For the quarterly period ended September 27, 1998



Commission File Number 1-10746

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Pennsylvania                            06-0935166
(State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

250 Rittenhouse Circle
Bristol, Pennsylvania                   19007 
(Address of principal                   (Zip Code)
executive offices)

(215) 785-4000
(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Not Applicable
(Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed
since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

YES   [X]         NO   [ ]
Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

Class of Common Stock                  Outstanding at November 6, 1998
$.01 par value                         104,859,946



PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                      Page No.
     Financial Statements:
          Consolidated Balance Sheets
            September 27, 1998 and December 31, 1997............       3
          Consolidated Statements of Income
            Thirteen and Thirty-nine Weeks ended September 27,
              1998 and September 28, 1998.......................       4
          Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity
            Thirty-nine Weeks ended September 27, 1998..........       5
          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
            Thirty-nine Weeks ended September 27, 1998 and
              September 28, 1997................................       6
     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.................     7 - 9

     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
       Condition and Results of Operations......................    10 - 15

PART II. OTHER INFORMATION......................................    16 - 17

                                      - 2 -


                                                                                         September 27,      December 31,
                                                                                                 1998              1997
                                                                                         ------------       -----------
  Cash and cash equivalents.............................................................     $ 14,956          $ 40,134
  Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $3,337 and $2,767 for doubtful accounts......      255,978            91,747
  Inventories...........................................................................      226,971           255,055
  Receivable from and advances to contractors...........................................       17,571             7,833
  Prepaid and refundable income taxes...................................................            -             5,993  
  Deferred taxes........................................................................       25,304            26,269
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets.............................................       11,142            13,740
                                                                                              -------           -------
    TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS................................................................      551,922           440,771

  depreciation and amortization of $47,009 and $44,189..................................      129,646            81,934
CASH RESTRICTED FOR CAPITAL ADDITIONS...................................................            -            11,193
INTANGIBLES, less accumulated amortization of $8,618 and $7,687.........................       29,006            30,604
OTHER ASSETS............................................................................       25,495            16,265
                                                                                              -------           -------
                                                                                             $736,069          $580,767
                                                                                              =======           =======
  Short-term borrowings.................................................................     $ 37,929          $      -
  Current portion of long-term debt and capital lease obligations.......................        5,825             4,199
  Accounts payable......................................................................       81,881            90,429
  Taxes payable.........................................................................       30,329                 -
  Accrued expenses and other current liabilities........................................       25,132            15,574
                                                                                              -------           -------
    TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES...........................................................      181,096           110,202
                                                                                              -------           -------

  Obligations under capital leases......................................................       35,851            18,457
  Long-term debt........................................................................       12,338             8,833
  Other.................................................................................        6,107             6,107
                                                                                              -------           -------
    TOTAL NONCURRENT LIABILITIES........................................................       54,296            33,397
                                                                                              -------           -------
    TOTAL LIABILITIES...................................................................      235,392           143,599
                                                                                              -------           -------

EXCESS OF NET ASSETS ACQUIRED OVER COST.................................................          154             1,536

  Preferred stock, $.01 par value - shares authorized 1,000; none issued................            -                 -
  Common stock, $.01 par value - shares authorized 200,000;
   issued 109,963 and 108,955...........................................................        1,100               545
  Additional paid in capital............................................................      136,956           122,582
  Retained earnings.....................................................................      561,663           438,917
  Accumulated other comprehensive income................................................       (2,059)           (1,524)
                                                                                              -------           -------
                                                                                              697,660           560,520
  Less treasury stock, 10,037 and 6,767 shares, at cost.................................     (197,137)         (124,888) 
                                                                                              -------           -------
    TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY..........................................................      500,523           435,632
                                                                                              -------           -------
                                                                                             $736,069          $580,767
                                                                                              =======           =======

All amounts in thousands except per share data
See notes to consolidated financial statements

                                      - 3 -


                                                            Thirteen weeks ended      Thirty-nine weeks ended
                                                         --------------------------  --------------------------
                                                         September 27, September 28, September 27, September 28,
                                                                 1998          1997          1998          1997
                                                         ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Net sales...............................................     $495,727      $445,972    $1,181,240    $1,026,950
Licensing income........................................        4,590         4,536        11,406        11,302
                                                              -------       -------     ---------     ---------
Total revenues..........................................      500,317       450,508     1,192,646     1,038,252

Cost of goods sold......................................      324,724       303,308       778,372       696,733 
                                                              -------       -------     ---------     ---------   
Gross profit............................................      175,593       147,200       414,274       341,519

Selling, general and administrative expenses............       78,342        67,818       211,942       183,547
                                                              -------       -------     ---------     ---------
Operating income........................................       97,251        79,382       202,332       157,972

Net interest expense....................................        1,156         1,081         2,745         1,710
                                                              -------       -------     ---------     ---------
Income before provision for income taxes................       96,095        78,301       199,587       156,262

Provision for income taxes..............................       36,997        29,363        76,841        58,504
                                                              -------       -------     ---------     ---------
Net income..............................................      $59,098       $48,938      $122,746       $97,758 
                                                              =======       =======     =========     =========

Earnings per share
  Basic.................................................        $0.59         $0.47         $1.22         $0.94
  Diluted...............................................        $0.57         $0.45         $1.17         $0.90

Weighted average common shares and 
share equivalents outstanding
  Basic.................................................      100,886       104,372       100,821       104,124
  Diluted...............................................      104,426       108,634       104,613       108,184

All amounts in thousands except per share data
See notes to consolidated financial statements

                                      - 4 -


                                                          Total                Additional                       other
                                                  stockholders'      Common       paid-in   Retained    comprehensive    Treasury  
                                                         equity       stock       capital   earnings           income       stock 
                                                  -------------     -------   -----------   --------    -------------   ---------  
Balance, December 31, 1997......................       $435,632        $545      $122,582   $438,917          ($1,524)  ($124,888)

Thirty-nine weeks ended September 27, 1998:

Comprehensive income
  Net income....................................        122,746           -             -    122,746                -           - 
  Foreign currency translation adjustments......           (535)          -             -          -             (535)          -
    Total comprehensive income..................        122,211
Amortization of deferred compensation in 
 connection with executive stock options........            158           -           158          -                -           -

Exercise of stock options.......................          8,986           6         9,080          -                -        (100)

Tax benefit derived from exercise of 
stock options...................................          5,685           -         5,685          -                -           -

Effect of 2-for-1 stock split...................              -         549          (549)         -                -           -

Treasury stock acquired.........................        (72,149)          -             -          -                -     (72,149)
                                                  -------------     -------   -----------   --------    -------------   ---------
Balance, September 27, 1998.....................       $500,523      $1,100      $136,956   $561,663          ($2,059)  ($197,137)
                                                  =============     =======   ===========   ========    =============   =========

All amounts in thousands
See notes to consolidated financial statements

                                      - 5 -


                                                                                             Thirty-nine weeks ended
                                                                                         September 27,     September 28,
                                                                                                 1998              1997
                                                                                         ------------      ------------

Net Income.................................................................................. $122,746           $97,758
                                                                                             --------           -------
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
  Depreciation and amortization.............................................................   11,254            11,494
  Provision for losses on accounts receivable...............................................      825             2,009
  Deferred taxes............................................................................   (3,174)          (14,676)
  Other.....................................................................................      362               154

  (Increase) decrease in:
    Trade receivables....................................................................... (165,353)         (100,454)
    Inventories.............................................................................   27,638           (62,623)
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets...............................................   (7,293)            2,691
    Other assets............................................................................   (5,828)           (4,780)
  Increase (decrease) in:
    Accounts payable........................................................................   (8,473)           21,064
    Taxes payable...........................................................................   42,761            20,253
    Accrued expenses and other current liabilities..........................................    9,850             5,045
                                                                                              -------           -------
      Total adjustments.....................................................................  (97,431)         (119,823)
                                                                                              -------           -------
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities.........................................   25,315           (22,065)
                                                                                              -------           -------
  Capital expenditures......................................................................  (37,546)          (21,743)
  Decrease (increase) in cash restricted for capital additions..............................   11,193            (6,022)
  Other.....................................................................................     (116)                -
                                                                                              -------           -------
Net cash used in investing activities.......................................................  (26,469)          (27,765)
                                                                                              -------           -------

  Increase in short-term borrowings.........................................................   37,929            45,104
  Proceeds from capital lease...............................................................        -            10,000    
  Repayment of capital leases and long-term debt............................................   (3,785)           (2,738)
  Increase in long-term debt................................................................    5,000                 - 
  Acquisition of treasury stock.............................................................  (72,149)          (30,636)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options...................................................    8,986            10,291
                                                                                              -------           -------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities.........................................  (24,019)           32,021
                                                                                              -------           -------

EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATES ON CASH............................................................       (5)               39
                                                                                              -------           -------

NET DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS...................................................  (25,178)          (17,770)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period..............................................   40,134            30,085
                                                                                              -------           -------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period....................................................  $14,956           $12,315
                                                                                              =======           =======

All amounts in thousands
See notes to consolidated financial statements

                                      - 6 -


1.  Basis of Presentation

  The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Jones Apparel 
Group, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company").
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Generally 
Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") for interim financial information and
in accordance with the requirements of Form 10-Q.  Accordingly, they do not 
include all of the information and footnotes required by GAAP for complete 
financial statements.  The consolidated financial statements included herein
should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and 
the footnotes therein included within the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K.

  In the opinion of management, the information presented reflects all 
adjustments necessary for a fair statement of interim results.  All such 
adjustments are of a normal and recurring nature.  The foregoing interim 
results are not necessarily indicative of the results of operations for the 
full year ending December 31, 1998.  The Company reports interim results in 
13 week quarters; however, the annual reporting period is the calendar year.

  Certain reclassifications have been made to conform prior period data with 
the current presentation.

2.  Inventories

 Inventories are summarized as follows (amounts in thousands):

                                    September 27,       December 31,
                                            1998               1997
                                    ------------        -----------

 Raw materials.....................      $22,286            $27,045
 Work in process...................       28,854             41,294
 Finished goods....................      175,831            186,716
                                        --------           --------
                                        $226,971           $255,055
                                        ========           ========

                                      - 7 -


3.  Statement of Cash Flows

  Cash payments made for interest for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 27, 
1998 and September 28, 1997 were $4,039,000 and $2,892,000, respectively.

  Cash payments made for income taxes for the thirty-nine weeks ended September 
27, 1998 and September 28, 1997 were $49,518,000 and $52,892,000, respectively.

  Property and equipment acquired through capital lease financing during the 
thirty-nine weeks ended September 27, 1998 and September 28, 1997 amounted to 
$21,310,000 and $220,000, respectively.

  Reduction in income tax payments resulting from the exercise of employee stock
options during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 27, 1998 and September 28, 
1997 were $5,685,000 and $6,389,000, respectively.

  Under the provisions of the Company's 1991 Stock Option Plan, employees 
exercising stock options during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 27, 1998 
exchanged 3,826 shares of the Company's Common Stock (valued at $100,000) for 
8,332 newly issued shares and during the thirty-nine weeks ended September 28, 
1997 exchanged 4,244 shares of the Company's Common Stock (valued at $100,000) 
for 17,926 newly issued shares.

4.  New Accounting Standards

  In 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of 
Financial Accounting Standards No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of an 
Enterprise and Related Information," which supersedes SFAS No. 14, "Financial 
Reporting for Segments of a Business Enterprise" and establishes new standards 
for the way that public enterprises report information about operating segments 
in annual financial statements and requires reporting of selected information 
about operating segments in interim financial statements issued to the public. 
It also establishes standards for disclosures regarding products and services, 
geographic areas and major customers.  SFAS No. 131 defines operating segments 
as components of an enterprise about which separate financial information is 
available that is evaluated regularly by management in deciding how to allocate 
resources and in assessing performance.

  SFAS No. 131 is effective for financial statement periods beginning after 
December 15, 1997 and requires comparative information for earlier years to be 
restated.  The adoption of this standard is not expected to have a material 
effect on the Company's financial position or results of operations.  The 
Company is currently reviewing SFAS No. 131 and has of yet been unable to fully
evaluate the impact, if any, it may have on future financial statement 

  In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of 
Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments 
and Hedging Activities" which requires entities to recognize all derivatives as
either assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position and measure 
those instruments at fair value.  SFAS No. 133 is effective for all fiscal years
beginning after June 15, 1999.  The Company does not expect results of 
operations and financial position to be affected by implementation of this 
new standard.

                                      - 8 -


5.  Capital Stock

  On May 6, 1998, the Company's Board of Directors authorized a two-for-one 
stock split of the Company's Common Stock in the form of a 100% stock dividend 
for shareholders of record as of June 4, 1998, with stock certificates issued 
on June 25, 1998.  In connection with the Common Stock split, the Board of 
Directors approved an increase in the number of shares authorized to 
200,000,000.  On June 25, 1998, a total of 50,497,911 shares of Common Stock 
were issued in connection with the split.  The stated par value of each share 
was not changed from $0.01.  All share and per share amounts have been restated 
to retroactively reflect the stock split.

6.  Subsequent Events

  On September 10, 1998, the Company entered into an Agreement and Plan of 
Merger (the "Merger Agreement") to acquire 100% of the equity of Sun Apparel, 
Inc. of El Paso, Texas ("Sun").  The acquisition was completed on October 2, 
1998.  Sun designs, manufactures and distributes jeanswear, sportswear and 
related apparel for men, women and children.  Sun markets its products under 
the Polo Jeans Company brand, licensed from Polo Ralph Lauren, as well as other 
owned, licensed and private label brands.

  The Company purchased the equity of Sun for $216.6 million, comprised of 
$137.8 million in cash and 4.4 million shares of common stock.  For accounting 
purposes, the common stock was valued at $18.00 per share (the closing price 
on September 10, 1998, the date the Merger Agreement was signed and announced).
The Company also assumed Sun debt of $228.5 million, which was refinanced in 
conjunction with the closing of the transaction.  The Merger Agreement also 
provides for potential additional future payments based on Sun's operating 
performance.  The acquisition will be accounted for using the purchase method 
of accounting and the results of Sun will be included in the Company's 
financial records from the date of acquisition.

  Concurrently, the Company announced the issuance of $265 million of Senior 
Notes due 2001, and a new $550 million bank credit facility to finance the 
acquisition and the Company's working capital, general corporate and trade 
letter of credit requirements.

                                      - 9 -

7.  Supplemental Pro Forma Condensed Financial Information

  On January 1, 1999, Jones Apparel Group, Inc. consummated a corporate 
reorganization under which two new wholly owned subsidiaries named Jones 
Apparel Group USA, Inc. ("Jones USA") and Jones Apparel Group Holdings, 
Inc. ("Jones Holdings") were created.  On that date, the operating assets 
of Jones Apparel Group, Inc. were transferred to Jones USA and Jones USA 
assumed the role of obligor of the Senior Notes due 2001, with Jones Apparel 
Group, Inc. remaining and Jones Holdings becoming co-obligors of the Notes.  
The following condensed financial information represents, on a pro forma 
basis, the results of Jones USA had the reorganization occurred on January 1, 
1997 (all amounts in thousands).  Separate pro forma financial statements and 
other disclosures concerning Jones USA and Jones Holdings are not presented 
as such information is not considered material to the holders of the Senior 

                                    September 28, 1997  September 27, 1998
                                    ------------------  ------------------
  Current assets                              $501,879            $510,381
  Noncurrent assets                             80,602             135,171
  Current liabilities                          337,401             403,689
  Noncurrent liabilities                        19,525              48,993
  Excess of net assets 
    acquired over cost                           1,996                 154

                                            For the Nine Months Ended
                                    September 28, 1997  September 27, 1998
                                    ------------------  ------------------
  Total revenues                              $953,417          $1,101,289
  Gross profit                                 290,273             357,162
  Operating income                             156,364             139,262
  Net income                                    59,559              75,848



  The following discussion provides information and analysis of the Company's 
results of operations for the thirteen and thirty-nine week periods ended 
September 27, 1998 and September 28, 1997, respectively, and its liquidity and 
capital resources.  The following discussion and analysis should be read in 
conjunction with the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements included 
elsewhere herein.

Results of Operations

Statements of Income Expressed as a Percentage of Total Revenues
                             Thirteen weeks ended      Thirty-nine weeks ended 
                         --------------------------  --------------------------
                         September 27, September 28, September 27, September 28,
                                 1998          1997          1998          1997
                             --------      --------      --------      --------
  Net sales                     99.1%         99.0%         99.0%         98.9%
  Licensing income               0.9%          1.0%          1.0%          1.1%
                             --------      --------      --------      --------
     Total revenue             100.0%        100.0%        100.0%        100.0%
  Cost of goods sold            64.9%         67.3%         65.3%         67.1%
                             --------      --------      --------      --------
     Gross profit               35.1%         32.7%         34.7%         32.9%
  Selling, general and
    administrative expenses     15.7%         15.1%         17.8%         17.7%
                             --------      --------      --------      --------
     Operating income           19.4%         17.6%         17.0%         15.2%
  Net interest expense           0.2%          0.2%          0.2%          0.2%
                             --------      --------      --------      --------
     Income before provision
     for income taxes           19.2%         17.4%         16.7%         15.1%
  Provision for income taxes     7.4%          6.5%          6.4%          5.6%
                             --------      --------      --------      --------
     Net income                 11.8%         10.9%         10.3%          9.4%
                             ========      ========      ========      ========
                                          Totals may not agree due to rounding.

Quarter Ended September 27, 1998 Compared to Quarter Ended September 28, 1997

  Net Sales.  Net sales in the thirteen weeks ended September 27, 1998 
(hereinafter referred to as the "third quarter of 1998") increased 11.1%, or 
$49.7 million, to $495.7 million, compared to $446.0 million in the thirteen 
weeks ended September 28, 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the "third quarter
of 1997").  The increase was due primarily to an increase in the number of 
units shipped, as well as the impact of a higher average price per unit 
resulting from the mix of products shipped.  The breakdown of net sales by 
category for both periods is as follows:

                                      - 10 -


                           Third         Third
                         Quarter       Quarter       Increase/      Percent
(In millions)            of 1998       of 1997      (Decrease)       Change
                         -------       -------       --------       -------    
Career sportswear         $197.3        $196.1           $1.2          0.6%
Casual sportswear          108.5         108.1            0.4          0.4%
Lifestyle collection       153.8         100.8           53.0         52.6%
Men's collection             6.9           0.0            6.9           N/A
Suits, dress, and other     29.2          41.0          (11.8)       (28.8%)
                         -------       -------       --------       -------
 Net sales                $495.7        $446.0          $49.7         11.1%
                         =======       =======       ========       ======= 

  The increase in Lifestyle collection was primarily due to a large increase 
in shipments under the Lauren by Ralph Lauren label.  The Jones New York Men's 
collection was introduced with initial shipments beginning during the third 
quarter of 1998.  The decrease in suits, dress, and other was mainly the result 
of a repositioning of the Saville Suit label.
  Licensing Income.  Licensing income increased $0.1 million to $4.6 million 
in the third quarter of 1998 compared to $4.5 million in the third quarter 
of 1997.  Income from licenses under the Jones New York label increased $0.5 
million, while income from licenses under the Evan-Picone label decreased 
$0.4 million.

  Gross Profit.  The gross profit margin was 35.1% in the third quarter of 1998 
compared to 32.7% in the third quarter of 1997.  The gross profit improvement 
was attributable to the significant increase in sales of the Lifestyle 
collection, which carries higher margins than the corporate average and lower
overseas production costs due to the favorable impact of currency devaluations 
in Asia.

