Exhibit 10(t)

          Service Agreement dated September 9, 1998, between Levington
Horticulture Limited (nka The Scotts Company (UK) Ltd.)and Nicholas Kirkbride


                                SERVICE AGREEMENT

DATE                                                            9 September 1998


1.                LEVINGTON HORTICULTURE LIMITED whose registered office is at
                  Salisbury House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming,
                  Surrey SU7 IXE ("the Company"); and

2.                NICHOLAS KIRKBRIDE of Kelbrook House, 44 Whielden Street,

                  Bucks HP7 OHU ("the Executive")

1                 COMMENCEMENT AND TERM

1.1               The Executive's employment pursuant to this Agreement shall
                  begin on 2 November 1998 or such later date as may reasonably
                  be agreed between the parties (the "Commencement Date"). The
                  Executive's period of continuous employment for statutory
                  purposes shall be the Commencement Date.

1.2               The employment of the Executive shall continue following the
                  Commencement Date (subject to the provisions of Clause 14)
                  unless and until terminated by either party giving to the
                  other not less than twelve months' notice in writing such
                  notice to be given at any time.

1.3               The Company may at its absolute discretion elect to terminate
                  the employment of the Executive with immediate effect by
                  paying to the Executive 12 months' salary (including benefits)
                  in lieu of notice. The Executive is required to mitigate his
                  loss where he is dismissed and any payment in lieu of notice
                  may be reduced to take account of mitigation and to take
                  account of the payment or of any part of the payment being
                  made earlier than the date of payment of the salary or
                  benefits to which he would otherwise be entitled under this



2.1               The Executive shall during the continuance of his employment:-

2.1.1             serve the Company to the best of his ability in the capacity
                  of Managing Director of the UK consumer business or in such
                  other capacity (of similar status and responsibility) as the
                  Board may from time to time determine:

2.1.2             work towards the integration of the Company's UK consumer
                  business namely the Levington and Miracle subsidiaries of
                  Scotts' UK business;

2.1.3             to act as Managing Director. of the Company and the Group's UK
                  consumer business once integration has been completed;

2.1.4             faithfully and diligently perform such duties and exercise
                  such powers consistent with them as the Board (or anyone
                  authorized by the Board) may from time to time properly assign
                  to or confer upon him;

2.1.5             if and so long as the Board so directs perform and exercise
                  the said duties and powers on behalf of any Associated Company
                  and act as a director or other officer of any Associated

2.1.6             do all in his power to protect promote develop and extend the
                  business interests and reputation of the Group;

2.1.7             at all times and in all respects conform to and comply with
                  the lawful and reasonable directions of the Board;

2.1.8             promptly give to the Board (in writing if so requested) all
                  such information explanations and assistance as it may require
                  in connection with the business and affairs of the Company and
                  any Associated Company for which he is required to perform
                  duties; 2.1.9 unless prevented by sickness injury or other
                  incapacity or as otherwise agreed by the Board devote the
                  whole of his time attention and abilities during his hours of


                  work (which shall be normal business hours and such additional
                  hours as may be necessary for the proper performance of his
                  duties) to the business and affairs of the Company and any
                  Associated Company for which he is required to perform duties;

2.1.10            work at the Company's offices at Salisbury House, Weyside
                  Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey or at such other
                  place of business of the Company or any Associated Company
                  within the United Kingdom which the Board may reasonably
                  require for the proper performance and exercise of his duties
                  and powers and the Executive may be required to travel on the
                  business of the Company and any Associated Company for which
                  he is required to perform duties.


3.1               During the continuance of his employment the Executive shall
                  not without the prior written consent of the Board (such
                  Consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) directly
                  or indirectly carry on or be engaged concerned or interested
                  in any other business trade or be interested as a holder or
                  beneficial owner solely for investment purposes of more than 5
                  per cent in aggregate of any class of shares debentures or
                  other securities in issue from time to time of any company
                  which are for the time being quoted or dealt in on any
                  recognised investment exchange (as defined by Section 207(1)
                  of the Financial Services Act 1986).

