     Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings assigned to
such terms in the Prospectus.
     Due to its emergence from Chapter 11 protection on August 25, 1994, and the
adoption of "fresh start reporting" pursuant to generally accepted accounting
principles, the Company's operating results for the third quarter 1994 are being
reported for two separate periods within the quarter. As a result of adopting
fresh start reporting, results for periods after August 25, 1994 are not
comparable to prior periods. For the period July 1 through August 25, 1994,
America West realized net income of $19.1 million after nonrecurring charges and
one-time gains related to the Reorganization. In the period August 26 through
September 30, 1994, the Company reported net income of $1.2 million. The Company
had net income of $14.4 million for the third quarter 1993.
     Operating income for the periods July 1 through August 25 and August 26
through September 30, 1994, were $25.6 million and $8.3 million, respectively.
On a combined basis, operating income was $33.9 million for the 1994 quarter as
compared to $33.0 million for the third quarter 1993. The operating results for
the period through August 25, 1994 include operating expense adjustments
amounting to $5.1 million consisting principally of additional reserves for bad
debt and inventories.
     For the nine months ended September 30, 1994, operating income amounted to
$115.8 million (combined basis), an increase of 53.8% from the $75.3 million
reported for the nine months ended September 30, 1993.
     The following tables outline the third quarter and nine-month 1994 and 1993
financial and statistical results for America West Airlines, Inc. (the
                          AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS
                           (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                   REORGANIZED  |    PREDECESSOR  
                                                                     COMPANY    |      COMPANY
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                  SEPTEMBER 30, |    DECEMBER 31,    
                                                                      1994      |        1993
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                  (UNAUDITED)   |
Current assets:                                                                 |
  Cash and cash equivalents.....................................   $   204,069  |     $   99,631
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of                  |
     $3,012 in 1994 and $3,030 in 1993..........................        72,317  |         65,744
  Expendable spare parts and supplies, less allowance for                       |
     obsolescence of $120 in 1994 and $7,231 in 1993............        25,929  |         28,111
  Prepaid expenses..............................................        36,342  |         34,939
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
          Total current assets..................................       338,657  |        228,425
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
Property and equipment:                                                         |
  Flight equipment..............................................       440,206  |        872,104
  Other property and equipment..................................        91,303  |        180,607
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                       531,509  |      1,052,711
     Less accumulated depreciation and amortization.............         3,913  |        385,776
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                       527,596  |        666,935
  Equipment purchase deposits...................................        32,915  |         51,836
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                       560,511  |        718,771
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
Restricted cash.................................................        30,578  |         46,296
Reorganization value in excess of amounts allocable to                          |
  identifiable assets, net......................................       665,915  |             --
Other assets, net...............................................        23,514  |         23,251
                                                                  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                   $ 1,619,175  |     $1,016,743
                                                                   ===========  |     ==========

                          AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS
                           (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

                                                                      REORGANIZED  |    PREDECESSOR
                                                                        COMPANY    |      COMPANY
                                                                     ------------- |    ------------
                                                                     SEPTEMBER 30, |    DECEMBER 31,
         LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY (DEFICIENCY)               1994      |        1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------- |    ------------
                                                                     (UNAUDITED)   |
Current liabilities:                                                               |
  Current maturities of long-term debt.............................   $    54,110  |     $  125,271
  Accounts payable.................................................        95,364  |         62,957
  Air traffic liability............................................       156,013  |        118,479
  Accrued compensation and vacation benefits.......................        13,317  |         11,704
  Accrued interest.................................................         8,598  |          8,295
  Accrued taxes....................................................        36,611  |         14,114
  Other accrued liabilities........................................        25,290  |         11,980
                                                                     ------------- |    ------------
          Total current liabilities................................       389,303  |        352,800
                                                                     ------------- |    ------------
Estimated liabilities subject to Chapter 11 proceedings............            --  |        381,114
Long-term debt, less current maturities............................       492,056  |        396,350
Manufacturers' and deferred credits................................       120,747  |         73,592
Other liabilities..................................................        28,351  |         67,149
Commitments and contingencies                                                      |
Stockholders' equity (deficiency):                                                 |
  Preferred stock, $.25 par value. Authorized 50,000,000 shares;                   |
     Series C 9.75% convertible preferred stock, issued and                        |
     outstanding                                                                   |
     73,099 shares; $1.33 per share cumulative dividend                            |
     (liquidation                                                                  |
     preference $1,000,000)........................................            --  |             18
  Common stock, $.25 par value. Authorized 90,000,000 shares;                      |
     issued and outstanding 25,291,102 at December 31, 1993........            --  |          6,323
  Preferred stock, $.01 par value. Authorized 48,800,000 shares;                   |
     issued and outstanding 0 at September 30, 1994................            --  |             --
  Class A common stock, $.01 par value. Authorized 1,200,000                       |
     shares; issued and outstanding 1,200,000 shares at September                  |
     30, 1994......................................................            12  |             --
  Class B common stock, $.01 par value. Authorized 100,000,000                     |
     shares; issued and outstanding 43,925,000 shares at September                 |
     30, 1994......................................................           439  |             --
  Additional paid-in capital.......................................       587,049  |        197,010
  Retained earnings (deficit)......................................         1,218  |       (438,626)
                                                                     ------------- |    ------------
                                                                          588,718  |       (235,275)
  Less deferred compensation and notes receivable -- employee stock                |
     purchase plans................................................            --  |         18,987
                                                                     ------------- |    ------------
          Total stockholders' equity (deficiency)..................       588,718  |       (254,262)
                                                                     ------------- |    ------------
                                                                      $ 1,619,175  |     $1,016,743
                                                                       ==========  |     ==========

                          AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.

