1971 STOCK OPTION PLAN, AS AMENDED

         l.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of the 1971 Stock  Option  Plan  (hereinafter
referred to as the  "Plan") is to provide a special  incentive  to selected  key
salaried  employees  of The  Gillette  Company  (hereinafter  referred to as the
"Company") and of its subsidiaries and to the non-employee  members of the Board
of  Directors  of the Company to promote  the  Company's  business.  The Plan is
designed to accomplish this purpose by offering such employees and  non-employee
directors a favorable  opportunity to purchase shares of the common stock of the
Company so that they will share in the success of the  Company's  business.  For
purposes of the Plan a subsidiary is any  corporation in which the Company owns,
directly or  indirectly,  stock  possessing  fifty  percent or more of the total
combined  voting  power of all  classes of stock or over which the  Company  has
effective operating control.

         2.  ADMINISTRATION.  The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Personnel
Committee  heretofore  established by the Board of Directors of the Company,  no
member of which shall be an employee  of the Company or of any  subsidiary.  The
Committee  shall  have  authority,  not  inconsistently  with the  Plan,  (a) to
determine  which  of  the  key  salaried   employees  of  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries  shall be granted  options;  (b) to  determine  whether the options
granted to any employees  shall be incentive stock options within the meaning of
the Internal  Revenue Code or  non-qualified  stock  options or both;  provided,
however,  that with respect to options  granted  after  December 31, 1986, in no
event shall the fair market value of the stock  (determined at the time of grant
of the options)  subject to incentive  stock  options  within the meaning of the
Internal  Revenue  Code which first  became  exercisable  by any employee in any
calendar year exceed $100,000 (and, to the extent such fair market value exceeds
$100,000,  the later  granted  options shall be treated as  non-qualified  stock
options);  (c) to determine  the time or times when options  shall be granted to
employees  and the  number of shares of common  stock to be subject to each such
option provided,  however, subject to adjustment as provided in Section 9 of the
Plan,  in no event shall any  employee  be granted  options  covering  more than
200,000 shares of common stock in any calendar year; (d) with respect to options
granted to  employees,  to determine  the option price of the shares  subject to
each option and the method of payment of such price; (e) with respect to options
granted to employees,  to determine  the time or times when each option  becomes
exercisable and the duration of the exercise  period;  (f) to prescribe the form
or forms of the instruments evidencing any options granted under the Plan and of
any other instruments required under the Plan and to change such forms from time
to time; (g) to make all  determinations  as to the terms of any sales of common
stock of the  Company to  employees  under  Section  8; (h) to adopt,  amend and
rescind rules and regulations for the administration of the Plan and the options
and for its own acts and proceedings; and (i) to decide all questions and settle
all  controversies and disputes which may arise in connection with the Plan. All
decisions,  determinations and interpretations of the Committee shall be binding
on all parties concerned.

         3.  PARTICIPANTS.  The  participants  in the  Plan  shall  be such  key
salaried employees of the Company or of any of its subsidiaries,  whether or not
also  officers  or  directors,  as may be  selected  from  time  to  time by the
Committee  in its  discretion,  subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  8.  In
addition,  each non-employee director shall be a participant in the Plan. In any
grant of options after the initial grant, or any sale made under Section 8 after
the initial sale,  employees who were previously  granted options or sold shares
under the Plan may be included or excluded.

           4. LIMITATIONS. No option shall be granted under the Plan and no sale
shall be made under  Section 8 after April 15,  1999,  but  options  theretofore
granted  may extend  beyond  that date.  Subject to  adjustment  as  provided in
Section 9 of the Plan, the number of shares of common stock of the Company which
may be delivered under the Plan shall not exceed 28,200,000 in the aggregate. To
the extent  that any option  granted  under the Plan shall  expire or  terminate
unexercised  or for any reason  become  unexercisable  as to any shares  subject
thereto,  such shares shall thereafter be available for further grants under the
Plan, within the limit specified above.

