Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
     Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material under ss. 240.14a-12

                                SCAN-OPTICS, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5)  Total fee paid:


[  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[  ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:
     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3)   Filing Party:
     4)   Date Filed:

                                                                  [LOGO OMITTED]

May 5, 2003

Dear Stockholders:

     You  are  cordially  invited  to the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of
Scan-Optics, Inc., scheduled to be held Thursday, June 12, 2003, at Scan-Optics'
offices at 169 Progress Drive, Manchester,  Connecticut, commencing at 1:30 p.m.
Your Board of Directors and management look forward to meeting you personally.

     At the meeting you will be asked to elect  three  directors,  to ratify the
appointment of independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003
and to  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  be brought  before the

     In  addition  to the  specific  matters to be acted  upon,  there will be a
report on the  progress of  Scan-Optics  and an  opportunity  for  questions  of
general interest to the stockholders.  Important information is contained in the
accompanying proxy statement which you are urged to read carefully.

     Regardless  of the number of shares you own, it is important  that they are
represented  and  voted  at the  meeting,  whether  or not you  plan to  attend.
Accordingly, you are requested to mark, sign, date and return the enclosed proxy
in the envelope provided at your earliest convenience.

     Your interest and  participation in the progress of Scan-Optics are greatly


/s/ James C. Mavel
James C. Mavel
Chairman of the Board,
Chief Executive Officer and President

                                SCAN-OPTICS, INC.

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders

     The Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of  Scan-Optics,  Inc.  ("Scan-Optics")
will be held at the offices of  Scan-Optics at 169 Progress  Drive,  Manchester,
Connecticut,  on Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. (EDT) to consider and take
action on the following items:

     1. To elect three directors to serve until the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders in 2006;

     2. To ratify the appointment of independent auditors for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2003; and

     3. To transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

     Only holders of our common stock at the close of business on April 25, 2003
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
A list of  stockholders  entitled to vote at the meeting will be  available  for
examination  by any  stockholder  for any purpose  germane to the meeting during
ordinary  business  hours for ten days prior to the  meeting  at the  offices of
Scan-Optics, 169 Progress Drive, Manchester, Connecticut.

                           By Order of the Board of Directors

                           Richard D. Harris

Manchester, Connecticut
May 5, 2003

Directions  to  Scan-Optics'   offices  at  169  Progress   Drive,   Manchester,
Connecticut are as follows:

From I-84  Eastbound,  take Exit 63.  Turn left at traffic  light  onto  Tolland
Turnpike.  Turn  right  at  first  traffic  light  onto  Parker  Street,  follow
directions below.

From I-84  Westbound,  take Exit 63. Stay in the right  lane,  and turn right at
traffic  light.  Proceed to the third  traffic  light and turn right onto Parker
Street, follow directions below.

Follow Parker Street for 8/10th mile, then turn left onto Colonial  Drive.  Turn
left onto  Progress  Drive,  Scan-Optics  is about one half mile on the left.  A
special parking area will be designated.


                                SCAN-OPTICS, INC.

                               169 Progress Drive
                          Manchester, Connecticut 06040

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This statement is furnished in connection with the  solicitation of proxies
to be used at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of  Scan-Optics,  Inc.,  a
Delaware  corporation,  to be held at the offices of Scan-Optics at 169 Progress
Drive, Manchester, Connecticut, on Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 1:30 p.m.

     The solicitation of proxies on the  accompanying  form is made on behalf of
the Board of Directors of Scan-Optics.

     The cost of soliciting proxies on the accompanying form has been or will be
borne by  Scan-Optics.  In addition to solicitation  by mail,  Scan-Optics  will
request banks, brokers and other custodians,  nominees,  and fiduciaries to send
proxy material to the beneficial owners and to secure their voting instructions,
if necessary.  Scan-Optics  will  reimburse them for their expenses in so doing.
Directors,  officers and regular  employees of Scan-Optics,  who will receive no
compensation for their services other than their regular  salaries,  may solicit
proxies  personally,  by telephone or otherwise  from  stockholders.  This proxy
statement and the accompanying form of proxy are being mailed to stockholders on
or about May 5, 2003.

     A stockholder  signing and returning a proxy on the  accompanying  form has
the power to revoke it at any time before the shares  subject to it are voted by
notifying  the Secretary of  Scan-Optics  in writing of such  revocation,  or by
filing a duly  executed  proxy bearing a later date, or by attending the meeting
and voting in person.  Properly executed proxies, not revoked,  will be voted in
accordance  with  the  instructions   contained   thereon.   Unless  a  contrary
specification is made thereon, it is the intention of the attorneys named in the
enclosed  proxy to vote FOR the nominees for election to the Board of Directors,
and FOR the  appointment  of Ernst & Young LLP as  auditors  for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2003.

                          OUTSTANDING VOTING SECURITIES

     Only holders of our common stock,  $.02 par value, at the close of business
on April 25, 2003 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting. On April
25,  2003,  the  record  date,  there  were  7,439,732  shares of  common  stock
outstanding. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote per share.


     The  following  table sets forth certain  information  with respect to each
person known to Scan-Optics to have beneficial  ownership of more than 5% of our
outstanding voting stock as of April 25, 2003. In preparing the following table,
Scan-Optics  relied on the  information  filed with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  pursuant to Section 13(d) or 13(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 (the "Exchange Act") or information  supplied to Scan-Optics by such person
or the  representative of such person.  Each person listed on the following page
has sole voting and investment power as to the shares beneficially owned, except
as otherwise indicated.

