AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO RIGHTS AGREEMENT, dated as of
New Mexico corporation (the "Company"), and SOCIETY NATIONAL
BANK, successor to Ameritrust Company National Association, a
national banking association organized and existing under the
laws of the United States of America (the "Rights Agent"),
amending the Rights Agreement, dated as of July 23, 1991,
between the Company and the Rights Agent.

                     W I T N E S S E T H:

          WHEREAS, the Company intends to enter into an Agree-
ment and Plan of Reorganization, by and among M-P New Co., a
Delaware corporation ("Newco"), Public Service Company of Colo-
rado, a Colorado corporation ("PSC"), and the Company, dated as
of August 22, 1995 (the "Reorganization Agreement"), as a
result of which PSC and the Company will become wholly owned
subsidiaries of Newco and the common shareholders of PSC and
the Company will together own all of the outstanding shares of
common stock of Newco; and

          WHEREAS, the Company and the Rights Agent desire to
amend the Rights Agreement in accordance with Section 27 of the
Rights Agreement.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and
mutual agreements set forth in the Rights Agreement and this
Amendment, the parties hereby agree as follows:

                           ARTICLE I

          1.   The Rights Agreement is amended by adding the
following WHEREAS clause immediately before the paragraph
beginning "NOW, THEREFORE":

          WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Com-
     pany has authorized the transaction contemplated
     by the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the
     "Reorganization Agreement"), by and among M-P New
     Co., a Delaware corporation ("Newco"), Public Ser-
     vice Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation
     ("PSC"), and the Company, dated as of August 22,
     1995, as a result of which PSC and the Company
     will become wholly owned subsidiaries of Newco and


      the common shareholders of PSC and the Company
      will together own all of the outstanding shares of
      common stock of Newco;

            2.    The Rights Agreement is amended by adding the
following new Section to the end of such Agreement:

            "Section 35.  Newco Reorganization.  Notwithstanding
      any provision herein to the contrary, none of Newco, PSC
      or any of their respective Affiliates and Associates shall
      be considered an Acquiring Person under this Agreement and
      no Shares Acquisition Date or Distribution Date has
      occurred or will occur, in any such case as a result of
      the approval, execution or delivery of the Reorganization

                                ARTICLE II

            1.    Section 3(c) of the Rights Agreement is amended
as follows:

            (a)   by adding after "July 23, 1991" in the third
line of the legend the phrase:

            ", as amended by Amendment No. 1 dated as of August
22, 1995"

            2.    Exhibit A to the Rights Agreement is amended as

            (a)   by adding after "July 23, 1991" in the third
line of the first paragraph on page A-1 the phrase:

            ", as amended by Amendment No. 1 dated as of August
22, 1995"

            (b)   by adding the following paragraph after the sec-
ond paragraph on page A-1:

            "Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,
      none of Newco (as defined below), PSC (as defined below)
      or any of their respective Affiliates and Associates is an
      "Acquiring Person" and no "Shares Acquisition Date" or
      "Distribution Date" has occurred or shall occur as a
      result of the approval, execution or delivery of the
      Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, by and among M-P New
      Co., a Delaware corporation ("Newco"), Public Service Com-
      pany of Colorado, a Colorado corporation ("PSC"), and the


      Company, dated as of August 22, 1995, or the transactions
      contemplated thereunder."

            3.    Exhibit B to the Rights Agreement is amended as

            (a)  by deleting the last sentence of the first para-
graph on page B-1 and substituting the following:

            "On August 22, 1995, the Board of Directors amended
      the Rights.  The description and terms of the Rights are
      set forth in a Rights Agreement, as amended (the "Rights
      Agreement"), between the Company and Society National
      Bank, successor to Ameritrust Company National Associa-
      tion, as Rights Agent (the "Rights Agent")."

            (b)  by adding the following paragraph after the
fifth full paragraph on page B-2:

            "Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,
      none of Newco (as defined below), PSC (as defined below)
      or any of their respective Affiliates and Associates (each
      as defined in the Rights Agreement) is an "Acquiring Per-
      son" and no "Shares Acquisition Date" or "Distribution
      Date" has occurred or shall occur as a result of the
      approval, execution or delivery of the Agreement and Plan
      of Reorganization, by and among M-P New Co., a Delaware
      corporation ("Newco"), Public Service Company of Colorado,
      a Colorado corporation ("PSC"), and the Company, dated as
      of August 22, 1995, or the transactions contemplated

            (c)  by deleting the last paragraph on page B-2 and
substituting the following:

            "A copy of the Rights Agreement has been filed with
      the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission")
      as an Exhibit to a Registration Statement or Form 8-A
      dated July 23, 1991.  A copy of Amendment No. 1 has been
      filed with the Commission as an Exhibit to Form 8-A/A,
      which amends the earlier Form 8-A.  Copies of the Rights
      Agreement and Amendment No. 1 thereto are available free
      of charge from the Company.  This summary description of
      the Rights does not purport to be complete and is quali-
      fied in its entirety by reference to the Rights Agreement,
      as amended, which is hereby incorporated by reference."



                                ARTICLE III

            1.    The term "Agreement" as used in the Rights
Agreement shall be deemed to refer to the Rights Agreement as
amended by this Amendment No. 1.

            2.    The foregoing amendments contained in Articles
I, II and III shall be effective as of the date hereof and,
except as set forth herein, the Rights Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect and shall be otherwise unaffected

            3.    This Amendment No. 1 may be executed in two or
more counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original,
but all of which together shall constitute one and the same


            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused
this Amendment No. 1 to be duly executed, all as of the day and
year first above written.

                              SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

                              By: /s/ Bill D. Helton                       
                                    Name:  Bill D. Helton
                                    Title: Chairman of the Board
                                             and Chief Executive

                              SOCIETY NATIONAL BANK, successor to
                                Ameritrust Company National
                                Association, as Rights Agent

                              By: /s/ Mark Asbury
                                    Name:  Mark Asbury
                                    Title: Vice President