Exhibit 10.1
September 1, 1999

Mr. Frank J. Amadeo
Estefan Enterprises, Inc.
420 Jefferson and 5th Street
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

      This letter agreement (the "Agreement") between quepasa.com, inc.
("quepasa"), Estefan Enterprises, Inc. ("EEI") fso Gloria Estefan and Gloria
Estefan ("Gloria") sets forth the terms and conditions upon which Gloria will
act as spokesperson for quepasa through December 31, 2000 and quepasa will
sponsor Gloria's upcoming United States concert tour ("Tour 2000").

      1. Spokesperson Relationship and Sponsorship. Upon execution of this
Agreement, Gloria shall act as quepasa's spokesperson and quepasa shall sponsor
Tour 2000 as follows:


                  Gloria will act as quepasa's spokesperson for all electronic
                  media to include but not limited to:

                           -        Eight unique 30-second TV spots (to be
                                    produced in both Spanish and English for a
                                    total of sixteen spots)

                           -        Eight unique 30-second radio spots (to be
                                    produced in both Spanish and English for a
                                    total of sixteen spots)

                  These spots will be produced around Gloria's songs and music.
                  The TV spots will be based on your existing videos as follows:

                           -        One imaging spot using the song "Reach"

                           -        Two imaging spots using other mutually
                                    approved uplifting and inspirational Gloria

                           -        One spot exclusively promoting Gloria's Tour
                                    2000 o One spot exclusively promoting the
                                    New Year's Eve Gala (the "Millenium

                           -        Three imaging spots incorporating newly
                                    recorded music from Gloria's upcoming
                                    Spanish-language album

                  The radio spots would be equivalent to the TV spots. Each
                  30-second spot will be edited to contain a five second tag
                  promoting Tour 2000. These spots will be produced throughout
                  the contract term. The use of Gloria's name, image, likeness,
                  voice or music in each spot shall be subject to EEI's prior
                  written approval (subject to the use of the music described

                  Quepasa will use its best efforts to promote Tour 2000,
                  including the Millennium Concert in Miami on New Year's Eve
                  1999 (the "Millennium Concert"), through a portion of its
                  existing Spanish and English-language media plan.

                  EEI will cause Foreign Imported Productions & Publishing, Inc.
                  and Estefan Music Publishing, Inc. to waive all mechanical,
                  sychronization or fixed fees to the musical compositions owned
                  or controlled by these entities, except that quepasa agrees to
                  pay a one-time fee of $5,000 to The 1992 Diane Warren Trust
                  dba Realsongs for the use of the song "Reach". Quepasa agrees
                  that if any musical compositions not owned or controlled by
                  these two companies are used in any of the television spots,
                  quepasa will be responsible for payment of any such fees,
                  provided that EEI will use its best efforts to negotiate
                  favorable fees for quepasa. There will be no license or other
                  fees required for the use of the videos used in the spots.

                  Gloria will be quepasa's spokesperson for all types of print
                  and online media to include but not limited to:

                           -        Magazine, newspaper, direct mail, outdoor

                           -        All out-of-home media to include buses, bus
                                    shelters, benches, subways, subway shelters,
                                    in-store point-of-purchase in record, video
                                    and computer stores

                           -        Online advertising

                  All magazine, newspaper, direct mail, outdoor billboards,
                  buses, bus shelters, benchs, etc. will use the likeness of
                  Gloria when it relates solely to the advertising campaign as
                  described above. All media that contains Gloria's name, image
                  or likeness will be striped with panels promoting Tour 2000.
                  The image of Gloria as quepasa's spokesperson shall be tacit.
                  The use of Gloria's name, image, likeness, voice or music in
                  all print and online advertising shall be subject to EEI's
                  prior written approval.

                  Quepasa has provided EEI with its current media plan, which is
                  subject to change through the term of the agreement. Quepasa
                  agrees to consult with EEI about the location of its
                  advertising that uses Gloria's name, image, likeness, voice or
                  music, but quepasa maintains the sole right to make final
                  determinations on media mix, location and spending.

