Online at Keyword: AG"


Description: Exclusive content shall be provided as described on Exhibit D-1 of
the Interactive Marketing Agreement.


(a)  All In-Kind Promotions must be exclusive to AOL, such that AOL is the only
     [     ] Interactive Service to be promoted in any In-Kind Promotion.
(b)  All In-Kind Promotions shall be produced by AG at AG's sole cost and
     expense and without charge (including without limitation advertising,
     placement or integration charges) to AOL.
(c)  All In-Kind Promotions shall be consistent with AOL's promotional and
     trademark and logo policies, subject to AOL's prior review, current copies
     of which AG hereby acknowledges receipt of (except as expressly set forth
     in paragraphs 1, 2 or 3 of this Exhibit C-1 or on Annex-1 attached hereto,
     which are expressly hereby approved).
(d)  (i)AOL hereby consents to American Greetings Corporation's continued sale
     and distribution of any Physical Greeting Cards containing the foregoing
     reference to AOL as set forth above, notwithstanding any lapse, expiration
     or termination of this Agreement; provided that all other terms and
     conditions of such In-Kind Promotions, except for such lapse of the term,
     are complied with.
     (ii)For so long as AG sells cards with the Keyword "AG" appearing on the
     back (e.g., after the term, if cards have already been printed and are
     still available in stores), then AOL shall be required to maintain such
     Keyword "AG" (subject to AOL's Keyword policies to the extent set forth
     herein) and AG shall be required to maintain the Modified Renewal
     Customized Site for AOL to direct users of the Keyword thereto; provided
     that AOL shall not be required to link the Keyword to any site that is not
     a Modified Renewal Customized Site meeting all the requirements thereof
     (e.g., without limitation, such site shall not promote any Interactive
     Service); provided further that AOL shall not be required to maintain such
     Keyword and/or link any longer than [       ] after the Initial Term; and
     provided further that any maintenance of the Keyword by AOL shall be
     considered a Continued Link pursuant to Section 8.4 of this Agreement,
     subject to the terms thereof (e.g., revenue sharing)).
(e)  All print and radio ads provided for herein shall either (i) comply with
     AG's (or American Greetings Corporation's) media plan, as delivered to AOL
     in writing, and appear in the



     publications, or radio programs and time slots, as expressly set forth
     therein, or (ii) appear in substantially similar placements having the same
     market value as in such media plan; provided that AG shall deliver to AOL a
     revised copy of any such media plan promptly upon any revisions thereto.
(f)  AG shall provide to AOL on a quarterly basis detailed reports with respect
     to all In-Kind Promotions in a mutually agreed manner and level of detail,
     including at a minimum a statement reflecting the number of Physical Cards
     delivered, in the form attached hereto as Annex 2 to this Exhibit C-1.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, should AG fail, in any given
year of the Initial Term, to deliver the scheduled portion of any particular
In-Kind Promotions for such year, then any such failure or shortfall shall not
itself constitute a breach hereof but shall be remedied as follows: AG shall
have [  ] days after the end of the applicable year to deliver replacement
in-kind promotion(s) which is mutually agreed by the Parties to have comparable
value to the undelivered In-Kind Promotions (the "Mutually Agreed Replacement
Promotion"). If AG fails to deliver such Mutually Agreed Replacement Promotion
within such [  ] day period then AOL may reduce certain Promotions provided by
AOL to AG hereunder (other than those identified as "Mission Critical") by an
amount demonstrably equivalent in value to the amount of such shortfall of
undelivered In-Kind Promotions. In the event of a disagreement as to the value
of any undelivered In-Kind Promotions, AOL's third party media buying agency
shall determine the value therefor based on the standard rate card for such a
promotion, if available, or, if a standard rate card is not available, then
based on a proportionate value of the standard rate card for a similar
promotion. If there is a material variation between AG' third party media
valuation agency's valuation and AOL's media buying agency's valuation, AOL's
media buying agency's valuation shall govern, subject only to AG' right to
demonstrate that AOL's media buying agency's valuation is inaccurate. If the
Parties still cannot agree, then both Parties' media buying agencies shall
mutually agree upon a third, independent, media buying agency to settle such
dispute. [



                             ANNEX 1 TO EXHIBIT C-1


                                 [SEE ATTACHED]



                40% Pre Consumer - 10% Post Consumer

                              AMERICAN GREETINGS

                          America Online Keyword: AG

According to him.......Love Talk....According to her(TM)

                                                          [Bar Code]
                              Traditional Cards



                              ANNEX 2 TO EXHIBIT C

                              REGARDING PROMOTIONS

Pursuant to Section 4.3 and Exhibit C-1 of the Interactive Marketing Agreement
between ____________ ("AG") and America Online, Inc. ("AOL"), dated as of
_________________, 1999 (the "Agreement"), the following report is delivered to
AOL for the period beginning _____________ and ending __________ (the "Period"):


AG hereby certifies to AOL that AG (or American Greetings Corporation, as the
case may be) completed the following promotional commitments during the Period:

                              PROMOTION            PROMOTION                         SECTION
- ------ ---------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------- -----------------------

- ------ ---------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------- -----------------------

- ------ ---------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------- -----------------------

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate has been executed this ___ day of
___________, 199_.

