Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q
(Mark One)

(X)  Quarterly Report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934 for the Quarterly Period Ended:

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

( )  Transition  Report  pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934 for the Transition Period from ________ to ________.

                        Commission File Number 333-30745

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            DELAWARE                                          23-2175755
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 (State or other jurisdiction of                           (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                           Identification No.)

                 1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102-2148
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
                                   (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (215) 665-1700


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding  twelve months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such  reports),  and (2) has been subject to such  requirements
for the past 90 days.

         Yes  X                                           No
            ----                                            -----


As of September 30, 2001, there were 138.89 shares of Common Stock outstanding.

The Registrant  meets the conditions set forth in General  Instructions  H(1)(a)
and (b) of Form  10-Q  and is  therefore  filing  this  form  with  the  reduced
disclosure format.

                                                FORM 10-Q
                                    QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS


              ITEM 1.    Financial Statements
                         Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet as of September 30,
                         2001 and December 31, 2000 (Unaudited).......................................2

                         Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations and
                         Accumulated Deficit for the Three and Nine Months Ended
                         September 30, 2001 and 2000 (Unaudited)......................................3

                         Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Nine
                         Months Ended September 30, 2001 and 2000 (Unaudited).........................4

                         Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)........5 - 11

              ITEM 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                         Condition and Results of Operations....................................12 - 15


              ITEM 1.    Legal Proceedings...........................................................16

              ITEM 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K............................................16



     This Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q is for the three months ended September
30, 2001. This Quarterly Report modifies and supersedes documents filed prior to
this  Quarterly  Report.  The  SEC  allows  us  to  "incorporate  by  reference"
information that we file with them,  which means that we can disclose  important
information  to you by referring  you directly to those  documents.  Information
incorporated by reference is considered to be part of this Quarterly  Report. In
addition, information that we file with the SEC in the future will automatically
update and supersede  information  contained in this Quarterly  Report.  In this
Quarterly Report,  "Comcast Cable," the "Company," "we," "us" and "our" refer to
Comcast Cable Communications, Inc. and its subsidiaries.

     You should  carefully  review the  information  contained in this Quarterly
Report and in other reports or documents that we file from time to time with the
SEC. In this Quarterly  Report, we state our beliefs of future events and of our
future  financial  performance.  In some cases, you can identify those so-called
"forward-looking   statements"  by  words  such  as  "may,"  "will,"   "should,"
"expects,"  "plans,"   "anticipates,"   "believes,"   "estimates,"   "predicts,"
"potential,"  or "continue" or the negative of those words and other  comparable
words.  You  should be aware  that those  statements  are only our  predictions.
Actual events or results may differ materially.  In evaluating those statements,
you should specifically  consider various factors,  including the risks outlined
below.  Those factors may cause our actual results to differ materially from any
of our forward-looking statements.

Factors Affecting Future Operations

     We have acquired and we anticipate acquiring cable  communications  systems
in new communities in which we do not have  established  relationships  with the
franchising  authority,  community  leaders and cable  subscribers.  Further,  a
substantial number of new employees are being and must continue to be integrated
into our business  practices and  operations.  Our results of operations  may be
significantly  affected by our ability to  efficiently  and  effectively  manage
these changes.

     In addition,  the cable  communications  industry may be affected by, among
other things:

     o    changes in laws and regulations,
     o    changes in the competitive environment,
     o    changes in technology,
     o    industry consolidation and mergers,
     o    franchise related matters,
     o    market  conditions that may adversely  affect the availability of debt
          and equity  financing for working  capital,  capital  expenditures  or
          other purposes; and
     o    general economic conditions.

                                                   FORM 10-Q
                                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001



                                      CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                                               (Dollars in millions, except share data)
                                                                                    September 30,   December 31,
                                                                                        2001           2000
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
   Cash and cash equivalents....................................................         $286.8          $44.2
   Investments..................................................................           92.0           52.6
   Cash held by an affiliate....................................................                          74.2
   Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $54.7 and $39.9.          273.0          241.7
   Due from affiliates..........................................................          207.9            0.6
   Other current assets.........................................................           76.5           48.0
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
       Total current assets.....................................................          936.2          461.3
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
INVESTMENTS.....................................................................          182.0          590.9
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
NOTES RECEIVABLE FROM AFFILIATES................................................          383.1           99.3
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT..........................................................        7,593.0        5,720.5
   Accumulated depreciation.....................................................       (1,832.0)      (1,322.6)
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
   Property and equipment, net..................................................        5,761.0        4,397.9
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
DEFERRED CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS...............................................       26,427.5       23,789.8
   Accumulated amortization.....................................................       (4,888.5)      (3,535.2)
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
   Deferred charges and other assets, net.......................................       21,539.0       20,254.6
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
                                                                                      $28,801.3      $25,804.0
                                                                                      =========      =========
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses........................................         $855.4         $798.8
   Accrued interest.............................................................          171.4           74.1
   Current portion of long-term debt............................................          203.4            3.3
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
       Total current liabilities................................................        1,230.2          876.2
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current portion............................................        7,874.6        6,711.0
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
NOTES PAYABLE TO AFFILIATES.....................................................          333.7          860.1
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES, due to affiliate, net....................................        5,483.8        5,016.4
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES.....................................................          568.9          283.1
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
   Common stock, $1 par value - authorized 1,000 shares; issued 138.89 shares...
   Additional capital...........................................................       16,411.4       15,272.8
   Accumulated deficit..........................................................       (3,132.7)      (3,044.1)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)................................           31.4         (171.5)
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
       Total stockholders' equity...............................................       13,310.1       12,057.2
                                                                                      ---------      ---------
                                                                                      $28,801.3      $25,804.0
                                                                                      =========      =========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                       FORM 10-Q
                                           QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