3.2               The Executive may, during the continuance of his employment
                  and with the prior written consent of the Company, hold
                  non-executive directorships in companies provided:

3.2.1             such companies do not directly or indirectly carry on any
                  business which competes or may compete with any business of a
                  kind carried on by the Company or any Associated Company
                  including in particular (but without limitation) the business
                  of the production, development and sale of garden and
                  professional horticultural products: and

3.2.2             such appointments do not or may not in the opinion of the
                  Board prejudice the performance by the Executive of his duties
                  pursuant to this Agreement. Any loss


                  of Company time incurred as a result of the non-executive
                  directorships referred to above will be made up in full by the

3.3               During the continuance of his employment the Executive:

3.3.1             shall not directly or indirectly procure accept or obtain for
                  his own benefit (or for the benefit of any other person) any
                  payment material rebate discount commission vouchers gift
                  entertainment or other benefit ("Gratuities") from any third
                  party in respect of any business transacted or proposed to be
                  transacted (whether or not by him) by or on behalf of the
                  Company or any Associated Company; and

3.3.2             shall observe the terms of any policy issued by the Company in
                  relation to Gratuities; and

3.3.3             shall immediately disclose and account to the Company for any
                  Gratuities received by him (or by any other person on his
                  behalf or at his instruction).

4                 REMUNERATION

4.1               The Company shall pay to the Executive during the continuance
                  of his employment a salary (which shall accrue from day to
                  day) at the rate of (pound)138,000 per year inclusive of any
                  directors' fees payable to the Executive under the Articles of
                  Association of the Company or any Associated Company (and any
                  such fees as the Executive shall receive he shall pay to the
                  Company). The salary shall be payable by equal monthly
                  installments in arrears on or about the 30th day of each
                  calendar month. The salary shall be reviewed in each year of
                  the Executive's employment based on the Executive's
                  performance and the performance of the Company during the
                  relevant period. Salary reviews shall be conducted annually in
                  accordance with the Company's pay review policy from time to
                  time in force and any increase shall have effect from the
                  anniversary of the Commencement Date.

4.2               The Executive shall be granted options to acquire 25,000
                  common shares in the capital of The Scotts Company ("Shares')
                  on and subject to the Rules of The Scotts Company 1996 Stock
                  Option Plan (as amended from time to time) (the "Plan"). Such
                  options shall be granted to the Executive at the first meeting
                  of the


                  Committee (as defined in the Plan) to be held following the
                  Commencement Date. The Executive shall, in addition, be given
                  the opportunity to participate in the Plan and to earn
                  additional stock options at the Company's discretion following
                  the Commencement Date.

4.3               Upon termination of his employment, the Executive shall have
                  no claim against the Company for loss arising out of
                  ineligibility to exercise any Share options granted to him
                  which have not vested at the date of termination or otherwise
                  in relation to the Plan and the rights of the Executive shall
                  be determined solely by the rules of such Plan in force at the
                  date of termination of his employment.

5                 BONUS

                  The Executive shall be entitled to participate in such bonus
                  arrangements as the Board may specify from time to time. The
                  Company may, in its absolute discretion, award the Executive
                  an annual bonus of up to 30% of his salary as defined in
                  Clause 4.1 above, dependent upon the attainment by the
                  Executive of operational and financial targets, such targets
                  to be agreed between the Company and the Executive each year.

6                 PENSION SCHEME

                  The Company shall during the Executive's employment under this

6.1               pay monthly contributions in respect of the Executive to a
                  personal pension scheme nominated by him at the rate of 13.5%
                  of his basic monthly salary under Clause 4.1 (subject to
                  applicable Inland Revenue limits); or

6.2               allow the Executive to become a member of the appropriate
                  Company pension scheme ("the Pension Scheme") subject to the
                  terms of its trust deed and rules in force from time to time,
                  provided that the Executive shall commence making
                  contributions to the Pension Scheme within 6 months of the
                  Commencement Date.

6.3               A contracting-out certificate will be in force at the
                  commencement of the employment of the Executive.


7                 INSURANCES

7.1               Subject to his complying with and satisfying any applicable
                  requirements of the relevant insurers the Company shall during
                  the continuance of his employment:

7.1.1             provide at the Company's expense for the Executive and his
                  spouse and children under the age of 21 years membership of
                  PPP or of such other private medical expenses insurance scheme
                  providing equivalent benefits as the Company may in its
                  absolute discretion from time to time decide;

7.1.2             provide at the Company's expense the Executive with accident
                  insurance cover which in the event of the Executive's
                  sustaining injuries in the course of his employment which
                  result in his permanent disablement or death shall pay to the
                  Executive or his chosen dependants (as the case may be) a lump
                  sum equal to 3 times the Executive's then annual rate of

7.1.3             provide the Executive with membership of the Company's
                  permanent health insurance scheme.

