SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X] 
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ] 
Check the appropriate box: 

[  ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[  ] Confidential,  for Use of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by Rule
[X ] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[  ] Definitive  Additional  Materials [ ]  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant to
     Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                        Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules  0-11(c)(1)(ii),  14a-6(i)(1),  14a-6(i)(2)  or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
[  ] $500 per each party to the  controversy  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule
[  ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


         3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):


         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


         5) Total fee paid:


[  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[  ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid:
         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         3) Filing Party:
         4) Date Filed:

                        Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                                9300 Ashton Road
                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19136

                                OF COMMON STOCK

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Common
Stock of  CROWN  CORK & SEAL  COMPANY,  INC.  will be held at the  Corporation's
Office located at 9300 Ashton Road, Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, on the 27th day
of April 1995 at 11:00 A.M.,  to elect  Directors,  to consider and act upon the
resolution to adopt the 1994  Stock-Based  Incentive  Compensation  Plan,  which
resolution the Board of Directors unanimously recommends,  and to transact other
such business that may properly come before the meeting.

     The stock transfer books of the Corporation will not be closed prior to the
Meeting. Only Shareholders of Common Stock of record as of the close of business
on March 17, 1995 will be entitled to vote.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             RICHARD L. KRZYZANOWSKI 
                                             Executive Vice President, 
                                             Secretary & General Counsel

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19136 
March 24, 1995



                        Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.
                                9300 Ashton Road
                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19136

                   PROXY STATEMENT - MEETING, April 27, 1995

To All Shareholders:  

     The  accompanying  Proxy is  solicited  by the  Board of  Directors  of the
Company for use at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held on April 27,
1995 and, if properly executed,  shares represented thereby will be voted by the
named  proxies or attorneys at such meeting.  The expense for such  solicitation
will be borne by the Company.  Certain officers and employees of the Company may
also solicit  proxies by mail,  telephone,  facsimile or personally  without any
extra compensation.  A Proxy may be revoked by a Shareholder voting in person at
the meeting,  or by giving  written notice of revocation to the Secretary of the
Company, or by executing and delivering a later-dated Proxy.

     The persons named as Proxies were selected by the Board of Directors of the
Company and all are Directors and Officers of the Company.

     On February 24, 1995,  there were 89,757,544  outstanding  shares of Common

     The Connelly  Foundation  of  Conshohocken,  Pennsylvania  was the owner of
8,018,500 shares of Common Stock, constituting 8.97% of the class outstanding as
of December 31, 1994.

     J.P.  Morgan Co.  Incorporated  of New York,  New York reported that, as of
December  31,  1994,  it was the owner of  8,443,746  shares  of  Common  Stock,
constituting 9.4% of the class  outstanding.  Based on information  contained in
filings made with the  Securities & Exchange  Commission,  J.P.  Morgan has sole
voting power with  respect to  4,377,695  shares,  sole  dispositive  power with
respect to 8,204,976 shares and shared dispositive power with respect to 236,870

     The Company has, to the best of its knowledge, no other beneficial owner of
more than 5 percent of the Common Stock outstanding.

     Shareholders  of record as of March 17,  1995 are  entitled to one vote for
each share then  held.  The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of  Shareholders
entitled to cast a majority of votes will be  necessary  to  constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business. Any Shareholder giving a Proxy has the power to
revoke it by written  revocation  delivered to the Corporate  Secretary any time
before it is voted.  Proxies  solicited  herein will be voted, and if the person
solicited  specifies by means of the ballot  provided in the Proxy a choice with
respect to matters to be acted upon, the shares will be voted in accordance with
such   specification.   Under   Pennsylvania  Law  and  the  Company's  By-Laws,
abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  are  not  considered  to  be  "votes"  and,
therefore,  shall not be given effect either as affirmative  or negative  votes.
Votes which are withheld shall be excluded entirely from the vote and shall have
no effect.  The Annual Report for the year ended  December 31, 1994,  containing
audited financial statements, is being mailed to Shareholders  contemporaneously
with this Proxy Statement, i.e., on or about March 24, 1995.



     The  persons  named in the proxy  shall vote the  shares  for the  nominees
listed  below,  all of whom  are now  Directors  of the  Company,  to  serve  as
Directors for the ensuing year or until their successors shall be elected.  None
of the persons named as nominees for Directors  have indicated that they will be
unable or will  decline  to serve.  In the event  that any of the  nominees  are
unable or  decline  to serve,  which the  Nominating  Committee  of the Board of
Directors does not believe will happen, the persons named in the proxy will vote
for the  remaining  nominees  and others who may be selected  by the  Nominating

     The By-Laws of the Company  provide for a variable number of Directors from
10 to 18. For 1995,  the Board of Directors has fixed the number of Directors at
15. It is  intended  that the proxies  will be voted for the  election of the 15
nominees named below as Directors,  and no more than 15 will be nominated.  None
of the nominees, during the last five years, were involved as a defendant in any
legal  proceedings that could adversely affect his or her capacity to serve as a
member of the Board of Directors. The principal occupations stated below are the
occupations which the nominees have had during the last five years. 

     The  names of the  nominees  and  information  concerning  them  and  their
associations as of February 24, 1995, as furnished by the nominees, follows.