                                                                                (Dollars in millions)
                                                                   Three Months Ended           Nine Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,               September 30,
                                                                    2001         2000           2001          2000
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------
SERVICE REVENUES...............................................    $1,295.6     $1,048.6       $3,663.5      $3,025.9
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------

   Operating...................................................       469.2        372.9        1,335.5       1,230.1
   Selling, general and administrative.........................       259.7        219.5          733.6         669.1
   Depreciation and amortization...............................       757.4        606.2        2,147.9       1,668.3
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------
                                                                    1,486.3      1,198.6        4,217.0       3,567.5
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------

OPERATING LOSS.................................................      (190.7)      (150.0)        (553.5)       (541.6)

   Interest expense............................................      (143.9)      (129.4)        (405.4)       (372.4)
   Interest income (expense) on affiliate notes, net...........         4.5         (2.9)         (17.4)         (5.7)
   Investment income (expense).................................        (9.0)         1.9          (71.3)         37.5
   Equity in net losses of affiliates..........................        (2.1)        (0.5)          (6.4)         (1.3)
   Other income (expense)......................................        (0.9)        (0.7)       1,196.5          (3.1)
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------
                                                                     (151.4)      (131.6)         696.0        (345.0)
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------

   EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE.................................      (342.1)      (281.6)         142.5        (886.6)

INCOME TAX BENEFIT (EXPENSE)...................................       100.3         75.4         (169.8)        242.6
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------

   CHANGE......................................................      (241.8)      (206.2)         (27.3)       (644.0)

EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS............................................                     (2.0)                        (7.1)

CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING CHANGE.........................                                   (61.3)
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------

NET LOSS.......................................................      (241.8)      (208.2)         (88.6)       (651.1)

   Beginning of period.........................................    (2,890.9)    (3,593.0)      (3,044.1)     (3,150.1)
                                                                 ----------   ----------     ----------    ----------

   End of period...............................................   ($3,132.7)   ($3,801.2)     ($3,132.7)    ($3,801.2)
                                                                 ==========   ==========     ==========    ==========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                      FORM 10-Q
                                           QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001
                                    CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                           (Dollars in millions)
                                                                                      Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                                                          2001              2000
                                                                                        ---------         ---------
   Net loss.........................................................................       ($88.6)          ($651.1)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by
     operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization..................................................      2,147.9           1,668.3
     Non-cash interest expense......................................................          4.4               1.7
     Deferred expenses charged by an affiliate......................................                           95.9
     Equity in net losses of affiliates.............................................          6.4               1.3
     Gains on investments and other income, net.....................................     (1,110.7)            (30.0)
     Extraordinary items............................................................                            7.1
     Cumulative effect of accounting change.........................................         61.3
     Deferred income tax expense (benefit), due to affiliate........................        153.8            (289.5)
     Other..........................................................................        (51.9)             (2.4)
                                                                                        ---------         ---------
                                                                                          1,122.6             801.3
     Changes in working capital.....................................................         61.0             149.5
                                                                                        ---------         ---------
           Net cash provided by operating activities................................      1,183.6             950.8
                                                                                        ---------         ---------

   Proceeds from borrowings.........................................................      4,863.7           3,030.9
   Retirements and repayments of debt...............................................     (3,583.7)         (3,449.9)
   Proceeds from notes payable to affiliates........................................        673.0
   Repayment of notes payable to affiliates.........................................       (706.4)
   Capital contributions from Parent................................................                          331.0
   Net transactions with affiliates.................................................       (196.5)            201.4
   Deferred financing costs.........................................................        (19.3)            (34.4)
                                                                                        ---------         ---------
           Net cash provided by financing activities................................      1,030.8              79.0
                                                                                        ---------         ---------

   Acquisitions, net of cash acquired...............................................       (588.0)            (73.0)
   Capital expenditures.............................................................     (1,392.8)           (838.9)
   Decrease in cash held by an affiliate............................................         74.2              34.0
   Loans to affiliates..............................................................        (28.3)
   Purchases of investments.........................................................       (126.4)             (0.9)
   Proceeds from sales of investments...............................................        156.6              76.3
   Additions to deferred charges....................................................        (67.1)           (180.2)
                                                                                        ---------         ---------
           Net cash used in investing activities....................................     (1,971.8)           (982.7)
                                                                                        ---------         ---------

INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS...............................................        242.6              47.1

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, beginning of period......................................         44.2              61.0
                                                                                        ---------         ---------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, end of period............................................       $286.8            $108.1
                                                                                        =========         =========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001


     Basis of Presentation
     Comcast  Cable  Communications,   Inc.  (the  "Company"),   a  wholly-owned
     subsidiary of Comcast Corporation ("Comcast"), has prepared these unaudited
     condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  based upon  Securities  and
     Exchange  Commission  rules that  permit  reduced  disclosure  for  interim

     These financial statements include all adjustments that are necessary for a
     fair  presentation  of the Company's  results of  operations  and financial
     condition for the interim periods shown including normal recurring accruals
     and  other  items.  The  results  of  operations  for the  interim  periods
     presented are not necessarily indicative of results for the full year.

     For a more complete  discussion of the  Company's  accounting  policies and
     certain other information,  refer to the financial  statements  included in
     the Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,

     In August  2000,  two wholly  owned  subsidiaries  of Comcast,  Comcast LCI
     Holdings,  Inc. ("LCI  Holdings") and Comcast JOIN  Holdings,  Inc.  ("JOIN
     Holdings")  were merged into the Company  (the  "Reorganization").  Lenfest
     Communications,  Inc. ("Lenfest"),  the predecessor to LCI Holdings,  owned
     cable  systems  and  was  acquired  by  Comcast  in  January  2000.   Jones
     Intercable,  Inc. ("Jones  Intercable"),  the predecessor to JOIN Holdings,
     owned  cable  systems  and was  acquired by Comcast in April 1999 and March
     2000. The Reorganization was accounted for at Comcast's  historical cost in
     a manner similar to a pooling of interests.  Accordingly,  the accompanying
     financial  statements include the accounts of the merged subsidiaries since
     the dates of their acquisition by Comcast.

