Panamco, L.L.C.
                     Executive Deferred Compensation Plan

PANAMCO, L.L.C., a limited liability company under the laws of the State of
Delaware, hereby establishes the Panamco, L.L.C. Executive Deferred
Compensation Plan (the "Plan"), effective January 1, 2002, to enable
Participants covered under the Plan to enhance their retirement security by
permitting them to enter into agreements with the Company to defer
compensation on a pre-tax basis and receive benefits at retirement, death,
separation from service, and as otherwise provided under the Plan.

                            ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS

1.1       ANNUAL DEFERRAL: shall mean the portion of a Participant's
          Compensation to be paid during the Plan Year that the Participant
          elects to defer under the Deferral Commitment pursuant to Article 3
          of the Plan. In the event of a Participant's cessation of employment
          with the Company prior to the end of a Plan Year, such year's Annual
          Deferral amount shall be the actual amount deferred prior to such

1.2       BENEFICIARY: shall mean the person or persons or entity designated
          as such in accordance with Article 11 of the Plan.

1.3       BOARD OF DIRECTORS: shall mean the Board of Directors of the

1.4       CHANGE OF CONTROL: shall mean the occurrence, in a single
          transaction or series of transactions after the date hereof, of any
          one of the following events or circumstances: (a) merger,
          consolidation or reorganization where the beneficial owners of the
          voting securities of the Company immediately preceding such merger,
          consolidation or reorganization beneficially own less than 50% of
          the voting securities of the surviving company (after giving effect
          to the merger, consolidation or reorganization); (b) merger,
          consolidation or reorganization where 50% or more of the incumbent
          directors of the Company are changed; (c) individuals who, as of the
          date hereof, constitute the Board of Directors cease for any reason
          to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however,
          that any individual becoming a director subsequent to the date
          hereof whose election, or nomination for election by the Company
          shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of the
          directors then comprising the incumbent board shall be considered as
          though such individual were a member of the incumbent board; or (d)
          approval by the shareholders of a complete liquidation or
          dissolution of the Company or the sale or other disposition of all
          or substantially all of the assets of the Company.

1.5       CODE: shall mean the Internal Revenue Code.

1.6       COMMITTEE: shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board of
          Directors, or such other committee appointed by the Board of
          Directors to administer the Plan pursuant to Article 10 of the Plan.

1.7       COMPANY: shall mean PANAMCO, L.L.C., its subsidiaries and divisions,
          and any successor(s) in interest.

1.8       COMPENSATION: shall mean a Participant's base salary and annual
          incentive plan bonus, before reductions for deferral.

1.9       CREDITING RATE: shall mean the rate used to determine earnings and
          losses credited to each Participant's Deferral Account, which shall
          be: (i) a rate of return based on a pooled investment strategy
          determined by the Committee, (ii) a rate of return based on the
          specific investment strategy requested by a Participant, or (iii)
          such other rate of return designated by the Committee from time to
          time. The Committee, in its sole discretion, will establish
          administrative rules for determining and applying the Crediting

1.10      DEFERRAL ACCOUNT: shall mean the bookkeeping device used by the
          Company solely to measure and determine the amounts to be paid to a
          Participant under the Plan. One Deferral Account will be established
          for each Participant under the Plan. The balance in a Participant's
          Deferral Account shall mean the sum of (i) the Participant's Annual
          Deferrals, plus (ii) the Employer Matching Contributions made to a
          Participant's Account, plus (iii) the Employer Nonelective
          Contributions made to a Participant's Account, plus (iv) earnings
          and losses credited to the Participant's Deferral Account at the
          Crediting Rate, less (v) all distributions.

1.11      DEFERRAL CONTRIBUTION PERIOD: shall mean the period of one (1) Plan
          Year, or such other period as the Committee may permit in its
          discretion, over which the Participant has elected to defer
          Compensation pursuant to Article 3 of the Plan.

