FORECLOSURE AGREEMENT

         This  Foreclosure   Agreement,   dated  as  of  August  5,  2005  (this
"Agreement"),  by and among  SCAN-OPTICS,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Borrower"),  SO ACQUISITION,  LLC, as the lender party to the Credit  Agreement
(as defined hereinafter) (the "Lender"), and PATRIARCH PARTNERS AGENCY SERVICES,
LLC,  a Delaware  limited  liability  company,  as agent for the Lender (in such
capacity, together with any successor agent, the "Agent").


         I.  Pursuant  to  that  certain  Third  Amended  and  Restated   Credit
Agreement,  dated as of March  30,  2004,  by and among  the  Borrower,  certain
subsidiaries of the Borrower as guarantors thereto, the Lender and the Agent, as
amended by that certain  First  Amendment to Third  Amended and Restated  Credit
Agreement  dated as of June 27,  2005 (as so  amended,  and as further  amended,
restated,  supplemented  or otherwise  modified  from time to time,  the "Credit
Agreement"),  and certain other documents,  instruments and agreements  executed
pursuant  thereto  or  in  connection  therewith  (collectively,   the  "Related
Agreements" and together with the Credit Agreement,  the "Loan Documents"),  the
Lender (or its  predecessors  in interest in the Loans (as defined  hereinafter)
has made loans to and other financial  accommodations to, or for the benefit of,
the Borrower  (all such loans and other  financial  accommodations  being herein
referred to collectively as the "Loans"). The Loans and all other obligations of
the   Borrower  to  the  Lender,   howsoever   created,   arising  or  evidenced
(collectively,  the "Loan Obligations"), are secured by substantially all of the
Borrower's assets.

         II. Pursuant to those certain Assignment Agreements, dated as of August
5, 2005, between Zohar CDO 2003-1, Limited and Zohar II 2005-1,  Limited, on the
one hand (together,  the "Prior  Lenders"),  and Lender,  on the other hand, the
Lender purchased all of the Prior Lenders' right, title and interest in the Loan
Documents and the Loan Obligations.

         III.  The  Borrower  acknowledges  that as of August 5,  2005,  (a) the
aggregate  outstanding  principal  amount of the Loans is  $14,310,000,  (b) the
Borrower has failed to repay certain  principal  amounts in accordance  with the
requirements  of Section 2.9 of the Credit  Agreement,  and (c) the Borrower has
defaulted on its  obligations  under Section  6.2(c) of the Credit  Agreement by
permitting  Consolidated  Earnings  Before Interest Taxes and  Depreciation  and
Amortization for the four consecutive Fiscal Quarters ending June 30, 2005 to be
less than $208,000.

         IV. As of the date of this Agreement,  the Lender and the Borrower each
have  determined,   independently,  that  the  principal  amount  of  all  Loans
outstanding  exceeds the fair market value of the Borrower's business as a going

         V. The Borrower  acknowledges that, as a result of continuing  defaults
by the Borrower in the performance of the Loan  Obligations,  the Lender has the
right,  with the written  consent of the  Borrower,  under  Section 9-620 of the
Delaware  Commercial Code or the equivalent  provisions of any relevant  state's
Uniform Commercial Code  (collectively,  the "UCC") to accept the Collateral (as
hereinafter defined) in partial satisfaction of the Loan Obligations.

         VI. The Borrower  acknowledges  that,  effective as of the date hereof,
all Loan Obligations have been accelerated and are immediately due and payable.

         VII.  The Lender has asked the  Borrower and the Borrower has agreed to
(a)  surrender  possession  of the  Subject  Assets  to the  Lender  in  partial
satisfaction  of the Loan  Obligations  to the extent such assets are subject to
foreclosure under the UCC and (b) surrender  possession of all remaining Subject
Assets to the Lender as payment  in kind for the  remaining  balance of the Loan

         VIII.  In order to maximize  the value of the  Collateral  as part of a
going  concern,  the  Lender  has agreed to assume  certain  obligations  of the
Borrower, as further described in this Agreement.


         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements
set forth herein, the Borrower, the Agent and the Lender agree as follows:

         1. Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and
correct,  and are  incorporated  into and form an integral part of the agreement
among the parties contained in this Agreement.

         2. Acceptance.

              2.1 Subject Assets.  Subject to the terms and conditions set forth
in this Agreement,  at the Closing (as defined  hereinafter)  the Borrower shall
assign, transfer and deliver to the Lender, and the Lender shall accept, acquire
and take  assignment  and delivery of, all of the  Borrower's  right,  title and
interest in and to all of the assets of the Borrower  (in each case,  including,
but not limited to, those assets set forth on Schedule 2.1, hereinafter referred
to  collectively  as the "Subject  Assets"),  as follows:  (i) to the extent the
Subject  Assets are subject to a security  interest in favor of the Agent or the
Lender under Article 9 of the UCC (the "Collateral"),  such Subject Assets shall
be  assigned,  transferred  and  delivered  to the Lender  free and clear of all
liens, claims,  security interests and encumbrances pursuant to Section 9-620 of
the UCC, in partial  satisfaction of the Loan Obligations and (ii) all remaining
Subject  Assets shall be assigned,  transferred  and  delivered to the Lender by
other  applicable  law or as payment in kind in  consideration  of the  Lender's
releasing on the Closing  Date (as  hereinafter  defined) the Borrower  from the
remaining balance of such Loan Obligations;  provided,


however,  that the Subject  Assets  shall not include  the  Excluded  Assets (as
defined in Section 2.2).

              2.2 Excluded Assets.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Borrower
is not  transferring,  and the Lender is not  accepting,  any of the assets more
particularly  described on Schedule 2.2 (such assets  hereinafter being referred
to collectively as the "Excluded Assets").