                                                                                                             Amount  and Percentage
                                                                                                              of Securities of the
                                                                                                                 Company  Owned
                                                                                                          Beneficially, Directly or
                                                                                               Year First          Indirectly
                                                                                                 Became       Common
          Name                             Age         Principal Occupation                     Director      Shares     Percentage
William J. Avery (a), (d), (1)              54       Chairman of the Board,                        1979        176,504      0.197%
                                                     President and Chief Executive Officer;  
                                                     also, a Director of West Company

Henry  E.  Butwel  (a), (b)                 66       Former Executive Vice President,              1975        102,400      0.114%
                                                     Administration and Chief Financial

Charles  F. Casey                           68       Former Chairman of the Board of               1992          4,000      0.004%
                                                     Constar International Inc., now a
                                                     wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company,  

Francis  X. Dalton                          71       Former  Treasurer, Retired                    1987         66,761      0.074%

Francis J. Dunleavy (b),(c)                 80       Director of Bird, Inc.,                       1980          6,600      0.007%
                                                     AEL, and Selas  Corp.       

Chester C. Hilinski (a),(c), (d)            77       Of Counsel, Dechert Price &   
                                                     Rhoads, Attorneys                             1984         16,100      0.018%

Richard L. Krzyzanowski (a),(2)             62       Executive Vice President,   
                                                     Secretary and General Counsel                 1983        137,939      0.154%


                                                                                                             Amount  and Percentage
                                                                                                              of Securities of the
                                                                                                                 Company  Owned
                                                                                                          Beneficially, Directly or
                                                                                               Year First          Indirectly
                                                                                                 Became       Common
          Name                             Age         Principal Occupation                     Director      Shares     Percentage
Josephine  C. Mandeville (3)                54       President and Chief Executive                  1991       233,100      0.260%
                                                     Officer of The Connelly
                                                     Foundation, a non-profit charitable   

Owen  A. Mandeville, Jr.(3)                 60       President of Mandeville Insurance              1975        93,000      0.104%
                                                     Associates,  Inc., real estate  
                                                     and insurance consultants 

Michael   J.  McKenna  (a), (4)             60       Executive Vice President;                      1987       126,961      0.141%
                                                     President, North American Division

Alan W. Rutherford (5)                      51       Executive Vice President and                   1991        29,301      0.033%
                                                     Chief Financial Officer   

J. Douglass Scott                           74       Former  Chief Executive Officer                1973        12,000      0.013%
                                                     of Crown Cork & Seal Canada, Inc.,  

Robert J. Siebert                           74       Director and Retired President of              1966        48,770      0.054%
                                                     CRC Chemicals Inc., a marketer of 
                                                     chemical specialties; Management

Harold A.  Sorgenti (c)                     60       Managing Partner of The Freedom 
                                                     Group and a Director of
                                                     Corestates Financial Corp.                     1991         4,800      0.005%

Edward P. Stuart (b), (d)                   81       Management Consultant                          1964       234,988      0.262%
(a)  Member of the Executive Committee.
(b)  Member of the Audit Committee.
(c)  Member of the Executive Compensation Committee.
(d)  Member of the Nominating Committee.
(1)  Included in these are 21,300  shares  owned by a charitable  foundation  of
     which Mr.  Avery is one of three  trustees  and  32,800  shares  subject to
     presently exercisable options held by Mr. Avery.
(2)  Included in these are 3,700  shares  owned by a  charitable  foundation  of
     which Mr.  Krzyzanowski  is one of five  trustees,  5,100 shares subject to
     presently  exercisable  options held by Mr.  Krzyzanowski and 32,000 shares
     held by a  charitable  remainder  trust  of  which  Mr.  Krzyzanowski  is a
(3)  Mr. Owen A. Mandeville,  Jr. and Mrs. Josephine  Mandeville are husband and
     wife. In 1994 the Company obtained  insurance with various insurers through
     Mandeville  Insurance  Associates,  Inc.,  insurance  brokers  of which Mr.
     Mandeville is President and the majority Shareholder. The premiums paid for
     this insurance in 1994 were approximately $3,600,000. In the opinion of the
     Management  of the Company,  the  insurance  was obtained on terms fair and
     reasonable and as favorable to the Company as could have been obtained from
(4)  Included in these are 4,300  shares  owned by a  charitable  foundation  of
     which Mr.  McKenna is one of eight  trustees and 11,100  shares  subject to
     presently exercisable options held by Mr. McKenna.
(5)  Includes 12,000 shares subject to presently exercisable options held by Mr.


     In  addition,  Mark  W.  Hartman,   Executive  Vice  President,   Corporate
Technologies,  is beneficial owner of 65,006 shares(6) of Common Stock or 0.072%
and Hans J.  Loliger,  Executive  Vice  President  and President of the Plastics
Division, is beneficial owner of 16,740 shares(7) of Common Stock or 0.019%.

     All  Executive  Officers  and  Directors  of the  Company  as a group of 22
including the above are beneficial owners of 1,562,737 shares of Common Stock or

     Not included in the table above are 8,018,500  shares of Common Stock owned
by The Connelly  Foundation,  a private charitable  foundation.  Messrs.  Avery,
Hilinski, Mandeville and Mrs. Mandeville, his spouse, are four of 15 Trustees of
this  Foundation  and disclaim any  beneficial  ownership  of these  shares.  In
addition, not included in the above table are 72,598 shares of Common Stock held
in the  Josephine C.  Connelly  Trust,  of which Mrs.  Mandeville  is one of the
Trustees and in which shares she disclaims any  beneficial  ownership.  Also not
included  are  36,942  shares of  Common  Stock  held  under the will of John F.
Connelly,  of which Mr. and Mrs. Mandeville and Mr. Hilinski are Trustees and in
which shares Mr. and Mrs.  Mandeville and Mr.  Hilinski  disclaim any beneficial

     The Officers and Directors of the Company,  in respect to the securities of
the Corporation listed herein,  have sole voting and investment power, except as
to the shares held in the aforementioned trusts and charitable foundations, with
respect to which the Trustees have shared voting and investment power.

