Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q
(Mark One)
(X)  Quarterly Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934 for the Quarterly Period Ended:
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
( )  Transition  Report  pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934 for the Transition Period from ________ to ________.

                        Commission File Number 333-30745

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           DELAWARE                                              23-2175755
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                               (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                               Identification No.)

                 1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102-2148
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
                                   (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (215) 665-1700

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding  twelve months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such  reports),  and (2) has been subject to such  requirements
for the past 90 days.

           Yes  X                                   No
              -----                                    -----


As of September 30, 2000, there were 1,000 shares of Common Stock outstanding.

The Registrant  meets the conditions set forth in General  Instructions  H(1)(a)
and (b) of Form  10-Q  and is  therefore  filing  this  form  with  the  reduced
disclosure format.

                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


          ITEM 1    Financial Statements

                    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of
                    September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999 (Unaudited).......2

                    Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations and
                    Accumulated Deficit for the Nine and Three Months Ended
                    September 30, 2000 and 1999 (Unaudited)....................3

                    Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for
                    the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999

                    Notes to Condensed Consolidated
                    Financial Statements (Unaudited)......................5 - 10

          ITEM 2    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                    Condition and Results of Operations..................11 - 13


          ITEM 1    Legal Proceedings.........................................14

          ITEM 6    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K..........................14



      This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q is for the three months ended September
30, 2000. This Quarterly Report modifies and supersedes documents filed prior to
this  Quarterly  Report.  The  SEC  allows  us  to  "incorporate  by  reference"
information that we file with them,  which means that we can disclose  important
information  to you by referring  you directly to those  documents.  Information
incorporated by reference is considered to be part of this Quarterly  Report. In
addition, information that we file with the SEC in the future will automatically
update and supersede  information  contained in this Quarterly  Report.  In this
Quarterly Report,  "Comcast Cable," the "Company," "we," "us" and "our" refer to
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. and its subsidiaries.

      You should  carefully  review the information  contained in this Quarterly
Report and in other reports or documents that we file from time to time with the
SEC. In this Quarterly  Report, we state our beliefs of future events and of our
future  financial  performance.  In some cases, you can identify those so-called
"forward-looking   statements"  by  words  such  as  "may,"  "will,"   "should,"
"expects,"  "plans,"   "anticipates,"   "believes,"   "estimates,"   "predicts,"
"potential,"  or "continue" or the negative of those words and other  comparable
words.  You  should be aware  that those  statements  are only our  predictions.
Actual events or results may differ materially.  In evaluating those statements,
you should specifically  consider various factors,  including the risks outlined
below.  Those factors may cause our actual results to differ materially from any
of our forward-looking statements.

Factors Affecting Future Operations

      We have acquired and we anticipate acquiring cable communications  systems
in new communities in which we do not have  established  relationships  with the
franchising  authority,  community  leaders and cable  subscribers.  Further,  a
substantial number of new employees are being and must continue to be integrated
into our business  practices and  operations.  Our results of operations  may be
significantly  affected by our ability to  efficiently  and  effectively  manage
these changes.

      In addition,  the cable communications  industry may be affected by, among
other things:

     o    changes in laws and regulations,
     o    changes in the competitive environment,
     o    changes in technology,
     o    franchise related matters,
     o    market  conditions that may adversely  affect the availability of debt
          and equity  financing for working  capital,  capital  expenditures  or
          other purposes; and
     o    general economic conditions.

                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

- ------    ---------------------



                                                                                       (Dollars in millions, except share data)
                                                                                           September 30,       December 31,
                                                                                               2000                1999
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
- ------
   Cash and cash equivalents...........................................................          $108.3              $61.0
   Investments.........................................................................           146.3                0.4
   Cash held by an affiliate...........................................................                               34.0
   Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $44.5 and $31.2........           227.7              128.4
   Deferred income tax benefit, due from affiliate.....................................            16.9
   Due from affiliates.................................................................            47.9
   Other current assets................................................................            43.3               29.7
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
        Total current assets...........................................................           590.4              253.5
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
INVESTMENTS............................................................................           602.7              119.4
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT.................................................................         5,896.3            4,354.0
   Accumulated depreciation............................................................        (1,609.8)          (1,477.4)
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
   Property and equipment, net.........................................................         4,286.5            2,876.6
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
DEFERRED CHARGES.......................................................................        20,554.2            9,010.0
   Accumulated amortization............................................................        (2,930.9)          (2,291.7)
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
   Deferred charges, net...............................................................        17,623.3            6,718.3
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
                                                                                              $23,102.9           $9,967.8
                                                                                            ===========          =========
- ------------------------------------
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses...............................................          $842.6             $461.2
   Accrued interest....................................................................           142.9               62.6
   Current portion of long-term debt...................................................         1,009.9              202.6
   Due to affiliates...................................................................                              160.2
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
        Total current liabilities......................................................         1,995.4              886.6
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current portion...................................................         5,859.7            4,735.3
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
MINORITY INTEREST AND OTHER............................................................           160.8              237.3
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
DUE TO AFFILIATE.......................................................................                              664.2
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES, due to affiliate................................................         4,230.6            1,635.6
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
   Common stock, $1 par value - authorized and issued, 1,000 shares....................
   Additional capital..................................................................        14,693.1            4,931.4
   Accumulated deficit.................................................................        (3,785.5)          (3,150.1)
   Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income.......................................           (51.2)              27.5
                                                                                            -----------          ---------

        Total stockholder's equity.....................................................        10,856.4            1,808.8
                                                                                            -----------          ---------
                                                                                              $23,102.9           $9,967.8
                                                                                            ===========          =========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

                                                                                          (Dollars in millions)
                                                                          Nine Months Ended              Three Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,                  September 30,
                                                                         2000           1999            2000           1999
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------
SERVICE INCOME.......................................................   $2,922.7        $2,115.9       $1,013.4          $762.3
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

