EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

                          Effective as of July 1, 1996


                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

PREAMBLE                                                               1


         1.1      Definitions

                  (a)      "Act"                                       2
                  (b)      "Administrator"                             2
                  (c)      "Annual Additions"                          2
                  (d)      "Authorized Leave of Absence"               2
                  (e)      "Beneficiary"                               2
                  (f)      "Board of Directors"                        2
                  (g)      "Break"                                     3
                  (h)      "Code"                                      3
                  (i)      "Compensation"                              3
                  (j)      "Date of Hire"                              3
                  (k)      "Disability"                                3
                  (l)      "Disability Retirement Date"                3
                  (m)      "Early Retirement Date"                     4
                  (n)      "Effective Date"                            4
                  (o)      "Eligibility Period"                        4
                  (p)      "Employee"                                  4
                  (q)      "Employer"                                  4
                  (r)      "Employer Securities"                       4
                  (s)      "Entry Date"                                4
                  (t)      "Exempt Loan"                               4
                  (u)      "Former Participant"                        4
                  (v)      "Fund"                                      4
                  (w)      "Hour of Service"                           5
                  (x)      "Investment Adjustments"                    5
                  (y)      "Limitation Year"                           5
                  (z)      "Normal Retirement Date"                    5
                  (aa)     "Participant"                               5
                  (bb)     "Plan"                                      6
                  (cc)     "Plan Year"                                 6

                  (dd)     "Qualified Domestic Relations Order"        6
                  (ee)     "Retirement"                                6
                  (ff)     "Service"                                   6
                  (gg)     "Sponsor"                                   6
                  (hh)     "Trust Agreement"                           6
                  (ii)     "Trustee"                                   7
                  (jj)     "Valuation Date"                            7
                  (kk)     "Year of Service"                           7
         1.2      Plurals and Gender                                   7
         1.3      Incorporation of Trust Agreement                     7
         1.4      Headings                                             8
         1.5      Severability                                         8
         1.6      References to Governmental Regulations               8


         2.1      Commencement of Participation                        9
         2.2      Termination of Participation                         9
         2.3      Resumption of Participation                          9
         2.4      Determination of Eligibility                         10


         3.1      Service Counted for Eligibility Purposes             11
         3.2      Service Counted for Vesting Purposes                 11
         3.3      Credit for Pre-Break Service                         11
         3.4      Service Credit During Authorized Leaves              11
         3.5      Service Credit During Maternity or
                    Paternity Leave                                    12
         3.6      Ineligible Employees                                 12


         4.1      Employee Stock Ownership Contributions               13
         4.2      Time and Manner of Employee Stock Ownership
                    Contributions                                      13
         4.3      Records of Contributions                             14
         4.4      Erroneous Contributions                              14


         5.1      Establishment of Separate Participant
                    Accounts                                           16
         5.2      Establishment of Suspense Account                    16

         5.3      Allocation of Earnings, Losses and Expenses          17
         5.4      Allocation of Forfeitures                            17
         5.5      Allocation of Annual Employee Stock
                    Ownership Contributions                            17
         5.6      Limitation on Annual Additions                       18
         5.7      Erroneous Allocations                                21
         5.8      Value of Participant's Interest in Fund              21
         5.9      Investment of Account Balances                       21


         6.1      Normal Retirement                                    22
         6.2      Early Retirement                                     22
         6.3      Disability Retirement                                22
         6.4      Death Benefits                                       22
         6.5      Designation of Death Beneficiary and
                    Manner of Payment                                  23


         7.1      Vesting on Death, Disability, Normal Retirement      24
         7.2      Vesting on Termination of Participation              24
         7.3      Disposition of Forfeitures                           24


         8.1      Right to Demand Employer Securities                  26
         8.2      Voting Rights                                        26
         8.3      Nondiscrimination in Employee Stock
                    Ownership Contributions                            26
         8.4      Dividends                                            27
         8.5      Exempt Loans                                         27
         8.6      Exempt Loan Payments                                 29
         8.7      Put Option                                           30
         8.8      Diversification Requirements                         30
         8.9      Independent Appraiser                                31


         9.1      Payments on Termination of Service
                    - In General                                       32
         9.2      Commencement of Payments                             32
         9.3      Mandatory Commencement of Benefits                   33
         9.4      Required Beginning Dates                             35

         9.5      Form of Payment                                      35
         9.6      Payments Upon Termination of Plan                    36
         9.7      Distribution Pursuant to Qualified
                    Domestic Relations Orders                          36
         9.8      Cash-Out Distributions                               36
         9.9      ESOP Distribution Rules                              37
         9.10     Withholding                                          37
         9.11     Waiver of 30-day Notice                              38


         10.1     Top-Heavy Rules to Control                           39
         10.2     Top-Heavy Plan Definitions                           39
         10.3     Calculation of Accrued Benefits                      41
         10.4     Determination of Top-Heavy Status                    42
         10.5     Determination of Super Top-Heavy Status              42
         10.6     Minimum Contribution                                 43
         10.7     Vesting                                              44
         10.8     Maximum Benefit Limitation                           44


         11.1     Appointment of Administrator                         45
         11.2     Resignation or Removal of Administrator              45
         11.3     Appointment of Successors:  Terms of
                    Office, Etc.                                       45
         11.4     Powers and Duties of Administrator                   45
         11.5     Action by Administrator                              47
         11.6     Participation by Administrators                      47
         11.7     Agents                                               47
         11.8     Allocation of Duties                                 47
         11.9     Delegation of Duties                                 47
         11.10    Administrator's Action Conclusive                    48
         11.11    Compensation and Expenses of
                    Administrator                                      48
         11.12    Records and Reports                                  48
         11.13    Reports of Fund Open to Participants                 48
         11.14    Named Fiduciary                                      48
         11.15    Information from Employer                            49
         11.16    Reservation of Rights by Employer                    49
         11.17    Liability and Indemnification                        49
         11.18    Service as Trustee and Administrator                 49


         12.1     Notice of Denial                                     50
         12.2     Right to Reconsideration                             50
         12.3     Review of Documents                                  50
         12.4     Decision by Administrator                            50
         12.5     Notice by Administrator                              50


         13.1     Amendments                                           51
         13.2     Consolidation, Merger or Other
                    Transactions of Employer                           51
         13.3     Consolidation or Merger of Trust                     52
         13.4     Bankruptcy or Insolvency of Employer                 52
         13.5     Voluntary Termination                                53
         13.6     Partial Termination of Plan or Permanent
                    Discontinuance of Contributions                    53


         14.1     No Diversion of Funds                                54
         14.2     Liability Limited                                    54
         14.3     Incapacity                                           54
         14.4     Spendthrift Clause                                   54
         14.5     Benefits Limited to Fund                             55
         14.6     Cooperation of Parties                               55
         14.7     Payments Due Missing Persons                         55
         14.8     Governing Law                                        55
         14.9     Nonguarantee of Employment                           56
         14.10    Counsel                                              56


                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN


         Effective  as of July 1,  1996,  Montgomery  Financial  Corporation,  a
Delaware  corporation,  (the  "Sponsor"),  has adopted the Montgomery  Financial
Corporation  Employee Stock  Ownership Plan in order to enable  Participants  to
share  in the  growth  and  prosperity  of the  Sponsor  and  its  wholly  owned
subsidiary,   Montgomery  Savings,  A  Federal   Association,   and  to  provide
Participants with an opportunity to accumulate capital for their future economic
security  by  accumulating  funds to provide  retirement,  death and  disability
benefits.  The Plan is a stock bonus plan  designed to meet the re quirements of
an employee stock ownership plan as described at Section  4975(e)(7) of the Code
and Section  407(d)(6)  of ERISA.  The  primary  purpose of the  employee  stock
ownership plan is to invest in employer securities. The Sponsor intends that the
Plan will qualify under  Sections  401(a) and 501(a) of the Code and will comply
with the  provisions of ERISA.  The Plan has been drafted to comply with the Tax
Reform Act of 1986, the Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation  Act of 1986, the Omnibus
Budget  Reconciliation Act of 1987, the Technical and Miscellaneous  Revenue Act
of  1988,   the  Revenue   Reconciliation   Act  of  1989,  the  Omnibus  Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1993, and the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1986.

         The terms of this Plan shall apply only with  respect to  Employees  of
the Employer on and after July 1, 1996.

                                    ARTICLE I

    1.1  Definitions.

         Unless a  different  meaning is plainly  implied  by the  context,  the
    following terms as used in this Plan shall have the following meanings:

          (a) "Act" shall mean the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of
     1974, as amended from time to time, or any successor statute.

          (b) "Administrator"  shall mean the administrative  committee provided
     for in Article XI.

          (c) "Annual  Additions" shall mean, with respect to each  Participant,
     the sum of those amounts allocated to the Participant's accounts under this
     Plan and under any other qualified  defined  contribution plan to which the
     Employer contributes for any Limitation Year, consisting of the follow ing:

                  (1)  Employer contributions;

                  (2)  Forfeitures; and

                  (3)  Voluntary contributions (if any).

          (d)  "Authorized  Leave of Absence" shall mean an absence from Service
     with  respect  to  which  the  Employee  may or  may  not  be  entitled  to
     Compensation and which meets any one of the following requirements:

                  (1)  Service in any of the armed  forces of the United  States
    for up to 36 months,  provided that the Employee  resumes  Service within 90
    days  after  discharge,  or such  longer  period of time  during  which such
    Employee's employment rights are protected by law; or

                  (2) Any other absence or leave expressly  approved and granted
    by the Employer which does not exceed 24 months,  provided that the Employee
    resumes  Service  at or before the end of such  approved  leave  period.  In
    approving such leaves of absence,  the Employer shall treat all Employees on
    a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis.

          (e) "Beneficiary"  shall mean such persons as may be designated by the
     Participant to receive benefits after the death of the Participant, or such
     persons designated by the Administrator to receive benefits after the death
     of the Participant, all as provided in Section 6.5.

          (f)  "Board of  Directors"  shall mean the Board of  Directors  of the


          (g) "Break"  shall mean a Plan Year during which an Employee  fails to
     complete more than 500 Hours of Service.

          (h) "Code"  shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended
     from time to time, or any successor statute.

          (i)  "Compensation"  shall mean the amount of remuneration  paid to an
     Employee by the  Employer,  after the date on which the Employee  becomes a
     Participant,  for  services  rendered to the  Employer  during a Plan Year,
     including base salary, bonuses, overtime and commissions, and any amount of
     compensation contributed pursuant to a salary reduction election under Code
     Section  401(k) and any amount of  compensation  contributed to a cafeteria
     plan  described at Section 125 of the Code,  but excluding  amounts paid by
     the Employer or accrued with respect to this Plan or any other qualified or
     non-qualified  unfunded  plan of deferred  compensation  or other  employee
     welfare  plan  to  which  the  Employer  contributes,  payments  for  group
     insurance,  medical benefits,  reimburse ment for expenses, and other forms
     of extraordinary pay, and excluding amounts accrued for a prior year.

    Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary, the annual Compensation of
    each  Participant  taken into account under the Plan for any Plan Year shall
    not  exceed  $150,000,  as  adjusted  from time to time in  accordance  with
    Section 415(d) of the Code. In determining the compensation of a Participant
    for purposes of this limitation,  the rules of section 414(q)(6) of the Code
    shall apply,  except in applying such rules, the term "family" shall include
    only  the  spouse  of the  Participant  and any  lineal  descendants  of the
    Participant  who have not attained age 19 before the close of the year.  If,
    as a result of such rules,  the adjusted  $150,000  limitation  is exceeded,
    then (except for purposes of determining  the portion of  compensation up to
    the integration  level), the limitation shall be prorated among the affected
    individuals  in  proportion  to  each  such  individual's   compensation  as
    determined under this section prior to the application of this limitation.

          (j) "Date of Hire" shall mean the date on which a person shall perform
     his first Hour of Service.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  in the event a
     person incurs one or more consecutive Breaks after his initial Date of Hire
     which  results in the  forfeiture  of his  pre-Break  Service  pursuant  to
     Section  3.3, his "Date of Hire" shall  thereafter  be the date on which he
     completes his first Hour of Service after such Break or Breaks.

          (k)  "Disability"  shall mean a physical  or mental  impairment  which
     prohibits a Participant from engaging in any occupation for wages or profit
     and which has caused the Social  Security  Administration  to classify  the
     individual as "disabled" for purposes of Social Security.

          (l) "Disability Retirement Date" shall mean the first day of the month
     after which a Participant incurs a Disability.


          (m)  "Early  Retirement  Date"  shall  mean the first day of the month
     coincident  with or next following the date on which a Participant  attains
     age 55 and completes 5 Years of Service.

          (n) "Effective Date" shall mean July 1, 1996.

          (o)  "Eligibility  Period"  shall  mean the  period of 12  consecutive
     months  commencing on an Employee's  Date of Hire.  Succeeding  eligibility
     computation periods after the initial eligibility  computation period shall
     be based on Plan Years which include the first anniversary of an Employee's
     Date of Hire.

          (p)  "Employee"  shall  mean  any  person  employed  by the  Employer,
     including  officers  but  excluding  directors  in their  capacity as such;
     provided,  however,  that the term  "Employee"  shall  not  include  leased
     employees,  employees regularly employed outside the employer's own offices
     in  connection  with the operation  and  maintenance  of buildings or other
     properties  acquired through foreclosure or deed, and any employee included
     in a unit of employees covered by a collective-  bargaining  agreement with
     the Employer  that does not  expressly  provide for  participation  of such
     employees in this Plan, where there has been good-faith  bargaining between
     the Employer and  employees'  representatives  on the subject of retirement

          (q) "Employer" shall mean Montgomery Financial Corporation, a Delaware
     corporation, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Montgomery Savings, A Federal
     Association,  or any  successors to the aforesaid  corporations  by merger,
     consolidation  or otherwise,  which may agree to continue this Plan, or any
     affiliated  or  subsidiary  corporation  or  business  organization  of any
     Employer  which,  with the consent of the Sponsor,  shall agree to become a
     party to this Plan.

          (r)  "Employer  Securities"  shall  mean the  common  stock  issued by
     Montgomery Financial Corporation, a Delaware corporation.

          (s) "Entry Date" shall mean each January 1 and July 1, so long as this
     Plan shall remain in effect.

          (t) "Exempt Loan" shall mean a loan described at Section 4975(d)(1) of
     the Code to the Trustee to purchase Employer  Securities for the Plan, made
     or guaranteed by a disqualified person, as defined at Section 4975(e)(2) of
     the Code, including,  but not limited to, a direct loan of cash, a purchase
     money  transaction,  an  assumption  of an  obligation  of the Trustee,  an
     unsecured  guarantee  or the use of assets of such  disqualified  person as
     collateral for such a loan.

          (u) "Former  Participant"  shall mean any previous  Participant  whose
     participation  has  terminated  but who has a vested  interest  in the Plan
     which has not been distributed in full.

          (v) "Fund" shall mean the Fund  maintained by the Trustee  pursuant to
     the Trust  Agreement  in order to provide for the  payment of the  benefits
     specified in the Plan.