                         BOARD MEETINGS AND COMMITTEES

     In 1994, there were five regular meetings, no special meetings of the Board
of Directors and three meetings of the Executive  Committee.  

     In 1994,  the Audit  Committee  had  three  meetings.  The Audit  Committee
provides   assistance   to  the   Board  of   Directors   in   discharging   its
responsibilities  in connection with the financial  accounting  practices of the
Company and the internal  controls  related  thereto and represents the Board of
Directors in connection with the services rendered by the Company's  independent
accountants.  The  Executive  Compensation  Committee  met  five  times  and  is
responsible for the review of the executive  compensation program. There were no
meetings of the Nominating Committee which recommends candidates for election to
the Board of Directors.

     Directors who are not employees of the Company are paid $15,000 annually as
Director's fees and $750.00 per meeting  attended.  In addition,  a non-employee
Director  who is  Chairperson  of a Committee  is paid  $10,000  annually  while
non-employee  Director  committee  members  are  paid  $7,000  annually  with an
attendance  fee of $1,000 per meeting.  In addition,  in 1991 each  non-employee
Director was granted 3,000 shares of Company  restricted  stock released in five
annual  installments  of  600  shares.  Restrictions  are  removed  as  to  each
installment  annually.  Each incumbent Director of the Company attended at least
75% of  the  aggregate  meetings  held  by the  Board  of  Directors  and by the
Committees on which he or she served.

(6)  Includes 26,025 shares subject to presently exercisable options held by Mr.
(7)  Includes 7,375 shares subject to presently  exercisable options held by Mr.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following table sets forth certain information  regarding  compensation
paid during each of the Company's  last three fiscal years to the Company's five
highest paid Executive Officers during 1994:

                         Summary Compensation Table (A)

                                     Annual Compensation    Long Term Compensation 
                                                            Securities Underlying  All Other
       Name & Principal                     Salary      Bonus      Options       Compensation
          Position                 Year       ($)        ($)         (#)           ($)  (B)
William J. Avery                   1994     668,200      322,400        250,000(1)    4,620
-Chairman, President               1993     650,000      323,423         43,400       4,497
& Chief Executive                  1992     500,000      286,239         43,900       4,394

Michael J. McKenna                 1994     302,700      107,600         19,500       4,506
-Executive Vice President;         1993     275,000      120,881         16,000       4,125
President, North American Div.     1992     248,050      123,405         14,200       3,721

Mark W. Hartman                    1994     264,700       85,600         14,000       2,349
-Executive Vice                    1993     240,000       86,988         10,500       2,397
President,  Corporate              1992     217,800       99,705          9,300       2,186

Alan W. Rutherford                 1994     247,300       79,350         15,500       3,682
-Executive Vice President;         1993     225,000       85,298         13,000       3,375
Chief Financial Officer            1992     158,038      110,119         10,000       2,370

Hans J. Loliger                    1994     246,600       74,420         11,500       3,687
-Executive Vice                    1993     205,067       60,000          8,500       2,780
President; President,              1992     212,500(2)    27,302         21,000         -0-
Plastics Division                              


(A)  The amount of  perquisite  and other  personal  benefits,  as determined in
     accordance  with  the  rules  of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
     relating  to  executive  compensation,   did  not  exceed  the  materiality
     threshold  of the lesser of  $50,000  or 10% of the total of annual  salary
     plus bonus, if less than $50,000.
(B)  The  amounts  shown in this column  represent  amounts  contributed  to the
     401(k) Savings and Employees' Stock Ownership Plan (KSOP) by the Company.
(1)  Mr.  Avery's  Long Term  Compensation  includes  the grant of  options  for
     250,000  shares,  including  150,000  shares of Common Stock under the 1990
     Stock-Based  Incentive  Plan and 100,000  shares of Common Stock which were
     granted subject to Shareholder  approval of the 1994 Stock-Based  Incentive
(2)  For  purposes of this  table,  Mr.  Loliger's  1992  Compensation  has been
     converted  from Swiss Francs to U.S.  Dollars.  Mr. Loliger was employed by
     Crown Obrist during and prior to 1992.


              Aggregated Option Exercises in the Last Fiscal Year
                       and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                                     Number of             Value of
                                                                    Unexercised       Unexercised In-The-
                                                                      Options            Money Options 
                                  Number Of           Value (A)     At 12/31/94         At 12/31/94 (B) 
                              Shares Acquired         Realized      Exercisable/         Exercisable/ 
                               Upon Exercise             ($)      Unexercisable (#)    Unexercisable ($)
William J. Avery              1990 Plan &   37,500     850,001     32,800/342,000(1)        -0-/756,558
                              1994 Plan  
Michael J. McKenna            1990 Plan        -0-         -0-      29,850/57,350       373,019/349,269
Mark  W.  Hartman             1990 Plan        -0-         -0-      26,025/45,275       380,779/362,623
Alan W. Rutherford            1990 Plan        -0-         -0-      17,625/41,500       177,312/187,782
Hans J. Loliger               1990 Plan      7,500     158,750       7,375/41,125         5,328/166,172
(A)  Value Realized is the difference between the price of the stock on the date
     exercised less the option purchase price.
(B)  Value of Unexercised  Options is the difference  between the stock price at
     December 31, 1994 and the option purchase price.
(1)  Includes  options for 100,000  shares of Common Stock  pursuant to the 1994
     Stock-Based  Incentive  Plan which  were  granted  subject  to  Shareholder
     approval of that Plan.


