of Adecco SA, Cheserex

                I.         Name, Registered Office, Duration, Purpose

Art. 1          1   A joint-stock company is formed under the name of Adecco SA,
                governed by these  Articles  and by Title XXVI of the Swiss Code
                of Obligations.

                2   The  registered  office of the company shall be in Cheserex,
                Vaud. The company is formed for an unlimited duration.

Art. 2          1   The object and purpose of the corporation is the acquisition
                and  management  of financial  holdings,  of whatever  form,  in
                service,  commercial,  financial and industrial  enterprises and
                companies  in  Switzerland  and abroad  and, in  particular,  in
                enterprises  and  companies  supplying  employees,  or providing
                supervision, inspection or consulting services.

                2   The  company  may  grant  loans  to  such   enterprises  and
                companies  and conduct all such  operations as have a bearing on
                the above  mentioned  object and  purpose,  including  borrowing
                money and acquiring real estate.

                II.        Capital Structure

                A.         Share Capital and Shares

Art. 3          The share capital totals CHF 170'982'840.-- (one hundred seventy
                million nine hundred eighty-two thousand eight hundred and forty
                Swiss  francs),   divided  into  17'098'284  (seventeen  million
                ninety-eight  thousand  two hundred  eighty-four)  fully paid up
                registered shares of CHF 10.-- (ten Swiss francs) each.

Art. 3bis       The Board of  Directors  is  authorized  to  increase  the share
                capital  in  one  or  more  steps  by  maximum   CHF   49'000.--
                (forty-nine  thousand  Swiss  francs)  by  issuing  4'900  (four
                thousand nine hundred) registered shares of CHF 10.-- (ten Swiss
                francs)  par value each  which  have to be fully  paid up,  such
                authorization  being valid until April 20,  2001.  The  priority
                subscription rights of shareholders and holders of participation
                certificates  are  suspended  in favor of  Credit  Suisse  First
                Boston,  Zurich which will act as exchange  agent in  connection
                with an offer of the  corporation  to holders  of  participation
                certificates to exchange 5 (five) participation

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                certificates  of  CHF  2.--  (two  Swiss  francs)  for  1  (one)
                registered  share of CHF 10.-- (ten Swiss francs).  Any usage of
                such   authorized   capital  other  than  for  the  exchange  of
                participation  certificates  for registered  shares is excluded.
                The Board of Directors shall determine the terms and conditions,
                including the date of dividend  entitlement,  of such  exchange.
                The  new   registered   shares  are  subject  to  the   transfer
                restrictions of Art. 4 of the Articles of Association.

Art. 3ter       1   The share capital of the  corporation  shall be increased by
                maximum CHF 1'798'350.-- (one million seven hundred ninety-eight
                thousand  three hundred  fifty Swiss francs) by issuing  maximum
                179'835  (one  hundred   seventy-nine   thousand  eight  hundred
                thirty-five)  fully paid up registered  shares of CHF 10.-- (ten
                Swiss francs) each,  through the exercise of option rights which
                the Board of Directors grants to employees  including members of
                the Board of  Directors  of the  corporation  or its  affiliated
                companies. The new registered shares are subject to the transfer
                of restrictions of Art. 4 of the Articles of Association.

                2   The preemptive rights of the shareholders and the holders of
                participation certificates are suspended.

                3   The Board of Directors will issue rules  governing the terms
                and conditions of option grants and exercise of options.

Art. 3quater    In accordance with the contract on contribution in kind dated 20
                August 1996 the company has acquired from Credit Suisse (France)
                in the public  share tender  offer made to the  shareholders  of
                Ecco S.A.  9'275'000 (nine million two hundred and  seventy-five
                thousands)  fully paid bearer shares of Ecco S.A. with a nominal
                value of FF 25.--  each.  These  shares are  transferred  to the
                company for a total price of CHF  412'185'081.--  (four  hundred
                and  twelve  million  one  hundred  eighty-five   thousands  and
                eighty-one  Swiss  francs),   which  corresponds  to  the  value
                attributed to the shares so contributed.  Credit Suisse (France)
                receives  9'534'700  (nine  million  five  hundred   thirty-four
                thousands  and seven  hundred)  fully paid bearer  shares of the
                company of a nominal value of CHF 10.-- (ten Swiss francs) each,
                representing   a  total  nominal  value  of  CHF   95'347'000.--
                (ninety-five  million  three hundred and  forty-seven  thousands
                Swiss  francs);  CHF  316'838'081.--  (three hundred and sixteen
                million eight  hundred  thirty-eight  thousands  and  eighty-one
                Swiss francs) are recorded in the books of the company as agio.

