Exhibit 15


                 Independent Accountant's Acknowledgment Letter

The Stockholders and Board of Directors
State Street Boston Corporation

We are aware of the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement
(Form S-8 Nos. 33-57359, 33-38672, 33-38671, 33-2882, 2-93157, 2-88641 and
2-68698) and the Post-Effective Amendment No. 2 to Registration Statement (Form
S-8 No. 2-68696) pertaining to various stock option and performance share plans,
and in the Registration Statement (Form S-3 No. 33-49885) pertaining to
the registration of debt securities of State Street Boston Corporation, of our
report dated July 14, 1995 relating to the unaudited consolidated interim
financial statements of State Street Boston Corporation which are included in
its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995.

Pursuant to Rule 436(c) of the Securities Act of 1933, our report is not a part
of the registration statements prepared or certified by accountants within the
meaning of Section 7 or 11 of the Securities Act of 1933.

                                                         ERNST & YOUNG LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
August 10, 1995