                       Option Grants In Last Fiscal Year

     The  Company's  1990 Stock  Option Plan is  administered  by the  Executive
Compensation Committee appointed by the Board of Directors.  The following table
provides information related to Stock Options granted in the last fiscal year to
the five named  Executive  Officers at  Potential  Realizable  Values at Assumed
Price Appreciation for the Option Terms Compounded Annually.

                                                                                          Potential Realizable Value 
                                           % Of Total                                          At Assumed Annual 
                                         Options Granted                                        Rates of Stock
                               Option     To Employees     Exercise Or                        Price  Appreciation
                              Granted #    In Fiscal       Base Price     Expiration             For Option Term 
                             (A) (B) (C)      Year        Per Share (D)      Date            5%                10%
William J. Avery               250,000 (1)     49.9%         $37.500       10/27/04       $5,895,887      $14,941,335
Michael J. McKenna              19,500          3.9%         $38.250       12/17/04         $469,071       $1,188,733
Mark W. Hartman                 14,000          2.8%         $38.250       12/17/04         $336,773         $853,449
Alan W. Rutherford              15,500          3.1%         $38.250       12/17/04         $372,856         $944,890
Hans J. Loliger                 11,500          2.3%         $38.250       12/17/04         $276,635         $701,047

(A)  Mr. Avery's options become  exercisable each October 27th and in increments
     as follows:  37,500 shares in 1995; 37,500 shares in 1996; 37,500 shares in
     1997;  62,500 shares in 1998;  and 75,000 shares in 1999. All other Options
     granted in 1994 to the Executive  Officers listed above become  exercisable
     with respect to 25% of the shares covered  thereby on each December 17th of
     the years 1995,  1996,  1997 and 1998 and are fully  vested on December 17,
(B)  The term of an option  shall not be  greater  than ten years and  cannot be
     exercised sooner than six months from date of grant.
(C)  The Executive  Compensation  Committee  administering  the 1990 Stock-Based
     Incentive  Plan  and  the  1994  Stock-Based  Incentive  Plan  (subject  to
     Shareholder approval) has the discretion, subject to plan limits, to modify
     terms of outstanding options and to reprice the options.
(D)  The exercise price and tax withholding  obligations related to exercise may
     be paid by delivery of already owned shares or by offset of the  underlying
     shares, subject to certain conditions.
(1)  Mr.  Avery's  Long Term  Compensation  includes  the grant of  options  for
     250,000 shares,  including options for 150,000 shares of Common Stock under
     the 1990  Stock-Based  Incentive  Plan and options  for  100,000  shares of
     Common Stock which were granted subject to Shareholder approval of the 1994
     Stock-Based Incentive Plan.


                               Retirement Program

     The Company  maintains  its  Salaried  Pension  Plan,  which is a qualified
defined  benefit  retirement plan providing  pension  benefits for all non-union
employees  meeting minimum  eligibility  requirements.  The Plan provides normal
retirement  benefits  at age  65  based  on the  average  of  the  five  highest
consecutive  years of earnings in the last 10 years.  These average earnings are
multiplied  by 1.25% and by an  additional  1.25% of  average  earnings,  if the
employee  elects to contribute  to the  supplemental  portion of the Plan.  This
result is then  multiplied by years of service,  which yields the annual pension
benefit.  Under  federal  law,  benefits  from a  qualified  plan are limited to
$120,000 per year. Also, for years beginning in 1994, benefits may be based only
on the first $150,000  (adjusted for cost of living  increases) of an employee's
annual earnings.  For illustration purposes, the following table shows estimated
maximum aggregate annual retirement  benefits payable from the qualified plan to
employees  who  retire  at age 65,  assuming  the  employees  contribute  to the
supplemental  portion of the Plan  during all the years of service  and  receive
their benefit as a single life annuity, without survivor benefits:

   Final                                Years of Service 
 Earnings                 15              20             25             30              35 
$50,000                $18,750          $25,000        $31,250        $37,500         $43,750 
$100,000               $37,500          $50,000        $62,500        $75,000         $87,500 
$150,000               $56,250          $75,000        $93,750       $112,500        $120,000 
$200,000               $67,500          $90,000       $112,500       $120,000        $120,000 
$250,000               $78,750         $105,000       $120,000       $120,000        $120,000 
$300,000               $90,000         $120,000       $120,000       $120,000        $120,000 

     The Company also maintains the Senior Executive Retirement Plan ("SERP") in
which  eight key  executives,  including  the five  named Exe  cutive  Officers,
participate.  The  fixed  annual  retirement  benefits  for  three of the  named
executives who were first eligible to participate in the SERP before 1993 are as
follows:  Mr.  Avery -  $911,000;  Mr.  McKenna -  $330,000;  and Mr.  Hartman -

     Benefits for executives  first eligible to participate in the SERP in 1993,
including Mr.  Rutherford and Mr.  Loliger,  are based upon a formula equal to a
base amount plus (i) 2% of the average of the five highest  consecutive years of
earnings  times  years of  service  up to  twenty  years,  plus  (ii) 1% of such
earnings times years of service over twenty years.  Based upon this the formula,
the estimated  annual benefit at normal  retirement  for Mr.  Rutherford and Mr.
Loliger would be $322,000 and $190,000, respectively.

