Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [ X ]

File by a Party other than the Registrant [   ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[ ] Definitive  Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                 Not Applicable
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box)

[ ] No fee required.
[X] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

1)       Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2)       Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3)       Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

4)       Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: $5,000,000.00.

5)       Total fee paid:

[X]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)       Amount Previously Paid:
         2)       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
         3)       Filing Party:
         4)       Date Filed:

                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                                One Harmon Plaza
                           Secaucus, New Jersey 07094

July 13, 1998

Dear Stockholder:

         You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
(the "Annual Meeting") of Paramark  Enterprises,  Inc (the "Company") which will
be held on August 11, 1998 at 9:00 am at the law offices of Blank Rome Comisky &
McCauley LLP, One Logan Square, Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. We hope you will be
able to attend.

         At the Annual  Meeting you will be asked to  consider  and vote on: (a)
the election of the Board of  Directors,  (b) a proposal to amend the  Company's
1996 Stock Option Plan,  and (c) a proposal to sell certain of the assets of the
Company,  including the T.J. Cinnamons franchise  agreements,  and terminate the
purchase agreement, license agreement and management agreement entered into with
Triarc Restaurant Group and affiliates on August 29, 1996, pursuant to the terms
and  conditions  described  in the  agreement  dated June 30,  1998  between the
Company and TJ Holding Company.  Inc., a subsidiary of Triarc  Restaurant Group,
attached as Exhibit A to the enclosed Proxy Statement (the  "Transaction").  The
Transaction  provides for a cash payment of $3,000,000,  a non-interest  bearing
promissory   note  in  the  amount  of  $1,000,000  and  contingent   additional
consideration of up to $1,000,000.  Details of the proposed  Transaction are set
forth in the accompanying Proxy Statement which you should review carefully.

         The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the  Transaction and
recommends  all  stockholders  vote for its  approval.  The  Board of  Directors
believes  that the proposed  Transaction  is in the best interest of the Company
and its stockholders.

         In order  to  ensure  your  shares  may be  represented  at the  Annual
Meeting, I urge you to promptly complete, sign, date and return the accompanying
Proxy in the enclosed envelope, whether or not you plan to attend. If you attend
the Annual  Meeting  in person  you may,  if you wish,  vote  personally  on all
matters brought before the Annual Meeting even if you have  previously  returned
your Proxy.

                                        Very Truly Yours,

                                        /s/ Charles N. Loccisano
                                        Charles N. Loccisano
                                        Chairman and CEO

                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                                One Harmon Plaza
                           Secaucus, New Jersey 07094


To the Stockholders of Paramark Enterprises, Inc.:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN  that an Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (the
"Annual Meeting") of Paramark Enterprises,  Inc. (the "Company") will be held at
the law  offices  of Blank  Rome  Comisky &  McCauley  LLP,  One  Logan  Square,
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania  on August 11, 1998 at 9:00 am local  time,  for the
following purposes:

         1. To consider  and vote on the  election of the Board of  Directors as
         more fully described in the accompanying Proxy Statement.

         2. To (a) approve amendments to the Company's 1996 Amended and Restated
         Stock Option Plan ("1996 Stock Option Plan") which  increase the number
         of shares  issuable  under the 1996 Stock Option Plan by 500,000 shares
         to  1,000,000  shares and (b) ratify the class of  employees  which may
         receive shares pursuant to the 1996 Stock Option Plan ("Proposal II");

         3. To consider and vote upon the proposed sale of certain of the assets
         of the Company,  including the T.J. Cinnamons franchise agreements, and
         the  termination of the purchase  agreement dated June 3, 1996, and the
         license  agreement and  management  agreement  entered into with Triarc
         Restaurant  Group and affiliates dated August 29, 1996 in consideration
         of $3,000,000 in cash, $1,000,000 in the form of a non-interest bearing
         promissory  note  and  contingent  additional  consideration  of  up to
         $1,000,000  pursuant  to the  terms  and  conditions  of the  Agreement
         between and among Paramark Enterprises, Inc., TJ Holding Company, Inc.,
         a subsidiary of Triarc  Restaurant  Group, and Arby's,  Inc. dated June
         30, 1998 ( the "1998 Triarc  Agreement) in the form attached as Exhibit
         A to the Proxy Statement  accompanying  this Notice  ("Proposal III" or
         the "Transaction"); and

         4. To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the
         Annual Meeting or any postponements or adjournments thereof.

         The close of  business  on June 22,  1998 has been  fixed as the record
date for the determination of Stockholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at
the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

         All  Stockholders  are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting.
Whether or not you expect to attend,  you are requested to sign, date and return
the enclosed proxy promptly.  Stockholders  who execute proxies retain the right
to revoke them at any time prior to the voting thereof.  A return envelope which
requires  no  postage  if  mailed in the  United  States  is  enclosed  for your
                                   By Order of the Board of Directors

                                   /s/ Alan S. Gottlich
                                   Alan S. Gottlich, Secretary
Secaucus, New Jersey
July 13, 1998


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

PROXY STATEMENT FOR ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS ..................................................... 6
AVAILABLE INFORMATION....................................................................................7
BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP.....................................................................................8
PROPOSAL I - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.......................................................................9
         Information about Directors ....................................................................9
         Directors Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors....................................10
         Advanced Notice for Director Nominations and New Business......................................10
         Executive Compensation ........................................................................11
PROPOSAL II - AMENDMENTS TO THE 1996 STOCK OPTION PLAN .................................................14
         Increase in Authorized Shares..................................................................14
         Limitation on Maximum Number of Options Awarded................................................14
         Types of Awards................................................................................15
         Common Stock Subject to the 1996 Stock Option Plan.............................................15
Exercise Price of Options/Payment of Exercise Price.....................................................15
         Special Provisions for Incentive Stock Options.................................................15
         Non-transferability of Options.................................................................16
         Exercisability of Options......................................................................16
         Expiration of Options..........................................................................16
         Expiration of the 1996 Stock Option Plan.......................................................16
         Awards under the 1996 Stock Option Plan........................................................17
Federal Income Tax Consequences of the 1996 Stock Option Plan...........................................18
PROPOSAL III - THE TRANSACTION .........................................................................20
         Background of the Transaction..................................................................20
         Parties to the Transaction ....................................................................21
         The 1998 Triarc Agreement......................................................................21
         Continuing Business; Proposed Expansion........................................................25
         Opinion of Texada Capital Corporation..........................................................26
         Interest of Management in the Transaction .....................................................27
         Application of Sale Proceeds ..................................................................27
         Tax Consequences to the Company ...............................................................28
         Recommendation of the Board of Directors.......................................................28
         Dividend Policy................................................................................29
    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998 AND 1997..................................................30
    AS COMPARED TO THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1997................................................35
UNAUDITED PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ...............................................................38
SELECTED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL DATA ...................................................................43
PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK ............................................................................46
DIVIDEND POLICY ........................................................................................46
CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS .................................................................................. 47
SECTION 16 BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP REPORTING COMPLIANCE ...................................................48

INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS .........................................................................48
ANNUAL REPORT  .........................................................................................49
OTHER MATTERS ..........................................................................................49
EXPENSES OF SOLICITATION  ..............................................................................49
STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS...................................................................................50
DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE.....................................................................51
APPENDIX A - 1996 Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan
APPENDIX B - Agreement between Paramark  Enterprises,  Inc., TJ Holding Company,
Inc.  and  Arby's,  Inc.  dated  June 30,  1998 and  Form of  Wholesale  License
Agreement between Arby's, Inc. and Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
APPENDIX C - Fairness Opinion of Texada Capital  Corporation

                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                                One Harmon Plaza
                           Secaucus, New Jersey 07094

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

         This Proxy Statement is furnished to the holders of common stock,  $.01
per value, (the "Common Stock") of Paramark Enterprises, Inc. (the "Company") in
connection  with the  solicitation  by the Board of  Directors of the Company of
proxies in the form  enclosed to be voted at an Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
(the  "Annual  Meeting")  of the  Company to be held at the law offices of Blank
Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP, One Logan  Square,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania  on
August 11, 1998 at 9:00 am local time, and for any  adjournment or  adjournments
thereof, for the following purposes:

         I. To consider and vote on the election of the Board of Directors;

         II.  To (a)  approve  amendments  to the  Company's  1996  Amended  and
         Restated  Stock Option Plan ("1996 Stock Option  Plan") which  increase
         the  number of shares  issuable  under the 1996  Stock  Option  Plan by
         500,000  shares  to  1,000,000  shares  and (b)  ratify  the  class  of
         employees  which may receive  shares  pursuant to the 1996 Stock Option
         Plan ("Proposal II");

         III.  To  consider  and vote upon the  proposed  sale of certain of the
         assets  of  the  Company,   including  the  T.J.  Cinnamons   franchise
         agreements, and the termination of the purchase agreement dated June 3,
         1996, and the license  agreement and management  agreement entered into
         with Triarc  Restaurant  Group and affiliates  dated August 29, 1996 in
         consideration  of  $3,000,000  in  cash,  $1,000,000  in the  form of a
         non-interest   bearing   promissory  note  and  contingent   additional
         consideration of up to $1,000,000  pursuant to the terms and conditions
         of the  Agreement  between and among  Paramark  Enterprises,  Inc.,  TJ
         Holding  Company,  Inc., a subsidiary of Triarc  Restaurant  Group, and
         Arby's,  Inc. dated June 30, 1998 ( the "1998 Triarc  Agreement) in the
         form  attached as Exhibit A to the Proxy  Statement  accompanying  this
         Notice ("Proposal III" or the "Transaction"); and

         IV. To consider and vote upon such other  matters as may properly  come
         before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         The  Board of  Directors  knows of no other  business  which  will come
before the Annual meeting.

         All  shares  represented  by each  properly  executed  unrevoked  proxy
received in time for the Annual Meeting will be voted as specified  therein.  If
no  specified  instructions  are given with  respect to the  matters to be acted
upon, the shares  represented by a signed and dated proxy will be voted in favor
of the Company's  nominees for  director,  for approval of amendment to the 1996
Stock Option Plan, for approval of the Company's proposed sale of certain of its
operating assets to TJ Holding Company, Inc. and in the judgment of the Board of
Directors  on any other  matters  which may  properly  come  before  the  Annual
Meeting.  Any stockholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke the same at any
time before it is voted by giving  written notice to the Company or a later date

         Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on June 22, 1998
are  entitled  to notice  and to vote at the Annual  Meeting or any  adjournment
thereof.  On the record date there were issued and outstanding  3,373,833 shares
of Common Stock.  Each outstanding share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote
upon all matters to be acted upon at the Annual  Meeting.  In order for a quorum
to be present,  a majority of the  outstanding  shares of the  Company's  common
stock as of the Record Date must be present in person or represented by proxy at
the meeting.  All such shares that are present in person or represented by proxy
at the meeting will be counted in  determining  whether a quorum is present,  no
matter  how the  shares are voted or whether  they  abstain  from  voting or are
broker  non-votes.  The election of directors  will be determined by a plurality
vote. The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present or represented by
proxy is required to approve  Proposal II. The affirmative  vote of holders of a
majority  of the shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  as of the Record  Date is
required to approve  Proposal III. An abstention or broker  non-vote,  therefore
will  have the same  effect as  voting  against  any  proposal,  other  than the
election of directors.


         Charles Loccisano,  the Company's Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and
Director and Alan Gottlich, the Company's President, Chief Financial Officer and
Director, together with their affiliates own 42% of the outstanding Common Stock
of the  Company,  and have  indicated  that they  intend to vote in favor of the
nominees for  directors and the  amendments  to the 1996 Stock Option Plan,  and
have agreed to vote in favor for the Transaction.

         As of June 22, 1998 there were 3,373,883 shares of Company Common Stock
outstanding held by approximately 65 holders of record, not including beneficial
owners whose shares are held by banks,  brokers and other nominees.  The Company
believes that it has in excess of 600 beneficial owners of its securities.

         The approximate date on which this Proxy Statement and the accompanying
form of proxy will be mailed to the Company's Stockholders is July 13, 1998. The
executive officers of the Company are located at One Harmon Plaza, Secaucus, New
Jersey 07094 and its telephone number is (201) 422-0910.

         At  this  Annual  Meeting,  stockholders  of  record  will  vote on the
election of the Board of Directors,  certain  amendments  to the Company's  1996
Amended Stock Option Plan which  increases the number of shares  issuable  under
the plan by 500,000 to  1,000,000  and the  Transaction.  Under the terms of the
Transaction,  the Company will sell to TJ Holding Company, Inc., a subsidiary of
Triarc  Restaurant  Group,  all of its  rights  and  interests  under  the  T.J.
Cinnamons franchise agreements and will terminate the purchase agreement entered
into with  Triarc  Restaurant  Group and  affiliates  dated June 3, 1996 and the
license   agreement  and   management   agreement   dated  August  29,  1996  in
consideration  for a price  of  $4,000,000  to be paid  $3,000,000  in cash  and
$1,000,000 in the form of a non-interest bearing promissory note payable over 24
months, plus payments of up to $1,000,000 contingent on certain sales targets of
T.J.  Cinnamons  products  for  the  twelve  months  ended  December  31,  1998.
Furthermore, the Company and Triarc Restaurant Group will enter into a wholesale
license  agreement  granting  the  Company  the rights to  manufacture  and sell
certain T.J.  Cinnamons branded products to specified  wholesale  accounts up to
December 31, 1998.


         No persons have been  authorized to give any information or to make any
representations other than those contained in this Proxy Statement in connection
with the  solicitation  of proxies and, if given or made,  such  information  or
representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Company
or any other person.  This Proxy Statement does not constitute the  solicitation
of a proxy in any  jurisdiction  to any  person to whom it is not lawful to make
any such solicitation in such jurisdiction. The delivery of this Proxy Statement
does not, under any circumstances,  create an implication that there has been no
change  in the  affairs  of the  Company  since  the  date  hereof  or that  the
information herein is correct as of any time subsequent to its date.

                             AVAILABLE INFORMATION

         The  Company  is  subject  to  the  informational  requirements  of the
Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange  Act"),  and, in
accordance therewith, files reports, proxy statements and other information with
the  Commission.  Such reports,  proxy  statements and other  information can be
inspected  and  copied at the  public  reference  facilities  maintained  by the
Commission at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20549. Copies
of the subject  information may also be obtained,  at prescribed rates, from the
public  reference  section  of  the  Commission  at  450  Fifth  Street,   N.W.,
Washington,  D.C.  20549.  The  Commission  maintains  a Web site that  contains
reports,  proxy  and  information  statements  and other  information  regarding
issuers that file  electronically  with the Commission.  The address of such Web
site is (


                              BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP

        The following  table sets forth  information,  as of June 22, 1998 as to
the beneficial ownership of Common Stock (including shares which may be acquired
within sixty days pursuant to stock options) of each director of the Company and
the executive  officers of the Company listed in the Summary  Compensation Table
below, all directors and executive  officers as a group and persons known by the
Company  to  beneficially  own more than 5% of the Common  Stock.  Except as set
forth below, no person beneficially owns more than 5% of the Common Stock.

                                                     Number of Shares
         Name and Address of Beneficial              of Common Stock                  Percent
                  Owner (1)                          Beneficially Owned (2)       Beneficially Owned
         Charles Loccisano                           1,500,049  (3)(4)                 44.5%
         Alan Gottlich                                 330,589  (5)(6)                  9.8%
         Philip Friedman                                67,109  (7)                     2.0%
         Paul Bergrin                                   22,500  (8)                     0.7%

         All Directors and Executive Officers
         as of group (four persons)                  1,920,247  (9)                    56.9%

(1)  Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each beneficial owner is that of
     the Company's principal executive offices.
(2)  The  securities  "beneficially  owned" by an individual  are  determined in
     accordance  with the definition of "beneficial  ownership" set forth in the
     regulations of the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Accordingly,  they
     may include securities owned by of for, among others, the wife and/or minor
     children of the  individual and any other relative who has the same home as
     such individual, as well as other securities as to which the individual has
     or shares  voting or  investment  power or has the right to  acquire  under
     outstanding  stock  options  within 60 days  after the date of this  table.
     Beneficial  ownership may be  disclaimed  as to certain of the  securities.
     Certain  of these  shares  are held in  escrow  ("Escrow  Shares")  and are
     subject to release on the earlier of (a) the  achievement by the Company of
     certain minimum pre-tax earnings during specified periods,  and (b) May 12,
     2001.  Such  shares  may be voted but may not be  transferred  prior to the
     release from escrow.
(3)  Includes  184,195 shares held by The Charles  Loccisano  Irrevocable  Trust
     f/b/o Marissa Loccisano all of which are Escrow Shares,  and 184,195 shares
     held by The Charles  Loccisano  Irrevocable  Trust f/b/o Michael  Loccisano
     (jointly  referred to as the  "Loccisano  Trusts")  all of which are escrow
     shares,  with respect to which Mr. Loccisano is the settlor.  Mr. Loccisano
     disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.
(4)  Includes  a  maximum  of  268,125  shares  which may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of options  exercisable  within the next 60 days.  Excludes 45,000
     shares subject to options not exercisable within the next 60 days.
(5)  Includes  a  maximum  of  143,250  shares  which may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of options  exercisable  within the next 60 days.  Excludes 45,000
     shares  subject to options  not  exercisable  within the next 60 days,  and
     368,390  shares  held by the  Loccisano  Trusts  with  respect to which Mr.
     Gottlich is a co-trustee with voting and dispositive powers.
(6)  Includes 150,874 shares held by Mr.  Gottlich's  spouse of which 64,765 are
     Escrow Shares, as to which Mr. Gottlich disclaims beneficial ownership.
(7)  Includes a maximum of 62,109 shares which may be acquired upon the exercise
     of options  exercisable  within the next 60 days . Excludes  45,000  shares
     subject to options not exercisable within the next 60 days.
(8)  Represents 22,500 shares which may be acquired upon the exercise of options
     exercisable within the next 60 days.
(9)  Includes  a  maximum  of  495,984  shares  which may be  acquired  upon the
     exercise of options that are exercisable within the next 60 days.


                                  PROPOSAL I -
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         Under the Company's  by-laws,  the Company's  Directors are elected for
one year terms until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.
The  officers of the Company are  appointed  by the Board of  Directors  to hold
office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

         Under the Company's  by-laws,  the Board of Directors  shall consist of
not less than three and not more than fifteen directors,  such numbers to be set
by the Board by resolution. The Board has set the number of directors at four.

         All the nominees are currently serving as directors of the Company. The
Company  knows  of no  reason  why any  nominee  would be  unable  to serve as a
director.  Each nominee has consented to being named in this Proxy Statement and
to serve if  elected.  If any  nominee  should for any reason  become  unable to
serve,  then all valid  proxies  will be voted for  election of such  substitute
nominee as the Board may designate.  The Company's Board of Directors recommends
voting "FOR" the four nominees listed below.

Information about Directors

         Certain information regarding the nominees for election as directors at
this year's Annual Meeting is set forth below. There are no family relationships
among any directors or executive officers of the Company.

Name                                 Age           Position with the Company         Term to Expire
Charles Loccisano                    49            Chairman, Chief Executive Officer     1999
                                                   and Director
Alan Gottlich                        37            Vice Chairman, President, Chief       1999
                                                   Financial Officer, and Director
Philip Friedman                      52            Director                              1999
Paul Bergrin                         41            Director                              1999

         Charles Loccisano has been the Chairman,  Chief Executive Officer and a
Director of the Company since June 1992. Since 1980, Mr. Loccisano has primarily
engaged in the acquisition, development and/or management of real estate through
his general partnership  interests in various real estate limited  partnerships.
Some of these  partnerships  were forced to file for protection under the United
States  Bankruptcy  Code after a turndown in the real estate  market in 1987 and
after the temporary loss by Mr. Loccisano,  and his partner, of control of these
limited  partnerships.  Subsequently,  Mr.  Loccisano  and his partner  regained
control,  and some of these partnerships were successfully  reorganized and some
lost their real  properties  in  bankruptcy  and/or in  foreclosure  sales.  Mr.
Loccisano, through a separate entity and with partners, was also a franchisee of
the Company  until 1993,  and was a principal  of a company  that owned five Roy
Roger restaurants in New Jersey from 1989 through 1994. Mr. Loccisano was also a
co-general partner in a partnership which owned and operated the Governor Morris
Inn, a 200 room hotel and banquet facility, from 1987 through 1997.

         Alan Gottlich has been the Vice Chairman, Chief Financial Officer and a
Director of the Company since June 1992,  and the President  since October 1996.
Prior  thereto,   Mr.  Gottlich  was  primarily   engaged  in  the  acquisition,
development  and/or  management  of real  estate  through  his  general  partner
interest in various real estate limited partnerships.  One of these entities was
forced to file for protection  under the United States  Bankruptcy  Code in 1993


and subsequently lost its real property. Mr. Gottlich, through a separate entity
and together with partners, was also a franchisee of the Company until 1993, and
was a  principal  of a company  that owned five Roy  Rogers  restaurants  in New
Jersey  from  1989  through  1994.  Prior  to  that,  Mr.  Gottlich  was a staff
accountant at Touche Ross & Co.

         Philip  Friedman has been a Director of the Company  since August 1993.
Mr.  Friedman  is the  President  and  principal  stockholder  of P.  Friedman &
Associates,  Inc. a food  management and consulting  company based in Rockville,
Maryland  and is the  Chairman of Rostie  Restaurants,  an owner and operator of
eight full  service  restaurants.  Mr.  Friedman  serves as a director  of Panda
Management Company,  Inc. (an owner and operator fast food Chinese restaurants),
Eateries,  Inc. (an operator and  franchisor of full service  restaurants),  and
Roadhouse Grill, Inc. (an operator and franchisor of full service steak houses).

         Paul Bergrin has been a Director of the Company  since  November  1996.
Mr.  Bergrin has been a partner in the law firm of Pope,  Grossman,  Bergrin and
Verdesco  for more than the last five years  specializing  in criminal and civil

Directors' Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

         The Board of Directors  met 8 times  during the fiscal year 1997.  Each
Director  attended  more than 75% of the meetings of the Board of Directors  and
any committees of the Board of Directors on which the Director served.

         The Board of Directors has established  compensation,  audit and option
committees. The Compensation Committee consists of Philip Friedman, Paul Bergrin
and Charles  Loccisano.  The Audit Committee and the Option Committee consist of
Philip Friedman and Paul Bergrin. The Audit Committee held no meetings in fiscal
1997, and the  Compensation  Committee and Option  Committee held one meeting in
fiscal 1997.

         The Audit  Committee  reviews  and  examines  detailed  reports  of the
Company's  independent public accountants;  consults with the independent public
accountants regarding internal accounting controls, audits results and financial
reporting  procedures;  recommends the engagement and continuation of engagement
of the Company's independent public accountants; and meets with, and reviews and
considers recommendations of, the independent public accountants.

         The Compensation Committee reviews the performance of senior management
and key employees  whose  compensation  is the subject of review and approval by
the  Committee;  periodically  reviews and  recommends to the Board of Directors
compensation   arrangements  for  senior  management  and  key  employees;   and
periodically  reviews  the main  elements  of, and  administers,  the  Company's
compensation  and benefit  programs,  other than the 1993 Stock  Option Plan and
1996 Stock Option Plan.

         The Option  Committee  administers  the 1993 Stock Option Plan and 1996
Stock  Option Plan and,  to the extent  provided  by such Plan,  determines  the
persons to whom options are  granted,  the  exercise  price,  term and number of
shares covered by each option to be granted.  In addition,  the Option Committee
exercises all discretionary power regarding the operations of these plans.

Advance Notice For Director Nominations and New Business

         The  Company's  By-Laws  provide  that in order  for a  stockholder  to
nominate  a  candidate  for  election  as a  director  at an annual  meeting  of
stockholders or to propose business for  consideration  at such meeting,  notice
must be delivered to the Secretary of the Company not less than 60 days nor more
than 90 days prior to the annual meeting.  However,  in the event that less than
70 days prior notice of the date of the meeting is given to stockholders, notice
by the stockholders  must be received not later than 10 days after notice of the
meeting  has been given.  Based on the  scheduled  meeting  date for this year's
annual meeting,  in order for a stockholder to propose  director  nominations at
the 1998 Annual Meeting,  the  stockholder  must deliver notice to the Secretary
between July 13 and July 23, 1998. All nominations and new business proposed for
consideration  at an annual meeting of stockholders  must comply with applicable
SEC Regulations.



Summary Compensation Table

         The following  table sets forth the total annual  compensation  paid or
accrued by the Company for services in all  capacities  for the Chief  Executive
Officer for the fiscal years ended  December 31, 1997,  1996 and 1995,  and each
other  officer who made in excess of $100,000  (salary and bonus)  during fiscal
1997 (the "Named Officers").

                                                                    Long Term Compensation
                             Annual Compensation            Other         Awards
Name and Principal                                          Annual      Securities
Position                Year      Salary        Bonus      Comp. (1)    Underlying Options (2)
Charles Loccisano,      1997     $134,615      $68,805      $12,000      225,000
Chairman, and Chief     1996      130,000       31,500       12,000          -0-
Executive Officer       1995      101,682        8,625       12,000      192,500

Alan Gottlich,          1997      $98,464      $34,402      $12,000      163,500
President and Chief     1996       95,000       14,000        9,000          -0-
Financial Officer       1995       87,500        4,625        9,000       87,500

(1)  These amounts represent reimbursable automobile expenses.

(2)  In March 1998,  the Board of  Directors  approved a  cancellation  of stock
     options held by Messrs. Loccisano and Gottlich in the amount of 417,500 and
     251,000,  respectively, and a grant of new options in the amount of 313,125
     and  188,250,  respectively.  The new options are  exercisable  at $.50 per
     share and 268,125 and 143,250 are vested to Messrs. Loccisano and Gottlich,
     respectively. The balance will vest over three years.

         The  following  table  sets  forth  information  regarding  options  to
purchase  shares of Common Stock  granted to the Named  Officers  during  fiscal

Stock Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                Number of            % of Total Options   Exercise or Base      Expiration Date
                                Securities           Granted to           Price
                                Underlying Options   Employees in
                                Granted              Fiscal 1997
Charles Loccisano, Chairman,    225,000              29.9%                $1.55                 July 15, 2002
and Chief Executive Officer

Alan Gottlich, President, and   163,500              21.7%                $1.57                 July 15, 2007
Chief Financial Officer

         In March 1998, the Board of Directors  approved a cancellation of stock
options  held by Messrs.  Loccisano  and  Gottlich  in the amount of 417,500 and
251,000,  respectively,  and a grant of new options in the amount of 313,125 and
188,250,  respectively.  The new options are  exercisable  at $.50 per share and
268,125 and 143,250 are vested to Messrs. Loccisano and Gottlich,  respectively.
The balance will vest over three years.


         The following table sets forth information  regarding options exercised
by the Named  Officers  during  fiscal 1997 under the 1996 Stock Option Plan and
the option values of options held by such individuals at fiscal year end.

Aggregate Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year End Option Values

                                                                          Number of            Value of
                                                                          Unexercised          Unexercised
                                                                          Options  at          In-The-Money
                                                                          12/31/97 (1)         Options at 12/31/97 (2)

                                Shares Acquired on       Value Realized   Exercisable/         Exercisable/
Name                            Exercise                                  Unexercisable        Unexercisable
Charles Loccisano, Chairman,    0                        0                352,500 / 65,000     0 / 0
President and Chief Executive

Alan Gottlich, President, and   0                        0                186,000 / 65,000     0 / 0
Chief Financial Officer

         (1) In March 1998, the Board of Directors  approved a  cancellation  of
stock  options held by Messrs.  Loccisano  and Gottlich in the amount of 417,500
and 251,000,  respectively,  and a grant of new options in the amount of 313,125
and 188,250, respectively. The new options are exercisable at $.50 per share and
268,125 and 143,250 are vested to Messrs. Loccisano and Gottlich,  respectively.
The balance will vest over three years.

         (2) Represents  the aggregate  market value (market price of the Common
Stock less the  exercise  price) of the options  granted  based upon the closing
sales price per share of $1 1/16 on December 31, 1997.

Director Compensation in Fiscal 1997

The Company provides compensation to non-employee  directors at the rate of $500
per day for meetings  attended,  and  reimbursement of travel and other expenses
incurred in attending meetings. In addition, all directors are entitled to stock
options under the Company's 1996 Stock Option Plan.

During the last fiscal  year,  directors  received  the  following  stock option
grants under the  Company's  1996 Stock Option Plan in  consideration  for their
serving as  directors:  (a) In March 1997,  options were granted to directors of
the Company to purchase  shares of Common Stock, at the price of $1.75 per share
of  Common  Stock,  in the  following  amounts:  45,000  to  Charles  Loccisano,
Director; 45,000 to Alan Gottlich,  Director; 45,000 to Phil Friedman, Director;
and  45,000 to Paul  Bergrin,  Director.  These  options  vest over a three year
period;  and (b) In July 1997,  options were granted to directors of the Company
to purchase  shares of Common  Stock,  at the price of $1.50 per share of Common
Stock, in the following amounts: 45,000 to Charles Loccisano,  Director;  45,000
to Alan Gottlich,  Director;  45,000 to Phil Friedman,  Director;  and 45,000 to
Paul Bergrin,  Director.  These options vest over a three year period.  In March
1998,  the Board of Directors  approved a  cancellation  of stock options in the
following  amounts:  417,500 to  Charles  Loccisano,  Director;  251,000 to Alan
Gottlich,  Director;  142,812  to Phil  Friedman,  Director;  and 90,000 to Paul
Bergrin, Director, and approved a grant of new options in the following amounts:
313,125 to Charles  Loccisano,  Director;  188,250 to Alan  Gottlich,  Director;
107,109 to Phil Friedman,  Director;  and 67,500 to Paul Bergrin,  Director. The
new options are exercisable at $.50 per share with the following  amounts vested
to date:  268,125  to Charles  Loccisano,  Director;  143,250 to Alan  Gottlich,
Director;  62,109  to Phil  Friedman,  Director;  and  22,500  to Paul  Bergrin,
Director. The balance will vest over three years.

All Loccisano and Gottlich  options  described above are reported in the Summary
Compensation Table.

Employment Contracts and Change of Control Agreements

On October 1, 1997,  the  Company  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with
Charles Loccisano, the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, providing


for an annual base salary of $175,000  of which  $25,000  will be accrued.  Such
accrual  will be paid upon the closing of the  Transaction,  or when the Company
achieves a positive cash flow from operations. The base salary will be increased
by 10%  per  annum  on each  anniversary,  and a bonus  will be  payable  at the
discretion of the Board of Directors.

On October 1, 1997, the Company  entered into an employment  agreement with Alan
Gottlich, the Company's President and Chief Financial Officer,  providing for an
annual base salary of $125,000 of which  $15,000  will be accrued.  Such accrual
will be paid upon the closing of the Transaction, or when the Company achieves a
positive cash flow from operations. The base salary will be increased by 10% per
annum on each anniversary,  and a bonus will be payable at the discretion of the
Board of Directors.

Both of  these  employment  agreements  include  change  of  control  provisions
providing  for a  payment  equal  to two  years  base  salary  plus  one half of
aggregate  bonuses  paid during the three years  prior to  termination.  Both of
these  employment  agreements  have a number  or  provisions  relating  to term,
duties, termination and other contractual rights.


                                  PROPOSAL II -


         During fiscal 1997, the Board of Directors  approved certain amendments
to the 1996 Stock  Option  Plan  which  increase  the number of shares  issuable
pursuant to options  granted under the 1996 Stock Option Plan by 500,000  shares
to  1,000,000  shares  subject to approval by the  stockholders  of the Company.
Approval of Proposal II also  constitutes  ratification of the material terms of
the 1996 Stock Option Plan, including but not limited to, the class of employees
which may receive awards pursuant to the 1996 Stock Option Plan.

         The  reason for  seeking  stockholder  approval  of  Proposal  II is to
satisfy  requirements of the Code which require stockholder approval of Proposal
II in order for options  granted for the  additional  shares  issuable under the
1996 Stock Option Plan to qualify as incentive  stock  options under Section 422
of the Code ("Incentive  Stock Options") to the extent so designated and for the
1996 Stock Option Plan to satisfy one of the conditions of Section 162(m) of the
Code applicable to performance-based compensation.

         Attached as "Appendix A" to this Proxy  Statement is the complete  text
of the 1996 Stock Option Plan, as amended.  The  principal  features of the 1996
Stock Option Plan are summarized below.

Increase in Authorized Shares

         Under the terms of the 1996 Stock Option Plan, 500,000 shares of Common
Stock were  authorized for issuance  prior to the increase.  In August 1997, the
Board of Directors  approved an increase in the number of shares  available  for
issuance  under the plan by  500,000  in order to fund  awards to the  Company's
officers, directors, consultants and other employees. One of the purposes of the
proposed  increase in shares  available for issuance under the 1996 Stock Option
Plan is to provide sufficient shares for stock option grants to officers and key
employees of the Company.

         The Board of Directors  believes that the Company and its  stockholders
benefit significantly from having the Company's key personnel receive options to
purchase the Company's Common Stock, and that the opportunity thus afforded such
persons  to  acquire  Common  Stock  is an  essential  element  of an  effective
management incentive program. The Board of Directors also believes that options,
particularly  Incentive Stock Options,  are valuable in attracting and retaining
highly qualified personnel and providing additional motivation to such personnel
to use  their  best  efforts  on  behalf of the  Company  and its  stockholders.
However, because awards under the 1996 Stock Option Plan may be made to officers
and key employees of the Company,  the award of additional shares under the 1996
Stock  Option  Plan would have the  effect of  further  increasing  management's
ownership of the Company  which may make it more  difficult for a third party to
acquire control of the Company.