     Consolidation of Comcast Cablevision of Garden State, L.P.
     Comcast  Cablevision of Garden State, L.P. ("Garden State Cable"),  a cable
     communications  company serving subscribers in New Jersey, is a partnership
     which  was owned 50% by  Lenfest  and 50% by  Comcast.  In  December  2000,
     Comcast  contributed its 50% interest in Garden State Cable to the Company.
     As a result of the  Reorganization  and Comcast's  contribution  of its 50%
     interest in Garden State  Cable,  the Company now owns 100% of Garden State
     Cable. The contribution of Comcast's 50% interest in Garden State Cable was
     accounted for at Comcast's historical cost in a manner similar to a pooling
     of interests.  Accordingly,  the accompanying  financial statements include
     the  accounts  of  Garden  State  Cable  since  the  date  of  the  Lenfest


     SFAS No. 133, As Amended
     On January 1, 2001, the Company adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting
     Standards  ("SFAS") No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments  and
     Hedging  Activities," as amended.  SFAS No. 133 establishes  accounting and
     reporting  standards for derivatives and hedging  activities.  SFAS No. 133
     requires that all  derivative  instruments be reported on the balance sheet
     at their fair values.

     For derivative  instruments  designated and effective as fair value hedges,
     changes  in  the  fair  value  of  the   derivative   instrument   will  be
     substantially  offset in the statement of operations by changes in the fair
     value of the hedged item.  For  derivative  instruments  designated as cash
     flow  hedges,  the  effective  portion  of any hedge is  reported  in other
     comprehensive  income until it is  recognized  in earnings  during the same
     period in which the hedged item affects earnings.  The ineffective  portion
     of all hedges will be recognized in current  earnings each period.  Changes
     in the fair value of derivative  instruments  that are not  designated as a
     hedge will be recorded each period in current earnings.

     Upon  adoption  of  SFAS  No.  133,  the  Company  recognized  as a  loss a
     cumulative  effect of accounting  change,  net of related income taxes,  of
     $61.3 million and a cumulative decrease in other comprehensive loss, net of
     related income taxes, of $54.2 million.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     The  loss   consisted  of  $94.3   million   principally   related  to  the
     reclassification  of  losses  previously   recognized  as  a  component  of
     accumulated  other  comprehensive  loss on the Company's equity  derivative
     instruments, net of related deferred income taxes.

     The  decrease in other  comprehensive  loss  consisted  principally  of the
     reclassification of the losses noted above.

     SFAS No's. 141 and 142
     The Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued SFAS No. 141,
     "Business  Combinations"  and SFAS No. 142,  "Goodwill and Other Intangible
     Assets" in June 2001. These statements  address how intangible  assets that
     are acquired  individually,  with a group of other assets or in  connection
     with a business combination should be accounted for in financial statements
     upon and subsequent to their  acquisition.  The new statements require that
     all business  combinations  initiated  after June 30, 2001 be accounted for
     using  the  purchase  method  and  establish   specific  criteria  for  the
     recognition of intangible assets separately from goodwill.

     The Company  adopted  SFAS No. 141 on July 1, 2001,  as required by the new
     statement. The Company does not expect the adoption of SFAS No. 141 to have
     a material impact on its financial position or its results of operations.

     The Company will adopt SFAS No. 142 on January 1, 2002,  as required by the
     new statement.  Upon adoption, the Company will no longer amortize goodwill
     and other indefinite lived intangible  assets,  which consist  primarily of
     cable franchise  operating rights. The Company will be required to test its
     goodwill and  intangible  assets that are  determined to have an indefinite
     life for impairment at least annually. Other than in those periods in which
     the Company may record an asset  impairment,  the Company  expects that the
     adoption  of SFAS No. 142 will  result in  increased  income as a result of
     reduced amortization expense.

     Based on the  Company's  preliminary  evaluation,  the  estimated pro forma
     effect  of  adoption  of SFAS No.  142  would be to  decrease  amortization
     expense by  approximately  $1.4 billion for the nine months ended September
     30, 2001 and $1.9 billion for the year ended December 31, 2001.

     SFAS No. 143
     The  FASB   issued  SFAS  No.  143,   "Accounting   for  Asset   Retirement
     Obligations," in June 2001. SFAS No. 143 addresses financial accounting and
     reporting  for  obligations  associated  with the  retirement  of  tangible
     long-lived  assets and the associated asset retirement  costs. SFAS No. 143
     is effective  for fiscal  years  beginning  after June 15, 2002.  While the
     Company is  currently  evaluating  the impact the  adoption of SFAS No. 143
     will have on its financial position and results of operations,  it does not
     expect such impact to be material.

     SFAS No. 144
     The FASB issued SFAS No. 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of
     Long-Lived Assets," in August 2001. SFAS No. 144, which addresses financial
     accounting  and reporting for the  impairment of long-lived  assets and for
     long-lived  assets  to be  disposed  of,  supercedes  SFAS  No.  121 and is
     effective for fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15, 2001.  While the
     Company is  currently  evaluating  the impact the  adoption of SFAS No. 144
     will have on its financial position and results of operations,  it does not
     expect such impact to be material.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001


     The Company's total comprehensive income (loss) for the interim periods was
as follows (in millions):

                                                             Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended
                                                                September 30,           September 30,
                                                               2001        2000       2001        2000
                                                             ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------
     Net loss.............................................     ($241.8)    ($208.2)    ($88.6)    ($651.1)
     Unrealized gains (losses) on marketable securities...       (15.9)       (8.0)     202.9       (78.7)
                                                             ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------
     Comprehensive income (loss)..........................     ($257.7)    ($216.2)    $114.3     ($729.8)
                                                             =========  ==========  =========  ==========


     Adelphia Cable Systems Exchange
     On January 1, 2001, the Company and Comcast  completed  their cable systems
     exchange with Adelphia Communications Corporation ("Adelphia"). The Company
     received  cable systems  serving  approximately  445,000  subscribers  from
     Adelphia and  Adelphia  received  certain of the  Company's  cable  systems
     serving  approximately  441,000 subscribers.  The Company recorded to other
     income a pre-tax gain of $1.199 billion representing the difference between
     the estimated fair value as of the closing date of the  transaction and the
     Company's cost basis in the systems exchanged.