           5. STOCK TO BE  DELIVERED.  Stock to be delivered  under the Plan may
constitute an original  issue of  authorized  stock or may consist of previously
issued stock  acquired by the Company,  as shall be  determined  by the Board of
Directors.  The Board of Directors and the proper  officers of the Company shall
take any appropriate action required for such delivery.

granted  to either  non-employee  directors  or  employees  shall be  subject to
Section 6  Paragraph  (c)  Subparagraphs  (4) and (5).  All  options  granted to
employees under the Plan shall be subject to all the following  additional terms
and conditions  (except as provided in Sections 7 and 8 below) and to such other
terms and  conditions  as the Committee  shall  determine to be  appropriate  to
accomplish the purposes of the Plan:

           (a)  Option  Price.  The option  price  under  each  option  shall be
          determined  by the Committee and shall be not less than l00 percent of
          the fair market value per share at the time the option is granted.  If
          the  Committee  so directs,  an option may provide that if an employee
          Participant  who was an employee  participant at the time of the grant
          of the option and who is not an officer or  director of the Company at
          the time of any  exercise of the  option,  he shall not be required to
          make  payment  in  cash or  equivalent  at that  time  for the  shares
          acquired on such  exercise,  but may at his  election pay the purchase
          price for such shares by making a payment in cash or equivalent of not
          less than five percent of such price and entering  into an  agreement,
          in a form  prescribed by the  Committee,  providing for payment of the
          balance of such price, with interest at a specified rate, but not less
          than  four  percent,  over a  period  not to  exceed  five  years  and
          containing  such other  provisions as the Committee in its  discretion
          determines.  In addition,  if the Committee so directs,  an option may
          provide  for a  guarantee  by the  Company  or  repayment  of  amounts
          borrowed by the Participant in order to exercise the option,  provided
          he is not an officer or  director  of the  Company at the time of such
          borrowing, or may provide that the Company may make a loan, guarantee,
          or otherwise provide  assistance as the Committee deems appropriate to
          enable the  Participant to exercise the option,  provided that no such
          loan, guarantee, or other assistance shall be made without approval of
          the Board of Directors as required by law.

           (b) Period of Options.  The period of an option  shall not exceed ten
          years from the date of grant.

           (c)  Exercise of Option.

                  (1)  Each   option  held  by  a   participant   other  than  a
          non-employee director shall be made exercisable at such time or times,
          whether or not in  installments,  as the Committee  shall prescribe at
          the time the  option is  granted.  In the case of an option  held by a
          participant   other  than  a   non-employee   director  which  is  not
          immediately  exercisable  in  full,  the  Committee  may at  any  time
          accelerate  the time at which  all or any  part of the  option  may be

                  (2) Options intended to be incentive stock options, as defined
          in the Internal  Revenue  Code,  shall  contain and be subject to such
          provisions  relating to the exercise and other matters as are required
          of incentive  stock  options  under the  applicable  provisions of the
          Internal Revenue Code and Treasury  Regulations,  as from time to time
          in effect,  and the Secretary of the Committee shall inform  optionees
          of such provisions.

                  (3) Each  incentive  stock  option  within the  meaning of the
          Internal  Revenue  Code  granted on or before  December 31, 1986 shall
          contain and be subject to the following provision:

                  This  option   shall  not  be   exercisable   while  there  is
          outstanding  (within the meaning of Section  422A(c)7 of the  Internal
          Revenue Code of l954, as amended) any incentive  stock option (as that
          term is  defined in said Code)  which was  granted to the  Participant
          before the  granting of this option to purchase  stock in his employer
          corporation  (whether The Gillette  Company or a parent or  subsidiary
          corporation  thereof),  or in a  corporation  which at the time of the
          granting of this option is a parent or subsidiary  corporation  of the
          employer  corporation,  or in a  predecessor  corporation  of any such

                  Each incentive stock option within the meaning of the Internal
          Revenue Code granted  after  December 31, 1986 shall not be subject to
          the above provision.

                  (4)  Payment  for  Delivery  of Shares.  Upon  exercise of any
          option,  payment in full in the form of cash or a certified  bank,  or
          cashier's  check  or,  with  the  approval  of  the  Secretary  of the
          Committee, in whole or part Common Stock of the Company at fair market
          value,  which  for  this  purpose  shall be the  closing  price on the
          business day preceding the date of exercise, shall be made at the time
          of such  exercise  for all  shares  then being  purchased  thereunder,
          except  in the case of an  exercise  to which  the  provisions  of the
          second sentence of subsection (a) above are applicable.

