Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-QSB

                Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the quarter ended March 31, 1996             Commission File Number 33-39759

                             CRESCENT CAPITAL, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                             13-3645694
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

        6701 Democracy Boulevard
                Suite 300
           Bethesda, Maryland                                     20817
(Address of principal executive offices)                        (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:         (301) 897-4870

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 of 15(d) of the  Securities  and  Exchange Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  registrant
was  required  to file such  reports)  and (2) has been  subject to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                           Yes __X__     No ____

As of May 10, 1996 2,545,200 shares of common stock par value,  $0.001 per share
were outstanding.

                             CRESCENT CAPITAL, INC.

                                   FORM 10-QSB

                                QUARTERLY REPORT
                    For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1996



Item 1:   Financial Statements

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 1996
[Unaudited]                                                                1 - 2

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations for the
three month periods ended March 31, 1996 and March 31, 1995
[Unaudited]                                                                    3

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity for
the three month period ended March 31, 1996 [Unaudited]                        4

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
three month periods ended March 31, 1996 and March 31, 1995
[Unaudited]                                                                    5

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                           6

Item 2:   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
          Condition and Results of Operations                              7 - 8

Part II:   OTHER INFORMATION                                                   9

SIGNATURES                                                                    10

                               o o o o o o o o o o

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                           March 31, 
Current Assets:
  Cash                                                   $   342,959

  Trade Accounts Receivable - Net                          1,988,007
  Franchisee Loans                                           696,917
  Other Receivables                                          328,112
  Inventories                                                535,253
  Prepaid Expenses and Accrued Income                        684,343
  Officer Loan Receivable                                     72,836
  Deferred Offering Costs                                    100,000
  Due from Related Parties                                 1,452,528
  Deposits                                                   445,187

  Total Current Assets                                     6,646,142

Property and Equipment - Net                               3,176,935

Other Assets:
  Master Franchise Agreement - Net                           918,000
  Rights to Store Leases - Net                                93,312
  Goodwill - Net                                              11,085
  Consulting Agreements - Net                                776,145
  Store Franchise Agreement - Net                             72,084
  Store Development Costs - Net                              100,884
  Start-Up Costs - Net                                       128,214


Total Other Assets                                         2,099,724

Total Assets                                             $11,922,801

The  Accompanying  Notes are an Integral  Part of these  Condensed  Consolidated
Financial Statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                  March 31, 1996
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity:
Current Liability:
  Trade Accounts Payable                                                           $  2,940,398
  Accrued Expenses                                                                      739,374
  Other Payables and Accrued Interest                                                   129,723
  Obligations Under Capital Leases                                                      190,031
  Income Taxes Payable                                                                  380,343
  Due to Related Parties                                                                   --
  Notes Payable - Short-Term                                                            265,134

  Total Current Liabilities                                                           4,645,003

Notes Payable - Long-Term                                                               621,659

Commitments and Contingencies                                                              --

Minority Interest                                                                     1,907,526

Stockholders' Equity:
  $.01 Par Value, Preferred Stock, 1,000,000 Shares Authorized,
  No Shares Issued and Outstanding                                                         --

  $.001 Par Value, Class A Common Stock - 5,000,000 Shares
  Authorized and 545,200 Shares Issued and Outstanding                                      545

  $.001 Par Value, Convertible Class B Common Stock -
  2,000,000 Shares Authorized, Issued and Outstanding                                     2,000

  Additional Paid-in-Capital                                                          6,209,214

  Retained Earnings                                                                      60,863

  Cumulative Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment                                    (24,009)

  Note Receivable for Stock                                                          (1,500,000)

  Total Stockholders' Equity                                                          4,748,613

  Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                                       $ 11,922,801

The  Accompanying  Notes are an Integral  Part of these  Condensed  Consolidated
Financial Statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               For the Three              For the Three
                                                                Months Ended               Months Ended
                                                               March 31, 1996             March 31, 1995
  Sales by Company Owned Stores                                 $ 1,036,214                $   596,273
  Commissary Sales                                                2,581,566                  2,227,989
  Franchise Fees                                                     42,848                     47,901
  Rental Income                                                     328,119                    275,975
  Royalty Sales                                                     635,186                    514,926
  Other Operating Income                                            166,528                    110,720
                                                                -----------                -----------

