[America West Holdings Corporation Letterhead]


City, State, Zip Code

Dear Name:

On behalf of America West Airlines and subject to ratification by our Board of
Directors, I am pleased to offer you the position of Title on the following
principal terms:

     Base Salary - $_______ on an annual basis, in semi-monthly payments of

     Annual Incentive Compensation - In addition to base salary, you will
     participate in our executive incentive compensation program, pursuant to
     which participants in the program receive a bonus in any year the Company
     meets pre-established financial targets and the individual achieves his or
     her objectives. The target bonus for your position is ___ of your annual
     base salary, but could be as low as zero or as high as ____ of base salary
     depending on the Company's financial performance and your performance
     measured against objectives. All incentive bonuses are at the discretion of
     the Board of Directors.

     [Long Term Incentive Plan - You also are eligible to participate in our
     long term performance-based award plan. Payments under this plan are
     determined by America West's Total Stockholder Return (TSR) relative to the
     TSRs of a pre-defined competitive peer group. You will be eligible for the
     three-year performance cycle beginning _______ and ending on _______.]

     Stock Options - Under the corporation's stock option program, you will
     receive an initial grant of __________ stock options to purchase shares of
     the corporation's Class B Common Stock at the stock's NYSE closing price on
     the date of the grant. You will be eligible for additional grants of stock
     options during your tenure with America West, however, all stock option
     awards are at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Stock options
     currently vest over a three-year schedule and expire ten years after


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     Benefits & Perquisites - You will be eligible for the benefits, allowances
     and perquisites generally extended to other Sr. Vice Presidents of the
     corporation as outlined in the enclosed package.

     Location - You will be based at Corporate Headquarters, currently located
     in Tempe, Arizona.

     Relocation - You will be offered a relocation package commensurate with a
     Sr. Vice President level as outlined in the enclosed package

Please understand that all employment with America West is on an "at will" basis
unless expressly agreed otherwise. For this reason, this letter is not intended
to and should not be construed as an employment contract or as a basis for
establishing any guaranteed duration of employment. If the terms set forth above
are agreeable to you, please sign a copy of this letter in the space provided
below and return it to Bonnie Thompson, Director, Recruitment.

Members of the executive management at America West are unanimously impressed
with your background and qualifications, and believe this to be a natural fit.
We look forward to having you join our team as soon as possible.

Very truly yours,

/s/ W. Douglas Parker
- -------------------------------------
W. Douglas Parker
Chairman, President & CEO

                                        Accepted and agreed to:



c: Shirley Kaufman
   Bonnie Thompson