                  On-line advertising that contains Gloria's name, image,
                  likeness, voice or music shall be subject to EEI's prior
                  written approval and shall be limited to advertising either
                  supporting the quepasa sponsorship ads or promoting Tour 2000.


                           -        Quepasa will create a co-branded web page
                                    and online store ("web-page"), hosted by
                                    quepasa, which will be devoted exclusively
                                    to the Gloria/quepasa relationship and will
                                    contain pertinent information and purchasing
                                    opportunities including the items set forth

                           -        Gloria's name, image, likeness, voice or
                                    music will not be used on the co-branded web
                                    page to endorse any other products; however,
                                    quepasa will be entitled to sell routine
                                    banner advertising on the page consistent
                                    with other run-of-site advertising

                           -        EEI will grant quepasa certain exclusive
                                    rights, including but not limited to the

                                    -        Premiering Gloria videos from her
                                             forthcoming album prior to
                                             broadcast airing , subject to the
                                             approval of Sony Music/Epic
                                             Records, which approval may not be
                                             unreasonably withheld; EEI will use
                                             its best efforts to obtain this
                                             approval of Sony Music/Epic Records

                                    -        Announcement of Tour 2000 dates

                                    -        Preferred seating by ordering Tour
                                             2000 tickets online through quepasa

                                    -        Purchase of co-branded merchandise
                                             (specific items to be mutually
                                             agreed upon) from [name of
                                             merchandising company]; EEI will
                                             use its best efforts to negotiate
                                             favorable purchasing 1terms from
                                             [name of merchandising company];
                                             two items will be created and sold
                                             on the web-page where profits will
                                             be split 50/50 between quepasa and

                                    -        Links between quepasa's web-site
                                             and Gloria's website
                                             (gloriafan.com) and up to four
                                             additional websites designated by
                                             EEI, but not to include any website
                                             in direct competition with quepasa
                                             (including, but not limited to,
                                             starmedia.com, yupi.com and

                                    -        All on-line contesting for Tour
                                             2000 tickets, backstage passes,
                                             etc. will be conducted exclusively
                                             on quepasa.com or gloriafan.com;
                                             EEI is not required to provide any
                                             tickets to quepasa for such
                                             contests other than those tickets
                                             mentioned elsewhere in this
                                             Agreement (and all front-row
                                             tickets mentioned in this Agreement
                                             must be contested), although EEI
                                             will use its best efforts to enable
                                             quepasa to purchase additional
                                             tickets at favorable prices for
                                             contesting; any user registering
                                             for a contest on gloriafan.com will
                                             be required to enroll with
                                             quepasa.com in order to enter the
                                             contest (there will be no charge to
                                             the user to enroll with

                                    -        Purchase of Gloria's CD's,
                                             including the new "Millennium CD",
                                             if one is recorded, and new Spanish
                                             CD, to be purchased through Sony
                                             Music/Epic Records; EEI will use
                                             its best efforts to have Sony
                                             Music/Epic Records make these CD's

                                    -        Lyrics to all songs on the new
                                             "Millennium CD"

                                    -        Online promotion of Gloria's
                                             Educational Foundation in
                                             conjunction with Quepasa.com

            C.    THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND TOUR 2000

                           -        The press release in the form of Exhibit A
                                    hereto will be distributed on the date of
                                    execution of this Agreement, or another
                                    business day selected by quepasa and
                                    reasonably acceptable to EEI but in no event
                                    later than five days after the signing of
                                    this Agreement, provided that the initial
                                    cash payment of $2 million and the issuance
                                    of the stock, each as described in Section H
                                    below, has occurred.

                           -        Gloria will appear at a press conference to
                                    announce that she is a spokesperson for,
                                    partner with, and investor in quepasa in New
                                    York City on or about September 14, 1999,
                                    but no later than September 15, 1999.