   Operating.........................................................    1,232.9           918.7          387.3           322.8
   Selling, general and administrative...............................      647.1           488.8          202.9           177.2
   Depreciation and amortization.....................................    1,549.5           718.9          564.5           264.2
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------
                                                                         3,429.5         2,126.4        1,154.7           764.2
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

OPERATING LOSS.......................................................     (506.8)          (10.5)        (141.3)           (1.9)

   Interest expense..................................................      370.6           254.7          129.7            95.7
   Interest expense on notes payable to affiliates...................                        5.2                            1.6
   Investment (income) expense and other, net........................      (27.8)            0.5            3.8            (3.4)
   Equity in net losses (income) of affiliates.......................       14.1             1.5            6.6            (1.0)
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------
                                                                           356.9           261.9          140.1            92.9
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

   AND MINORITY INTEREST.............................................     (863.7)         (272.4)        (281.4)          (94.8)

INCOME TAX (BENEFIT) EXPENSE.........................................     (234.4)          (18.8)         (77.0)           11.0
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

LOSS BEFORE MINORITY INTEREST........................................     (629.3)         (253.6)        (204.4)         (105.8)

MINORITY INTEREST....................................................                      (82.6)                         (24.9)
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

LOSS BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS......................................     (629.3)         (171.0)        (204.4)          (80.9)

EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS..................................................       (6.1)                          (1.0)
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

NET LOSS.............................................................     (635.4)         (171.0)        (205.4)          (80.9)

   Beginning of period...............................................   (3,150.1)       (2,896.4)      (3,580.1)       (2,986.5)
                                                                      ----------     -----------     ----------     -----------

   End of period.....................................................  ($3,785.5)      ($3,067.4)     ($3,785.5)      ($3,067.4)
                                                                      ==========     ===========     ==========     ===========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

                                                                                                  (Dollars in millions)
                                                                                                    Nine Months Ended
                                                                                                      September 30,
                                                                                                2000                 1999
                                                                                             -----------          ----------
   Net loss..............................................................................        ($635.4)            ($171.0)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided
     by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization......................................................        1,549.5               718.9
      Non-cash interest (income) expense.................................................           (1.4)                0.6
      Non-cash interest expense on notes payable to affiliates...........................                                5.0
      Deferred expenses charged by an affiliate..........................................           95.9               106.8
      Equity in net losses (income) of affiliates........................................           14.1                 1.5
      Gain on sales of investments, net..................................................          (31.1)               (0.5)
      Minority interest..................................................................                              (82.6)
      Extraordinary items................................................................            6.1
      Deferred income tax benefit, due to affiliate and other............................         (226.2)              (29.4)
                                                                                             -----------          ----------
                                                                                                   771.5               549.3
      Changes in working capital accounts................................................          121.8                (9.2)
                                                                                             -----------          ----------
             Net cash provided by operating activities...................................          893.3               540.1
                                                                                             -----------          ----------

   Proceeds from borrowings..............................................................        3,030.9               146.5
   Retirements and repayments of long-term debt..........................................       (3,167.9)               (1.0)
   Proceeds from notes payable to affiliates.............................................                               40.3
   Repayment of notes payable to affiliates..............................................                              (45.0)
   Capital contributions from Parent.....................................................          331.0
   Net transactions with affiliates......................................................           17.2                 4.6
   Deferred financing costs and other....................................................          (34.4)                8.1
                                                                                             -----------          ----------
             Net cash provided by financing activities...................................          176.8               153.5
                                                                                             -----------          ----------

   Acquisitions, net of cash acquired....................................................          (81.5)              (41.8)
   Capital expenditures..................................................................         (822.7)             (471.4)
   Decrease (increase) in cash held by an affiliate......................................           34.0               (87.6)
   Additions to deferred charges and other...............................................         (152.6)             (105.4)
                                                                                             -----------          ----------
             Net cash used in investing activities.......................................       (1,022.8)             (706.2)
                                                                                             -----------          ----------

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS.........................................           47.3               (12.6)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period...........................................           61.0                34.5
                                                                                             -----------          ----------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period.................................................         $108.3               $21.9
                                                                                             ===========          ==========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000


      Basis of Presentation
      The condensed  consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 1999 has been
      condensed from the audited consolidated balance sheet as of that date. The
      condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet  as of  September  30,  2000,  the
      condensed consolidated statement of operations and accumulated deficit for
      the nine and three  months  ended  September  30,  2000 and 1999,  and the
      condensed  consolidated  statement of cash flows for the nine months ended
      September   30,  2000  and  1999  have  been  prepared  by  Comcast  Cable
      Communications,  Inc. (the "Company"), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary
      of  Comcast  Corporation  ("Comcast"),  and have not been  audited  by the
      Company's  independent  auditors.  In  the  opinion  of  management,   all
      adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position, results of
      operations  and cash flows as of  September  30,  2000 and for all periods
      presented have been made.

      Certain  information  and  note  disclosures   normally  included  in  the
      Company's  annual  financial   statements   prepared  in  accordance  with
      generally accepted  accounting  principles have been condensed or omitted.
      These  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  should  be  read in
      conjunction  with the financial  statements and notes thereto  included in
      the Company's  December 31, 1999 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the
      Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC"). The results of operations
      for the periods ended September 30, 2000 are not necessarily indicative of
      operating results for the full year.

      On August 1, 2000, two wholly owned  subsidiaries of Comcast,  Comcast LCI
      Holdings, Inc. (successor by merger to Lenfest  Communications,  Inc.) and
      Comcast JOIN  Holdings,  Inc.  (successor  by merger to Jones  Intercable,
      Inc.) were  merged into the Company  (the  "Reorganization").  Comcast LCI
      Holdings, Inc. (and its subsidiaries) ("LCI Holdings") owned cable systems
      and was acquired by Comcast in January 2000.  Comcast JOIN Holdings,  Inc.
      (and its  subsidiaries)  ("JOIN  Holdings")  owned  cable  systems and was
      acquired by Comcast in April 1999 and March 2000. The  Reorganization  was
      accounted  for at  Comcast's  historical  cost in a  manner  similar  to a
      pooling of interests. Accordingly, the accompanying condensed consolidated
      financial statements include the accounts of the merged subsidiaries since
      the dates of their acquisition by Comcast (see Note 3). The Reorganization
      had  no  significant  impact  on  the  Company's  condensed   consolidated
      statement of cash flows during the nine months  ended  September  30, 2000
      due to its noncash nature (see Note 7).