1.12      DEFERRAL COMMITMENT: shall mean a commitment made by a Participant
          to defer compensation pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 of the Plan for
          which a Deferral Election Form has been submitted by the

1.13      DEFERRAL ELECTION FORM: shall mean a written agreement between the
          Company and the Participant, entered into pursuant to paragraph 2.1
          of the Plan, by which the Participant elects to participate in the
          Plan and make a Deferral Commitment.

1.14      DISABILITY: shall mean that the Participant has been determined to
          be Totally Disabled under the Qualified 401(k) Plan.

1.15      ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE: shall mean an officer or member of the senior
          management of the Company as designated by the Committee to be
          eligible to participate in the Plan.

1.16      EMPLOYER MATCHING CONTRIBUTION: shall equal such percentage, if any,
          of Compensation deferred by the Participant under Section 3, as from
          time to time may be determined by the Company in its sole
          discretion, as provided in Section 5.1.


1.17      EMPLOYER NONELECTIVE CONTRIBUTION: shall equal such percentage, if
          any, of Compensation, as from time to time may be determined by the
          Company in its sole discretion, as provided in Section 5.2.

1.18      ERISA: shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
          1974, as amended.

1.19      FINANCIAL HARDSHIP: shall mean a Participant's unexpected need for
          cash arising from an illness, casualty loss, sudden financial
          reversal, or other such unforeseeable occurrence as determined by
          the Committee. Cash needs arising from foreseeable events such as,
          for example, the purchase of a residence or education expenses for
          children shall not, alone, be considered a Financial Hardship.

1.20      PARTICIPANT: shall mean an Eligible Employee who is participating in
          the Plan as provided in Article 2, or a former Eligible Employee for
          whom a Deferral Account is being maintained under the Plan.

1.21      PLAN: shall mean the Panamco, L.L.C. Executive Deferred Compensation
          Plan as set forth in this document and as the same may be amended,
          supplemented and/or restated from time to time and any successor

1.22      PLAN YEAR: shall mean the 12-month period from January 1 through
          December 31.

1.23      QUALIFIED 401(K) PLAN: shall mean the Panamco 401(k) Plan.

1.24      RETIREMENT: shall mean the date of the cessation of the
          Participant's employment with the Company for any reason whatsoever,
          whether voluntary or involuntary, other than as a result of the
          Participant's death, after the Participant attains age 55, or such
          other date as the Committee may determine in its discretion.

1.25      SERVICE: shall mean the period during which an Employee is employed
          by the Company, including periods before the effective date of this

1.26      TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT: shall mean the date of the cessation of
          the Participant's employment with the Company for any reason
          whatsoever, whether voluntary or involuntary, other than as a result
          of the Participant's Retirement, death, or, to the extent provided
          in Article 8 of the Plan, Disability.

1.27      VALUATION DATE: shall mean the last day of each Plan Year calendar
          quarter, or such other dates as the Committee may determine in its
          discretion, which must be at least annually, for the valuation of a
          Participant's Deferral Account.

1.28      VESTING DATE: shall mean the date on which a Participant is vested
          in the Employer Matching Contributions based on date of employment
          and each 12 month anniversary following. A vesting schedule is shown
          in the following chart.


          YEARS    LESS       1       2       3       4       5 OR MORE
                   THAN 1
        VESTING %   0%       20%     40%     60%      80%        100%

                           ARTICLE 2 - PARTICIPATION

2.1       ELIGIBILITY. An Eligible Employee who has completed at least three
          months of Service may elect to begin participation in the Plan and
          to make a Deferral Commitment by submitting a Deferral Election Form
          to the Committee prior to the beginning of the Deferral Contribution
          Period. An Eligible Employee who completes three months of Service
          after January 1, 2002 may elect to begin participation in the Plan
          and to make a Deferral Commitment after the start of the Deferral
          Contribution Period in which the Eligible Employee completes three
          months of Service by submitting a Deferral Election Form to the
          Committee, with such participation to become effective as of the
          first day of the month following the later of (i) the two week
          anniversary of the date on which the Committee receives the Deferral
          Election Form or (ii) the date on which the Participant completes
          three months of Service. An employee who has completed three months
          of Service before being designated an Eligible Employee may elect to
          begin participation in the Plan and to make a Deferral Commitment
          after the start of the Deferral Contribution Period in which the
          employee is designated an Eligible Employee by submitting a Deferral
          Election Form to the Committee, with such participation to become
          effective as of the first day of the month following the two week
          anniversary of the date on which the Committee receives the Deferral
          Election Form. Except as otherwise provided in this Plan, the
          Participant's Deferral Commitment shall be irrevocable.

