This Agreement made this 14th day of June, One Thousand Nine
Hundred and Ninety Six between JT Storage Corporation, Inc. U.S.A., a
corporation duly created, organised and existing under and by virtue of the laws
of the State of Delaware, U.S.A. having its principal office at 166 Bay Points
Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134 in the United States of America (hereinafter
referred to as "LICENSOR" which term shall unless repugnant to the subject or
context mean and include its, successors and permitted assigns) of the First
Part AND MODULER ELECTRONICS (INDIA) PVT. LTD., a company duly created,
organised and existing under and by virtue of the Companies Act, 1956 and having
its registered office at 406, Dalamal Towers, Nariman Point, Bombay - 400 021,
India and having its Industrial Undertakings in Madras Export Processing Zone
(NEPZ), Madras, India (hereinafter referred to as the "LICENSEE", which term
unless repugnant to the context shall include its successors in interest and
permitted assigns) of the Other Part.

WHEREAS Licensor is in possession and has access to highly innovative Winchester
Disk Drive technology which allows for Ultra high capacity Drives to be
manufactured with simplified designs using fewer parts resulting in lower
manufacturing costs.

WHEREAS the LICENSOR owns and possesses valuable technical information and
know-how relating to the manufacture of the Licensed Products (as defined below)
which the LICENSOR is authorised, competent and willing to disclose and license
to the LICENSEE.

WHEREAS the LICENSEE has been incorporated with the main objects of
manufacturing, producing, distributing, marketing and otherwise dealing in
Winchester Drives.

WHEREAS at the LICENSEE'S request, the LICENSOR has agreed to license to the
LICENSEE certain technical know how and technical information on the terms and
conditions as are hereinafter set out.




In this Agreement, the following words and expression unless inconsistent with
the context, shall bear the meanings assigned thereto: precedent has been
fulfilled under Article 25.

"GOVERNMENT" shall mean the Government of the Republic of  India.

"IMPROVEMENTS" means future modifications, improvements and upgradation relating
to the LICENSED PRODUCTS and/or TECHNICAL KNOWHOW in so far as such
modifications, improvements and upgradations have been commercially introduced
by LICENSOR in the LICENSED PRODUCTS it being understood that LICENSOR shall be
under no duty or obligation to include any improvements under this License
Agreement. The term IMPROVEMENTS shall not include new product lines or ranges
outside the LICENSED PRODUCTS or inventions and discoveries subject matter of

"LICENSED PRODUCTS" shall mean Winchester Disk Drives and Sub-assemblies 

"PARTY" shall mean and refer to the LICENSOR or the LICENSEE, as the case may 

"PARTIES"  shall mean and refer to the LICENSOR and the LICENSEE.

"PLANT" shall mean and refer to the manufacturing facilities being established
by the LICENSEE in India for manufacture of the LICENSED PRODUCTS.

"TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW shall mean and include specifications of the LICENSED
PRODUCTS and the parts and components thereof, general definitions and detailed
lists of equipment, operating and quality control requirements, testing,
procedures, rejection/acceptance norms. Technical know-how shall not include
know-how or information for composers/parts level manufacturing in respect of
components and/or parts manufactured by a third party and in relation to which
the LICENSOR does not have the rights to manufacture and/or grant license.

"TERRITORY" shall mean the geographical area under the jurisdiction of the
Government of the Republic of India.


a.       In this AGREEMENT headings are for convenience only and shall not 
         affect interpretation except to the extent that the context otherwise 

b.       Where a word or phrase is defined, other parts of speech and 
         grammatical forms of that word or phrase shall have corresponding 



a.       LICENSOR hereby grants to the LICENSEE for the term of this Agreement 
         and subject to the limitations and restrictions herein contained:

         (i)      to the exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable right to
                  manufacture, assemble and sell the LICENSED PRODUCTS in the
                  TERRITORY by utilising the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW;

         (ii)     the non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable right to
                  sell the LICENSED PRODUCTS in such other countries and the
                  LICENSOR may agree upon from time to time.

b.       The LICENSOR shall disclose TECHNICAL KNOWHOW as is currently in use by
         or in possession of or within the access of by the LICENSOR. Such
         TECHNICAL KNOWHOW shall be complete and shall be sufficient to enable
         the LICENSEE to assemble and manufacture and the LICENSED PRODUCTS. THE
         TECHNICAL KNOWHOW shall be disclosed in such manner as is mutually
         agreed by the parties to enable the LICENSEE to undertake the
         manufacture of the Licensed product.

c.       Nothing contained in this AGREEMENT shall be construed to require the 
         LICENSOR to disclose to the LICENSEE any TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW:

         (i)      to which the LICENSOR does not have a free and unrestricted
                  right to transfer to the LICENSEE; or

         (ii)     which the LICENSOR has derived under an obligation to observe
                  secrecy; or

         (iii)    the disclosure of which would result in a violation of the
                  laws of the U.S.A. and/or India.