     Years of service  credited under the Salaried Pension Plan and the SERP for
the above named  individuals  are: Mr. Avery - 35 years, Mr. McKenna - 38 years,
Mr. Hartman - 32 years, Mr. Rutherford - 20 years and Mr. Loliger - 2 years.

     The SERP also  provides  a lump sum death  benefit of five times the annual
retirement benefit and subsidized survivor benefits.

     The SERP  participants vest in their benefits at the earliest of five years
of participation,  specified  retirement dates or employment  termination (other
than for cause) after a change in control of the Company.  A "change in control"
under the SERP  occurs if: 1) a person  (other than a company  employee  benefit
plan)  becomes the  beneficial  owner of 25% or more of the voting  power of the
Company;  2) there is a change in the identity of a majority of Directors of the
Company over any two-year period; 3) the Shareholders approve certain mergers or
consolidations; 4) there is a sale of substantially all of the Company's assets;
or 5) there is a complete liquidation of the Company.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The Executive  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors is charged
with developing,  monitoring and managing the executive  compensation program at
Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. We submit this report to Shareholders describing
both the principles under which the program was developed and decisions  reached
that directly impact the Chief Executive Officer during 1994.


     Our guiding  principle is to  implement a unified  program that enables the
Company  to  retain  and  motivate  a team of the  industry's  most  outstanding
executives so that they can create long-term value for the  Shareholders.  We do
this by:

*    regularly  commissioning  studies of competitive  pay practices  within the
     container   industry  and  other   manufacturing   companies  so  that  pay
     opportunities are generally within competitive norms;
*    integrating  all  executive  pay  programs  with the  Company's  short  and
     long-term objectives and strategies; and
*    developing  ownership-oriented  programs that reward for total  Shareholder
     return over a long-service career.

     The Executive  Compensation  Committee  works with  independent  management
consultants in monitoring the effectiveness of the entire program.

     Over the last several  years,  your Company has undergone  dramatic  change
and,  in the  process,  Crown  has  been  transformed  into  one of the  world's
packaging giants. To sustain the Company's  performance and continue its growth,
we need to not only  motivate  existing  management  but to  attract  and retain
experienced  managers at all levels in the Company. As a result, in the last few
years, a number of modifications were made to the four primary components of the
Company's  executive   compensation  program.   Overall  the  program  has  been
redirected from an orientation on length of service and retirement  compensation
to  a  program  more  closely  aligned  with  sustained   improvement,   Company
performance  and increased  Shareholder  value.  The specific  components of the
program are described below.

1. Base Salary  

     Historically,  the Company's annual base salary levels have been well below
competitive  market levels. In order to attract and hold the management team and
also to recognize the  substantial  growth and  performance  of the Company,  we
continue to move senior executive  salaries toward  competitive market rates, as
defined by the container and manufacturing  industries.  We continued the policy
this year, being the fifth year of the program, with more normal movements as we
approach the  competitive  market medians.  Executive  salaries were still below
their medians at the end of 1994. The competitive  market  includes,  but is not
limited  to,   companies   of  Crown's  size  in  the   container,   non-durable
manufacturing and general industry segments.

2. Annual Incentives 

     In 1990, the Committee  implemented a goal-based  Management Incentive Plan
which replaced  programs used in past years.  The Plan calls for the achievement
of the Company's net income targets, as well as specific financial and operating
goals, before incentive awards are earned by Plan participants. These goals stem
directly from the Company's strategic and operating plans.


     In 1994 the Plan called for the  Company to achieve a specified  target net
income from normal  operations,  while at the same time taking into  account the
long-term  investment  needs  of  the  business.  The  long-term  considerations
included,  but were not limited to, re-aligning metal packaging in North America
to better  serve  future  market  needs,  continuing  to  develop  the  overseas
operations,  especially in the Pacific Rim region and  developing  the Company's
plastics activities to meet demand worldwide.

3. Long Term  Incentives  

     Stock options have always been a part of the executive compensation program
at the Company.  However, grant opportunities were somewhat discretionary,  both
in terms of amount and timing.  Recently,  the Committee  adopted a program that
offers  stock  options  annually,  but the size of the grant varies based on the
Company's and the executives' performance.  In making this change, the Committee
reaffirms its belief that stock options are an ideal way to link Shareholder and
executive interests.

4.  Retirement Benefits 

     In the past, the Company's  executive  compensation  plan had a bias toward
providing  significant  end-of-career  retirement income and insurance benefits.
While in no way  disavowing  the  Committee's  belief that a long and successful
career  with the  Company is  important  to  growing  Shareholder  value,  these
programs  will  begin  to  decline  in  importance  to the  overall  program  as
competitive pay and incentive opportunities are reached.

     In summary,  the Committee believes that its role in designing,  monitoring
and managing the executive  compensation program is critical to the objective of
driving performances to the ultimate benefit of the Shareholders.  Base salaries
need to be within  competitive  norms so that  executives  will be attracted and
motivated to fulfill their roles and responsibilities over the long-term. Annual
incentive  awards deliver the message that competitive pay is received only when
earnings and other tactical goals are achieved. In addition, annual stock option
grants  require  continuous  improvement  in  value  created  for the  long-term

           Specific Decisions Impacting Compensation for the Chairman
                          and Chief Executive Officer

     In considering the compensation for the named Executive  Officers including
the Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer,  William J.
Avery, for the fiscal year 1994, the Committee reviewed the goals and objectives
established at the beginning of the year and concluded that the management group
continued  to perform in an  exceptional  manner.  Specifically,  the  following
accomplishments were noted:

1.   As a result of recent  acquisitions  and internal  growth,  the Company has
     been transformed into a major worldwide packaging manufacturer.