                                                         REORGANIZED  |        PREDECESSOR COMPANY
                                                           COMPANY    |    ----------------------------
                                                        ------------- |                    THREE MONTHS
                                                         PERIOD FROM  |    PERIOD FROM        ENDED
                                                        AUGUST 26 TO  |     JULY 1 TO       SEPTEMBER
                                                        SEPTEMBER 30, |    AUGUST 25,          30,
                                                            1994      |       1994             1993
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Operating revenues:                                                   |
  Passenger...........................................    $ 118,592   |     $ 217,096       $  315,779
  Cargo...............................................        4,258   |         6,156            9,487
  Other...............................................        4,465   |         7,161            9,847
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
          Total operating revenues....................      127,315   |       230,413          335,113
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Operating expenses:                                                   |
  Salaries and related costs..........................       33,047   |        51,238           77,496
  Rentals and landing fees............................       25,823   |        40,875           67,416
  Aircraft fuel.......................................       15,694   |        24,852           40,572
  Agency commissions..................................       10,508   |        19,057           27,094
  Aircraft maintenance materials and repairs..........        4,768   |         9,207            7,718
  Depreciation and amortization.......................        6,699   |        13,496           20,606
  Other...............................................       22,440   |        46,078           61,230
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
          Total operating expenses....................      118,979   |       204,803          302,132
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
          Operating income............................        8,336   |        25,610           32,981
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Nonoperating income (expenses):                                       |
  Interest income.....................................        1,083   |           126              166
  Interest expense, net of capitalized interest.......       (6,358)  |        (7,930)         (13,483)
  Loss on disposition of property and equipment.......          (53)  |          (389)          (1,215)
  Reorganization expense, net.........................           --   |      (255,401)          (3,726)
  Other, net..........................................           35   |            (7)             (27)
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
          Total nonoperating expenses, net............       (5,293)  |      (263,601)         (18,285)
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Income (loss) before income taxes and                                 |
  extraordinary item..................................        3,043   |      (237,991)          14,696
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Income taxes..........................................        1,825   |           588              293
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Income (loss) before extraordinary item...............        1,218   |      (238,579)          14,403
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Extraordinary gain on elimination of debt.............           --   |       257,660               --
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Net income............................................        1,218   |        19,081           14,403
Retained earnings (deficit) at beginning of period....           --   |      (403,315)        (463,397)
  Fresh start adjustments.............................           --   |       384,234               --
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
Retained earnings (deficit) at end of period..........    $   1,218   |     $      --       $ (448,994)
                                                         ==========   |     =========       ==========
Earnings (loss) per share:                                            |
  Primary:                                                            |
     Income (loss) before extraordinary item..........    $     .03   |     $   (8.43)      $      .54
     Extraordinary item...............................           --   |          9.12               --
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
          Net income..................................    $     .03   |     $     .69       $      .54
                                                         ==========   |     =========       ==========
Fully Diluted:                                                        |
  Income (loss) before extraordinary item.............    $     .03   |     $   (5.93)      $      .38
  Extraordinary item..................................           --   |          6.42               --
                                                        ------------- |    -----------     ------------
          Net income..................................    $     .03   |     $     .49       $      .38
                                                         ==========   |     =========       ==========
Shares used for computation:                                          |
  Primary.............................................       45,125   |        28,242           29,062
  Fully diluted.......................................       45,125   |        40,144           42,041

                          AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.