                           -        The exclusive sponsorship of Tour 2000 will
                                    be billed as "quepasa.com proudly presents"
                                    on all media material produced in connection
                                    with Tour 2000 (including but not limited to
                                    concert tickets, print ads, posters, and
                                    radio and television spots); except that
                                    where this phrase cannot reasonably be
                                    placed on concert tickets or other media,
                                    EEI will use its best efforts to place a
                                    shorter sponsorship phrase on such media
                                    that is reasonably satisfactory to quepasa;
                                    Tour 2000 will appear in at least 20 U.S.
                                    cities, and California, Texas, New York,
                                    Florida, Illinois and Arizona will be
                                    included in the tour

                           -        Kick-off for the tour will be the Millenium
                                    Concert; Quepasa will receive 50 tickets to
                                    the Millenium Concert, two of which will be
                                    front row seats (EEI will use its best
                                    efforts to provide two additional front row
                                    seats), and EEI will use its best efforts to
                                    provide the remainder in the best seats
                                    available; quepasa will receive backstage
                                    passes for 20 people and, if Gloria holds a
                                    Millenium party, 10 invitations (each for
                                    two people) to the party.

                              Other Tour Commitments:

                           -        Quepasa will receive visual sponsorship
                                    presence at each concert on video screens
                                    prior to and at the end of the concerts

                           -        Quepasa to receive 50 tickets for each
                                    concert, four of which will be front row
                                    seating, the remainder in the best 10% of
                                    the house excluding the first 15 rows

                           -        Quepasa will be granted the exclusive right
                                    to webcast one song in its entirety from the
                                    Millenium Concert and one song from the
                                    first concert performance of Tour 2000
                                    following the Millenium Concert, provided
                                    that the webcast songs, or any components of
                                    the songs, including but not limited to
                                    sound bytes, may not be saved or stored to
                                    any user's hard-drive directly from the
                                    webcast and neither quepasa nor any of its
                                    internet partners may create a master
                                    recording or MP3 from the webcasts.

                           -        National contest with up-front concert
                                    tickets and a "meet and greet " for
                                    quepasa.com contest winners and quepasa
                                    employees and guests with Gloria on December
                                    30, 1999 for the Millenium Concert and each
                                    other concert on the tour (only applies to
                                    contest winners of the tickets provided to
                                    quepasa under this Agreement); EEI will use
                                    its best efforts to have Gloria attend these
                                    "meet and greet" sessions; however, if she
                                    is unable to attend for a legitimate reason
                                    outside of her control (such as serious
                                    illness or unavoidable travel delays), a
                                    substitute session will be arranged.

                           -        Quepasa will have an exclusive right of
                                    first negotiation for 15 business days to
                                    negotiate with EEI the financial terms (in
                                    equivalent detail to those set forth in
                                    paragraph H below) for any Gloria Latin
                                    American tour sponsorship.

                        D.    ONLINE CHAT SESSIONS

                           -        Gloria will appear on three chat sessions
                                    hosted by quepasa:

                                    -        To announce the partnership

                                    -        To announce the release of her
                                             Spanish Language album in early

                                    -        To announce the commencement of
                                             Tour 2000

                        E.    PERSONAL APPEARANCES BY GLORIA

                           -        In addition to the personal appearance in
                                    New York described in paragraph C above,
                                    Gloria will make at least two personal
                                    community appearances to promote the
                                    Internet, Tour 2000, her music and
                                    educational opportunities for Hispanics; one
                                    of these appearances will be in Phoenix at
                                    the Roosevelt School District and EEI will
                                    use its best efforts to arrange for the
                                    other appearance to be in Los Angeles and to
                                    coordinate Tour 2000 around these
                                    appearances; however, if Gloria is unable to
                                    attend for a legitimate reason outside of
                                    her control (such as serious illness or
                                    unavoidable travel delays), a substitute
                                    appearance will be arranged by mutual

                           -        These appearances would be filmed and
                                    webcast on the quepasa website; EEI may also
                                    use this footage provided that it is not
                                    edited in any way without quepasa's consent.

                           -        Gloria and EEI will use their best efforts
                                    to have Gloria do an additional "meet and
                                    greet" appearance at quepasa's headquarters
                                    in Phoenix, or at another mutually agreed
                                    upon location in Phoenix.