              2.3 Assumption of Obligations or Liabilities.

               (a)  The Lender is not assuming any liabilities or obligations of
                    any kind or  nature  whatsoever  of the  Borrower  except as
                    specifically indicated on Schedule 2.3(a).

               (b)  The  Lender  hereby  assumes  the  obligation  to  fund  all
                    disbursement  requests on the  Borrower's  bank accounts (as
                    set  forth  on  Attachment  1 to  Schedule  2.1  (the  "Bank
                    Accounts")  with respect to checks or debit advices dated on
                    or before  August 5, 2005.  The Lender  shall  satisfy  such
                    obligations  by  depositing  or  arranging to deposit in the
                    Bank Accounts funds  sufficient to cover such Obligations on
                    a timely basis following a request for such funding from the

              2.4 Employees.  The Lender shall offer employment,  subject to and
effective  upon  Closing,  to all  employees  employed by the Borrower as of the
Closing  Date  (the  "Employees").  The  offer  by  Lender  shall  be  on  terms
substantially equivalent to those terms on which each such Employee was employed
by the Borrower immediately prior to Closing.  Nothing in this Section 2.4 shall
be construed as a guarantee of  employment  for any  particular  period,  or any
limitation on the right of the Lender, in its sole and exclusive discretion,  to
establish,  modify,  or eliminate  the  employment  terms and  conditions of its
employees.  In addition,  for the avoidance of doubt, the Lender is not assuming
any liabilities or obligations with respect to any employment agreements.

              2.5 Employee Benefit Plans.  Upon the Closing Date, the Lender (i)
shall assume sponsorship of each contract,  plan, arrangement or policy and each
other plan or arrangement providing for compensation,  bonuses,  profit-sharing,
forms of  incentive  or  deferred  compensation,  vacation  benefits,  insurance
(including any self-insured arrangements),  health or medical benefits, employee
assistance programs,  disability or sick leave benefits,  workers' compensation,
supplemental  unemployment  benefits,  severance benefits and post-employment or
retirement benefits (including  compensation,  pension,  health, medical or life
insurance  benefits)  (collectively,  the "Employee Benefit Plans") sponsored by
the  Borrower  and (ii) is  hereby  substituted  for the  previous  sponsor  and
previous  administrator  as plan sponsor and plan  administrator,  respectively,
under each of the Employee  Benefit Plans.  As of the Closing Date, the previous
sponsor  and  all  previous   participating   employers  shall  cease  to  be  a
"participating employer" under the Employee Benefit Plans. All references in the


Employee  Benefit Plans to the previous sponsor are hereby changed to references
to the Lender, and the Lender assumes all powers,  duties,  rights,  privileges,
obligations and liabilities of the previous plan sponsor under those plans. Each
of the Employee Benefit Plans shall be maintained and administered by the Lender
in  accordance  with its terms  subject to the same powers to amend or terminate
such plan  previously  reserved to the previous plan sponsor.  As of the Closing
Date, the Lender hereby assumes all  responsibilities and liabilities for making
contributions  and paying  benefits  under each  Employee  Benefit  Plan whether
incurred  or accrued  prior to or  subsequent  to the  Closing  Date.  As of the
Closing Date,  the Lender hereby  assumes any and all  agreements  and insurance
contracts relating to any Employee Benefit Plan between the previous sponsor and
any  insurance  company,  third party  administrator,  recordkeeper,  trustee or
actuary.  The  Borrower  shall  use its best  efforts  to assist  the  Lender in
securing  any  consents  required  for the Lender to assume any  agreements  and
insurance contracts relating to the Employee Benefit Plans.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  Lender is not assuming any liabilities or obligations of any kind or
nature  whatsoever  of the Borrower  regarding or related to accrued  retirement
benefits owed by Borrower to Clarence Rife.

              2.6 Accrued Benefits. The Lender agrees that each Employee will be
given credit for all service  with the Borrower for the purposes of  determining
eligibility,  participation  and vesting in all employee benefits offered by the
Lender. Such grant of past service credit will include, without limitation,  for
benefit accrual and computation purposes, all vacation, sick leave and paid time
off. In addition,  the Lender agrees to continue to  recognize,  or otherwise be
responsible for satisfying  accrued benefits with respect to, all vacation time,
sick leave,  paid time off, or other  leave  accrued by each  Employee as of the

              2.7  Compliance  with the UCC.  It is the  express  intent  of the
parties hereto that the  acceptance and transfer of the Collateral  contemplated
hereby  be  consummated  pursuant  to  Section  9-620 of the UCC.  The  Borrower
acknowledges  and agrees  that this  Agreement  shall be deemed  the  Borrower's
acceptance of and consent to Lender's  proposal pursuant to Section 9-620 of the
UCC of the  Lender's  proposal  for  acceptance  of the  Collateral  in  partial
satisfaction of the Loan  Obligations,  which shall be received by the Lender in
partial  satisfaction  of the Loan  Obligations  as provided  herein,  and shall
discharge,  by operation of law, any security  interests or liens subordinate to
the security  interests and liens on the Collateral of the Agent and the Lender.
The parties  acknowledge  and agree that  effective  as of the Closing  Date the
Borrower  has  transferred  all of its right,  title and  interest in and to the
Subject  Assets to the Lender and from and after the Closing  Date the  Borrower
shall have no  beneficial  interest in the Subject  Assets  notwithstanding  the
failure to obtain  any  consents,  approvals  or  acknowledgements  by any third

         3. Liabilities.


              3.1 No Assumption  of  Liabilities.  The Borrower  agrees that the
Agent and the Lender have not assumed any liability or  obligation  with respect
to any of the Subject Assets except as set forth on Schedule 2.3(a).