- ----------------------------------

By: _______________________________

Print Name:  ________________________

Title: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________



                                    EXHIBIT D








                                   EXHIBIT D-1

EXCLUSIVE OFFERS:   "AOL Exclusive Offers" by AG may include:

     -   Sweepstakes offering gifts such as cash;

     -   Promotions, including holiday promotions, which may include a [
                                 ] shopping spree; "Refer a Friend" promotions
         offering a free subscription of equal or lesser value for every friend
         signed for subscription, "Golden Greeting" promotion awarding a prize
         for every 10,000th card sent or certain designated greeting, and
         promotional tie with licensed partners such as [
                                             ] etc.

     -   Partner marketing specials for clothing, music, books, etc. (subject to
         all AOL exclusivities)

     -   Contests requiring creative input, (e.g., create a Greeting or comic)
         or entry with the winner receiving a personalized song, Greeting or
         comic strip with a winners picture in it; or

     -   Channel specific special limited time pricing on subscriptions.


                                FUN SITE FOR KIDS

Description:      Will include hundreds of designs of greetings, games,
                  interactive storybooks, comics, and print creativity projects
                  in an online greetings and interactive entertainment area for
                  kids. All new content developed solely for the area will be
                  available from AG on the Customized Site on an exclusive basis
                  for [   ] months from its introduction.


Description:      AG will provide AOL three-month exclusives on new content for
                  no less than [    ] licensed properties per year (i.e. such
                  content will be available from AG on the Customized Site on an
                  exclusive basis for [     ] months from its introduction).

                                CAPTIONS FOR YGP

Description:      AG will provide a library of exclusive captions for use on the
                  YGP service. Content to be updated regularly. Such captions
                  will be available from AG on the Customized Site on an
                  exclusive basis for [    ] months from introduction.



                              AOL HOMETOWN CONTENT

Description:      AG will provide AOL with clip art, home page templates and
                  animated and/or interactive artwork for AOL Hometown. Such
                  Content will be available from AG on the Customized Site on an
                  exclusive basis for [   ] months from its introduction.

                            CUSTOMIZATION OF CONTENT

Description:      AG will provide customized content to the various AOL
                  properties (i.e. exclusives for Digital Cities, Compuserve,
                  Netcenter etc.) as required by the Interactive Marketing

                              INTERNATIONAL CONTENT

Description:      AG will provide customized international content to AOL
                  International and ICQ as required by the contract.



                                    EXHIBIT E











                                    EXHIBIT F












                                    EXHIBIT G
                        STANDARD LEGAL TERMS & CONDITIONS















                                    EXHIBIT H

                             [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]



                                    EXHIBIT I
                           AOL TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS




















                                     ANNEX 2



         1.1.     APPOINTMENT AS SALES AGENT. AOL will act as AG's exclusive
                  sales agent, both with respect to third parties and with
                  respect to AG and its affiliates, subject to the terms hereof,
                  for any and all Advertisements on the Customized Site
                  (including, subject to the express limitations herein, the
                  exclusive rights to act as sales agent for any Advertisements
                  therein and all rights to receive, on AG's behalf (to the
                  extent set forth herein and subject to the terms hereof), all
                  Customized Site Advertising Payments). AOL agrees to use
                  commercially reasonable efforts to, after the sale of any
                  Advertisements on the Customized Site (i.e., after execution
                  of definitive documentation by such third party and AOL),
                  expose such personnel to the buyers of such Advertisements
                  (e.g., arrange a meeting and make initial introductions), it
                  being understood and agreed that in particular cases it may be
                  commercially reasonable to exclude AG (e.g. where AOL is
                  selling Advertisements across a broad range of AOL properties
                  or without any targeting based on Greeting Products). As
                  exclusive sales agent, AOL may receive and hold, on AG's
                  behalf (to the extent set forth herein and subject to the
                  terms hereof), funds owing to AG in respect of the sales of
                  Advertisements on the Customized Site. For all Advertisements
                  within the Customized Site sold by AOL pursuant to the terms
                  hereof, AOL shall be entitled to keep the Advertising Sales
                  Commission from all Customized Site Advertising Payments,
                  prior to all calculations set forth herein.