  Total Revenue                                                   4,817,461                  3,773,784
                                                                -----------                -----------
Cost of Sales
  Company Owned Stores                                              762,853                    447,541
  Food and Packaging                                              1,893,426                  1,651,237
  Other Operating Expenses                                          624,271                    391,766
                                                                -----------                -----------
  Total Cost of Sales                                             3,280,550                  2,490,544
                                                                -----------                -----------

  Gross Margin                                                    1,536,911                  1,283,240
                                                                -----------                -----------

Distribution and Administrative Expenses                          1,664,974                  1,192,327
Operating and Closing Costs of Pizzazz Restaurant                   400,986                       --
                                                                -----------                -----------
Operating (Loss) Income                                            (529,049)                    90,913

Interest Income                                                      20,370                     29,946
Interest Expense                                                    (25,696)                    (9,204)
Minority Interest in Net Income of Subsidiary                       149,651                       --
                                                                -----------                -----------
(Loss) Income Before Income Taxes                                  (384,605)                   112,522

Income Taxes                                                           --                         --
                                                                -----------                -----------

  Net (Loss) Income                                             $  (384,605)               $   112,522
                                                                -----------                -----------

(Loss) Income Earnings Per Share                                $     (0.15)               $      0.05
                                                                -----------                -----------

Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding
                                                                  2,545,200                  2,420,000
                                                                -----------                -----------

The  Accompanying  Notes are an Integral  Part of these  Condensed  Consolidated
Financial Statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              Common Stock       Additional                Currency       Note         Total
                                         Number of                 Paid-in    Retained   Translation   Receivable   Stockholders'
                                           Shares      Amount      Capital    Earnings   Adjustments   For Stock       Equity
Balance - December 31, 1995              2,545,200       2,545     6,230,593    445,468     31,622      (1,500,000)   5,210,228

Addition Costs from Issuance of Stock
of Subsidiary                                                        (21,379)                                           (21,379)

Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment         --          --           --          --    (55,631)             --      (55,631)

Net Income for the three months ended
March 31, 1996                                  --          --           --    (384,605)        --              --     (384,605)
                                         ---------    --------   -----------  ---------  ---------     -----------  -----------

Balance - March 31, 1996                 2,545,200    $  2,545   $ 6,209,214  $  60,863  ($ 24,009)    $(1,500,000) $ 4,748,613
                                         =========    ========   ===========  =========  =========     ===========  ===========

Foreign Currency Translation

The  functional  currency for the  Company's  foreign  operations is the British
pound  sterling.  The  translation  from the British  pound  sterling  into U.S.
dollars is performed for balance sheet accounts using the current  exchange rate
in effect at the balance sheet date and for revenue and expense accounts using a
weighted average exchange rate during the period.  The gains or losses resulting
from such translations are included in stockholders' equity. Equity transactions
are denominated in British Pound sterling have been translated into U.S. dollars
using the effective rate of exchange at date of issuance.

The  Accompanying  Notes are an Integral  Part of these  Condensed  Consolidated
Financial Statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                For the Three        For the Three
                                                                 Months Ended         Months Ended
                                                                March 31, 1996       March 31, 1995

Net Cash - Operating Activities                                  ($  346,527)          $(1,269,413)
                                                                 -----------           ----------- 

Investing Activities:
  Purchase of Property, Equipment and Capitalized Costs             (511,610)             (378,221)
  Proceeds on Disposal of Property and Equipment                     259,386                 4,950
  Repayment of Loan to Officer                                                              (7,310)
  Loan to Related Party                                                                   (306,000)
                                                                 -----------           ----------- 
  Net Cash - Investing Activities                                   (252,224)             (686,581)
                                                                 -----------           ----------- 

Financing Activities:
  Payment of Debt                                                    (71,097)           (1,339,449)
  Proceeds from Sale of Common Stock                                                       253,360
  Capital Repayments Made                                            (52,742)
                                                                 -----------           ----------- 
  Net Cash - Financing Activities                                   (123,839)           (1,086,089)
                                                                 -----------           ----------- 

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash                               (6,814)               13,270

  Net [Decrease] in Cash and Cash Equivalents                       (729,404)           (3,028,813)

Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Periods                   1,072,363             4,814,473
                                                                 -----------           ----------- 
  Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Periods                     $   342,959           $ 1,785,660
                                                                 ===========           ===========

Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information:
  Cash paid during the periods for:
    Interest Paid                                                $    46,862           $    98,804
    Taxes Paid                                                   $      --             $      --

Supplemental Disclosures of Non-Cash Financing and 
Investing Activities:
                                                                                       $      --
  Fixed Assets acquired under Capital leases                     $   248,620           $      --