  SG&A Expenses.  Selling, general and administrative expenses ("SG&A" expenses)
of $78.3 million in the third quarter of 1998 represented an increase of $10.5 
million over the third quarter of 1997.  As a percentage of total revenues, SG&A
expenses increased to 15.7% in the third quarter of 1998 from 15.1% for the 
comparable period in 1997.  While royalties and operating expenses added 
significant expenses during the quarter, the effect was offset by the 
proportionately larger increase in sales and gross profit.  Retail store 
operating expenses increased $2.6 million, reflecting the added cost of 18 more
stores in operation at the end of the third quarter of 1998 compared to the end
of the third quarter of 1997.

  Operating Income.  The resulting third quarter of 1998 operating income of 
$97.3 million increased 22.5%, or $17.9 million, compared to $79.4 million 
during the third quarter of 1997.  The operating margin increased to 19.4% 
for the third quarter of 1998 from the 17.6% achieved during the third quarter 
of 1997.

  Net Interest Expense.  Net interest expense was $1.2 million in the third 
quarter of 1998 compared to $1.1 million in the comparable period of 1997.

  Provision for Income Taxes.  The effective income tax rate was 38.5% for the 
third quarter of 1998 compared to 37.5% for the third quarter of 1997.  The 
increase was primarily due to higher state income tax provisions for the third
quarter of 1998.

                                      - 11 -


  Net Income.  Net income increased 20.8% to $59.1 million in the third quarter 
of 1998, an increase of $10.2 million over the net income of $48.9 million 
earned in the third quarter of 1997.  Net income as a percentage of total 
revenues was 11.8% in the third quarter of 1998 and 10.9% in the third quarter 
of 1997.

Nine months Ended September 27, 1998 Compared to Nine months Ended 
September 28, 1997

  Net Sales.  Net sales in the thirty-nine weeks ended September 27, 1998 
(hereinafter referred to as the "first nine months of 1998") increased 15.0%, 
or $0.2 billion, to $1.2 billion, compared to $1.0 billion in the thirty-nine 
weeks ended September 28, 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the "first nine 
months of 1997").  The increase was due primarily to an increase in the number
of units shipped, as well as the impact of a higher average price per unit 
resulting from the mix of products shipped.  The breakdown of net sales by 
category for both periods is as follows:

                              First         First                         
                        Nine Months   Nine Months    Increase/     Percent
(In millions)               of 1998       of 1997   (Decrease)      Change
                         ----------    ----------   ---------      -------
Career sportswear            $505.3        $474.4       $30.9         6.5%
Casual sportswear             261.9         247.1        14.8         6.0%
Lifestyle collection          314.9         192.8       122.1        63.3%
Men's collection                6.9           0.0         6.9          N/A
Suits, dress, and other        92.2         112.7       (20.5)      (18.2%)
                         ----------    ----------   ---------      -------
 Net sales                 $1,181.2      $1,027.0      $154.2        15.0%
                         ==========    ==========   =========      =======  

  The increase in Lifestyle collection was primarily due to a large increase in 
shipments under the Lauren by Ralph Lauren label.  The Jones New York Men's 
collection was introduced with initial shipments beginning during the third 
quarter of 1998.  The decrease in suits, dress, and other was the result of the 
termination of the Christian Dior suit license and a repositioning of the 
Saville Suit label.

  Licensing Income.  Licensing income increased $0.1 million to $11.4 million 
in the first nine months of 1998 compared to $11.3 million in the first nine 
months of 1997.  Income from licenses under the Jones New York label increased 
$0.8 million while income from licenses under the Evan-Picone label decreased 
$0.7 million.

  Gross Profit.  The gross profit margin was 34.7% in the first nine months of 
1998 compared to 32.9% in the first nine months of 1997.  The gross profit 
improvement was attributable to the significant increase in sales of the 
Lifestyle collection, which carries higher margins than the corporate average 
and lower overseas production costs due to the favorable impact of currency 
devaluations in Asia.

  SG&A Expenses.  Selling, general and administrative expenses of $211.9 million
in the first nine months of 1998 represented an increase of $28.4 million over 
the first nine months of 1997.  As a percentage of total revenues, SG&A expenses
increased to 17.8% in the first nine months of 1998 from 17.7% for the 
comparable period in 1997.  While advertising, royalties and operating 
expenses added significant expenses during the quarter, the effect was offset
by the proportionately larger increase in sales and gross profit.  Retail store
operating expenses increased $7.3 million, reflecting the added cost of 18 more
stores in operation at the end of the first nine months of 1998 compared to the 
end of the first nine months of 1997.

                                     - 12 -


  Operating Income.  The resulting first nine months of 1998 operating income of
$202.3 million increased 28.1%, or $44.3 million, compared to $158.0 million 
during the first nine months of 1997.  The operating  margin increased to 17.0% 
for the first nine months of 1998 from the 15.2% achieved during the first nine 
months of 1997.

  Net Interest Expense.  Net interest expense was $2.7 million in the first nine
months of 1998 compared to $1.7 million in the comparable period of 1997.  The 
change primarily reflects an increase in capital  lease obligations and long-
term debt associated with the construction of warehouse facilities.

  Provision for Income Taxes.  The effective income tax rate was 38.5% for the 
first nine months of 1998 compared to 37.4% for the first nine months of 1997.  
The increase was primarily due to higher state income tax provisions for the 
first nine months of 1998.

  Net Income.  Net income increased 25.6% to $122.7 million in the first nine 
months of 1998, an increase of $24.9 million over the net income of $97.8 
million earned in the first nine months of 1997.  Net income as a percentage 
of total revenues was 10.3% in the first nine months of 1998 and 9.4% in the 
first nine months of 1997.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

  The Company's principal capital requirements have been to fund working capital
needs, capital expenditures and to repurchase the Company's Common Stock on the 
open market.  The Company has historically relied primarily on internally 
generated funds, trade credit and bank borrowings to finance its operations 
and expansion.

  Net cash provided by operations was $25.3 million in the first nine months of 
1998, compared to net cash used in operations of $22.1 million in the first nine
months of 1997.  The change primarily reflects the effect of higher net income 
for the first nine months of 1998 and a $27.6 million decrease in inventories 
compared to a $62.6 increase in inventories in 1997.  These amounts were offset 
by a larger increase in accounts receivables of $165.4 million in 1998 compared 
to $100.5 million in 1997.

  Net cash used in investing activities was $1.3 million lower in the first nine
months of 1998 than in the first nine months of 1997, as additional capital 
improvements and replacements were offset by a decrease in restricted cash.  
Expenditures for capital improvements, replacements and property under capital 
leases for the full year 1998 are expected to approximate $55.0 million, of 
which $17 million represents the cost of completing an additional warehouse 

  Net cash used in financing activities was $24.0 million in the first nine 
months of 1998 compared to net cash provided by financing activities of $32.0
million in the first nine months of 1997.  The principal reasons for the change
were a smaller increase in the amounts of short-term borrowings to fund working
capital requirements, the net decrease in proceeds from capital lease and long-
term debt and transactions involving the Company's Common Stock.  The Company 
repurchased $72.1 million and $30.6 million of its Common Stock on the open 
market for the nine months ended September 27, 1998 and September 28, 1997, 
respectively, under announced programs to acquire up to $200.0 million

                                    - 13 -


of such shares.  On September 16, 1998, the Board of Directors authorized an 
additional $100.0 million stock repurchase plan.  The Company had repurchased 
$196.2 million of its shares as of September 27, 1998, since first announcing 
a stock repurchase program in December 1995.  The Company may authorize 
additional share repurchases in the future depending on, among other things, 
market conditions and the Company's financial condition.  Proceeds from the 
issuance of common stock to employees exercising stock options amounted to 
$9.1 million in the first nine months of 1998 compared to $10.3 million in 
the first nine months of 1997.

  Under the Company's credit agreements in place at the end of the third quarter
of 1998, $124.8 million was utilized for letters of credit and $37.9 million of 
short-term borrowings were outstanding on September 27, 1998.  In connection 
with the acquisition of Sun Apparel, Inc. ("Sun") on October 2, 1998, the 
Company replaced its existing credit agreements with $265.0 million of 6.25% 
three-year Senior Notes and entered into an agreement with First Union National
Bank, as administrative agent, and other lending institutions to borrow an 
aggregate principal amount of up to $550.0 million under Senior Credit 
Facilities.  These facilities consist of (i) a $150.0 million Three-Year 
Revolving Credit Facility, (ii) a $300.0 million 364-Day Revolving Credit 
Facility, the entire amount of which will be available for trade letters of 
credit or cash borrowings, and (iii) a $100.0 million Term Loan Facility.

  Upon the closing of the Sun acquisition, the Company drew down the Term 
Loan Facility in its entirety and the Three-Year Revolving Credit Facility in 
the amount of $125.0 million to finance a portion of the acquisition, the 
refinancing of Sun's debt, related transactions and for its short-term
working capital needs.  Upon the closing of the acquisition, approximately 
$141.8 million was outstanding under the 364-Day Revolving Credit Facility, 
which was comprised of both Sun's and the Company's letters of credit 
outstanding on that date.  Borrowings under the Senior Credit Facilities 
may also be used for working capital and other general corporate purposes, 
including permitted acquisitions and stock repurchases.  The Senior Credit 
Facilities are unsecured and require the Company to satisfy an earnings 
before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and rent to interest expense 
plus rents coverage ratio and a net worth maintenance covenant as well as other 
restrictions, including (subject to exceptions) limiting the Company's ability 
to incur additional indebtedness, prepay subordinated indebtedness, make 
acquisitions, enter into mergers, and pay dividends.

  The Company believes that funds generated by operations, the Senior Notes and 
the new Senior Credit Facilities will provide the financial resources sufficient
to meet its foreseeable working capital, letter of credit, capital expenditure 
and stock repurchase requirements and its ongoing obligations to the former Sun 

                                    - 14 -


Year 2000

  The Company uses various types of technology in the operations of its 
business.  Some of this technology incorporates date identification functions; 
however, many of these date identification functions were developed to use only 
two digits to identify a year.  These date identification functions, if not 
corrected, could cause their related technologies to fail or create erroneous 
results on or before January 1, 2000.

  The Company is continuing to assess, with both internal and external 
resources, the impact of Year 2000 issues on its information and non-information
technology systems.  As part of this process, the Company retained the services 
of an independent consultant that specializes in Year 2000 evaluation and 
remediation work.  In addition, the Company has developed a plan with respect to
the Year 2000 readiness of its internal technology systems.  This plan involves 
(i) creating awareness inside the Company of Year 2000 issues, (ii) analyzing 
the Company's Year 2000 state of readiness, (iii) testing, correcting and 
updating systems and computer software as needed, and (iv) incorporating the 
corrected or updated systems and software into the Company's business.  The 
Company is currently finalizing the assessment phase of this plan, and has moved
into the testing and correcting phase with respect to those technology systems 
that have been identified as having Year 2000 issues.  The Company anticipates 
substantially completing the implementation of this plan by early 1999; however,
it may revise the estimated date of completion of this plan based upon any 
unforeseen delays or costs in implementing such plan.

  In a continuing effort to become more productive and competitive, the Company 
replaces portions of its software and hardware when warranted by significant 
business and/or technology changes.  While these replacements are not 
specifically intended to resolve the Year 2000 issue, the new software and 
hardware is designed to function properly with respect to dates related to 
the Year 2000 and beyond.  The Company also has initiated discussions with its 
significant suppliers, customers and financial institutions to ensure that 
those parties have appropriate plans to remediate Year 2000 issues when their 
systems interface with the Company's systems or may otherwise impact operations.
The Company anticipates substantially completing the implementation of this plan
by early 1999; however, there can be no assurances that such plan will be 
completed by the estimated date or that the systems and products of other 
companies on which the Company relies will not have an adverse effect on its 
business, operations or financial condition.

  As of September 27, 1998, the Company had incurred approximately $150,000 in 
costs related to the Year 2000 issue.  The Company believes that additional 
costs related to the Year 2000 issue will not be material to its business, 
operations or financial condition.  However, estimates of Year 2000 related 
costs are based on numerous assumptions and there is no certainty that estimates
will be achieved and actual costs could be materially greater than anticipated.
The Company anticipates that it will fund its additional Year 2000 costs from 
current working capital.

                                    - 15 -


Part II.

Item 5.  Other information

Statement Regarding Forward-looking Disclosure

  This Report includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of 
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended which represent the Company's 
expectations or beliefs concerning future events that involve risks and 
uncertainties, including those associated with the effect of national and 
regional economic conditions, the overall level of consumer spending, the 
performance of the Company's products within the prevailing retail environment,
customer acceptance of both new designs and newly-introduced product lines, and 
financial difficulties encountered by customers.  All statements, other than 
statements of historical facts included in this Quarterly Report, including,
without limitation, the statements under "Management's Discussion and Analysis 
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," are forward-looking 
statements.  Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in 
such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that 
such expectations will prove to have been correct.  Important factors that 
could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations 
("Cautionary Statements") are disclosed in this Report.  All subsequent 
written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or 
persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the 
Cautionary Statements.

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a) Exhibits 

Exhibit 10.53    License Agreement dated as of August 1, 1995 by and between 
                 PRL USA, Inc., as assignee of Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, 
                 successor to Polo Ralph Lauren, L.P., and Sun Apparel, Inc., 
                 as amended to date

Exhibit 10.54    Design Services Agreement dated as of August 1, 1995 by and 
                 between Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, successor to Polo Ralph 
                 Lauren, L.P., and Sun Apparel, Inc., as amended to date

Exhibit 11       Computation of earnings per share

Exhibit 27       Financial data schedule dated September 27, 1998

(b) Reports on Form 8-K

  During the quarter ended September 27, 1998, a Current Report on Form 8-K, 
dated September 24, 1998, was filed with the Commission by the Company 
announcing the acquisition of Sun Apparel, Inc.

                                    - 16 -



  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this Quarterly Report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                    JONES APPAREL GROUP, INC.

Date: November 10, 1998                      By             /s/ Sidney Kimmel
                                                                SIDNEY KIMMEL
                                                      Chief Executive Officer

                                             By            /s/ Wesley R. Card
                                                               WESLEY R. CARD
                                                      Chief Financial Officer

                                      - 17 -

                                                             Exhibit 10.53.

                                   (Polo Jeans Company - License)

  LICENSE AGREEMENT, dated as of August 1, 1995 by and between Polo Ralph 
Lauren, L.P. ("Licensor") , a Delaware limited partnership with a place of 
business at 650 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022, and Sun Apparel, 
Inc. ("Licensee"), a Texas corporation with a place of business at 11201 
Armour Drive, El Paso, Texas 79935.

  WHEREAS, Licensor is engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling and 
promoting, and licensing others the right to manufacture, sell and promote, 
high quality apparel and related merchandise under certain Polo/Ralph Lauren 
trademarks and trade names; and

  WHEREAS, Licensee desires to obtain, and Licensor is willing to grant, a 
license pursuant to which Licensee shall have the right to use certain Polo/
Ralph Lauren trademarks in the United States on the terms set forth herein;

  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises 
and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto, intending to be legally 
bound, hereby agree as follows:

  1. Definitions. As used herein, the term:

  1.1. "License" shall mean the exclusive, non-assignable right to use the 
Trademark in connection with the manufacture and/or importation and sale of 
Licensed Products in the Territory.

  1.2. "Licensed Products" shall mean those items set forth on Schedule A 
attached hereto and made a part hereof, and all bearing the Trademark.  From 
time to time Licensor may authorize Licensee to manufacture and distribute 
products bearing the Trademark not expressly listed in Schedule A hereto. 
Absent an agreement with respect to such products signed by Licensor and 
Licensee, all such products shall be deemed Licensed Products for all purposes 
hereunder; provided, however, that Licensee's rights with respect to such 
products (i) shall be non-exclusive and (ii) may be terminated by Licensor 
upon 90 days written notice.

  1.3. "Licensor" shall mean Polo Ralph Lauren, L.P., a limited partnership 
organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

  1.4. "Licensee" shall mean Sun Apparel, Inc., a corporation organized under 
the laws of Texas.

                                    - 1 -

  1.5. "Net Sales Price" shall have the meaning set forth in paragraph 6.2 

  1.6. "Territory" shall mean the United States of America, its territories 
and possessions.  From time to time Licensor may authorize Licensee to sell 
certain Licensed Products to specific purchasers outside the Territory. 
Absent an agreement with respect to such sales signed by Licensor and Licensee,
all such sales shall be made on all of the terms and conditions set forth in 
this Agreement; provided, however, that Licensee's right to make such sales 
shall be non-exclusive and may be terminated by Licensor immediately upon 
written notice to Licensee.  Any such termination shall not apply to orders 
already taken by Licensee in accordance with Licensor's prior authorization.

  1.7. "Trademark" shall mean the trademarks set forth on Schedule B hereto, 
and no other trademarks, regardless of whether such trademark is or includes 
"POLO" or "RALPH LAUREN", except as may be expressly authorized by Licensor in
writing.  Licensor shall have the sole right to determine the manner and use of 
the Trademark in connection with each particular Licensed Product.  Each
particular form or logo selected by Licensor to be used as part of or in 
connection with the Trademark shall be deemed within the definition of 
"Trademark" hereunder, and such particular forms already approved are annexed 
hereto as Schedule B.

  2. Grant of License.

  2.1. Subject to the terms and provisions hereof, Licensor hereby grants 
Licensee and Licensee hereby accepts the License.  Licensor shall neither use 
nor authorize third parties to use the Trademark in connection with the 
manufacture, sale and/or importation of Licensed Products in the Territory 
during the term of this Agreement without Licensee's prior approval.  To the 
extent it is legally permissible to do so, no license is granted hereunder
for the manufacture, sale or distribution of Licensed Products to be used for 
publicity purposes, other than publicity of Licensed Products, in combination 
sales, as premiums or giveaways, or to be disposed of under or in connection 
with similar methods of merchandising.

  2.2. It is understood and agreed that the License applies solely to the use 
of the Trademark on the Licensed Products, and that no rights are granted by 
Licensor hereunder with respect to the use of: (i) any trademark of Licensor 
or of any of Licensor's affiliates (including any trademark that uses "Polo" 
or the name "Ralph Lauren") other than the Trademark, on or in connection with
any product (including, without limitation, jeanswear), or (ii) the use of the 
Trademark on any products other than Licensed Products.  