Art. 3quinquies 1   The share capital of the corporation is increased by maximum
                CHF 5'000'000.--  (five million Swiss francs) by issuing maximum
                500'000 (five hundred  thousand) fully paid up registered shares
                with a  nominal  value of CHF 10.--  (ten  Swiss  francs)  each,
                through  the  exercise  of  option  rights  which  the  Board of
                Directors grants to employees as well as to members of the Board
                of Directors of the corporation or its affiliated companies. The
                new registered  shares are subject to the transfer  restrictions
                of Art. 4 of the Articles of Association.

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                2   The  preemptive   rights  of  shareholders  and  holders  of
                participation  certificates as well as the advance  subscription
                rights are excluded.

                3   The Board of Directors shall issue rules governing the terms
                and conditions of the option grants and exercise of options.

Art. 3sexies    1   The share capital of the corporation shall be increased by a
                maximum aggregate amount of CHF 14'000'000.--  (fourteen million
                Swiss  francs)  through the  issuance of a maximum of  1'400'000
                (one million four hundred  thousand)  registered  shares,  which
                shall be fully paid in, with a par value of CHF 10.-- (ten Swiss
                francs)  per  share by the  exercise  of option  and  conversion
                rights to be  granted  in  relation  with  bond  issues or other
                obligations of the corporation or affiliated companies.

                2   The rights of the shareholders of the corporation and of the
                participants to subscribe  shares in priority are excluded.  The
                acquisition   of  shares  through  the  exercise  of  option  or
                conversion  rights and the later transfer of the shares shall be
                subject to the transfer  restrictions  of Art. 4 of the Articles
                of Association.

                3   The  shareholders'   advanced  subscription  rights  can  be
                limited or excluded by the Board of Directors (1) to finance the
                acquisition   of   enterprises,   divisions   thereof,   or   of
                participations or of significant investments of the corporation,
                or (2) to issue the  warrants  or the  convertible  bonds on the
                international capital markets.

                4   To the  extent  that the right to  subscribe  in  advance is
                excluded,  (1) the  bonds are to be  placed  with the  public at
                market  conditions,  (2) the term to exercise the option  rights
                may not exceed  five years and the term to  exercise  conversion
                rights may not exceed ten years as of the date of the bond issue
                and (3) the  exercise  price  for the new  shares  must at least
                correspond to the market price at the time of the bond issue.

                5   On the basis of the present  article and of art.  3octies of
                the articles of incorporation (providing for an authorized share
                capital of up to 700'000  registered  shares) together,  no more
                than 1'400'000 new registered shares may be created in total.

Art. 3septies   1   The board of directors is authorized,  until April 20, 2000,
                to increase the company's  share capital by a maximum  amount of
                CHF 6'000'000.--  (six million Swiss francs) by means of issuing
                up to 600'000 (six hundred  thousand)  fully paid up  registered
                shares with a par value of CHF 10.-- (ten Swiss francs) each. It
                may do so in several partial amounts.

                2   The preemptive  rights of existing  shareholders and holders
                of participation certificates are excluded. The shares are to be
                issued by the board of  directors  at

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                market conditions on the  international  capital markets for the
                purpose of  refinancing  the  business  combination  with Olsten
                Corporation (Melville N.Y., USA).

                3   The issue price of the shares,  the form of contribution and
                the  initial  date of the right to a dividend  shall be fixed by
                the board of directors.

                4   The  new  registered  shares  are  subject  to the  transfer
                restrictions of art. 4 of the present articles.