                                                         REORGANIZED  |
                                                           COMPANY    |         PREDECESSOR COMPANY
                                                        ------------- |    ------------------------------
                                                         PERIOD FROM  |    PERIOD FROM       NINE MONTHS
                                                        AUGUST 26 TO  |    JANUARY 1 TO         ENDED
                                                        SEPTEMBER 30, |     AUGUST 25,      SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
                                                            1994      |        1994             1993
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Operating revenues:                                                   |
  Passenger...........................................    $ 118,592   |     $  882,140        $ 919,569
  Cargo...............................................        4,258   |         27,645           28,458
  Other...............................................        4,465   |         29,243           28,601
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
          Total operating revenues....................      127,315   |        939,028          976,628
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Operating expenses:                                                   |
  Salaries and related costs..........................       33,047   |        213,722          227,486
  Rentals and landing fees............................       25,823   |        173,710          207,971
  Aircraft fuel.......................................       15,694   |        100,646          124,125
  Agency commissions..................................       10,508   |         78,988           79,187
  Aircraft maintenance materials and repairs..........        4,768   |         28,109           22,337
  Depreciation and amortization.......................        6,699   |         56,694           60,485
  Other...............................................       22,440   |        179,653          179,709
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
          Total operating expenses....................      118,979   |        831,522          901,300
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
          Operating income............................        8,336   |        107,506           75,328
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Nonoperating income (expenses):                                       |
  Interest income.....................................        1,083   |            470              577
  Interest expense, net of capitalized interest.......       (6,358)  |        (33,998)         (41,046)
  Loss on disposition of property and equipment.......          (53)  |         (1,659)          (1,828)
  Reorganization expense, net.........................           --   |       (273,659)          (5,618)
  Other, net..........................................           35   |            131              (70)
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
          Total nonoperating expenses, net............       (5,293)  |       (308,715)         (47,985)
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Income (loss) before income taxes and                                 |
  extraordinary item..................................        3,043   |       (201,209)          27,343
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Income taxes..........................................        1,825   |          2,059              546
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Income (loss) before extraordinary item...............        1,218   |       (203,268)          26,797
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Extraordinary gain on elimination of debt.............           --   |        257,660               --
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Net income............................................        1,218   |         54,392           26,797
Retained earnings (deficit) at beginning of period....           --   |       (438,626)        (475,791)
  Fresh start adjustments.............................           --   |        384,234               --
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
Retained earnings (deficit) at end of period..........    $   1,218   |     $       --        $(448,994)
                                                         ==========   |      =========       ==========
Earnings (loss) per share:                                            |
  Primary:                                                            |
     Income (loss) before extraordinary item..........    $     .03   |     $    (7.03)       $    1.08
     Extraordinary item...............................           --   |           9.02               --
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
          Net income..................................    $     .03   |     $     1.99        $    1.08
                                                         ==========   |      =========       ==========
  Fully Diluted:                                                      |
     Income (loss) before extraordinary item..........    $     .03   |     $    (4.96)       $     .73
     Extraordinary item...............................           --   |           6.37               --
                                                        ------------- |    ------------     -------------
          Net income..................................    $     .03   |     $     1.41        $     .73
                                                         ==========   |      =========       ==========
Shares used for computation:                                          |
     Primary..........................................       45,125   |         28,550           27,580
                                                         ==========   |      =========       ==========
     Fully diluted....................................       45,125   |         40,452           42,550
                                                         ==========   |      =========       ==========

                             AMERICA WEST AIRLINES
                              OPERATING STATISTICS
                      THIRD QUARTER 1994 FINANCIAL RESULTS

                                                              COMBINED THIRD QUARTER 1994
                                                                         COMPANY             PREDECESSOR
                                                                   -------------------         COMPANY
                                                                       PERIOD FROM         ----------------
                                              COMBINED BASIS         REORGANIZATION          PERIOD FROM
                                               THREE MONTHS         (AUGUST 26, 1994,       JULY 1, 1994,
                                                  ENDED                    TO                     TO
                                            SEPTEMBER 30, 1994     SEPTEMBER 30, 1994)     AUGUST 25, 1994
                                            ------------------     -------------------     ----------------
Passenger Enplanements....................       4,112,141              1,421,231              2,690,910
Available Seat Miles (000)................       4,635,168              1,803,184              2,831,984
Revenue Passenger Miles (000).............       3,221,987              1,099,285              2,122,702
Load Factor (%)...........................            69.5                   61.0                   75.0
Average Passenger Revenue Per Passenger
  Mile (Yield)(Cents).....................           10.42                  10.79                  10.23
Total Operating Revenue Per Available Seat
  Mile (RASM)(Cents)......................            7.72                   7.06                   8.14
Operating Cost Per Available
  Seat Mile (Cents).......................            6.99                   6.60                   7.23


                                                     COMBINED NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1994
                                                                         COMPANY             PREDECESSOR
                                                                   -------------------         COMPANY
                                                                       PERIOD FROM         ----------------
                                              COMBINED BASIS         REORGANIZATION          PERIOD FROM
                                               NINE MONTHS          (AUGUST 26, 1994,      JANUARY 1, 1994,
                                                  ENDED                    TO                     TO
                                            SEPTEMBER 30, 1994     SEPTEMBER 30, 1994)     AUGUST 25, 1994
                                            ------------------     -------------------     ----------------
Passenger Enplanements....................      11,926,510              1,421,231             10,505,279
Available Seat Miles (000)................      13,439,121              1,803,184             11,635,937
Revenue Passenger Miles (000).............       9,360,636              1,099,285              8,261,351
Load Factor (%)...........................            69.6                   61.0                   71.0
Average Passenger Revenue Per Passenger
  Mile (Yield)(Cents).....................           10.69                  10.79                  10.68
Total Operating Revenue Per Available Seat
  Mile (RASM)(Cents)......................            7.93                   7.06                   8.07
Operating Cost Per Available
  Seat Mile (Cents).......................            7.07                   6.60                   7.15