
                                  February 2005


Effective April 15, 1982, the Canadian Greyhound Employees Retirement Income
Plan was amended to provide for the participation of designated Employees of
Brewster Transport Company Limited.

Effective May 31, 1996 those designated Employees of Brewster Transport Company
Limited who were Members of the Canadian Greyhound Employees Retirement Income
Plan (the "Prior Plan") terminated membership in said plan and became Members of
the Retirement Plan for Management Employees of Brewster Transport Company
Limited, effective June 1, 1996.

For the purpose of determining the eligibility and the amount of benefits under
the Retirement Plan for Management Employees of Brewster Transport Company
Limited (the "Plan"), Continuous Service and Credited Service under the Prior
Plan shall be recognized. In no event will benefits accrued to May 31, 1996 with
respect to membership in the Prior Plan be less under this Plan.

Appropriate assets with respect to benefits accrued prior to May 31, 1996, as
determined by an Actuary and approved by government regulatory authorities, were
transferred from the pension Fund of the Prior Plan to the pension fund of this

The Plan has been amended from time to time thereafter and effective January 1,
2000 it is amended and restated to allow Members to make money purchase
contributions for the purpose of enhancing their benefits under the Plan and to
reflect the merger of The Pension Plan for the Employees of Banff Lifts Ltd.
(the "Banff Lifts Plan") into the Plan. The benefits for members of the Banff
Lifts Plan for service to December 31, 1999 will be determined pursuant to the
terms of the Banff Lifts Plan as it read on December 31, 1999 and the benefits
of the members for service after December 31, 1999 will be based on the
provisions of this Plan. The terms of the Banff Lifts Plan on December 31, 1999
are attached as Appendix A.

Effective February 1, 2000, Banff Lifts Ltd. amalgamated with Cascade Holdings
(Banff) Inc. to form Brewster Inc. Effective on that date, employees of Banff
Lifts Ltd. became employees of Banff Sulphur Mountain Gondola an operating
division of Brewster Inc.

Except as otherwise required by applicable legislation, the rights and
entitlements of any Member who retired, died or otherwise terminated employment
before January 1, 2000 shall be governed by the terms of the Plan as in effect
at the date of termination of employment.

The Plan, as contained herein, is subject to continued registration with Canada
Revenue Agency so that the Company is entitled to deduct its contributions as
expenses under the Income Tax Act or any other applicable tax laws.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

 ARTICLE    TITLE                                 PAGE
- ----------  ------------------------------------  ----
     1      Definitions                             1

     2      Eligibility And Participation           6

     3      Service                                 7

     4      Retirement                             10

     5      Pension Formula                        11

     6      Retirement Pension                     15

     7      Termination Of Employment              20

     8      Normal And Optional Forms Of Pension   23

     9      Benefits On Death                      26

    10      Limitations On Benefits                28

    11      Indexing Adjustments                   30

    12      Funding                                31

    13      Company Contributions                  33

    14      Member Contributions                   34

    15      Administration                         36

    16      Disclosure                             38

    17      Future Of The Plan                     39

    18      Miscellaneous Provisions               42

Appendix A  Banff Lifts Plan                       45

                                    ARTICLE 1


Wherever used in this Plan, the following terms will have the meanings given
below unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

1.01  "ACT" means the Employment Pension Plans Act of Alberta and any future
      legislation amending, supplementing, superseding or incorporating it, and
      any regulations issued pursuant to it or such other provincial pension
      benefits legislation as may be applicable to a Member in the

1.02  "ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENT" means a benefit of equal value computed on an
      actuarial basis that is consistent with the basis applicable to the
      calculation of a Commuted Value in respect of the Member, as recommended
      by the Actuary and approved by the Company, subject to the Act.

1.03  "ACTUARY" means the actuary appointed by the Company for the purposes of
      the Plan. Such actuary must be a fellow of the Canadian Institute of

1.04  "ANCILLARY VALUE" means the value determined pursuant to Section 5.04.

1.05  "BANFF LIFTS MEMBER" means a Member who was participating in the Banff
      Lifts Plan on December 31, 1999 and who became a Member of this Plan
      effective January 1, 2000.

1.06  "BANFF LIFTS PENSION" means the pension determined by reference to Section

1.07  "BANFF LIFTS PLAN" means the Pension Plan for the Employees of Banff Lifts
      Ltd. as it read on December 31, 1999.

1.08  "BENEFICIARY" of a Member means the person designated pursuant to Section

1.09  "COMMUTED VALUE" means, in relation to benefits that a person has a
      present or future entitlement to receive, a lump sum amount which is the
      actuarial present value on any specified date of those benefits computed
      at the rate of interest and using the actuarial tables and other
      assumptions as may be adopted by the Company or an authorized officer of
      the Company, subject to the requirements of the Act and the Income Tax

1.10  "COMPANY" means Brewster Transport Company Limited and associated
      subsidiaries. The term "Company" as used in Article 15 regarding
      administration and Article 17 regarding the power to amend or terminate
      the Plan means Brewster Transport Company Limited only and does not
      include any associated subsidiaries.


1.11  "CONTINUOUS SERVICE" means service determined pursuant to Section 3.01.

1.12  "CREDITED RETURN" in respect of Money Purchase Contributions means the
      rate of return earned by the applicable portion of the Pension Fund (net
      of expenses) in which the contribution is invested from the date of
      contribution until the date of computation.

1.13  "CREDITED SERVICE" means service credited pursuant to Section 3.02, 3.03,
      3.04 and 3.05.

1.14  "DEFINED BENEFIT ACCOUNT" means the account established within the Pension
      Fund pursuant to Section 12.01(a).

1.15  "DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION" means the pension determined by reference to
      Section 5.03.

1.16  "EARLY RETIREMENT DATE" of a Member means the date determined pursuant to
      Section 4.02.

1.17  "EARNINGS" of a Member means basic salary or wages paid to the Member by
      the Company and will exclude overtime pay, bonuses and any other
      additional remuneration or taxable benefits. For the purposes of any
      applicable benefit calculations, it will be assumed that a Disabled Member
      receives Earnings at the same rate as was in effect on the date of his
      Total Disability and a Member on a Leave of Absence receives Earnings at
      the same rate as was in effect on the date that the Leave of Absence

1.18  "EMPLOYEE" means a person who is employed by Brewster Transport Company
      Ltd. and is designated by the Company as being employed in a managerial or
      supervisory capacity ("BREWSTER TRANSPORT EMPLOYEE"); or between January
      1, 2000 and January 31, 2000 inclusive a person who is employed by Banff
      Lifts Ltd., and effective February 1, 2000 and after a person employed in
      the Banff Sulphur Mountain Gondola division of Brewster Inc. ("BANFF

1.19  "HIGHEST AVERAGE EARNINGS" of a Member means the average of the Member's
      highest annual Earnings in any three (3) calendar years of Credited
      Service, including Compensation in any calendar years of Continuous
      Service under the Banff Lifts Plan, determined as at the date of
      termination of Continuous Service, death, retirement, Plan termination,
      whichever occurs first. For Members with less than three (3) calendar
      years of Credited Service, Highest Average Earnings means the aggregate of
      the Member's monthly Earnings received while an Employee divided by the
      number of months of his Credited Service.


      For the sole purpose of determining Highest Average Earnings, the Earnings
      of a Member who is employed on a less than full-time basis, shall be
      annualized for each Plan Year of less than full-time employment. To
      annualize such a Member's Earnings, the actual Earnings received by the
      Member while employed on a less than full-time basis in the Plan Year
      shall be multiplied by the ratio of the hours regularly scheduled to be
      worked by full-time Members to the Member's actual hours worked on a less
      than full-time basis in the Plan Year.

1.20  "FUNDING AGENT" means the trust company or insurance company appointed by
      the Company pursuant to Section 12.01 for the purpose of holding and
      administering the Pension Fund.

1.21  "FUNDING AGREEMENT" means an agreement between the Company and a Funding
      Agent pursuant to Section 12.01.

1.22  "INCOME TAX RULES" means the provisions of the Income Tax Act of Canada
      and the Regulations thereunder.

1.23  "LEAVE OF ABSENCE" means a period of temporary suspension of employment
      not exceeding twenty-six (26) weeks. It shall also mean a temporary period
      of suspension of employment not exceeding twenty-six (26) weeks where a
      Member is on maternity leave.

1.24  "MEMBER" means a person who has enrolled in the Plan pursuant to Article 2
      and who is entitled to receive a benefit under the Plan. "ACTIVE MEMBER"
      means a Member who is an Employee other than a Disabled Member or
      Suspended Member. "DEFERRED MEMBER" means a Member who is no longer an
      Employee and who is entitled to receive a deferred pension pursuant to
      Article 7. "DISABLED MEMBER" means a Member who is Totally Disabled and is
      accruing benefits under the Plan pursuant to Section 3.03. "RETIRED
      MEMBER" means a Member who is receiving a pension pursuant to the terms of
      the Plan.

1.25  "MONEY PURCHASE ACCOUNT" of a Member means the account established in his
      name pursuant to Section 12.01(b).

1.26  "MONEY PURCHASE CONTRIBUTIONS" means the contributions made by the Member
      pursuant to Section 14.01.

1.27  "MONEY PURCHASE PENSION" means a pension determined by reference to
      Section 5.02.

1.28  "MP FACTOR" means the factor determined pursuant to Section 5.02.


1.29  "NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE" of a Member means the first day of the month
      coincident with or next following the Member's 65th birthday.

1.30  "PENSION FUND" means all sums of money and other property acquired by the
      Funding Agent to hold for the purposes of this Plan, and all earnings and
      profits thereon, and proceeds, investments and reinvestments thereof, less
      payments made by the Funding Agent from the said fund as authorized

1.31  "PLAN" means the Retirement Plan for Management Employees of Brewster
      Transport Company Limited, as set forth in this document and as the same
      may be amended from time to time.

1.32  "PLAN FACTORS" means such standards and procedures for determining amounts
      of pension, Commuted Values of pensions and other standards and procedures
      of a like nature as are adopted from time to time by the Company or an
      authorized officer of the Company and which shall produce values in
      accordance with those prescribed by the Act and the Income Tax Act.

1.33  "PLAN YEAR" means June 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 with respect to the
      first year of operation and thereafter means the period commencing on each
      January 1 and ending on the following December 31.

1.34  "POSTPONED RETIREMENT DATE" of a Member means the date determined pursuant
      to Section 4.03.

1.35  "PREDECESSOR COMPANY" means Banff Lifts Ltd.