                                            Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 5

                                                                               of Shares
       Name and Address                              Title of                  Beneficially         Percent
       of Beneficial Owner                           Class Owned                  Owned            of Class
       -------------------                           -----------                  -----            --------

Edwin W. Schloss                                    Common Stock              502,400 (1)              6.8%
350 Park Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY  10022

Walter J. Schloss                                   Common Stock              486,400 (2)              6.5%
350 Park Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY  10022

Walter & Edwin Schloss                              Common Stock              472,400 (3)              6.3%
Associates, L.P.
350 Park Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY  10022

(1)  Edwin W. Schloss has sole voting and dispositive  power with respect to the
     30,000 shares of common stock which he individually  owns. In addition,  by
     reason of his position as one of the general partners of Schloss Management
     Company  ("SMC"),  which is the general  partner of Walter & Edwin  Schloss
     Associates,  L.P.  ("Associates")  (listed  in the above  table),  Edwin W.
     Schloss may be deemed to have  shared  voting and  dispositive  powers with
     respect to the 472,400 shares of common stock owned by Associates,  thereby
     increasing his beneficial  ownership of the common stock to 502,400 shares,
     or 6.8% of the Common Stock outstanding.

(2)  Walter J. Schloss has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the
     14,000 shares of common stock which he individually  owns. In addition,  by
     reason of his position as one of the general  partners of SMC, which is the
     general  partner  of  Associates  (listed  in the above  table),  Walter J.
     Schloss  may be deemed to have  shared  voting and  dispositive  power with
     respect to the 472,400 shares of common stock owned by Associates,  thereby
     increasing his beneficial  ownership of the common stock to 486,400 shares,
     or 6.5% of the common stock  outstanding.  In  addition,  Walter J. Schloss
     from time to time possesses  certain indicia of investment  discretion over
     10,000  shares of common stock held in the accounts of his clients,  but he
     has no voting power, and he disclaims beneficial ownership, with respect to
     such shares. If he were deemed to have beneficial  ownership of such 10,000
     shares, his total beneficial ownership of the common stock would be 496,400
     shares, or 6.7% of the common stock outstanding.

(3)  Associates has reported that it has sole voting and dispositive  power with
     respect  to the  shares  listed  opposite  its name,  except  that Edwin W.
     Schloss  and  Walter J.  Schloss,  solely by reason of their  positions  as
     general  partners of SMC, the general partner of Associates,  may be deemed
     to have shared voting and  dispositive  power with respect to those shares.
     See footnotes (1) and (2) above.

     See "Election of  Directors-Share  Ownership of Management" for information
on   beneficial   ownership  of  common  stock  by  directors  and  officers  of

6    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                            GOVERNANCE OF SCAN-OPTICS

     In  accordance  with our By-Laws and Delaware law,  responsibility  for the
management of Scan-Optics is vested in its Board of Directors.  During 2002, the
Board of Directors met nine times.  All  directors  attended at least 75% of the
aggregate of the number of meetings of the Board of Directors  and of committees
of the Board on which they served.

     The  Board  has  delegated  responsibilities  with  respect  to  management
compensation  and employee stock option plans to the Stock Options and Executive
Compensation  Committee,  responsibilities with respect to certain audit matters
to the  Audit  Committee  and  responsibilities  with  respect  to  recommending
candidates to serve on the Board to the Nominating Committee.

     The Stock Options and Executive Compensation Committee is composed of Logan
Clarke,  Jr.  (Chairman),  Richard  J.  Coburn  and John J.  Holton.  The  Audit
Committee is composed of Robert H. Steele  (Chairman),  E. Bulkeley Griswold and
Lyman C. Hamilton,  Jr. Each of the Audit Committee  members meets the standards
for  independence  from  Scan-Optics  established  under Rule 4200(a)(15) of the
National  Association of Securities  Dealers' listing standards.  The Nominating
Committee is composed of Messrs. Griswold (Chairman), Holton and Clarke.

     The Stock Options and Executive  Compensation  Committee is responsible for
reviewing and supervising all ordinary and incentive  compensation  payments and
plans for executive  officers of Scan-Optics  and for approving  grants of stock
options to employees  under our employee  stock option plans.  During 2002,  the
Stock  Options  and  Executive  Compensation  Committee  met  twice.  The  Audit
Committee is  responsible  for reviewing the adequacy of financial  controls and
the adequacy and accuracy of financial  reporting.  The Audit  Committee met six
times during 2002,  four of which were  conference  calls  relating to quarterly
earnings  reports.  The Nominating  Committee is  responsible  for screening and
recommending candidates to serve on the Board. The Nominating Committee met once
in 2002.

     Pursuant  to our  By-Laws,  nominations  for  directors  may be made by any
stockholder  entitled to vote for the  election of  directors at the meeting who
complies with the notice  procedures in the By-laws and who is a stockholder  of
record at the time the notice is given.  To be timely,  a  stockholder's  notice
must be received at the principal executive offices of Scan-Optics not less than
40 days nor more than 90 days prior to the meeting.  If  stockholders  have less
than 50 days' prior notice of the date of the meeting,  however,  a  stockholder
nomination  will be timely if  received  not later than the close of business on
the tenth day following the earlier of:

     o    the day on which notice of the date of the meeting was mailed or

     o    the day public disclosure of the meeting date was made.

A stockholder's notice must set forth:

     o    all  information  relating  to the  nominee  that  is  required  to be
          disclosed in  solicitations of proxies for election of directors or is
          otherwise required pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act;

                                            Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 7

     o    the  proposed  nominee's  written  consent  to being  named in a proxy
          statement as a nominee and to serving as a director if elected; and

     o    as to the stockholder giving the notice, (i) the name and address,  as
          they appear on Scan-Optics  books,  of such  stockholder and any other
          stockholder known by such stockholder to be supporting such nomination
          and (ii) the class and  number  of  shares  of  Scan-Optics  which are
          beneficially owned by such stockholder.