                        F.    TERM

                           -        Quepasa would have the rights to use
                                    Gloria's name, image and likeness as
                                    described in this Agreement through
                                    midnight, December 31, 2000

                        G.    EXCLUSIVITY

                           -        Quepasa will be the exclusive primary
                                    sponsor for Tour 2000 (including the
                                    Millennium Concert) and EEI will use its
                                    best efforts to include quepasa in all local
                                    advertising by various promoters and
                                    identified as "quepasa.com proudly
                                    presents"; an isolated, inadvertent failure
                                    by EEI to secure this advertising shall not
                                    constitute a breach of this Agreement.

                           -        Quepasa will permit secondary sponsorships
                                    as long as they appear below Gloria's name
                                    on all printed advertising and are not
                                    competitive with quepasa.

                           -        Gloria and EEI will not agree for Gloria to
                                    be a spokesperson for any other Internet
                                    company for the term of this Agreement and
                                    will not enter into any agreement of any
                                    nature that involves Gloria with any
                                    Internet company that is in competition with
                                    quepasa; provided that this limitation does
                                    not apply to any other EEI artists or

                        H.    REMUNERATION

                           -        Quepasa will pay EEI $6.0 million ($4.0
                                    million in cash and $2.0 million in
                                    unregistered common stock of quepasa) for
                                    the terms and conditions of this contract to
                                    be paid as follows:

                                    -        $2 million in cash and $2 million
                                             in stock to be paid upon the
                                             signing of this Agreement

                                    -        $1 million in cash (or certified or
                                             bank check) to be paid no later
                                             than 1:00 am (east coast time) on
                                             January 1, 2000

                                    -        $0.5 million in cash to be paid by
                                             wire transfer or certified or bank
                                             check on April 1, 2000

                                    -        $0.5 million in cash to be paid by
                                             wire transfer or certified or bank
                                             check on the day after the final
                                             concert tour performance

                           -        The $2 million payable in quepasa common
                                    stock will equal 156,863 shares (the Shares)
                                    of unregistered common stock issued in the
                                    name "Estefan Enterprises, Inc. fso Gloria
                                    Estefan" (determined by dividing $2 million
                                    by the lowest common stock closing price as
                                    reported on Nasdaq on August 5, 1999
                                    ($12.75) or August 6, 1999 ($12.8125); thus
                                    the lowest price is $12.75 (the "Stock

                           -        The shares must be held by EEI or an
                                    affiliate of EEI for one year from the date
                                    of this Agreement

                           -        If quepasa's common stock's closing price as
                                    reported on Nasdaq on the one year
                                    anniversary of this Agreement is below the
                                    Stock Price, you may "put" the entire amount
                                    of the Shares back to quepasa for $2 million
                                    to be paid by wire transfer or certified or
                                    bank check within five business days of
                                    delivery to quepasa of your put notice and
                                    upon surrender of your stock certificate(s)
                                    representing the Shares; provided that if
                                    quepasa merges with or is acquired by
                                    another company or effects a "going private"
                                    transaction and as a result quepasa is not
                                    the surviving corporation or quepasa's
                                    common stock is no longer traded on Nasdaq
                                    (the "Transaction"), and the consideration
                                    you receive for the Shares has a fair market
                                    value below $2 million (such differential,
                                    the "Shortfall"), you will receive the
                                    Shortfall at the same time you receive the
                                    consideration payable in the Transaction and
                                    quepasa will use its best efforts to ensure
                                    that the surviving corporation satisfies
                                    this obligation.

                           -        Upon the actual sale date of any of the
                                    Shares (including in connection with a
                                    merger or acquisition of quepasa), if the
                                    gross price per share received for such
                                    Shares (whether in cash or other
                                    consideration)(the "Sale Price") is more
                                    than $18.75, EEI must return to quepasa a
                                    number of whole Shares which, when
                                    multiplied by the Sale Price, equals 50% of
                                    the difference between the Sale Price and
                                    $18.75 multiplied by the number of Shares
                                    being sold on such date; provided, that EEI
                                    will have no further obligation to return
                                    Shares to quepasa pursuant to this paragraph
                                    upon the earlier to occur of: (i) quepasa
                                    receiving shares from EEI having an
                                    aggregate value as calculated under this
                                    paragraph at each sale date of Shares equal
                                    to $6 million or (ii) EEI shall have sold
                                    all of the Shares and complied with the
                                    provisions of this paragraph with respect to
                                    each sale of Shares. o Simultaneously with
                                    the signing of this Agreement, quepasa and
                                    EEI will sign the Registration Rights
                                    Agreement in the form of Exhibit B hereto.