1.36  "PRESENT VALUE FACTOR" means, in respect of an annual pension amount, the
      present value for $1.00 of such pension determined on an actuarial basis
      that is consistent with the basis that applicable to the calculation of a
      Commuted Value in respect of the Member, using the methods and assumptions
      adopted by the Company, subject to the Act and the Income Tax Rules.


1.37  "SPOUSE" of a Member means:

      (a)   a person who, at the relevant time, was married to the Member and
            had not been living separate and apart from that Member for 3 or
            more consecutive years, or

      (b)   if there is no person to whom subclause (a) applies, a person of the
            opposite sex who had lived with the Member in a marriage-like
            relationship for the 3-year period immediately preceding the
            relevant time.

      Effective June 1, 2003, Spouse of a Member means:

      (a)   a person who, at the relevant time, was married to the Member and
            had not been living separate and apart from the Member for 3 or more
            consecutive years, or

      (b)   if there is no person to whom sub clause (a) applies, a person who,
            immediately preceding the relevant time, had lived with the Member
            in a conjugal relationship

            (i)   for a continuous period of at least 3 years, or

            (ii)  of some permanence, if there is a child by the relationship by
                  birth or adoption.

1.38  "TOTALLY DISABLED" means, in respect of a Member, suffering from a mental
      or physical condition that, as determined by the Company on the basis of
      the certification of a licensed medical doctor prevents the Member
      permanently or in the foreseeable future from performing the assigned
      duties of his job or any other job for which he is reasonably suited by
      virtue of his education, training or experience and there is no reasonable
      expectation that he will recover. "TOTAL DISABILITY" has a corresponding

1.39  "YMPE" means, in any year, the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings
      established for that year under the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan
      or the Quebec Pension Plan, whichever is applicable to the Member


                                    ARTICLE 2

                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION


      A person who is a Member of the Plan on December 31, 1999 and who does not
      break Continuous Service on January 1, 2000 shall remain a Member of the
      Plan on January 1, 2000.

      An employee of Banff Lifts Ltd. who is participating in the Banff Lifts
      Plan on December 31, 1999 and who is a Banff Gondola Employee on January
      1, 2000 shall become an Active Member of the Plan on January 1, 2000.


      Each full-time Employee who does not qualify under Section 2.01 shall
      become an Active Member of the Plan on the first day of the month
      following date of hire.

      Each Employee employed on a less than full-time basis shall become a
      Member of the Plan at any time after completing at least two (2) years of
      employment with the Company and having earned at least thirty-five percent
      (35%) of the YMPE in each of two (2) consecutive calendar years.

2.03  WAIVER

      The Company may waive the eligibility requirements for any Employee.


      Each full-time Employee, shall file with the Company or its agent an
      enrollment form provided by the Company for this purpose. Any other
      Employee, who meets the eligibility requirements set forth above shall
      file such an enrollment form in the same manner as a full-time Employee.


      An Active Member may not terminate membership in the Plan while employed
      by the Company as an Employee. In addition, a Member who is or becomes
      employed on a less than full-time basis shall not cease to be a Member or
      to accrue pension benefits under the Plan only because he earns less than
      thirty-five percent (35%) of the YMPE in each of two (2) consecutive
      calendar years.



      If a former Employee, other than a person described in Article 2.07, is
      subsequently re-employed by the Company, the Employee shall for purposes
      of the Plan be treated as a new Employee, except that any right to a
      deferred pension he may have as a result of his prior period of Credited
      Service shall not be affected by this provision and such deferred pension
      shall not be allowed to commence during the period of re-employment. For
      greater certainty, any pension earned after the date of re-employment
      shall be calculated based only on Credited Service after that date.


      If a Retired Member is re-employed by the Company, he shall continue to
      receive his pension but he shall not be permitted to again join the Plan
      nor shall he accrue further pension benefits during the period of

                                    ARTICLE 3



      Continuous Service of an Employee means the most recent period of
      continuous uninterrupted employment of the Employee with the Company
      including any employment with the Predecessor Company and any Leave of
      Absence. The following breaks in the continuity of employment shall be

      (a)   a period of absence from employment following termination thereof if
            followed by reinstatement with past service unimpaired; and

      (b)   a period of layoff, furlough or other absence if followed by return
            to service with past service unimpaired.


      Credited Service means that period of an Employee's Continuous Service in
      Canada during which he is an Active Member of the Plan plus any service
      credited pursuant to Section 3.03 or 3.04 and any Credited Service accrued
      under the Canadian Greyhound Employees Retirement Income Plan by a Member
      who transferred to this Plan effective June 1, 1996 but excluding any
      period of "Pensionable Service" which a Banff Lifts Member accrued under
      the Banff Lifts Plan. Credited Service shall be determined from the
      records of the


      Company in accordance with such rules and regulations as may from time to
      time be in effect.

      Subject to the Act and the Income Tax Rules, a Member who is absent due to
      a Leave of Absence will continue to accrue Credited Service under the
      Plan. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, in no event will a
      Member receive Credited Service for periods of Leave of Absence in excess
      of five years of full-time equivalent remuneration, plus three years of
      full-time equivalent remuneration for periods of parenting, throughout his
      period of employment with the Company after December 31, 1990, in
      accordance with the Act and the Income Tax Rules.


      If an Active Member becomes Totally Disabled, the Member's Continuous
      Service shall not be broken, the Member shall become a Disabled Member and
      the Member shall continue to accrue Credited Service until the earliest

      (a)   the date he ceases to be Totally Disabled;

      (b)   the date he dies;

      (c)   the date he retires pursuant to the Plan;

      (d)   his Normal Retirement Date; and

      (e)   the date the Plan is terminated in respect of the class of employees
            in which the member last worked.

      Upon the earliest of the above-noted dates, the Disabled Member's
      Continuous Service shall be broken unless the Member returns to active
      employment as an Employee at that time. Credited Service accrued pursuant
      to this Section shall accrue at the same rate as the Disabled Member was
      accruing Credited Service immediately prior to becoming disabled.

      The Company may, by written notice, require a Disabled Member to submit to
      medical examination at any time prior to his Normal Retirement Date in
      order to determine such Disabled Member's eligibility for continued
      accrual of Credited Service, provided that such examinations may not be
      required more frequently than semi-annually. If:

      (a)   on the basis of a medical examination the Company finds that the
            Member is no longer Totally Disabled;


      (b)   the Member engages in gainful employment other than for purposes of
            occupational therapy directed toward physical rehabilitation; or

      (c)   such Member refuses to submit to a medical examination;

      as determined by the Company, accrual of Credited Service under this
      Section shall cease effective on: (i) the date when the Company finds that
      the Member is no longer Totally Disabled, (ii) the date when the Member
      engaged in gainful employment for purposes other than occupational
      therapy, or (iii) the date when the Company last issued written notice
      requesting the Member to submit to medical examination, whichever is
      applicable. At such time, if the Member does not return to employment with
      the Company, he shall be deemed to have broken Continuous Service and his
      entitlement under the Plan shall be determined pursuant to Article 4, 7 or
      9, whichever is applicable.

      A Member may continue to contribute pursuant to Section 14.01 in respect
      of a period of Credited Service provided under this Section.


      Credited Service shall include any period of service, as approved by the
      Company and deemed permissible under the Income Tax Rules, during which
      the Member was in employment with the Company or a predecessor employer
      and for which the Member has paid contributions in full into the Fund
      and/or for which the Member has made a qualifying transfer under the terms
      of the Income Tax Rules into the Fund. The amount of contribution and/or
      qualifying transfer shall be determined by the Actuary in accordance with
      the Plan Factors. Additional benefits resulting from the crediting of this
      service shall be subject to the provisions of Article 10.


      Credited Service shall be expressed as a period of years and fractions
      thereof, rounded to three decimals. For a Member who is employed on a less
      than full-time basis, Credited Service shall be determined for each Plan
      Year of less than full-time employment by multiplying the Member's period
      of Credited Service as defined pursuant to Section 3.02, 3.03 and 3.04 by
      the ratio of such Member's actual hours worked on a less than full-time
      basis during the Plan Year to the hours regularly scheduled to be worked
      by full-time Members during that time period.


                                    ARTICLE 4



      Subject to Sections 4.02 and 4.03, an Active Member or Disabled Member
      shall retire on his Normal Retirement Date. A Member who retires on his
      Normal Retirement Date shall receive a retirement pension calculated
      pursuant to Section 6.01.


      An Active Member or Disabled Member may elect to retire prior to his
      Normal Retirement Date on the first day of any month coincident with or
      following attainment of his fiftieth (50th) birthday. The date selected by
      the Member for early commencement of his pension under the Plan shall be
      his Early Retirement Date. A Member who elects early retirement shall
      receive, commencing on his Early Retirement Date, a retirement pension
      calculated pursuant to Section 6.02.


      An Active Member may, with the consent of the Company, remain in active
      employment beyond the Member's Normal Retirement Date. The retirement
      pension of a Member who postpones retirement beyond his Normal Retirement
      Date shall commence on the first day of the month coincident with or next
      following the earliest of:

      (a)   the first day of the month coincident with or following the date on
            which the Member retires from active employment with the Company;

      (b)   the first day of any month selected by the Member; and

      (c)   the first day of December in the year in which the Member attains
            age 69 or such later date as may be permitted under the Income Tax

      and such date shall be the Member's Postponed Retirement Date. A Member
      who retires on his Postponed Retirement Date shall receive, commencing on
      such Postponed Retirement Date, a retirement pension calculated pursuant
      to Section 6.04. A Member shall not accrue further Credited Service after
      his Postponed Retirement Date.


                                    ARTICLE 5

                                 PENSION FORMULA


      Subject to Article 10, the benefits of a Member under this Plan shall be
      the Member's Defined Benefit Pension and Money Purchase Pension, plus the
      Banff Lifts Pension if applicable, determined by reference to the
      provisions of this Article.


      For the purposes of the offset under Section 5.03(b), a Money Purchase
      Pension shall be calculated for a Member equal to the annual pension
      payable at the Member's Normal Retirement Date which can be provided by
      the balance of his Money Purchase Account when such balance is applied to
      produce a pension with a Present Value Factor (the "MP Factor") equal to
      the following:

                                    (X + Y)Z/Y

      where  X equals:  the balance in the Money Purchase Account of the Member;

             Y equals:  Z multiplied by the annual amount of Defined Benefit
                        Pension determined under Section 5.03(a);

             Z equals:  the Present Value Factor for $1.00 of lifetime pension
                        (payable commencing when the Member reaches Normal
                        Retirement Date) pursuant to the terms of the Plan,
                        determined as if payable as a Defined Benefit Pension
                        payable in the normal form under Section 8.01, or in the
                        form required under Section 8.04 if applicable, and
                        without any indexing under Article 11,

      provided that such MP Factor shall not exceed the Present Value Factor of
      a lifetime pension with the maximum level of ancillary benefits offered
      under Section 5.04 (including any applicable bridging benefits),
      reflecting the limitations contained in Section 6.02(e), 6.06, 8.02, 8.05,
      Article 10 and Section 11.01.