Art. 3octies    1   The board of directors is  authorized,  until June 30, 2001,
                to increase the company`s  share capital,  in one or more steps,
                by a  maximum  amount  of CHF  7'000'000  (seven  million  Swiss
                francs), by issuing up to 700'000 (seven hundred thousand) fully
                paid up  registered  shares  with a par value of CHF 10.--  (ten
                Swiss francs) each.

                2   The issue price of the shares, the form of contribution, the
                initial date of the right to a dividend and any further terms of
                the issuance of the new registered  shares shall be fixed by the
                board of directors.

                3   The preemptive  rights of existing  shareholders and holders
                of  participation  certificates  are  excluded.  The  shares are
                intended for the  implementation of a business  combination with
                Olsten Corporation  (Melville N.Y., USA) and will serve directly
                or indirectly as  consideration  for the  shareholders of Olsten
                Corporation. A use of this authorized capital other than for the
                provision  of shares  in view of this  business  combination  is

                4   The  new  registered  shares  are  subject  to the  transfer
                restrictions of art. 4 of the present articles.

                5   The present article is subject to art. 3sexies sect. 5.

Art. 4          1   The corporation  shall maintain a share register showing the
                surnames, first names, domicile, address and nationality (in the
                case of legal entities the registered  office) of the holders or
                usufructuaries of registered shares.

                2   Upon request  acquirers of registered  shares are registered
                in the share  register as  shareholders  with the right to vote,
                provided  that they  declare  explicitly  to have  acquired  the
                registered  shares in their own name and for their own  account.
                No person or entity shall be  registered  with the right to vote
                for more than 5% of the registered share capital as set forth in
                the  commercial  register.  The  registration  restriction  also
                applies to persons who hold some or all of their shares  through
                nominees  pursuant to  paragraph 3 of this  article.  All of the
                foregoing is subject to art. 685d  paragraph 3 of the Swiss Code
                of Obligations  and to paragraph 6 of this article.

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                3   The Board
                of Directors may register nominees with the right to vote in the
                share register to the extent of up to 5% of the registered share
                capital  as set  forth in the  commercial  register.  Registered
                shares  held  by  a  nominee  that  exceed  this  limit  may  be
                registered  in the share  register if the nominee  discloses the
                names,  addresses  and the number of shares of the  persons  for
                whose  account  it holds  0.5% or more of the  registered  share
                capital as set forth in the commercial register. Nominees within
                the meaning of this  provision are persons who do not explicitly
                declare in the request for  registration  to hold the shares for
                their  own  account  or with  whom the  Board of  Directors  has
                entered into a corresponding  agreement.

                4   Corporate bodies and partnerships or other groups of persons
                or joint  owners who are  interrelated  to one  another  through
                capital   ownership,   voting  rights,   uniform  management  or
                otherwise  linked as well as individuals or corporate bodies and
                partnerships  who act in concert to circumvent  the  regulations
                concerning  the  limitation  of  participation  or the  nominees
                (especially  as  syndicates),  shall be  treated  as one  single
                person or nominee  within the meaning of  paragraphs  2 and 3 of
                this article.

                5   After hearing the  registered  shareholder  or nominee,  the
                Board of Directors may cancel, with retroactive effect as of the
                date of  registration,  the  registration of shareholders if the
                registration  was  effected  based  on  false  information.  The
                respective  shareholder or nominee shall be informed immediately
                of the cancellation of the registration.

                6   The Board of  Directors  shall  specify the details and give
                the necessary  orders  concerning the adherence to the preceding
                regulations.  In particular  cases, it may allow exemptions from
                the  limitation  for  registration  in the share register or the
                regulation concerning nominees.

                7   The  limitation  for  registration  in  the  share  register
                provided for in this article shall also apply to shares acquired
                or  subscribed  by  the  exercise  of  subscription,  option  or
                conversion rights.

Art. 4bis       The  corporation  may issue  certificates  representing  several
                shares.  They may be exchanged at any time for smaller  portions
                or individual share certificates.