                                    - 2 -

Licensor reserves the right to use, and to grant to any other licensee the 
right to use, the Trademark, whether within or outside the Territory, in 
connection with any and all products and services, other than Licensed 
Products within the Territory.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensor 
shall not itself use or license the right to use any "Polo" or "Ralph Lauren" 
trademark, other than its "CHAPS" trademarks and derivatives thereof, in 
connection with men's denim jean pants or shorts or women's denim jean pants 
or shorts ("Denim Bottoms"); provided, however, that (i) Licensor or its 
affiliates (but not an unaffiliated, licensed third party) shall be entitled 
to include Denim Bottoms within Licensor's various "Polo" and "Ralph Lauren" 
lines so long as the wholesale prices of such Denim Bottoms are at least 
higher than the wholesale prices of the Denim Bottoms generally applied to the 
most comparable Licensed Products and (ii) Licensor and its affiliates shall 
also be entitled to continue to develop its "cutup" program of Denim Bottoms 
for Polo/Ralph Lauren outlet stores.  Licensor shall be entitled to continue 
to include Denim Bottoms within Licensor's "RRL" line of products at the 
suggested retail price structure (or higher) at which such Denim Bottoms are 
currently offered.  In the event that Licensor, during the term hereof, opens 
directly or indirectly one or more "Vertical RRL Stores" (as hereinafter 
defined) and desires to offer at such Vertical RRL Stores Denim Bottoms 
bearing the RRL mark at suggested retail prices below the prices at which 
such Denim Bottoms were generally offered prior to the effective date of this 
Agreement ("RRL Denim Bottoms"), Licensee shall have the right to act, during 
the term hereof, as the exclusive licensee of the RRL mark in connection with 
RRL Denim Bottoms for the purpose of supplying RRL Denim Bottoms, at wholesale,
to such RRL Vertical Stores; provided, however, that (a) Licensee shall 
manufacture such RRL Denim Bottoms in accordance with all of Licensor's design 
and construction specifications and on commercially competitive wholesale 
prices and terms, which prices shall be no less than the wholesale prices of, 
and which terms shall be no less favorable than the terms for, any comparable 
Licensed Products,(b) the suggested retail price of such RRL Denim Bottoms 
EXCHANGE COMMISSION] above the suggested retail price of the most comparable 
Licensed Products, (c) all sales of such RRL Denim Bottoms shall fall within 
the definition of Net Sales Price for the purpose of calculating Licensor's 
royalties on such sales pursuant to paragraph 6.2; provided, however, that the 
royalty rate applicable to sales of RRL Denim Bottoms shall be 7% of the Net 
Sales Price thereof, which amount shall be paid, in accordance with the terms 
hereof, to Licensor or such other entity or entities as Licensor may designate 
and (d) sales of RRL Denim Bottoms shall not be included within the definition 
of Net Sales Price with respect to the calculations to be performed under 
paragraph 4.6 hereof or paragraph 2 of Schedule C hereof.  The term "Vertical 
RRL Stores" shall mean any stores or shops doing business under a service mark 
or tradename incorporating the RRL trademark, 

                                    - 3 -

the principal focus of which is the sale of 
products bearing the RRL trademark, and in which Licensor or any of its 
affiliates owns, directly or indirectly, an equity interest in excess of 25%. 
Licensee understands and agrees that Licensor may itself manufacture or 
authorize third parties to manufacture in the Territory, Licensed Products 
but solely for ultimate sale outside of the Territory.  Subject to the terms of 
paragraph 17.4 hereof, Licensee may manufacture or cause to be manufactured the 
Licensed Products outside of the Territory, but solely for purposes of sale 
within the Territory pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

  2.3. Licensee shall not have the right to use Licensee's name on or in 
connection with the Licensed Products, except with the prior approval by 
Licensor of the use and placement of Licensee's name.  Licensee shall, at the 
option of Licensor, include on its business materials and/or the Licensed 
Products an indication of the relationship of the parties hereto in a form 
approved by Licensor.

  2.4. Licensee shall not use or permit or authorize another person or entity 
in its control to use the words "Polo" or "Ralph Lauren" as part of a 
corporate name or tradename without the express written consent of Licensor 
and Licensee shall not permit or authorize use of the Trademark in such a way 
so as to give the impression that the name "Ralph Lauren," or the Trademark, 
or any modifications thereof, are the property of Licensee.

  2.5. Licensee (and its affiliates) shall not, directly or indirectly, by 
license or otherwise, sell, advertise or promote the sale of during the term 
of this Agreement any items which are comparable and/or competitive with 
Licensed Products and which bear the name of any fashion apparel designer 
other than Todd Oldham or Robert Stock.  The foregoing shall not restrict 
Licensee's right to act solely as the manufacturer, contractor or supplier of 
or for merchandise comparable and/or competitive with Licensed Products to or 
for any third party; provided, however, that Licensee shall not during the 
term hereof, directly or indirectly, act as a manufacturer, contractor or 
supplier of or for merchandise comparable or competitive with Licensed 
Products bearing or associated with the following names: Tommy Hilfiger, 
Nautica, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan or Armani.

  2.6. Licensor represents and warrants that it has full right, power and 
authority to enter into this Agreement, to perform all of its obligations 
hereunder, and to consummate all of the transactions contemplated herein and 
further that it is not aware of any claim or proceedings which would prevent 
it from performing its obligations hereunder.  In the event that Licensee or 
Licensor is charged with infringement on account of Licensee's use of the

                                    - 4 -

Trademark and, as a result, Licensor determines that the use by Licensee of 
the Trademark should be discontinued upon reasonable written notice to 
Licensee, this license under the Trademark shall be converted to a license 
under another "Ralph Lauren" trademark or label; in such event Licensee shall 
have the right to (i) accept the exclusive license to use such "Ralph Lauren" 
trademark in connection with the manufacture and sale of Licensed Products in 
the Territory subject to all other terms of this Agreement or (ii) terminate 
this Agreement.  In either such event, Licensee shall immediately advise 
Licensor of its inventory of Licensed Products labelled with the Trademark 
and of its stock of business materials bearing the Trademark and Licensor 
shall, in its sole discretion and judgment, determine whether and to what 
extent such inventory and materials of Licensee may continue to be used by 

  2.7. Licensee shall not purport to grant any right, permission or license 
hereunder to any third party, whether at common law or otherwise.  Licensee 
shall not without Licensor's prior written approval sell any Licensed Products 
bearing the Trademark to any third party which Licensee knows or should have 
reason to know, directly or indirectly, sells or proposes to sell such 
Licensed Products outside the Territory.  Licensee shall use its commercially 
reasonable efforts to prevent any such resale outside the Territory and shall, 
immediately upon learning or receiving notice from Licensor that a customer is 
selling Licensed Products outside the Territory, cease all sales and 
deliveries to such customer.

  2.8. Each of Licensee and Licensor recognizes that there are many 
uncertainties in the business contemplated by this Agreement.  Each of 
Licensee and Licensor agrees and acknowledges that other than those 
representations, warranties and guaranties explicitly contained in this 
Agreement, if any, no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind 
have been made to either party by the other party, or by such other party's 
affiliates, or by anyone acting on their behalf.  Without limitation, no 
representations concerning the value of the Licensed Products or the 
prospects for the level of their sales or prof its have been made and each of 
Licensee and Licensor has made its own independent business evaluation in 
deciding to enter into this License Agreement and conduct the business 
contemplated herein.

  2.9. Licensee represents and warrants that it has full right, power and 
authority to enter this Agreement, to perform all of its obligations 
hereunder, and to consummate all of the transactions contemplated herein and 
further that it is not aware of any claim or proceeding which would prevent 
it from performing its obligations hereunder.

                                    - 5 -

  2.10. In the event during the term hereof Licensor acquires the right and 
desires to license a third party to use the Trademark in the Territory in 
connection with the manufacture or sale of women's denim pants (and such 
related products as Licensor, in its sole discretion, may designate), 
Licensor shall, provided that Licensee is not in default of any of its 
obligations hereunder and this Agreement is in full force and effect, give 
Licensee notice of the terms upon which it proposes to grant a license with 
respect to the Trademark for such products.  Upon receipt of such notice, 
Licensee shall have thirty (30) days during which it may propose modified 
terms to Licensor, and the terms initially proposed by Licensor, together 
with such modifications proposed by Licensee as Licensor may, in its sole 
discretion, agree to during such thirty-day period, shall, upon the expiration 
of such thirty-day period, be deemed the "Final Offer Terms".  Licensee shall 
have a period of fifteen (15) days after the expiration such thirty-day period 
to accept or reject the Final Offer Terms in writing.  If Licensee rejects the 
Final Offer Terms or if Licensee initially accepts the Final offer Terms but 
thereafter is unable to satisfy the Final offer Terms, then Licensor shall be 
free to make a substantially similar offer to any third party and, if such 
offer is accepted within twelve (12) months after the fifteen (15) day period 
set forth above ("Timely Third Party Acceptance"), Licensee shall have no 
further rights pursuant to this paragraph 2.10.  If, prior to any Timely Third
Party Acceptance, Licensor shall substantially change the Final Offer Terms, 
or if Licensor does not receive a Timely Third Party Acceptance, then, during 
the term hereof, Licensee's rights as provided hereinabove shall apply to such 
changed terms or any subsequent proposed grant of rights by Licensor pursuant 
to this paragraph 2.10.

  3. Design Standards and Prestige of Licensed Products.

  3.1. Licensee acknowledges that it has entered into a design services 
agreement ("Design Agreement"), of even date herewith, with Polo Ralph 
Lauren Enterprises, L.P. (the "Design Partnership"), which provides for the 
furnishing to Licensee by the Design Partnership of design concepts and other 
professional services so as to enable Licensee to manufacture or cause to be 
manufactured the Licensed Products in conformity with the established prestige 
and goodwill of the Trademark.  Licensee shall manufacture, or cause to be 
manufactured, and sell only such Licensed Products as are made in accordance 
with the design and other information approved under, and in all other 
respects in strict conformity with the terms of, the Design Agreement.

  3.2. Licensee acknowledges that the Ralph Lauren trademarks have 
established prestige and goodwill and are well recognized in the minds 
of the public, and that it is of great importance to each 

                                    - 6 -

party that in the manufacture and sale of various lines of Licensor's products, 
including the Licensed Products, the high standards and reputation that 
Licensor and Ralph Lauren have established be maintained.  Accordingly, all 
items of Licensed Products manufactured or caused to be manufactured by 
Licensee hereunder shall be of high quality workmanship with strict adherence 
to all details and characteristics embodied in the designs furnished pursuant 
to the Design Agreement.  Licensee shall supply Licensor with samples of the 
Licensed Products (including, if Licensor so requests, samples of labeling and 
packaging used in connection therewith) prior to production and from time to 
time during production, and shall, at all times during the term hereof, upon 
Licensor's request, make its manufacturing facilities available to Licensor, 
and shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to make available each 
subcontractor's manufacturing facilities for inspection by Licensor's 
representatives during usual working hours, which efforts shall include, 
without limitation, not placing future orders for Licensed Products with 
any subcontractor who fails to make such facilities available for inspection 
by Licensor's representatives.

  3.3. In the event that any Licensed Product is, in the reasonable judgment 
of Licensor, not being manufactured, distributed or sold with first quality 
workmanship or in strict adherence to all details and characteristics 
furnished pursuant to the Design Agreement, Licensor shall notify Licensee 
thereof in writing and Licensee shall promptly repair or change such Licensed 
Product to conform thereto.  If a Licensed Product as repaired or changed does 
not strictly conform after Licensor's request and such strict conformity 
cannot be obtained after at least one (1) resubmission, or if Licensee 
determines that a Licensed Product does not strictly conform, the Trademark 
shall be promptly removed from the item, at the option of Licensor, in which 
event the item may be sold by Licensee, provided (a) such miscut or damaged 
item does not contain any labels or other identification bearing the Trademark 
without Licensor's prior approval and (b) further provided that Licensor agrees 
Licensee will be permitted to sell Licensed Products as irregulars and seconds 
bearing the Trademark, so long as such products are clearly labelled as such 
in a manner reasonably approved by Licensor, are distributed in channels and 
to outlets approved by Licensor, and are produced only as by-products of the 
manufacture of first quality goods and only in reasonable quantities. 
Notwithstanding anything in this paragraph 3.3 to the contrary, Licensee's 
sales of all products of Licensor's or the Design Partnership's design, 
whether or not bearing the Trademark, shall nonetheless be subject to 
royalty payments pursuant to paragraph 6 hereof.

  3.4. At the request of Licensor, Licensee shall cause to be

                                    - 7 -

placed on all Licensed Products appropriate notice in accordance with 
applicable law designating Licensor or the Design Partnership as the copyright 
or design patent owner thereof, as the case may be.  The manner of 
presentation of said notices shall be determined by Licensor.

  3.5. Licensee agrees to maintain sound and ethical business practices and 
to promptly pay in accordance with the purchase terms therefor all amounts 
due for any Licensed Products or materials, trim, fabrics, packaging or 
services relating to Licensed Products purchased by Licensee from Licensor 
or any agent or licensee of Licensor or any other supplier of such items, 
all subject to good faith errors or disputes.

  4. Marketing.

  4.1. Except as set forth in paragraph 4.11 hereof, the distribution of 
the Licensed Products in the Territory shall be performed by Licensee 
exclusively.  The Licensed Products shall be sold by Licensee only to 
those specialty shops, department stores and other retail outlets which 
deal in products similar in quality and prestige to products bearing Ralph 
Lauren trademarks other than the Trademark, whose operations are consistent 
with the quality and prestige of such trademarks and only to those customers 
expressly approved by Licensor.  Whenever Licensee wishes to sell Licensed 
Products to a customer not previously approved by Licensor, Licensee shall 
submit a written list of its proposed customers to Licensor for Licensor's 
approval, which shall be given or withheld in Licensor's discretion based on 
whether the proposed customer shall enhance or not be inconsistent with the 
quality and prestige of the Trademark and the distribution channels therefor. 
Licensor shall have the right to withdraw its approval of a customer based on 
its evaluation of the criteria set forth in the preceding sentence, subject 
to orders for Licensed Products already accepted by Licensee.  Licensee shall 
take such steps as may be reasonably necessary, including the implementation 
of an inventory marking system, to avoid any negative impact on the 
reputation and desirability of Licensor's products as a result of the 
unauthorized resale of Licensed Products through unauthorized distribution 
channels.  Licensee shall not market or promote or seek customers for the 
Licensed Products outside of the Territory and Licensee shall not establish 
a branch, wholly owned subsidiary, distribution or warehouse with inventories 
of Licensed Products outside of the Territory; provided that upon prior 
written notice to Licensor, Licensee may directly or through a controlled 
affiliate own and operate a warehouse in Mexico for the purpose of storing 
and/or shipping Licensed Products to be distributed in the Territory.

                                    - 8 -

  4.2. Licensee acknowledges that in order to preserve the good will attached 
to the Trademark, the Licensed Products are to be sold at prices and terms 
reflecting the prestigious nature of the Trademark, it being understood, 
however, that Licensor is not empowered to fix or regulate the prices at 
which the Licensed Products are to be sold, either at the wholesale or 
retail level.

  4.3. Licensee shall maintain the high standards of the Trademark and the 
Licensed Products, in all advertising, packaging and promotion of the 
Licensed Products.  Licensee shall not employ or otherwise release any of 
such advertising or packaging or other business materials relating to any 
Licensed Products or bearing the Trademark, unless and until Licensee shall 
have made a request, in writing, for approval by Licensor.  As promptly as 
practicable, Licensor may, with respect to any advertising, packaging or 
business materials submitted by Licensee, make such suggestions as Licensor 
deems necessary or appropriate, or disapprove, in either event by notice to 
Licensee.  Any approval granted hereunder shall be limited to use during the 
seasonal collection of Licensed Products to which such advertising relates 
and shall be further limited to the use (e.g. TV or print) for which approval 
by Licensor was granted.  Licensee shall, at the option of Licensor, include 
on its business materials an indication of the relationship of the parties 
hereto in a form approved by Licensor.

  4.4. Licensee shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to assure 
that all cooperative advertising, whereby Licensee provides a customer with 
a contribution toward the cost of an advertisement for Licensed Products, 
whether Licensee's contribution be in the form of an actual monetary 
contribution, a credit or otherwise, shall be subject to prior approval of 
Licensor under the same terms and conditions as apply to advertising and 
promotional materials prepared by or to be used by Licensee pursuant to 
paragraph 4.3 hereof; provided, however, that in the event that Licensee is 
not as a matter of practice given an opportunity to review the cooperative 
advertising due to time constraints, then Licensee shall notify Licensor, 
in advance, of those customers with whom it does cooperative Licensed Product 
advertising and/or promotion, and Licensee at Licensor's request shall notify 
the named customer of the terms of this Agreement which pertain to the said 
advertising or promotional materials.

  4.5. Licensee, in connection with the conduct of its business hereunder, 
shall exercise its best efforts to safeguard the established prestige and 
goodwill of the names "Polo" and "Ralph Lauren," and the Ralph Lauren image, 
at the same level of prestige and goodwill as heretofore maintained.  
"Image" as used herein refers primarily to quality and style of packaging, 
advertising and promotion, creation and introduction of new products, type of 

                                    - 9 -

outlets with reference to quality of service provided by retail outlets and 
quality of presentation of Licensed Products in retail outlets.  Licensee 
shall take all necessary steps, and all steps reasonably requested by 
Licensor, to prevent or avoid any misuse of the Trademark by any of its 
customers, contractors or other resources.

  4.6. During each year of this Agreement, Licensee shall expend for the 
production and placement of national institutional and media advertising of 
Licensed Products ("Institutional Advertising"), an amount that is not less 
than the "Annual Advertising obligation", as hereinafter defined, for such 
year.  Licensor shall consult in advance with Licensee regarding the creation, 
production and placement of Institutional Advertising, but all final decisions 
with respect thereto shall be made by Licensor in its sole discretion.  The 
"Annual Advertising obligation" for each year during the term hereof shall be 
of the aggregate Net Sales Price of Licensed Products sold during such year, 
but the Annual Advertising Obligation for the period from the date hereof to 
December 31, 1997 shall be not less than [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY 
intended to be spent during calendar year 1996.  Licensee shall deliver to 
Licensor within sixty (60) days after the end of each year hereof an 
accounting statement in respect of amounts expended by Licensee on 
Institutional Advertising for the prior year.  Each such accounting statement 
shall be signed, and certified as correct, by a duly authorized officer of 
Licensee.  Prior to each year hereof, Licensee shall submit Licensee's 
advertising budget for the upcoming year, based on the aggregate Net Sales 
Price of Licensed Products during the year then ending and on sales projected 
for the upcoming year.  Only actual advertising costs and expenses charged to 
Licensee or Licensor in connection with the advertising of Licensed Products 
under the Trademark shall be charged to Licensee's advertising budget 
hereunder, and Licensor shall make available to Licensee or credit to 
Licensee's budget any volume discounts for the advertising of Licensed 
Products Licensor is able to achieve as a result of the advertising of 
Licensed Products and other advertising placed by or for Licensor and/or 
its other licensees.  The Annual Advertising Obligation for such upcoming 
year will initially be calculated and expended based upon such budget.  If in 
any year during the term hereof an amount less than the Annual Advertising 
Obligation is expended on Institutional Advertising for any reason whatsoever 
(including an underestimate of the actual Net Sales Price for such year or 
because the actual cost of Institutional Advertising, if any, produced and 
placed during such year is less than the Annual Advertising Obligation), the 
entire amount not expended shall be added to the Annual Advertising 
obligation for the following year.

  4.7. During the term of this Agreement, Licensee shall, in 

                                    - 10 -

consultation with Licensor, provide a budget for the design, construction, 
re-fits and seasonal changeovers of in-store shops and fixtures to be used 
exclusively for the presentation of Licensed Products, the design of which 
shall be subject to Licensor's prior approval.  Licensee's budget for such 
purposes shall be adequate to present Licensed Products in a manner consistent
with the high quality and prestige associated with Licensor's trademarks and 
the price structure of the Licensed Products.

  4.8. To the extent permitted by applicable law Licensor may from time to 
time, and in writing, promulgate reasonable and nondiscriminatory rules and 
regulations to Licensee relating to the manner of use of the Trademark. 
Licensee shall comply with such rules and regulations.  Any such rules or 
regulations shall not be inconsistent with or derogate from Licensee's 
rights under this Agreement.

