Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

         Instructions for the Requester of Form W-9 (Rev. December 1996)
          Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification

These  instructions  supplement  the  instructions  on  the  Form  W-9  for  the


substitute) is used by persons required to file information returns with the IRS
to get the payee's correct TIN. For  individuals,  the TIN is generally a social
security number (SSN).

   However,  in some cases,  individuals who become U.S. resident aliens for tax
purposes  are not  eligible to obtain an SSN.  This  includes  certain  resident
aliens who must receive information returns but who cannot obtain an SSN.

   These  individuals  must apply for an ITIN on Form W-7,  Application  for IRS
Individual  Taxpayer  Identification  Number,  unless  they have an  application
pending for an SSN. Individuals who have an ITIN must provide it on Form W-9.

TIN  APPLIED  FOR (60 DAY  RULE).--The  instructions  clarify  that  the  60-day
exemption  from  backup   withholding  upon   presentation  of  an  awaiting-TIN
certificate applies only to interest and dividend payments, and certain payments
made with respect to readily tradable instruments. Other payments are subject to
backup withholding.


You may develop and use your own Form W-9 (a substitute Form W-9) if its content
is substantially similar to the IRS's official Form W-9 and it satisfies certain
certification requirements.

   You may  incorporate  a  substitute  Form W-9 into other  business  forms you
customarily use, such as account  signature cards,  provided the  certifications
that (1) the  payee's  TIN is correct and (2) the payee is not subject to backup
withholding due to failure to report interest and dividend income,  shown on the
official Form W-9, are clearly set forth. You may not:

   1. Use a substitute Form W-9 that requires the payee, by signing, to agree to
provisions unrelated to the required certifications: or

   2. Imply that a payee may be subject to backup  withholding  unless the payee
agrees to provisions on the  substitute  form that are unrelated to the required

   A substitute  Form W-9 that contains a separate  signature  line just for the
certifications  satisfies the requirement that the certifications be clearly set

   If a single signature line is used for the required  certifications and other
provisions, the certifications must be highlighted,  boxed, printed in bold-face
type,  or  presented  in some other manner that causes the language to stand out
from all other information contained on the substitute form.  Additionally,  the
following  statement  must be presented  in the same manner as in the  preceding
sentence  and must appear  immediately  above the single  signature  line:  "The
Internal  Revenue Service does not require your consent to any provision of this
document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding."

   Generally,  the rules concerning the signature on a substitute Form W-9 apply
to those completed after 1996.  However,  the effective date is extended to July
1, 1997, if the payer:

o  Must  obtain  the  approval  of a  government  authority  for changes  to the
   format of its substitute Form W-9, and
o  Applied for that approval by September 30, 1996, and 
o  Thereafter actively pursues that approval.

   If you use a substitute form, the instructions do not have to be furnished to
the payee. The payee only needs to be instructed  orally or in writing to strike
out the language of the certification that relates to payee  underreporting,  if
the payee is subject to backup withholding due to notified payee underreporting.
However,  you are  encouraged to provide  instructions  relevant to the account,
especially if the payee requests them.


If the payee returns a properly completed Form W-9 with "Applied For" written in
Part I (i.e.,  an  "awaiting  TIN"  certificate),  the payee must give you a TIN
within 60  calendar  days to avoid  backup  withholding.  You may use one of the
following rules to backup withholding. You may use one of the following rules to
backup  withhold  during this 60-day period on  reportable  interest or dividend
payments and certain payments with respect to readily tradable instruments.

RESERVE RULE.--If a payee withdraws more than $500 at one time during the 60-day
period,  you must backup  withhold on any  reportable  payments  made during the
period,  unless the payee  reserves 31% of all  reportable  payments made to the
account during the period.

ALTERNATIVE  RULE  (OPTION  1).--You  must  backup  withhold  on any  reportable
payments if the payee makes a withdrawal  from the account  after the close of 7
business  days  after  you  receive  the  awaiting-TIN  certificate.   Treat  as

reportable  payments  all cash  withdrawals  in an amount  up to the  reportable
payments made from the day after you receive the awaiting-TIN certificate to the
day of withdrawal.

ALTERNATIVE  RULE  (OPTION  2).--You  must  backup  withhold  on any  reportable
payments made to the payee's account,  regardless of whether the payee makes any
withdrawals.  Backup  withholding  under this  option must begin no later than 7
business days after you receive the awaiting-TIN certificate.


You are not  required to backup  withhold on any  payments you make if the payee

   1. An  organization  exempt  from tax  under  section  501(a),  an IRA,  or a
custodial  account  under  section  403(b)(7),  if  the  account  satisfies  the
requirements of section 401(f)(2).

   2. The United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities.

   3. A state, the District of Columbia,  a possession of the United States,  or
any of their political subdivisions or instrumentalities.