Art. 4ter       1   The  corporation  may  renounce the printing and delivery of
                certificates  and may,  with the  consent of the owner of issued
                shares,  cancel issued  certificates for registered  shares that
                are returned to the corporation. It may renounce the issuance of
                new  certificates  for  registered  shares  if the  owner of the
                shares  does not demand the  issuance  of  certificates  for its
                shares with the  cooperation  of the bank which handles the book

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                2   Registered  shares not represented by a certificate may only
                be  transferred  by  way of  assignment  which  assignment  must
                encompass all rights connected with the transferred  shares.  To
                be valid,  the assignment  must be notified to the  corporation.
                Registered  shares not represented by a certificate which a bank
                has been instructed by the shareholder to administer may only be
                transferred with the cooperation of that bank.

                3   Registered  shares not represented by a certificate may only
                be pledged to the bank which  handles  the book  entries of such
                shares for the  shareholder,  and only based on a written pledge
                agreement.  A notification  of the corporation is not necessary.
                The  right  to  require   delivery  of  a  certificate   may  be
                transferred  to the bank  accepting  the  pledge.  In all  other
                cases, the pledge of registered  shares requires the transfer of
                the certificates to be valid.

Art. 4quater    1   The shares are not divisible.  The corporation  accepts only
                one representative per share.

                2   The right to vote and the  other  rights  associated  with a
                registered  share  may  only  be  exercised  by  a  shareholder,
                usufructuary or nominee who is registered in the share register.

Art. 5          The General  Meeting  shall be  entitled  to convert  registered
                shares into bearer  shares,  or  vice-versa,  bearer shares into
                registered  shares at any time,  all in accordance  with the law
                and the Articles.

                B.         Participation Capital and Participation Certificates

Art. 6          The participation  capital (non-voting share capital) totals CHF
                49'000.-- (forty-nine thousand Swiss francs) divided into 24'500
                (twenty-four   thousand  five  hundred)  fully  paid  up  bearer
                participation  certificates  of  CHF  2.--  (two  Swiss  francs)
                nominal value each.

Art. 6bis       Article 4 applies accordingly to participation certificates.

Art. 6ter       The general  meeting shall be entitled to convert  participation
                certificates into registered shares at any time.

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                C.         Preemptive Rights

Art. 7          1   In  case  of  an  increase  in  share  and/or  participation
                capital,  shareholders and holders of participation certificates
                have the following preferential subscription rights:

                     a) If the  increase  applies  only to the share  capital or
                     only to the  participation  capital,  both the shareholders
                     and the holders of  participation  certificates  shall have
                     preferential rights.

                     b) If the  increase in share  capital  and the  increase in
                     participation  capital take place simultaneously and are in
                     the  same   proportion  as  the  different   categories  of
                     securities issued,  the preferential  subscription right of
                     the  shareholder  shall apply only to the  shares,  and the
                     preferential   subscription   right  of  the   holders   of
                     participation   certificates   shall   apply  only  to  the
                     participation certificates.

                     c) If the  increase in share  capital  and the  increase in
                     participation capital take place simultaneously but are not
                     in the  same  proportion  as the  different  categories  of
                     securities  issued,  the initial procedure adopted shall be
                     the same as that for a proportionate increase, as mentioned
                     in b) above.

                2   On the  excess  portion  of either  category  of  securities
                issued,  both the  shareholders and the holders of participation
                certificates shall have preferential subscription rights.

                III.       Governing Bodies of the Company

Art. 8          The governing bodies of the company are:

                     a)    the General Meeting

                     b)    the Board of Directors

                     c)    the Auditors.

                A.         The General Meeting

Art. 9          1   The Ordinary Annual General Meeting shall be convened once a
                year within six months of the end of each  financial  year.  The
                General Meeting takes decisions

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                on all  matters  assigned  to it by law  or by the  Articles  of
                Association,  in  particular  it  decides  on the  report on the
                company's activities and the annual accounts.

                2   An  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  may be  convened by the
                Board of Directors, the Auditors, the liquidator or by a General
                Meeting as often as the company may warrant.  The convening of a
                General   Meeting  may  also  be   requested   by  one  or  more
                shareholders  representing a total of not less than one tenth of
                the share capital.