              3.2 Directors and Officers Insurance.  The Borrower shall obtain a
D&O "tail" insurance policy covering the Borrower and the Borrower's,  directors
and officers for liability  with respect to events which occurred on or prior to
the Closing Date. The policy shall provide coverage in the amount of $10,000,000
of loss for any event incurred prior to the Closing but claimed anytime prior to
three years after the Closing.  The Lender  agrees to fund  Borrower for, or pay
the  insurer  directly  on behalf of  Borrower  upon  appropriate  direction  of
Borrower, the premium payable on such policy, provided,  however, the premium on
such   policy   shall  not  exceed   $268,000  in  the   aggregate.   (the  "D&O
Reimbursement"). In the event the Lender shall fail to fund Borrower for the D&O
Reimbursement,  the Prior Lenders agree to fund Borrower for, or pay the insurer
directly on behalf of Borrower upon appropriate  direction of Borrower,  the D&O
Reimbursement  on a pro rata basis based upon their  respective  prior ownership
percentage of the Loans.

              3.3 Closing Date.  The "Closing Date" shall mean August 5, 2005 or
such other date as agreed upon by the parties hereunder.

              3.4 Time and Place. The transfer and delivery of all documents and
instruments  necessary to consummate  the transfer of the Subject Assets and the
other transactions  contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall be held
at the offices of Richards Spears Kibbe & Orbe LLP, One World Financial  Center,
New York, New York 10281,  at 10:00 a.m. New York City time on the Closing Date,
or at such other time and such other place as the parties may agree.

              3.5 Transactions at Closing. At the Closing:

                    (a)  The  Borrower  shall  execute  and  deliver  a  General
                         Assignment and Bill of Sale in  substantially  the form
                         of Exhibit A hereto to Lender.

                    (b)  To the extent not set forth in Attachment 1 to Schedule
                         2.1,  the  Borrower   shall   deliver  to  Lender,   as
                         applicable,  a list of all persons who are  signatories
                         to all bank accounts included in the Subject Assets.

                    (c)  The Borrower  shall deliver to the Lender a copy of the
                         resolution  of  the  full  Board  of  Directors  of the
                         Borrower  authorizing  the  Borrower to enter into this
                         Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

                    (d)  The Borrower shall have received an opinion  acceptable
                         to  it  from  Parker  Benjamin,   Inc.   regarding  the
                         transactions contemplated in this Agreement.


                    (e)  The  Lender  shall  deliver  to the  Borrower a written
                         consent of Ark CLO  2000-1,  Limited,  as the holder of
                         (i) 100% of the  Borrower's  issued and  outstanding 4%
                         Series I Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock and (ii)
                         approximately   80%  of  the   Borrower's   issued  and
                         outstanding   Common  Stock,   in  form  and  substance
                         reasonably satisfactory to the Borrower.

                    (f)  The  Borrower  shall have  delivered a wind down budget
                         for the  wind up of the  affairs  of  Borrower  and the
                         dissolution  of the Borrower (the "Wind Down  Budget"),
                         in form and substance  satisfactory to Lender, which is
                         attached hereto as Schedule 3.5(f).

                    (g)  The Borrower shall have delivered a letter  authorizing
                         the   Lender   to  use  the  name   "Scan-Optics",   in
                         substantially the form of Exhibit B hereto.

                    (h)  The  Borrower  shall  deliver  to the  Lender  executed
                         documents for  recording the  assignment of patents and
                         trademarks  in each case,  as  requested by the Lenders
                         and in  substantially  the  form  of  Exhibit  C-1  and
                         Exhibit C-2 hereto as applicable.

                    (i)  The  Borrower  shall  deliver to the Lender and each of
                         Borrower's banks an Instruction Letter in substantially
                         the form of Exhibit D.

                    (j)  The   Borrower   shall   transfer   to  the  Lender  in
                         immediately available funds, and in accordance with the
                         wire transfer instructions set forth on Schedule 3.5(j)
                         or as otherwise  instructed by the Lender,  all amounts
                         in the  Borrower's  Bank  Accounts  and any other  bank
                         account held by Borrower.

         4.  Representations,  Warranties,  and Covenants of the  Borrower.  The
Borrower represents and warrants to the Agent and the Lender as follows:

              4.1 Power  and  Authority.  Borrower  is duly  organized,  validly
existing,   and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  its  jurisdiction  of
organization  and has all requisite  corporate power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and to carry out the  transactions  contemplated  by, and perform
its obligations  under,  this  Agreement,  except that the assignment of certain
contracts  that are part of the  Subject  Assets may  require the consent of the
contracting   counterparty,   and  except  as  may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,
insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium or similar laws relating to or limiting
creditors'   rights   generally   or  by   equitable   principles   relating  to

              4.2 No  Conflict.  The  execution  and delivery by the Borrower of
this  Agreement and the  performance  by the Borrower of this Agreement does not
and will not (i) violate any  provision of any law or any  governmental  rule or
regulation  applicable to the Borrower,  or any order, judgment or decree of any
court or other agency of  government  binding on the  Borrower,  except that the
assignment of certain  government  contracts that are part of the Subject Assets
may require the consent of the contracting


agency,  or (ii) violate any provision of the certificate of  incorporation  and
bylaws of the Borrower.

              4.3 Binding Obligation.  This Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the Borrower and is the legally valid and binding obligation of the
Borrower,  enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with its terms, except
as may be limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium  or
similar laws relating to or limiting creditors' rights generally or by equitable
principles relating to enforceability.

              4.4  Location  of Subject  Assets.  The  Borrower  represents  and
warrants  that,  except for certain spare parts  associated  with the Borrower's
Access Services Division, all of the Subject Assets are located within the State
of Connecticut.

