


                             ARCH CHEMICALS, INC.

                 relating to the Avecia Pool and Spa Business
                      and Protection and Hygiene Business

               dated 8th March 2004, restating an agreement made

                     between the parties on 4th March 2004





4.  CONSIDERATION.....................................................9

5.  GAP PERIOD UNDERTAKINGS..........................................17

6.  COMPLETION/STATUS OF LOCAL AGREEMENTS............................22

7.  WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS.......................................24

8.  CLAIMS PROCEDURE.................................................28

9.  REGISTRATION RIGHTS..............................................30

10. CONTRACTS........................................................35

11. EMPLOYEES........................................................36

12. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ARRANGEMENTS....................................36

13. POST-COMPLETION OBLIGATIONS......................................36

14. GUARANTEES.......................................................41

15. VAT..............................................................42

16. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS...............................................44

17. COSTS............................................................44

18. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CONFIDENTIALITY....................................44

19. GENERAL..........................................................46

20. GOVERNING LAW/PROCESS AGENT......................................51

SCHEDULE 1 - Vendors, Shares and Target Businesses...................52

SCHEDULE 2 - The Target Companies....................................53

SCHEDULE 3 - Purchase Price Adjustment...............................55

SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties..............................................56

SCHEDULE 5 - Limitations.............................................85

SCHEDULE 6 - Ancillary Agreements....................................89

SCHEDULE 7 - Employment Matters......................................92

SCHEDULE 8 - Employee Benefit Matters................................93

SCHEDULE 9 - Completion..............................................94

SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions And Interpretation.........................97


AF1      Financial Statements

         1A       2002 Accounts

         1B       2003 Accounts

AF2      Fixed Assets List

         2A       UK Fixed Assets List

         2B       US Fixed Assets List

AF3      Employee List

AF4      Intellectual Property List

AF5      Property List

AF6      Transaction Breakdown

AF7      Tax Deed

AF8      Environmental Deed of Assignment

AF9      Environmental Pooling Agreement

AF10     Transitional Services Agreements

         10A  Transitional Services Agreement (Spain, Singapore)

         10B  Reverse Transitional Services Agreement (Japan)

         10C  USA Transitional Services Agreement

         10D  UK Transitional Services Agreement

AF11     Ongoing Services/Supplies

         11A      Site Services Agreement for Huddersfield

         11B      Site Services Agreement for Blackley

         11C  Manufacturing Services Agreement for Grangemouth Biocides Plant

         11D  Analytical Sciences Group Services Agreement

         11E  Site Services Agreement for New Castle

         11F  Site Services Agreement for Wilmington

         11G  Supply Agreement re Proxel GXL Antimicrobial and Vantocil IB

         11H  Supply Agreement re Proxel GXL Antimicrobial (UK)

AF12     Assignment and Assumption Agreement re the PHMB Manufacturing
         Services Agreement with Cytec Industries Inc.

AF13     Intellectual Property Agreements:

         13A  Know-how Assignment and Licence Agreement

         13B  Regulatory Data Transfer and Access Agreement

         13C  Patent Assignment (Avecia Limited)

         13D  Patent Assignment (Avecia Inc.)

         13E  Trade Mark Assignment (Avecia Limited)

         13F  Software Assignment Agreement (RABIT)

         13G  Trade Mark Assignment (Avecia Inc.)

         13H  Domain Name Assignment

         13I  Dainippon Inc. Contract Assignment

         13J  Eastman Kodak Contract Assignment

         13K  Syngenta Partial Contract Assignment

AF14     Property Documents

         14A  Underlease agreement relating to part of the North Laboratory
              at Huddersfield

         14B  Court claims form relating to part of the North Laboratory at

         14C1 Deed of Covenant relating to part of the North Laboratory at

         14C2 Deed of Indemnity relating to part of the North Laboratory at

         14D  Transfer of the lease for the Specialities East Plant at

         14E  Assignment of beneficial interest in the Seal Sands land and

         14F  Form TR1 re transfer of legal title to Seal Sands

         14G  Lease of Biocides 1 and 2 Buildings, Blackley

         14H  Court Claim Form re Biocides 1 and 2 Buildings, Blackley

         14I  Lease of Part of Hexagon House, Blackley

         14J  Court Claim Form re Part of Hexagon House, Blackley

         14K  Lease Agreement for the Biocides Pool, New Castle

         14L  Lease Agreement for the Lab Parcel, New Castle

         14M  Assignment of Mt Pleasant Ground Lease

AF15     Other Transaction Agreements/Documents

         15A  Non-Competition Agreement

         15B  Deed of Covenant re Stahl

         15C  Actuary's Letter

         15D  Required Third Party Consents

         15E  Spanish Distribution Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT is made on 8th March 2004 among:

(1)  AVECIA INVESTMENTS LIMITED a company incorporated in England and Wales
     (company number 3768296) whose registered office is at Hexagon House,
     Blackley, Manchester M9 8ZS (the "Principal Vendor");

(2)  THE COMPANIES identified in Part 1 of Schedule 1 (the "Share Vendors");

(3)  THE COMPANIES identified in Part 2 of Schedule 1 (the "Business
     Vendors"); and

(4)  ARCH CHEMICALS, INC. a company incorporated under the laws of the
     Commonwealth of Virginia whose principal place of business is at 501
     Merritt 7, P.O. Box 5204, Norwalk, CT 06856 - 5204, USA (the


(A)  The Business Vendors and the Target Companies carry on the Business
     and/or own assets relevant to the Business.

(B)  The Share Vendors own the entire issued share capital of the Target

(C)  The Principal Vendor is an indirect parent company of the Business
     Vendors and the Share Vendors.

(D)  On 4th March 2004 the Vendors agreed to sell and the Purchaser agreed to
     purchase the Operations (by way of acquisition of the Shares and the
     Business Assets and the assumption of the Business Liabilities) as a
     going concern on and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this

(E)  On 4th March 2004 the Principal Vendor agreed to provide warranties,
     covenants, indemnities and undertakings on and subject to the terms and
     conditions set out in this Agreement.

(F)  This Agreement restates the agreement reached between the parties on 4th
     March 2004.



1.1. Unless the context shall otherwise require, words and expressions in this
     Agreement shall be given the meanings ascribed to them and shall be
     interpreted in accordance with Schedule 10 and, if applicable, Part 5 of
     Schedule 3.

1.2.      The Schedules form part of and shall be construed as one with this


2.1.      On the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement
          (including in particular the Conditions Precedent), on the
          Completion Date, the Share Vendors shall sell and the Purchaser (or
          a Local Purchaser) shall purchase the Shares and the Business
          Vendors shall sell and the Purchaser (or a Local Purchaser) shall
          purchase the Target Businesses and Business Assets as a going
          concern, with the benefit of the warranties and undertakings
          contained in this


          Agreement and together with all rights and advantages attaching
          thereto at Completion. The Purchaser and the Local Purchasers shall
          acquire no interest under this Agreement in the Excluded Assets.

2.2.      The Purchaser or a Local Purchaser shall with effect from Completion
          assume, duly and punctually pay, satisfy, discharge, perform or
          fulfil all of the applicable Business Liabilities, provided that, in
          the case of the Creditors, the assumption provided for in this
          Clause 2.2 shall be satisfied by:

          2.2.1.    the Purchaser paying to the Principal Vendor no later than
                    the day falling 60 days after the Completion Date (or, if
                    that is not a Business Day, on the first succeeding
                    Business Day, and provided that the Principal Vendor shall
                    have complied with paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 3) an
                    amount (the "Interim Creditors Amount") equal to the
                    amount of the Avecia Payment Creditors shown in the Draft
                    Statements (as defined in Part 2 of Schedule 3) prepared
                    by the Principal Vendor;

          2.2.2.    if the actual amount of Creditors shown by the Completion
                    Working Capital Statement exceeds the Interim Creditors
                    Amount, the Purchaser paying an amount equal to such
                    excess on the Settlement Date; and

          2.2.3.    if the actual amount of Creditors shown by the Completion
                    Working Capital Statement is less than the Interim
                    Creditors Amount, the Principal Vendor repaying an amount
                    equal to such shortfall to the Purchaser on the Settlement

2.3.      Except as otherwise expressly contemplated by this Agreement, the
          Principal Vendor agrees with the Purchaser (for itself and in trust
          for each member of the Purchaser's Group) that the Principal Vendor
          shall, or shall procure that another Vendor shall, indemnify and
          keep indemnified the Purchaser and each member of the Purchaser's
          Group against:

          2.3.1.    any Excluded Liability, any Insured Liability and any
                    other Liability of the Business Vendors which is not a
                    Business Liability and which is not otherwise expressly
                    assumed by the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser under this
                    Agreement, including for the avoidance of doubt any such
                    Liability which is or is deemed to be or becomes a
                    Liability of a member of the Purchaser's Group by virtue
                    of applicable law, other than a Liability for which the
                    Purchaser would be obliged to indemnify the Principal
                    Vendor pursuant to the Tax Deed;

          2.3.2.    any Liability (other than a Business Liability) incurred
                    by any member of the Vendors' Group on its own behalf
                    which is or is deemed to be or becomes a Liability of any
                    Target Company by virtue of applicable law; and

          2.3.3.    any Losses which the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser may
                    suffer by reason of taking any reasonable action to avoid,
                    resist or defend against any Liability referred to in
                    Clause 2.3.1 or 2.3.2.

          2.4.      Except as otherwise expressly contemplated by this
                    Agreement, the Purchaser agrees with the Vendors (for
                    themselves and in trust for each member of the


                    Vendors' Group) that the Purchaser shall, or shall procure
                    that a Local Purchaser shall, indemnify and keep
                    indemnified the Vendors and each member of the Vendors'
                    Group against:

          2.4.1.    all Business Liabilities and any other Liability (other
                    than any Excluded Liability), to the extent such other
                    Liability is incurred by the Purchaser's Group in carrying
                    on the Operations after Completion, including for the
                    avoidance of doubt, (i) any liability arising from the use
                    of the Avecia name as contemplated by Clause 13.7 and (ii)
                    any such Liability which is or is deemed to be or becomes
                    a Liability of a member of the Vendors' Group by virtue of
                    any applicable law, other than a Liability for which the
                    Principal Vendor would be obliged to indemnify the
                    Purchaser pursuant to the Tax Deed;

          2.4.2.    any Liability incurred by a Target Company on its own
                    behalf which is or is deemed to be or becomes a Liability
                    of any member of the Vendors' Group by virtue of
                    applicable law, other than a Liability for which the
                    Principal Vendor would be obliged to indemnify the
                    Purchaser pursuant to the Tax Deed;

          2.4.3.    any other Liability to the extent it has been provided
                    for, included as a Liability or reduced the value of an
                    asset in the Completion Working Capital Statement; and

          2.4.4.    any Losses which the Vendors may suffer by reason of the
                    Vendors taking any reasonable action to avoid, resist or
                    defend against any Liability referred to in Clause 2.4.1,
                    2.4.2 or 2.4.3.

2.5.      The Purchaser shall be entitled to nominate by notice in writing to
          the Principal Vendor at any time up to the date falling 20 days
          after the date of this Agreement, one or more Local Purchasers
          (being in each case a wholly-owned member of the Purchaser's Group
          whose obligation to any Vendor under any Local Agreement or other
          Ancillary Agreement shall be guaranteed by the Purchaser in the
          terms set out in Clause 14) to purchase any of the relevant Shares
          or Business Assets (and assume the relevant Business Liabilities)
          provided that (i) the status or location of incorporation of any
          such Local Purchaser does not necessitate further conditions to
          completion other than those set out in Clause 3 and (ii) any such
          nomination shall not increase any Liability of any member of the
          Vendors' Group under this Agreement or restrict any of the rights of
          any member of the Vendors' Group under this Agreement.

2.6.      The Principal Vendor and the Purchaser shall after the date of this
          Agreement continue to negotiate in good faith and investigate a
          possible alternative structure in relation to the sale of the Target
          Business of Avecia Comercial e Importada Limitada (by which such
          Target Business would be transferred to a new company and the shares
          in such new company sold to the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser at
          Completion). If it is reasonably practicable to give effect to such
          alternative structure without delaying Completion and without
          otherwise prejudicing the parties, the Purchaser and the Principal
          Vendor shall in good


          faith seek to agree changes to this Agreement to give effect to such
          alternative structure.



3.1.      Completion is conditional upon satisfaction (or, with respect to the
          conditions described in Clauses 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, waiver by the
          Purchaser and the Principal Vendor together or, with respect to the
          conditions described in Clause 3.1.3, 3.1.4 and 3.1.5, waiver by the
          Purchaser) of the following conditions, or their satisfaction
          subject only to Completion:

          3.1.1.    any applicable waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
                    Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR
                    Act"), relating to the proposed acquisition of the
                    Operations has expired or been terminated provided always

                    (a)       the US Business Vendor and the Purchaser or the
                              relevant Local Purchaser shall each make, on the
                              first Business Day after the date of this
                              Agreement, an appropriate filing of notification
                              and report form pursuant to the HSR Act in
                              relation to the proposed acquisition of the

                    (b)       the US Business Vendor and the Purchaser or the
                              relevant Local Purchaser shall each supply
                              promptly any additional information and
                              documentary material that may be requested by
                              any United States antitrust authority pursuant
                              to the HSR Act (including, for the avoidance of
                              doubt, upon a "second request" being made); and

                    (c)       the Principal Vendor, the Purchaser and the
                              relevant Local Purchaser shall use all
                              commercially reasonable endeavours to eliminate
                              each and every impediment that may be asserted
                              under any United States Federal or state
                              statute, law, ordinance, rule or regulation by
                              any government, governmental, supranational or
                              trade agency, court or regulatory body or any
                              other party so as to enable the parties to
                              complete expeditiously the proposed acquisition
                              of the Operations (provided that the Purchaser
                              and such Local Purchaser shall not be obliged to
                              negotiate, commit to and/or effect, by consent
                              decree, hold separate order or otherwise, the
                              sale or disposition of any portion of the
                              Operations or any portion of the business or
                              assets of the Purchaser or any member of the
                              Purchaser's Group in order to avoid the entry
                              of, or to effect the dissolution of, any
                              injunction, temporary restraining order or other
                              order in any suit or proceeding that would
                              otherwise have the effect of delaying or
                              preventing the consummation of the Purchaser's
                              or the relevant Local Purchaser's acquisition of
                              the Operations);

          3.1.2.    no applicable law or injunction enacted, entered,
                    promulgated, enforced or issued by any government,
                    governmental, supranational or trade


                    agency, court or regulatory body or other legal restraint
                    or prohibition preventing the proposed acquisition of any
                    portion of the Operations shall be in effect;

          3.1.3.    no action, suit or proceedings being (i) pending before
                    any court or (ii) threatened by any government,
                    governmental authority, supranational or trade agency or
                    regulatory body which:

                    (a)       seeks to restrain, prohibit or otherwise
                              challenge the proposed acquisition of any
                              portion of the Operations or any other material
                              transaction contemplated by the Ancillary
                              Agreements; or

                    (b)       seeks to obtain from the Purchaser or any member
                              of the Purchaser's Group damages in connection
                              with the acquisition of any portion of the
                              Operations as the result of or by reference to
                              any breach of any obligation entered into by a
                              member of the Vendors' Group;

          3.1.4.    no action, suit or proceedings having been brought or
                    threatened by any government, governmental authority,
                    supranational or trade agency or regulatory body (i)
                    seeking to prohibit or limit the ownership or operation by
                    the Purchaser or any member of the Purchaser's Group of
                    any portion of the Operations or any portion of the
                    business and assets of the Purchaser or any member of the
                    Purchaser's Group, or (ii) seeking to compel the Purchaser
                    or any member of the Purchaser's Group to dispose of or
                    hold separate any portion of the Operations or any portion
                    of the business or assets of the Purchaser or any member
                    of the Purchaser's Group, in each case as a result of the
                    proposed acquisition of any portion of the Operations or
                    any other material transaction contemplated by the
                    Ancillary Agreements; and

          3.1.5.    the consents described in the document in the Agreed Form
                    AF15D shall have been obtained.


3.2.      The Principal Vendor and the Purchaser hereby undertake (i) not to
          take (and the Principal Vendor shall procure that no member of the
          Vendors' Group shall take and the Purchaser shall procure that no
          member of the Purchaser's Group shall take) any action that would
          reasonably be expected to result in any of the conditions set out in
          Clause 3.1 or the Spanish Condition not being satisfied and (ii) at
          their own expense to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the
          satisfaction of the conditions set out in Clause 3.1 (save as
          provided therein) and the Spanish Condition and the parties shall
          each bear their own respective filing fees and other costs incurred
          in relation to any anti-trust or similar filing required to be made
          in any jurisdiction in connection with the acquisition of the
          Operations by the Purchaser's Group. Without prejudice to the
          foregoing, it is agreed that the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor
          shall promptly notify each other of all requests and enquiries from
          any government, governmental, supranational or trade agency, court
          or regulatory body and those requests and enquiries shall be dealt
          with by the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser in


          consultation with each other and the Principal Vendor and the
          Purchaser shall promptly co-operate with and provide all necessary
          information and assistance reasonably required by such government,
          agency, court or body upon being requested to do so by the other.


3.3.      Each of the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor shall give notice to
          the other of the satisfaction of the Condition Precedent set out in
          Clause 3.1.1 or 3.1.5 promptly upon becoming aware of the same.


3.4.      If the conditions in Clause 3.1 are not satisfied or waived on or
          before the Long Stop Date otherwise than as a result of a breach by
          a party of its obligations under Clause 3.1 or Clause 3.2 this
          Agreement shall lapse and no party shall have any claim against any
          other under it. If the Conditions in Clause 3.1 are not satisfied or
          waived on or before the Long Stop Date as a result of a breach by a
          party of its obligations under Clause 3.1 or Clause 3.2 then the
          party not in breach of such obligations shall be entitled by notice
          in writing to the other to terminate this Agreement without
          prejudice to any claim arising from breach of the undertakings
          contained in Clauses 3.1 and 3.2.


3.5.      If at any time after the date of this Agreement and before

          3.5.1.    a Material Breach of Undertaking occurs;

          3.5.2.    a Material Breach of Warranty occurs;

          3.5.3.    a Material Adverse Change occurs; or

          3.5.4.    any of the conditions set out in Clause 3.1 shall have
                    become incapable of fulfilment on or before the Long Stop
                    Date otherwise than as a result of a breach by the
                    Purchaser of its obligations under Clause 3.1 or Clause
                    3.2 and shall not have been waived by the applicable party
                    or parties as set out in Clause 3.1,

          the Purchaser shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of
          Clauses 3.7 to 3.15, to terminate this Agreement before Completion,
          by notice in writing to the Principal Vendor, without liability on
          its part. If the Purchaser duly exercises its right of termination
          hereunder it shall have no claim against any Vendor except as set
          out in Clause 3.13 or Clause 3.14 (as appropriate). If the
          Purchaser, having received notice of the relevant facts or matters
          in accordance with Clause 5.4.4 and in the knowledge of its right to
          terminate this Agreement as described in paragraph (ii)(B) of the
          definition of the term "Material Breach of Warranty", elects not to
          so terminate this Agreement (other than in respect of a breach
          arising from facts or matters within the reasonable control of the
          Vendors' Group), it shall thereafter have no claim against the
          Principal Vendor in respect of the facts and circumstances giving
          rise to such Material Breach of Warranty.


3.6.      If at any time after the date of this Agreement and before
          Completion any of the conditions set out in Clause 3.1 shall have
          become incapable of fulfilment on or before the Long Stop Date
          otherwise than as a result of a breach by the Principal Vendor of
          its obligations under Clause 3.1 or Clause 3.2 and shall not have
          been waived by the applicable party or parties as set out in Clause
          3.1, the Principal Vendor shall be entitled, subject to the
          provisions of Clauses 3.7 to 3.15, to terminate this Agreement
          before Completion, by notice in writing to the Purchaser, without
          liability on its part. If the Principal Vendor duly exercises its
          right of termination hereunder, it shall have no claim against the
          Purchaser or any Local Purchaser except as set out in Clause 3.14.

3.7.      If the Purchaser wishes to terminate this Agreement in accordance
          with Clause 3.5 or the Principal Vendor wishes to terminate this
          Agreement in accordance with Clause 3.6, the terminating party shall
          forthwith give notice of its intention to do so (a "Termination
          Notice") to the other by facsimile or by personal delivery in
          accordance with Clause 19.20.

3.8.      If the Purchaser serves a Termination Notice in accordance with
          Clause 3.7 alleging that a Material Breach of Undertaking, Material
          Breach of Warranty or Material Adverse Change has occurred, the
          Principal Vendor may contest the validity of the Purchaser's right
          to terminate by giving notice in writing to the Purchaser not later
          than 5 pm on the date being three Business Days after the date of
          receipt of such Termination Notice.

3.9.      If the Principal Vendor gives valid notice to the Purchaser under
          Clause 3.8, in respect of an alleged Material Breach of Undertaking
          or Material Breach of Warranty then the parties shall seek the
          advice of a leading commercial Queens Counsel (the "Legal Expert").
          If the parties cannot agree on the Legal Expert within two Business
          Days of the valid service by the Principal Vendor of a notice under
          Clause 3.8, the Legal Expert shall be chosen by lot. The Legal
          Expert shall give due weight to any representations put forward by
          either party received by him and shall as a matter of urgency (and
          in any event no later than three Business Days after the date of
          appointment) advise the parties in writing if in his opinion, on the
          basis of the information available, a Material Breach of Undertaking
          or Material Breach of Warranty has occurred. If the Legal Expert's
          opinion is that a Material Breach of Undertaking or Material Breach
          of Warranty has occurred or if no opinion is issued by the Legal
          Expert on or before the Long Stop Date, then the Purchaser shall not
          be obliged to proceed to complete this Agreement. If the Legal
          Expert opines on or before the Long Stop Date that no such Material
          Breach of Undertaking or Material Breach of Warranty has occurred,
          then the parties shall complete this Agreement in accordance with
          its terms.

3.10.     If the Principal Vendor gives valid notice to the Purchaser under
          Clause 3.8 in respect of an alleged Material Adverse Change, then
          the parties shall seek the advise of a senior investment banker in
          London of an investment bank of international standing (not being
          Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan) (the "IB Expert"). If the parties cannot
          agree on the IB Expert within two Business Days of the valid service
          by the Principal Vendor of a notice under Clause 3.12, the IB Expert
          shall be chosen by lot. The IB Expert shall give due weight to any
          representation put forward by either party received by him and shall
          as a


          matter of urgency (and in any event no later than three Business
          Days after the date of appointment) advise the parties in writing if
          in his opinion a Material Adverse Change has occurred. If the IB
          Expert's opinion is that a Material Adverse Change has occurred or
          if no opinion is issued by the IB Expert on or before the Long Stop
          Date, then the Purchaser shall not be obliged to proceed to complete
          this Agreement. If the IB Expert opines on or before the Long Stop
          Date that no such Material Adverse Change has occurred then the
          parties shall complete this Agreement in accordance with its terms.

3.11.     In giving such advice the Legal Expert and the IB Expert shall each
          act as an expert and not as an arbitrator. His or her fees shall be
          payable by the unsuccessful party.

3.12.     If the Purchaser serves a Termination Notice in respect of a
          Material Breach of Undertaking, a Material Breach of Warranty or
          Material Adverse Change and the validity of such Termination Notice
          has not been resolved on or before the date falling five Business
          Days before the date on which Completion would otherwise be due to
          occur under Clause 6.1, then the date on which Completion shall
          occur shall be the date falling five Business Days after such
          validity has been resolved. This Clause is subject to Clauses 3.9
          and 3.10 where the Legal Expert or IB Expert (as appropriate) has
          not issued an opinion on or before the Long Stop Date.


3.13.     If the Purchaser validly terminates this Agreement in accordance
          with Clause 3.5.1 (Material Breach of Undertaking), Clause 3.5.2
          (Material Breach of Warranty) (but only in respect of a Material
          Breach of Warranty falling within paragraph (i) or (ii)(A) of the
          definition of that term or a Material Breach of Warranty falling
          within paragraph (ii)(B) of such definition arising by reason of
          facts or matters within the reasonable control of the Vendors'
          Group), or Clause 3.5.3 (Material Adverse Change) (but only in
          respect of a Material Adverse Change arising by reason of facts or
          matters within the reasonable control of the Vendors' Group) then
          (i) the Principal Vendor shall pay to the Purchaser an amount equal
          to all reasonable professional fees and out of pocket expenses (but
          excluding any financing arrangement or commitment fees) together
          with any amounts in respect of irrecoverable VAT on such fees and
          expenses incurred by each member of the Purchaser's Group directly
          in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
          up to a maximum of US$2,500,000 and (ii) this Agreement shall lapse
          without obligation or liability on the part of any party to this
          Agreement except for any liability for any wilful breach by the
          Principal Vendor of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3.14.     If the Purchaser validly terminates this Agreement in accordance
          with Clause 3.5.2 (Material Breach of Warranty) or 3.5.3 (Material
          Adverse Change) (in each case except as provided for in Clause 3.13)
          or 3.5.4 (conditions incapable of fulfilment) or the Principal
          Vendor validly terminates this Agreement in accordance with Clause
          3.6 (conditions incapable of fulfilment), then this Agreement shall
          lapse without obligation or liability on the part of any party to
          this Agreement except for any liability for any prior breach by such
          party of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Nothing in this
          Clause shall be


          deemed to impair the right of any party to compel specific
          performance by any other party of its obligations under this

3.15.     The provisions of Clauses 18.3 and 18.5 (and Clause 18.6 insofar as
          such Clause relates to Clauses 18.3 and 18.5) relating to
          confidentiality and the provisions of Clause 17 relating to certain
          costs shall survive any termination of this Agreement.



4.1.      Subject to Clauses 4.3 to 4.8, the aggregate consideration for the
          purchase of the Operations (by way of acquisition of the Shares and
          the Business Assets and the Target Businesses) shall (in addition to
          the assumption of the Business Liabilities) be:

          4.1.1.    the payment of US$200,258,000 (being US$200,000,000 (i)
                    minus the aggregate of the Estimated Intra-Group
                    Indebtedness and the Estimated Third Party Indebtedness
                    and (ii) plus the Estimated Cash);

          4.1.2.    the issue of the Consideration Shares; and

          4.1.3.    the payment of the Deferred Consideration (as defined in
                    Part 5 of Schedule 3), if any.

          The relevant amounts of the Purchase Price (other than the Deferred
          Consideration, the Delayed Consideration Shares and, if the New
          Castle Release Condition is not satisfied on or prior to the
          Completion Date, the New Castle Consideration Shares) and Estimated
          Intra-Group Indebtedness shall be discharged at Completion in
          accordance with Schedule 9. The issue of the New Castle
          Consideration Shares (if not issued at Completion), the Delayed
          Consideration Shares, if any, the Spanish Consideration Shares (if a
          Delayed Completion is required under Clause 4.23) and the payment of
          the Deferred Consideration, if any, shall occur in accordance with
          the relevant provisions of this Clause 4.

4.2.      The Principal Vendor is authorised to receive the Purchase Price on
          behalf of the other Vendors and payment to the Principal Vendor (or
          as it may direct) shall constitute an absolute discharge for the


4.3.      If the Intra-Group Indebtedness Statement shows that the relevant
          Intra-Group Indebtedness exceeds the relevant Estimated Intra-Group
          Indebtedness, then on the Settlement Date the Principal Vendor shall
          pay to the Purchaser an amount equal to such excess by way of
          reduction in the cash component of the Purchase Price; and the
          Purchaser shall (on behalf of the relevant Target Company) pay to
          the Principal Vendor (on behalf of the relevant member of the
          Vendors' Group) an equal amount by way of satisfaction of such
          additional Intra-Group Indebtedness.


4.4.      If the Intra-Group Indebtedness Statement shows that the Estimated
          Intra-Group Indebtedness exceeds the Intra-Group Indebtedness, then
          on the Settlement Date:

          4.4.1.    the Purchaser shall pay to the Principal Vendor an amount
                    equal to such excess by way of increase in the cash
                    component of the Purchase Price; and

          4.4.2.    the Principal Vendor shall (on behalf of the relevant
                    member of the Vendors' Group) repay to the Purchaser on
                    behalf of the relevant Target Company an equal amount by
                    way of repayment of the excess amount paid by or on behalf
                    of the relevant Target Company on account of the
                    Intra-Group Indebtedness at Completion.

4.5.      If the Completion Working Capital and/or Target Companies Cash is
          less than the Base Working Capital or Estimated Cash respectively,
          the Principal Vendor shall on the Settlement Date pay to the
          Purchaser an amount equal to such shortfall (or, if there is a
          shortfall on both, the aggregate of them) by way of reduction in the
          cash component of the Purchase Price.

4.6.      If the Completion Working Capital and/or Target Companies Cash
          exceeds the Base Working Capital or Estimated Cash respectively, the
          Purchaser shall on the Settlement Date pay to the Principal Vendor
          an amount equal to such excess (or if there is a excess on both, the
          aggregate of them) by way of increase in the cash component of the
          Purchase Price.

4.7.      If the Third Party Indebtedness exceeds the Estimated Third Party
          Indebtedness, the Principal Vendor shall on the Settlement Date pay
          to the Purchaser an amount equal to the excess by way of reduction
          in the cash component of the Purchase Price.

4.8.      If the Third Party Indebtedness is less than the relevant Estimated
          Third Party Indebtedness, the Purchaser shall on the Settlement Date
          pay to the Principal Vendor an amount equal to the shortfall by way
          of increase in the cash component of the Purchase Price.

4.9.      The provisions of Schedule 3 shall apply in relation to the
          preparation and agreement (or determination) of the Actual
          Cash/Indebtedness Statement and the Completion Working Capital

4.10.     The Purchaser and the Principal Vendor shall off-set amounts due
          between them under Clauses 4.3 to 4.8 and under Clause 2.2.2 or
          Clause 2.2.3 so as to result in a single net payment being made in
          relation to Completion. Such off-set does not relieve the Principal
          Vendor (where it would have received a payment on behalf of another
          member of the Vendors' Group) or the Purchaser (where it would have
          received a payment on behalf of a Target Company) of its obligation
          to account to such member of the Vendors' Group or the relevant
          Target Company for the sum in question.



4.11.   The provisions of Part 5 of Schedule 3 shall apply in relation to (and
        certain capitalised terms used in this Clause 4.11, and Clauses 4.12
        and 4.13 are defined in Part 5 of Schedule 3):

        4.11.1. the determination of the Product Deferred Consideration and
                Effects Deferred Consideration;

        4.11.2. certain warranties and undertakings by the Principal Vendor
                regarding the conduct of the Operations between 1st January
                2004 and Completion insofar as such conduct may affect the
                Deferred Consideration; and

        4.11.3. certain undertakings by the Purchaser regarding the conduct of
                the Operations during the Earn-Out Period insofar as such
                conduct may affect the Deferred Consideration.

4.12.   The Purchaser shall on each Product Deferred Consideration Payment
        Date pay to the Principal Vendor an amount equal to the Product
        Interim Deferred Consideration or the Product Final Deferred
        Consideration as applicable, payable on such date.

4.13.   The Purchaser shall on each Effects Deferred Consideration Payment
        Date pay to the Principal Vendor an amount equal to the Effects Interim
        Deferred Consideration or the Effects Final Deferred Consideration, as
        applicable, payable on such date.


4.14.   After Completion and until the date on which the Adjusted Transfer
        Value (as defined in Part 2 of Schedule 8) is agreed or determined,
        the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser shall co-operate to perform the
        calculations and all other actions contemplated by Part 2 of Schedule
        8 in order to determine the Pension Deficit Reduction Adjustment
        Amount and enable the issuance of the Delayed Consideration Shares, if
        any, by the Purchaser.


4.15.   So long as applicable, each certificate representing any portion of
        the Consideration Shares shall be stamped or otherwise imprinted with
        a legend in the following form (in addition to any legend required
        under applicable U.S. state securities laws):



        After the above requirement for a legend is no longer applicable
        because the Consideration Shares are freely transferable under the
        Securities Act, the Purchaser shall remove such legend upon request
        from a holder of such Consideration Shares, if outside counsel for
        such holder reasonably determines that the transfer of such
        Consideration Shares is no longer restricted by the Securities Act and
        (i) outside counsel for the Purchaser reasonably concurs in such
        determination or (ii) at such holder's option such holder's outside
        counsel provides an opinion addressed to the Purchaser in form and
        substance satisfactory to the Purchaser to the effect that the
        transfer of the Consideration Shares is no longer restricted by the
        Securities Act.