      Certain  reclassifications  have been made to the prior  years'  condensed
      consolidated financial statements to conform to those classifications used
      in 2000.


      SFAS No. 133, as Amended
     In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board (the "FASB") issued
     Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 133, "Accounting
     for  Derivative   Instruments  and  Hedging   Activities."  This  statement
     establishes  the accounting  and reporting  standards for  derivatives  and
     hedging  activity.  Upon the adoption of SFAS No. 133, all  derivatives are
     required to be recognized in the statement of financial  position as either
     assets or  liabilities  and  measured at fair value.  In July 1999 and June
     2000,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No. 137 and SFAS No. 138 which  deferred  the
     effective date for implementation of SFAS No. 133 to fiscal years beginning
     after  June  15,  2000  and  which   addressed   certain   issues   causing
     implementation   difficulties   for  entities  that  apply  SFAS  No.  133,

      As  of  September   30,  2000,   the  Company  has  entered  into  certain
      transactions  which may be accounted for as  derivatives  upon adoption of
      SFAS No. 133, as amended,  including interest rate exchange agreements and
      equity  warrant  agreements.  The  Company  will  adopt SFAS No.  133,  as
      amended, on January 1, 2001. The transition  adjustment upon adoption will
      be recorded to the  Company's  consolidated  statement of  operations as a
      cumulative  effect  of  change  in  accounting  principle,   net  of  tax.
      Subsequent changes in the fair value of the Company's


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

      derivatives   will  be   recorded   either   through   accumulated   other
      comprehensive  income or through the Company's  consolidated  statement of
      operations based upon the Company's  designation of the derivative and the
      Company's hedging strategy.  The Company, while continuing to evaluate the
      impact  the  adoption  of SFAS  No.  133,  as  amended,  will  have on its
      financial  position  and results of  operations,  is  currently  unable to
      estimate such impact due to the uncertainty of the  derivatives  that will
      be held by the Company as of December 31, 2000 and their  respective  fair
      values at that time.

      SAB No. 101, as Amended
      In December  1999, the staff of the SEC issued Staff  Accounting  Bulletin
      ("SAB") No. 101,  "Revenue  Recognition  in Financial  Statements,"  which
      provides guidance in applying generally accepted accounting  principles to
      selected  revenue  recognition  issues.  In March 2000 and June 2000,  the
      staff of the SEC amended SAB No. 101 to delay the required  implementation
      date of SAB No. 101 to the fourth quarter of fiscal years  beginning after
      December 15, 1999. The Company adopted SAB No. 101, as amended, on October
      1, 2000.  The  adoption of SAB No.  101,  as  amended,  has not and is not
      expected to have a material impact on the Company's results of operations.

      Comprehensive Loss
      Total  comprehensive loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 and
      1999 and for the three months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 was $714.1
      million, $173.1 million,  $211.3 million and $83.2 million,  respectively.
      Total  comprehensive  loss includes net loss and unrealized gains (losses)
      on marketable securities for the periods presented.


      Acquisition of Lenfest Communications, Inc.
      In  January  2000,   Comcast   acquired   Lenfest   Communications,   Inc.
      ("Lenfest"),  a cable communications company serving subscribers primarily
      in the  Philadelphia  area from AT&T Corp.  ("AT&T") and the other Lenfest
      stockholders for  approximately  121.4 million shares of Comcast's Class A
      Special  Common  Stock,  subject  to  adjustment,  with a value of  $6.077
      billion  (the  "Lenfest  Acquisition").  In  connection  with the  Lenfest
      Acquisition,   Comcast  assumed  approximately  $1.326  billion  of  debt.
      Immediately  upon closing of the Lenfest  Acquisition,  Lenfest was merged
      with and into LCI Holdings  with LCI Holdings as the successor to Lenfest.
      On August 1, 2000, LCI Holdings was merged into the Company (see Note 1).

      Acquisition of CalPERS' Interest in Jointly Owned Cable Properties
      In February 2000, the Company  acquired the  California  Public  Employees
      Retirement  System's  ("CalPERS")  45% interest in Comcast MHCP  Holdings,
      L.L.C. ("Comcast MHCP"),  formerly a 55% owned consolidated  subsidiary of
      the Company which serves subscribers in Michigan,  New Jersey and Florida.
      As a result,  the Company now owns 100% of Comcast MHCP. The consideration
      was $750.0 million in cash and was funded with the proceeds from a capital
      contribution from Comcast.

      Acquisition of Jones Intercable, Inc.
      In  April  1999,   Comcast  acquired  a  controlling   interest  in  Jones
      Intercable, Inc. ("Jones Intercable"), a cable communications company, for
      aggregate  consideration  of $706.3  million  in cash.  Also on that date,
      Comcast contributed its shares in Jones Intercable to the Company. In June
      1999,  Comcast  purchased  an  additional  1.0  million  shares  of  Jones
      Intercable  Class A Common  Stock for $50.0  million  in cash in a private
      transaction and contributed  such shares to the Company.  The acquisitions
      were accounted for under the purchase method of accounting.