                 2.           Representations and Warranties of Quepasa.

                           -        Quepasa has full corporate authority and has
                                    taken all necessary corporate action to
                                    authorize this Agreement and the
                                    Registration Rights Agreement, and when
                                    executed and delivered they will constitute
                                    valid and binding obligations of quepasa,
                                    enforceable against quepasa in accordance
                                    with their terms.

                           -        This Agreement and the Registration Rights
                                    Agreement do not violate the terms of, or
                                    cause a default under, any other agreement
                                    or instrument binding on quepasa or any of
                                    its property, and no consent is required of
                                    any person that has not been obtained for
                                    the execution and delivery of, and
                                    performance by, quepasa under the Agreement
                                    and the Registration Rights Agreement.

                           -        The Shares have been duly authorized, and
                                    when issued in accordance with the terms of
                                    this Agreement, will be validly issued,
                                    fully-paid and non-assessable.

                           -        Quepasa's relationship with Telemundo
                                    Network Group, LLC ("Telemundo"), an
                                    investor in and strategic partner of
                                    quepasa, will not limit quepasa's
                                    responsibilities and obligations hereunder,
                                    and quepasa will not permit Telemundo to
                                    assert any relationship or "tie-in" to EEI
                                    or Gloria.

                           -        Quepasa will defend and indemnify EEI and
                                    Gloria against all claims, losses, damages
                                    and liabilities (or actions in respect
                                    thereto) ("Losses") arising under federal or
                                    state securities laws arising from Gloria's
                                    identification as a "spokesperson",
                                    "partner", and/or "investor" in quepasa;
                                    provided that quepasa will not be liable for
                                    any Losses suffered by EEI or Gloria upon
                                    its or her sale of the Shares (except as
                                    specifically provided for elsewhere in this
                                    Agreement) or for any Losses arising from
                                    EEI's or Gloria's knowing fraudulent or
                                    grossly negligent conduct. Quepasa will use
                                    its best efforts to cause the coverage under
                                    its now or hereafter existing directors' and
                                    officers' liability insurance policy to
                                    include Gloria as an additional named
                                    insured, for federal and/or state securities
                                    laws, for losses suffered by Gloria arising
                                    from Gloria's indemnification as a
                                    "spokesperson", "partner", and/or "investor"
                                    in quepasa.

                 3.           Representations and Warranties of EEI and Gloria.

                           -        EEI has full corporate authority and has
                                    taken all necessary corporate action, and
                                    Gloria has taken all action, to authorize
                                    this Agreement and the Registration Rights
                                    Agreement, and when executed and delivered
                                    they will constitute valid and binding
                                    obligations of each of EEI and Gloria,
                                    enforceable against each of them in
                                    accordance with their terms.

                           -        This Agreement and the Registration Rights
                                    Agreement do not violate the terms of, or
                                    cause a default under, any other agreement
                                    or instrument binding on EEI, Gloria or any
                                    of their respective property and no consent
                                    is required of any person that has not been
                                    obtained for the execution and delivery of,
                                    and performance by EEI and Gloria under, the
                                    Agreement and the Registration Rights

                           -        Each of EEI and Gloria is an "accredited
                                    investor" as defined in Regulation 501 under
                                    the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
                                    the Shares are being acquired by EEI for its
                                    own account and for investment purposes only
                                    and not with a view to any resale or
                                    distribution thereof, in whole or in part,
                                    to others.