              4.5 Notice of  Default;  Other  Liens.  Notice of default has been
given to Borrower by the Agent with respect to the Loan  Documents  and Borrower
hereby waives any right for additional or further notice.  Borrower acknowledges
that it is in material default under the Loan Documents and that such default is
continuing and has not been waived by the Lender. Borrower acknowledges that the
Loan Obligations have been accelerated.  To the best Borrower's  knowledge after
due inquiry with the  secretaries of state of the State of  Connecticut  and the
State of Delaware,  other than those perfected purchase money security interests
or other liens on the Subject Assets indicated on the UCC-1 financing statements
attached  to  Schedule  4.5,  the  Subject  Assets are not subject to any liens,
claims,  and  encumbrances  that are senior to or pari  passu with the  Lender's
liens. The Borrower  acknowledges that, as of the date hereof, it is indebted to
Agent and the Lender  pursuant  to the Loan  Document in an amount not less than
$14,310,000 in outstanding  principal plus accrued and unpaid  interest  thereon
and  all  costs,   fees  and  expenses   incurred   under  the  Loan   Documents
(collectively, the "Current Outstanding Indebtedness"). The Borrower agrees that
it owes the Current  Outstanding  Indebtedness  free of any  offset,  defense or
counterclaim  and  agrees  that it will  not  assert  any set  off,  defense  or
counterclaim to the Current Outstanding Indebtedness.

              4.6  Access.  For the  period  between  the  date  hereof  and the
Closing,  the Borrower  shall make  available  to the Agent and the Lender,  and
allow the Agent and the Lender  access to, the Subject  Assets and the books and
records of the Borrower.

              4.7 Name Change. Upon Lender's request, the Borrower shall use its
reasonable best efforts to change its name to a name which has no resemblance or
connection to and is not likely to be identified or associated  with its current
name or the name of the Lender.

              4.8 Bank  Accounts.  The  Borrower  agrees  that it is in the best
interest of Borrower and its  employees to assign all right,  title and interest
in the amounts in the Bank  Accounts to the Lender  effective  as of the Closing
Date and the Borrower  acknowledges and agrees that the Borrower has transferred
all of its right,  title and interest in and to all amounts in the Bank Accounts
to the Lender and from and after the  Closing  Date the  Borrower  shall have no
beneficial  interest  in the  amounts in such Bank  Accounts.  Accordingly,  the
Borrower  agrees to use  commercially  reasonable  efforts to cause each bank to
recognize the Lender as the owner of all amounts in such Bank


Accounts  and  shall  execute  all  appropriate   documentation   in  connection
therewith.  In addition,  the Borrower  represents  and warrants  that as of the
Closing Date Borrower has no cash or cash equivalents  other than the amounts in
the Bank Accounts.

              4.9 Post-Closing Notices. Promptly upon, and in any event no later
than one business day after, any officer of the Borrower obtaining  knowledge of
any law suit or other  judicial  process  commenced or to be  commenced  against
Borrower and/or its officers and directors (in their capacity as officers and/or
directors of Borrower),  Borrower shall provide written notice to Lender of such
law suit or  judicial  process,  along with  copies of  pleadings  or  documents
relating to such law suit or judicial  process  (each such notice,  a "Notice of
Judicial Action").

         5. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Lender: The Lender,
as to itself, represents and warrants to the Borrower as follows:

              5.1 Power and  Authority.  The Lender has all requisite  corporate
power  and  authority  to  enter  into  this  Agreement  and to  carry  out  the
transactions contemplated by, and perform its obligations under, this Agreement.

              5.2 Binding Obligation.  This Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered by the Lender and is the legally  valid and binding  obligation of the
Lender  enforceable  against the Lender in accordance with its terms,  expect as
may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,  moratorium or similar
laws  relating  to or  limiting  creditors'  rights  generally  or by  equitable
principles relating to enforceability.

              5.3  Lender.  Lender is the sole  lender  under the Loan  Document
entitled to all rights and benefits as Lender under the Loan Documents.

              5.4 Bulk Transfer Act. The Lender  acknowledges  that the Borrower
will  not  comply  with  the  provisions  of  any  bulk  transfer  laws  of  any
jurisdiction in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement

         6. Agreement Concerning Post-Closing  Collections.  The Borrower agrees
that it will  promptly  turn over to the Agent for the benefit of itself and the
Lender, in the form received,  all cash, checks and other items of payment which
are received by or otherwise come into its  possession  (other than the Excluded
Assets) from and after the Closing  Date,  which  represent  payments by account
debtors or payments on or proceeds of or otherwise related to the Subject Assets
which shall  after the  Closing be the  property of the Agent for the benefit of
itself and the Lender.  Prior to delivery to the Agent for the benefit of itself
and the Lender of amounts which are received by the Borrower, the Borrower, will
hold all such cash, checks and other items of payment in trust for the Agent for
the  benefit  of  itself  and  the  Lender.   The  Borrower  hereby  irrevocably
constitutes  and  appoints  the Lender with full power of  substitution,  as the
Borrower's true and lawful  attorney-in-fact,  with full  irrevocable  power and
authority,  in the  place  and


stead of the Borrower  and in the name of the Borrower or in its own name,  from
time to time in the Lender's discretion,  to take any and all appropriate action
and to execute and deliver any and all  documents and  instruments  which may be
necessary or desirable to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Borrower grants to the Lender the
power and  right,  on behalf of the  Borrower,  without  notice or assent by the
Borrower  and at any  time,  to do the  following  (i)  take any  action  deemed
appropriate  by the Lender for the purpose of collecting  any and all monies due
Lender and (ii) take all actions the Lender deems necessary to perfect, preserve
or realize upon the Subject Assets, all as fully and effectively as the Borrower
might do.

         7. The  Lender's  Conditions  to Closing;  Deliveries  to the Lender at
Closing. The obligation of the Lender to consummate the Closing shall be subject
to the satisfaction, in Lender's sole discretion, at or prior to Closing, of the
following  conditions:  (a) the Lender shall have received all items required by
Section 3.5 of this  Agreement;  (b) no bankruptcy or insolvency  petition shall
have been filed by the Borrower or filed against the Borrower which has not been
dismissed  (unless  waived in writing by the Agent and the Lender);  and (c) the
representations,  warranties  and  covenants  are true  and  correct  and  fully
performed as the case may be at or before the Closing.