      In  March  2000,  the  Jones  Intercable  shareholders  approved  a merger
      agreement pursuant to which the Jones Intercable  shareholders,  including
      the Company, received 1.4 shares of Comcast's Class A Special Common Stock
      in exchange  for each share of Jones  Intercable  Class A Common Stock and
      Common Stock, and Jones Intercable was merged with and into JOIN Holdings,
      with JOIN  Holdings as the  successor to Jones  Intercable.  In connection
      with the closing of the merger,  the Company  exchanged its 39.6% interest
      in Jones Intercable for approximately 23.3 million shares of Comcast Class
      A Special Common Stock. As the consideration received for the Company's


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

      interest in Jones  Intercable was shares of Comcast Class A Special Common
      Stock, the exchange had no significant  impact on the Company's  condensed
      consolidated  statement  of  cash  flows  during  the  nine  months  ended
      September 30, 2000 (see Note 7).

      In May 2000, the Company sold its interest in its wholly owned  subsidiary
      which held the  Comcast  Class A Special  Common  Stock to a wholly  owned
      subsidiary  of Comcast in  consideration  for  amounts  due to  affiliates
      totaling $758.1 million related to management fees and programming charges
      (see  Note  6).  The  Company  did  not  record  any  gain  or loss on the
      transaction  as it was between  subsidiaries  under the common  control of
      Comcast. On August 1, 2000, JOIN Holdings was merged into the Company (see
      Note 1).

      Acquisition of Prime Communications LLC
      In December  1998,  Comcast agreed to invest in Prime  Communications  LLC
      ("Prime"), a cable communications  company.  Pursuant to the terms of this
      agreement,  in December  1998 Comcast  acquired from Prime a $50.0 million
      12.75%  subordinated note due 2008 issued by Prime. In July 1999,  Comcast
      made a loan to Prime in the form of a  $733.5  million  6% ten year  note,
      convertible into 90% of the equity of Prime. Since that time, Comcast made
      an  additional  $70.0  million in loans to Prime (on the same terms as the
      original  loan).  On August 1, 2000,  the note,  plus accrued  interest of
      $51.7  million on the note and the loans,  was converted and the owners of
      Prime sold their  remaining  10% equity  interest  in Prime to Comcast for
      $87.7  million.  As a result,  Comcast  owned  100% of Prime  and  assumed
      management control of Prime's operations (the "Prime  Acquisition").  Upon
      closing,  Comcast immediately contributed Prime to the Company.  Comcast's
      contribution  of Prime to the  Company  had no  significant  impact on the
      Company's condensed  consolidated  statement of cash flows during the nine
      months ended  September  30, 2000 due to its noncash  nature (see Note 7).
      The  Company  assumed  and repaid  $532.0  million  of  Prime's  debt with
      proceeds from borrowings under existing credit facilities.

      The  acquisitions  completed by Comcast and by the Company during the nine
      months  ended  September  30, 2000 were  accounted  for under the purchase
      method of  accounting.  As such,  the  operating  results of the  acquired
      systems  have  been  included  in  the  Company's  condensed  consolidated
      statement of operations and accumulated deficit from the acquisition date.
      The  Company  adjusted  the  purchase  price  allocation  related  to  the
      Company's  acquisitions  of CalPERS'  interest in Comcast  MHCP and of the
      public  shareholders'  interest  in Jones  Intercable  during  the  second
      quarter of 2000. The allocation of the purchase price for the acquisitions
      completed  during the nine months ended  September 30, 2000 is preliminary
      pending completion of final appraisals.

      Unaudited Pro Forma Information
      The following  unaudited pro forma  information  for the nine months ended
      September 30, 2000 and 1999 has been presented as if the  acquisitions  by
      Comcast of Jones  Intercable,  Lenfest  and Prime  occurred  on January 1,
      1999.  This  information  is based on  historical  results of  operations,
      adjusted for acquisition costs, and, in the opinion of management,  is not
      necessarily indicative of what the results would have been had the Company
      operated Jones Intercable, Lenfest and Prime since January 1, 1999.

                                                      (Amounts in millions)
                                                       Nine Months Ended
                                                         September 30,
                                                     2000             1999
                                                  -----------     ------------

          Revenues...............................  $3,057.6         $2,799.5
          Net loss...............................   ($721.1)         ($643.3)

      AT&T Agreement
      As of August 11,  2000,  Comcast  and the Company  entered  into a revised
      agreement  with AT&T to exchange  various  cable  communications  systems.
      Under  the  terms  of  the  agreement,  the  Company  will  receive  cable
      communications  systems  serving  approximately  770,000  subscribers.  In
      exchange,  AT&T will  receive  systems  that the  Company  currently  owns
      serving  approximately  670,000 subscribers.  At closing, the Company will
      pay AT&T an equalizing  payment of approximately  $12 million,  reflecting
      the agreed upon difference in fair value of the


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

      AT&T cable  communications  systems and the Company's cable communications
      systems to be exchanged  (subject to adjustment based on the actual number
      of net  subscribers  acquired  and the per  subscriber  price  of  certain
      subscribers).  The transaction is subject to customary closing  conditions
      and regulatory approvals and is expected to close in the fourth quarter of
      2000 or the first quarter of 2001.


      Comcast Cablevision of Garden State, L.P.
      As a result of the LCI  Holdings  merger into the Company (see Notes 1 and
      3), the Company indirectly owns a 10% general  partnership  interest and a
      40% limited  partnership  interest in Comcast Cablevision of Garden State,
      L.P.  ("Garden  State  Cable"),  a cable  communications  company  serving
      subscribers in New Jersey. The Company accounts for its interest in Garden
      State Cable under the equity method. Comcast indirectly owns the remaining
      50% of Garden  State  Cable.  As of  September  30,  2000,  the  Company's
      investment in Garden State Cable was $531.6 million.

      Gains on Exchanges of Fair Value Method Investments
      During the nine months ended  September 30, 2000,  in connection  with the
      merger of certain publicly traded companies held by the Company  accounted
      for as investments  available for sale,  the Company  recognized a pre-tax
      gain of $33.0 million,  representing the difference between the fair value
      of the securities  received by the Company and the Company's cost basis in
      the  securities  exchanged.  Such gain was recorded as a  reclassification
      from accumulated other comprehensive income to investment income.