   4. A foreign government or any of its political  subdivisions,  agencies,  or

   5. An international organization or any of its agencies or instrumentalities.

   6. A corporation.

   7. A foreign central bank of issue.

   8. A dealer in securities or  commodities  required to register in the United
States, the District of Columbia, or a possession of the United States.

   9. A  futures  commission  merchant  registered  with the  Commodity  Futures
Trading Commission.

   10. A real estate investment trust.

   11. An  entity  registered  at all  times  during  the  tax  year  under  the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

   12. A common trust fund operated by a bank under section 584(a).

   13. A financial institution.

   14. A  middleman  known in the  investment  community  as a nominee or who is
listed in the most  recent  publication  of the  American  Society of  Corporate
Secretaries, Inc., Nominee List.

   15. A trust exempt from tax under section 664 or described in section 4947.

  INTEREST AND DIVIDEND PAYMENTS.--All listed payees are exempt except the payee
in item (9).

  BROKER  TRANSACTIONS.--All payees listed in items (1) through (13) are exempt.
A person registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 who regularly acts
as a broker is also exempt.

are generally  exempt from backup  withholding  only if made to payees listed in
items  (1)  through  (7).  However,  a  corporation  (except  certain  hospitals
described in Regulations  section  1.6041-3(c)) that provides medical and health
care services,  or bills and collects payments for such services,  is not exempt
from backup withholding.

items (1) through (5) are exempt from backup withholding on these payments.


Payments that are not subject to  information  reporting also are not subject to
backup  withholding.  For details,  see sections 6041,  6041A,  6042, 6044, 6045
6049, 6050A, and 6050N, and their regulations.

   DIVIDENDS  AND  PATRONAGE  DIVIDENDS  that  generally  are exempt from backup
withholding include:

o  Payments to nonresident aliens subject to withholding under section 1441.

o  Payments to  partnerships  not engaged  in  a trade or business in the United
   States and that have at least one nonresident alien partner.
o  Payments of patronage dividends not paid in money.
o  Payments made by certain foreign organizations.
o  Section 404(k) payments made by an ESOP.

   INTEREST PAYMENTS that generally are exempt from backup withholding  include:
o  Payments of interest on obligations  issued by individuals.  However,  if you
   pay $600 or more of  interest  in the course of your trade or  business  to a
   payee,  you must  report  the  payment.  Backup  withholding  applies  to the
   reportable  payment if the payee has not  provided a TIN or has  provided  an
   incorrect TIN.
o  Payments of tax-exempt  interest (including  exempt-interest  dividends under
   section 852).

o  Payments described in section 6049(b)(5) to nonresident aliens.
o  Payments on tax-free covenant bonds under section 1451.
o  Payments made by certain foreign organizations.
o  Mortgage interest paid to you.

   OTHER TYPES OF PAYMENTS  that  generally  are exempt from backup  withholding
o  Wages.
o  Distributions from a pension, annuity, profit-sharing or stock bonus plan, or
   an IRA. Distributions from an owner-employee plan.
o  Certain surrenders of life insurance contracts.
o  Gambling winnings, if withholding is required under section 3402(q). However,
   if  withholding  is not required under section  3402(q),  backup  withholding
   applies if the payee fails to furnish a TIN.
o  Real estate transactions reportable under section 6045.


For more information on backup withholding and your requirements, get Pub. 1679,
A Guide to Backup  Withholding,  or Pub. 1281, Backup Withholding on Missing and
Incorrect TINs.


If the first  payee  listed on an  account  gives you Form W-8,  Certificate  of
Foreign Status, or a similar statement signed under penalties of perjury, backup
withholding applies unless:

   1. Every joint payee provides the statement regarding foreign status; or

   2. Any one of the joint payees who has not  established  foreign status gives
you a TIN.

   If any one of the joint payees who has not  established  foreign status gives
you a TIN,  that  number  is the TIN that  must be used for  purposes  of backup
withholding and information reporting.


Show the full name and address as provided on Form W-9 on the information return
filed with the IRS and on the copy furnished to the payee.  If you made payments
to more than one  payee or the  account  is in more than one name,  enter on the
first name line ONLY the name of the payee whose TIN is shown on the information
return.  Show the names of any  other  individual  payees in the area  below the
first name line, if desired.

   SOLE  PROPRIETORS.--You  must show the  individual's  name on the first  name
line.  On the  second  name  line,  you may  enter the  business  name or "doing

business as (DBA)" if provided.  You may not enter only the business  name.  For
the  TIN,   you  may  enter  either  the   individual's   SSN  or  the  employer
identification  number (EIN) of the business.  However, the IRS prefers that you
show the SSN.


   The IRS will send you a notice if the payee's name and TIN on the information
return  you filed do not match  the  IRS's  records.  You may have to send a "B"
notice to the payee to solicit  another TIN. See Pubs.  1679 and 1281 for copies
of the two types of "B" notices.