         8. Post-Closing Transactions.

              8.1  Satisfaction  of  Assumed  Obligations.   On  behalf  of  the
Borrower,  the Lender shall satisfy in full, in the ordinary course of business,
all Assumed  Obligations that are due as of the Closing Date or become due after
the Closing  Date,  and shall perform  fully all of the  Borrower's  obligations
under  the  Subject  Assets.  The  assumption  and  payment  by  the  Lender  of
liabilities  of the Borrower,  including  payments to certain of the  Borrower's
unsecured  creditors is made as an accommodation  to the unsecured  creditors in
order to avoid  disruption  in the Lender's  future  relationship  with critical
vendors and customers and to assure continuity of business.  Further, the Lender
is making such payments with the intention that it will minimize residual claims
against the Borrower  and achieve an outcome for the Borrower and its  unsecured
creditors  that is more  favorable  than might be  achieved  in any  bankruptcy,
reorganization,  liquidation or other similar  proceeding under federal or state

              8.2 Wind Down Budget.  Lender  agrees to fund,  from time to time,
those  expenses  incurred by Borrower in  accordance  with the Wind Down Budget.
Whenever the Borrower  desires that Lender fund an expense item in the Wind Down
Budget,  the Borrower shall deliver to Lender a written funding  request,  which
request  shall (i) specify in detail the  specific  wind down cost item to which
the requested funding will be applied and (ii) provide additional  documentation
of such costs, which documentation  shall be in form and substance  satisfactory
to the  Lender.  Within a  reasonable  time  following  receipt  of the  funding
request,  Lender shall fund the requested amount to Borrower, or, at the request
and direction of the Borrower, pay such requested


amount to the party designated by the Borrower; provided that in connection with
and as a  condition  to such  funding,  Borrower  shall  provide to Lender  such
documents  and  information  as the  Lender  may  reasonably  request;  provided
further,  the maximum amount to be funded by Lender to Borrower  pursuant to the
Wind Down  Budget  shall  not be  greater  than  $827,794.  Any and all  amounts
requested  by the  Borrower  under this  Section 8.2 shall be used by  Borrowers
solely for the specific expense item or items for which such funding request was

              8.3  Post-Closing  Actions Against  Borrower.  Borrower and Lender
agree that upon  Lender's  receipt of a Notice of  Judicial  Action  pursuant to
Section 4.9, (a) Lender shall, at its sole and absolute  discretion,  either (i)
fund the Borrower's  defense of the action or proceeding  that is the subject of
such Notice of  Judicial  Action or (ii) take over and assume the defense of the
action or proceeding  that is the subject of such Notice of Judicial  Action and
(b) Borrower  shall  cooperate with the Lender with respect to the defense of or
response  to any action or  proceeding  that is the  subject  of such  Notice of
Judicial Action.

              8.4 Errors and  Omissions  Insurance  Policy.  Borrower and Lender
agree that until the  earlier  of (a) the date on which the Lender  secures  all
required consents,  approvals or  acknowledgements  by any third party to assume
any  contracts or  agreements  related to work  performed by  Borrower's  Access
Services  Division or (b)  September  30,  2005,  Borrower  shall be named as an
additional insured under the Lender's errors and omissions insurance policy.

         9. Miscellaneous.

              9.1  General.  All  expenses  of the  preparation,  execution  and
consummation  of this  Agreement and of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,
including, without limitation, attorneys, accountants and outside advisor's fees
and disbursements, shall be borne by the party incurring such fees.

              9.2  Notice.  All  notices,   demands  and  other   communications
hereunder  shall be in  writing or by  written  telecommunication,  and shall be
deemed to have been duly given if delivered  personally or by courier, if mailed
by certified  mail return  receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid,  or if sent by
written telecommunication, confirmation of receipt received, as follows:

                           If to the Agent, to:

                           Patriarch Partners Agency Services, LLC
                           112 South Tryon Street, Suite 700
                           Charlotte, North Carolina 28284
                           Attention: Loan Administration/Scan-Optics
                           Facsimile No.: (704) 375-0358


                           With a copy sent contemporaneously to:

                           Richards Spears Kibbe & Orbe LLP
                           One World Financial Center
                           New York, New York 10281
                           Attention: Michael Friedman, Esq.
                           Facsimile No.: (917) 344-8846

                           If to the Borrower, to:

                           Scan Optics, Inc.
                           169 Progress Drive
                           Manchester, Connecticut  06040
                           Telephone: (860) 645-7878
                           Facsimile: (860) 645-7995
                           Attention: Scott Schooley

                           With a copy sent contemporaneously to:

                           Day, Berry & Howard LLP
                           CityPlace I
                           Harford, Connecticut  06103-3499
                           Telephone: (860) 275-0100
                           Facsimile: (860) 275-0343
                           Attention: Richard D. Harris, Esq.

                           If to the Lender, to:

                           SO Acquisition, LLC
                           169 Progress Drive
                           Manchester, Connecticut  06040
                           Telephone: (860) 645-7878
                           Facsimile: (860) 645-7995
                           Attention: Chief Executive Officer

                           With a copy sent contemporaneously to:

                           Lawrence A. Dvorin, Esq.
                           Levin, Ford & Paulekas, LLP
                           280 Trumbull Street
                           Hartford, CT  06103
                           Phone:  860-808-4208
                           Fax:     860-249-7500


              9.3 Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement and the related  schedules,
exhibits and  agreements  delivered in  connection  herewith  contain the entire
understanding  of the  parties  with  respect  to  the  subject  matter  hereof,
supersede all prior agreements and understandings relating to the subject matter
hereof, and shall not be amended except by a written instrument hereafter signed
by all of the parties hereto.

              9.4 Governing Law. The validity and construction of this Agreement
shall be governed by the internal  laws of the State of New York without  regard
to principles of conflicts of laws.