          Eligible Employees shall be required to make a new Deferral
          Commitment for each Deferral Contribution Period by submitting a new
          Deferral Election Form to the Committee prior to the beginning of
          each Deferral Commitment Period.

2.2       CONTINUATION OF PARTICIPATION. A Participant who has elected to
          participate in the Plan by making a Deferral Commitment shall
          continue as a Participant in the Plan for purposes of such Deferral
          Commitment even though in any Plan Year after such Deferral
          Commitment such Participant elects not to make a new Deferral
          Commitment or ceases to be an Eligible Employee. A Participant shall
          not be eligible to make a new Deferral Commitment unless the
          Participant is an Eligible Employee with respect to the Plan Year
          for which the election is made.

                       ARTICLE 3 - DEFERRAL COMMITMENTS

3.1       DEFERRAL COMMITMENT. Subject to paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3, a
          Participant may elect in the Deferral Election Form to defer an
          amount equal to a percentage of Compensation, provided that the
          deferral percentage must be a whole percentage of Compensation. The
          Committee, in its sole discretion, will determine other rules
          regarding the deferral of Compensation, as necessary.


3.2       MINIMUM DEFERRAL COMMITMENT. A participant may not elect to defer
          less than $5,000 in any one year, unless otherwise waived by the

3.3       MAXIMUM DEFERRAL COMMITMENT. The Participant may not elect to defer
          more than 50% of Compensation in the aggregate when deferrals under
          this Plan are added to deferrals under the Qualified 401(k) Plan.
          The Committee, in its sole discretion, may establish other maximum
          Deferral Commitment limits for the purpose of controlling the
          Company's financial obligations under the Plan or for any other
          reason deemed necessary.

3.4       INCOMPLETE DEFERRAL COMMITMENT. Notwithstanding anything contained
          herein to the contrary, if the Participant has not or will not
          actually defer the amount specified in such Participant's Deferral
          Election Form during the Deferral Contribution Period, the
          Participant shall, nevertheless, be permitted to continue
          participation in the Plan. No new Deferral Commitment will be
          accepted by the Company until the previously Incomplete Deferral
          Commitment is fulfilled by the Participant.

                         ARTICLE 4 - DEFERRAL ACCOUNTS

4.1       DEFERRAL ACCOUNTS. A Deferral Account shall be established for each
          Participant. The Deferral Account shall be credited with the
          applicable portion of the Annual Deferral as of the approximate date
          such amounts would otherwise have been paid to the Participant.
          Deferral Accounts shall, except as otherwise provided in the Plan,
          be credited monthly with interest at the Crediting Rate on the
          balance in the Deferral Account from the approximate date such
          Deferrals would have been paid through the date of distribution of
          such balance to the Participant. Notwithstanding anything in this
          paragraph to the contrary, the Committee may, in its sole
          discretion, establish administrative rules for the purpose of
          crediting Deferral Accounts.

4.2       HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT CHOICE. In connection with the determination
          of the Crediting Rate, the Committee may, in its discretion, offer
          Participants a choice among various hypothetical investments, the
          rate of return on which the Committee may use to determine the
          Crediting Rate for their Deferral Accounts. Such a choice is nominal
          in nature and grants Participants no real or beneficial interest in
          any specific fund or property. Provision of a choice among
          hypothetical investment options grants the Participant no ability to
          affect the actual aggregate investments the Company may or may not
          make to cover its obligations under the Plan. Any adjustments the
          Company may make in its actual investments for the Plan may only be
          instigated by the Company, and may or may not bear a resemblance to
          the Participants' hypothetical investment choices on an account by
          account basis. The time, allowance and frequency of hypothetical
          investment choices, and a Participant's ability to change how his or
          her deferral Account is credited, is within the sole discretion of
          the Committee.