      A Member's annual Defined Benefit Pension shall be equal to:


      (a)   2% of the Member's Highest Average Earnings multiplied by the
            Member's Credited Service (provided that such pension shall not
            exceed the amount determined by reference to Section 10.01);


      (b)   the annual amount of Money Purchase Pension determined pursuant to
            Section 5.02;

      provided that the resulting amount shall not be less than zero.

      However, if a Member retires pursuant to Section 4.01, 4.02 or 4.03, and
      does not elect to transfer his Money Purchase Account out of the Pension
      Fund pursuant to Section 6.05, or if the Member is entitled to a deferred
      pension pursuant to Section 7.02 and the Member does not elect to transfer
      his Money Purchase Account out of the Pension Fund pursuant to Section
      7.05, then the following rules shall apply.

      (c)   The Member's Defined Benefit Pension which, pursuant to Section
            6.01, 6.02, 6.04, or 7.02, is calculated by reference to the first
            paragraph of this Section 5.03 shall be determined without the
            offset provided under Section 5.03(b).

      (d)   The redetermination of the Member's Defined Benefit Pension pursuant
            to (c) above shall be subject to certification by the Minister of
            Revenue of any past service pension adjustment that arises due to
            such redetermination, as reduced by any qualifying transfer arising
            from the transfer described in (e) below.

      (e)   The balance of the Member's Money Purchase Account, not exceeding
            the limit contained in the last paragraph of Section 5.04, Part B
            (Member Transfers Money Purchase Account to Defined Benefit
            Account), shall be transferred to the Defined Benefit Account as of
            the date of pension commencement chosen by the Member. However, if
            the balance of the Member's Money Purchase Account exceeds the limit
            contained in the last paragraph of Section 5.04, Part B, then a
            portion of the Member's Money Purchase Account equal to such limit
            shall be transferred to the Defined Benefit Account and the
            remainder of the Money Purchase Account shall be paid to the Member
            in cash.



      The provisions of Part A or Part B below, as applicable, determine the
      enhancement of a Member's pension.


      If a Member has a Money Purchase Account and elects to transfer that Money
      Purchase Account out of the Pension Fund pursuant to Section 6.05 or 7.05,
      then the Member shall be credited with an Ancillary Value equal to:

      (a)   the value Y determined pursuant to Section 5.02;


      (b)   the annual Defined Benefit Pension determined pursuant to Section
            5.03 after the offset provided under Section 5.03(b), multiplied by
            the factor Z determined pursuant to Section 5.02.

      The Member may elect to allocate his Ancillary Value to provide one or
      more of the following enhancements to his Defined Benefit Pension by
      completing and filing an election form in the manner prescribed by the

      (c)   If the Member's pension would be subject to a reduction for early
            retirement under Section 6.02(c) that early retirement reduction may
            be lessened, or waived entirely if possible, pursuant to Section
            6.02(e) subject to the minimum reduction required under Section

      (d)   If the Member does not have a Spouse or if the mandatory joint and
            survivor form is waived pursuant to Section 8.06, then the Member's
            pension may be guaranteed pursuant to Section 8.02 but the guarantee
            period shall not exceed 180 months. If the Member does have a
            Spouse, the benefit may be paid in the form of a joint and
            two-thirds survivor pension pursuant to Section 8.05 which is
            unreduced or reduced on a less than actuarial basis and which may
            include a guarantee of 60 months.

      (e)   The Member's pension and any bridging benefits may be granted
            indexing pursuant to the provisions of Article 11.

      (f)   The Member may elect to receive a bridging benefit payable from his
            Early Retirement Date pursuant to Section 6.03, but subject to the
            limits imposed by Article 10.


      The Member must complete and file such election with the Company no later
      than the date of pension commencement chosen by the Member or the Member
      shall be deemed to have elected to allocate his Ancillary Value to each of
      (c), (d), (e) and (f) above in turn in descending order. If the Ancillary
      Value is not exhausted by one item the balance of the Ancillary Value
      shall be allocated to each subsequent item in turn until the Ancillary
      Value is exhausted or until the maximum allocation has occurred under all
      of (c), (d), (e) and (f).


      If a Member retires pursuant to Section 4.01, 4.02 or 4.03, and does not
      elect to transfer his Money Purchase Account out of the Pension Fund
      pursuant to Section 6.05, or if the Member is entitled to a deferred
      pension pursuant to Section 7.02 and the Member does not elect to transfer
      his Money Purchase Account out of the Pension Fund pursuant to Section
      7.05, then:

      (a)   the Member shall be credited with an Ancillary Value equal to the
            balance of his Money Purchase Account transferred pursuant to
            Section 5.03(e); and

      (b)   the following provisions of Part B of this Section shall apply to
            that Member.

      The Member may elect to allocate his Ancillary Value to provide one or
      more of the following enhancements to his Defined Benefit Pension by
      completing and filing an election form in the manner prescribed by the

      (c)   If the Member's pension would be subject to a reduction for early
            retirement under Section 6.02(c), then that early retirement
            reduction may be lessened, or waived entirely if possible, pursuant
            to Section 6.02(e), subject to the minimum reduction required under
            Section 6.02(e).

      (d)   If the Member does not have a Spouse or if the mandatory joint and
            survivor form is waived pursuant to Section 8.06, then the Member's
            pension may be guaranteed pursuant to Section 8.02 but the guarantee
            period shall not exceed 180 months. If the Member does have a
            Spouse, the Member's pension may be paid in the form of a joint and
            two-thirds survivor pension pursuant to Section 8.05 which is
            unreduced or reduced on a less than actuarial basis and which may
            include a guarantee of 60 months.

      (e)   The Member's pension and any bridging benefits may be granted
            indexing pursuant to the provisions of Article 11.

      (f)   The Member may elect to receive a bridging benefit payable from his
            Early Retirement Date pursuant to Section 6.03, but subject to the
            limits imposed by Article 10.


      The Member must complete and file such election with the Company no later
      than the date of pension commencement chosen by the Member or the Member
      shall be deemed to have elected to allocate his Ancillary Value to each of
      (c), (d), (e) and (f) above in turn in descending order. If the Ancillary
      Value is not exhausted by one item the balance of the Ancillary Value
      shall be allocated to each subsequent item in turn until the Ancillary
      Value is exhausted or until the maximum allocation has occurred under all
      of (c), (d), (e) and (f).

      A Member's Ancillary Value shall be allocated to provide enhancements
      under (c), (d), (e) and (f) to the fullest extent possible. However, the
      amount transferred from the Member's Money Purchase Account to the Defined
      Benefit Account pursuant to the second paragraph of Section 5.03 shall not
      exceed the Commuted Value of the offset to the Defined Benefit Pension
      determined under Section 5.03(b) when valued using the MP Factor
      determined for the Member pursuant to Section 5.02.


      A Member's annual Banff Lifts Pension shall be calculated based on the
      applicable terms of the Banff Lifts Plan attached as Appendix A, and
      determining the "Final Earnings" and "Indexed Compensation" of the Member
      (as those terms are used in Appendix A) at the time the Member retires or
      otherwise terminates employment with the Company as if he had continued to
      participate in the Banff Lifts Plan until that date and using "Pensionable
      Service" accrued under the Banff Lifts Plan to December 31, 1999.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                               RETIREMENT PENSION


      A Member who retires on his Normal Retirement Date shall receive a
      retirement pension calculated pursuant to Section 5.01, 5.02, 5.03 and
      5.04 based on the Member's Credited Service and Highest Average Earnings
      on his Normal Retirement Date and the value of his Money Purchase Account
      at that time.

      In addition, if the Member is a Banff Lifts Member he shall receive his
      Banff Lifts Pension calculated pursuant to Section 5.05.


      A Member who retires on his Early Retirement Date shall receive a
      retirement pension based on the Member's Credited Service and Highest
      Average Earnings on his Early Retirement Date and the value of his Money
      Purchase Account at that time, and calculated according to the following


      (a)   The Member's MP Factor shall be calculated by reference to Section
            5.02 except that the formula for the MP Factor shall be modified to
            read as:

                                    (X + Y(E))Z/Y

            where  X, Y and Z are determined pursuant to Section 5.02; and

                   Y(E)equals:  the Commuted Value of the benefits payable
                                commencing on the Member's Early Retirement
                                Date, determined as if payable as a Defined
                                Benefit Pension without the offset provided
                                under Section 5.03(b), payable in the normal
                                form under Section 8.01, or the joint and
                                survivor form required pursuant to Section 8.04
                                if applicable, and without any indexing under
                                Article 11, and after reduction pursuant to the
                                reduction factor specified in Section 6.02(c),

            provided that such MP Factor shall not exceed the Present Value
            Factor of a lifetime pension with the maximum level of ancillary
            benefits offered under Section 5.04 (including any applicable
            bridging benefits), reflecting the limitations contained in Section
            6.02(e), 6.06, 8.02, 8.05, Article 10 and Section 11.01.

            The Member's Money Purchase Pension offset pursuant to Section 5.02
            shall then be calculated based on this MP Factor.

      (b)   The Member's Defined Benefit Pension shall be calculated pursuant to
            Section 5.03 and:

            (i)   if the Member elects to transfer his Money Purchase Account
                  out of the Pension Fund pursuant to Section 6.05, then the
                  offset under Section 5.03(b) shall be based on the amount
                  calculated under Section 6.02(a); and

            (ii)  if the Member does not elect to transfer his Money Purchase
                  Account out of the Pension Fund pursuant to Section 6.05, then
                  the transfer from the Member's Money Purchase Account to the
                  Defined Benefit Account described in Section 5.03(e) shall
                  occur and, subject to Section 5.03(c) and (d), the Money
                  Purchase Pension offset under Section 5.03(b) shall not apply.


      (c)   The Member's Defined Benefit Pension calculated under (b) above
            shall then be reduced by five-twelfths of one percent (5/12%) for
            each month that his Early Retirement Date precedes the first day of
            the month following his 60th birthday subject to the minimum
            reduction required under the Income Tax Rules.