              9.5 Sections,  Section  Headings and Defined Terms. All enumerated
subdivisions  of  this  Agreement  are  herein  referred  to  as  "sections"  or
"subsections."  The headings of the sections and  subsections  are for reference
only and shall not limit or  control  the  meaning  thereof.  Capitalized  terms
contained  in the  Exhibits  or  Schedules  to  this  Agreement,  which  are not
otherwise defined in such Exhibits or Schedules, shall have the meaning ascribed
to them in this Agreement.

              9.6 Successors.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of each of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors
and assigns.

              9.7   Survival   of    Representations    and   Warranties.    All
representations  and warranties  contained in this  Agreement  shall survive the

              9.8  Further  Assurances.  From  time to time,  at the  reasonable
request of another  party  hereto,  each party hereto shall  execute and deliver
such further  instruments  and take such  further  actions at the expense of the
requesting  party, as such requesting  party may in good faith deem necessary or
desirable in order to assure that the transfers, purposes and objectives of this
Agreement  are  fully  accomplished.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of the
foregoing,  the Borrower will render every commercially reasonable assistance to
the Agent and the Lender with respect to the assignment,  transfer, and delivery
of the  Subject  Assets  to the  Agent  and the  Lender  and to  effectuate  the
transactions  contemplated hereby; and in the event of commencement hereafter of
any case by or against the  Borrower  pursuant to Title 11 of the United  States
Code, the Borrower shall take all necessary  action to move the bankruptcy court
and support the effectuation of such assignment,  transfer,  and delivery of the
Subject  Assets  to the  Agent  and the  Lender  pursuant  to the  terms of this
Agreement,  including but not limited to, (i) objecting to the entry of an order
of  relief  against  Borrower  and/or  (ii)  moving  for  the  dismissal  of any
bankruptcy  petition  filed  against  Borrower;  provided that as a condition to
taking  such  action,  the Lender  shall have  funded  Borrower  such  amount as
reasonably  necessary  for  Borrower to take such  action.  The  Borrower  shall
deliver to the Lender all books and records of the Borrower in the possession of
the  Borrower,  except for  Borrower's  corporate  records  (including,  but not
limited to, all corporate minute books), as soon as reasonably practicable after
the Closing  Date;  provided that Borrower may retain copies of any such records
as needed in order to wind-down  its  business,  and that Lender and Agent grant
Borrower access to such books and records on an as-needed basis.


              9.9 No Implied  Rights or Remedies.  Nothing herein is intended or
shall be construed to confer upon or to give any person,  firm,  or  corporation
other than the  Borrower,  the Agent and the Lender  (and their  successors  and
permitted assigns) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

              9.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall  constitute one and the same  agreement.  Delivery of an executed
counterpart  of this  Agreement  by  facsimile  shall be equally as effective as
delivery of an original executed counterpart of this Agreement.

              9.11 Releases.

                    (a)  The  Borrower,  the Lender and the Agent,  and,  to the
                         full extent  applicable,  their respective  affiliates,
                         subsidiaries,  stockholders,  general partners, limited
                         partners,  members,  creditors,   successors,  assigns,
                         attorneys,    employees,    agents,    representatives,
                         managers, officers and directors (collectively, in such
                         capacity, the "Releasors"), hereby waives and releases,
                         as applicable, the Borrower, the Lender, and the Agent,
                         including,   to  the  full  extent  applicable,   their
                         respective  affiliates,   subsidiaries,   stockholders,
                         general partners, limited partners, members, creditors,
                         successors,   assigns,  attorneys,  employees,  agents,
                         representatives,   managers,   officers  and  directors
                         (collectively, in such capacity, the "Releasees"), from
                         all  claims,  rights,  demands,   debts,   liabilities,
                         actions  and  causes of action of any and every type or
                         nature  whatsoever,  whether known or unknown,  whether
                         arising on or before the Closing Date in law or equity,
                         or by tort or contract, relating directly or indirectly
                         to the  Borrower,  or  the  Loan  Documents;  provided,
                         however,  that  nothing  herein  shall  be, or shall be
                         construed  as, a waiver or release of any claim,  right
                         or cause of action (i) under this Agreement or arising,
                         whether   directly  or  indirectly,   from  any  breach
                         hereunder or (ii)  arising  from the gross  negligence,
                         willful misconduct,  fraud, breach of fiduciary duty or
                         malpractice;  provided  further,  that the  release set
                         forth herein is not intended, and shall not be read, to
                         release a Releasee in the event such Releasee brings an
                         action or suit  against a Releasor  and any  release of
                         such  Releasee  hereunder  shall  be null  and  void ab
                         initio;  provided  still  further,  that nothing herein
                         shall be, or shall be construed as, a waiver or release
                         of any claim, right or cause of action by the Borrower,
                         the Lender or the Agent  against any of James C. Mavel,
                         Joel  K.  Howser,  Richard  Goyette  or  Joseph  Crouch
                         (collectively,  the "Specified Individuals"),  in their
                         individual  capacity or in their capacity as an officer
                         or director of the Borrower.

                    (b)  Notwithstanding  the  provision  in the last proviso in
                         clause (a) above  regarding the Specified  Individuals,
                         in the event any  Specified  Individual  enters into an
                         agreement  pursuant to which such Specified  Individual
                         releases the Borrower,  the Lender and the Agent,  and,
                         to the  full  extent  applicable,  their  stockholders,
                         general partners, limited partners, members, creditors,


                         successors,   assigns,  attorneys,  employees,  agents,
                         representatives,  managers, officers and directors from
                         all  claims,  rights,  demands,   debts,   liabilities,
                         actions  and  causes of action of any and every type or
                         nature  whatsoever,  whether known or unknown,  whether
                         arising on or before the Closing Date in law or equity,
                         or by tort or contract, relating directly or indirectly
                         to the  Borrower,  or the  Loan  Documents,  then  such
                         Specified  Individual  shall  be  deemed  to have  been
                         released pursuant to the release provision set forth in
                         clause (a) above.