      As of  September  30,  2000 and  December  31,  1999,  the  Company  holds
      approximately  260,000  shares of AT&T common  stock.  As of September 30,
      2000 and  December 31, 1999,  the Company has recorded its  investment  in
      AT&T,  classified as available for sale, at its fair value of $7.6 million
      and $13.2 million, respectively.

      As of August 11,  2000,  Comcast  and the  Company  entered  into  another
      agreement with AT&T to acquire cable communications  systems serving up to
      700,000  subscribers  from AT&T in  exchange  for AT&T  common  stock that
      Comcast and the Company  currently  own or may acquire,  in a  transaction
      intended  to qualify as  tax-free  to  Comcast,  the  Company and to AT&T.
      Pursuant   to  the   agreement,   the  agreed  upon  value  of  the  cable
      communications systems to be acquired by Comcast and the Company from AT&T
      is up to $3.2 billion (subject to adjustment based on the actual number of
      subscribers acquired). Also pursuant to the agreement,  approximately 39.6
      million shares of the AT&T common stock currently owned by Comcast will be
      valued at $54.41 per share in the exchange.  The transaction is subject to
      customary closing  conditions and regulatory  approvals and is expected to
      close in the first or second quarter of 2001.


      In August 2000,  subsequent to the Reorganization,  the Company repaid and
      retired all amounts  outstanding under the existing bank credit facilities
      of its cable  communications  subsidiaries  and certain of Comcast's other
      cable communications  subsidiaries,  totaling  approximately $2.4 billion,
      with  the  proceeds  from  a new  senior  bank  credit  facility  and  new
      commercial  paper program.  The Company's new senior bank credit  facility
      consists of a $2.25 billion,  five-year  revolving  senior credit facility
      and a $2.25  billion,  364-day  revolving  credit  facility.  The  364-day
      revolving  credit  facility  supports the Company's new  commercial  paper
      program.  The Company  borrowed $1.4 billion under the five-year  facility
      and $1.0 billion  under the  commercial  paper program to repay and retire
      the subsidiaries' credit facilities.

      Debt Assumed
      In connection with the  Reorganization  and the contribution by Comcast of
      Prime to the Company  (see Notes 1 and 3), the Company  assumed  aggregate
      debt of $2.061  billion with  interest  rates  ranging  between  6.95% and
      10.5%, and maturities between 2001 and 2008.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

      Extraordinary Items
      Extraordinary  items during the nine and three months ended  September 30,
      2000  of  $6.1  million  and  $1.0  million,   respectively,   consist  of
      unamortized debt issue costs and debt extinguishment costs, net of related
      tax benefits,  expensed  principally in connection with the redemption and
      retirement of certain indebtedness. During the nine and three months ended
      September 30, 2000, extraordinary items include $3.3 million of gains, net
      of related tax expense,  recognized on the termination of related interest
      rate exchange agreements.

      Interest Rates
      As of September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999,  the  Company's  effective
      weighted average interest rate on its long-term debt outstanding was 7.77%
      and 7.56%, respectively.

      Lines of Credit
      As of September 30, 2000, the Company had unused lines of credit of $2.079
      billion under its new senior bank credit facility.


      Comcast, on behalf of the Company, has an affiliation  agreement with QVC,
      Inc. ("QVC"),  an electronic  retailer and a majority owned and controlled
      subsidiary of Comcast,  to carry its  programming.  In return for carrying
      QVC  programming,  the Company receives an allocated  portion,  based upon
      market  share,  of a percentage  of net sales of  merchandise  sold to QVC
      customers located in the Company's service area. For the nine months ended
      September  30, 2000 and 1999 and for the three months ended  September 30,
      2000 and 1999, the Company's  service income  includes $9.0 million,  $7.2
      million, $2.1 million and $2.4 million, respectively, relating to QVC.

      Through July 31, 2000, Comcast, through management agreements, managed the
      operations of the Company's subsidiaries, including rebuilds and upgrades.
      The management  agreements generally provided that Comcast would supervise
      the  management  and  operations  of the cable systems and arrange for and
      supervise  certain  administrative  functions.  As  compensation  for such
      services, the agreements provided for Comcast to charge management fees of
      up to 6% of gross  revenues.  Comcast  charged the Company's  subsidiaries
      management fees of $145.5 million, $118.4 million, $24.3 million and $43.0
      million  during the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000 and 1999 and
      during the three months ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.
      These charges are included in selling, general and administrative expenses
      in the  Company's  condensed  consolidated  statement  of  operations  and
      accumulated deficit.

      On behalf of the Company,  Comcast secured long-term programming contracts
      that  generally  provided  for  payment  based on either a monthly fee per
      subscriber  per channel or a percentage  of certain  subscriber  revenues.
      Through July 31, 2000, Comcast charged each of the Company's  subsidiaries
      for  programming on a basis which generally  approximated  the amount each
      such subsidiary would be charged if it purchased such programming directly
      from the supplier,  subject to limitations  imposed by debt facilities for
      certain  subsidiaries,  and did not benefit from the  purchasing  power of
      Comcast's  consolidated  operations.  Amounts  charged  to the  Company by
      Comcast  for  programming  (the  "Programming  Charges")  are  included in
      operating expenses in the Company's  condensed  consolidated  statement of
      operations and accumulated  deficit.  The Company  purchases certain other
      services,  including  insurance and employee benefits,  from Comcast under
      cost-sharing arrangements on terms that reflect Comcast's actual cost. The
      Company  reimburses  Comcast for certain other costs (primarily  salaries)
      under  cost-reimbursement  arrangements.  Under all of these arrangements,
      the Company  incurred total expenses of $984.5  million,  $720.0  million,
      $312.3  million  and $252.5  million,  including  $835.6  million,  $612.8
      million,  $270.7 million and $211.6 million of Programming Charges, during
      the nine  months  ended  September  30, 2000 and 1999 and during the three
      months ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The Programming
      Charges  include $85.9  million,  $59.7  million,  $22.2 million and $18.5
      million  during the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000 and 1999 and
      during the three months ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999,  respectively,
      relating to programming  purchased by the Company,  through Comcast,  from
      suppliers in which Comcast holds an equity interest.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

      Effective August 1, 2000, Comcast assigned its intercompany management and
      programming agreements with the Company's subsidiaries and with certain of
      Comcast's other cable communications subsidiaries to the Company. As such,
      effective August 1, 2000,  amounts charged by the Company to the Company's
      subsidiaries  for management  fees and  programming  are eliminated in the
      Company's consolidated financial statements.