     AT&T Cable Systems Acquisition
     On April 30, 2001, the Company and Comcast  acquired cable systems  serving
     approximately  585,000 subscribers from AT&T Corp. ("AT&T") in exchange for
     approximately  63.9  million  shares of AT&T common  stock then held by the
     Company and Comcast,  including all of the shares held by the Company.  The
     market value of the AT&T shares was approximately $1.423 billion,  based on
     the price of the AT&T common stock on the closing date of the  transaction.
     Under the terms of the  agreement  between the  Company,  Comcast and AT&T,
     however,  approximately  39.6  million  shares  of the  AT&T  common  stock
     included in the  exchange  were valued at $54.41 per share for  purposes of
     the exchange.  Upon closing of the  transaction,  Comcast  contributed  its
     interests  in the  acquired  systems to the  Company.  The  transaction  is
     expected to qualify as tax free to the Company, to Comcast and to AT&T.

     Baltimore, Maryland System Acquisition
     On  June  30,  2001,   the  Company   acquired  the  cable  system  serving
     approximately  112,000  subscribers  in  Baltimore,  Maryland from AT&T for
     $518.7 million in cash. The purchase price is subject to adjustment.

     The Company  accounted for the  acquisitions  under the purchase  method of
     accounting. As such, the Company's results include the operating results of
     the acquired businesses from the dates of acquisition.  The Company's cable
     systems exchange with Adelphia,  the AT&T cable systems acquisition and the
     subsequent contribution by Comcast of its interests in the acquired systems
     to the Company had no significant impact on the Company's statement of cash
     flows  during 2001 due to their  noncash  nature.  The  allocations  of the
     purchase price for the 2001 acquisitions are preliminary pending completion
     of final appraisals (see Note 9).

     Excite@Home Services
     On  September  28,  2001,  Excite@Home  Corporation  ("Excite@Home"),   the
     Company's  provider  of  high-speed  Internet  access  services,  filed for
     protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Subsequent to this
     filing,  Comcast,  the Company and Excite@Home entered into an amendment to
     the Company's  distribution  agreement  under which  Excite@Home  agreed to
     continue to provide high-speed Internet access services to existing and new
     customers  through  November 30, 2001. While there can be no assurance that
     further  developments  in this  bankruptcy  proceeding  will not  adversely
     affect the Company's  ability to provide  high-speed  Internet access,  the
     Company  believes that it will be able to continue to provide such services
     to existing  and new  customers  through and  following  November 30, 2001.
     Further,  while there can be no assurance that future developments will not


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     in additional  short-term costs for the Company,  the Company believes that
     such  costs  will not  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's
     financial results.

     Unaudited Pro Forma Information
     The following  unaudited pro forma information has been presented as if the
     acquisitions  and cable systems  exchanges  made by the Company in 2001 and
     2000 each  occurred on January 1, 2000.  For a discussion  of the Company's
     2000  acquisitions  and  cable  systems  exchange,  refer to the  financial
     statements  included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
     year  ended  December  31,  2000.This  information  is based on  historical
     results of operations  and has been adjusted for  acquisition  costs.  This
     information  is not  necessarily  indicative of what the results would have
     been had the Company operated the entities acquired since January 1, 2000.

                                                               (Amounts in millions)
                                                          Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                                             2001                 2000
                                                        ---------------      ---------------
Service revenues.....................................     $3,807.0             $3,475.2
Loss before extraordinary items and cumulative
    effect of accounting change......................       ($29.5)             ($861.8)
Net loss.............................................       ($90.8)             ($868.9)


     Fair Value Method
     The Company  holds  unrestricted  equity  investments  in certain  publicly
     traded  companies  which it accounts for as available for sale  securities.
     The unrealized  pre-tax gains (losses) on available for sale investments as
     of September  30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 of $48.3  million and ($263.9)
     million, respectively, have been reported in the Company's balance sheet as
     a component  of  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income  (loss),  net of
     related  deferred  income  taxes of  ($16.9)  million  and  $92.4  million,

     The Company uses derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to
     fluctuations  in  interest  rates and  security  prices.  The  Company  has
     designated these derivative  instruments as fair value hedges.  The Company
     also invests in businesses,  to some degree, through the purchase of equity
     call option or call warrant agreements.

     Investment Income (Expense)
     Investment  income (expense) for the interim periods includes the following
     (in millions):

                                                      Three Months Ended           Nine Months Ended
                                                        September 30,                September 30,
                                                      2001         2000            2001         2000
                                                    ---------    ---------       --------     ---------

Interest and dividend income.......................      $4.8         $2.3          $16.7          $8.3
Gains (losses) on sales and exchanges
 of investments....................................                   (0.4)          29.2          29.2
Investment impairment losses.......................      (0.6)                      (89.5)
Mark to market adjustments on derivatives..........     (13.2)                      (27.7)
                                                    ---------    ---------       --------     ---------

     Investment income (expense)...................     ($9.0)        $1.9         ($71.3)        $37.5
                                                    =========    =========       ========     =========


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     The investment  impairment  losses for the nine months ended  September 30,
     2001 relate  principally to other than temporary  declines in the Company's
     investments  in AT&T,  which was  exchanged on April 30, 2001 (see Note 4 -
     AT&T Cable Systems Acquisition), and Motorola, Inc.