4.16.   The Principal Vendor or any member of the Vendors' Group which from
        time to time holds the Consideration Shares shall, after the issue of
        any Consideration Shares in accordance with this Clause 4, be entitled
        to the registration rights with respect to such Consideration Shares
        set out in Clause 9.


4.17.   No later than the Delayed Share Issue Date, the Purchaser shall
        deliver to the US Business Vendor a certificate or certificates
        representing the Delayed Consideration Shares, if any, which shall be
        in definitive form and registered in the name of the US Business
        Vendor and in a single certificate or in such denominations as the US
        Business Vendor shall request not later than the fifth Business Day
        after the Pension Transfer Determination Date.


4.18.   All payments under this Clause shall (unless the parties agree
        otherwise or the recipient notifies by at least five Business Days'
        prior notice a suitable alternative bank account) be paid by
        electronic transfer of cleared funds for same day value to:

        4.18.1. in the case of the Principal Vendor, the Principal Vendor's
                Bank Account; and

        4.18.2. in the case of the Purchaser, the bank account of the
                Purchaser in the US notified by the Purchaser to the Principal
                Vendor at least five Business Days before the first payment is
                to be made to the Purchaser.

4.19.   All payments made under Clauses 4.3 to 4.8 shall bear interest from
        the Completion Date to the date of actual payment at the Interest


4.20.   The parties have agreed a provisional allocation of the Purchase Price
        which is as shown by the Transaction Breakdown. As soon as practicable
        after all adjustments required to be made under this Clause 4 have
        been determined, the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser shall seek to
        agree (i) a revised allocation of the Purchase Price by allocating
        each adjustment to the Business


        Assets or Shares to which it most closely relates and (ii) an
        allocation of the Purchase Price among individual asset categories
        within each jurisdiction on an equitable basis. If they are unable to
        do so within 30 days of the Settlement Date, either party may refer
        the matter for determination to an independent expert and the
        provisions of paragraphs 5 to 11 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 shall (with
        such modifications as may be necessary) apply to such determination.
        The parties agree to adopt the allocation agreed by them or determined
        by the independent expert for all Taxation purposes and shall within
        30 days of such agreement or determination execute a document between
        them adopting such allocation.

4.21.   The parties agree that any changes, pursuant to Clause 4.20 above, to
        be made to the provisional allocation set out in the Transaction

        4.21.1. will reflect only the underlying differences between the
                Intra-Group Indebtedness, Third Party Indebtedness, Completion
                Working Capital and Target Companies Cash as compared with the
                Estimated Intra-Group Indebtedness, Estimated Third Party
                Indebtedness, Base Working Capital and Estimated Cash; and

        4.21.2. will adopt the same methodology and practices as were used in
                preparing such provisional allocation.

        If the aggregate amount of the Deferred Consideration payable to the
        Principal Vendor is different from that assumed by the Transaction
        Breakdown, the difference will be allocated wholly as to goodwill in
        the United Kingdom. If the aggregate amount of Consideration Shares
        issued to the Principal Vendor or its nominee or designee is different
        from that assumed by the Transaction Breakdown, the difference will be
        allocated wholly to goodwill in the United States.

4.22.   If any further payment (other than interest under Clause 19.17) is
        made by a party to another party under this Agreement (whether as
        damages for breach or under an indemnity or covenant to pay or as
        Deferred Consideration), such payment shall so far as possible be made
        by way of further adjustment to the Purchase Price and such further
        adjustment shall be allocated as the parties may agree (or as
        determined by an independent expert) on the same basis as is set out
        in Clause 4.20 and Clause 4.21.


4.23.   The parties agree that in the event that prior to the Completion Date:

        4.23.1. clearance from the Spanish Servicio de Defensa de la
                Competencia (the "Spanish Authority") is not obtained; and

        4.23.2. a waiver from suspension by the Spanish Authority is not

        (the satisfaction of Clause 4.23.1 or 4.23.2, the "Spanish
        Condition"), all references in this Agreement to "Completion" shall be
        deemed to exclude the transfer of any Business Assets and any portion
        of the Target Businesses, and the assumption


        of any Business Liabilities, attributable primarily to the Operations
        located in Spain or otherwise constituting the Operations in Spain
        (together, the "Spanish Operations"). In such event, Completion shall
        occur on the Completion Date as otherwise contemplated by this
        Agreement, except that:

        4.23.3. the number of Completion Consideration Shares issuable at
                Completion under Clause 4.1.2 shall be reduced by the number
                of Spanish Consideration Shares; and

        4.23.4. a delayed completion (the "Delayed Completion") shall take
                place at the offices of the Vendors' Solicitors on the date
                which is five Business Days after the date on which the
                Spanish Condition is satisfied, or at such other place or date
                as may be agreed in writing between the Purchaser and the
                Principal Vendor (such date, the "Delayed Completion Date").

4.24.   In the event that a Delayed Completion is required under Clause 4.23,
        for purposes of determining the amount payable under Clause 4.5 or
        Clause 4.6, as applicable, the Base Working Capital shall exclude the
        Base Spanish Working Capital and the Completion Working Capital shall
        exclude the Completion Spanish Working Capital. The provisions of
        Schedule 3 shall apply to the determination of the Completion Spanish
        Working Capital Statement, mutatis mutandis.

4.25.   On the Delayed Completion Date, the Purchaser shall deliver to the US
        Business Vendor a certificate or certificates representing the Spanish
        Consideration Shares, which shall be in definitive form and registered
        in the name of the US Business Vendor and in a single certificate or
        in such other denominations as the US Business Vendor shall request
        not later than five Business Days prior to the Delayed Completion

4.26.   If the Completion Spanish Working Capital is less than the Base
        Spanish Working Capital, the Principal Vendor shall on the Spanish
        Settlement Date pay to the Purchaser an amount equal to such shortfall
        by way of reduction in the cash component of the Purchase Price.

4.27.     If the Completion Spanish Working Capital exceeds the Base Spanish
          Working Capital, the Purchaser shall on the Spanish Settlement Date
          pay to the Principal Vendor an amount equal to such excess by way of
          increase in the cash component of the Purchase Price.

4.28.   In the event that a Delayed Completion is required under Clause 4.23:

        4.28.1. during the period between the Completion Date and the Delayed
                Completion Date, the Principal Vendor shall and, so far as it
                is able to do so, shall procure that the Business Vendors in
                relation to the Spanish Operations shall, allow the Purchaser
                and its agents access pursuant to Clause 5.1 as though all
                references therein to the Operations were references to the
                Spanish Operations, and shall and, so far as it is able to do
                so, procure that the Business Vendors in relation to the
                Spanish Operations shall, comply with Clause 5.2 as though all
                references therein to Operations were references to the
                Spanish Operations and all


                references therein to Business Assets (or components thereof)
                were references to Business Assets of the Spanish Operations;
                provided that the Principal Vendor shall not be liable to the
                Purchaser for breach of this Clause 4.28.1 between the
                Completion Date and the Delayed Completion Date if and to the
                extent the breach arose from:

                (a)     the failure by the Purchaser or a member of the
                        Purchaser's Group to manage the Operations sold at
                        Completion (the "Sold Operations") in a manner
                        consistent with Clause 4.28.4;

                (b)     any act or omission of any member of the management of
                        the Sold Operations taken after the Completion Date
                        with respect to the Sold Operations;

                (c)     any member of the management of the Spanish Operations
                        complying with an instruction given by management of
                        the Sold Operations after the Completion Date; or

                (d)     any member of the management of the Spanish Operations
                        disregarding any specific instruction of the Principal
                        Vendor as a result of complying with a specific
                        instruction given by management of the Sold Operations
                        or the Purchaser's Group after the Completion Date;

        4.28.2. the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser will enter into the Supply
                and Distribution Agreement identified as Agreed Form AF15E
                (the "Spanish Distribution Agreement") on the Completion Date;

        4.28.3. the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser will agree upon and put
                in place such financial controls and procedures to ensure that
                the assets, liabilities and operations of the Spanish
                Operations are identifiable;

        4.28.4. the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor shall procure that any
                management services or management support which are required
                for the carrying on of the business of the Spanish Operations
                or the Sold Operations in the manner in which such business
                was carried on immediately prior to Completion and which
                immediately before Completion were provided by the Sold
                Operations or the Spanish Operations is provided on the same
                basis and at the same cost (if any) as immediately prior to

        4.28.5. in respect of any Intellectual Property which has been sold at
                Completion to the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser or is held by
                a Target Company sold at Completion and is required by the
                Spanish Operations in order to carry on the business of the
                Spanish Operations in the manner in which the Spanish
                Operations carried on its business immediately prior to
                Completion, the Purchaser shall make available or shall
                procure that such Intellectual Property is made available to
                the Spanish Operations (whether by way of licence or
                otherwise) on the same terms and at the same cost (if any) as
                such Intellectual Property was made available immediately
                prior to Completion; and


        4.28.6. subject to Clause 13.15, in respect of any Intellectual
                Property, except for the Excluded IP, of the Spanish
                Operations that is required by any of the Sold Operations in
                order to carry on the business of the Sold Operations in the
                manner in which the Sold Operations carried on its business
                immediately prior to Completion, the Principal Vendor shall
                make available or shall procure that such Intellectual
                Property is made available to the Sold Operations (whether by
                way of licence or otherwise) on the same terms and at the same
                cost (if any) as such Intellectual Property was made available
                immediately prior to Completion.

4.29.   If the Spanish Condition is not satisfied on or before the Second Long
        Stop Date, or if the Spanish Condition shall have become incapable of
        fulfilment, then:

        4.29.1. the Spanish Operations shall not be sold hereunder and the
                terms of this Agreement (other than Clause 3.15) and any Local
                Agreement relating to the Spanish Operations shall cease to
                apply with respect to the Spanish Operations and neither party
                shall have a claim (whether under the Warranties or otherwise)
                against the other in relation to the Spanish Operations; and

        4.29.2. the Purchaser shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to

                (a)     issue the Spanish Consideration Shares to the US
                        Business Vendor as contemplated by Clause 4.25, in
                        which case the Spanish Distribution Agreement shall
                        automatically be extended and continue in effect until
                        the tenth anniversary of the Completion Date; or

                (b)     terminate the Spanish Distribution Agreement, in which
                        case the Purchaser shall pay to the UK Business Vendor
                        an amount equal to 50% of the Cumulative Gross
                        (Variable) Margins earned by the Purchaser under the
                        Spanish Distribution Agreement from the Completion
                        Date to the date of such termination.


4.30.   If the New Castle Release Condition is not satisfied on or before the
        Completion Date but, subject to Clause 4.31, is subsequently
        satisfied, the Purchaser shall within ten Business days of such

        4.30.1. deliver to the US Business Vendor a certificate or
                certificates representing the New Castle Consideration Shares,
                which shall be in definitive form and registered in the name
                of the US Business Vendor and in a single certificate or in
                such denominations as the US Business Vendor shall request not
                later than five Business Days prior to such delivery; and

        4.30.2. pay to the US Business Vendor an amount equal to any dividends
                or other sums which would have been received by the US
                Business Vendor


                in respect of the New Castle Consideration Shares had they
                been issued to it on the Completion Date.

4.31.   If:

        4.31.1. at any time after the date falling two years after the
                Completion Date the New Castle Release Condition has not been
                satisfied and written notice of termination of the New Castle
                Release Condition is delivered by either of the Principal
                Vendor or the Purchaser to the other; or

        4.31.2. the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor, acting reasonably,
                mutually agree in writing at any time prior to the end of such
                two year period that the New Castle Release Condition will not
                be satisfied before such date,


        4.31.3. as at the date of such notice or written agreement the
                Purchaser shall be released from its obligation to issue the
                New Castle Consideration Shares and the Principal Vendor and
                the US Business Vendor shall be released from any obligation
                under this Agreement or the New Castle Lab Lease to seek the
                satisfaction of the New Castle Release Condition;

        4.31.4. the New Castle Lab Lease shall automatically terminate on the
                date which is six months after the date of such notice or
                written agreement (the "Lab Lease Termination Date"); and

        4.31.5. the US Business Vendor and the Purchaser or the relevant Local
                Purchaser shall negotiate in good faith a fair market rent to
                be paid to the US Business Vendor in respect of the period of
                occupation of the New Castle Lab Property by the Purchaser or
                the relevant Local Purchaser between the Completion Date and
                the Lab Lease Termination Date. If the parties cannot agree on
                a fair market rent for such period of occupation, the matter
                shall be submitted for arbitration as provided in section
                11.07 of the New Castle Lab Lease.


5.1.    The Principal Vendor undertakes to procure that, pending Completion
        the Business Vendors in relation to the Operations and the Target
        Companies shall, subject to their right to refuse access on the
        grounds that access would be contrary to any applicable laws or
        regulations, allow the Purchaser and its agents such access during
        normal working hours to the books and records of or relating in whole
        or in part to the Operations which are in the possession or otherwise
        under the control of the Vendors' Group as the Purchaser may
        reasonably request (upon reasonable notice in writing to the Principal
        Vendor at such times and at such locations as the Purchaser may
        reasonably request) in order to ensure the transfer of the management
        and operation of the Operations in their current form in a smooth and
        timely manner on and with effect from the Completion Date without
        undue or unnecessary interference or interruption. As soon as
        practicable after the date of this Agreement, the Principal Vendor
        shall procure that each relevant member of the Vendors'


          Group shall provide to the relevant members of the Purchaser's Group
          or any designated payroll processor of any member of the Purchaser's
          Group all Employee related data and information in possession or
          otherwise under the control of such member of the Vendors' Group
          that such members of the Purchaser's Group or any designated payroll
          processor of any member of the Purchaser's Group may require in
          order to process payroll in a timely manner as of Completion.

5.2.      During the period from the date of this Agreement to Completion the
          Principal Vendor shall procure that the Business Vendors in relation
          to the Operations and the Target Companies shall (unless the
          Purchaser otherwise provides prior written consent thereto) carry on
          the Operations as a going concern in the ordinary course consistent
          with past practice and use all reasonable endeavours to keep intact
          the Operations, keep available the services of the Senior Employees
          and preserve the relationship of the Operations with Employees,
          customers, suppliers, licensors, licensees, distributors,
          governmental authorities, regulatory bodies and others with whom the
          Operations deal, in each case subject to any restrictions on so
          doing imposed by this Agreement and the sale and purchase of the
          Operations. In addition (and without limiting the generality of the
          foregoing) except as expressly permitted or required by the terms of
          this Agreement during the period from the date of this Agreement to
          Completion, the Principal Vendor shall procure that the Business
          Vendors (in relation to the Operations) and the Target Companies
          shall not take any of the following actions (unless the Purchaser
          otherwise provides prior written consent:

          5.2.1.    adopt, enter into, terminate or amend any Employee Benefit
                    Arrangement (or any arrangement that would be an Employee
                    Benefit Arrangement if adopted) except as required by
                    applicable law;

          5.2.2.    adopt, enter into, terminate or materially amend (or renew
                    on materially different terms) any collective bargaining
                    agreement or trade union recognition agreement or other
                    contract or arrangement with any labour organisation,
                    union or association except in each case as required by
                    applicable law;

          5.2.3.    grant to any Employee any increase in remuneration or
                    benefits (including the payment of any bonus, the grant or
                    improvement of any severance pay entitlement and the
                    acceleration of the vesting or payment of any compensation
                    or benefit under any Employee Benefit Arrangement) except
                    (i) in the ordinary course of trading consistent with past
                    practice, (ii) as required under existing agreements or
                    (iii) for increases for which the Vendors' Group will be
                    solely liable;

          5.2.4.    incur or enter into any agreement or commitment involving
                    any capital expenditure above US$100,000 (exclusive of
                    VAT) per item;

          5.2.5.    incur, enter into or permit, allow or suffer the creation
                    of any Encumbrances over the Assets other than (i)
                    Permitted Encumbrances and (ii) Encumbrances (other than
                    any Encumbrances securing


                    Indebtedness) arising by operation of law or in the
                    ordinary course of trading;

          5.2.6.    in respect of the Target Companies, incur any Indebtedness
                    otherwise than on arm's length commercial terms and as is
                    reasonably necessary to meet working capital requirements
                    of the Operations in the ordinary course of business in
                    the aggregate amount of no more than US$150,000;

          5.2.7.    waive any claims or rights otherwise than in the ordinary
                    course of trading or, in respect of the Target Companies,
                    cancel any material Indebtedness (individually or in the

          5.2.8.    create, allot or issue or redeem, repurchase or repay any
                    share or loan capital of any Target Company or create any
                    right to call for the allotment, issue or transfer of any
                    share or loan capital of any Target Company;

          5.2.9.    amend or waive in any respect or terminate the Product
                    Contract (as defined in Part 5 of Schedule 3) or enter
                    into, terminate prematurely (or permit other than in
                    accordance with the terms thereof as in effect on the date
                    of this Agreement the premature termination of) or vary
                    materially the terms of any other Material Contract other
                    than any Material Contract subject to Clause 5.2.2;
                    provided that (i) amendments to Material Contracts falling
                    within paragraph 5.2.1(n) of Schedule 4 shall be permitted
                    if such amendments would not be restricted by Clause
                    5.2.14 and (ii) in respect of any Material Contract
                    referred to in paragraphs (k), (l), and (m) of paragraph
                    5.2.1 of Schedule 4 with respect to which the aggregate
                    future liability, payment or receipt is less than
                    US$500,000, the Purchaser's consent required by this
                    Clause 5.2 shall not be withheld or delayed unreasonably;

          5.2.10.   (in respect of the Target Companies only) declare, make or
                    pay any dividends, bonus issues or other distributions;

          5.2.11.   make payments or transfer or lease assets to any member of
                    Vendors' Group or (in respect of the Target Companies
                    only) assume, incur or indemnify any liability for the
                    benefit of any member of the Vendors' Group (in each case
                    other than in the ordinary course of trading consistent
                    with past practice on arm's length commercial terms);

          5.2.12.   (in respect of the Target Companies only) change any
                    accounting reference date, method of accounting or
                    accounting practice or policy, other than those required
                    by the generally accepted accounting principles applicable
                    to such Target Company;

          5.2.13.   dismiss or give notice of termination to any Senior
                    Employee (unless circumstances exist justifying summary
                    dismissal or termination for cause) nor transfer any
                    Senior Employee out of the Operations;

          5.2.14.   employ or hire any person at Grade 33 or above (or with a
                    basic annual salary in excess of US$75,000) nor vary the
                    terms of any existing employment contracts such that they
                    would fall within this sub-clause


                    unless such variation represents an increase in the
                    anticipated value of remuneration currently payable of 3%
                    or less (or, in the case of such events occurring more
                    than one month after the date of this Agreement, 3% plus
                    0.5% for every such completed month);

          5.2.15.   acquire or dispose of any business or activity as a going
                    concern or discontinue or cease to operate all or any
                    material part of the Operations;

          5.2.16.   sell, lease, assign, license or otherwise dispose of any
                    Assets (other than Business IP and Intellectual Property
                    owned by a Target Company, each of which is subject to
                    Clause 5.2.18) whether or not ascribed a value in the 2003
                    Accounts, or any interest in any such Asset, other than
                    (i) finished goods and other inventories in the ordinary
                    course of trading on arm's length commercial terms
                    consistent with past practice and (ii) disposals of assets
                    no longer necessary or desirable for the conduct or
                    development of the Operations:

                    (a)       made in the ordinary course of trading
                              consistent with past practice on arm's length
                              commercial terms;

                    (b)       having an individual book or fair value not
                              exceeding US$100,000; and

                    (c)       having an aggregate book or fair value not
                              exceeding US$250,000;

          5.2.17.   vary or permit to lapse or fail to renew their respective
                    policies of insurance which were in place immediately
                    prior to the date hereof;

          5.2.18.   sell, assign or otherwise dispose of, or grant any
                    licences or other rights to, the Business IP or any
                    Intellectual Property owned by a Target Company other

                    (a)       licences on arm's length commercial terms
                              consistent with past practice and in the
                              ordinary course of trading which provide for
                              payments by the licensee to accrue either by
                              reference to usage or to accrue evenly over the
                              term of the licence; or

                    (b)       licences to a Target Company;

          5.2.19.   enter into any lease of real property or material personal
                    property except renewals of existing leases in the
                    ordinary course of business and consistent with past

          5.2.20.   dispose of or agree to dispose of or grant or agree to
                    grant any option to acquire any Property or any interest

          5.2.21.   (in respect of the Target Companies and, to the extent
                    capable of affecting the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser,
                    the Business Vendor Avecia Comercial e Importada Limitada
                    only) make any election for Tax purposes or for the
                    purposes of any Tax Return or enter into any


                    agreement, arrangement or settlement with a Tax Authority,
                    other than any such election, agreement, arrangement or
                    settlement that is made in the ordinary course consistent
                    with past practice;

          5.2.22.   fail to take any necessary steps to obtain and maintain
                    any and all registrations, and applications for
                    registration of Business Intellectual Property and
                    Intellectual Property of the Target Companies including,
                    without limitation, paying all application, renewal and
                    official fees on or before the due date for payment; or

          5.2.23.   commit, agree to take or specifically authorise, whether
                    in writing or otherwise, any of the actions set out in
                    above in this Clause 5.2.

5.3.      As soon as available and in any event within 15 calendar days after
          the last day of each calendar month between the Accounts Date and
          Completion (other than the calendar month in which Completion occurs
          and except as previously delivered to the Purchaser), the Principal
          Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser the unaudited proforma
          financial statements of the Operations as at the last day of and for
          such calendar month and for the year 2004 to the last day of such
          calendar month, in each case prepared based on accounting practices
          and accounting principles consistent with monthly management
          accounts of the Operations produced during 2003.

5.4.      Each of the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor shall between the
          date of this Agreement and Completion promptly notify the other of
          and furnish to the other any information it may reasonably request
          with respect to:

          5.4.1.    any event or condition or the existence to the Purchaser's
                    or the Principal Vendor's awareness, as applicable, of any
                    fact that would cause any of the Conditions Precedent not
                    to be fulfilled;

          5.4.2.    any notice or other communication from any person alleging
                    that the consent of such person is or may be required in
                    connection with the transactions contemplated by this

          5.4.3.    any commencement of any litigation against such party in
                    respect of the transactions contemplated by this
                    Agreement; and

          5.4.4.    (i) it becoming aware of any facts or circumstances
                    indicating that any warranty in this Agreement was untrue
                    or inaccurate in any material respect on the date of this
                    Agreement or will be untrue or inaccurate in any material
                    respect at Completion or (ii) the failure of such party to
                    perform in any material respect any undertaking to be
                    performed by such party under this Agreement,

          provided that no such notification shall affect the warranties or
          undertakings of the parties or the Conditions Precedent under this

5.5.      Prior to Completion, the Principal Vendor shall cause the Vendors
          and the Target Companies to fulfil their legal obligations to inform
          and consult employee representatives about the sale and purchase of
          the Operations.


5.6.      During the period from the date of this Agreement to Completion, the
          Principal Vendor shall use commercially reasonable endeavours to
          obtain a written, recordable easement by and between ICI Uniqema
          Inc., as grantor, and the US Business Vendor, as grantee, granting
          to the US Business Vendor a non-exclusive right of vehicular and
          pedestrian ingress and egress across and through the area, including
          any roadways, between what is commonly known as the laboratory
          facility and the pool site located at New Castle, Delaware, USA.

5.7.      The Principal Vendor and the Purchaser shall before Completion agree
          the form of supply agreements to be entered into at Completion
          between the relevant Local Purchasers (as suppliers) and Avecia BV
          and NeoResins Inc. (as customers) on the same arm's length terms as
          are in place for the relevant supplies as at the date of this
          Agreement (it being acknowledged that such terms do not include any
          minimum period or commitment to purchase).


5.8.      The Purchaser shall be entitled to confirm before Completion the
          charges payable in relation to the document in the Agreed Form AF11A
          (the "Huddersfield Site Services Agreement") on the basis of actual
          costs for 2003 (indexed) in a manner consistent with the method
          previously used by such parties to produce and agree the 2003 budget
          costs as previously shown in the Huddersfield Site Services
          Agreement, but for the avoidance of doubt the form, categories of
          charges, the period of charge and the methodology of calculation
          used for the purpose of the 2003 budget costs as previously shown in
          the Huddersfield Site Services Agreement shall not be open to
          review. If the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor have not on or
          before the Completion Date agreed and confirmed any proposed changes
          to such charges as attached to the form of the Huddersfield Site
          Services Agreement as at the date of this Agreement:

          5.8.1.    either of them may refer the matter to an independent
                    expert for determination and the provisions of paragraphs
                    5 to 11 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 shall (with such
                    modifications as may be necessary) apply to such

          5.8.2.    from the Completion Date until such time as such charges
                    are agreed or determined, the charges based on 2003 actual
                    costs (indexed) set out in the current form of the
                    Huddersfield Site Services Agreement shall apply; and

          5.8.3.    the charges as agreed between the Purchaser and the
                    Principal Vendor or as determined shall be applied under
                    the Huddersfield Site Services Agreement with effect from
                    the Completion Date and the parties to the Huddersfield
                    Site Services Agreement shall make such further payment or
                    repayment of charges as is necessary to give effect to


6.1.      Subject to Clause 3 and subject as hereinafter provided, Completion
          shall take place at the offices of the Vendors' Solicitors on the


          Completion Date or at such other place or time as may be agreed in
          writing between the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor.

6.2.      On Completion, the parties will comply with their respective
          obligations set out in Schedule 9. Neither party (treating for this
          purpose the Vendors as a single party and the Purchaser and Local
          Purchasers as a single party) shall be obliged to proceed to
          Completion unless the other party is (save as set out below)
          simultaneously ready and able to proceed to Completion. Except as
          required by Clause 4.23, neither party shall be obliged to purchase
          or sell only some of the Shares or the Business Assets.

6.3.      If the provisions of Schedule 9 are not complied with by the
          Principal Vendor or the Vendors or the Purchaser or a Local
          Purchaser in all material respects by or on the date set for
          Completion, the Purchaser, in the case of non-compliance by any
          Vendor, or the Principal Vendor, in the case of non-compliance by
          the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser, shall be entitled (in addition
          to and without prejudice to all other rights or remedies available
          to it including any applicable right to terminate this Agreement in
          its entirety in accordance with Clauses 3.5 and 3.6 and the right to
          claim damages) by written notice to the Principal Vendor or, as the
          case may be, to the Purchaser served on such date:

          6.3.1.    to elect to terminate this Agreement;

          6.3.2.    to effect Completion so far as practicable having regard
                    to the defaults which have occurred; or

          6.3.3.    to fix a new date for Completion (not being less than
                    three nor more than ten Business Days after the agreed
                    date for Completion) in which case the provisions of
                    Schedule 9 shall apply to Completion as so deferred but
                    provided such deferral may only occur once unless
                    otherwise agreed in writing between the Principal Vendor
                    and the Purchaser.

6.4.      The Principal Vendor shall procure that the relevant Vendors, and
          the Purchaser shall enter into or shall procure that the relevant
          Local Purchasers, enter into the relevant Local Agreements at
          Completion. To the extent that the provisions of this Agreement are
          inconsistent with or additional to the provisions of any Local
          Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail and the
          Principal Vendor and the Purchaser shall procure that the provisions
          of the relevant Local Agreement are adjusted, so far as permissible
          under the laws of the relevant jurisdiction, to the extent necessary
          to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement and/or that the
          relevant Vendor and the Purchaser or the relevant Local Purchaser
          comply with the provisions of this Agreement as though they were
          bound by such provisions in place of the provisions of the relevant
          Local Agreement.

6.5.      If there is an adjustment to the Purchase Price (or the payments
          made on account of the Purchase Price at Completion) under Clause 4
          which is allocated to any part of the Shares, Business Assets or
          Business Liabilities which is the subject of a Local Agreement, the
          Principal Vendor and the Purchaser will procure that the parties to
          such Local Agreement enter into a supplemental agreement reflecting
          such adjustment, if appropriate.


6.6.      The Purchaser shall not, and shall procure that no Local Purchaser
          shall, bring any claim against a Vendor in respect of or based upon
          the Local Agreements (nor any warranties, representations or other
          obligations implied or imposed by law) save to the extent necessary
          to implement any legal transfer of shares or assets agreed to be
          sold hereunder in a manner consistent with the terms provided for by
          this Agreement. To the extent that the Purchaser or any relevant
          Local Purchaser does bring a claim (save as referred to above) the
          Purchaser shall indemnify the Vendors against all Losses which any
          Vendor may suffer through or arising from the bringing of such a
          claim against it.

6.7.      The Principal Vendor shall not, and shall procure that no Vendor
          shall, bring any claim against the Purchaser or any relevant Local
          Purchaser in respect of or based upon the Local Agreements (nor any
          warranties, representations or other obligations implied or imposed
          by law) save to the extent necessary to implement any legal transfer
          of shares or assets sold hereunder in a manner consistent with the
          terms provided for by this Agreement. To the extent that any Vendor
          does bring a claim (save as referred to above), the Principal Vendor
          shall indemnify the Purchaser and each relevant Local Purchaser
          against all Losses which it may suffer through or arising from the
          bringing of such a claim against it.


7.1.      In consideration of the Purchaser entering into this Agreement the
          Principal Vendor warrants on behalf of itself and the UK Business
          Vendor to the Purchaser on behalf of itself and each Local Purchaser
          (but on the basis that only the Purchaser shall be entitled to
          enforce the rights, if any, of the Local Purchasers on their behalf)
          that each of the Warranties is true and accurate as at the date of
          this Agreement (as qualified by the matters fairly disclosed in or
          by the Disclosure Letter) and each of the Warranties will be true
          and accurate (as so qualified) on the Completion Date and each of
          the Warranties set out in paragraph 21 of Schedule 4 shall be true
          and accurate on the date of issue of any Consideration Shares. The
          Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor acknowledge that the
          Purchaser is entering into this Agreement in reliance on the
          Warranties (as so qualified) and acknowledges and agrees that the
          Warranties are not subject to or limited by any disclosures which
          are not fairly made in or by the Disclosure Letter. In the event of
          a Delayed Completion pursuant to Clause 4.23, and in consideration
          of the Purchaser entering into this Agreement, the Principal Vendor
          warrants on behalf of itself and the UK Business Vendor to the
          Purchaser on behalf of itself and any Local Purchaser of the Spanish
          Operations (but on the basis that only the Purchaser shall be
          entitled to enforce the rights, if any, of such Local Purchaser on
          its behalf) that each of the Warranties will be true and accurate on
          the Delayed Completion Date insofar as they relate to the Spanish

7.2.      As between the Purchaser and the Vendors, the Purchaser undertakes
          that it has relied only on the Warranties (as qualified by the
          matters fairly disclosed in or by the Disclosure Letter),
          indemnities and undertakings in this Agreement and the other
          agreements to be entered into with any Vendor at Completion and not
          on any statements or expressions of opinion or forecasts or
          projections of future performance, nor any other warrantie or
          representatins, indemnities


          or undertakings of the Principal Vendor. The Purchaser further
          undertakes that it has not relied upon any other warranties,
          statements, representations or undertakings of any description given
          by the Principal Vendor, any other member of the Vendors' Group or
          any of the officers, employees, solicitors, accountants, other
          agents or professional advisers of any member of the Vendors' Group.

7.3.      The provisions of Schedule 5 shall have effect to regulate and limit
          the Principal Vendor's and the UK Business Vendor's liability for
          breach of the Warranties. Where expressly provided in Schedule 5, it
          shall also regulate and limit the liability of the Vendors in
          respect of other claims under this Agreement and the other
          agreements to be entered into by the Vendors at Completion.

7.4.      Save as expressly provided otherwise, the Warranties shall be
          separate and independent and shall not be limited by reference to
          any other Warranties. The Warranties shall not be extinguished or
          affected by Completion. Without limiting the Purchaser's rights to
          claim for breaches of Warranties under this Agreement, the Purchaser
          shall be entitled to claim after Completion in respect of any breach
          of Warranty of which it becomes aware between the date of this
          Agreement and Completion.