4.3       STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. The Committee shall provide periodically (but
          no less frequently than annually) to each Participant a statement
          setting forth the balance of the Deferral Account maintained for
          such Participant.

4.4       VESTING OF DEFERRAL ACCOUNTS. Each Participant shall be one hundred
          percent (100%) vested at all times in the amount of Annual Deferrals
          he or she makes and the Employer Nonelective Contributions and
          interest actually credited at the Crediting Rate on these amounts to
          such Participant's Deferral Account. A Participant shall become
          vested in Employer Matching Contributions made on his or her behalf,
          and all earnings allocable thereto, in accordance with the Vesting
          Date. The balance, if any, of such Employer Matching Contributions
          and all earnings and losses allocable thereto shall be forfeited
          upon termination of the Participant's employment to the extent not

4.5       ACCELERATION OF VESTING. Upon a Change of Control, a Participant
          shall become one hundred percent (100%) vested in all amounts
          credited to his Deferral Account (including the Employer Matching
          Contribution) as of the day immediately prior to the Change of
          Control. In the event a Participant dies or becomes Disabled prior
          to reaching one hundred percent (100%) vesting, the Benefits
          calculated under Article 6 of the Plan shall assume that the
          Participant became one hundred percent (100%) vested in all amounts
          credited to his Deferral Account (including the Employer Matching
          Contribution) as of the day prior to his date of death or

                       ARTICLE 5 - COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS

5.1       EMPLOYER MATCHING CONTRIBUTION. The Company may from time to time,
          in its discretion, credit the Deferral Account of each Participant
          who is an Eligible Employee with an Employer Matching Contribution.
          The amount of the Employer Matching Contribution, if any, for a
          Participant shall be limited to and contingent upon the Participant
          deferring at least a like percentage of Compensation under Section 4
          hereof. The Company anticipates crediting the Deferral Account of a
          Participant with an Employer Matching Contribution at the same rate
          as the employer matching contribution under the Qualified 401(k)
          Plan. Compensation that exceeds the limit specified in Code Section
          401(a)(17) shall not be taken into account for purposes of
          determining the amount of the Employer Matching Contribution..
          Employer Matching Contributions held in the Deferral Account shall
          be distributed to a Participant only to the extent such amounts are

5.2       EMPLOYER NONELECTIVE CONTRIBUTION. The Company may from time to
          time, in its discretion, credit the Deferral Account of each
          Participant who is an Eligible Employee with an Employer Nonelective
          Contribution. An Eligible Employee shall be entitled to receive the
          Employer Nonelective Contribution whether or not the Eligible
          Employee is a Participant (i.e., makes an Annual Deferral pursuant
          to Section 2 hereof). The Company anticipates crediting the Deferral
          Account of a Participant with an Employer Nonelective Contribution
          at the same rate as the employer nonelective contribution under the
          Qualified 401(k) Plan. Compensation that exceeds the limit specified
          in Code Section 401(a)(17)


          shall not be taken into account for purposes of determining the
          amount of the Employer Nonelective Contribution.


                        ARTICLE 6 - PAYMENT OF BENEFITS

6.1       RETIREMENT BENEFITS. Upon Retirement, the Company shall pay to the
          Participant a benefit in the form provided in paragraph 6.2 of the
          Plan, based on the vested balance of the Participant's Deferral

6.2       FORM OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS. The retirement benefit attributable to
          a Deferral Account shall be paid in accordance with the
          Participant's direction as set forth on a Deferral Election Form
          prescribed by the Committee for designation of form of payment; such
          payment election shall be made at the time the Deferral Commitment
          election is made. The available forms of payment after Retirement
          are as follows:

          (a)  Lump Sum. A lump sum payment equal to the balance of the
               applicable Deferral Account as of the Valuation Date following
               Retirement. Payment is to commence no earlier than the first
               month following the date of Retirement and no later than the
               first month following his/her 70th birthday.