      The Company has entered into a custodial account  arrangement with Comcast
      Financial  Agency  Corporation  ("CFAC"),  a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of
      Comcast,  under  which  CFAC  provides  cash  management  services  to the
      Company. Under this arrangement, the Company's cash receipts are deposited
      with and held by CFAC, as custodian and agent, which invests and disburses
      such funds at the direction of the Company. As of December 31, 1999, $34.0
      million  of the  Company's  cash was held by CFAC.  This  amount  has been
      classified  as  cash  held  by an  affiliate  in the  Company's  condensed
      consolidated  balance  sheet.  During the nine months ended  September 30,
      2000 and 1999 and during the three  months  ended  September  30, 2000 and
      1999,  the Company  recognized  investment  income of $4.3  million,  $1.2
      million,  $1.8  million and $0.4  million,  respectively,  on cash held by

      As of September  30, 2000,  current due from  affiliates  in the Company's
      condensed consolidated balance sheet includes amounts due from Comcast and
      its  affiliates,  partially  offset by amounts due to CFAC. As of December
      31,  1999,   current  due  to  affiliates   in  the  Company's   condensed
      consolidated  balance  sheet  includes  amounts  due to  Comcast  and  its
      affiliates  under  the  cost-sharing  arrangements  described  above,  and
      amounts  payable  to  Comcast  and its  affiliates  as  reimbursement  for
      payments made, in the ordinary  course of business,  by such affiliates on
      behalf of the Company.


      During the nine months ended September 30, 2000, the Company  acquired the
      assets and  liabilities  and/or  partnership  interests of Lenfest,  Jones
      Intercable,  Prime  and  Comcast  MHCP,  principally  through  mergers  or
      contributions from Comcast (see Note 3). The fair values of the assets and
      liabilities acquired by the Company during the nine months ended September
      30, 2000 are presented as follows (in millions):

             Current assets.......................................     $195.2
             Investments..........................................      668.0
             Property, plant & equipment..........................    1,043.5
             Deferred charges.....................................   11,708.0
             Current liabilities..................................     (258.5)
             Long-term debt.......................................   (2,061.2)
             Deferred incomes taxes...............................   (2,854.3)
                       Net assets acquired........................   $8,440.7

      The Company  made cash  payments  for  interest on its  long-term  debt of
      $288.9 million, $180.0 million, $53.8 million and $41.5 million during the
      nine months ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999 and during the three months
      ended  September  30, 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The Company made cash
      payments for interest on the notes  payable to  affiliates of $0.2 million
      during the nine months September 30, 1999.

      The Company made cash  payments  for state  income taxes of $5.7  million,
      $4.8 million,  $1.4 million and $1.4 million  during the nine months ended
      September  30, 2000 and 1999 and during the three months  ended  September
      30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.


      The Company is subject to legal  proceedings and claims which arise in the
      ordinary course of its business. In the opinion of management,  the amount
      of ultimate  liability  with respect to these actions will not  materially
      affect the financial  position,  results of operations or liquidity of the


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000


      Information  for this item is omitted  pursuant to Securities and Exchange
Commission General Instruction H to Form 10-Q, except as noted below.

Results of Operations
- ---------------------

      Our summarized  consolidated  financial information for the nine and three
months  ended  September  30, 2000 and 1999 is as follows  (dollars in millions,
"NM" denotes percentage is not meaningful):

                                                                                 Nine Months Ended
                                                                                   September 30,            Increase / (Decrease)
                                                                                2000          1999            $             %
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Service income..........................................................       $2,922.7      $2,115.9        $806.8          38.1%
Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses.................        1,880.0       1,407.5         472.5          33.6
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (1)...............        1,042.7         708.4         334.3          47.2
Depreciation and amortization...........................................        1,549.5         718.9         830.6            NM
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Operating loss..........................................................         (506.8)        (10.5)        496.3            NM
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Interest expense........................................................          370.6         254.7         115.9          45.5
Interest expense in notes payable to affiliates.........................                          5.2          (5.2)           NM
Investment (income) expense and other, net..............................          (27.8)          0.5         (28.3)           NM
Equity in net losses of affiliates......................................           14.1           1.5          12.6            NM
Income tax benefit......................................................         (234.4)        (18.8)        215.6            NM
Minority interest.......................................................                        (82.6)        (82.6)           NM
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Loss before extraordinary items.........................................        ($629.3)      ($171.0)       $458.3            NM
                                                                              =========     =========      ========      ========