          (w) "Hour of  Service"  shall mean each hour for which an  Employee is
     directly or  indirectly  paid or entitled to payment by an Employer for the
     performance  of duties or for reasons other than the  performance of duties
     (such as vacation time, holidays, sickness, disability, paid lay-offs, jury
     duty and  similar  periods  of paid  nonworking  time).  To the  extent not
     otherwise included, Hours of Service shall also include each hour for which
     back pay,  irrespective  of  mitigation  of damages,  is either award ed or
     agreed to by the  Employer.  Hours of working time shall be credited on the
     basis of actual hours worked, even though compensated at a premium rate for
     overtime or other reasons.  In computing and crediting Hours of Service for
     an Employee  under this Plan,  the rules set forth in  Sections  2530.200b-
     2(b) and (c) of the  Department  of Labor  Regulations  shall  apply,  said
     Sections being herein incor porated by reference. Hours of Service shall be
     credited  to the Plan  Year or  other  relevant  period  during  which  the
     services were performed or the nonworking time occurred,  regardless of the
     time when  Compensation  therefor  may be paid.  Any  Employee  for whom no
     hourly  employment  records are kept by the Employer shall be credited with
     45 Hours of  Service  for each  calendar  week in which he would  have been
     credited with a least one Hour or Service  under the foregoing  provisions,
     if hourly records were available.  Effective  January 1, 1985, for absences
     commencing  on or after  that  date,  solely for  purposes  of  determining
     whether a Break for  participation  and vesting purposes has occurred in an
     Eligibility  Period or Plan Year, an individual who is absent from work for
     maternity  or  paternity  reasons  shall  receive  credit  for the Hours of
     Service which would otherwise have been credited to such individual but for
     such absence,  or in any case in which such hours cannot be  determined,  8
     Hours of Service per day of such  absence.  For  purposes  of this  Section
     1.1(w),  an absence from work for  maternity or paternity  reasons means an
     absence (1) by reason of the pregnancy of the individual,  (2) by reason of
     a birth of a child of the  individual,  (3) by reason of the placement of a
     child with the individual in connection  with the adoption of such child by
     such individual,  or (4) for purposes of caring for such child for a period
     beginning  immediately  following  such  birth or  placement.  The Hours of
     Service  credited  under  this  provision  shall  be  credited  (1)  in the
     computation  period  in  which  the  absence  begins  if the  crediting  is
     necessary to prevent a Break in that period,  or (2) in all other cases, in
     the following computation period.

          (x) "Investment Adjustments" shall mean the increases and/or decreases
     in the value of a Participant's  accounts attributable to earnings,  gains,
     losses and expenses of the Fund, as set forth in Section 5.3.

          (y) "Limitation Year" shall mean the Plan Year.

          (z)  "Normal  Retirement  Date"  shall mean the first day of the month
     coincident with or during which a Participant  attains age 65 and completes
     the fifth anniversary of his participation in the Plan.

          (aa)  "Participant"  shall  mean  an  Employee  who has met all of the
     eligibility  requirements of the Plan and who is currently  included in the
     Plan as provided in Article II hereof.


          (bb) "Plan" shall mean the Montgomery  Financial  Corporation Employee
     Stock Ownership Plan, as described herein or as hereafter amended from time
     to time.

          (cc) "Plan Year" shall mean any 12 consecutive month period commencing
     on July 1 and ending on June 30.

          (dd)  "Qualified  Domestic  Relations  Order" shall mean any judgment,
     decree or order  (including  approval of a property  settlement  agreement)
     that relates to the provision of child support,  alimony,  marital property
     rights  to a  spouse,  former  spouse,  child  or  other  dependent  of the
     Participant (all such persons  hereinafter termed "alternate payee") and is
     made  pursuant  to a State  domestic  relations  law  (including  community
     property law) and, further,  that creates or recognizes the existence of an
     alternate  payee's right to, or assigns to an alternate  payee the right to
     receive  all or a  portion  of  the  benefits  payable  with  respect  to a
     Participant and that clearly specifies the following:

                  (1) the name and last known mailing  address (if available) of
         the  Participant  and the name and  mailing  address of each  alternate
         payee to which the order relates;

                  (2) the amount or percentage of the Participant's  benefits to
         be paid to an  alternate  payee or the manner in which the amount is to
         be determined; and

                  (3) the number of  payments or period for which  payments  are

         A domestic  relations order is not a Qualified Domestic Relations Order
if it:

                  (1)  requires  the Plan to provide any type or form of benefit
         or any option not otherwise provided under the Plan; or,

                  (2) requires the Plan to provide increased benefits, or

                  (3) requires payment of benefits to an alternate payee that is
         required  to be paid to  another  alternate  payee  under a  previously
         existing Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

               (ee)  "Retirement"  shall mean  termination  of employment  which
          qualifies as early,  normal or  Disability  retirement as described in
          Article VI.

               (ff) "Service" shall mean employment with the Employer.

               (gg) "Sponsor" shall mean  Montgomery  Financial  Corporation,  a
          Delaware corporation.

               (hh) "Trust Agreement" shall mean the agreement, dated April ___,
          1997 by and  between  Montgomery  Financial  Corporation,  a  Delaware
          corporation, and _________________, of _________, ___________.


         (ii) "Trustee" shall mean the Trustee or Trustees by whom the assets of
    the Plan are  held,  as  provided  in the Trust  Agreement,  or his or their

         (jj)  "Valuation  Date" shall mean the last day of each Plan Year.  The
    Trustee  may  make  additional   valuations,   at  the  instruction  of  the
    Administrator,  but in no event  may the  Administrator  request  additional
    valuations by the Trustee more frequently than quarterly. Whenever such date
    falls on a Saturday,  Sunday or holiday, the preceding business day shall be
    the Valuation Date.

         (kk)  "Year  of  Service"  shall  mean any Plan  Year  during  which an
    Employee has completed at least 1,000 Hours of Service,  except as otherwise
    specified  in Article  III,  in the  determination  of Years of Service  for
    eligibility and vesting purposes under this Plan, the term "Year of Service"
    shall also mean any Plan Year during  which an  Employee  has  completed  at
    least 1,000 Hours of Service with an entity that is:

                  (1) a member of a controlled  group  including  the  Employer,
         while it is a member of such  controlled  group  (within the meaning of
         Section 414(b) of the Code);

                  (2) in a group of trades or  businesses  under common  control
         with the Employer, while it is under common control (within the meaning
         of Section 414(c) of the Code);

                  (3) a member of an  affiliated  service  group  including  the
         Employer, while it is a member of such affiliated service group (within
         the meaning of Section 414(m) of the Code); or

                  (4) a leasing organization,  under the circumstances described
         in Section 414(n) of the Code.

    1.2  Plurals and Gender.

         Where  appearing  in the Plan and the Trust  Agreement,  the  masculine
    gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and the singular shall
    include the plural,  and vice versa,  unless the context clearly indicates a
    different meaning.

    1.3  Incorporation of Trust Agreement.

         The Trust  Agreement,  as the same may be amended from time to time, is
    intended to be and hereby is  incorporated  by reference  into this Plan and
    for all purposes shall be deemed a part of the Plan.


    1.4  Headings.

         The  headings  and  sub-headings  in this  Plan  are  inserted  for the
    convenience of reference only and are to be ignored in any  construction  of
    the provisions hereof.

    1.5  Severability.

         In case any provision of this Plan shall be held illegal or void,  such
    illegality or invalidity  shall not affect the remaining  provisions of this
    Plan,  but shall be fully  severable,  and the Plan shall be  construed  and
    enforced as if said illegal or invalid  provisions  had never been  inserted

    1.6  References to Governmental Regulations.

         References in this Plan to regulations  issued by the Internal  Revenue
    Service,  the  Department of Labor,  or other  governmental  agencies  shall
    include all regulations,  rulings,  procedures,  releases and other position
    statements issued by any such agency.


                                   ARTICLE II


    2.1  Commencement of Participation.

         (a) Any Employee who  completes at least 1,000 Hours of Service  during
    his  Eligibility  Period or during any Plan Year beginning after his Date of
    Hire shall initially  become a Participant on the Entry Date coincident with
    or next following the later of the following dates,  provided he is employed
    by the Employer on that Entry Date:

                  (1)  The date which is 12 months after his Date of Hire; and

                  (2) The date on which he attains age 21.

         (b) Any  Employee  who had  satisfied  the  requirements  set  forth in
    Section 2.1(a) during the 12-month  period prior to the Effective Date shall
    become a Participant on the Effective Date, provided he is still employed by
    the Employer on the Effective Date.

    2.2  Termination of Participation.

         After  commencement  or  resumption of his  participation,  an Employee
    shall remain a  Participant  during each  consecutive  Plan Year  thereafter
    until the earliest of the following dates:

         (a)  His actual Retirement date;

         (b)  His date of death; or

         (c)  The last day of a Plan Year during which he incurs a Break.

    2.3  Resumption of Participation.

         (a) Any Participant whose employment terminates and who resumes Service
    before he incurs a Break shall resume participation  immediately on the date
    he is reemployed.

         (b) Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.3(c), any Participant who
    incurs one or more Breaks and resumes  Service  shall  resume  participation
    retroactively  as of the  first  day of the  first  Plan  Year in  which  he
    completes a Year of Service after such Break(s).

         (c) Any Participant who incurs one or more Breaks and resumes  Service,
    but whose pre- Break  Service is not  reinstated  to his credit  pursuant to
    Section 3.3, shall be treated as a new


    Employee and shall again be required to satisfy the eligibility requirements
    contained in Section 2.1 before  resuming  participation  on the appropriate
    Entry Date, as specified in Section 2.1.

    2.4  Determination of Eligibility.

         The  Administrator  shall  determine  the  eligibility  of Employees in
    accordance  with the  provisions  of this Article.  For each Plan Year,  the
    Employer shall furnish the Administrator a list of all Employees, indicating
    the  original  date of their  reemployment  with the Employer and any Breaks
    they may have incurred.


                                   ARTICLE III

                                CREDITED SERVICE

    3.1  Service Counted for Eligibility Purposes.

         Except as provided in Section 3.3, all Years of Service completed by an
    Employee  shall be  counted  in  determining  his  eligibility  to  become a
    Participant  on and after the  Effective  Date,  whether  such  Service  was
    completed before or after the Effective Date.

    3.2  Service Counted for Vesting Purposes.

         All Years of  Service  completed  by an  Employee  (including  Years of
    Service  completed  prior  to  the  Effective  Date)  shall  be  counted  in
    determining his vested interest in this Plan, except the following:

         (a) Service which is disregarded under the provisions of Section 3.3;

         (b) Service  prior to the  Effective  Date of this Plan if such Service
    would have been  disregarded  under the "break in service" rules (within the
    meaning of Section 1.411(a)-5(b)(6) of the Treasury Regulations).

    3.3  Credit for Pre-Break Service.

         Upon his  resumption  of  participation  following  one or a series  of
    consecutive  Breaks, an Employee's  pre-Break Service shall be reinstated to
    his credit for all purposes of this Plan only if either:

         (a) He was vested in any portion of his accrued benefit at the time the
    Break(s) began; or

         (b) The number of his  consecutive  Breaks does not equal or exceed the
    greater of 5 or the number of his Years of  Service  credited  to him before
    the Breaks began.

         Except as  provided in the  foregoing,  none of an  Employee's  Service
    prior to one or a series of  consecutive  Breaks  shall be  counted  for any
    purpose in connection with his participation in this Plan thereafter.

    3.4  Service Credit During Authorized Leaves.

         An Employee  shall  receive no Service  credit under Section 3.1 or 3.2
    during any Authorized Leave of Absence.  However,  solely for the purpose of
    determining whether he has incurred a Break during any Plan Year in which he
    is absent from Service for one or more Authorized Leaves of


    Absence,  he shall be credited with 45 Hours of Service for each week during
    any such leave period.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  if an Employee fails
    to return to  Service on or before  the end of a leave  period,  he shall be
    deemed to have  terminated  Service as of the first day of such leave period
    and his credit for Hours of  Service,  determined  under this  Section  3.4,
    shall be revoked. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
    an  Employee  who is absent by reason of  military  service  as set forth in
    Section  1.1(d)(1)  shall be given  Service  credit under this Plan for such
    military leave period to the extent, and for all purposes, required by law.

    3.5  Service Credit During Maternity or Paternity Leave.

         Effective  for  absences  beginning  on or after  January 1, 1985,  for
    purposes of determining  whether a Break has occurred for  participation and
    vesting  purposes,  an individual who is on maternity or paternity  leave as
    described  in Section  1.1(w),  shall be deemed to have  completed  Hours of
    Service  during such  period of  absence,  all in  accordance  with  Section
    1.1(w).  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no credit shall be given for such
    Hours of Service unless the individual  furnishes to the Administrator  such
    timely information as the Administrator may reasonably require to determine:

         (a)  that the  absence  from  Service  was  attributable  to one of the
    maternity or paternity reasons enumerated in Section 1.1(w); and

         (b) the number of days for which such absence lasted.

    In no event,  however,  shall any credit be given for such leave  other than
    for determining whether a Break has occurred.

    3.6  Ineligible Employees.

         Notwithstanding any provisions of this Plan to the contrary, any person
    who is employed by the Employer,  but who is ineligible  to  participate  in
    this Plan, either because of his failure

         (a) To meet the eligibility requirements contained in Article II; or

         (b)  To  be  an  Employee,   as  defined  in  Section  1.1(p),   shall,
    nevertheless,  earn Years of Service for  eligibility  and vesting  purposes
    pursuant to the rules contained in this Article III. However,  such a person
    shall not be  entitled  to receive any  contributions  hereunder  unless and
    until he becomes a  Participant  in this  Plan,  and then,  only  during his
    period of participation.


                                   ARTICLE IV


    4.1  Employee Stock Ownership Contributions.

         (a) Subject to all of the  provisions of this Article IV, for each Plan
    Year  commencing on or after the Effective  Date, the Employer shall make an
    Employee Stock Ownership  contribution to the Fund, in such amount as may be
    determined by the Board of Directors in its  discretion.  Such  contribution
    shall be in the form of cash or  Employer  Securities.  In  determining  the
    value of Employer  Securities  transferred  to the Fund as an Employee Stock
    Ownership  contribution,  the  Administrator  may  determine  the average of
    closing prices of such securities for a period of up to 90 consecutive  days
    immediately  preceding the date on which the securities  are  contributed to
    the Fund. In the event that the Employer Securities are not readily tradable
    on an established  securities market,  the value of the Employer  Securities
    transferred to the Fund shall be determined by an  independent  appraiser in
    accordance with Section 8.9.

         (b) In no event shall such  contribution by the Employer exceed for any
    Plan Year the maximum  amount that may be  deducted  by the  Employer  under
    Section 404 of the Code, nor shall such  contribution  cause the Employer to
    violate its regulatory capital  requirements.  Each Employee Stock Ownership
    contribution  by the  Employer  shall be  deemed  to be made on the  express
    condition  that  the  Plan,  as then in  effect,  shall be  qualified  under
    Sections  401 and 501 of the Code and that the  amount of such  contribution
    shall be  deductible  from the  Employer's  income under  Section 404 of the

    4.2  Time and Manner of Employee Stock Ownership Contributions.

         (a) The Employee Stock  Ownership  contribution  (if any) for each Plan
    Year  shall be paid to the  Trustee in one lump sum or  installments  at any
    time on or before the  expiration of the time  prescribed by law  (including
    any extensions)  for filing of the Employer's  federal income tax return for
    its fiscal year ending concurrent with or during such Plan Year. Any portion
    of the Employee Stock Ownership  contribution for each Plan Year that may be
    made  prior  to the last day of the Plan  Year  shall be  maintained  by the
    Trustee in the  Employee  Stock  Ownership  suspense  account  described  in
    Section 5.2 until the last day of such Plan Year.