7.2               The Company shall at its absolute discretion be entitled to
                  cease to provide any or all of the insurances referred to in
                  subclauses 7.1.1 to 7.1.3 if the medical condition of the
                  Executive is or becomes such that the Company is unable to
                  secure any such insurance under the rules of any applicable
                  scheme or otherwise except at a rate or premium in excess of
                  250 per cent of the initial premium agreed for such Executive.

8                  COMPANY CAR

8.1               Subject to Clause 8.2, the Company shall pay to the Executive
                  a car allowance of(pound)750 per month less tax and national

8.1.1             The Company shall reimburse the Executive for private and
                  business fuel costs.


8.1.2             The Executive shall be responsible for all other running costs
                  including the costs of servicing, taxing and insurance.

8.1.3             For all purposes connected with the calculation of any
                  severance or termination payment, the benefit of the car
                  allowance provided pursuant to Clause 8.1 shall not be taken
                  into account and it shall not form part of the Executive's
                  pensionable salary.

8.2               If the Executive completes more than 15,000 business miles in
                  any one year he shall have the option of being provided with a
                  company car of a lease value not in excess of (pound)750 per
                  month in replacement of the car allowance in Clause 8.1 above.
                  If the Executive wishes to exercise this option, he shall
                  notify the Company in writing not less than one month prior to
                  the date when he wishes the car to be provided.

8.3               The Executive shall at all times and in all respects conform
                  to and comply with any policy which may from time to time be
                  made by the Company in relation to cars provided by it for the
                  use of its employees.


9.                EXPENSES

9.1               The Company shall, subject to Clause 19.2. during the
                  continuance of his employment reimburse the Executive in
                  respect of:

9.1.1             all reasonable travelling accommodation entertainment and
                  other similar out-of-pocket expenses wholly exclusively and
                  necessarily incurred by him in or about the performance of his

9.1.2             the rental and unit charges attributable to the telephone at
                  his home to reflect business use; and

9.1.3             all reasonable household and removal expenses incurred by him
                  as a result of a move from his then current address
                  necessitated by the Company's requiring him to work
                  permanently at another location.

9.2               Except where specified to the contrary all expenses shall be
                  reimbursed on a monthly basis subject to the Executive
                  providing appropriate evidence (including receipts, invoices,
                  tickets and/or vouchers as may be appropriate) of the
                  expenditure in respect of which he claims reimbursement.

10                HOLIDAYS

10.1              The Executive shall (in addition to the usual public and bank
                  holidays) be entitled during the continuance of his employment
                  to 26 working days' paid holiday in each holiday year of the
                  Company. The Company's holiday year runs from 1 January to 31

10.2              The Company may require the Executive to work on any public or
                  bank holiday but in such event the Executive shall be entitled
                  to take paid time off in lieu.

10.3              The Company reserves the right to nominate up to 5 days on
                  which holiday must be taken by the Executive.


10.4              The Executive shall be entitled to carry forward up to 5 days
                  of his annual holiday entitlement from one holiday year to the
                  next. This entitlement will not, however, extend beyond a
                  period of any two consecutive years.

10.5              Upon the termination of his employment the Executive's
                  entitlement to accrued holiday pay shall be calculated on a
                  pro rata basis in respect of each completed month of service
                  in the holiday year in which his employment terminates and the
                  appropriate amount shall be paid to the Executive provided
                  that if the Executive shall have taken more days' holiday than
                  his accrued entitlement the Company is hereby authorised to
                  make an appropriate deduction from the Executive's final
                  salary payment.

11                INCAPACITY

11.1              Subject to his complying with the Company's procedures
                  relating to the notification and certification of periods of
                  absence from work the Executive shall continue to be paid his
                  salary (inclusive of any statutory sick pay or social security
                  benefits to which he may be entitled) during any periods of
                  absence from work due to sickness injury or other incapacity
                  in accordance with the Company's regulations.