  4.9. Licensee agrees to make available for purchase and to sell on its 
customary price, credit and payment terms (subject to paragraph 4.11 hereof) 
all lines and styles of Licensed Products to retail stores in the Territory 
bearing a trademark of Licensor or its affiliates which are authorized to sell 
the Licensed Products within such retail stores.  Notwithstanding anything to 
the contrary contained herein, to the extent that any such Licensed Products 
are not so made available by Licensee to such stores, such Licensed Products 
may be made available to such stores by Licensor (or its affiliates or other 

  4.10. In consideration of the License granted herein, in the event Licensor 
elects to offer Licensed Products for sale in mailorder catalogs or "vertical 
retail stores of Licensor or its affiliates" (as hereinafter defined), 
Licensee shall sell and timely ship Licensed Products to Licensor or its 
affiliate for such purposes at a price equal to [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED 
wholesale price therefor.  All such sales shall be separately reported by 
Licensee in its accounting statements pursuant to paragraph 6.2 hereof, and 
such sales shall not be subject to the royalty or advertising obligations set 
forth herein, or to the compensation obligations set forth in the Design 
Agreement, but such sales shall be included within the definition of Net 
Sales Price for all purposes under paragraph 2 of Schedule C to this Agreement.
The term "vertical retail stores of Licensor or its affiliates" shall mean a 
store or shop doing business under a service mark or tradename substantially 
similar to the Trademark, the principal focus of which is the sale of products
bearing the Trademark, and in which Licensor or any of its affiliates owns, 
directly or indirectly, an equity interest in excess of 25%.

                                    - 11 -

  4.11. Licensor shall respond to any requests for approvals or consents from 
Licensee hereunder as promptly as reasonably practicable consistent with the 
level of review required.

  5. Trademark Protection.

  5.1. All uses of the Trademark by Licensee, including, without limitation, 
use in any business documents, invoices, stationery, advertising, promotions, 
labels, packaging and otherwise shall require Licensor's prior written consent 
in accordance with paragraph 4 hereof.

  5.2. All uses of the Trademark by Licensee in advertising, promotions, 
labels and packaging shall include, at Licensor's option, a notice to the 
effect that the Trademark is used by Licensee for the account and benefit 
of Licensor or that Licensee is a registered user thereof or both such 
statements.  The use of the Trademark pursuant to this Agreement shall be for 
the benefit of Licensor and shall not vest in Licensee any title to or right 
or presumptive right to continue such use.  For the purposes of trademark 
registration, sales by Licensee shall be deemed to have been made by Licensor.

  5.3. Licensee shall cooperate fully and in good faith with Licensor for the 
purpose of securing and preserving Licensor's rights in and to the Trademark. 
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as an assignment or 
grant to Licensee of any right, title or interest in or to the Trademark, or 
any of Licensor's other trademarks, it being understood that all rights 
relating thereto are reserved by Licensor, except for the License hereunder 
to Licensee of the right to use the Trademark only as specifically and 
expressly provided herein.  Licensee shall not file or prosecute a trademark 
or service mark application or applications to register the Trademark, for 
Licensed Products or otherwise.

  5.4. Licensee shall not, during the term of this Agreement or thereafter, 
(a) attack Licensor's title or rights in or to any Ralph Lauren trademarks 
in any jurisdiction or attack the validity of this License or the Ralph Lauren 
trademarks or (b) contest the fact that Licensee's rights under this Agreement 
(i) are solely those of a licensee, manufacturer and distributor and (ii) 
subject to the provisions of paragraph 10 hereof, cease upon termination 
of this Agreement.  The provisions of this paragraph 5.4 shall survive the 
termination of this Agreement.

  5.5. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Design 
Agreement, all right, title and interest in and to all samples, 
patterns, sketches, designs, artwork, logos and other materials

                                    - 12 -

furnished by or to Licensor or the Design Partnership, whether 
created by Licensor, the Design Partnership or Licensee, are hereby 
assigned in perpetuity to, and shall be the sole property of, Licensor and/or 
the Design Partnership, as the case may be.  Licensee shall assist Licensor to 
the extent necessary in the protection of or the procurement of any protection 
of Licensor's rights to the Trademark, designs, design patents and copyrights 
furnished hereunder and Licensor, if Licensor so desires, may commence or 
prosecute any claims or suits in Licensor's own name or in the name of 
Licensee or join Licensee as a party thereto.  Licensee shall promptly notify 
Licensor in writing of any uses which may be infringements or imitations by 
others of the Trademark on articles similar to those covered by this Agreement 
which may come to Licensee's attention.  Licensor shall have the sole right to 
determine whether or not any action shall be taken on account of any such 
infringements or imitations.  Licensor shall bear one hundred percent (100%) 
of the costs of all actions or proceedings it undertakes, and shall be 
entitled to all recoveries in such actions.  If Licensor declines to take 
action with respect to a particular infringer Licensee is not obligated to but 
may, with Licensor's prior written consent, undertake such action at 
Licensee's expense, and all recoveries in such actions shall first be applied 
to reimbursement of Licensee's actual legal and investigative fees, and then 
divided equally between Licensor and Licensee.

  6. Royalties.

  6.1. Commencing with the First Renewal Term (as hereinafter defined in 
Schedule C), if the term hereof is extended beyond the Initial Term (as 
hereinafter defined in paragraph 8), Licensee shall thereafter pay to 
Licensor minimum royalties for each year during the term of this Agreement 
as compensation for the License granted hereunder for the use of the Trademark
in the manufacture and sale, and/or importation and sale, of Licensed Products
in the Territory.  The minimum royalty for each year commencing with the First
Renewal Term shall be an amount equal to [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY 
WITH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION] of the actual earned royalties due 
for the immediately preceding year; provided, however, that the minimum 
royalty obligation for each year of the First Renewal Term shall in no event 
COMMISSION]; for each year of the Second Renewal Term no less than [OMITTED; 
year of the Third -Renewal Term no less than [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED 
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION]; for each year of the Fifth Renewal Term 
COMMISSION]; and for each year of the Sixth Renewal Term no less than 
(each such Term as defined in Schedule C).  Minimum royalties for each year 
shall be paid on a quarterly basis, within thirty (30) days after the end 
of each quarter during the term hereof, commencing with the first quarter 
of the First Renewal Term.  No 

                                    - 13 -

credit shall be permitted against minimum royalties payable for any year on 
account of actual or minimum royalties paid for any other year, and minimum 
royalties shall not be returnable.  For the purposes of this Agreement, the 
term "year" shall mean a period of twelve (12) months commencing on each 
January 1 during the term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the 
term "first year" shall mean the 17-month period commencing 
on August 1, 1995 and ending on December 31, 1996.

  6.2. Licensee shall pay to Licensor earned royalties based on the Net Sales 
Price of all Licensed Products manufactured or imported and sold by Licensee 
hereunder.  Earned royalties shall [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY WITH 
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION] of the Net Sales Price of all Licensed 
Products sold under this Agreement, including, without limitation, any sales 
made pursuant to the terms of paragraphs 3.2, 3.3 and 10.2 hereof.  Licensee 
shall prepare or cause to be prepared statements containing the information 
set forth in paragraph 7.1 hereof for the period commencing on the date 
hereof and ending on March 31, 1996 and for each quarter ending the last day 
of March, June, September and December in each year hereof, which shall be 
furnished to Licensor together with the earned royalties due for each such 
quarter (less minimum royalties, when applicable, paid for such quarter) 
within thirty (30) days after the end of each such quarter.  The term "Net 
Sales Price" shall mean the gross sales price to retailers of all Licensed 
Products sold under this Agreement or, with respect to Licensed Products that 
are not sold directly or indirectly to retailers, other ultimate consumers (as
in the case of accommodation sales by Licensee to its employees or sales by 
Licensee in its own shops), less trade discounts, merchandise returns, sales 
tax (if separately identified and charged) and markdowns and/or chargebacks 
which, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, would 
normally be treated as deductions from gross sales, and which, in any event, 
do not include any chargebacks or the like for advertising, fixture or retail 
shop costs or contributions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensor hereby 
waives its right to (i) receive royalties hereunder for, or (ii) include 
within the calculation of Net Sales Price for the purpose of calculating the 
Annual Advertising Obligation as set forth in paragraph 4.6 hereof, sales of 
units of Licensed Products sold at a discount of [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED 
wholesale price ("Discounted Units"), provided that such waiver shall only 
apply to the extent that the aggregate Net Sales Price of Discounted Units 
for any year does not exceed [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY WITH 
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION] of the Net Sales Price of all units of 
Licensed Products other than Discounted Units sold in such year.  No other 
deductions shall be taken.  Any merchandise returns shall be credited in 
the quarter in which the returns are actually made.  For purposes of this 
Agreement, affiliates of Licensee shall mean all persons and business 
entities, whether corporations, partnerships, joint ventures or otherwise, 
which now or hereafter 

                                    - 14 -

control, or are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly by Licensee, or 
are under common control with Licensee.  It is the intention of the parties 
that royalties will be based on the bona fide wholesale prices at which 
Licensee sells Licensed Products to independent retailers in arms' length 
transactions.  In the event Licensee shall sell Licensed Products to its 
affiliates, royalties shall be calculated on the basis of such a bona fide 
wholesale price irrespective of Licensee's internal accounting treatment of 
such sale unless such products are sold by its affiliates directly to the 
end-user consumer, in which case royalties shall be calculated on the basis 
of the price paid by the end-user consumer, less applicable taxes.  Licensee 
shall identify separately in the statements provided to Licensor pursuant to 
paragraph 7 hereof, all sales to affiliates.  At least once annually and no 
later than 90 days after the close of Licensee's fiscal year, Licensee shall 
furnish to Licensor a statement of the Net Sales Price of all Licensed 
Products sold during the year just ended, which shall be certified by the 
independent auditor for Licensee as correct and in accordance with the terms 
of this Agreement.

  6.3. If the payment of any installment of royalties is delayed for any 
reason, interest shall accrue on the unpaid principal amount of such 
installment from and after the date which is 10 days after the date the 
same became due pursuant to paragraphs 6.1 or 6.2 hereof at the lower of 
the highest rate permitted by law in New York and 2% per annum above the 
prime rate of interest in effect from time to time at Chemical Bank, New 
York, New York or any successor bank.

  6.4. The obligation of Licensee to pay royalties hereunder shall be 
absolute notwithstanding any claim which Licensee may assert against 
Licensor or the Design Partnership.  Licensee shall not have the right 
to set-off, compensate itself or any third party, or make any deduction 
from such royalty payments for any reason whatsoever.

  7. Accounting.

  7.1. Licensee shall at all times keep an accurate account of all 
operations within the scope of this Agreement.  Licensee shall render a 
full statement in writing to Licensor in accordance with paragraph 6.2 
hereof, which shall account separately for each different product category 
and shall include all aggregate gross sales, trade discounts, merchandise 
returns, sales tax, markdowns, chargebacks, unit sales, sales of Discounted 
Units, sales of miscuts and damaged merchandise and net sales price of all 
sales for the previous quarter.  Such statements shall be in sufficient 
detail to be audited from the books of Licensee.  Once annually, which may 
be in connection with the regular annual audit of 

                                    - 15 -

Licensee's books, Licensee shall furnish an annual statement of the aggregate 
gross sales, trade discounts, merchandise returns and Net Sales Price of all 
Licensed Products made or sold by Licensee certified by Licensee's independent 
accountant.  Each quarterly statement furnished by Licensee shall be certified 
by the chief financial officer of Licensee.

  7.2. Licensor and its duly authorized representatives, on reasonable notice, 
shall have the right, no more than once in each year during regular business 
hours, for the duration of the term of this Agreement and for three (3) years 
thereafter, to examine the books of account and records and all other 
documents, materials and inventory in the possession or under the control of 
Licensee and its successors with respect to the statements required, and 
Licensee's obligations, hereunder.  All such books of account, records and 
documents shall be maintained and kept available by Licensee for at least the 
duration of this Agreement and for three (3) years thereafter.  Licensor shall
have free and full access thereto in the manner set forth above and shall 
have the right to make copies and/or extracts therefrom.  If as a result of 
any examination of Licensee's books and records it is shown that Licensee's 
payments to Licensor hereunder with respect to any twelve (12) month period 
were less than or greater than the amount which should have been paid to 
Licensor by an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the amount which should 
have been paid during such twelve (12) month period, Licensee will, in 
addition to reimbursement of any underpayment, with interest from the date 
on which each payment was due at the rate set forth in paragraph 6.3 hereof, 
promptly reimburse Licensor for the cost of such examination.  Licensor shall 
reimburse Licensee for any overpayment of royalties it discovers during such 
examination, after deducting from the amount of such overpayment all costs and 
expenses incurred in connection with such examination.

  7.3. With respect to each notice Licensee may give to Licensor that it is 
exercising an option for a Renewal Term pursuant to paragraph 2 of Schedule 
C to this Agreement, Licensee shall provide to Licensor, simultaneously with 
such notice, a profit and loss statement, statement of cash flows and 
balance sheet covering Licensee's most recent fiscal year ("Financial 
Statement"), each of which shall be certified by the independent auditor 
for Licensee.  In addition, if the term hereof remains in effect on April 1, 
2010, Licensee shall provide Licensor on such date with Financial Statements 
covering Licensee's last three fiscal years, and thereafter with such updated 
and additional information and documentation as Licensor may reasonably 
request in considering whether to exercise the Buyout Option set forth in 
paragraph 4 of Schedule C to this Agreement.  All Financial Statements 
required to be furnished herein shall be prepared in 

                                    - 16 -

accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and any officer's 
certificate relative thereto shall state that such statements are true, 
complete and correct in all material respects and present fairly the financial 
position of Licensee as of the respective date of the balance sheets and the 
results of operations for the respective periods covered.

  8. Term.

  The initial term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and 
shall terminate on December 31, 2000 (the "Initial Term").  In addition, 
Licensee and Licensor shall have the respective option rights relating to the 
term set forth in Schedule C to this Agreement.  It is expressly understood 
that only the company (which may be Licensee) whose licensed term covers the 
period subsequent to the expiration of this Agreement shall be entitled to 
receive designs for Licensed Products intended to be sold after the expiration 
of this Agreement, and to make presentations of such Licensed Products during 
the market presentation weeks that relate to such subsequent period, even if 
such market presentation occurs prior to the termination of this Agreement. 
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the event the term 
hereof is not renewed or extended, the last season for which Licensee shall 
be entitled to receive designs and, during the term hereof, to manufacture 
and sell Licensed Products shall be the Cruise/Holiday season of the final 
year of either the Initial Term or the relevant Renewal Term (the "Final 
Season"), and Licensor shall be entitled to undertake, directly or through 
a successor licensee, all activities associated with the design, manufacture 
and sale Licensed Products commencing with the season immediately following 
the Final Season.

  9. Default; Change of Control.

  9.1. Each of the following shall constitute an event of default ("Event of 
Default") hereunder:

    (i) Any installment of royalty payments is not paid when due and such 
default continues for more than fifteen (15) days after written notice 
thereof to Licensee;

    (ii) Licensee shall fail to timely present for sale to the trade a 
broadly representative and fair collection of each seasonal collection of 
Licensed Products designed by the Design Partnership under the Design 
Agreement or Licensee shall fail to timely ship to its customers a material 
portion of the orders of Licensed Products it has accepted, and in either 
case such failure results in material injury to Licensee's or Licensor's 
reputation or causes reasonable 

                                    - 17 -

uncertainty regarding Licensee's ability to timely fulfill its obligations 
in the future;

    (iii) Licensee defaults in performing any of the other terms of this 
Agreement and continues in such default for a period of thirty (30) days 
after written notice thereof (unless the default cannot be cured within 
such thirty (30) day period and Licensee shall have in good faith advised 
Licensor that it has commenced to cure the default and thereafter diligently 
cures such default within an additional forty-five (45) day period);

    (iv) If Licensee shall knowingly use the Trademark in an unauthorized or 
improper manner and/or if Licensee shall knowingly make an unauthorized 
disclosure of confidential information or materials given or loaned to 
Licensee by Licensor and/or the Design Partnership;

    (v) Licensee institutes proceedings seeking relief under a bankruptcy 
act or any similar law, or consents to entry of any order for relief against 
it in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding or similar proceeding, or 
files a petition for or consent or answer consenting to reorganization or 
other relief under any bankruptcy act or other similar law, or consents to 
the filing against it of any petition for the appointment of a receiver, 
liquidator, assignee, trustee, custodian, sequestrator (or other similar 
official) of it or of any substantial part of its property, or a proceeding 
seeking such an appointment shall have been commenced without Licensee's 
consent and shall continue undismissed for sixty (60) days or an order 
providing for such an appointment shall have been entered, or makes an 
assignment for the benefit of creditors, or admits in writing its inability 
to pay its debts as they become due or fails to pay its debts as they become 
due, or takes any action in furtherance of the foregoing;

    (vi) Licensee transfers or agrees to transfer substantially all of its 
property (other than as permitted in paragraph 17.4 hereof);

    (vii) The voluntary calling of a meeting of creditors, or the voluntary 
or involuntary appointment of a committee of creditors or liquidating agents, 
or offering a composition or extension to creditors by, for or of Licensee;

    (viii) There shall be a change in control of Licensee other than as 
permitted in paragraph 17.4 hereof or Licensee shall dissolve liquidate or 
wind-up its business;

                                    - 18 -

    (ix) An event of default occurs under the Design, or any other license 
agreement entered into between Licensor and Licensee or design agreement 
between Licensee and the Design Partnership;

    (x) Licensee shall fail to timely comply with the terms of paragraph 4 
of Schedule C to this Agreement.

  9.2. If any Event of Default described in paragraphs 9.1(i),(ii),(iii),(iv),
(viii),(ix), or (x) shall occur, Licensor shall have the right, exercisable 
in its sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement and the License upon ten 
(10) days' written notice to Licensee of its intention to do so, and upon the 
expiration of such ten (10) day period, this Agreement and the License shall 
terminate and come to an end.  If the Event of Default described in paragraphs
9.1 (v),(vi) or (vii) shall occur, this Agreement and the License shall 
thereupon forthwith terminate and come to an end without any need for notice 
to Licensee.  This Agreement will terminate automatically upon the expiration 
or termination for any reason whatsoever of the Design Agreement.  Any 
termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any remedy of 
Licensor for the recovery of any monies then due it under this Agreement or in
respect to any antecedent breach of this Agreement, and without prejudice to 
any other right of Licensor including, without limitation, damages for breach 
to the extent that the same may be recoverable and Licensee agrees to 
reimburse Licensor for any reasonable costs and expenses (including attorneys'
fees) incurred by Licensor in enforcing its rights hereunder.  No assignee 
for the benefit of creditors, receiver, liquidator, sequestrator, trustee in 
bankruptcy, sheriff or any other officer of the court or official charged 
with taking over custody of Licensee's assets or business shall have any 
right to continue the performance of this Agreement.

  10. Disposal of Stock Upon Termination or Expiration.

  10.1. Within ten (10) days following the termination of this Agreement for 
any reason whatsoever including the expiration of the term hereof, and on the
last day of each month during the disposal period set forth in paragraph 10.2 
hereof, Licensee shall furnish to Licensor a certificate of Licensee listing 
its inventories of Licensed Products (which defined term for purposes of this 
paragraph 10.1 shall include finished Licensed Products and all fabrics, trim, 
and packaging used in the manufacture and marketing of Licensed Products and 
bearing the Trademark) on hand or in process wherever situated.  Licensor shall 
have the right to conduct a physical inventory of Licensed Products in 
Licensee's possession or under Licensee's control.  Licensor or Licensor's 
designee shall have the option to purchase from Licensee all or any part of

                                    - 19 -

Licensee's then existing inventory of Licensed Products; provided, however, 
that if (i) Licensee has exercised its option for a Third Renewal Term but 
has not exercised its Extension Option (all as set forth in Schedule C 
hereto) I and (ii) upon the expiration of the Third Renewal Term Licensor 
does not offer Licensee the right to extend the term of this Agreement, then 
Licensor shall have the obligation to purchase all of Licensee's then existing
inventories of Licensed Products upon the expiration of the Third Renewal Term.
Any purchase by Licensor of Licensee's inventory of Licensed Products 
pursuant to this paragraph 10 shall be upon the following terms and 

    (i) If the purchase is taking place at Licensor's option, Licensor shall 
notify Licensee of its or its designee's intention to exercise the foregoing 
option within thirty (30) days of delivery of the certificate referred to 
above and shall specify the items of Licensed Products to be purchased.  
Prior to and during such period of thirty (30) days Licensee shall be entitled
to continue distribution in the ordinary course subject to paragraph 10.2 

    (ii) The price for Licensed Products manufactured by or on behalf of 
Licensee on hand or in process shall be the lower of: (a) the fair market 
value of the inventory to be purchased or (b) Licensee's standard cost 
(the actual manufacturing cost) for each such Licensed Product.  The "cost" 
for all Licensed Products which are not manufactured by Licensee shall be 
Licensee's landed costs therefor.  Landed costs for the purposes hereof 
means the F.O.B. price of the Licensed Products together with customs, 
duties, brokerage charges, freight and insurance.