         (b) If an Employee Stock Ownership contribution for a Plan Year is paid
    after the close of the Employer's  fiscal year which ends concurrent with or
    during  such  Plan  Year  but on or prior  to the due  date  (including  any
    extensions) for filing of the Employer's  federal income tax return for such
    fiscal year, it shall be considered, for allocation purposes, as an Employee
    Stock Ownership  contribution to the Fund for the Plan Year for which it was
    computed and accrued, unless such


    contribution  is  accompanied  by a statement  to the  Trustee,  signed by a
    representative  of the Employer,  which  specifies  that the Employee  Stock
    Ownership  contribution is made with respect to the Plan Year in which it is
    received by the Trustee.  Any Employee Stock Ownership  contribution paid by
    the  Employer  during  any Plan Year but after the due date  (including  any
    extensions)  for filing of its federal income tax return for the fiscal year
    of the Employer  ending on or before the last day of the preceding Plan Year
    shall be treated,  for allocation  purposes,  as an Employee Stock Ownership
    contribution to the Fund for the Plan Year in which the contribution is paid
    to the Trustee.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the  contrary,  no
    Employee  Stock  Ownership  contribution  shall be made for any year  during
    which a "limitations  account" created  pursuant to Section  5.6(c)(2) is in
    existence until the balance of such limitations account has been reallocated
    in accordance with Section 5.6(c)(2).

    4.3  Records of Contributions.

         The  Employer  shall  deliver at least  annually to the  Trustee,  with
    respect to the  contributions  contemplated in Section 4.1, a certificate of
    the Administrator, in such form as the Trustee shall approve, setting forth:

         (a) The aggregate amount of contributions, if any, to the Fund for such
    Plan Year;

         (b) The names, Internal Revenue Service identifying numbers and current
    residential addresses of all Participants in the Plan;

         (c) The amount and  category of  contributions  to be allocated to each
    such Participant; and

         (d) Any other information  reasonably required for the proper operation
    of the Plan.

    4.4  Erroneous Contributions.

         (a)  Notwithstanding   anything  herein  to  the  contrary,   upon  the
    Employer's  request,  a contribution which was made by a mistake of fact, or
    conditioned  upon the initial  qualification of the Plan, under Code Section
    401, or upon the deductibility of the contribution  under Section 404 of the
    Code, shall be returned to the Employer by the Trustee within one year after
    the  payment of the  contribution,  the denial of the  qualification  or the
    disallowance  of the  deduction  (to the extent  disallowed),  whichever  is
    applicable;  provided,  however,  that in the case of denial of the  initial
    qualification  of the Plan, a contribution  shall not be returned  unless an
    Application  for  Determination  has been  timely  filed  with the  Internal
    Revenue  Service.  Any portion of a contribution  returned  pursuant to this
    Section  4.4 shall be adjusted  to reflect  its  proportionate  share of the
    losses of the fund,  but shall not be adjusted  to reflect  any  earnings or
    gains.  Notwithstanding  any  provisions of this Plan to the  contrary,  the
    right or claim of any Participant or Beneficiary to any asset of the Fund or
    any benefit  under this Plan shall be subject to and limited by this Section


         (b) In no event shall voluntary Employee contributions be accepted. Any
    such  voluntary  Employee   contributions  (and  any  earnings  attributable
    thereto)  mistakenly  received by the Trustee shall  promptly be returned to
    the Participant.


                                    ARTICLE V


    5.1  Establishment of Separate Participant Accounts.

         The  Administrator  shall  establish and maintain  separate  individual
    accounts for  Participants  in the Plan and for each Former  Participant  in
    accordance  with the  provisions of this Article V. Such  separate  accounts
    shall be for accounting purposes only and shall not require a segregation of
    the Fund,  and no  Participant,  Former  Participant  or  Beneficiary  shall
    acquire  any right to or interest  in any  specific  assets of the Fund as a
    result  of the  allocations  provided  for under  this  Plan,  except  where
    segregation is expressly provided for in this Plan.

         (a) Employee Stock Ownership Accounts.

                  The  Administrator  shall establish a separate  Employee Stock
    Ownership  Account in the Fund for each  Participant.  The account  shall be
    credited as of the last day of each Plan Year with the amounts  allocated to
    the Participant  under Sections 5.4 and 5.5. The Administrator may establish
    subaccounts hereunder,  an Employer Stock Account reflecting a Participant's
    interest in Employer  Securities held by the Trust and an Other  Investments
    Account  reflecting  the  Participant's   interest  in  his  Employee  Stock
    Ownership Account other than Employer Securities.

         (b) Distribution Accounts.

                  In any case where  distribution of a terminated  Participant's
    vested  interest  in the Plan is to be  deferred,  the  Administrator  shall
    establish  a  separate,  nonforfeitable  account  in the Fund to  which  the
    balance  in his  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Account  in the  Plan  shall be
    transferred  after  such  Participant  incurs a  Break.  Unless  the  Former
    Participant's  distribution  accounts are segregated for investment purposes
    pursuant to section 9.4, they shall share in Investment Adjustments.

         (c) Other Accounts.

                  The Administrator shall establish such other separate accounts
    for each  Participant  as may be necessary or desirable  for the  convenient
    administration of the Fund.

    5.2  Establishment of Suspense Accounts.

         The  Administrator  shall  establish  separate  accounts to be known as
    "suspense  accounts." There shall be credited to such  appropriate  suspense
    accounts any Employee Stock Ownership  contributions  that may be made prior
    to the last day of the Plan Year,  as provided in Section  4.2. The suspense
    accounts shall share proportionately as to time and amount in any Investment
    Adjustments.  As of the last  day of each  Plan  Year,  the  balance  of the
    Employee Stock Ownership suspense account


    shall be added to the Employee Stock Ownership contribution and allocated to
    the Employee Stock Ownership Accounts of Participants as provided in Section
    5.5, except as provided  herein.  In the event that the Plan takes an Exempt
    Loan,  the Employer  Securities  purchased  thereby shall be allocat ed to a
    separate Exempt Loan Suspense Account,  from which allocations shall be made
    in accordance with Section 8.5.

    5.3  Allocation of Earnings, Losses and Expenses.

         As of each Valuation Date, any increase or decrease in the net worth of
    the  aggregate   Employee  Stock   Ownership   Accounts  held  in  the  Fund
    attributable to earnings,  losses,  expenses and unrealized  appreciation or
    depreciation  in each such aggregate  Account,  as determined by the Trustee
    pursuant to the Trust  Agreement,  shall be credited to or deducted from the
    appropriate suspense accounts and all Participants' Employee Stock Ownership
    Accounts  (except  segregated  distribution  accounts  described  in Section
    5.1(b) and the "limitations  account" described in Section 5.6(c)(4)) in the
    proportion that the value of each such Account (determined immediately prior
    to such  allocation  and  before  crediting  any  Employee  Stock  Ownership
    contributions and forfeitures for the current Plan Year but after adjustment
    for any  transfer to or from such  Accounts and for the time such funds were
    in such  Accounts)  bears  to the  value  of all  Employee  Stock  Ownership

    5.4  Allocation of Forfeitures.

         As of the last day of each Plan Year, all  forfeitures  attributable to
    the  Employee  Stock  Ownership   Accounts  which  are  then  available  for
    reallocation shall be, as appropriate, added to the Employee Stock Ownership
    contribution  (if any) for such year and allocated  among the  Participants'
    Employee Stock Ownership Accounts, as appropriate, in the manner provided in
    Sections 5.5 and 5.6.

    5.5  Allocation of Annual Employee Stock Ownership Contributions.

         As of the last day of each Plan Year for which the Employer  shall make
    an Employee Stock Ownership  contribution,  the Administrator shall allocate
    the   Employee   Stock   Ownership   contribution   (including   reallocable
    forfeitures)  for such Plan Year to the Employee Stock Ownership  account of
    each  Participant  who completed at least 1,000 Hours of Service during that
    Plan Year,  provided  that he is still  employed by the Employer on the last
    day of the Plan Year. Such  allocation  shall be made in the same proportion
    that each such  Participant's  Compensation  for such Plan Year bears to the
    total  Compensation of all such Participants for such Plan Year,  subject to
    Section 5.6.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if a Participant  attains his
    Normal  Retirement Date and terminates  Service prior to the last day of the
    Plan Year but after completing 1,000 Hours of Service,  he shall be entitled
    to an allocation based on his  Compensation  earned prior to his termination
    and during the Plan Year.  Furthermore,  if a  Participant  completes  1,000
    Hours of  Service  and is on a Leave of  Absence on the last day of the Plan
    Year because of pregnancy or other medical reason,  such a Participant shall
    be entitled to an allocation  based on his  Compensation  earned during such
    Plan Year.


    5.6  Limitation on Annual Additions.

         (a)  Notwithstanding  any provisions of this Plan to the contrary,  the
    total Annual Additions credited to a Participant's  accounts under this Plan
    (and  under  any  other  defined  contribution  plan to which  the  Employer
    contributes) for any Limitation Year shall not exceed the lesser of:

                  (1) 25% of the Participant's  compensation for such Limitation
         Year; or

                  (2) $30,000 (or, if greater, one-fourth of the defined benefit
         dollar  limitation  set forth in  Section  415(b)(1)(A)  of the  Code).
         Whenever  otherwise allowed by law, the maximum amount of $30,000 shall
         be  automatically  adjusted  annually for  cost-of-living  increases in
         accordance  with  Section  415(d)  of the  Code  and the  highest  such
         increase  effective  at any time  during the  Limitation  Year shall be
         effective for the entire Limitation Year, without any amendment to this

         (b) Solely for the purpose of this Section 5.6, the term "compensation"
    is defined as wages,  salaries, and fees for professional services and other
    amounts  received  (without  regard to  whether  or not an amount is paid in
    cash) for personal  services  actually  rendered in the course of employment
    with the  Employer  maintaining  the Plan to the extent that the amounts are
    includable in gross income (including,  but not limited to, commissions paid
    to  salesmen,  compensation  for  services on the basis of a  percentage  of
    profits,  commissions on insurance premiums, tips, bonuses, fringe benefits,
    and reimbursements or other expense  allowances under a nonaccountable  plan
    (as described in Treas.
    Regs. Section 1.62-2(c)), and excluding the following:

                  (1) Employer  contributions to a plan of deferred compensation
    which are not includible in the Employee's gross income for the taxable year
    in which contributed,  or Employer contributions under a simplified employee
    pension  plan  to  the  extent  such  contributions  are  deductible  by the
    Employee, or any distributions from a plan of deferred compensation;

                  (2) Amounts  realized  from the  exercise  of a  non-qualified
    stock option,  or when  restricted  stock (or property) held by the employee
    either becomes freely  transferable or is no longer subject to a substantial
    risk of forfeiture;

                  (3)  Amounts  realized  from  the  sale,   exchange  or  other
    disposition of stock acquired under a qualified stock option; and

                  (4) Other amounts  which  received  special tax  benefits,  or
    contributions  made by the employer (whether or not under a salary reduction
    agreement)  towards the purchase of an annuity contract described in section
    403(b) of the Code (whether or not the contributions are actually excludable
    from the gross income of the Employee).


         (c) In the event that the limitations on Annual Additions  described in
    this Section  5.6(a) above are exceeded with respect to any  Participant  in
    any Limitation Year, then the contributions allocable to the Participant for
    such  year  shall  be  reduced  to  the  minimum  extent  required  by  such
    limitations in the following order of priority:

                  (1)  If  any  further   reductions  in  Annual  Additions  are
         necessary,   then  the  Employee  Stock  Ownership   contributions  and
         forfeitures  allocated during such Limitation Year to the Participant's
         Employee Stock  Ownership  Account shall be reduced.  The amount of any
         such  reductions  in the Employee  Stock  Ownership  contributions  and
         forfeitures shall be reallocated to all other  Participants in the same
         manner as set forth under Sections 5.4 and 5.5.

                  (2)  Any  amounts  which  cannot  be   reallocated   to  other
         Participants  in a current  Limitation  Year in accordance with Section
         5.6(c)(1) above because of the limitations contained in Sections 5.6(a)
         and (d) shall be credited to an account  designated as the "limitations
         account"  and  carried  forward to the next and  subsequent  Limitation
         Years until it can be reallocated to all  Participants  as set forth in
         Sections 5.4, and 5.5, as appropriate.  No Investment Adjustments shall
         be allocated to this  limitations  account.  In the next and subsequent
         Limitation  Years,  all  amounts  in the  limitations  account  must be
         allocated  in  the  manner  described  in  Sections  5.4  and  5.5,  as
         appropriate,  before any Employee Stock Ownership  contributions may be
         made to this Plan for that Limitation Year.

                  (3) The  Administrator  shall  determine  to what  extent  the
         Annual Additions to any Participant's  Employee Stock Ownership Account
         must be reduced in each Limitation Year. The Administrator shall reduce
         the Annual  Additions  to all other  qualified,  tax-exempt  retirement
         plans maintained by the Employer in accordance with the terms contained
         therein for required  reductions or  reallocations  mandated by Section
         415 of the Code before reducing any Annual Additions in this Plan.

                  (4) In the event this Plan is  voluntarily  terminated  by the
         Employer  under Section 13.5, any amounts  credited to the  limitations
         account  described  in  Section  5.6(c)(2)  above  which  have  not  be
         reallocated   as  set  forth  herein  shall  be   distributed   to  the
         Participants  who are still  employed  by the  Employer  on the date of
         termination,  in the proportion  that each  Participant's  Compensation
         bears to the Compensation of all Participants.

         (d) The Annual Additions credited to a Participant's  accounts for each
    Limitation  Year are further  limited so that in the case of an Employee who
    is a Participant  in both this Plan and any qualified  defined  benefit plan
    (hereinafter  referred to as a "pension  plan") of the Employer,  the sum of
    (1) and (2) below will not exceed 1.0:

                  (1) (A) The projected  annual normal  retirement  benefit of a
         Participant under the pension plan, divided by


                       (B)  The lesser of:

                             (i) The  product of 1.25  multiplied  by the dollar
                  limitation  in effect under Section  415(b)(1)(A)  of the Code
                  for such Limitation Year, or

                            (ii) The product of 1.4  multiplied by the amount of
                  compensation  which may be taken into  account  under  Section
                  415(b)(1)(B)   of  the  Code  for  the  Participant  for  such
                  Limitation Year; plus

                  (2)  (A)  The  sum  of  Annual   Additions   credited  to  the
         Participant under this Plan for all Limitation Years, divided by:

                       (B)  The  sum of the  lesser  of  the  following  amounts
         determined for such  Limitation Year and for each prior year of service
         with the Employer:

                             (i) The  product of 1.25  multiplied  by the dollar
                  limitation  in effect under Section  415(b)(1)(A)  of the Code
                  for such Limitation Year, or

                            (ii) The product of 1.4  multiplied by the amount of
                  compensation  which may be taken into  account  under  Section
                  415(b)(1)(B)   of  the  Code  for  the  Participant  for  such
                  Limitation Year.

         The  Administrator  may, in calculating the defined  contribution  plan
    fraction described in Section 5.6(d)(2),  elect to use the transitional rule
    pursuant to Section 415(e)(6) of the Code, if applicable.  If the sum of the
    fractions  produced  above will exceed 1.0, even after the use of the "fresh
    start"  rule  contained  in  Section  235  of  the  Tax  Equity  and  Fiscal
    Responsibility  Act  of  1982  ("TEFRA"),  if  applicable,   then  the  same
    provisions as stated in Section 5.6(c) above shall apply. If, even after the
    reductions  provided for in Section  5.6(c),  the sum of the fractions still
    exceed 1.0, then the benefits of the Participant  provided under the pension
    plan shall be reduced to the extent neces sary, in accordance  with Treasury
    Regulations  issued under the Code.  Solely for the purposes of this Section
    5.6(d),  the term "years of service" shall mean all years of service defined
    by Treasury Regulations issued under Section 415 of the Code.