2.   The acquisitions have been successfully  absorbed,  efficiency improved and
     the organization  streamlined,  resulting in significant cost reduction and
     profit improvement.  Following on increases in net income of 19.6% in 1991,
     21.3% in 1992,  16.4% in 1993,  the  Company  achieved a 12.7%  increase in
     1994, before the restructuring charge.


3.   The  profit  objectives  have  been met in a  period  of  difficult  market
     conditions  and the Company has  continued to grow  earnings.  The value of
     Crown stock  shows high growth when  compared to the average of the S&P 500
     and the Packaging Industry Group.

4.   After having fully integrated  CONSTAR  International and Wellstar into the
     Company,  the  Plastics  Division has  achieved  unprecedented  growth with
     resulting revenues expected to exceed $1 billion in 1995.

5.   On June 24, 1994 the Company acquired the Container  Division of Tri-Valley
     Growers  which was  quickly  integrated  into the  operations  of the North
     American Division.

6.   Although the Company  continually  restructures  operations  to meet market
     demands,  the management decided on a major  restructuring in North America
     which was announced in September 1994  resulting in the planned  closure of
     ten plants, primarily in the metals product area.

     Mr. Avery's salary was moved to a median  competitive  salary level in past
years,  and as a result,  his salary has been  increased  modestly  (4.8%)  from
$668,200 to $700,000 in 1995.

     Mr. Avery also  participates  in the Management  Incentive Plan as do other
executive  and senior  management  employees.  As  outlined  above,  major goals
established  under the  operating  plan and budget were met or exceeded and, the
Committee   believes  that  Mr.  Avery's   strategic  vision  for  the  Company,
stewardship and performance during the year significantly  enhanced  Shareholder
value and dramatically improved the Company's competitive position. As a result,
he was granted a bonus payment of $322,400 in 1994.

     The Board of Directors  considers Mr. Avery to be the preeminent  leader in
the  Packaging  Industry  today and,  as such,  wishes to ensure  his  continued
efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Shareholders.  As an  incentive  to  further  grow
Shareholder value, the Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors granted
Mr. Avery an option for 250,000 shares of common stock, partially under the 1990
Plan and  partially  under the 1994 Plan (which  Plan is subject to  Shareholder
approval),  to be  exercisable  over five years each October 27th in tranches of
15% in 1995, 15% in 1996, 15% in 1997, 25% in 1998, and 30% in 1999.

     This  report is  respectfully  submitted  by the  members of the  Executive
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.

                                   Harold A.  Sorgenti,  Chairman  
                                   Francis J. Dunleavy
                                   Chester C. Hilinski


                         COMPARATIVE STOCK PERFORMANCE
              Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return (a)
 Crown Cork & Seal, S&P 500 Index, Dow Jones "Containers & Packaging" Index (b)


(a)  Assumes  that the value of the  investment  in Crown  Common Stock and each
     index was $100 on December 31, 1989 and that all dividends were reinvested.

(b)  Industry  index is weighted by market  capitalization  and is  comprised of
     Crown, Ball, Bemis,  Owens-Illinois,  Sonoco Products,  Stone Container and


                            SECTION 16 REQUIREMENTS

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors,  officers and persons who own more than 10% of a registered  class of
the Company's equity securities to file initial reports of ownership and reports
of changes in ownership  with the Securities & Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")
and the  New  York  Stock  Exchange,  Inc.  Such  persons  are  required  by SEC
regulation  to furnish the Company  with copies of all Section  16(a) forms they

     Based  solely on the  review of the  copies  of SEC forms  received  by the
Company  with  respect to fiscal  year 1994,  or  written  representations  from
reporting  persons,  the  Company  believes  that its  Directors  and  Executive
Officers have complied with all applicable filing requirements, and there are no
persons or institutions who own more than 10% of the Company's Common Stock.


     The Board of Directors  has adopted and  recommends  that the  Shareholders
approve  the  Crown  Cork  &  Seal  Company,  Inc.  1994  Stock-Based  Incentive
Compensation  Plan  (the  "Plan").  The  purpose  of the Plan is to  assist  the
Company, and its subsidiaries and affiliates, in attracting and retaining valued
employees by offering them a greater stake in the Company's success and a closer
identity  with it, and to  encourage  ownership of the  Company's  stock by such
employees.  The Plan  permits  awards to  eligible  employees  that  qualify  as
"performance-based  compensation"  under section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue

     The total  number of shares of the  Company's  Common Stock  available  for
awards  under the Plan is 4,000,000  shares  (subject to  adjustments  for stock
splits,  stock  dividends  and the like.)  Shares not issued  pursuant to awards
because of their  termination  for other  reasons  will be  available  again for
awards under the Plan.  The maximum  number of shares that may be awarded to any
eligible employee is 250,000 during any calendar year.