     A stockholder making such a nomination must also comply with all applicable
requirements of the Exchange Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder with
respect to such matter.

     Directors, other than those who are full-time employees of Scan-Optics or a
subsidiary, each receive a monthly fee of $750 and additional fees of $1,200 per
Board meeting attended and $500 per committee  meeting  attended.  Directors who
are full-time  employees of Scan-Optics  receive no remuneration  for serving on
the Board of Directors or  committees.  Under the  Scan-Optics,  Inc. 1990 Stock
Option Plan for Outside  Directors,  each  non-employee  director  automatically
receives an option to purchase  5,000 shares of common stock on the date of each
annual meeting of stockholders  of Scan-Optics.  The exercise price per share is
equal to the fair market  value of a share of common stock on the date of grant.
($.34 per share on June 6, 2002,  the date of last year's annual  meeting).  The
options  vest  six  months  after  the  date  of  grant  and  also  vest  upon a
reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation  in  which  Scan-Optics  is  not  the
surviving corporation.

                            1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The  Certificate of  Incorporation  of Scan-Optics  provides for a Board of
Directors  which is  divided  into  three  classes,  as nearly  equal in size as
possible, with one class elected each year for a three-year term, to hold office
until the end of such term and until successors have been elected and qualified.
Pursuant  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the  Board of  Directors  has
determined that Scan-Optics  will have eight  directors,  two in the class whose
term will expire in 2004,  three in the class whose term will expire in 2005 and
three in the class whose term will expire in 2006.  At the 2003 Annual  Meeting,
three directors are to be elected to constitute the class whose term will expire
in 2006.

     It is intended that the shares  represented by the accompanying  proxy will
be voted for the election of Lyman C. Hamilton, Jr., James C. Mavel and Ralph J.
Takala as directors  unless the proxy  indicates that authority to vote for such
nominees is  withheld.  If a nominee is unable or  declines to serve,  which the
Board of Directors  has no reason to expect,  the  attorneys  named in the proxy
intend to vote for another person designated by the Board of Directors.

     Under Delaware law, directors are elected by a plurality of the votes cast.
Votes  withheld  and  broker  non-votes  are not  counted  as votes  cast in the
election of directors.

     The  following  information  sets forth the  nominees  for election at this
meeting and each director continuing in office,  their ages, business experience
over at least the last five years,  other  directorships and period of time as a
director of Scan-Optics.

Information Regarding Nominees and Continuing Directors

Nominees for election to Class III at this meeting to terms expiring in 2006:

8    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

     Mr.  Lyman C.  Hamilton,  Jr.,  age 76, is an  investment  manager  and was
formerly Chief Executive  Officer and President of  InterDigital  Communications
Corporation,  a specialized communications company, from 1993 to 1994. He served
as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alpine PolyVision, Inc., a flat panel
display manufacturer,  from 1991 to 1993 and of Imperial Corporation of America,
a  financial  services  organization,  from  1989 to 1990  and as  Chairman  and
President of Tamco Enterprises,  Inc., an investment company, from 1980 to 1989.
He had previously  served in various  positions  during a 17 year association at
ITT Corporation including President during 1977 and Chief Executive Officer from
1978 to 1979.  Mr.  Hamilton is also a director of  Videonet,  Inc., a privately
held provider of videoconferencing  services.  He has been a member of the Board
of Directors since 1985.

     Mr.  James C.  Mavel,  age 57,  joined  Scan-Optics  on  January 2, 1996 as
President  and Chief  Operating  Officer.  On December 31,  1996,  Mr. Mavel was
promoted to Chief Executive Officer.  On May 15, 1997, Mr. Mavel was promoted to
Chairman  of the  Board  of  Directors.  From  1991 to 1995 Mr.  Mavel  was Vice
President  and  General  Manager  of the  Imaging  Systems  Division  of  Unisys
Corporation. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 1996.

     Mr.  Ralph J.  Takala,  age 63,  is an  independent  business  advisor  and
financial  consultant.  In connection with that role, he served as Interim Chief
Financial  Officer of PictureTel  Corporation,  an SEC registrant,  from 2000 to
2001. Previously, he served as a partner at Ernst & Young, LLP, an international
professional services firm, from 1978 to 1995. For a seven year period ending in
1988 at  Ernst & Young,  LLP,  Mr.  Takala  served  as  engagement  partner  for
Scan-Optics.  Mr.  Takala's  appointment  was  approved by the current  Board of
Directors and he will be instated upon stockholder approval.

Class II directors whose present terms continue until 2004:

     Mr. Logan Clarke, Jr., age 75, is an independent management consultant.  He
previously  served as Interim  Executive  Director of Southeast Area  Technology
Center,  a  business  incubator  and  revolving  loan  fund  from  1995 to 1996,
independent  management  consultant  from  1991 to  1995,  acting  President  of
Hartford  College for Women from 1990 to 1991 and as Executive Vice President of
Society for Savings,  a savings bank, from 1986 to 1990. He has been a member of
the Board of Directors since 1981.

     Mr. Richard J. Coburn, age 71, is Manager of Sentry Tec LLC, a developer of
smart camera  equipment for law  enforcement.  From 1993 to October,  2001,  Mr.
Coburn served in senior officer  positions with Accent Color  Sciences,  Inc., a
manufacturer of color printing systems. Previously he served as President of KCR
Technology,  Inc., a  manufacturer  of high speed  printers,  from 1983 to 1991.
Except  for a short  period  in  1980,  he has  been a  member  of the  Board of
Directors since 1968.