         (e) In the event  that the  Employer  is a member  of (1) a  controlled
    group of  corporations  or a group of  trades  or  businesses  under  common
    control (as  described in Section  414(b) or (c) of the Code, as modified by
    Section 415(h) thereof), or (2) an affiliated service group (as described in
    Section  414(m)  of  the  Code),  the  Annual  Additions   credited  to  any
    Participant's  accounts in any such Limitation Year shall be further limited
    by  reason  of  the  existence  of  all  other  qualified  retirement  plans
    maintained by such  affiliated  corporations,  other  entities  under common
    control or other members of the affiliated service group, to the extent such
    reduction  is  required  by  Section  415 of the  Code  and the  regulations
    promulgated thereunder. The Administrator shall determine if any such


    reduction in the Annual  Additions to a  Participant's  accounts is required
    for this reason,  and if so, the same provisions as stated in 5.6(c) and (d)
    above shall apply.

         (f) Annual Additions shall not include any Employer contributions which
    are used by the Trust to pay interest on an Exempt Loan nor any  forfeitures
    of  Employer  Securities  purchased  with the  proceeds  of an Exempt  Loan,
    provided  that not more than  one-third  of the Employer  contributions  are
    allocated  to  Participants  who are  among the  group of  employees  deemed
    "highly compensated employees" within the meaning of Code Section 414(q).

    5.7  Erroneous Allocations.

         No  Participant  shall be  entitled  to any Annual  Additions  or other
    allocations to his accounts in excess of those permitted under Sections 5.3,
    5.4,  5.5, and 5.6. If it is  determined  at anytime that the  Administrator
    and/or Trustees have erred in accepting and allocating any  contributions or
    forfeitures under this Plan, or in allocating Investment Adjustments,  or in
    excluding or including any person as a Participant,  then the Administrator,
    in a uniform and  nondiscriminatory  manner,  shall  determine the manner in
    which such error shall be corrected and shall promptly advise the Trustee in
    writing  of such  error and of the method for  correcting  such  error.  The
    accounts of any or all Participants may be revised,  if necessary,  in order
    to correct such error.

    5.8   Value of Participant's Interest in Fund.

         At any time,  the value of a  Participant's  interest in the Fund shall
    consist of the aggregate value of his Employee Stock  Ownership  Account and
    his  distribution  account,  if  any,  determined  as of the  next-preceding
    Valuation Date. The  Administrator  shall maintain  adequate  records of the
    cost basis of Employer Securities  allocated to each Participant's  Employer
    Stock Ownership Account.

    5.9  Investment of Account Balances.

         The Employee Stock  Ownership  Accounts shall be invested  primarily in
    Employer  Securities.  Employer  Securities shall constitute at least 51% of
    the assets of all Employee Stock Ownership  Accounts.  All sales of Employer
    Securities  by the Trustee  attributable  to the  Employee  Stock  Ownership
    Accounts of all Participants shall be charged pro rata to the Employee Stock
    Ownership Accounts of all Participants.


                                   ARTICLE VI


    6.1  Normal Retirement.

         A  Participant  who  reaches his Normal  Retirement  Date and who shall
    retire at that time shall thereupon be entitled to retirement benefits based
    on the value of his interest in the Fund, payable pursuant to the provisions
    of  Section  9.1. A  Participant  who  remains  in Service  after his Normal
    Retirement  Date shall not be entitled to any retirement  benefits until his
    actual  termination  of Service  thereafter  (except as  provided in Section
    9.3(g)) and he shall meanwhile continue to participate in this Plan.

    6.2  Early Retirement.

         A Participant who reaches his Early  Retirement Date may retire at such
    time (or, at his election, as of the first day of any month thereafter prior
    to his Normal Retirement Date) and shall thereupon be entitled to retirement
    benefits based on the value of his interest in the Fund, payable pursuant to
    the provisions of Section 9.1.

    6.3  Disability Retirement.

         In the event a Participant  incurs a  Disability,  he may retire on his
    Disability  Retirement  Date and shall  thereupon be entitled to  retirement
    benefits based on the value of his interest in the Fund, payable pursuant to
    the provisions of Section 9.1.

    6.4  Death Benefits.

         (a) Upon the death of a  Participant  before  his  Retirement  or other
    termination  of  Service,  the value of his  interest  in the Fund  shall be
    payable pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.1. The  Administrator  shall
    direct the Trustee to  distribute  his interest in the Fund to any surviving
    Beneficiary  designated  by the  Participant  or, if none,  to such  persons
    designated by the Administrator pursuant to Section 6.5.

         (b) Upon the death of a Former  Participant,  the  Administrator  shall
    direct the Trustee to distribute any  undistributed  balance of his interest
    in the Fund to any surviving  Beneficiary  designated by him or, if none, to
    such persons designated by the Administrator pursuant to Section 6.5.

         (c) The  Administrator  may require such proper proof of death and such
    evidence of the right of any person to receive the interest in the Fund of a
    deceased  Participant or Former Partici pant as the  Administrator  may deem
    desirable. The Administrator's determination of death and of


    the right of any person to receive payment shall be conclusive.

    6.5  Designation of Death Beneficiary and Manner of Payment.

         (a) Each Participant shall have the right to designate a Beneficiary or
    Beneficiaries  to receive the sum or sums to which he may be  entitled  upon
    his death.  The Participant may also designate the manner in which any death
    benefits under this Plan shall be payable to his Beneficiary,  provided that
    such  designation  is in accordance  with Section 9.4. Such  designation  of
    Beneficiary  and manner of payment  shall be in writing and delivered to the
    Administrator,  and shall be effective  when received by the  Administrator.
    The Participant shall have the right to change such designation by notice in
    writing to the  Administrator.  Such change of  Beneficiary or the manner of
    payment shall become  effective upon its receipt by the  Administrator.  Any
    such change shall be deemed to revoke all prior designations.

         (b) If a Participant  shall fail to designate  validly a Beneficiary or
    if no designated  Beneficiary survives the Participant,  his interest in the
    Fund shall be paid to the  person or  persons in the first of the  following
    classes of successive preference Beneficiaries surviving at the death of the
    Participant:  the  Participant's  (1) widow or widower,  (2)  children,  (3)
    parents,  and (4) estate. The Administrator shall decide what Beneficiaries,
    if any,  shall  have been  validly  designated,  and its  decision  shall be
    binding and conclusive on all persons.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if a Participant has been married
    throughout the 12 month period  preceding the date of his death,  the sum or
    sums to which he may be  entitled  under  this Plan upon his death  shall be
    paid to his spouse,  unless the Participant's spouse shall have consented to
    the  election of another  Beneficiary.  Such a spousal  consent  shall be in
    writing and shall be witnessed either by a  representative  of the Plan or a
    notary public. If it is established to the satisfaction of the Administrator
    that such spousal  consent  cannot be obtained  because  there is no spouse,
    because  the  spouse  cannot be  located,  or other  reasons  prescribed  by
    governmental  regulations,  the consent of the spouse may be waived, and the
    Participant  may designate a  Beneficiary  or  Beneficiaries  other than his


                                   ARTICLE VII

                             VESTING AND FORFEITURES

    7.1  Vesting on Death, Disability and Normal Retirement.

         Unless  his  participation  in this Plan shall  have  terminated  prior
    thereto,  upon a Participant's  death,  Disability or upon his attainment of
    Normal  Retirement  Date  (whether or not he actually  retires at that time)
    while  he is  still  employed  by the  Employer,  the  Participant's  entire
    interest in the Fund shall be fully vested and nonforfeitable.

    7.2  Vesting on Termination of Participation.

         Upon termination of his participation in this Plan for any reason other
    than death, Disability,  or Normal Retirement, a Participant shall be vested
    in a  percentage  of his  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Account,  such  vested
    percentages to be determined under the following  table,  based on the Years
    of Service (including Years of Service prior to the Effective Date) credited
    to him for vesting purposes at the time of his termination of participation:

         Years of Service Completed              Percentage Vested
         --------------------------              -----------------
                  Less than 5                            0%

                  5 or more                              100%

         Any portion of the Participant's Employee Stock Ownership Account which
    is not vested at the time he incurs a Break shall thereupon be forfeited and
    disposed of pursuant to Section 7.3. Distribution of the vested portion of a
    terminated  Participant's  interest  in the  Plan may be  authorized  by the
    Administrator in any manner permitted under Section 9.1.

    7.3  Disposition of Forfeitures.

         (a) In the event a Participant incurs a Break and subsequently  resumes
    both his Service and his  participation  in the Plan prior to  incurring  at
    least 5 Breaks,  the  forfeitable  portion of his Employee  Stock  Ownership
    Account shall be reinstated to the credit of the  Participant as of the date
    he resumes participation.

         (b) In the event a  Participant  terminates  Service  and  subsequently
    incurs a Break and receives a  distribution,  or in the event a  Participant
    does not terminate  Service,  but incurs at least 5 Breaks,  or in the event
    that a Participant  terminates  Service and incurs at least 5 Breaks but has
    not received a distribution,  then the  forfeitable  portion of his Employer
    Account, including Investment


    Adjustments, shall be reallocated to other Participants, pursuant to Section
    5.4 as of the date the Participant  incurs such Break or Breaks, as the case
    may be.

         (c) In the event a former  Participant  who had received a distribution
    from the Plan is  rehired,  he shall  repay the  amount of his  distribution
    before the earlier of 5 years after the date of his rehire by the  Employer,
    or the close of the first period of 5 consecutive  Breaks  commencing  after
    the withdrawal in order for any forfeited amounts to be restored to him.


                                  ARTICLE VIII


    8.1  Right to Demand Employer Securities.

         A  Participant  entitled  to a  distribution  from his  Employee  Stock
    Ownership  Account  shall be  entitled  to demand  that his  interest in the
    Account  be  distributed  to him in the form of Em  ployer  Securities,  all
    subject to Section  9.9. In the event that the Employer  Securities  are not
    readily tradable on an established market, the Participant shall be entitled
    to require that the Employer repurchase the Employer Securities under a fair
    valuation formula, as provided by governmental regulations.  The Participant
    or Beneficiary shall be entitled to exercise the put option described in the
    preceding  sentence for a period of not more than 60 days following the date
    of  distribution  of  Employer  Securities  to him. If the put option is not
    exercised  within such 60-day period,  the  Participant  or Beneficiary  may
    exercise the put option during an additional period of not more than 60 days
    after the  beginning of the first day of the first Plan Year  following  the
    Plan Year in which the first put option period occurred,  all as provided in
    regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury.

    8.2  Voting Rights.

         Each  Participant  with an Employee  Stock  Ownership  Account shall be
    entitled  to direct  the  Trustee  as to the  manner  in which the  Employer
    Securities in such Account are to be voted.  Employer Securities held in the
    Employee  Stock  Ownership  Suspense  Account  or the Exempt  Loan  Suspense
    Account  shall be voted by the  Trustee on each issue with  respect to which
    shareholders  are entitled to vote in the manner directed by the majority of
    the  Participants  who directed the Trustee as to the manner of voting their
    shares in the Employee Stock Ownership  Accounts with respect to such issue.
    Prior to the initial  allocation of shares, the Trustee shall be entitled to
    vote the shares in the Suspense  Account  without prior  direction  from the
    Participants or the Administrator.  In the event that a Participant fails to
    give timely voting instructions to the Trustee with respect to the voting of
    his  allocated  Employer  Securities,  the Trustee shall be entitled to vote
    such shares in its discretion.

    8.3  Nondiscrimination in Employee Stock Ownership Contributions.

         In  the  event  that  the  amount  of  the  Employee  Stock   Ownership
    contributions  that would be required in any Plan Year to make the scheduled
    payments on an Exempt Loan would  exceed the amount that would  otherwise be
    deductible  by the Employer for such Plan Year under Code Section 404,  then
    no more than one-third of the Employee Stock Ownership contributions for the
    Plan Year, which is also the Employer's  taxable year, shall be allocated to
    the group of Employees who, during the Plan Year or the preceding Plan Year:


         (a) Was at any time a 5 percent owner of the Employer;

         (b) Received  compensation  from the Employer in excess of $75,000,  as
    adjusted under Code Section 414(q);

         (c) Received  compensation  from the Employer in excess of $50,000,  as
    adjusted  under Code  Section  414(q),  and was in the  "top-paid  group" of
    employees (as defined below) for such year; or

         (d) Was at any time an officer and received  compensation  greater than
    50 percent  of the amount in effect  under  Code  Section  415(b)(1)(A),  as
    adjusted  for   cost-of-living   increases   permitted  under  Code  Section
    415(d)(1),   but  without  regard  to  any  adjustment  under  Code  Section

    An Employee  shall be deemed a member of the  "top-paid  group" of employees
    for a given Plan Year if such Employee is in the group of the top 20% of the
    employees of the Employer when ranked on the basis of compensation.

    8.4  Dividends.

         Dividends  paid with  respect  to  Employer  Securities  credited  to a
    Participant's Employee Stock Ownership account as of the record date for the
    dividend  payment may be paid in cash to the  Participants,  pursuant to the
    directions  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Sponsor.  If the  Board of
    Directors  shall direct that the aforesaid  dividends shall be paid directly
    to Participants,  the quarterly dividends paid with respect to such Employer
    Securities  shall be paid to the Plan, from which dividend  distributions in
    cash  shall  be  made  to the  Participants  with  respect  to the  Employer
    Securities in their Employee Stock Ownership  Accounts within 90 days of the
    close of the Plan  Year in which  the  dividends  were  paid.  Dividends  on
    Employer  Securities  obtained  pursuant to an Exempt Loan and still held in
    the  Suspense  Account may be used to make  payments on an Exempt  Loan,  as
    described in Section 8.5.

    8.5   Exempt Loans.

         (a) The  Sponsor  may direct the Trustee to obtain  Exempt  Loans.  The
    Exempt Loan may take the form of (i) a loan from a bank or other  commercial
    lender to purchase Employer  Securities (ii) a loan from the Employer to the
    Plan; or (iii) an installment  sale of Employer  Securities to the Plan. The
    proceeds  of any such Exempt Loan shall be used,  within a  reasonable  time
    after the Ex empt Loan is obtained,  only to purchase  Employer  Securities,
    repay the Exempt Loan, or repay any prior Exempt Loan.  Any such Exempt Loan
    shall  provide for no more than a  reasonable  rate of interest and shall be
    without recourse against the Plan. The number of years to maturity under the
    Exempt Loan must be definitely  ascertainable  at all times. The only assets
    of the Plan that may be given as collateral  for an Exempt Loan are Employer
    Securities acquired with the proceeds


    of the Exempt Loan and Employer  Securities that were used as collateral for
    a prior  Exempt Loan repaid with the  proceeds of the current  Exempt  Loan.
    Such  Employer  Securities  so  pledged  shall be placed  in an Exempt  Loan
    Suspense  Account.  No person or  institution  entitled to payment  under an
    Exempt  Loan  shall  have  recourse  against  Trust  assets  other  than the
    aforesaid  collateral,  Employer Stock Ownership  contributions  (other than
    contributions  of Employer  Securities) that are available under the Plan to
    meet  obligations  under the Exempt Loan and earnings  attributable  to such
    collateral  and the  investment of such  contributions.  All Employee  Stock
    Ownership contributions paid during the Plan Year in which an Exempt Loan is
    made  (whether  before or after the date the proceeds of the Exempt Loan are
    received), all Employee Stock Ownership contribu tions paid thereafter until
    the Exempt Loan has been repaid in full, and all earnings from investment of
    such Employee Stock Ownership  contributions,  without regard to whether any
    such Employee Stock Ownership contributions and earnings have been allocated
    to Participants'  Employee Stock Ownership  Accounts,  shall be available to
    meet obligations under the Exempt Loan as such obligations  accrue, or prior
    to the time  such  obligations  accrue,  unless  otherwise  provided  by the
    Employer at the time any such  contribution  is made. Any pledge of Employer
    Securities  shall  provide  for the  release of shares so  pledged  upon the
    payment of any portion of the Exempt Loan.