                    (c)  The Borrower,  the Lender and the Agent also waives and
                         releases and promises  never to assert any such claims,
                         even if such person  does not now know or believe  that
                         it has such claims.

                    (d)  The Borrower  and, to the full extent  applicable,  its
                         affiliates,    subsidiaries,    stockholders,   general
                         partners,   limited   partners,   members,   creditors,
                         successors,   assigns,  attorneys,  employees,  agents,
                         representatives,   managers,   officers  and  directors
                         hereby waives and releases Ark CLO 2000-1, Limited and,
                         to  the  full  extent   applicable,   its   affiliates,
                         subsidiaries,  stockholders,  general partners, limited
                         partners,  members,  creditors,   successors,  assigns,
                         attorneys,    employees,    agents,    representatives,
                         managers,  officers  and  directors  from  all  claims,
                         rights, demands, debts, liabilities, actions and causes
                         of action of any and every  type or nature  whatsoever,
                         whether known or unknown,  whether arising on or before
                         the  Closing  Date  in law or  equity,  or by  tort  or
                         contract,   relating  directly  or  indirectly  to  the
                         Borrower,  the Loan  Documents,  this Agreement and the
                         transactions contemplated hereby.

              9.12  Jurisdiction.  The parties  irrevocably and  unconditionally
submit to and accept the exclusive  jurisdiction  of the United States  District
Court for the Southern  District of New York located in the Borough of Manhattan
or the courts of the State of New York located in the County of New York for any
action,  suit or proceeding  arising out of or based upon this  Agreement or any
matter  relating to it and waive any objection  that they may have to the laying
of venue in any such court or that such court is an  inconvenient  forum or does
not have personal jurisdiction over them.

              9.13 Several Liability.  The Borrower acknowledges and agrees that
the Agent's and each  Lender's  obligations  hereunder are several and not joint
and several.

      [Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signature pages follow]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their duly respective officers as of the date and the year first
above written.


                                    SCAN-OPTICS, INC.

                                    By: /s/ Paul M. Yantus
                                    Name: Paul M. Yantus
                                    Title: President & CEO



                                    SO ACQUISITION, LLC

                                    By: /s/ Lynn Tilton
                                    Name: Lynn Tilton
                                    Title: Manager


                                    PATRIARCH PARTNERS AGENCY SERVICES, LLC

                                    By: /s/ Lynn Tilton
                                    Name: Lynn Tilton
                                    Title: Manager


                                    PRIOR LENDERS
                                    For purposes of Section 3.2 Only:

                                    ZOHAR CDO 2003-1, LIMITED

                                    By:      Patriarch Partners VIII, LLC,
                                             its Collateral Manager

                                    By: /s/ Lynn Tilton
                                    Name: Lynn Tilton
                                    Title: Manager

                                    ZOHAR II 2005-1, LIMITED

                                    By:      Patriarch Partners XIV, LLC,
                                             its Collateral Manager

                                    By: /s/ Lynn Tilton
                                    Name: Lynn Tilton
                                    Title: Manager

                                    ARK CLO 2000-1, LIMITED
                                    Acknowledged and Agreed to with Respect
                                    to Section 9.11(d) Only:

                                    ARK CLO 2000-1, LIMITED

                                    By: /s/ Lynn Tilton
                                    Name: Lynn Tilton
                                    Title: Director


                                    EXHIBIT A


         For good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of
which is hereby acknowledged,  SCAN-OPTICS, INC. (the "Borrower"), hereby sells,
assigns,  transfers and conveys to SO Acquisition,  LLC (the "Lender"),  any and
all of  Borrower's  right title and  interest in, to and under all of its assets
and  properties  which  constitute  "Collateral"  under the Loan  Documents  (as
defined in the below-referenced Credit Agreement) (including, but not limited to
those  assets  listed on  Exhibit  I annexed  hereto,  hereinafter  referred  to
collectively as the "Subject Assets"), as follows: (a) to the extent the Subject
Assets are  subject to a security  interest  in favor of the Lender or the Agent
under the Credit Agreement under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the
State  of  Delaware  and  the  equivalent  provisions  of  each  other  relevant
jurisdiction  (collectively,  the  "UCC")  such  Subject  Assets  shall be sold,
assigned,  transferred and conveyed to the Lender by virtue of the provisions of
Section  9-620 of the UCC free and  clear of all liens  and  security  interests
including,  but not limited to, all parties whose  interests are  subordinate to
the liens and  security  interests  of the  Lender in  partial  satisfaction  of
Obligations (as defined in the Credit  Agreement) and (b) all remaining  Subject
Assets shall be sold, assigned,  transferred and conveyed to the Lender by other
applicable  law  or as  payment  in  kind  for  the  remaining  balance  of  the
Obligations;  provided,  however,  that the Subject Assets shall not include the
Excluded  Assets  (as  defined  on Exhibit  II  annexed  hereto).  This  General
Assignment  and  Bill of Sale is being  delivered  pursuant  to the  Foreclosure
Agreement (as defined below).

         This sale is made to the Lender as  secured  creditor  of the  Borrower
pursuant to its rights under (i) that certain Third Amended and Restated  Credit
Agreement dated as of March 30,

2004, as amended by that certain  First  Amendment to Third Amended and Restated
Credit  Agreement  dated as of June  27,  2005 (as so  amended,  and as  further
amended,  restated,  supplemented  or otherwise  modified from time to time, and
certain other documents, instruments and agreements executed pursuant thereto or
in connection therewith, the "Credit Agreement"),  (ii) that certain Foreclosure
Agreement  dated as of August 5, 2005 (the  "Foreclosure  Agreement")  among the
Agent, the Lender and the Borrower, and (iii) applicable law.