    (iii) Licensee shall ship the Licensed Products to be purchased by 
Licensor in "as is" condition within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the 
notice referred to in clause (i) above (other than those products sold and 
shipped between the date Licensee delivered the certificate of its 
inventories and the date it received such notice from Licensor).  Payment 
of the purchase price for the Licensed Products so purchased by and shipped 
to Licensor or its designee shall be payable upon shipment thereof; provided, 
that Licensor shall be entitled to deduct from such purchase price any amounts
owed by Licensee to Licensor, the Design Partnership or their respective 
affiliates (and/or to direct payment of any part of such merchandise to any 
supplier of Licensed Products in order to reduce an outstanding balance due 
to such supplier from Licensee).  Licensor shall be responsible for the cost 
of freight for shipment of the products to Licensor from Licensee's warehouse 
facility in the United States of America.

                                    - 20 -

  10.2. In the event that Licensee, pursuant to paragraph 10.1 hereof, 
Licensee timely provides the certificate of inventory and Licensor chooses 
not to exercise its option with respect to all or any portion of Licensed 
Products, for a period of ninety (90) days after termination of this 
Agreement for any reason whatsoever, except on account of breach of the 
provisions of paragraph 3, 4 or 6 hereof, Licensee may dispose of Licensed 
Products which are on hand or in the process of being manufactured at the 
time of termination of this Agreement, provided that (i) Licensee fully 
complies with the provisions of this Agreement, including specifically those 
contained in paragraphs 3, 4 and 6 hereof in connection with such disposal, 
and (ii) said disposal with respect to each shipment of Licensed Products 
received by Licensee takes place within sixty (60) days after such shipment 
is received; provided, however, that Licensee shall have no disposal rights 
with respect to any Licensed Products it may receive more than 120 days 
after the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

  10.3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the 
event that upon the expiration or termination of the term hereof for any 
reason Licensee has not rendered to Licensor all accounting statements 
then due, and paid (i) all royalties and other amounts then due to Licensor,
(ii) all compensation then due to the Design Partnership under the Design 
Agreement and (iii) all amounts then due to any affiliate of or supplier to 
Licensor or its affiliates (collectively, "Payments"), Licensee shall have 
no right whatsoever to dispose of any inventory of Licensed Products in any
manner.  In addition, if during any disposal period Licensee fails timely to 
render any accounting statements, or certificates of inventory required 
pursuant to paragraph 10.1 hereof, or to make all Payments when due, 
Licensee's disposal rights hereunder shall immediately terminate without 

  11. Effect of Termination.

  11.1. It is understood and agreed that except for the License to use the 
Trademark only as specifically provided for in this Agreement, Licensee 
shall have no right, title or interest in or to the Trademark.  Upon and 
after the termination of this License, all rights granted to Licensee 
hereunder, together with any interest in and to the Trademark which 
Licensee may acquire, shall forthwith and without further act or instrument 
be assigned to and revert to Licensor.  In addition, Licensee will execute 
any instruments requested by Licensor which are necessary to accomplish or 
confirm the foregoing.  Any such assignment, transfer or conveyance shall 
be without consideration other than the mutual agreements contained herein.  
Licensor shall thereafter be free to license to others the right to use the 
Trademark in connection with the manufacture and sale of the Licensed 
Products covered hereby, and Licensee will 

                                    - 21 -

refrain from further use of the Trademark or any further reference to them, 
direct or indirect, or any other trademark, trade name or logo that is 
confusingly similar to the Trademark, or associated with the Trademark in 
any way, in connection with the manufacture, sale or distribution of 
Licensee's products, except as specifically provided in paragraph 10 hereof.  
It is expressly understood that under no circumstances shall Licensee be 
entitled, directly or indirectly, to any form of compensation or indemnity 
from Licensor, the Design Partnership or their affiliates, as a consequence 
to the termination of this Agreement, whether as a result of the passage of 
time, or as the result of any other cause of termination referred to in this 
Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, by its 
execution of the present Agreement, Licensee hereby waives any claim which 
it has or which it may have in the future against Licensor, the Design 
Partnership or their affiliates, arising from any alleged goodwill created by 
Licensee for the benefit of any or all of the said parties or from the alleged
creation or increase of a market for Licensed Products.

  11.2. Licensee acknowledges and admits that there would be no adequate 
remedy at law for its failure (except as otherwise provided in paragraph 10 
hereof) to cease the manufacture or sale of the Licensed Products covered by 
this Agreement at the termination of the License, and Licensee agrees that in 
the event of such failure Licensor shall be entitled to equitable relief by 
the way of temporary and permanent injunction and such other and further 
relief as any court with jurisdiction may deem just and proper.

  12. Showroom.

  Licensee agrees to establish a separate showroom for the presentation and 
sale of the Licensed Products and to maintain, operate, decorate and staff 
the showroom in a manner consistent with that of the showrooms established 
for the presentation and sale of Licensor's other products and with the price 
structure of the Licensed Products.  Licensor shall have a right of approval 
with respect to the location, design, layout and decoration of the showroom 
and all expenses incurred with respect to the design, construction, operation 
and maintenance of such showroom shall be borne by Licensee.  Licensor and 
Licensee shall mutually agree to a budget for the construction of such 
showroom.  Licensee shall admit Licensor's employees to its showroom and 
shall sell to such employees for their personal use (and not for resale) 
such Licensed Products as any such employee may reasonably request, at 
prices equal to the regular wholesale price less a discount equal to not 
less than thirty percent (30%) of such regular wholesale price.

  13. Indemnity.

                                    - 22 -

  13.1. Licensor shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensee and its 
affiliates, permitted assignees, directors, officers, agents and employees, 
from and against any and all liability, claims, causes of action, suits, 
damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses in 
actions involving third parties or between the parties hereto) ("Claims") 
which Licensee is or becomes liable for, or may incur solely by reason of 
its use within the Territory, in strict accordance with the terms and 
conditions of this Agreement and the Design Agreement, of the Trademark or 
the designs furnished to Licensee by Licensor or the Design Partnership, to 
the extent that any such Claims arise through infringement of another's 
design patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights; provided, 
however, that Licensee gives Licensor prompt notice of, and full cooperation 
in the defense against, all such Claims.  If any action or proceeding shall be 
brought or asserted against Licensee in respect of which indemnity may be 
sought from Licensor under this paragraph 13.1, Licensee shall promptly 
notify Licensor thereof in writing, and Licensor shall assume and direct 
the defense thereof.  Licensee may thereafter, at its own expense, be 
represented by its own counsel in such action or proceeding.

  13.2. To the extent not inconsistent with paragraph 13.1 hereof, Licensee 
shall indemnify and save and hold Licensor, the Design Partnership, Polo 
Ralph Lauren Corporation and Ralph Lauren, individually, and their assignees,
directors, officers, agents and employees, harmless from and against any and 
all liability, claims, causes of action, suits, damages and expenses 
(including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses in actions involving 
third parties or between the parties hereto), which they, or any of them, 
are or become liable for, or may incur, or be compelled to pay by reason of 
any acts, whether of omission or commission, that may be committed or suffered
by Licensee or any of its servants, agents or employees in connection with 
Licensee's performance of this Agreement, including Licensee's use of 
Licensee's own designs, in connection with Licensed Products manufactured 
by or on behalf of Licensee or otherwise in connection with Licensee's 
business.  If any action or proceeding shall be brought or asserted against 
Licensor in respect of which indemnity may be sought from Licensee under this 
paragraph 13.2, Licensor shall promptly notify Licensee thereof in writing, 
and Licensee shall assume and direct the defense thereof.  Licensor may 
thereafter, at its own expense, be represented by its own counsel in such 
action or proceeding.

  14. Insurance.

  Licensee shall carry product liability insurance with limits of 
liability in the minimum amount, in addition to defense costs, of 
$3,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 per person and 

                                    - 23 -

Licensor, the Design Partnership, Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation and Ralph 
Lauren, individually, shall be named therein as insureds, as their interests 
may appear.  The maximum deductible with respect to such insurance shall be 
$100,000.  Licensee shall, promptly after the signing of this Agreement, 
deliver to Licensor a certificate of such insurance from the insurance 
carrier, setting forth the scope of coverage and the limits of liability 
and providing that the policy may not be canceled or amended without at 
least thirty (30) days prior written notice to Licensor, the Design 
Partnership, Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation and Ralph Lauren, individually.

  15. Disclosure.

  15.1. Licensor and Licensee, and their affiliates, employees, attorneys, 
accountants and bankers shall hold in confidence and not use or disclose, 
except as permitted by this Agreement, (i) confidential information of the 
other or (ii) the terms of this Agreement, except upon consent of the other 
or pursuant to, or as may be required by law, or in connection with regulatory
or administrative proceedings and only then with reasonable advance notice of 
such disclosure to the other.  Each of Licensee and Licensor shall take all 
reasonable precautions to protect the secrecy of the material used pursuant 
to this Agreement prior to the commercial distribution or the showing of 
samples for sale, and Licensee shall not sell any merchandise employing or 
adapted from any of said designs sketches, artwork, logos, and other 
materials or their use except under the Trademark.

  15.2. Licensee agrees that all press releases and other public announcements
related to Licensee's operations hereunder, shall be subject to approval by 
Licensor, and that each request for a statement, release or other inquiry 
shall be sent in writing to the advertising/publicity director of Licensor 
for response.

  16. Key Personnel.

  16.1. At all times during the term hereof, Licensee shall employ a 
divisional President, approved in advance by Licensor, whose sole 
responsibility shall be to manage all of Licensee's operations pursuant 
to this Agreement.  Such individual shall report to the President of Licensee.

  16.2. At all times during the term hereof, Licensee shall employ a Design 
Director, approved in advance by Licensor, those sole responsibility shall be 
to work with Licensor and the Design Partnership on the creation and 
implementation of designs for the Licensed Products and related activities 
under this Agreement.

  17. Miscellaneous.

                                    - 24 -

  17.1. All notices, requests, consents and other communications hereunder 
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given or sent 
(i) on the date when such notice, request, consent or communication is 
personally delivered or (ii) five (5) days after the same was sent, if sent 
by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or (iii) two (2) 
days after the same was sent, if sent by overnight courier delivery or 
confirmed telecopier, as follows:

    (a) if to Licensee, addressed as follows:
                       Sun Apparel, Inc.
                       11201 Armour Drive
                       El Paso, Texas 79935
                       Attention: Mr. Miles Rubin
                       Telecopier: 915.592.1343
         with a copy to:
                       Sun Apparel, Inc.
                       111 West 40th Street
                       New York, New York 10018
                       Attention: Mr. Eric Rothfeld
                       Telecopier: 212.391.2780
    (b) if to Licensor, addressed as follows:
                       Polo Ralph Lauren, L.P.
                       650 Madison Avenue
                       New York, New York 10022
                       Attention: Vice Chairman
                       Telecopier: 212.318.7186
         with a copy to:
                       Victor Cohen, Esq.
                       Eighth Floor
                       650 Madison Avenue
                       New York, New York 10022
                       Telecopier: 212.318.7183

Anyone entitled to notice hereunder may change the address to which notices 
or other communications are to be sent to it by notice given in the manner 
contemplated hereby.

  17.2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to place the parties 
in the relationship of partners or joint venturers, and no party hereto 
shall have any power to obligate or bind any other party hereto in any 
manner whatsoever, except as otherwise provided 

                                    - 25 -

for herein.

  17.3. None of the terms hereof can be waived or modified except by an 
express agreement in writing signed by the party to be charged or, in the 
case of the Licensee, its chairman or president.  The failure of any party 
hereto to enforce, or the delay by any party in enforcing, any of its rights 
hereunder shall not be deemed a continuing waiver or a modification thereof 
and any party may, within the time provided by applicable law, commence 
appropriate legal proceedings to enforce any and all of such rights.  All 
rights and remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and in addition 
to any other rights or remedies such parties may have at law or in equity. 
Any party hereto may employ any of the remedies available to it with respect 
to any of its rights hereunder without prejudice to the use by it in the 
future of any other remedy with respect to any of such rights.  No person, 
firm or corporation, other than the parties hereto and the Design Partnership
(and, to the extent set forth in paragraphs 13.1 and 13.2 hereof, Polo Ralph 
Lauren Corporation and Ralph Lauren, individually), shall be deemed to have 
acquired any rights by reason of anything contained in this Agreement.

  17.4. (a) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of 
the successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.  Licensor may 
assign all or any portion of the royalties payable to Licensor hereunder, as 
designated by Licensor, and in addition, Licensor may assign all of its 
rights, duties and obligations hereunder to any entity to which the 
Trademark, or the right to use the Trademark, has been transferred, or to an 
affiliate of any such entity.  The rights granted to Licensee hereunder are 
unique and personal in nature, and neither this Agreement nor the License 
may be assigned by Licensee without Licensor's prior written consent, which 
may be withheld in Licensor's sole discretion.  Notwithstanding anything to 
the contrary contained in the prior sentence, Licensee may assign all of its 
rights, duties, and obligations hereunder to any affiliated entity, provided 
(i) such entity shall agree to be bound by the terms and provisions hereof, 
including, without limitation, the right of Licensor to approve or reject 
any successor to the individuals appointed by Licensee and approved by 
Licensor pursuant to paragraphs 16.1 and 16.2 hereof; (ii)[intentionally 
left blank](iii) such entity shall have the financial capacity to perform 
the obligations of Licensee hereunder and the assignment shall not be 
effectuated to avoid any provision of this Agreement; and (iv) such 

                                    - 26 -

assignment shall not relieve Licensee of its duties and obligations 
hereunder.  Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for all reasonable costs and 
expenses (including attorney's fees) incurred by Licensor in connection with 
such assignment and Licensee shall give reasonable prior written notice to 
Licensor of its intent to make such an assignment, setting forth in its 
notice the name and address of such assignee, a description of its 
capitalization, and the names and addresses of its stockholders, directors, 
and officers, partners, and/or managers, as the case may be.  Any event or 
change of control of Licensee such that clause (ii) of this paragraph 17.4(a)
is no longer true with respect to Licensee (or any entity to which this 
Agreement is assigned) shall be considered an assignment in violation of this
Agreement; provided, however, that a "change in control of the Licensee" 
shall be deemed not to have occurred as aforesaid if an applicable change in 
ownership is the result of (x) public offerings or sales to underwriters of 
capital stock in anticipation thereof by Licensee or any successor thereto 
or (y) any acquisition of Licensee through merger, purchase of assets or 
otherwise effected in whole or in part by issuance or reissuance of shares 
of capital stock, if clause (ii) of this paragraph 17.4(a) is true with 
respect to the surviving or controlling entity.  Licensee agrees that it 
will not effectuate an initial public offering of its securities without 
Licensor's prior consent if Licensee's primary business (i.e., more than 
fifty (50%) percent of Licensee's sales or more than sixty-five (65%) percent 
of Licensee's net profits before taxes, in each case determined by Licensee's 
independent auditors for the latest fiscal year of Licensee preceding such 
offering) relates to Licensee's operations pursuant to this Agreement.  Except
as expressly permitted pursuant to this paragraph 17.4(a), any attempt by 
Licensee to transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement, 
whether by assignment, sublicense or otherwise, without having received the 
prior written consent of Licensor, shall constitute an Event of Default, but 
shall otherwise be null and void.

    (b) Licensee may employ subcontractors with the prior approval of 
Licensor for the manufacture of the Licensed Products.  Prior to each 
season Licensee shall advise Licensor of the names and addresses of the 
subcontractors it intends to use and the products each such subcontractor 
will be manufacturing.  Licensor shall promptly advise Licensee if it 
withholds its approval to the use of any such subcontractor by Licensee 
but, irrespective of the grant of approval by Licensor, (i) the supervision 
of production of Licensed Products shall remain under the control of 
Licensee, (ii) Licensee shall maintain appropriate quality controls, (iii) 
such subcontractors shall comply with the quality and other requirements of 
Licensor consistent with the terms of this Agreement, including, but not 
limited to, the execution by subcontractor of the Trademark and Design 
Protection Agreement attached hereto as Schedule D and 

                                    - 27 -

made a part hereof.

  17.5. Licensee shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations and 
requirements of any governmental body which may be applicable to the 
operations of Licensee contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, 
as they relate to the manufacture, distribution, sale or promotion of Licensed
Products, notwithstanding the fact that Licensor may have approved such item 
or conduct.  Licensee shall advise Licensor in the event any Final Prototype 
(as defined in the Design Agreement) does not comply with any such law, rule, 
regulation or requirement.

  17.6. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by 
the laws of the State of New York, applicable to contracts made and to be 
wholly performed therein without regard to its conflicts of law rules.

  17.7. The parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the United States 
District Court for the Southern District of New York and of any of the courts 
of the Southern District of New York and of any of the courts of the State of 
New York located within the Southern District in any dispute arising under 
this Agreement and agree further that service of process or notice in any such 
action, suit or proceeding shall be effective if in writing and delivered as 
provided in paragraph 17.1 hereof.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary 
set forth herein, neither Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation nor any other general 
or limited partner of Licensor shall be liable for any claim based on, arising 
out of, or otherwise in respect of, this Agreement, and Licensee shall not 
have nor claim to have any recourse for any such claim against any general 
or limited partner of Licensor.

  17.8. In the event either party hereto is delayed or hindered in or 
prevented from the performance of any act required hereunder by reason of war, 
revolution, insurrection, civil disorder, fire, flood, accident, explosion, 
strikes, embargo, prohibition or substantial limitation on import or export 
of (or unavailability from any source of) product or raw materials, 
governmental orders or regulations or any other similar cause which is beyond 
the control of such party hereto, the performance of such act shall be excused
for the period during which the cause of failure of performance exists 
provided (i) such period shall in any event not extend beyond six (6) months 
and shall not affect the running of the term of this Agreement; (ii) that no 
such event shall excuse performance of a payment or other financial obligation
hereunder; and (iii) the excused party shall promptly notify the other in 
writing advising of the cause for delay.

  17.9. The provisions hereof are severable, and if any 

                                    - 28 -

provision shall be held invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part in any 
jurisdiction, then such invalidity or unenforceability shall affect only such 
provision, or part thereof in such jurisdiction and shall not in any manner 
affect such provision in any other jurisdiction, or any other provision in 
this Agreement in any jurisdiction.  To the extent legally permissible, an 
arrangement which reflects the original intent of the parties shall be 
substituted for such invalid or unenforceable provision.

  17.10. The paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for reference 
purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of 
this Agreement.  Each party acknowledges and represents to the other that this 
Agreement has been reviewed by its counsel and the provisions hereof shall be 
construed without regard to which party prepared this Agreement.

  17.11. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of 
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute 
one and the same instrument.