         1.2.     INVENTORY. Total advertising inventory on the Customized Site,

                                                                      ] policies
                  and parameters for discounting off of such rate card, and any
                  other mutually agreed relevant factors will be as set forth by
                  the Parties pursuant to quarterly mutually agreed upon
                  marketing plans (each, a "Quarterly Marketing Plan"). Each
                  Quarterly Marketing Plan shall factor in AOL's need to meet
                  its revenue goals and obligations herein, industry standard
                  sell through rates and CPMs (including, to the extent
                  analogous, those on the Standard Sites), AG's revenue goals
                  for Transaction Revenues and the quality of the customer
                  experience for AG's customers and the prior quarter's
                  Quarterly Marketing Plan and successes and shortcoming
                  therein. Each Quarterly Marketing Plan (and the available
                  inventory therein) shall be subject to adjustment as provided
                  in Section 2.4 in the main body of this Agreement in the event
                  of any changes in the initial delivery Greeting Media (i.e.,
                  if an Online Viewing Area is not the initial method of
                  delivery of the Greeting Products). The Parties shall mutually
                  agree on the first Quarterly Marketing Plan within sixty (60)
                  days of the Interim Date, and thereafter, on successive
                  Quarterly Marketing Plans at or before the first five (5) days
                  of each calendar quarter; if the Parties have not mutually
                  agreed upon any applicable Quarterly Marketing Plan by such
                  time, then AOL may continue to sell Advertisements under the
                  prior quarter's Quarterly Marketing Plan. For each full month
                  of such delay (except if and to the extent AOL unreasonably
                  withheld consent in order to so delay), AOL's deadlines in
                  Section 1.3 below to reach each subsequent Advertising Hurdle
                  Amount, and in Section 2 below to make payments to AG by any
                  particular date, shall each be extended by the same amount of

         1.3.     EXCEPTIONS. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein
                  regarding which Party shall sell the Adverting inventory
                  within the Customized Site (but still subject to Section 1.4
                  below and all Content and Advertising restrictions applicable
                  to the Customized Site, e.g., as set forth in Sections 1.2,
                  2.2 and, if applicable, 8.9 of the main body of this

                  1.3.1.   [

                                Annex 2; Page-1




                  1.3.2.   [


                  1.3.3.   AG shall not be restricted from including a Link to
                           an American Greetings Corporation Interactive Site;

                  1.3.4.   [




         1.4.     [


2.       [


         2.1.     [

                                Annex 2; Page--2


         2.2.     [                                                           ]

         2.3.     [                                                           ]


         3.1.     AMOUNTS BEFORE AUGUST 2002. Out of any funds received by
                  either Party that constitute Customized Site Advertising
                  Payments (including any such amount allocated out of a larger
                  payment for a Total Ad Package Payment (as defined in Section
                  4 below)), if AOL acted as the sales agent in respect thereof
                  there shall first be deducted and paid to (or retained by) AOL
                  the Advertising Sales Commission. The remaining Net Customized
                  Site Advertising Payment shall be paid to (or retained by) AOL
                  in the percentages set forth on the chart below based on the
                  Contract Period and the amount of Net Customized Site
                  Advertising Payments received in that Contract Period, as
                  shown on the chart below, subject to the terms hereof:


                                Annex 2; Page--3




         3.2.     POST AUGUST 2002. From and after August 1, 2002, the portion
                  of Net Customized Site Advertising Payments to be paid to or
                  retained by AOL shall be [  ]% until such time as Net
                  Customized Site Advertising Payments equal or exceed $[
                  ] after which it shall be [  ]%, provided however that if as
                  of August 1, 2002 Net Customized Site Advertising Payments
                  exceeds $[         ], the portion thereof to be paid to or
                  retained by AOL shall be [ ]% until such time as the amount
                  paid to or retained by AG (including pursuant to Section 2
                  hereof) is $[          ] plus [ ]% of the excess Net
                  Customized Site Advertising Payments over $[          ] and
                  thereafter shall be [  ]%.

         3.3.     PAYMENTS. Payment of any net amount due to AOL or AG as a
                  result of the revenue share set forth in this Section 3 shall
                  be due and payable each quarter by the collecting Party to the
                  other Party within 30 days after the end of such quarter.

         ADVERTISEMENTS. In the event AOL sells Advertisements in a grouping
         with placements in both the Customized Site and within the AOL Network
         (an "Ad Package") (it being expressly understood and agreed that AOL
         owns and retains all right, title and interest in and to all the
         promotional and advertising spaces within the AOL Network), then the
         portion of the aggregate amounts collected (plus the fair market value
         of any other compensation received) from such Ad Package ("Total Ad

                                Annex 2; Page--4


         Package Payment") that is allocated to and deemed to be Customized Site
         Advertising Payment will be determined as follows:

         4.1.     [


         4.2.     The Parties will cooperate to make available targeted ad
                  serving for use on the Customized Site as soon as commercially
                  practical following the Interim Date. In order for such
                  targeted ad serving to be implemented, AG will use
                  commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the data
                  necessary to facilitate such targeting will be made available
                  to AOL in a manner which allows proper incorporation into
                  AOL's ad server. In addition, each Party will cooperate with
                  the other Party in order to aid in tracking Impressions
                  through the Customized Site for purposes of fulfilling their
                  respective reporting and revenue payment requirements. AG will
                  permit AOL or its affiliates or agents to serve the
                  Advertisements appearing in the Customized Site. AG shall
                  cooperate with AOL to assist in AOL's due diligence of the
                  ability of the Customized Site to comply herewith, and in the
                  event of any delay in AOL's ability to sell the Advertisements
                  as a result of any problem to the extent in AG's control and
                  not AOL's, AOL's deadlines in Section 1.3 above to reach each
                  subsequent Advertising Hurdle Amount, and in Section 2 above
                  to make payments to AG by any particular date, shall each be
                  extended by the same amount of time.

5.       [


  6.     [

                                Annex 2; Page--5