7.5.      Where a Warranty is expressed to be given "so far as the Principal
          Vendor is aware", or is otherwise limited by words to that effect,
          the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall be deemed to
          have knowledge only of the matters within the actual awareness of
          the following individuals:

         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         NAME                     POSITION
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Martin Howden            VP, Avecia Biocides
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Simon Herriott           General Manager, Avecia Pool & Spa
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Mark Kenline             Commercial Director
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Jeremy Scudamore         Chief Executive Officer, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Derrick Nicholson        Chief Financial Officer, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         David Greensmith         Chief Operating Officer, Avecia
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Duncan McLellan          Group Controller, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Don Short                Financial Controller, Avecia Inc.
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Peter Whitehouse         Business Controller, Biocides
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Andrew Cree              General Counsel, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Neil Denham              Senior Legal Counsel, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Greg Kurey               General Counsel, Avecia Inc.
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Tom Shields              VP, Manufacturing & SHE, Avecia Group
         -----------------------  ----------------------------------------
         Fran Maloney             SHE Manager, Avecia Inc.
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Alistair Grant           SVP, Human Resources, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Jim McEntire             Director, Human Resources, Avecia Inc.
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Peter Whyte              Treasurer, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------


         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         NAME                     POSITION
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         John Mayall              Head of Intellectual Property, Avecia
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Peter Attwell            Taxation Manager, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Eric Thompson            Information Systems Manager, Avecia Group
         ------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         Robert Sloss             Research and Development Manager, Avecia

7.6.      Save in the case of fraud, the Principal Vendor and the UK Business
          Vendor undertake not to make any claim against any Employee of the
          Operations or any Target Company on whom it may have relied before
          entering into any terms of this Agreement or the documents to be
          entered into pursuant to this Agreement or in the preparation of the
          Disclosure Letter (but this shall not preclude the Principal Vendor
          from claiming against any other Vendor under any right of
          contribution or indemnity to which it may be entitled). No right to
          damages or compensation shall arise in favour of the Purchaser to
          the extent that events occurring between the Completion Date and the
          Delayed Completion Date, if any, occurred as a result of (i) the
          failure by the Purchaser or a member of the Purchaser's Group to
          manage the Sold Operations (as defined in Clause 4.28.1) in a manner
          consistent with Clause 4.28.4, (ii) any act or omission of any
          member of the management of the Sold Operations taken after the
          Completion Date with respect to the Sold Operations, (iii) any
          member of the management of the Spanish Operations complying with an
          instruction given by management of the Sold Operations after the
          Completion Date or (iv) any member of the management of the Spanish
          Operations disregarding any specific instruction of the Principal
          Vendor as a result of complying with a specific instruction given by
          management of the Sold Operations or the Purchaser's Group after the
          Completion Date.

7.7.      The Purchaser warrants and undertakes to the Vendors that each of
          the warranties set out in this Clause 7.7 is true and accurate as at
          the date of this Agreement and that each of such warranties will be
          true and accurate on the Completion Date by reference to the facts
          and circumstances then subsisting:

          7.7.1.    the Purchaser is and each Local Purchaser is or will on
                    Completion be a company duly incorporated and validly
                    existing under its respective laws of incorporation;

          7.7.2.    the Purchaser has and each Local Purchaser will at
                    Completion have, the corporate power and authority to
                    enter into and perform such of this Agreement and any
                    other documents to be entered into pursuant to this

          7.7.3.    this Agreement constitutes, and the documents to be
                    entered into by the Purchaser or the Local Purchasers
                    pursuant to this Agreement when executed will constitute,
                    valid and binding obligations of the Purchaser and the
                    Local Purchasers, as applicable, in accordance with their
                    respective terms;

          7.7.4.    the execution and delivery of and the performance by the
                    Purchaser and each Local Purchaser of its obligations, as
                    applicable, under such of this Agreement and any other
                    documents to be delivered


                    pursuant to this Agreement as are relevant to the
                    Purchaser or such Local Purchaser will not:

                    (a)       result in a breach of, or constitute a default
                              under, any material instrument to which the
                              Purchaser or the Local Purchaser is a party or
                              by which the Purchaser or the Local Purchaser is
                              bound; or

                    (b)       result in a breach of any order, judgment or
                              decree of or undertaking to any court,
                              governmental agency or regulatory body to which
                              the Purchaser or the Local Purchaser is a party
                              or by which the Purchaser or the Local Purchaser
                              is bound;

          7.7.5.    the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
                    documents to be delivered under it and the consummation of
                    the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby will not
                    (i) violate, conflict with or result in any breach of any
                    provision of the constitutional documents or by-laws of
                    the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser or (ii) violate,
                    conflict with or result in any breach of any statute, rule
                    or governmental regulation applicable to the Purchaser or
                    the Local Purchaser;

          7.7.6.    no consent, approval, authorisation, declaration of, or
                    notification to, any governmental authority (other than
                    competition notifications in jurisdictions other than the
                    United Kingdom and the United States) is required to be
                    made or obtained by the Purchaser or the Local Purchaser
                    as a condition of the execution or delivery of this
                    Agreement or the documents to be delivered under this
                    Agreement or, save as contemplated by Clause 3.1, the
                    consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or

          7.7.7.    the Purchaser has the financial resources required to
                    fulfil its obligations under this Agreement in respect of
                    the payment of the Purchase Price and, to the extent such
                    resources rely on third parties providing finance, the
                    Purchaser has committed facilities available to it which
                    are not subject to any conditions outside the Purchaser's

          7.7.8.    the Consideration Shares have been duly authorised for
                    issuance and, when issued pursuant to the provisions of
                    this Agreement, will be validly issued, fully paid and

          7.7.9.    assuming the accuracy of the Warranties of the Principal
                    Vendor set forth in paragraph 21 of Schedule 4, the
                    issuance of the Consideration Shares by the Purchaser in
                    the manner contemplated by this Agreement will be exempt
                    from the registration requirements of the Securities Act
                    by reason of Section 4(2) thereof and will be exempt from
                    the registration or qualification requirements of the laws
                    of any applicable state of the United States; and

          7.7.10.   the Purchaser has timely filed with the SEC all forms,
                    reports, schedules, proxy statements, registration
                    statements and other documents required to be filed by it
                    since 1 January 2003 pursuant to Sections 13(a) and 15(d)
                    of the Exchange Act (the "Purchaser SEC


                    Reports"); as of its respective date, each of the
                    Purchaser SEC Reports complied in all material respects
                    with all applicable requirements of Exchange Act and the
                    applicable rules and regulations of the SEC promulgated
                    thereunder, and did not, at the time filed, contain any
                    untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a
                    material fact required to be stated therein or necessary
                    in order to make the statements therein, in light of the
                    circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.


8.1.      If any party to this Agreement (the "Claimant") becomes aware of any
          matter that may give rise to a claim against another party to this
          Agreement (the "Recipient") under this Agreement (other than in
          respect of a breach of a Warranty relating exclusively to Taxation
          (where the claim shall be dealt with in the manner set out in clause
          6 of the Tax Deed)) notice of that fact shall be given to the
          Recipient as soon as reasonably practicable but any failure to give
          such timely notice shall not affect the rights of the Claimant
          except to the extent that the Recipient is prejudiced by such

8.2.      Without prejudice to the validity of the claim or alleged claim in
          question and subject to (i) the Claimant being paid all reasonable
          out of pocket costs and expenses and (ii) the Recipient entering
          into such undertakings relating to confidentiality as the Claimant
          may reasonably require), the Claimant shall allow, and shall procure
          that the relevant Associated Companies of the Claimant allow, the
          Recipient and its accountants and professional advisers to
          investigate the matter or circumstance alleged to give rise to such
          claim and whether and to what extent any amount is payable in
          respect of such claim and for such purpose the Claimant shall give,
          and shall procure that the relevant Associated Companies of the
          Claimant shall give, all such information and assistance, including
          access to premises and personnel, and the right to examine and copy
          or photograph any assets, accounts, documents and records, as the
          Recipient or its accountants or professional advisers may reasonably

8.3.      If the claim in question is a result of or in connection with a
          claim or liability to a third party then:

          8.3.1.    no admission of liability shall be made by or on behalf of
                    the Claimant or any Associated Company of the Claimant and
                    the claim shall not be compromised, disposed of or settled
                    without the consent of the Recipient (such consent not to
                    be unreasonably withheld or delayed);

          8.3.2.    the Recipient shall (subject to its agreeing that it is
                    liable and providing an indemnity in terms reasonably
                    satisfactory to the Claimant in respect of all costs and
                    expenses which may be incurred by the Claimant or any
                    Associated Company of the Claimant in complying with this
                    Clause 8.3.2) be entitled at its own expense in its
                    absolute discretion to take such action as it shall deem
                    necessary to avoid, dispute, deny, defend, resist, appeal,
                    compromise or contest such claim or liability (including,
                    without limitation, making counterclaims or other claims
                    against third


                    parties) in the name of and on behalf of the Claimant or
                    any Associated Company of the Claimant concerned; and

          8.3.3.    the Claimant will give and procure that the relevant
                    Associated Companies of the Claimant give, subject to
                    their being paid all reasonable out of pocket costs and
                    expenses, all such information and assistance, including
                    access to premises and personnel, and the right to examine
                    and copy or photograph any assets, accounts, documents and
                    records, for the purpose of avoiding, disputing, denying,
                    defending, resisting, appealing, compromising or
                    contesting any such claim or liability as the Recipient or
                    their professional advisers reasonably request. The
                    Recipient agrees to keep all such information confidential
                    and only to use it for such purpose.

          This Clause 8.3 will not apply so as to give any of the Vendors any
          rights in respect of the conduct of the defence by the Purchaser, a
          Local Purchaser or a Target Company of claims made by a customer who
          in the twelve months preceding the date of such claim purchased
          goods or services of the Operations. Clause 8.3.2 will not apply as
          to any third party claims seeking an injunction or other relief for
          other than money damages against the Claimant that the Claimant
          reasonably determines, after conferring with its outside counsel,
          cannot be separated from any related claim for money damages. If
          such claim can be separated from any related claim for money
          damages, the Recipient, subject to complying with Clause 8.3.2,
          shall be entitled to assume the defence of the portion relating to
          money damages. The rights of the Recipient under this Clause in
          respect of the negotiation, conduct, defence and settlement of
          claims shall be subject, where applicable, to the rights of the
          Claimant's insurers in respect of such matters.

8.4.      The Purchaser agrees that after the Completion Date, the Purchaser
          will or will procure that a Local Purchaser or a Target Company will
          retain and exert reasonable endeavours to preserve the condition of
          the relevant Books and Records and the books and records of the
          Target Companies and ensure that no such books and records are
          destroyed or disposed of or permitted to be destroyed or disposed of
          during a seven year period from the Completion Date, provided that
          the Purchaser may destroy or dispose of any such books and records
          prior to the expiration of said seven years if the Principal Vendor
          is provided with reasonable advance notice of the Purchaser's
          intention to discard or destroy books and records generally
          identifying the content of the same and the Principal Vendor either
          agrees that such books and records may be destroyed or disposed of
          or fails to make arrangements for the pickup and delivery of such
          documents within thirty days of the date of the Purchaser's notice.

8.5.      The Purchaser and the Principal Vendor undertake to (and shall
          procure that each member of the Purchaser's Group or Vendors' Group
          (as appropriate) shall) take all reasonable steps available to it to
          mitigate any loss suffered by any such party in respect of any claim
          under this Agreement.

8.6.      Where any member of the Purchaser's Group or the Vendors' Group (as
          appropriate) is entitled to recover from some other person any sum


          respect of any loss which could give rise or has given rise to any
          claim under this Agreement, the Purchaser or the Principal Vendor
          shall promptly after becoming aware of such entitlement inform the
          Principal Vendor or the Purchaser (as appropriate) of it and will
          procure that there are taken all commercially reasonable steps to
          recover that sum. Any such sum recovered (less any out of pocket
          costs and expenses reasonably incurred in obtaining such recovery)
          will reduce the amount which, without such recovery, could have
          formed the whole or part of any claim under this Agreement provided
          however that such entitled party shall not be obliged to pursue such
          claim against the third party before or in preference to pursuing a
          claim against the other party.

8.7.      If any party pays an amount in discharge of any claim under this
          Agreement and the recipient or one of its Associated Companies
          subsequently recovers from a third party the same losses in respect
          of which the relevant claim was made, the recipient shall repay an
          amount equal to (i) the sum recovered from the third party less any
          out of pocket costs and expenses reasonably incurred in obtaining
          such recovery and less also any Taxation or other deductions
          chargeable or suffered in respect of such sum or (ii) if less, the
          amount previously paid by such party to the recipient.


9.1.      For purposes of this Clause 9, the following terms shall have the
          following meanings:

          9.1.1.    "Affiliate" of any person means another person that
                    directly or indirectly, through one or more
                    intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under
                    common control with, such first person; for the purposes
                    of this definition, "control" when used with respect to
                    any person means the possession, directly or indirectly,
                    of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
                    management and policies of a person, whether through the
                    ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise;
                    and the terms "controlling" and "controlled" have meanings
                    correlative to the foregoing;

          9.1.2.    "Common Stock" means the shares of common stock, par value
                    US$1.00 per share, of the Purchaser; and

          9.1.3.    "Rule 144" means Rule 144 promulgated by the SEC under the
                    Securities Act.

9.2.      On and after the date of Completion and until all of the
          Consideration Shares issued under this Agreement may be sold without
          volume limitation under Rule 144 by a person which is not an
          Affiliate of the Purchaser, if the Purchaser proposes to file a
          registration statement with respect to an offering of Common Stock
          to the general public (other than a registration statement on Form
          S-4 or Form S-8 (or any substitute form that may be adopted by the
          SEC)) (any such registration statement, a "Registration Statement"),
          then the Purchaser shall give written notice of such proposed filing
          to the Principal Vendor as soon as practicable (but in no event less
          than 15 Business Days before the anticipated filing date). Upon the
          written request by the Principal Vendor, given within ten


          Business Days after delivery of any such notice by the Purchaser, to
          include in such Registration Statement such number of Consideration
          Shares as the Principal Vendor may request, and as are held by the
          Principal Vendor or any member of the Vendors' Group, the Purchaser
          shall include all such Consideration Shares in such Registration
          Statement on the same terms and conditions as the Common Stock
          otherwise being offered and sold pursuant to such Registration
          Statement. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, if the
          Registration Statement is being filed for an underwritten offering
          of Common Stock to the general public for the Purchaser's own
          account (the "Primary Shares"), and the lead underwriter delivers a
          written opinion to the Purchaser that the size of the offering that
          the Purchaser, the Principal Vendor and the holders of any other
          shares proposed to be included in the Registration Statement (the
          "Other Shares") intend to make is such that the success of the
          offering would be materially and adversely affected, then the number
          of Primary Shares, Other Shares and Consideration Shares to be
          included in such offering shall be reduced to the extent necessary
          to reduce the total amount of securities to be included in such
          offering to the amount recommended by such lead underwriter;
          provided that priority shall be (i) first, Primary Shares and (ii)
          second, pro rata among Other Shares and Consideration Shares.
          Notwithstanding the foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, the
          Purchaser shall be entitled at any time to terminate or abandon any
          registration process and related offering of Common Stock as such
          process relates to all shares included in such registration and

9.3.      Whenever the Purchaser is under an obligation pursuant to the
          provisions of this Clause 9 to effect the registration of any
          Consideration Shares, the Purchaser shall, as expeditiously as

          9.3.1.    prepare and file with the SEC such amendments and
                    supplements to the Registration Statement and the
                    prospectus used in connection therewith as may be
                    necessary to keep such Registration Statement effective
                    until the offer and sale of the Common Stock to the
                    general public pursuant to such Registration Statement is
                    complete and to comply with the provisions of the
                    Securities Act with respect to the sale or other
                    disposition of the Consideration Shares;

          9.3.2.    notify the Principal Vendor in writing promptly (i) of the
                    receipt by the Purchaser of any notification with respect
                    to the issuance by the SEC of any stop order suspending
                    the effectiveness of the Registration Statement or
                    prospectus or any amendment or supplement thereto or the
                    initiation or threatening of any proceeding for that
                    purpose and (ii) of the receipt by the Purchaser of any
                    notification with respect to the suspension of the
                    qualification of the Consideration Shares for sale in any
                    jurisdiction or the initiation or threatening of any
                    proceeding for such purpose;

          9.3.3.    furnish to the Principal Vendor such number of copies of a
                    summary prospectus or other prospectus, including a
                    preliminary prospectus, in conformity with the
                    requirements of the Securities Act;


          9.3.4.    notify the holders of the Consideration Shares of the
                    happening of any event as a result of which the prospectus
                    included in the Registration Statement, as then in effect,
                    includes an untrue statement of a material fact or omits
                    to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
                    necessary to make the statements therein not misleading in
                    light of the circumstances then existing;

          9.3.5.    list the Consideration Shares on any national securities
                    exchange on which any shares of the Common Stock are
                    listed; and

          9.3.6.    otherwise comply with all applicable rules and regulations
                    of the SEC and make available to its securityholders, as
                    soon as reasonably practicable, earnings statements (which
                    need not be audited) covering a period of 12 months
                    beginning within one month after the effective date of the
                    Registration Statement, which earnings statements shall
                    satisfy the provisions of Section 11(a) of the Securities

9.4.      All fees and expenses incident to the performance of or compliance
          with this Clause 9 by the Purchaser, including all fees and expenses
          of compliance with securities or blue sky laws (including reasonable
          fees and disbursements of counsel in connection with blue sky
          qualifications of the Consideration Shares), printing expenses,
          messenger and delivery expenses, any registration or filing fees
          payable under any US Federal or state securities or blue sky laws,
          the fees and expenses incurred in connection with any listing of the
          securities to be registered on any securities exchange or automated
          quotation system, fees and disbursements of counsel for the
          Purchaser and its independent certified public accountants
          (including the expenses of any comfort letters required by or
          incident to such performance), securities acts liability insurance
          (if the Purchaser elects to obtain such insurance), the reasonable
          fees and expenses of any special experts retained by the Purchaser
          in connection with such registration and the fees and expenses of
          other persons retained by the Purchaser, will be borne by the
          Purchaser; it being understood and agreed that the Principal Vendor
          will bear all fees and expenses incurred by it in connection with
          any registration pursuant to this Clause 9 (including any
          underwriting fees, discounts and commissions, transfer taxes and
          fees and expenses of its counsel).

9.5.      The Purchaser and the Principal Vendor and their Affiliates shall
          reasonably cooperate and use all reasonable endeavours, and shall
          each take all actions reasonably necessary or advisable, in
          connection with the Purchaser's obligation to effect the
          registration of the Consideration Shares with the SEC in accordance
          with this Clause 9.

9.6.      The Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, to the fullest
          extent permitted by law, the Principal Vendor, its Affiliates and
          their respective officers, directors, agents, employees and partners
          (each, an "indemnified party") against any and all losses, claims,
          damages, fees, expenses (including reasonable fees, disbursements
          and other charges of counsel and costs of investigation) or other
          liabilities caused by any untrue or alleged untrue statement of
          material fact contained in any Registration Statement, prospectus or
          preliminary prospectus (each as amended and or supplemented, if the


          Purchaser shall have furnished any amendments or supplements
          thereto), or any omission or alleged omission to state therein a
          material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
          statements therein (in the case of a prospectus, in the light of the
          circumstances under which they were made) not misleading; provided
          that the Purchaser shall not be required to indemnify any
          indemnified party for any losses, claims, damages, fees, expenses or
          other liabilities resulting from any such untrue statement or
          omission if such untrue statement or omission is made in reliance on
          and in conformity with any information with respect to the Principal
          Vendor or any other indemnified parties furnished in writing to the
          Purchaser by the Principal Vendor or such other indemnified parties
          expressly for use therein.

9.7.      In connection with any registration in which the Principal Vendor or
          any of its Affiliates is participating, the Principal Vendor and its
          Affiliates will furnish to the Purchaser in writing such information
          with respect to the Principal Vendor or its Affiliates as the
          Purchaser reasonably requests for use in connection with any such
          Registration Statement, prospectus, or preliminary prospectus and
          agrees to indemnify the Purchaser, its Affiliates and their
          respective officers, directors, agents, employees and partners to
          the same extent as the foregoing indemnity from the Purchaser to the
          Principal Vendor or its Affiliates, but only with respect to
          information relating to the Principal Vendor or its Affiliates
          furnished to the Purchaser in writing by the Principal Vendor or its
          Affiliates expressly for use in the Registration Statement, the
          prospectus, any amendment or supplement thereto, or any preliminary
          prospectus; provided, however, that the maximum amount of liability
          in respect of such indemnification shall be limited to an amount
          equal to the net proceeds actually received by the Principal Vendor
          or its Affiliates from the sale of Consideration Shares effected
          pursuant to such Registration Statement.

9.8.      In case any proceeding (including any governmental investigation)
          shall be instituted involving any person in respect of which
          indemnity may be sought pursuant to Clause 9.6 or 9.7 above, such
          indemnified party shall promptly notify the person against whom such
          indemnity may be sought (hereinafter in this Clause 9.8 and Clause
          9.9 below called the "indemnifying party") in writing and the
          indemnifying party, upon request of the indemnified party, shall
          retain counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party to
          represent the indemnified party and any others the indemnifying
          party may designate in such proceeding and shall pay the fees and
          disbursements of such counsel related to such proceeding. In any
          such proceeding, any indemnified party shall have the right to
          retain its own counsel, but the fees and expenses of such counsel
          shall be at the expense of such indemnified party unless (i) the
          indemnifying party and the indemnified party shall have mutually
          agreed to the retention of such counsel or (ii) the named parties to
          any such proceeding (including any impleaded parties) include both
          the indemnifying party and the indemnified party and the indemnified
          party shall have been advised by counsel that representation of both
          parties by the same counsel would be inappropriate due to actual or
          potential differing interests between them. It is understood that
          the indemnifying party shall not, in connection with any proceeding
          or related proceedings in the same jurisdiction, be liable for the
          fees and expenses of more than one separate firm (in addition to any
          local counsel) for all such indemnified parties, and that all such
          fees and expenses shall be


          reimbursed as they are incurred. In the case of any such separate
          firm for the indemnified parties, such firm shall be designated in
          writing by the indemnified parties. The indemnifying party shall not
          be liable for any settlement of any proceeding effected without its
          written consent, but if settled with such consent or if there be a
          final judgment for the plaintiff, the indemnifying party agrees to
          indemnify the indemnified party from and against any loss or
          liability by reason of such settlement or judgment. No indemnifying
          party shall, without the prior written consent of the indemnified
          party, effect any settlement of any pending or threatened proceeding
          in respect of which any indemnified party is or could have been a
          party and indemnity could have been sought hereunder by such
          indemnified party, unless such settlement includes an unconditional
          release of such indemnified party from all liability on claims that
          are the subject matter of such proceeding.

9.9.      lf the indemnification provided for in Clause 9.6 or 9.7 above from
          the indemnifying party is unavailable to an indemnified party
          hereunder in respect of any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or
          expenses referred to in Clause 9.6 or 9.7 above, then the
          indemnifying party, in lieu of indemnifying such indemnified party,
          shall contribute to the amount paid or payable by such indemnified
          party as result of such losses, claims, damages, fees, expenses or
          other liabilities in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect
          the relative fault of the indemnifying party and indemnified parties
          in connection with the actions which resulted in such losses,
          claims, damages, fees, expenses or other liabilities, as well as any
          other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of such
          indemnifying party and indemnified parties shall be determined by
          reference to, among other things, whether any action in question,
          including any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact
          or omission or alleged omission to state a material fact, has been
          made by, or relates to information supplied by, such indemnifying
          party or indemnified parties, and the parties' relative intent,
          knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or
          prevent such action. The amount paid or payable by a party as a
          result of the losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses
          referred to above shall be deemed to include, subject to the
          limitations set forth in Clause 9.8 above, any legal or other fees
          or expenses reasonably incurred by such party in connection with any
          investigation or proceeding. The parties hereto agree that it would
          not be just and equitable if contribution pursuant to this Clause
          9.9 were determined by pro rata allocation or by any other method of
          allocation which does not take into account the equitable
          considerations referred to in this Clause 9.9. No person guilty of
          fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of
          the Securities Act) shall be entitled to contribution from any
          person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation. If
          indemnification is available under Clause 9.6 or 9.7 above, the
          indemnifying parties shall indemnify each indemnified party to the
          full extent provided in Clause 9.6 or 9.7 above without regard to
          the relative fault of said indemnifying party or any other equitable
          consideration provided for in this Clause 9.9. Notwithstanding the
          foregoing, in no event shall the amount contributed by the Principal
          Vendor exceed the aggregate net offering proceeds received by the
          Principal Vendor from the sale of Consideration Shares pursuant to
          the Registration Statement.


10.1.     With effect from Completion and to the extent that the same is
          lawful and permissible under the relevant Contract, each of the
          Business Vendors assigns to the Purchaser (or the relevant Local
          Purchaser) its rights under each Contract (other than Excluded

10.2.     To the extent that the assignments referred to in Clause 10.1 are
          not lawful or permissible under a Contract (whether due to the
          consent of the other party or parties to such contract not being
          obtained or otherwise):

          10.2.1.   the Business Vendors shall insofar as required by and at
                    the request of the Purchaser use all reasonable endeavours
                    with the co-operation of the Purchaser to procure such
                    assignments; and

          10.2.2.   until such assignments have been procured:

                    (a)       this Agreement shall not constitute an
                              assignment or attempted assignment of the
                              Contract but the relevant Business Vendors shall
                              hold the relevant Contract in trust for the
                              Purchaser or the relevant Local Purchaser
                              absolutely (but only if the relevant Business
                              Vendor can do so without causing an event of
                              default or termination and without a breach of

                    (b)       the relevant Business Vendor shall give all
                              reasonable assistance to the Purchaser to enable
                              the Purchaser to enforce the relevant Business
                              Vendor's rights under the relevant Contract and
                              the Purchaser shall reimburse the relevant
                              Business Vendor for any reasonable out of pocket
                              costs and expenses incurred in giving such
                              assistance but only:

                              (i)       if (x) the Purchaser or the relevant
                                        Local Purchaser receives (either
                                        directly or through the relevant
                                        Business Vendor) the economic claims,
                                        rights and benefits, if any, under
                                        such Contract or (y) the reason why
                                        the Purchaser or the relevant Local
                                        Purchaser does not receive such
                                        economic claims, rights and benefits,
                                        if any, is not the failure of the
                                        relevant Contract to be assigned to
                                        the Purchaser or the relevant Local
                                        Purchaser; and

                              (ii)      to the extent such costs and expenses
                                        do not exceed the costs and expenses
                                        the Purchaser would reasonably have
                                        incurred in enforcing such rights, had
                                        such Contract previously been assigned
                                        to the Purchaser; and

                    (c)       the parties shall co-operate (each at its own
                              expense) in making such other reasonable lawful
                              alternative arrangements regarding the relevant
                              Contract as may best achieve the transfer with
                              effect from Completion of the benefit and burden
                              of such Contract to the Purchaser or a Local


10.3.     The Business Vendors will make any benefit received by them under a
          Contract after Completion available to the Purchaser and the
          Purchaser shall procure at its own expense the performance of the
          Business Vendor's obligations under the Contract and shall be
          responsible for the Business Liabilities, if any, arising under or
          relating to such Contract, provided that the Purchaser shall
          (subject to Clause 10.4) only be required to procure the performance
          of such obligations and assume such Business Liabilities to the
          extent it is able (whether directly or through such Business Vendor)
          to receive such benefits and any claims and rights that would
          otherwise have accrued to the Purchaser under such Contract had such
          Contract been assigned to the Purchaser at Completion.

10.4.     In relation to those Contracts under which a Business Vendor has
          outstanding performance obligations as at Completion and where the
          counterparty to such Contract refuses to agree to the effective
          transfer of such performance obligations to the Purchaser, the
          Purchaser shall nonetheless offer to such counterparty to undertake
          such performance obligations in return for the receipt by the
          Purchaser of the economic claims, rights and benefits, if any, under
          such Contract.

11.      EMPLOYEES

The provisions of Schedule 7 shall apply in relation to the Employees and the
transfer of the employment of the Employees (other than the Target Company
Employees) to the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser and ancillary matters.


The provisions of Schedule 8 shall apply in relation to the Employee Benefit
Arrangements. Where a specific provision of Schedule 8 is inconsistent with
Schedule 7, Schedule 8 shall prevail.



13.1.     Immediately following Completion the Purchaser shall use all
          reasonable endeavours to procure the release of all securities,
          guarantees and indemnities given by or binding upon any member of
          the Vendors' Group in relation to any debt or obligation of any
          Target Company. Pending such release the Purchaser shall indemnify
          and keep indemnified the Principal Vendor for itself and as trustee
          for each member of the Vendors' Group from and against all costs,
          claims and demands arising out of or in connection with such
          securities, guarantees and indemnities.

13.2.     Immediately following Completion the Principal Vendor shall use all
          reasonable endeavours to procure the release of all securities,
          guarantees and indemnities given by or binding on any Target Company
          in relation to any debt or obligation of any member of the Vendors'
          Group. Pending such release the Principal Vendor shall indemnify and
          keep indemnified the Purchaser for itself and as trustee for the
          Target Companies from and against all costs, claims and demands
          arising out of or in connection with any such securities, guarantees
          and indemnities.


13.3.     If at any time after Completion any member of the Vendors' Group
          receives any monies in respect of any Debtor or Claim then the
          Principal Vendor shall procure that such member shall pay to the
          Purchaser as soon as reasonably practicable the amount recovered
          (less any costs of recovery).


13.4.     If at any time after Completion any member of the Purchaser's Group
          receives or has possession of any Excluded Asset or any monies
          attributable to any Excluded Asset, the Purchaser shall procure that
          the relevant member of the Purchaser's Group shall pay or forward to
          the Principal Vendor as soon as reasonably practicable such Excluded
          Asset or monies (less any costs of recovery).


13.5.     Each of the parties shall from time to time on being required to do
          so by another, do or procure that there is done all such acts
          reasonably in its power and/or execute and deliver all such further
          documents as such other party may reasonably consider necessary for
          giving full effect to this Agreement (provided that, for the
          avoidance of doubt, if one party requires another to execute a
          document pursuant to this Clause, the party making such request
          shall bear the cost of preparation, execution and, where applicable,
          filing of such document).


13.6.     Subject to Clause 13.7 below, the Purchaser undertakes to the
          Vendors that it shall not, and shall procure that no member of the
          Purchaser's Group shall, after Completion, use in any way whatsoever
          any registered or unregistered trademarks (including any logos or
          other devices) incorporating the Excluded Names. Without prejudice
          to the foregoing, the Purchaser shall procure that within 90 days of
          Completion, any Target Company which has the word "Avecia" as part
          of its corporate name shall effect a change of name so as to exclude
          the word "Avecia" or any confusingly similar word (and the Purchaser
          shall within such 90 day period provide evidence of such change of
          name to the Principal Vendor).

13.7.     The Purchaser, the Local Purchasers and the Target Companies shall
          have the right to continue to use the trade mark "Avecia" or any
          registered or unregistered trade marks, logos or other devices
          incorporating "Avecia" on a royalty free, non-exclusive basis solely
          (i) on labels, packaging and products for a period of one year from
          Completion and (ii) on vehicles, stationery, premises, promotional
          material, and on any other assets comprising part of the Business
          Assets or owned by the Target Companies for a period of six months
          from Completion, in each case to which such trade marks were in the
          ordinary course of the Operations affixed before Completion, and
          solely in the manner in which they were being used immediately
          before Completion.



13.8.     Except as otherwise expressly provided in or contemplated by this
          Agreement or any Ancillary Agreement, the Principal Vendor
          undertakes that after Completion no member of the Vendors' Group
          will make any claim on any Target Company and the Purchaser
          undertakes that after any Completion no Target Company will make any
          claim on any member of the Vendors' Group, in each case in respect
          of transactions, acts or omissions occurring before Completion other
          than to the extent that the amount claimed was provided for or
          included as an asset or liability in determining the Completion
          Working Capital or reduced the value of an asset therein or was
          included as an Intra-Group Payable or Intra-Group Receivable in the
          Intra-Group Indebtedness Statement.


13.9.     The Purchaser shall procure that the employees of the Purchaser's
          Group from time to time shall provide such assistance to the
          Vendors' Group (at the Purchaser's expense) as is reasonably
          required for the purpose of:

          13.9.1.   completion of Tax Returns of members of the Vendors' Group
                    or Tax Returns of Target Companies which are part of a
                    group for Taxation purposes with members of the Vendors'
                    Group (including where applicable Tax Returns
                    incorporating information relating to the Target
                    Companies) within all relevant jurisdictions for the tax
                    period up to and including the Completion Date; and

          13.9.2.   preparation and finalisation of individual and
                    consolidated accounts of members of the Vendors' Group.

13.10.    The Principal Vendor shall procure that the employees of the
          Vendors' Group from time to time should provide such assistance to
          the Purchaser's Group (at the Principal Vendor's expense) as is
          reasonably required for the purpose of the Purchaser's Group's
          completion of Tax Returns relating to the Operations.