Art. 10         The  convening  of a  General  Meeting  shall  be  published  in
                accordance  with  article  25. The  publication  must be made at
                least 20 days  before  the  General  Meeting  takes  place.  The
                convening must state the matters on the agenda and the proposals
                of the Board of Directors and the shareholders who demanded that
                a General Meeting be called.

Art. 11         The  Meeting  shall be chaired by the  Chairman  of the Board of
                Directors,  or by any other  member of the Board.  The  Chairman
                shall  appoint a  secretary  for  keeping  the  minutes  and, if
                necessary, one or more tellers, who need not to be shareholders.

Art. 12         1   The Board of Directors shall provide for the rules regarding
                the participation and the representation at the General Meeting.

                2   A  shareholder  shall  only  be  represented  by  his  legal
                representative,  another  shareholder  with  the  right to vote,
                corporate   bodies    (Organvertreter),    independent   proxies
                (unabhangige    Stimmrechtsvertreter)   or   by   a   depositary

                3   The Chairman of the General  Meeting decides whether a proxy
                will be accepted.

Art. 13         1   The General  Meeting shall  constitute a quorum however many
                shareholders   are   present   and   however   many  shares  are

                2   During  the  Meeting,  each  shareholder  shall have as many
                votes as the shares he possesses or  represents.  Subject to any
                quorum  or  qualified  majority  prescribed  by  law  or by  the
                Articles,  elections shall be carried out and decisions taken by
                an absolute  majority of the number of votes  represented.  As a
                rule, voting takes place by show of hands; voting is carried out
                by secret ballot at the request of the Chairman or  shareholders
                representing not less than 5% of the share capital.

                3   At least a two thirds majority of the votes  represented and
                an absolute majority of the par values of the shares represented
                is required for the adoption of a resolution concerning:

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                     -     an alteration of the purpose of the corporation

                     -     a creation of shares with increased voting powers

                     -     an  implementation  of  restrictions  on  transfer of
                           registered   shares   and   the   removal   of   such

                     -     an   authorized   increase   of  the   capital  or  a
                           conditional increase of the capital

                     -     an increase of the capital by  conversion  of capital
                           surplus,  by contribution of property for the purpose
                           of an  acquisition  of  property  and  the  grant  of
                           special rights

                     -     a restriction or suspension of preemptive rights

                     -     a change of location of the  principal  office of the

                     -     the   dissolution   of   the   corporation    without

Art. 14         1   The General Meeting is the supreme body of the corporation.

                2   It has the following powers which shall not be delegated:

                     -     to adopt and amend the Articles of Association

                     -     to elect the  members of the Board of  Directors  and
                           the Auditors

                     -     to  approve  the annual  report and the  consolidated
                           financial statements

                     -     to  approve  the  annual  financial   statements  and
                           determine  the  allocation  of profit as shown on the
                           balance sheet, in particular with regard to dividends
                           and  bonus  payments  to  members  of  the  board  of

                     -     to discharge the members of the Board of Directors

                     -     to pass resolutions  concerning all matters which are
                           reserved to the  authority of the General  Meeting by
                           law or the Articles of Association

                B.         The Board of Directors

Art. 15         1   The Board of  Directors  of the company  consists of five to
                nine members, who must be shareholders.

                2   The  members of the Board  shall be elected  for three years
                and may be re-elected.

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                3   The term of office of the members of the Board shall  expire
                on the date of the General Meeting.

                4   The  Board  of  Directors  organizes  itself.  The  Board of
                Directors  is  authorized  to  delegate  the  management  of the
                corporation  in whole or in part to  individual  directors or to
                third parties in accordance with by-laws  governing the internal
                organization.  Such by-laws shall contain provisions  concerning
                the management,  the necessary executive positions and duties of
                the officers and in particular the reporting.

Art. 16         1   The Board of Directors  is  authorized  to pass  resolutions
                concerning  all matters  which are not reserved by law or by the
                Articles of Association to other governing bodies.