The  Accompanying  Notes are an Integral  Part of these  Condensed  Consolidated
Financial Statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[A]  Significant Accounting Policies

     Significant  accounting policies of Crescent Capital,  Inc. [the "Company"]
     are set forth in the Company's  Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31,
     1995, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

[B]  Basis of Reporting

     The balance sheet as of March 31, 1996,  the  statements of operations  for
     the period January 1, 1996 to March 31, 1996, and for the period January 1,
     1995 to March 31, 1995 the statement of stockholders' equity for the period
     January 1, 1996 to March 31, 1996 and the  statements of cash flows for the
     period January 1, 1996 to March 31, 1996 and for the period January 1, 1995
     to March 31,  1995 have been  prepared by the Company  without  audit.  The
     accompanying  interim condensed  unaudited  financial have been prepared in
     accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for  interim
     financial  information  and  with  the  instructions  of  Form  10-QSB  and
     Regulation SB. Accordingly,  they do not include all of the information and
     footnotes required by generally accepted accounting principles for complete
     financial statements. In the opinion of the management of the Company, such
     statements  include all adjustments  [consisting  only of normal  recurring
     items]  which  are  considered  necessary  for a fair  presentation  of the
     financial position of the Company at March 31, 1996, and the results of its
     operations and cash flows for the three months then ended.  It is suggested
     that these unaudited  financial  statements be read in conjunction with the
     financial  statements and notes  contained in the Company's Form 10-KSB for
     the year ended December 31, 1995.

[C]  Subsequent Event

     In May, the Company  decided to suspend Pizzazz  Restaurant  operations and
     the  development of the Pizzazz  concept.  The Company feels, at this time,
     that  management  attention  and  resources  must be  focused  on the  core
     business of delivery  stores.  In the Condensed  Consolidated  Statement of
     Operations,  the  "Operating  and  Closing  Costs  of  Pizzazz  Restaurant"
     consists of the following items:

                  Revenues                  $   48,997

                  Cost of Sales                (97,899)

                  Operating Expenses          (199,054)

                  Estimated Closing Costs     (153,030)
                           Total             ($400,986)

                               o o o o o o o o o o


Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
          Result of Operations


Income for the  quarter  was lower than the same  quarter of the  previous  year
despite  the  increase  in per store  sales of 11%.  At the end of the  quarter,
management  believes it experienced a significant  boost in sales as a result of
the scare regarding  English beef. The Company promotes their use of only Danish
beef  and the  "healthy"  aspects  of pizza  as part of  their  advertising  and
marketing strategies.

The Company's core business of franchise fees,  commissary sales and the Company
owned  stores lost  approximately  $10,000  for the quarter  versus an income of
$112,522 in the same quarter of the previous year. The  deterioration  of income
was the result of lower  margins on products  sold from the  commissary,  higher
company  overhead costs,  and higher costs on the Company owned delivery stores.
The Company opened one new franchise store in the quarter.

The  Company's  Haagen Dazs stores lost  approximately  $88,000 for the quarter.
This  business is  seasonal  and  management  believes  that cold  weather had a
significant adverse impact on the unit's activities.

The Company opened a sit down casual dining pizza restaurant ("Pizzazz") in late
December  to  compliment  the  delivery  stores  and  further   establish  brand
recognition for Domino's pizza.  Although the "Pizzazz" concept was developed by
Domino's in the United  States,  the Company  did not  receive  assistance  from
Domino's  in the start up of this  concept  in the  United  Kingdom.  During the
quarter  ended March 31,  1996,  the Company  recorded  losses of  approximately
$248,000 and established a reserve for closing costs of  approximately  $153,000
related to the Pizzazz concept.

The Company has taken corrective actions where possible to return the Company to
a level of profitability.

Results of Operations  
Comparison of the three month period  January 1, to March 31, 1996 and January 1
to March 31, 1995

Total revenue for the period was  $4,817,461,  an increase of  $1,043,677  (28%)
against the same period of 1995.  The main  constituents  of this increase arose
from sales at Company owned stores which  increased by $466,941,  royalty income
which  increased by $120,260 and commissary  sales which  increased by $353,577.
Increases were also evident in rental and other income streams of $107,952.

The  increase  in sales at Company  owned  stores  resulted  primarily  from the
increased  number of stores in  operation  during this period  against  1995 (10
versus  9) and the  addition  of three  Haagen  Dazs  stores  which  contributed
$269,899.  The increase in royalty income and commissary  sales resulted  almost
entirely from the increase in system wide sales.