                  The  purchase  price  payable  by  any  person,  other  than a
          non-employee  director, who is not a citizen or resident of the United
          States of America and who is an employee  of a foreign  subsidiary  at
          the time payment is due shall, if the Committee so directs, be paid to
          such  subsidiary  in  the  currency  of  the  country  in  which  such
          subsidiary is located, computed at such exchange rate as the Committee
          may direct.  The amount of each such payment may, in the discretion of
          the Committee,  be accounted for on the books of such  subsidiary as a
          contribution  to its capital by the Company.  The Company shall not be
          obligated  to deliver any shares  unless and until,  in the opinion of
          the  Company's  counsel,  all  applicable  federal  and state laws and
          regulations have been complied with, nor, in the event the outstanding
          common stock is at the time listed upon any stock exchange, unless and
          until the shares to be delivered  have been listed or authorized to be
          added to the list upon official notice of issuance upon such exchange,
          nor unless or until all other  legal  matters in  connection  with the
          issuance  and delivery of shares have been  approved by the  Company's
          counsel. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company
          may require from the  Participant  such investment  representation  or
          such  agreement,  if any,  as counsel  for the  Company  may  consider
          necessary in order to comply with the  Securities  Act of 1933 and may
          require that the Participant agree that any sale of the shares will be
          made only on the New York Stock Exchange or in such other manner as is
          permitted by the Committee and that he will notify the Company when he
          makes  any  disposition  of the  shares  whether  by  sale,  gift,  or
          otherwise.  The Company  shall use its best efforts to effect any such
          compliance  and  listing,  and the  Participant  shall take any action
          reasonably requested by the Company in such connection.  A Participant
          shall  have the  rights of a  shareholder  only as to shares  actually
          acquired by him under the Plan.

                  (5)  Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of this  Plan,  if
           within one year of a Change in Control, as hereinafter  defined,  the
           employment of an employee  Participant  is terminated  for any reason
           other than  willful  misconduct  or the  service  as a director  of a
           non-employee  director is  terminated,  all his  outstanding  options
           which are not yet exercisable  shall become  immediately  exercisable
           and all the rights and benefits  relating to such options  including,
           but  not  limited  to,  periods  during  which  such  options  may be
           exercised  shall become fixed and not subject to change or revocation
           by the Company;  provided,  that in the case of any  incentive  stock
           option (the "second  option") which is not exercisable by reason of a
           previously   granted   incentive   stock   option   which   is  still
           "outstanding"  within  the  meaning  of  section  422A(c)(7)  of  the
           Internal Revenue Code (as in effect before the amendments made by the
           Tax Reform Act of 1986),  the second option shall not be  exercisable
           until the earlier  outstanding option is exercised in full or expires
           by reason of the lapse of time.  For  purposes  of the  foregoing,  a
           Change in Control  shall mean the  happening of any of the  following

                             (A) Any person within the meaning of Sections 13(d)
                      and  14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  (the
                      "1934  Act"),  other  than  the  Company  or  any  of  its
                      subsidiaries,  has become the beneficial owner, within the
                      meaning of Rule 13d-3  under the 1934 Act,  of 20% or more
                      of the combined voting securities of the Company;

                             (B) A tender offer or exchange offer, other than an
                      offer by the  Company,  pursuant  to which  shares  of the
                      Company's common stock have been purchased;

                             (C) The  stockholders  or  directors of the Company
                      have approved an agreement to merge or consolidate with or
                      into  another  corporation  and  the  Company  is not  the
                      surviving corporation or an agreement to sell or otherwise
                      dispose  of all  or  substantially  all  of the  Company's
                      assets (including a plan of liquidation); or

                             (D)  During any  period of two  consecutive  years,
                      individuals   who  at  the   beginning   of  such   period
                      constituted the board of directors cease for any reason to
                      constitute at least a majority thereof.  For this purpose,
                      new directors who were elected,  or nominated (or approved
                      for nomination in the case of nomination by a Committee of
                      the Board) for election by shareholders of the Company, by
                      at least two thirds of the directors  then still in office
                      who were,  or are  deemed to have  been  directors  at the
                      beginning  of the  period,  shall be  deemed  to have been
                      directors at the beginning of the period.

                      (d)  Nontransferability  of  Options.  No  option  may  be
                      transferred by the  Participant  otherwise than by will or
                      by the laws of descent  and  distribution,  and during the
                      Participant's lifetime the option may be exercised only by

                      (e)  Nontransferability  of Shares.  If the  Committee  so
                      determines,  an option  granted to an employee may provide
                      that,  without  prior  consent  of the  Committee,  shares
                      acquired  by   exercise   of  the  option   shall  not  be
                      transferred, sold, pledged or otherwise disposed of within
                      a period  not to exceed  one year from the date the shares
                      are  transferred to the  Participant  upon his exercise of
                      the   option   or  prior  to  the   satisfaction   of  all
                      indebtedness with respect thereto, if later.