Limitation on Maximum Number of Options Awarded

         The 1996 Stock Option Plan provides that the maximum  number of options
which may be awarded to any person  under the 1996 Stock Option Plan shall be no
more than is equal to 90% of the shares  reserved for  issuance  under this 1996
Stock  Option  Plan.  The purpose of this  limitation  is to enable  awards made
pursuant to the 1996 Stock Option Plan to comply with one of the  conditions  of
Section 162(m) of the Code which limits the  deductibility of compensation  paid
to the Company's named officers unless it is performance based.


         Officers,  key  employees,  directors and important  consultants of the
Company are eligible to receive options under the 1996 Stock Option Plan.


Types of Awards

         Options granted under the 1996 Stock Option Plan may be Incentive Stock
Options, or options not intended to so qualify  ("Non-Qualified Stock Options").
Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "option" as used herein includes
both Incentive Stock Options and Non-Qualified Stock Options.


         The  1996  Stock  Option  Plan  is  administered  by  the  compensation
committee  (the  "Committee")  which is comprised of at least two members of the
Board  of  Directors  of the  Company,  each of whom  meet the  definition  of a
"non-employee" director within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 of the Exchange Act and
an "outside director" as defined under Section 162(m) of the Code. The Committee
has the discretion to interpret the provisions of the 1996 Stock Option Plan; to
determine  the persons to receive  options  under the 1996 Stock Option Plan; to
determine  the type of awards to be made and the amount,  size and terms of each
such award,  to determine  the time when awards shall  granted;  and to make all
other  determinations  necessary or advisable for the administration of the 1996
Stock Option Plan. In addition, the determinations,  and the interpretations and
construction  of any  provision of the 1996 Stock  Option Plan by the  Committee
shall be final.

Common Stock Subject to the 1996 Stock Option Plan

         Pursuant to the terms of the 1996 Stock Option Plan,  500,000 shares of
Common Stock were  reserved for  issuance  upon the exercise of options  granted
under  the  1996  Stock  Option  Plan.   If  Proposal  II  is  approved  by  the
stockholders,  500,000  additional shares of Common Stock (subject to adjustment
as discussed  below) will be available for issuance  under the 1996 Stock Option
Plan.  Since such  shares  would be issued  from the  Company's  authorized  but
unissued  shares;  the issuance of an additional  500,000  shares would have the
effect of diluting  the  interests  of existing  stockholders  by  approximately
13.0%,  assuming all 500,000 shares were awarded and all options related to such
shares were exercised.

Exercise Price of Options/Payment of Exercise Price

         Incentive  Stock Options may not be granted with an exercise  price per
share that is less than the fair market  value of a share of Common Stock on the
date of grant.  Non-Qualified  Stock Options may be granted at an exercise price
per share that is less than the fair market  value of a share of Common Stock on
the date of grant.  Pursuant  to the terms of the 1996  Stock  Option  Plan,  no
optionee may be granted  options for more than 90% of the shares of Common Stock
reserved for issuance under the Plan.

         The  exercise  price of an option may be paid in cash,  the delivery of
already  owned shares of Common Stock of the Company  having a fair market value
equal to the exercise price, or a combination thereof.

         The Board has  interpreted  the provision of the 1996 Stock Option Plan
which  allows  payment of the  option  price in Common  Stock of the  Company to
permit the  "pyramiding"  of shares in successive  exercises.  Thus, an optionee
could initially  exercise an option in part,  acquiring a small number of shares
of Common Stock,  and  immediately  thereafter  effect further  exercises of the
option,  using the Common Stock  acquired  upon earlier  exercises to pay for an
increasingly greater number of shares received on each successive exercise. This
procedure  could  permit an optionee  to pay the option  price by using a single
share of Common Stock or small number of shares of Common Stock and to acquire a
number of shares of Common Stock having an aggregate  fair market value equal to
the  excess of (a) the fair  market  value of all  shares  to which  the  option
relates over (b) the aggregate  exercise price under the option. A vote in favor
of Proposal II is also a vote in favor of this interpretation.

Special Provisions for Incentive Stock Options

         The maximum  aggregate  fair market value of the shares of Common Stock
(determined  when the  Incentive  Stock Option is granted) with respect to which
Incentive  Stock  Options are first  exercisable  by an employee in any calendar


year cannot  exceed  $100,000.  In addition,  no  Incentive  Stock Option may be
granted to an employee owning directly or indirectly  stock possessing more than
10% of the total  combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,
unless the exercise  price is set at not less than 110% of the fair market value
of the shares  subject to such  Incentive  Stock Option on the date of the grant
and such Incentive  Stock Option expires not later than five years from the date
of the grant.  Awards of  Non-Qualified  Stock  Options are not subject to these
special limitations.

Non-transferability of Options

         No option  granted  under the 1996 Stock Option Plan is  assignable  or
transferable, otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.
Except in the event of death or disability,  all options  granted under the 1996
Stock Option Plan are exercisable only by such optionee.

Exercisability of Options

         All  options  granted  pursuant  to the  1996  Stock  Option  Plan  are
exercisable in accordance  with a vesting  schedule (if any) which is set by the
Committee  at the time of  grant.  In the event of a change  in  control  of the
Company,  any options to the extent not vested  shall  become  vested in full. A
"change in control"  shall be deemed to have  occurred upon the happening of any
of the following events: (i) a change within a twelve-month period in a majority
of the members of the board of directors of the Company;  (ii) a change within a
twelve-month  period in the holders of more than 50% of the  outstanding  voting
stock of the Company; or (iii) any other event deemed to constitute a "change in
control" by the Committee.

         All unexercised  options  terminate three months  following the date on
which an optionee's employment with the Company terminates, other than by reason
of disability or death.  An  exercisable  option held by an optionee who dies or
who ceases to be employed by the Company  because of disability may be exercised
by the employee or his representative within one year after the employee dies or
becomes disabled (but not later than the scheduled option termination date).

         The  Committee  may  in  its  sole  discretion,  provide  in an  option
agreement  the  circumstances  under which the option shall  become  immediately
exercisable and may accelerate the date on which all or any portion of an option
may be exercised.

Expiration of Options

         The expiration date of an option will be determined by the Committee at
the time of the grant,  but in no event will an option be exercisable  after the
expiration of ten years from the date of grant of the option.

Expiration of the 1996 Stock Option Plan

         The 1996  Stock  Option  Plan will  remain in effect  until all  awards
granted  under 1996 Stock  Option Plan have been  satisfied  by the  issuance of
shares  provided  that no new awards may be granted under such 1996 Stock Option
Plan more than ten years from the earlier of the date the 1996 Stock Option Plan
was adopted by the Company or initially approved by the Company's stockholders.


         The 1996 Stock Option Plan  provides for  adjustments  to the number of
shares  subject  to  outstanding  options  and to the  exercise  price  of  such
outstanding  options  in the  discretion  of the  Committee  in the  event  of a
declaration  of a stock  dividend,  distribution  or other  offering  of shares,
merger, consolidation, split up, combination, exchange, or recapitalization.



         The  Committee may amend or terminate the 1996 Stock Option Plan at any
time except that the  Committee may not amend the 1996 Stock Option Plan without
stockholder  approval  to: (i) increase the number of shares which may be issued
under the 1996 Stock Option Plan (other than  pursuant to Section 2 of the Stock
Option  Plan);  (ii) change the minimum  option  price  (other than  pursuant to
Section 2 of the Stock  Option  Plan);  (iii)  extend the term of the 1996 Stock
Option Plan,  or (iv) extend the period during which an option may be exercised.
In addition,  no amendment or  modification  to the 1996 Stock Option Plan shall
impair the rights of any optionee under any previously granted award without the
consent of such optionee.

Awards Under the 1996 Stock Option Plan

         The  following  table  sets forth  information  regarding  the  options
granted during fiscal 1997.

                                NEW PLAN BENEFITS
                                STOCK OPTION PLAN

Name and Position                                      Dollar Value ($) (1)              Number of Units
Charles Loccisano, Chairman, Chief Executive
Officer and Director.......................................     $0                        225,000 (2)

Alan Gottlich, President, Chief Financial
Officer and Director.......................................     $0                        163,500 (3)

Phil Friedman,  Director...................................     $0                         90,000 (4)

Paul Bergrin, Director.....................................     $0                         90,000 (4)

Executive Officer Group (4 persons) .......................     $0                        568,500

Non-Executive Officer Employee Group (5 persons)                $0                         38,500

(1) Represents the aggregate market value (market price of the Common Stock less
the exercise  price) of the options  granted  based upon the closing sales price
per share of $.56 on June 22, 1998.

(2) Represents Non-Qualified Stock Options to purchase 45,000 and 180,000 shares
of Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.75 and $1.50 per share, respectively.
Options to purchase 90,000 shares vest over a three year period.

(3) Represents  Incentive Stock Options to purchase 45,000 and 118,500 shares of
Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $1.75 and $1.50 per share,  respectively.
Options to purchase 90,000 shares vest over a three year period.

(4) Represents  Non-Qualified Stock Options to purchase 45,000 and 45,000 shares
of Common Stock at an exercise price of $1.75 and $1.50 per share, respectively.
These options vest over a three year period.

         In March 1998, the Board of Directors  approved a cancellation of stock
options to purchase 417,500,  251,000, 142,812 and 90,000 shares,  respectively,
held by Messrs.  Loccisano,  Gottlich,  Friedman and Bergrin, and a grant of new
options to purchase 313,125,  188,250, 107,109 and 67,500 shares,  respectively.
The new  options  are  exercisable  at $.50 per share and have the same  vesting
provisions as the canceled options. On June 22, 1998, the last sale price of the
Common Stock was $.56 as reported on the NASDAQ Bulletin Board.


         For additional  information  concerning  grants of options to executive
officers of the Company  prior to fiscal  1997,  see  "Executive  Compensation."
Approval of Proposal II will also  constitute  ratification  of the grant of the
options to executive officers name in the table above.

Federal Income Tax Consequences of the 1996 Stock Option Plan


         Incentive  Stock Options.  Generally,  under the Code, an optionee will
not  realize  taxable  income  by  reason  of the  grant of the  exercise  of an
Incentive  Stock Option (see,  however,  discussion of  Alternative  Minimum Tax
below) granted pursuant to the 1996 Stock Option Plan. If an Optionee  exercises
an Incentive  Stock Option and does not dispose of the shares until the later of
(i) two years from the date the option  was  granted  and (ii) one year from the
date of exercise,  the entire gain, if any,  realized upon  disposition  of such
shares  will be taxable to the  optionee  as  long-term  capital  gain,  and the
company will not be entitled to any deduction.  The reduced rate of tax (20%) on
certain net capital  gains added to the Code by the Taxpayer  Relief Act of 1997
requires a holding period of more than 18 months. If an optionee disposes of the
shares  within  the  period of two years from the date of grant or one year from
the date of exercise (a  "disqualifying  disposition"),  the optionee  generally
will realize  ordinary  income in the year of  disposition  and the Company will
receive a corresponding  deduction,  in an amount equal to the excess of (1) the
lesser of (a) the amount,  if any,  realized on the disposition and (b) the fair
market  value of the shares on the date the option  was  exercised  over (2) the
option price. Any additional gain realized on the disposition will be long-term,
mid-term or short-term capital gain and any loss will be long-term,  mid-term or
short-term  capital loss.  The optionee will be considered to have disposed of a
share if he sells,  exchanges,  makes a gift of or transfers  legal title to the
share (except transfers,  among others, by pledge, on death or to a spouse).  If
the disposition is by sale or exchange,  the optionee's tax basis will equal the
amount paid for the share plus any ordinary  income  realized as a result of the
disqualifying disposition.

         The  exercise of an  Incentive  Stock may  subject the  optionee to the
alternative minimum tax. The amount by which the fair market value of the shares
purchased at the time of the exercise  exceeds the option  exercise  price is an
adjustment for purposes of computing the so-called  alternative  minimum tax. In
the event of a disqualifying  disposition of the shares in the same taxable year
as exercise of the Incentive  Stock  Option,  no adjustment is then required for
purposes of the alternative minimum, but regular income tax, as described above,
may result from such disqualifying disposition.

         An optionee who  surrenders  shares as payment of the exercise price of
his Incentive  Stock Option  generally  will not  recognize  gain or loss on his
surrender  of such shares.  The  surrender of shares  previously  acquired  upon
exercise  of an  Incentive  Stock  Option in  payment of the  exercise  price of
another  Incentive Stock Option,  is however,  a "disposition" of such stock. If
the incentive stock option holding period requirements  described above have not
been  satisfied  with  respect  to  such  stock,  such  disposition  will  be  a
disqualifying  disposition  that may cause the  optionee to  recognize  ordinary
income as discussed above.

         Under the Code, all of the shares received by an optionee upon exercise
of an  Incentive  Stock  Option by  surrendering  shares  will be subject to the
incentive stock option holding period requirements. Of those shares, a number of
shares (the "Exchange  Shares") equal to the number of shares surrendered by the
optionee will have the same tax basis for capital gains  purposes  (increased by
any ordinary income recognized as a result of a disqualifying disposition of the
surrendered  shares if they were  incentive  stock  option  shares) and the same
capital  gains  holding  period  as the  shares  surrendered.  For  purposes  of


determining ordinary income upon a subsequent  disqualifying  disposition of the
Exchange  Shares,  the  amount  paid for such  shares  will be deemed to be fair
market value of the shares  surrendered.  The balance of the shares  received by
the optionee will have a tax basis (and a deemed  purchase  price) of zero and a
capital gains holding  period  beginning on the date of exercise.  The Incentive
Stock Option holding period for all shares will be the same as if the option had
been exercised for cash.

         Non-Qualified Stock Options. Generally, there will be no federal income
tax  consequences  to  either  the  optionee  or the  Company  on the  grant  of
Non-Qualified  Stock  Options  pursuant to the 1996 Stock  Option  Plan.  On the
exercise of a  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option,  the optionee has taxable  ordinary
income  equal to the excess of the fair market  value of the shares  acquired on
the  exercise  date over the option  price of the shares.  The  Company  will be
entitled to a federal income tax deduction (subject to the limitations contained
in Section 162 (m)) in an amount equal to such excess, provided that the Company
complies with any applicable reporting rules.

         Upon the sale of stock  acquired by exercise of a  Non-Qualified  Stock
Option, optionees will realize long-term, mid-term or short-term capital gain or
loss depending upon their holding period for such stock.  The reduced rate (20%)
of tax on certain  capital gains added to the Code by the Taxpayer Relief Act of
1997  requires  a holding  period of more than 18  months.  Capital  losses  are
deductible  only to the  extent of  capital  gains for the year plus  $3,000 for

         An optionee who surrenders shares in payment of the exercise price of a
Non-Qualified  Stock Option will not recognize  gain or loss with respect to the
shares so delivered unless such shares were acquired pursuant to the exercise of
an Incentive  Stock  Option and the  delivery of such shares is a  disqualifying
disposition.  See  "-Incentive  Stock  Options."  The  optionee  will  recognize
ordinary income on the exercise of the  Non-Qualified  Stock Option as described
above. Of the shares  received in such exchange,  that number of shares equal to
the  number of shares  surrendered  have the same tax  basis and  capital  gains
holding period as the shares  surrendered.  The balance of shares  received will
have a tax basis  equal to their fair market  value on the date of exercise  and
the capital gains holding period will begin on the date of exercise.

         Limitation on the Company's Deduction. Section 162 (m) of the Code will
generally  limit to $1,000,000  the Company's  federal  income tax deduction for
compensation  paid in any  year to its  chief  executive  officer  and its  four
highest paid executive  officers,  to the extent that such  compensation  is not
"performance  based."  Under U.S.  Department of Treasury  regulations,  a stock
option will, in general,  qualify as "performance  based" compensation if it (i)
has an exercise  price of not less than the fair market value of the  underlying
stock on the date of grant,  (ii) is granted under a plan that limits the number
of shares for which  options  may be granted to an  employee  during a specified
period,  which plan is approved by a majority  of the  stockholders  entitled to
vote thereon, and (iii) is granted and administered by a compensation  committee
consisting  solely of at least two outside  directors (as defined in Section 162
(m).  If a stock  option  granted  to an  executive  referred  to  above  is not
"performance  based",  the amount  that would  otherwise  be  deductible  by the
Company with respect to such stock option will be  disallowed to the extent that
the  executive's  aggregate  non-performance  based  compensation  paid  in  the
relevant year exceeds $1,000,000.


                                 PROPOSAL III -
                                THE TRANSACTION

Background of the Transaction

         In August 1996,  the Company  consummated a purchase  agreement with TJ
Holding  Company,  Inc., a subsidiary of Arby's,  Inc.  d/b/a Triarc  Restaurant
Group  (the  "1996  Triarc  Purchase   Agreement")  for  (1)  the  sale  of  its
intellectual  property  including  the name "T.J.  Cinnamons"  and other related
trade names,  trademarks,  service marks, logo's,  signs,  emblems,  distinctive
recipes,  secret formulas and other confidential technical information and trade
secrets  relating to the T.J.  Cinnamons  operating  system  (the  "Intellectual
Property"),  and (2) a simultaneous  license from Arby's, Inc. of certain of the
Intellectual  Property  back to the Company for the  purposes of  continuing  to
operate one existing  bakery  location,  continuing to act as  franchisor  under
existing  franchise  agreements and distributing T.J. Cinnamons products through
retail grocery  outlets (the "1996 Triarc License  Agreement").  In August 1996,
the Company  entered into a management  agreement with Triarc  Restaurant  Group
whereby Triarc assumed all day-to-day  management  responsibilities for the T.J.
Cinnamons franchise system (the "1996 Triarc Management Agreement").

         The base purchase  price under the 1996 Triarc  Purchase  Agreement was
$3,540,000,  of which  $1,790,000  was paid to the Company at the closing of the
1996 Triarc  Purchase  Agreement,  and $1,750,000 was paid to the Company in the
form of two  separate  interest  bearing  promissory  notes.  The 1996  Purchase
Agreement further provided for additional payments as follows:  (a) In the event
that  system  wide gross  sales of T.J.  Cinnamons  branded  products  in Triarc
Restaurant  Group's  restaurants  exceed  $26.3  million  annually,   additional
payments  ("Additional  Payments")  would be made to the Company  based on 2% of
gross sales of T.J.  Cinnamons  branded  products in Triarc  Restaurant  Group's
retail outlets (as defined in the 1996 Triarc Purchase  Agreement) over a period
of 48 months,  and 1% of gross sales for a period of 36 months  thereafter  (the
Additional  Payments  could not  commence  prior to August  1998,  and could not
exceed $5.5  million in the  aggregate);  and (b) royalty  payments for new full
concept bakeries that might be developed by Triarc  Restaurant Group in enclosed
mall locations  modeled on the T.J.  Cinnamons  system in an amount equal to one
half of one percent (1/2%) of the gross sales of T.J. Cinnamons products sold in
such bakeries for a period of 20 years  following the closing of the 1996 Triarc
Purchase Agreement.

         Following  the  closing  of the 1996  Triarc  Purchase  Agreement,  the
Company began to expand its wholesale  manufacturing  and  distribution  of both
T.J.  Cinnamons  branded and private label products for  distribution  to retail
grocery outlets and  supermarkets.  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997,
the  Company's  gross sales were  $3,700,000,  consisting  of $3,000,000 of T.J.
Cinnamons  branded products and $700,000 of private label products.  The Company
utilized  all of its  working  capital  towards  equipment,  inventory,  and the
funding of operating losses, and in September 1997, the Company had insufficient
capital to fully implement the further expansion of its business plan.

         In September 1997, the Company retained Commonwealth  Associates to act
as its  financial  advisor and  placement  agent in  connection  with a proposed
private  placement  of  convertible  preferred  stock.  The  proceeds  from this
transaction  were  earmarked for the working  capital needs of the Company,  and
would have provided the Company with a sufficient net tangible  assets to remain
listed on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market under the new guidelines established by the
Nasdaq Stock Market ("Nasdaq").  In January 1998,  following continued delays in
the offering process,  Nasdaq delisted the Company's  securities from the Nasdaq
SmallCap Market, and the Commonwealth  Associates private placement  transaction
was  terminated.  With  insufficient  capital to continue  its  operations,  the
Company began discussions with Triarc Restaurant Group.

         As a result of these discussions, on June 30, 1998, the Company entered
into a  definitive  agreement  with TJ Holding  Company,  Inc.,  a wholly  owned
subsidiary of Arby's, Inc. d/b/a Triarc Restaurant Group, and Arby's, Inc. d/b/a
Triarc  Restaurant  Group (the "1998  Triarc  Agreement")  pursuant to which the
Company intends to sell all of its rights and interests under the T.J. Cinnamons
franchise agreements and terminate the 1996 Triarc Purchase Agreement,  the 1996
Triarc  License   Agreement  and  the  1996  Triarc   Management   Agreement  in
consideration  for a price of  $4,000,000.  The price  will be paid as  follows:
$3,000,000  in  cash  and  $1,000,000  in the  form  of a  non-interest  bearing
promissory  note  payable  over 24 months.  The 1998  Triarc  Agreement  further


provides for a contingent additional payment of up to $1,000,000  conditioned on
the Company's  attainment of certain  specified sales targets of T.J.  Cinnamons
products for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1998.  See "Price." The Company
will retain all  liabilities  relating to all  aspects of its  business  for all
periods prior to the closing.

Parties to the Transaction

         The Company was one of the first  operators and  franchisors  of retail
bakeries  specializing  in gourmet  cinnamon  rolls and  related  products.  The
Company  currently owns and operates a production  facility in  California,  and
distributes its products through wholesale  channels of distribution  throughout
the United States.  The Company's  product line includes T.J.  Cinnamons branded
cinnamon rolls and Cinnachips,  and a full line of specialty cakes, rugalach and
brownies.  The  Company's  products  are  currently  being  sold in  over  1,500
supermarket  and club stores  including  Walmart Super  Centers,  SAMS Wholesale
Clubs, Costco Wholesale Clubs, Ralphs supermarkets,  Lucky's  Supermarkets,  and
H.E. Butt  Supermarkets.  The Company is also the franchisor of approximately 24
retail  bakeries  which are  managed by Triarc  Restaurant  Group under the 1996
Triarc Management  Agreement,  and is the owner of one retail bakery. For fiscal
1997, the Company's  total revenue and net loss were  $3,878,381 and $1,376,657,
respectively.  The Company's  executive offices are located at One Harmon Plaza,
Secaucus, New Jersey 07094.

         The parties to the 1998 Triarc Agreement are TJ Holding Company,  Inc.,
a wholly owned  subsidiary of Arby's,  Inc.  d/b/a Triarc  Restaurant  Group and
Arby's, Inc. d/b/a Triarc Restaurant Group (collectively,  the "Buyer").  Triarc
Restaurant  Group  franchises   approximately  3,000  single  and  multi-branded
restaurant concepts under the names Arby's, Pasta Connection and T.J. Cinnamons.
Triarc Restaurant Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Triarc Companies,  Inc.,
a holding  company  traded on the New York Stock  Exchange  which,  through  its
subsidiaries,  is engaged  in  beverage  operations  conducted  through  Snapple
Beverage Corp.,  Mistic Brands,  Inc., Cable Car Beverage  Corporation and Royal
Crown Company,  Inc., and restaurant  operations conducted through Arby's , Inc.
d/b/a Triarc Restaurant Group. In addition, Triarc Companies, Inc. has an equity
interest in the  liquefied  petroleum  gas  business  through  National  Propane
Partners,  L.P. The  promissory  note  obligation  of TJ Holding  Company,  Inc.
pursuant to the 1998 Triarc  Agreement  will be guaranteed by Triarc  Companies,
Inc. Triarc  Restaurant  Group's executive offices are located at 1000 Corporate
Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334.

The 1998 Triarc Agreement

         Assets  to be  Sold/Transferred/Terminated.  The  assets  to  be  sold,
transferred  or  terminated  by the  Company  under  the 1998  Triarc  Agreement
include:  a) all of the rights and  interests as  franchisor  under the existing
T.J.  Cinnamons  franchise  agreements;  b) all  rights  under  the 1996  Triarc
Purchase Agreement including the right to receive certain contingent  Additional
Payments and royalty  payments;  and c) all rights under the 1996 Triarc License
Agreement  which  primarily  include the rights to manufacture  and sell certain
"T.J. Cinnamons" branded products to approved retail grocery outlets.

         The Company  currently derives no financial benefit from its franchisor
rights and interests under the existing T.J. Cinnamons  franchise  agreements as
the franchise system is being managed by Triarc Restaurant Group pursuant to the
1996 Triarc  Management  Agreement  whereby Triarc  Restaurant Group retains all
royalty collections in consideration for its duties as manager.

         The rights under the 1996 Triarc Purchase Agreement  primarily include:
(a) Additional Payments (which would commence if system wide gross sales of T.J.
Cinnamons branded products in Triarc Restaurant Group's restaurants exceed $26.3
million annually),  to be made to the Company based on 2% of gross sales of T.J.
Cinnamon  branded  products  in Triarc  Restaurant  Group's  retail  outlets (as
defined in the 1996 Triarc Purchase  Agreement) over a period of 48 months,  and
1% of gross sales for a period of 36 months thereafter (the Additional  Payments
cannot commence prior to September 1, 1998  (irrespective of system wide sales),


and cannot exceed $5.5 million in the aggregate);  and (b) royalty payments, for
new full  concept  bakeries  developed by the Buyer in enclosed  mall  locations
modeled  on the T.J.  Cinnamons  system  in an  amount  equal to one half of one
percent  (1/2%)  of the  gross  sales  of T.J.  Cinnamon  products  sold in such
bakeries for a period of 20 years ending August 28, 2016. During fiscal 1997 and
the  three  months  ended  March 31,  1998,  the  Company  did not  receive  any
Additional  Payments or royalty  payments.,  and the Company does not anticipate
receiving any Additional Payments or royalty payments for the quarter ended June
30, 1998.

         The rights under the 1996 Triarc License  Agreement  primarily  include
the right to manufacture and sell certain "T.J.  Cinnamons"  branded products to
approved retail grocery outlets for a period of up to 99 years  consisting of an
initial term of 20 years,  three 20 year renewal options and one 19 year renewal
option.  Under  the 1996  Triarc  License  Agreement,  after  May  2000,  Triarc
Restaurant Group may sell T.J.  Cinnamons branded products to any retail grocery
outlets to which the Company is not selling T.J.  Cinnamons  branded products as
of said date. The Company's sales of T.J.  Cinnamons branded products  accounted
for 75% of the  Company's  total  wholesale  sales  for the  fiscal  year  ended
December 31, 1997, and 70% of the Company's  total wholesale sales for the three
months ended March 31, 1998.

         Price. The  consideration to be paid under the 1998 Triarc Agreement is
as follows:  (a)  $3,000,000 to be paid at the closing of the  Transaction  (the
"Closing"),  (b) $1,000,000  will be paid in the form of a non-interest  bearing
promissory note payable in equal monthly installments over a period of 24 months
following  the  Closing,  and  (c) up to  $1,000,000  of  contingent  additional
consideration  ("Additional  Consideration")  payable  if  the  Company  attains
certain  specified  sales  targets of T.J.  Cinnamons  products  during the year
ending  December 31, 1998 ("Fiscal  1998") as described  below.  Such Additional
Consideration, if paid to the extent due, will be paid at 15 business days after
the delivery of the later of (i) the Company's audited financial  statements for
the Fiscal  1998,  or (ii) the  Company's  final sales  report for Fiscal  1998,
provided that the information is reasonably verified by and acceptable to Buyer.

         The  Additional  Consideration,  if any,  will be based on the  Company
achieving  certain gross sales targets of T.J.  Cinnamons  branded  products for
Fiscal 1998. Therefore, the 1998 Triarc Agreement provides that the Company will
enter into a  wholesale  license  agreement  with Triarc  Restaurant  Group (the
"Wholesale License  Agreement") on or prior to the Closing,  whereby the Company
will  have  the  right to  continue  producing  and  distributing  certain  T.J.
Cinnamons branded products through December 31, 1998 to the same supermarket and
wholesale  club accounts as such products are being  distributed to currently by
the  Company.  The  Wholesale  License  Agreement  will be renewable at the sole
discretion of Triarc Restaurant Group for a period not to exceed six months. The
terms for earning the Additional Consideration are as follows:

         (a) If the Company's gross sales of T.J.  Cinnamons branded products in
Fiscal 1998 less returns  ("Net  Sales")  exceed  $2,250,000,  but do not exceed
$2,700,000, the Additional Consideration shall be $250,000.

         (b) If Net Sales exceed $2,700,000,  but do not exceed $3,150,000,  the
Additional Consideration shall be $500,000.

         (c) If Net Sales exceed $3,150,000,  but do not exceed $3,600,000,  the
Additional Consideration shall be $750,000.

         (d) If Net Sales exceed $3,600,000,  the Additional Consideration shall
be $1,000,000.

         The Company has agreed to provide the Buyer with the Company's  monthly
sales  reports  and  reports  filed  with the  Commission  in  order  to  verify
compliance with these requirements. Sales of T.J. Cinnamons branded products for
the twelve  months ended  December 31, 1997 and the three months ended March 31,
1998 were approximately $2,733,000 and $800,000 respectively.


         Closure  of the  Poughkeepsie  Bakery.  On or before the  Closing,  the
Company shall cease  operating its retail T.J.  Cinnamons  bakery located in the
Poughkeepsie  Galleria  Mall.  The Buyer  shall pay the Company an amount not to
exceed one half of the actual  buyout  costs that the Company  pays the landlord
upon  termination  of the lease for said bakery,  as specified and calculated in
the 1998 Triarc Agreement.

         Certain  Representations  and Warranties.  The Company has made certain
customary representations and warranties to Buyer, including among other things,
as to its organization and authority to enter into the 1998 Triarc Agreement and
transactions  contemplated  thereby,  the  absence  of any  conflicts  with  any
applicable law, rule,  regulation,  judgment,  decree,  order or agreement,  its
ownership of the T.J. Cinnamons franchise agreements,  the absence of litigation
or threatened  litigation,  lack of products liability claims, lack of change in
its financial  condition  since the audited  financial  statements  for the year
ended  December 31, 1997,  the absence of  undisclosed  liabilities  or material
adverse changes,  its compliance with certain  government  regulations and other
laws,  its  contracts  and  commitments,  its  disclosures  in the  1998  Triarc
Agreement,  the receipt of required regulatory approvals and the solvency of the
Company on the closing date of the 1998 Triarc Agreement.

         The  Buyer  has  also  made  certain  customary   representations   and
warranties,  including  among other things,  its  organization  and authority to
enter into the 1998 Triarc Agreement and transactions  contemplated thereby, and
its disclosures in the 1998 Triarc Agreement. All representations and warranties
made by the Company and the Buyer in connection  with the 1998 Triarc  Agreement
will survive for a period of 36 months following the Closing.

         Covenants.  After the date of the 1998 Triarc  Agreement  and until the
Closing,  unless  expressly  approved  in writing by the Buyer,  the Company has
covenanted  and agreed  that:  (a) the business of the Company will be conducted
only in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practices,  (b) the
Company shall not modify,  terminate or amend existing T.J. Cinnamons  franchise
agreements,  or waive,  release or assign any material rights or claims, (c) the
Company will not adopt a plan of complete or partial  liquidation,  dissolution,
merger,  consolidation,  restructuring,   recapitalization,  or  other  material
reorganization,  or any agreement  relating to the sale of all or  substantially
all of the  assets  of the  Company,  (d) the  Company  shall  not  engage  in a
transaction covered under Item 404 of Regulation S-K under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, (e) the Company shall provide the Buyer with access to certain
information  regarding  the Company,  (f) the Company  will take all  reasonable
actions  necessary to comply promptly with all legal  requirements  which may be
imposed on it with respect to the Transaction, (g) the Company agrees to use its
best efforts to consummate and make effective the  Transaction,  (h) the Company
shall  give  prompt  notice  to the Buyer of  matters  affecting  the  Company's
representations, warranties and covenants, if any, (i) the Company shall prepare
and file with the Commission the proxy statement, notice of shareholders meeting
and other information or materials required under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended,  or the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and shall not
amend such  materials  without the approval of Buyer,  (j) for a period of three
years  following  the  closing  of  the  Transaction,   the  Company  shall  use
commercially reasonable efforts to carry on its business, maintain its corporate
existence and maintain  adequate  insurance,  and (k) Charles Loccisano and Alan
Gottlich,  as shareholders  of the Company,  shall vote all of the shares of the
Company owned or controlled by each of them in favor of the Transaction.

         Conditions  to  Closing.  The  Buyer's  obligation  to  consummate  the
Transaction  is  conditioned  upon  satisfaction  or  waiver  of  the  following
conditions at or before the Closing: (a) each of the representations, warranties
and  covenants of the Company  shall be true and correct as of the Closing,  (b)
the  Company  shall  have  delivered  all  documents  required  by the  Buyer in
connection  with the Closing,  (c) the Company shall have  performed or complied
with all terms, conditions, covenants, obligations,  agreements and restrictions
in the Transaction prior to the Closing, (d) all corporate and other proceedings
required to be taken by the Company to authorize the  Transaction are completed,
(e) the Company shall have received all governmental approvals required, if any,
to complete the Transaction,  (f) all third party consents,  if any, required by
the Company to authorize the  Transaction  are  received,  (g) the Company shall
have complied with the bulk sales law of the State of New Jersey, if applicable,
(h) no adverse proceedings shall have been initiated or threatened which seek to
restrain, prohibit or invalidate the Transaction or the rights of the Buyer with


respect to the 1998 Triarc Agreement or the T.J. Cinnamons franchise system, (i)
since the date of the  financial  statements  delivered in  connection  with the
execution of the 1998 Triarc Agreement, there has been no change, development or
event which  individually  or in the aggregate  could  reasonably be expected to
have a  material  adverse  effect on the  condition  (financial  or  otherwise),
results of operations,  business,  assets, or sale of products by the Company or
the prospects of the T.J. Cinnamons franchisees,  and (j) the Company shall have
furnished the Buyer copies of notices of  termination  of contracts with certain
brokers which will be delivered at least 30 days prior to the  expiration of the
Wholesale License Agreement.