Class I directors whose present terms continue until 2005:

     Mr. E.  Bulkeley  Griswold,  age 64, is  Managing  General  Partner  of L&L
Capital Partners,  LLC, a corporate finance partnership.  Mr. Griswold is also a
director of NLC Insurance Companies, the New York Mercantile Exchange, the Trust
Company of Connecticut and a number of other  privately held  companies.  He has
been a member of the Board of Directors since 1989.

                                            Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 9

     Mr.  John J.  Holton,  age 70, is  Chairman  of  Yojna,  Inc.,  a  software
development and marketing  company  specializing in distribution of check images
to support financial institution applications,  which position he has held since
1996. He had previously served as a Vice President of Unisys Corporation. During
his long career with Unisys  (which  resulted  from the merger of Burroughs  and
Sperry  Corporations)  he had key  assignments  as President  of Burroughs  K.K.
JAPAN,  Vice  President  and General  Manager of American  Pacific  Division and
Strategic  Account  Management.  Mr.  Holton  has been a member  of the Board of
Directors since 1998.

     Mr. Robert H. Steele,  age 64, is Vice Chairman of the John Ryan Company, a
banking services  company,  which position he has held since 1998. He previously
held the  positions  of  Executive  Vice  President  during 1997 and Senior Vice
President  from 1992 to 1997.  Mr.  Steele  is also  Chairman  of Moore  Medical
Corporation (a distributor of medical,  surgical and  pharmaceutical  products),
and a director of NLC Insurance Companies, SmartServ Online, Inc. (a provider of
Web and wireless applications) and the New York Mercantile Exchange. He has been
a member of the Board of Directors since 1978.

Share Ownership of Management

     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of shares of common stock as of April 25, 2003 of each director,  each
nominee  for  director  and  each   executive   officer  named  in  the  Summary
Compensation Table contained elsewhere in this proxy statement.

                                                                of Common Stock
         Name                         Number of Shares (1)          Outstanding
         --------------------------   ----------------          ----------------

         Logan Clarke, Jr.               50,600                        (2)
         Richard J. Coburn               55,200                        (2)
         Richard C. Goyette             191,063                        2.5%
         E. Bulkeley Griswold            83,000                        1.1%
         Lyman C. Hamilton, Jr.          55,000                        (2)
         John J. Holton                  20,000                        (2)
         Joel K. Howser                 154,081                        2.0%
         James C. Mavel                 380,483                        4.9%
         Clarence W. Rife               183,569                        2.4%
         Robert H. Steele                78,000                        (2)
         Ralph J. Takala
         Michael J. Villano             192,871                        2.5%

(1)  Includes  the  following  number of shares  subject to options  exercisable
within 60 days of April 25, 2003: Logan Clarke,  Jr., 50,000 shares;  Richard J.
Coburn, 50,000 shares; Richard C. Goyette, 190,583 shares; E. Bulkeley Griswold,
46,500 shares;  Lyman C. Hamilton,  Jr., 50,000 shares;  John J. Holton,  20,000
shares; Joel K. Howser, 153,000 shares; James C. Mavel, 320,000 shares; Clarence
W. Rife,  180,283  shares;  Robert H.  Steele,  50,000  shares;  and  Michael J.
Villano, 180,750 shares.

(2) Ownership is less than 1%.

All directors and executive officers as a group (14 persons)  beneficially owned
1,671,243 shares of our common stock, which constituted 17.3% of the outstanding
common stock as of that date.  This total includes  1,556,481  shares subject to
options exercisable within 60 days of April 25, 2003.

10    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following table sets forth information concerning the compensation paid
to the Chief  Executive  Officer  and the four  other  most  highly  compensated
executive  officers  of  Scan-Optics  in  2002  for  services  rendered  in  all
capacities during the fiscal years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000.

                                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                                                           Long Term
                                             Annual Compensation                            Awards
                                             -------------------                            ------

                                                                              Annual      Securities       All Other
                                                                              Compen-     Underlying        Compen-
Name and                                             Salary     Bonus         sation         Options        sation
Principal Position                       Year         ($)         ($)         ($)(1)          (#)           ($)(2)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

James C. Mavel                             2002      262,500       55,466      28,095                         10,366
Chairman of the Board, Chief               2001      250,000      100,000      44,102       250,000           17,960
Executive Officer, Director                2000      250,000                   45,481                         19,490
and President

Richard C. Goyette                         2002      147,900       32,170      20,362                            822
Vice President                             2001      145,000       58,000      30,065       145,000            5,088
Sales and Marketing                        2000      168,692       10,000      29,465                          8,566

Joel K. Howser                             2002      132,600       28,842      10,391                          6,334
Vice President                             2001      130,000       52,000      15,619       130,000           10,422
Software Development                       2000      130,000        2,500      15,019                         10,364

Clarence W. Rife                           2002      132,600       28,842      17,299                          6,524
Vice President                             2001      130,000       52,000      20,832       130,000           10,655
Access Services Division                   2000      110,833                   20,232        10,550            9,443
and Hardware Engineering

Michael J. Villano                         2002      147,000       31,061      19,244                          7,260
Chief Financial Officer,                   2001      140,000       56,000      19,539       140,000            9,594
Vice President and Treasurer               2000      140,000       20,000      18,939                          8,073

(1) Other annual compensation  includes  perquisites such as Group Term Life and
Disability  insurance premiums,  car allowances,  legal counseling,  and country
club  memberships.  Mr. Mavel  received  $8,421 in car  allowance  and $8,554 in
country club membership. Mr. Goyette received $7,800 in car allowance and $8,490
in legal  counseling.  Mr. Howser  received  $7,800 in car  allowance.  Mr. Rife
received  $7,800 in car allowance and $7,615 in disability  insurance  premiums.
Mr.  Villano  received  $7,800  in car  allowance  and  $6,924 in  country  club

(2) Includes employer match under the Scan-Optics, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan,
a section 401 plan under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the stock allocation
under the Scan-Optics,  Inc.  Employee Stock Ownership Plan, term life insurance
and  other  insurance  premiums  paid  by  Scan-Optics  for the  benefit  of the
executive officer.