13.11.    Where this Agreement provides for a member of the Vendors' Group or
          a member of the Purchaser's Group to be obliged in any way, such
          provision shall be construed as including an obligation on the
          Principal Vendor or the Purchaser respectively to procure that such
          obligation is discharged. Where this Agreement provides for a member
          of the Vendors' Group or a member of the Purchaser's Group enjoying
          any benefit, such provision shall be construed as including an
          obligation on the Purchaser or the Principal Vendor respectively to
          ensure that such benefit is provided or made available by the
          relevant member of its group.


13.12.    The Principal Vendor and the Purchaser agree that where Target
          Company is a member of a group together with a member of the
          Vendors' Group which makes a consolidated return for any Taxation
          purpose, arrangements shall be


          made as soon as practicable to terminate any existing arrangements
          between members of the Vendors' Group and that Target Company.


13.13.    Where any Permit of a Business Vendor is capable of transfer to the
          Purchaser or a Local Purchaser, the Principal Vendor shall or shall
          procure that the relevant member of the Vendors' Group shall at its
          own expense execute such documents as are necessary to effect such
          transfer. Where any Permits of a Business Vendor are not so capable
          of transfer, the Principal Vendor shall and shall procure that the
          relevant members of the Vendors' Group shall offer such assistance
          as the Purchaser may reasonably require for the renewal or reissue
          of such Permit to it or another member of the Purchaser's Group.


13.14.    After Completion, the relevant Vendors shall, as soon as reasonably
          practicable, join with the Purchaser (or relevant Local Purchaser)
          in sending a notice in a form agreed between the Purchaser and the
          Principal Vendor to the customers and suppliers and other business
          contacts of the Operations informing them of the transfer of the


13.15.    If within the twelve month period following the Completion Date, the
          Purchaser or any Vendor discovers that any Business IP is owned by
          any member of the Vendors' Group, the Principal Vendor shall
          promptly procure an assignment of such Intellectual Property to the
          Purchaser (or as directed by the Purchaser) for nominal


13.16.    If and to the extent that:

          13.16.1.  the Vendors' Group has under this Agreement retained or
                    the Purchaser's Group has assumed responsibility for any
                    liability or claim; and

          13.16.2.  after Completion the Purchaser's Group or the Vendors'
                    Group, as appropriate (or their respective employees or
                    advisers) have information which would assist in the
                    investigation, defence or settlement of such liability or

          then the Purchaser shall or shall procure that the relevant
          member of the Purchaser's Group shall and the Vendor shall or shall
          procure that the relevant member of the Vendors' Group shall at the
          expense of the party requesting such assistance provide all such
          reasonable assistance as may be required for the investigation,
          defence or settlement of such liability or claim, including without
          limitation: 13.16.3. reasonable access to records, premises,
          personnel and advisers; and


          13.16.4.  making personnel and advisers available for the purpose of
                    taking affidavits and preparation for the attendance of
                    any court hearing or other legal or arbitral or
                    alternative dispute resolution procedures.


13.17.    Not later than 30 days after the Completion Date, the Principal
          Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser (in Microsoft Excel format
          other than the notes thereto, which shall be in Microsoft Word
          format) the Audited Non-Statutory Accounts, together with an
          "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects" (with respect to (i)
          the year ended 31st December 2002 compared to the year ended 31st
          December 2001 and (ii) the year ended 31st December 2003 compared to
          the year ended 31st December 2002, in each case in Microsoft Word
          format) prepared in accordance with Item 5 of Form 20-F under the
          Securities Act. The Audited Non-Statutory Accounts shall contain US
          GAAP reconciliations prepared in accordance with US GAAP and the
          applicable provisions of Regulation S-X and Form 20-F under the
          Securities Act. The Principal Vendor shall be responsible for the
          costs of preparation of the Audited Non-Statutory Accounts.


13.18.    For so long as the Consideration Shares are outstanding and are held
          by the Principal Vendor or any member of the Vendors' Group, the
          Purchaser shall file all reports required to be filed by the
          Purchaser with the SEC under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange


13.19.    If within the twelve month period following the Completion Date, the
          Purchaser or any Vendor discovers that any Intellectual Property to
          which this Clause 13.19 applies, which Intellectual Property was
          owned by or licensed to a member of the Vendors' Group and was used
          in the Operations in the twelve months preceding the Completion Date
          and such use was material to the Operations in that period, has not
          been assigned or licensed to the Purchaser hereunder or pursuant to
          the Ancillary Agreements, the Principal Vendor shall promptly grant,
          or procure the grant of, a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual
          licence to the Purchaser, to use any such Intellectual Property in
          the Target Businesses for the purposes used prior to Completion, but
          for no other purpose whatsoever.

          Where any Intellectual Property to which this Clause 13.19 applies
          is licensed to the Principal Vendor or member of the Vendors' Group,
          the Principal Vendor's only obligation hereunder shall be to grant,
          or procure the grant of, a sub-licence and if such sub-licence
          requires the consent of the licensor, to use its reasonable
          endeavours to obtain such consent.

          This Clause 13.19 applies to Intellectual Property other than (a)
          Intellectual Property relating to computer software (b) the Excluded
          Names, and (c) any registered or unregistered trade marks including
          any logos or other devices incorporating the Excluded Names.


13.20.    If within the twelve month period following the Completion Date, the
          Purchaser or any Vendor discovers that any Business IP used by any
          member of the Vendors' Group, other than in the Target Businesses,
          in the twelve months preceding the Completion Date and such use was
          material in that period, the Purchaser shall promptly grant, or
          procure the grant of, a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual
          licence to the relevant member of the Vendors' Group, to use any
          such Intellectual Property in its business for the purposes used
          prior to Completion, but for no other purpose whatsoever.


13.21.    For so long as any Insured Liabilities remain outstanding, the
          Principal Vendor agrees that it shall not (and will procure that no
          member of the Vendors' Group shall):

          13.21.1.  revoke;

          13.21.2.  take any steps to vitiate or impair the legal validity of;

          13.21.3.  otherwise take any action which may have the effect of
                    vitiating, or impairing the legal validity of,

          any insurance policy in force at the date of this Agreement
          providing coverage in respect of such Insured Liability.


13.22.    The Vendors shall transfer all records and data held by such Vendors
          relating to the Employees (including Sensitive Personal Data (as
          defined in Section 2 of the Data Protection Act 1998) to the extent
          required to comply with TUPE or any other legal requirement but no
          other Sensitive Personal Data) to the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser
          on or as soon as reasonably practicable after Completion. For a
          period of three months from Completion, the Purchaser may request
          that the Vendors notify the Purchaser of any classes of Sensitive
          Personal Data held by the Vendors relating to the Employees (other
          than US Employees) which have not been provided to the Purchaser or
          a Local Purchaser pursuant to this Clause 5.6. The Purchaser may
          then request that the Vendors provide any of such Sensitive Personal
          Data to it (such requested data being "Withheld Sensitive Personal
          Data"). Subject to the Purchaser obtaining all consents from the
          subjects of the Withheld Sensitive Personal Data necessary to allow
          the Vendors to disclose such in compliance with their legal
          obligations, the Vendors shall provide the Withheld Sensitive
          Personal Data to the Purchaser.


14.1.     In this Clause:

          14.1.1.   references to the "Guarantor" shall be construed both as a
                    reference to the Purchaser (in relation to the Local
                    Purchasers) and to the Principal Vendor (in relation to
                    the Business Vendors and the Share Vendors); and


          14.1.2.   references to the "Guaranteed Subsidiaries" means the
                    Local Purchasers (in relation to the Purchaser) and the
                    Business Vendors and the Share Vendors (in relation to the
                    Principal Vendor).

14.2.     In consideration of the other parties entering into this Agreement
          the Guarantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees due
          and punctual performance and observance by the Guaranteed
          Subsidiaries of all their obligations under or for breach of this
          Agreement and any agreement to be entered into pursuant to it
          (including obligations to pay damages) (the "Guaranteed
          Obligations"). The liability of the Guarantor under this Clause
          shall not be released or diminished by any variation of the terms of
          the Guaranteed Obligations, any forbearance, neglect or delay in
          seeking performance of the Guaranteed Obligations or any granting of
          time for such performance, or by any assignment of the benefit of
          the Guaranteed Obligations in accordance with Clause 19.18 or 19.19.

14.3.     If and whenever a Guaranteed Subsidiary defaults for any reason
          whatsoever (and irrespective of the time during which such default
          has been unremedied) in the performance of any of the Guaranteed
          Obligations, the Guarantor shall forthwith upon demand
          unconditionally and irrevocably perform (or procure performance of)
          and satisfy (or procure the satisfaction of) the Guaranteed
          Obligations in regard to which such default has been made.

14.4.     The guarantees in this Clause are to be continuing guarantees and
          accordingly are to remain in force until all the Guaranteed
          Obligations shall have been irrevocably performed or satisfied. Such
          guarantees are in addition to and without prejudice to and not in
          substitution for any rights or security which the recipient of such
          guarantees may now or hereafter have or hold for the performance and
          observance of the Guaranteed Obligations.

14.5.     As a separate and independent stipulation the Guarantor agrees that
          any of the Guaranteed Obligations (including, without limitation,
          any moneys payable) which may not be enforceable against or
          recoverable from any Guaranteed Subsidiary by reason of any legal
          limitation, disability or incapacity on or of the Guaranteed
          Subsidiary or any other fact or circumstance (other than any
          exclusion or limitation imposed by this Agreement or any agreement
          entered into pursuant to this Agreement) shall nevertheless be
          enforceable against and recoverable from the Guarantor as though the
          same had been incurred by the Guarantor and the Guarantor were the
          sole or principal obligor in respect thereof.

14.6.     The guarantees in this Clause shall not be affected or impaired by
          reason of any other fact or event which in the absence of this
          provision would or might constitute or afford a legal or equitable
          discharge or release or a defence to a guarantor.

15.      VAT

15.1.     The parties agree that the consideration given in respect of the
          sale of the Target Businesses, the Business Assets and the sale of
          the Target Companies is exclusive of any amounts in respect of VAT
          which is properly chargeable in respect of such supplies. The
          parties intend, if applicable, that the Target


          Businesses and Business Assets shall be sold as a going concern for
          VAT purposes and the Principal Vendor shall (or shall procure that
          the relevant Business Vendor shall) and the Purchaser shall (or
          shall procure that the relevant Local Purchaser shall) give notice
          of such sale to the relevant Tax Authority as required by applicable

15.2.     The Principal Vendor shall (and shall procure that each Vendor
          shall) and the Purchaser shall and shall procure that each Local
          Purchaser shall preserve any VAT records relating to the Target
          Businesses under their control in such a manner and for such period
          as may be required by applicable law and will allow the other
          parties, upon reasonable notice, reasonable access during working
          hours to and copies at the requesting party's expense of such
          records where reasonably required by such parties for their Taxation
          purposes and will produce information from these records to the
          relevant other parties and/or any relevant Tax Authority if such
          other parties reasonably require it for their Taxation purposes.

15.3.     The Principal Vendor shall (and shall procure that the relevant
          Business Vendors shall) and the Purchaser shall (and shall procure
          that the relevant Local Purchasers shall) use all reasonable
          endeavours (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the making of an
          election or application in respect of VAT to any Tax Authority) to
          secure that the sale of the Business Assets located in the member
          states of the European Community is treated as neither a supply of
          goods nor a supply of services where the country in which the
          Business Assets are located has given effect to Article 5(8) of the
          EEC Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC). The Purchaser warrants that in
          connection with the sale of the Business Assets located in the
          member states of the European Community it (or the relevant Local
          Purchaser) is or will become at the Completion Date a taxable person
          for VAT purposes and that it (or the relevant Local Purchaser) will
          use those Business Assets acquired in carrying on the same kind of
          business (whether or not as part of any existing business) as that
          carried on by the relevant Business Vendors before Completion.

15.4.     To the extent that any state outside the European Community in which
          any of the Business Assets are located provides for relief or
          exemption from VAT on the transfer of a business or treats such a
          transaction as being non-taxable for VAT purposes, the Purchaser and
          the Principal Vendor shall use all reasonable endeavours (including,
          for the avoidance of doubt, the making of an election or application
          in respect of VAT to any Tax Authority) to secure such treatment.

15.5.     The Purchaser shall or shall procure that the relevant Local
          Purchaser shall, subject to the submission by the relevant Vendor of
          a VAT invoice in accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.20, pay
          on Completion or, if later, five Business Days before the relevant
          Vendor is required to account for such VAT the amount of any VAT
          properly payable in any jurisdiction in respect of the transfer of
          any of the Business Assets (whether as a result of denial of a
          relief sought under this Clause 15 or otherwise) in addition to any
          consideration (monetary or non-monetary) expressed in this Agreement
          or in any Local Agreement to be given by the Purchaser or the
          relevant Local Purchaser.


15.6.     After Completion the Purchaser or the relevant Local Purchaser shall
          in relation to the Business Assets carry on the same kind of
          business, whether or not as part of any existing business of the
          Purchaser or the relevant Local Purchaser, as the relevant Business
          Vendor carries on with the relevant Business Assets relating to that


          16.1.     Subject to Clause 16.2, this Agreement shall not be
                    enforceable by any person who is not a party to it.

          16.2.     The provisions of Clauses 7.2 and 7.6 may be relied on and
                    enforced by each of the persons or categories of persons
                    referred to in such Clauses.

          16.3.     This Agreement may be amended in accordance with Clauses
                    19.13 and 19.14 without the consent of any person who is
                    not a party to it.

17.       COSTS

Except where expressly provided otherwise, each party shall bear its own costs
in relation to the preparation, negotiation, execution and completion of (and
the performance of their obligations under) this Agreement and the agreements
to be delivered under it. All notarial fees, transfer taxes, stamp duties or
documentary taxes, capital taxes or duties, registration or filing fees or
similar expenses payable in connection with the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement shall be borne by the party legally responsible therefor.


18.1.     The Principal Vendor and the Purchaser shall, subject to the
          requirements of law or any regulatory body or fiscal authority or
          the rules and regulations of any recognised stock exchange, agree
          together as to the terms of, the timetable for and manner of
          publication of, any formal announcement or circular to the Employees
          or any Vendor's or Target Company's customers, suppliers,
          distributors or sub-contractors which either party may desire or be
          obliged to make regarding this Agreement or the transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement which circular or announcement is
          made or distributed on or prior to the Completion Date. In addition,
          the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor shall consult with each other
          before issuing or making, and provide the other with reasonable
          opportunity to review and make reasonable comment upon, any formal
          announcement or circular to the media which the Purchaser or the
          Principal Vendor may desire or be obliged to make regarding this
          Agreement or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement which
          circular or announcement is made or distributed on or prior to the
          Completion Date.

18.2.     The parties acknowledge that the Confidentiality Agreement shall,
          insofar as it obliges the Purchaser to maintain the confidentiality
          of information relating to the Operations, cease to have any force
          or effect from Completion.

18.3.     Subject to Clause 18.5, the Purchaser shall (and shall procure that
          each member of the Purchaser's Group shall) and the Principal Vendor
          shall (and shall procure that each member of the Vendors' Group
          shall) treat as strictly


          confidential and not use or disclose any information received or
          obtained as a result of entering into or performing this Agreement
          (or any other agreement entered into under or pursuant to this
          Agreement) which relates to:

          18.3.1.   the provisions of this Agreement (or any such other

          18.3.2.   the negotiations relating to this Agreement (and such
                    other agreements); or

          18.3.3.   any other parties and their Associated Companies and the
                    business carried on by each of them.

18.4.     Subject to Clause 18.5, the Principal Vendor shall (and shall
          procure that its Associated Companies shall) treat as strictly
          confidential and not use or disclose any confidential or proprietary
          information which relates to the Operations.

18.5.     The provisions of Clauses 18.3 and 18.4 shall not prohibit
          disclosure or use if and to the extent:

          18.5.1.   required by law or for the purpose of any judicial
                    proceedings arising out of this Agreement or any other
                    agreement entered into under or pursuant to this

          18.5.2.   required by the applicable rules of any stock exchange on
                    which the securities of the parties to this Agreement (or
                    one of their Associated Companies) are listed or quoted
                    (or on which it is proposed that such securities be listed
                    or quoted during the process of applying to become so
                    listed or quoted) or any other competent regulatory
                    authority or, in the reasonable opinion of the Purchaser
                    or the Principal Vendor (as appropriate) required to be
                    disclosed to or filed with the SEC to comply with
                    obligations under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act
                    or the rules of the SEC promulgated thereunder;

          18.5.3.   required to vest the full benefit of this Agreement in any

          18.5.4.   made to or used on a confidential basis by the
                    professional advisers, auditors and bankers or other
                    funding parties or prospective funding parties of each
                    party or to the extent that disclosure is made to a Tax
                    Authority in connection with the Tax affairs of the
                    disclosing party or a holding company of that party;

          18.5.5.   it becomes publicly available (other than as a result of
                    disclosure by the relevant party to this Agreement or the
                    Confidentiality Agreement, or any other person, in breach
                    of such agreements);

          18.5.6.   that the other parties have given prior written approval
                    to the disclosure;

          18.5.7.   the information is subsequently obtained free of any
                    restrictions on use or obligations of confidentiality from
                    a third party which is itself free of


                    any restrictions on use or obligations of confidentiality
                    with respect to that information;

          18.5.8.   the information is already in the possession of that party
                    and is not subject to an obligation of confidentiality or
                    a restriction on use; or

          18.5.9.   the information is independently developed after

          provided that except where prohibited by any applicable law or
          regulation prior to disclosure of any information pursuant to Clause
          18.5.1the party concerned shall, where possible, promptly notify the
          other party of such requirement with a view to providing the other
          party with the opportunity to contest such disclosure or otherwise
          to agree the timing of, conditions to and content of such

18.6.     The restrictions contained in this Clause 18 shall continue to apply
          for a period of five years from the Completion Date.

19.       GENERAL


19.1.     Nothing in this Agreement shall operate to limit the liability of a
          party (or the remedies available to the other party) in respect of a
          fraudulent act or representation by it.


19.2.     Unless by express agreement between the parties (including set-off
          under Clause 4.10), no amount due and payable by one party to the
          other pursuant to this Agreement shall be set-off against any other
          amount due and payable or alleged to be due and payable by that
          other party to the first party whether pursuant to this Agreement or


19.3.     All sums payable by any party to another party under this Agreement
          shall be paid free and clear of all deductions or withholdings, save
          only as may be required by law. If any deductions or withholdings
          are required by law the payer shall (except (i) to the extent the
          same has been taken into account in calculating the amount due under
          any other provision of this Agreement; and/or (ii) in the case of
          interest payable under Clause 19.17) be obliged to pay to the payee
          such sum as will after such deduction or withholding has been made
          leave the payee with the same amount as it would have been entitled
          to receive in the absence of any such requirement to make a
          deduction or withholding.

19.4.     If a recipient of sums payable under this Agreement (other than
          interest payable under Clauses 4.19 or 19.17 and, in the case of the
          Vendors, other than the Purchase Price) is liable for Taxes in
          respect of the such sum the payer shall be obliged to pay to the
          payee such sums as will after the Tax liability has been discharged
          leave the payee with the same amount as it would have been


          entitled to receive and to retain in the absence of any such
          requirement to pay Tax in respect of the receipt.

19.5.     If the payee receives a credit for or refund of any Taxation payable
          by it or similar benefit by reason of any deduction or withholding
          for or on account of Taxation described in Clause 19.3, it shall
          reimburse to the payer such part of such additional amounts paid to
          it pursuant to Clause 19.3 above as will leave it (after such
          reimbursement) in no better and no worse position than it would have
          been if the payer had not been required to make such deduction or
          withholding. The payee shall use all reasonable endeavours to obtain
          any available credit, refund or similar benefit and shall where
          possible claim credit or relief from or against its corporate
          profits or similar tax liability in respect of the amount of such
          deduction or withholding as aforesaid in priority to any other
          reliefs or credits available to it. The principles of this Clause
          19.5 shall also apply to Clause 19.4.

19.6.     If any deduction or withholding is made from any payment as
          contemplated in Clause 19.3, the payer shall supply to the payee
          such official receipt, if any, or other evidence of payment to the
          relevant authority of the amount deducted or withheld and shall give
          all reasonable assistance to enable the payee to receive a credit or
          refund or similar benefit by reason of the deduction or withholding
          as promptly as possible.


19.7.     Where this Agreement or any contract or agreement entered into in
          performance of this Agreement to which any party to this Agreement
          is a party (each a "Contracting Party") requires any other
          Contracting Party to indemnify, compensate or reimburse another
          Contracting Party for a cost borne by that other Contracting Party,
          or to make a payment to another Contracting Party determined wholly
          or partly by reference to a payment made or cost borne by that other
          party, the amount payable shall be calculated by taking into account
          the underlying cost or payment exclusive of VAT, if any, other than
          irrecoverable VAT.


19.8.     The provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and
          effect notwithstanding Completion so far as they remain to be
          observed or performed.


19.9.     This Agreement contains the whole agreement between the parties
          relating to the subject matter of this Agreement at the date hereof
          to the exclusion of any and all prior proposals, representations,
          agreements and negotiations relating thereto, whether written, oral
          or implied between the parties or any of them and also to the
          exclusion of any terms implied by law which may be excluded by



19.10.    So far as is permitted by law and except in the case of fraud, the
          parties agree and acknowledge that the only right and remedy which
          shall be available to the Purchaser in connection with or arising
          out of or related to any of the statements contained in the
          Warranties shall be damages in contract for breach of this Agreement
          and not rescission of this Agreement, nor damages in tort or under
          statute (whether under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 or otherwise),
          nor any other remedy. The parties agree that irreparable damage may
          occur in the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement were
          not performed in accordance with their specific terms or were
          otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed that the parties shall
          be entitled to seek an injunction or injunctions to prevent breaches
          of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and
          provisions of this Agreement in any court of England, this being in
          addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in

19.11.    In Clauses 19.8, 19.9 and 19.10, "this Agreement" includes the
          Disclosure Letter and all documents entered into pursuant to this


19.12.    The Purchaser acknowledges that the US Business Vendor will not
          comply with the provision of any bulk sales or transfer laws of any
          jurisdiction within the United States of America in connection with
          the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. To the extent
          permitted by applicable US laws the Purchaser (for itself and on
          behalf of the relevant Local Purchaser) hereby waives compliance by
          the US Business Vendor with the provisions of the bulk sales or
          transfer laws of all applicable jurisdictions within the United
          States of America.


19.13.    No modification or alteration of this Agreement shall be enforceable
          except by an amendment in writing duly executed by all the parties
          hereto or, in the case of a waiver, duly executed by the party
          waiving compliance.


19.14.    The Business Vendors and the Share Vendors hereby irrevocably
          appoint the Principal Vendor as their agent for the purposes of
          agreeing to any modification or alteration of or granting any waiver
          or other consent under this Agreement or the agreements to be
          delivered pursuant to it.



19.15.    Except where a specific time limit is specified, no delay or
          forbearance by any party in exercising any right or remedy provided
          by law under or pursuant to this Agreement shall impair such right
          or remedy or operate or be construed as a waiver or variation of it
          or preclude its exercise at any subsequent time and no single or
          partial exercise of any right or remedy shall preclude any other or
          further exercise of it or the exercise of any other right or remedy.
          The rights and remedies of the parties under or pursuant to this
          Agreement are cumulative (provided that no party may make recovery
          more than once in respect of the same loss).


19.16.    This Agreement may not be rescinded after Completion.


19.17.    Where in terms of or pursuant to this Agreement payment is expressed
          to fall to be paid on a particular day or date or would have been
          paid on a particular date but for the parties not having agreed the
          amount of the payment or because the parties have required to seek
          the determination of a court, arbitrator, or expert interest shall
          be paid at the Interest Rate by the party due to make the payment of
          principal from the date upon which payment would have been made had
          the payment been agreed or the amount of the required payment been
          known at the earliest point possible under this Agreement until the
          date actually paid. Such interest shall accrue both before and after


19.18.    Subject to Clause 19.19, this Agreement and the Tax Deed are
          personal to the parties to it. Accordingly, subject to Clause 19.19
          neither the Purchaser or the Local Purchasers nor the Vendors may,
          without the prior written consent of the Principal Vendor (in the
          case of assignment by the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser) or the
          Purchaser (in the case of assignment by a Vendor), assign the
          benefit of all or any of the obligations of any other party under
          this Agreement or the Tax Deed.

19.19.    Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, either the
          Purchaser or the Local Purchaser or the Vendors may, without the
          consent of the others, assign to an Associated Company the benefit
          of all or any of the other parties' obligations under this Agreement
          and the Tax Deed provided however that if the assignee ceases to be
          an Associated Company of the Principal Vendor, or as the case may be
          the Purchaser, then the Principal Vendor or as the case may be the
          Purchaser shall procure that the assignee re-assigns the benefit of
          the assigned obligations to an Associated Company or to itself (and
          pending such re-assignment, the assigned rights shall be
          unenforceable) and provided further that the maximum liability of
          any party hereunder for breach of any obligation under this
          Agreement or under any covenant or indemnity contained in or entered
          into pursuant to this Agreement shall be limited to the liability
          which would have arisen in the absence of any such assignment.



19.20.    All notices, requests, demands or other communications under this
          Agreement or the Tax Deed to or upon a party shall be given by
          delivery or by being sent by first class recorded mail or air mail
          (a) in the case of the Principal Vendor or any Vendor, to the
          registered office of that party as set forth in this Agreement or by
          facsimile transmission to the number specified below and (b) in the
          case of the Purchaser, to the address set forth in the preamble to
          this Agreement or by facsimile transmission to the number specified
          below. Any such notice, request, demand or communication shall:

          19.20.1.  if delivered personally (which shall include delivery by
                    courier), be deemed to have been received at the time of
                    such delivery or if delivery is not on a Business Day on
                    the Business Day following such delivery;

          19.20.2.  if given by first class recorded mail or air mail, be
                    deemed to have been received when actually received; and

          19.20.3.  if given by facsimile transmission, be deemed to have been
                    received upon production of a transmission report showing
                    complete transmission of the relevant document to the
                    appropriate number (or if the time of such transmission is
                    not during normal working hours on a Business Day in the
                    recipient country, at the commencement of normal working
                    hours on the next Business Day in the recipient country).

          Unless and until notified otherwise to the Purchaser, all notices to
          a Business Vendor or a Share Vendor may be served on the Principal

          The facsimile numbers of the parties are:

          Principal Vendor: + 44 161 721 1886

          Purchaser: +1 203 229 2613

          Any party may by notice in writing to the other in accordance with
          this Clause 19.20 specify a different or additional address or
          facsimile number for the service of notices or copies of notices.

          All notices or communications to a Vendor shall be clearly marked on
          the exterior and on the first page "for the urgent attention of the
          Company Secretary" and shall be copied to (i) Avecia Holdings plc,
          Hexagon House, Blackley, Manchester, M9 8ZS, UK (facsimile number +
          44 161 721 1886) and (ii) the Vendors' Solicitors (facsimile number
          + 44 20 7628 0027) clearly marked on the exterior and on the first
          page "Urgent: Ref: A112/024/ARD/JPU". All notices or communications
          to the Purchaser shall be clearly marked on the exterior and on the
          first page "for the urgent attention of the Corporate Secretary" and
          shall be copied to the Purchaser's Counsel (facsimile number +1 212
          474 3700).



19.21.    This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts each of
          which shall be deemed an original, but all the counterparts shall
          together constitute one and the same instrument.


19.22.    If any of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable
          against a party in any jurisdiction (in whole or in part), then to
          the greatest extent permitted by law, such illegality or
          unenforceability shall not limit or affect:

          19.22.1.  the enforcement of any other part of this Agreement;

          19.22.2.  enforcement in any other jurisdiction; or

          19.22.3.  enforcement against any other party.


20.1.     This Agreement and the Tax Deed shall be governed by and construed
          in accordance with English law and the parties, expressly waiving
          their rights to any other forum to which they may be entitled,
          irrevocably agree that the courts of England are to have exclusive
          jurisdiction to settle all disputes which may arise out of or in
          connection with this Agreement or the Tax Deed provided that this
          Clause 20.1 shall not preclude the enforcement of or giving effect
          to any judgment of an English Court in any relevant foreign
          jurisdiction or the enforcement of any Local Agreement in the courts
          of the relevant jurisdiction in a manner consistent with Clause 6.6
          and Clause 6.7.

20.2.     Each of the Vendors irrevocably appoints the Principal Vendor and
          the Purchaser irrevocably appoints (and shall procure that each
          Local Purchaser not incorporated in England shall irrevocably
          appoint) Slaughter and May of One Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YY as
          its agent for the service of process in England in relation to any
          matter arising out of this Agreement or the Tax Deed, service upon
          whom shall be deemed completed whether or not forwarded to or
          received by any Vendor or the Purchaser (as appropriate).

20.3.     Each of the parties shall inform the other, in writing, of any
          change in the address of its process agents within 28 days.

20.4.     If such process agents cease to have an address in England, the
          relevant appointor irrevocably agrees to appoint new process agents
          acceptable to the other parties and to deliver within 14 days a copy
          of a written acceptance of appointment by its new process agents.

20.5.     Nothing contained in this Agreement or the Tax Deed shall affect the
          right to serve process in any other manner permitted by law.



- ------------------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------------------
   NAME OF SHARE VENDOR                COUNTRY OF                   SHARES SOLD
- ------------------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------------------


Avecia Holdings B.V.                  Netherlands            100% of Avecia SA (Uruguay)
- ------------------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------------------
Avecia Holdings B.V. and           Netherlands and UK        100% of Avecia Protection &
Avecia UK Holdings Limited                                   Hygiene NV (Belgium)
- ------------------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------------------
Avecia Holdings B.V.                  Netherlands            100% of Avecia Protection &
                                                             Hygiene AB (Sweden)
- ------------------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------------------
Avecia, Inc.                           USA                   100% of Splashes, Inc. (USA)
- ------------------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------------------


- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------


Avecia Inc.                              USA               Manufacturing, research and
                                                           development, sales and services,
                                                           named owner of IP, licences and
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia KK                               Japan              Sales and services
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia Limited                           UK                Manufacturing, research and
                                                           development, sales and services,
                                                           named owner of IP, licences and
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia (SCDR) SARL                     France              Sales and services
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia GmbH                            Germany             Sales and services
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia Spain SL                         Spain              Sales and services
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia Asia Pacific Pte Ltd           Singapore            Sales and services
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
Avecia Comercial e Importada
Limitada                               Brazil              Sales and services
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------
DTBA Limited                             UK                Legal title to property at Seal Sands
- ------------------------------    -------------------    ----------------------------------------

                           SCHEDULE 2 - Vendors, Shares and Target Businessees


                       SCHEDULE 2 - THE TARGET COMPANIEs

Name:                            Splashes, Inc.

Principal Place of Business:     235 Cherry Lane, New Castle, DE 19720, USA

Place of Incorporation:          Delaware, USA

Date of Incorporation:           29th January 2004

Federal ID Number:               13-4273886

Officers:                        Simon Herriott (Director and President)
                                 Brenda Heffelfinger (Treasurer and Secretary)

Issued Share Capital:            100 shares of common stock of US$0.01 each

Shareholders:                    Avecia, Inc

% ownership by Vendors' Group:   100%

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                            Avecia S.A.

Principal Place of Business:     Plaza Independencia 831 Of. 808
                                 (11100) Montevideo

Place of Incorporation:          Uruguay

Registered Number:               RUC 21.381501.0014

Directors:                       Carlos Humberto Canoura Pereira
                                 Mark Alan Kenline

Issued Share Capital:            7,369,716 ordinary shares of $1,00 each

Shareholder:                     Avecia Holdings B.V.

% ownership by Vendors' Group:   100%

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                            Avecia Protection & Hygiene NV

Registered Address:              13B Avenue de Tervueren, 1040 Brussels,

Place of Incorporation:          Belgium

Date of Incorporation:           30th December 2003

Registered Number:               0862.451.150

                                    SCHEDULE 2- The Target Companies


Directors:                       Mark James Nugent
                                 Robertus Theodorus Hendrikus Vink

Issued Share Capital:            (euro) 61,500

Shareholders:                    Avecia Holdings B.V.,
                                 Avecia UK Holdings Limited

% ownership by Vendors' Group:   100%

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name:                            Avecia Protection & Hygiene AB

Registered Address:              Box 437, 40126 Goteborg, Sweden

Place of Incorporation:          Sweden

Date of Incorporation:           14th October 2003

Registered Number:               556648-6808

Officers:                        Mark James Nugent (Sole Director)
                                 Peter George Whitehouse (Deputy Director)

Issued Share Capital:            SEK 100,000

Shareholder:                     Avecia Holdings B.V.

