Exhibit (a)(5)(A)

                         IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY

            Plaintiff,    )
      v.                  )  C.A. No.  ___________
            Defendant,    )


            Plaintiff MSC Acquisition Corp. ("MSCAC" or "Plaintiff") by and

through its undersigned attorneys, alleges for its Complaint as follows:

                             NATURE OF THIS ACTION

            1.    This is an action brought pursuant to Section 220 of the

Delaware General Corporation Law, 8 Del. C. {section} 220 ("Section 220"), to

compel defendant Maxwell Shoe Company Inc. ("Maxwell" or the "Company") to make

available for inspection and copying by Plaintiff certain books and records of

the Company, as more fully described herein.

                                  THE PARTIES

            2.    Plaintiff MSCAC is the record owner of 50 shares of Maxwell

common stock and has been the record owner of such shares at all times relevant

hereto.  MSCAC is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Jones Apparel Group,

Inc. ("Jones Apparel").  MSCAC was organized in 2004 under the laws of the

State of New York in order to facilitate Jones Apparel's efforts to acquire all

of the outstanding shares of Maxwell.  MSCAC has not engaged, and is not

expected to engage, in any business other than in connection with Jones

Apparel's efforts to acquire Maxwell.

            3.    Defendant Maxwell is a Delaware corporation with its

principal place of business in Hyde Park (Boston), Massachusetts.



            4.    On February 25, 2004, Jones Apparel announced that it had

delivered a proposal to Maxwell to acquire all of the outstanding shares of

Maxwell at a price of $20.00 per share in cash (the "Jones Apparel Proposal").

The $20.00 per share cash price proposed by Jones Apparel represented a premium

of 13.7% to the last reported sales price per Maxwell share on the Nasdaq

National Market System on February 18, 2004.  All subsequent attempts by Jones

Apparel to negotiate with Maxwell concerning the Jones Apparel Proposal were


            5.    On March 12, 2004, Maxwell issued a press release and

delivered a letter to Jones Apparel indicating that Maxwell's Board of

Directors unanimously had determined to reject the Jones Apparel Proposal and

to refuse to meet with Jones Apparel to discuss that proposal.

            6.    On March 23, 2004, MSCAC commenced a tender offer (the

"Offer") to acquire all the outstanding shares of Maxwell's Class A Common

Stock (including the associated rights to purchase shares of Series A Junior

Participating Preferred Stock of Maxwell) at a price of $20.00 per share in

cash.  The Offer currently is scheduled to expire at 12:00 Midnight, eastern

standard time, on Monday, April 19, 2004, unless extended.

            7.    Also on March 23, 2004, Jones Apparel and MSCAC filed a

preliminary consent solicitation statement with the U.S. Securities and

Exchange Commission ("SEC").  As


that preliminary consent solicitation statement indicates, Jones Apparel and

MSCAC are considering proposing the removal of the members of Maxwell's new

Board of Directors elected at Maxwell's 2004 annual stockholders' meeting to

be held on April 8, 2004. That proposal has not yet been made by Jones Apparel

or MSCAC, however, and Jones Apparel and MSCAC have not commenced a

solicitation of Maxwell's stockholders with respect to that proposal.

Moreover, that proposal will not be made, or any consent solicitation of

Maxwell's stockholders commenced, if at all, until after Maxwell's new Board

of Directors has been elected on April 8, 2004, and Jones Apparel and MSCAC

have received the SEC's clearance to distribute the consent solicitation

materials to Maxwell's stockholders.[1]

            8.    Despite the fact that no proposal has been made and no

solicitation of Maxwell stockholders commenced by Jones Apparel and MSCAC,

Maxwell announced on March 25, 2004, that its Board of Directors had "set a

record date of March 25, 2004 in connection with Jones Apparel Group, Inc.'s

consent solicitation".  The decision by Maxwell's Board of Directors to set a

record date for a consent solicitation that has not even commenced appears to

be a clear violation of Maxwell's Amended and Restated Certificate of

Incorporation ("Certificate of Incorporation") and of Delaware law.