                                           Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 11

                       Options Granted in Last Fiscal Year

     During 2002,  no options were granted to any executive  officers  listed in
the Summary  Compensation Table. In general,  options granted to employees under
our stock option plans vest in  installments  of one-third  commencing  one year
after  grant.  Options  granted to the  officers on December 31, 2001 vested six
months after the date of grant.  The option  exercise price is equal to the fair
market  value of a share of common  stock on the date of grant.  Options vest in
full upon a reorganization,  merger or consolidation in which Scan-Optics is not
the surviving corporation and upon other specified events.

               Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and
                          Fiscal Year-End Option Values

     The following table summarizes  options  exercised during 2002 and presents
the  value  of  unexercised  options  held by the  named  executives  at  fiscal

                                                                         Number of                   Value*
                                                                        Securities                     of
                                                                        Underlying                 Unexercised
                                       Shares                           Unexercised               In-the-Money
                                      Acquired             Value          Options                    Options
                                     On Exercise         Realized*       at Fiscal                  at Fiscal
Name                                     (#)                ($)          Year-End                   Year-End
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

James C. Mavel                              0                0            320,000 (1)          $     7,500 (1)
                                                                                0 (2)          $         0 (2)

Richard C. Goyette                          0                0            190,583 (1)          $     4,350 (1)
                                                                                0 (2)          $         0 (2)

Joel K. Howser                              0                0            153,000 (1)          $     3,900 (1)
                                                                                0 (2)          $         0 (2)

Clarence W. Rife                            0                0            180,283 (1)          $     3,900 (1)
                                                                            3,517 (2)          $         0 (2)

Michael J. Villano                          0                0            180,750 (1)          $     4,200 (1)
                                                                                0 (2)          $         0 (2)

(1)  Exercisable

(2)  Unexercisable

*Values are calculated by  subtracting  the exercise or base price from the fair
market  value of the common  stock as of the  exercise  date,  or in the case of
unexercised options, at fiscal year end.

12    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                         Executive Employment Agreements

     Scan-Optics entered into an employment agreement  ("Employment  Agreement")
effective as of December 31, 1996 with James C. Mavel to serve as its  President
and Chief Executive Officer and in such other executive  capacities as the Board
of Directors may designate from time to time. The term of Mr. Mavel's employment
extends until either party terminates it. The Employment  Agreement provides for
a base  annual  salary  of  $200,000  or such  greater  amount  as the  Board of
Directors  may  from  time to time  determine,  annual  incentive  compensation,
involving both potential  cash and stock option  benefits,  as the Stock Options
and Executive  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors may  determine,
life insurance in the face amount of $550,000, use of an automobile,  health and
disability  insurance  benefits,   participation  in  other  benefits  available
generally to executive  employees as the Board of Directors may  determine,  and
certain other personal benefits. Mr. Mavel's employment terminates automatically
upon death or after three months of  disability,  and may also be  terminated by
Scan-Optics or Mr. Mavel. Under the Employment Agreement,  Mr. Mavel is entitled
to  severance   benefits   consisting  of  one-year's  base  pay  and  continued
participation  for a year  in our  health  and  disability  insurance  plans  if
Scan-Optics  terminates Mr. Mavel's  employment without cause (as defined in the
Employment  Agreement)  prior to a change in  control of  Scan-Optics  or if Mr.
Mavel,  prior  to  a  change  in  control,  terminates  his  employment  because
Scan-Optics has significantly diminished his job responsibilities.

     Following a change in control of  Scan-Optics,  Mr. Mavel would be entitled
to enhanced  severance  benefits,  similar to those available to other executive
officers and described below, if his employment terminates involuntarily (except
on account of death or disability or for cause) or he terminates  his employment
for good  reason.  Good reason is defined to include:  an adverse  change in Mr.
Mavel's  powers,  responsibilities  or  duties;  a  reduction  in his base  pay,
discontinuance  or a reduction of his  participation in an incentive pay plan or
arrangement or employee benefits in which he was participating; the failure of a
successor  company to assume the obligations of Scan-Optics under the Employment
Agreement  in  connection  with  a  liquidation,   merger  or  consolidation  of
Scan-Optics  or a transfer of all or  substantially  all of its  assets;  or any
material breach of the agreement by Scan-Optics or any successor.  Upon any such
termination  of  employment,  Mr. Mavel will receive a lump sum payment equal to
the sum of (a) two and a half  times his base pay,  (b) two and a half times his
incentive  payments  from the preceding  year (or the second or third  preceding
year, if greater),  (c) two and a half times Scan-Optics'  matching contribution
to its  Retirement  Savings Plan that would be made if he deferred  four percent
(or such higher percentage as may be eligible for matching contributions) of the
amount of his base pay and  incentive  pay, and (d) the value of all his options
to acquire  Scan-Optics stock that will not become exercisable on account of his
termination.  The lump sum payment is subject to reduction if necessary to avoid
the imposition of an excise tax under the federal income tax law  limitations on
so-called  "golden  parachute"  payments.  In  addition,   Mr.  Mavel's  health,
disability  and life insurance  coverages will continue for two years  following
termination of employment.