% ownership by Vendors' Group:   100%

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      SCHEDULE 2- The Target Companies




*  This Schedule contains certain information relating to the calculation of a
   working capital adjustment, an adjustment based on levels of cash and
   indebtedness at completion and certain deferred consideration, which will
   be furnished supplementally to the Commission upon request.

                    Schedule 3 - Purchase Price Adjustment


                            SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties

Specific references in this Schedule 4 to a "Business Vendor" shall be deemed
to refer to such Business Vendor only in connection with the Target Business
carried on by and the Business Assets and Business Liabilities of such
Business Vendor (and not to any unrelated business or activity or assets and


1.1.     The Vendors and the Target Companies are companies duly incorporated
         and validly existing under their respective laws of incorporation.

1.2.     The Vendors have the legal right and full power and authority to
         enter into and perform such of this Agreement and any other documents
         to be entered into by the Vendors pursuant to this Agreement. This
         Agreement and such other documents when executed will constitute
         valid and binding obligations of the Vendors in accordance with their
         respective terms.

1.3.     The execution and delivery of, and the performance by the Vendors of
         their obligations under, such of this Agreement and any other
         documents to be executed by the Vendors pursuant to this Agreement
         (or any Local Agreement) as are relevant to such Vendors will not:

          1.3.1.    violate, conflict with or result in a breach of any
                    provision of the constitutional documents or by-laws of
                    any such Vendor or Target Company or, assuming the
                    provisions of Clause 10 are effective to avoid any breach
                    of the Contracts, violate, conflict with or result in a
                    breach of or constitute a default under any material
                    instrument to which any Vendor or Target Company is a
                    party or by which they are bound;

          1.3.2.    result in a breach of any order, judgment or decree of or
                    undertaking to any court, governmental agency or
                    regulatory body to which any Vendor or Target Company is a
                    party or by which any Vendor or Target Company is bound;

          1.3.3.    violate, conflict with or result in any breach of any
                    statute, legally binding rule or governmental regulation
                    applicable to any Vendor.

1.4.     The Business Vendors and the Target Companies have the legal right
         and power and authority to carry on the Operations (or, in each case,
         the relevant part thereof). This Warranty shall not be construed as
         extending to Intellectual Property matters, which are the subject of
         paragraph 8.4.

1.5.     All corporate action required by the Vendors validly and duly to
         authorise the execution and delivery of, and to exercise their
         respective rights and perform their obligations under, this Agreement
         has been duly taken and all such action in relation to the other
         documents to be executed by the Vendors pursuant to this Agreement or
         any of the Local Agreements will have been taken by Completion.

                                           SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


1.6.      No consent, approval or authorisation of or declaration or filing
          with any governmental authority is required to be made or obtained
          by any Vendor as a condition of the execution or delivery of this
          Agreement or the documents to be delivered under this Agreement or,
          save as contemplated by Clause 3, the consummation of the
          transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.


2.1.      The Disclosure Letter (other than documents attached thereto or
          listed therein as agreed disclosures) has been prepared by the
          Principal Vendor in good faith and the Principal Vendor has not
          knowingly included any matter which is untrue, inaccurate or
          misleading or knowingly omitted from it any matter the omission of
          which would make its contents materially misleading in the context
          in which they appear.

2.2.      The documents attached to or incorporated by reference in the
          Disclosure Letter are accurate and (except where manifestly not the
          case) complete copies (in that all the pages relating to the
          Operations have been included) of the document which they purport to

2.3.      The information contained in Schedule 2 insofar as it relates to the
          Target Companies is true and accurate.


3.1.      2002 ACCOUNTS AND 2003 ACCOUNTS:

          3.1.1.    were prepared in accordance with UK GAAP;

          3.1.2.    were prepared applying bases, policies and methods of
                    accounting consistent with these used in preparing the
                    audited consolidated accounts of the Vendors' Group for
                    the year to 31st December 2002;

          3.1.3.    were not, except as disclosed therein, affected by any
                    exceptional or extraordinary items; and

          3.1.4.    fairly present the state of affairs and results of the
                    Operations as at the end of and for the periods to which
                    they relate.


          The books of account and statutory books of the Target Companies and
          the Books and Records (i) are in all material respects up-to-date
          and have been in all material respects maintained in accordance with
          all applicable legal requirements on a proper and consistent basis
          and (ii) in all material respects contain complete and accurate
          records of all matters required to be dealt with in such books. All
          such books and records are in the possession (or under the control)
          of the relevant Target Company or Business Vendor and no notice or
          allegation that any is materially incorrect or should be rectified
          has been received.



          During the period between the Accounts Date and the date of this
          Agreement (inclusive):

          3.3.1.    no Vendor or Target Company has taken any action that, if
                    taken after the date of this Agreement, would constitute a
                    breach of Clause 5.2 (other than Clause 5.2.5 or Clause
                    5.2.9 thereof);

          3.3.2.    the Operations have been carried on in the ordinary course
                    consistent with past practice, without any interruption or
                    alteration in their nature, scope or manner, and so as to
                    maintain the same as a going concern;

          3.3.3.    there has been no Material Adverse Change; and

          3.3.4.    so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, no provision,
                    reserve or accrual in the 2003 Accounts has proved to be
                    materially inadequate in light of subsequent


          The 2003 Accounts properly account in accordance with UK GAAP for
          all liabilities or obligations of any nature which are known to the
          Vendors' Group and which would require to be reflected on a
          consolidated balance sheet as at the Accounts Date or in the notes
          thereto prepared under UK GAAP. Since the Accounts Date, the
          Operations have not incurred any liabilities or obligations other
          than in the ordinary course of the Operations consistent with past
          practice and not in violation of this Agreement.



          The Operations have since 30th June 1999 been carried on and are
          being carried on in such manner so that there have been no material
          breaches of applicable laws (including laws concerning the health
          and safety at work of the Employees), legal duties, regulations and
          by-laws in each country in which they are carried on. There is no
          order, decree, decision or judgment of, nor (so far as the Principal
          Vendor is aware) any investigation or inquiry by any court,
          tribunal, arbitrator, governmental agency or regulatory body
          outstanding or anticipated against any Business Vendor or Target
          Company or any person for whose acts or defaults they may be
          vicariously liable which has had or may result in a Material Adverse
          Change, nor has any notice or other communication from any court,
          tribunal, arbitrator, governmental agency or regulatory body been
          received with respect to an alleged material actual or potential
          violation or failure to comply with any such applicable law,
          regulation or by-law.


          All Permits material to carrying on the Operations as now carried on
          have been validly obtained, are validly held by a Business Vendor or
          a Target Company,

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          are in full force and effect and have since 30th June 1999 been and
          are being complied with in all material respects. So far as the
          Principal Vendor is aware, there is no investigation, enquiry or
          proceeding outstanding or anticipated which is likely to result in
          the suspension, cancellation, modification or revocation of any such
          Permits. So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, none of such
          Permits is likely to be suspended, cancelled, refused, modified or
          revoked (whether as a result of the entry into of this Agreement or
          any Local Agreement, Completion or otherwise). This Warranty is not
          to be construed as extending to Intellectual Property matters, which
          are the subject of paragraph 8.4.

4.3.      LITIGATION

          None of the Target Companies or the Business Vendors is involved
          whether as plaintiff or defendant or other party in any material
          claim, legal action, proceeding suit, litigation, prosecution,
          arbitration or dispute resolution (other than as plaintiff in the
          collection of debts arising in the ordinary course of trading which
          in aggregate do not exceed US$150,000 and in aggregate for any
          particular debtor do not exceed US$10,000) and, so far as the
          Principal Vendor is aware, no such claim, legal action, proceeding,
          suit, litigation, prosecution, arbitration or dispute resolution is
          threatened by or against the Target Companies or any Business Vendor
          nor, so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, is there any fact or
          circumstance likely to give rise to any such claim, legal action,
          proceeding, suit, litigation, prosecution, arbitration or dispute
          resolution. So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, none of the
          Business Vendors or Target Companies is a party or subject to or in
          default under any material judgment, order or decree applicable to
          the conduct of the Operations.

4.4.      Environment

          4.4.1.    The Target Companies and the Business Vendors are and at
                    all times since 30th June 1999 have been in material
                    compliance with all Environmental Laws and Environmental
                    Permits. The Target Companies and Business Vendors have
                    not ceased operations at, sold or transferred any real
                    property since 30th June 1999.

          4.4.2.    The Target Companies and the Business Vendors have not
                    since 30th June 1999 received any claims, orders or
                    notices, including notices of proceedings, relating to:

                    (i)       the violation of or any liability under
                              Environmental Laws; or

                    (ii)      the failure to obtain or materially comply with
                              any Environmental Permits; or

                    (iii)     the investigation or remediation of polluted or
                              contaminated land or water,

                    and so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, there are no
                    circumstances arising since 30th June 1999 that could give
                    rise to any such claim, order or notice.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          4.4.3.    There are included in the Data Room copies of all external
                    audits, assessments, surveys, reports or investigations
                    relating to the Environment and/or formal health and
                    safety surveys, reports or investigations (other than
                    exclusively in relation to third party tollers) (i) in the
                    possession of the Vendors' Group or (ii) carried out by or
                    on behalf of any member of the Vendors' Group in respect
                    of any of the Properties or otherwise relevant to the
                    Operations since 30th June 1999.

          4.4.4.    The Disclosure Letter contains a list setting out in
                    reasonable detail (i) all claims made by any member of the
                    Vendors' Group or, so far as the Principal Vendor is
                    aware, any third party under the Environmental Deed and
                    (ii) any matters that so far as the Principal Vendor is
                    aware were or should have been the subject of a claim by a
                    member of the Vendors' Group under clause 9.1 of the
                    Environmental Deed.

          4.4.5.    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, and other than as
                    set out in the audits, assessments, surveys, reports or
                    investigations referred to in paragraph 4.4.3, the
                    Principal Vendor is not aware of any specific and material
                    contamination or pollution at any of the Properties. The
                    Business Vendors and the Target Companies have not since
                    30th June 1999 created or exacerbated any condition at any
                    location or sent waste to an off-site location in
                    connection with any of the Business Properties or the
                    Operations that, in any such case, would (so far as the
                    Principal Vendor is aware) require abatement or clean-up
                    under Environmental Laws or would (so far as the Principal
                    Vendor is aware) subject the Business Vendors or the
                    Target Companies to Liabilities (including third-party
                    claims) under Environmental Laws.

4.5.      INSOLVENCY

          4.5.1.    No order has been made, petition presented, resolution
                    passed or meeting convened for the winding up (or other
                    process whereby the business is terminated and the assets
                    of the company concerned are distributed amongst the
                    creditors and/or shareholders or other contributories) of
                    any Target Company or any Vendor and there are no cases or
                    proceedings under any applicable insolvency,
                    reorganisation or similar laws in any jurisdiction
                    concerning any Target Company or Vendor and no events have
                    occurred which, under applicable laws, would justify any
                    such cases or proceedings.

          4.5.2.    No petition has been presented or other proceedings have
                    been commenced for an administration order to be made (or
                    any other order to be made by which, during the period it
                    is in force, the affairs, business and assets of the
                    company concerned, are managed by a person appointed for
                    the purpose by a Court, governmental agency or similar
                    body or by any creditor or group of creditors) in relation
                    to any Target Company or Vendor, nor has any such order
                    been made.

          4.5.3.    No receiver (including an administrative receiver),
                    liquidator, trustee, administrator, custodian or similar
                    official has been appointed in any jurisdiction in respect
                    of the whole or any part of the business or assets

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    of any Target Company or Vendor and no step has been taken
                    for or with a view to the appointment of such a person.

          4.5.4.    Prior to and after giving effect to the transactions
                    contemplated by this Agreement, no Target Company or
                    Vendor (i) is insolvent or unable to pay its debts as they
                    fall due or (ii) has stopped or will stop paying its debts
                    as they fall due.

          4.5.5.    No distress, restraint, charging order, garnishee order,
                    execution or other process has been levied or applied for
                    in respect of any of the Assets.

          4.5.6.    No event has occurred causing, or which upon instruction
                    or notice by any third party may cause, any floating
                    charge created by any Vendor to crystallise over any
                    Shares or Asset or any charge created by it to become
                    enforceable over any of the Shares or Assets. No such
                    crystallisation has occurred nor is any such enforcement
                    in process.



          5.1.1.    No member of the Vendors' Group is party to any contract
                    or arrangement with any current or former employee of any
                    Target Company or Business Vendor or any current or former
                    director of any Target Company, other than on normal
                    commercial terms in the ordinary course of trading
                    consistent with past practice.

          5.1.2.    With the exception of the agreements to be entered into at
                    Completion as provided for in this Agreement, there are no
                    existing contracts or arrangements which will remain in
                    force or effect after the Completion Date (a) between or
                    involving any Target Company and any member of the
                    Vendors' Group or (b) between or involving any Business
                    Vendor and any member of the Vendors' Group relating to
                    the Operations.

          5.1.3.    Without prejudice to paragraph 5.1.2, there are no
                    arrangements or contracts between any member of the
                    Vendors' Group and any Employee by which:

                    (a)       any member of the Vendors' Group has offered
                              employment (conditionally or otherwise) to any
                              Employee to take effect on or after Completion;

                    (b)       payments or benefits may be received by such
                              Employee after Completion dependent on the
                              discretion of any member of the Vendors' Group
                              (or any person acting on its behalf or

5.2.      CONTRACTS

          5.2.1.    There is included in the Data Room a complete copy of each
                    Contract and each contract or arrangement to which any
                    member of the Vendors'

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    Group is a party that arises out of, or is entered into in
                    connection with, the Operations (other than agreements for
                    the supply of goods, services or utilities to the Vendors'
                    Group the benefit of which is to be provided to the
                    Purchaser or a Local Purchaser under the Ancillary
                    Agreements) which as at the date of this Agreement falls
                    into any of the following descriptions (the "Material

                    (a)       a joint venture, consortium, partnership or
                              similar arrangement (other than membership of a
                              trade association in relation to which a Vendor
                              or Target Company has no liability or obligation
                              except for the payment of annual subscription or
                              membership fees);

                    (b)       a contract or arrangement meeting the relevant
                              materiality criteria as set forth below in terms
                              of which by virtue of the completion of the
                              transactions contemplated by this Agreement:

                              (i)       any other party will be relieved of
                                        any obligations or entitled to
                                        exercise any right (including any
                                        right of termination or pre-emption);

                              (ii)      any Business Vendor or any Target
                                        Company will be in default or loses
                                        any benefit, right or licence which it
                                        currently enjoys or incurs or
                                        increases any liability;

                              (iii)     in respect of contracts or
                                        arrangements held by Target Companies,
                                        the consent of the other party(ies) to
                                        such contract or arrangement is
                                        required due to the change in the
                                        control of such Target Company or the
                                        other party or parties to such
                                        contract or arrangement is granted any
                                        preferential rights to purchase any
                                        Asset; or

                              (iv)      in respect of contracts or
                                        arrangements held by a Business Vendor
                                        relating to the Operations, the
                                        consent of the other party(ies) to
                                        such contract or arrangement is
                                        required to transfer the benefit of
                                        such contract or arrangement to the
                                        Purchaser or a Local Purchaser (as
                                        appropriate) or the other party or
                                        parties to such contract or
                                        arrangement is granted any
                                        preferential rights to purchase any

                    (c)       a material contract or arrangement entered into
                              otherwise than by way of bargain at arm's length
                              and in the ordinary course of business;

                    (d)       a contract or arrangement meeting the relevant
                              materiality criteria as set forth below (other
                              than leases of real property described in the
                              Property List) which cannot be terminated by the
                              relevant Business Vendor or Target Company at
                              any time on three months' notice or less without
                              giving rise to a breach of contract or liability
                              to pay compensation;

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    (e)       a contract or arrangement which materially
                              restricts the freedom of the relevant Business
                              Vendor or Target Company to carry on its
                              business in any part of the world in such manner
                              as it thinks fit; or

                    (f)       a finance lease or hire purchase agreement or
                              similar arrangement with any person under which
                              (i) a Business Vendor or Target Company is a
                              lessee of, or holds or uses, any machinery,
                              equipment, vehicle or other tangible personal
                              property owned by any person or (ii) a Business
                              Vendor or Target Company is a lessor or
                              sublessor of, or makes available for use by any
                              person any machinery, equipment, vehicle or
                              other tangible personal property owned or leased
                              by the relevant Business Vendor or Target
                              Company, in any such case which has an aggregate
                              future liability or receivable (as the case may
                              be) in excess of US$25,000;

                    (g)       a contract or arrangement granting an
                              Encumbrance upon any Asset other than any
                              Permitted Encumbrance or Encumbrance arising by
                              operation of law or in the ordinary course of
                              trading or which will be released at Completion;

                    (h)       a currency exchange, interest rate exchange,
                              commodity exchange or similar contract or

                    (i)       a guarantee, indemnity or suretyship involving
                              third parties or other arrangement (including
                              any so-called take-or-pay or keepwell agreement)
                              by which (i) a Business Vendor or Target Company
                              is or may be obliged to pay, purchase or provide
                              funds in excess of US$25,000 (whether by the
                              advance of money, the purchase of or
                              subscription for shares or other securities, the
                              purchase of assets or services or otherwise) as
                              a consequence of the default of any other person
                              or (ii) any other person is or may be obliged to
                              pay, purchase or provide funds in excess of
                              US$25,000 (whether by the advance of money, the
                              purchase of or subscription for shares or other
                              securities, the purchase of assets or services
                              or otherwise) as a consequence of the default of
                              a Business Vendor or Target Company;

                    (j)       a lease, sublease or similar contract or
                              arrangement with any person under which any
                              Business Vendor or Target Company is a lessor or
                              sublessor of, or makes available for use to any
                              person, or is a lessee or sublessee of, or is in
                              possession or occupancy of, (i) any Property or
                              (ii) any portion of any premises otherwise
                              occupied by any Business Vendor or Target

                    (k)       (i) a continuing contract or arrangement for the
                              future purchase of materials, supplies or
                              equipment (other than purchase orders for
                              inventory in the ordinary course), (ii) a
                              management, service, tolling, consulting or
                              other similar contract or arrangement or (iii)
                              an advertising agreement or arrangement, in any
                              such case

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                              where any Business Vendor or Target Company has
                              an aggregate future liability to any person in
                              excess of US$100,000 or extending for a term of
                              more than six months from the date of this
                              Agreement (unless terminable without payment or
                              penalty upon no more than three months' notice);

                    (l)       a contract or arrangement (including a purchase
                              order), involving the aggregate future payment
                              by any Business Vendor or Target Company of more
                              than US$100,000;

                    (m)       a contract or arrangement providing for the
                              services of any dealer, distributor, sales
                              representative or similar representative
                              involving the payment or receipt over the life
                              of such contract or arrangement in excess of
                              US$100,000 by any Business Vendor or Target

                    (n)       an employment agreement or employment contract
                              (i) with any Senior Employee or (ii) not
                              terminable by a Business Vendor or Target
                              Company by notice of six months or less or (iii)
                              not terminable by a Business Vendor or Target
                              Company for a cost of $10,000 or less (other
                              than (a) salary and benefits throughout the
                              relevant notice period (or payment in lieu
                              thereof), (b) payments under generally
                              applicable severance plans disclosed to the
                              Purchaser and (c) compensation payable under
                              statute or any other non-voluntary legal

                    (o)       a collective bargaining agreement or other
                              contract or arrangement with any labour
                              organisation, union or association;

                    (p)       a licence or agreement relating to Intellectual
                              Property, Regulatory Data or Know-how entered
                              into by any of the Target Companies or Business
                              Vendors in relation to the Operations which are
                              material to the Operations;

                    (q)       any outstanding offer made by a Business Vendor
                              or a Target Company which, if accepted, would
                              result in a contract or arrangement as described
                              in paragraphs (a) to (p) above.

                    For the purposes of sub-paragraphs (b) and (d) above a
                    contract, agreement or arrangement meets the relevant
                    materiality criteria if:

                    (i)       the current annual turnover relating to products
                              which are the subject of such contract,
                              agreement or arrangement is in excess of 2% of
                              the turnover of the Operations for the year
                              ended on the Accounts Date; or

                    (ii)      the contract, agreement or arrangement is of
                              fundamental importance to the Operations, taken
                              as a whole.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties



          All the Material Contracts are valid and binding obligations of each
          Business Vendor and/or Target Company party thereto and, so far as
          the Principal Vendor is aware, the counterparties thereto. No notice
          of termination or of intention to terminate has been received in
          respect thereof nor are there any grounds for termination by of any
          counterparties thereto or, so far as the Principal Vendor is aware,
          by any Business Vendor or Target Company, in each case prior to
          their stated expiry date. None of the Business Vendors or Target
          Companies is in breach of any of the material terms of any of the
          Material Contracts and, so far as the Principal Vendor is aware,
          neither is any of the counterparties.


          The Disclosure Letter sets out details of any single supplier from
          whom the Operations purchased during 2003 goods or services for
          which the aggregate purchase price exceeded 5% of the aggregate
          purchase price of the total amount of goods and services purchased
          by the Operations during 2003. Since the Accounts Date there has not
          been (i) any material adverse change in the business relationship of
          the Operations with any such supplier or (ii) any change in any
          material term (including credit terms) of the supply agreements or
          related arrangements with any such supplier.


          The Disclosure Letter sets out details of (i) the eight most
          significant customers (by sales) of the Protection and Hygiene
          business of the Operations during 2003 and the amount of sales
          attributable to each such customer during 2003 and (ii) the six most
          significant customers (by sales) of the Pool and Spa business of the
          operations during 2003 and the amount of sales attributable to each
          such customer during 2003. Since the Accounts Date, there has not
          been (i) any material adverse change in the business relationship of
          the Operations with any such customer or (ii) any change in any
          material terms (including credit terms) of the sales agreements or
          related agreements with any such customer. Since 30th June 1999, the
          Business Vendors and the Target Companies have not received any
          written or oral customer complaint concerning the products and
          services of the Operations, nor have they had any such products
          returned by a purchaser thereof (other than complaints and returns
          made in the ordinary course of trading that, individually or in the
          aggregate, have not resulted in a Material Adverse Change).

6.        EMPLOYEES


          6.1.1.    Each individual referred to in the Employee List was
                    employed by either the Business Vendor or a Target Company
                    at 18th February 2004 and was engaged primarily in the
                    Operations and there were on that date no other
                    individuals who were so engaged.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          6.1.2.    Particulars of the terms of employment of each Senior
                    Employee who is not a party to a written contract of
                    employment are attached to or incorporated by reference
                    into the Disclosure Letter. The Data Room includes details
                    of the standard terms of employment generally applicable
                    to the other grades of employee.

          6.1.3.    No Senior Employee has given to any member of the Vendors'
                    Group nor has received from any member of the Vendors'
                    Group, notice of termination of his or her employment.

          6.1.4.    No person who is not an Employee has a right to return to
                    work or any right to be re-instated or re-employed by any
                    Target Company or Business Vendor in connection with the
                    Operations whether under statute or otherwise.

          6.1.5.    The terms of all current recognition, procedural,
                    collective or other agreements between any Business Vendor
                    or Target Company and any trade union or other body
                    representing the Employees or any of them have been
                    included in the Data Room.

          6.1.6.    The terms of all Employee Benefit Arrangements have been
                    included in the Data Room and a list of all Employee
                    Benefit Arrangements and Equity Schemes is set out in the
                    Disclosure Letter.

          6.1.7.    Except as provided under the terms of the Employee Benefit
                    Arrangements, neither the Business Vendors nor the Target
                    Companies have entered into any arrangement or agreement
                    imposing an obligation on that company to provide to the
                    Employees or any of them at any future date any share
                    incentive, share option, profit-related pay, profit share
                    bonus or other similar incentive schemes or any enhanced
                    severance payments.

          6.1.8.    In the last twelve months prior to the date of this
                    Agreement, no payment has been made or promised to be made
                    or benefits given or promised to be given by a Vendor as
                    consideration for the variation of any contract of
                    employment of any Employee or Employees, which are
                    material in the aggregate.

          6.1.9.    Since the Accounts Date, no change has been made in the
                    emoluments or other terms of engagement of any Employee or
                    Employees, which are material in the aggregate.

          6.1.10.   Other than amounts for which the Vendors' Group will be
                    solely liable or which will be provided for in the
                    Completion Working Capital Statement, paragraph 6.1.10 of
                    the Disclosure Letter sets out all amounts now due to or
                    in respect of any Employee or Employees (other than salary
                    for the month current at the date of this Agreement and
                    any normal out of pocket expenses incurred by such
                    Employee) which are material in the aggregate and are in
                    arrears and unpaid.

          6.1.11.   Other than amounts for which the Vendors' Group will be
                    solely liable or which will be provided for in the
                    Completion Working Capital

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    Statement, paragraph 6.1.11 of the Disclosure Letter sets
                    out, or in relation to jurisdictions outside the United
                    States, refers to all written or unwritten contracts of
                    employment (including any severance or termination
                    agreement, plan or scheme) with an Employee which cannot
                    be terminated without payment in lieu of notice, damages
                    or compensation (other than that payable under applicable
                    law or pursuant to paragraph 1.5 of Part 1 of Schedule 7)
                    by giving at any time three months' notice or less in

          6.1.12.   All current consultancy agreements with any Vendor in
                    connection with the Operations have been included in the
                    Data Room.

          6.1.13.   Details of all applicable redundancy policies or practices
                    relevant to the Employees, whether or not contractually
                    binding and all arrangements or practices regarding
                    redundancy payments whether contractual, customary or
                    discretionary, above the minimum required by applicable
                    law have been included in the Data Room.


          6.2.1.    No material liability (that has not been discharged) has
                    been incurred by any Business Vendor or any Target Company
                    for breach or termination of any contract of employment
                    with any Employee including, but not limited to, any
                    redundancy payments or compensation or damages for
                    dismissal or breach of contract.

          6.2.2.    Other than amounts for which the Vendors' Group will be
                    solely liable or which will be provided for in the
                    Completion Working Capital Statement, paragraph 6.2.2 of
                    the Disclosure Letter sets out all instances and
                    arrangements, other than those required by applicable law
                    or, with respect to actions described in this paragraph
                    6.2.2 that occur after the date of this Agreement, in the
                    ordinary course of business consistent with past practice,
                    whereby any Business Vendor or any Target Company has
                    agreed to make any non-contractual payment or provide any
                    non-contractual benefit to any Employee or any dependent
                    of any such Employee in connection with the actual or
                    proposed termination or suspension of employment or
                    variation of any employment contract of any such Employee.


          Other than amounts which will be provided for in the Completion
          Working Capital Statement, paragraph 6.3 of the Disclosure Letter
          sets out all arrangements under which any Employee will become
          entitled by virtue of his or her contract of employment or otherwise
          to any enhancement in or improvement to his or her remuneration,
          severance or other benefits or terms and conditions of employment
          (including any acceleration of the time of payment or vesting of any
          remuneration or benefits) or any remuneration or benefits the value
          of which will be calculated on the basis of any of the transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement by reason of the signing of this
          Agreement and/or Completion.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties



          6.4.1.    There is not, and during the six months before the date of
                    this Agreement, there has not been any dispute between any
                    Vendor and any trade union or other organisation formed
                    for a similar purpose or any industrial action affecting
                    any Business Vendor, or the Target Companies.

          6.4.2.    The Vendors and the Target Companies have not received any
                    threat of industrial action falling under paragraph 6.4.1

          6.4.3.    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, there are no
                    disputes with any trade union, works council or any other
                    employee representative representing all or any Employees
                    in relation to their employment in the operations or any
                    circumstances likely to give rise to any action as
                    described in paragraph 6.4.1 above.

          6.4.4.    No Employee is represented by any labour union with
                    respect to such Employee's employment by a Vendor.

          6.4.5.    Since 30th June 1999, none of the Business Vendors or
                    Target Companies has experienced any union organisation
                    attempts or work stoppages due to labour disagreements. No
                    grievance or arbitration proceeding arising out of a
                    collective bargaining or other labour union contract or
                    arrangement is pending or, so far as the Principal Vendor
                    is aware, threatened against any of the Business Vendors
                    or Target Companies.

          6.4.6.    During the period of six months before the date of this
                    Agreement, none of the Business Vendors or Target
                    Companies has given notice of redundancies to any
                    governmental authority or started consultations in respect
                    of redundancies with appropriate employee representatives
                    under any requirement of applicable law.

          6.4.7.    There are no outstanding applications for trade union
                    recognition or de-recognition relating to any of the
                    Employees and there is no staff association, works council
                    or similar employee body or employee representatives
                    relating to any of the Employees.

          6.4.8.    There are no litigation, arbitration, mediation,
                    administrative or criminal proceedings pending or
                    threatened by any Employee or third party in respect of
                    any accident or injury which concerns or may effect the
                    employment of any Employee.


          6.5.1.    Each Employee Benefit Arrangement has been administered in
                    compliance in all material respects with its terms and the
                    terms of all collective bargaining agreements or other
                    contracts or arrangements with any labour organisation,
                    union or association, and all contributions have been made
                    in accordance with its terms and with applicable law. All
                    pension plans required to have been approved by any

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    entity have been so approved or timely submitted for
                    approval; no such approval has been revoked (nor has
                    revocation been threatened) and no event has occurred
                    since the date of the most recent approval or application
                    therefor that would affect any such approval or increase
                    the costs relating thereto. The execution and delivery of
                    this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
                    contemplated hereby (alone or in combination with any
                    other event) do not and will not require the funding
                    (whether through a grantor trust or otherwise) of, or
                    increase the cost of, any Employee Benefit Arrangement.
                    There are no unfunded Employee Benefit Arrangements
                    providing for benefits payable on retirement.

          6.5.2.    Other than Employee Benefit Arrangements that are Avecia's
                    Benefit Plans and any schemes providing pensions or
                    benefits to Employees which are administered by a
                    governmental authority and to which the relevant member of
                    the Vendors' Group's or a Target Company's only financial
                    obligation is to make specified contributions (an
                    "Independent Scheme") (together with Avecia's Benefit
                    Plans, the "Operations' Plans") the benefit or pensions
                    schemes set out or referred to at paragraph 6.5.2 of the
                    Disclosure Letter are the only schemes to which the
                    Business Vendor in relation to the Target Business and/or
                    the Target Companies make, are liable to make or have
                    agreed to make payments for providing retirement, death,
                    disability, medical or life assurance benefits in respect
                    of Employees. No proposal has been announced to establish
                    any other scheme for providing benefits in respect of any

          6.5.3.    There are attached to the Disclosure Letter or included in
                    the Data Room copies of all material documents presently
                    governing the Operations' Plans.

          6.5.4.    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, there is no
                    dispute about the benefits payable under the Operations'
                    Plans or the Employees' membership in such plans in
                    respect of any Employees.

          6.5.5.    Each member of the Vendors' Group in respect of the Avecia
                    UK Scheme (as defined in Part 2 of Schedule 8) holds or is
                    named in an appropriate contracting-out certificate
                    (within the meaning of the Pension Schemes Act 1993) in
                    respect of those of its Employees who are members of the
                    Avecia UK Scheme.

          6.5.6.    Except with respect to incentive compensation Employee
                    Benefit Arrangements for which the Vendors' Group will be
                    solely liable, the performance targets established for
                    2004 in connection with those incentive compensation
                    Employee Benefit Arrangements which are based on the
                    results of the Operations (as opposed to those of the
                    Vendors' Group) are set out in paragraph 6.5.6 of the
                    Disclosure Letter.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


7.        TAXATION


          All registrations, returns and computations which are or have been
          required to be filed, made or given on or before the date of this
          Agreement by each Target Company or any consolidated, combined,
          affiliated, unitary or similar group that includes a Target Company
          (to the extent it relates to any Target Company) for any Taxation
          purpose (i) have been properly made or given within the requisite
          periods and (ii) so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, are not
          and are not likely to be the subject of any material dispute with
          any Tax Authority. All such registrations, returns and computations
          reflect in all material respects the liability for Taxes and all
          other information required to be included in therein. All Taxes
          shown as due and payable on such Tax Returns have been timely paid
          in full or will be timely paid in full by the due date thereof so
          far as the same require to be paid on or before the relevant
          Completion Date for the relevant Target Company. To the extent that
          the following Warranties 7.1.1, 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 below relate to
          Business Assets and to the extent only that a breach of the
          following Warranties 7.1.1, 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 below may result in the
          imposition of an Encumbrance on any of the Business Assets or impose
          a Liability on the Purchaser.