         The Company's  obligation to consummate the  Transaction is conditioned
upon the  satisfaction or waiver of the following  conditions  prior to Closing:
(a) each of the  representations and warranties of the Buyer shall be true as of
the  closing  of  the  Transaction,  (b)  the  Buyer  shall  have  received  all
governmental  approvals required to complete the Transaction,  (c) all corporate
and  other  proceedings  required  to be taken by the  Buyer  to  authorize  the
Transaction  have been  completed,  (d) no adverse  proceedings  shall have been
initiated or  threatened  which seek to  restrain,  prohibit or  invalidate  the
Transaction or the Company's rights to assign its rights as franchisor under the
T.J.  Cinnamons  franchise  system,  and (e) the Company  shall have received an
opinion with respect to the fairness of the Transaction to its  shareholders and

         Indemnification.  The  Company  is  obligated  to  indemnify  and  hold
harmless  the Buyer for,  among  other  things,  all  claims,  damages,  losses,
liabilities  costs and  expenses  (including,  settlement  costs and any  legal,
accounting and other expenses arising out of the investigation or defense of any
actions or threatened  actions) related to the  Transaction,  misrepresentation,
breach of warranty  or  non-fulfillment  of or failure to perform any  covenant,
condition  or  agreement  in  the  1998  Triarc   Agreement  or  any  statement,
certificate,  schedule  or  document  furnished  by it in  connection  with such
agreement or the transactions contemplated thereby.

         The Company has further agreed to indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer
and its  officers,  directors,  shareholders  and  affiliates  from all  claims,
damages, losses,  liabilities,  costs and expenses (including,  settlement costs
and any legal, accounting and other expenses arising out of the investigation or
defense of any  actions  or  threatened  actions)  incurred  by the  indemnified
parties  related to,  resulting from or in connection with any action or failure
to act by the Company or its directors, officers, shareholders or affiliates.

         In the event any damages  are  claimed by Buyer  pursuant to any of the
foregoing  indemnifications,  then Buyer shall be entitled to reduce any amounts
which remain  unpaid  under the 1998 Triarc  Agreement by an amount equal to the
amount  claimed  as  damages  by the Buyer as a result of any breach of the 1998
Triarc  Agreement  by the  Company.  Buyer shall then be entitled to satisfy any
final  non-appealable  judgment on same from the amounts so withheld  from Buyer
pursuant to the 1998 Triarc Agreement.

         The Buyer is obligated to indemnify  and hold harmless the Company for,
among other things, all claims, damages, losses,  liabilities costs and expenses
(including,  settlement  costs and any  legal,  accounting  and  other  expenses
arising  out of the  investigation  or  defense  of any  actions  or  threatened
actions)  related to the Transaction,  misrepresentation,  breach of warranty or
non-fulfillment of or failure to perform any covenant, condition or agreement in
the 1998 Triarc  Agreement or any statement,  certificate,  schedule or document
furnished  by  it  in  connection  with  such  agreement  or  the   transactions
contemplated thereby.

         The Buyer has further agreed to indemnify and hold harmless the Company
and its  officers,  directors,  shareholders  and  affiliates  from all  claims,
damages, losses,  liabilities,  costs and expenses (including,  settlement costs
and any legal, accounting and other expenses arising out of the investigation or
defense  of any  actions  or  threatened  actions)  reasonably  incurred  by the
indemnified  parties in  connection  with any claims  against  such  indemnified
parties based upon the actions or failure to act by the Buyer.

         In addition, the indemnifications of the Company and the Buyer, each to
the other,  contained in the 1996 Triarc Purchase  Agreement,  shall survive the
termination of the 1996 Triarc Purchase Agreement.

         Termination.  The 1998  Triarc  Agreement  may be  terminated,  and the
Transaction  abandoned at any time prior to the Closing,  (a) by mutual  written
agreement  between  the  Company  and  Buyer,  (b)  if the  satisfaction  of any
condition of either  party's  obligations  under the 1998 Triarc  Agreement  has


become  impossible to satisfy,  illegal,  or subject to a  non-appealable  order
enjoining  or  restraining  the closing of the  Transaction,  or (c) at any time
after  September  30, 1998 by the Company or Buyer if a closing has not occurred
by said date.

         Confidentiality and Non-Competition Agreement. As part of the Wholesale
License Agreement,  the Company has agreed to protect the confidentiality of the
Intellectual Property,  including trade secrets and confidential and proprietary
information and know-how, after the closing of the Transaction.  The Company has
also  covenanted  and agreed  that for a term of 30 months  from the date of the
expiration of the  Wholesale  License  Agreement it will not either  directly or
indirectly own, maintain,  operate,  directly engage in, or have any interest in
any business which is engaged in the manufacture,  baking,  distribution or sale
of (a) bakery products whose predominant flavor is cinnamon,  which use cinnamon
as a principal or significant flavor  ingredient,  are advertised or promoted as
cinnamon or cinnamon flavored products, or are otherwise recognized generally as
cinnamon products, (b) bakery products that are similar to those bakery products
that utilize or incorporate  one or more aspects of the  Intellectual  Property,
and (c) bakery products that use, bear or are displayed in close  association to
T.J. Cinnamons proprietary trademarks,  or marks confusingly similar to the T.J.
Cinnamons proprietary trademarks, or any deviation or abbreviation thereof.

         Charles  Loccisano,  the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
and Alan Gottlich,  the Company's President and Chief Financial Officer will, at
the closing of the Transaction,  enter into  Confidentiality and Non-Competition
Agreements that have similar terms as described above.

         The Wholesale License Agreement. Simultaneously with the closing of the
1998  Triarc  Agreement,  Triarc  Restaurant  Group will enter into a  Wholesale
License  Agreement  with the Company  granting  the Company the right to use the
Intellectual  Property to  continue  to sell  certain  approved  T.J.  Cinnamons
branded  products to existing  wholesale  accounts  through  December  31, 1998.
Thereafter,  Triarc  Restaurant Group may in its sole discretion extend the term
of the Wholesale License Agreement for a period not to exceed six months upon 30
days  notice to the  Company.  Triarc  Restaurant  Group may  modify the list of
approved products and approved wholesale accounts in its reasonable discretion.

         In  consideration  for the  rights  granted  to the  Company  under the
Wholesale  License  Agreement,  the Company will pay Triarc  Restaurant  Group a
royalty  equal  to 5% of the  Company's  net  sales  of T.J.  Cinnamons  branded
products on a monthly basis. In the event that aggregate sales of T.J. Cinnamons
branded products in Fiscal 1998 to Ralphs Supermarkets,  Costco Wholesale Clubs,
Lucky's Supermarkets, SAMS Wholesale Clubs and Walmart Stores exceed $3,600,000,
the royalty will be reduced to 2% of the Company's net sales of T.J.
Cinnamons branded products that exceed $3,600,000.

Continuing Business; Proposed Expansion

         Following  the  closing of the 1998  Triarc  Agreement,  the  following
businesses  will  be  retained  by  the  Company:   (1)  the  manufacturing  and
distribution of specialty gourmet bakery products, other than non-T.J. Cinnamons
products  that  violate  the  Non-Competition  Agreement  described  above  (the
"Excluded  Bakery   Products),   to  grocery  outlets,   food  service  outlets,
convenience   store  outlets  and  vending   outlets,   and  (2)  the  wholesale
distribution of certain T.J.  Cinnamons  branded  products to specific  existing
wholesale accounts pursuant to the Wholesale License Agreement which will expire
on December 31, 1998. Sales of T.J. Cinnamons branded products accounted for 75%
of the Company's  total  wholesale  sales for the fiscal year ended December 31,
1997, and 70% of the Company's  total wholesale sales for the three months ended
March 31, 1998.

         To further  develop its wholesale  sales,  the Company will continue to
focus its selling  efforts  (other than for the  Excluded  Bakery  Products)  in
specific  geographic  areas  through  alliances  with  the  following  key  food
brokerage groups: (a) Le Grand Sales and Marketing,  representing retail grocery
stores in California;  (b) Food Scene, representing retail grocery stores in the
New York tri-state area, (c) J & J Brokers,  representing  retail grocery stores
in New England, (d) Priority Food Brokers, representing retail grocery stores in
Maryland  and  Virginia,  and (e)  American  Sales and  Marketing,  representing
membership club stores nationwide and retail grocery stores in the Midwest.  The
Company  will be targeting  its product  line to in-store  bakeries and in-store
deli areas of  supermarket  chains,  convenience  store  chains and food service


accounts.  The Company will focus its initial marketing efforts on the following
core products:  (a) Gourmet Rugalach,  (b) Gourmet  Biscotti,  (c) Gourmet Bundt
Cakes, (d) Gourmet Brownies sold under the Hersheys' label, (e) Layer Cakes, and
(f) other gourmet specialty bakery and snack products. All of these products are
sold in various  packaging  and sizes,  and are shipped  through  both fresh and
frozen distribution channels.

         The Company  will also explore  possible  expansion  through  strategic
acquisitions  or alliances in order to take  advantage of any synergies  that it
could  develop  in  partnering  with  a  company  in the  manufacturing,  sales,
distribution  or  retailing  of bakery  products.  At this time,  no  particular
acquisition or alliance candidate has been identified.

         There can be no assurances  that any of the foregoing  expansion  plans
can be successfully implemented, or will be profitable to the Company. Initially
the Company will be a smaller and more  specialized  entity,  and its  viability
will be dependent on its ability to replace the sales of T.J.  Cinnamons branded
products with other specialty  bakery  products  following the expiration of the
Wholesale License Agreement and its ability to implement its business strategy.

Opinion of Texada Capital Corporation

         In connection with its  consideration of the Transaction,  the Board of
Directors of the Company has retained Texada Capital  Corporation  ("Texada") to
render an opinion as to the fairness to the stockholders of the Company,  from a
financial  point of view,  of the  consideration  to be  received by the Company
pursuant to the Transaction.

         In arriving at its  opinion,  Texada  reviewed  and  analyzed  the 1998
Triarc Agreement and certain available financial information, internal financial
analyses,  projections,  and other  information  concerning  the  Company,  held
discussions  with  members of senior  management  of the Company  regarding  the
business and prospects of the Company,  and also performed  certain  analysis on
internally  prepared  projections for the Company based on various  assumptions,
including that (i) the proposed  Transaction  does not occur,  (ii) the proposed
Transaction  occurs and the Company  expands the sale of its  specialty  gourmet
products, through growth or acquisition, to break-even and beyond, and (iii) the
proposed  Transaction  occurs, but the Company is not able to expand the sale of
its specialty gourmet bakery products or,  alternatively,  is not able to reduce
its overhead, to achieve break-even or better. In addition,  Texada received the
preliminary  proxy  statement  dated June 30, 1998,  the auditors'  report dated
March 6, 1998,  and  information  regarding  other factors  affecting the future
prospects for the Company absent the proposed Transaction.

         In rendering  its  opinion,  Texada  relied upon and  assumed,  without
independent  verification,  the  accuracy,  completeness  and  fairness  of  all
financial and other information that was available to it from public sources and
that  was  provided  to it by the  Company  or its  representatives  or that was
otherwise  reviewed by it. With  respect to the  financial  forecasts  and other
information  relating to  prospects  of the  Company,  Texada  assumed that such
information  reflected the best currently  available  estimates and judgments of
the management of the Company as to the likely future  financial  performance of
the Company.  Texada did not make any independent evaluation or appraisal of the
assets of the Company,  nor was it furnished  with any  evaluation or appraisal.
Texada's  opinion was based  solely  upon the  information  available  to it and
provided by the Company, and upon the prevailing economic,  financial market and
other  conditions as they existed as of the date its opinion was  rendered.  The
Company  did not  place  any  limitations  on the  nature  or scope of  Texada'a
investigation for purposes of rendering this opinion.

         For services rendered by Texada in connection with the Transaction, the
Company  agreed to pay Texada a total fee of $25,000.  The fee was determined in
an arms length  negotiation  among the parties and is not based on the  purchase
price in the  Transaction.  In  addition,  the Company  has agreed to  reimburse
Texada  for  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses,  including  the  costs  of its
counsel,  and to indemnify  Texada and certain  related  persons against certain
liabilities in connection with its engagement,  including  liabilities under the
federal  securities  laws. The Board of Directors  selected  Texada based on its


experience and expertise.  Texada is an investment banking firm whose principals
have over 15 years of valuation  experience.  There are no relationships between
the Company, Texada or any of their officers.

         The Texada opinion,  prepared for the Company's Board of Directors,  is
directed only to the fairness to the Company's  stockholders,  as of the date of
the opinion letter,  from a financial point of view, of the  consideration to be
received by the Company  pursuant  to the 1998  Triarc  Agreement,  and does not
constitute  a  recommendation  to  any  stockholder  as to how  to  vote  at the
Company's 1998 Annual Meeting.

         A copy  of the  Texada  opinion  is  attached  hereto  as  Appendix  C.
Stockholders  are urged to read this  opinion in its  entirety  for  assumptions
made, procedures followed,  other matters considered and limits of the review by

Interest of Management in the Transaction

         In March 1998,  Charles  Loccisano,  the  Company's  Chairman and Chief
Executive  Officer,  and  Alan  Gottlich,  the  Company's  President  and  Chief
Financial  Officer,  agreed to provide the Company  with a credit line for up to
$500,000 with interest payable  quarterly on any draw down by the Company at the
applicable federal rate of 5.39% per annum. The credit line, to the extent drawn
upon,  is to be repaid  within one year or such  shorter  period when and if the
Company  obtains  alternative  sources  of  funds  to fund  its  operations.  In
consideration  for providing this line of credit  facility,  the Company granted
Messrs.  Loccisano and Gottlich 300,000 unregistered shares of Common Stock. The
current   outstanding   balance  of  the  draw  downs  on  the  credit  line  is
approximately  $450,000 which balance plus accrued interest will be paid in full
out of the proceeds of the Transaction. In addition, $200,000 of the proceeds of
the  Transaction  will be used to pay  accrued  but unpaid  salaries  of Charles
Loccisano,  the  Company's  Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  and  Alan
Gottlich, the Company's President and Chief Financial Officer.

         Charles Loccisano,  the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
and Alan Gottlich, the Company's President and Chief Financial Officer, together
with their affiliates, own 42% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company.

Application of Sale Proceeds

         Net proceeds to the Company in connection with the Transaction  will be
$4,000,000  excluding the Additional  Payments of up to $1,000,000.  The Company
currently  intends to utilize the net proceeds from the base  purchase  price as

                                                                        At Closing                Closing
Reduction of outstanding indebtedness       (1)                          $1,300,000                      $0
Expenses of the Transaction                 (2)                             150,000                       0
Working capital                             (3)                           1,550,000               1,000,000
                                                                        -----------             -----------
Total net proceeds                          (4)(5)                       $3,000,000              $1,000,000

(1)      Represents  payments of (i) approximately  $500,000 to certain past due
         trade  payables,  (ii)  approximately  $200,000  of accrued  but unpaid
         salary of Charles Loccisano, the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive
         Officer, and Alan Gottlich, the Company's President and Chief Financial
         Officer, (iii) approximately $450,000 towards the repayment of loans to
         Charles Loccisano,  the Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
         and Alan Gottlich,  the Company's President and Chief Financial Officer
         which loans were made pursuant to the credit line facility  extended to
         the  Company,  and  (iv)  $150,000  to Gelt  Financial  Corporation  as
         repayment of a short term loan. See "Certain Transactions."


(2)      Represents (i) $125,000 for various legal and accounting  fees incurred
         in connection  with the  Transaction,  and (ii) $25,000 for the fees in
         connection  with  obtaining a fairness  opinion as  required  under the
         terms of the 1998 Triarc Agreement.

(3)      The Company plans to utilize the working capital to expand the business
         being retained by the Company and to enter into strategic  acquisitions
         or alliances with operating businesses in the bakery industry,  both of
         which the Company  anticipates  will  enhance the value of the Company.
         Subject to the  limitations of the  non-compete  provisions of the 1998
         Triarc   Agreement,   the  Company  intends  to  explore  any  and  all
         appropriate  business  opportunities.   No  particular  acquisition  or
         alliance  candidate  has been  identified  by the Company,  nor has the
         Company explored any such potential  acquisitions.  The Company intends
         to invest  all unused  working  capital  in secure  short  term  liquid
         obligations such as certificates of deposit,  obligations of the United
         States Government, etc.

(4)      $1,000,000 of the net proceeds from the Transaction will be paid in the
         form a  promissory  note and may be  reduced by  conditional  rights of
         offset in the 1998  Triarc  Agreement.  See "1998  Triarc  Agreement  -

(5)      Excludes  Additional Payments of up to $1,000,000 which are conditional
         and  based  on the  Company  achieving  certain  sales  levels  of T.J.
         Cinnamons  products for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 1998.  Any
         such Additional  Payments received will be used towards working capital

Tax Consequences to the Company

         The sale of certain  assets and the surrender or release by the Company
of its rights under the 1996 Triarc Agreement in connection with the Transaction
would  result  in a  taxable  gain  and/or  income  to the  Company.  Due to the
Company's net operating  loss carry  forwards,  the Company  estimates  that the
Transaction will result in minimal federal tax liability.

Recommendation of the Board of Directors

         The Company's  Board of Directors has determined  that the terms of the
Transaction  are  fair  and  in  the  best  interest  of  the  Company  and  its
stockholders.  Accordingly,  the Company's  Board of Directors  has  unanimously
approved  the  1998  Triarc  Agreement  and  unanimously   recommends  that  the
stockholders a vote for approval of the Transaction.  Charles Loccisano and Alan
Gottlich,  each a member of the  Company's  four member Board of Directors  own,
together with their affiliates,  approximately 42% of the Company's  outstanding
Common Stock, and have agreed to vote "FOR" the Transaction.

         In the course of reaching its decision to approve the Transaction,  the
Board  consulted with its legal and financial  advisors as well as the Company's
management and considered the following material factors:

     (1)  The  written  presentation  of  Texada  Capital  Corporation  that the
          consideration to be received  pursuant to the terms of the Transaction
          is fair to the  stockholders  of the Company from a financial point of

     (2)  The lack of success by the Company in its recent financing efforts.

     (3)  The current negative working capital of the Company and resulting lack
          of financial and operational  resources necessary for the continuation
          or expansion of the Company's existing business strategies.

     (4)  The  absence of any  written or formal  expression  of interest by any
          other third parties regarding a possible acquisition,  merger or other
          strategic transaction with the Company.


     (5)  Following a closing of the Transaction,  the Company will have working
          capital of $2,550,000 which it plans to utilize to expand the business
          being retained by the Company and to enter into strategic acquisitions
          or alliances with operating businesses in the bakery industry, both of
          which the Company anticipates will enhance the value of the Company.

         Considering the above factors, the Board concluded that it was unlikely
that any purchaser, other than the Buyer, would be willing to pay a price higher
than that to be received in the  Transaction.  The Company's  Board of Directors
unanimously  recommends that the Company's  stockholders  vote "FOR" approval of
the Transaction.

Dividend Policy

         The  Company has not paid any  dividends  in the past.  Declaration  of
dividends in the future will remain within the discretion of the Company's Board
of Directors.  Future  dividends,  if any, will be dependent upon the results of
operations and financial condition of the Company, tax considerations,  industry
standards, economic conditions, general business practices and other factors. As
a Delaware  corporation,  the Company may not declare and pay  dividends  on its
capital  stock if the amount paid  exceeds an amount  equal to the excess of the
Company's net assets over  paid-in-capital,  or, if there is no excess,  its net
profits for the current and/or immediately preceding fiscal year.


                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                  December 31,       March 31,
                                                                     1997              1998
                                                                   (Audited)       (Unaudited)

Current Assets:
  Cash                                                             $122,561           $7,050
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts         259,271          687,103
  Notes receivable - current maturities                              69,837          126,957
  Inventory                                                         234,822          195,265
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets, net                     35,291           71,204
                                                                -----------      -----------
        Total current assets                                        721,782        1,087,580

Property and equipment                                              453,296          458,515
Excess of cost over fair value of net assets acquired               476,667          462,917
                                                                -----------      -----------

    Total Assets                                                 $1,651,745       $2,009,011
                                                                ===========      ===========


Current Liabilities:
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses                        $1,142,415       $1,276,934
    Current maturities of long-term debt                            258,545          802,397
                                                                -----------      -----------
    Total current liabilities                                     1,400,960        2,079,331

Long-term debt, net of current maturities                            69,460                0
                                                                -----------      -----------

    Total liabilities                                             1,470,420        2,079,331
                                                                -----------      -----------

                              STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

Preferred Stock                                                           0                0
Common Stock                                                         30,702           33,740
Additional paid-in capital                                        6,759,352        6,813,705
Accumulated deficit                                              (6,608,729)      (6,917,765)
                                                                -----------      -----------
    Total stockholders' equity                                      181,325          (70,320)
                                                                -----------      -----------

    Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                   $1,651,745       $2,009,011
                                                                ===========      ===========



                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                                  For the Three Months
                                                    Ended March 31,
                                                 1997              1998
    Wholesale sales                            $422,539       $1,223,996
    Sales from Company-owned stores              51,383           35,530
    Royalties, licensing fees and other          21,796           30,000
                                            -----------      -----------
        Total revenue                           495,718        1,289,526

Operating expenses:
    Cost of goods sold                          355,210          985,298
    Selling, general and administrative         385,678          606,936
                                            -----------      -----------
        Total operating expenses                740,888        1,592,234
                                            -----------      -----------

Loss from operations                           (245,170)        (302,707)
                                            -----------      -----------

Other income (expense):
    Interest income (expense), net               22,761           (6,329)
    Other income                                 55,716                0
                                            -----------      -----------
        Total other income (expense)             78,477           (6,329)
                                            -----------      -----------

Net loss                                      ($166,693)       ($309,036)
                                            ===========      ===========

Net loss per common share                        ($0.05)          ($0.10)
                                            ===========      ===========

Weighted average number of
    common shares outstanding                 3,068,833        3,145,907
                                            ===========      ===========



                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                                                            For the Three Months
                                                                               Ended March 31,
                                                                             1997          1998
Cash flow from operating activities:
    Net loss                                                             ($166,693)     ($309,036)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash from
    operating activities:
        Depreciation and amortization                                       22,492         35,864
        Noncash interest expense                                                 0         56,250
        Noncash consulting fee                                                   0          1,140
        Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                         109,908       (427,832)
        (Increase) decrease in notes receivable                                  0        (57,120)
        (Increase) decrease in inventories                                 (22,150)        39,557
        (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses and other assets           (18,807)       (35,912)
        Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses      (359,482)       139,519
                                                                         ---------      ---------

        Net cash used in operating activities                             (434,733)      (557,570)
                                                                         ---------      ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Purchases of property and equipment                                    (28,021)       (27,332)
                                                                         ---------      ---------

    Net cash used in investing activities                                  (28,021)       (27,332)
                                                                         ---------      ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Proceeds from financing                                                158,257        469,391
    Proceeds from notes receivable                                         322,448              0
    Net repayments of notes payable                                        (32,049)             0
                                                                         ---------      ---------

    Net cash provided by financing activities                              448,656        469,391
                                                                         ---------      ---------

Net decrease in cash                                                       (14,098)      (115,511)

Cash at beginning of period                                                 49,677        122,561
                                                                         ---------      ---------

Cash at end of period                                                      $35,569         $7,050
                                                                         =========      =========



                           Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
                         Notes to Financial Statements

Note 1 - Basis of Presentation

    The accompanying  financial statements have been prepared by the Company, in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and pursuant to the
    Rules and Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission,  and except
    for the Balance Sheet at December 31, 1997, all statements are unaudited. In
    the opinion of management,  all adjustments  (consisting of normal recurring
    accruals)  considered  necessary for a fair presentation have been included.
    Operating  results for the interim period are not necessarily  indicative of
    financial results for the full year.

    Additionally, certain information and footnote disclosures normally included
    in financial  statements  prepared in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
    accounting  principals  have  been  omitted.  It  is  suggested  that  these
    unaudited  financial  statements  be read in  connection  with the financial
    statements and notes thereto included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
    10-KSB  for the fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1997.  There have been no
    significant changes of accounting policies since December 31, 1997.

Note 2 - Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share

    Net loss per common share is calculated by dividing net loss by the weighted
    average  number  of  shares  of common  stock  outstanding  for each  period
    presented.  For purposes of these  computations,  shares  issuable  upon the
    exercise of all common stock purchase options and warrants  outstanding have
    been excluded from the  computation of weighted  average shares  outstanding
    since their effect is antidilutive.

Note 3 - Income Taxes

    No provision for income taxes has been made for the three months ended March
    31, 1998 as the Company has net operating losses. These net operating losses
    have  resulted  in a  deferred  tax  asset at  March  31,  1998.  Due to the
    uncertainty  regarding  the  ultimate  amount of income tax  benefits  to be
    derived from the Company's net operating losses,  the Company has recorded a
    valuation allowance for the entire amount of the deferred tax asset at March
    31, 1998.

Note 4 - Sale of Assets

    In August  1996,  the Company  closed a purchase  agreement  with TJ Holding
    Company,  Inc.,  a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Arby's,  Inc.  d/b/a Triarc
    Restaurant  Group   ("Triarc")   through  which  (a)  Triarc  purchased  the
    trademarks,  service marks,  recipes and secret formulas of the Company, (b)
    Triarc  licensed  back  to  the  Company  the  rights  to  operate  existing
    franchised  bakery  locations  and to  distribute  T.J.  Cinnamons  products
    through  retail  grocery  outlets,  and  (c)  the  Company  entered  into  a
    management agreement with Triarc to manage the franchise system.

    The Company  received  payments of $1,790,000  at the closing,  a promissory
    note in the amount of  $1,650,000  which is being paid in fifteen (15) equal
    monthly  installments  beginning  October 1, 1996, a promissory  note in the
    amount of  $100,000  which is being paid in twenty  four (24) equal  monthly
    installments  beginning October 1, 1996. In addition, the purchase agreement
    provides  for the  contingent  payments of up to a maximum of an  additional
    $5,500,000  over time  dependent upon the amount of T.J.  Cinnamons  product
    sales by Triarc exceeding a minimum base system wide sales of $26.3 million.
    Pursuant to the terms of the Transaction,  T.J. Cinnamons,  Inc. changed its
    name to Paramark Enterprises, Inc.


    Simultaneous with the closing of the Transaction in August 1996, the Company
    entered into an agreement  with Heinz Bakery  Products to terminate the 1992
    manufacturing and license agreement.  Under the terms of the agreement,  the
    Company  paid Heinz  Bakery  Products  $600,000 at closing,  and assigned to
    Heinz the Triarc  promissory  note in the amount of  $100,000  payable  with
    interest in equal installments over a two year period.

Note 5 - Short Term Financing

     In June 1997 the Company  entered into a loan agreement with Gelt Financial
     Corporation  for a  credit  line  in  the  amount  of  $200,000  which  was
     subsequently increased to $400,000 secured by Wal-Mart accounts receivable.
     The terms of this loan agreement  provide for a service fee of 1.5% of each
     advance  together  with  interest at a rate of 675 basis  points  above the
     prime rate.

     In  March  1998,  Charles  Loccisano,  the  Company's  Chairman  and  Chief
     Executive  Officer and Alan  Gottlich,  the  Company's  President and Chief
     Financial  Officer provided the Company with a credit line in the amount of
     $500,000.  The credit line is required to be repaid  within one year,  with
     interest payable quarterly at the rate of 5.39% per annum. In consideration
     for the loan,  Messrs.  Loccisano and Gottlich were granted an aggregate of
     300,000 shares of the Company's common stock.



When used in this Quarterly  Report,  the words or phrases "will likely result",
"are expected to", "will continue", "is anticipated",  "estimate",  "projected",
"intends to" or similar  expressions are intended to identify  "forward  looking
statements" within the meaning of the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act
of 1995.  Such  statements are subject to certain risks and  uncertainties  that
could cause the company's  actual results to differ  materially  from historical
earnings and those presently  anticipated or projected.  As a result,  potential
investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any such  forward-looking
statements, which speak only as of the date made.

The following  discussion and analysis  should be read in  conjunction  with the
financial statements and notes thereto appearing elsewhere in this report.

    RESULTS OF  OPERATIONS  (for the three  month  period  ended  March 31, 1998
    compared to the three month period ended March 31, 1997).

    The following tables set forth the components of the Company's revenue:

                                 Three Months Ended March 31,
                                     1997           1998

Wholesale sales                    $422,539     $1,223,996
Company-owned bakery sales           51,383         35,530
Royalties and licensing fees         21,796         30,000
                                 ----------     ----------
Total Revenue                      $495,718     $1,289,526

         Wholesale sales increased 190% to $1,223,996 for the three months ended
March 31, 1998 from  $422,539 for the three months ended March 31, 1998 due to a
continued  expansion of the  Company's  distribution  of its products to grocery
stores,  wholesale club stores and mass  merchandisers.  To further  develop its
wholesale  sales,  the  Company is  focusing  its  selling  efforts in  specific
geographic areas through alliances with the following key food brokerage groups:
(a) Le Grand Marketing,  representing retail grocery stores California; (b) Food
Scene,  representing retail grocery stores in the New York tri-state area, (c) J
& J Brokers,  representing  retail grocery  stores in New England,  (d) Priority
Food Brokers,  representing retail grocery stores in Maryland and Virginia,  and
(e) American Sales and Marketing, representing membership club stores nationwide
and retail grocery stores in the mid-west.  The Company is targeting its product
line to  in-store  bakeries  and  in-store  deli  areas of  supermarket  chains,
focusing on large  multi-unit  accounts.  The  Company is  focusing  its initial
marketing  efforts on the following core products:  (a) T.J.  Cinnamons  Gourmet
Cinnamon  Rolls and Gourmet Sticky Rolls;  (b) T.J.  Cinnamons  CinnaChips;  (c)
Gourmet  Rugalach and (d) Gourmet  Brownies.  The Company has also developed its
own  signature  line of  gourmet  rugalach  made in four  flavor  varieties.  In
addition, the Company is manufacturing gourmet brownies sold under the Hershey's
label,  gourmet  bundt cakes in five flavor  varieties,  layer  cakes,  and mini
cakes.  All of these products are sold in various  packaging and sizes,  and are
shipped through both fresh and frozen distribution

         The Company is currently  selling  products to the following  accounts:
Ralphs Supermarkets,  Food-4-Less  Supermarkets,  Luckys Supermarkets,  ShopRite
Supermarkets,  H.E. Butt Supermarkets,  Hughs Supermarkets,  Kings Supermarkets,
D'Agostinos Supermarkets, Walmart Super Centers, Costco Wholesale Clubs and Sams
Wholesale Clubs.

         Company-owned  bakery  sales  decreased by 31% to $35,530 for the three
months  ended March 31, 1998 from  $51,383 for the three  months ended March 31,
1997.  This sales  decrease  resulted  from a decline in mall  traffic  due to a
number of  vacancies  in the  Poughkeepsie  Galleria  mall.  In April 1997,  the


Company entered into a management  agreement  whereby the Poughkeepsie  Galleria
mall bakery will be operated  with all cash  deficits  funded by the manager and
all positive cash flow retained by the manager as a management fee.

         Royalty and licensing  fee revenues  increased to $30,000 for the three
months  ended March 31 ,1998 from  $21,796 for the three  months ended March 31,
1997.  This  increase in royalties and licensing  fees resulted  primarily  from
increased franchise royalty  collections.  In August 1996, based on the terms of
the Triarc Transaction, the Company provided franchisees an offer to forgive all
franchise  royalties  for the period  August,  1996  through  February,  1997 in
exchange for a general  release  against the Company.  Franchisees  representing
approximately  80% of the  franchised  bakery units  entered into these  general
release  agreements,  resulting in reduced franchise royalty collections for the
quarter ended March 31, 1997.

         Cost of goods sold  increased  to $985,298  for the three  months ended
March 31, 1998 from  $355,210 for the three  months ended March 31, 1997.  These
increases  were  primarily  the result of the  increased  sales of  products  to
supermarkets chains and membership club chains.

         Selling,  general and administrative expenses increased to $606,936 for
the three months  ended March 31, 1998 from  $385,678 for the three months ended
March 31,  1997.  These  increases  were  primarily  the result of  increases in
selling,   general  and  administrative  costs  associated  with  the  Company's
manufacturing  plant in Santa Ana,  California  and the  selling  and  marketing
expenses  associated with the launch of the Company's  product line to wholesale
channels of distribution.