11.2              If any incapacity of the Executive shall be caused by any
                  alleged action or wrong of a third party and the Executive
                  shall decide to claim damages in respect thereof, then the
                  Executive shall use all reasonable endeavours to recover
                  damages for loss of earnings over the period for which salary
                  has been or will be paid to him by the Company under Clause
                  11.1, and shall account to the Company for any such damages
                  recovered (in an amount not exceeding the actual salary paid
                  or payable to him by the Company under Clause 11.1 in respect
                  of the said period) less any costs borne by him in achieving
                  such recovery. The Executive shall keep the Company informed
                  of the commencement, progress and outcome of any such claim.



12.1              Subject to the relevant provisions of the Patents Act 1977 the
                  Registered Designs Act 1949 and the Copyright Designs and
                  Patents Act 1988 if at any time in the course of his
                  employment the Executive makes or discovers or participates in
                  the making or discovery of any Intellectual Property relating
                  to or capable of being used in the business of the Company or
                  any Associated Company he shall immediately disclose full
                  details of such Intellectual Property to the Company and at
                  the request and expense of the Company he shall do all things
                  which may be necessary or desirable for obtaining appropriate
                  forms of protection for the Intellectual Property in such
                  parts of the world as may be specified by the Company and for
                  vesting all rights in the same in the Company or its nominee.

12.2              The Executive hereby irrevocably appoints the Company to be
                  his attorney in his name and on his behalf to sign execute or
                  do any instrument or thing and generally to use his name for
                  the purpose of giving to the Company or its nominee the full
                  benefit of the provisions of this Clause and in favour of any
                  third party a certificate in writing signed by any director or
                  the secretary of the Company that any instrument or act falls
                  within the authority conferred by this Clause shall be
                  conclusive evidence that such is the case.

12.3              The Executive hereby waives all of his moral rights (as
                  defined in the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988) in
                  respect of any acts of the Company or any acts of third
                  parties done with the Company's authority in relation to any
                  Intellectual Property which is the property of the Company by
                  virtue of Clause 12.1.

12.4              All rights and obligations under this Clause in respect of
                  Intellectual Property made or discovered by the Executive
                  during his employment shall continue in full force and effect
                  after the termination of his employment and shall be binding
                  upon the Executive's personal representatives.

13                CONFIDENTIALITY

13.1              The Executive shall not (other than in the proper performance
                  of his duties or with the prior written consent of the Board
                  or unless ordered by a court of competent


                  jurisdiction) at any time either during the continuance of his
                  employment or after its termination disclose or communicate to
                  any person or use for his own benefit or the benefit of any
                  person other than the Company, any Associated Company or his
                  solicitor any confidential information which may come to his
                  knowledge in the course of his employment and the Executive
                  shall during the continuance of his employment use his best
                  endeavours to prevent the unauthorised publication or misuse
                  of any confidential information provided that such
                  restrictions shall cease to apply to any confidential
                  information which may enter the public domain other than
                  through the default of the Executive.

13.2              All notes and memoranda of any trade secret or confidential
                  information concerning the business of the Company and any
                  Associated Companies or any of its or their suppliers, agents,
                  distributors, customers or others which shall have been
                  acquired received or made by the Executive during the course
                  of his employment shall be the property of the Company and
                  shall be surrendered by the Executive to someone duly
                  authorised in that behalf at the termination of his employment
                  or at the request of the Board at any time during the course
                  of his employment.

13.3              For the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the
                  generality of Clauses 13.1 and 13.2 the following is a
                  non-exhaustive list of matters which in relation to the
                  Company and the Associated Companies are considered
                  confidential and must be treated as such by the Executive:-

13.3.1            any trade secrets of the Company or any Associated Company;

13.3.2            any information in respect of which the Company or any
                  Associated Company is bound by an obligation of confidence to
                  any third party, provided that the Executive is aware of the
                  obligation of confidence;

13.3.3            marketing strategies and plans;

13.3.4            customer lists and details of contacts with or requirements of

13.3.5             pricing strategies;


13.3.6            discount rates and sales figures;

13.3.7            lists of suppliers and rates of charge;

13.3.8            information which has been supplied in confidence by clients,
                  customers or suppliers:

13.3.9            any invention technical data know-how or other manufacturing
                  or trade secrets of the Group and their clients/customers; and

13.3.10           any other information made available to the Executive which is
                  identified to the Executive as being of a confidential nature.