     A change in control is defined  as a change  that would be  required  to be
reported  pursuant to the proxy  regulations  under the Exchange Act, whether or
not  Scan-Optics  is then subject to such  reporting  requirements.  A change in
control  would also occur if any  person or entity  acquires  22% or more of the
voting  power of our  outstanding  securities  or if over a two-year  period the
members of our Board of Directors at the beginning of the period  (together with
any persons  nominated  by a  two-thirds  majority of such  directors)  cease to
constitute a majority of the Board.

                                           Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 13

                         Executive Severance Agreements

     Scan-Optics  has  adopted  severance  agreements  for  executive  officers,
including Mr. Goyette,  Mr. Howser,  Mr. Rife and Mr. Villano.  These agreements
provide  severance  benefits  in the  event  of an  involuntary  termination  of
employment with Scan-Optics (except on account of death, disability or cause) or
a voluntary termination of employment with Scan-Optics where good reason exists,
in either case following a change in control of Scan-Optics. A change in control
is  defined in the same way as in Mr.  Mavel's  Employment  Agreement  described
above.  On an  involuntary  termination  following  a change  in  control,  each
executive  officer is entitled to a lump sum payment equal to the sum of (a) two
and a half times his base pay and  commission  pay, (b) two and a half times his
incentive  payments  from the preceding  year (or the second or third  preceding
year, if greater),  (c) two and a half times Scan-Optics'  matching contribution
to its Retirement Savings Plan that would be made if he deferred under such Plan
four  percent  (or  such  higher  percentage  as may be  eligible  for  matching
contributions) of the amount of base pay,  commission pay and incentive pay, and
(d) the value of all options to acquire  Scan-Optics  common stock that will not
become exercisable on account of the executive officer's  termination.  The lump
sum payment is subject to reduction if necessary to avoid the  imposition  of an
excise  tax under  federal  income  tax law  limitations  on  so-called  "golden
parachute"  payments.  In addition,  the executive officer's insurance coverages
will continue for two years following termination. These benefits generally will
be in addition to any other  benefits  that  executive  officers are entitled to
receive from Scan-Optics.

                          Executive Insurance Agreement

     Under an insurance  agreement  with Mr. Rife,  Scan-Optics  is obligated to
provide certain  retirement and disability  benefits.  If Mr. Rife dies while in
the employ of Scan-Optics  but prior to attaining the age of 65,  Scan-Optics is
obligated  to pay his  beneficiary  $50,000  per annum for each of the ten years
following  such death,  with  payment to  commence  in the year of death.  If he
retires  from   Scan-Optics  upon  attaining  the  age  of  65,  or  thereafter,
Scan-Optics  is  obligated to pay him (or his  beneficiary  in the event that he
dies during the retirement  period)  $50,000 per annum for each of the ten years
following such  retirement,  with payment to commence in the year of retirement.
To provide for the  adequate  funding of its  obligations  under the  agreement,
Scan-Optics  has  purchased  and is  obligated  to  maintain  at its  expense an
insurance policy on Mr. Rife's life in the face amount of $310,000.  Scan-Optics
has  purchased  and is obligated  to maintain  for the benefit of Mr.  Rife,  at
Scan-Optics'  expense, a disability income policy which would provide disability
benefits to him in the amount of $2,500 per month.  The agreement  provides that
payments  under  the  disability   policy  will  commence  six  months  after  a
determination  of  disability  has been made and will  continue  until Mr.  Rife
reaches the age of 65. The agreement  provides for automatic  termination if Mr.
Rife resigns or otherwise  voluntarily  terminates his employment  other than by
reason of  disability  or  retirement  upon  attaining  the age of 65, or if his
employment is terminated by reason of gross misconduct.

14    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

                    SCAN-OPTICS INC., THE RUSSELL 2000 INDEX
                     DECEMBER 31, 1997 - DECEMBER 31, 2002

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                                 12/97      12/98        12/99        12/00        12/01        12/02
                                                 -----      -----        -----        -----        -----        -----
The Russell 2000 Index                          $100.00    $178.39      $392.44      $180.62      $145.44      $100.29
Nasdaq Computer & Data Processing Index         $100.00    $ 97.45      $118.17      $114.60      $117.45      $100.29
Scan-Optics, Inc.                               $100.00    $ 44.85      $ 19.12      $  1.84      $  2.82        $3.18

*$100 invested on 12/31/97 in stock or index including reinvestment of

Fiscal year ending December 31st.

                                           Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 15

               Report of the Board of Directors and Stock Options

                      and Executive Compensation Committee

     The Stock Options and Executive  Compensation  Committee is responsible for
making  recommendations  to the full  Board of  Directors  with  respect  to the
compensation  of our Chief  Executive  Officer and other  executive  officers of
Scan-Optics,  and with respect to long- and  short-term  incentive  compensation
awards.  It also makes grants under our stock  option plans for  employees.  The
members of the Stock  Options and  Executive  Compensation  Committee  are Logan
Clarke,  Jr.  (Chairman),  Richard J. Coburn and John J. Holton. All members are
non-employee  directors,  and no  member  has any  direct or  indirect  material
interest  in or  relationship  with  Scan-Optics  outside  of  his  position  as

     During 2002,  the Stock  Options and Executive  Compensation  Committee met
separately  from the Board of Directors on two  occasions,  and other  decisions
were made in joint session with the other members of the Board of Directors. Mr.
Mavel,  the sole member of management who serves on the Board of Directors,  did
not  participate  in decisions  specifically  concerning his  compensation.  The
policies of the Board and the Stock Options and Executive Compensation Committee
and their application in 2002 are described below.