     Senior Notes Offerings
     The Company  sold an  aggregate  of $3.0  billion of public debt during the
     nine months ended September 30, 2001  consisting of the following  (dollars
     in millions):

           Issue Date               Amount            Rate          Maturity
           ----------              -------           ------        ---------

        January 2001                  $500.0         6.375%           2006
        January 2001                 1,000.0          6.75%           2011
        May/June 2001                  750.0         6.875%           2009
        May/June 2001                  750.0         7.125%           2013
        Total                       $3,000.0

     The Company used  substantially  all of the net proceeds from the offerings
     to repay a portion of the amounts  outstanding  under its commercial  paper
     program,  revolving credit facility and notes payable to affiliates, and to
     fund its  acquisition of the Baltimore,  Maryland cable system (see Notes 4
     and 7).

     Revolving Credit Facility
     In  July  2001,  the  Company  entered  into a new  $2.25  billion  364-day
     revolving credit facility and terminated its existing $2.25 billion 364-day
     revolving  credit  facility,  which  was to mature  in  August  2001.  This
     facility supports the Company's  commercial paper program and its terms are
     principally the same as the facility it replaced.

     Extraordinary Items
     Extraordinary  items during the 2000 interim periods consist of unamortized
     debt  issue  costs  and  debt  extinguishment  costs,  net of  related  tax
     benefits,  expensed  principally  in  connection  with the  redemption  and
     retirement of certain indebtedness.

     Interest Rates
     As of September  30, 2001 and December 31, 2000,  the  Company's  effective
     weighted  average interest rate on its long-term debt outstanding was 6.89%
     and 7.85%, respectively.

     Interest Rate Risk Management
     During the nine months ended  September 30, 2001, the Company  entered into
     $500.0 million aggregate notional amount of fixed to variable interest rate
     exchange  agreements  ("Swaps")  which mature  between 2006 and 2008. As of
     September 30, 2001, the Company has Swaps with an aggregate notional amount
     of $950.0 million.

     Lines and Letters of Credit
     As of September 30, 2001,  the Company had unused lines of credit of $3.703
     billion under its revolving credit facility.

     As of September 30, 2001, the Company and certain of its  subsidiaries  had
     unused  irrevocable  standby  letters of credit  totaling  $60.0 million to
     cover potential fundings associated with several projects.


     As of  September  30, 2001 and December 31,  2000,  notes  receivable  from
     affiliates  consist of $367.6 million and $99.3 million principal amount of
     notes receivable from Comcast and certain of its wholly owned subsidiaries.
     The notes  receivable  bear  interest at rates  ranging from 7.75% to 10.5%
     (weighted average interest rate of 7.94% and


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     10.05% as of September  30, 2001 and December 31, 2000,  respectively)  and
     are due between 2010 and 2027.  Interest  receivable relating to such notes
     of $15.5  million is included in notes  receivable  from  affiliates  as of
     September 30, 2001.

     In February 2001,  Comcast  acquired Home Team Sports (now known as Comcast
     SportsNet -  MidAtlantic),  a regional sports  programming  network serving
     approximately  4.8 million homes in the Mid-Atlantic  region,  from Viacom,
     Inc. ("Viacom") and Affiliated Regional Communications,  Ltd. (an affiliate
     of Fox Cable Network Services, LLC ("Fox")). Comcast agreed to increase the
     distribution  of certain of  Viacom's  and Fox's  programming  networks  on
     certain of the Company's  cable  systems.  As of September 30, 2001,  notes
     receivable from  affiliates  includes  $240.0 million  principal  amount of
     notes receivable due from Comcast related to these agreements.

     As of September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000, notes payable to affiliates
     consist of $333.1  million  and $860.1  million  principal  amount of notes
     payable to Comcast and certain of its wholly owned subsidiaries.  The notes
     payable  bear  interest  at rates  ranging  from  7.75% to 8.96%  (weighted
     average  interest  rate of 8.52% and  8.05% as of  September  30,  2001 and
     December 31, 2000, respectively) and are due between 2009 and 2027. Accrued
     interest  relating  to such  notes of $0.6  million  is  included  in notes
     payable to affiliates as of September 30, 2001.

     On May 1,  2001,  Comcast  contributed  notes  receivable  from  affiliates
     totaling  $493.6 million to the Company in a non-cash  financing  activity.
     The notes were subsequently used to repay notes payable to affiliates.


     Comcast, on behalf of the Company,  has an affiliation  agreement with QVC,
     Inc.  ("QVC"),  an electronic  retailer and a majority owned and controlled
     subsidiary of Comcast, to carry its programming. In return for carrying QVC
     programming,  the Company receives an allocated portion,  based upon market
     share,  of a percentage of net sales of  merchandise  sold to QVC customers
     located in the  Company's  service  area.  These  amounts  are  included in
     service  revenues in the Company's  statement of operations and accumulated

     Through July 31, 2000, Comcast, through management agreements,  managed the
     operations of the Company's subsidiaries,  including rebuilds and upgrades.
     The management  agreements  generally provided that Comcast would supervise
     the  management  and  operations  of the cable  systems and arrange for and
     supervise  certain  administrative  functions.  As  compensation  for  such
     services,  the agreements provided for Comcast to charge management fees of
     up to 6% of gross revenues.  These charges are included in selling, general
     and  administrative  expenses in the Company's  statement of operations and
     accumulated deficit.

     Through July 31, 2000, on behalf of the Company,  Comcast secured long-term
     programming contracts that generally provided for payment based on either a
     monthly  fee  per  subscriber  per  channel  or  a  percentage  of  certain
     subscriber revenues. Comcast charged each of the Company's subsidiaries for
     programming on a basis which  generally  approximated  the amount each such
     subsidiary would be charged if it purchased such programming  directly from
     the supplier, subject to limitations imposed by debt facilities for certain
     subsidiaries,  and did not benefit from the  purchasing  power of Comcast's
     consolidated  operations.  These charges are included in operating expenses
     in the Company's statement of operations and accumulated deficit.