2.2      By means of this AGREEMENT and the right and the license granted
         hereunder, the LICENSEE, acknowledges that the LICENSOR is the owner of
         the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW and the LICENSEE shall under no circumstances
         use the same to manufacture the LICENSED PRODUCTS outside the TERRITORY
         or induce or assist any one else to do so either inside or outside the
         TERRITORY. The LICENSEE also undertakes not to challenge, directly or
         indirectly, LICENSOR'S ownership of its patents (if any).

2.3      Notwithstanding any provision contained in this AGREEMENT, should any
         TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW be disclosed or supplied by the LICENSOR, at its
         sole discretion and judgment, to the representatives of the LICENSEE
         prior to the EFFECTIVE DATE, the LICENSEE shall immediately become
         subject to, and obliged to comply with, the provisions of Article 11
         hereof as if this AGREEMENT has become effective for the limited
         purpose of this Article.


2.4      LICENSOR may disclose and/or provide to LICENSEE, all such IMPROVEMENTS
         as have been commercially introduced by the LICENSOR in the LICENSED

2.5      LICENSEE agrees to make full disclosure promptly to LICENSOR of all
         modifications, improvements and upgradations relating to the LICENSED
         PRODUCTS, which LICENSEE may make to the LICENSED PRODUCTS or the
         TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW during the term of this AGREEMENT. The ownership of
         all such modifications, improvements and upgradations shall vest in the
         LICENSEE. However, the LICENSOR and its affiliates shall have the
         royalty free and unlimited duration license to use such modifications,
         improvements and upgradations throughout the world either for
         manufacturing or having manufactured any products.



         Neither this AGREEMENT nor the disclosure of confidential information
         will be deemed by implication or otherwise to vest in the LICENSEE any
         rights in any patents, trade secrets, trade marks, trade names,
         know-how, or other property owned by or licensed to LICENSOR, other
         than those rights that are expressly set forth in this AGREEMENT or any
         other Agreements between the PARTIES.


         The LICENSOR undertakes that they are the owner and possesses the
         Know-how under this agreement and they are entitled to grant exclusive
         license for the production of the licensed products and further
         undertakes to hold LICENSEE harmless and indemnify and keep indemnified
         by LICENSOR against any claim, action, demand or expenses that the
         LICENSEE may have to face or bear as a result of such representation on
         the part of LICENSOR.


4.1      During the term of this AGREEMENT the LICENSOR shall receive the
         personnel of the LICENSEE for the purposes of educating the LICENSEE
         and imparting training to the personnel of the licensee in the use of
         the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW, the number of personnel, the duration of
         their training and other terms and conditions shall be mutually agreed
         upon between the LICENSOR and the LICENSEE. The LICENSEE shall be
         responsible for and shall pay all costs and expenses (including
         traveling costs and living allowances and expenses of its personnel)
         involved in undertaking such training at a Plant or facility of the


4.2      The personnel of the LICENSEE shall during their training observe all
         the Rules and Regulations of the LICENSOR which are applicable to the
         LICENSOR'S own employees.


         The LICENSOR shall make available to the LICENSEE at the LICENSEE's
         PLANT the services of its technical personnel for such duration and on
         such terms as may be mutually agreed between the PARTIES. Such
         personnel will provide technical services including supervision of the
         installation and commissioning of the PLANT, training of the LICENSEE'S
         personnel in the use of the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW and operation of the
         PLANT. The LICENSEE shall bear business class air fare to and from
         India and local traveling and living expenses in India of LICENSOR's

6.       KNOW HOW FEES

6.1      In consideration for the grant of the license and this rights
         hereunder, the LICENSEE shall pay to the LICENSOR a lump sum know-how
         fees of US $2 million (US Dollar Two million) net of taxes to be
         remitted in three installments as under:

         1.       1/3rd after the agreement is filed with the Reserve Bank of
                  India /Authorised Foreign Exchange Dealer.