13.4              The Executive shall not without the prior written consent of
                  the Board either directly or indirectly publish any opinion
                  fact or material or deliver any lecture or address or
                  participate in the making of any film radio broadcast or
                  television transmission or communicate with any representative
                  of the media or any third party relating to the business or
                  affairs of the Group or to any of its or their officers
                  employees customers/clients suppliers distributors agents or
                  shareholders or to the development or exploitation of
                  Intellectual Property. For the purpose of this Clause 'media'
                  shall include television (terrestrial satellite and cable)
                  radio newspapers and other journalistic publications. This
                  Clause shall not preclude impromptu press comment in relation
                  to trade matters when appropriate.


14.1              The employment of the Executive may be terminated by the
                  Company forthwith without notice or (except in the case of
                  14.1.7) by payment in lieu of notice if the Executive:

14.1.1            is proven to have committed any serious or persistent breach
                  or non-observance of any of the material terms, conditions or
                  stipulations contained in this Agreement; or


14.1.2            is proven guilty of any serious negligence or gross misconduct
                  in connection with or affecting the business or affairs of the
                  Company or any Associated Company for which he is required to
                  perform duties; or

14.1.3            is proven guilty of conduct which brings or is likely to bring
                  himself or the Company or any Associated Company into
                  disrepute; or

14.1.4            is convicted of an arrestable criminal offence (other than an
                  offence under road traffic legislation in the United Kingdom
                  or elsewhere for which a non-custodial penalty is imposed); or

14.1.5            is adjudged bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition
                  with his creditors or has an interim order made against him
                  pursuant to Section 252 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or

14.1.6            is or becomes prohibited by law from being a director; or

14.1.7            is on the basis of an independent medical report supplied to
                  the Company following his having undergone a medical
                  examination unfit to perform his duties.

14.2              If the Executive shall have been absent from work due to
                  sickness injury or other incapacity for periods in excess of
                  six months in aggregate in any period of twelve consecutive
                  months the Company, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause
                  7.1.3, may terminate his employment by giving to him not less
                  than three months' notice in writing expiring at any time
                  provided that the Company shall withdraw such notice if during
                  its currency the Executive returns to full-time work and
                  provides the Company with a medical certificate stating that
                  he has fully recovered and that no recurrence of such
                  incapacity may reasonably be anticipated.

14.3              If either party gives notice to terminate this Agreement, the
                  Executive agrees that for the period of notice in Clause 1.3
                  above the Board may in its absolute discretion require the
                  Executive to perform only such duties as it may allocate to
                  him or not to perform any of his duties and may require him
                  not to have any contact with customers of the Company or any
                  Associated Company nor any


                  contact (other than purely social contact) with such employees
                  of the Company and any Associated Company as the Board shall
                  determine and/or may exclude him from any premises of the
                  Company or of any Associated Company (without providing any
                  reason for doing so); and that such action on the part of the
                  Company shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement nor
                  shall the Executive have any claim against the Company in
                  respect of any such action Provided always that throughout
                  such period the Executive's salary and contractual benefits
                  shall not cease to be paid or provided (unless and until his
                  employment is terminated).

14.4              Upon the termination of his employment (for whatever reason
                  and howsoever arising) the Executive:

14.4.1            shall not take away conceal or destroy but shall immediately
                  deliver up to the Company all documents (which expression
                  shall include but without limitation notes memoranda
                  correspondence drawings sketches plans designs and any other
                  material upon which data or information is recorded or stored)
                  relating to the business or affairs of the Company or any
                  Associated Company or any of their clients/customers
                  shareholders employees officers suppliers distributors and
                  agents (and the Executive shall not be entitled to retain any
                  copies or reproductions of any such documents) together with
                  any other property belonging to the Company or any Associated
                  Company which may then be in his possession or under his

14.4.2            shall at the request of the Board immediately resign without
                  claim for compensation from office as a director of the
                  Company and any Associated Company and from any other office
                  held by him in the Company or any Associated Company (but
                  without prejudice to any claim he may have for damages for
                  breach of this Agreement) and in the event of his failure to
                  do so the Company is hereby irrevocably authorised to appoint
                  some person in his name and on his behalf to sign and deliver
                  such resignations to the Board; and

14.4.3            shall not at any time thereafter make any untrue or misleading
                  oral or written statement concerning the business and affairs
                  of the Company or any Associated Company nor represent himself
                  or permit himself to be held out as being in any way connected
                  with or interested in the business of the Company or any
                  Associated Company (except as a former employee for the
                  purpose of


                  communicating with prospective employers or complying with any
                  applicable statutory requirements); and