- -----------------
[1] In addition, on March 23, 2004, MSCAC executed a written demand, verified
under oath (the "Stocklist Demand Letter"), that was delivered by hand to
Maxwell's principal place of business in Hyde Park (Boston), Massachusetts,
and also to The Corporation Service Company, Maxwell's registered agent in
Delaware, later that same day. In the Stocklist Demand Letter, MSCAC demanded
the right, pursuant to Section 220, to inspect and make copies of a list of
Maxwell's stockholders and certain ancillary records. The Stocklist Demand
Letter stated that MSCAC requested such information for the purpose of
enabling MSCAC "(i) to communicate with other stockholders of the Company in
connection with the tender offer by MSCAC to purchase all outstanding shares
of Common Stock of the Company and (ii) to permit MSCAC and [Jones Apparel] to
solicit consent from Company stockholders on matters described in the
preliminary consent statement filed by MSCAC and Jones Apparel with the SEC".
To date, MSCAC has not received a response from Maxwell to the Stocklist
Demand Letter.


            9.    Pursuant to Article VII of Maxwell's Certificate of


                  [t]he record date with respect to the
                  determination of stockholders entitled to consent
                  in writing to any action SHALL BE the first date
                  on which a signed written consent setting forth
                  the action to be taken or proposed to be taken is
                  delivered to the Corporation by delivery to its
                  registered office in Delaware, its principal
                  place of business, or an officer or agent of the
                  Corporation having custody of the books in which
                  proceedings of meetings of stockholders are

(emphasis added).  Accordingly, in order for Maxwell's Board of Directors to

have properly set March 25, 2004, as a record date, a Maxwell stockholder must

have delivered "a signed written consent" to the Company or its registered

agent on March 25, 2004, purportedly "in connection with Jones Apparel Group,

Inc.'s consent solicitation".

            10.   Maxwell's press release announcing the setting of the March

25, 2004, record date is silent as to whether the Company did in fact receive

"a signed written [stockholder] consent".  If the Company did not receive such

a consent, then the Board's setting of the record date clearly contravened

Article VII of Maxwell's Certificate of Incorporation.

            11.   Even if the Company did receive such a consent, however, that

consent is necessarily invalid and void because no proposal has yet been made

and no consent solicitation has yet been commenced by Jones Apparel and MSCAC.

As a result, any "signed written [stockholder] consent" submitted to Maxwell in

connection with the setting of the record date on March 25, 2004, must have

been prepared and solicited by someone other than Jones Apparel or MSCAC.

            12.   The question of whether a consent was in fact delivered to

Maxwell "in connection with Jones Apparel Group, Inc.'s consent solicitation"

is significant in terms of Jones Apparel's and MSCAC's strategic planning.

Under Delaware law, a consent solicitation must be


completed within 60 days of the earliest-dated consent delivered to a company.

Accordingly, although such a position would be without merit, Maxwell may be

taking the position that the 60-day clock has begun to run. Thus, Jones

Apparel and MSCAC have a legitimate interest in knowing immediately whether

(a) a valid "signed written consent" was in fact delivered to the Company or

its registered agent on March 25, 2004, "in connection with [Jones Apparel's]

consent solicitation"; (b) whether the Maxwell Board acted properly in setting

the March 25, 2004, record date; and (c) whether Maxwell is taking the

position that the 60-day period for consideration by Maxwell's stockholders of

any possible future consent solicitation by Jones Apparel and MSCAC has

started to run.


            13.   On March 26, 2004, MSCAC delivered by facsimile to Maxwell's

principal place of business and to its counsel, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

(Markus Nauheim, Esq.), a written demand to inspect and copy certain books and

records of Maxwell pursuant to Section 220 (the "Demand Letter").  The Demand

Letter was signed under oath by Ira M. Dansky, the Secretary of MSCAC.  A copy

of the Demand Letter was also sent that same day by facsimile to The

Corporation Service Company, Maxwell's registered agent in Delaware.  The

Demand Letter was further delivered by hand to The Corporation Service Company

and to Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP on March 29, 2004.  A true and correct copy

of the Demand Letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

            14.   In the Demand Letter, MSCAC demanded the right immediately to

inspect the following books and records of the Company and to make copies or

abstracts therefrom:

                  (a)   All documents, in draft or final form, on
                  paper or stored electronically (including, but
                  not limited to, notes, memorandum,
                  correspondence, e-mail, presentations, the


                  minutes or resolutions of the Company's Board or
                  any committee thereof, and any written consents
                  executed by directors or members of any Board
                  committees), in any way relating to the decision
                  of the Company's Board of Directors to set a
                  record date of March 25, 2004, in connection with
                  a possible consent solicitation by MSCAC and
                  Jones Apparel Group, Inc. (together, "Jones

                  (b)   Any consent of a stockholder of the Company
                  that was delivered to the Company in accordance
                  with Section 228 of the General Corporation Law
                  of the State of Delaware in connection with a
                  possible consent solicitation by Jones Apparel;

                  (c)   All documents, in draft or final form, on
                  paper or stored electronically (including, but
                  not limited to, notes, memoranda, correspondence,
                  e-mail, presentations, the minutes or resolutions
                  of the Company's Board or any committee thereof,
                  and any written consents executed by directors or
                  members of any Board committees), in any way
                  relating to any consent referred to in paragraph
                  (b) above.

            15.   MSCAC's purpose for requesting these books and records, as

stated in the Demand Letter, is "(i) to more fully understand the facts and

circumstances underlying the decision of the Company's Board of Directors to

set a record date of March 25, 2004, in connection with a possible consent

solicitation by Jones Apparel, as disclosed by the Company in its press release

dated March 25, 2004, and underlying the delivery of any stockholder consent in

connection with such possible consent solicitation; and (ii) to investigate

potential or possible wrongdoing by the Board of Directors of the Company . . .

in connection with setting such record date or in connection with the

solicitation, execution or delivery of any such stockholder consent".


            16.   Plaintiff has complied with all of the provisions of Section

220 with respect to the form and manner of making the above demand for

inspection and copying of the demanded materials.

            17.   Also on March 26, 2004, counsel for MSCAC contacted Maxwell's

counsel to request information on how the Maxwell Board set the March 25, 2004,

record date, and to ask specifically whether a "signed written consent" had

been delivered to the Company or its registered agent.  Maxwell's counsel, Mr.

Nauheim, stated that he personally was not in possession of the relevant facts

but that he would ensure that another attorney at his firm reported back to

MSCAC's counsel with that information.  As of the filing of this Complaint,

neither MSCAC nor its counsel have received any response to that inquiry, even

though Mr. Nauheim was given both office and home telephone numbers for counsel

for MSCAC.


            18.   By letter dated March 28, 2004, counsel for Maxwell (Gibson,

Dunn & Crutcher LLP) informed counsel for MSCAC that Maxwell had "concluded

that MSCAC is not entitled to inspect the Company's books and records for the

purposes and in the manner set forth in Mr. Dansky's letter.  Consequently,

please be advised that the Company will not provide the requested information."

A true and correct copy of this letter is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

            19.   Maxwell has no legitimate basis for refusing to permit MSCAC

to inspect the demanded materials.  Therefore, MSCAC is entitled, pursuant to

Section 220, to inspect and make copies of all demanded materials.

            WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that the Court, pursuant to Section 220:


            (a)   Summarily order Maxwell to permit Plaintiff to inspect and

copy all of the demanded materials, or, alternatively, order Maxwell

immediately to furnish Plaintiff with copies of all the demanded materials;

            (b)   Summarily order Maxwell to provide Plaintiff with updated

demanded materials as they become available; and

            (c)   Grant such other proper relief, including reasonable

attorneys' fees and costs, as the Court may deem just and proper.

                                         /s/ Brock E. Czeschin
                                        Jesse A. Finkelstein (#1090)
                                        Raymond J. DiCamillo (#3188)
                                        Brock E. Czeschin (#3938)
                                        RICHARDS, LAYTON & FINGER, P.A.
                                        One Rodney Square
                                        P.O. Box 551
                                        Wilmington, Delaware 19899
                                        (302) 651-7700

                                        Attorneys for Plaintiff

Of Counsel:

Paul C. Saunders
Timothy G. Cameron
Worldwide Plaza
825 Eighth Avenue
New York, New York 10019-7475

Dated:  March 30, 2004