         2.       1/3rd on delivery of technical documents;

         3.       and final 1/3rd on commencement of commercial production on
                  four years after the agreement is filed with Reserve Bank of
                  India / Authorised Foreign Exchange Dealer, whichever is

6.2      Notice of Production

         The LICENSEE shall notify the LICENSOR. LICENSEE's commencement of
         COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION of LICENSED PRODUCTS within seven (7) days of
         such commencement.

6.3      TAX

         The lump sum know-how fees payable to the LICENSOR shall be net of all
         Indian Taxes. Any such Taxes payable or deductible in respect thereof
         shall be exclusively to the account of LICENSEE who shall pay and bear
         the same. The LICENSEE shall provide to the LICENSOR along with each
         remittance a Certificate showing the Tax which the LICENSEE has paid to
         the relevant Tax Authorities.



         The lump sum know-how fees which are due shall, after conversion into
         United States Dollars at the market rate on the date of remittance be
         remitted to the LICENSOR, so as to arrive at LICENSOR'S Bank Account in
         the United States of America within thirty (30) days of its becoming
         due or such extended period as may be agreed by the LICENSOR.


7.1      The LICENSEE shall be responsible for manufacturing the LICENSED
         PRODUCTS in accordance with the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW and all applicable
         standards of material and workmanship and processing conditions.


8.1      The LICENSEE shall allow the LICENSOR or its authorised representatives
         at all reasonable times to enter the works, warehouses, offices or
         factories of the LICENSEE to inspect the PLANT, the raw material, parts
         and components lying thereat and the manufacturing, testing and quality
         control and other methods and processes currently in use for
         manufacturing the LICENSED PRODUCTS and to carry out quality checks on

8.2      The LICENSOR shall be entitled to cause the LICENSEE to withhold
         manufacture and/or dispatch of the LICENSED PRODUCTS until the LICENSOR
         is satisfied that the PLANT, the raw materials, parts and components
         the manufacturing methods and the LICENSED PRODUCTS meet the
         specifications, standards and quality stipulated by the LICENSOR under
         this AGREEMENT.


         The LICENSOR shall not have any liabilities for claims of third parties
         or any consequential losses, direct or indirect, suffered by the
         LICENSEE or third parties with respect to the LICENSED PRODUCTS
         manufactured by the LICENSEE. Further, the LICENSEE agrees to wave
         and hold harmless the LICENSOR and each of its subsidiaries and
         affiliates from any claims by anyone arising out of the manufacture or
         sale of the LICENSED PRODUCTS by the LICENSEE.


10.1     The LICENSED PRODUCTS shall, if so desired by the LICENSOR, be marked
         with a designation and/or labels (layout to be provided by the
         LICENSOR) indicating that they are made under license of the LICENSOR.


10.2     Upon termination and/or expiry of this AGREEMENT, the LICENSEE
         shall forthwith cease using any name, marking or other terms of
         designation indicating that the LICENSED PRODUCTS are made according to
         the license provided for herein unless otherwise agreed to by and
         between the PARTIES hereto in writing.

11.      SECRECY

11.1     The LICENSEE shall maintain the secrecy of the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW
         furnished hereunder and shall take such necessary stops as may be
         required for this purpose. The steps to be taken by the LICENSEE shall
         include not making disclosure thereof to its employees,
         sub-contractors, associate companies and any other party, except and to
         the extent necessary for the performance of their duties. The
         employees and sub-contractor shall be bound to threat all such
         TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW as confidential and the LICENSEE shall get the
         employee and sub-contractor to sign an undertaking to this effect.

11.2     The LICENSEE shall not use or permit the use of any TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW
         in any manner inconsistent with the intention and spirit of this
         AGREEMENT. The LICENSEE acknowledges that the TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW is
         confidential and is delivered to the LICENSEE for the sole purpose of
         enabling the LICENSEE to manufacture, market and sell the LICENSED

11.3     The obligations cast upon the LICENSEE by this Article are extremely
         valuable to the LICENSOR and therefore adherence to the said
         obligations by the LICENSEE is critical to the performance of this
         AGREEMENT and forms the very substance of this AGREEMENT and goes to
         its very root and intent and any violation thereof would cause
         irreparable injury to the LICENSOR which injury cannot be adequately
         compensated by monetary reliefs alone and therefore the LICENSOR shall
         be entitled to seek injunctive relief from a Court of law in the event
         of the failure of the LICENSEE to adhere to the said obligations
         notwithstanding the Arbitration Article herein.