         Net  interest  expense  for the three  months  ended March 31, 1998 was
($6,329) as compared to net  interest  expense for the three  months ended March
31, 1997 of $22,761. This change in net interest expense resulted primarily from
the  interest  earned  during the three months ended March 31, 1997 on the notes
receivable  from  Triarc  Restaurant  Group  which were paid in full in December

         Other income  decreased to $0 for the three months ended March 31, 1998
from $55,716 for the three  months  ended March 31,  1997.  This other income is
comprised of reductions in accounts  payable and accrued  liabilities  resulting
from discounted  settlements  and write-offs of accounts  payable based on their
being no recent  contact  with the  Company  by the  creditors  being  owed such


         At March 31,  1998,  the  Company  had a  working  capital  deficit  of
approximately  $991,750.  During the three  months  ended  March 31,  1998,  the
Company experienced cash flow deficits from its operating  activities  primarily
because its operating expenses exceeded its operating revenues.  These operating
deficits  experienced  during the three  months  ended  March 31, 1998 have been
funded by a credit line provided to the Company by officers of the Company.

         The  Company  used net cash in  operating  activities  in the amount of
$557,570 for the three months ended March 31, 1998,  as compared to $434,733 for
the three months  ended March 31,  1997.  The Company used net cash in investing
activities  in the amount of $27,332 for the three  months ended March 31, 1998,
as compared to net cash  received  from  investing  activities  in the amount of
$28,021 for the three months ended March 31, 1997.  The Company used net cash in
financing  activities in the amount of $469,391 for the three months ended March
31, 1998 as compared to net cash used in financing  activities  in the amount of
$448,656 for the three months ended March 31, 1997.

         In June 1997,  the  Company  entered  into a loan  agreement  with Gelt
Financial  Corporation  for a credit  line in the amount of  $200,000  which was
subsequently  increased to $400,000 secured by the Wal-Mart accounts receivable.
The  terms of this loan  agreement  provide  for a  service  fee of 1.5% of each
advance  together  with  interest at a rate of 675 basis  points above the prime
rate. The credit line balance was approximately $279,000 on March 31, 1998.


         In October  1997,  the Company  offered for sale units in a convertible
preferred  private  placement with  Commonwealth  Associates acting as placement
agent.  This offering was to be held open to investors through January 1998, and
was not  consummated  as  orders  for the  minimum  number  of  shares  were not
obtained.  Without  alternative  sources  of  financing  to fund  the  Company's
operating deficit,  in January 1998,  Charles Loccisano,  the Company's Chairman
and Chief  Executive  Officer,  and Alan Gottlich,  the Company's  President and
Chief Financial Officer,  provided the Company with loans aggregating  $282,500.
In March  1998,  based on the need for  additional  funding  resulting  from the
receipt of large  purchase  orders from  Walmart  Super  Centers,  the  previous
Loccisano  and Gottlich  loans were repaid in full,  and Messrs.  Loccisano  and
Gottlich  agreed to provide  the  Company  with a credit line for up to $500,000
with  interest  payable  quarterly at the  applicable  federal rate of 5.39% per
annum.  The credit line is required to be repaid within one year or such shorter
period if the  Company  closes  the Triarc  Transaction.  In  consideration  for
providing this credit line facility,  the Company granted Messrs.  Loccisano and
Gottlich an aggregate of 300,000 unregistered shares of Common Stock.

         In November  1997, in order to bring the Company into  compliance  with
requirements  necessary for  continued  listing on the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market,
Messrs.  Loccisano  and Gottlich  purchased  an  aggregate  of 20,000  shares of
redeemable  Series B preferred  stock at a price of $5.00 per share.  In January
1998, following a delisting of the Company's securities from the Nasdaq SmallCap
Market  and as a result of  additional  funds  loaned to the  Company by Messrs.
Loccisano and Gottlich,  these shares of Series B preferred  stock were redeemed
by the Company at a price of $5.00 per share.

         On June 30, 1998,  the Company  entered into the 1998 Triarc  Agreement
regarding (a) the sale of Company's  rights and obligations as franchisor  under
the T.J. Cinnamons  franchise system, and (b) the termination of the 1996 Triarc
Purchase  Agreement,  the 1996  Triarc  License  Agreement  and the 1996  Triarc
Management  Agreement.  The 1998 Triarc  Agreement  is more fully  described  in
Proposal III herein.

         In July  1998,  the  Company  borrowed  $150,000  from  Gelt  Financial
Corporation  ("Gelt").  Such loan bears interest at a rate of 5% above the prime
rate  and will be  repaid  on the  earlier  of one  year or the  closing  of the
Transaction.  The loan is secured by all the payments due the Company  under the
1996 Triarc Purchase Agreement. In order to induce Gelt to enter into this loan,
the Company paid Gelt a placement fee in the amount of $15,625,  and issued Gelt
15,000 shares of the Company's unregistered common stock.



On June 30 , 1998,  the  Company  executed  the 1998  Triarc  Agreement  with TJ
Holding Company,  Inc. to sell the existing T.J. Cinnamons franchise  agreements
and to terminate the 1996 Triarc  Purchase  Agreement,  the 1996 Triarc  License
Agreement and the 1996 Triarc  Management  Agreement.  The 1998 Triarc Agreement
provides for the sale to close after approval by the Company's stockholders.

The  following  Unaudited  Pro Forma  Financial  Statements  are based  upon the
historical statements of the Company adjusted to give effect to the Transaction.

The  Unaudited  Pro Forma Balance Sheet as of March 31, 1998 gives effect to the
elimination the disposed assets assuming that the disposition had taken place on
March 31, 1998 and the cash proceeds had been received at that time.

The Unaudited Pro Forma Statements of Operations for the year ended December 31,
1997 and the three months ended March 31, 1998 give effect to the elimination of
the disposed  assets  assuming the  disposition of the assets had taken place at
the beginning of the period presented.

The pro forma  adjustments  are based upon  available  information  and  certain
assumptions  that management  believes are  reasonable.  The Unaudited Pro Forma
Financial  Statements  may not be  indicative  of the results of  operations  or
financial  position  that  actually  would  have been  achieved  or which may be
obtained in the future.


                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                                                Historical        Adjustment         Pro Forma
Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalent                                          $7,050        $3,000,000  (1)  $  3,007,050
  Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts        687,103           (28,345) (1)       658,758
  Notes receivable                                                 126,957         1,000,000  (1)     1,126,957
  Inventory                                                        195,265                --            195,265
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                         71,204                --             71,204
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------
         Total current assets                                    1,087,579         3,971,655          5,059,234
                                                                ==========       ===========         ==========

Property and Equipment, less accumulated
          depreciation and amortization                            458,515                --            458,515

Excess of Cost over Fair Value of Net Assets Acquired              462,917          (462,917) (1)             0

Deferred Income Tax Asset, net of valuation allowance                    0                --                  0
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------
         Total Assets                                           $2,009,011        $3,508,738         $5,517,749
                                                                ==========       ===========         ==========


Current Liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses                          1,276,934                --        $ 1,276,934
  Current maturities of long-term debt                             802,397                --            802,397
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------
         Total current liabilities                               2,079,331                --          2,079,331

Long Term Debt, net of current maturities                                0                --                  0
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------
         Total liabilities                                       2,079,331                --          2,079,331
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------

                              STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

Preferred Stock                                                         --                --                 --
Common Stock                                                        33,740                --             33,740
Additional paid-in capital                                       6,813,705                --          6,813,705
Accumulated deficit                                             (6,917,765)        3,508,738  (1)    (3,409,027)
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------
Stockholders' equity                                               (70,320)        3,508,738          3,438,418
                                                                ----------       -----------         ----------
         Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity             $2,009,011       $ 3,508,738         $5,517,749
                                                                ==========       ===========         ==========

Book Value per Share                                                $(0.02)                               $1.09

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements


                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                   FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1998

                                                                 Minus Pro
                                                Historical       Adjustments      Pro Forma
                                                                                   (2 & 3)
  Wholesale sales                               $1,223,996               --       $1,223,996
  Sales from Company-owned stores                   35,530               --           35,530
  Royalties, licensing fees and other               30,000          (30,000)               0
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------
Total revenue                                    1,289,526          (30,000)       1,259,526

Operating expenses:
  Cost of goods sold                               985,298               --          985,298
  Selling, general and administrative              606,935          (43,750)         563,185
  Interest expense, net of interest income           6,329               --            6,329
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------
         Total operating expenses                1,598,562          (43,750)       1,554,812
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------

Operating loss                                    (309,036)          13,750         (295,286)

Other income - gain from sale of assets                  0        3,658,738        3,658,738
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------

Net loss                                         ($309,036)      $3,672,488       $3,363,452
                                               ===========      ===========      ===========

Net loss per common share                           ($0.10)                            $1.07
                                               ===========                       ===========

Weighted average number of
         common shares outstanding               3,145,907                         3,145,907
                                               ===========                       ===========

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements


                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.
                  FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                                  Minus Pro
                                                Historical        Adjustments    Pro Forma
                                                                                   (2 & 3)
  Wholesale sales                               $3,475,463               --       $3,475,463
  Sales from Company-owned stores                  202,998               --          202,998
  Royalties, licensing fees and other              199,920         (145,000)          54,920
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------
Total revenue                                    3,878,381         (145,000)       3,733,381

Operating expenses:
  Cost of goods sold                             3,043,984               --        3,043,984
  Selling, general and administrative            2,283,036         (200,000)       2,083,036
  Interest expense, net of interest income           8,106               --            8,106
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------
         Total operating expenses                5,335,126         (200,000)       5,135,126
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------

Loss before extraordinary item                  (1,456,745)          55,000       (1,401,745)

Other income - gain from sale of assets                  0        3,658,738        3,658,738
Extraordinary item - forgiveness of debt            80,088                0           80,088
                                               -----------      -----------      -----------
Net loss                                       ($1,376,657)      $3,713,738       $2,337,081
                                               ===========      ===========      ===========

Net loss per common share                           ($0.45)                            $0.76
                                               ===========                       ===========

Weighted average number of
         common shares outstanding               3,069,775                         3,069,775
                                               ===========                       ===========

             See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements



Balance Sheet

(1)  Reflects  receipt of the  estimated  net  proceeds and related gain (net of
expenses)  from the  Transaction  excluding  the  Additional  Payments,  and the
elimination of the assets sold.

Statement of Operations

(2) Reflects the  elimination of revenue and operating  expenses of the disposed
assets for the year ended December 31, 1997 and the three months ended March 31,
1998. Such expenses have been limited to direct operating expenses  attributable
to such  disposed  assets,  and do not include any  allocation  of  corporate or
administrative costs.

(3) The Company has not recorded any estimated income from the investment of the
estimated proceeds from the Transaction.  In addition, no tax liability has been
recorded  resulting  from the tax  benefit  available  to the  Company  from the
available carry forward of operating losses.



The following is a summary of selected  consolidated  financial data relating to
the Company.

                                                                                                                     Three Months
                                                          Year ended December 31                                        Ended
                                1993              1994              1995              1996              1997        March 31, 1998
                                                          (In thousands, except per share data)
Statement of Operations Data:

Revenues                       $1,402            $1,764            $1,039            $1,490            $3,787            $1,289

Expenses                        2,838             4,271(1)          2,105             1,270             5,255             1,592

Net income (loss) from 
 operations                    (1,319)           (2,507)           (1,066)           (1,229)           (1,457)             (303)

Net income (loss)              (1,436)           (2,507)           (1,066)              220(2)         (1,377)             (309)

Net income (loss) per share      (.80)             (.99)             (.37)              .08              (.45)             (.10)

Weighted average number
  common shares outstanding     1,804             2,531             2,910             2,926             3,070             3,146

Balance Sheet Data:

Total assets                   $3,310            $3,717           $2,780            $2,651           $1,652            $2,009

Working capital                (3,758)              352           (1,226)              836             (679)             (992)

Total liabilities               4,004             1,369            1,499             1,095            1,470             2,079

Stockholders' equity             (693)            2,348            1,282             1,556              181               (70)

Book value per share             (.38)              .93              .44               .53              .06              (.02)

(1)  Includes a one-time  non-cash  compensation  expense of  $1,220,000  in the
fiscal year ended  December  31, 1994  resulting  from the grant of an option by
affiliates  of the  Company's  Chairman to Dan Feldman,  a former  member of the
Board of Directors.

(2) Includes a gain from sale of assets of  $1,286,197  in the fiscal year ended
December  31,  1996  resulting  from the sale of certain  assets  under the 1996
Triarc Purchase Agreement.


The following summary financial  information was extracted from the consolidated
financial statements is derived from the Triarc Companies, Inc. Annual Report on
Form 10K for the year ended December 31, 1997.

                                              FISCAL     EIGHT MONTHS
                                           YEAR  ENDED      ENDED                YEAR  ENDED DECEMBER  31,
                                             APRIL 30,    DECEMBER 31,
                                               1993        1993  (3)       1994           1995           1996            1997

                                                            (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE)
Revenues ............................    $1,023,249       $676,908     $1,022,671     $1,142,011       $928,185       $861,321
Operating Profit (loss) .............        24,581(5)      21,038 (6)     54,446 (7)     23,145        (17,853)        26,962
Loss from continuing
       operations ...................       (50,690(5)     (35,935)(6)    (10,612)(7)    (39,433)       (13,698)       (20,533)
Income  (loss) from
        discontinued operations .....         3,711         (3,095)         4,619          2,439          5,213         20,718
Extraordinary items .................        (6,611)          (448)        (2,116)            --         (5,416)        (3,781)
Cumulative effect of changes in
          accounting principles, net         (6,388)            --             --             --             --             --
Net loss ............................       (59,978)(5)    (39,478)(6)     (8,109)       (36,994)       (13,901)        (3,616)

Preferred stock dividend
           requirements (2)..........          (121)        (3,889)        (5,833)            --             --             --
Net loss applicable to common
            stockholders ............       (60,099)       (43,367)       (13,942)       (36,994)       (13,901)        (3,616)
Loss per share (4)...................                                                                                        :
             Continuing operations ..         (1.97)         (1.87)          (.71)         (1.32)          (.46)          (.68)
              Discontinued operations           .15           (.15)          (.20)           .08            .18            .69
Extraordinary items .................          (.26)          (.02)          (.09)            --           (.18)          (.13)
Cumulative effect of changes in
               accounting principles           (.25)            --             --             --             --             --
Net loss per share ..................         (2.33)         (2.04)          (.60)         (1.24)          (.46)          (.12)
Total assets ........................       907,333        887,380        911,236      1,077,173        831,785      1,004,873
Long-term debt ......................       488,654        571,350        606,374        758,292        469,154        604,830
Redeemable preferred stock ..........        71,794         71,794         71,794             --             --             --
Stockholders equity (deficit) .......       (35,387)       (75,981)       (31,783)        20,650          6,765         43,988
Weighted-average common
              shares outstanding ....        25,808         21,260         23,282         29,764         27,984         29,551

     (1) Selected  Financial Data for the periods prior to the fiscal year ended
     December  28,  1997  have  been  retroactively   restated  to  reflect  the
     discontinuance of the Company's dyes and specialty  chemicals business sold
     in December 1997.

     (2) The Company has not paid any  dividends on its common shares during any
     of the periods presented.

     (3) The Company  changed its fiscal year from a fiscal year ending April 30
     to a  calendar  year  ending  December  31  effective  for the  eight-month
     transition period ended December 31, 1993 ("Transition  1993"). The Company
     changed its fiscal  year to a calendar  year  consisting  of 52 or 53 weeks
     ending on the Sunday  closest to December 31 effective  for the 1997 fiscal
     year which commenced January 1, 1997 and ended on December 28, 1997.

     (4) Basic and diluted loss per share are the same for all periods presented
     since all potentially  dilutive  securities  would have had an antidilutive
     effect for all such periods.

     (5) Reflects  certain  significant  charges recorded during the fiscal year
     ended April 30, 1993 as follows:  $51,689,000  charged to operating  profit
     representing   $43,000,000   of   facilities   relocation   and   corporate
     restructuring relating to a change in control of the Company and $8,689,000
     of other net  charges;  $48,698,000  charged  to loss from  continuing  the
     aforementioned $51,689,000 charged to operating profit, $8,503,000 of other
     net charges,  less $19,391,000 of income tax benefit and minority  interest
     effect relating to the aggregate of the above charges,  and plus $7,897,000
     of provision for income tax contingencies;  and $67,060,000  charged to net
     loss  representing  the  aforementioned  $48,698,000  charged to  operating


     profit,  a  $5,363,000  write-down  relating to the  impairment  of certain
     unprofitable  operations  and accruals for  environmental  remediation  and
     losses on certain  contracts  in  progress,  net of income tax  benefit and
     minority  interests,  a  $6,611,000  extraordinary  charge  from the  early
     extinguishment  of debt and  $6,388,000  cumulative  effect of  changes  in
     accounting principles.

     (6) Reflects certain significant charges recorded during Transition 1993 as
     follows:  $12,306,000 charged to operating profit principally  representing
     $10,006,000 of increased insured reserves; $25,617,000 charged to loss from
     continuing operations  representing the aforementioned  $12,306,000 charged
     to operating  profit,  $5,050,000 of certain  litigation  settlement costs,
     $3,292,000 of reduction to net realizable  value of certain assets held for
     sale other than  discontinued  operations,  less  $2,231,000  of income tax
     benefit and minority interest effect relating to the aggregate of the above
     charges, and plus a $7,200,000 provision for income tax contingencies;  and
     $34,437,000 charged to net loss representing the aforementioned $25,617,000
     charged  to loss  from  continuing  operations  and an  $8,820,000  loss on
     disposal of discontinued operations.

     (7) Reflects certain  significant  charges recorded during 1994 as follows:
     $9,972,000   charged  to  operating  profit   representing   $8,800,000  of
     facilities  relocation  and  corporate   restructuring  and  $1,172,000  of
     advertising   production   costs  that  in  prior  periods  were  deferred;
     $4,782,000  charged to loss from  continuing  operations  representing  the
     aforementioned  $9,972,000 charged to operating profit, $7,000,000 of costs
     of a proposed  acquisition not consummated  less $6,043,000 of gain on sale
     of natural gas and oil  business,  less income tax benefit  relating to the
     aggregate of the above charges of $6,147,000;  and  $10,798,000  charged to
     net loss representing the  aforementioned  $4,782,000  charged to loss from
     continuing   operations,   $3,900,000  loss  on  disposal  of  discontinued
     operations   and  a   $2,116,000   extraordinary   charge  from  the  early
     extinguishment of debt.

     (8) Reflects certain  significant  charges recorded during 1995 as follows:
     $19,331,000  charged to operating profit  representing a $14,647,000 charge
     for a reduction in the carrying value of long-lived  assets  impaired or to
     be  disposed  of,   $2,700,000  of  facilities   relocation  and  corporate
     restructuring  and $3,331,000 of accelerated  vesting of restricted  stock,
     less $1,347,000 of other net credits,  and $11,004,000 charged to loss from
     continuing operations  representing the aforementioned  $19,331,000 charged
     to operating  profit,  $1,000,000 of equity in losses of an investee,  less
     $15,088,000  of net  gains  consisting  of  $11,945,000  of gain on sale of
     excess  timberland  and  $3,143,000  of other net gains,  less  $339,000 of
     income tax benefit  relating to the aggregate of the above charges and plus
     a  $6,100,000  provision  for income  tax  contingencies;  and  $15,199,000
     charged to net loss representing the aforementioned  $11,004,000 charged to
     loss from  continuing  operations  and  $6,794,000  of equity in losses and
     write-down  of  an  investment  in an  investee  included  in  discontinued
     operations less $2,599,000 of income tax benefit relating thereto.

     (9) In 1995 all of the redeemable  preferred stock was converted into class
     B common  stock and an  additional  1,011,900  class B common  shares  were
     issued  resulting in an  $83,811,000  improvement in  stockholders'  equity

     (10)Reflects  certain  significant charges and credits recorded during 1996
     as  follows:   $73,100,000   charged  to  operating  loss   representing  a
     $64,300,000  charge for a reduction  in the  carrying  value of  long-lived
     assets  impaired  or  to  be  disposed  of  and  $8,800,000  of  facilities
     relocation  and corporate  restructuring;  $1,279,000  charged to loss from
     continuing operations  representing the aforementioned  $73,100,000 charged
     to operating loss,  $77,000,000 of gains on sale of business,  net and plus
     $5,179,000 of income tax  provision  relating to the aggregate of the above
     net  credits;   and  $6,695,000   charged  to  net  loss  representing  the
     aforementioned  $1,279,000 charged to loss from continuing operations and a
     $5,416,000 extraordinary charge from the early extinguishment of debt.

     11) Reflects certain  significant  charges and credits recorded during 1997
     as  follows:   $38,890,000  charged  to  operating  profit  representing  a
     $31,815,000  charge  for  acquisition   related  costs  and  $7,075,000  of
     facilities relocation and corporate  restructuring;  $20,444,000 charged to
     loss from continuing operations representing the aforementioned $38,890,000
     charged to operating profit, $4,955,000 of gain on sale of businesses,  net
     and less $13,491,000 of income tax benefit relating to the aggregate of the
     above net charges;  and  $4,716,000  charged to net loss  representing  the
     aforementioned  $20,444,000  charged  to loss from  continuing  operations,
     $19,509,000 of gain on disposal of discontinued operations and a $3,781,000
     extraordinary charge from the early extinguishment of debt.

     12) In 1997, in  connection  with the  Stewart's  acquisition,  the Company
     issued 1,566,858 shares of its common stock with a value of $37,409,000 for
     all of the outstanding  stock of Cable Car and 154,931 stock options with a
     value of $2,788,000 in exchange for all of the outstanding stock options of
     Cable Car resulting in an increase in stockholders' equity of $40,197,000.


                           PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK

         As of July 7, 1998, the date before the announcement  that the Company,
Arby's, Inc. and TJ Holding Company,  Inc. reached a definitive  agreement,  the
closing bid price per share for the Company's  Common Stock,  as reported by the
NASDAQ  Bulletin  Board,  was  $.71.  As of July 9,  1998,  the date  after  the
announcement that the Company, Arby's, Inc. and TJ Holding Company, Inc. reached
a definitive agreement, the closing bid price per share for the Company's Common
Stock, as reported by the NASDAQ Bulletin Board, was $.75.

         As of June 22, 1998, the Company had  approximately  65 stockholders of
record and approximately 600 beneficial holders.

                                 DIVIDEND POLICY

         The  Company has never  declared or paid a cash  dividend on its Common
Stock.  It has been the policy of the Company's Board of Directors to retain all
available funds to finance the development and growth of the Company's business.
The payment of cash  dividends in the future will be dependent upon the earnings
and financial  requirements  of the Company and other factors deemed relevant by
the Board of Directors.


                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

Policy for Related Party Transactions

         The Company believes that all transactions with officers, directors, or
affiliates  to date are on terms no less  favorable  than those  available  from
unaffiliated  third  parties.  It  is  the  Company's  policy  that  all  future
transactions  with officers,  directors,  or affiliates  will be approved by the
independent  members of the Company's  Board of Directors not having an interest
in the transaction and will be on terms no less favorable than could be obtained
from unaffiliated third parties.

Heinz Bakery Products License Agreement

         In June 1992,  the Company  entered  into an  exclusive 20 year license
agreement with Heinz Bakery Products  ("Heinz"),  pursuant to which, among other
things,  Heinz paid an  aggregate of $1.425  million in advance  royalties to be
offset by actual  royalties  earned.  The advance  royalties  owed to Heinz were
guaranteed by Charles N. Loccisano,  the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company. In August 1996, the Company entered into an agreement with Heinz to
terminate the license agreement and satisfy the balance due under the promissory
note in the amount of approximately $795,000 based on a payment of $600,000 made
in August 1996, the assignment of a $100,000  promissory  note  receivable  from
Triarc, and the forgiveness of the balance of $95,000. At December 31, 1997, the
outstanding  balance due Heinz under said note was $69,800 and all payments were

Gelt Financial Group Loan

         In connection with a loan in the amount of $125,000 from Gelt Financial
Group in July  1996,  250,000  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  (held by
affiliates  of  Charles  Loccisano,  the  Company's  Chairman,  Chief  Executive
Officer,  President and Director,  and Alan Gottlich,  the Company's  President,
Chief Financial  Officer and Director) were pledged to Gelt Financial Group, and
limited  guarantee  agreements were entered into by such  affiliates.  In August
1996, this loan was repaid in full.

Option Grant by Affiliate

         In April  1994,  the  Loccisano  Trusts  granted an option to  purchase
250,000  shares of their Common Stock to Dan Feldman,  then a consultant  to the
Company, in exchange for his agreement to serve as a Director.  In January 1995,
Dan Feldman  acquired  125,000 shares of Company Common Stock from the Loccisano
Trusts for no cash consideration,  and the balance of the option was terminated.
In November  1996,  the Company issued 125,000 shares of its Common Stock to the
Loccisano  Trusts in  consideration  for the shares  previously  conveyed by the
Loccisano  Trusts to Dan Feldman on behalf of the Company.  Mr. Feldman resigned
his position as a director of the Company in September 1997.

Stock and Option Grants in connection Consulting Arrangements

         In November 1996, the Company  granted Philip  Friedman,  a Director of
the Company,  5,000 shares of Common Stock and 10,000 options to purchase shares
of Common  Stock at an  exercise  price of $1.94  per  share of Common  Stock in
consideration  for  consulting  services  rendered  to  the  Company.   All  the
aforementioned options are fully vested.

Loans and Investments from Affiliates

         During the period November 1995 through June 1996, the Company borrowed
approximately  $184,500  from an affiliate of Charles  Loccisano,  the Company's
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Alan Gottlich, the Company's President


and Chief  Financial  Officer.  These  loans were repaid in August 1996 based on
terms which include loan  origination fees of 25% and interest at a rate of five
points above the Wall Street  Journal Prime Rate. In August 1996,  this loan was
repaid in full.

         In November 1997,  Charles  Loccisano,  the Company's  Chairman,  Chief
Executive Officer,  and Director,  and Alan Gottlich,  the Company's  President,
Chief Financial Officer and Director  purchased an aggregate of 20,000 shares of
convertible Series B Preferred Stock at a price of $5.00 per share. The Series B
Preferred  Stock carried a dividend equal to 8% per annum payable semi annually,
were  convertible into common stock at the holders option and were redeemable by
the Company at its option.  The purchase price for the Series B Preferred  Stock
was paid  for in a  combination  of cash and  promissory  notes  payable  to the
Company.  In January  1998,  the Company  redeemed the 20,000 Series B Preferred
Stock at a price of $5.00 per share.

         In January 1998,  Charles  Loccisano,  the Company's Chairman and Chief
Executive  Officer,  and  Alan  Gottlich,  the  Company's  President  and  Chief
Financial Officer provided the Company with loans aggregating $282,500. In March
1998,  based on the need for  additional  funding  resulting from the receipt of
large purchase orders from Walmart Super Centers, the previous loans provided by
Loccisano and Gottlich were repaid in full,  and Messrs.  Loccisano and Gottlich
agreed to  provide  the  Company  with a credit  line for up to  $500,000,  with
interest  payable  quarterly at the applicable  federal rate of 5.39% per annum.
The credit line is required to be repaid within one year or such shorter  period
if the Company obtains alternative sources of funds to fund its operations.  The
line of credit is secured by  payments  due to the  Company  under its  purchase
agreement  with Triarc.  In  consideration  for providing  this credit line, the
Company  granted  Messrs.   Loccisano  and  Gottlich  an  aggregate  of  300,000
unregistered shares of common stock.


         Section  16(a) of the  Exchange  Act  ("Section  16(a)")  requires  the
Company's  directors,  executive officers and persons who own more than 10% of a
registered  class  of the  Company's  equity  securities,  to file  with the SEC
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of common stock
and other equity securities of the Company. Officers, directors and greater than
10%  stockholders  are  required by SEC  regulation  to furnish the Company with
copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

         To the Company's  knowledge,  based solely on a review of the copies of
such reports furnished to the Company and written  representations that no other
reports were  required,  during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  1997,  all
Section 16(a) filing  requirements  applicable  to its  officers,  directors and
greater  than 10%  beneficial  owners were  complied  with  except that  certain
reports  disclosing  the  grant of stock  options  to  Charles  Loccisano,  Alan
Gottlich, Philip Friedman and Paul Bergrin were not filed on a timely basis. The
grant of such options were subsequently reported on Form 5.


         On January 31, 1997 the Company  dismissed  Goldstein,  Golub Kessler &
Co. P.C. ("GGK") as its independent auditors. Such dismissal was approved by the
company's  Board  of  Directors.  GGK's  report  upon  the  Company's  financial
statements  for its  fiscal  year ended  December  31,  1995 did not  contain an
adverse  opinion or a disclaimer  of opinion,  nor was such report  qualified or
modified as to audit scope or  accounting  principles.  The report was  prepared
assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. During the Company's
fiscal  year ended  December  31, 1995 and to the date of GGK's  dismissal  (the
"Interim  Period"):  (i) there were no disagreements (of nature  contemplated by
Item 304 (a) (1) (iv) of  Regulation  S-K) between the Company and GGK; and (ii)
there were no reportable events of nature  contemplated by Item 304 (a) (1) (iv)
(B) of Regulation S-B.

         On January 31, 1997 the Company  engaged  Arthur  Andersen LLP ("AA) as
its independent  auditors for the Company's fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.
During the Company's fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 and the Interim Period,
the  Company  did  not  consult  with  AA  with  respect  to any of the  matters
contemplated by Item 304 (a) (2) (i)-(ii) of Regulation S-B.


         On  February  14,  1997  AA  resigned  its  position  as the  Company's
independent  auditors.  Such resignation was  necessitated  because AA concluded
that it had a conflict of  interest  in  reporting  on the  Company's  financial
statements  for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1996 due to the fact that AA
had rendered  financial advisory services to the company for which it received a
fee.  During the Company's  engagement of AA through the date of AA's withdrawal
(the  "Second  Interim  Period"):  (i) there  were no  disagreements  (of nature
contemplated by Item 304 (a) (1) (iv) (A) of Regulation S-B) between the Company
and GGK; and (ii) there were no reportable events of nature contemplated by Item
304 (a) (1) (iv) (B) of Regulation S-B.

         On February 21, 1997 the Company  retained  Amper,  Politziner & Mattia
("AP&M") as its  independent  accountants  for the  Company's  fiscal year ended
December 31, 1996. during the Company's fiscal year ended December 31, 1995, the
Interm  Period and the Second  Interm  Period,  the Company did not consult with
AP&M  with  respect  to any of the  matters  contemplated  by  Item  304 (a) (2)
(i)-(ii) of Regulation S-K. AP&M has served as the Company's  independent public
accountants  since 1996.  The Board of Directors  has selected  AP&M to serve as
independent  public  accountants of the Company for Company's fiscal year ending
December  31, 1997.  A  representative  of AP&M is expected to attend the Annual
Meeting. They will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do
so and are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

         The  Company's  Annual  Report  on  Form  10-KSB  (including  financial
statements)  for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1997 is mailed  herewith to
all stockholders and is intended by the Company to serve as its Annual Report to

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         Management  is not  aware of any  matters  to come  before  the  Annual
Meeting  which will require the vote of  stockholders  other than those  matters
indicated in the Notice of Annual Meeting and this Proxy Statement.  However, if
any other matter calling for stockholder  action should properly come before the
meeting  or any  adjournments  thereof,  those  persons  named as proxies in the
enclosed proxy form will vote thereon according to their best judgment.

         As of the date hereof, the Company knows of no other business that will
be presented for  consideration  at the annual  Meeting.  However,  the enclosed
proxy confers discretionary authority to vote with respect to any and all of the
following matters that may come before the Annual Meeting:  (i) matters that the
Company's  Board of  Directors  does not know,  a  reasonable  time before proxy
solicitation,  are to be presented for approval at the meeting; (ii) approval of
the  minutes  of a prior  meeting of  stockholders,  if such  approval  does not
constitute  ratification of the action at the meeting; (iii) the election of any
person to any  office  for which a bona fide  nominee  is unable to serve or for
good cause will not serve;  (iv) any proposal  omitted from this Proxy Statement
and the form of proxy pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act, as amended;
and (v) matters  incidental  to the conduct of the meeting.  If any such matters
come before the meeting,  the proxy agents named in the accompanying  proxy card
will vote in accordance with their judgment.

                            EXPENSES OF SOLICITATION

         All expenses  incurred in connection  with the  solicitation of proxies
will be borne by the  Company.  The  Company  will  reimburse  brokerage  firms,
nominees,  fiduciaries and other  custodians for their costs in forwarding proxy
materials  to  beneficial  owners  of  Common  Stock  held  in  their  families.
Solicitation may be undertaken by mail, telephone, telegram or personal contract
by  directors,   officers  and  employees  of  the  Company  without  additional
compensation,  except for  reimbursement  of reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses
incurred in connection with such solicitation.

         ADP Proxy  Services will assist in the  solicitation  of proxies by the
Company for a fee of approximately $2,500.


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         Any proposal  intended to be presented by any Stockholder for action at
the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholder  must be received by the Secretary of the
Company not later than June 11, 1998 in order for the proposal to be included in
the proxy statement and proxy relating to such Annual Meeting.



         The  following  documents  filed by the Company  (File No.  0-23026) or
Triarc  Companies,  Inc. (File No.  I-2207) with the Commission  pursuant to the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  (the  "Exchange  Act")  are  incorporated  by
reference in this Proxy Statement:

     1.   The  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended
          December 31, 1997.

     2.   Triarc  Companies,  Inc.'s  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
          year ended December 31, 1997 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
          quarter ended March 31, 1998.