          7.1.1     all registrations, returns and computations which are or
                    have been required to be filed, made or given on or before
                    the date of this Agreement have been properly made or
                    given within the requisite periods, and so far as the
                    Principal Vendor is aware, are not and are not likely to
                    be the subject of any material dispute with any Tax

          7.1.2     all such registrations, returns and computations reflect
                    in all material respects the liability for Taxes and all
                    other information required to be included therein; and

          7.1.3     all Taxes shown are due and payable on such Tax Returns
                    have been timely paid in full or will be timely paid in
                    full by the date thereof.


          The Disclosure Letter sets out particulars of any agreement,
          arrangement or election relating to the Operations between any
          Target Company or Vendor and any Tax Authority pursuant to which the
          relevant Target Company or Vendor is authorised not to comply with
          what but for such agreement, arrangement or election would be its
          statutory obligations and no Target Company or Vendor has taken any
          action which, so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, has had or
          will have, nor, so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, will
          anything contemplated by this Agreement have, the effect of
          altering, prejudicing or in any way disturbing any such agreement,
          arrangements or election.


          Each Target Company has been resident for tax purposes in the
          country of its incorporation (save where stated in the Disclosure
          Letter with express reference

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          to this warranty) and has not been resident anywhere else at any
          time since its incorporation and will be so resident at Completion
          and so far as the Principal Vendor is aware the country of
          incorporation is the only country whose Tax Authority has sought (in
          writing) to charge Tax on the worldwide profits and gains of the
          Target Company and no Target Company has ever paid Tax on income,
          profit or gains to any Tax Authority in any other country. For the
          avoidance of doubt, references to residence in this Warranty shall
          be construed as references to residence as determined by the local
          law of the jurisdiction or jurisdictions concerned and not by
          reference to the provisions of any relevant double taxation
          agreement or convention.


          7.4.1.    Each Target Company is registered for VAT and is a taxable
                    person for the purposes of the relevant VAT legislation
                    and has complied in all respects with such legislation and
                    all regulations made or notices issued thereunder and has
                    maintained full, complete, correct, and up to date
                    records, invoices and other documents (as the case may be)
                    appropriate or requisite for the purposes thereof.

          7.4.2.    None of the Target Companies has been required by
                    appropriate fiscal authorities to give security under the
                    relevant VAT legislation.

          7.4.3.    To the extent that any liabilities of the Target
                    Businesses pass to the Purchaser (or Local Purchaser)
                    under any country's legislation relating to a transfer of
                    a business, the Warranties in 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 above apply.

          7.4.4.    None of the Business Assets is a "chargeable asset" for
                    the purposes of Section 44 of the Value Added Tax 1994
                    relating to the United Kingdom or equivalent provisions in
                    other relevant countries.

          7.4.5.    None of the Target Companies has waived the exemption in
                    respect of any exempted activity where the relevant VAT
                    legislation allows such a waiver.


          So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, each Target Company has
          complied in all material respects with all statutory provisions
          relating to Taxation which require the deduction of Taxation from
          any payment made by it, and has properly accounted for any such
          Taxation which ought to have been accounted for.


          All documents to which any Target Company is a party, or which form
          part of the title to any asset owned or possessed by any Target
          Company, or which any Target Company or the Purchaser or any Local
          Purchaser may need to enforce or produce in evidence in any court of
          law have (where required) been duly stamped and any stamp
          registration and transfer duties relating to the same have been duly

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties



          7.7.1.    No Target Company is liable to make a payment for the
                    utilisation surrender or other transfer of any Taxation
                    Benefit ("Taxation Equalisation Payment"), nor is any
                    Taxation Equalisation Payment received by any Target
                    Company liable to be refunded.

          7.7.2.    No Target Company is under any obligation to surrender or
                    otherwise transfer any Relief (as defined in the Tax
                    Deed). 7.8. Ownership of United States Real Property

                    For United States federal income tax purposes, Avecia Inc.
                    is the owner of all Business Properties that are United
                    States Real Property Interests for purposes of Section 897
                    of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


          On a disposal of all its assets by any Target Company for:

          7.9.1     in the case of each asset owned by that Target Company at
                    the Accounts Date, a consideration equal to the value
                    attributed to that asset in preparing the 2003 Accounts;

          7.9.2     in the case of each asset acquired since the Accounts
                    Date, a consideration equal to the consideration given for
                    the acquisition,

          then either:

          in respect of any asset falling within (A) above, the liability to
          Tax (if any) which would be incurred by that Target Company in
          respect of that asset would not exceed the amount taken into account
          in respect of that asset in computing the maximum liability to
          deferred Taxation as stated in the 2003 Accounts; or in respect of
          any asset within (B) above, no Tax liability would be incurred by
          that Target Company in respect of that asset.


          No Target Company has, at any time within the last six years,
          acquired any asset from any other company which was, at the time of
          the acquisition, a member of the same group of companies as that
          company for the purposes of any Tax.


As        far as the Principal Vendor is aware, no Target Company is a party
          to any transaction or arrangement, under which it may be required to
          pay for any asset or services or facilities of any kind an amount
          which is in excess of the market value of that asset or services or
          facilities or will receive any such payment for any asset or
          services or facilities of any kind that it has supplied or provided
          or is liable to supply.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties



          None of the Business Assets are or have been subject to the Capital
          Goods Adjustment Rules (in Part XV of The Value Added Tax
          Regulations 1995), or any equivalent rule in any jurisdiction.


          No election (or application to elect) has been made under paragraph
          2 of Schedule 10 the UK Value Added Tax Act 1994 in relation to any
          of the Business Properties or any part of any of them.


          None of the Business Assets is a wasting asset within section 44 of
          the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 which does not qualify in
          full for capital allowances.


          In connection with the sale of the Target Business of the UK
          Business Vendor, such Target Business has not within the six months
          prior to the date of this Agreement been subject to any transfer.


8.1.      TITLE

          8.1.1.    All the Assets (other than (i) Business Intellectual
                    Property, the Intellectual Property owned by the Target
                    Companies, Biocides Exclusive Data and Assigned Know-how
                    and the Properties (title to which is addressed in
                    paragraphs 8.3.1, 8.3.2 and 8.4.6 of this Schedule 4),
                    (ii) assets held under hire purchase arrangements or
                    finance leases on normal commercial terms and (iii) assets
                    subject to provisions regarding retention of title pending
                    payment of sums to the supplier) which are included as
                    assets in the 2003 Accounts were at the Accounts Date the
                    absolute property and in the possession or under the
                    control of a Target Company or Business Vendor. Save for
                    those subsequently disposed of or realised in the ordinary
                    course of trading on arm's length commercial terms
                    consistent with past practice, all such Assets and all
                    Assets (other than (i) Business Intellectual Property, the
                    Intellectual Property owned by the Target Companies,
                    Biocides Exclusive Data and Assigned Know-how and the
                    Properties (title to which is addressed in paragraphs
                    8.3.1, 8.3.2 and 8.4.6 of this Schedule 4), (ii) assets
                    held under hire purchase arrangements or finance leases on
                    normal commercial terms and (iii) assets subject to
                    provisions regarding retention of title pending payment of
                    sums to the supplier) which have subsequently been
                    acquired or arisen are the absolute property and in the
                    possession or under the control of a Target Company or
                    Business Vendor. None is the subject of any Encumbrance
                    (excepting only (a) liens arising by operation of law in
                    the ordinary course of trading, (b) Encumbrances of the
                    type described in (ii) and (iii) above and (c)

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    Encumbrances which will be released before or with effect
                    from Completion).

          8.1.2.    There are no specific items of non-routine maintenance,
                    renewal or replacement that are required to correct any
                    material defect (ordinary wear and tear excepted) in any
                    Asset having an individual replacement value exceeding
                    US$150,000 (other than Stock, the Business IP, the
                    Intellectual Property owned by the Target Companies or the
                    Properties) which have not been carried out in the
                    ordinary course. All material Assets (other than Stock,
                    Business IP, Intellectual Property owned by the Target
                    Companies or the Properties) (the status if which is
                    addressed in paragraphs 8.3, 8.4 and 16 of this Schedule
                    4)) have since 1st January 2003 been maintained in all
                    material respects in accordance with the past practice of
                    the Operations and no repairs, replacements or regularly
                    scheduled maintenance relating to any such Assets has been
                    deferred otherwise than in the ordinary course of
                    business, consistent with the past practice of the

          8.1.3.    Each of the Share Vendors is the sole and beneficial owner
                    of the Shares set forth opposite its name in Schedule 1.
                    The Share Vendors are entitled to sell and transfer to the
                    Purchaser or the Local Purchasers (as appropriate) the
                    full legal and beneficial ownership of the Shares on the
                    terms of this Agreement or any Local Agreement. Unless
                    otherwise specified in Schedule 2, the Shares comprise the
                    whole of the allotted and issued share capital of the
                    Target Companies, have been properly and validly allotted
                    and issued and are each fully paid.

          8.1.4.    No person has the right (whether exercisable now or in the
                    future and whether contingent or not) to call for any
                    allotment, conversion, issue, sale or transfer of any
                    share or loan capital or any other security giving rise to
                    a right over the capital of any Target Company under any
                    option, instrument or other agreement (including
                    conversion rights and rights of pre-emption) and there are
                    no Encumbrances over such capital or arrangements or
                    obligations to create any such Encumbrances.

8.2.      INSURANCE

          8.2.1.    Summary particulars of the material insurances of the
                    Business Vendors and the Target Companies are contained in
                    the Data Room.

          8.2.2.    In respect of all such insurances:

                    (a)       all premiums have been duly paid to date;

                    (b)       so far as the Principal Vendor is aware no act,
                              omission, misrepresentation or non-disclosure by
                              or on behalf of any of the Business Vendors or
                              Target Companies has occurred which makes any of
                              such insurance policies voidable.

          8.2.3.    There are included in the Data Room or attached to the
                    Disclosure Letter copies of all risk assessment reports
                    received by the Vendors'

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    Group in relation to the Operations from its insurance
                    brokers in the two years preceding the date of this

          8.2.4.    There is included in the Data Room a list prepared by
                    Marsh of all claims made or notified to Marsh by a Target
                    Company or a Business Vendor (to the extent it relates to
                    the Operations) since 30th June 1999 and so far as the
                    Principal Vendor is aware, such list is materially
                    complete. Marsh is the only insurance broker of the
                    Vendors' Group in respect of the Operations.

8.3.      PROPERTIES

          8.3.1.    The Properties set out in the Property List, together with
                    all those properties made available to members of the
                    Purchaser's Group under the Ancillary Agreements, are the
                    only premises and land owned or occupied by the Business
                    Vendors in connection with the Operations and include the
                    only premises and land owned or occupied by or in which
                    the Target Companies has an interest as at the date of
                    this Agreement.

          8.3.2.    The details relating to those of the Properties which are
                    referred to in the Property List are in all material
                    respects true, complete and accurate and not misleading
                    and the Property Owner has under its control all of the
                    title deeds and documents in relation to the Properties
                    referred to in Part 1 and Part 3 of the Property List
                    listed in the Disclosure Letter which documents are
                    originals or properly examined extracts unless otherwise

          8.3.3.    The Business Vendors and the Target Companies have or will
                    have at the Completion Date exclusive possession and
                    occupation of all parts of the Properties to the extent
                    necessary for the carrying out of the Operations and none
                    of the Properties are subject to any lease, sublease,
                    tenancy, licence to occupy or agreement to grant any of

          8.3.4.    Each of the Business Properties is owned (freehold or
                    leasehold as indicated) by the Business Vendor named as
                    its owner in the Property List. Each of the Target Company
                    Properties is owned (freehold or leasehold as indicated)
                    by the Target Company named as its owner in the Property

          8.3.5.    The Property List sets out the address and description of
                    each parcel of Freehold Property. With respect to each
                    parcel of Freehold Property:

                    (a)       the Property Owner is solely legally and
                              beneficially entitled to the Properties and has
                              good and indefeasible fee title, free and clear
                              of all Encumbrances except for Permitted
                              Encumbrances, to the New Castle Delaware
                              premises referred to in Part 3 of the Property
                              List; and

                    (b)       there are no outstanding options, rights of
                              first offer or rights of first refusal to
                              purchase such Freehold Property or any portion
                              thereof or interest therein.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          8.3.6.    The Property List sets out the addresses of each parcel of
                    Leasehold Property. With respect to each Leasehold

                    (a)       the Property Owner is solely legally and
                              beneficially entitled to the Leasehold Property,
                              each lease of premises referred to in Part 3 of
                              the Property List to which a Property Owner is a
                              party is valid and in full force and effect and
                              no collateral assurances undertakings or
                              concessions have been made or given; and

                    (b)       so far as the Principal Vendor is aware the
                              Property Owner has not received notice from the
                              landlord of any lease of any breach or default
                              under the lease of the Leasehold Property.

          8.3.7.    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, all buildings and
                    structures, including the roof, foundations, load-bearing
                    walls and other structural elements thereof are in a
                    condition and state of repair which is sufficient for the
                    operation of the Operations.

          8.3.8.    In relation to the Properties set out in Part 3 of the
                    Property List there is no condemnation or expropriation,
                    pending or threatened, affecting any parcel of Property or
                    any portion thereof or interest therein.

          8.3.9.    All material certificates of occupancy, permits, licenses,
                    franchises, approvals and authorisations, including UK
                    planning legislation, of all governmental authorities,
                    board of fire underwriters, association or any other
                    entity having jurisdiction over the Properties, which are
                    required to use or occupy the Properties or operate the
                    Property Owner's business as currently conducted thereon,
                    have been issued and are in full force and effect.

          8.3.10.   As far as the Principal Vendor is aware none of the
                    Vendors or the Property Owners have received a notice that
                    the current use and occupancy of the Freehold Properties
                    and the operation of the Property Owner's business as
                    currently conducted thereon violates any easement,
                    covenant, condition, restriction or similar provision in
                    any instrument of record or other unrecorded agreement
                    affecting such Freehold Property.

          8.3.11.   In respect of the Specialities East Plant Huddersfield so
                    far as the Principal Vendor is aware the Property is in a
                    safe condition in accordance with good practice and
                    working methods generally applicable in the chemicals
                    industry and in accordance with all relevant statutory
                    codes of practice.


          8.4.1.    Details of all the Business IP and the Intellectual
                    Property owned by Target Companies which is registered or
                    the subject of any applications for registration at any
                    national or supranational patent, trade mark or other
                    intellectual property office (the "REGISTERED IP") and all
                    material trade names and logos which either form part of
                    Business IP or Intellectual Property owned by a Target
                    Company ("UNREGISTERED IP")

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


                    are set out in the Intellectual Property List. Up to the
                    dates at which this Warranty is given, all application,
                    renewal or other official fees which are due in respect of
                    the Registered IP have been paid and all steps required
                    for the maintenance of any Registered IP have been taken.
                    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, no Registered IP
                    or Unregistered IP or Regulatory Data, Know-how or
                    material unregistered IP, in each case, owned by or
                    licensed to any Business Vendor relating to the Operations
                    or owned by or licensed to any Target Company is the
                    subject of any current litigation or opposition,
                    revocation, cancellation or administrative proceedings and
                    no such litigation or proceedings has been threatened in

          8.4.2.    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, no third party is
                    infringing or making unauthorised use of, or has in the 12
                    months prior to Completion infringed or made unauthorised
                    use of, any Business IP or any Intellectual Property,
                    Know-how or Regulatory Data owned by or licensed to any
                    Target Company or owned by or licensed to any Business
                    Vendor in relation to the Operations.

          8.4.3.    There are no pending claims or litigation by any third
                    party in which it is alleged that the conduct or
                    activities of any of the Operations infringes or makes
                    unauthorised use of, or has since 30th June 1999 infringed
                    or made unauthorised use of, any of the Intellectual
                    Property or Know-how of such third party and no such
                    claims or litigation have been threatened in writing. So
                    far as the Principal Vendor is aware, the conduct and
                    activities of the Operations do not infringe or make
                    unauthorised use of, and have not since 30th June 1999
                    infringed or made unauthorised use of, any Intellectual
                    Property or Know-how of a third party.

          8.4.4.    The licences and agreements relating to Intellectual
                    Property, the Regulatory Data and/or Know-how included in
                    the Data Room comprise all of the licences and agreements
                    relating to Intellectual Property, Regulatory Data and/or
                    Know-how entered into by any of the Target Companies or by
                    any Business Vendor in relation to the Operations, which
                    are material to the Operations. So far as the Principal
                    Vendor is aware, all of said licences and agreements are
                    in full force and effect. No notice has been given by any
                    party to terminate any of them. None of the relevant
                    Business Vendors or any Target Company is in breach of any
                    of the material terms of such licences and agreements and
                    so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, neither is any of
                    the relevant counterparties.

          8.4.5.    No Employee is making any claim against any member of the
                    Vendors' Group under any contract or applicable law for
                    any compensation, royalty, consideration or payment or for
                    any right or interest in respect of any of the Business
                    IP, Assigned Know-how or Intellectual Property or Know-how
                    owned by any Target Company and so far as the Principal
                    Vendor is aware, no such claim has been threatened in
                    writing and there are no grounds on which such a claim
                    might reasonably be expected to be made.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          8.4.6.    All Registered IP, Biocides Exclusive Data, Assigned
                    Know-how and Know-how owned by any Target Company is owned
                    legally and beneficially by a member of the Vendors'
                    Group. There are no Encumbrances over the Business IP, the
                    Intellectual Property owned by any Target Company, the
                    Assigned Know-how, the Know-how owned by any Target
                    Company or the Biocides Exclusive Data and no exclusive or
                    sole licences have been granted to any third parties in
                    respect of such.

          8.4.7.    Other than in respect of any of the following:

                    (a)       the Intellectual Property in computer software
                              and computer systems which is the subject matter
                              of the Ancillary Agreement identified as the
                              Transitional IT Services Agreement;

                    (b)       the Excluded Names; and

                    (c)       any registered or unregistered trademarks, logos
                              or other devices incorporating the Excluded

                    as far as the Principal Vendor is aware the Business IP
                    and the Intellectual Property owned by the Target
                    Companies together with any further Intellectual Property
                    being licensed to the Purchaser, pursuant to this
                    Agreement and the Intellectual Property licensed to the
                    Business Vendors or the Target Companies by third parties
                    pursuant to licences referred to under Warranty 8.4.4
                    comprises all the Intellectual Property necessary to carry
                    on the Operations in all material respects as presently
                    carried on.

          8.4.8.    So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, no Business
                    Vendor or Target Company has disclosed any material
                    Regulatory Data or material Know-how relating to the
                    Operations or any Assigned Know-how to any third party
                    other than under an undertaking of confidentiality by the
                    relevant third party.

          8.4.9.    The consummation of the proposed acquisition of the
                    Operations and the other transactions contemplated by this
                    Agreement do not conflict with, alter, prejudice or impair
                    the ownership of (a) the Registered IP or the Unregistered
                    IP by the Business Vendors or Target Companies or (b) the
                    Biocides Exclusive Data or the Assigned Know-how by the
                    Business Vendors, or (c) the Regulatory Data or Know-how
                    owned by the Target Companies or except to the extent that
                    the said proposed acquisition includes the transfer of
                    ownership of the Registered IP and Unregistered IP,
                    Biocides Exclusive Data, Assigned Know-how and the shares
                    in the Target Companies to the Purchaser.

          8.4.10.   So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, all material
                    Regulatory Data or material Know-how or any Assigned
                    Know-how relating to the Operations which is proprietary
                    to any of the Business Vendors or Target Companies has
                    been maintained in confidence in accordance with
                    protection procedures customarily used in the industry to
                    protect rights of like importance.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          8.4.11.   Copies of all agreements whereby Business IP or
                    Intellectual Property or Know-how owned by Target
                    Companies, Biocides Exclusive Data or Assigned Know-how
                    has been licensed by any Business Vendor or Target Company
                    to any member of the Astra Zeneca Group and whereby any
                    Intellectual Property, Know-how or Regulatory Data used in
                    the Operations has been licensed by any member of the
                    Astra Zeneca Group to any Business Vendor or Target
                    Company (in each case in relation to the Operations) are
                    listed in the Disclosure Letter and included in the Data

          8.4.12.   No member of the Vendors' Group has entered into any
                    contract with Clariant, Prom or Thor which affects,
                    prejudices, or impairs any Biocides Exclusive Data owned
                    by any Business Vendor or Target Company.

          8.4.13.   All material confidentiality agreements relating to the
                    Operations and entered into by any member of the Vendors'
                    Group are set out in the Data Room.

          8.4.14.   No Target Company nor any Business Vendor is a party to
                    any confidentiality or other agreement, or subject to any
                    contractual duty, which restricts the free use or
                    disclosure of information forming part of the Assigned
                    Know-how or material Know-how or Regulatory Data owned by
                    a Target Company or Business Vendor relating to the

          8.4.15.   All Regulatory Data required to carry on the Operations in
                    all material respects as presently carried on is owned by
                    or licensed to (under a licence referred to under Warranty
                    8.4.4) either a Target Company or a Business Vendor.

          8.4.16.   As far as the Principal Vendor is aware all Know-how
                    required to carry on the Operations in all material
                    respects as presently carried on is owned by or licensed
                    (under a licence referred to under paragraph 8.4.4) to
                    either a Target Company or a Business Vendor.


          All the book and other debts receivable by or owing to the Target
          Companies or the Business Vendors, to the extent that they arose in
          connection with the Operations, (a) represent actual indebtedness
          incurred by the applicable account debtors and (b) have arisen from
          bona fide transactions in the ordinary course of the Operations. As
          far as the Principal Vendor is aware, all such receivables are good
          and collectible at the aggregate recorded amounts thereof, net of
          any applicable reserves for doubtful accounts reflected in the 2003
          Accounts. Since the Accounts Date no receivables have been
          written-off as uncollectible, except in the ordinary course of the
          Operations consistent with past practice.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties



          The Assets other than the Business IP, Intellectual Property owned
          by the Target Companies, the Biocides Exclusive Data and the
          Assigned Know-how (which are addressed in paragraph 8.4 of this
          Schedule 4) (together with the other rights and services to be
          provided by or in accordance with this Agreement and the other
          agreements to be entered into at each Completion) comprise all the
          assets necessary to carry on the Operations in substantially all
          respects as carried on as at the date of this Agreement. The
          Principal Vendor is not aware if any reason why it would not be able
          to provide the goods and services to be provided under the Ancillary


          8.7.1.    The Target Companies (i) only have properties, rights,
                    assets, Liabilities and employees related to the Business
                    and (ii) are not engaged in any operation or activity
                    other than the Business.

          8.7.2.    Prior to the transfer of a portion of the Operations to
                    each of Avecia Protection & Hygiene NV and Avecia
                    Protection & Hygiene AB, such Target Companies had no
                    liabilities of any nature (whether accrued, absolute,
                    contingent, unasserted or otherwise).


9.1.      The Disclosure Letter sets out details of any loan agreement,
          facility letter, or other agreement for Indebtedness (other than
          Intra-Group Payables or Intra-Group Receivables) in excess of
          (pound)150,000 as at the date of this Agreement for the provision of
          credit or financing facilities to any Target Company or for the
          sale, factoring or discounting of its debts.

9.2.      Other than Third Party Indebtedness and Intra-Group Payables, no
          Target Company has as at the date of this Agreement outstanding any

9.3.      The Disclosure Letter sets out with respect to each Intra-Group
          Payable, Intra-Group Receivable and item of Third Party Indebtedness
          as at 31st December 2003:

          9.3.1.    the identity of the payer and payee; and

          9.3.2.    the amount of the obligation in the relevant currency.


          None of the acts, omissions, practices, agreements or arrangements
          of any Business Vendor or Target Company:

10.1.     is, so far as the Principal Vendor is aware, the subject of any
          pending investigation, inquiry, proceedings, report or reference by
          any governmental or regulatory authority or court under any law,
          legislation or regulation (civil or criminal) relating to
          competition, restrictive trade practices, anti-trust,

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          monopolies, merger control, fair trading or restraint of trade in
          any part of the world ("COMPETITION LAW"); or

10.2.     is the subject of any enforceable undertaking or assurance given to
          any governmental or regulatory authority or court under Competition
          Law and nor has such undertaking or assurance been requested,

provided that in respect of any application of this Warranty after the date of
this Agreement, there shall be deemed to be excluded from its scope any matter
arising out of or relating to the sale of the Operations.


The Business Vendors and the Target Companies have carried on the relevant
Operations since 30th June 1999 to the date of this Agreement and no person
other than members of the Vendors' Group has had any ownership interest in the
Operations since 30th June 1999.


No Target Company has given any power of attorney or other authority (express,
implied or ostensible) which is still outstanding or effective to any person
to enter into any contract, agreement, arrangement or commitment on its behalf
other than to its employees to enter into routine trading contracts and
otherwise perform their duties.


13.1.     The Operations have not since 1st January 2003 experienced any
          material disruption in operations or activities as a result of (a)
          any security breach in relation to any Information Technology, or
          (b) any failure (whether arising from any bug, virus, defect or
          otherwise), lack of capacity or other sub-standard performance of
          any Information Technology.

13.2.     Details of all domain names which are, or have been, used
          exclusively in connection with the Operations and which are owned by
          any Business Vendor or Target Company or other member of the
          Vendors' Group are set out in the Intellectual Property List. All
          registrations in relation to such domain names have been maintained
          and all related fees and necessary administrative steps required for
          the maintenance of such domain names up to Completion have been
          (respectively) paid and taken.

13.3.     Details of all material Information Technology which is used in the
          Operations (including details with respect to the ownership and
          license arrangements, if any, with respect to such Information
          Technology), are included in the Data Room.

13.4.     Details of all material agreements and arrangements relating to
          Information Technology (including, without limitation, development,
          security, disaster recovery, EDI, source code escrow, computer
          bureau services, maintenance and support, facilities management, web
          site, domain name and outsourcing agreements) entered into by, or
          pursuant to which any benefit is obtained by, any Business Vendor or
          member of the Vendors' Group in relation to the

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          Operations are included in the Data Room. So far as the Principal
          Vendor is aware no third party is in breach of any such agreement or


In relation to the Operations, no grant, allowance, aid, subsidy, loan or
guarantee has been applied for or received from any supranational, national or
local authority or government agency since 30th June 1999.


No inducement (financial or otherwise) has been given to any person with a
view to any Business Vendor or Target Company entering into any contract or
other arrangement or obtaining any benefit in relation to the Operations which
was either unlawful or in violation of the Vendors' Group's applicable written
ethical policy. No such inducement has been received by any Business Vendor or
Target Company or any director or employee of them or any associate of any
such person.

16.       STOCKS

The amounts of raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and packaging
and promotional material comprised in the Stock are appropriate and normal for
the present level of trading of the relevant Target Businesses.


17.1.     The UK Business Vendor is either:

          17.1.1.   duly registered as a data controller under the Data
                    Protection Act 1998 (or is deemed to be so registered by
                    notification regulations made by virtue of section 19(3)
                    of that Act) for all purposes for which registration is
                    required in respect of the relevant Target Business; or

          17.1.2.   exempt from section 17(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998
                    under paragraph 2 of schedule 14 to that Act and is duly
                    registered as a data user under the Data Protection Act
                    1984 for all purposes for which registration is required
                    in respect of the relevant Target Business;

          and details of the relevant registration is set out in the
          Disclosure Letter.

17.2.     The UK Business Vendor has not received any notice (including,
          without limitation, any enforcement notice), letter or complaint
          from the Information Commissioner alleging breach by it of the Data
          Protection Act 1984 or the Data Protection Act 1998 and no threats
          in writing have been made which would give the UK Business Vendor
          reason to believe that there are any circumstances which exist which
          might give rise to any such notice, letter or complaint being
          served, given or made.

17.3.     No individual has been awarded compensation from the UK Business
          Vendor under the Data Protection Act 1984 or the Data Protection Act
          1998, no claim for such compensation is outstanding and no threats
          in writing have been made which would give the UK Business Vendor
          reason to believe that any

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          circumstances exist which might lead to any claim for compensation
          being made.

17.4.     No order has been made against the UK Business Vendor for the
          rectification, blocking, erasure or destruction of any data under
          the Data Protection Act 1984 or the Data Protection Act 1998, no
          application for such an order is outstanding and no threats in
          writing have been made which would give the UK Business Vendor
          reason to believe that any circumstances exist which might lead to
          any application for such an order being made.


So far as the Principal Vendor is aware, no investigation or inquiry is being
or has been conducted by any government, governmental, supranational or trade
agency, court or regulatory body in respect of the Operations.


The Disclosure Letter sets out details of all customer claims received by the
Operations since 1st January 2003 alleging that the products or services
provided by the Operations were defective or not to specification or not
compliant with legal requirements where the amounts claimed by the relevant
customer or the costs to the Operations of rectifying the defect have exceeded
or would exceed US$100,000. Since 1st January 2003, no Business Vendor nor any
Target Company has had to carry out any recall of products manufactured by the


No member of the Vendors' Group other than the Business Vendors and the Target
Companies owns any Assets (or any interest in any Assets) necessary for the
carrying on of the Operations in substantially all respects as carried on at
the date of this Agreement.


21.1.    The US Business Vendor understands that the issuance of the
         Consideration Shares by the Purchaser to the US Business Vendor is
         intended to be exempt from registration under the Securities Act
         pursuant to section 4(2) thereof.

21.2.    The US Business Vendor (either alone or together with its advisors)
         has sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and business
         matters so as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of its
         investment in the Consideration Shares and is capable of bearing the
         economic risks of such investment.

21.3.    The US Business Vendor is acquiring the Consideration Shares for its
         own account (or for accounts over which it exercises investment
         authority), and not with a view to the public resale or distribution
         thereof, in violation of any securities law.

21.4.    The US Business Vendor understands that the Consideration Shares will
         be issued in a transaction exempt from the registration or

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties


          requirements of the Securities Act and applicable US state
          securities laws, and that such securities must be held indefinitely
          unless a subsequent disposition thereof is registered or qualified
          under the Securities Act and such laws or is exempt from such
          registration or qualification.

21.5.     The US Business Vendor can bear the economic risk of (i) an
          investment in the Consideration Shares indefinitely and (ii) a total
          loss in respect of such investment, and has such knowledge and
          experience in business and financial matters so as to enable it to
          understand and evaluate the risks of and form an investment decision
          with respect to its investment in the Consideration Shares and to
          protect its own interest in connection with such investment.

                                                SCHEDULE 4 - Warranties

                           SCHEDULE 5 - Limitations

1.        The Principal Vendor's and the UK Business Vendor's liability in
          respect of any claim under the Warranties shall be limited as

          1.1       the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall have
                    no liability for any breach of any of the Warranties
                    (other than a Specified Warranty), unless the amount of
                    such claim (excluding the Purchaser's own interest, costs
                    and expenses of enforcing the claim against the Principal
                    Vendor or the UK Business Vendor) when aggregated with
                    other like claims based on the same or a series of related
                    facts (including any such claims under the Tax Deed)
                    exceeds US$100,000;

          1.2       the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall have
                    no liability for any breach of any of the Warranties
                    (other than a Specified Warranty) until the aggregate
                    liability for all claims (other than those excluded by
                    paragraph 1.1 and excluding the Purchaser's own interest,
                    costs and expenses enforcing such claims against the
                    Principal Vendor or the UK Business Vendor) shall equal or
                    exceed US$2.25 million in which case the Principal Vendor
                    and the UK Business Vendor shall be liable for the whole
                    amount and not merely the excess over US$2.25 million;

          1.3       the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not
                    be liable for any breach of the Warranties (other than the
                    Tax Warranties and the Environmental Warranties) unless a
                    written claim has been made by the Purchaser to the
                    Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor giving notice
                    as described in paragraph 10 of this Schedule 5 of the
                    relevant facts and the Warranty or Warranties which are
                    alleged to have been breached on or before 31st December

          1.4       the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not
                    be liable in respect of a breach of any of the
                    Environmental Warranties unless a written claim has been
                    made by the Purchaser to the Principal Vendor and the UK
                    Business Vendor giving notice as described in paragraph 10
                    of this Schedule 5 of the relevant facts and the Warranty
                    or Warranties which are alleged to have been breached on
                    or before31st March 2008; and

          1.5       the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not
                    be liable in respect of a breach of any of the Tax
                    Warranties unless a written claim has been made by the
                    Purchaser to the Principal Vendor and the UK Business
                    Vendor giving notice as described in paragraph 10 of this
                    Schedule 5 of the relevant facts and the Warranty or
                    Warranties which are alleged to have been breached on or
                    before 31st March 2009,

          provided however that for the purposes only of determining the
          Principal Vendor's and the UK Business Vendor liability in respect
          of any breach of the Warranties (other than the Specified
          Warranties), but for the avoidance of doubt not for the purpose of
          determining whether there has been a breach of such Warranty on its
          terms, the Warranties shall be deemed not to be qualified by any
          references therein to materiality.