      (d)   The Member's Ancillary Value shall be determined as:

            (i)   if the conditions in subsection (b)(i) apply:

                  (A)   the value Y(E) determined pursuant to Section 6.02(c);


                  (B)   the Commuted Value of the monthly Defined Benefit
                        Pension determined pursuant to Section 6.02(c); and

            (ii)  if the conditions in subsection (b)(ii) apply, the balance of
                  his Money Purchase Account transferred pursuant to Section

      (e)   Notwithstanding (c) above, if the Member elects (or is deemed to
            elect) to apply all or part of his Ancillary Value pursuant to
            subsection (c) of either Part A or Part B of Section 5.04 to lessen
            the early retirement reduction applicable to his Defined Benefit
            Pension, then the early retirement reduction otherwise applicable
            shall be lessened to the extent selected by the Member subject to
            the following conditions: (i) the Commuted Value of the diminishment
            of the early retirement reduction shall equal the Ancillary Value
            allocated pursuant to that subsection (c); and (ii) the Defined
            Benefit Pension must be reduced by at least 0.25% for each month
            that the Member's Early Retirement Date precedes the earliest of:

            (i)   the date the Member would attain age 60;

            (ii)  the date the age and early retirement eligibility service of
                  the Member would total 80 years; and

            (iii) the date the Member would accrue 30 years of early retirement
                  eligibility service;

            if the Member continued to participate in the Plan. For the purposes
            of this paragraph "early retirement eligibility service" has the
            meaning given to that term under the Income Tax Rules.


      In addition, if the Member is a Banff Lifts Member then he shall receive
      his Banff Lifts Pension calculated by reference to Section 5.05 and
      reduced as required by the applicable provisions of Appendix A regarding
      early retirement.


      (a)   If the Member elects (or is deemed to elect) to apply all or part of
            his Ancillary Value pursuant to subsection (f) of either Part A or
            Part B of Section 5.04 to provide a bridging benefit, then the
            Member shall receive a bridging benefit payable under the defined
            benefit provisions of the Plan. The amount of such bridging benefit
            shall be selected by the Member subject to the condition that the
            Commuted Value of the bridging benefit shall equal the Ancillary
            Value allocated pursuant to that subsection.

      (b)   The bridging benefits determined pursuant to subsection (a) shall be
            payable commencing no earlier than the Member's Early Retirement
            Date and shall cease with the payment for the month in which the
            Member dies or attains age 65, whichever occurs earlier. However,
            the bridging benefit may continue to the payment for the month in
            which the Member would have attained age 65 if the Member elects to
            apply Ancillary Value to secure such a survivor option for the
            bridging benefit.

      (c)   The bridging benefits payable under this Section 6.03 are subject to
            the limitations contained in Article 10.


      A Member who retires on a Postponed Retirement Date shall be entitled to
      receive, commencing on such Postponed Retirement Date, an annual
      retirement pension calculated by reference to Article 5 based on the
      Member's Credited Service and Highest Average Earnings on his Postponed
      Retirement Date. The Member's Money Purchase Pension offset shall be based
      on the value of his Money Purchase Account on his Postponed Retirement
      Date and calculated pursuant to Section 5.02 subject to the following

      (a)   The Member's MP Factor shall be calculated pursuant to Section 5.02
            assuming a pension commencing at the Member's Postponed Retirement

      (b)   Factor Z shall be based on a Present Value Factor for a lifetime
            pension commencing on the Member's Postponed Retirement Date.


      In addition, if the Member is a Banff Lifts Member then he shall receive
      his Banff Lifts Pension calculated by reference to Section 5.05 and
      adjusted as required by the applicable provisions of Appendix A regarding
      postponed retirement.


      A Member who is entitled to a pension under Section 6.01, 6.02 or 6.04
      may, despite eligibility for an immediate pension and after determining
      any offset of his Defined Benefit Pension pursuant to Section 5.03 and
      allocating his Ancillary Value pursuant to Section 5.04, elect to transfer
      either the Commuted Value of his Defined Benefit Pension (including any
      associated bridge benefits) plus the balance of his Money Purchase
      Account, or the balance his Money Purchase Account out of the Pension Fund

      (a)   another registered pension fund meeting the requirements prescribed
            under the Act, if the administrator of that fund agrees to accept
            the payment;

      (b)   a company licensed to provide annuities in Canada, for the purchase
            of a life annuity that will commence no earlier than age 55;

      (c)   a locked-in retirement account in the name of the Member provided
            that the Spouse of such Member executes and files with the Company a
            waiver in the form required under the Act;

      (d)   a life income fund in the name of the Member provided that the
            Spouse of such Member executes and files with the Company a waiver
            in the form required under the Act; or

      (e)   another retirement savings arrangement meeting the requirements
            prescribed under the Act;

      provided that notice of such election is given to the Company within the
      time limits prescribed under the Act (or as otherwise permitted by the
      Company) and that such transfer is carried out in accordance with the
      requirements of the Act and the Income Tax Rules.

      The Member may elect to receive the balance of his Money Purchase Account
      in a cash lump sum or to transfer it to an unlocked registered retirement
      savings plan rather than transferring it to one of the locked-in
      portability vehicles listed above.

      A Member who elects a transfer of the Commuted Value of his Defined
      Benefit Pension or a transfer or payment of the balance of his Money
      Purchase Account shall take that transfer or payment in full satisfaction
      of such rights under the Plan and upon completion of such


      transfer or payment shall have no further entitlement in respect of such
      benefits under the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                            TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT


      If an Active Member or Disabled Member breaks Continuous Service for any
      reason other than death or retirement before completing two years of
      Continuous Service the Member shall receive a lump sum amount equal to the
      balance of the Member's Money Purchase Account or he may elect to transfer
      said balance to a registered retirement savings plan in his name.

      In addition, if the Member is a Banff Lifts Member termination benefits
      may be payable pursuant to the applicable terms of Appendix A regarding
      termination of employment.


      If an Active Member or Disabled Member breaks Continuous Service for any
      reason other than death or retirement after completing two years of
      Continuous Service the Member shall become a Deferred Member and shall be
      entitled to receive a deferred pension commencing on the Member's Normal
      Retirement Date. Such deferred pension shall be calculated and determined
      by reference to Article 5 at the time that the Member breaks Continuous
      Service. The calculation shall be based on the Member's Credited Service
      and Highest Average Earnings on the date he breaks Continuous Service and
      the value of his Money Purchase Account at his Normal Retirement Date.

      The redetermination of the Member's Defined Benefit Pension and the
      transfer of his Money Purchase Account to the Defined Benefit Account
      pursuant to Section 5.03(c), (d) and (e) shall occur as of the Member's
      Normal Retirement Date. The Member must complete an election allocating
      his Ancillary Value pursuant to Part A or Part B of Section 5.04, as
      applicable, and file such election with the Company on or prior to his
      Normal Retirement Date or the Member shall be deemed to have elected to
      allocate his Ancillary Value to each of Section 5.04(c), (d), (e) and (f)
      in turn in descending order. If the Ancillary Value is not exhausted by
      one item, the balance of the Ancillary Value shall be allocated to each
      subsequent item in turn until the Ancillary Value is exhausted or until
      the maximum allocation has occurred under all of subsections(c), (d), (e)
      and (f).


      In addition, if the Member is a Banff Lifts Member a deferred pension or
      termination benefit may be payable pursuant to the applicable terms of
      Appendix A regarding termination of employment.


      A Deferred Member may elect to begin receiving his deferred pension on the
      first day of any month after he will attain age 50. A Deferred Member who
      wishes to begin receiving his deferred pension prior to his Normal
      Retirement Date must apply, in writing, to the Company, at least 60 days
      prior to the date when the Deferred Member wishes payment of the pension
      to commence.

      The Member's Defined Benefit Pension shall be actuarially reduced to
      reflect commencement prior to Normal Retirement Date except as modified by
      any allocation pursuant to subsection (c) of either Part A or Part B of
      Section 5.04. However, if the Deferred Member had attained age 50 before
      he broke Continuous Service, then the amount of any reduction to his
      Defined Benefit Pension for early commencement shall be determined
      pursuant to Section 6.02(c) as if the Deferred Member was retiring early
      (based on his Credited Service and Highest Average Earnings at the date
      the Member breaks Continuous Service and the value of his Money Purchase
      Account on the date of pension commencement), as modified by any
      allocation pursuant to subsection (c) of either Part A or Part B of
      Section 5.04. The redetermination of the Member's Defined Benefit Pension
      and the transfer of his Money Purchase Account to the Defined Benefit
      Account pursuant to Section 5.03(c), (d) and (e) shall occur as of the
      date chosen for pension commencement. The Deferred Member who elects to
      commence his deferred pension early must allocate his Ancillary Value
      calculated pursuant to Section 6.02 in accordance with Section 5.04 by the
      time his pension is to commence or he shall be deemed to allocate his
      Ancillary Value pursuant to the default provisions of Section 5.04.

      A Member who elects to commence his deferred pension prior to his Normal
      Retirement Date will also receive any bridging benefit which he has
      elected to receive or is deemed to elect pursuant to subsection (f) of
      either Part A or Part B of Section 5.04.

      The amount of any deferred Banff Lifts Pension payable to a Banff Lifts
      Member shall be determined pursuant to the applicable terms of Appendix A
      regarding early commencement of benefits.


      A Deferred Member entitled to a deferred pension shall make application,
      in writing, to the Company, at least 60 days prior to the date when the
      Deferred Member wishes payment of


      the pension to commence.


      A Member who breaks Continuous Service and who is entitled to a deferred
      pension under the terms of this Plan may, after determining any offset of
      his Defined Benefit Pension pursuant to Section 5.03 and allocating his
      Ancillary Value pursuant to Section 5.04, elect to transfer either the
      Commuted Value of the deferred Defined Benefit Pension (including any
      associated bridge benefits) plus the balance of his Money Purchase
      Account, or the balance his Money Purchase Account out of the Pension Fund

      (a)   another registered pension fund meeting the requirements prescribed
            under the Act, if the administrator of that fund agrees to accept
            the payment;

      (b)   a company licensed to provide annuities in Canada, for the purchase
            of a life annuity that will commence no earlier than age 55;

      (c)   a locked-in retirement account in the name of the Member;

      (d)   a life income fund or locked-in retirement income fund in the name
            of the Member provided that the Member had attained age 50 and the
            Spouse of such Member executes and files with the Company a waiver
            in the form required under the Act; or

      (e)   another prescribed retirement savings arrangement in the name of the

      provided that notice of such election is given to the Company within the
      time limits prescribed under the Act (or as otherwise permitted by the
      Company) and that such transfer is completed in accordance with the
      requirements of the Act and the Income Tax Rules.