14.4.4            shall not at any time thereafter use the name "Levington",
                  "Murphy", "Scotts" or "Miracle-Gro" or any other product name,
                  brand, trade or business name used by the Group at the date of
                  termination of this Agreement or during the period of two
                  years preceding the date of termination of this Agreement or
                  any name capable of confusion therewith (whether by using such
                  names as part of a corporate name or otherwise), and

14.4.5            shall immediately repay all outstanding debts or loans due to
                  the Company or any Associated Company and the Company is
                  hereby authorised to deduct from any wages (as defined by
                  Section 27 of the Employment Rights Act 1996) of the Executive
                  a sum in repayment of all or any part of any such debts or

14.5              If the employment of the Executive is terminated by reason of
                  the liquidation of the Company for the purpose of
                  reconstruction or amalgamation or as part of any arrangement
                  for the amalgamation or reconstruction of the Company not
                  involving insolvency and the Executive is offered employment
                  with any concern or undertaking resulting from the
                  reconstruction or amalgamation on terms and conditions which
                  taken as a whole are not less favourable than the terms of
                  this Agreement then the Executive shall have no claim against
                  the Company in respect of such termination.

15                EXECUTIVE'S COVENANTS

15.1              The Executive acknowledges that during the course of his
                  employment with the Company he will receive and have access to
                  confidential information of the Group (including without
                  limitation those matters specified in Clause 13.3 of this
                  Agreement) and he will also receive and have access to
                  detailed client/customer lists and information relating to the
                  operations and business requirements of those
                  clients/customers and accordingly he is willing to enter into
                  the covenants described in Clause 15.2 in order to provide the
                  Group with what he considers to be reasonable protection for
                  those interests.

15.2              The Executive hereby Covenants with the Company that he will
                  not without the previous


                  written consent of the Board either alone or jointly with or
                  on behalf of any person:

15.2.1            in the Restricted Territories for the period of twelve months
                  following the date of termination of this Agreement directly
                  or indirectly in competition with the Company or any
                  Associated Company deal with or engage in business with or be
                  in any way interested in or connected with any concern,
                  undertaking, firm or body corporate which engages in or
                  carries on within any part of the Restricted Territories any
                  business which competes with any business carried on by the
                  Company or any Associated Company at the date of termination
                  of this Agreement in which the Executive was involved during
                  the period of two years prior to the termination of this
                  Agreement including in particular the business of the
                  production, development and sale of the Restricted Products
                  Provided that (for the avoidance of doubt only) if any such
                  concern undertaking, firm or body corporate has a separately
                  distinguishable division that does not compete with the
                  business of the Company or any Associated Company as at the
                  date of termination of this Agreement the Executive may be
                  employed or engaged in such division with duties and carrying
                  out activities which do not compete and do not assist
                  competition with such business;

15.2.2            in the Restricted Territories for the period of twelve months
                  following the date of termination of this Agreement directly
                  or indirectly:

                  interfere with or, in competition with the
                                    Company or any Associated Company, offer or
                                    agree to provide Restricted Products or
                                    solicit with a view to providing Restricted
                                    Products or endeavour to entice away from
                                    the Company or any Associated Company the
                                    custom of any person, firm or body corporate
                                    which. at any time during the period of two
                                    years ending on the date of termination of
                                    this Agreement, has been a customer or
                                    client of, or in the habit of dealing with,
                                    the Company or any Associated Company or
                                    which, at any time during that period, was
                                    to his knowledge negotiating with the
                                    Company or any


                                    Associated Company in relation to the
                                    provision of Restricted Products and with
                                    whom the Executive has had dealings as part
                                    of his employment by the Company;

                  interfere or seek to interfere with
                                    contractual or other trade relations between
                                    the Company or any Associated Company and
                                    any of its or their respective suppliers in
                                    existence or under negotiation at any time
                                    during the period of two years ending on the
                                    date of termination of this Agreement; or

                  solicit the services of or endeavour to
                                    entice away from the Company or any
                                    Associated Company any director, senior or
                                    highly skilled employee or consultant of the
                                    Company or any Associated Company known
                                    personally to the Executive (whether or not
                                    such person would commit any breach of his
                                    contract of employment or engagement by
                                    reason of leaving the service of such
                                    company) or knowingly employ, assist in or
                                    procure the employment by any other person,
                                    firm or body corporate of any such person.