                2   The Board of Directors  has the  following non delegable and
                inalienable duties:

                     -     the  ultimate   direction  of  the  business  of  the
                           corporation and to give the necessary instructions

                     -     the   determination   of  the   organization  of  the

                     -     the  administration of accounting,  financial control
                           and, to the extent  necessary  for the  management of
                           the corporation, financial planning

                     -     the appointment and removal of the persons  entrusted
                           with  the  management  and   representation   of  the

                     -     the  ultimate  supervision  of the persons  entrusted
                           with the  management  of the  corporation,  mainly in
                           view of their  compliance  with the law, the Articles
                           of Association, by-laws and instructions

                     -     the  preparation of the annual report and the General
                           Meeting and to carry out the  resolutions  adopted by
                           the General Meetings.

                     -     the   notification   of  the   court   in   case   of

Art. 17         1   The majority of the members of the board of  directors  must
                be   present  in  order  for  the  board  to  be  able  to  pass

                2   Resolutions  must be passed by a majority of all the members
                of the board of directors.

                3   In the  event  of a tie in the  number  of votes  cast,  the
                chairman shall not have a casting vote.

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                4   No  majority  must be  present to adopt  resolutions  of the
                Board of  Directors  regarding a report on capital  increase and
                for  those  resolutions  which  require  to  be  evidenced  in a
                notarized instrument.

Art. 18         Repealed by  resolution of the Ordinary  General  Meeting of the
                Shareholders on May 9, 1995.

                C.         The Auditors

Art. 19         The General  Meeting  shall elect  Auditors  and an auditor of a
                group of companies  every year , who may be  re-elected  and who
                shall perform the tasks allocated by law.

                IV.        Representation of the Company

Art. 20         Repealed by  resolution of the Ordinary  General  Meeting of the
                Shareholders on May 9, 1995.

                V.         Accounts, Balance Sheet, Net Income

Art. 21         The balance sheet and the income  statement of the company shall
                be  closed  annually  as of  December  31,  the next  time as of
                December 31, 1996.

Art. 22         The income  statement and the balance sheet shall be drawn up in
                accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Art.23          1   One twentieth (1/20) of the annual profit shall be allocated
                to the  general  reserves  until such  reserve  equals one fifth
                (1/5) of the paid in share and participation capital.

                2   The balance of the  remaining  annual profit shall be at the
                disposal  of the  General  Meeting,  subject  to  the  mandatory
                requirements of Article 671 of the Swiss Code of Obligations.

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Art. 24         A decision to dissolve  the company  shall  require a two thirds
                majority of the votes allocated to all issued shares.

                VI.        Publications

Art. 25         To be valid,  publications  shall be made in the official  Swiss
                Commercial Gazette (`Feuille Officielle Suisse du Commerce). The
                Board may decide upon further publications.

                VII. Interim Provisions

Art. 26         1   Under the terms of the merger  contract of October 26, 1989,
                the  company  has taken over all the assets and  liabilities  of
                Inspectorate  International AG, Berne, by universal  succession,
                as specified in Article 748 of the Swiss Code of Obligations. On
                the  basis  of the  merger  balance  sheet  of  June  30,  1989,
                Inspectorate    International    AG   holds    assets   of   CHF
                2'376'896'787.--  and liabilities of CHF  1'795'783'344.--  thus
                producing an excess of assets of CHF 581'086'443.--.

                2   For each bearer  share with a par value of CHF  100.--,  the
                shareholder of Inspectorate  International  AG shall receive one
                fully paid up bearer  share in the  company  with a par value of
                CHF   100.--.   Holders   of   participation   certificates   in
                Inspectorate  International  AG,  with a par value of CHF 20.--,
                shall receive a fully paid up  participation  certificate in the
                company  with a par value of CHF 20.--.  For this  purpose,  the
                company has increased its share capital by CHF 105'000'000.-- by
                issuing  1'050'000 fully paid up bearer shares,  each with a par
                value  of  CHF  100.--,  and  has  increased  its  participation
                certificate capital by CHF 32'000'000.-- issuing 1'600'000 fully
                paid up participation  certificates each with a par value of CHF

                                           As amended through September 10, 1999

         Free translation from the French original. The French original governs.