                                    - 29 -

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement or 
caused the same to be executed by a duly authorized officer as of the day and 
year first above written.

                        POLO RALPH LAUREN, L.P.
                        By: Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation,
                            General Partner
                        By: /s/ Michael Newman

                        SUN APPAREL, INC.

                        By: /s/ Eric Rothfeld

                                    - 30 -

                                                              Schedule A
                           LICENSED PRODUCTS

The term "Licensed Products" shall mean a men's jeans collection comprised of 
the following products: (i) jean pants, jean jackets, jean shorts and jean 
vests, (ii) coordinated outerwear, casual pants and shorts, t-shirts, woven 
and knit shirts, sweaters, and hats and caps and (iii) such additional men's 
products as may be designated by written agreement of Licensor and Licensee, 
in all cases bearing the Trademark.

A women's jeans collection comprised of the following products: (i) jean pants,
jean jackets, jean shorts and jean vests, (ii) coordinated outerwear, casual 
pants and shorts, t-shirts, woven and knit shirts, sweaters, hats and caps, 
denim dresses and skirts, and solid chanbray dresses and skirts, and (iii) 
such additional women's products as may be designated by written agreement of 
Licensor and Licensee, in all cases (a) bearing the Trademark and (b) offered 
as part of a women's jeans collection and not as individual or groups of items 
of "better" or "bridge" apparel.  Without limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, not less than fifty percent (50%) of the SKUs of Licensed Products 
offered each season shall be made substantially of denim, and Licensee shall 
strive to achieve a retail presentation which is focused predominantly on the 
denim portion of the line.

                                                              Schedule B

                                    - 31 -






Logos associated with the Trademark shall be added to this Schedule B as 
approved by Licensor.

Licensor will apply to register the Trademark in at least one of the forms 
in which it is finally adopted.

                                    - 32 -

                                                              Schedule C


  As set forth in paragraph 8 of this Agreement, this Schedule C to this 
Agreement sets forth the respective rights and obligations of Licensor and 
Licensee with respect to the extension of the term of this Agreement beyond 
the Initial Term.

  1. Additional Definitions.  The following words and phrases, unless the 
context otherwise requires shall have the following meanings:

  "Business" shall mean the entire business and assets which shall be owned 
and operated by Licensee with respect to the design, manufacture, advertising,
promotion and sale of Licensed Products pursuant to the terms of this 
Agreement, including but not limited to the following:

    (a) All of the rights which Licensee has under this Agreement, including 
        but not limited to the License;

    (b) Accounts receivable;

    (c) Inventory;

    (d) Furniture, fixtures, tools and equipment;

    (e) Expendables, including but not limited to office supplies, sales 
        slips and other sales materials, bags and packaging materials, 
        brochures, fliers and other advertising and promotional materials 
        and copy;

    (f) Prepaid fees, dues or subscriptions and prepaid compensation;

    (g) All other assets relating to the design, manufacture, advertising, 
        promotion and sale of Licensed Products pursuant to the terms of this 
        Agreement, including without limitation all customer, mailing, 
        telephone and marketing lists, vendor warranties and other business 

    (h) Goodwill and other intangible rights, whether acquired from 
        Licensor or from others (but excluding any value for the License 
        in excess of the present value of the projected sales, earnings 
        and cash flow relevant to the Going Concern value of the Business 
        assuming the continuation of the License through December 

                                    - 33 -

31, 2030).

The Business shall also include all of the debts, liabilities, obligations or 
claims owed by or due from Licensee incurred in the ordinary course and which 
are necessary in connection with the Business, existing on the Closing Date 
(as hereinafter defined) or arising thereafter with respect to events 
occurring prior to the Closing Date, including but not limited to the 

    (a) Trade and other accounts payable;

    (b) Accrued expenses, including but not limited to accrued rent., accrued 
        compensation, pension plan liability, bonuses, retirement pay and 
        other fees and costs;

Liabilities included in the Business shall not include indebtedness to 
individuals, banks or financial institutions (whether long- or short-term) 
incurred other than in the ordinary course of Licensee's business hereunder, 
guarantees of third-party obligations incurred other than in the ordinary 
course of Licensee's business hereunder, any taxes owing or accrued prior to 
the Closing Date incurred other than in the ordinary course of Licensee's 
business hereunder or litigation claims.  All of the liabilities included in 
the Business and disclosed in writing to Licensor (but not those not so 
included and disclosed) are hereinafter referred to as the "Liabilities." 
Licensee will be required to supply Licensor with a schedule of Liabilities 
within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice from Licensor that it is 
exercising the Buyout Option.

  "Purchase Price" shall mean an amount equal to eighty percent (80%) of the 
fair value of the Business as a going concern as it exists on the Closing 
Date ("Going Concern"), determined as set forth below.

  The fair value of the Business as a Going Concern shall be determined in 
the following manner:

    (a) Each of Licensor and Licensee shall, within ten (10) days after 
        Licensor gives notice that it intends to exercise the Buyout Option, 
        select a reputable investment banker having a national reputation and 
        experienced in evaluating businesses as going concerns in connection 
        with public and private financings, mergers and acquisitions and in 
        representing companies engaged in national apparel manufacturing and 
        sales businesses in such transactions;

    (b) Each such investment banker shall evaluate the Business as a going 
        concern, assuming the License is to continue 

                                    - 34 -

        ("Going Concern") taking into account all factors which it considers 
        relevant to such an evaluation, including but not limited to the 

        (i) Historical and projected sales and earnings;

        (ii) Historical and projected cash flow;

        (iii) The book value of the assets of the Business;

        (iv) The value of the assets of the Business on a Going Concern basis;

        (v) Multiples of sales and/or earnings used in evaluating companies 
        engaged in similar businesses for purposes of public or private 
        financings or for sale, acquisition or merger;

        (vi) Relevant financial ratios, including but not limited to debt-
        equity ratios, current ratios and return on investment;

        (vii) Known business and economic risks and  contingencies.

        (viii) Liabilities to be assumed or not to be assumed.

  In evaluating the Business the investment bankers shall not ascribe any 
value over and above the Going Concern value of the Business to the License 
assuming the continuation of the License through December 31, 2030.  No 
evaluation by an investment banker shall occur until Licensor shall have 
received from Licensee a schedule of Liabilities and shall have confirmed 
its undertaking to proceed with the purchase of the Business.

    (c) Such investment bankers shall, within sixty (60) days after their 
selection, attempt to agree as to the fair value of the Business as a Going 
Concern on the Closing Date.  Licensee shall make its books, records, 
facilities and such other materials as may be necessary or desirable in 
connection with such evaluation available to such investment bankers for 
such purposes.  In conducting their evaluation, such investment bankers shall 
exercise such reasonable judgment and apply such standards as are customary 
in the investment banking profession, recognizing that it is the desire of the 
parties hereto to reach an accommodation with the least cost, effort and time 

    (d) If such investment bankers are unable to so agree 

                                    - 35 -

within such sixty (60) day period, then they shall, within fifteen (15) days 
after the expiration of such sixty (60) day period, mutually appoint a third 
investment banker of comparable stature and experience and each shall submit 
to such third investment banker their respective analysis and conclusions as 
to the fair value of the Business as a Going Concern.  Within 30 days after 
such third investment banker is provided with such material, such third 
investment banker shall, based upon its own evaluation (following the 
standards set forth herein) as well as the analysis and conclusions of the 
other investment bankers, select one or the other of their evaluations, which 
evaluation shall thereafter be deemed to be the fair value of the Business as 
a Going Concern.  Each of Licensor and Licensee shall be responsible for the 
costs associated with the evaluation by the investment banker it selects, and 
Licensor and Licensee shall share equally the costs associated with the 
evaluation of a third investment banker, if necessary.

  Eighty Percent (80%) of the fair value of the Business as a Going Concern 
as determined pursuant to clauses (c) or (d) of this definition on the Closing 
Date shall constitute the Purchase Price and shall be final and binding on the 
parties hereto for the purposes of this Agreement.

  2. Licensee Renewal Options.

    a. Provided no Event of Default shall have occurred which is not timely 
cured or waived, and Licensee has achieved the First Minimum Renewal Volume 
(hereinafter defined) for the period January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999, 
Licensee shall have the option, upon providing notice to Licensor on or before 
March 31, 2000, to renew this Agreement for an additional five (5) year period 
(the "First Renewal Term") so as to expire on December 31, 2005, on the terms 
and conditions set forth herein.  The minimum aggregate Net Sales Price which 
Licensee must achieve in connection with sales of Licensed Products during the 
period from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999 (the "First Minimum Renewal 
Volume") in order to be entitled to renew this Agreement for the First Renewal 
Term as hereinabove provided shall be [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY WITH 

    b. Provided no Event of Default shall have occurred which is not timely 
cured or waived, and Licensee has achieved the Second Minimum Renewal Volume 
(hereinafter defined) for the period January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004, 
Licensee shall have the option, upon providing notice to Licensor on or 
before March 31, 2005, to renew this Agreement for an additional five (5) 
year period (the "Second Renewal Term") so as to expire on December 31, 2010, 
on the terms and conditions set forth herein.  The minimum aggregate Net 
Sales Price which Licensee must achieve in connection with sales of 
Licensed Products during the period from January 1, 2004 to 

                                    - 36 -

December 31, 2004 (the "Second Minimum Renewal Volume") in order to be 
entitled to renew this Agreement for the Second Renewal Term as hereinabove 

    c. Subject to Licensor's Buyout Option as set forth in paragraph 4 of this
Schedule C, provided (i) no Event of Default shall have occurred which is not 
timely cured or waived and (ii) Licensee has achieved the Third Minimum Renewal 
Volume (hereinafter defined) for the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 
2009, Licensee shall have the option (in addition to the Extension option set 
forth in paragraph 3 of this Schedule C), upon providing notice to Licensor on 
or before March 31, 2010, to renew this Agreement for an additional five (5) 
year period (the "Third Renewal Term") so as to expire on December 31, 2015, 
on the terms and conditions set forth herein; provided, however, that if 
Licensee does not exercise the Extension Option, Licensee shall have no right 
to renew the term of this Agreement beyond the Third Renewal Term.  The minimum 
aggregate Net Sales Price which Licensee must achieve in connection with sales 
of Licensed Products during the period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 
2009 (the "Third Minimum Renewal Volume") in order to be entitled to renew 
this Agreement for the Third Renewal Term as hereinabove provided shall be 

    d. Provided (i) no Event of Default shall have occurred which is not 
timely cured or waived, (ii) Licensee timely exercised its Extension Option 
as set forth in paragraph 3 of this Schedule C, and (iii) Licensee has 
achieved the Fourth Minimum Renewal Volume (hereinafter defined) for the 
period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, Licensee shall have the option, 
upon providing notice to Licensor on or before March 31, 2015, to renew this 
Agreement for an additional five (5) year period (the "Fourth Renewal Term") 
so as to expire on December 31, 2020, on the terms and conditions set forth 
herein.  The minimum aggregate Net Sales Price which Licensee must achieve in 
connection with sales of Licensed Products during the period from January 1, 
2014 to December 31, 2014 (the "Fourth Minimum Renewal Volume") in order to 
be entitled to renew this Agreement for the Fourth Renewal Term as hereinabove 

    e. Provided (i) no Event of Default shall have occurred which is not 
timely cured or waived, (ii) Licensee timely exercised its Extension Option 
and (iii) Licensee -has achieved the Fifth Minimum Renewal Volume (hereinafter 
defined) for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, Licensee shall 
have the option, upon providing notice to Licensor on or before March 31, 
2020, to renew this Agreement for an additional five (5) year period (the 
"Fifth Renewal Term") so as to expire on December 31, 2025, on the terms 
and conditions set forth herein.  The minimum aggregate Net Sales 

                                    - 37 -

Price which Licensee must achieve in connection with sales of Licensed 
Products during the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 (the 
"Fifth Minimum Renewal Volume") in order to be entitled to renew this 
Agreement for the Fifth Renewal Term as hereinabove provided shall be 

    f. Provided (i) no Event of Default shall have occurred which is not 
timely cured or waived, (ii) Licensee timely exercised its Extension Option 
and (iii) Licensee has achieved the Sixth Minimum Renewal Volume (hereinafter 
defined) for the period January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, Licensee shall 
have the option, upon providing notice to Licensor on or before March 31, 2025,
to renew this Agreement for an additional five (5) year period (the "Sixth 
Renewal Term") so as to expire on December 31, 2030, on the terms and 
conditions set forth herein, except that Licensee shall have no further right 
of renewal.  The minimum aggregate Net Sales Price which Licensee must achieve 
in connection with sales of Licensed Products during the period from January 1,
2024 to December 31, 2024 (the "Fifth Minimum Renewal Volume") in order to be 
entitled to renew this Agreement for the Sixth Renewal Term as hereinabove 

    g. As a condition to Licensee"s right to exercise each renewal option 
under this paragraph 2, Licensee must, in each notice to Licensor that any 
renewal option is being exercised, certify to Licensor that Licensee is not 
in material default under its loan agreements with its principal lender(s).

  3. Licensee's Extension Option.  Subject to Licensor's Buyout Option as set 
forth in paragraph 4 of this Schedule C, if (i) no Event of Default shall have 
occurred and not been cured or waived and (ii) Licensee has achieved the Third 
Minimum Renewal Volume, Licensee shall have the option to acquire the options 
set forth in paragraphs 2(d) through 2(f) of this Schedule C (the "Extension 
Option").  Licensee must give Licensor notice that it is exercising the 
Extension Option in the same notice by which it gives Licensor notice that 
Licensee is exercising its option to extend this Agreement f or the Third 
Renewal Term, which notice must be given on or before March 31, 2010.  If 
Licensee does not, on or before March 31, 2010, give Licensor notice that is 
exercising its option to extend this Agreement for the Third Renewal Term, 
with or without exercising the Extension Option, the term of this Agreement 
and the Design Agreement shall expire on December 31, 2010, and the provisions 
of paragraphs 10 and 11 of this Agreement shall apply.  If Licensee does 
exercise the Extension Option, in consideration of the additional rights it 
acquires thereby Licensee shall pay Licensor the Extension Option Price, as 
hereinafter defined, on December 31, 2010 (the "Closing Date").  At Licensee's 
option subject to the last sentence of clause (b) below, the "Extension

                                    - 38 -

Option Price" shall be either:

  a. Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000), payable by wire transfer, 
certified or bank check on the Closing Date; or

  b. A twenty percent (20%) equity interest in the Business.  The term 
"twenty percent (20%) equity interest in the Business" shall mean, if at 
the time the Extension Option is exercised the Business is conducted in the 
form of a corporation engaged solely in the conduct of the Business, twenty 
percent (20%) of the issued and outstanding equity and voting shares of such 
corporation, on a fully-diluted basis.  In such event, Licensee shall deliver 
to Licensor on the Closing Date stock certificates representing such shares, 
free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, with all necessary stock 
transfer tax stamps attached, accompanied by stock powers duly executed in 
blank, and otherwise in form acceptable for transfer on the books of such 
corporation.  If at the time the Extension Option is exercised the Business 
is conducted in any form other than as a corporation engaged solely in the 
conduct of the Business, the term "twenty percent (20%) equity interest in 
the Business" shall mean, and Licensee shall deliver in a form reasonably 
acceptable to Licensor on the Closing Date, such other consideration (by way 
of example, shares of a parent corporation, shares of a limited partnership, 
etc.) ("Alternate Equity Interest") as the parties may mutually agree, within 
thirty (30) days after Licensee gives notice that it is exercising the 
Extension Option and intends to convey a twenty percent (20%) equity interest 
in the Business, as represents the equivalent of twenty percent (20%) of the 
issued and outstanding voting shares of a corporation engaged solely in the 
conduct of the Business.  If the parties do not timely agree on an Alternate 
Equity Interest, the Extension Option Price shall be the amount set forth in 
clause (a) of this paragraph 3.

  4. Licensor's Buyout Option.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary 
contained herein, Licensor shall have the option, by giving written notice 
to Licensee on or before June 1, 2010 and regardless of whether Licensee has 
given notice that it intends to exercise the Extension Option or the option 
to renew for the Third Renewal Term, to purchase the Business from Licensee 
(the "Buyout Option").  If Licensor exercises the Buyout Option, Licensee 
shall have no further rights or obligations with respect to the Extension 
Option.  The Buyout Option shall be in addition to and shall not alter or 
affect Licensor's rights to terminate this Agreement as a result of any Event 
of Default, as otherwise provided in this Agreement.  If Licensor gives notice 
that it will exercise the Buyout Option, Licensor (or its designee) shall 
purchase and Licensee shall sell the Business for the Purchase Price including 
assumption of the Liabilities.  The closing date for the purchase 

                                    - 39 -

and sale of the Business shall be December 31, 2010 (or the last business 
day of the year 2010 if prior thereto) (the "Closing Date"), it being mutually 
agreed by Licensor and Licensee that time shall be of the essence.  On the 
Closing Date, Licensor shall deliver the Purchase Price to Licensee by wire 
transfer or a certified or bank cashier's check, together with such 
instruments of assumption of the Liabilities as counsel to the parties shall 
mutually agree are appropriate to cause the Liabilities to be assumed by 
Licensor (or its designee), and Licensee shall deliver to Licensor such 
instruments of transfer as counsel to the parties shall mutually agree are 
appropriate to effect the purchase and sale of the Business and to give 
Licensor (or its designee) good title to all of the assets of the Business, 
free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.

  5. Good Faith Obligation; Dispute Resolution; Indemnification.  Licensor and 
Licensee shall act in good faith to consummate the transactions contemplated 
by either the Extension Option or the Buyout Option, if either such option is 
exercised, while minimizing any negative tax implications to either party.  Any 
dispute arising out of either party's exercise of such option shall be 
submitted to binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American 
Arbitration Association.  If the Buyout Option is exercised, Licensee shall 
indemnify and save and hold Licensor, the Design Partnership, Polo Ralph 
Lauren Corporation and Ralph Lauren, individually, and their assignees, 
directors, officers, servants, agents and employees, harmless from and against 
any and all liability, claims, causes of action, suits, damages and expenses 
(including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) arising out of or relating 
to the conduct of the Business up to and including the Closing Date (other 
than with respect to the disclosed Liabilities assumed), and Licensor shall 
indemnify and save and hold Licensee and its assignees, directors, officers, 
servants, agents and employees, harmless from and against any and all 
liability, claims, causes of action, suits, damages and expenses (including 
reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of the conduct of the Business after 
the Closing Date.

  6. Closing Procedures.  In the event Licensee exercises the Extension Option
and is conveying a twenty percent (20%) equity interest in the Business 
pursuant to paragraph 3(b) of this Schedule C, or in the event Licensor 
exercises the Buyout Option, at the closing on the Closing Date Licensee 
shall deliver to Licensor an absolute assignment of the relevant instruments 
of transfer and shall represent and warrant that as of the closing Date:

    (a) that the shares of Licensee or the Alternate Equity 
        Interest is owned by the Licensee free and clear 

                                    - 40 -

        of all pledges, security interests, liens, charges, encumbrances and 
        claims of any nature whatsoever, except any encumbrances otherwise 
        agreed to in writing by Licensor;

    (b) that Licensee has the full and complete right, power and authority 
        to make the assignment and that such assignment does not violate any 
        agreement or government order;

    (c) that no litigation exists or threat of litigation has been made with 
        respect to the Business that has not been disclosed in writing to 
        Licensor; and

    (d) that all financial information and materials delivered by Licensee 
        in connection with any calculation of the Purchase Price or the 
        Alternate Equity Interest were true and correct as of the date made.

Licensee shall further deliver a letter from seller's counsel reasonably 
satisfactory to Licensor which contains such legal opinions as are customarily 
given in connection with the sale of a business such as the Business and 
subject to standard limitations and qualifications thereto.