     Effective August 1, 2000, Comcast assigned its intercompany  management and
     programming  agreements with the Company's subsidiaries and with certain of
     Comcast's  other cable  subsidiaries  to the  Company.  As such,  effective
     August  1,  2000,   amounts   charged  by  the  Company  to  the  Company's
     subsidiaries  for  management  fees and  programming  are eliminated in the
     Company's consolidated financial statements.

     Effective August 1, 2000, the Company purchases  programming from suppliers
     in which  Comcast holds an equity  interest.  These charges are included in
     operating expenses in the Company's statement of operations and accumulated


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     The Company  purchases  certain  other  services,  including  insurance and
     employee benefits,  from Comcast under  cost-sharing  arrangements on terms
     that reflect  Comcast's  actual cost.  The Company  reimburses  Comcast for
     certain  other  costs   (primarily   salaries)  under  cost   reimbursement
     agreements.   These   charges  are   included   in  selling,   general  and
     administrative  expenses  in the  Company's  statement  of  operations  and
     accumulated deficit.

     Effective August 1, 2001, Comcast  contributed its wholly owned subsidiary,
     Comcast  Financial  Agency  Corporation  ("CFAC"),  to  the  Company.  CFAC
     provides cash management  services to the Company.  Under this arrangement,
     the  Company's  cash  receipts  are  deposited  with and  held by CFAC,  as
     custodian  and  agent,  which  invests  and  disburses  such  funds  at the
     direction of the Company.  These amounts were classified as cash held by an
     affiliate in the  Company's  balance  sheet as of December 31, 2000.  As of
     September  30,  2001,  amounts  held by CFAC are  included in cash and cash
     equivalents in the Company's balance sheet.

     The Company's  related party  transactions  for the interim periods were as
     follows (in millions):

                                                             Three Months Ended       Nine Months Ended
                                                                September 30,           September 30,
                                                               2001        2000       2001        2000
                                                             ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------
     QVC service revenue..................................        $3.7        $3.1      $12.1       $10.3
     Comcast management fees..............................                   $19.9                 $135.1
     Programming charges with affiliates..................       $34.9      $222.4      $99.2      $792.7
     Comcast cost-sharing charges.........................       $35.9       $28.4     $106.5      $103.9
     CFAC investment income...............................                    $1.8       $8.7        $4.3


     The fair values of assets and  liabilities  acquired by the Company through
     noncash transactions during 2001 (see Note 4) are as follows (in millions):

                  Current assets..............................        $22.2
                  Property, plant & equipment.................        681.3
                  Deferred charges............................      2,537.1
                  Current liabilities.........................        (19.1)
                           Net assets acquired.................    $3,221.5

     The Company  made cash  payments  for  interest and income taxes during the
interim periods as follows (in millions):

                                                                     Three Months            Nine Months
                                                                  Ended September 30,    Ended September 30,
                                                                   2001         2000      2001        2000
                                                                 --------     --------  --------    --------
Long-term debt interest.........................................    $85.6        $53.6    $303.7      $311.6
Notes payable to affiliates interest............................     $7.9         $0.2     $37.6        $0.2
Income taxes....................................................     $1.6         $1.4      $7.3        $5.7


     The Company is subject to legal  proceedings  and claims which arise in the
     ordinary course of its business.  In the opinion of management,  the amount
     of  ultimate  liability  with  respect to such  actions is not  expected to
     materially  affect  the  financial  position,   results  of  operations  or
     liquidity of the Company.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001


     Information  for this item is omitted  pursuant to Securities  and Exchange
Commission General Instruction H to Form 10-Q, except as noted below.

Results of Operations

     Our summarized financial  information for the interim periods is as follows
(dollars in millions, "NM" denotes percentage is not meaningful):

                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,       Increase / (Decrease)
                                                                    2001        2000          $           %
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Video...........................................................   $1,097.4      $914.9      $182.5        19.9%
Cable modem.....................................................       83.5        30.0        53.5       178.3
Advertising sales...............................................       82.8        68.9        13.9        20.2
Other...........................................................       31.9        34.8        (2.9)       (8.3)
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
   Service revenues.............................................    1,295.6     1,048.6       247.0        23.6
Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses.........      728.9       592.4       136.5        23.0
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (1).......      566.7       456.2       110.5        24.2
Depreciation and amortization...................................      757.4       606.2       151.2        24.9
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Operating loss..................................................     (190.7)     (150.0)       40.7        27.1
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Interest expense................................................     (143.9)     (129.4)       14.5        11.2
Interest income (expense) on affiliate notes, net...............        4.5        (2.9)        7.4          NM
Investment income (expense).....................................       (9.0)        1.9       (10.9)         NM
Equity in net losses of affiliates..............................       (2.1)       (0.5)        1.6       320.0
Other expense...................................................       (0.9)       (0.7)        0.2        28.6
Income tax benefit..............................................      100.3        75.4        24.9        33.0
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Loss before extraordinary items and cumulative
   effect of accounting change..................................    ($241.8)    ($206.2)      $35.6        17.3%
                                                                  =========   =========   =========    ========