                      (f)  Termination  of  Employment.  If the  employment of a
                      Participant  terminates  for any  reason  other  than  his
                      death,  he may,  unless  discharged for cause which in the
                      opinion of the Committee casts such discredit on him as to
                      justify termination of his option, thereafter exercise his
                      option  as  provided  below.  (i) If such  termination  of
                      employment is voluntary on the part of the Participant, he
                      may  exercise  his option only within seven days after the
                      date of  termination  of his  employment  (unless a longer
                      period  not in excess of three  months is  allowed  by the
                      Committee).  (ii) If such  termination  of  employment  is
                      involuntary  on  the  part  of  the  Participant,  he  may
                      exercise  his option only within  three  months  after the
                      date   of   termination   of   his    employment.    (iii)
                      Notwithstanding  the above, if a Participant retires under
                      The Gillette  Company  Retirement  Plan or the  retirement
                      plan of a subsidiary,  or if a Participant  terminates his
                      employment  with a  subsidiary  that does not  maintain  a
                      retirement  plan and he would have been eligible to retire
                      under the terms of The Gillette  Company  Retirement  Plan
                      had he been a  Participant  in that Plan,  he may exercise
                      any option granted prior to January 1, 1994, other than an
                      incentive  stock option within the meaning of the Internal
                      Revenue  Code,  within a period  not to  exceed  two years
                      after  his  retirement  date,  any  option  granted  after
                      December  31, 1993 other than an  incentive  stock  option
                      within the meaning of the  Internal  Revenue Code within a
                      period  not to exceed  three  years  after his  retirement
                      date,  and any incentive  stock option within a period not
                      to exceed  three  months after his  retirement  date.  The
                      Committee may, in its sole discretion,  terminate any such
                      option at or at any time  after the time when that  option
                      would  otherwise  have  terminated  as  a  result  of  the
                      termination  of a  Participant's  employment,  if it deems
                      such action to be in the best interests of the Company. In
                      no event, however, may any Participant exercise any option
                      which was not  exercisable  on the date he ceased to be an
                      employee,  or after the  expiration of the option  period.
                      For  purposes  of  this  subsection  (g)  a  Participant's
                      employment shall not be considered  terminated in the case
                      of a sick  leave  or other  bona  fide  leave  of  absence
                      approved by the  Company or a  subsidiary  in  conformance
                      with the  applicable  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue
                      Code or Treasury Regulations, or in the case of a transfer
                      to the  employment of a subsidiary or to the employment of
                      the Company.

                      (g)  Death.  If a  Participant  dies at a time  when he is
                      entitled to exercise an option,  then at any time or times
                      within  one year  after  his  death  (or with  respect  to
                      employee participants such further period as the Committee
                      may allow) such option may be exercised,  as to all or any
                      of the  shares  which  the  Participant  was  entitled  to
                      purchase  immediately  prior to his death, by his executor
                      or  administrator  or the  person or  persons  to whom the
                      option is transferred  by will or the  applicable  laws of
                      descent and distribution,  and except as so exercised such
                      option  shall  expire  at the  end of such  period.  In no
                      event,  however,  may any  option be  exercised  after the
                      expiration  of the  option  period  or,  in the case of an
                      incentive  stock option within the meaning of the Internal
                      Revenue  Code  after  the  expiration  of  any  period  of
                      exercise  for  such  options  specified  in  the  Internal
                      Revenue Code or the regulations thereunder.

           7. REPLACEMENT  OPTIONS. The Company may grant options under the Plan
on terms  differing  from those provided for in Section 6 where such options are
granted in substitution for options held by employees of other  corporations who
concurrently  become employees of the Company or a subsidiary as the result of a
merger  or  consolidation  of the  employing  corporation  with the  Company  or
subsidiary,  or the  acquisition  by the Company or a subsidiary  of property or
stock of the employing corporation. The Committee may direct that the substitute
options  be  granted on such terms and  conditions  as the  Committee  considers
appropriate in the circumstances.