          (b)  15 Installment Payments. Annual installment payments in
               substantially equal amounts over a period of 15 years.
               Installment payments shall be made in January of each year
               following Retirement. Payments must commence no later than the
               January following a Participant's 70th birthday. Interest will
               be credited to the unpaid balance in the Deferral Account at
               the Crediting Rate. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may
               establish rules for making payments and crediting interest to
               the unpaid Deferral Account balance.

          (c)  3 Installment Payments. Effective January 1, 2003, annual
               installment payments in substantially equal amounts over a
               period of 3 years. Installment payments shall be made in
               January of each year following Retirement. Payments must
               commence no later than the January following a Participant's
               70th birthday. Interest will be credited to the unpaid balance
               in the Deferral Account at the Crediting Rate. The Committee,
               in its sole discretion, may establish rules for making payments
               and crediting interest to the unpaid Deferral Account balance.

          The Participant may change this retirement benefit payment election
          to an allowable alternative payout period by submitting a new
          Deferral Election Form to the Committee, provided that any such
          Deferral Election Form is submitted at least one (1) year prior to
          the Participant's Retirement. Subject to the foregoing, the Deferral
          Election Form most recently accepted by the Committee shall govern
          the payout of the retirement benefit. If no election is submitted,
          payment will be made in 15 installment payments.

6.3       TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. Upon Termination of Employment,
          the Company shall pay the Participant a benefit in the form of a
          lump sum payment equal to the vested balance of the applicable
          Deferral Account as of the Valuation Date following the Termination
          of Employment. Such payment shall be made within ninety (90) days of
          said Valuation Date.


          Effective January 1, 2003, the Participant shall have the option to
          elect to have the benefit attributable to a Deferral Account paid
          either in a lump sum or in three annual installments in accordance
          with the Participant's direction as set forth on a Deferral Election
          Form prescribed by the Committee for designation of form of payment;
          such payment election shall be made at the time the Deferral
          Commitment election is made. If a Participant elects to have the
          benefit paid in three annual installments, the first of the three
          annual installment payments shall be made within ninety (90) days of
          said Valuation Date. The Participant may change this benefit payment
          election to an allowable alternative payout period by submitting a
          new Deferral Election Form to the Committee, provided that any such
          Deferral Election Form is submitted at least one (1) year prior to
          the Participant's Termination of Employment. Subject to the
          foregoing, the Deferral Election Form most recently accepted by the
          Committee shall govern the payout of the benefit. If no election is
          submitted, payment will be made in a single lump sum payment.

6.4       Small Benefit Exception. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, in
          the event the sum of all benefits payable to the Participant is less
          than or equal to ten thousand dollars ($10,000), the Company may, in
          its sole discretion, elect to pay such benefits in a single lump sum
          payment on the date such benefits first become payable.

                         ARTICLE 7 - Survivor Benefits

7.1       PRE-RETIREMENT SURVIVOR BENEFIT. If a Participant dies prior to
          Retirement or Termination of Employment the Company shall pay to the
          Participant's Beneficiary a lump sum benefit equal to the balance of
          the Participant's Deferral Account as of the Valuation Date
          following the death of the Participant.

7.2       POST-RETIREMENT SURVIVOR BENEFIT. If a Participant dies after
          Retirement or Termination of Employment, and after benefit payments
          have commenced, but before the entire vested balance of the
          Participant's Deferral Account has been distributed, the Company
          shall pay to the Participant's Beneficiary a lump sum benefit equal
          to the balance of the Participant's Deferral Account as of the
          Valuation Date following the death of the Participant.

                            ARTICLE 8 - DISABILITY

If a Participant is determined to have a Disability, the Participant shall,
effective as of the date such Participant is no longer paid his Compensation
by the Company, cease deferrals under the Plan except for any Deferral
Commitment regarding any Compensation which is earned or payable subsequent to
the Disability. The Participant's Deferral Account shall continue to be
credited with interest at the Crediting Rate until such time as the
Participant's benefits under the Plan are distributed in accordance with the
Participant's election or as provided for in paragraph 9.2 of the Plan.