         In addition,  all documents filed pursuant to Section 13(a),  13(c), 14
and 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to the date of this Proxy Statement and
prior to the date of the Annual  Meeting shall be deemed to be  incorporated  by
reference  in this Proxy  Statement  and to be a part  hereof  from the dates of
filing of such  documents or reports.  Any  statement  contained  herein or in a
document all or a portion of which is  incorporated or deemed to be incorporated
by reference herein shall be deemed to be modified or superseded for purposes of
this Proxy Statement to the extent that a statement  contained  herein or in any
other  subsequently filed document which also is or is deemed to be incorporated
by reference herein modifies or supersedes such statement. Any such statement so
modified or superseded shall not be deemed, except as modified or superseded, to
constitute a part of this Proxy Statement.


         A copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended
December 31, 1997 is delivered together with the Proxy Statement.

                                   By Order of the Board of Directors

                                  /s/ Alan S. Gottlich
                                  Alan S. Gottlich, Secretary

Secaucus, New Jersey
July 13, 1998.


                                   APPENDIX A

                   1996 Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan

                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.


1.       Purpose of Plan

         The purpose of this 1996  Amended and  Restated  Stock Option Plan (the
"Plan") is to provide additional incentive to officers, key employees, directors
of,  and  important  consultants  to,  Paramark  Enterprises,  Inc.,  a Delaware
corporation  (the  "Company"),  and each present or future  parent or subsidiary
corporation,  by  encouraging  them to invest in shares of the Company's  common
stock, no par value ("Common Stock"), and thereby acquire a proprietary interest
in the Company and an increased  personal  interest in the  Company's  continued
success and progress.

2.       Aggregate Number of Shares

         1,000,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock shall be the aggregate
number  of shares  which may be issued  under  this  Plan.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  in the event of any change in the  outstanding  shares of the Common
Stock of the Company by reason of a stock dividend,  stock split, combination of
shares,   recapitalization,   merger,   consolidation,   transfer   of   assets,
reorganization,  conversion  or what the  Committee  (defined in Section  4(a)),
deems in its sole discretion to be similar  circumstances,  the aggregate number
and kind of shares  which may be issued  under this Plan shall be  appropriately
adjusted  in a  manner  determined  in the  sole  discretion  of the  Committee.
Reacquired shares of the Company's Common Stock, as well as unissued shares, may
be used for the purpose of this Plan.  Common  Stock of the  Company  subject to
options which have terminated unexercised,  either in whole or in part, shall be
available for future options granted under this Plan.

3.       Class of Persons Eligible to Receive Options

         All officers, key employees and directors of, and important consultants
to,  the  Company  and any  present  or  future  Company  parent  or  subsidiary
corporation  are  eligible  to  receive  an option or  options  under this Plan,
provided, however, that Incentive Stock Options (defined in Section 5(a)) may be
issued  only to persons  who are  employees  of the  Company  or any  subsidiary
corporation.  The individuals  who shall, in fact,  receive an option or options
shall be selected by the Committee, in its sole discretion,  except as otherwise
specified in Section 4 hereof. No individual may receive options under this Plan
for more than 90% of the total  number of shares of the  Company's  Common Stock
authorized for issuance under this Plan.

4.       Administration of Plan

         (a)  This  Plan  shall  be   administered   by  the  Option   Committee
("Committee")  appointed by the Company's Board of Directors provided,  however,
that at the option of the Board of Directors,  the Plan may be  administered  by
the Board of Directors of the Corporation at any time and from time to time. The
Committee  shall  consist of a minimum of two members of the Board of Directors,
each of whom  shall be a  "Non-Employee  Director"  within  the  meaning of Rule
16b-3(b)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any future
corresponding  rule, except that the failure of the Committee or of the Board of
Directors for any reason to be composed solely of  Non-Employee  Directors shall
not  prevent  an option  from being  considered  granted  under  this Plan.  The
Committee  shall,  in  addition  to  its  other  authority  and  subject  to the
provisions of this Plan, determine which individuals shall in fact be granted an
option or options,  whether the option shall be an  Incentive  Stock Option or a
Non-Qualified  Stock  Option (as such terms are  defined in Section  5(a)),  the
number of  shares to be  subject  to each of the  options,  the time or times at
which the options  shall be  granted,  the rate of option  exercisability,  and,
subject  to  Section  5  hereof,  the  price at  which  each of the  options  is
exercisable  and the duration of the option.  The term  "Committee",  as used in
this Plan and the options granted  hereunder,  refers to the Committee or to the
Board of  Directors,  if the Board  elects to  administer  the Plan as  provided

         (b) The  Committee  shall  adopt  such  rules  for the  conduct  of its
business and administration of this Plan as it considers  desirable.  A majority
of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for all purposes.  The
vote or written  consent  of a majority  of the  members of the  Committee  on a
particular matter shall constitute the act of the Committee on such matter.  The
Committee  shall  have the right to  construe  the Plan and the  options  issued
pursuant  to  it,  to  correct   defects   and   omissions   and  to   reconcile
inconsistencies  to the extent  necessary to effectuate the Plan and the options
issued  pursuant to it, and such action shall be final,  binding and  conclusive
upon all parties concerned. No member of the Committee or the Board of Directors
shall be liable for any act or  omission  (whether  or not  negligent)  taken or
omitted in good faith, or for the exercise of an authority or discretion granted
in connection with the Plan to a Committee or the Board of Directors, or for the
acts or omissions of any other members of a Committee or the Board of Directors.
Subject  to the  numerical  limitations  on  Committee  membership  set forth in
Section 4(a) hereof,  the Board of Directors may at any time appoint  additional
members of the  Committee and may at any time remove any member of the Committee
with or without cause. Vacancies in the Committee, however caused, may be filled
by the Board of Directors.

5.       Incentive Stock Options and Non-Qualified Stock Options

         (a) Options issued pursuant to this Plan may be either  Incentive Stock
Options granted pursuant to Section 5(b) hereof or  Non-Qualified  Stock Options
granted  pursuant to Section 5(c) hereof,  as  determined by the  Committee.  An
"Incentive Stock Option" is an option which satisfies all of the requirements of
Section 422(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and
the  regulations  thereunder,  and a  "Non-Qualified  Stock Option" is an option
which  either  does not satisfy  all of those  requirements  or the terms of the
option  provide that it will not be treated as an Incentive  Stock  Option.  The
Committee  may grant both an Incentive  Stock Option and a  Non-Qualified  Stock
Option to the same  person,  or more than one of each type of option to the same

         The option price for  Incentive  Stock  Options  issued under this Plan
shall be equal at least to the fair  market  value  (as  defined  below)  of the
Company's  Common  Stock  on the  date of the  grant  of the  option,  provided,
however,  that if an Incentive  Stock Option is granted to an individual who, at
the time the  option is  granted,  is deemed to own more than 10  percent of the
total  combined  voting  power of all  classes  of stock of the  Company  or any
subsidiary  corporation  of the  Company  as more  fully  set  forth in  Section
422(b)(6) of the Code (after giving effect to the ownership attribution rules of
422(c)(5) of the Code) (a "10% Shareholder"),  such option shall comply with the
provisions  of Section  422(c)(5)  of the Code,  including  without  limitation,
requirements  that the option  price  shall not be less than 110  percent of the
fair market  value,  as  determined  by the  Committee  in  accordance  with its
interpretation  of  the  requirements  of  Section  422  of  the  Code  and  the
regulations  thereunder,  of the Company's  Common Stock on the date of grant of
the option,  and such option shall not be  exercisable  after the  expiration of
five years from the date the option is granted.

         The option price for Non-Qualified Stock Options issued under this Plan
may, in the sole discretion of the Committee, be less than the fair market value
of the Common Stock on the date of the grant of the option.

         The fair market value of the Company's  Common Stock on any  particular
date shall mean the last reported sale price of a share of the Company's  Common
Stock on any stock  exchange  on which such stock is then  listed or admitted to
trading,  or on the Nasdaq National Market or Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market,  on such
date,  or if no sale took place on such day,  the last such date on which a sale
took place,  or if the Common  Stock is not then  quoted on the Nasdaq  National
Market or the Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market,  or listed or admitted to trading on any
stock exchange,  the average of the bid and asked prices in the over-the-counter
market on such date,  or if none of the  foregoing,  a price  determined in good
faith by the  Committee  to equal the fair market  value per share of the Common

         (b) Subject to the authority of the Committee set forth in Section 4(a)
hereof, Incentive Stock Options issued to officers and key employees pursuant to
this Plan  shall be issued  substantially  in the form set forth in  Appendix  I
hereof,  which form is hereby  incorporated by reference and made a part hereof,
and shall contain  substantially  the terms and  conditions  set forth  therein.
Incentive  Stock Options shall not be  exercisable  after the  expiration of ten
years (five years in the case of 10%  Shareholders)  from the date such  options
are granted,  unless  terminated  earlier under the terms of the option.  At the
time of the grant of an Incentive Stock Option hereunder,  the Committee may, in
its  discretion,  amend or  supplement  any of the  option  terms  contained  in
Appendix I for any particular  optionee,  provided that the option as amended or
supplemented  satisfies the  requirements  of Section 422(b) of the Code and the
regulations  thereunder.  Each of the options  granted  pursuant to this Section
5(b) is intended, if possible, to be an "Incentive Stock Option" as that term is
defined in Section  422(b) of the Code and the  regulations  thereunder.  In the
event this Plan or any option  granted  pursuant to this  Section 5(b) is in any
way  inconsistent  with the  applicable  legal  requirements  of the Code or the
regulations  thereunder for an Incentive Stock Option, this Plan and such option
shall be deemed  automatically  amended as of the date hereof to conform to such
legal requirements, if such conformity may be achieved by amendment.

         (c) Subject to the authority of the Committee set forth in Section 4(a)
hereof,  Non-Qualified  Stock Options issued to officers and other key employees
pursuant  to this Plan  shall be issued  substantially  in the form set forth in
Appendix II hereof,  which form is hereby  incorporated  by reference and made a
part hereof, and shall contain  substantially the terms and conditions set forth
therein.  Subject to the  authority of the  Committee  set forth in Section 4(a)
hereof,   Non-Qualified   Stock  Options   issued  to  directors  and  important
consultants  pursuant to this Plan shall be issued substantially in the form set
forth in Appendix III hereof, which form is hereby incorporated by reference and
made a part hereof, and shall contain substantially the terms and conditions set
forth therein. Non-Qualified Stock Options shall expire ten years after the date
they are granted,  unless terminated earlier under the option terms. At the time
of granting a Non-Qualified  Stock Option  hereunder,  the Committee may, in its
discretion, amend or supplement any of the option terms contained in Appendix II
or Appendix III for any particular optionee.

         (d)  Neither  the  Company  nor any of its  current  or future  parent,
subsidiaries or affiliates, nor their officers, directors,  shareholders,  stock
option plan  committees,  employees  or agents  shall have any  liability to any
optionee in the event (i) an option granted pursuant to Section 5(b) hereof does
not  qualify  as an  "Incentive  Stock  Option"  as that term is used in Section
422(b) of the Code and the  regulations  thereunder;  (ii) any optionee does not
obtain the tax treatment  pertaining to an Incentive Stock Option;  or (iii) any
option granted pursuant to Section 5(c) hereof is an "Incentive Stock Option."

6.       Amendment, Supplement, Suspension and Termination

         Options shall not be granted pursuant to this Plan after the expiration
of ten years from the date the Plan is adopted by the Board of  Directors of the
Company. The Board of Directors reserves the right at any time, and from time to
time, to amend or supplement this Plan and outstanding options granted under the
Plan in any way, or to suspend or terminate the Plan, effective as of such date,
which date may be either  before or after the taking of such  action,  as may be
specified by the Board of Directors;  provided,  however, that such action shall
not  adversely  affect  holders of options  granted  under the Plan prior to the
actual date on which such action occurred. If an amendment or supplement of this
Plan is required by the Code or the regulations thereunder to be approved by the
shareholders of the Company in order to permit the granting of "Incentive  Stock
Options" (as that term is defined in Section 422(b) of the Code and  regulations
thereunder)  pursuant to the amended or  supplemented  Plan,  such  amendment or
supplement  shall also be  approved by the  shareholders  of the Company in such
manner as is prescribed by the Code and the regulations thereunder. If the Board
of Directors voluntarily submits a proposed amendment, supplement, suspension or
termination for  shareholder  approval,  such  submission  shall not require any
future  amendments,  supplements,  suspensions or  terminations  (whether or not
relating to the same provision or subject matter) to be similarly  submitted for
shareholder approval.

7.       Effectiveness of Plan

         This Plan shall  become  effective  on the date of its  adoption by the
Company's Board of Directors,  subject however to approval by the holders of the
Company's  Common  Stock  in the  manner  as  prescribed  in the  Code  and  the
regulations  thereunder.  Options  may be  granted  under  this  Plan  prior  to
obtaining shareholder  approval,  provided such options shall not be exercisable
until shareholder approval is obtained.

8.       General Conditions

         (a) Nothing  contained in this Plan or any option  granted  pursuant to
this Plan shall  confer upon any employee the right to continue in the employ of
the Company or any affiliated or subsidiary  corporation or interfere in any way
with the rights of the Company or any  affiliated or subsidiary  corporation  to
terminate his employment in any way.

         (b) Nothing  contained in this Plan or any option  granted  pursuant to
this Plan shall confer upon any director or consultant  the right to continue as
a director of, or  consultant  to, the Company or any  affiliated  or subsidiary
corporation  or  interfere  in any way with the  rights  of the  Company  or any
affiliated or  subsidiary  corporation,  or their  respective  shareholders,  to
terminate the directorship of any such director or the consultancy  relationship
of any such consultant.

         (c)  Corporate  action  constituting  an offer of stock for sale to any
person  under the terms of the options to be granted  hereunder  shall be deemed
complete as of the date when the Committee authorizes the grant of the option to
the such  person,  regardless  of when the option is actually  delivered to such
person or acknowledged or agreed to by him.

         (d) The terms "parent corporation" and "subsidiary corporation" as used
throughout  this Plan,  and the options  granted  pursuant  to this Plan,  shall
(except as  otherwise  provided  in the option  form) have the  meaning  that is
ascribed  to that  term when  contained  in  Section  422(b) of the Code and the
regulations  thereunder,  and the  Company  shall be  deemed  to be the  grantor
corporation for purposes of applying such meaning.

         (e)  References  in this Plan to the Code shall be deemed to also refer
to the corresponding provisions of any future United States revenue law.

         (f) The use of the masculine  pronoun shall include the feminine gender
whenever appropriate.

                                   APPENDIX B

             Agreement between and among Paramark Enterprises, Inc.,
                    TJ Holding Company, Inc. and Arby's, Inc.
                             dated June 30, 1998 and
                       Form of Wholesale License Agreement
                            between Arby's, Inc. and
                           Paramark Enterprises, Inc.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


                           Section 1.1      Assignment of the TJC License 
                                            Agreements                       2
                           Section 1.2      Closure of Poughkeepsie Bakery   3
                           Section 1.3      Consideration                    3
                           Section 1.4      Additional Consideration         3
                           Section 1.5      Off-Set of Deferred Payments     5
                           Section 1.6      The Closing                      5
                           Section 1.7      No Assumption of Liabilities     5

                           Section 2.1      Discharge and Release            6
                           Section 2.2      Termination of Agreements        6
                           Section 2.3      Accounting                       6
                           Section 2.4      Continuing Restrictions and 
                                            Obligations                      6

ARTICLE 3  REPRESENTATIONS OF PARAMARK                                       6
                           Section 3.1      Organization and Authority       6
                           Section 3.2      Authorization; No Conflicts      7
                           Section 3.3      Ownership of the TJC License 
                                            Agreements                       7
                           Section 3.4      Litigation                       8
                           Section 3.5      Financial Statements             8
                           Section 3.6      Franchises                       8
                           Section 3.7      Approvals                        9
                           Section 3.8      Contracts and Commitments        9
                           Section 3.9      Compliance with Laws             9
                           Section 3.10     Disclosure                       9
                           Section 3.11     Absence of Certain Changes       9
                           Section 3.12     Product Liability               10
                           Section 3.13     Finders                         10
                           Section 3.14     Undisclosed Liabilities         10
                           Section 3.15     Financial Condition             10
                           Section 3.16     The Purchase Agreement          11

ARTICLE 4  REPRESENTATIONS OF TJHC                                          11
                           Section 4.1      Organization and Authority      11
                           Section 4.2      Authorization; No Conflicts     11
                           Section 4.3      Regulatory Approvals            12
                           Section 4.4      Finders                         12
                           Section 4.5      The Purchase Agreement          12
                           Section 4.6      Disclosure                      12

ARTICLE 5  REPRESENTATIONS OF ARBY'S                                        12
                           Section 5.1      Organization and Authority      12
                           Section 5.2      Authorization; No Conflicts     12
                           Section 5.3      Regulatory Approvals            13
                           Section 5.4      Finders                         13
                           Section 5.5      The Purchase Agreement          13
                           Section 5.6      Disclosure                      13

ARTICLE 6  COVENANTS OF PARAMARK                                            14
                           Section 6.1      Interim Operations of Paramark  14
                           Section 6.2      Access to Information           14
                           Section 6.3      Consents and Approvals          15
                           Section 6.4      Additional Agreements           15
                           Section 6.5      Notification of Certain Matters 15
                           Section 6.6      SEC Filings                     16
                           Section 6.7      Continuation of Business.       16
                           Section 6.8      Shareholder Approval            16

                           Section 7.1      Truth of  Representations and
                                            Warranties of Paramark; Compliance 
                                            with Covenants and Obligations  17
                           Section 7.2      Closing Deliveries              17
                           Section 7.3      Corporate Proceedings           17
                           Section 7.4      Government Approvals            17
                           Section 7.5      Third Party Consents            17
                           Section 7.6      Bulk Sales Law Compliance       18
                           Section 7.7      Adverse Proceedings             18
                           Section 7.8      Financial Condition             18
                           Section 7.9      Termination of Broker Contracts 18

                           Section 8.1      Truth of Representations and 
                                            Warranties of TJHC and Arby's;  
                                            Compliance with Covenants and
                                            Obligations                     18
                           Section 8.2      Government   Approvals          19
                           Section 8.3      Corporate   Proceedings         19
                           Section 8.4      Adverse Proceedings             19
                           Section 8.5      Fairness Opinion                19

ARTICLE 9  INDEMNIFICATION                                                  19
                           Section 9.1      Indemnification of TJHC and 
                                            Paramark for Misrepresentations 19
                           Section 9.2      Indemnification of Arby's and 
                                            Paramark for Misrepresentations 20
                           Section 9.3      Survival of Representations     20
                           Section 9.4      Paramark's Indemnity            20
                           Section 9.5      TJHC's and Arby's Indemnity     20
                           Section 9.6      Notice for Claims of 
                                            Indemnification                 20
                           Section 9.7      Defense by Indemnifying Party   21
                           Section 9.8      Indemnification Under the 
                                            Purchase Agreement              21

ARTICLE 10 GENERAL PROVISIONS                                               22
                           Section 10.1     Termination                     22
                           Section 10.2     Effect of Termination           22
                           Section 10.3     Notices                         22
                           Section 10.4     Successors and Assigns          23
                           Section 10.5     Amendments                      23
                           Section 10.6     Waivers                         23
                           Section 10.7     Expenses                        24
                           Section 10.8     Construction                    24
                           Section 10.9     Interpretation                  24
                           Section 10.10    Governing Law                   24
                           Section 10.11    No Third Party Beneficiaries    24
                           Section 10.12    Waiver of Jury Trial            24
                           Section 10.13    Entire Agreement                24




SCHEDULE 3.7                APPROVAL AND FILINGS (of Paramark)
SCHEDULE 5.3                REGULATORY APPROVALS (of Arby's)


         This Agreement (the "Agreement"),  dated June 30, 1998, is by and among
Paramark  Enterprises,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("Paramark"),  TJ Holding
Company,  Inc., a Delaware corporation ("TJHC"),  and Arby's, Inc., d/b/a Triarc
Restaurant Group, a Delaware corporation ("Arby's").  Paramark, TJHC, and Arby's
are   collectively   referred  to  in  this  Agreement  as  the  "Parties"  and,
individually, as a "Party."


A. Pursuant to a purchase  agreement  (the "Purchase  Agreement")  dated June 3,
1996, TJHC acquired certain proprietary marks (the "Proprietary Marks"),  secret
recipes,  and technical  information (the Proprietary Marks, secret recipes, and
technical information are collectively  referred to as "Intellectual  Property")
related to a system (the "TJC System") owned by Paramark, formerly known as T.J.
Cinnamons,  Inc.,  for  developing  and operating  food service  units  offering
gourmet   cinnamon  rolls  and  other  bakery  items  ("TJC   Products").   TJHC
subsequently  licensed its affiliate Arby's to use and license others to use the
Intellectual Property.  Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, T.J. Cinnamons, Inc.
changed its name to Paramark Enterprises, Inc.

B. Paramark owns and operates, and franchises others ("Franchisees") to operate,
retail locations ("TJC Bakeries")  using the Intellectual  Property  pursuant to
franchise  agreements  ("Franchise  Agreements");  licenses  or  permits  others
("Retail  Licensees") to use the  Intellectual  Property to prepare and sell TJC
Products at or from  certain  retail  locations  other than TJC  Bakeries  ("TJC
Retail Locations"),  prepares and sells at wholesale ("Wholesale Accounts"), for
resale through retail food stores,  certain TJC Products,  and markets and sells
certain TJC Products for sale to Wholesale  Accounts  through  independent  food
brokers ("Brokers"). The Franchisees,  Retail Licensees, Wholesale Accounts, and
Brokers are referred to herein as the "TJC  Licensees".  The agreements  between
Paramark and the Franchisees,  Retail Licensees, Wholesale Accounts, and Brokers
are referred to herein, in the aggregate, as the "TJC License Agreements".

C. Arby's and Paramark  entered into a License  Agreement dated August 29, 1996,
whereby Paramark was authorized to use the Intellectual  Property to prepare and
sell TJC Products at one specified retail location (the "Poughkeepsie  Bakery");
distribute  and authorize TJC  Wholesale  Licensees to distribute  TJC Products,
subject to certain  conditions;  and to fulfill  the  obligations  under the TJC
License Agreements, including the continuity of rights of Franchisees and Retail
Licensees to prepare and sell TJC Products, and to use the Intellectual Property
in connection therewith.

D. On August 29,  1996,  TJHC and Paramark  entered into a management  agreement
(the  "Management  Agreement"),  and on  August  29,  1996,  TJHC  assigned  the
Management Agreement to Arby's,  whereby Arby's agreed to manage and operate the
business of Paramark related to the TJC Bakeries, the Franchise Agreements,  the
Poughkeepsie Bakery, and the Retail Locations.  The Purchase Agreement,  License
Agreement,  and Management  Agreement are referred to in the aggregate herein as
the "TJC Agreements."

E. Pursuant to the License Agreement:

                  (a)  Charles  N.  Loccisano  and Alan  Gottlich  entered  into
                  Confidentiality and Non- Competition  Agreements with TJHC and
                  Arby's, dated August 29, 1996.

                  (b) Joseph  Mammarella  and  Vincent  Loccisano  entered  into
                  Confidentiality  Agreements with TJHC and Arby's, dated August
                  29, 1996; and

                  (c) Saul Feiger and Alan Gottlich,  as trustees of the Charles
                  N. Loccisano Irrevocable Trust F/B/O Michael Loccisano and the
                  Charles  N.   Loccisano   Irrevocable   Trust  F/B/O   Marissa
                  Loccisano,  entered into a Stock  Restriction  Agreement  with
                  TJHC and Arby's.

F. The Parties  wish to  terminate  the TJC  Agreements,  except with respect to
certain   indemnification   obligations  and  survival  of  representations  and
warranties, as provided in this Agreement.

G.  Subject to and upon the terms and  conditions  set forth in this  Agreement,
Paramark  wishes to  assign  to TJHC all of its  rights  and  obligations  under
certain TJC License Agreements,  and TJHC wishes to assume all of the rights and
obligations  of Paramark under certain TJC License  Agreements.  All TJC License
Agreements not assigned to TJHC will be terminated.

         Therefore,  in  consideration  of the mutual  covenants and  conditions
contained in this Agreement, Paramark, TJHC, and Arby's agree as follows:


Section 1.1       Assignment of the TJC License Agreements.  Subject to and upon
                  the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  on the Closing
                  Date (as defined in Section  1.6),  Paramark  shall  transfer,
                  convey,  assign,  and deliver to TJHC,  and TJHC shall  assume
                  from Paramark,  free and clear of any and all pledges,  liens,
                  security   interests,    restrictions,    prior   assignments,
                  encumbrances,  or claims of any kind or nature  (collectively,
                  "Liens,"  and each a  "Lien")  (a) all of  Paramark's  rights,
                  obligations,  title,  and interest in,  under,  and to the TJC
                  License   Agreements   identified  in  Schedule  1.1  to  this
                  Agreement;  and (b) upon the  expiration or termination of the
                  Wholesale License Agreement referred to in Section 1.4.1, such
                  inventory,   product   ingredients,   and  materials  used  in
                  producing   the  TJC   Products   that  use  or  include   the
                  Intellectual Property, and other assets identified in Schedule
                  1.1  that are  owned or  controlled  by  Paramark  and used by
                  Paramark in conjunction  with Paramark's  operations under the
                  TJC License Agreements or the Wholesale License Agreement.


Section 1.2       Closure of Poughkeepsie Bakery. On or before the Closing Date,
                  Paramark shall cease operating the  Poughkeepsie  Bakery,  and
                  cease using the Proprietary  Marks or any of the  Intellectual
                  Property at the site of the Poughkeepsie  Bakery, and Paramark
                  shall  terminate  the lease for such  site.  TJHC shall pay to
                  Paramark an amount not to exceed one half (1/2) of  Paramark's
                  "buy-out costs" that Paramark actually pays to the landlord of
                  the site upon termination of the lease for the site.  "Buy-out
                  costs" shall mean the net present value of the remaining  rent
                  payments  that  would be due under the lease  from the date of
                  termination  until  the  end  of  the  lease,  which  Paramark
                  represents  is not later  than June 30,  1999.  Buy-out  costs
                  shall  include  only the per square foot rental  charges,  and
                  shall exclude common area maintenance charges, taxes, or other
                  charges and expenses under the lease.  TJHC shall pay Paramark
                  the amount  specified  under this Section 1.2 thirty (30) days
                  following  TJHC's  receipt of a  statement  from the  landlord
                  specifying  Paramark's  buy-out  costs  actually  paid  to the

Section 1.3       Consideration.  The  consideration  to be paid by TJHC for the
                  assignment  of the TJC License  Agreements by Paramark and the
                  performance  of  all  of  its  obligation   pursuant  to  this
                  Agreement  (the  "Price"),   shall  be  Four  Million  Dollars
                  ($4,000,000), which shall be paid as follows:

        1.3.1     Cash at the  Closing  in the amount of Three  Million  Dollars

        1.3.2     Delivery  at  the  Closing  of a  promissory  note  (the  "New
                  Promissory  Note"),  substantially in the form of Exhibit A to
                  this Agreement, in the principal amount of One Million Dollars
                  ($1,000,000),  without interest,  payable in twenty-four equal
                  monthly   installments  of  Forty-One   Thousand  Six  Hundred
                  Sixty-Six  Dollars and sixty-seven  cents  ($41,666.67) on the
                  first  (1st)  day of each  month  following  the  month of the
                  Closing Date, provided,  however,  that such payments shall be
                  subject to the  provisions  of Section  1.5.  All  payments of
                  principal on the New  Promissory  Note will be  guaranteed  by
                  Triarc Companies, Inc. (the "Guaranty"). The Guaranty shall be
                  substantially in the form attached here to as Exhibit B.

Section 1.4       Additional  Consideration.  In addition  to the  consideration
                  specified in Section 1.3 above, TJHC shall pay to Paramark the
                  following amounts  ("Additional  Consideration") in accordance
                  with the following terms and conditions:


        1.4.1     Upon  execution of this  Agreement,  Paramark shall execute an
                  agreement  with  Arby's  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  C (the
                  "Wholesale License  Agreement") whereby Paramark will have the
                  right to produce  and  distribute  certain  TJC  Products,  as
                  specifically set forth in the Wholesale License Agreement, for
                  a limited period of time.

        1.4.2     Provided  that  Paramark is operating in  compliance  with the
                  Wholesale License Agreement,  Arby's shall be obligated to pay
                  to Paramark the following  amounts if, for the period  January
                  1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 ("Fiscal  1998"),  the total
                  Net Sales (as defined in the Wholesale  License  Agreement) of
                  TJC  Products  sold  by  Paramark  to the  Wholesale  Accounts
                  assigned to TJHC  hereunder  and  specified  in the  Wholesale
                  License  Agreement  meet or  exceed  the  following  Net Sales
                  targets:   If the total Net Sales for Fiscal  1998 exceed Two Million Two
                  Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,250,000), but do not exceed
                  Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars  ($2,700,000),  the
                  Additional  Consideration  shall be Two Hundred Fifty Thousand
                  Dollars ($250,000);   If the total Net Sales for  Fiscal  1998  exceed  Two  Million
                  Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,700,000), but do not exceed
                  Three Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($3,150,000),
                  the Additional  Consideration  shall be Five Hundred  Thousand
                  Dollars ($500,000);   If the total Net Sales for Fiscal  1998 exceed  Three  Million
                  One Hundred Fifty Thousand  Dollars  ($3,150,000),  but do not
                  exceed   Three   Million   Six   Hundred    Thousand   Dollars
                  ($3,600,000),  the  Additional  Consideration  shall  be Seven
                  Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000);   If the total Net Sales for Fiscal  1998 exceed  Three  Million
                  Six Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($3,600,000),  the  Additional
                  Consideration will be One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).

        1.4.3     Paramark  shall  provide  to TJHC and Arby's  monthly  reports
                  concerning  Net Sales,  within fifteen (15) days following the
                  end of each  month,  and shall  provide  TJHC and Arby's  with
                  copies  of  all  of  Paramark's  quarterly  filings  with  the
                  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  within  ten (10)  days
                  following  such  filings.  All Net Sales  shall be  subject to
                  verification  and/or audit by TJHC at any time. The Additional
                  Consideration,  if any, shall not be paid unless  Paramark has
                  provided (a) a final Net Sales  report;  and (b) either (i) an
                  audited financial  statement for Fiscal 1998, or (ii) an audit
                  of the final Net  Sales  report.  Any  payment  of  Additional
                  Consideration  shall be subject to offset as  provided  for in
                  Section  1.5.  The audited  financial  statement  or unaudited
                  final Net Sales report shall  segregate  clearly Net Sales (as
                  defined in the Wholesale  License  Agreement) as separate line
                  items, and shall include data by SKUs (Stockkeeping units) and
                  by vendor. Any Additional  Consideration shall be paid fifteen
                  (15)  business  days  following  delivery  of the later of (a)
                  Paramark's  audited  financial  statements for Fiscal 1998, or
                  (b) the audited  final Net Sales  report,  provided  that such
                  information is acceptable to TJHC, based on TJHC's  reasonable
                  discretion or reasonable verification.


Section 1.5       Off-Set of Deferred  Payments.  All payments owed by Arby's or
                  TJHC to Paramark  under  Section 1.3.2 or Section 1.4 shall be
                  reduced  by any  amount  claimed  as damages by TJHC or Arby's
                  under  Section  9.1  or  Section  9.4  of  this  Agreement  in
                  connection with any misrepresentation,  breach of warranty, or
                  non-  fulfillment  of or  failure  to  perform  any  covenant,
                  condition,  or agreement of Paramark set forth in, or attached
                  to, this  Agreement,  any  transactions  contemplated  by this
                  Agreement,  or  any  statement,   certificate,   schedule,  or
                  document  furnished  pursuant to this Agreement,  or any other
                  claim against  Paramark  subject to the  provisions of Section
                  9.1 or 9.4  hereof.  Any  amount  not  paid by TJHC or  Arby's
                  pursuant to Section  1.3.2 or Section 1.4 shall be credited to
                  satisfy any final and unappealable judgment awarded to TJHC or
                  Arby's in any proceedings to the extent of such award, and the
                  remainder,  if any,  shall be paid to  Paramark.  In the event
                  Paramark shall  ultimately not be found liable for any damages
                  to or  costs of TJHC or  Arby's  in a final  and  unappealable
                  judgment,  the full amount  shall be paid by TJHC or Arby's to

Section 1.6       The  Closing.  The  closing of the  transactions  contemplated
                  hereby  (the  "Closing")  shall take  place at the  offices of
                  Rudnick,  Wolfe,  Epstien & Zeidman,  located at 1201 New York
                  Avenue,  N.W.,  Penthouse,  Washington,  D.C.  (a) on July 31,
                  1998,  at  10:00  a.m.;  or (b) as  soon  as  practical  after
                  Paramark receives shareholder approval of the transaction;  or
                  (c) at such  other  place,  time,  or date as may be  mutually
                  agreed upon in writing by the Parties  (the  "Closing  Date"),
                  upon  satisfaction of the conditions as set forth in Article 7
                  and  Article 8 of this  Agreement.  The  transactions  to take
                  place  at the  Closing  are set  forth  in  Exhibit  D to this

Section 1.7       No Assumption of Liabilities.  Except as set forth in Schedule
                  1.7, neither TJHC nor Arby's has assumed and shall not assume,
                  any  liabilities  or  obligations  of  any  nature,  known  or
                  unknown, existing or contingent of Paramark, except TJHC shall
                  assume all  obligations of Paramark to TJC Licensees under the
                  TJC License  Agreements  existing on or after the Closing Date
                  arising  out of TJHC's  conduct on or after the  Closing  Date
                  pursuant   to   an   Assignment   and   Assumption   Agreement
                  substantially  in the  form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  E.
                  Without limiting the foregoing,  neither TJHC nor Arby's shall
                  assume any contract,  or any liability or obligation under any
                  contract,  between Paramark and a food broker,  wholesaler, or
                  retail account.