         (b) For each Plan Year  during the  duration  of the Exempt  Loan,  the
    number of shares of Employer  Securities  released  from such  pledge  shall
    equal the number of encumbered  shares held  immediately  before release for
    the  current  Plan Year  multiplied  by a  fraction.  The  numerator  of the
    fraction is the sum of principal  and interest  paid in such Plan Year.  The
    denominator  of the fraction is the sum of the numerator  plus the principal
    and interest to be paid for all future years.  Such years will be determined
    without taking into account any possible  extension or renewal  periods.  If
    interest on any Exempt Loan is  variable,  the interest to be paid in future
    years under the Exempt Loan shall be  computed  by using the  interest  rate
    applicable as of the end of the Plan Year.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Trustee may obtain an Exempt
    Loan pursuant to the terms of which the number of Employer  Securities to be
    released  from  encumbrance  shall be  determined  solely with  reference to
    principal  payments.  In the event  that such an  Exempt  Loan is  obtained,
    annual payments of principal and interest shall be at a cumulative rate that
    is not less rapid at any time than level  payments  of such  amounts for not
    more than 10 years. The amount of interest in any such annual loan repayment
    shall be  disregarded  only to the extent that it would be  determined to be
    interest under standard loan amortization  tables. The requirement set forth
    in the preceding  sentence  shall not be  applicable  from the time that, by
    reason of a  renewal,  extension,  or  refinancing,  the sum of the  expired
    duration of the Exempt Loan, the renewal period,  the extension period,  and
    the duration of a new Exempt Loan exceeds 10 years.


    8.6   Exempt Loan Payments.

         (a) Payments of principal and interest on any Exempt Loan during a Plan
    Year shall be made by the Trustee (as  directed by the  Administrator)  only
    from (1) Employee Stock  Ownership  contributions  to the Trust made to meet
    the Plan's  obligation  under an Exempt Loan (other  than  contributions  of
    Employer  Securities)  and  from  any  earnings   attributable  to  Employer
    Securities  held as collateral  for an Exempt Loan and  investments  of such
    contributions  (both  received  during or prior to the Plan  Year);  (2) the
    proceeds of a subsequent  Exempt Loan made to repay a prior Exempt Loan; and
    (3) the proceeds of the sale of any Employer  Securities  held as collateral
    for an Exempt Loan.  Such  contribution  and earnings shall be accounted for
    separately by the Plan until the Exempt Loan is repaid.

         (b) Employer  Securities released by reason of the payment of principal
    or  interest  on an Exempt  Loan from  amounts  allocated  to  Participants'
    Employee  Stock  Ownership   Accounts  shall  immediately  upon  payment  be
    allocated as set forth in Section 5.5.

         (c) The Employer shall  contribute to the Trust  sufficient  amounts to
    enable the Trust to pay  principal  and interest on any such Exempt Loans as
    they are due,  provided however that no such  contribution  shall exceed the
    limitations in Section 5.6. In the event that such  contributions  by reason
    of the  limitations in Section 5.6 are  insufficient  to enable the Trust to
    pay  principal  and interest on such Exempt Loan as it is due, then upon the
    Trustee's request the Employer shall:

                  (1) Make an Exempt Loan to the Trust in sufficient  amounts to
         meet such principal and interest  payments.  Such new Exempt Loan shall
         be subordinated to the prior Exempt Loan.  Securities released from the
         pledge of the prior  Exempt  Loan  shall be pledged  as  collateral  to
         secure the new Exempt Loan.  Such Employer  Securities will be released
         from this new pledge and  allocated  to the  Employee  Stock  Ownership
         Accounts of the Partici pants in accordance with applicable  provisions
         of the Plan;

                  (2) Purchase any Employer  Securities pledged as collateral in
         an amount  necessary  to provide the Trustee with  sufficient  funds to
         meet the principal and interest  repayments.  Any such sale by the Plan
         shall meet the requirements of Section 408(e) of ERISA; or

                  (3) Any  combination of the foregoing.  However,  the Employer
         shall not,  pursuant to the provisions of this subsection,  do, fail to
         do or  cause  to be done  any act or  thing  which  would  result  in a
         disqualification  of the Plan as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan under
         the Code.

         (d) Except as  provided in Section  8.1 above and  notwithstanding  any
    amendment to or  termination of the Plan which causes it to cease to qualify
    as an Employee Stock Ownership plan within the meaning of Section 4975(e)(7)
    of the Code, or any repayment of an Exempt Loan, no


    shares of Employer  Securities  acquired with the proceeds of an Exempt Loan
    obtained by the Trust to purchase  Employer  Securities  may be subject to a
    put, call or other  option,  or buy-sell or similar  arrangement  while such
    shares  are held by the Plan or when such  Shares are  distributed  from the

    8.7  Put Option.

         If a  Participant  exercises a put option (as set forth in Section 8.1)
    with respect to Employer Securities that were distributed as part of a total
    distribution  pursuant to which a  Participant's  Employee  Stock  Ownership
    Account is  distributed to him in a single taxable year, the Employer or the
    Plan may elect to pay the purchase price of the Employer  Securities  over a
    period not to exceed 5 years.  Such payments shall be made in  substantially
    equal installments not less frequently than annually over a period beginning
    not later  than 30 days after the  exercise  of the put  option.  Reasonable
    interest shall be paid to the Participant with respect to the unpaid balance
    of the purchase  price and adequate  security shall be provided with respect
    thereto. In the event that a Participant exercises a put option with respect
    to  Employer  Securities  that  are  distributed  as part of an  installment
    distribution,  the amount to be paid for such  securities  shall be paid not
    later than 30 days after the exercise of the put option.

    8.8  Diversification Requirements

         Each  Participant who has completed at least 10 years of  participation
    in the Plan and has attained age 55 may elect within 90 days after the close
    of each Plan Year during his "qualified  election period" to direct the Plan
    as to the investment of at least 25 percent of his Employee Stock  Ownership
    Account (to the extent such  percentage  exceeds the amount to which a prior
    election under this Section 8.8 had been made). For purposes of this Section
    8.8, the term "qualified  election period" shall mean the 5-Plan-Year period
    beginning  with the Plan Year  after the Plan Year in which the  Participant
    attains age 55 (or, if later,  beginning  with the Plan Year after the first
    Plan  Year in  which  the  Employee  first  completes  at  least 10 years of
    participation in the Plan). In the case of the Employee who has attained age
    60 and completed 10 years of participation in the prior Plan Year and in the
    case of the  election  year in which any other  Participant  who has met the
    minimum age and service  requirements for  diversification can make his last
    election  hereunder,  he  shall be  entitled  to  direct  the Plan as to the
    investment of at least 50 percent of his Employee  Stock  Ownership  Account
    (to the extent such percentage  exceeds the amount to which a prior election
    under this  Section 8.8 had been  made).  The Plan shall make  available  at
    least 3 investment options (not inconsistent with regulations  prescribed by
    the  Department  of  Treasury)  to  each  Participant   making  an  election
    hereunder.  The Plan  shall be deemed to have met the  requirements  of this
    Section if the portion of the Participant's Employee Stock Ownership Account
    covered by the election  hereunder is distributed to the  Participant or his
    designated  Beneficiary  within 90 days  after the period  during  which the
    election  may be made.  In the absence of such a  distribution,  the Trustee
    shall  implement the  Participant's  election  within 90 days  following the
    expiration of the qualified election period.


    8.9  Independent Appraiser.

         An  independent  appraiser  meeting the  requirements  of Code  Section
    170(a)(1) shall value the Employer  Securities in those Plan Years when such
    securities are not readily tradable on an established securities market.


                                   ARTICLE IX

                           PAYMENTS AND DISTRIBUTIONS

    9.1  Payments on Termination of Service - In General.

         All benefits provided under this Plan shall be funded by the value of a
    Participant's  vested  interest in the Fund. As soon as practicable  after a
    Participant's Retirement, death or termination of Service, the Administrator
    shall ascertain the value of his vested interest in the Fund, as provided in
    Article  V,  and the  Administrator  shall  hold or  dispose  of the same in
    accordance with the following provisions of this Article IX.

    9.2  Commencement of Payments.

         (a)  Distributions  upon  Retirement  or  Death.  Upon a  Participant's
    Retirement or Death,  payment of benefits under this Plan shall,  unless the
    Participant  otherwise elects (in accordance with Section 9.3),  commence no
    later  than 6 months  after the close of the Plan Year in which  occurs  the
    date of the Participant's Retirement or death.

         (b) Distribution following Termination of Service. Unless a Participant
    elects otherwise, if a Participant terminates Service prior to Retirement or
    death,  he  shall  be  accorded  an  opportunity  to  commence   receipt  of
    distributions  from his Accounts  within six (6) months after the  Valuation
    Date next following the date of his  termination  of service.  A Participant
    who terminates  Service with a deferred  vested benefit shall be entitled to
    receive from the  Administrator  a statement of his  benefits.  In the event
    that a Participant  elects not to commence receipt of distributions from his
    Accounts in  accordance  with this  Section  9.2(b),  after the  Participant
    incurs a  Break,  the  Administrator  shall  transfer  his  deferred  vested
    interest to a  distribution  account.  If a  Participant's  vested  Employer
    Account  does not exceed (or at the time of any prior  distribution  did not
    exceed) $3,500,  the Plan Administrator may distribute the vested portion of
    his  Employer  Account  as soon as  administratively  feasible  without  the
    consent of the Participant or his spouse.

         (c)  Distribution  of Accounts  Greater Than $3,500.  If the value of a
    Participant's  vested Account  balance  exceeds (or at the time of any prior
    distribution  exceeded)  $3,500,  and the  Account  balance  is  immediately
    distributable,  the  Participant  must consent to any  distribution  of such
    Account balance.  The Plan Administrator shall notify the Participant of the
    right to defer any distribution  until the Participant's  Account balance is
    no longer  immediately  distributable.  The consent of the Participant shall
    not be  required to the extent  that a  distribution  is required to satisfy
    Code ss.401(a)(9) or Code ss.415.


    9.3  Mandatory Commencement of Benefits.

         (a) Unless a Participant elects otherwise, in writing,  distribution of
    benefits will begin no later than the 60th day after the latest of the close
    of the Plan Year in which (i) the  Participant  attains  age 65, (ii) occurs
    the  tenth  anniversary  of the  year in  which  the  Participant  commenced
    participation in the Plan Year, or (iii) the Participant  terminates Service
    with the Employer.

         (b) In the event that the Plan shall be subsequently amended to provide
    for a  form  of  distribution  other  than  a  lump  sum,  as of  the  first
    distribution calendar year, distributions, if not made in a lump sum, may be
    made only over one of the following periods (or a combination thereof):

               (i)  the life of the Participant,

               (ii) the life of the Participant and the designated beneficiary,

              (iii) a period  certain not extending  beyond the life  expectancy
                    of the Participant, or

               (iv) a period  certain  not  extending  beyond the joint and last
                    survivor  expectancy  of the  Participant  and a  designated

         (c) In the event that the Plan shall be subsequently amended to provide
    for a form of  distribution  other  than a lump  sum,  if the  participant's
    interest  is to be  distributed  in other  than a lump  sum,  the  following
    minimum  distribution  rules shall apply on or after the required  beginning

               (i)  If a Participant's  benefit is to be distributed  over (1) a
                    period  not  extending  beyond  the life  expectancy  of the
                    Participant  or the joint life and last survivor  expectancy
                    of  the   Participant  and  the   Participant's   designated
                    beneficiary  or (2) a period not  extending  beyond the life
                    expectancy  of  the  designated   beneficiary,   the  amount
                    required to be distributed for each calendar year, beginning
                    with distributions for the first distribution calendar year,
                    must at least equal the  quotient  obtained by dividing  the
                    Participant's benefit by the applicable life expectancy.

               (ii) For calendar  years  beginning  after December 31, 1988, the
                    amount  to  be   distributed   each  year,   beginning  with
                    distributions for the first distribution calendar year shall
                    not be less  than the  quotient  obtained  by  dividing  the
                    Participant's  benefit by the  lesser of (1) the  applicable
                    life  expectancy or (2) if the  Participant's  spouse is not
                    the   designated   beneficiary,   the   applicable   divisor
                    determined  from the  table  set  forth in Q&A-4 of  section
                    1.401(a)(9)-2  of the  Proposed  Regulations.  Distributions
                    after  the  death of the  participant  shall be  distributed
                    using the applicable  life  expectancy in sub-section  (iii)
                    above as the  relevant  divisor  without  regard to Proposed
                    Regulations 1.401(a)(9)-2.


              (iii) The  minimum  distribution  required  for the  Participant's
                    first  distribution  calendar year must be made on or before
                    the  Participant's  required  beginning  date.  The  minimum
                    distribution for other calendar years, including the minimum
                    distribution for the distribution calendar year in which the
                    employee's  required beginning date occurs,  must be made on
                    or before December 31 of the distribution calendar year.

         (d) If a  Participant  dies  after  a  distribution  has  commenced  in
    accordance  with  Section  8.3(b) but before  his entire  interest  has been
    distributed  to him,  the  remaining  portion  of  such  interest  shall  be
    distributed  to his  Beneficiary  at least as rapidly as under the method of
    distribution in effect as of the date of his death.

         (e) If a Participant  shall die before the distribution of his interest
    in the Plan has  begun,  the entire  interest  of the  Participant  shall be
    distributed  by  December  31 of the  calendar  year  containing  the  fifth
    anniversary of the death of the Participant, except in the following events:

               (i)  If any portion of the  Participant's  interest is payable to
                    (or for the  benefit  of) a  designated  beneficiary  over a
                    period  not  extending  beyond the life  expectancy  of such
                    beneficiary  and such  distributions  begin not  later  than
                    December 31 of the calendar year  immediately  following the
                    calendar year in which the Participant died.

               (ii) If any portion of the  Participant's  interest is payable to
                    (or for the  benefit  of) the  Participant's  spouse  over a
                    period  not  extending  beyond the life  expectancy  of such
                    spouse and such  distributions  begin no later than December
                    31 of the calendar year in which the Participant  would have
                    attained age 70-1/2.

         If the Participant has not made a distribution  election by the time of
    his death, the Participant's  designated  beneficiary shall elect the method
    of distribution no later than the earlier of (1) December 31 of the calendar
    year in which distributions would be required to begin under this Article or
    (2) December 31 of the calendar year which contains the fifth anniversary of
    the date of death of the  Participant.  If the Participant has no designated
    beneficiary,  or if the  designated  beneficiary  does not elect a method of
    distribution,  distribution  of the  Participant's  entire interest shall be
    completed  by  December  31  of  the  calendar  year  containing  the  fifth
    anniversary of the Participant's death.

         (f) For purposes of this Article,  the life expectancy of a Participant
    and his spouse may be  redetermined  but not more  frequently than annually.
    The life  expectancy  (or  joint  and  last  survivor  expectancy)  shall be
    calculated  using  the  attained  age  of  the  Participant  (or  designated
    beneficiary) as of the Participant's (or designated  beneficiary's) birthday
    in the applicable  calendar year reduced by one for each calendar year which
    has elapsed since the date life  expectancy  was first  calculated.  If life
    expectancy is being  recalculated,  the applicable life expectancy  shall be
    the life expectancy as so recalculated.  The applicable  calendar year shall
    be the first  distribution  calendar year,  and if life  expectancy is being
    recalculated, such succeeding calendar year. Unless


    otherwise  elected by the Participant (or his spouse,  if applicable) by the
    time  distributions  are  required  to  begin,  life  expectancies  shall be
    recalculated  annually.  Any  such  election  not to  recalculate  shall  be
    irrevocable and shall apply to all subsequent  years. The life expectancy of
    a nonspouse beneficiary may not be recalculated.