The  Company  also  experienced  an  increase  in cost of sales in excess of the
increase in sales.  Cost of sales increase of $887,905 (36%). This is the result
of lower commissary  margins,  the inclusion of Haagen Dazs cost of sales and an
increase in the royalty percentage payable to Domino's.

An operating  loss of ($529,049)  was incurred in the period  against  operating
income  of  $91,938  in  the  comparable   period  in  1995.  This  decrease  in
profitability resulted from higher gross margins offset by higher administrative
and corporate store costs ($131,883),  the operating losses and closing costs of
the Pizzazz restaurant ($400,986), and operating loss offset by gross margins of
the Haagen Dazs stores ($88,118).

The Company has taken the following actions to improve Company profitability:

     Commissary In late February, the Company implemented a 5% price increase to
     the  franchisees  which  will  cover  most of the  rising  costs of the raw
     materials of topping/cheese etc. The Company has also initiated an internal
     study to ensure that fresh dough  provided to the  franchisees is priced to
     cover the increased production costs and earn a fair profit.

     Delivery Stores The Company has hired a person  dedicated to new franchisee
     development.  This person has industry experience and is using his industry
     contacts to develop new franchisee interests.  In addition, the Company has
     participated in two trade shows and is scheduled to participate in two more
     later in the year. The Company has also  successfully  concluded their test
     period  arrangement  with Total Oil Great  Britain  and have  finalized  an
     agreement to open Domino's  franchises in gas stations.  This should result
     in the rapid  development  of  non-traditional  stores in  addition  to the
     traditional stores. The


     Company has also entered into another  arrangement with Alldays,  a British
     convenience  store company to install "cash and carry"  Domino's  stores on
     the  premises.  The  Company  anticipates  that a  minimum  of  twelve  new
     non-traditional stores will open before the end of the year.

     Company Owned Stores The Company has installed  computer systems in company
     owned  stores  which will allow  daily  monitoring  and control of food and
     labor costs by  headquarters  personnel.  It is  anticipated  that this new
     system  will  allow the  Company to control  the costs and  achieve  better

     Haagen  Dazs The  Company  continues  to have  discussions  with the Master
     Franchisor  in the United  Kingdom to discuss  menu items and other ways to
     reduce the seasonal  impact of Haagen Dazs stores.  The Company expects the
     units to perform profitably for the next two quarters.

     Pizzazz  The  Company  believes  these  losses  resulted  from  the lack of
     Domino's support,  the timing of the restaurant  opening,  product pricing,
     menu items and  promotion.  The Company  believes the concept is viable and
     the  knowledge  gained  over the last  quarter is  valuable.  However,  the
     Company  feels,  at this time,  management  attention and resources must be
     focused on the "core"  business of delivery  stores.  Consequently,  in May
     1996, the Company decided to suspend  operations and the development of the
     Pizzazz restaurant concept.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

At March 31, 1996 the Company's  working  capital of $2,001,139 has been reduced
by $1,020,127 from the end of the Company's last fiscal year. The Company used a
portion of the net proceeds from the initial public  offering of a subsidiary to
purchase  fixed  assets  and repay the  outstanding  short-term  notes  payable.
Additionally, the Company sold a non-performing company owned store to finance a
new company  owned store  opened in April 1996.  The company  believes  that its
working  capital will be  sufficient  to satisfy its  obligations  over the next
twelve months.

Exchange Rates

The weighted exchange rate for the three months ended March 31, 1996 ($1.526 per
British pound sterling) was approximately 4% lower than the exchange rate during
the  comparable  period  in 1995  ($1.597  per  British  pound  sterling).  This
difference has the effect of reducing the Company's  results by approximately 4%
when expressed in U.S. dollars.


To date, inflation has not had a material effect on the Company's operations.



Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

          The  Company  is  not  a  party  to  any  litigation  or  governmental
          proceedings  that  management  believes  would result in judgements or
          fines that would have a material adverse effect on the Company.

Item 2.   Changes in Securities

          Not Applicable.

Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities

          Not Applicable.

Item 4.   Other Information

          Not Applicable.

Item 5.   Exhibits

          (a)  Exhibits


          (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

          No reports on Form 8-K were  filed  during the period  covered by this


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    CRESCENT CAPITAL, INC.

Date:  May 15, 1996                 By:     /s/ Colin Halpern
                                            Colin Halpern, President