Section 2.1       Discharge  and Release.  At the Closing Date,  Paramark  shall
                  release  and  discharge  TJHC and  Arby's  and TJHC and Arby's
                  shall each release and discharge Paramark, with respect to all
                  obligations  of TJHC or Arby's to Paramark or Paramark to TJHC
                  or Arby's  after the Closing  Date  pursuant to any of the TJC
                  Agreements,  and such other liabilities and obligations as are
                  set  forth in the  release  and  discharge.  The  release  and
                  discharge shall be substantially in the form of Exhibit F.

Section 2.2       Termination  of Agreements.  At the Closing Date,  TJHC and/or
                  Arby's will terminate the  Confidentiality and Non-Competition
                  Agreements   executed  by  Charles  N.  Loccisano,   and  Alan
                  Gottlich,  and  TJHC or  Arby's  shall  pay to  Loccisano  and
                  Gottlich  any  payments  due  under  the  Confidentiality  and
                  Non-Competition Agreements

Section 2.3       Accounting.   Paramark  shall  conduct  an  inventory  of  all
                  products,  ingredients,  and materials  used by Paramark under
                  the License  Agreement,  as of midnight the day  preceding the
                  Closing Date, and shall provide such inventory list to TJHC or
                  Arby's on the Closing Date.

Section 2.4       Continuing Restrictions and Obligations.  In order to ensure a
                  smooth  transition  and  assignment of Wholesale  Accounts and
                  agreements  with  Brokers,  if any,  Arby's and Paramark  will
                  enter  into the  Wholesale  License  Agreement.  Further,  and
                  notwithstanding   the  execution  of  the  Wholesale   License
                  Agreement,   Paramark,   Paramark's   affiliates,    including
                  Interbake  Brands,  Inc.,  Loccisano  and Gottlich  each shall
                  execute a confidentiality and non-competition  agreement, each
                  substantially in the form of Exhibit G, Exhibit H, and Exhibit
                  I, to the Agreement, respectively.


         Paramark represents and warrants to each of TJHC and Arby's as follows:

Section 3.1       Organization  and  Authority.  Paramark is a corporation  duly
                  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good standing under the
                  laws of the state of Delaware; and has all requisite power and
                  authority  (corporate  and  other) to own its  properties,  to
                  carry on its business as now being  conducted,  to perform its
                  obligations under the TJC License  Agreements,  to execute and
                  deliver this Agreement and all other  agreements  contemplated
                  hereby,  to perform its obligations  hereunder and thereunder,
                  and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.


Section 3.2       Authorization;  No  Conflicts.  The  execution and delivery by
                  Paramark of this Agreement and the  performance by Paramark of
                  its   obligations   hereunder   have  been  duly  and  validly
                  authorized by all requisite  corporate  action.  All requisite
                  corporate actions,  including,  without limitation,  obtaining
                  shareholders'  approval of this Agreement and the contemplated
                  transactions,  shall be completed  prior to the Closing.  This
                  Agreement  constitutes,  and  each  of  the  other  agreements
                  referred to herein, when executed, will constitute,  the valid
                  and  legally  binding  obligations  of  Paramark,  enforceable
                  against  Paramark in accordance with their  respective  terms.
                  The execution,  delivery,  and  performance of this Agreement,
                  and  the   consummation   by  Paramark  of  the   transactions
                  contemplated  hereby,  do not and will not, (a) conflict with,
                  violate  or  breach  the  provisions  of  any  law,  rule,  or
                  regulation applicable to Paramark; (b) conflict with, violate,
                  or  breach  any   provision  of  Paramark's   Certificate   of
                  Incorporation or Bylaws; (c) conflict with, violate, or breach
                  any judgment,  decree,  order, or award of any court, arbitral
                  tribunal,   administrative  agency  or  commission,  or  other
                  government  entity or  regulatory  authority  or  agency;  (d)
                  constitute  a  fraudulent  conveyance  under  any state law or
                  federal  bankruptcy law; or (e) conflict with or result in the
                  breach  or  termination  of  any  term  or  provision  of  any
                  agreement  or  instrument  to which  Paramark is a party or by
                  which Paramark is or may be bound.

Section 3.3       Ownership  of the TJC  License  Agreements.  Paramark  has all
                  exclusive  rights,  title,  and  interest  in and  to the  TJC
                  License Agreements;  and will transfer, convey, and assign the
                  TJC License Agreements to TJHC at the Closing,  free and clear
                  of any Liens.  Each of the TJC License  Agreements  is binding
                  upon the parties thereto,  is in full force and effect, and is
                  not  subject  to the  payment  of any taxes of any kind or the
                  taking  of any other  actions  by  Paramark  to  maintain  its
                  validity or  effectiveness;  and (i) there are no restrictions
                  on the direct or indirect  transfer and  assignment of the TJC
                  License Agreements,  or any interest therein, held by Paramark
                  in respect of the TJC Licenses Agreement; and (ii) Paramark is
                  not, nor has it received any notice that it is, in default (or
                  with the giving of any notice or lapse or time or both,  would
                  be  in  default)  under  any  TJC  License  Agreement  or  any
                  contract,  agreement,  or understanding  with respect thereto.
                  The  delivery  to  TJHC  of  the   Assignment  and  Assumption
                  Agreement contemplated by this Agreement will exclusively vest
                  all of Paramark's  rights,  title, and interest in and to each
                  TJC  License  Agreements  and  the  goodwill  relating  to  or
                  associated with each TJC License Agreement,  in TJHC, free and
                  clear of any Liens.


Section 3.4       Litigation.  There  is no  litigation,  suit,  claim,  action,
                  investigation, dispute, proceeding, or controversy, pending or
                  threatened,  before any court, administrative agency, or other
                  governmental  authority or arbitrator relating to or affecting
                  the rights and  obligations  of Paramark under any TJC License
                  Agreement  or  any  other   agreement  or  contract   used  or
                  previously used in connection  with Paramark's  operation of a
                  franchise system that used the Proprietary Marks.  Paramark is
                  not aware of any facts or circumstances  that could reasonably
                  be  interpreted  to give  rise to any such  litigation,  suit,
                  claim,  action,   investigation,   dispute,   proceeding,   or
                  controversy with respect thereto. Paramark is not in violation
                  of or in default with respect to any judgement,  order,  writ,
                  injunction,  decree,  or  rule  of any  court,  administrative
                  agency,   governmental  authority,   or  arbitrator,   or  any
                  regulation  of  any  administrative   agency  or  governmental
                  authority which would adversely affect  Paramark's  rights and
                  obligations  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or any TJC  License
                  Agreement.  There is no unsatisfied judgement,  order, decree,
                  stipulation,  or injunction  against Paramark  relating to the
                  obligations  of Paramark  under any TJC License  Agreement nor
                  any  claim,  dispute,  complaint,  action,  suit,  proceeding,
                  hearing,  or  investigation  of, in any court or  governmental
                  entity or before any arbitrator,  to which Paramark is a party
                  or is threatened to be made a party.

Section 3.5       Financial  Statements.  Attached as Schedule  3.5 are complete
                  copies of Paramark's  financial  statements  (balance  sheets,
                  statements  of  operation,   and   statements  of  cash  flow;
                  collectively  the "Financial  Statements")  audited as of, and
                  for the fiscal year ended,  December 31, 1997.  The  Financial
                  Statements fairly present the financial  condition of Paramark
                  as of the date indicated, the results of operations, the sales
                  of TJC Products,  and the revenues  from Retail  Licensees and
                  Wholesale  Accounts for the respective period  specified,  and
                  have been  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
                  accounting principles applied on a consistent basis. Since the
                  date of the  Financial  Statements,  there  has not  been  any
                  change  or any event or  development  which,  individually  or
                  together  with  other  such  events  or  developments,   could
                  reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse  effect on,
                  the condition (financial or otherwise), results of operations,
                  business,  or  assets  of,  or the  sale of TJC  Products  by,
                  Paramark, or the prospects of the TJC Licensees.

Section 3.6       Franchises. Attached as Schedule 3.6 is a complete list of all
                  of the locations of TJC  Bakeries,  and Paramark has delivered
                  to TJHC and Arby's,  on or prior to the date hereof, a copy of
                  the Franchise  Agreements  currently in effect, as of the date
                  hereof,  with respect to each of the TJC  Bakeries  (excluding
                  the  Poughkeepsie  Bakery owned and operated by Paramark)  and
                  all  amendments  thereto.   Other  than  as  provided  in  the
                  Franchise  Agreements,  there are no outstanding  commitments,
                  promises,  agreements,  or  understandings,  either written or
                  verbal,  which have been made by Paramark  with respect to the
                  rights and obligations of any of the Franchisees.


Section 3.7       Approvals. All consents, approvals,  authorizations, and other
                  requirements required by any TJC Agreements,  or prescribed by
                  any  law,  rule,  or  regulation  which  must be  obtained  or
                  satisfied by Paramark,  which are  necessary for the execution
                  and delivery of this  Agreement and the other  documents to be
                  executed  and  delivered by Paramark in  connection  with this
                  Agreement are set forth in Schedule 3.7 attached  hereto,  and
                  have been,  or will be,  obtained and  satisfied  prior to the
                  Closing.  Paramark  is not  required  to  submit  any  notice,
                  report,  or  other  filing  with  or to  any  third  party  or
                  governmental   entity  in  connection   with  the   execution,
                  delivery, or performance of this Agreement by Paramark, except
                  as shown in Schedule 3.7.

Section 3.8       Contracts   and   Commitments.   There   are  no   contractual
                  commitments, whether written or oral of Paramark, with respect
                  to the TJC License  Agreements  other than those  contained in
                  the  TJC  License  Agreements.   Paramark  has  not  breached,
                  received any written claim or threat that it has breached,  or
                  received  any  material  oral  claim  or  threat  that  it has
                  materially breached, any of the terms or conditions of the TJC
                  License  Agreements.  Except  as set  forth in  Schedule  3.8,
                  Paramark  is not  aware of any  breach of any of the terms and
                  conditions  of  the  TJC  License   Agreements  or  any  other
                  agreements,  contracts, or commitments used or previously used
                  in  connection  with  the TJC  System,  by any  party  to such
                  agreements,   contracts,   or  commitments  or  any  of  their
                  successors or assigns.

Section 3.9       Compliance with Laws.  Paramark is not, nor has it at any time
                  within the last five (5) years been,  nor has it received  any
                  notice  that it is or has at any time within the last five (5)
                  years  been,  in  violation  of or in  default  under,  in any
                  material respect, any law or order applicable to Paramark, the
                  TJC Products, or the TJC System, including any franchise sales
                  or relationship laws.

Section 3.10      Disclosure.  No representation or warranty by Paramark in this
                  Agreement or in any exhibit,  list,  statement,  document,  or
                  information set forth in or attached to any schedule delivered
                  or to be  delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement,  contains or
                  will contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or omits
                  or will omit any material fact  necessary in order to make the
                  statements   contained  in  this  Agreement  not   misleading.
                  Paramark has disclosed to TJHC all material  facts  pertaining
                  to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

Section 3.11      Absence of Certain  Changes.  Since  December  31,  1997,  and
                  except as set forth in Schedule 3.11,  there has been no event
                  or occurrence,  nor sale, lease,  license,  or purchase of any
                  tangible or intangible  asset, or occurrence,  that has had or
                  could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect
                  on Paramark, its financial condition or business operations.


Section 3.12      Product  Liability.  Except  as set  forth in  Schedule  3.12,
                  Paramark  does not have any  liability  (and there is no basis
                  for any present or future  charge,  complaint,  action,  suit,
                  proceeding, hearing,  investigation,  claim, or demand against
                  Paramark  giving  rise to any  liability)  arising  out of any
                  injury to persons or  property  as a result of the  ownership,
                  possession,  or use  of any  product  manufactured,  sold,  or
                  delivered by Paramark or any TJC Licensee from or with respect
                  to the TJC Products, prior to the date hereof.

Section 3.13      Finders. No broker's,  finder's,  or any similar fee have been
                  incurred by or on behalf of Paramark  in  connection  with the
                  origin,   negotiation,   execution,  or  performance  of  this
                  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby for which
                  TJHC or Arby's shall have any liability.

Section 3.14      Undisclosed Liabilities.  Paramark does not have any liability
                  related to its business (and there is no basis for any present
                  or  future  charge,   complaint,   action,  suit,  proceeding,
                  hearing,  investigation,  claim,  or demand  against it giving
                  rise to any  liability),  except for (a) liabilities set forth
                  on the face of the Financial  Statements  and (b)  liabilities
                  which have arisen after the date of the  Financial  Statements
                  in the ordinary  course of business,  none of which relates to
                  any   breach   of   contract,   breach  of   warranty,   tort,
                  infringement,  or violation of law or arose out of any charge,
                  complaint, action, suit, proceeding,  hearing,  investigation,
                  claim, or demand.

Section 3.15      Financial  Condition.   Paramark  is  not  entering  into  the
                  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement with the actual
                  intent to hinder,  delay,  or defraud either present or future
                  creditors. On and as of the Closing:

        3.15.1    the present fair salable value of the assets of Paramark (on a
                  going  concern  basis) will exceed the  probable  liability of
                  Paramark on its debts (including its contingent obligations);

        3.15.2    Paramark  has not  incurred,  nor does it intend to or believe
                  that it will incur, debts (including  contingent  obligations)
                  beyond its  ability  to pay such  debts as such  debts  mature
                  (taking  into  account  the timing  and  amounts of cash to be
                  received  from any source,  and of amounts to be payable on or
                  in  respect of debts),  and the  amount of cash  available  to
                  Paramark after taking into account all other  anticipated uses
                  of  funds  is  anticipated  to be  sufficient  to pay all such
                  amounts  on or in  respect  to debts,  when such  amounts  are
                  required to be paid; and

        3.15.3    Paramark  will have  sufficient  capital with which to conduct
                  its  present  and  proposed  business,  and  the  property  of
                  Paramark  does  not and will not  constitute  an  unreasonably
                  small  amount of capital  with which to conduct its present or
                  proposed business.

                  In addition,  Paramark will be solvent as of the Closing Date,
                  as measured by its short term assets  exceeding its short term
                  liabilities, its total assets exceeding its total liabilities,
                  and that  Paramark  has paid,  and will  continue to pay,  its
                  debts as they come due.  Paramark  shall  furnish  to TJHC and
                  Arby's at  Closing  a  certificate,  signed by Alan  Gottlich,
                  attesting to the truth and accuracy of this representation.


Section 3.16      The Purchase Agreement.  The representations and warranties of
                  Paramark in the Purchase  Agreement are true and correct as of
                  the date of this Agreement,  and shall survive the termination
                  of the Purchase Agreement.


         TJHC represents and warrants to Paramark as follows:

Section 4.1       Organization  and  Authority.   TJHC  is  a  corporation  duly
                  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good standing under the
                  laws of the state  Delaware;  and has all requisite  power and
                  authority (corporate and other) to own its properties, and has
                  full power to execute and deliver this Agreement and all other
                  agreements  contemplated  hereby,  to perform its  obligations
                  hereunder and thereunder,  and to consummate the  transactions
                  contemplated thereby.

Section 4.2       Authorization;  No  Conflicts.  The  execution and delivery of
                  this Agreement and the  performance of TJHC of its obligations
                  hereunder by TJHC has been duly and validly  authorized by all
                  requisite corporate action. Without limiting the generality of
                  the  foregoing,  the  Board  of  Directors  of TJHC  has  duly
                  authorized  the  transactions  contemplated  by the Agreement.
                  This  Agreement and each of the other  agreements  referred to
                  herein,  when executed will  constitute  the valid and legally
                  binding  obligations  of  TJHC,  enforceable  against  TJHC in
                  accordance with their respective  terms,  except that (i) such
                  enforcement   may  be   subject  to   applicable   bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, or other similar laws, now or hereafter in effect,
                  affecting creditors' rights generally,  and (ii) the remedy of
                  specific   performance  and  injunctive  and  other  forms  of
                  equitable  relief may be subject to equitable  defenses and to
                  the  discretion  of the  court  before  which  any  proceeding
                  therefore  may  be  brought.  The  execution,   delivery,  and
                  performance of this Agreement, and the consummation by TJHC of
                  the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  will not, (a) violate
                  the provisions of any law,  rule, or regulation  applicable to
                  TJHC;  (b) conflict  with,  violate,  or breach a provision of
                  TJHC's  Certificate of Incorporation  or Bylaws;  (c) conflict
                  with,  violate any judgment,  decree,  order,  or award of any
                  court, arbitral tribunal, administrative agency or commission,
                  or  other  governmental  entity  or  regulatory  authority  or
                  agency;  or (d)  conflict  with or  result  in the  breach  or
                  termination  of any  term or  provision  of any  agreement  or
                  instrument to which TJHC is a party or by which TJHC is or may
                  be bound.


Section 4.3       Regulatory Approvals. All consents, approvals, authorizations,
                  and  other  requirements  prescribed  by  any  law,  rule,  or
                  regulation  which must be obtained or satisfied by TJHC, which
                  are necessary for the execution and delivery of this Agreement
                  and the other  documents to be executed and  delivered by TJHC
                  in  connection  with this  Agreement are set forth on Schedule
                  4.3 attached  hereto,  and have been, or will be, obtained and
                  satisfied prior to the Closing. TJHC is not required to submit
                  any  notice,   report,   or  other   filing  with  or  to  any
                  governmental   entity  in  connection   with  the   execution,
                  delivery,  or performance of this Agreement by TJHC, except as
                  shown in Schedule 4.3.

Section 4.4       Finders. No broker's,  finder's,  or any similar fee have been
                  incurred  by or on  behalf  of TJHC  in  connection  with  the
                  origin,   negotiation,   execution,  or  performance  of  this
                  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby for which
                  Paramark shall have any liability.

Section 4.5       The Purchase Agreement.  The representations and warranties of
                  TJHC in the Purchase  Agreement are true and correct as of the
                  date of this  Agreement,  and shall survive the termination of
                  the Purchase Agreement.

Section 4.6       Disclosure.  No  representation  or  warranty  by TJHC in this
                  Agreement  contains any untrue statement of a material fact or
                  omits  any  material  fact  necessary  in  order  to make  the
                  statements contained in this Agreement not misleading.

                            REPRESENTATIONS OF ARBY'S

         Arby's represents and warrants to Paramark as follows:

Section 5.1       Organization  and  Authority.  Arby's  is a  corporation  duly
                  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good standing under the
                  laws of the state  Delaware;  and has all requisite  power and
                  authority  (corporate and other) to own its properties and has
                  full  power to  execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement  and to
                  consummate the transactions contemplated thereby.

Section 5.2       Authorization;  No  Conflicts.  The  execution and delivery of
                  this   Agreement  and  the   performance   of  Arby's  of  its
                  obligations  hereunder has been duly and validly authorized by
                  all  requisite   corporate   action.   Without   limiting  the
                  generality of the foregoing,  the Board of Directors of Arby's
                  has  duly  authorized  the  transactions  contemplated  by the
                  Agreement.  This  Agreement  and each of the other  agreements
                  referred to herein,  when executed will  constitute  the valid
                  and legally binding obligations of Arby's, enforceable against
                  Arby's in accordance with their respective terms,  except that
                  (i) such enforcement may be subject to applicable  bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, or other similar laws, now or hereafter in effect,
                  affecting creditors' rights generally,  and (ii) the remedy of
                  specific   performance  and  injunctive  and  other  forms  of
                  equitable  relief may be subject to equitable  defenses and to
                  the  discretion  of the  court  before  which  any  proceeding
                  therefore  may  be  brought.  The  execution,   delivery,  and
                  performance of this Agreement,  and the consummation by Arby's
                  of the transactions contemplated hereby, will not, (a) violate
                  the provisions of any law,  rule, or regulation  applicable to
                  Arby's;  (b) conflict  with,  violate or breach a provision of
                  Arby's  Certificate of Incorporation  or Bylaws;  (c) conflict
                  with,  violate any judgment,  decree,  order,  or award of any
                  court, arbitral tribunal, administrative agency or commission,
                  or  other  governmental  entity  or  regulatory  authority  or
                  agency;  or (d)  conflict  with or  result  in the  breach  or
                  termination  of any  term or  provision  of any  agreement  or
                  instrument to which Arby's is a party or by which Arby's is or
                  may be bound.


Section 5.3       Regulatory Approvals. All consents, approvals, authorizations,
                  and  other  requirements  prescribed  by  any  law,  rule,  or
                  regulation  which must be  obtained  or  satisfied  by Arby's,
                  which are  necessary  for the  execution  and delivery of this
                  Agreement and the other documents to be executed and delivered
                  by Arby's in connection  with this  Agreement are set forth on
                  Schedule  5.3  attached  hereto,  and have  been,  or will be,
                  obtained and  satisfied  prior to the  Closing.  Arby's is not
                  required to submit any notice, report, or other filing with or
                  to any  governmental  entity in connection with the execution,
                  delivery,  or performance of this Agreement by Arby's,  except
                  as shown in Schedule 5.3.

Section 5.4       Finders. No broker's,  finder's,  or any similar fee have been
                  incurred  by or on behalf of  Arby's  in  connection  with the
                  origin,   negotiation,   execution,  or  performance  of  this
                  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby for which
                  Paramark shall have any liability.

Section 5.5       The Purchase Agreement.  The representations and warranties of
                  Arby's in the  Purchase  Agreement  are true and correct as of
                  the date of this Agreement,  and shall survive the termination
                  of the Purchase Agreement.

Section 5.6       Disclosure.  No  representation  or warranty by Arby's in this
                  Agreement  contains any untrue statement of a material fact or
                  omits  any  material  fact  necessary  in  order  to make  the
                  statements contained in this Agreement not misleading.  Arby's
                  has disclosed to Paramark all material facts pertaining to the
                  transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement.   



Section 6.1       Interim Operations of Paramark.  Paramark covenants and agrees
                  that, except (i) as expressly  provided in this Agreement,  or
                  (ii) with the prior written consent of TJHC and Arby's,  after
                  the date of this Agreement and prior to the Closing Date:

                  (a) the business of Paramark  shall be  conducted  only in the
                  ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, and
                  Paramark  shall use all  reasonable  efforts to  preserve  its
                  business   organization   intact  and  maintain  its  existing
                  relations with material  customers,  distributors,  suppliers,
                  employees, creditors, and business partners;

                  (b) Paramark shall not modify,  amend, or terminate any of the
                  TJC  License  Agreements  or waive,  release,  or  assign  any
                  material  rights or claims,  except in the ordinary  course of
                  business  consistent  with  past  practice  and  any  existing

                  (c)  Paramark  will not adopt a plan of  complete  or  partial
                  liquidation,      dissolution,      merger,     consolidation,
                  restructuring,    recapitalization,    or    other    material
                  reorganization or any agreement relating to the sale of all or
                  substantially all of the assets (other than this Agreement);

                  (d) Paramark will not engage in any transaction with, or enter
                  into  any  agreement,   arrangement,  or  understanding  with,
                  directly  or  indirectly,  any of its  affiliates,  including,
                  without    limitation,    any    transactions,     agreements,
                  arrangements,  or  understandings  with any affiliate or other
                  person  covered  under  Item 404 of  Regulation  S-K under the
                  Securities  Act of 1933 that would be required to be disclosed
                  under such Item 404, other than such  transactions of the same
                  general  nature,  scope,  and  magnitude  as are  disclosed in
                  Paramark's  documents  filed with the  Securities and Exchange
                  Commission  ("SEC"),  or  required  under  any law,  rule,  or
                  regulation  governing  the offer,  sale,  or  registration  of

Section 6.2       Access to Information. Paramark shall (and shall cause each of
                  its  affiliates   to)  afford  to  the  officers,   employees,
                  accountants,    counsel,    financing   sources,   and   other
                  representatives  of TJHC  and/or  Arby's,  reasonable  access,
                  during normal business  hours,  during the period prior to the
                  Closing  Date, to all of its and its  affiliates'  properties,
                  books, contracts,  commitments, and records (including any tax
                  returns  or  other  tax  related  information   pertaining  to
                  Paramark and its affiliates) and, during such period, Paramark
                  shall (and  shall  cause each of its  affiliates  to)  furnish
                  promptly  to TJHC  and/or  Arby's  (a) a copy of each  report,
                  schedule,  registration statement, and other document filed or
                  received by it during such period pursuant to the requirements
                  of the federal  securities  laws or any  insurance  regulatory
                  laws and (b) all other  information  concerning  its business,
                  properties, and personnel as TJHC and/or Arby's may reasonably
                  request  (including  any tax  returns  or  other  tax  related
                  information  pertaining to Paramark and its affiliates).  TJHC
                  and/or  Arby's  will  hold  any  such  information   which  is
                  nonpublic in confidence.


Section 6.3       Consents  and  Approvals.  Paramark  will take all  reasonable
                  actions   necessary   to  comply   promptly   with  all  legal
                  requirements  which may be imposed on it with  respect to this
                  Agreement,  which actions shall include,  without  limitation,
                  furnishing all  information in connection with approvals of or
                  filings with any governmental  authority,  including,  without
                  limitation,  any schedule or reports required to be filed with
                  the  SEC,  and  will  promptly   cooperate  with  and  furnish
                  information  to TJHC and  Arby's in  connection  with any such
                  requirements  imposed  upon  it or any of  its  affiliates  in
                  connection   with   this   Agreement   and  the   transactions
                  contemplated  hereby.   Paramark  will,  and  will  cause  its
                  affiliates to, take all reasonable actions necessary to obtain
                  any  consent,  authorization,  order,  or approval  of, or any
                  exemption  by, any  governmental  authority or other public or
                  private  third  party,  required  to be  obtained  or  made by
                  Paramark,  or any of its  affiliates  in  connection  with any
                  action contemplated by this Agreement.

Section 6.4       Additional  Agreements.  Subject  to the terms and  conditions
                  herein  provided,  Paramark  agrees to use its best efforts to
                  take, or cause to be taken, all actions and to do, or cause to
                  be done, all things  necessary,  proper or advisable,  whether
                  under  applicable  laws and  regulations  or otherwise,  or to
                  remove any injunctions or other  impediments or delays,  legal
                  or   otherwise,   to   consummate   and  make   effective  the
                  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement.  In case at any
                  time after the Closing Date any further action is necessary or
                  desirable  to carry out the  purposes of this  Agreement,  the
                  proper officers and directors of Paramark shall use their best
                  efforts  to take,  or cause to be  taken,  all such  necessary

Section 6.5       Notification  of Certain  Matters.  Paramark shall give prompt
                  notice  to  TJHC  and/or  Arby's  of (a)  the  occurrence,  or
                  non-occurrence  of any event the occurrence or  non-occurrence
                  of which would cause any  representation or warranty contained
                  in this  Agreement to be untrue or  inaccurate in any material
                  respect at or prior to the Closing  Date and (b) any  material
                  failure of Paramark  to comply  with or satisfy any  covenant,
                  condition or agreement to be complied  with or satisfied by it
                  hereunder;  provided, however, that the delivery of any notice
                  pursuant  to this  Section  6.5 shall  not limit or  otherwise
                  affect the remedies available hereunder to the party receiving
                  such notice.


Section 6.6       SEC Filings

                  (a) As soon as  practicable  after the date  hereof,  Paramark
                  shall  prepare  and  file  with the SEC the  proxy  statement,
                  notice of shareholders meeting, and such other information and
                  materials as may be required  under the Securities Act of 1933
                  or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Paramark shall prepare
                  and  provide  TJHC  and  Arby's  with  information  concerning
                  Paramark,  this Agreement,  and the transactions  contemplated
                  hereby  required to be included in the proxy  statement.  Such
                  information  prepared and provided by Paramark shall comply in
                  all material respects with all applicable requirements of law.

                  (b)  Paramark  shall use its  reasonable  best  efforts to (i)
                  respond  to any  comments  of the SEC and (ii) cause the proxy
                  statement  to be mailed to the  shareholders  of  Paramark  as
                  promptly as practicable  after receiving  necessary  approvals
                  from the SEC.  Paramark  shall  notify  TJHC and Arby's of the
                  receipt of any comments from the SEC and of any request by the
                  SEC for amendments or  supplements  to the proxy  statement or
                  for  additional  information,  and will supply TJHC and Arby's
                  with copies of all  correspondence  between Paramark or any of
                  its  representatives  and the SEC,  with  respect to the proxy
                  statement.  The proxy  statement  shall comply in all material
                  respects with all  applicable  requirements  of law.  Paramark
                  shall take any action  required  to be taken  under state blue
                  sky or  securities  laws in connection  with the  transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (c) No amendment or supplement to the proxy  statement will be
                  made without the approval of TJHC and Arby's,  which  approval
                  will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

Section 6.7       Continuation  of Business.  From the date hereof,  through and
                  after  the  Closing  Date,  and for at least  three  (3) years
                  following the Closing Date,  Paramark  shall use  commercially
                  reasonable   efforts  to  (a)   preserve   substantially   its
                  relationships with suppliers,  customers,  and employees;  (b)
                  carry on its  business in the ordinary  course and  consistent
                  with past practice; (c) maintain its corporate existence;  and
                  (d)  maintain  adequate  insurance to cover  potential  and/or
                  unknown  liabilities  and losses  that arise prior to Closing,
                  and potential liabilities and losses that arise as a result of
                  operations following Closing.

Section 6.8       Shareholder Approval. Charles Loccisano and Alan Gottlich,
                  as shareholders  of Paramark,  shall vote all of the shares of
                  Paramark  owned or  controlled by each of them in favor of the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement.



         The  obligations  of TJHC  and  Arby's  hereunder  are  subject  to the
fulfillment,  at or before the Closing, of each of the following conditions (all
or any which  may be waived in whole or in part by TJHC or Arby's in their  sole

Section 7.1       Truth  of   Representations   and   Warranties   of  Paramark;
                  Compliance  with  Covenants  and  Obligations.   Each  of  the
                  representations  and  warranties of Paramark in this Agreement
                  shall be true and  correct  on and as of the  Closing  Date as
                  though such representations and warranties were made on and as
                  of such date, with the same force and effect as if made on and
                  as of the Closing Date, except for any changes consented to in
                  writing by TJHC and Arby's,  and except (a) as a result of (x)
                  the  taking by any person of any  action  contemplated  by the
                  Agreement or (y) events or changes  occurring or arising after
                  the date hereof in the ordinary course of Paramark's business;
                  or (b) insofar as any  representation  or warranty  relates to
                  any specified earlier date.  Paramark shall have performed and
                  complied with all terms, conditions,  covenants,  obligations,
                  agreements,  and restrictions required by this Agreement to be
                  performed  or  complied  with by  Paramark  prior to or at the
                  Closing Date.

Section 7.2       Closing  Deliveries.  TJHC and Arby's shall have received from
                  Paramark  the  documents  and  other  materials  specified  in
                  Exhibit D.

Section 7.3       Corporate  Proceedings.  All corporate  and other  proceedings
                  required to be taken on the part of Paramark to  authorize  or
                  carry out this Agreement and to transfer,  convey, assign, and
                  deliver  the TJC  License  Agreements  and execute and deliver
                  such other documents as are set out in Schedule 5.2 shall have
                  been taken.

Section 7.4       Government  Approvals.  All government agencies,  departments,
                  bureaus,   commissions,   and  similar  bodies,  the  consent,
                  authorization,  or  approval of which is  necessary  under any
                  applicable   law,   rule,   order,   or  regulation   for  the
                  consummation by Paramark of the  transactions  contemplated by
                  the  Agreements  shall have been  received,  and the documents
                  shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to TJHC
                  and Arby's.

Section 7.5       Third Party Consents. All third party consents necessary under
                  any  contract,  agreement,  or law  for  the  consummation  by
                  Paramark of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement
                  shall have been  received,  and the documents  soliciting  and
                  evidencing  the  consents  shall  be  in  form  and  substance
                  reasonably satisfactory to TJHC and Arby's.


Section 7.6       Bulk Sales Law  Compliance.  Paramark shall have complied with
                  the bulk sales law of the State of New Jersey or  obtained  an
                  opinion of counsel  satisfactory  to TJHC and Arby's  that the
                  bulk  sales law of the State of New  Jersey  does not apply to
                  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

Section 7.7       Adverse  Proceedings.  No  action or  proceeding  by any third
                  party or any governmental entity shall have been instituted or
                  threatened  which seeks to restrain,  prohibit,  enjoin,  make
                  illegal,  or invalidate the transactions  contemplated by this
                  Agreement  or which might  affect any right of TJHC and Arby's
                  with  respect  to the TJC  License  Agreements  or under  this

Section 7.8       Financial Condition. From the date of the Financial Statements
                  until the Closing, there shall not have been any change or any
                  event or  development  which,  individually  or together  with
                  other  such  events  or  developments,   could  reasonably  be
                  expected to have a material  adverse  effect on, the condition
                  (financial or otherwise), results of operations,  business, or
                  assets of, or the sale of TJC  Products by,  Paramark,  or the
                  prospects of the TJC Licensees.