9.1       NONASSIGNABILITY. The benefits provided under the Plan may not be
          alienated, assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated by or to
          any person or entity, at any time or in any manner whatsoever. These
          benefits shall be exempt from the claims of creditors or other
          claimants of any Participant and from all orders, decrees, levies,
          garnishment or executions against any Participant to the fullest
          extent allowed by law.

9.2       FINANCIAL HARDSHIP DISTRIBUTION. Upon finding that the Participant
          or the Beneficiary has suffered a Financial Hardship, the Committee
          may, in its sole discretion and upon written petition by the
          Participant or Beneficiary, accelerate distributions of benefits
          under the Plan. Such a distribution shall be limited to the amount
          reasonably necessary to alleviate such Financial Hardship, plus the
          amount needed to pay federal, state and local income taxes
          reasonably anticipated from the payment. If a distribution is to be
          made to a Participant on account of Financial Hardship, the
          Participant may not make subsequent Deferral Commitments under the
          Plan until the Plan Year following the Plan Year in which a
          distribution based on Financial Hardship was made. Any Deferral
          Commitment in effect at the time such distribution is made under
          this section shall be canceled. A distribution made on account of
          Financial Hardship shall cause the Participant's Deferral Account to
          be reduced in a manner determined by the Company.

9.3       NO RIGHT TO COMPANY ASSETS. The benefits paid under the Plan shall
          be paid from the general funds of the Company, and the Participant
          and any Beneficiary shall be no more than unsecured general
          creditors of the Company with no special or prior right to any
          assets of the Company for payment of any obligations hereunder. As
          its discretion, the Company may establish a trust, with such
          trustees as the Committee may approve, for the purpose of assisting
          in the payment of such benefits. Although such a trust shall be
          irrevocable, its assets shall be held for payment of the Company's
          general creditors in the event of insolvency. To the extent any
          benefits provided under the Plan are paid from any such trust, the
          Company shall have no further obligation to pay them. If not paid
          from the trust, such benefits shall remain the obligation of the

9.4       PROTECTIVE PROVISIONS. Each Participant shall cooperate with the
          Company by furnishing any and all information requested by the
          Committee in order to facilitate the payment of benefits hereunder,
          assisting in the purchase of life insurance on a Participant's life,
          taking such physical examinations as the Committee may deem
          necessary, and taking such other actions as may be requested by the
          Committee. If the Participant refuses to cooperate or makes any
          material misstatement or nondisclosure of information, then no
          benefits will be payable hereunder to such Participant or his

9.5       WITHHOLDING. The Participant or the Beneficiary shall make
          appropriate arrangements with the Company for satisfaction of any
          federal, state or local income tax withholding requirements and
          Social Security or other employee tax requirements applicable to the
          payment of benefits under the Plan. If no such arrangements are
          made, the Company may provide, at its discretion, for such
          withholding and tax payments as may be required.


9.6       FORFEITURES. Any Employer Matching Contributions or Employer
          Nonelective Contributions and the earnings attributed thereto that
          are credited to the Participant's Deferral Account, whether or not
          vested, shall be forfeited in the event that the Participant is
          convicted of a crime involving the theft, fraud, embezzlement or
          other act of dishonesty against or otherwise adversely affecting the


10.1      ADMINISTRATION. The Committee shall administer the Plan and, except
          as otherwise expressly provided herein, shall have the exclusive
          right to interpret, construe and apply its provisions in accordance
          with its terms. The Committee shall determine in its sole discretion
          those who are eligible to participate in the Plan and shall have the
          right to set guidelines for participation under the Plan including,
          but not limited to, the type, manner and level of Deferral
          Commitments. The Committee shall further establish, adopt or revise
          such other rules and regulations as it may deem necessary or
          advisable for the administration of the Plan. All decisions of the
          Committee shall be final and binding. The individuals serving on the
          Committee shall, except as prohibited by law, be indemnified and
          held harmless by the Company from any and all liabilities, costs,
          and expenses (including legal fees), to the extent not covered by
          liability insurance, arising out of any action taken by any member
          of the Committee with respect to the Plan, unless such liability
          arises from the individual's own gross negligence or willful
          misconduct. The expenses of administering the Plan shall be borne by
          the Company, except that each Participant may be charged a
          reasonable administrative fee as determined by the Committee.