     The principal  components of our  executive  compensation  program are base
salary, bonus compensation and stock options. Actual salary changes are based on
performance.  Bonus  awards  for  executive  officers  and other key  members of
management are paid only if Scan-Optics  meets specified  goals.  Special awards
can be granted to various members of management and other key employees.

     Stock  options are intended to align the interests of top  management  with
the interests of stockholders.  The Committee has the authority to determine the
individuals to whom stock options are awarded,  the terms on which option grants
are made, and the number of shares subject to each option.

     The overall objective of our compensation  program is to reward performance
in a manner that is  competitive  with  comparable  companies  and that provides
incentives for managers to produce steadily improved results.  Historically,  we
have  carefully  measured  the various  compensation  components,  base  salary,
bonuses,  options  and other  fringe  benefits  against  those  offered  by peer
companies  of  similar  size to  assure  that  Scan-Optics'  executives  and key
employees  are  compensated  in a fair manner.  In December  2001,  we adopted a
business plan that largely  determines the amount of  compensation  available to
the seven executive  officers and seventeen other members of management and that
includes  various  incentives for these officers and other members of management
if  Scan-Optics  achieves the  performance  goals  included in the plan.  We are
satisfied that the  compensation  program  included in our 2002 business plan is
consistent  with  the  overall  objective  of  providing  fair  and  competitive
compensation  that  offers  adequate  incentives  for  the  achievement  of  our
performance goals.

     The Committee  approved raises for the seven executive  officers in June of
2002.  The  executive  officers  had not  received a raise in the prior 3 years.
These  raises  represented  cost of living and merit  increase  adjustments  and
ranged from 4% to 10% of base salary.

16    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries

     In accordance with the 2002 business plan, the Committee approved awards of
bonus  compensation  and stock options for the  achievement  of the  performance
goals included in the 2002 business plan.  Achievement of the performance  goals
was based on the consolidated  financial statements of Scan-Optics as of and for
the year ended December 31, 2002, as audited by Ernst & Young. Under the plan, a
total of $387,000 in bonus  compensation was earned,  of which $227,000 was paid
to the seven executive officers and $160,000 was paid to the seventeen other key
members of management. In addition,  options to purchase an aggregate of 682,500
shares of our common stock were granted on March 18, 2003, the date of the Ernst
& Young LLP  opinion.  The  seven  executive  officers  received  512,500  stock
options,  and the  seventeen  other key members of management  received  170,000
stock  options.  The named  executives  in this  proxy  received  the  following
options: Mr. Mavel, 125,000; Mr. Goyette,  72,500; Mr. Howser, 65,000; Mr. Rife,
65,000; and Mr. Villano,  70,000. The options have an exercise price of $.28 per
share, the market price on the date of grant.

     The  policies  of the  Committee  and the Board  with  respect to the Chief
Executive   Officer's   compensation   and  the  role  of   performance  in  the
determination  of his  compensation  included  in the other  executive  officers
compensation review, as described above.

Board of Directors and Stock Options and Executive Compensation Committee

     *Logan Clarke, Jr., Chairman   Lyman C. Hamilton, Jr.
     *Richard J. Coburn             James C. Mavel
     *John J. Holton                Robert H. Steele
     E. Bulkeley Griswold

(*) indicates member of the Stock Options and Executive Compensation Committee

                          Report of the Audit Committee

     In accordance  with its written  charter adopted by the Board of Directors,
the  Audit  Committee  (the  "Committee")  oversees,  on  behalf of the Board of
Directors,  the quality and integrity of the accounting,  auditing and financial
reporting  practices of Scan-Optics.  Management has the primary  responsibility
for the financial statements and the reporting process, including the systems of
internal controls.

     The  Committee  consists  entirely  of  independent  directors.  The  Audit
Committee  met six  times  during  2002,  four of which  were  conference  calls
relating to quarterly earnings reports.

     In discharging its oversight  responsibility  as to the audit process,  the
Committee  obtained from the  independent  auditors a formal  written  statement
describing all  relationships  between the auditors and  Scan-Optics  that might
bear on the auditors'  independence  consistent with the Independence  Standards
Board Standard No. 1,  "Independence  Discussions  with Audit  Committees."  The
Committee  discussed with the auditors any  relationships  that may affect their
objectivity  and  independence,  including  fees  for  non-audit  services,  and
satisfied itself as to the auditor's independence.  The Committee also discussed
with  management  and the  independent  auditors  the  quality  and  adequacy of
Scan-Optics'  internal controls and the internal audit function's  organization,
responsibilities,   budget  and  staffing.   The  Committee  reviewed  with  the
independent auditors their audit plan and audit scope.

                                           Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 17

     The  Committee  discussed and reviewed  with the  independent  auditors all
communications  required by generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  including
those  described  in  Statement  on  Auditing  Standards  No.  61,  as  amended,
"Communications with Audit Committees" and, with and without management present,
discussed and reviewed the  independent  auditors'  examination of the financial

     The Committee  reviewed the audited financial  statements of Scan-Optics as
of and for the year ended December 31, 2002, with management and the independent
auditors.  This  review  included  a  discussion  of the  quality,  not just the
acceptability,  of the accounting principles,  the reasonableness of significant
judgments and the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements.

     Based  on the  reviews  and  discussions  described  above,  the  Committee
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited  financial  statements of
Scan-Optics  be  included  in its Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2002, for filing with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and
the  Board  of  Directors  approved  this  recommendation.  The  Committee  also
recommended, subject to stockholder approval, that Ernst & Young LLP be selected
to serve as Scan-Optics'  independent  auditors for the year ending December 31,

                         Principal Accounting Firm Fees

     Set forth  below is a summary of the fees paid for the year ended  December
31, 2002 to the Company's principal accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP.