11.4     The obligation undertaken in these Articles shall remaining force
         indefinitely and shall survive termination or expiration of this
         AGREEMENT. Provided always that the provision of this Article 11 shall
         not apply to any information which is or enters the public domain due
         to no fault of the LICENSEE.


         The LICENSEE agrees that, since it is an exclusive licensee, it shall
         not, directly or indirectly, except with prior written consent of the
         LICENSOR have any business or commercial interest, either as a
         shareholder, employees, consultant, partner or otherwise, in any other
         company, whether incorporated or not, which is engaged in


         the TERRITORY in the production, sale and distribution or marketing
         of any products which are similar to the LICENSED PRODUCTS and/or 
         competitive with the same. Any violation of the undertaking(s) set 
         forth in this Article is fundamental to this AGREEMENT and goes to 
         the root of the AGREEMENT and shall be considered irreparable injury 
         to the LICENSOR, thereby permitting it to seek remedy by way of
         injunction, stay order or other equitable remedies under India law,
         notwithstanding the arbitration clause herein.

13.      TERM

         Unless earlier terminated as provided herein the terms of this
         AGREEMENT shall be for a period of seven (7) years from the Effective
         Date of this AGREEMENT.


14.1     The LICENSOR shall have a right to terminate this AGREEMENT forthwith
         by written notice to the LICENSEE in any of the following events:

a.       if this AGREEMENT does not take effect under Article 15 within 180 days
         from the date of execution of this AGREEMENT;

b.       if any government shall confiscate, expropriate or nationalise all or 
         part of the LICENSEE'S business or property or convert such business or
         property to purposes which affect the design, manufacture, sale or 
         service of the LICENSED PRODUCTS;

14.2     This AGREEMENT may be terminated:

i)       By mutual agreement between the PARTIES; or

ii)      By either PARTY by giving written notice in the event of material
         breach or default or any of the obligations by the other PARTY and
         where such breach or default has not been rectified within thirty (30)
         days after written notice from the other PARTY specifying the nature of
         the default; or

iii)     By either PARTY if any authority of the GOVERNMENT should require
         directly or indirectly modification of any term or condition of this
         AGREEMENT. The PARTIES hereto will then mutually negotiate to arrive at
         a settlement and in case no such settlement can be arrive at within
         ninety (90) days of commencement of such negotiations, either PARTY may
         terminate this AGREEMENT; or

iv)      By either PARTY in case the other PARTY becomes insolvent or is
         declared bankrupt or goes into liquidation, voluntary or compulsory,
         except for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction effective
         immediately upon written notice to the other PARTY.



a.       It is expressly agreed and understood by the PARTIES hereto that in the
         event of termination pursuant to the terms of this AGREEMENT the PARTY
         electing to terminate this AGREEMENT shall incur no liability by the
         other PARTY hereto for damages arising solely from the exercise of the
         right to terminate this AGREEMENT.

b.       Under no circumstances will either PARTY be released from any liability
         or obligation accrued prior to the date of termination and the PARTY in
         breach shall in all events remain liable for the consequences of that

c.       In the events of expiration or termination of this AGREEMENT for any
         reason whatsoever, the LICENSEE shall continue to be bound by the terms
         and conditions contained in Article 11 herein.

d.       In the event of LICENSOR terminating the Agreement, the LICENSEE shall
         cease to use all and any of the TECHNICAL KNOWHOW and the LICENSEE
         shall not thereafter manufacture or sell any products that use or
         employ any of the LICENSOR's TECHNICAL KNOWHOW. The LICENSEE shall also
         upon such termination promptly deliver to the LICENSOR all information,
         processing instructions, correspondence and other data relating to the
         manufacture, processing or packaging of the LICENSED PRODUCTS and shall
         not thereafter use or disclose any information or data furnished under
         this AGREEMENT.

14.4     After the full term expiration of this Agreement in accordance with
         Article 13 and provided that the LICENSEE have paid all other sums due
         hereunder to the LICENSOR up to the date of such expiration, the
         LICENSEE may continue to use, in the territory, on a non-exclusive
         basis, the TECHNICAL KNOWHOW then in use by its subject, however, to
         the provisions of Article 11 herein.