     Administration.  The  Committee  ("Committee"),  designated by the Board of
Directors,  is  authorized  to  interpret  and  administer  the Plan,  to select
employees to whom awards will be granted,  to  determine  the type and amount of
awards, to establish  performance-related goals that must be achieved before the
transfer of Common Stock to an employee,  to issue awards that are  transferable
by the employee and to adopt and make  changes in  regulations  for carrying out
the Plan.  The Committee  members must be Board members who are not employees of
the Company and who are not eligible to  participate  in the Plan. The Committee
may  determine  the effect,  if any, of a change in control of the Company  upon
outstanding  awards  under the  Plan.  The  Committee  may,  in its  discretion,
accelerate the vesting of or waive  limitations on deferred stock and restricted
stock  awards.  The Board of Directors  may amend the Plan  without  Shareholder
approval,  other than increase the number of available shares,  change the class
of eligible  employees,  or when Shareholder  approval is required under Section
16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act.


     Eligibility. Any employee who is an officer or key employee of the Company,
its subsidiaries or affiliates, including a Director who is such an employee, is
eligible to participate. It is not possible to state at this time which officers
or key  employees  will be  granted  awards  under the Plan or the value of such
awards,  since these matters will be determined by the Committee  based on level
of  responsibility,  compensation  and  contribution  to the Company's  success.
Awards may be granted to employees who are foreign nationals or employed outside
the United States on terms and conditions  different from those specified in the

     Awards.  Under the Plan,  eligible employees may be awarded deferred stock,
restricted stock,  stock options or stock appreciation righ ts ("SAR.") An award
of "deferred  stock" is the grant of a right to receive  shares of the Company's
Common Stock at the end of a specified deferral period or, if and when specified
performance  goals are met. 

     An award of  "restricted  stock" is a grant of shares of Common Stock which
is subject to  forfeiture  upon the  happening of certain  events and is held in
escrow by the Company during the restriction period. Stock options may be either
incentive stock options or non-qualified stock options.  Incentive stock options
are intended to be "incentive  stock options" under Section 422A of the Internal
Revenue Code;  non-qualified  stock options are those stock options which do not
qualify under Section 422A of the Internal  Revenue Code.  The exercise price of
an incentive  stock option must be at least the fair market price on the date of
grant.  Payment for Stock  Option  Shares upon the  exercise of an option may be
made in cash or, with the consent of the Committee,  previously-owned  shares of
Common  Stock.  A SAR is the right to receive  the  increase  in the fair market
value of shares of Common  Stock from the date of grant to the date of  exercise
of the SAR.  Payment  may be made in cash,  Common  Stock,  restricted  stock or
deferred  stock as determined by the  Committee.  A SAR may be granted in tandem
with options or separately.

     Stock options and SARs will be  exercisable  over a period to be designated
by the  Committee  (but not prior to six months nor more than ten years from the
date of grant.) In addition, the Committee may, in its discretion,  grant awards
that are  transferable  during  the  employee's  lifetime.  The total  number of
"awards" under the Plan, including options,  SARs, restricted stock and deferred
stock,  is limited to 4,000,000  shares,  which equals  approximately  4.456% of
total  outstanding  shares of the Company as of February 24,  1995.  The closing
price of Common Stock  reported on the New York Stock  Exchange for February 24,
1995 was $42.50.

     Term.  The Plan shall  become  effective  on October  27,  1994  subject to
Shareholder  approval,  and shall remain in effect for five years  thereafter or
until sooner terminated by the Board.

     Performance Criteria. To comply with section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue
Code,  the  Committee  may grant  awards  under the Plan that are subject to the
satisfaction of  performance-based  criteria.  Under the Plan, the Committee has
discretion  to  determine  the  individual  performance  targets  which  must be
achieved with respect to any such awards.  The  individual  performance  targets
established by t he Committee must be based upon any of the following  criteria:
(i) the price of Common Stock,  (ii) the market share of the Company,  (iii) the
Company's sales,  (iv) the earnings per share of Common Stock, (v) the return on
the Company's shareholder equity or (vi) the Company's costs.

     Federal  Tax  Treatment.  Under the present  federal tax laws,  the federal
income tax treatment of deferred stock, restricted stock, stock options and SARs
under the Plan is as follows:

     An employee realizes no taxable income and the Company is not entitled to a
deduction  when a  restricted  stock or deferred  stock award is made.  When the
restrictions on the shares of restricted  stock lapse or the deferral period for
deferred stock ends, the employee will realize ordinary income equal to the fair
market value of the shares,  and, provided the applicable  conditions of Section
162( m) of the 


Internal  Revenue Code are met, the Company will be entitled to a  corresponding
deduction.  Upon the sale of the shares, the employee will realize short-term or
long-term capital gain or loss, depending upon whether the shares have been held
for more  than  one  year.  Such  gain or loss  will be equal to the  difference
between the sale price of the shares and the fair market  value of the shares on
the date that the employee recognizes income.

     An employee recognizes no taxable income and the Company is not entitled to
a  deduction  when an  incentive  stock  option is granted or  exercised.  If an
employee  sells shares  acquired upon exercise,  after  complying with requisite
holding  periods,  any gain or loss  realized  upon such sale will be  long-term
capital gain or loss.  The Company will not be entitled to take a deduction as a
result  of any  such  sale.  If the  employee  disposes  of such  shares  before
complying with requisite holding periods,  the employee will recognize ord inary
income and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction.