15.3              The Executive agrees that having regard to the facts and
                  matters above, the restrictions contained in Clause 15.2 are
                  reasonable and necessary for the protection of the legitimate
                  interests of the Company and that, having regard to those
                  facts and matters, those restrictions do not work harshly on
                  him. It is nevertheless agreed that, if any of those
                  restrictions shall, taken together or separately, be held to
                  be void or ineffective for any reason but would be held to be
                  valid and effective if part of its wording were deleted, that
                  restriction shall apply with such deletions as may be
                  necessary to make it valid and effective.

15.4              The Executive hereby agrees that he will at the cost of the
                  Company enter into a direct agreement or undertaking with any
                  Associated Company whereby he will accept restrictions and
                  provisions corresponding to the restrictions and provisions in
                  Clause 15.2


                  above (or such of them as may be appropriate in the
                  circumstances) in relation to such activities and such area
                  and for such periods as such Associated Company may reasonably
                  require for the protection of its legitimate business

15.5              The restrictions contained in the sub-Clauses of Clause 15.2
                  shall be construed as separate and individual restrictions and
                  shall each be capable of being severed without prejudice to
                  the other restrictions or to the remaining provisions of this

15.6              The Executive hereby undertakes that during and after the
                  continuance of this Agreement he will immediately notify the
                  Company of any offer of employment or any other engagement or
                  arrangement made to the Executive by any third party or
                  parties which may give rise to a breach of one or more of the
                  covenants contained in Clause 15.2 ("a notifiable offer") and
                  further undertakes that on receipt of any notifiable offer he
                  will immediately inform the third party or parties responsible
                  for the notifiable offer of the existence of those covenants.

15.7              If the Company requires the Executive not to perform any of
                  his duties and/or excludes the Executive from the Company's
                  premises ("garden leave") as set out in Clause 14.3 above for
                  some or all of any period of notice, the period of the
                  post-termination restrictions set out in this Clause 15 shall
                  be reduced by the length of the garden leave served before the
                  date this Agreement terminates.


16.1              For statutory purposes there is no formal disciplinary
                  procedure in relation to the Executive's employment. The
                  Executive shall be expected to maintain the highest standards
                  of integrity and behaviour.

16.2              If the Executive is not satisfied with any disciplinary
                  decision taken in relation to him he may apply in writing
                  within 14 days of that decision to the Chief Executive of the
                  Scotts Company whose decision shall be final.

16.3              If the Executive has any grievance in relation to his
                  employment he may raise it in


                  writing with the Chief Executive of the Scotts Company whose
                  decision shall be final.

17                DIRECTORSHIP

17.1              The Executive shall not during his employment voluntarily
                  resign from his office as a director of the Company (except in
                  circumstances where to continue to hold office as a director
                  may as a matter of law result in the Executive incurring
                  personal liability under the Insolvency Act 1986) and he shall
                  not do or fail to do anything which causes or is likely to
                  cause him to be prohibited by law from continuing to act as a

17.2              The removal of the Executive from the office of director of
                  the Company shall terminate the Executive's employment under
                  this Agreement and such termination shall, except where the
                  Company was entitled at the time of such removal to terminate
                  his employment pursuant to Clause 14.1, be without prejudice
                  to any claim which the Executive may have for damages for
                  breach of this Agreement.

18                NOTICES

18.1              Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be given in
                  writing and shall be deemed to be sufficiently served by one
                  party on the other if it is delivered personally or is sent by
                  registered or recorded delivery pre-paid post (air mail if
                  overseas) addressed to either the Company's registered office
                  for the time being or the Executive's last known address as
                  the case may be.

18.2              Any notice sent by post shall be deemed (in the absence of
                  evidence of earlier receipt) to be received 2 days after
                  posting (6 days if sent air mail) and in proving the time such
                  notice was sent it shall be sufficient to show that the
                  envelope containing it was properly addressed stamped and

19                Miscellaneous

19.1              Any benefits provided by the Company to the Executive or his
                  family which are not expressly referred to in this Agreement
                  shall be regarded as ex gratia benefits


                  provided at the entire discretion of the Company and shall not
                  form part of the Executive's contract of employment.