         This AGREEMENT shall take effect from the date when all the following
         conditions precedent have been satisfied:

a.       Both the PARTIES have obtained all necessary internal and corporate 
         approvals to execute this AGREEMENT;

b.       All such necessary APPROVALS have been obtained and notification 
         thereof provided to the LICENSOR;


c.       This AGREEMENT has been executed by the PARTIES and filed with the
         Reserve Bank of India, and/or authorised dealer in accordance with the
         APPROVALS received from the GOVERNMENT.


         Nothing set forth herein shall create a partnership, agency or power of
         attorney between the PARTIES and neither PARTY shall be liable for a
         debt or liability of the other unless it is specifically provided for
         in this Agreement.


         This Agreement supersedes all other agreements previously made between
         the PARTIES relating to its subject matter. There are no other
         understanding or agreements. Any amendment hereof or modifications
         hereto shall be made in writing duly signed by authorised
         representatives of the PARTIES.

18.      WAIVER

         Failure to exercise any rights under this AGREEMENT by either PARTY in
         any one or more instances shall not constitute a waiver of such rights
         or any other rights in any other instance.


         This AGREEMENT may be assigned either fully or in part, by the LICENSOR
         in respect of any of its rights and obligations to any other party
         without the consent of the LICENSEE. However the LICENSEE cannot assign
         this AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of the LICENSOR.


         The Letters of Approval No. 8/423/94-IA1 dated 21.9.94 and
         8/423/94-1A2 dated 20.10.95 issued by the Government of India,
         Ministry of Commerce, Office of the Development Commissioner, Madras
         Export Processing Zone, in favour of licensee shall be deemed to be a
         part of this Agreement. Only those provisions of this Agreement which
         are covered by the said letter or which are not at variance with the
         provisions of that letter, shall be binding on the Government of India
         or the Reserve Bank of India.


21.1     This AGREEMENT and its substantive provisions shall be governed by and 
         construed in accordance with the laws of India.



22.1     It is specifically agreed that in case of any disputes, controversy,
         claim or breach arising out of or in relation to this AGREEMENT
         (including any disputes as to the existence and/or validity hereof; the
         parties shall seek to resolve such controversy, claim or breach by
         amicable arrangement and compromise, and only if the parties fail to
         resolve the same by amicable arrangement and compromise within a period
         of sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice of the same by the
         other PARTY, either PARTY may resort to arbitration as provided for in
         Article 22.2 hereof.

22.2     Except as hereinafter provided, any dispute controversy, claim or
         breach arising out of or in relation to this Agreement (including a
         dispute as to the existence or validity hereof) shall be finally
         settled, without appeal, by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of
         the International Chamber of Commerce, then in effect which shall be
         deemed to have been incorporated herein, and judgment upon the award 
         rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having 
         jurisdiction thereof.
23.      NOTICE

         Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be
         considered properly if sent by Registered Air Mail or by telefax 
         (confirmed in writing by the Registered Air Mail) to the respective 
         address of the PARTIES as below:

                  If to JT Storage Corporation, Inc.
                           166, Bay Points Parkway,
                           San Jose, CA 95234,
                  FAX:     408-405-1800
                  TEL:     408-408-1801

                  If to Modular Electronics (I) Pvt. Ltd.,
                           Unit #35 and 36,
                           Madras Export Processing Zone
                           Madras -- 600 045.
                  FAX:     236-8054
                  TEL:     2368254/2368079

         or to such other address as a party may have previously notified to the
         other PARTY in writing.


         If one or more of the provisions hereof shall be void, invalid, illegal
         or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law or decision,
         the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions
         herein continued shall not be affected or impaired in any way. Each 
         PARTY hereto shall, in any such event, execute such additional 
         documents as the other PARTY may reasonably request or require in 
         order to give valid, legal and enforceable effects to any provision 
         here of which is determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this AGREEMENT to be
         executed by and through their duly authorised representatives as of the
         date written herein.


                  LICENSOR                           LICENSEE

                  BY  [Sig]         :                BY  [Sig]         :
                  NAME              :                NAME              :
                  TITLE             :                TITLE             :
                  DATE              :                DATE              :

                  WITNESS  :
