Exhibit 99.1

                                                                   [Exelon Logo]

                              Exelon Corporation -
                            A Measure of Our Strength
                                  John W. Rowe
                                Chairman and CEO

              Merrill Lynch Global Power and Gas Leaders Conference
                                  New York City
                               September 18, 2002

                                                                   [Exelon Logo]

                           Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning
of the Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995. These statements are
based on management's  current  expectations  and are subject to uncertainty and
changes  in   circumstances.   Actual  results  may  vary  materially  from  the
expectations  contained herein.  The  forward-looking  statements herein include
statements  about future  financial and operating  results of Exelon.  Economic,
business,  competitive and/or regulatory  factors affecting Exelon's  businesses
generally  could cause actual results to differ  materially from those described
herein.  For a  discussion  of the factors  that could cause  actual  results to
differ materially,  please see Exelon's filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission,   particularly  those  discussed  in  "Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results of  Operations  --  Outlook" in
Exelon's  2001  Annual  Report  and  those   discussed  in  "Risk  Factors"  and
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations" in Exelon Generation Company,  LLC's Registration  Statement on Form
S-4, Reg. No.  333-85496.  Readers are cautioned not to place undue  reliance on
these  forward-looking  statements,  which  speak  only  as of the  date of this
presentation.  Exelon does not undertake any obligation to publicly  release any
revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances
after the date of this presentation.

                                                                   [Exelon Logo]

                                 What Is Exelon?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                US Electric Companies      US Companies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Retail Electric Customers                  5.1 Million                  1st                     -

 Nuclear Capacity                            15K MWs*                    1st                     -

 US Generating Capacity                      41K MWs**                   1st                     -

 2001 Revenue                              $15.1 Billion                 9th                   135th

 2001 Net Income                           $1.4 Billion                  2nd                    53rd

          Market Cap                  $14.2 Billion (9/12/02)       4th (9/12/02)         106th (8/27/02)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Includes AmerGen investment
** Includes AmerGen and Sithe investments

                                                                   [Exelon Logo]

                          Strategic Initiatives Update
     - Cost Management Initiative
     - Sithe Energies Investment
     - Midwest Generation contract
     - Provider of Last Resort (POLR) filing
     - Enterprises Path to Value
     - FERC Goodwill Issue

                                                                   [Exelon Logo]

                      Exelon Consolidated Financial Outlook

   ($ millions)                              2001A            2002E
   Revenue                                  15,140       14,200-14,600
   Gross Margin (Rev. net Fuel)              9,827         9,300-9,700
   Other Operating Exp.                      4,922         4,775-4,900
   Depr. & Amort.                            1,449         1,200-1,250
   EBIT                                      3,456         3,325-3,550
   Interest and Pref.                        1,109           930-1,000
   Income Taxes                                931             925-975
   Net Income before Cum. Effect Chg. in
   Accounting                                1,416         1,470-1,575
   Cum. Effect Chg. in Accounting               12
   Net Income*                               1,428
   Avg. Shares (millions)                      322                 325
   EPS ($)                                   $4.43         $4.55-$4.85
   * Net income as reported for 2001. Net operating income excludes one-time
   items for 2002.
   A = Actual; E = Estimate

                                                                   [Exelon Logo]

                           Our Vision = Value Creation

- - Capitalize on Strengths
- - Focus on Fundamentals and Discipline
- - Committed to Performance