                                    - 41 -

Exhibit 10.54.

                                               (Polo Jeans Company - Design)

  DESIGN SERVICES AGREEMENT dated as of August 1, 1995, by and between Polo 
Ralph Lauren Enterprises, L.P.  (the "Design Partnership"), a Delaware 
limited partnership with a place of business at 650 Madison Avenue, New York, 
New York 10022 and Sun Apparel, Inc. (the "Company") a Texas corporation with 
a place of business at 11201 Armour Drive, El Paso, Texas 79935.

  Ralph Lauren ("Lauren") is an internationally famous designer who has been 
twice inducted into the Coty Hall of Fame for his design of men's and women's 
fashions, is the recipient of the CFDA Lifetime Achievement Award, and is a 
creator of original designs for cosmetics, jewelry, home furnishings and 
other products.

  Polo Ralph Lauren, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Polo"), holds the 
right and interest in and to certain trademarks and trade names, as same may 
be used in connection with the manufacture and sale of Licensed Products, as 
hereinafter defined, and on even date herewith, the Company has obtained the 
right to use certain trademarks (the "Trademark") in connection with the 
Licensed Products, pursuant to a license agreement ("License Agreement") 
of even date herewith by and between the Company and Polo.

  The value of the Trademark is largely derived from the reputation, skill 
and design talents of Lauren, and Lauren, directly and through his designees, 
provides design services through the Design Partnership.

  The company desires to obtain the services of the Design Partnership in 
connection with the creation and design of the Licensed Products.

  The Company desires, in order to exploit the rights granted to it under the 
License Agreement, to engage and retain the Design Partnership to create and 
provide to the Company the designs for its line of Licensed Products.  The 
Design Partnership is willing to furnish such designs and render such services 
on the basis hereinafter set forth.  As used herein, the term "Licensed 
Products" shall have the meaning set forth in the License Agreement.

  In consideration of the foregoing premises and of the mutual promises and 
covenants herein contained, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, 
hereby agree as follows:

  1. Designs; Assistance.

  1.1  The parties understand and agree that the Company will be principally 
responsible for the development and presentation to the Design Partnership 
of designs for Licensed Products, which, designs will be reviewed by the 
Design Partnership and which the Design Partnership may approve, disapprove 
or modify in its sole discretion, in accordance with the terms and conditions 
set forth herein.

  1.2  The Design Partnership shall provide the Company with a program of 
suggested, broad design themes and concepts with respect to the design of 
the Licensed Products ("Design Concepts") which shall be embodied in oral 
and/or written descriptions of design themes and concepts and such other 
detailed designs and sketches therefor, as the Design Partnership deems 
appropriate.  The Design Partnership shall have full discretion with respect 
to the manner in which the Design Concepts shall be formulated and presented 
by the Design Partnership to the Company.  The Company and the Design 
Partnership shall confer on Design Concepts and shall make such modifications 
as are required to meet the Design Partnership's approval.

  1.3  The Design Partnership may, at its sole expense, engage such employees, 
agents, and consultants operating under the Design Partnership's creative 
supervision and control as it may deem necessary and appropriate.

  1.4  From time to time while this Agreement is in effect, the Design 
Partnership may (a) develop or modify and implement designs from the Design 
Concepts or other designs furnished by the Design Partnership or (b) develop 
and implement new designs.

  1.5  The Company shall prepare and present designs to the Design 
Partnership based on the Design Concepts.

  1.6  The company understands that all or portions of the Design Concepts 
may be furnished to the Company through or in cooperation with other entities 
to which the Design Partnership has provided design services.  The Company 
upon its prior written authorization shall pay all costs, including shipping 
and handling charges, for fabric swatches or mill chips, sketches, 
specifications, paper sample patterns and product samples furnished to the 
Company by the Design Partnership or such other entities.

  1.7 Subject to paragraph 2.7 hereof, all patents and


copyrights on designs of the Licensed Products shall be Owned exclusively, 
and applied for, by the Design Partnership or its designee, at the Design 
Partnership's discretion and expense, and shall designate the Design 
Partnership or its designee as the patent or copyright owner, as the case may 
be, therefor.

  1.8  The Company acknowledges that the Licensed Products contain elements 
which in concept, execution and/or presentation are unique.  The Company 
agrees that it will not, during the term of the Agreement, use any designs 
used in the Licensed Products or any designs submitted or modified by the 
Design Partnership or any designs which are comparable and/or competitive 
with Licensed Products and which may be identified as Design Partnership 

  2.  Design Legends; Copyright Notice and License.

  2.1  All designs, patterns, sketches, artwork, logos and other materials 
of Licensed Products and the use of such designs, artwork, sketches, logos 
and other materials created by the Design Partnership, or, subject to 
paragraph 2.7 hereof, created by or for the Company and reviewed and approved 
by the Design Partnership, or developed by or for the Company from Design 
Concepts or subsequent design concepts furnished or approved by the Design 
Partnership (all of which shall hereinafter constitute Design Concepts), shall 
be the property of the Design Partnership and shall be subject to the 
provisions of this paragraph 2.

  2.2  All right, title and interest in and to the samples, sketches, design, 
artwork, logos and other materials furnished by or to Company or submitted to 
the Design Partnership, whether created by the Design Partnership or the 
Company, are hereby assigned to and shall be the sole property of the Design 
Partnership.  The Company shall cause to be placed on all Licensed Products 
appropriate notice in accordance with applicable law designating the Design 
Partnership as the copyright or design patent owner thereof, as the case may 
be.  The manner of presentation of said notices shall be reviewed and approved 
by the Design Partnership prior to use thereof by the Company.

  2.3  The Design Partnership hereby grants to the Company the exclusive 
right, license and privilege ("License") to use the designs furnished 
hereunder and all copyrights, if any, and patents, if any therein; provided, 
however, that the License is limited to use in connection with Licensed 
Products manufactured and sold, or imported and sold, pursuant to the License 
Agreement, subject, however, to paragraph 3.2 hereof.  All other rights in 
and to the designs furnished hereunder, including


without limitation all rights to use such designs in connection with products 
other than Licensed Products (as defined in the License Agreement) and in 
territories other than the Territory (as defined in the License Agreement) 
are expressly reserved by the Design Partnership.  The License shall continue 
only for such period as this Agreement shall be effective.  The Design 
Partnership shall execute and deliver to the Company all documents and 
instruments necessary to perfect or evidence the License.  Upon termination 
of this Agreement, for any reason whatsoever, any and all of the Company's 
right, title and interest in and to the License shall forthwith and without
further act or, instrument be assigned to, revert to and be the sole and 
exclusive property of the Design Partnership, and the Company shall have no 
further or continuing right or interest therein, except the limited right to 
complete the manufacture of and sell Licensed Products during any Disposal 
Period, as set forth in paragraph 6.3 hereof.  In addition, the company shall
thereupon (i) execute and deliver to the Design Partnership all documents and 
instruments necessary to perfect or evidence such reversion, (ii) refrain from 
further use of any of the Design Concepts and (iii) refrain from manufacturing, 
selling or distributing any products (whether or not they bear the Trademark) 
which are confusingly similar to or derived from the Licensed Products or 
Design Concepts.

  2.4  Except as expressly permitted under paragraph 17.4 of the License 
Agreement, the Company shall not sublicense any of the rights granted 
hereunder without first obtaining the Design Partnership's prior written 
consent in connection therewith, which consent may be withheld by the Design 
Partnership in its sole discretion.

  2.5  The Design Partnership represents and warrants to the Company that it 
has full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement, to perform 
all of its obligations hereunder and to consummate all of the transactions 
contemplated herein.

  2.6  The Company represents and warrants to the Design Partnership that 
the Company has full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement, 
to perform all of its obligations hereunder and to consummate all the 
transactions contemplated herein.

  2.7  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, each 
party recognizes that a distinction is drawn between (i) the appearance, 
packaging and marketing presentation of the Licensed Products, and (ii) the 
technology (including washes and finishing treatments) used in the making of 
denim Licensed Products.  The term "Technology" as used herein shall mean the


chemistry, formulas, production processes and method and other technology 
actually used for making denim Licensed Products.  "Technology" includes, but 
is not limited to, all information, samples, sketches, blueprints, plans and 
other data relating to the chemistry, formulas, processes or methods of 
production, technology, physical properties, or other inherent characteristics 
of Licensed Products, as well as design elements with respect to which 
Licensee gives Licensor written notice in advance that such design elements 
are original and proprietary to Licensee and need not be used by Licensee 
exclusively for Licensed Products.  The parties agree that unless developed 
by the Design Partnership or at the direction of the Design Partnership, the 
Technology used by the Company to make denim Licensed Products shall not 
belong to the Design Partnership and may be used by the Company both during 
and after the term of this Agreement except as follows: even when developed 
by the Company, if a Technology has been used first for or introduced as an 
innovation for Licensed Products, then Company will not use such Technology 
for its other lines of products unless and until such Technology has become 
used in a commercially significant manner by its competitors for their 
products without violation of a proprietary right of the Company or the 
Design Partnership.  The Design Partnership agrees to cooperate fully with 
the Company, at Company's expense, in the filing, prosecution, maintenance 
or protection of any patent applications which Company may wish to file on 
its Technology.  Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, should it 
so desire, the Design Partnership shall be entitled to produce or have third 
parties produce previously marketed products which might otherwise infringe 
upon the Company's Technology provided that such products are marketed solely 
under the Trademark and Company covenants not to make any claim against any 
party for manufacturing, advertising, promoting or selling such products under 
the Design Partnership's authority; provided, however, that if the Design 
Partnership does market products previously marketed by the Company which 
would in fact violate valid proprietary rights of the Company, the Design 
Partnership shall compensate the Company for the use of such Technology on 
commercially reasonable terms, and in any event on terms no less favorable 
than the terms on which the Company licenses the use of such Technology to 
any unrelated Third Party.  Fabrics, finishes and silhouettes used in 
connection with Licensed Products may also be used by Licensee in connection 
with other products, if such fabrics, finishes and silhouettes do not violate 
proprietary rights of Licensor or its affiliates and are generally available 
in the marketplace.

     3. Licensed Products.

     3.1  The Company shall obtain the written approval of the


Design Partnership of all Licensed Products to be manufactured or caused to 
be manufactured by the Company, by submitting a Prototype, as hereinafter 
defined, of each different design or model of a Licensed Product, including, 
but not limited to, the type and quality of materials, colors and workmanship 
to be used in connection therewith, prior to any commercial production 
thereof.  In the event that the Design Partnership rejects a particular 
Prototype or Prototypes, the Design Partnership shall so notify the Company 
and shall in certain cases where the Design Partnership desires to include 
the Prototype in the collection, provide the company with suggestions for 
modifying the particular Prototype or Prototypes which the Design Partnership 
is rejecting.  The Company shall promptly correct said Prototype or 
prototypes, resubmit said Prototype or Prototypes to the Design Partnership 
and seek the Design Partnership's approval under- the same terms and 
conditions as set forth herein with respect to the first submission of 
Prototypes.  As used herein, the term "Prototype" shall mean any and all 
models, or actual samples, of Products; and the term "Final Prototype" shall 
mean the actual final sample of a Licensed Product from which the first 
commercial production thereof will be made and which has been approved by 
the Design Partnership prior to the first commercial production thereof 
pursuant to this paragraph 3.

  3.2  The written approval of the Design Partnership of the Prototypes for 
each seasonal collection shall be evidenced by a written list, signed on 
behalf of the Design Partnership setting forth those Prototypes which have 
been approved for inclusion in such collection.  Prototypes so approved 
shall be deemed Final Prototypes in respect of such collection.  Approval of 
any and all Prototypes as Final Prototypes shall be in the sole discretion of 
the Design Partnership.  The Company shall present for sale, through the 
showing of each seasonal collection to the trade, all Final Prototypes so 
approved in respect of such collection.  Approved Final Prototypes for Denim 
Bottoms (as defined in paragraph 2.2 of the License Agreement) may run from 
season-to-season without additional approval from the Design Partnership, 
but the Design Partnership, in consultation with the Company shall be 
entitled to withdraw such approval upon written notice given reasonably in 
advance of any season and, upon receipt of such notice, the Company shall 
not place any additional orders for such products, but may sell any such
products previously approved and ordered.

  3.3  The Licensed Products thereafter manufactured and sold by the 
company shall strictly adhere, in all respects, including, without 
limitation, with respect to materials, color, workmanship, designs, 
dimensions, styling, detail and quality, to the Final Prototypes 
approved by the Design Partnership, subject 


however, in the case of denim products to minor variations which 
arise in the ordinary course from wash and other finishing treatments.

  3.4  In the event that any Licensed Product is, in the reasonable 
judgment of the Design Partnership, not being manufactured or sold in 
strict adherence to the materials, color, workmanship, designs, dimensions, 
styling detail and quality, embodied in the Final Prototypes, or is otherwise 
not in accordance with the Final Prototypes, the Design Partnership shall 
notify the Company thereof in writing and the Company shall promptly repair 
or change such Licensed Product to conform strictly thereto.  If an item of 
Licensed Product as repaired or changed does not strictly conform to the 
Final Prototypes and such strict conformity cannot be obtained after at 
least one (1) resubmission, or if the Company determines that a Licensed 
Product does not strictly conform, the Trademark shall be promptly removed 
from the item, at the option of the Design Partnership, in which event the 
item may be sold by the Company, provided (a) it is in no way identified as 
a Licensed Product and (b) further provided that the Company and the Design 
Partnership agree that the Company will be permitted to sell Licensed 
Products bearing the Trademark so long as such products are clearly labelled 
as such in a manner approved by the Design Partnership or Polo, are 
distributed in channels and outlets approved by Polo, and are produced only 
as by-products of the manufacture of first quality goods and only in 
reasonable quantities.  Notwithstanding anything in this paragraph 3.4 to the 
contrary, sales of all products using the Design Concepts, whether or not 
bearing the Trademark, shall be subject to compensation payments pursuant to 
paragraph 4 hereof.

  3.5  The Design Partnership and its duly authorized representative shall 
have the right, at its expense upon reasonable notice during normal business 
hours, to inspect all facilities utilized by the Company (and its contractors 
and suppliers) in connection with the preparation of Prototypes and the 
manufacture, sale, storage or distribution of Licensed Products pursuant 
hereto and to examine Licensed Products in process of manufacture and when 
offered for sale within the company's operations.  The Company hereby consents 
to the Design Partnership's examination of Licensed Products held by its 
customers for resale provided the Company has such right of examination.  The 
company shall take all necessary steps, and all steps reasonably requested by 
the Design Partnership, to prevent or avoid any misuse of the licensed designs 
by any of its customers, contractors or other resources.

  3.6  Intentionally omitted.


  3.7  The Company shall upon request make its personnel available, and shall 
use its commercially reasonable efforts to make the personnel of any of its 
contractors, suppliers and other resources available at their facilities, for 
consultation with the Design Partnership by appointment during normal business
hours.  The Company shall make available to the Design Partnership, upon 
reasonable notice, marketing plans, reports and information which the Company 
may have with respect to Licensed Products.

  3.8  The Company may employ subcontractors for the manufacture of Licensed 
Products solely on the terms set forth in paragraph 17.4 of the License 

  3.9  The Company shall include within each seasonal collection of Licensed 
Products a fully representative assortment of designs therefor designated by 
the Design Partnership for inclusion therein.  Notwithstanding anything to 
the contrary contained herein or in the License Agreement, in the event the 
Company chooses not to or is unable to include within a seasonal collection 
of Licensed Products a particular Licensed Product which the Design 
Partnership has designed or designated for inclusion in such collection, the 
Design Partnership shall be entitled to authorize third parties to manufacture 
such Licensed Product(s) on behalf of the Company and the Company shall, at 
the Design Partnership's option, display, present and sell such Licensed 
Product(s) in the manner in which all other Licensed Products are displayed, 
presented and sold hereunder.

  3.10  The Design Partnership shall respond to any requests for approvals or 
consents from the Company hereunder as promptly as reasonably practicable 
consistent with the level of review required and the timing of the 
collections to be presented each season.

  4. Compensation: Accounting.

  4.1  Commencing with the First Renewal Term (as defined in Schedule C to 
the License Agreement), if the term hereof is extended beyond the Initial 
Term (as defined in paragraph 8 of the License Agreement), Company shall pay 
to the Design Partnership minimum compensation for each year during the term 
of this Agreement.  The minimum compensation for each year commencing with 
the First Renewal Term shall be an amount equal to [Omitted; Material Filed 
Separately With The Securities And Exchange Commission]% of the actual earned 
compensation due for the immediately preceding year; provided, however, that 
the minimum compensation obligation for each year of the First Renewal Term 
shall in no event be less than [Omitted; Material Filed Separately With The 
Securities And Exchange Commission]; for each year of the Second Renewal Term 
no less than [Omitted; Material Filed Separately With The Securities And 
Exchange Commission]; for each year of the Third 


Renewal Term no less than [Omitted; Material Filed Separately With The 
Securities And Exchange Commission]; for each year of the Fourth Renewal 
Term no less than [Omitted; Material Filed Separately With The Securities 
And Exchange Commission]; for each year of the Fifth Renewal Term no less 
than [Omitted; Material Filed Separately With The Securities And Exchange 
Commission]; and for each year of the Sixth Renewal Term no less than 
[Omitted; Material Filed Separately With The Securities And Exchange 
Commission](each such term as defined in Schedule C to the License Agreement).
Minimum compensation for each year shall be paid on a quarterly basis within 
thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter during the term hereof, 
commencing with the-first quarter of the First Renewal Term.  No credit shall 
be permitted against minimum compensation payable for any year on account of 
actual or mini compensation paid for any other year, and minimum compensation 
shall not be returnable.  For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Year" 
shall mean a period of twelve (12) months commencing on each January 1 during 
the term of this Agreement; provided, however, that the term "first year" 
shall mean the 17-month period commencing on August 1, 1995 and ending on 
December 31, 1996.

  4.2  The company shall pay to the Design Partnership earned compensation 
based on the Net Sales Price of Licensed Products manufactured or imported 
and sold by the Company hereunder.  Earned compensation shall equal [Omitted; 
Material Filed Separately With The Securities And Exchange Commission] percent 
of the Net Sales Price of all Licensed Products sold under this Agreement, 
including, without limitation, sales made pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 6.3 
hereof.  The company shall prepare or cause to be prepared statements 
containing the information set forth in paragraph 4.5 hereof for the period 
commencing on the date hereof and ending on March 31, 1996 and for each three 
(3) month period ended the last day of March, June, September and December in 
each year hereof, which shall be furnished to the Design Partnership together 
with earned compensation due for each such period within thirty (30) days 
after the end of each such period.  Any excess of earned compensation 
determined under this paragraph 4.2 over the minimum compensation provided in 
paragraph 4.1 hereof, shall be remitted to the Design Partnership within 
thirty (30) days after the end of each such three (3) month period.  The term 
"Net Sales Price" shall mean the gross sales price of all Licensed Products 
sold under this Agreement to retailers or, with respect to Licensed Products 
that are not sold directly or indirectly to retailers, other ultimate 
consumers (as in the case of accommodation sales by Company to its employees 
or sales by company in its own stores), less trade discounts, merchandise 
returns, sales tax (if separately identified and charged) and markdowns and/or 
chargebacks which, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, 
would normally be treated as deductions from gross sales, and which, in any 
event, do not include any chargebacks or the like for advertising, fixture or 
retail shop costs or contributions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the 


Design Partnership hereby waives its right to receive compensation hereunder 
with respect to units of Licensed Products sold at a discount of 40% or more 
off the regular wholesale price ("Discounted Units"), provided that such 
waiver shall only apply to the extent that the aggregate Net Sales Price of 
Discounted Units for any year does not exceed 10% of the Net Sales Price of 
all units of Licensed Products other than Discounted Units sold in such year.  
No other deductions shall be taken.  Any merchandise returns shall be credited 
in the three (3) month period in which the returns are actually made.  For 
purposes of this Agreement, affiliates of the Company shall mean all persons 
and business entities, whether corporations, partnerships, joint ventures or 
otherwise, which now or hereafter control, or are owned or controlled, 
directly or indirectly by the Company, or, are under common control with the 
Company.  It is the intention of the parties that compensation payments will 
be based on bona fide wholesale prices at which the Company sells Licensed 
Products to independent retailers in arms' length transactions.  In the event 
the Company shall sell Licensed Products to its affiliates, compensation 
payments shall be calculated on the basis of such a bona fide wholesale price 
irrespective of the Company's internal accounting treatment of such sale, 
unless such products are sold by its affiliates directly to the end-user 
consumer, in which case royalties shall be calculated on the basis of the 
price paid by the end-user consumer, less applicable taxes.  The Company 
shall identify separately in the statements provided to the Design Partnership 
pursuant to paragraph 4.5 hereof, all sales to its affiliates.  At least once 
annually and no later than 90 days after the close of Company's fiscal year, 
Company shall furnish to the Design Partnership a statement of the Net Sales 
Price of all Licensed Products sold during the year just ended, which shall be 
certified by the independent auditor for Company as correct and in accordance 
with the terms of this Agreement.