Section 7.9       Termination of Broker Contracts. Paramark shall have furnished
                  to TJHC  and  Arby's  copies  of  notices  of  termination  of
                  contracts  with  Brokers  that  Paramark  hereby  covenants to
                  deliver  to each  Broker  identified  in  Schedule  3.8.  Such
                  notices shall include Paramark's written notice of termination
                  of its contractual commitments with each such Broker as of the
                  termination or expiration of the Wholesale License  Agreement,
                  to the extent such contract and commitment relates to the sale
                  or  distribution  of TJC  Products.  The  written  termination
                  notices to the Brokers  shall be provided at least thirty (30)
                  days prior to the  expiration or expected  termination  of the
                  Wholesale License Agreement, or, such longer period of time as
                  may be  required  or  contemplated  under the  written or oral
                  contract with the Broker, such that no contractual  commitment
                  with any such  Broker may  extend  beyond  the  expiration  or
                  termination of the Wholesale License Agreement.


         The obligations of Paramark  hereunder are subject to the  fulfillment,
at or before the Closing,  of each of the  following  conditions  (all or any of
which may be waived in whole or in part by Paramark in its sole discretion):

Section 8.1       Truth of  Representations  and  Warranties of TJHC and Arby's;
                  Compliance with Covenants and Obligations. The representations
                  and warranties of TJHC and Arby's in this  Agreement  shall be
                  true  on  and  as  of  the   Closing   Date  as  though   such
                  representations  and  warranties  were  made on and as of such
                  date with the same  force  and  effect as if made on and as of
                  the Closing Date,  except (a) as a result of (x) the taking by
                  any person of any action  contemplated by this  Agreement,  or
                  (y) events or  changes  occurring  or  arising  after the date
                  hereof in the ordinary course of TJHC's or Arby's business; or
                  (b) insofar as any  representation  or warranty relates to any
                  specified   earlier  date.   TJHC  and/or  Arby's  shall  have
                  performed  and  complied  in  all  respects  with  all  terms,
                  conditions, obligations, agreements, and restrictions required
                  by this  Agreement to be  performed  or complied  with by TJHC
                  and/or Arby's prior to or at the Closing Date.


Section  8.2      Government  Approvals.  All government agencies,  departments,
                  bureaus,   commissions,   and  similar  bodies,  the  consent,
                  authorization,  or  approval of which is  necessary  under any
                  applicable   law,   rule,   order,   or  regulation   for  the
                  consummation   by  TJHC   or   Arby's   of  the   transactions
                  contemplated by the Agreements  shall have been received,  and
                  the  documents  shall  be in  form  and  substance  reasonably
                  satisfactory to Paramark.

Section 8.3       Corporate  Proceedings.  All corporate  and other  proceedings
                  required  to be  taken  on the  part of  TJHC  and  Arby's  to
                  authorize or carry out this Agreement shall have been taken.

Section 8.4       Adverse  Proceedings.  No  action or  proceeding  by any third
                  party shall have been instituted or threatened  which seeks to
                  restrain,    prohibit,    or   invalidate   the   transactions
                  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or which  might  affect  the
                  rights of Paramark to assign the TJC License Agreements.

Section 8.5       Fairness  Opinion.  Paramark  shall have  received an opinion,
                  with respect to the fairness to the shareholders and creditors
                  of  Paramark  of  the   transactions   contemplated   by  this
                  Agreement. The opinion shall be prepared by a certified public
                  accountant  or  investment  adviser,  and the  content  of the
                  opinion shall be  satisfactory to TJHC and Arby's prior to and
                  at the Closing.


Section 9.1       Indemnification  of TJHC and Paramark for  Misrepresentations.
                  TJHC and Paramark each hereby  indemnifies and holds the other
                  harmless  against all claims,  damages,  losses,  liabilities,
                  costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, settlement
                  costs  and  any  legal,   accounting  or  other  expenses  for
                  investigating or defending any actions or threatened  actions)
                  incurred  by  TJHC  or  Paramark   in   connection   with  any
                  misrepresentation,  breach of warranty,  or non-fulfillment of
                  or failure to perform any  covenant,  condition,  or agreement
                  set forth in, or attached to, this Agreement, any transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement, or any statement, certificate,
                  schedule, or document furnished by such Party pursuant to this
                  Agreement or in connection with the transactions  contemplated


Section 9.2       Indemnification of Arby's and Paramark for Misrepresentations.
                  Arby's and  Paramark  each  hereby  indemnifies  and holds the
                  other   harmless   against   all  claims,   damages,   losses,
                  liabilities,   costs,   and   expenses   (including,   without
                  limitation,  settlement  costs and any  legal,  accounting  or
                  other expenses for  investigating  or defending any actions or
                  threatened   actions)   incurred  by  Arby's  or  Paramark  in
                  connection with any misrepresentation,  breach of warranty, or
                  non-fulfillment   of  or  failure  to  perform  any  covenant,
                  condition,  or  agreement  set forth in, or attached  to, this
                  Agreement,  or  any  statement,   certificate,   schedule,  or
                  document furnished by such Party pursuant to this Agreement or
                  in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

Section 9.3       Survival   of   Representations.   All   representations   and
                  warranties  made by the Parties herein or in any instrument or
                  document  furnished in connection  with this  Agreement  shall
                  survive the Closing and any investigation at any time made by,
                  or on behalf  of,  the  Parties  to this  Agreement.  All such
                  representations and warranties shall expire on the third (3rd)
                  anniversary of the Closing Date.

Section 9.4       Paramark's Indemnity.  Paramark hereby agrees to indemnify and
                  hold  TJHC  and  Arby's,   and  their   officers,   directors,
                  shareholders,  and affiliates (the "TJHC/Arby's  Indemnitees")
                  harmless   from   any  and  all   claims,   damages,   losses,
                  liabilities,   costs,   and   expenses   (including,   without
                  limitation,  settlement  costs and any legal,  accounting,  or
                  other expenses for  investigating  or defending any actions or
                  threatened  actions) incurred by the TJHC/Arby's  Indemnitees,
                  in  connection   with  any  claims  against  the   TJHC/Arby's
                  Indemnitees  based upon,  relating to,  resulting  from, or in
                  connection  with  actions or failure to act of Paramark or its
                  officers, directors, shareholders or affiliates.

Section 9.5       TJHC's and Arby's  Indemnity.  TJHC and Arby's hereby agree to
                  indemnify  and hold  Paramark,  and its  officers,  directors,
                  shareholders,  and  affiliates  (the  "Paramark  Indemnitees")
                  harmless   from   any  and  all   claims,   damages,   losses,
                  liabilities,   costs,   and   expenses   (including,   without
                  limitation,  settlement  costs and any legal,  accounting,  or
                  other expenses for  investigating  or defending any actions or
                  threatened   actions)  reasonably  incurred  by  the  Paramark
                  Indemnitees,   in  connection  with  any  claims  against  the
                  Paramark  Indemnitees  based upon actions or failure to act of
                  TJHC or Arby's.

Section 9.6       Notice for Claims of Indemnification. Whenever any claim shall
                  arise for  indemnification  pursuant  to this  Article  9, the
                  Party seeking indemnification (the "Indemnified Party"), shall
                  promptly notify the Party from whom  indemnification is sought
                  (the"Indemnifying  Party") of the claim and,  when known,  the
                  facts  constituting  the basis for such claim provided that no
                  delay on the part of the  Indemnified  Party  in  giving  such
                  notice   shall   relieve   the   Indemnifying   Party  of  any
                  indemnification  obligation hereunder except to the extent the
                  Indemnifying Party is materially  prejudiced by such delay. In
                  the  event of any such  claim  for  indemnification  hereunder
                  resulting  from or in  connection  with  any  claim  or  legal
                  proceedings by a third-party,  the notice to the  Indemnifying
                  Party shall  specify,  the amount if known,  or an estimate of
                  the amount of the liability arising therefrom. The Indemnified
                  Party  shall  not  settle or  compromise  any claim by a third
                  party for which it is entitled to indemnification  without the
                  prior written consent of the Indemnifying  Party,  which shall
                  not be  unreasonably  withheld,  unless  suit  shall have been
                  instituted  against it and the  Indemnifying  Party  shall not
                  have taken control of such suit after notification thereof.


Section 9.7       Defense  by  Indemnifying  Party.  With  respect  to any claim
                  giving rise to indemnity  resulting from or arising out of any
                  claim or legal  proceeding  by a person  who is not a party to
                  this Agreement,  the Indemnifying  Party, at its sole cost and
                  expense,  may, upon written notice to the  Indemnified  Party,
                  assume the defense of any such claim or legal proceeding if it
                  acknowledges,  to  the  Indemnified  Party,  in  writing,  its
                  obligations to indemnify the Indemnified Party with respect to
                  all  elements of such claim.  The  Indemnified  Party shall be
                  entitled to  participate  in (but not  control) the defense of
                  any such action,  with its counsel and at its own expense.  If
                  the Indemnifying Party does not assume the defense of any such
                  claim or  litigation  resulting  therefrom  within thirty (30)
                  days after the date such claim is made, the Indemnified  Party
                  may defend against such claim or litigation, in such manner as
                  it may  deem  appropriate,  including,  but  not  limited  to,
                  settling such claim or litigation,  after giving notice of the
                  same  to  the  Indemnifying   Party,  on  such  terms  as  the
                  Indemnified Party may deem  appropriate,  and the Indemnifying
                  Party shall be entitled to  participate  in (but not  control)
                  the  defense of such  action,  with its counsel and at its own
                  expense.   If  the  Indemnifying  Party  thereafter  seeks  to
                  question the manner in which the  Indemnified  Party  defended
                  such  third  party  claim or the  amount or nature of any such
                  settlement,  the  Indemnifying  Party shall have the burden to
                  prove by a preponderance  of the evidence that the Indemnified
                  Party did not  defend or settle  such third  party  claim in a
                  reasonably prudent manner.

Section 9.8       Indemnification    Under   the   Purchase    Agreement.    The
                  indemnification  of  Paramark  and  TJHC,  each to the  other,
                  contained  in  the  Purchase   Agreement   shall  survive  the
                  termination of the Purchase Agreement.



Section 10.1      Termination.   This  Agreement  may  be  terminated,  and  the
                  transactions contemplated hereby may be abandoned:

                  (a)  at  any  time  before  the  Closing,  by  mutual  written
                  agreement among the Parties;

                  (b) upon  notification to the  non-terminating  parties by the
                  terminating  party that the  satisfaction  of any condition to
                  the terminating  party's  obligations under this Agreement has
                  become  impossible  to  satisfy,  illegal,  or  subject  to  a
                  non-appealable order enjoining or restraining the Closing; or

                  (c) at any time after  September 30, 1998, by Paramark,  TJHC,
                  or Arby's, upon notification to the non-terminating parties by
                  the terminating  party, if the Closing shall not have occurred
                  on or before such date and such failure to  consummate  is not
                  caused by a breach of this Agreement by the terminating party.

Section 10.2      Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is validly terminated
                  pursuant to Section  10.1,  this  Agreement  will  immediately
                  become  null and  void,  and  there  will be no  liability  or
                  obligation on the part of Paramark, TJHC, or Arby's (or any of
                  their  respective  officers,  directors,   employees,  agents,
                  representatives, or affiliates) except as provided in the next
                  succeeding  sentence  and  except  that  the  provisions  with
                  respect to  expenses  in Section  10.7 will  continue to apply
                  following  any such  termination.  Notwithstanding  any  other
                  provision in this Agreement to the contrary,  upon termination
                  of this Agreement pursuant to Section 10.1(b), each Party will
                  remain  liable to the  other  Parties  for any  breach of this
                  Agreement  by  such  Party   existing  at  the  time  of  such
                  termination,  and each Party may seek such remedies, including
                  damages and attorney's fees, against the others,  with respect
                  to any such breach as is provided in this  Agreement or as may
                  otherwise be available at law or in equity.

Section 10.3      Notices.  Any  notices  or other  communications  required  or
                  permitted by this  Agreement  shall be  sufficiently  given if
                  delivered  personally or sent by telex,  facsimile,  overnight
                  courier,   registered  or  certified  mail  postage   prepaid,
                  addressed  as follows  or to such  other  address of which the
                  parties may have given notice:

                  To Paramark:     Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
                                   Attn:  Alan S. Gottlich, President
                                   One Harmon Plaza
                                   Secaucus, New Jersey 07094-3618
                                   Fax: (201) 422-0858
                  With copies to:  Saul Feiger, Esq.
                                   152-18 Union Turnpike
                                   Kew Garden Hills, New York  11367
                                   Fax: (718) 380-3092

                  To TJHC and 
                  Arby's:          Triarc Restaurant Group
                                   Attn:  Jonathan P. May, Vice President
                                   1000 Corporate Drive
                                   Fort Lauderdale, Florida  33334
                                   Fax: (954) 351-5619

                  With copies to:  Triarc Restaurant Group
                                   Attn:  General Counsel
                                   1000 Corporate Drive
                                   Fort Lauderdale, Florida  33334
                                   Fax:  (954) 351-5619

                                   Rudnick, Wolfe, Epstien & Zeidman
                                   Attn:  Mark A. Kirsch, Esq.
                                   1201 New York Avenue, N.W.
                                   Washington, D.C.  20005
                                   Fax:  (202) 712-7222

All  notices  or other  communications  shall  be  deemed  received  on the date
delivered if  delivered  personally,  by  facsimile,  by telex,  or by overnight
courier,  or three (3) business  days after being sent, if sent by registered or
certified mail.


Section 10.4      Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon
                  and  inure to the  benefit  of each of the  Parties  and their
                  respective successors and assigns. No assignment shall release
                  a Party from any obligation or liability under this Agreement.

Section 10.5      Amendments.  The Parties,  by the consent of their  respective
                  Boards of Directors or officers authorized by such Boards, may
                  amend or modify this  Agreement and the exhibits and schedules
                  hereto,  in such  manner as may be agreed  upon,  by a written
                  instrument executed by each Party.

Section 10.6      Waivers.   No   waiver   by  any   Party   of   any   default,
                  misrepresentation,   or  breach  of   warranty   or   covenant
                  hereunder,  whether  intentional  or not,  shall be  deemed to
                  extend to any prior or subsequent default,  misrepresentation,
                  or breach of warranty or covenant  hereunder  or affect in any
                  way any rights  arising  by virtue of any prior or  subsequent
                  such occurrence.


Section 10.7      Expenses.  Each of the  Parties  shall  bear its own costs and
                  expenses  (including  legal  fees and  expenses)  incurred  in
                  connection with this Agreement.

Section 10.8      Construction.  If any of the  provisions of this Agreement may
                  be  construed  in more than one way, one of which would render
                  the provision illegal or otherwise  voidable or unenforceable,
                  such  provision  shall have the meaning which renders it valid
                  and enforceable. The language of all of the provisions of this
                  Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and
                  not strictly construed against any Party.

Section 10.9      Interpretation.  This  Agreement has been  negotiated at arm's
                  length.  In the event of any ambiguity in any of the terms and
                  provisions, this Agreement shall not be interpreted against or
                  in favor  of any  party  nor  shall  there be any  presumption
                  against or in favor of any party,  but this Agreement shall be
                  interpreted  in accordance  with the intent of the parties and
                  the function of its terms and provisions.

Section 10.10     Governing  Law. Any dispute with respect to the entering into,
                  performance,  or  interpretation  of this  Agreement  shall be
                  governed by the laws of the State of Florida,  without  regard
                  to the Florida law of conflicts. The Parties hereby agree that
                  to the  extent any  disputes  arise  that  cannot be  resolved
                  directly  between  the  Parties,  the  Parties  shall file any
                  necessary  suit  only in the  federal  or state  court  having
                  jurisdiction  where Arby's  principal  office is then located.
                  The Parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of any such
                  court  and  waive any  objection  they may have to either  the
                  jurisdiction or venue of any such court.

Section 10.11     No Third Party  Beneficiaries.  Nothing in this  Agreement  is
                  intended,  nor shall be deemed,  to confer  upon any person or
                  entity,  other  than the  Parties  and  their  successors  and
                  assigns,  any  rights or  remedies  under or by reason of this

Section 10.12     Waiver of Jury Trial. THE PARTIES  IRREVOCABLY  WAIVE TRIAL BY

Section 10.13     Entire  Agreement.   This  Agreement  and  all  schedules  and
                  exhibits  hereto,  and all  agreements  and  instruments to be
                  delivered by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement, represent
                  the entire  understanding  and  agreement  between the Parties
                  with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and  supersede all
                  prior  oral  and   written   and  all   contemporaneous   oral
                  negotiations,  commitments,  and  understandings  between such


         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement  has been duly  executed  by the
Parties as of and on the date first above written.

(Corporate Seal)                  PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.,
                                  a Delaware corporation

                                  By:     /s/ Paramark Enterprises, Inc.



(Corporate Seal)                  TJ HOLDING COMPANY, INC.,
                                  a Delaware corporation

                                  By:     /s/ T.J. Holding Company, Inc.



(Corporate Seal)                  ARBY'S, INC., d/b/a TRIARC RESTAURANT GROUP, a
                                  Delaware corporation

                                  By:     /s/ Arby's, Inc.


                                  with respect to the provisions of Section 6.8:

                                  /s/ Charles Loccisano
                                  Charles N. Loccisano

                                  /s/ Alan Gottlich
                                  Alan S. Gottlich

                          WHOLESALE LICENSE AGREEMENT
                                 by and between
                   ARBY'S, INC. d/b/a TRIARC RESTAURANT GROUP
                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.

                          Dated as of __________, 1998

                          WHOLESALE LICENSE AGREEMENT
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


RECITALS OF FACT                                                           - 1 -

1.       GRANT                                                             - 1 -

2.       TERM                                                              - 2 -

3.       WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION                                            - 2 -

4.       ROYALTIES                                                         - 4 -


6.       PROPRIETARY MARKS                                                 - 6 -

7.       PROPRIETARY INFORMATION                                           - 7 -


9.       ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION                                         - 8 -

10.      TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE                                              - 9 -


12.      INDEMNIFICATION                                                  - 11 -

13.      INSURANCE                                                        - 11 -

14.      ASSIGNMENT OF INTERESTS                                          - 12 -

15.      MISCELLANEOUS                                                    - 12 -


                          WHOLESALE LICENSE AGREEMENT

         This Wholesale  License  Agreement  ("Agreement") is made this day of ,
1998, by and between Arby's,  Inc.,  d/b/a Triarc  Restaurant  Group, a Delaware
corporation ("Licensor"), and Paramark Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation


         A. Licensor's affiliate,  TJ Holding Company, Inc., is the owner of (i)
certain  secret  recipes and secret  formulae (the "Secret  Recipes") for baking
gourmet  cinnamon rolls and other bakery  products;  (ii) secret and proprietary
plans  ("Technical  Information")  relating  to  the  preparation,  baking,  and
merchandising  of the gourmet  cinnamon rolls  utilizing the Secret Recipes (the
Secret  Recipes  and  Technical  Information  are  referred  to  herein  as  the
"Proprietary Information");  and, (iii) certain trade names, trademarks, service
marks, logos, signs, and emblems,  including,  without limitation the mark "T.J.
CINNAMONS," relating to the products prepared using the Proprietary Information,
and other  goods and  services  offered at retail  stores,  bakeries,  and other
locations,  that offer the products made utilizing the  Proprietary  Information
(the "Proprietary Marks"). The Proprietary Information and Proprietary Marks are
collectively  referred to as "Intellectual  Property" (and are more particularly
identified in Exhibit A hereto).  All bakery  products made with the Proprietary
Information are referred to as "TJC Products."

         B. Licensor,  pursuant to a license  agreement with TJ Holding Company,
Inc.,  dated August 29, 1996,  has the right to use, and license  others to use,
the Intellectual Property.

         C. Licensee has,  pursuant to the License Agreement with Licensor dated
August  29,  1996,   entered  into  agreements  with  independent  food  brokers
("Brokers")  whereby  the  Brokers  will  arrange  for the sale by  Licensee  of
Approved TJC Wholesale Products (defined below in Section 3.3) to certain retail
accounts (referred to as "Supermarket Chains").

         D.  Licensor and Licensee  have agreed to terminate the August 29, 1996
License  Agreement,  but Licensor  has agreed to permit  Licensee to continue to
prepare,  sell,  and  distribute  Approved TJC  Wholesale  Products at wholesale
through Brokers on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

         With   reference  to  the   above-stated   Recitals  of  Fact,  and  in
consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and  conditions   contained  in  this
Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1.       GRANT

         1.1 Until the  termination  or expiration of this  Agreement,  Licensee
shall have the right to use the Intellectual Property solely to prepare and sell
Approved TJC Wholesale Products through Brokers to Supermarket Chains.

         1.2 The rights granted to Licensee are limited to the specific purposes
described in this Agreement. Licensee shall not manufacture, sell, or distribute
any  product,  other  than  the  Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products,  using  the
Intellectual  Property.  Licensee  has  no  right  to  license,  sublicense,  or
franchise others to use any of the Intellectual Property.

         1.3 Except as set forth in Section 3.6,  Licensor  retains the right to
produce TJC Products or other products using the  Proprietary  Information,  for
sale through any channels of distribution;  and Licensor may produce,  offer, or
sell, and authorize  others to produce,  offer, or sell, any such products under
the Proprietary Marks or any other mark or name.


2.       TERM

         2.1 The term of this  Agreement  shall begin on the date first  written
above,  and,  unless sooner  terminated or renewed in accordance  with the terms
herein, shall expire on December 31, 1998.

         2.2  Licensee  has no rights to, nor expects  to,  extend or renew this
Agreement. This Agreement may be renewed, at Licensor's sole discretion, for one
or more thirty  (30) day  periods,  not to exceed a total of one hundred  eighty
(180) days upon  thirty (30) days prior  written  notice to  Licensee.  Licensee
shall have no rights under this Agreement  after December 31, 1998,  unless this
Agreement is renewed by Licensor.


         3.1 The  agreements  between  Licensee  and  Brokers  for the  sale and
distribution of the Approved TJC Wholesale Products ("Wholesale Contracts"), the
description of the Wholesale  Contracts,  the identity of the Supermarket Chains
to which the Approved TJC Wholesale Products are sold, and the nature, type, and
amount of Approved TJC Wholesale  Products sold under each  Wholesale  Contract,
are set forth in Exhibit B. To the extent that the  Wholesale  Contracts  are in
writing,  a copy of the  current  contract is attached to Exhibit B. The list of
Approved TJC  Wholesale  Products  approved for sale by Licensee is set forth in
Exhibit C. Licensee represents and warrants that as of the date hereof, Licensee
does not manufacture,  sell, or distribute,  at retail or wholesale,  any bakery
products  that use any of the  Proprietary  Information  to any person,  broker,
wholesale account, retail store, or otherwise,  except for sales of Approved TJC
Wholesale  Products  identified  on  Exhibit C made  pursuant  to the  Wholesale
Contracts described in and/or attached to Exhibit B.

         3.2 During the term of this  Agreement,  Licensee may prepare and sell,
for resale to retail customers, the Approved TJC Wholesale Products as specified
by Licensor, only to the Supermarket Chains identified in Exhibit B, and only in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Section 3.


         3.3 Licensee  shall sell only the Approved TJC  Wholesale  Products set
forth in Exhibit C. Approved TJC Wholesale Products are those pre-packaged,  not
fresh-baked,  TJC  Products  that  Licensor  has  designated  for  sale  through
wholesale  distribution  by Licensee.  Licensee shall not request that other TJC
Products be approved by Licensor as Approved TJC  Wholesale  Products.  Licensor
may  modify  the list of  Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products  in its  reasonable
discretion, upon one hundred twenty (120) days prior written notice to Licensee.
Licensor  shall not eliminate or disapprove a previously  approved  Approved TJC
Wholesale  Product if such product  represents  a  "significant  percentage"  of
Licensee's  wholesale  business.  The  parties  hereto  agree that  "significant
percentage"  shall mean that twenty  percent (20%) or more of the gross revenues
received by Licensee in the twelve-month  period prior to Licensor's notice of a
change is derived from the sale of such product.

         3.4 Licensee shall not request that other retail accounts,  Supermarket
Chains,  or Brokers be included on the approved  list in Exhibit B. Licensor has
no  obligation  to  consider  or  approve  any  Supermarket  Chain or Broker not
currently  identified  on Exhibit B. Licensor may,  however,  in its  reasonable
discretion,  disapprove  of a  previously  approved  Supermarket  Chain,  or may
require that Licensee or Broker cease supplying a Supermarket Chain.

         3.5 Licensor  shall have the right to review and approve all agreements
between Licensee and Brokers, and all agreements with manufacturers,  suppliers,
co-packers, and others concerning the Approved TJC Wholesale Products.  Licensee
shall comply with Licensor's  procedures  concerning approval of agreements with
third parties.

         3.6  During  the term of this  Agreement,  Licensor  shall not sell any
Approved TJC Wholesale  Products at wholesale to any Supermarket  Chain approved
in Exhibit B; provided,  however,  that Licensor or any affiliate or licensee of
Licensor (i) may sell TJC Products at, from, to, or through any retail location,
store, restaurant, person, or entity, and (ii) may sell TJC Products (other than
Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products)  at  wholesale  to  any  retail  account  or
Supermarket  Chain,  including  Supermarket  Chains that  purchase  Approved TJC
Wholesale  Products from  Licensee  through  Brokers.  In addition to Licensor's
rights to sell TJC  Products at  wholesale  or retail,  Licensor  shall have the
right to operate or license others to operate,  kiosks,  carts,  limited service
counters,  and  similar  areas  or  facilities  (collectively  "Kiosks")  at any
Supermarket  Chain,  provided  that  such  Kiosks  shall not sell  Approved  TJC
Wholesale Products.

         3.7 Licensee shall comply with Licensor's  standards and specifications
for the manufacture, packaging, distribution, and sale of Approved TJC Wholesale
Products;  the advertising and promotion of Approved TJC Wholesale Products; and
Licensor's  guidelines  regarding  the  Supermarket  Chains  that may  purchase,
receive,  and resell  Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products.  Without  limiting the
requirements of Section 5 of this Agreement,  Licensee may request modifications
to the standards  and  specifications  for the Approved TJC  Wholesale  Products
and/or  approval of  Supermarket  Chains.  All  requests  for  modifications  or
consents  under this  Section 3 shall be in  writing.  Licensor  may  approve or
disapprove  any  request in  Licensor's  sole  discretion,  but  Licensor is not
obligated to respond to a request from Licensee. 



         4.1 In  consideration  of the  rights  granted to  Licensee  hereunder,
Licensee  shall pay to  Licensor  a royalty  fee equal to five  percent  (5%) of
Licensee's Net Sales (defined below) of Approved TJC Wholesale  Products sold by
Licensee on a monthly basis.  Net Sales shall mean the gross sales price charged
by  Licensee,  regardless  of  collection  of  revenue  in the case of credit or
installment sales of the Approved TJC Wholesale Products, less returns.

         4.2 Licensee shall pay to Licensor the monthly royalty on the fifteenth
(15th) day of each  month for the Net Sales of the  preceding  month;  provided,
however, that the royalty payments for the Net Sales made during the first three
(3) full or partial months under this  Agreement  (July,  August,  and September
1998) shall be paid on the fifteenth (15th) day of October 1998.

         4.3 Licensee  shall submit to Licensor on the  fifteenth  (15th) day of
each month a sales report detailing the sales of Approved TJC Wholesale Products
during the preceding  month.  The sales report shall be in the form specified by
Licensor,  and shall include, at a minimum,  the gross revenues,  net sales, and
the unit counts of all sales during the prior month, and shall include such data
required by  Licensor  and  organized  by Broker,  by  account,  and by product.
Licensee  shall  provide  a final  Net  Sales  report  within  thirty  (30) days
following the last month that  Licensee  sells  Approved TJC Wholesale  Products
pursuant to this  Agreement,  and such final Net Sales report may be, but is not
required to be, audited.

         4.4  Licensee  shall  preserve  all books  and  records  regarding  the
business  operations  under this  Agreement for three (3) years from the date of
their preparation. Licensor reserves the right to audit or inspect the books and
records of Licensee at any time. Licensee shall prepare, and furnish to Licensor
not later than  ninety  (90) days  after the close of  Licensee's  fiscal  year,
audited  financial  statements for the prior fiscal year. The audited  financial
statements,  or the audited final Net Sales report,  shall segregate clearly Net
Sales as  separate  line items,  and shall  include  data by SKUs  (Stockkeeping
Units) and by vendor.

         4.5 In the event that  Licensee's  Net Sales of Approved TJC  Wholesale
Products  during  the period  January  1, 1998  through  December  31,  1998 (as
verified by  Licensor) to the five (5)  Supermarket  Chains  designated  with an
asterisk  in  Exhibit  B exceed  Three  Million  Six  Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($3,600,000),  the  royalty  rate  specified  in Section  4.1 shall be  revised,
retroactively  to the date of this  Agreement,  to two  percent  (2%) of the Net
Sales  that  exceed  $3,600,000  from  those five (5)  Supermarket  Chains.  Any
adjustments  or refunds in royalty  payments shall be made fifteen (15) business
days following  Licensor's receipt of (a) Licensee's audited financial statement
for fiscal year 1998,  or (b)  Licensee's  audited  final Net Sales  report,  if
furnished  pursuant to Section 4.3 hereof,  provided  that such  information  is
acceptable  to Arby's,  based on Arby's  reasonable  discretion  and  reasonable



         5.1 Licensee shall use the  Proprietary  Information in accordance with
the  standards  and  specifications  prescribed  by  Licensor.  All Approved TJC
Wholesale Products prepared,  distributed, or sold by Licensee, pursuant to this
Agreement, shall be identified,  distributed, or sold only under the Proprietary
Marks in the form and manner  specified  and approved by Licensor.  Licensee may
distribute and sell Approved TJC Wholesale Products only through the channels of
distribution specified in Section 3 hereof.

         5.2  Licensee  shall  prepare the Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products in
accordance with the Proprietary Information,  and shall conform the operation of
its business to the methods,  standards,  and  specifications  prescribed in the
Proprietary  Information.  Licensee  shall  not  sell or  otherwise  dispose  of
products  under the  Proprietary  Marks  unless such  products  are Approved TJC
Wholesale  Products  produced in accordance  with the  Proprietary  Information.
Licensee shall submit samples of Approved TJC Wholesale  Products to Licensor at
such times and such places as Licensor may  reasonably  specify for the purposes
of  determining  that  the  Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products  conform  to  the
Proprietary  Information.  Licensee  shall make  appropriate  periodic tests for
controlling the quality of the ingredients and baking procedures utilized in the
production of Approved TJC Wholesale  Products by Licensee,  in accordance  with
Licensor's requests and instructions.  Licensee shall permit  representatives of
Licensor,  upon  reasonable  notice,  to  inspect  any  and  all  of  Licensee's
production  and/or  distribution  facilities,   and  to  examine  and  test  the
ingredients,  supplies,  containers, and accessories used by Licensee.  Licensor
shall pay for its own costs in conducting such inspections.  Licensee shall make
available to such  representatives all information  necessary to render full and
effective  assistance.  If any such  facility,  or any  sample of  Approved  TJC
Wholesale Products,  does not comply substantially with the standards prescribed
by  Licensor,  Licensee  shall,  at its  own  expense,  remedy  the  facilities,
manufacturing  processes,  ingredients,  or subsequently  produced  Approved TJC
Wholesale Products so that they comply with the Technical  Information and other
standards specified by Licensor.

         5.3 All Approved TJC Wholesale  Products  produced or prepared pursuant
to this Agreement  shall be made with only such materials and ingredients as are
of the quality that has been specified by Licensor and supplied by a source that
has been approved by Licensor.  Licensee shall obtain and use  ingredients  made
with the Secret  Recipes only from a manufacturer  approved,  and if required by
Licensor, licensed, by Licensor. All standards and specifications and sources of
supply currently  approved by Licensor are set forth in Exhibit D; provided that
Licensor may modify or revoke such approvals in its sole discretion. If Licensee
desires  to  purchase  any of the items  specified  in this  Section 5, or items
otherwise  required by Licensor for the  operation of the business  contemplated
under this Agreement (other than  ingredients  utilizing the Secret Recipes that
must be purchased from sources designated by Licensor),  from a supplier who has
not been  approved by Licensor,  Licensee may request,  in writing,  approval by
Licensor of such  supplier.  Licensor may approve such  proposed  supplier if in
Licensor's  sole  judgement and  discretion  the proposed  supplier can meet and
maintain Licensor's specifications,  standards, and requirements.  In making any
such request,  Licensee,  at its expense,  shall furnish  Licensor with adequate
samples of the items for which  approval is being  requested  or, if that is not
feasible,  with copies of  descriptions,  specifications,  and  pictures of such
items. Licensee shall not sell, dispense, or use any such items unless and until
Licensor has given  written  notice of approval to Licensee.  Nothing  contained
herein shall be construed to require Licensor to approve an unreasonable  number
of suppliers for any particular item or service.

         5.4 Licensee shall not use, nor permit any person or entity to use, the
Proprietary  Information  or  any  part  of  the  Secret  Recipes  or  Technical
Information.  Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason or expiration of
this Agreement,  Licensee shall  immediately cease to manufacture and distribute
the  Approved  TJC  Wholesale   Products  and  shall  deliver  to  Licensor  all
Proprietary Information under its control.

         5.5 Licensee may produce,  prepare,  and sell  products  other than the
Approved TJC Wholesale  Products,  provided that the production of such products
does not involve the use of any of the  Proprietary  Information,  and that such
products are not identified, in any manner, with the Proprietary Marks.



         6.1  Licensee  shall  use the  Proprietary  Marks  only  to the  extent
permitted  in this  Agreement,  and  only in the  manner  specified  by,  and in
accordance with, the standards and  specifications of Licensor,  as set forth in
this Agreement or otherwise in writing.