         (g) For  purposes of Section  9.3(b) and  9.3(e),  any amount paid to a
    child shall be treated as if it had been paid to a surviving  spouse if such
    amount will become payable to the surviving  spouse upon such child reaching
    majority (or other designated event permitted under regulations).

         (h) For  distributions  beginning before the  Participant's  death, the
    first distribution  calendar year is the calendar year immediately preceding
    the calendar year which contains the Participant's  required beginning date.
    For  distributions  beginning  after  the  Participant's  death,  the  first
    distribution  calendar year is the calendar year in which  distributions are
    required to begin pursuant to this Article.

    9.4  Required Beginning Dates.

         (a) General Rule.  The required  beginning date of a Participant is the
    first day of April of the calendar year following the calendar year in which
    the  participant  attains age 70-1/2,  provided that such  Participant  is a
    5-percent owner.

         (b) 5-percent  owner. A Participant is treated as a 5-percent owner for
    purposes of this section if such Participant is a 5-percent owner as defined
    in section 416(i) of the Code (determined in accordance with section 416 but
    without regard to whether the plan is top-heavy) at any time during the Plan
    Year ending with or within the calendar year in which such owner attains age
    66-1/2 or any  subsequent  Plan  Year.  Once  distributions  have begun to a
    5-percent  owner under this section,  they must continue to be  distributed,
    even if the  Participant  ceases to be a 5-  percent  owner in a  subsequent

    9.5  Form of Payment.

         Each  Participant's  vested interest shall be distributed in a lump sum
    payment. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, but subject to Section 9.3,
    the  Administrator may not distribute a lump sum when the present value of a
    Participant's  total  Account  balances  is in excess of $3,500  without the
    Participant's  consent.  This form of payment  shall be the  normal  form of
    distribution. Furthermore, however, in the event that the Administrator must
    commence distributions, pursuant to Section 9.4, with respect to an Employee
    who has attained age 70-1/2 and is still  employed by the  Employer,  if the
    Employee does not elect a lump sum  distribution,  payments shall be made in
    installments in such amounts as shall satisfy the minimum distribution rules
    of Section 9.3.


    9.6  Payments Upon Termination of Plan.

         Upon  termination of this Plan pursuant to Sections 13.2, 13.4, 13.5 or
    13.6, the Administrator shall continue to perform its duties and the Trustee
    shall make all payments upon the following terms, conditions and provisions:
    All interests of Participants  shall  immediately  become fully vested;  the
    value of the interests of all  Participants  shall be  determined  within 60
    days  after  such  termination,  and the  Administrator  shall have the same
    powers to direct the Trustee in making payments as contained in Sections 9.1
    and 13.5.

    9.7  Distributions Pursuant to Qualified Domestic Relations Orders.

         Upon receipt of a domestic  relations  order, the  Administrator  shall
    notify  promptly the  Participant  and any alternate payee of receipt of the
    order  and the  Plan's  procedure  for  determining  whether  the order is a
    Qualified  Domestic  Relations Order.  While the issue of whether a domestic
    relations order is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order is being determined,
    if the benefits would otherwise be paid, the  Administrator  shall segregate
    in a separate  account in the Plan the amounts  that would be payable to the
    alternate  payee  during such period if the order were a Qualified Do mestic
    Relations  Order.  If  within  18 months  the  order is  determined  to be a
    Qualified  Domestic  Relations Order, the amounts so segregated,  along with
    the interest or investment  earnings  attributable  thereto shall be paid to
    the alternate payee.  Alternatively,  if within 18 months,  it is determined
    that the order is not a Qualified  Domestic  Relations Order or if the issue
    is still unresolved, the amounts segregated under this Section 9.6, with the
    earnings  attributable  thereto,   shall  be  paid  to  the  Participant  or
    Beneficiary  who would have been  entitled to such amounts if there had been
    no order.  The  determination  as to whether the order is qualified shall be
    applied prospectively.  Thus, if the Administrator determines that the order
    is a Qualified  Domestic Relations Order after the 18-month period, the Plan
    shall not be liable for  payments  to the  alternative  payee for the period
    before the order is determined to be a Qualified Domestic Relations Order.

    9.8  Cash-Out Distributions

         If a Participant receives a distribution of the entire present value of
    his vested Account  balances  under this Plan because of the  termination of
    his  participation  in the Plan,  the Plan shall  disregard a  Participant's
    Service with  respect to which such  cash-out  distribution  shall have been
    made,  in computing  his accrued  benefit under the Plan in the event that a
    Former  Participant  shall again become an Employee  and become  eligible to
    participate in the Plan.  Such a distribution  shall be deemed to be made on
    termination  of  participation  in the Plan if it is made not later than the
    close  of the  second  Plan  Year  following  the Plan  Year in  which  such
    termination  occurs.  The  forfeitable  portion of a  Participant's  accrued
    benefit  shall  be  restored  upon  repayment  to the  Plan by  such  former
    Participant of the full amount of the cash-out  distribution,  provided that
    the former  Participant  again becomes an Employee.  Such  repayment must be
    made by the Employee not later than the end of the 5-year  period  beginning
    with the date of the distribution. Forfeitures required


    to be  restored  by  virtue of such  repayment  shall be  restored  from the
    following  sources  in  the  following  order  of  preference:  (i)  current
    forfeitures;  (ii)  additional  employee stock ownership  contributions,  as
    appropriate and as subject to Section 5.6; and (iii) investment  earnings of
    the Fund. In the event that a Participant's  interest in the Plan is totally
    forfeitable,  a Participant  shall be deemed to have received a distribution
    of zero upon his termination of Service. In the event of a return to Service
    within 5 years of the date of his deemed distribution, the Participant shall
    be deemed to have repaid his  distribution  in accordance  with the rules of
    this Section 9.8.

    9.9  ESOP Distribution Rules.

         Notwithstanding  any provision of this Article IX to the contrary,  the
    distribution of a Participant's Employee Stock Ownership Account (unless the
    Participant  elects  otherwise  in  writing),  shall  commence  as  soon  as
    administratively  feasible as of the first Valuation Date coincident with or
    next  following his death,  disability or  termination  of Service,  but not
    later than 1 year after the close of the Plan Year in which the  Participant
    separates from Service by reason of the attainment of his Normal  Retirement
    Date,  disability,  death or  separation  from  Service.  In  addition,  all
    distributions  hereunder shall, to the extent that the Participant's Account
    is  invested  in  Employer  Securities,  be  made in the  form  of  Employer
    Securities.  Fractional shares,  however,  may be distributed in the form of

    9.10 Withholding.

         (a)  Notwithstanding  any  provision of the Plan to the  contrary  that
    would  otherwise  limit a  distributee's  election  under this Article IX, a
    distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner  prescribed by the Plan
    Administrator,  to have any portion of an "eligible  rollover  distribution"
    paid directly to an "eligible  retirement plan" specified by the distributee
    in a "direct rollover."

         (b)  For  purposes  of  this  Section  9.10,   an  "eligible   rollover
    distribution"  is any  distribution  of all or any portion of the balance to
    the  credit  of  the   distributee,   except  that  an  "eligible   rollover
    distribution" does not include:  any distribution that is one of a series of
    substantially  equal periodic  payments (not less  frequently than annually)
    made for the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint lives
    (or  joint  life  expectancies)  of the  distributee  and the  distributee's
    designated beneficiary,  or for a specified period of ten years or more; any
    distribution  to the extent  such  distribution  is required  under  section
    401(a)(9)  of the Code;  and the  portion  of any  distribution  that is not
    includible in gross income  (determined  without regard to the exclusion for
    net unrealized appreciation with respect to Employer Securities).

         (c) For purposes of this Section 9.10, an "eligible retirement plan" is
    an individual retirement account described in section 408(a) of the Code, an
    individual  retirement  annuity  described in section 408(b) of the Code, an
    annuity plan described in section  403(a) of the Code, or a qualified  trust
    described  in section  401(a) of the Code,  that  accepts the  distributee's


    rollover  distribution.  However,  in  the  case  of an  "eligible  rollover
    distribution" to the surviving spouse,  an "eligible  retirement plan" is an
    individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity.

         (d) For  purposes  of this  Section  9.10,  a  distributee  includes  a
    Participant or former Participant.  In addition, the Participant's or former
    Participant's surviving spouse and the Participant's or former Participant's
    spouse  or  former  spouse  who is the  alternate  payee  under a  qualified
    domestic  relations  order,  as defined in section  414(p) of the Code,  are
    "distributees" with regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse.

         (e) For purposes of this Section 9.10, a "direct rollover" is a payment
    by the Plan to the "eligible retirement plan" specified by the distributee.

    9.11 Waiver of 30-day Notice.

         If a distribution  is one to which  sections  401(a)(11) and 417 of the
    Code do not apply,  such  distribution  may commence less than 30 days after
    the  notice  required  under  section  1.411(a)-  11(c)  of the  Income  Tax
    Regulations  is given,  provided that:  (1) the Plan  Administrator  clearly
    informs the  Participant  that the Participant has a right to a period of at
    least 30 days after receiving the notice to consider the decision of whether
    or  not  to  elect  a  distribution   (and,  if  applicable,   a  particular
    distribution  option), and (2) the Participant,  after receiving the notice,
    affirmatively elects a distribution.


                                    ARTICLE X


    10.1 Top-Heavy Rules to Control.

         Anything contained in this Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, if for
    any Plan  Year the Plan is a  top-heavy  plan,  as  determined  pursuant  to
    Section 416 of the Code,  then the Plan must meet the  requirements  of this
    Article X for such Plan Year.

    10.2 Top-Heavy Plan Definitions.

         Unless a  different  meaning is plainly  implied  by the  context,  the
    following terms as used in this Article X shall have the following meanings:

         (a)  "Accrued  Benefit"  shall  mean the  account  balances  or accrued
    benefits of an Employee, calculated pursuant to Section 10.3.

         (b)  "Determination  Date" shall mean,  with respect to any  particular
    Plan Year of this Plan,  the last day of the preceding Plan Year (or, in the
    case of the  first  Plan Year of the  Plan,  the last day of the first  Plan
    Year). In addition,  the term "Determination  Date" shall mean, with respect
    to any particular plan year of any plan (other than this Plan) in a Required
    Aggregation  Group or a Permissive  Aggregation  Group,  the last day of the
    plan year of such plan  which  falls  within the same  calendar  year as the
    Determination Date for this Plan.

         (c) "Employer"  shall mean the Employer (as defined in Section  1.1(q))
    and any entity which is (1) a member of a controlled  group  including  such
    Employer,  while it is a member of such controlled group (within the meaning
    of Section 414(b) of the Code), (2) in a group of trades or businesses under
    common control with such Employer,  while it is under common control (within
    the  meaning  of  Section  414(c)  of the  Code),  and  (3) a  member  of an
    affiliated  service group  including such Employer,  while it is a member of
    such  affiliated  service group (within the meaning of Section 414(m) of the

         (d) "Key Employee"  shall mean any Employee or former  Employee (or any
    Beneficiary of such Employee or former Employee, as the case may be) who, at
    any time  during the Plan Year or during the 4  immediately  preceding  Plan
    Years is one of the following:

                  (1) An officer of the  Employer who has  compensation  greater
         than 50% of the amount in effect under Code  415(b)(1)(A)  for the Plan
         Year; provided, however, that no more than 50 Employees (or, if lesser,
         the greater of 3 or 10% of the Employees) shall be deemed officers;


                  (2) One of the 10 Employees  having  annual  compensation  (as
         defined  in  Section  415 of the Code) in excess of the  limitation  in
         effect  under  Section   415(c)(1)(A)  of  the  Code,  and  owning  (or
         considered  as owning,  within the  meaning of Section 318 of the Code)
         the largest interests in the Employer;

                  (3) Any Employee  owning (or considered as owning,  within the
         meaning  of Section  318 of the Code)  more than 5% of the  outstanding
         stock of the  Employer  or stock  possessing  more than 5% of the total
         combined voting power of all stock of the Employer; or

                  (4) Any Employee  having  annual  compensation  (as defined in
         Section  415 of the  Code)  of more  than  $150,000  and who  would  be
         described  in  Section  10.2(d)(3)  if "1%" were  substituted  for "5%"
         wherever the latter percentage appears.

         For purposes of applying  Section 318 of the Code to the  provisions of
    this Section 10.2(d),  Section  318(a)(2)(C) of the Code shall be applied by
    substituting  "5%" for "50%"  wherever  the latter  percentage  appears.  In
    addition,  for purposes of this Section  10.2(d),  the provisions of Section
    414(b),  (c) and (m) shall not apply in determining  ownership  interests in
    the Employer. However, for purposes of determining whether an individual has
    compensation  in excess of  $150,000,  or  whether  an  individual  is a Key
    Employee  under Section  10.2(d)(1) and (2),  compensation  from each entity
    required to be aggregated  under  Sections  414(b),  (c) and (m) of the Code
    shall be taken into account.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained herein to
    the contrary,  all  determinations as to whether a person is or is not a Key
    Employee  shall be resolved by  reference to Section 416 of the Code and any
    rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         (e) "Non-Key  Employee"  shall mean any Employee or former Employee (or
    any Beneficiary of such Employee or former Employee, as the case may be) who
    is not considered to be a Key Employee with respect to this Plan.

         (f) "Permissive Aggregation Group" shall mean all plans in the Required
    Aggregation  Group and any other  plans  maintained  by the  Employer  which
    satisfy Sections 401(a)(4) and 410 of the Code when considered together with
    the Required Aggregation Group.

         (g) "Required  Aggregation  Group" shall mean each plan  (including any
    terminated  plan) of the Employer in which a Key Employee is (or in the case
    of a terminated  plan, had been) a Participant  in the Plan Year  containing
    the Determination  Date or any of the 4 preceding Plan Years, and each other
    plan of the Employer  which  enables any plan of the Employer in which a Key
    Employee is a Participant to meet the requirement of Sections  401(a)(4) and
    410 of the Code.


    10.3 Calculation of Accrued Benefits.

         (a) An Employee's Accrued Benefit shall be equal to:

                  (1)  With   respect   to  this  Plan  or  any  other   defined
         contribution plan (other than a defined contribution pension plan) in a
         Required  Aggregation  Group or a  Permissive  Aggregation  Group,  the
         Employee's account balances under the respective plan, determined as of
         the most recent plan valuation date within a 12-month  period ending on
         the Determination Date, including contributions actually made after the
         valuation  date but before the  Determination  Date (and,  in the first
         plan year of a plan,  also including any  contributions  made after the
         Determination  Date which are  allocated as of a date in the first plan

                  (2) With respect to any defined contribution pension plan in a
         Required  Aggregation  Group or a  Permissive  Aggregation  Group,  the
         Employee's  account balances under the plan,  determined as of the most
         recent  plan  valuation  date  within a 12-month  period  ending on the
         Determination  Date,  including  contributions  which have not actually
         been made, but which are due to be made as of the Determination Date.

                  (3) With  respect to any  defined  benefit  plan in a Required
         Aggregation Group or a Permissive  Aggregation Group, the present value
         of the Employee's accrued benefits under the plan, determined as of the
         most recent plan valuation date within a 12-month  period ending on the
         Determination Date, pursuant to the actuarial  assumptions used by such
         plan, and calculated as if the Employee  terminated  Service under such
         plan as of the valuation date (except that, in the first plan year of a
         plan, a current Participant's  estimated Accrued Benefit Plan as of the
         Determination Date shall be taken into account).

                  (4) If any  individual  has  not  performed  services  for the
         Employer  maintaining  the Plan at any time  during the  5-year  period
         ending  on  the  Determination  Date,  any  Accrued  Benefit  for  such
         individual shall not be taken into account.