19.2              The Company shall be entitled with reasonable notice to the
                  Executive at any time during the Executive's employment to set
                  off and/or make deductions from the Executive's salary or from
                  any other sums properly due and owing to the Executive from
                  the Company or any Associated Company in respect of any
                  overpayment of any kind made to the Executive or in respect of
                  any debt or other sum due from him.

19.3              Any rules and regulations of the Company contained in any
                  handbook, procedure or policy documents shall be deemed to
                  form part of this Agreement.


20.1              In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires words
                  and phrases defined in Part XXVI of the Companies Act 1985
                  have the same meanings thereby attributed to them and the
                  following expressions have the following meanings:-

                  ASSOCIATED COMPANY: any company which is from time to time a
                  holding company of the Company, a subsidiary of the Company or
                  a subsidiary of a holding company of the Company. The words
                  "holding company" and "subsidiary" have the meanings given to
                  them by Section 736 Companies Act 1985 (as amended by the
                  Companies Act 1989);

                  THE BOARD: the Board of Directors for the time being of Scotts
                  Holdings Limited including any duly appointed committee

                  GROUP: the Company and the Associated Companies,

                  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: patents, petty patents, registered and
                  unregistered trademarks, registered designs (in each case for
                  the full period thereof), applications for any of the
                  foregoing, inventions, confidential information (which shall
                  include for these purposes the matters listed in Clause 13.3).
                  know-how, business names, trade names, brand names, copyright
                  and rights in the nature of copyright, design rights


                  and get-up, such rights as there may in any product
                  registrations or product licences and similar rights
                  subsisting in any country;

                  KNOW HOW: any know-how, industrial information and techniques
                  including, without limitation, drawings, specifications,
                  formulations, test and technical reports, operating and
                  testing manuals, instruction manuals, quality control
                  procedures, packaging procedures and tables of operating
                  conditions and procedures used in the Business at the date

                  RESTRICTED PRODUCTS: horticultural fertilizers, horticultural
                  growing media, horticultural chemicals and grass seed;

                  RESTRICTED TERRITORIES: the United Kingdom, the Channel
                  Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland.

20.2              The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and
                  shall not affect its construction or interpretation.

20.3              References in this Agreement to Clauses and paragraphs and the
                  First Schedule are references to Clauses and paragraphs and
                  the First Schedule (which is hereby specifically incorporated
                  in this Agreement) to this Agreement.

20.4              Any reference in this Agreement to a person shall where the
                  context permits include a reference to a body corporate and to
                  any unincorporated body of persons.

20.5              Any word in this Agreement which denotes the singular shall
                  where the context permits include the plural and vice versa
                  and any word in this Agreement which denotes to the masculine
                  gender shall where the context permits include the feminine
                  and/or the neuter genders and vice versa.

20.6              Any reference in this Agreement to a statutory provision shall
                  be deemed to include a reference to any statutory amendment
                  modification or re-enactment of it.

20.7              This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the
                  parties and supersedes all (if any) subsisting Agreements
                  arrangements and understandings.


20.7              This agreement contains the entire understanding between the
                  parties and supersedes all (if any) subsisting Agreements
                  arrangements and understandings (written or oral) relating to
                  the employment of the Executive which such Agreements,
                  arrangements, and understandings shall be deemed to have been
                  terminated by mutual consent. The Executive acknowledges that
                  he has not entered into this Agreement in reliance on any
                  warranty representation or undertaking which is not contained
                  in or specifically incorporated in this Agreement.

20.8              The various Clauses and sub-Clauses of this Agreement are
                  severable and if any Clause or sub-Clause or identifiable part
                  thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of
                  competent jurisdiction then such invalidity or
                  unenforceability shall not affect the validity or
                  enforceability of the remaining Clauses or sub-Clauses or
                  identifiable parts thereof in this Agreement.

20.9              This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in
                  accordance with English law and the parties to this Agreement
                  hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English

      IN WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been executed 11/8/98 by the parties
hereto and is intended to be and is hereby delivered on the date first above

Signed by                                   )

LEVINGTON HORTICULTURE                      )

LIMITED                                     )

         /s/ L. Robert Stohler

         /s/ David Higgins


SIGNED by NICHOLAS                          )
KIRKBRIDE in the presence of:               )             /s/ Nicholas Kirkbride

Signature         /s/ Amanda Hardwick

Name              Mrs. A. Hardwick

Address           F. Laverdene Avenue, Totley

                  Sheffield S17 4117

Occupation:       Primary Teacher