                                             SCHEDULE 5 - Limitations


2.        Subject to paragraph 13, the maximum aggregate liability of the
          Vendors for all claims under this Agreement (other than claims for
          breach of the Specified Warranties) or the documents in the Agreed
          Form AF7, AF12, AF13 (other than AF13A and AF13B), AF15A and the
          Local Agreements shall not exceed 50 per cent of the Purchase Price.

3.        Any claim for breach of Warranties which is made within the time
          limits specified above shall, unless previously satisfied, settled
          or withdrawn, be deemed to be withdrawn and no longer enforceable
          unless legal proceedings in respect thereof are commenced by validly
          issuing and serving legal process within one year of the making of
          such claim provided that in respect of claims in respect of losses
          which remain contingent, the relevant time limit under this
          paragraph 3 shall be one year after such contingency crystallises.

4.        The Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not be liable
          in respect of any claim under the Warranties, except for claims
          under the Specified Warranties, to the extent that such claim would
          not have arisen but for a change or changes in law, rules,
          regulation or published administrative practice of any government,
          governmental department agency or regulatory body or legislation
          (whether relating to rates or imposition of Tax or otherwise) made
          after the date of this Agreement.

5.        The Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not be liable
          under the Warranties:

          5.1       to the extent that such claim would not have arisen but
                    for or is exacerbated by any voluntary act, omission,
                    transaction or arrangement of the Purchaser or the
                    Purchaser's Group or, after the Completion Date, any
                    Target Company outside the ordinary course of trading;

          5.2       to the extent that such claim would not have arisen but
                    for or is increased by any change in practices or policies
                    of the Target Companies in respect of Taxation after
                    Completion other than one made to comply with standard Tax
                    practices and policies existing at Completion;

          5.3       if and to the extent that such claim would not have arisen
                    but for or is increased by a change of accounting policy,
                    bases or practice of any the Operations after Completion
                    (other than ones effected in order to comply with
                    accounting standards or practices applicable at

          5.4       to the extent that the claim relates to any losses covered
                    under a policy of insurance in force for the benefit of
                    the Purchaser, the Purchaser's Group or any Target

          5.5       to the extent that the claim arises or is increased as a
                    consequence of the failure of the Purchaser to comply with
                    or to procure the compliance of any Local Purchaser or
                    Target Company with their respective obligations under
                    this Agreement or to act or procure action in accordance
                    with the reasonable instructions of the Principal Vendor

                                             SCHEDULE 5 - Limitations


                    its authorised representative under Clause 8 (Claims
                    Procedure) in respect of that claim;

          5.6       to the extent the matter giving rise to the claim for
                    breach of Warranty was provided for or accrued in the 2003
                    Accounts or the Completion Working Capital Statement; or

          5.7       to the extent such claim arises or is increased as a
                    result of in relation to Taxation any withdrawal of a
                    claim, election, surrender or disclaimer made, or notice
                    or consent in relation to Taxation given after Completion.

6.        The Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not be liable
          under the Warranties to the extent the circumstances giving rise to
          or representing the breach of Warranty were fairly disclosed in or
          by the Disclosure Letter or the documents attached to or
          incorporated by reference in the Disclosure Letter.

7.        If in respect of any claim under the Warranties the losses of the
          Purchaser or the Purchaser's Group are contingent only, the
          Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor shall not be under any
          obligation to make any payment to the Purchaser until such time as
          the contingent losses cease to be contingent and become actual
          provided always that this paragraph is without prejudice to the
          ability of the Purchaser to notify the claim.

8.        For the avoidance of doubt the amount of any claim for breach of the
          Warranties shall take into account the amount of any Relief (as
          defined in the Tax Deed) and any other corresponding saving or net
          benefit enjoyed by the Purchaser or the Purchaser's Group.

9.        The Purchaser and the Local Purchasers taken together shall not be
          entitled to recover from the Principal Vendor (or any other Vendor)
          under this Agreement or the documents to be entered into pursuant to
          this Agreement more than once in respect of the same losses, and
          accordingly the Principal Vendor and any other Vendor shall not be
          liable under any one such document if and to the extent that the
          losses are or have been recovered under another such document.

10.       As soon as reasonably practicable after a member of the Purchaser's
          Group becomes aware of any matter which may give rise to a claim
          against the Principal Vendor or the UK Business Vendor for breach of
          Warranty, the Purchaser shall give written notice of such matter to
          the Principal Vendor and the UK Business Vendor and shall (then and
          from time to time) take reasonable steps to provide to the Principal
          Vendor and the UK Business Vendor all such information as may be in
          its possession or under its control which is relevant to the
          determination of the Principal Vendor's or the UK Business Vendor's
          liability for such matter provided that any failure to give such
          timely notice or information shall not affect the rights of the
          Purchaser or any member of the Purchaser's Group except to the
          extent the Principal Vendor or the UK Business Vendor is prejudiced
          by such failure.

11.       If the Purchaser has alleged that a breach of any of the Warranties
          has occurred then to the extent that such breach or the effects of
          such breach are capable of being remedied, the Principal Vendor and
          the UK Business Vendor shall be

                                            SCHEDULE 5 - Limitations


          afforded an opportunity to effect such remedy within 30 days of its
          receipt of written notice from the Purchaser of such alleged breach.

12.       Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Purchaser
          acknowledges that neither the Principal Vendor nor any other member
          of the Vendors' Group nor any of their directors, employees,
          representatives, agents or advisers have given (nor shall they be
          liable in respect of) any warranty, assurance, representation,
          undertaking or covenant relating to any budget or forecast of the
          financial or trading position of the Operations after the date of
          this Agreement or the Completion.

13.       Nothing in this Schedule shall operate to limit the liability of any
          Vendor (or the remedies available to the Purchaser) in respect of a
          fraudulent act or fraudulent misrepresentation by any such Vendor.

                                             SCHEDULE 5 - Limitations


                       SCHEDULE 6 - ANCILLARY AGREEMENTS

The following agreements are the Ancillary Agreements to be executed and
delivered by the relevant parties at Completion. The Transitional IT Services
Agreement is to be signed simultaneously with this Agreement and accordingly
will not be an "Ancillary Agreement" solely for the purposes of the deliveries
to be made pursuant to Schedule 9.


- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
                  DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT                    PARTIES                   AGREED FORM
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


1.       Transitional IT Services                  Agreement Avecia Limited                N/A
                                                   and the Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
2.       Transitional Services Agreement           The Principal Vendor                   AF10A
         (Spain, Singapore)                        and the Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
3.       Reverse Transitional Services             The Purchaser, Avecia                  AF10B
         Agreement (Spain, Singapore)              Limited and Avecia Inc.
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
4.       USA Transitional Services Agreement       Avecia Inc. and the Purchaser          AF10C
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
5.       UK Transitional Services Agreement        Avecia Limited and                     AF10D
                                                   and the Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
                  DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT                  PARTIES                     AGREED FORM
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


1.       Site Services Agreement relating to       Avecia Limited and the                 AF11A
         Huddersfield                              Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
2.       Site Services Agreement relating to       Avecia Limited and the                 AF11B
         Blackley                                  Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
3.       Manufacturing Services Agreement          Avecia Limited and the                 AF11C
         relating to Grangemouth Biocides Plant    Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
4.       Analytical Sciences Group Services        Avecia Limited and the                 AF11D
         Agreement                                 Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
5.       Site Services Agreement for New           Avecia Inc. and the                    AF11E
         Castle                                    Purchaser
- -----   ----------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
6.       Site Services Agreement for               Avecia Inc. and the                    AF11F
         Wilmington                                Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
7.       Supply Agreement re Proxel GXL            Avecia Inc. and the                    AF11G
         Antimicrobial and Vantocil IB (USA)       Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
8.       Supply agreement re Proxel GXL            Avecia Limited and the                 AF11H
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------

                                        SCHEDULE 6 - Ancillary Agreements


- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
                  DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT                  PARTIES                     AGREED FORM
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


         Antimicrobial (UK)                        Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
                  DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT                  PARTIES                     AGREED FORM
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


1.        Know-how Assignment and Licence          Avecia Limited and the                 AF13A
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
2.        Regulatory Data Transfer and Access      Avecia Limited and the                 AF13B
          Agreement                                Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
3.        Patent Assignment                        Avecia Limited and the                 AF13C
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
4.        Patent Assignment                        Avecia Inc. and the                    AF13D
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
5.        Trade Mark Assignment                    Avecia Limited and the                 AF13E
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
6.        Software Assignment Agreement            Avecia Limited and the                 AF13F
          (RABIT)                                  Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
7.        Trade Mark Assignment                    Avecia Inc. and the                    AF13G
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
8.        Domain Name Assignment                   Avecia Limited and the                 AF13H
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
9.        Dainippon Inc. Contract Assignment       Avecia Limited and the                 AF13I
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
10.       Eastman Kodak Contract Assignment        Avecia Limited and the                 AF13J
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
11.       Syngenta Partial Contract                Avecia Limited and the                 AF13K
          Assignment                               Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
                  DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT                  PARTIES                     AGREED FORM
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


1.        Underlease agreement relating to         Avecia Limited and the                 AF14A
          part of the ground floor of the North    Purchaser
          Laboratory at Huddersfield
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
2.        Court claims form relating to part of    Avecia Limited and the                 AF14B
          the ground floor of the North            Purchaser
          Laboratory at Huddersfield
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
3.        Deed of Covenant relating to part of     Avecia Limited                         AF14C1
          the ground floor of the North            Purchaser and Syngenta
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------

                                        SCHEDULE 6 - Ancillary Agreements



- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
          Laboratory at Huddersfield               Limited
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
4.        Deed of Indemnity relating to part of    Avecia Limited and the                 AF14C2
          North Laboratory at                      Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
5.        Transfer of the Lease for the            Avecia Limited and the                 AF14D
          Specialities East Plant at               Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
6.        Licence to Assign and Authorised         Avecia Limited the                     N/A
          Guarantee Agreement re the               Purchaser and Syngenta
          Specialities East Plant at               Limited
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
7.        Assignment of beneficial interest in     Avecia Limited and the                 AF14E
          the Seal Sands land and buildings        Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
8.        Transfer of legal title to the Seal      DTBA Limited and the                   AF14F
          Sands land and buildings                 Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
9.        Lease of Biocide 1 and first floor of    Avecia Limited and the                 AF14G
          Biocide 2 buildings, Blackley            Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
10.       Court Claim Form re Biocide 1 and        Avecia Limited and the                 AF14H
          first floor of Biocide 2 buildings,      Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
11.       Lease of part of tenth floor, Hexagon    Avecia Limited and the                 AF14I
          Tower, Blackley                          Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
12.       Court Claim Form re part of tenth        Avecia Limited and the                 AF14J
          floor, Hexagon Tower, Blackley           Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
13.       Lease Agreement for the Biocides         Avecia Inc. and the                    AF14K
          Pool, New Castle                         Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
14.       Lease Agreement for the Lab Parcel,      Avecia Inc. and the                    AF14L
          New Castle                               Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
15.       Assignment of Mt Pleasant Ground         Avecia Inc. and the                    AF14M
          lease                                    Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
                  DESCRIPTION OF AGREEMENT                  PARTIES                     AGREED FORM
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------


1.       Non-Competition Agreement                 Principal Vendor, Avecia               AF15A
                                                   Limited, Avecia, Inc.,
                                                   Avecia Comercial e
                                                   Importada Limitada and
                                                   the Purchaser
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
2.        Deed of Covenant in favour of Stahl      The Target Companies                   AF15B
          Netherlands I B.V.
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------
3.        Assignment of the PHMB                   Avecia Inc. and the                    AF12A
          Manufacturing Services Agreement         Purchaser
          with Cytec Industries Inc.
- ------   ---------------------------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------

                                        SCHEDULE 6 - Ancillary Agreements


                        SCHEDULE 7 - EMPLOYMENT MATTERS


* This Schedule contains certain information relating to employee matters,
which will be furnished supplementally to the Commission upon request.

                                        SCHEDULE 7 - Employment Matters




* This Schedule contains certain information relating to employee benefits and
pension-related matters, which will be furnished supplementally to the
Commission upon request.

                                        SCHEDULE 8 - Employment Benefit Matters


                            SCHEDULE 9 - COMPLETION

1.        At Completion, the Principal Vendor shall or shall procure that the
          relevant Vendor shall deliver or make available to the Purchaser or
          a Local Purchaser the following:

          1.1       evidence satisfactory to the Purchaser (acting reasonably)
                    of the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent for which
                    the Principal Vendor is responsible;

          1.2       those Business Assets held by a Business Vendor which are
                    capable of transfer by delivery (such delivery to take
                    place where such Business Assets are actually located);

          1.3       the Ancillary Agreements duly executed by the relevant
                    members of Vendors' Group;

          1.4       duly executed documentation sufficient to transfer (or to
                    the extent agreed by the Principal Vendor and the
                    Purchaser allow the Purchaser to implement the transfer)
                    into the name of the Purchaser or the relevant Local
                    Purchaser all of the Shares held by the Share Vendors;

          1.5       a global release of security over the Shares and the
                    Assets of a Business Vendor or a Target Company, and of
                    the guarantees by a Target Company granted, in each case,
                    in favour of JP Morgan Europe Limited in relation to the
                    borrowings of the Vendors' Group;

          1.6       the following property documents:

                    1.6.1     the title deeds to the Seal Sands property;

                    1.6.2     a DS1 executed by Chase Manhattan International
                              Limited ("CMIL") releasing the Specialties East
                              Plant, Huddersfield from the registered charge
                              dated 30th June 1999 in favour of CMIL;

                    1.6.3     the title deeds, including the relevant lease,
                              to the Specialties East Plant, Huddersfield;

                    1.6.4     a letter of consent to the underlease of part of
                              the ground floor, North Laboratory, Huddersfield
                              signed by CMIL as mortgagee pursuant to a
                              debenture dated 30th June 1999;

                    1.6.5     a letter of consent to the lease of Biocide 1
                              and first floor, Biocide 2 buildings signed by
                              CMIL as mortgagee pursuant to a debenture dated
                              30th June 1999; and

                    1.6.6     a letter of consent to the lease of part of the
                              tenth floor, Hexagon Tower signed by CMIL as
                              mortgagee pursuant to a debenture dated 30th
                              June 1999;

                                        SCHEDULE 9 - Completion


          1.7       an affidavit that the transfer of the shares of Splashes,
                    Inc. does not constitute a transfer of a US real property
                    interest under Section 897 of the US Internal Revenue Code
                    of 1986;

          1.8       an affidavit of non-foreign status of the US Business
                    Vendor conforming to the model certification in Section
                    1.1445-2(b)(2) of the United States Treasury Regulations;

          1.9       an assignment of the benefit (insofar as relating to
                    information pertaining to the Operations) of the
                    confidentiality undertakings entered into between Goldman
                    Sachs International and prospective purchasers of the
                    Operations, together with (i) copies of the relevant
                    confidentiality undertakings and (ii) copies of any
                    notices or demands served on such prospective purchasers
                    for the return or destruction of information or documents.

2.        At Completion the Principal Vendor shall procure that the following
          occur, provided that sufficient notice is given by the Purchaser to
          allow the same to occur at Completion:

          2.1       any person nominated by the Purchaser for appointment as a
                    director, secretary, auditor or other officer of each
                    Target Company shall (subject only to being qualified so
                    to act) be so appointed;

          2.2       if requested by the Purchaser, each of the current
                    directors, secretaries or other officers of the Target
                    Companies (other than those who are Employees) shall
                    resign or be removed from office without compensation; and

          2.3       if requested by the Purchaser, the current auditors of
                    each Target Company shall, where permissible, resign or be
                    removed from office without compensation.

3.        At Completion, the Purchaser shall (for itself and on behalf of the
          Local Purchasers as appropriate) pay to the Principal Vendor (for
          itself and on behalf of the other Vendors as appropriate) by
          electronic transfer of cleared funds for same day value to the
          Principal Vendor's Bank Account an amount which is equal to
          US$200,258,000, being the number calculated in accordance with
          Clause 4.1.1.

4.        At Completion, the Purchaser shall deliver to the US Business Vendor
          a certificate or certificates representing the Completion
          Consideration Shares, which shall be in definitive form and
          registered in the name of the US Business Vendor and in a single
          certificate or in such other denominations as the US Business Vendor
          shall request not later than five Business Days prior to the
          Completion Date.

5.        At Completion:

          5.1       the Purchaser shall (on behalf of the Target Companies)
                    pay to the Principal Vendor (on behalf of the relevant
                    member of the Vendors' Group) by electronic transfer of
                    cleared funds for same day value to the

                                        SCHEDULE 9 - Completion


                    Principal Vendor's Bank Account an amount equal to the
                    Estimated Intra-Group Payables attributable to the Target
                    Companies; and

          5.2       the Principal Vendor on behalf of the relevant members of
                    the Vendors' Group shall pay to the Purchaser on behalf of
                    the Target Companies an amount equal to the Estimated
                    Intra-Group Receivables attributable to the Target

          The Principal Vendor may direct that any sums it would be liable to
          pay under paragraph 5.2 shall be off-set against sums it is to
          receive under paragraph 3 or paragraph 5.1. Any such off-set shall
          not relieve the Purchaser of its obligation to account to the Target
          Companies for the sum which, but for such off-set, it would have
          received on their behalf.

6.        At Completion, the Purchaser shall or shall procure that the
          relevant Local Purchaser shall deliver or make available to the
          Principal Vendor:

          7.1       evidence satisfactory to the Principal Vendor (acting
                    reasonably) of the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent
                    for which the Purchaser is responsible; and

          7.2       the Ancillary Agreements duly executed by the Purchaser or
                    the relevant Local Purchaser.

8.        Each of the parties shall, subject to sufficient advance notice of
          the relevant request being received to allow the same to occur at
          Completion, at Completion do or procure that there is done all such
          acts reasonably in its power and/or execute and deliver all such
          further documents as such other party may reasonably consider
          necessary for giving full effect to this Agreement and the
          transactions and agreements contemplated by this Agreement.

9.        If the New Castle Release Condition is satisfied on or before the
          Completion Date, the Purchaser shall at Completion deliver to the US
          Business Vendor a certificate or certificates representing the New
          Castle Consideration Shares, which shall be in definitive form and
          registered in the name of the US Business Vendor and in a single
          certificate or in such denominations as the US Business Vendor shall
          request not later than five Business Days prior to the Completion

                                        SCHEDULE 9 - Completion




In this Agreement, the following words and expressions shall bear the meanings
given to them below:

"2002 Accounts" means the unaudited non-statutory financial statements of the
Operations as at and for the year ended 31st December 2002 in the Agreed Form

"2003 Accounts" means the unaudited non-statutory financial statements of the
Operations as at and for the year ended on the Accounts Date in the Agreed
Form AF1B;

"Accounts Date" means 31st December 2003;

"Actual Cash/Indebtedness Statements" means the Intra-Group Indebtedness
Statement, the Third Party Indebtedness Statement and the Cash Statement;

"Actuary's Letter" means the letter from Hewitt Bacon & Woodrow to Lane Clark
& Peacock in the Agreed Form AF15C;

"Agreed Form" means a form agreed between or identified by the parties for the
purposes of this Agreement and signed or initialled for identification
purposes by them or on their behalf;

"Ancillary Agreements" means the agreements described in Schedule 6;

"Assets" means the Business Assets and all the property, rights and assets
owned by any of the Target Companies;

"Assigned Know-how" means all Know-how owned by the Business Vendors and used
exclusively in the Target Businesses in the twelve months prior to Completion;

"Associated Company" means a company which is from time to time a subsidiary
of the party concerned or which is a holding company of such party or a
subsidiary of such holding company;

"Audited Non-Statutory Accounts" means the non-statutory financial statements
of the Operations (including a statement of income and statement of cash flows
for the year to 31st December 2001, a balance sheet, statement of
shareholders' equity, statement of income and statement of cash flows as at
and for the year to 31st December 2002 and a balance sheet, statement of
shareholders' equity, statement of income and statement of cash flows as at
and for the year to 31st December 2003) prepared and audited in accordance
with UK GAAP together with an audited reconciliation of such financial
statements to a US GAAP basis of preparation;

"Avecia's Benefit Plans" is defined in paragraph 1.4, Part 1 of Schedule 7;

"Avecia Payment Creditors" means those Creditors which are (i) creditors
ledger items, accruals for goods received not invoiced or accruals for
manufacturing, production or operational services and tolling, or (ii)
non-trade operating creditors owed by the Business Vendors as at the Effective
Time to the extent they arose in

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


connection with the Operations, relating to deductions made from payroll
processing, including but not limited to amounts owing in respect of payroll
taxes, social security, and payments to pension funds;

"Base Allocation" means, in respect of any Transfer of Operations, the amount
shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Base Spanish Working Capital" means the Base Working Capital in respect of
the Spanish Operations, as shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Base Working Capital" means the amount shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Basic Warranties" means the Warranties set out at the following paragraphs of
Schedule 4: 1 (Authority and Capacity); 2 (Accuracy and Adequacy of
Information); 3.1 (2002 Accounts and 2003 Accounts); 3.2 (Accounting and Other
Records); 4.5 (Insolvency); 5.1 (Arrangements with Connected Persons); 6.2.2
(non-contracted payments to Employees) 6.3 (Change of Control); 8.1.1 (Title
to Assets); 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 (Title to Shares); 8.4.6 and 8.4.7 (Title to and
Sufficiency of IP); 8.4.9 (No Conflicts with IP); 8.6 (Sufficiency of Assets);
8.7 (Target Companies' Assets and Activities); 9 (Banking and Finance), 10
(Competition and Fair Trading); 11 (Conduct of the Operations) and 21
(Consideration Shares);

"Biocides Exclusive Data" bears the meaning assigned to it under the
Regulatory Data Transfer and Access Agreement in the Agreed Form AF13B;

"Books and Records" means the Business Vendors' books and records as at the
Effective Time (in whatever form) (including details of customers and
suppliers and the terms of trading with them) to the extent that they relate
to the Business;

"Business" means:

(i)       the research, design, development, manufacture, packaging,
          distribution, marketing, sale and/or provision of anti-microbials
          (including, but not limited to, bactericides, algaecides, virucides
          and fungicides), in each case:

          (a)       to provide non-medicinal and non-phytochemical
                    anti-microbial effects to consumers; and/or

          (b)       for the preservation, odour control and disinfection of
                    industrial and recreational media, such media including,
                    but not limited to, aqueous emulsions, solutions and
                    suspensions, household and personal care products, mineral
                    slurries, inks, agrochemicals, adhesives, sealants, dyes,
                    pigments, paper, starches, industrial cleaning products,
                    metal working fluids, paints, architectural structures,
                    chemicals, plastics materials, textiles, leather, timber,
                    pet litter and water systems (including, but not limited
                    to, baths, pools and spas);

(ii)      the research, design, development, manufacture, packaging,
          distribution, marketing, sale and/or provision of automated
          micro-organism and biocides enumeration technologies in the fields
          defined in sub-paragraphs (i)(a) and (i)(b) above;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


(iii)     the research, design, development, manufacture, packaging,
          distribution, marketing, sale and/or provision of (a) chemicals
          other than anti-microbials (including but not limited to fragrances,
          filtration aids, cleaners, oxidizers and titrants for water testing)
          for use in the treatment of recreational water; (b) equipment
          accessory products for use in the maintenance of pools, baths and
          spas; and (c) aromatherapy candles;

(iv)      (a)       the research, design, development, manufacture, packaging,
                    distribution, marketing, sale and/or provision of any and
                    all products currently or in the past three years sold,
                    offered for sale, designed, developed, manufactured,
                    packaged, distributed or marketed using any of the
                    Intellectual Property on the Intellectual Property List
                    and/or any of the Assigned Know-how (other than by using
                    any of the Assigned Know-how licensed back to the Business
                    Vendors or any of them in the Avecia's Field (as defined
                    in the Know-how Assignment and Licence Agreement in the
                    Agreed Form AF13A) pursuant to the Know-how Assignment and
                    Licence Agreement); and

          (b)       the research, design, development, manufacture, packaging,
                    distribution, marketing, sale and/or provision of the
                    "Biocides Exclusive Compounds" listed on the Products
                    List, including but not limited to
                    polyhexamethylenebiguanide ("PHMB"), benzisothiazolinone
                    (BIT), N-butylbenzisothiazolin-3-one (BBIT),
                    Dithio-2,2-bis (benzmethylamide) (DTBA) and Hexamethylene
                    bis dicyanodiamide (HMBDA), without limitation of field,

          EXCLUDING, for the avoidance of doubt in the case of sub-paragraphs
          (iv)(a) and (iv)(b) above, the research, design, development,
          manufacture, packaging, distribution, marketing, sale and/or
          provision of any and all non-anti-microbial inkjet printing products
          which contain PHMB (but not PHMB itself) and the purification, anion
          exchange, packaging, distribution, marketing, re-sale and/or
          provision of PHMB (but for avoidance of doubt, not the research,
          design, development of PHMB for any application other than for
          non-anti-microbial applications in the inkjet printing market or the
          manufacture of PHMB) for use in non-anti-microbial applications
          solely in the inkjet printing market,

and for the purposes of this definition the sale of anti-microbials
(including, but not limited to, PHMB) to third parties for use in formulations
for topical disinfection (including, but not limited to, wound treatment
and/or contact lens cleaning) does not constitute the sale of anti-microbials
to provide a medicinal effect to consumers; and for the avoidance of doubt the
terms "medicinal" and "non-medicinal" apply to both humans and animals;

"Business Assets" means:

(i)       the Plant and Equipment;

(ii)      the Stock;

(iii)     the Debtors;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


(iv)      the Goodwill;

(v)       the Business IP;

(vi)      the Books and Records;

(vii)     the benefit (subject to the burden) of the Contracts;

(viii)    the Business Properties;

(ix)      any Permits of a Business Vendor that are capable of transfer to the
          Purchaser or a Local Purchaser in accordance with Clause 13.13;

(x)       the benefit (so far as the same can lawfully be assigned or
          transferred to or held in trust for the Purchaser or a Local
          Purchaser) of the Claims (including but not limited to the right to
          receive the proceeds of any claim under any insurance policy of any
          Vendor in respect of any Business Liability);

(xi)      the Biocides Exclusive Data and the Assigned Know-how; and

(xii)     all other property, assets and rights of the Business Vendors (not
          being Intellectual Property, Regulatory Data or Know-how, which are
          addressed at (v) and (xi) above) primarily used in the Operations or
          in connection with the Business Properties at Completion,

but, in each case, not including the Excluded Assets;

"Business Day" means a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday)
on which banks are open for normal business both in London and New York City;

"Business IP" or "Business Intellectual Property" means:

(i)       the Intellectual Property (other than the Excluded IP and
          Intellectual Property in computer software) owned by the Business
          Vendors which at Completion is or has been used or enjoyed
          predominantly in connection with the Target Businesses including
          without limitation the registered (and applications for registration
          of) Intellectual Property set out in the list in the Agreed Form AF4
          but excluding any and all Intellectual Property owned by the
          Business Vendors in Regulatory Data and Know-how other than any
          Intellectual Property owned by the Business Vendors in the Biocides
          Exclusive Data and the Assigned Know-how; and

(ii)      the Intellectual Property owned by the Business Vendors in computer
          software which at Completion is or has been used or enjoyed
          exclusively in connection with the Target Businesses;

"Business Liabilities" means:

(i)       the Creditors;

(ii)      all other Liabilities of the Business Vendors incurred in relation
          to or in carrying on the Business and existing, outstanding or in
          force at Completion or arising, accruing or assessed after
          Completion in consequence of any

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


          transaction or event incurred or entered into or occurring in
          relation to or in carrying on the Business prior thereto including
          without limitation, the Liabilities assumed under Clause 10.3;

(iii)     Liabilities relating to the Environment insofar as they relate to or
          arise from the Business Assets or the Operations;

(iv)      any other Liabilities included in the Completion Working Capital
          Statement; and

(v)       all Liabilities otherwise expressly assumed by the Purchaser under
          this Agreement,

but, in each case, excluding the Excluded Liabilities and the Insured

"Business Properties" means the freehold and leasehold properties and
interests in real property in each case vested in the Business Vendors at the
date of this Agreement and specified as such in the Property List;

"Cash" means cash on hand or credited to an account with a financial

"Cash Determination Date" means the date on which the process described in
Part 2 of Schedule 3 for the agreement or determination of the Cash Statement
is complete;

"Cash Statement" means a statement of the Target Companies Cash to be prepared
pursuant to Clause 4 in accordance with the provisions of Part 2 of Schedule 3
as agreed (or deemed to be agreed) or as finally determined in accordance with
the relevant provisions of Schedule 3;

"Claimant" bears the meaning given in Clause 8.1;

"Claims" means all rights and claims of the Business Vendors arising at any
time (whether before or after Completion) out of or in connection with the
Business (whether arising under any warranties, conditions, guarantees,
indemnities, contracts, agreements (in each case whether express or implied)
or otherwise howsoever) insofar as they relate to any of the Business Assets
or any Business Liability but excluding rights and claims under (i) any
insurance policy (save to the extent expressly included in the definition of
Business Assets) or (ii) without prejudice to the Environmental Deed of
Assignment, the agreements by which the Principal Vendor and certain of its
Associated Companies contracted to acquire the Zeneca Specialties business
from Zeneca Limited and others in 1999;

"Completion" means the completion to occur pursuant to Clause 6.1;

"Completion Consideration Shares" means 446,500 shares of common stock of the
Purchaser less, in the event that a Delayed Completion is required under
Clause 4.25, the number of Spanish Consideration Shares (such number of shares
to be appropriately adjusted in the event of any share split, stock
combination, stock dividend or similar reclassification or other change
applicable to shares of common stock of the Purchaser after the date of this
Agreement and before the issuance of the Completion Consideration Shares);

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Completion Date" means the date on which Completion occurs;

"Completion Spanish Working Capital" means the amount of net consolidated
working capital of the Spanish Operations as at the effective time of the
Delayed Completion as set out in the Completion Spanish Working Capital

"Completion Spanish Working Capital Statement" means the statement of the
consolidated net working capital of the Spanish Operations as at the effective
time of the Delayed Completion as agreed (or deemed to be agreed) or as
finally determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 3;

"Completion Working Capital" means, the amount of consolidated net working
capital of the Target Companies and the Target Businesses as at the Effective
Time as set out in the Completion Working Capital Statement;

"Completion Working Capital Determination Date" means the date on which the
process described in Part 2 of Schedule 3 for the agreement or determination
of the Completion Working Capital Statement is complete;

"Completion Working Capital Statement" means the statement of the consolidated
net working capital of the Target Companies and the Target Businesses as at
the Effective Time as agreed (or deemed to be agreed) or as finally determined
in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 3;

"Conditions Precedent" means the conditions to Completion set out in Clause

"Confidentiality Agreement" means the confidentiality agreement dated 4th June
2003 between the Purchaser and Goldman Sachs International;

"Consideration Shares" means the shares of common stock of the Purchaser to be
issued to the US Business Vendor as Completion Consideration Shares, New
Castle Consideration Shares or Delayed Consideration Shares in partial
satisfaction of the Purchase Price, in accordance with Schedule 9;

"Contracts" means any contract, agreement or other legally binding
arrangement, whether oral or written, entered into by any of the Business
Vendors and subsisting at Completion (including, without limitation, contracts
with customers or suppliers of goods or services and operating or finance
leases and licences and agreements relating to Intellectual Property) to the
extent it relates to the Business provided that (i) any such contract or
agreement shall not be a "Contract" to the extent it relates to an Excluded
Asset or an Excluded Liability, (ii) where a Contract is of a type dealt with
more specifically in this Agreement (such as employment agreements) and those
other provisions are inconsistent with the provisions relating to Contracts
generally, such more specific provisions shall prevail and (iii) the term
"Contracts" shall not include those agreements for the supply of goods,
services or utilities to the Vendors' Group the benefit of which is to be
provided to the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser under the Ancillary Agreements;

"Conversion Rate" means the average of the spot selling and buying rates for a
transaction between the two currencies in question as quoted on the relevant
Reuters page as at the close of business (London time) on the Business Day
prior to the

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


Relevant Conversion Date (as defined in paragraph 3 of this Schedule) or, if
no such rate is quoted on that date, on the preceding date on which such rates
are quoted;

"CP Satisfaction Date" means the date on which the Conditions Precedent in
Clause 3.1 are all satisfied or deemed to be satisfied or waived;