      The Member may elect to receive the balance of his Money Purchase Account
      in a cash lump sum or to transfer it to an unlocked registered retirement
      savings plan in lieu of transferring it to one of the locked-in
      portability vehicles listed above.

      A Member who elects a transfer of the Commuted Value of his deferred
      Defined Benefit Pension or a transfer or payment of the balance of his
      Money Purchase Account shall take that transfer or payment in full
      satisfaction of such rights under the Plan and upon the completion of such
      transfer or payment shall have no further entitlement in respect of such
      benefits under the Plan.


                                    ARTICLE 8



      Subject to the other provisions of this Article:

      (a)   a Member's annual pension shall be payable in equal monthly
            instalments for the lifetime of the Member beginning on the Member's
            retirement date and ending with the payment immediately preceding
            his death, and

      (b)   a Member's Banff Lifts Pension shall be payable pursuant to the
            applicable terms of Appendix A regarding normal forms.


      Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8.01, if a Member elects (or is
      deemed to elect) to apply all or part of his Ancillary Value pursuant to
      subsection (d) of either Part A or Part B of Section 5.04 to provide a
      form of guarantee then the Member's Defined Benefit Pension shall be
      guaranteed for a number of months. The length of the guarantee shall be
      determined so that the Commuted Value of the Defined Benefit Pension with
      the guarantee is equal to the Commuted Value of the Defined Benefit
      Pension payable without a guarantee plus the Ancillary Value allocated to
      provide the guarantee. The guarantee period shall be measured in whole
      months and the total period guaranteed under this Article 8 shall not
      exceed 180 months.


      If a Member dies before the guaranteed number of payments have been made,
      the monthly instalments shall then be paid to the Member's Beneficiary
      until the guaranteed number of payments have been completed.
      Alternatively, if the Beneficiary elects, the Company may, at its
      discretion, commute the remaining payments and pay the Commuted Value of
      such remaining payments to the Member's Beneficiary in a lump sum in
      satisfaction of the guarantee.


      Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article 8, if a Member
      has a Spouse on the date that payment of the Member's pension commences
      then the amount of the Member's Defined Benefit Pension shall be reduced
      and paid in the form of a joint and 60% survivor pension without
      guarantee. This joint and survivor pension shall be payable in equal


      monthly installments for the Member's lifetime and after the Member's
      death, the pension shall continue to be paid to the Member's Spouse for
      the Spouse's remaining lifetime, in equal monthly installments, equal to
      sixty percent (60%) of the amount of the monthly installment that was paid
      to the Member immediately prior to his death. The joint and survivor
      pension shall be the Actuarial Equivalent of the normal form of pension
      which would otherwise be payable under Section 8.01. However, if the
      Member retires on or after his Normal Retirement Date, no actuarial
      reduction applies and the amount of Defined Benefit Pension payable to the
      Member shall be the amount determined by reference to Article 5 with 60%
      of such amount payable to the Spouse for her lifetime on the death of the

      The form and amount of the Banff Lifts Pension payable to a Banff Lifts
      Member shall be determined pursuant to the applicable terms of Appendix A
      regarding normal forms.


      Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8.04, if a Member with a Spouse
      on the date that payment of his pension commences elects (or is deemed to
      elect) to apply all or part of his Ancillary Value pursuant to subsection
      (d) of either Part A or Part B of Section 5.04 to provide an unreduced (or
      partially reduced, as applicable):

      (a)   joint and two-thirds survivor pension without guarantee then the
            Member's Defined Benefit Pension shall be paid to the Member in
            equal monthly instalments until the Member dies at which time
            two-thirds of the amount paid to the Member shall be paid to the
            Member's surviving Spouse, if any, for the remaining lifetime of
            such Spouse; or

      (b)   joint and two-thirds survivor pension with a five year guarantee
            then the Member's Defined Benefit Pension shall be paid to the
            Member in equal monthly instalments until the Member dies at which
            time two-thirds of the amount paid to the Member shall be paid to
            the Member's surviving Spouse, if any, for the remaining lifetime of
            such Spouse, provided that:

            (i)   if the Member dies before he has received sixty payments then
                  the amount payable to the surviving Spouse for the remainder
                  of such sixty months shall not be less than the amount payable
                  to the Member; and

            (ii)  if the Spouse dies before the Member and the surviving Spouse
                  have received a total of sixty payments between them then the
                  payments shall


                  continue to the Beneficiary of the Member for the remainder of
                  such sixty months.

      The reduction, if any, to be applied to the Defined Benefit Pension
      payable to the Member shall be determined by reference to the Member's
      Ancillary Value. If the Member's Ancillary Value allocated for this
      purpose equals the difference in Commuted Value between an unreduced joint
      and two-thirds survivor pension (with a five year guarantee if applicable)
      and a joint and two-thirds survivor pension (with a five year guarantee if
      applicable) that is actuarially equivalent to the mandatory form of
      pension that would otherwise be payable under Section 8.04, then the
      Defined Benefit Pension payable to the Member shall be unreduced. If the
      Member's Ancillary Value allocated for this purpose is less than such
      difference in Commuted Value, then the Defined Benefit Pension payable to
      the Member shall be reduced to the extent required to ensure that the
      Commuted Value of such reduced pension with its joint and two-thirds
      survivor pension (and five year guarantee if applicable) is equal to the
      Ancillary Value allocated pursuant to the applicable subsection (d) of
      Section 5.04 plus the Commuted Value of a joint and two-thirds survivor
      pension, with a five year guarantee if applicable, that is actuarially
      equivalent to the mandatory form of pension that would otherwise be
      payable pursuant to Section 8.04.


      The requirement to pay a pension in the joint and survivor form pursuant
      to Section 8.04 shall not apply if the Member elects an enhanced joint and
      survivor form pursuant to Section 8.05 or if Member and the Spouse of such
      Member execute and file with the Company a waiver in the form required
      under the Act or a certified copy of a domestic contract containing such
      waiver. The waiver must be filed within the time prescribed under the Act.


      Subject to the requirement to provide a waiver if Section 8.04 applies, a
      Member may, with the approval of the Company, elect to receive an
      alternative pension form as follows:

      (a)   a life annuity guaranteed for either five (5), ten (10), or fifteen
            (15) years; or

      (b)   a life annuity guaranteed to himself and to an individual he has
            designated as a joint annuitant provided that such joint annuitant
            is the Member's Spouse or the Member's dependent as defined in the
            Income Tax Rules. Any benefit payable to a Member's dependent shall
            not continue beyond the eligible survivor benefit


            period as stated in the Income Tax Rules and shall not exceed
            sixty-six and two thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the Member's benefit.

      An alternative pension form will be the Actuarial Equivalent of the
      pension which would otherwise have been provided under Section 8.01 or
      8.04, as applicable.

                                    ARTICLE 9

                                BENEFITS ON DEATH


      If an Active Member or Disabled Member dies before beginning to receive a
      pension under the Plan or if a Deferred Member dies before beginning to
      receive a pension under the Plan then a pre-retirement death benefit shall
      be paid to the surviving Spouse of the Member.

      (a)   The pre-retirement death benefit of an Active Member or Disabled
            Member shall be equal to the Commuted Value of the deferred pension
            calculated pursuant to Article 7 as if the Member had broken
            Continuous Service immediately prior to his death. The
            redetermination of the Member's Defined Benefit Pension and the
            transfer of his Money Purchase Account to the Defined Benefit
            Account pursuant to Section 5.03(c), (d) and (e) shall apply as of
            the Member's date of death, and his Ancillary Value shall be
            allocated at the time of his death pursuant to the default
            allocation prescribed in Section 5.04. However, if the Member was
            eligible to retire on the date of his death then the pre-retirement
            death benefit shall equal the Commuted Value of the immediate
            pension that would have been payable pursuant to Article 7 as if the
            Member had retired immediately prior to his death. The
            redetermination of the Member's Defined Benefit Pension and the
            transfer of his Money Purchase Account to the Defined Benefit
            Account pursuant to Section 5.03(c), (d) and (e) shall apply as of
            the Member's date of death, and his Ancillary Value shall be
            allocated pursuant to the default allocation prescribed in Section

            The pre-retirement death benefit in the case of a Deferred Member
            shall be equal to the Commuted Value of the Member's deferred

      (b)   Any pre-retirement death benefit payable to a Banff Lifts Member
            shall be determined pursuant to the applicable terms of Appendix A
            regarding death prior to retirement.



      Subject to the requirements of the Act, a Spouse entitled to receive a
      pre-retirement death benefit pursuant to Section 9.02 may elect to receive
      the benefit in the form of:

      (a)   an immediate pension payable for the lifetime of the Spouse;

      (b)   a deferred pension payable for the lifetime of the Spouse commencing
            or on the first day of any month on or after the date the Spouse
            attains age fifty-five (55), but before the end of the calendar year
            in which the Spouse attains age sixty-nine (69) or, if later, within
            one (1) year after the death of the Member; or

      (c)   transfer to another registered pension plan of which the Spouse is a
            Member, if that plan permits;

      (d)   a transfer to the Spouse's locked-in retirement account.

      The form of any pre-retirement death benefit payable to a Banff Lifts
      Member shall be determined pursuant to the applicable terms of Appendix A
      regarding death prior to retirement.

      The Spouse shall elect the form of such pre-retirement death benefits
      within 90 days of receipt, from the Company, of notice of entitlement,
      failing which the Spouse shall be deemed to have elected a pension with
      monthly payments commencing on the first of the month coincident with or
      next following the Spouse's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday.


      If a Member does not have a Spouse at the time of death then the
      pre-retirement death benefit payable under Section 9.02 shall be paid to
      the Beneficiary in a lump sum.


      If a Retired Member dies then the death benefit, if any, shall be the
      remaining monthly payments or other benefit payable in accordance with the
      form of pension in effect pursuant to Article 8.


      Subject to the Act, each Member may, from time to time, designate a person
      or persons to receive the benefits which may be payable to a beneficiary
      under the Plan in the event of the death of the Member. Each such
      designation shall revoke all prior designations by such


      Member, shall be in writing on a form provided for that purpose and filed
      with the Company, and may name one or more primary beneficiaries. If the
      Member has not designated a Beneficiary or such Beneficiary pre-deceases
      the Member then any death benefit payable to a Beneficiary shall be paid
      to the estate of the Member.