                                                                                Three Months Ended
                                                                                   September 30,           Increase / (Decrease)
                                                                                2000          1999            $             %
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Service income..........................................................       $1,013.4        $762.3        $251.1          32.9%
Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses.................          590.2         500.0          90.2          18.0
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (1)...............          423.2         262.3         160.9          61.3
Depreciation and amortization...........................................          564.5         264.2         300.3            NM
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Operating loss..........................................................         (141.3)         (1.9)        139.4            NM
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Interest expense........................................................          129.7          95.7          34.0          35.5
Interest expense on notes payable to affiliates.........................                          1.6          (1.6)           NM
Investment expense (income) and other, net..............................            3.8          (3.4)          7.2            NM
Equity in net losses (income) of affiliates.............................            6.6          (1.0)          7.6            NM
Income tax (benefit) expense............................................          (77.0)         11.0         (88.0)           NM
Minority interest.......................................................                        (24.9)        (24.9)           NM
                                                                              ---------     ---------      --------      --------
Loss before extraordinary items.........................................        ($204.4)       ($80.9)       $123.5            NM
                                                                              =========     =========      ========      ========
- ------------
(1)   Operating income before depreciation and amortization is commonly referred
      to  in  the  cable  communications  business  as  "operating  cash  flow."
      Operating  cash flow is a measure of a company's  ability to generate cash
      to service its  obligations,  including debt service  obligations,  and to
      finance  capital  and  other  expenditures.  In  part  due to the  capital
      intensive  nature of the cable  communications  business and the resulting
      significant  level of  non-cash  depreciation  and  amortization  expense,
      operating  cash flow is frequently  used as one of the bases for comparing
      businesses in the cable communications  industry,  although our measure of
      operating cash flow may not be comparable to similarly  titled measures of
      other  companies.  Operating  cash flow is the  primary  basis used by our
      management to measure the operating performance of our business. Operating
      cash flow does not purport to represent net income or net cash provided by
      operating activities,  as those terms are defined under generally accepted
      accounting  principles,  and should not be considered as an alternative to
      such measurements as an indicator of our performance.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

     On August 1, 2000,  two wholly owned  subsidiaries  of Comcast  Corporation
("Comcast"),  Comcast LCI  Holdings,  Inc.  ("LCI  Holdings")  and Comcast  JOIN
Holdings,  Inc. ("JOIN  Holdings")  were merged into us (the  "Reorganization").
JOIN Holdings  owned cable systems and was acquired by Comcast in April 1999 and
March 2000.  LCI  Holdings  owned cable  systems and was  acquired by Comcast in
January 2000. The Reorganization was accounted for at Comcast's historical costs
in a manner  similar  to a pooling  of  interests.  Accordingly,  our  condensed
consolidated   financial   statements   include  the   accounts  of  the  merged
subsidiaries since the dates of their acquisition by Comcast.

     On August 1, 2000,  Comcast acquired Prime  Communications,  LLC ("Prime").
Upon closing,  Comcast immediately  contributed Prime to the Company (the "Prime
Contribution").  The  acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting.  As such,  the operating  results of Prime have been included in the
Company's condensed consolidated statement of operations and accumulated deficit
from the acquisition date.

     See  Notes  1 and 3 to  our  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements
included in Item 1.

     The  effects  of the  Reorganization  and the  Prime  Contribution  were to
increase  our  revenues and  expenses,  resulting in increases in our  operating
income before  depreciation and amortization.  The increases in our property and
equipment,  deferred  charges and  long-term  debt (see Note 7 to our  condensed
consolidated  financial  statements  included  in Item 1) and the  corresponding
increases in depreciation expense, amortization expense and interest expense for
the nine and three  month  periods  from 1999 to 2000 are  primarily  due to the
effects  of the  Reorganization  and  the  Prime  Contribution,  as  well as our
increased levels of capital expenditures.

Service Income

     Of the respective  $806.8 million and $251.1 million increases for the nine
and three month periods from 1999 to 2000, $648.4 million and $203.9 million are
due to the  effects of our  acquisitions  of cable  communications  systems  and
$158.4 million and $47.2 million are due to growth in our historical operations.
Of the  respective  $158.4  million and $47.2 million  increases  related to our
historical  operations,  $66.5 million and $19.3 million are due  principally to
subscriber  growth in digital  cable and cable modem  Internet  access  service,
$17.5  million and $4.6  million are due to  subscriber  growth in analog  cable
service,  $60.2 million and $19.3 million are related to changes in rates, $14.8
million and $4.9 million are attributable to growth in cable  advertising  sales
and ($0.4)  million and ($0.7)  million are related to decreases in pay per view
revenue as a result of fewer events.

Operating, Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     See Note 6 to our condensed  consolidated  financial statements included in
Item 1.

     Of the respective  $472.5 million and $90.2 million  increases for the nine
and three month periods from 1999 to 2000, $351.2 million and $106.9 million are
due to the effects of our acquisitions of cable communications  systems,  $120.4
million and $35.2  million are due to growth in our  historical  operations  and
$0.9  million  and  ($51.9)  million  are  due to  Comcast's  assignment  of its
intercompany  management  and  programming  contracts  to us (see  Note 6 to our
condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  included  in  Item  1).  Of  the
respective  $120.4 million and $35.2 million increases related to our historical
operations, $48.4 million and $16.4 million are due to increases in the costs of
cable  programming  as a result of  changes  in  rates,  subscriber  growth  and
additional channel offerings, $33.4 million and $9.4 million are due principally
to subscriber  growth in cable modem Internet access service,  and $38.6 million
and $9.4 million  result from  increases in labor costs and other volume related

Interest Expense

     The $115.9 million and $34.0 million  increases in interest expense for the
nine and three month  periods from 1999 to 2000 are primarily due to the effects
of the merger of LCI Holdings and JOIN Holdings into us offset,  in part, by the
effects of our repayments and retirement of debt.

     We anticipate that, for the foreseeable future,  interest expense will be a
significant cost to us and will have a significant adverse effect on our ability
to realize  net  earnings.  We believe we will  continue  to be able to meet our
obligations  through  our  ability  both to  generate  operating  income  before
depreciation and amortization and to obtain external financing.

Equity in Net Losses (Income) of Affiliates

     As a result of the merger of LCI Holdings into us, we indirectly  own a 10%
general partnership  interest and a 40% limited partnership  interest in Comcast
Cablevision of Garden State, L.P. ("Garden State Cable"), a cable


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

communications  company  serving  subscribers in New Jersey.  We account for our
interest in Garden State Cable under the equity method.  Comcast indirectly owns
the remaining 50% of Garden State Cable.