  4.3  The Company shall reimburse the Design Partnership for any travel and 
promotion expenses incurred by the Design Partnership or Polo in the 
performance of the Design Partnership's duties under this Agreement with the 
prior written approval of Licensee.  Such amounts shall include first class 
travel and hotel accommodations.  Amounts payable to the Design Partnership 
pursuant to this paragraph shall become due and payable monthly within thirty 
(30) days after the date of mailing of the invoices, accompanied by 
corresponding receipts, for such costs incurred during the preceding month.

  4.4  If the payment of any installment of compensation is delayed for any 
reason, interest shall accrue on the unpaid principal amount of such 
installment from and after the date


which is 10 days after the date on which the same became due pursuant to 
paragraphs 4.1 or 4.2 hereof at the lower of the highest rate permitted by 
law in New York and two percent (2%) per annum above the prime rate of 
interest in effect from time to time at Chemical Bank, New York, New York 
or its successor.

  4.5  The Company shall at all times keep an accurate account of all 
operations within the scope of this Agreement.  The Company shall render 
a full statement in writing to the Design Partnership in accordance with 
paragraph 4.1 hereof, which shall account separately for each different 
product category and shall include all aggregate gross sales, trade 
discounts, merchandise returns, sales tax, markdowns, chargebacks, unit 
sales, sales of Discounted Units, sales of miscuts and damaged merchandise 
and net sales price of all sales for the preceding three (3) month period.  
Such statements shall be in sufficient detail to be audited from the books 
of the Company.  Once annually, which may be in connection with the regular 
annual audit of the Company's books, the Company shall furnish an annual 
statement of the aggregate gross sales, trade and prompt payment discounts, 
merchandise returns and Net Sales Price of all Licensed Products made or sold 
by the Company, certified by Company's independent accountant.  Each quarterly 
statement furnished by Company shall be certified by the chief financial 
officer of the Company or a certified public accountant who may be in the 
employ of the Company.  The Design Partnership and its duly authorized 
representatives, on reasonable notice, shall have the right, no more than 
once in each year during regular business hours, for the duration of the term 
of this Agreement and for three (3) years thereafter, to examine the books of 
account and records and all other documents, materials and inventory in the 
possession or under the control of Licensee and its successors with respect 
to the statements required, and Licensee's obligations, hereunder.  All such 
books of account, records and documents shall be maintained and kept available 
by the Company for at least the duration of this Agreement and for three (3) 
years thereafter.  The Design Partnership shall have free and full access 
thereto in the manner set forth above and shall have the right to make copies 
and/or extracts therefrom.  If as a result of any examination of the Company's 
books and records it is shown that the Company's payments to the Design 
Partnership hereunder with respect to any twelve (12) month period were less 
than or greater than the amount which should have been paid to the Design 
Partnership by an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the amount which should 
have been paid during such twelve (12) month period, the Company will, in 
addition to reimbursement of any underpayment, with interest from the date 
on which each payment was due at the rate set forth in paragraph 4.4 hereof, 
promptly reimburse the Design Partnership for the cost of such


examination.  The Design Partnership shall reimburse the Company for any 
overpayment of compensation it discovers during such examination, after 
deducting from the amount of such overpayment all costs and expenses 
incurred in connection with such examination.

  4.6  The obligation of the Company to pay compensation hereunder shall 
be absolute notwithstanding any claim which the Company may assert against 
Polo or the Design Partnership.  The Company shall not have the right to 
set-off, compensate itself or any third party, or make any deduction from 
such compensation payments for any reason whatsoever.

  5. Death or Incapacity of Lauren.

The Design Partnership shall perform its obligations hereunder 
notwithstanding any death or incapacity of Lauren and the Company shall 
accept the services of the Design Partnership.

  6. Term and Termination.

  6.1  Unless sooner terminated in accordance with the terms and provisions 
hereof, this Agreement shall continue in effect f or so long as the License 
Agreement is in effect and shall terminate upon the expiration or termination 
of the License Agreement.

  6.2  Each of the following shall constitute an event of default ("Event of 
Default") hereunder: (i) any compensation is not paid when due and such 
default continues for more than fifteen (15) days after written notice to 
the Company thereof; (ii) the Company defaults in performing any of the other 
terms of this Agreement and continues in such default for a period of thirty 
(30) days after written notice thereof to the Company (unless the default 
cannot be cured within such thirty (30) day period and the Company shall have 
in good faith advised the Design Partnership that it has commenced to cure the 
default and thereafter diligently cures such default within an additional 
forty-five (45) day period); (iii) an Event of Default (as defined in the 
License Agreement) shall occur under the License Agreement or any other design 
agreement entered into between the Company and the Design Partnership or 
license agreement between the Company and Polo; or (iv) the License Agreement 
shall be terminated as a result of an Event of Default thereunder.  If any 
Event of Default other than that described in paragraph 6.2(iv) shall occur, 
the Design Partnership shall have the right, exercisable in its sole 
discretion, to terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) days' written notice 
to the Company of its intention to do so.  Upon the expiration of such ten 
(10) day


period, this Agreement shall terminate and come to an end and, subject to 
paragraph 6.3 hereof, all rights of the Company in and to the designs 
furnished or used hereunder and all copyrights and designs patents therein 
and their contemplated use shall terminate.  If the Event of Default described 
in paragraph 6.2(iv) shall occur, this Agreement and the License shall 
thereupon forthwith terminate and come to an end without any need for notice 
to the Company.  Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to 
any remedy of the Design Partnership for the recovery of any monies then due 
to it under this Agreement or in respect of any antecedent breach of this 
Agreement, and without prejudice to any other right of the Design Partnership, 
including without limitation, damages for breach to the extent that the same 
may be recoverable.

  6.3  In the event Polo chooses not to exercise the option referred to in 
paragraph 10 of the License Agreement with respect to all or any portion of 
the Licensed Products (as therein defined), the Company may dispose of 
Licensed Products, to the extent permitted by and in the manner set forth 
in paragraph 10.2 of the License Agreement.  Such sales shall be subject to 
the payment of earned compensation pursuant to paragraph 4.2 hereof.  Upon 
the conclusion of the disposal period all rights and interests in and to the 
designs furnished or used hereunder and design patents therein and all 
copyrights licensed hereby shall belong to and be the property of the Design 
Partnership and the Company shall have no further or continuing right or 
interest therein.

  6.4  The company acknowledges and admits that there would be no adequate 
remedy at law for its failure to cease the manufacture or sale of Licensed 
Products at the termination of this Agreement, by expiration or otherwise, 
and the Company agrees that in the event of such failure, the Design 
Partnership shall be entitled to relief by way of temporary or permanent 
injunction and such other and further relief as any court with jurisdiction 
may deem proper.

  6.5  It is expressly understood that under no circumstances shall the 
Company be entitled, directly or indirectly, to any form of compensation 
or indemnity from the Design Partnership, Lauren, Polo or their affiliates 
as a consequence to the termination of this Agreement, whether as a result 
of the passage of time, or as the result of any other cause of termination 
referred to in this Agreement; provided, however, that nothing herein 
contained shall modify the Company's rights with respect to Polo under the 
License Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, by its 
execution of the present Agreement, the Company hereby waives any claim which 
it has or


which it may have in the future against the Design Partnership, Lauren, Polo, 
Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation or their affiliates, arising from any alleged 
goodwill created by the Company for the benefit of any or all of the said 
parties or from the alleged creation or increase of a market for Licensed 

  7. Indemnity.

  7.1  The Company shall indemnify and save and hold the Design Partnership, 
Lauren, Polo and Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, and their assignees, 
directors, officers, agents and employees, harmless from and against any 
and all liability, claims, causes of action, suits, damages and expenses 
(including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses in actions involving third 
parties or between the parties hereto) , which they, or any of them, are or 
become liable for, or may incur, or be compelled to pay by reason of any acts, 
whether of omission or commission, that may be committed or suffered by the 
company or any of its directors, officers, servants, agents or employees in 
connection with the Company's performance of this Agreement, in connection 
with Licensed Products manufactured by or on behalf of the Company or 
otherwise in connection with the Company's business; provided, however, that 
the Company shall not be responsible for any liability, claims, causes of 
action, suits, damages or expenses incurred or suffered by the Design 
Partnership, Lauren, Polo or Polo Ralph Lauren corporation, or their 
assignees, directors, officers, agents and employees in connection with any 
suit or proceeding for infringement of another's design patent, trademark, 
copyright or other proprietary rights brought against them as a result of the 
Company's use of the Trademark, or the Design Concepts furnished by the Design 
Partnership hereunder, in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of 
this Agreement and the License Agreement.

  8. Disclosure.

  The Design Partnership and the Company, and their affiliates, employees, 
attorneys, bankers and accountants, shall hold in confidence and not use or 
disclose, except as permitted by this Agreement, (i) confidential information 
of the other or (ii) the terms of this Agreement, except upon consent of the 
other or pursuant to, or as may be required by law, or in connection with 
regulatory or administrative proceedings and only then with reasonable advance 
notice of such disclosure to the other.  Each of Licensee and Licensor shall 
take all reasonable precautions to protect the secrecy of the materials, 
samples, sketches, designs, artwork, logos and other materials used pursuant 
to this Agreement prior to the commercial distribution or the showing or 
samples for sale, and Licensee shall not sell 


any merchandise employing or adapted from any of said designs, sketches, 
artwork, logos, and other materials or their use except under the Trademark.

  9. Miscellaneous.

  9.1  All notices, requests, consents and other communications hereunder 
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given or sent 
(i) on the date when such notice, request, consent or communication is 
personally delivered, or (ii) five (5) days after the same was sent, if sent 
by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or (iii) two (2) 
days after the same was sent, if sent by overnight courier delivery or 
confirmed telecopier, as follows:

     (a)  if to the Company, addressed as follows:

          Sun Apparel, Inc.
          11201 Armour Drive
          El Paso, Texas 79935
          Attention: Mr. Miles Rubin
          Telecopier: 915.592.1343

          with a copy to:

          Sun Apparel, Inc.
          111 West 40th Street
          New York, New York 10018
          Attention: Mr. Eric Rothfeld
          Telecopier: 212.391.2780

     (b)  if to the Design Partnership addressed as follows:

          Polo Ralph Lauren Enterprises, L.P.
          650 Madison Avenue
          New York, New York 10022
          Attention: President
          Telecopier: 212-318.7186

          with a copy to:

          Victor Cohen, Esq.
          Eighth Floor
          650 Madison Avenue
          New York, New York 10022
          Telecopier: 212.318.7183

Anyone entitled to notice hereunder may change the address to


which notices or other communications are to be sent to it by notice given 
in the manner contemplated hereby.

  9.2  Nothing herein contained shall be construed to place the parties in 
the relationship of partners or joint venturers, and neither the Design 
Partnership nor the Company shall have any power to obligate or bind the 
other in any manner whatsoever, except as otherwise provided for herein.

  9.3  None of the terms hereof can be waived or modified except by an 
express agreement in writing signed by the party to be charged or, in the 
case of the Company, its chairman or president.  The failure of any party 
hereto to enforce, or the delay by any party in enforcing, any of its rights 
hereunder shall not be deemed a continuing waiver or a modification thereof 
and any party may, within the time provided by applicable law, commence 
appropriate legal proceedings to enforce any and all of such rights.  All 
rights and remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and in addition 
to any other rights or remedies such parries may have at Law or in equity.  
Any party hereto may employ any of the remedies available to it with respect 
to any of its rights hereunder without prejudice to the use by it in the 
future of any other remedy with respect to any of such rights.  No person, 
firm or corporation, other than the parties hereto and Polo, shall be deemed 
to have acquired any rights by reason of anything contained in this Agreement.

  9.4  The Design Partnership may assign its right to receive all or any 
portion of its compensation under this Agreement and, in addition, this 
Agreement and all of the Design Partnership's rights, duties and obligations 
hereunder may be assigned by the Design Partnership to any entity to which 
the right to own or use the Trademark has been assigned, or to an affiliate 
of any such entity.  The Company may only assign its rights and obligations 
hereunder under the same circumstances and on the same terms and conditions 
as set forth with respect to assignments of Licensee's rights and obligations 
under the License Agreement, and only to an entity to which Licensee is 
rightfully and simultaneously assigning its rights and obligations under 
the License Agreement.

  9.5  The Company will comply with all laws, rules, regulations and 
requirements of any governmental body which may be applicable to the 
operations of the Company contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, 
as they relate to the manufacture, distribution, sale or promotion of Licensed 
Products, notwithstanding the fact that the Design Partnership may have 
approved such item or conduct.  The Company shall advise the Design 
Partnership to the extent any Final Prototype does not comply with any such 
law, rule, regulation or requirement.


  9.6  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit it of 
the successors, heirs and permitted assigns of tile parties hereto.

  9.7  This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by 
the laws of the State of New York, applicable to contracts made and to be 
wholly performed therein without regard to its conflicts of law rules.

  9.8  If any dispute between the parties leads to litigation, the parties 
agree that the courts of the State of New York in the City of New York, or 
the federal courts in that City, shall have the exclusive jurisdiction and 
venue over such litigation.  All parties consent to personal jurisdiction in 
the State of New York, and agree to accept service of process outside of the 
State of New York as if service had been made in that state.  Notwithstanding 
anything to the contrary set forth herein, neither Polo Ralph Lauren 
corporation nor any other general or limited partner of the Design Partnership 
shall be liable for any claim based on, arising out of, or otherwise in 
respect of, this Agreement, and the Company shall not have nor claim to have 
any recourse for any such claim against any general or limited partner of the 
Design Partnership.

  9.9  In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement by the 
Company, the Design Partnership shall have the right, without the necessity of 
proving any actual damages, to obtain temporary or permanent injunctive or 
mandatory relief in a court of competent jurisdiction, it being the intention 
of the parties that this Agreement be specifically enforced to the maximum 
extent permitted by law.

  9.10  In the event either party hereto is delayed or hindered in or 
prevented from the performance of any act required hereunder by reason of war, 
revolution, insurrection, civil disorder, fire, flood, accident, explosion, 
strikes, embargo, prohibition or substantial limitation on import or export of 
(or unavailability from any source of) product or raw materials, governmental 
orders or regulations or any other similar cause which is beyond the control 
of such party hereto, the performance of such act shall be excused for the 
period during which the cause of failure of performance exists provided (i) 
such period shall in any event not extend beyond six (6) months and shall not 
affect the running of the term of this Agreement; (ii) that no such event 
shall excuse performance of a payment or other financial obligation hereunder; 
and (iii) the excused party shall promptly notify the other in writing 
advising of the cause for delay.

  9.11  Provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any


provision shall be held invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part in any 
jurisdiction, then such invalidity or unenforceability shall affect only such 
provision, or part thereof, in such jurisdiction and shall not in any manner
affect such provision in any other jurisdiction, or any other provision in 
this Agreement in any jurisdiction.  To the extent legally permissible, an 
arrangement which reflects the original intent of the parties shall be 
substituted for such invalid or unenforceable provision.

  9.12  The paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for reference 
purposes only and shall not affect: in any way the, meaning or interpretation 
of this Agreement.  Each party acknowledges and represents to the other that 
this Agreement has been reviewed by its counsel and the provisions hereof 
shall be construed without regard to which party prepared this Agreement.

  9.13  This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of 
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute 
one and the same instrument.

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement or 
caused the same to be executed by a duly authorized officer as of the day 
and year first above written.

                       POLO RALPH LAUREN ENTERPRISES, L.P.

                       By: Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation,
                           General Partner

                       By: /s/ Michael Newman

                       SUN APPAREL INC.

                       By: /s/ Eric Rothfeld


                                                                    EXHIBIT 11


Computation of Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share
(In thousands except per share amounts)

                            For the Quarter Ended     For the Nine Months Ended
                         --------------------------  --------------------------
                         September 27, September 28, September 27, September 28,
                                 1998      1997<F1>          1998      1997<F1>
                         ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Basic Earnings per Share:

Net income................    $59,098       $48,938      $122,746       $97,758
                             ========       =======      ========       =======

Weighted average number of 
shares outstanding........    100,886       104,372       100,821       104,124
                             ========       =======       =======       =======

Basic earnings per share..      $0.59         $0.47         $1.22         $0.94
                             ========       =======       =======       =======

Diluted Earnings per Share:
- ---------------------------
Net income................    $59,098       $48,938      $122,746       $97,758
                             ========       =======      ========       =======

Weighted average number of 
shares outstanding........    100,886       104,372       100,821       104,124

Assumed issuances under  
exercise of stock options.      3,540         4,262         3,792         4,060
                             --------       -------       -------       -------

                              104,426       108,634       104,613       108,184
                             ========       =======       =======       =======

Diluted earnings per share      $0.57         $0.45         $1.17         $0.90
                             ========       =======       =======       =======

<F1> Adjusted for 2-for-1 stock split effective June 28, 1998.

                                                   EXHIBIT 27

PERIOD-TYPE                   9-MOS
FISCAL-YEAR-END                          DEC-31-1998
PERIOD-END                               SEP-27-1998
CASH                                          14,956
SECURITIES                                         0
RECEIVABLES                                  259,315
ALLOWANCES                                     3,337
INVENTORY                                    226,971
CURRENT-ASSETS                               551,922
PP&E                                         176,655
DEPRECIATION                                  47,009
TOTAL-ASSETS                                 736,069
CURRENT-LIABILITIES                          181,096
BONDS                                              0
PREFERRED-MANDATORY                                0
PREFERRED                                          0
COMMON                                         1,100
OTHER-SE                                     499,423
TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY                   736,069
SALES                                      1,181,240
TOTAL-REVENUES                             1,192,646
CGS                                          778,372
TOTAL-COSTS                                  778,372
OTHER-EXPENSES                               211,942
LOSS-PROVISION                                   825
INTEREST-EXPENSE                               3,762
INCOME-PRETAX                                199,587
INCOME-TAX                                    76,841
INCOME-CONTINUING                            122,746
DISCONTINUED                                       0
EXTRAORDINARY                                      0
CHANGES                                            0
NET-INCOME                                   122,746
EPS-PRIMARY                                     1.22
EPS-DILUTED                                     1.17