                                                                    Nine Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,       Increase / (Decrease)
                                                                    2001        2000          $           %
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Video...........................................................   $3,116.6    $2,650.0      $466.6        17.6%
Cable modem.....................................................      202.7        77.0       125.7       163.2
Advertising sales...............................................      233.7       198.1        35.6        18.0
Other...........................................................      110.5       100.8         9.7         9.6
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
   Service revenues.............................................    3,663.5     3,025.9       637.6        21.1
Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses.........    2,069.1     1,899.2       169.9         8.9
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Operating income before depreciation and amortization (1).......    1,594.4     1,126.7       467.7        41.5
Depreciation and amortization...................................    2,147.9     1,668.3       479.6        28.7
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Operating loss..................................................     (553.5)     (541.6)       11.9         2.2
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Interest expense................................................     (405.4)     (372.4)       33.0         8.9
Interest expense on affiliate notes, net........................      (17.4)       (5.7)       11.7       205.3
Investment income (expense).....................................      (71.3)       37.5      (108.8)         NM
Equity in net losses of affiliates..............................       (6.4)       (1.3)        5.1       392.3
Other income (expense)..........................................    1,196.5        (3.1)    1,199.6          NM
Income tax benefit (expense)....................................     (169.8)      242.6      (412.4)         NM
                                                                  ---------   ---------   ---------    --------
Loss before extraordinary items and cumulative
   effect of accounting change..................................     ($27.3)    ($644.0)    ($616.7)      (95.8%)
                                                                  =========   =========   =========    ========


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

- ------------
(1)  Operating income before  depreciation and amortization is commonly referred
     to in the cable business as "operating cash flow." Operating cash flow is a
     measure of a company's ability to generate cash to service its obligations,
     including  debt  service  obligations,  and to  finance  capital  and other
     expenditures.  In part due to the  capital  intensive  nature  of the cable
     business and the resulting  significant level of non-cash  depreciation and
     amortization expense,  operating cash flow is frequently used as one of the
     bases for comparing businesses in the cable industry,  although our measure
     of operating cash flow may not be comparable to similarly  titled  measures
     of other  companies.  Operating  cash flow is the primary basis used by our
     management to measure the operating performance of our business.  Operating
     cash flow does not purport to represent  net income or net cash provided by
     operating  activities,  as those terms are defined under generally accepted
     accounting  principles,  and should not be considered as an  alternative to
     such measurements as an indicator of our performance.

     In August  2000,  two wholly  owned  subsidiaries  of  Comcast  Corporation
("Comcast"),  Comcast LCI  Holdings,  Inc.  ("LCI  Holdings")  and Comcast  JOIN
Holdings,  Inc. ("JOIN  Holdings")  were merged into us (the  "Reorganization").
Jones Intercable,  Inc. ("Jones Intercable"),  the predecessor to JOIN Holdings,
owned cable  systems  and was  acquired by Comcast in April 1999 and March 2000.
Lenfest Communications, Inc. ("Lenfest"), the predecessor to LCI Holdings, owned
cable  systems and was acquired by Comcast in January 2000.  The  Reorganization
was accounted for at Comcast's historical costs in a manner similar to a pooling
of interests.  Accordingly, our financial statements include the accounts of the
merged subsidiaries since the dates of their acquisition by Comcast.

     In  December  2000,  Comcast   contributed  its  50%  interest  in  Comcast
Cablevision  of Garden State,  L.P.  ("Garden  State Cable") to us. Garden State
Cable is a partnership  which was owned 50% by Lenfest and 50% by Comcast.  As a
result of the Reorganization  and Comcast's  contribution of its 50% interest in
Garden State Cable (the "Garden State Contribution"),  we now own 100% of Garden
State Cable. The Garden State Cable  Contribution was accounted for at Comcast's
historical cost in a manner similar to a pooling of interests.  Accordingly, our
financial statements include the accounts of Garden State Cable from the date of
Comcast's acquisition of Lenfest.

     Refer  to  Note 4 to our  financial  statements  included  in  Item 1 for a
discussion of our 2001 acquisitions.

     The effects of our recent  acquisitions,  the Reorganization and the Garden
State  Contribution  were to increase our revenues  and  expenses,  resulting in
increases in our operating  income before  depreciation  and  amortization.  The
increases  in  our  property  and  equipment   and  deferred   charges  and  the
corresponding increases in depreciation expense and amortization expense for the
interim  periods  from  2000 to 2001 are  primarily  due to the  effects  of our
acquisitions,  our cable system  exchanges,  as well as our increased  levels of
capital expenditures.

     Service Revenues

     Video revenue consists of our basic, expanded basic, premium,  pay-per-view
and digital subscriptions. Of the $182.5 million and $466.6 million increases in
video  revenues  for the interim  periods from 2000 to 2001,  $73.2  million and
$244.6 million are attributable to the effects of our acquisitions and exchanges
of cable  systems  and $109.3  million and $222.0  million  relate to changes in
rates and subscriber growth in our historical operations,  driven principally by
growth  in  digital  subscriptions.  During  the  three  and nine  months  ended
September  30,  2001  through   acquisitions  and  normal  operations  we  added
approximately 278,000 and 751,000 digital subscriptions, respectively.

         The  increases in cable modem revenue are primarily due to the addition
of approximately  117,000 and 393,000 cable modem customers during the three and
nine months ended  September  30,  2001,  respectively.  On September  28, 2001,
Excite@Home  Corporation  ("Excite@Home"),  our provider of high-speed  Internet
access services,  filed for protection  under Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy
Code.  Subsequent to this filing,  we, Comcast and  Excite@Home  entered into an
amendment  to our  distribution  agreement  under  which  Excite@Home  agreed to
continue to provide high-speed  Internet access services to our existing and new
customers  through  November  30,  2001.  While there can be no  assurance  that
further developments in this bankruptcy proceeding will not adversely affect our
ability to provide  high-speed  Internet access, we believe that we will be able
to continue to provide such services to our existing and new  customers  through
and following November 30, 2001.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

Further,  while  there can be no  assurance  that future  developments  will not
result in  additional  short-term  costs for us, we believe that such costs will
not have a material adverse effect on our financial results.

     The increases in advertising  sales revenue are attributable to the effects
of new advertising contracts,  market-wide fiber interconnects and the continued
leveraging  of our  existing  fiber  networks,  as well as to the  effects of an
additional  broadcast  week in the third  quarter of 2001,  helping to offset an
otherwise weak advertising environment.