10.2      WRITTEN CLAIMS. Benefits shall be paid in accordance with the
          provisions of this Plan. The Participant, or a designated recipient
          or any other person claiming through the Participant shall make a
          written request for benefits under this Plan. This written claim
          shall be mailed or delivered to the Committee. Such claim shall be
          reviewed by the Committee or a delegate.

10.3      DENIED CLAIM. If the claim is denied, in full or in part, the
          Committee shall provide a written notice within ninety (90) days
          setting forth the specific reasons for denial, and any additional
          material or information necessary to perfect the claim, and an
          explanation of why such material or information is necessary, and
          appropriate information and explanation of the steps to be taken if
          a review of the denial is desired.

10.4      REVIEW PROCEDURE. If the claim is denied and a review is desired,
          the Participant (or Beneficiary) shall notify the Committee in
          writing within sixty (60) days after receipt of the written notice
          of denial. In requesting a review, the Participant or Beneficiary
          may request a review of pertinent documents with regard to the
          benefits created under this agreement, may submit any written issues
          and comments, may request an extension of time for such written
          submission of issues and comments, and may request that a hearing be
          held, but the decision to hold a hearing


          shall be within the sole discretion of the Committee.

10.5      COMMITTEE REVIEW. The decision on the review of the denied claim
          shall be rendered by the Committee within sixty (60) days after the
          receipt of the request for review (if no hearing is held) or within
          sixty (60) days after the hearing if one is held. The decision shall
          be written and shall state the specific reasons for the decision
          including reference to specific provisions of this Plan on which the
          decision is based.


11.1      BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION. The Participant shall have the right, at
          any time, to designate any person or persons as a Beneficiary (both
          primary and contingent) to whom payment under the Plan shall be made
          in the event of the Participant's death. The Beneficiary designation
          shall be effective when it is submitted in writing and delivered to
          the Committee during the Participant's lifetime on a form prescribed
          by the Committee.

11.2      NEW BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION. The Participant shall have the right to
          change or revoke any such designation from time to time by filing a
          new designation or notice of revocation with the Company, and no
          notice to any Beneficiary nor consent by any Beneficiary shall be
          required to effect any such change or revocation.

11.3      FAILURE TO DESIGNATE BENEFICIARY. If a Participant fails to
          designate a Beneficiary before his death, or if no designated
          Beneficiary survives the Participant, the Committee shall direct the
          Company to pay the balance of the Participant's Deferral Account in
          a lump sum to the executor or administrator for his estate;
          provided, however, if no executor or administrator shall have been
          appointed, and actual notice of the death was given to the Committee
          within sixty (60) days after the Participant's death, and if his
          Deferral Account balance does not exceed ten thousand dollars
          ($10,000), the Committee may direct the Company to pay the Deferral
          Account balance to such person or persons as the Committee
          determines may be entitled to it, and the Committee may require such
          proof of right and/or identity of such person or persons as the
          Committee may deem appropriate and necessary.


12.1      AMENDMENT OF THE PLAN. The Company may at any time amend the Plan in
          whole or in part, provided however, that such amendment (i) shall
          not decrease the vested balance of the Participant's Deferral
          Account at the time of such amendment, (ii) shall not retroactively
          decrease the applicable Crediting Rates of the Plan prior to the
          time of such amendment, and (iii) shall not otherwise, without the
          written consent of a Participant, retroactively make any changes
          that would materially and adversely affect a Participant's account
          or rights under the Plan. The Company or Committee may amend the
          Crediting Rates of the Plan prospectively. If the Company and/or the
          Committee changes the


          formula for determining the Crediting Rate under the Plan, the
          Company or the Committee shall notify the Participant of such
          amendment in writing within thirty (30) days of such amendment.
          Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of an amendment to
          the formula for determining the applicable Crediting Rate, the
          Participant may elect by written notice to the Committee to
          terminate an incomplete Deferral Commitment.