                                   ARTICLE 10

                             LIMITATIONS ON BENEFITS


      Notwithstanding the other provisions of the Plan, the annual lifetime
      pension payable to a Member under this Plan in the year of commencement
      (including any benefit payable to a Spouse or former Spouse of the Member
      pursuant to Section 18.04) (and excluding any portion of a pension
      resulting solely from an actuarial increase in respect of deferral after
      the Member's Normal Retirement Date, any Money Purchase Pension or Banff
      Lifts Pension) shall not exceed the lesser of:

      (a)   the defined benefit limit for the year in which the pension
            commences; and

      (b)   2% of the Member's highest average compensation indexed to the year
            of commencement pursuant to the Income Tax Rules;

      multiplied by the Member's Credited Service. For the purposes of this
      paragraph "defined benefit limit" and "highest average compensation" shall
      have the meanings given to those terms under the Income Tax Rules,
      Credited Service in respect of the period prior to January 1, 1992 shall
      not exceed 35 years, and the phrase "defined benefit limit" in
      subparagraph (a) shall be read as "2/3 or the defined benefit limit" in
      respect of Credited Service granted pursuant to Section 3.04 for periods
      prior to January 1, 1990 that were not previously counted as pensionable
      service under a registered pension plan.

      Any Banff Lifts Pension payable to a Member shall be limited by the
      applicable terms of Appendix A regarding maximum retirement benefits.


      The maximum lifetime pension determined pursuant to Section 10.01 shall be
      reduced by one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) for each complete month by
      which commencement of the pension precedes the earliest of:

      (a)   the date the Member would attain age 60;


      (b)   the date the age and early retirement eligibility service of the
            Member would total 80 years; and

      (c)   the date the Member would accrue 30 years of early retirement
            eligibility service;

      if the Member continued to participate in the Plan until that date. For
      the purposes of this paragraph "early retirement eligibility service" has
      the meaning given to that term under the Income Tax Rules.


      Notwithstanding the other provisions of the Plan, the annual bridging
      benefit payable to a Member under the terms of this Plan shall not exceed
      the maximum amount permitted under the Income Tax Rules.

      The sum of the annual bridging benefit and lifetime pension payable to a
      Member under the terms of this Plan for Credited Service from January 1,
      1992 shall not, in the year of commencement, exceed the sum of:

      (a)   the defined benefit limit for the year of commencement multiplied by
            the Member's Credited Service from January 1, 1992; and

      (b)   25% of the average of the YMPE for the year of commencement and the
            two immediately preceding years multiplied by a fraction the
            numerator of which is the Member's Credited Service (not exceeding
            35 years) accrued after December 31, 1991 and the denominator of
            which is 35.


      Notwithstanding the other provisions of the Plan, the annual lifetime
      pension and associated bridging benefits payable under this Plan to a
      Member whose benefits are indexed pursuant to Article 11 in any year
      following the year of commencement (including any benefit payable to a
      Spouse or former Spouse of the Member pursuant to Section 18.04) (and
      excluding any portion of a pension resulting solely from an actuarial
      increase in respect of deferral after the Member's Normal Retirement Date
      and any Money Purchase Pension or Banff Lifts Pension) shall not exceed
      the amount determined under Section 10.01 and 10.02 in the case of the
      lifetime pension and under Section 10.03 in the case of the bridging
      benefits, multiplied by the cumulative percentage increase in the Consumer
      Price Index (as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the
      Statistics Act) from the month in which the benefit commenced to the
      beginning of the current year. The annual lifetime


      pension and associated bridging benefits payable under this Plan to a
      Member whose benefits are not indexed pursuant to Article 11 shall not
      increase after payment commences.

      Any Banff Lifts Pension payable to a Member shall be limited by the
      applicable terms of Appendix A regarding maximum retirement benefits.

                                   ARTICLE 11

                              INDEXING ADJUSTMENTS


      If a Member elects (or is deemed to elect) to apply all or part of his
      Ancillary Value pursuant to subsection (e) of either Part A or Part B of
      Section 5.04 to provide indexing for his Defined Benefit Pension, and
      associated bridging benefits if applicable, then such pension and benefits
      shall be indexed at a fixed annual rate to the extent that the Commuted
      Value of the indexing is equal to the Ancillary Value allocated to provide
      the indexing. Such indexing shall not exceed:

      (a)   in respect the period from the Member's break in Continuous Service
            to the end of the month before payment of his pension commences, the
            percentage increase in the Average Industrial Wage during that
            period; and

      (b)   in respect of the period beginning with the first day of the in
            which payment of his pension commences, 4% per annum.

      The monthly indexed Defined Benefit Pension, and associated bridging
      benefits if applicable, shall be increased effective the first day of each
      January following the Member's break in Continuous Service by the addition
      of an amount which is the product of:

      (a)   the monthly amount of such pension, and associated bridging benefits
            if applicable, which is payable or being paid at the end of the
            preceding year; and

      (b)   the annual rate of indexing determined under the first paragraph of
            this Section.

      In the first year of indexing only, the result shall be further multiplied
      by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of calendar months
      between the commencement date of the pension and the December 31 of the
      same year and the denominator of which is 12.

      A Banff Lifts Pension shall be indexed pursuant to the applicable terms of
      Appendix A regarding cost of living increases.



      The monthly amount of a post-retirement survivor pension being paid to a
      Spouse in respect of a deceased Retired Member's pension which was indexed
      pursuant to Section 11.01 shall be indexed as follows. Such pension shall
      be increased effective the first day of January in each year following
      commencement of the survivor pension by the addition of an amount which is
      the product of:

      (a)   the monthly amount of survivor pension in respect of such pension
            being paid at the end of the preceding year; and

      (b)   the annual rate of indexing that was applicable to the Retired
            Member's pension under Section 11.01.

      If the Retired Member's pension on which the survivor pension is based
      commenced payment later than the first day of January in the preceding
      year, the result shall be further multiplied by a fraction, the numerator
      of which is the number of the calendar months between the commencement
      date of the Retired Member's pension and the December 31 of the same year
      and the denominator of which is 12.

      The adjustment pursuant to this Section shall also apply to any guaranteed
      pension payments made to a Beneficiary following the death of a Retired
      Member which are based on a pension that was indexed pursuant to Section

                                   ARTICLE 12



      The Company shall establish and maintain a Pension Fund with a Funding
      Agent pursuant to a Funding Agreement for the purpose of funding the
      benefits under this Plan. The Company may amend or revoke the Funding
      Agreement, remove the Funding Agent and appoint an additional and/or a
      successor Funding Agent as it may deem appropriate. All contributions by
      the Company and Members shall be deposited into the Pension Fund.

      The Pension Fund shall contain one Defined Benefit Account, and a Money
      Purchase Account for each Member who contributes pursuant to Section 14.01
      as follows:

      (a)   Defined Benefit Account The Defined Benefit Account shall consist of
            the assets in the Pension Fund not allocated to the Money Purchase


      (b)   Money Purchase Account A separate account shall be maintained for
            each Member contributing pursuant to Section 14.01 which shall
            represent the portion of the Pension Fund attributable to the Money
            Purchase Contributions made by the Member .


      The assets of the Pension Fund shall be invested in accordance with the
      terms of the Funding Agreement, the Income Tax Rules and the Act. The
      Company shall adopt a statement of investment policies and goals and the
      Pension Fund shall be invested in compliance with such statement. The
      Company shall direct the investment of the Defined Benefit Account and the
      Members with Money Purchase Accounts shall direct the investment of their
      Money Purchase Accounts in the investment options made available under the
      terms of the Funding Agreement. The earnings, gains and losses arising
      within each such investment option shall be determined in accordance with
      the terms of the Funding Agreement and allocated to the Defined Benefit
      Account and the applicable Money Purchase Accounts not less frequently
      than monthly.


      Any Member or other person having any claim under the Plan must look
      solely to the assets of the Pension Fund for such benefit. Neither the
      Company, nor any of its directors or officers, shall be liable, in their
      individual or other capacities, to any person for the payment of any
      benefits under the provisions of the Plan, or under the Funding Agreement.


      Subject to the Act, if the assets in the Defined Benefit Account exceed
      the liabilities attributable to benefits payable from that account then
      the Company may, in its discretion:

      (a)   apply such excess assets against any funding required of the Company
            as permitted under Section 13.01;

      (b)   receive on an ongoing basis, upon obtaining any necessary prior
            approval of the applicable regulatory authorities, any portion of
            such excess assets that may be refunded under the Act; or

      (c)   utilize such excess assets for any other purpose as the Company may
            direct and as permitted under the Act and the Income Tax Rules.



      Any contributions made to the Pension Fund by the Company or a Member may
      be returned to the Company or the Member, as applicable, together with
      Credited Return thereon in the case of any Member Contributions, to the
      extent such return is required to avoid revocation of the registration of
      the Plan under the Income Tax Act (Canada). No monies shall be returned
      without any required prior approval of the appropriate pension regulatory
      authorities and with such reporting for tax purposes as may be required
      under the Income Tax Rules.

                                   ARTICLE 13

                              COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS


      The Company shall, from time to time as required by the Act and the Income
      Tax Rules, make quarterly contributions to the Defined Benefit Account of
      such amounts which, based on the advice of the Actuary, are required to
      provide an appropriate level of funding for the benefits payable from the
      Defined Benefit Account in respect of the following:

      (a)   the normal actuarial cost of defined benefits currently accruing to
            Members in accordance with the provisions of the Plan; and

      (b)   for the proper amortization of any unfunded actuarial liability or
            solvency deficiency in relation to the Defined Benefit Account;

      both in accordance with requirements of the Act, after taking into account
      the assets of the Pension Fund, the earnings thereon, and all other
      relevant factors.

      If at any time, while the Plan continues in existence, the Actuary
      certifies that the assets of the Fund exceed the actuarial liabilities of
      the Plan in respect of benefits defined in the Plan, such excess assets or
      any portion of such assets may be used by the Company to reduce its
      contribution obligation under this Section.


      The Company shall remit to the Funding Agent for deposit in the Fund
      within thirty (30) days after the period on which they are due, as
      recommended by the Actuary in the last actuarial report filed in
      accordance with the Act.


                                   ARTICLE 14

                              MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS


      An Active Member or Disabled Member may elect to contribute to his Money
      Purchase Account. Such Member contributions shall be made by way of
      payroll deduction in the case of an Active Member. A Member may elect to
      continue to contribute during a Leave of Absence for which Credited
      Service accrues pursuant to Section 3.02, or during a period of Total
      Disability for which Credited Service accrues pursuant to Section 3.03 and
      in such case the contributions shall be made by way of direct payment from
      the Member to the Company subject to such rules as the Company may


      A Member who elects to contribute to his Money Purchase Account shall
      select the level of such contribution which shall be a percentage of his
      eligible earnings set at a whole or half integer. A Member's contributions
      shall not, in a calendar year, exceed the lesser of (a) and (b) below:

      (a)   the lesser of:

            (i)   the money purchase limit for the year; and

            (ii)  18% of the Member's Earnings for the year.