         (b) The Accrued  Benefit of any Employee  shall be further  adjusted as

                  (1) The Accrued  Benefit  shall be  calculated  to include all
         amounts attributable to both Employer and Employee  contributions,  but
         shall exclude  amounts  attributable to voluntary  deductible  Employee
         contributions, if any.

                  (2) The Accrued  Benefit  shall be increased by the  aggregate
         distributions made with respect to an Employee under the plan or plans,
         as  the  case  may  be,   during  the  5-year   period  ending  on  the
         Determination Date.


                  (3) Rollover and direct plan-to-plan  transfers shall be taken
         into account as follows:

                       (A) If the transfer is initiated by the Employee and made
                  from a plan maintained by one employer to a plan maintained by
                  another  unrelated  employer,   the  transferring  plan  shall
                  continue to count the amount  transferred;  the receiving plan
                  shall not count the amount transferred.

                       (B) If the  transfer is not  initiated by the Employee or
                  is made between  plans  maintained by related  employers,  the
                  transferring   plan   shall  no  longer   count   the   amount
                  transferred;   the  receiving  plan  shall  count  the  amount

         (c) If any  individual  has not performed  services for the Employer at
    any time during the 5- year period  ending on the  Determination  Date,  any
    accrued  benefit for such  individual  (and the account of such  individual)
    shall not be taken into account.

    10.4 Determination of Top-Heavy Status.

         This Plan shall be considered to be a top-heavy  plan for any Plan Year
    if, as of the  Determination  Date, the value of the Accrued Benefits of Key
    Employees  exceeds 60% of the value of the Accrued  Benefits of all eligible
    Employees  under the Plan.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the Employer
    maintains any other qualified plan, the  determination  of whether this Plan
    is top-heavy shall be made after aggregating all other plans of the Employer
    in the Required Aggregation Group and, if desired by the Employer as a means
    of  avoiding  top-heavy  status,  after  aggregating  any other  plan of the
    Employer in the Permissive  Aggregation  Group. If the required  Aggregation
    Group is top-heavy,  then each plan  contained in such group shall be deemed
    to be  top-heavy,  notwithstanding  that any  particular  plan in such group
    would not otherwise be deemed to be top-heavy. Conversely, if the Permissive
    Aggregation  Group is not  top-heavy,  then no plan  contained in such group
    shall be deemed to be top-heavy, notwithstanding that any particular plan in
    such group would  otherwise be deemed to be  top-heavy.  In no event shall a
    plan  included  in a  top-heavy  Permissive  Aggregation  Group be  deemed a
    top-heavy  plan  unless such plan is also  included in a top-heavy  Required
    Aggregation Group.

    10.5 Determination of Super Top-Heavy Status.

         The Plan shall be considered to be a super top-heavy plan if, as of the
    Determination  Date,  the Plan would meet the test specified in Section 10.4
    above for  classification  as a top-heavy  plan,  except that "90%" shall be
    substituted for "60%" whenever the latter percentage appears.


    10.6 Minimum Contribution.

         (a) For any year in which the Plan is top-heavy,  each Non-Key Employee
    who has met the age and service requirements, if any, contained in the Plan,
    shall be entitled to a minimum con tribution (which may include  forfeitures
    otherwise  allocable)  equal to a  percentage  of such  Non- Key  Employee's
    compensation (as defined in Section 415 of the Code) as follows:

                  (1) If  the  Non-Key  Employee  is not  covered  by a  defined
         benefit plan maintained by the Employer,  then the minimum contribution
         under this Plan shall be 3% of such Non- Key Employee's compensation.

                  (2) If the Non-Key  Employee  is covered by a defined  benefit
         plan maintained by the Employer,  then the minimum  contribution  under
         this Plan shall be 5% of such Non- Key Employee's compensation.

         (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the minimum contribution  otherwise
    allocable  to a Non-Key  Employee  under  this Plan  shall be reduced in the
    following circumstances:

                  (1) The percentage  minimum  contribution  required under this
         Plan shall in no event exceed the percentage  contribution made for the
         Key Employee for whom such  percentage is the highest for the Plan Year
         after   taking  into   account   contributions   under  other   defined
         contribution plans in this Plan's Required Aggregation Group; provided,
         however,  that this Section  10.7(b)(1) shall not apply if this Plan is
         included  in a  Required  Aggregation  Group  and this  Plan  enables a
         defined  benefit plan in such  Required Ag gregation  Group to meet the
         requirements of Section 401(a)(4) or 410 of the Code.

                  (2) No minimum  contribution shall be required (or the minimum
         contribution  shall  be  reduced,  as the  case  may be) for a  Non-Key
         Employee  under this Plan for any Plan Year if the  Employer  maintains
         another qualified plan under which a minimum benefit or contribution is
         being  accrued or made on  account  of such Plan  Year,  in whole or in
         part, on behalf of the Non-Key  Employee,  in  accordance  with Section
         416(c) of the Code.

         (c) For purposes of this Section 10.6,  there shall be disregarded  (1)
    any Employer  contributions  attributable  to a salary  reduction or similar
    arrangement,  or (2) any Employer  contri  butions to or any benefits  under
    Chapter 21 of the Code  (relating  to the  Federal  Insurance  Contributions
    Act),  Title II of the Social  Security  Act, or any other  federal or state

         (d) For purposes of this Section 10.6, minimum  contributions  shall be
    required to be made on behalf of only those Non-Key Employees,  as described
    in Section  10.7(a),  who have not terminated  Service as of the last day of
    the Plan Year.  If a Non-Key  Employee  is  otherwise  entitled to receive a
    minimum  contribution  pursuant to this Section 10.6(d),  the fact that such
    Non- Key  Employee  failed to  complete  1,000 Hours of Service or failed to
    make any mandatory or


    elective  contributions  under this Plan, if any are so required,  shall not
    preclude him from receiving such minimum contribution.

    10.7  Vesting.

         (a) For any  Plan  Year in  which  the  Plan  is a  top-heavy  plan,  a
    Participant's  Employer  account  shall  continue to vest  according  to the
    following schedule:

            Years of Service Completed              Percentage Vested
            --------------------------              -----------------
                  Less than 1                            0%
                  1 but less than 2                      20%
                  2 but less than 3                      40%
                  3 but less than 4                      60%
                  4 but less than 5                      80%
                  5 or more                              100%

         (b) For purposes of Section  10.7(a),  the term "year of service" shall
    have the same  meaning  as set forth in  Section  1.1(kk),  as  modified  by
    Section 3.2

         (c) If for any Plan Year the Plan  becomes  top-heavy  and the  vesting
    schedule set forth in Section 10.7(a) becomes  effective,  then, even if the
    Plan  ceases to be  top-heavy  in any subse  quent  Plan Year,  the  vesting
    schedule set forth in Section  10.7(a) shall remain  applicable with respect
    to any Participant who has completed 3 Years of Service.

    10.8  Maximum Benefit Limitation.

         For any  Plan  Year in  which  the Plan is a  top-heavy  plan,  Section
    5.6(d)(1)(B)(i)  and Section  5.6(d)(2)(B)(i)shall  be read by  substituting
    "1.0" for "1.25" wherever the latter figure appears; provided, however, that
    such substitution  shall not have the effect of reducing any benefit accrued
    under a  defined  benefit  plan  prior to the  first day of the plan year in
    which this Section 10.8 becomes applicable.


                                   ARTICLE XI


    11.1 Appointment of Administrator.

         This Plan shall be  administered  by a committee  consisting of up to 5
    persons,  whether or not Employees or  Participants,  who shall be appointed
    from time to time by the Board of  Directors to serve at its  pleasure.  The
    Sponsor may require  that each person  appointed as an  Administrator  shall
    signify his  acceptance by filing an acceptance  with the Sponsor.  The term
    "Administrator"  as used in this  Plan  shall  refer to the  members  of the
    committee, either individually or collectively, as appropriate. In the event
    that the Sponsor shall elect not to appoint any  individuals to constitute a
    committee  to  administer   the  Plan,   the  Sponsor  shall  serve  as  the
    Administrator hereunder.

    11.2 Resignation or Removal of Administrator.

         An  Administrator  shall have the right to resign at any time by giving
    notice in writing,  mailed or  delivered to the Employer and to the Trustee.
    Any  Administrator  who was an employee  of the  Employer at the time of his
    appointment  shall be deemed to have resigned as an  Administrator  upon his
    termination  of Service.  The Board of  Directors  may,  in its  discretion,
    remove any Administrator with or without cause, by giving notice in writing,
    mailed or delivered to the Administrator and to the Trustee.

    11.3 Appointment of Successors: Terms of Office, Etc.

         Upon  the  death,  resignation  or  removal  of an  Administrator,  the
    Employer  may appoint,  by Board of  Directors'  resolution,  a successor or
    successors.  Notice  of  termination  of an  Adminis  trator  and  notice of
    appointment  of a successor  shall be made by the Employer in writing,  with
    copies mailed or delivered to the Trustee,  and the successor shall have all
    the rights and  privileges  and all of the  duties  and  obligations  of the

    11.4 Powers and Duties of Administrator.

         The Administrator shall have the following duties and  responsibilities
    in connection with the administration of this Plan:

         (a) To promulgate and enforce such rules, regulations and procedures as
    shall be proper for the efficient  administration  of the Plan,  such rules,
    regulations and procedures to apply uniformly to all Employees, Participants
    and Beneficiaries;


         (b)  To  determine  all  questions   arising  in  the   administration,
    interpretation  and  application  of  the  Plan,   including   questions  of
    eligibility and of the status and rights of Partici pants, Beneficiaries and
    any other persons hereunder;

         (c) To decide any dispute arising hereunder strictly in accordance with
    the  terms of the  Plan;  provided,  however,  that no  Administrator  shall
    participate in any matter involving any questions relating solely to his own
    participation or benefits under this Plan;

         (d) To advise the Employer and the Trustee  regarding  the known future
    needs for funds to be available for  distribution  in order that the Trustee
    may establish investments accordingly;

         (e) To correct defects, supply omissions and reconcile  inconsistencies
    to the extent necessary to effectuate the Plan;

         (f) To advise the Employer of the maximum  deductible  contribution  to
    the Plan for each fiscal year;

         (g) To direct the Trustee  concerning  all payments which shall be made
    out of the Fund pursuant to the provisions of this Plan;

         (h)  To  advise  the  Trustee  on  all   terminations   of  Service  by
    Participants, unless the Employer has so notified the Trustee;

         (i) To confer  with the Trustee on the  settling of any claims  against
    the Fund;

         (j) To make  recommendations  to the Board of Directors with respect to
    proposed amendments to the Plan and the Trust Agreement;

         (k) To file all reports with government  agencies,  Employees and other
    parties as may be required by law,  whether such reports are  initially  the
    obligation of the Employer, the Plan or the Trustee; and

         (l) To have all such other powers as may be necessary to discharge  its
    duties hereunder.

         Reasonable  discretion  is granted to the  Administrator  to affect the
    benefits,  rights and  privileges of  Participants,  Beneficiaries  or other
    persons affected by this Plan. The Administrator  shall exercise  reasonable
    discretion  under  the  terms of this  Plan and  shall  administer  the Plan
    strictly in accordance with its terms,  such  administration to be exercised
    uniformly so that all persons similarly situated shall be similarly treated.


    11.5 Action by Administrator.

         The  Administrator  may elect a Chairman and  Secretary  from among its
    members and may adopt rules for the conduct of its  business.  A majority of
    the members then serving shall consti tute a quorum for the  transaction  of
    business.  All resolutions or other action taken by the Administrator  shall
    be by vote of a majority of those  present at such  meeting and  entitled to
    vote.  Resolutions  may be adopted or other action  taken  without a meeting
    upon  written  consent  signed by at least a majority  of the  members.  All
    documents, instruments, orders, requests, directions, instructions and other
    papers  shall be  executed  on behalf  of the  Administrator  by either  the
    Chairman or the Secretary of the Administrator,  if any, or by any member or
    agent of the Ad ministrator  duly  authorized to act on the  Administrator's

    11.6 Participation by Administrators.

         No Administrator  shall be precluded from becoming a Participant in the
    Plan if he would be otherwise eligible, but he shall not be entitled to vote
    or act upon matters or to sign any documents  relating  specifically  to his
    own  participation  under the Plan,  except when such  matters or  documents
    relate to benefits generally.  If this disqualification  results in the lack
    of a quorum,  then the Board of Directors shall appoint a sufficient  number
    of  temporary  Administrators  who  shall  serve  for the  sole  purpose  of
    determining such a question.

    11.7 Agents.

         The  Administrator  may employ  agents and provide  for such  clerical,
    legal,  actuarial,  accounting,  medical,  advisory or other  services as it
    deems  necessary  to perform  its duties  under this Plan.  The cost of such
    services and all other expenses  incurred by the Administrator in connection
    with the administration of the Plan shall be paid from the Fund, unless paid
    by the Em ployer.

    11.8 Allocation of Duties.

         The duties,  powers and responsibilities  reserved to the Administrator
    may be allocated among its members so long as such allocation is pursuant to
    written procedures  adopted by the  Administrator,  in which case, except as
    may be required by the Act, no Administrator shall have any liability,  with
    respect to any duties,  powers or responsibilities not allocated to him, for
    the acts of omissions of any other Administrator.

    11.9 Delegation of Duties.

         The  Administrator may delegate any of its duties to other employees of
    the  Employer,  to the Trustee with its  consent,  or to any other person or
    firm, provided that the Administrator shall prudently choose such agents and
    rely in good faith on their actions.


   11.10 Administrator's Action Conclusive.

         Any action on matters within the authority of the  Administrator  shall
    be final and conclusive except as provided in Article XII.

   11.11 Compensation and Expenses of Administrator.

         No Administrator  who is receiving  compensation from the Employer as a
    full-time employee, as a director or agent, shall be entitled to receive any
    compensation  or fee for his  services  hereunder.  Any other  Administrator
    shall be entitled to receive such reasonable  compensation  for his services
    as an  Administrator  hereunder  as may be mutually  agreed upon between the
    Employer and such  Administrator.  Any such compensation  shall be paid from
    the Fund, unless paid by the Employer.  Each Administrator shall be entitled
    to   reimbursement   by  the  Employer  for  any  reasonable  and  necessary
    expenditures incurred in the discharge of his duties.

   11.12 Records and Reports.

         The  Administrator  shall maintain  adequate records of its actions and
    proceedings in  administering  this Plan and shall file all reports and take
    all other actions as it deems  appropriate  in order to comply with the Act,
    the Code and governmental regulations issued thereunder.

   11.13 Reports of Fund Open to Participants.

         The  Administrator  shall  keep on file,  in such form as it shall deem
    convenient  and  proper,  all  annual  reports of the Fund  received  by the
    Administrator  from  the  Trustee,  and a  statement  of each  Participant's
    interest in the Fund as from time to time determined.  The annual reports of
    the Fund and the  statement  of his own  interest in the Fund,  as well as a
    complete  copy of the Plan and the  Trust  Agreement  and  copies  of annual
    reports to the  Internal  Revenue  Service,  shall be made  available by the
    Administrator  to the Employer for  examination by each  Participant  during
    reasonable hours at the office of the Employer,  provided, however, that the
    statement  of a  Participant's  interest  shall  not be made  available  for
    examination by any other Participant.

   11.14 Named Fiduciary.

         The  Administrator  is the named  fiduciary for purposes of the Act and
    shall be the designated agent for receipt of service of process on behalf of
    the Plan. It shall use ordinary care and diligence in the performance of its
    duties  under this Plan.  Nothing in this Plan shall  preclude  the Employer
    from indemnifying the Administrator for all actions under this Plan, or from
    purchasing  liability  insurance  to protect  it with  respect to its duties
    under this Plan.