      [Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signature page follows]

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the undersigned have caused this Bill of Sale and
General Assignment to be duly executed as of the 5th day of August, 2005.

                                                     SCAN-OPTICS, INC.


                                    EXHIBIT B


                                 August __, 2005

State of Delaware
Division of Corporations
401 Federal Street, Suite 4
Dover, DE 19901

         Re:      Scan-Optics, LLC - Consent to Use Name

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         Scan-Optics,  Inc., a corporation  organized on or about  September 20,
1968, under the laws of the State of Delaware, does hereby consent to the use of
the name "Scan-Optics, LLC" by SO Acquisition, LLC.

                                     Scan-Optics, Inc.

                                     By: ______________________________
                                         Peter Stelling
                                         Chief Financial Officer, Vice
                                         President, Secretary  and Treasurer

                                   EXHIBIT C-1

                          FORM OF ASSIGNMENT OF PATENT

         This  assignment  is made  between  ____________________,  a __________
corporation whose address is  ______________________________  ("Assignor"),  and
____________________,   a  __________  corporation  whose  address  is  --------
______________________________ ("Assignee"). --------

         WHEREAS,  Assignor is the owner of all rights,  title,  and interest in
and to United States Patent No. __________,  entitled ______________ that issued
on __________ (the "Patent"); and ------

         WHEREAS,  Assignee is desirous of acquiring Assignor's right, title and
interest in and to said Patent so as to become the sole owner of the Patent;

         NOW, THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, that:

         Assignor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, and sets over unto Assignee,
its successors  and assigns,  free of all  encumbrances  subordinate to security
interests held by Assignee,  Assignor's entire right, title, and interest in and
to said Patent and the  inventions  claimed  therein,  including:  all original,
reissued,  and reexamined letters patent that originate therefrom in this and in
foreign  countries,   all  rights  of  priority,  all  related   nonprovisional,
continuation,    divisional,    continuation-in-part   and   substitute   patent
applications  that may be filed therefor in this and in foreign  countries,  and
all original,  reissued, and reexamined letters patents that may issue from said
continuation,  divisional,  continuation-in-part  and  substitute  applications,
together with the rights to all income  derived from said Patent,  including the
right to sue for past infringement  thereof and to recover all damages therefrom
for its own use and  behalf  and for the use and  behalf of its  successors  and
assigns or other  legal  representatives;  said Patent to be held and enjoyed by
Assignee,  its successors  and assigns,  as fully and entirely as the same would
have been held and enjoyed by Assignor if this Assignment had not been made.

         Assignor agrees to perform such proper  additional acts, and to execute
such additional documents,  as are deemed necessary by the governmental agencies
having jurisdiction over said Patent to effect the transfer of all of Assignor's
right,  title and interest therein to Assignee,  its successors and assigns.  In
furtherance  thereof,  Assignor hereby authorizes such governmental  agencies to
identify  Assignee as the owner of all letters patent issuing from  applications
pending among said Patent.

Dated: ____________________

ASSIGNOR _________                                   ASSIGNEE
- --------                                             --------

By:______________________________           By:____________________________
Name:____________________________           Name:__________________________
Title:_____________________________         Title:___________________________

                                   EXHIBIT C-2


         This  assignment  is made  between  ____________________,  a __________
corporation whose address is  ______________________________  ("Assignor"),  and
____________________,    a    __________    corporation    whose    address   is
______________________________ ("Assignee"). --------

         WHEREAS, Assignor is the owner of the trademark _______________________
in the United States and the  registration  therefor in the United States Patent
and Trademark Office,  Registration No. __________________ (the "Mark"), and all
the rights  appurtenant  thereto,  including  but not limited to, all common law
rights,  causes  of  action  and the  right to  recover  for past  infringement,
dilution or other misappropriation thereof; and

         WHEREAS,  Assignee is desirous of  acquiring  Assignor's  rights in the
Mark and all rights appurtenant thereto;

         NOW, THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, that:

         Assignor assigns to Assignee all its rights,  title and interest in and
to the Mark in the United States,  and the  registration  therefor in the United
States Patent and Trademark  Office,  Registration No.  _____________,  together
with the goodwill of the business  connected  with the use of and  symbolized by
said  Mark,  and  together  with any and all  interests,  claims  and rights for
damages and profits by reason of any past  infringement or  unauthorized  use of
the Mark,  false  designations of origin,  unfair  competition,  deceptive trade
practices and/or dilution related to the Mark, use of confusingly  similar marks
or names by others and all other  related  causes of action and the right to sue

         Assignor  agrees to perform all reasonable and proper  additional  acts
and to execute any  additional  documents at the request and expense of Assignee
which Assignee may require in order to transfer all of Assignor's rights,  title
and interest in and to the Mark to Assignee, its successors or assigns.

Dated: ____________________

ASSIGNOR _________                                   ASSIGNEE
- --------                                             --------

By:______________________________           By:____________________________
Name:____________________________           Name:__________________________
Title:_____________________________         Title:___________________________

                                    EXHIBIT D

                           FORM OF INSTRUCTION LETTER

                              [Borrower Letterhead]

                                                           August [___], 2005


         Re:      Bank Account [_______]

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

         This  letter  is  to  inform  you  that   effective   August  5,  2005,
Scan-Optics,  Inc. has transferred all of its rights,  title and interest in all
amounts  deposited  in or credited to Account No.  _____ from time to time to SO
Acquisition,  LLC  ( the  "Accounts").  Please  follow  the  instructions  of SO
Acquisition, LLC with respect to such Accounts.

         Should you have any  questions  regarding  the  foregoing,  please call
________ at __________.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                   Scan-Optics, Inc.

                                   By: ______________________________
                                        Peter Stelling
                                        Chief Financial Officer, Vice
                                        President, Secretary  and Treasurer