                           -        EEI has reviewed a copy of quepasa's
                                    prospectus dated June 24, 1999 and its
                                    Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the
                                    Securities and Exchange Commission on August
                                    16, 1999, and has had an opportunity to ask
                                    questions of, and receive satisfactory
                                    answers from, duly designated
                                    representatives of quepasa concerning

                 4. Public Announcements; Confidentiality. All press releases,
            trade releases or other public announcements with respect to the
            transactions contemplated herein shall be jointly prepared by
            quepasa and EEI, to the extent required by law and except that the
            parties hereby agree to the press release attached hereto as Exhibit
            A. Except for the information contained in the press release
            attached hereto as Exhibit A and except as required by law,
            including the disclosure requirements of applicable securities laws,
            the terms of this Agreement shall not be disclosed to any other
            person without the consent of each of the parties hereto; provided,
            if such disclosure is so required by law, the party producing or
            directing the production of such information will use all reasonable
            efforts to provide the other parties hereto with notice of such
            disclosure and a reasonable opportunity to comment upon, limit or
            contest such disclosure.

                 5. Expenses. Each of the parties hereto shall pay its own
           expenses in connection with the transactions contemplated herein,
           including travel and other related expenses associated with the
           execution and fulfillment of this Agreement.

                 6 Notices. Either party may give notice to the other in writing
           at the addresses set forth below or by facsimile at the facsimile
           number set forth below, unless a change of address or facsimile
           number has been provided in writing to the other party; notices in
           writing shall be deemed delivered upon actual receipt and by
           facsimile upon generation of a standard transmission confirmation:

                 If to EEI or Gloria:
                        Estefan Enterprises, Inc.
                        420 Jefferson and 5th Street
                        Miami Beach, FL 33139
                        Attention:  Frank J. Amadeo
                        Facsimile No.:  305-695-7108

                 If to quepasa:
                        One Arizona Center
                        400 East Van Buren
                        Fourth Floor
                        Phoenix, AZ 85004
                        Attention:  Gary L. Trujillo
                        Facsimile No.: 602-716-0200

                 7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and
         enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona. If any
         portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the
         remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and
         shall be valid and enforceable according to its terms.

                 8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Registration
         Rights Agreement contain the full and final understanding between the
         parties hereto and are intended as an integration of all prior
         negotiations and understandings unless otherwise provided for herein.
         No change or modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless in
         writing and signed by all parties hereto. No waiver of any provision of
         this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the party
         granting such waiver.

                  9. Non-Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a
         waiver of default on a future occasion, and no delay or omission shall
         preclude the exercise of any remedy provided herein, or exercise of any
         other right or remedy.

                  10. Binding Effect; No Assignment. The terms, conditions,
         representations and warranties of this Agreement shall survive the
         execution hereof and shall be binding upon the parties, their
         respective successors and assigns, heirs and personal representatives.
         This Agreement may not be assigned, in whole or in part, to any other
         person without the express written consent of the other parties hereto.

                  11. Attorney's Fees. If either party breaches any provision of
         this Agreement, or the representations, warranties or covenants
         contained herein or the performance required herein does not occur, or
         legal action is require to enforce a party's rights hereunder, then the
         prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to reimbursement from
         the non-prevailing party for the prevailing party's attorney's fees
         incurred in connection with such breach, or the enforcement or
         protection of rights herein, whether such attorney's fees are incurred
         in or out of court, on appeal, in arbitration, in bankruptcy court or

                  12. Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of or
         relating to this Agreement that arises after the full execution of the
         Agreement shall be settled by binding arbitration conducted in Phoenix,
         Arizona in accordance with, and by three arbitrators appointed pursuant
         to, the Rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect,
         unless the parties otherwise agree, and judgment upon the award
         rendered pursuant thereto may be entered in any court having
         jurisdiction hereof, and all rights or remedies of the parties hereto,
         or any of them, to the contrary are hereby expressly waived.

                  13. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in multiple
         counterparts, and when signed by all parties, all counterparts shall be
         considered as a single document.

                 If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding please
           sign and return a copy of this Letter of Intent to the undersigned.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          quepasa.com, inc.

                                                /s/ Gary L. Trujillo
                                          By:   Gary L. Trujillo
                                          Its:  Chairman/CEO

                                          Estefan Enterprises, Inc.

                                                /s/ Frank J. Amadeo
                                          By:   Frank J. Amadeo
                                          Its:  President

                                                /s/ Gloria Estefan
                                                Gloria Estefan