            For the purposes of this subsection, "money purchase limit" shall
            have the meaning given to that term under the Income Tax Rules; and

      (b)   the amount of pension credit that the Member would have received for
            accrual of a defined benefit pension pursuant to the formula in
            Section 5.03(a) without the offset under Section 5.03(b)


      A Member who wishes to elect to contribute and select the level of such
      contributions shall complete the forms prescribed by the Company and such
      election shall be effective as of the date prescribed by the Company. An
      Employee who fails to make such election shall be deemed to have elected
      to make no contributions.


      An Active Member or Disabled Member who is contributing to the Plan may
      revoke the election or change the level of contribution once in each
      calendar year. An Active Member or Disabled Member who is not contributing
      to the Plan may elect to contribute once in each calendar year. Any
      change, election or revocation shall be made not later than 30 days before
      the end of the calendar year and shall be effective on the first day of
      the next calendar year.


      If the contributions to a Money Purchase Account in respect of a Member
      for a calendar year exceed the limit set out in Section 14.02, the excess
      portion shall be repaid to the Member, subject to any required prior
      approval of a regulatory authority. Following such repayment, the balance
      of the Money Purchase Account shall be adjusted to reflect this reduction.
      Such repayment shall be made no later than the last day of February in the
      year following the year in which the excess arose.


      In respect of the Member contributions and/or qualifying transfers made in
      accordance with Section 3.04, an account for these monies shall be set up
      and credited at each Plan Year end with any investment earnings net of all
      investment expenses incurred in the operation of the Defined Benefit
      Account (herein referred to as the net rate of interest). The net rate of
      interest shall be computed by valuing all investments of the Defined
      Benefit Account at their market value. As such, the net rate of interest
      includes all interest and dividend income of the Defined Benefit Account
      and all realized and unrealized capital gains and losses on the
      investments of the Defined Benefit Account from the first of the month
      following the date of payment into the Defined Benefit Account to the
      month end prior to the date of payment of a benefit in respect of such

      Member contributions, including qualifying transfers if any, with interest
      in excess of fifty (50%) percent of the Commuted Value of the pension
      benefit that has accrued to the Member, shall be paid in cash to the
      Member upon the retirement or termination of service of the Member.

      Member contributions, including qualifying transfers if any, with interest
      in excess of fifty (50%) percent of the Commuted Value of the pension
      benefit that has accrued to the Member, shall be paid in cash to the
      Member's Spouse or if no Spouse paid to the Member's Beneficiary upon the
      death of the Member prior to retirement.


                                   ARTICLE 15



      The Company shall be the administrator of the Plan for the purposes of the
      Act and the Income Tax Rules. The Company shall decide all matters and
      questions in respect of the operation, administration and interpretation
      of the Plan. As such, the Company shall be entitled to determine
      conclusively a Member's eligibility, Earnings and periods of continuous
      employment, membership or service or Credited Service. All interpretations
      and decisions shall be applied as nearly as may be possible in a uniform
      manner to all Members similarly situated.

      The Company shall maintain, or cause another person to maintain, such
      records and data as the Actuary may require for the purpose of completing
      actuarial valuations and estimates of required contributions.

      The Company shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon all tables,
      valuations, certifications, opinions and reports which shall be furnished
      by an Actuary, accountant, legal counsel or other professional person who
      shall be employed or engaged for such purposes.


      The Company shall from time to time appoint an Actuary, to serve at the
      pleasure of the Company, who shall provide technical advice in all matters
      in connection with the Plan requiring actuarial computations and
      valuations. The Company shall from time to time, in consultation with the
      Actuary, adopt such rates of interest and mortality, service and other
      tables as may be required in connection with the administration of the
      Plan whether in connection with computations of benefits, contributions by
      the Company, or otherwise. On the basis of such tables as the Actuary may
      adopt, the Actuary shall make a triennial valuation of the assets and
      liabilities of the Plan and such intermediate valuations as the Company
      may direct.


      Any expenses arising in respect of the administration of the Plan and
      Pension Fund, but limited to the fees and other expenses and charges of
      any Actuary, auditor or agent employed by the Company in connection with
      the Plan's or Pension Fund's administration may be paid from the Pension



      The Company shall save harmless any employees who are involved in the
      administration of the Plan from the effects and consequences of their
      acts, omissions and conduct in their formal capacity to the extent
      permitted by law, except for their own willful and intentional malfeasance
      or misconduct.


      Pension benefits shall normally be paid from the Pension Fund, however,
      the Company may arrange to purchase an annuity or annuities to provide
      some or all of such pension benefits.


      A pension or an annuity under the Plan shall be granted by the Company
      only upon application in the manner prescribed by the Company, and after
      submission of satisfactory proof of age of the Member and, if applicable,
      of the Spouse or joint annuitant.

      Age may be proved by an official birth certificate issued by the
      appropriate public authority. If the Member is unable to obtain an
      official birth certificate, evidence of age satisfactory to the Company
      must be produced.

      Payment of any benefit under the Plan other than a pension or annuity
      shall be made only upon application in the manner prescribed by the
      Company and upon submission of any relevant supporting evidence as the
      Company in its discretion may require.

      Any person receiving or claiming a pension or an annuity under the Plan
      shall, on request of the Company, furnish to the Company satisfactory
      evidence of his continuing right thereto.

      Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, no cash settlement
      shall be paid under the terms of the Plan where such payment would be
      contrary to the provisions of the Act and the Income Tax Rules.


      Where a Member becomes entitled to receive a refund of his Money Purchase
      Account, or to have a benefit paid from the Plan in a lump sum or
      transferred from the Plan, the payment of the balance of the Money
      Purchase Account, or the payment or transfer of the benefit as the case
      may be, shall be made within 60 days after the event giving rise to the
      payment or transfer, or the completion and filing of all documents
      required to authorize the


      making of the payment, including any evidence required under Section 15.06
      whichever is later.


      Following the end of each fiscal year, the Company shall provide to Canada
      Revenue Agency a listing of each Member whose Money Purchase Account was
      transferred to the Defined Benefit Account during the fiscal year, along
      with confirmation whether any portion of such Money Purchase Account was
      transferred elsewhere.

                                   ARTICLE 16



      The Company shall provide each Employee eligible for membership within
      sixty (60) days his date of employment with:

      (a)   a written explanation of the terms and conditions of the Plan
            applicable to him;

      (b)   a written explanation of his rights and obligations in respect of
            the Plan; and

      (c)   any other information required by the Act and the Income Tax Rules.


      The Company shall provide each Member, Former Member or other person, who
      is or will be affected by an amendment made to the Plan, with a written
      explanation of such amendment within sixty (60) days after the
      registration of the amendment. If the requirement of providing such
      written explanation within the above period is dispensed with in
      accordance with the Act, the Company may provide the explanation with the
      next annual statement.


      The Company shall provide each Active Member with an annual statement and
      a statement on his retirement or termination of Continuous Service, and a
      statement shall be provided to the surviving Spouse or Beneficiary on the
      death of a Member other than a Retired Member. Each such statement shall
      contain the information prescribed under the Act. Further, the Company
      shall provide a Member or other person entitled to payment from the Plan
      with such other information as may be required by the Act. If any
      statement made in such


      explanation conflicts with the provisions of the Plan, the provisions of
      the Plan shall govern.


      A copy of the Plan and any other information required to be made available
      by the Act shall be made available within thirty (30) days of the written
      request by any person entitled to a benefit under the Plan or the person's
      authorized agent, at the person's current or former place of employment or
      such other location as may be agreed upon by the Company and such person.
      Any person entitled to inspect Plan documents in accordance with this
      Section shall be entitled to make such inspection only once in each
      calendar year.


      The Company shall provide such other information regarding the Plan as is
      required by the Act and the Income Tax Rules.


      Such explanation, statement or other information provided shall have no
      effect on the rights or obligations of any person under the Plan and shall
      not be referred to in interpreting or giving effect to the provisions of
      the Plan. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage claimed
      by any person to have been caused by any error or omission in such
      explanation, statement or other information.

                                   ARTICLE 17

                               FUTURE OF THE PLAN


      The Company reserves the right to amend or discontinue the Plan, either in
      whole or in part, at any time or times, subject to the Income Tax Rules
      and the provisions of the Act. Without limiting the generality of the
      foregoing, such right to amend shall include the right to merge the Plan
      with another pension plan or plans, to divide the Plan, to transfer assets
      from the Pension Fund to the pension fund of another registered pension
      plan which assumes liabilities from the Plan, or to convert the Plan to a
      money purchase pension plan.


      No amendment to the Plan shall operate to reduce the amount or the value
      of the benefits which have accrued to Members prior to the date of such
      amendment, provided that the


      Plan may be amended to reduce benefits payable under the terms of the
      Plan, or to return contributions, where such amendment is necessary to
      avoid the revocation of the registration of the Plan under the Income Tax
      Act (Canada) and prior approval has been granted by the applicable
      provincial regulatory authorities.

      If the Plan is terminated, the Company shall not be obligated to make any
      further contributions to the Plan with respect to service after the date
      of such termination of the Plan except as required under the Act.


      If the Plan is terminated or otherwise discontinued, all Members will be
      100% vested in the Defined Benefit Pension and Banff Lifts Pension accrued
      to the date of termination and the assets of the Defined Benefit Account,
      after providing for the expenses of the Plan attributable thereto, shall
      be applied, to the extent sufficient, to provide for the accrued Defined
      Benefit Pensions and Banff Lifts Pensions of Members, Spouses and
      Beneficiaries as determined by the Company, on the advice of the Actuary
      and subject to the requirements of the Act.

      The Money Purchase Account of a Member affected by the termination shall
      be transferred to the Defined Benefit Account to eliminate the Money
      Purchase Pension offset pursuant to Section 5.03 or transferred out of the
      Pension Fund pursuant to Section 6.05 or 7.05, as elected by the Member.