   11.15 Information from Employer.

         The Employer  shall promptly  furnish all necessary  information to the
    Administrator  to permit it to  perform  its duties  under  this  Plan.  The
    Administrator  shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and  completeness
    of all  information  furnished  to it by the  Employer,  unless  it knows or
    should have known that such information is erroneous.

   11.16 Reservation of Rights by Employer.

         Where  rights are  reserved in this Plan to the  Employer,  such rights
    shall be exercised  only by action of the Board of  Directors,  except where
    the Board of Directors, by written resolution,  delegates any such rights to
    one or more officers of the Employer or to the Administrator. Subject to the
    rights  reserved to the Board of Directors  acting on behalf of the Employer
    as set forth in this Plan,  no member of the Board of  Directors  shall have
    any duties or  responsibilities  under  this  Plan,  except to the extent he
    shall be acting in the capacity of an Administrator or Trustee.

   11.17 Liability and Indemnification.

         (a) The  Administrator  shall  perform all duties  required of it under
    this Plan in a prudent manner.  To the extent not prohibited by the Act, the
    Administrator  shall  not be  respon  sible  in any way for  any  action  or
    omission  of the  Employer,  the  Trustee  or any other  fiduciaries  in the
    performance  of their duties and  obligations  set forth in this Plan and in
    the  Trust  Agreement.  To  the  extent  not  prohibited  by  the  Act,  the
    Administrator  shall also not be responsible  for any act or omission of any
    of its  agents,  or with  respect to  reliance  upon  advice of its  counsel
    (whether  or not  such  counsel  is  also  counsel  to the  Employer  or the
    Trustee),  provided that such agents or counsel were prudently chosen by the
    Administrator  and that the  Administrator  relied  in good  faith  upon the
    action of such agent or the advice of such counsel.

         (b) The  Administrator  shall not be relieved  from  responsibility  or
    liability for any  responsibility,  obligation or duty imposed upon it under
    this Plan or under the Act.  Except  for its own gross  negligence,  willful
    misconduct or willful  breach of the terms of this Plan,  the  Administrator
    shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Employer against  liability or
    losses  occurring by reason of any act or omission of the  Administrator  to
    the extent that such  indemnification  does not violate the Act or any other
    federal or state laws.

   11.18 Service as Trustee and Administrator.

         Nothing in this Plan shall prevent one or more Trustees from serving as
    Administrator under this Plan.


                                   ARTICLE XII

                                CLAIMS PROCEDURE

    12.1 Notice of Denial.

         If a Participant  or his  Beneficiary is denied any benefits under this
    Plan,  either  in whole or in  part,  the  Administrator  shall  advise  the
    claimant in writing of the amount of his  benefit,  if any, and the specific
    reasons for the denial. The Administrator shall also furnish the claimant at
    that time with a written notice containing:

         (a) A specific reference to pertinent Plan provisions;

         (b) A description of any additional  material or information  necessary
    for the claimant to perfect his claim,  if possible,  and an  explanation of
    why such material or information is needed; and

         (c) An explanation of the Plan's claim review procedure.

    12.2 Right to Reconsideration.

         Within 60 days of receipt of the  information  described in 12.1 above,
    the claimant shall, if he desires further review, file a written request for
    reconsideration with the Administrator.

    12.3 Review of Documents.

         So long as the claimant's  request for review is pending (including the
    60-day  period  described in Section  12.2 above),  the claimant or his duly
    authorized  representative may review pertinent Plan documents and the Trust
    Agreement  (and any pertinent  related  documents) and may submit issues and
    comments in writing to the Administrator.

    12.4 Decision by Administrator.

         A final and binding decision shall be made by the Administrator  within
    60 days of the filing by the  claimant of his  request for  reconsideration;
    provided,  however, that if the Admin istrator feels that a hearing with the
    claimant or his  representative  present is  necessary  or  desirable,  this
    period shall be extended an additional 60 days.

    12.5 Notice by Administrator.

         The  Administrator's  decision  shall be  conveyed  to the  claimant in
    writing and shall include  specific  reasons for the decision,  written in a
    manner calculated to be understood by the claimant, with specific references
    to the pertinent Plan provisions on which the decision is based.


                                  ARTICLE XIII


    13.1 Amendments.

         The Employer  reserves the right at any time and from time to time, and
    retroactively  if deemed  necessary  or  appropriate  by it,  to the  extent
    permissible  under law, to conform with  governmental  regulations  or other
    policies,  to amend in whole or in part any or all of the provisions of this
    Plan, provided that:

         (a) No amendment  shall make it possible for any part of the Fund to be
    used for, or diverted to,  purposes other than for the exclusive  benefit of
    Participants or their  Beneficiaries un der the Trust  Agreement,  except to
    the extent provided in Section 4.4;

         (b) No amendment may, directly or indirectly, reduce the vested portion
    of any  Participant's  interest as of the effective date of the amendment or
    change the vesting  schedule with respect to the future  accrual of Employer
    contributions  for any  Participants  unless each Participant with 3 or more
    Years of Service with the Employer is permitted to elect to have the vesting
    schedule  in effect  before  the  amendment  used to  determine  his  vested
    benefit; and

         (c) No amendment may eliminate an optional form of benefit.

         (d) No amendment  may  increase  the duties of the Trustee  without its

         Amendments  may be made in the form of Board of Directors'  resolutions
    or separate written document. Copies of all amendments shall be delivered to
    the Trustee.

    13.2 Consolidation, Merger or Other Transactions of Employer.

         Nothing  in  this  Plan  shall  prevent  the   consolidation,   merger,
    reorganization  or  liquidation  of the  Employer,  or  prevent  the sale by
    Employer of any or all of its property.  Any successor  corporation or other
    entity formed and resulting from any such  transaction  shall have the right
    to become a party to this Plan by  adopting  the same by  resolution  and by
    appointing  a new Trustee as though the Trustee had  resigned in  accordance
    with the Trust Agreement,  and by executing a proper supplemental  agreement
    with the  Trustee.  If,  within  180 days  from the  effective  date of such
    transaction,  such new entity  does not become a party to this Plan as above
    provided,  this Plan shall automatically be terminated and the Trustee shall
    make payments to the persons  entitled  thereto in  accordance  with Section


    13.3 Consolidation or Merger of Trust.

         In the  event of any  merger  or  consolidation  of the Fund  with,  or
    transfer in whole or in part of the assets and  liabilities  of the Fund to,
    another  trust  fund  held  under any other  plan of  deferred  compensation
    maintained  or to be  established  for  the  benefit  of all or  some of the
    Participants  of this  Plan,  the  assets  of the  Fund  applicable  to such
    Participants shall be transferred to the other trust fund only if:

         (a) Each Participant would receive a benefit under such successor trust
    fund immediately after the merger,  consolidation or transfer which is equal
    to or  greater  than the  benefit  he would  have been  entitled  to receive
    immediately before the merger,  consolidation or transfer  (determined as if
    this Plan and such transferee trust fund had then terminated);

         (b)  Resolutions  of the Board of Directors  under this Plan, or of any
    new or successor employer of the affected Participants, shall authorize such
    transfer of assets, and, in the case of the new or successor employer of the
    affected  Participants,  its  resolutions  shall  include an  assumption  of
    liabilities  with  respect  to  such  Participants'  inclusion  in  the  new
    employer's plan; and

         (c) Such other plan and trust are qualified  under Sections  401(a) and
    501(a) of the Code.

    13.4 Bankruptcy or Insolvency of Employer.

         In the event of (a) the Employer's legal  dissolution or liquidation by
    any  procedure  other than a  consolidation  or merger,  (b) the  Employer's
    receivership,  insolvency,  or cessation of its business as a going concern,
    or (c) the  commencement  of any proceeding by or against the Employer under
    the federal  bankruptcy  laws, and similar federal or state statute,  or any
    federal  or state  statute  or rule  providing  for the  relief of  debtors,
    compensation  of creditors,  arrangement,  receivership,  liquidation or any
    similar  event  which is not  dismissed  within  30 days,  this  Plan  shall
    terminate  automatically  on  such  date  (provided,   however,  that  if  a
    proceeding is brought against the Employer for reorganization  under Chapter
    11 of the United  States  Bankruptcy  Code or any  similar  federal or state
    statute,  then  this Plan  shall  terminate  automatically  if and when said
    proceeding results in a liquidation of the Employer,  or the approval of any
    Plan  providing  therefor,  or the  proceeding  is converted to a case under
    Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code or any similar  conversion to a liquidation
    proceeding  under  federal or state law  including,  but not  limited  to, a
    receivership  proceeding).  In the event of any such termination as provided
    in the  foregoing  sentence,  the Trustee shall make payments to the persons
    entitled thereto in accordance with Section 9.5 hereof.


    13.5 Voluntary Termination.

         The Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate this Plan at any
    time by giving to the  Trustee  and the  Administrator  notice in writing of
    such desire to terminate.  The Plan shall terminate upon the date of receipt
    of such notice, the interests of all Participants shall become fully vested,
    and the Trustee shall make payments to each  Participant  or  Beneficiary in
    accordance with Section 9.5. Alternatively, the Employer, in its discretion,
    may  determine  to  continue  the  Trust   Agreement  and  to  continue  the
    maintenance of the Fund, in which event distributions shall be made upon the
    contingencies  and in all the  circumstances  which would have been entitled
    such distributions on a fully vested basis, had there been no termination of
    the Plan.

    13.6 Partial Termination of Plan or Permanent 
           Discontinuance of Contributions.

         In the event that a partial  termination of the Plan shall be deemed to
    have  occurred,  or  if  the  Employer  shall  discontinue   completely  its
    contributions  hereunder,  the  right of each  affected  Participant  to his
    interest in the Fund shall be fully vested. The Employer, in its discretion,
    shall decide whether to direct the Trustee to make immediate distribution of
    such portion of the Fund assets to the persons  entitled  thereto or to make
    distribution  in  the  circumstances  and  contingencies  which  would  have
    controlled such  distributions  if there had been no partial termina tion or
    discontinuance of contributions.


                                   ARTICLE XIV


    14.1 No Diversion of Funds.

         It is the intention of the Employer that it shall be impossible for any
    part of the  corpus or income of the Fund to be used for,  or  diverted  to,
    purposes other than for the exclusive  benefit of the  Participants or their
    Beneficiaries, except to extent that a return of the Employer's contribution
    is permitted under Section 4.4.

    14.2 Liability Limited.

         Neither the Employer nor the Administrator,  nor any agents, employees,
    officers, directors or shareholders of any of them, nor the Trustee, nor any
    other person shall have any liability or responsibility with respect to this
    Plan, except as expressly provided herein.

    14.3 Incapacity.

         If the Administrator  shall receive evidence  satisfactory to it that a
    Participant  or  Beneficiary  entitled to receive any benefit under the Plan
    is, at the time when such benefit becomes payable, a minor, or is physically
    or mentally  incompetent to receive such benefit and to give a valid release
    therefor,  and that another person or an institution is then  maintaining or
    has  custody  of such  Participant  or  Beneficiary,  and that no  guardian,
    committee  or other  representative  of the  estate of such  Participant  or
    Beneficiary shall have been duly appointed, the Administrator may direct the
    Trustee  to  make  payment  of  such  benefit   otherwise  payable  to  such
    Participant or Beneficiary, to such other person or institution, including a
    custodian under a Uniform Gifts to Minor Act, or  corresponding  legislation
    (who shall be an adult, a guardian of the minor or a trust company), and the
    release of such other  person or  institution  shall be a valid and complete
    discharge for the payment of such benefit.

    14.4 Spendthrift Clause.

         Except  as  permitted  by the Act or the  Code,  no  benefits  or other
    amounts   payable  under  the  Plan  shall  be  subject  in  any  manner  to
    anticipation,  sale, transfer,  assignment,  pledge, encum brance, charge or
    alienation.  If the Administrator determines that any person entitled to any
    payments under the Plan has become insolvent or bankrupt or has attempted to
    anticipate, sell, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber, charge or otherwise in
    any manner  alienate  any benefit or other  amount  payable to him under the
    Plan or that there is any danger of any levy or  attachment  or other  court
    process or encumbrance  on the part of any creditor of such person  entitled
    to payments under the Plan against any benefit or other accounts  payable to
    such person, the Administrator  may, at any time, in its discretion,  direct
    the Trustee to withhold any or all payments to such


    person under the Plan and apply the same for the benefit of such person,  in
    such manner and in such proportion as the Administrator may deem proper.

    14.5 Benefits Limited to Fund.

         All  contributions by the Employer to the Fund shall be voluntary,  and
    the  Employer   shall  be  under  no  legal   liability  to  make  any  such
    contributions. The benefits of this Plan shall be only as can be provided by
    the assets of the Fund,  and no liability for the payment of benefits  under
    the Plan or for any loss of  assets  due to any  action or  inaction  of the
    Trustee shall be imposed upon the Employer.

    14.6 Cooperation of Parties.

         All  parties  to this Plan and any party  claiming  interest  hereunder
    agree to perform  any and all acts and  execute  any and all  documents  and
    papers which are  necessary  and desirable for carrying out this Plan or any
    of its provisions.

    14.7 Payments Due Missing Persons.

         The Administrator  shall direct the Trustee to make a reasonable effort
    to locate  all  persons  entitled  to  benefits  under  the  Plan;  however,
    notwithstanding  any  provision  in the Plan to the  contrary,  if,  after a
    period of 5 years from the date such benefit  shall be due, any such persons
    entitled to benefits  have not been  located,  their  rights  under the Plan
    shall stand suspended.  Before this provision becomes operative, the Trustee
    shall  send a  certified  letter to all such  persons  at their  last  known
    address  advising them that their  interest in benefits under the Plan shall
    be suspended.  Any such suspended amounts shall be held by the Trustee for a
    period  of 3  additional  years  (or a total  of 8 years  from  the time the
    benefits  first  became  payable),  and  thereafter  such  amounts  shall be
    reallocated  among  current  Participants  in the same manner that a current
    contribution would be allocated.  However,  if a person subsequently makes a
    valid  claim  with  respect to such  reallocated  amounts  and any  earnings
    thereon,  the Plan earnings or the Employer's  contribution  to be allocated
    for the year in which the claim shall be paid shall be reduced by the amount
    of such payment. Any such suspended amounts shall be handled in a manner not
    inconsistent  with  regulations  issued by the Internal  Revenue Service and
    Department of Labor.

    14.8 Governing Law.

         This Plan has been  executed in the State of Indiana and all  questions
    pertaining  to  its  validity,  construction  and  administration  shall  be
    determined in accordance  with the laws of that State,  except to the extent
    superseded by the Act.


    14.9 Nonguarantee of Employment.

         Nothing  contained  in this Plan shall be  construed  as a contract  of
    employment  between  the  Employer  and any  Employee,  or as a right of any
    Employee  to be  continued  in  the  employment  of  the  Employer,  or as a
    limitation of the right of the Employer to discharge  any of its  Employees,
    with or without cause.

   14.10 Counsel.

         The Trustee and the Administrator  may consult with legal counsel,  who
    may be counsel for the Employer and for the Administrator or the Trustee (as
    the case may be), with respect to the meaning or  construction  of this Plan
    and the Trust Agreement, their respective obligations or duties hereunder or
    with  respect to any action or  proceeding  or any question of law, and they
    shall be fully protected with respect to any action taken or omitted by them
    in good faith pursuant to the advice of legal counsel.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Sponsor  has  caused  these  presents  to be
    executed  by its  duly  authorized  officers  and its  corporate  seal to be
    affixed on this ____ day of April, 1997.

                                                MONTGOMERY FINANCIAL

    ____________________________                By_____________________________
    Nancy L. McCormick,                             J. Lee Walden,
    Secretary                                       President

    [Corporate Seal]