           Notwithstanding  anything contained in this Plan, the Committee shall
have  authority,  with  respect  to any  options  granted  or to be  granted  to
employees or outstanding  installment  Purchase Agreements of participants other
than  non-employee  directors under this Plan, to extend the time for payment of
any and all  installments,  to modify  the amount of any  installment,  to amend
outstanding option  certificates to provide for installment  payments or to take
any other action which it may, in its discretion, deem necessary, provided that:
(1) interest on the unpaid balance under any outstanding  Purchase  Agreement at
the rate of at least four  percent  (4%) per annum shall  continue to be due and
payable  quarterly  during the period of any  deferral of payment;  (2) all such
installment Purchase Agreements and unexercised  options,  shall at all times be
in  accordance  with the  applicable  provisions of Regulation G of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as from time to time amended,  and with
all other  applicable  legal  requirements;  (3) no such action by the Committee
shall  jeopardize  the status of stock options as incentive  stock options under
the Internal Revenue Code.

           8. FOREIGN EMPLOYEES. The Company may grant options under the Plan on
terms  differing  from those  provided  for in Section 6 where such  options are
granted to employee Participants who are not citizens or residents of the United
States of America if the  Committee  determines  that such  different  terms are
appropriate  in  view  of the  circumstances  of  such  Participants,  provided,
however,  that such options  shall not be  inconsistent  with the  provisions of
Section 6(a) or Section 6(b).

           In  addition,   if  the   Committee   determines   that  options  are
inappropriate  for any key salaried  employees who are not citizens or residents
of the United States of America,  whether because of the tax laws of the foreign
countries in which such employees are residents or for other reasons,  the Board
of Directors may authorize special arrangements for the sale of shares of common
stock of the Company to such employees, whether by the Company, or a subsidiary,
or other person.  Such  arrangements may, if approved by the Board of Directors,
include  the  establishment  of a trust by the foreign  subsidiary  which is the
employer of the key salaried employees,  designated by such subsidiary,  to whom
the shares are to be sold. Such arrangements  shall provide for a purchase price
of not less  than the fair  market  value of the stock at the date of sale and a
maximum annual grant per  participant  of options to purchase  200,000 shares of
common stock and may provide  that the  purchase  price be paid over a period of
not more than ten years, with or without interest,  and that such employees have
the right, with or without payment of a specified premium, to require the seller
of the shares to repurchase such shares at the same price,  subject to specified
conditions.  Such arrangements may also include provisions deemed appropriate as
to acceleration or prepayment of the balance of the purchase price, restrictions
on the transfer of the shares by the employee,  representations or agreements by
the employee about his investment purposes and other miscellaneous matters.

           9. CHANGES IN STOCK.  In the event of a stock  dividend,  split-up or
combinations of shares,  recapitalization  or merger in which the Company is the
surviving  corporation,  or other similar capital change, the number and kind of
shares of stock or  securities  of the  Company to be subject to the Plan and to
options then  outstanding  or to be granted  thereunder,  the maximum  number of
shares or  securities  which may be issued or sold under the Plan,  the  maximum
annual  grant  for  each  participant,  the  automatic  annual  grant  for  each
non-employee  director,  the option price and other relevant provisions shall be
appropriately  adjusted  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company,  whose
determination  shall be binding on all persons.  In the event of a consolidation
or a merger in which  the  Company  is not the  surviving  corporation  or which
results in the acquisition of substantially all the Company's  outstanding stock
by a single person or entity or by a group of persons and/or  entities acting in
concert, or in the event of complete liquidation of the Company, all outstanding
options shall thereupon terminate,  provided that (i) at least twenty days prior
to the  effective  date of any  such  consolidation  or  merger,  the  Board  of
Directors  shall  with  respect  to  employee  participants  either (a) make all
outstanding  options  immediately  exercisable,  or  (b)  arrange  to  have  the
surviving corporation grant replacement options to the employee Participants and
(ii) in the case of option grants to  non-employee  directors,  all  outstanding
options not otherwise  exercisable shall become exercisable on the twentieth day
prior to the effective date of the merger.

           l0. EMPLOYMENT  RIGHTS. The adoption of the Plan does not confer upon
any  employee of the Company or a subsidiary  any right to continued  employment
with the Company or a  subsidiary,  as the case may be, nor does it interfere in
any way  with  the  right  of the  Company  or a  subsidiary  to  terminate  the
employment of any of its employees at any time.