     Other revenue includes installation revenues,  guide revenues,  commissions
from electronic retailing and other product offerings. The increase for the nine
month period is primarily attributable to growth in our historical operations.

     Operating, Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     Refer  to  Note 8 to our  financial  statements  included  in  Item 1 for a
discussion of our related party transactions.

     The increases in operating,  selling,  general and administrative  expenses
are  primarily  due to the effects of our  acquisitions  and  exchanges of cable
systems,  as well as the effects of increases in the costs of cable programming,
cable modem subscriber growth, and, to a lesser extent, increases in labor costs
and other volume related expenses in our historical operations.

     Our  cost of  programming  increases  as a  result  of  changes  in  rates,
subscriber  growth,  additional  channel  offerings  and  our  acquisitions  and
exchanges of cable  systems.  We anticipate the cost of cable  programming  will
increase  in the  future as cable  programming  rates  increase  and  additional
sources of cable programming become available.

     Such increases were  substantially  offset by the effects of the assignment
by Comcast to us in August 2000 of its  intercompany  management and programming
agreements with our subsidiaries.

     Interest Expense

     The increases in interest expense for the interim periods from 2000 to 2001
are primarily due to the increase in our net borrowings.

     Interest Income (Expense) on Affiliate Notes, Net

     The changes in interest income  (expense) on affiliate  notes,  net for the
interim  periods  from 2000 to 2001 are due to changes  in notes  payable to and
notes  receivable  from  affiliates  outstanding  as  compared to the prior year

     Investment Income (Expense)

     Refer  to Note 5 to our  financial  statements  included  in Item 1 for the
components of investment income (expense) for the 2001 and 2000 interim periods.

     During  each of the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2001 and 2000,  we
recognized  pre-tax  gains of $29.2 million on sales and exchanges of certain of
our investments.

     During the nine months  ended  September  30, 2001,  we recorded  losses of
$89.5 million on certain of our investments based on a decline in value that was
considered  other  than  temporary.   The  losses  relate   principally  to  our
investments  in  Motorola,  Inc.  and  AT&T  (refer  to Note 4 to our  financial
statements included in Item 1 for a discussion of our investments).

     Equity in Net Losses of Affiliates

     The increases in equity in net losses of affiliates for the interim periods
from 2000 to 2001 are primarily  attributable to the effects of increases in the
net losses of our equity method investees.

     Other Income (Expense)

     On January 1, 2001,  in  connection  with our cable  systems  exchange with
Adelphia  pursuant  to which we received  cable  systems  serving  approximately
445,000  subscribers  from Adelphia in exchange for certain of our cable systems
serving approximately 441,000 subscribers,  we recorded a pre-tax gain of $1.199
billion,  representing the difference between the estimated fair value as of the
closing date of the transaction and our cost basis in the systems exchanged.

     Income Tax Benefit (Expense)

     The changes in income tax  benefit  (expense)  for the interim  periods are
primarily  the result of the  effects of  changes  in our income  (loss)  before
income taxes, extraordinary items and cumulative effect of accounting change.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

     Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change

     Upon adoption of Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No.
133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as amended,
we recognized as a loss a cumulative effect of accounting change, net of related
income taxes,  of $61.3 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2001.
The loss consisted of $94.3 million principally related to the  reclassification
of  losses   previously   recognized  as  a  component  of   accumulated   other
comprehensive loss on our equity derivative instruments, net of related deferred
income taxes.

     Capital Expenditures

     As  previously  disclosed,  we have  accelerated  our cable system  rebuild
program and have increased  deployment of cable modems and digital converters to
our customers. Additionally, our cable operations are accelerating our plans for
the migration of our high-speed  Internet  access  customers from  Excite@Home's
national network to our own broadband  communications  network.  As a result, we
currently  expect to invest $1.83  billion in capital  expenditures  in 2001, up
from our previous estimate of $1.75 billion.

     Interest Rate Risk

     During the nine months ended  September  30,  2001,  we entered into $500.0
million  aggregate  notional amount of fixed to variable  interest rate exchange
agreements  ("Swaps")  which mature  between 2006 and 2008.  As of September 30,
2001,  we have $950.0  million  aggregate  notional  amount of fixed to variable
Swaps with an average pay rate of 5.1% and an average receive rate of 7.5%.

     We believe that our operations are not materially affected by inflation.

     Anticipated Transaction

     Comcast   intends  to  merge  its   subsidiary,   Comcast   Cablevision  of
Philadelphia  Area  I,  Inc.  ("Greater  Philadelphia")  with  and  into us (the
"Greater Philadelphia  Merger").  The Greater Philadelphia Merger is expected to
close  during  2002,  subject  to  receipt  of  regulatory  approvals.   Greater
Philadelphia  was  acquired  by Comcast on June 30, 1999 for  approximately  8.5
million  shares of Comcast  Class A Special  Common Stock with a value of $291.7
million.  Upon closing, the Greater Philadelphia Merger will be accounted for at
Comcast's historical cost, in a manner similar to a pooling of interests and our
financial  statements will include the results of Greater Philadelphia since the
date of Comcast's acquisition.  Upon closing of the Greater Philadelphia Merger,
the Company will hold all of Comcast's consolidated cable systems.


                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001



     We are subject to legal  proceedings and claims which arise in the ordinary
     course of our  business.  In the opinion of our  management,  the amount of
     ultimate  liability  with  respect  to  such  actions  is not  expected  to
     materially  affect  our  financial  position,   results  of  operations  or


     (a) Exhibits required to be filed by Item 601 of Regulation S-K:


     (b) Reports on Form 8-K:



                                    FORM 10-Q
                        QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2001


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                      COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                      /S/ LAWRENCE J. SALVA
                                      Lawrence J. Salva
                                      Senior Vice President
                                      (Principal Accounting Officer)

Date: November 13, 2001