     An employee recognizes no taxable income and the Company is not entitled to
a  deduction  when  a  non-qualified  option  is  granted.  Upon  exercise  of a
non-qualified  option,  an employee  will realize  ordinary  income in an amount
equal to the excess of the fair  market  value of the shares  over the  exercise
price,  and,  provided that the  applicable  conditions of Section 162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue Code are met, the Company will be entitled to a  corresponding
deduction.  (Special rules apply in the case of a non-qualified option exercised
by an  employee  who is subject to the  short-swing  profit  recapture  rules of
Section 16(b) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.) Upon sale of the option
shares,  the employee will realize short-term or long-term capital gain or loss,
depending  upon whether the shares have been held for more than one year,  equal
to the difference between the sale price of the shares and the fair market value
of the shares on the date that the  employee  recognizes  income with respect to
the option exercise.

     An employee recognizes no taxable income and the Company is not entitled to
a deduction when a stock appreciation right is granted.  Upon exercise of a SAR,
an employee will realize  ordinary  income in an amount equal to the  difference
between the fair market  value of the stock on the date of exercise and its fair
market value on the date of grant,  and,  provided the applicable  conditions of
Section  162(m)  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code are met,  the  Company  will be
entitled to a corresponding  deduction.  (Special rules apply if an employee who
is subject to Section 16(b) receives  shares upon  exercising a SAR.)  Requisite
Vote. To be adopted, the Plan requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the
votes cast by all Shareholders entitled to vote thereon.



                           PROPOSALS OF SHAREHOLDERS

     Proposals  of  Shareholders  intended  to be  presented  at the 1996 Annual
Meeting  must be  received  in  writing,  via  Certified  Mail - Return  Receipt
Requested, by the Office of the Secretary, Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc., 9300
Ashton Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19136 not later than November 27, 1995.


     The firm of Price  Waterhouse is the  independent  accountant  for the most
recently  completed  fiscal year and has been selected by the Board of Directors
to continue in that capacity for the current year. Price Waterhouse  reviews and
performs  annual  audits of the  Company's  financial  statement and assists the
Company in the  preparation  of federal tax  returns.  Representatives  of Price
Waterhouse  are  expected to be present at the Annual  Meeting and will have the
opportunity  to make a statement  if they desire to do so. Such  representatives
are also  expected to be available to respond to questions  raised orally at the
meeting or  submitted  in writing to the Office of the  Secretary of the Company
before the meeting.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors  knows of no other matter which may be presented for
Shareholders'  action at the  Meeting,  but if other  matters do  properly  come
before the Meeting,  or if any of the persons  named above to serve as Directors
are unable to serve, it is intended that the persons named in the proxy or their
substitutes  will vote on such matters and for other nominees in accordance with
their best judgment.

     The  Company  will  file its  1994  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K  with the
Securities  & Exchange  Commission  on or before  March 31,  1995. A copy of the
Report,  including the  financial  statements  and schedules  thereto and a list
describing  all the exhibits not  contained  the rein,  may be obtained  without
charge by any  Shareholder  after  March 31,  1995.  Requests  for copies of the
Report should be sent to: Corporate Treasurer,  Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.,
9300 Ashton Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19136.

                                        RICHARD L.  KRZYZANOWSKI
                                        Executive Vice President, 
                                        Secretary & General Counsel 

                                        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19136 
                                        March 24, 1995

                        CROWN CORK & SEAL COMPANY, INC.
                    9300 Ashton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19136

                          PROXY FOR ANNUAL MEETING OF

The undersigned hereby appoints William J. Avery, Alan W. Rutherford and Richard
L.  Krzyanowski  as Proxies,  each with the power to appoint his  substitute and
hereby  authorizes  them to represent  and to vote, as designated on the reverse
side, all the shares of common stock of Crown Cork & Seal Company,  Inc. held of
record  by  the  undersigned  on  March  17,  1995  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders to be held on April 27, 1995 or any adjournments  thereof,  for the
items shown  below and in any other  matter  that may  properly  come before the

1.   FOR the election of a Board of fifteen  Directors:  William J. Avery, Henry
     E.  Butwel,  Charles F.  Casey,  Francis X.  Dalton,  Francis J.  Dunleavy,
     Chester C. Hilinski, Richard L. Krzyanowski,  Josephine C. Mandeville, Owen
     A.  Mandeville,  Jr., Michael J. McKenna,  Alan W. Rutherford,  J. Douglass
     Scott, Robert J. Siebert, Harold A. Sorgenti and Edward P. Stuart.

2.   FOR a  resolution  to  adopt  the  1994  Crown  Cork & Seal  Company,  Inc.
     Stock-Based  Incentive  Compensation  Plan,  which the  Board of  Directors
     unanimously recommends.

You are encouraged to specify your choices by marking the  appropriate
boxes (SEE REVERSE SIDE),  but you need not mark any boxes if you wish
to vote in accordance  with the Board of  Directors'  recommendations.


/X/ Please mark your votes 
    as in this example.

when  properly  executed,  will be voted in the  manner  directed  herein by the
shareholder.  If no direction  is made,  this proxy will be voted for Proposal 1
and Proposal 2.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote for Proposal 1 and Proposal 2.

1. Election of Directors. 
   (See reverse side)                            FOR /_/           WITHHELD /_/
   For, except vote withheld from 
   the following nominee(s):


2. Resolution to adopt the 1994 Crown 
   Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Stock-Based 
   Incentive Compensation Plan.           FOR /_/    AGAINST /_/    ABSTAIN /_/

                                        Please  sign as name(s)  appear  hereon.
                                        Joint  owners  should  each  sign.  When
                                        signing    as    attorney,     executor,
                                        administrator,   trustee  or   guardian,
                                        please give full title as such.

                                        SIGNATURE(S)               DATE