      If the assets of the Defined Benefit Account are insufficient to fully
      provide for all accrued Defined Benefit Pensions and Banff Lifts Pensions
      attributable thereto and a solvency deficiency, as defined under the terms
      of the Act, exists when the Plan is terminated, the Company shall amortize
      such solvency deficiency in accordance with the Act. If due to insolvency
      the Company is unable contribute all amounts required under the Act, then
      the assets of the Defined Benefit Account shall be applied to provide
      benefits for affected Members, Spouses, and Beneficiaries on a pro rata
      basis in accordance with their respective interest in the Plan as
      determined by the Company, on the advice of the Actuary and in a manner
      approved by the Alberta Superintendent of Pensions. Payment of the accrued
      Defined Benefit Pensions and Banff Lifts Pensions of Members, Spouses and
      Beneficiaries shall be made in accordance with the Act.

      Any surplus assets which remain in the Defined Benefit Account after the
      satisfaction of all accrued defined benefits as set out above shall be
      returned to the Company. Any distribution of funds will be conditional
      upon the prior approval of the applicable regulatory authorities.



      If the Company's participation in the Plan is partially terminated, all
      Members affected by the partial termination will be 100% vested in the
      Defined Benefit Pension and Banff Lifts Pension accrued to the date of
      partial termination and a portion of the Defined Benefit Account shall be
      allocated in respect of that part of the Plan which is being terminated.
      The portion of the Defined Benefit Account to be allocated shall be
      determined by the Company in an equitable manner on the advice of the
      Actuary subject to the Act. Such portion of the Defined Benefit Account
      shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.03 for
      the benefit of the Members, Spouses and Beneficiaries affected by the
      partial termination.

      If the assets of the Defined Benefit Account allocated to the partial
      windup are insufficient to fully provide for all accrued Defined Benefit
      Pensions and Banff Lifts Pensions of Members affected by the partial
      windup and a solvency deficiency, as defined under the terms of the Act,
      exists in respect of the partial termination, the Company shall amortize
      such solvency deficiency in accordance with the Act. If due to insolvency
      the Company is unable contribute all amounts required under the Act then
      the assets of the Defined Benefit Account allocated to the partial windup
      shall be applied to provide benefits for affected Members, Spouses, and
      Beneficiaries on a pro rata basis in accordance with their respective
      interest in the Plan as determined by the Company, on the advice of the
      Actuary and in a manner approved by the Alberta Superintendent of
      Pensions. Payment of the accrued Defined Benefit Pensions and Banff Lifts
      Pensions of Members, Spouses and Beneficiaries shall be made in accordance
      with the Act.

      Any surplus assets remaining from such allocated portion after the
      satisfaction of all accrued benefits of all persons affected by the
      partial termination shall be paid to the Company or applied as the Company
      may otherwise direct. Any such distribution shall be conditional upon
      prior approval of the applicable regulatory authorities.

      The Money Purchase Accounts of Members affected by the partial termination
      shall be allocated to the partial termination and transferred to the
      Defined Benefit Account to eliminate the Money Purchase Pension offset
      pursuant to Section 5.03 or transferred out of the Pension Fund pursuant
      to Section 6.05 or 7.05, as elected by the Member.


      The benefits determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.03
      or 17.04 may be provided by means of:


      (a)   the purchase of annuity contracts from a company or companies
            licensed to provide annuities in Canada;

      (b)   the transfer of benefits to registered pension plans which meet the
            requirements prescribed under the Act and which are willing to
            accept such transfers, registered retirement savings plans or
            registered retirement income funds;

      (c)   the continuation of the Pension Fund; or

      (d)   the payment of cash refunds;

      all as determined by the Company, subject to the requirements of the Act.


      No liabilities shall attach to the Employer or to the liquidator or
      trustee in bankruptcy, as the case may be, in connection with any
      application of the pension funds in accordance with the provisions of this
      Article 17 provided such application was made in good faith and in
      accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Income Tax Rules.

                                   ARTICLE 18

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS


      Except as specifically provided in Section 18.04, benefits payable under
      the Plan may not be assigned, charged, anticipated, surrendered, commuted
      or given as security and any attempt to do so shall be void. Except as
      provided under the Act no benefit payable under the Plan shall be in any
      manner liable for, or subject to, execution, seizure or attachment or
      liable for, or subject to, the debts, contracts, or liabilities of the
      person entitled to such benefit.


      Nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to give any Employee the right to be
      retained in the employ of the Company and the provisions of the Plan shall
      not interfere with the rights of the Company to discipline its employees.


      If the annual amount of Defined Benefit Pension and Banff Lifts Pension
      payable to a Deferred Member or Retired Member at the Member's Normal
      Retirement Date is less than 4% of the YMPE in the year that such Member
      breaks Continuous Service or if the


      Commuted Value of a benefit payable to a Member when he breaks Continuous
      Service or of a benefit payable to a Spouse on the death of a Member is
      less than 20% of the YMPE in that year, then the Member or Spouse, as
      applicable, may elect to receive that Commuted Value in a lump sum in
      satisfaction of his entitlement under the Plan. In lieu of a lump sum, the
      Member or Spouse, as applicable, may elect to transfer, to the extent that
      the Income Tax Rules allow, the Commuted Value to an unlocked registered
      retirement savings plan.


      Subject to the Act, when an order from a court of competent jurisdiction
      requiring division of the benefits of a Member with a Spouse or former
      Spouse due to breakdown of marriage has been received by the Company, such
      division shall be made in accordance with such order, as determined by the
      Company and subject to the limitations and requirements of the Act and
      applicable provincial family relations legislation. A Member's benefit
      entitlement shall be adjusted to the extent required to reflect such
      division. When a Member becomes entitled to exercise the options available
      under Section 7.05, a Spouse or former Spouse entitled to a division of
      benefits pursuant to this Section shall also be entitled to exercise the
      options available under Section 7.05 in respect of the portion of the
      benefit allocated to the Spouse, subject to the requirements of the Act.
      Where permitted under the Act, a Spouse entitled to a division under this
      Section may exercise the options available under Section 7.05 in respect
      of the portion of the benefit allocated to the Spouse at the time of such


      Notwithstanding the locking-in provisions of the Plan and the provisions
      of Section 18.01, if a Member provides evidence to the Company that his
      life expectancy is considerably shortened by reason of a terminal illness
      or a disability, the Company may permit payment of the Commuted Value of
      the Member's benefit in a lump sum or may provide for payment of the
      benefit in quarterly or annual instalments.


      All contributions and benefit payments under this Plan shall be made in
      the lawful currency of Canada.



      No Member, retired Member, Former Member, Beneficiary, Spouse or joint
      Annuitant, shall have any recourse under any provisions of this Plan
      against any past, present or future director, officer, shareholder or
      Employee of the Company and all such directors, officers, shareholders and
      Employees shall be free from all liability hereunder as a condition


      The Company may from time to time in its discretion elect to grant
      increases in pensions for the purpose of offsetting, in whole or in part,
      increases in the cost of living. Such increases may be granted to Retired
      Members, Spouses or Beneficiaries, or may be applied to any deferred
      pension entitlements of Deferred Members but shall not be granted in
      respect of the twelve (12) month period immediately following the date of
      retirement, death, or termination. Such increases once granted shall not
      be discontinued. The fact of granting of increases pursuant to this
      sub-Article, if any, shall not obligate the Company to grant further
      increases in the future. Any pension increase must be in accordance with
      the Act and the Income Tax Rules.


      The division of this Plan into Articles and Sections and the insertion of
      headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the
      construction or interpretation of this Plan.

18.10 GENDER

      Words importing the singular include the plural, as appropriate, and
      vice-versa; words importing the masculine gender include the feminine


                                   APPENDIX A

                                BANFF LIFTS PLAN

This Appendix contains the text of the Pension Plan for the Employees of Banff
Lifts Ltd. as it read on December 31, 1999. Relevant terms of the Banff Lifts
Plan shall apply to Banff Lifts Members in respect of the Pensionable Service
that they accrued under the terms of the Banff Lifts Plan to December 31, 1999.
For the purposes of this Appendix, the Retirement Plan for Management Employees
of Brewster Transport Company Limited shall be referred to as the Brewster
Transport Plan.

The relevant terms of the Banff Lifts Plan are listed below:

- -     Applicable definitions that are used in relevant provisions of Articles 4,
      5, 6, 7, 8 or 9

- -     The provisions of Article 4 regarding voluntary contributions and the
      deposit of a refund from another plan to the extent that such
      contributions or deposits have occurred by December 31, 1999. No further
      contributions or deposits are permitted after December 31, 1999.

- -     The provisions of Article 5 (early retirement)

- -     The provisions of Article 6 (determination of amount of retirement

- -     The provisions of Article 7 (pre-retirement death benefits)

- -     The provisions of Article 8 (termination of employment)

- -     The provisions of Article 9 (forms of retirement benefits)

- -     Appendix 1 (listing of pensionable service)

Notwithstanding the above, effective January 1, 2000, certain provisions of the
Banff Lifts Plan shall be interpreted as follows:

1.    Subsection 2.1 "Commuted Value" shall mean the definition of Commuted
      Value as stated in Section 1.09 of this Plan.

2.    Subsection 2.1 "Spouse" shall mean the definition of Spouse as stated in
      Section 1.37 of this Plan.


3.    Subsection 2.1 "Defined Benefit Limit" has the meaning given under the
      provisions of the Income Tax Act of Canada and the Regulations thereunder
      as they apply to registered pension plans.

4.    Section 18.04 "Marriage Breakdown" of this Plan shall be applied with
      respect to the appropriate benefits of the Banff Lifts Plan.

5.    References to "5 years of Continuous Service" or "5 years of continuous
      service" throughout the Banff Lifts Plan shall mean "2 years of Continuous

6.    Reference to "the first day of the month following attainment of age 55"
      in subsection 5.2 shall mean "the first day of the month coincident with
      or following attainment of age 50" and the phrase "who has completed at
      least 5 years of Continuous Service" shall be deleted.

7.    Reference to "seventy-first (71st) birthday in subsection 5.3 shall mean
      "sixty-ninth (69th) birthday".

8.    Reference to "reduced by 1/2%" in subsection 6.2 shall mean "reduced by
      five-twelfths of one percent (5/12%).

9.    The following words are added to the end of the paragraph in Section 6.2:

      ", provided that such reduction shall not result in a pension that has a
      value less than the Actuarial Equivalent Value of the Member's accrued
      pension payable at the Member's normal retirement date."

10.   Subsection 6.5 shall mean "A Member who is entitled to a pension in
      accordance with the provisions of Sections 5 and 6 shall be eligible to
      transfer the Commuted Value of his pension on a similar basis as those
      options and requirements as described in Section 6.05 of the Brewster
      Transport Plan.

11.   Reference to "age 55" in subsection 8.3 shall mean "age 50".
