SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of December 27,
2004, by and between Scan-Optics, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as
"Scan-Optics"), a Delaware Corporation with a principal place of business at 169
Progress Drive, Manchester, Connecticut and Columbia Electrical Contractors,
Inc. d/b/a Columbia Tech, a Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of
business at 17 Briden Street, Worcester, MA 01605, (hereinafter referred to as
"Columbia", and together with Scan-Optics), the "parties" hereto.

         WHEREAS, Columbia, as a vendor or subcontractor, seeks to provide
certain goods, services and products to, or at the request of, Scan-Optics
according to specifications provided by Scan-Optics (hereinafter "Goods", or
"Services" or "Products"); and

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreement of the parties to
enter into the covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by
the parties, the parties agree as follows:

1.       Price. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Columbia
         agrees to provide Scan-Optics with the Services, Goods and Products,
         which Scan-Optics requests in writing according to the specifications
         provided by Scan-Optics, at the agreed upon price, and the subject to
         the other terms thereunder to the extent those terms do not conflict
         with the terms of this Agreement. In the event of any contrary or
         conflicting terms between the written request and the terms of this
         Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The Parties shall
         set forth in writing such non-cancellable requests for Goods, Services
         and Products, and establish scheduled delivery dates (the "Scheduled
         Delivery Dates") with corresponding payment dates. Columbia will allow
         Scan-Optics to reschedule deliveries up to a maximum of ninety days
         from originally scheduled delivery dates. Scan-Optics agrees to provide
         Columbia with a deposit equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the
         purchase order value, each payment due Columbia in net forty-five (45)
         days from shipment, with the deposit being applied to the last
         twenty-five (25) percent of the order.

2.       Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the
         date first stated above and continue until terminated by either party
         with the giving of One Hundred and Eighty (180) days written notice
         delivered to the other party at the address referenced hereinabove. If
         one party breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement, the
         other party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by
         delivery of ten (10) days written notice of such breach to the other
         party, if the breach is curable, such non-breaching party shall have
         the option to allow the breaching party an opportunity to cure the
         breach during the ten (10) day period. If Scan-Optic becomes unable to
         pay its debts as they mature, makes a general assignment for the
         benefit of creditors, or has a petition for bankruptcy filed, Columbia
         shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by delivery of five
         (5) days written notice to the other party. Notwithstanding the
         foregoing, in all instances of termination, Scan-Optic shall be fully

         liable for all payments due to Columbia in connection with all written
         requests for Goods, Services or Products received by Columbia prior to
         such termination.

3.       Indemnification. Scan-Optics agrees to Indemnify, release and discharge
         Columbia, its officers and representatives from all debts, actions,
         causes of action, suits, accounts, covenants, contracts, agreements,
         damages and any and all claims, demands and liabilities whatsoever of
         every name and nature both in law and in equity, and bear all costs of
         Columbia's defense and indemnification, which may arise from Columbia's
         delivery of Goods, Services or Products that substantially conformed to
         Scan-Optics' written specifications.

4.       Warranty. Columbia Tech expressly warrants that all materials,
         workmanship, and assemblies covered by this agreement shall conform to
         specifications, drawings, instructions and descriptions, which have
         been provided in writing by Scan Optics. Columbia Tech warrants the
         workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery.
         Further, Columbia Tech shall, on behalf of Scan Optics, use all
         reasonable efforts to enforce warranties on materials that it gets from
         its vendors and suppliers; and shall have no liability for materials
         after the expiration of such warranties. Columbia Tech, at its sole
         discretion, agrees to replace or correct any products or services not
         conforming to the foregoing warranty promptly, when notified of such
         nonconformity by Scan Optics within the Warranty Period. This warranty
         does not cover damage caused by products, services, designs,
         specifications, instructions, or information not supplied by Scan
         Optics or failure which result from accident, misuses, abuse, neglect,
         mishandling, alteration or modifications by anyone other than Columbia

         Columbia Tech shall not be liable for incidental or consequential
         damages resulting from the use of this product or arising out of any
         breach of this warranty. The foregoing warranty is excusive and in lieu
         of all other warranties (whether express, implied, or statutory)
         including, without limitation the warranties of merchantability and
         fitness for a particular purpose.

5.       General Provisions

         5.1      Complete Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire
                  agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the
                  subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements
                  whether written or oral relating hereto. Any amendment to this
                  Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the parties

         5.2      Survival. Except as otherwise provided herein, the rights and
                  obligations of the parties intended to be observed and
                  performed by the parties after the termination of this
                  Agreement shall survive the same and continue thereafter in
                  full force and effect, including without limitation warranties
                  and indemnification.

         5.3      Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and
                  interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of
                  Massachusetts, including all matters of construction,
                  validity, performance and enforcement, without giving effect
                  to principles of conflict of laws.


         5.4      Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held
                  invalid, unenforceable or void by a court of competent
                  jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall nonetheless be
                  enforceable according to their terms. In such case, the
                  parties agree to use their best efforts to achieve the purpose
                  of the invalid provision. Further, if any provision is held to
                  be overbroad as written, such provision shall be deemed
                  amended to narrow its application to the extent necessary to
                  make the provision enforceable according to applicable law and
                  shall be enforced as amended.

         5.5      Columbia agrees that in six months from the date of this
                  agreement that it will review the then current financial
                  position of Scan-Optics. Once this review has taken place,
                  Columbia will consider, in its sole discretion, whether it
                  will be possible to eliminate the requirement of the
                  twenty-five (25) percent deposit.

6.       In accordance with this agreement, Columbia agrees not to pursue any
         contract manufacturing business opportunities with the companies listed
         on Exhibit A for a period of twelve months from the date of this

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused this Subcontract Agreement to
be executed in the manner appropriate for each, as of the date first above


By  /s/ Joseph P. Crouch
        Joseph P. Crouch

Its VP, Manufacturing Services


By  /s/ Christopher J. Coghlin
        Christopher J. Coghlin

Its President