"Creditors" means all amounts owed by a Business Vendor as at the Effective
Time to the extent they arose in connection with the Business (whether or not
due and payable) and including without limitation amounts owed to trade
creditors for the supply of goods or services but excluding Indebtedness;

"Cumulative Gross (Variable) Margin" means net sales less costs of raw
materials and intermediates less variable production cost less variable
selling and distribution expenses;

"Current Use" means, in relation to the Properties, the use given for such
Property in the Property List;

"Data Room" means the documents listed in Appendices 1 and 2 to the Disclosure

"Debtors'" means the book and other debts receivable by or owing to the
Business Vendors to the extent that they arose in connection with the Business
(and whether or not yet due or payable) as at the Effective Time but

(i)       debts owing by any employee who is not an Employee;

(ii)      debts due from any Taxation Authority; and

(iii)     Cash;

"Delayed Consideration Shares" means the number of shares of common stock of
the Purchaser equal to the quotient obtained by dividing (i) US$5.0 million
minus the Pension Deficit Reduction Adjustment Amount by (ii) US$22.3964, but
not to exceed 223,250 shares (such number of shares to be appropriately
adjusted in the event of any share split, stock combination, stock dividend or
similar reclassification or other change applicable to shares of common stock
of the Purchaser after the date of this Agreement and before the issuance of
the Delayed Consideration Shares);

"Delayed Share Issue Date" means the date falling ten Business Days after the
date on which the payment required by paragraph 5.1 (and, if applicable,
paragraph 7.2) of Part 2 of Schedule 8 is made;

"Disclosure Letter" means the letter of even date with this Agreement from the
Principal Vendor to the Purchaser (together with its attachments) disclosing:

(i)       information constituting exceptions to the Warranties; and

(ii)      details of other matters referred to in this Agreement;

"Effective Time" means 23:59 hours on the Completion Date;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Employee Benefit Arrangements" means the schemes or arrangements operated or
maintained by the Business Vendors or Target Companies or in which the
Business Vendors or any Target Company participates or contributes in respect
of Employees (other than (i) mandatory state or statutory social security,
unemployment, insurance, workers compensation or pension arrangements and (ii)
schemes relating solely to the issue or transfer or ownership of shares in
Avecia Holdings plc) and providing for benefits payable during employment or
on retirement, death or disability and voluntary withdrawal from or
involuntary termination of employment, including each "employee benefit plan"
within the meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA and each other life assurance,
accidental death and dismemberment schemes, medical benefit arrangements
(including retiree medical benefits) and termination indemnity payments,
profit sharing, incentive arrangements, life, accident and health insurances,
hospitalisation, savings, holiday, holiday bonus, vacation, severance pay,
sick pay, sick leave, tuition refund, service awards, company car,
scholarship, relocation or any other employee or executive benefits;

"Employee List" means the list in the Agreed Form AF3;

"Employees" means the Target Companies Employees, the US Employees, the UK
Employees and the Overseas Employees;

"Employment Costs" means, in respect of any Employee, a sum equivalent to the
aggregate of (i) the amount payable or paid to or in respect of the employment
of the relevant Employee (including, but not limited to, salary, wages, tax
and social security contributions, employer's pension contributions, bonus,
insurance premia, payments or allowances or any other consideration for
employment) and (ii) the cost of providing any non-cash benefits, which the
employer is required to provide, by law or contract or customarily provides in
connection with such employment;

"Employment Liabilities" means any and all Liabilities arising out of or
connected with employment or the employment relationship, or termination of
employment, or of the employment relationship (including, but not limited to,
all Liabilities in connection with any claim for redundancy pay, or damages or
compensation for unfair or wrongful dismissal or breach of contract);

"Encumbrance" means any charge, mortgage, security, lien, option, equity,
power of sale, hypothecation or other similar third party right;

"Environment" has the meaning given in the Environmental Deed;

"Environmental Deed" means the environmental deed of covenant dated 30th June
1999 among Zeneca Limited (now Syngenta Limited) and others, AstraZeneca plc
and the Principal Vendor;

"Environmental Deed of Assignment" means the deed in the Agreed Form AF8 to be
entered into between the Principal Vendor, the Purchaser and the Local
Purchasers at Completion;

"Environmental Laws" has the meaning given in the Environmental Deed provided
that all references to Completion in such definition in the Environmental Deed
shall be deemed to be references to the date of this Agreement;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Environmental Liabilities" has the meaning given in the Environmental Deed;

"Environmental Permits" means all Permits required under Environmental Laws to
conduct the Operations;

"Environmental Pooling Agreement" means the deeds of adherence in the Agreed
Form AF9 to be entered into between the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser and
the Local Purchaser at Completion;

"Environmental Warranties" means the Warranties set out at paragraph 4.4 of
Schedule 4;

"Equity Schemes" means (i) the schemes or arrangements operated or maintained
by the Business Vendors or Target Companies or in which any Business Vendor,
Target Company or Employee participates or contributes in respect of Employees
(including any individual arrangement with any Employee) that relate to the
issue or transfer or ownership of shares in Avecia Holdings plc and (ii) the
arrangements set out in paragraph 5.1.3 (b) of the Disclosure Letter;

"ERISA" means the US Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as

"Estimated Cash" means the amount of Cash shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Estimated Intra-Group Indebtedness" means the aggregate of the Estimated
Intra-Group Payables of the Target Companies minus the aggregate of the
Estimated Intra-Group Receivables of the Target Companies;

"Estimated Intra-Group Payables" means, in respect of each Target Company, the
amount of Intra-Group Payables shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Estimated Intra-Group Receivables" means, in respect of each Target Company,
the amount of Intra-Group Receivables shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Estimated Third Party Indebtedness" means the amount of Third Party
Indebtedness shown in the Transaction Breakdown;

"Exchange Act" means the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;

"Excluded Assets" means:

(i)       any Cash of the Business Vendors;

(ii)      the benefit of or sums owed under any insurance policy relating to
          the Operations or otherwise incepted by or on behalf of the Vendors'
          Group (save to the extent expressly included in the definition of
          Business Assets);

(iii)     any rights in or to the Excluded Names;

(iv)      any right to receive a repayment of Taxation and (to the extent
          possible to exclude from the sale and purchase under this Agreement)
          any other Taxation benefit or advantage of the Business Vendors
          (including losses, reliefs, deductions or credits available in
          computing liability for Taxation) to the extent

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


          that such right, benefit or advantage relates to Taxation that is an
          Excluded Liability;

(v)       the benefit of any amount owed at the Effective Time to the Business
          Vendors by another member of the Vendors' Group (other than the
          Target Companies and other than ordinary course trading balances
          included in calculating Completion Working Capital);

(vi)      the following assets at the Grangemouth site:

          (a)       caustic storage tank 46/222 and associated equipment;

          (b)       HCI storage tank 43/233 and associated equipment;

          (c)       main plant effluent tank;

          (d)       biocides finished product warehouse and associated storage

          (e)       North Site, West area storage slab;

          (f)       the warm room that is used to heat IBCs of Bisulphate and
                    other non-biocides products;

(vii)     photocopiers at the Blackley site;

(viii)    assets primarily used by the Vendors' Group prior to Completion to
          provide services to the Target Businesses and Target Companies under
          the Ancillary Agreements; (ix) any rights in the Vendors' Group
          business information processing systems including without limitation
          SAP or network servers on which such systems run;

(x)       the contract between the US Business Vendor and Ceridian Corporation
          relating to the provision of human resource and payroll services
          dated 31st July 2002; and

(xi)      any other asset of the Business Vendors which is not primarily used
          in the conduct of the Business;

"Excluded IP" means the Excluded Names and any registered or unregistered
trade marks, logos or other devices incorporating the Excluded Names and the
domain name;

"Excluded Liabilities" means any Liabilities of the Business Vendors (other
than those included in the Completion Working Capital Statement to the extent
so included) to the extent they represent:

(i)       Indebtedness or any security, guarantee or indemnity in respect of

(ii)      Taxation (other than Taxation relating to Employees);

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


(iii)     any sum owed at Completion by the Business Vendors to another member
          of the Vendors' Group (other than the Target Companies other than
          ordinary course trading balances included in calculating Completion
          Working Capital);

(iv)      any Liability to the extent expressly reserved to a Business Vendor
          or in respect of which and to the extent an indemnity or covenant to
          pay is given by the Principal Vendor under this Agreement;

(v)       any Liability relating to or arising from Equity Schemes;

(vi)      any Liability in respect of the arrangements described at paragraph
          6.3(a) of the Disclosure Letter;

(vii)     any Liability in respect of the removal of asbestos as described at
          paragraph 4.4.5 of the Disclosure Letter;

(viii)    any Liability in respect of the Rodriguez claim referred to at
          paragraph 4.3 of the Disclosure Letter;

(ix)      any Liability in respect of the enhanced severance terms (including
          enhanced notice periods) for Shivers, Heffelfinger, Polkus, Sipple,
          Dever, Giofre, Palermo, Herriott and Kenline referred to at
          paragraphs 6.1.2 or 6.1.11 of the Disclosure Letter to the extent
          the relevant employee is dismissed by the Purchaser, or a Local
          Purchaser, prior to the first anniversary of Completion and then
          only to the extent such Liability exceeds the regular severance
          benefits that would be payable under the written terms of the Avecia
          Severance Plan (as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 8)
          as in effect on the date of this Agreement determined as if, solely
          for purposes of determining the Liability excluded by this paragraph
          (ix), the Avecia Severance Plan was in effect at such time; and

(x)       any fines or penalties imposed by the Florida Department of
          Agriculture and Consumer Services in respect of the lack of
          registration issue referred to at paragraph 4.1(vii) of the
          Disclosure Letter, to the extent such fines or penalties relate to
          sales of the relevant product made prior to Completion;

"Excluded Names" means the name "Avecia" and any other names confusingly
similar to its logos;

"Freehold Properties" means those of the Properties identified in the Property
List as being freehold or owned in fee simple by a Business Vendor or a Target

"Goodwill" means the goodwill of the Business Vendors in connection with the
Business together with the exclusive right (so far as the Business Vendors
have the right to grant the same) for the Purchaser or the relevant Local
Purchaser to represent itself as carrying on the Target Businesses in
succession to the Business Vendors and includes the goodwill associated with
the trade marks included in the Business IP but excludes all other goodwill
associated with the Excluded Names or any trade marks or names not included in
the Business IP;

"HSR Act" bears the meaning given in Clause 3.1.1;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Indebtedness" means:

(i)       all monies borrowed or raised from any persons outside the Vendors'
          Group (whether under or not under normal commercial lending terms or
          upon the issue of bills, bonds, debentures, notes, loan stock or
          other evidence of indebtedness or borrowing);

(ii)      obligations in respect of foreign exchange contracts and all
          derivative instruments (including, without limitation, any interest
          or currency protection, hedging or financial future transactions) of
          the Operations; and

(iii)     obligations in respect of any guarantee, counter-indemnity, letter
          of credit, indemnity or similar assurance against the financial loss
          of any person other than the Target Companies;

"Information Technology" means computer hardware, software, networks and/or
other information technology whether embedded or otherwise;

"Insured Liabilities" means the Lechner, Stepler and potential employment
related personal injury claims referred to at paragraph 4.3 of the Disclosure
Letter together with legal defence costs incurred in connection with such
claims, provided that any portion of such claim or costs in respect of which
the Vendors' Group is not actually covered by insurance (and for the avoidance
of doubt the amount of any deductible is not to be treated as being covered by
insurance) shall not be an "Insured Liability" and shall be a "Business

"Intellectual Property" or "IP" means trade marks and service marks and all
goodwill associated with such marks, trade names, business names, logos,
get-up, patents, inventions, registered and unregistered design rights,
copyrights (including copyrights in computer software), semi-conductor
topography rights, database rights and all other similar proprietary rights
which may subsist in any part of the world (whether or not registered) and
including, where such rights are obtained or enhanced by registration, any
registration of such rights and applications including, without limitation,
pending patent applications, and rights to apply for such registrations;

"Intellectual Property List" means the list of Intellectual Property in the
Agreed Form AF4;

"Interest Rate" means LIBOR plus 2%, accruing daily and compounding on the
last Business Day of each calendar quarter;

"Intra-Group Indebtedness" means the aggregate amount of the Intra-Group
Payables minus the aggregate amount of the Intra-Group Receivables of the
Target Companies;

"Intra-Group Indebtedness Determination Date" means the date on which the
process described in Part 2 of Schedule 3 for the agreement or determination
of the Intra-Group Indebtedness Statement is complete;

"Intra-Group Indebtedness Statement" means a statement of Intra-Group
Indebtedness identifying separately each of the Intra-Group Payables and
Intra-Group Receivables to be prepared pursuant to Clause 4 in accordance with
the provisions of

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


Part 2 of Schedule 3 as agreed (or deemed to be agreed) or as finally
determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 3;

"Intra-Group Payables" means all outstanding loans or other liabilities or
obligations owed by a Target Company to a member of Vendors' Group as at the
Effective Time, but excluding any item which falls to be included in
calculating Target Companies Cash, Third Party Indebtedness or Completion
Working Capital;

"Intra-Group Receivables" means all outstanding loans or other liabilities or
obligations owed by a member of the Vendors' Group to a Target Company as at
the Effective Time, but excluding any item which falls to be included in
calculating Target Companies Cash, Third Party Indebtedness or Completion
Working Capital;

"Know-how" means confidential industrial, technical or commercial information
and techniques in any form (including paper, electronically stored data,
magnetic media, film and microfilm) including (without limiting the foregoing)
drawings, laboratory notebooks, formulae, test results, reports, research
reports, project reports and testing procedures, shop practices, instruction
and training manuals, tables of operating conditions, market forecasts,
marketing methods and procedures, show-how and advertising copy but excluding
Regulatory Data;

"Leasehold Properties" means those of the Properties identified in the
Property List as being leased by a Business Vendor or a Target Company;

"Liabilities" means all liabilities, duties and obligations of every
description, whether deriving from contract, common law, statute or otherwise,
whether present or future, actual or contingent, ascertained or unascertained
or disputed and whether owed or incurred severally or jointly or as principal
or surety;

"LIBOR" means in respect of pounds sterling or euros or US dollars, the London
inter-bank offered rate for three month deposits of the relevant currency
quoted by the Financial Times in London on the first Business Day of each
calendar quarter (or if no such rate is quoted on that day, on the first
preceding day on which such a rate was quoted);

"Local Agreements" means the agreements for the sale and purchase of the
Shares and/or Business Assets (and assumption of Business Liabilities) in
particular jurisdictions;

"Local Purchasers" means the persons nominated pursuant to Clause 2.5 to
purchase any of the Shares or the Business Assets (and assume the Business

"Long Stop Date" means 31st August 2004;

"Losses" means all losses, Liabilities, costs (including without limitation
reasonable legal costs), charges and expenses;

"Material Adverse Change" means any materially adverse change or effect on the
condition (financial or otherwise), turnover, results of operations, business,
properties or assets of the Operations taken as a whole (not being an event
affecting or likely to affect to a similar extent generally companies carrying
on a similar business or businesses in the territories within which the
Operations carry on business);

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Material Breach of Undertaking" means a breach in any material respect by the
Principal Vendor of any of its undertakings in Clause 5.2 or Clause 6.3;

"Material Breach of Warranty" means:

(i)       as of the date of this Agreement (except to the extent expressly
          made as of a specified date, in which case as of such specified
          date), any failure of the Warranties, to the extent the Warranties
          are qualified by materiality or material adverse effect, to be true
          and correct, and any failure of the Warranties, to the extent the
          Warranties are not so qualified, to be true and correct in all
          material respects; and

(ii)      as of the Completion Date (except to the extent expressly made as of
          a specified date, in which case as of such specified date), (A) any
          failure of the Basic Warranties, to the extent the Basic Warranties
          are qualified by materiality or material adverse effect, to be true
          and correct, and any failure of the Basic Warranties, to the extent
          the Basic Warranties are not so qualified, to be true and correct in
          all material respects, and (B) any failure of the Non-Basic
          Warranties to be true and correct, except to the extent that the
          facts or matters as to which the Non-Basic Warranties are not true
          and correct as of such date (without giving effect to any
          qualifications as to materiality or material adverse effect set
          forth therein), individually or in the aggregate, do not have and
          would not be reasonably expected to have a Material Adverse Change;

"Material Contracts" bears the meaning given in paragraph 5.2.1 of Schedule 4;

"New Castle Consideration Shares" means 223,250 shares of common stock of the
Purchaser (such number of shares to be appropriately adjusted in the event of
any share split, stock combination, stock dividend or similar reclassification
or other change applicable to shares of common stock of the Purchaser after
the date of this Agreement and before the issuance of the New Castle
Consideration Shares);

"New Castle Lab Lease" means the document in the Agreed Form AF14L;

"New Castle Lab Property" means the property which is the subject of the New
Castle Lab Lease and which is located at 235 Cherry Lane, New Castle,
Delaware, USA;

"New Castle Release Condition" means the first to occur of the following
circumstances (i) and (ii):

(i)       the delivery to the Purchaser of all of:

          (a)       a recordable original of the New Castle Lab Lease or a
                    memorandum thereof, duly executed by the US Business
                    Vendor and subject only to Permitted Encumbrances (as such
                    term is defined in the New Castle Lab Lease);

          (b)       a release of that certain mortgage ("Mortgage") held by
                    Chase Manhattan International Limited ("CMIL") dated 30th
                    June 1999 in the original amount of US$16,500,000 with
                    respect to the New Castle Lab Property or a
                    non-disturbance agreement from CMIL, in a form

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


                    reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser, in respect of the
                    New Castle Lab Lease; and

          (c)       an opinion from Delaware counsel in a form acceptable to
                    the Purchaser acting reasonably opining that the New
                    Castle Lab Lease is valid and enforceable under the laws
                    of the State of Delaware; or

(ii)      the occurrence of all of:

          (a)       the receipt by the US Business Vendor of Subdivision
                    Approval (as such term is defined in the New Castle Lab

          (b)       a release of the Mortgage with respect to the New Castle
                    Lab Property; and

          (c)       the transfer of fee simple title to the New Castle Lab
                    Property from the US Business Vendor to the Purchaser or a
                    Local Purchaser in accordance with article II of the New
                    Castle Lab Lease;

"Non-Basic Warranties" means the Warranties other than the Basic Warranties;

"Operations" means the Target Businesses and the operations and activities of
the Target Companies;

"Overseas Employees" means all the persons employed by the Business Vendors
(other than the US Employees and the UK Employees) wholly or mainly in
connection with the Target Businesses at Completion (being as at 18th February
2004 those identified as such in the Employee List);

"Pension Deficit Reduction Adjustment Amount" bears the meaning given in
paragraph 6.1 of Part 2 of Schedule 8;

"Permits" means all certificates, consents, licences, permits, authorisations,
orders, warrants, confirmations, permissions and approvals by a Business
Vendor or Target Company that are necessary for or used, held for use or
intended to be used primarily in connection with the Operations;

"Permitted Encumbrances" means with respect to each parcel of Business
Property: (i) real estate taxes, assessments and other governmental levies,
fees or charges imposed with respect to such Business Property which are not
due and payable as of Completion, or which are being contested in good faith;
(ii) landlord's liens arising by operation of law in the ordinary course of
business for sums which are not overdue; (iii) planning, building codes and
other land use laws regulating the use or occupancy of such Business Property
or the activities conducted thereon which are imposed by any governmental
authority having jurisdiction over such Business Property which are not
violated by the current use or occupancy of such Business Property or the
operation of the Target Businesses as currently conducted thereon; and (iv)
easements, covenants, conditions, restrictions and other similar matters of
record affecting title to such Business Property which do not materially
impair the continued use or occupancy of such Business Property in the
operation of the Target Businesses as currently conducted thereon;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Plant and Equipment" means the fixed and loose plant and machinery, tools,
Information Technology, office equipment, furniture, fittings and other
personal property owned by the Business Vendors which at Completion is used
primarily in connection with the Business including the assets described on
the list in the Agreed Form AF2;

"Principal Vendor's Bank Account" means:

(i)       in respect of payments to be made in Euros, the bank account of
          Avecia Limited with JP Morgan Chase Bank, Frankfurt, SWIFT code
          CHASDEFX, account number 6231400604 for account of JP Morgan Chase
          Bank, London, SWIFT code CHASGB2L, account number 23423205, for
          account of Avecia Limited;

(ii)      in respect of payments to be made in pounds sterling, the bank
          account of Avecia Limited with JP Morgan Chase Bank, London, SWIFT
          code CHASGB2L, sort code 60-92-42, account number 23423207; and

(iii)     in respect of payments to be made in US dollars, the bank account of
          Avecia Limited with JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, SWIFT code
          CHASUS33, account number 001-0-962009 for account of JP Morgan Chase
          Bank, London, SWIFT code CHASGB2L, account number 23423211 for
          account of Avecia Limited,

or in each case such other account as the Principal Vendor may have notified
to the Purchaser at least 5 Business Days in advance of the relevant payment
requiring to be made;

"Products List" means the list of biocides compounds set out in schedule 1 of
the Regulatory Data Transfer and Access Agreement in the Agreed Form AF13B;

"Properties" means the Business Properties and the Target Companies

"Property List" means the list of properties in the Agreed Form AF5;

"Property Owner" means, in relation to any Property, the relevant Business
Vendor or Target Company named as its freehold or leasehold owner in the
Property List;

"Purchase Price" mean the aggregate consideration payable for the Shares, the
Target Businesses and the Business Assets under Clause 4;

"Purchaser's Counsel" means Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, 825 Eighth Avenue,
New York, NY 10019, USA - Attn: Robert I Townsend III;

"Purchaser's Group" means the Purchaser and any holding company of the
Purchaser and any subsidiary of such holding company from time to time
including after Completion the Target Companies;

"Recipient" bears the meaning given in Clause 8.1;

"Regulatory Data" means, in relation to a molecule used to make a product, or
a product, information:

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


(i)       required to facilitate the making of an application for a regulatory
          approval (or to facilitate confirmation of legal compliance in order
          to be able to sell) or to maintain a regulatory approval (or
          confirmation of legal compliance in order to be able to sell) for
          that molecule or product; or

(ii)      which relates to employee health and safety, hazard prevention and
          environmental protection and is required for the completion of
          safety data labelling and classification sheets, as well as such
          safety data, labelling and classification sheets;

"Relevant Period" means the period from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2005
(both dates inclusive);

"Reporting Accountants" means a Chartered Accountant or firm of Chartered
Accountants to be agreed by the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser within
seven days of a notice by one to the other requiring such agreement or failing
such agreement to be nominated on the application of either of them by or on
behalf of the President for the time being of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales;

"Scheduled Completion Date" shall be determined as follows:

(i)       if the CP Satisfaction Date occurs before 2nd April 2004, the
          Scheduled Completion Date shall be 2nd April 2004;

(ii)      if the CP Satisfaction Date occurs on 3rd April 2004, the Scheduled
          Completion Date shall be 5th April 2004;

(iii)     if the CP Satisfaction Date occurs from 4th April 2004 to 7th April
          2004 (inclusive), the Scheduled Completion Date shall be 8th April

(iv)      if the CP Satisfaction Date occurs on 8th or 9th April 2004, the
          Scheduled Completion Date shall be 13th April 2004;

(v)       if the CP Satisfaction Date occurs after 9th April 2004 and:

          (a)       is any day other than Friday, the Scheduled Completion
                    Date shall be the next Friday that is a Business Day; or

          (b)       is a Friday, the Scheduled Completion Date shall be the
                    next Business Day;

"SEC" means the US Securities and Exchange Commission;

"Second Long Stop Date" means 31st October 2004;

"Securities Act" means the US Securities Act 1933, as amended;

"Senior Employee" means an employee of the Vendors' Group classified as being
at Grade 33 or above or having an annual basic salary in excess of US$75,000;

"Settlement Date" means the date falling five Business Days after the Cash
Determination Date, Completion Working Capital Determination Date, Intra-Group

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


Indebtedness Determination Date or Third Party Indebtedness Determination
Date, whichever is the latest;

"Shares" means the shares in the capital of the Target Companies as specified
in Part 1 of Schedule 2;

"Spanish Consideration Shares" means 111,625 shares of common stock of the
Purchaser (such number of shares to be appropriately adjusted in the event of
any share split, stock combination, stock dividend or similar reclassification
or other change applicable to shares of common stock of the Purchaser after
the date of this Agreement and before the Delayed Completion Date);

"Spanish Settlement Date" means the date falling five Business Days after the
date the Completion Spanish Working Capital Statement is determined;

"Specified Warranties" means the Warranties set out in the following
paragraphs of Schedule 4:

(i)       1 (Authority and Capacity);

(ii)      4.5 (Insolvency);

(iii)     8.1 (Title);

(iv)      8.3.4 (Ownership of Properties);

(v)       8.4.1 (Ownership of IP);

(vi)      8.7 (Target Companies' Assets and Activities);

"Spot Rate" means in respect of the conversion of any currency into US
dollars, the foreign currency exchange rate notified to the UK Business Vendor
by JP Morgan as the spot rate for such currency exchange in respect of the
third last Business Day of the calendar month in which the Completion Date
falls (being, for illustrative purposes 29th March 2004 in respect of a
Completion Date of 31st March 2004);

"Stock" means the raw materials, stock-in-trade, work-in-progress, finished
goods, suppliers, parts, spare parts and other inventories owned or agreed to
be bought by the Business Vendors primarily in connection with the Business as
at the close of business on the Effective Time;

"Target Businesses" means the operations and activities of the Business
Vendors in conducting the Business as at and up to the Effective Time;

"Target Companies" means the companies identified in Schedule 2;

"Target Companies Cash" means, in relation to each Target Company, the amount
of its Cash as set out in its cash ledger as at the Effective Time;

"Target Companies Creditors" means all trade and non-trade creditors of the
Target Companies as at the Effective Time including balances due to the
Vendors' Group, but excluding any item which falls to be included in
calculating Intra-Group Indebtedness;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Target Companies Debtors" means all trade and non trade debtors of the Target
Companies as at the Effective Time including balances due from the Vendors'
Group, but excluding any item which falls to be included in calculating
Intra-Group Indebtedness;

"Target Companies Employees" means the persons employed by any of the Target
Companies at Completion (being as at 18th February 2004 those identified as
such in the Employee List);

"Target Companies Properties" means the freehold and leasehold properties and
interests in real property in each case vested in the Target Companies at the
date hereof and listed and identified as such in the Property List;

"Taxation" or "Tax" have the meaning given to them in the Tax Deed;

"Taxation Benefits" means any Taxation benefit or advantage or repayment of
Taxation, including any loss, relief, allowance, exemption, set-off, deduction
or credit available in the computation of any liability to Taxation;

"Tax Authority" has the meaning given to it in the Tax Deed;

"Tax Deed" means the deed of covenant in respect of Taxation in the Agreed
Form AF7 to be entered into between the Principal Vendor and the Purchaser at

"Tax Return" bears the meaning given in the Tax Deed;

"Tax Warranties" means the Warranties set out at paragraph 7 of Schedule 4;

"Third Party Indebtedness" means the aggregate amount (including interest,
prepayment penalties and other costs of discharge) as at the Effective Time of
(i) all outstanding loans and finance leases owing by the Target Companies to
any third party other than a member of the Vendors' Group (ii) if applicable,
finance leases owing by the Business Vendors to the extent that such leases
fall within the definition of Contracts for the purposes of this Agreement
but, in each case, excluding any item included in respect of such Completion
in the calculation of Cash balances or Intra-Group Indebtedness or Completion
Working Capital;

"Third Party Indebtedness Determination Date" means the date on which the
process described in Part 2 of Schedule 3 for the agreement or determination
of a Third Party Indebtedness Statement is complete;

"Third Party Indebtedness Statement" means the statement of Third Party
Indebtedness to be prepared pursuant to Clause 4 in accordance with the
provisions of Part 2 of Schedule 3 as agreed (or deemed to be agreed) or as
finally determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 3;

"Transaction Breakdown" means the document bearing that title in the Agreed
Form AF6 and identifying in relation to each Transfer of Operations the Base
Allocation, the Base Working Capital, the Estimated Cash, the Estimated Third
Party Indebtedness, the Estimated Intra-Group Payables and the Estimated
Intra-Group Receivables;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


"Transfer of Operations" means, separately, each sale by a Vendor and each
transfer to the Purchaser or a Local Purchaser of:

(i)       the Shares; and

(ii)      the Target Businesses;

"TUPE" means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)
Regulations 1981, as amended;

"UK Business Vendor" means Avecia Limited, one of the Business Vendors;

"UK Employees" means all the persons employed by the UK Business Vendor wholly
or mainly in connection with the Target Businesses as at Completion (being as
at 18th February 2004 those identified as such in the Employee List);

"UK GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles in the United
Kingdom, consistently applied; "US Business Vendor" means Avecia Inc, one of
the Business Vendors;

"US GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles in the United States,
consistently applied;

"US Employees" means all the persons employed by the US Business Vendor wholly
or mainly in connection with the Business as at Completion (being as at 18th
February 2004 those identified as such in the Employee List);

"VAT" means within the European Community such Tax as may be levied in
accordance with (but subject to derogations from) the Directive 77/388/EEC and
outside the European Community any Taxation levied by reference to added value
or sales of goods or services;

"Vendors" means the Business Vendors, the Share Vendors and the Principal

"Vendors' Group" means the Principal Vendor and any holding company of the
Principal Vendor and any subsidiary of such holding company from time to time
but excluding for the purposes of the definitions of Intra-Group Payables,
Intra-Group Receivables and Third Party Indebtedness, the Target Companies;

"Vendors' Solicitors" means Dickson Minto W.S., Royal London House, 22-25
Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1DX; and

"Warranties" means the warranties contained in paragraph 8 of Part 5 of
Schedule 3 and in Schedule 4.


In this Agreement:

2.1.      the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and
          neuter and the singular number shall be deemed to include the plural
          and vice versa;

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


2.2.      the Clause headings, use of bold or italic type and contents page
          are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect its
          construction or interpretation;

2.3.      references to Recitals, Clauses, and Schedules are to the recitals
          and clauses of and the schedules to this Agreement and references to
          paragraphs are to the paragraphs of a Schedule;

2.4.      reference to any statute or statutory provision shall include any
          statute or statutory provision which amends, extends, consolidates
          or replaces the same, or which has been amended, extended,
          consolidated or replaced by the same, and shall include any orders,
          regulations, instruments or other subordinate legislation made under
          the relevant statute, provided that no such amendment, extension,
          consolidation replacement, order, regulation, instrument or other
          subordinate legislation made after the date of this Agreement shall
          increase the liability of any party;

2.5.      references to persons shall include references to firms,
          corporations or unincorporated associations;

2.6.      where a word or expression is given a particular meaning, other
          parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or expression
          have a corresponding meaning;

2.7.      the expressions "subsidiary", "holding company" and "group
          undertaking" shall have the same meanings in this Agreement as their
          respective definitions in the Companies Act 1985;

2.8.      references to any English legal term or concept (including, without
          limitation, those for any action, remedy, method or judicial
          proceeding, document, statute, court official, governmental
          authority or agency) shall in respect of any jurisdiction other than
          England be construed as references to the term or concept which most
          nearly corresponds to it in that jurisdiction; and

2.9       any reference to the date of this Agreement shall be construed as
          meaning 4th March 2004.


Any amount to be converted from one currency into a second currency for the
purposes of the following provisions of this Agreement and the Tax Deed shall
be converted into an equivalent amount at the Relevant Conversion Date at the
Conversion Rate prevailing at the Relevant Conversion Date. The "Relevant
Conversion Date" for the purposes of:

3.1.      paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 5 and paragraphs 3.2.1 and 5.8 of
          the Tax Deed shall be the date on which the relevant claim was made;

3.2.      paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 and paragraph 3.2.2 of the Tax Deed shall
          be the date(s) on which the Principal Vendor makes payment(s) in
          respect of the relevant claims.

In relation to the determination of the Cash, Third Party Indebtedness,
Intra-Group Indebtedness and the Completion Working Capital, the Spot Rate
shall apply as provided for in Part 1 of Schedule 3.

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


In relation to the calculation of Effects Sales and Product Margins, any sales
not made in US dollars will be converted to US dollars at the rate adopted by
the Purchaser for the purpose of its own audited accounts in respect of the
year in question or such other rate as the Purchaser and the Principal Vendor
acting reasonably shall agree.


The definitions of each component of the Business Assets stated above shall be
deemed to exclude any item which falls within the definition of "Excluded
Assets" and which would otherwise be included within such definitions.

                                  SCHEDULE 10 - Definitions and Interpretation


Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of

Executed on behalf of
                                Attorney/Duty Authorised Officer