Investment (Income) Expense and Other, Net

     During the nine months ended  September 30, 2000,  in  connection  with the
merger of certain  publicly  traded  companies  held by us and  accounted for as
investments  available for sale, we recognized a pre-tax gain of $33.0  million,
representing the difference between the fair value of the securities received by
us and our  basis in the  securities  exchanged.  This  gain was  recorded  as a
reclassification  from  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income to  investment

Income Tax Benefit

     The respective  $215.6 million and $88.0 million increases for the nine and
three month periods from 1999 to 2000 are primarily the result of the effects of
the  increase  in our loss before  income tax  (benefit)  expense  and  minority
interest, and to the increase in our valuation allowance.

Minority Interest

     The respective  $82.6 million and $24.9 million  decreases for the nine and
three  month  periods  from 1999 to 2000 are  primarily  due to the  effects  of
Comcast's  contribution  of  Jones  Intercable  to us in  April  1999 and to the
effects of our  acquisition  of the minority  interest of Comcast MHCP Holdings,
L.L.C. in February 2000.

     We believe that our operations are not materially affected by inflation.

Anticipated Transactions

     Comcast  intends to contribute its 50% interest in Garden State Cable to us
and merge its  subsidiary,  Comcast  Cablevision  of  Philadelphia  Area I, Inc.
("Greater   Philadelphia")   with  and  into  us  (together,   the  "Anticipated
Transactions").  The Anticipated  Transactions are expected to close by December
31, 2000, subject to receipt of regulatory approvals. Garden State Cable will be
a  consolidated  subsidiary  of  ours  upon  Comcast's  contribution  of its 50%
interest  in Garden  State Cable to us.  Greater  Philadelphia  was  acquired by
Comcast on June 30, 1999 for approximately 8.5 million shares of Comcast Class A
Special  Common  Stock  with a  value  of  $291.7  million.  Upon  closing,  the
Anticipated  Transactions will be accounted for at Comcast's historical cost, in
a manner  similar  to a pooling  of  interests  and our  consolidated  financial
statements   will  include  the  results  of  Garden  State  Cable  and  Greater
Philadelphia since the dates of their acquisition by Comcast.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

- --------  -----------------


     We are subject to legal  proceedings and claims which arise in the ordinary
     course of our  business.  In the opinion of our  management,  the amount of
     ultimate liability with respect to these actions will not materially affect
     our financial position, results of operations or liquidity.


     (a)  Exhibits required to be filed by Item 601 of Regulation S-K:

          10.1  Agreement and Plan of Merger,  dated as of July 28, 2000, by and
                among Comcast Cable Communications,  Inc., Comcast LCI Holdings,
                Inc.,  formerly a wholly owned subsidiary of Comcast Corporation
                ("Comcast") and Comcast JOIN Holdings,  Inc.,  formerly a wholly
                owned  subsidiary  of  Comcast  (incorporated  by  reference  to
                Exhibit  10.1  to our  Current  Report  on  Form  8-K  filed  on
                September 27, 2000).

          10.2  Asset  Exchange  Agreement,  dated as of August 11, 2000,  among
                AT&T Corp. and Comcast Corporation (incorporated by reference to
                Exhibit 10.1 to the Comcast Corporation Quarterly Report on Form
                10-Q for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2000).

          10.3  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization,  dated as of August  11,
                2000, among Comcast Corporation,  Comcast Cable  Communications,
                Inc.,  Comcast CCCI II, LLC,  Comcast  Teleport,  Inc.,  Comcast
                Heritage,  Inc., Comcast  Communications  Properties,  Inc., and
                AT&T Corp.  (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit 10.2 to the
                Comcast  Corporation  Quarterly  Report  on  Form  10-Q  for the
                Quarter Ended September 30, 2000).

          10.4  Five-Year  Revolving  Credit  Agreement,  dated as of August 24,
                2000, among Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. and the Financial
                Institutions  Party Hereto,  Banc of America  Securities LLC and
                Chase  Securities  Inc., as Joint Lead  Arrangers and Joint Book
                Managers,  BNY Capital  Markets,  Inc. and Salomon  Smith Barney
                Inc., as Co-Arrangers,  Bank of America, N.A., as Administrative
                Agent,  Swing Line Lender and Letter of Credit  Issuing  Lender,
                Chase Securities Inc., as Syndication  Agent and Citibank,  N.A.
                and The Bank of New York, as Co-Documentation Agents.

          10.5  364-Day Revolving Credit Agreement, dated as of August 24, 2000,
                among  Comcast  Cable  Communications,  Inc.  and the  Financial
                Institutions  Party Hereto,  Banc of America  Securities LLC and
                Chase  Securities  Inc., as Joint Lead  Arrangers and Joint Book
                Managers,  BNY Capital  Markets,  Inc. and Salomon  Smith Barney
                Inc., as Co-Arrangers,  Bank of America, N.A., as Administrative
                Agent, Chase Securities Inc., as Syndication Agent and Citibank,
                N.A. and The Bank of New York, as Co- Documentation Agents.

          27.1  Financial Data Schedule.

     (b)  Reports on Form 8-K:

          We  filed a  Current  Report  on Form 8-K  under  Item 5 and Item 7 on
          September 27, 2000 which  included our  Unaudited Pro Forma  Condensed
          Consolidated  Financial  Statements  giving  effect  to the  merger of
          Comcast LCI Holdings, Inc. and Comcast JOIN Holdings, Inc. into us and
          the pending  contribution  to us of Comcast's  50% interest in Comcast
          Cablevision of Garden State, LP, and the merger of Comcast Cablevision
          of Philadelphia Area I, Inc. into us.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                              COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                              /s/ LAWRENCE J. SALVA
                                              Lawrence J. Salva
                                              Senior Vice President
                                              (Principal Accounting Officer)

Date: November 14, 2000