         6.2 Licensee agrees that it shall not manufacture, produce, bake, sell,
or distribute  products  that bear the  Proprietary  Marks or any  derivation or
abbreviation  thereof,  except in accordance with this Agreement,  or license or
permit  anyone  else to do so,  and shall  not use  names and marks  confusingly
similar to the Proprietary Marks in the sale or distribution of any products, or
in the operation, franchising, or licensing of wholesale or retail businesses.

         6.3 Licensee shall not use the  Proprietary  Marks or any derivation or
abbreviation thereof as part of its/their corporate or other legal name.

         6.4 Licensee  shall not directly or indirectly  contest the validity of
Licensor's ownership of the Proprietary Marks.

         6.5 Licensee expressly understands and acknowledges that:

                  6.5.1 Licensee's use of the Proprietary Marks pursuant to this
Agreement does not give it any ownership interest or other interest in or to the
Proprietary Marks, except the license granted by this Agreement; and

                  6.5.2 Any and all goodwill  arising out of  Licensee's  use of
the Proprietary Marks under this Agreement shall inure solely and exclusively to
Licensor's benefit.

         6.6 Licensee shall not register or attempt to register any  Proprietary
Mark,  or any mark or name  which  incorporates  all or part of any  Proprietary
Mark, in any country in the world.

         6.7 Licensor has the right to modify and/or to  discontinue  the use of
any or all of the Proprietary  Marks, or to use other names or marks to identify
the TJC Products; provided, however, that if Licensor discontinues a Proprietary
Mark that is used with or on an Approved TJC Wholesale Product that represents a
"significant percentage" of Licensee's wholesale business, Licensor will provide
a substitute  Proprietary Mark for that product or products.  The parties hereto
agree that  "significant  percentage"  shall mean twenty  percent (20%) of gross
revenues  received by Licensee from the sale of such product in the twelve-month
period prior to Licensor's  notice of discontinuance of a mark. Upon one hundred
twenty (120) days prior written notice from Licensor, Licensee shall comply with
Licensor's  standards  and  specifications  with respect to the use any modified
Proprietary  Marks or the new  names  and  marks;  provided  that  Licensee  may
continue  to  utilize  existing  inventory  or  supplies  that  bear  the old or
discontinued  Proprietary  Marks after the 120-day period,  if such inventory or
supplies were  purchased  prior to  Licensor's  notice of such  modification  or
discontinuance.  Licensee shall be responsible for all costs associated with any
such change, and Licensor shall have no liability to Licensee therefor.

         6.8  Licensor  is the owner of all  rights,  title and  interest in the
Proprietary  Marks,  and  Licensor  agrees to use best  efforts to maintain  the
validity of, and the registrations for, Proprietary Marks licensed hereunder.



         7.1 Licensee acknowledges that the Proprietary  Information,  including
the Secret Recipes, the Technical Information,  the techniques,  know-how, trade
secrets, formulas, specifications, and all other information relating to the TJC
Products are trade secrets of Licensor. Licensee acknowledges that Licensee does
not and shall not  acquire  any right or  interest  therein  beyond  the  rights
expressly  granted to it under this Agreement.  Licensee shall maintain adequate
security in the control,  use, and handling of the  Proprietary  Information  in
accordance with the guidelines and instructions prescribed by Licensor from time
to time.

         7.2  Licensor  has the right to modify  any  aspect of the  Proprietary
Information,  and upon one hundred  twenty (120) days prior written  notice from
Licensor,  Licensee shall comply with  Licensor's  standards and  specifications
with respect to the use of the modified Proprietary Information.

         7.3  Licensee  shall not  engage,  or assist  others to engage,  in any
activity which constitutes an infringement, appropriation, copying, unauthorized
use, or imitation of any of the Proprietary Information or other features of the
Intellectual  Property,  or which  otherwise  threaten  any interest of Licensor

         7.4 Except as specifically  provided in this Agreement,  Licensee shall
not at anytime,  during the term of this Agreement or thereafter,  use or permit
others  to use any of the  Intellectual  Property  to  manufacture  or  identify
cinnamon rolls or other bakery products.

         7.5  Licensee  shall  promptly   notify  Licensor  in  writing  of  any
unauthorized  use of the Proprietary  Information.  Licensor shall have the sole
right  to  direct  and  control  any  administrative  proceeding  or  litigation
involving  the  Proprietary  Information,   including  any  settlement  thereof.
Licensee shall cooperate with Licensor in all matters concerning the Proprietary



         8.1 Upon  expiration or termination of this  Agreement,  Licensee shall
forthwith  cease  to use,  for  any  purpose,  any  and all of the  Intellectual
Property.  Licensee  shall  promptly  return to Licensor  all signs,  packaging,
supplies,  lists,  forms, and other materials  containing any of the Proprietary
Marks, and any and all copies of the Proprietary Information.

         8.2 Licensor and Licensee  understand and  acknowledge  that one of the
purposes of this Agreement is to provide for a smooth  transition  from Licensee
to  Licensor  of  Licensee's   business   related  to  the  wholesale  sale  and
distribution of Approved TJC Wholesale Products. Licensee shall, therefore, upon
request of Licensor,  provide  assistance to Licensor with respect to an orderly
transition  of accounts and contracts  from Brokers to food brokers  selected by
Licensor and such other transition assistance as may be reasonable. Such desired
assistance  shall be specified  by Licensor,  and shall be provided for a period
beginning thirty (30) days prior to expiration of this Agreement, and continuing
for a period not to exceed one hundred  eighty (180) days  following the date of


         9.1 All advertising and promotional  material prepared by or to be used
by Licensee in connection  with the  manufacture,  sale, or  distribution of the
Approved TJC Wholesale  Products,  including  product  packaging and  wrappings,
shall be subject to the prior  written  approval of Licensor.  Any  advertising,
promotional  material,  and packaging  that is identified on Exhibit E as having
received the prior  written  approval of Licensor  shall not require any further
approval by Licensor prior to its use. For all advertising,  promotional  plans,
packaging, containers, and/or labels for the Approved TJC Wholesale Products not
prescribed or previously approved by Licensor,  Licensee shall submit samples of
such materials to Licensor for Licensor's  prior written  approval  (except with
respect to advertised  or suggested  retail  prices),  and shall comply with the
procedures  set  forth in  writing  by  Licensor.  Licensee  shall  not use such
proposed advertising,  promotional plans, packaging,  containers,  and/or labels
without  Licensor's  prior written  approval.  All rights in and to advertising,
promotional  plans,  packaging,  containers,  and/or labels,  including  without
limitation copyrights,  shall become the exclusive property of Licensor (without
separate  charge to  Licensor);  and this  Agreement  constitutes a license from
Licensor to Licensee to use such rights for the term of this Agreement. Licensee
agrees that it shall sign such documents (and cause any  contractors,  agencies,
and persons other than its employees who work on such  advertising,  promotional
plans, packaging,  containers, and/or labels to sign such documents) as Licensor
may reasonably require in order to implement the terms of this provision.

         9.2 Licensor  shall have the right to disapprove  the subsequent use of
any previously approved advertising; and Licensee shall promptly discontinue use
of advertising or promotional programs or materials upon notice from Licensor.

         9.3 Licensor shall not be liable to Licensee as a result of any review,
approval,  or disapproval of any  advertising;  and Licensee  acknowledges  that
Licensor's review of advertising is to enforce the proper use of the Proprietary
Marks in advertising.  Licensee shall  indemnify and hold harmless  Licensor and
its affiliates against and from any and all claims,  demands,  suits,  costs, or
expenses resulting from Licensee's use of advertising.

         9.4 In the event  Licensee  further  develops  its  business to include
business  activities  not subject to this  Agreement,  and if Licensee  develops
advertising  or  promotional  material  that does not  relate  to, in any way or
mention, nor depict, any TJC Product, any Proprietary Mark, or Licensee's rights
under this Agreement, such advertising or promotional material shall be owned by
Licensee and not by Licensor.



         Licensor will disclose or make available to Licensee the Secret Recipes
and Technical  Information  in such detail as to enable  Licensee to produce the
Approved TJC Wholesale  Products in the Territory in accordance  with Licensor's
standards  and  specifications.  From  time-to-time  during  the  term  of  this
Agreement,  Licensor shall  disclose and make  available to Licensee  additional
Technical  Information  concerning  modifications,  alterations,  additions,  or
amendments  to the  Proprietary  Information  to permit  Licensee to produce the
Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products at all times in  accordance  with  Licensor's
then-current procedures, specifications, and standards.


         11.1  Licensee  acknowledges  and agrees that  Licensor owns all of the
Intellectual  Property.  Licensee  further  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  the
Intellectual  Property  includes trade secrets and  confidential and proprietary
information and know-how that gives Licensor a competitive  advantage;  that all
measures  necessary to protect the trade  secrets,  the  confidentiality  of the
Proprietary Information,  and know-how comprising the Intellectual Property have
been taken; that all material or other information now or hereafter  provided or
disclosed  to  Licensee  regarding  the  Intellectual  Property  is and  will be
disclosed in  confidence;  that Licensee has no right to disclose any part of it
to anyone who is not an employee or professional representative of Licensee; and
that  Licensee  will  disclose  to  its  employees   only  those  parts  of  the
Intellectual  Property  that an employee  needs to know.  Licensor  and Licensee
agree that confidential  information shall exclude information that (a) has been
or is obtained by a third party from a source independent of Licensor, Licensee,
their affiliates, or their respective officers, directors,  employees or agents,
and such  third  party  is not  desiring  such  information;  (b) is or  becomes
generally  available  to the public  other  than as a result of an  unauthorized
disclosure  by  Licensee  or  its  affiliates  or  their  personnel;  or  (c) is
independently  developed  by  Licensee  without  reliance  in  any  way  on  the
Intellectual Property.


         11.2  Licensee  will  protect  as  confidential   and  proprietary  the
Proprietary  Information,  including the Secret Recipes,  Technical Information,
the techniques, know-how, trade secrets, formulas, specifications, and all other
information  relating to the Approved  TJC  Wholesale  Products,  whether or not
patentable.  Licensee will not disclose,  in whole or in part,  any  Proprietary
Information to any person,  firm, or  corporation,  except to those employees of
Licensee whose knowledge of such  information is required for the performance of
Licensee's obligations under this Agreement.

         11.3 Licensee shall have no rights in the  Proprietary  Information and
shall use the  Proprietary  Information  solely for the purpose  contemplated by
this  Agreement.  Any and all goodwill  arising from the use of the  Proprietary
Information by Licensee shall inure exclusively to the benefit of Licensor.  The
provisions of this Section 11.3 shall survive the  termination  or expiration of
this Agreement.

         11.4  Licensee   specifically   acknowledges  that,  pursuant  to  this
Agreement,  the August 29, 1996 License Agreement, and as a result of Licensee's
relationship  with  Licensor,  Licensee will receive  valuable and  confidential
information,  including, without limitation,  information regarding operational,
sales,  promotional,  and marketing methods, related to the sale of Approved TJC
Wholesale  Products,  and other TJC Products through other retail  channels,  at
wholesale, and at dual- or multi-brand restaurants owned, operated or franchised
by  Licensor.  Licensee  covenants  that,  except  for  the  limited  activities
specifically  authorized  under this  Agreement  during the term  hereof,  for a
period  of  thirty  (30)  months  from the  date of this  Agreement,  except  as
otherwise  approved  in  writing by  Licensor  in its sole  discretion,  neither
Licensee nor any affiliate of Licensee, including without limitation,  Interbake
Brands,  Inc., shall, either directly or indirectly,  for itself, or through, or
on behalf of, or in conjunction  with any person,  persons,  or legal  entities,
own,  maintain,  operate,  be employed  by, or have an interest  in, or directly
engage in,  any  business  which  involves  or is engaged in the  manufacturing,
baking, distribution, or sale of:

                        a. bakery products whose predominant flavor is cinnamon,
                  which  use  cinnamon  as a  principal  or  significant  flavor
                  ingredient,   are  advertised  or  promoted  as  cinnamon-  or
                  cinnamon-flavored   products,   or  are  otherwise  recognized
                  generally as cinnamon products; or

                        b.  bakery  products  that are  similar to those  bakery
                  products  that utilize or  incorporate  one or more aspects of
                  the Intellectual Property and are sold, as of the date of this
                  Agreement,  at T.J.  Cinnamons  Bakeries,  or  T.J.  Cinnamons
                  Classic Bakeries; or

                        c. bakery  products that use,  bear, or are displayed in
                  close  association  with, (i) the  Proprietary  Marks, or (ii)
                  marks  confusingly  similar to the  Proprietary  Marks, or any
                  derivation or abbreviation thereof.


         11.5 Licensor may require that the individual officers,  directors, and
executives  of Licensee  designated  in Exhibit F, and all  successors  or other
individuals reasonably designated by Licensor at a later date, execute covenants
agreeing to be personally  bound by the provisions of this Section 11; provided,
however,  that the  non-competition  covenant of Section  11.4 shall apply for a
period of thirty (30) months from the date of this Agreement.


         In addition  to any other  rights or  remedies  under law or  otherwise
available to Licensor,  Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless Licensor, its
affiliates, and their respective officers, directors,  shareholders, agents, and
employees  against and from any and all  out-of-pocket  loss,  cost,  damage and
expense (including  reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from: (i) any material
breach of any  covenant,  representation,  or warranty of Licensee  contained in
this  Agreement;  and/or  (ii)  any  claim  by  a  third  party,  including  any
governmental  authority,   arising  out  of  or  relating  to  the  manufacture,
production,  marketing,  sale,  purchase,  distribution,  use or  consumption of
Approved TJC Wholesale Products produced, distributed, or sold by Licensee.

13.      INSURANCE

         During   the  term  of  this   Agreement,   Licensee   shall   maintain
comprehensive  general liability insurance and products liability insurance,  in
such  amounts as may be  specified  by  Licensor,  and such other  insurance  as
Licensor  reasonably  may  specify,  consistent  with  industry  standards.  The
currently  approved  type and amounts of  insurance  coverage  are  specified in
Exhibit G. Licensee shall provide  Licensor,  upon written  request of Licensor,
with certificates  evidencing such insurance and certificates of renewal of such
insurance, when applicable.  Licensor shall be named an additional insured under
such coverage, at no cost to Licensor.



         14.1 Licensee shall not transfer, assign, convey, give away, pledge, or
encumber (collectively,  "Transfer") any rights in this Agreement or the license
granted herein, in all or substantially all of the assets of Licensee, or in any
agreement related to any aspect of Licensee's business operated pursuant to this
Agreement,  without  Licensor's  prior  written  consent,  which  consent may be
withheld in Licensor's sole discretion.

         14.2 Licensor may Transfer any or all rights in this Agreement,  in the
Intellectual  Property, or in any assets of Licensor to any person or entity, on
any terms or conditions, and at any time, in its sole discretion.


         15.1 If any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  may be construed in
more than one way, one of which would render the provision  illegal or otherwise
voidable or  unenforceable,  such provision shall have the meaning which renders
it valid and enforceable. The language of all provisions of this Agreement shall
be construed  according to its fair meaning and not strictly  against any party.
In the  event  any  court or other  government  authority  shall  determine  any
provision in this  Agreement is not  enforceable  as written,  the parties agree
that the  provision  shall be amended so that it is  enforceable  to the fullest
extent  permissible  under the laws and public  policies of the  jurisdiction in
which  enforcement  is sought and affords the parties the same basic  rights and
obligations and has the same economic effect. If any provision in this Agreement
is held  invalid or  otherwise  unenforceable  by any court or other  government
authority or in any arbitration  proceeding,  such findings shall not invalidate
the remainder of the agreement unless in the reasonable  opinion of Licensor the
effect of such  determination  has the effect of frustrating the purpose of this
Agreement,  whereupon  Licensor shall have the right by notice in writing to the
other party to immediately terminate this Agreement.

         15.2  The  entering  into,  performance,  and  interpretation  of  this
Agreement shall be governed, construed, and interpreted by the laws of the state
of Florida  without regard to the law of conflicts (and without giving effect to
the application of Florida  choice-of-law  rules).  Licensor and Licensee hereby
agree  that to the  extent  that any  disputes  arise  that  cannot be  resolved
directly between the parties,  the parties shall file any necessary suit only in
the federal or state court having jurisdiction where Licensor's principal office
is then located.  The parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of any such
court and waive any objection they may have to either the  jurisdiction or venue
of any such  court.  This  Section  15.2 shall not be  interpreted  to apply any
franchise law or business  opportunity law to the relationship  between Licensor
and Licensee or the subject matter of this Agreement,  which would not otherwise
be  applicable.  The parties  acknowledge  and agree that this  Section 15.2 was
specifically negotiated by the parties, and that the selection of Florida law as
the governing  law was included in this  Agreement in exchange for other changes
in the Agreement requested by, and concessions provided to, Licensee.

         15.3  Recognizing  that  remedies  at law  may be  inadequate  for  the
enforcement  of  certain  breaches  of this  Agreement,  in the  event  Licensee
breaches  any  provision  of this  Agreement  by reason of which the validity or
ownership  of,  or  goodwill  in,  the  Proprietary  Marks  or  the  Proprietary
Information  may  be  impaired,   or  breaches  the  covenants  to  protect  the
confidentiality  of the  Proprietary  Information,  Licensor  may be entitled to
injunctive relief to enforce the provision of this Agreement, in addition to its
other rights  hereunder.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Licensor and Licensee
agree  that  injunctive  relief is not  Licensor's  sole  remedy for a breach by
Licensee, and Licensor is entitled to pursue all remedies at law or in equity to
enforce the  provisions  of this  Agreement  and/or to obtain  compensation  for
damages caused by any breach of this Agreement.

         15.4   Neither   party   shall  be   responsible   to  the   other  for
non-performance  or delay in  performance  occasioned  by any causes  beyond its
control  and for  causes  other  than its own fault  (other  than lack of funds)
including,  without limitation, acts of civil or military authority,  failure of
civil  or  military   authorities   to  act,   strikes,   lockouts,   embargoes,
insurrections,  or Acts of God. If any such delay occurs,  any  applicable  time
period hereunder shall be automatically  extended for a period equal to the time
lost;  provided that the party affected shall make reasonable efforts to correct
the reason for such delay and give the other party prompt  written notice of any
such delay.

         15.5  Licensee is an  independent  contractor  and shall not assume any
obligation  or  liability,  express or implied,  on behalf of Licensor.  Nothing
contained  herein or done  hereunder  shall be  construed  as  creating  a joint
venture or partnership,  or as creating a franchise;  and, except for Licensee's
obligations to monitor,  report on, and enforce the quality control standards of
the Approved TJC Wholesale  Products as required under Section 5, this Agreement
should not be construed as constituting  either party hereto as the agent of the


         15.6 Except as expressly  provided to the contrary  herein,  nothing in
this  Agreement is intended,  nor shall be deemed,  to confer upon any person or
legal entity other than Licensee,  Licensor, and Licensor's affiliates and their
respective  officers,  directors,  and  employees,  and such of  Licensee's  and
Licensor's  respective  successors  and assigns (as may be permitted  under this
Agreement) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

         15.7 Except for such actions,  approvals,  or  withholding of approvals
that  Licensor  may  exercise  in its sole  discretion,  or in  accordance  with
standards  specified in this  Agreement,  Licensor and Licensee  agree that both
parties shall act in a reasonable manner when exercising their respective rights
under this Agreement.

         15.8 Any and all notices  required or  permitted  under this  Agreement
shall be in writing, and shall be personally delivered, sent by registered mail,
reputable overnight delivery service, or by other means which affords the sender
evidence  of delivery or rejected  delivery,  to the  respective  parties at the
addresses  designated  below,  unless  and until a  different  address  has been
designated by written notice to the other party.

         If to Licensor:  Arby's, Inc., d/b/a Triarc Restaurant Group
                          1000 Corporate Drive
                          Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334-3651
                          Attn: John Vanderslice, Sr., Vice President

         with a copy to:  Rudnick, Wolfe, Epstien & Zeidman
                          1201 New York Avenue, N.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20005-3919
                          Attn: Mark A. Kirsch, Esq.

         If to Licensee:  Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
                          One Harmon Plaza
                          Secaucus, New Jersey 07094
                          Attn: Alan S. Gottlich, President

         with a copy to:  Saul Feiger, Esq.
                          152-18 Union Turnpike
                          Kew Garden Hills, New York  11367

Any notice by a means which affords the sender evidence of delivery, or rejected
delivery,  shall be deemed to have been given at the date and time of receipt or
rejected delivery.

         15.9  This  Agreement   constitutes  the  entire,  full,  and  complete
agreement  between  Licensor and Licensee  concerning the subject matter hereof,
and supersedes all prior  agreements,  no other  representations  having induced
Licensee  to  execute  this  Agreement.  Except for those  permitted  to be made
unilaterally by Licensor hereunder, no amendment,  change, or variance from this
Agreement  shall be binding on either  party  unless  mutually  agreed to by the
parties and executed by their authorized officers or agents in writing.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto,  intending to be legally bound
hereby,  having duly executed,  sealed, and delivered this Agreement the day and
year first written above.

PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.                        ARBY'S, INC., d/b/a TRIARC
                                                   RESTAURANT GROUP

Licensee                                         Licensor

By:                                              By:
Name:                                            Name:
Title:                                           Title:

                                   APPENDIX C

                 Fairness Opinion of Texada Capital Corporation

Texada Capital Corp.
                                                Four Glenhardie Corporate Center
                                                   1255 Drummers Lane, Suite 300
                                                            Wayne, PA 19087-1565
                                                       Telephone: (610) 527-7170
                                                       Facsimile: (610) 526-0647

July 13, 1998

Board of Directors
Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
One Harmon Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Dear Board Members:

         You have requested the opinion of Texada Capital Corporation ("TCC") as
to the fairness, from a financial point of view, as of the date hereof, to the
shareholders of Paramark Enterprises, Inc. ("Paramark" or the "Company") of the
consideration to be received by the Company pursuant to the terms of the
Agreement between and among TJ Holding Company, Inc. ("TJHC"), Arby's Inc. d/b/a
Triarc Restaurant Group ("Arby's") and Paramark, dated June 30, 1998 (the "1998
Triarc Agreement"). Pursuant to the 1998 Triarc Agreement, the terms of which
are more fully described in a proxy statement to be furnished to the
stockholders of the Company, the Company is selling, transferring, or
terminating (i) all rights under the 1996 Triarc Purchase Agreement, dated June
3, 1996, between TJHC and Paramark (the "1996 Purchase Agreement"), including
the right to receive certain contingent additional payments and royalty
payments, (ii) all rights under the 1996 Triarc License Agreement between Arby's
and Paramark, dated August 29, 1996 (the "1996 License Agreement"), which
includes the rights to manufacture and sell certain "T.J. Cinnamons" branded
products to approved retail grocery outlets, and (iii) all of the Company's
rights and interests as franchisor under the existing T.J. Cinnamons franchise
agreements. Simultaneously with the closing of the 1998 Triarc Agreement, the
Company will be granted certain rights under a Wholesale License Agreement with
Arby's pursuant to which the Company will have the right to continue to sell
certain approved T.J. Cinnamons branded products to existing wholesale accounts
through December 31, 1998 (the "1998 License Agreement"). Thereafter, in its
sole discretion, Arby's may extend the term of the 1998 License Agreement for a
period not to exceed six months. The above is collectively referred to as the
"Proposed Transaction".

Board of Directors
Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
July 13, 1998
Page Two

         The purchase price under the 1998 Triarc Agreement provides for the
Company to receive (i) $3,000,000 at closing, (ii) a $1,000,000 non-interest
bearing promissory note (the "Note"), guaranteed by Triarc Companies, Inc.
("Triarc"), and paid equally over a 24 month period following the closing, and
(iii) up to $1,000,000 of contingent additional consideration ("Additional
Consideration"), if any, to be paid at the later of 15 business days following
the delivery of the Company's audited financial statements for fiscal 1998 or
the audited final Net Sales report for fiscal 1998. Payment of all or any
portion of the Additional Consideration is conditioned upon the Company's total
sales of T.J. Cinnamons' branded products for fiscal 1998 less returns ("Net
Sales") exceeding certain thresholds. To receive the full amount of the
Additional Consideration, $1,000,000, the Company's Net Sales must exceed
$3,600,000. To receive the minimum amount of Additional Consideration, $250,000,
Net Sales must exceed $2,250,000. TJHC is under no obligation to pay any
Additional Consideration unless it is earned. Both the Note and the Additional
Consideration are subject to offset as set forth in the 1998 Triarc Agreement.

         Texada Capital Corporation, as part of its investment banking business,
is engaged regularly in the valuation of assets, companies and securities in
connection with mergers, acquisitions, private placements, ESOPs and estate
planning on behalf of shareholders, corporations, and estates.

         In arriving at our opinion, we have, among other things: (i) reviewed
the historical financial performance, current financial position and general
prospects of the Company, including its working capital position, current
financing options and cost of capital; (ii) reviewed current publicly available
financial information concerning Triarc Companies, Inc.; (iii) reviewed the
stock market performance and trading activity of the Company's stock; (iv)
studied and analyzed the consolidated financial and operating data of the
Company; (v) considered the terms and conditions of the 1998 Triarc Agreement;
(vi) met and/or communicated with certain members of the Company's senior
management to discuss the Company's operations, historical financial statements
and future prospects; and (vii) conducted such other financial analyses and
investigations as we deemed appropriate.

         Our financial analysis was based upon, but not limited to, a review of
the following documents and information examined during the course of our
analysis: (i) the 1998 Triarc Agreement with accompanying exhibits including the
Wholesale License Agreement; (ii) the Preliminary Proxy Statement dated June 30,
1998; (iii) other Company SEC filings, including 10-KSBs, 1O-QSBs; (iv)
internally prepared financial statements for the periods ended April 30, 1998
and May 31, 1998; (v) internally prepared projections for the Company based on
various assumptions, including (a) the Proposed Transaction does not occur; (b)
the Proposed Transaction occurs and the Company expands the sale of its
specialty gourmet products, through

Board of Directors
Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
July 13, 1998
Page Three

growth or acquisition, to breakeven and beyond; and (c) the Proposed Transaction
occurs, but the Company is not able to expand the sales of its specialty gourmet
bakery products, or, alternatively, is not able to reduce its overheard, to
achieve breakeven or better; (vi) internally prepared unaudited pro forma
financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 1998 to reflect the
Proposed Transaction; (vii) Interbake Brands, Inc.'s accounts receivable aging
schedule at May 27, 1998 and June 26, 1998, (viii) the Company's and Interbake
Brands, Inc.'s accounts payable aging schedules at May 27, 1998, and June 26,
1998; (ix) the Company's Confidential Private Placement Memorandum prepared by
the Company with the assistance of Commonwealth Associates; (x) the trading
activity of the Company's stock; and (xi) liquidity and working capital
financing documents.

         Our opinion is given in reliance upon information and representations
made or given by the Company and its officers, directors, auditors, counsel and
other agents, and on filings and other information provided by the Company
including financial statements, financial projections, and stock price data, as
well as certain industry and other information from recognized independent
sources. We have not independently verified the information concerning the
Company nor other data which we have considered in our review and, for purposes
of the opinion set forth below, we have assumed and relied upon the accuracy and
completeness of all such information and data. Additionally, we assume that the
Proposed Transaction is, in all respects, lawful under applicable law.

         Of special relevance to our opinion is the independent auditor's report
dated March 6, 1998 which indicated that the Company had suffered significant
and recurring losses from operations resulting in working capital and
accumulated deficits raising substantial doubts about the Company's ability to
continue as a going concern. The Company's Form 1O-QSB filed on May 14, 1998
with the SEC for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 indicated that the Company
continued to have a working capital deficit, was in need of immediate financing,
had made an unsuccessful attempt to raise capital through a placement agent, had
raised limited capital from its officers and third party sources, and that
failure to consummate the Proposed Transaction could have a material adverse
effect on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. It further
indicated that, even if the Proposed Transaction is consummated, the Company, in
order to implement its plan of operation, will be required to raise additional
capital beyond June 30, 1999.

         With regard to financial and other information relating to the general
prospects of the Company, we have assumed that such information has been
reasonably prepared and reflects the best currently available estimates and
judgments of the management of the Company with respect to its most likely
future performance. In rendering our opinion, we have assumed that in the course
of obtaining the necessary approvals for the Proposed Transaction and in
preparation of

Board of Directors
Paramark Enterprises, Inc.
July 13, 1998
Page Four

the amendment to the Proxy Statement, the terms of the Proposed Transaction will
not change in any way that will have a material adverse effect on the
contemplated benefits of the Proposed Transaction to the Company.

         Our opinion is necessarily based upon economic, financial, and other
conditions as they exist, and on the information made available to us, as of the
date of this letter. It should be understood that although subsequent events may
affect this opinion, we do not have any obligation to update, revise, or
reaffirm this opinion. We are expressing no opinion on (i) the Company's
solvency, (ii) the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, (iii) the
Company's prospects for future financings, cost reductions or other possible
transactions, or (iv) provisions of the bankruptcy laws in the event of the
insolvency of any of the Company, Triarc or TJHC. We are expressing no opinion
on the Company's ability to achieve breakeven or better in its operations, nor
are we expressing an opinion as to the prices at which the common shares of the
Company will actually trade at any time. Our opinion does not constitute a
recommendation to the Board of Directors of the Company and does not constitute
a recommendation to any stockholder as to how such stockholder should vote on
the Proposed Transaction.

         This letter is for the information of the Company's Board of Directors
only in their evaluation of the Proposed Transaction and may not be relied upon
by any other person. This letter is not to be quoted or referred to, in whole or
in part, in any registration statement, prospectus, or in any other document
used in connection with the offering or sale of securities, nor shall this
letter be used for any other purposes, without our prior written consent, except
that this opinion may be included in its entirety as an appendix to the
Company's Proxy Statement furnished to the Company's stockholders in connection
with the Proposed Transaction.

         Based on the foregoing, it is our opinion that, as of the date hereof,
the consideration to be received by the Company pursuant to the Proposed
Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to the stockholders of the




                           PARAMARK ENTERPRISES, INC.

               This Proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors

         The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints  Charles N. Loccisano
and Alan S.  Gottlich  and each of them,  with full power of  substitution,  the
attorneys in fact and proxies of the undersigned with full power of substitution
for  and in the  name  of the  undersigned  to  attend  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  (the  "Annual  Meeting")  of  Paramark   Enterprises,   Inc.  (the
"Company") to be held on August 11, 1998 at 9:00 am Eastern  Standard  Time, and
any adjournment or adjournments thereof,  hereby revoking any proxies heretofore
given,  to vote all shares of stock of Paramark  Enterprises,  Inc. to which the
undersigned  is entitled to vote as indicated on the proposals as more fully set
forth in the Proxy Statement and in their  discretion upon such other matters as
may come before the meeting. The undersigned directs that this proxy be voted as

I        Election of Directors
         Nominees for terms of one year: CHARLES N. LOCCISANO, ALAN S. GOTTLICH,
         PHILIP  FRIEDMAN,  and PAUL  BERGRIN  (mark  only one of the  following
         [ ] VOTE FOR all nominees listed above, except vote withhold as to the
         following nominees (if any):

         [ ] VOTE WITHHELD for all nominees

II       To (a) approve  amendments to the  Company's  1996 Amended and Restated
         Stock Option Plan which  increase the number of shares  issuable  under
         the 1996 Stock Option Plan by 500,000 shares to 1,000,000  shares,  and
         (b) ratify the class of employees  which may receive shares pursuant to
         the 1996 Stock Option Plan.
                           For               Against           Abstain
                           [ ]                 [ ]               [ ]

III      To consider and vote upon the proposed sale of certain of the assets of
         the Company, including the T.J. Cinnamons franchise agreements, and the
         termination  of the  purchase  agreement  dated  June 3,  1996  and the
         license  agreement and  management  agreement  entered into with Triarc
         Restaurant  Group and affiliates on August 29, 1996 in consideration of
         $3,000,000 in cash,  $1,000,000 in the form of a  non-interest  bearing
         promissory note and additional  contingent payments of up to $1,000,000
         pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement between and among
         Paramark Enterprises,  Inc., TJ Holding Company,  Inc., a subsidiary of
         Triarc  Restaurant  Group and Arby's,  Inc.  dated June 30, 1998 in the
         form attached as Exhibit A to the Proxy Statement.
                           For               Against           Abstain
                           [ ]                 [ ]               [ ]

IV       To transact such other  business as may properly come before the Annual
         Meeting or ant postponement or adjournment thereof.

         This proxy will, when properly  executed,  be voted as directed.  If no
directions  to the contrary are  indicated,  the persons  named herein intend to
vote FOR the election of the named  nominees for director,  and for Proposals II
and III. If any other  business is presented at the meeting,  this proxy will be
voted by those named in this proxy in their best judgment.  At the present time,
the  Board of  Directors  knows  of no other  business  to be  presented  at the
         The Board of Directors  recommends a vote for all nominees for director
and for Proposals II and III.
         The proxy agents  present and acting in person or by their  substitutes
(or if only one is  present  and  acting,  them that one) may  exercise  all the
powers  conferred  by this Proxy.  Discretionary  authority is conferred by this
Proxy as to certain matters described in the Company's Proxy Statement.

                           The undersigned  hereby  acknowledges  receipt of the
                           Company's 1997 Annual Report to Stockholders  and the
                           Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy  Statement for the
                           aforesaid Annual Meeting.


                           Signature of Stockholder

                           Signature of Stockholder

                           JOINT  TENANT MUST SIGN.  WHEN  SIGNING AS  ATTORNEY,
                           A  CORPORATION,   SIGN  IN  FULL  CORPORATE  NAME  BY
                           AUTHORIZED OFFICER.