THE PLAN.  The Board of Directors of the Company or the  Personnel  Committee of
the Board of Directors if and to the extent authorized, may at any time or times
amend  the Plan or amend  any  outstanding  option or  options  or  arrangements
established  under Section 8 for the purpose of satisfying the  requirements  of
any changes in applicable laws or regulations or for any other purpose which may
at the time be permitted by law, provided that (except to the extent required or
permitted under Section 9 and, with respect to clauses (b) and (f) below, except
to the extent  required or permitted  under Section 7) no such amendment  shall,
without the  approval of the  stockholders  of the  Company,  (a)  increase  the
maximum  number of shares  available  under the Plan or the maximum annual grant
per participant  other than as permitted under Section 9, (b) reduce the minimum
option price of options thereafter to be granted below the price provided for in
Section  6(a),  except that the Plan may be amended to provide  that the minimum
option  price  of  non-qualified  stock  options  thereafter  to be  granted  to
employees may be not less than 95% of the fair market value at the date of grant
if the Board  determines  that such  amendment is  necessary  for tax reasons to
carry out the  objectives  of the Plan,  (c) reduce the price at which shares of
common stock of the Company may be sold under Section 8 below the price provided
for in Section 8, (d) reduce the option price of outstanding options, (e) extend
the time  within  which  options  may be  granted,  (f)  extend the period of an
outstanding  option  beyond  ten  years  from the date of  grant,  (g) amend the
provisions of Section 12 with respect to the terms and  conditions of options to
non-employee  directors and further  provided no such amendment  shall adversely
affect the rights of any  Participant  (without  his  consent)  under any option
theretofore granted or other contractual  arrangements  theretofore entered into
or after a Change in Control  deprive  any  Participant  of any right or benefit
which became operative in the event of a Change in Control.  Notwithstanding the
above,  in no event may the  provisions  of Section 12 be amended more than once
every six months,  other than to comport with  changes in the  Internal  Revenue
Code, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or the rules thereunder.

DIRECTORS.  Effective at the close of business on the second  business day after
the 1992  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of the  Company  and on the  second
business day after each Annual Meeting  thereafter,  each non-employee  director
shall be  automatically  granted a non-incentive  stock option to purchase 1,000
shares  of the  common  stock  of the  Company  upon  the  following  terms  and

           (a) Option  Price.  The option  price under each option  shall be the
           fair  market  value on the date of grant,  which for this  purpose is
           defined  as the  average  between  the high and the low  price of the
           common stock on the NYSE Composite Transaction listing.

           (b) Option  Period.  The period of an option  shall be ten years from
           the date of grant.

           (c) Option  Exercise.  Each option  shall become  exercisable  on the
           first  anniversary of the date of grant except as otherwise  provided
           under Section 6 Paragraph c  Subparagraph 5 of this Plan. Any option,
           otherwise   exercisable,   may  be  exercised  during  the  period  a
           non-employee  director remains a member of the Board of Directors and
           for a  period  of three  months  following  the  date a  non-employee
           director  ceases  to be a  director  except  in the  case  where  the
           non-employee  director  is or will be  eligible  to receive  benefits
           under the Company's  Retirement Plan for Directors when membership on
           the  Board of  Directors  ends and where  the  non-employee  director
           continues  to be so  eligible  as  of  the  date  of  exercise,  that
           non-employee  director's options shall be exercisable for a period of
           two years with respect to options granted before 1994 and three years
           for options  granted after 1993 from the date membership on the Board
           of Directors ceases.

           If a  non-employee  director  dies at the time when the  non-employee
           director is entitled to exercise an option, then at any time or times
           within  one  year  after  that  non-employee  director's  death  that
           non-employee  director's  option may be exercised in accordance  with
           the  provisions  of Section 6 Paragraph  (g) of the Plan. In no event
           shall any  option be  exercised  after the  expiration  of the option

           (d) Payment for  Delivery of Shares.  Payment for the shares shall be
           made in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 6  Paragraph  c
           Subparagraph 4 of this Plan.

           (e)  Nontransferability of Options. No option may be transferred by a
           non-employee  director  otherwise  than  by  will  or by the  laws of
           descent  and  distribution,  and during the  non-employee  director's
           lifetime  the  option  may be  exercised  only  by  the  non-employee

                                                                      APRIL 1995