     Audit fees                                               $   151,500
     Consulting fees relating to financial information                  0
              systems design and implementation
     All other fees:
          Benefit plan audit fees                                  15,000
          Tax return preparation fees (compliance fees)            52,000
          Total fees                                          $   218,500

Robert H. Steele, Audit Committee Chairman
E. Bulkeley Griswold, Audit Committee Member
Lyman C. Hamilton, Jr., Audit Committee Member

April 21, 2003

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     During 2002, legal services were rendered to Scan-Optics by a law firm of
which Richard D. Harris, Secretary of Scan-Optics, is a partner.

18    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries


     Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our  directors and officers and
persons who own more than 10% of our common  stock to file  reports of ownership
and  changes  in  ownership  on Forms 3, 4 and 5 with  the  Securities  Exchange
Commission.  Those directors,  officers and stockholders are required to send us
copies of all such forms they file.  Based solely on our review of the copies of
such forms we have  received  and written  representations  from  certain of our
officers and directors,  we believe that all of our officers and directors filed
the required forms on or before their due dates.


     The Board of  Directors  recommends  that  proxies be voted in favor of the
ratification  of  the  appointment  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP,  certified  public
accountants,  as  independent  auditors for the fiscal year ending  December 31,
2003.  Ernst & Young LLP has been our  independent  auditor  since  1979.  Under
Delaware law and our By-Laws,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast at the meeting will be required to ratify the appointment.  Abstentions and
broker non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of the vote.

     Representatives  of Ernst & Young LLP are  expected  to be  present  at the
Annual  Meeting where they will have an  opportunity to make a statement if they
desire  to do  so  and  are  expected  to be  available  to  answer  appropriate

                                3. OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board of Directors  does not know of any matters to be presented at the
Annual  Meeting  other than  those set forth in the Notice of Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders.  However,  if any other matters properly come before such meeting,
the persons  named in the enclosed  proxy will have  discretionary  authority to
vote all proxies on such matters in accordance with their judgment.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Stockholder  proposals  intended to be presented  at the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders in 2004 must be received by Scan-Optics at its principal  executive
offices no later than February 13, 2004 in order to be considered  for inclusion
in Scan-Optics' proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the Annual Meeting
of  Stockholders  in  2004.  Any such  proposal  must  comply  with  Rule  14a-8
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to the Exchange
Act and the notice  provisions of our By-Laws  described  under  "Governance  of
Scan-Optics," beginning on page 3.

     In addition, with respect to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2004, if
a stockholder  does not provide notice to Scan-Optics of a stockholder  proposal
by March 17,  2004,  the  attorneys  named in the form of proxy  mailed with our
proxy  statement for that meeting will have  discretionary  authority to vote as
they determine on the proposal. If we change the date of the 2004 Annual Meeting
by more than 30 days from the date of the 2003 Annual  Meeting,  those attorneys
will have that discretionary  authority to vote unless the stockholder  provides
notice of the  stockholder  proposal a reasonable  time before we mail our proxy
materials for the meeting.

                                    RICHARD D. HARRIS
                                    May 5, 2003

                                           Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries 19

20    Scan-Optics, Inc. and Subsidiaries                             SCAOP-PS-03

                                SCAN-OPTICS, INC.

Dear Stockholder,

Pleases take note of the important  information  enclosed with the Proxy Ballot.
There are a number of issues  related to the  management  and  operation of your
Company that require your immediate attention and approval.  These are discussed
in detail in the enclosed proxy materials.

Your vote counts, and you are strongly encouraged to exercise your right to vote
your shares.

Please  mark the boxes on this proxy card to  indicate  how your  shares will be
voted.  Then sign the card, detach it and return your proxy vote in the enclosed
postage paid envelope.

Your vote must be received prior to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders, June 12,

Thank you in advance for your prompt consideration of these matters.


Scan-Optics, Inc.

                                   DETACH HERE

                                SCAN-OPTICS, INC.

                               169 Progress Drive
                          Manchester, Connecticut 06040


The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  as  proxies,  James C. Mavel and  Michael J.
Villano,  or either of them, each with the power to appoint his substitute,  and
hereby authorizes them to vote, as designated on the reverse side, all shares of
capital  stock of  Scan-Optics,  Inc.  (the  "Company")  held of  record  by the
undersigned on April 25, 2003 at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held
on June 12, 2003 and any adjournments thereof.



- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please  sign  exactly as your name  appears on the books of the  Company.  Joint
owners  should  each sign  personally.  Trustees  and other  fiduciaries  should
indicate the capacity in which they sign,  and where more than one name appears,
a majority  must sign. If a  corporation,  this  signature  should be that of an
authorized officer who should state his or her title.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__________________________________           __________________________________
__________________________________           __________________________________
__________________________________           __________________________________


P.O. BOX 8694
EDISON, NJ 08818-8694

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


[x] Please mark votes
    as in this example.

1. Election of Directors.

    Nominees: (01) Lyman C. Hamilton, Jr.,
              (02) James C. Mavel and
              (03) Ralph J. Takala

FOR ALL NOMINEES    [ ]                   [ ]     WITHHELD FROM ALL NOMINEES

[ ] _________________________________________
    For all nominees except as noted above

2. To appoint  Ernst & Young,  LLP as  independent  auditors for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2003.

FOR                     AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
[ ]                      [ ]                      [ ]

In their discretion,  the proxies are authorized to vote upon any other business
that may properly come before the meeting.

Mark box at right if an address  change or comment had been noted on the reverse
side of this card.         [ ]

Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.