12.2      TERMINATION OF THE PLAN. The Company may at any time terminate the
          Plan as to all or any group of Participants. If the Company
          terminates the Plan as to all or any group of Participants, the date
          of such termination shall be treated as the date of Retirement for
          the purpose of calculating Plan benefits. The Company shall pay to
          the Participant the benefits the Participant is entitled to receive
          under the Plan in a lump sum after termination of the Plan. Interest
          at the Crediting Rate will be credited to the Participant's Deferral
          Account until distribution under this paragraph is completed, in
          accordance with the rules established under paragraph 6.2(b).

                          ARTICLE 13 - MISCELLANEOUS

13.1      SUCCESSORS OF THE COMPANY. The rights and obligations of the Company
          under the Plan shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding
          upon, the successors and assigns of the Company.

13.2      ERISA PLAN. The Plan is intended to be an unfunded plan maintained
          primarily to provide deferred compensation benefits for "a select
          group of management or highly compensated employees" within the
          meaning of Sections 201, 301, and 401 of ERISA and therefore to be
          exempt from Parts 2, 3, and 4 of Title I of ERISA. Notwithstanding
          any provisions of this Plan to the contrary, if any Participant is
          determined not to be a "management or highly compensated employee"
          within the meaning of ERISA or applicable regulations thereunder at
          the time a Deferral Commitment is elected, such Participant will not
          be eligible to complete such Deferral Commitment and shall receive
          an immediate lump sum payment equal to the unpaid balance of the
          Deferral Account as of the most recent Valuation Date. Upon such
          payment, no benefit shall thereafter be payable under this Plan
          either to the Participant or any Beneficiary of the Participant,
          with respect to said Deferral Account.

13.3      EMPLOYMENT NOT GUARANTEED. Nothing contained in the Plan nor any
          action taken hereunder shall be construed as a contract of
          employment or as giving any Participant any right to continued
          employment with the Company.

13.4      GENDER, SINGULAR AND PLURAL. All pronouns and variations thereof
          shall be deemed to refer to the masculine or feminine, as the
          identity of the person or persons may require. As the context may
          require, the singular may be read as the plural and the plural as
          the singular.

13.5      CAPTIONS. The captions of the articles and paragraphs of the Plan
          are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning
          or construction of any of its provisions.


13.6      VALIDITY. In the event any provision of the Plan is held invalid,
          void or unenforceable, the same shall not affect, in any respect
          whatsoever, the validity of any other provisions of the Plan.

13.7      WAIVER OF BREACH. The waiver by the Company of any breach of any
          provision of the Plan by the Participant shall not operate or be
          construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by the Participant.

13.8      APPLICABLE LAW. The Plan shall be governed and construed in
          accordance with the laws of the State of Florida except where the
          laws of the State of Florida are preempted by ERISA.

13.9      NOTICE. Any notice or filing required or permitted to be given to
          the Company under the Plan shall be sufficient if in writing or
          hand-delivered, or sent by registered or certified mail, return
          receipt requested, to the principal office of the Company, directed
          to the attention of the Committee. Such notice shall be deemed given
          as of the date of delivery, or if delivery is made by mail, as of
          the date shown on the postmark on the receipt for registration or

13.10     CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Any Participant may, from time to time, change
          the address to which notices shall be mailed by giving written
          notice of such new address.

13.11     ARBITRATION. Any claim, dispute or other matter in question of any
          kind relating to this Plan shall be settled by arbitration in Miami,
          Florida in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration
          Association. Notice of demand for arbitration shall be made in
          writing to the opposing party and to the American Arbitration
          Association within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or
          other matter in question has arisen. In no event shall a demand for
          arbitration be made after the date when the applicable statute of
          limitations would bar the institution of a legal or equitable
          proceeding based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question.
          The decision of the arbitrators shall be final and may be enforced
          in any court of competent jurisdiction.
