Exhibit 8.1

                   Opinion of Silver, Freedman & Taff, L.L.P.
                 with respect to Federal income tax consequences
                                of the Conversion

                  [SILVER, FREEDMAN & TAFF, L.L.P. LETTERHEAD]

                                October 29, 1998

Board of Trustees
Cohoes Savings Bank
75 Remsen Street
Cohoes, New York 12047

         RE:      Federal  Income Tax  Opinion  Relating  To The  Conversion  Of
                  Cohoes  Savings  Bank From A  State-Chartered  Mutual  Savings
                  Institution  To A  State-Chartered  Stock Savings  Institution
                  Under  Section  368(a)(1)(F)  of the Internal  Revenue Code of
                  1986, As Amended


         In accordance with your request set forth hereinbelow is the opinion of
this firm relating to the federal income tax  consequences  of the conversion of
Cohoes  Savings  Bank  ("Mutual")  from  a New  York  chartered  mutual  savings
institution  to  a  New  York  chartered  stock  savings   institution   ("Stock
Institution") pursuant to the provisions of Section 368(a)(1)(F) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         Capitalized  terms used herein which are not expressly  defined  herein
shall have the meaning  ascribed to them in the Plan of Conversion dated May 21,
1998 (the "Plan").

         The  following  assumptions  have  been  made in  connection  with  our
opinions hereinbelow:

         1. The Conversion is  implemented  in accordance  with the terms of the
Plan and all  conditions  precedent  contained in the Plan shall be performed or
waived prior to the consummation of the Conversion.

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Cohoes Savings Bank
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         2. No amount of the savings accounts and deposits of Mutual,  as of the
Eligibility  Record Date or the  Supplemental  Eligibility  Record Date, will be
excluded from participating in the liquidation account of Stock Institution.  To
the best of the knowledge of the management of Mutual there is not now, nor will
there be at the time of the  Conversion,  any plan or intention,  on the part of
the depositors in Mutual to withdraw their  deposits  following the  Conversion.
Deposits  withdrawn  immediately  prior  to or  immediately  subsequent  to  the
Conversion  (other  than  maturing  deposits)  are  considered  in making  these

         3. Holding Company and Stock Institution each have no plan or intention
to redeem or  otherwise  acquire any of the Holding  Company  Common Stock to be
issued in the proposed transaction.

         4. Immediately  following the consummation of the proposed transaction,
Stock  Institution  will possess the same assets and  liabilities as Mutual held
immediately prior to the proposed transaction, plus substantially all of the net
proceeds from the sale of its stock to Holding Company except for assets used to
pay expenses of the Conversion. The liabilities transferred to Stock Institution
were incurred by Mutual in the ordinary course of business.

         5. No cash or property will be given to deposit account holders in lieu
of  Subscription  Rights or an  interest  in the  liquidation  account  of Stock

         6. Following the Conversion,  Stock Institution will continue to engage
in its business in  substantially  the same manner as Mutual engaged in business
prior to the  Conversion,  and it has no plan or  intention to sell or otherwise
dispose of any of its assets, except in the ordinary course of business.

         7. There is no plan or intention for Stock Institution to be liquidated
or merged with another corporation following the consummation of the Conversion.

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Cohoes Savings Bank
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         8. The fair market  value of each  savings  account plus an interest in
the  liquidation  account  of  Stock  Institution  will,  in each  instance,  be
approximately  equal to the fair market value of each savings  account of Mutual
plus the  interest  in the  residual  equity of Mutual  surrendered  in exchange

         9.  Holding  Company  has no plan  or  intention  to sell or  otherwise
dispose  of the  stock  of  Stock  Institution  received  by it in the  proposed

         10.  Both  Stock  Institution  and  Holding  Company  have  no  plan or
intention,  either  currently or at the time of Conversion,  to issue additional
shares of common stock following the proposed transaction, other than (a) shares
that may be issued to employees,  directors and/or trustees  pursuant to certain
stock option and stock incentive plans or that may be issued to employee benefit
plans and (b) up to 3% of Holding  Company  Common  Stock to the Cohoes  Savings
Foundation,  a charitable  organization  created under Section  501(c)(3) of the
Code (the "Foundation").

         11. Assets used to pay expenses of the Conversion and all distributions
(except for regular,  normal interest  payments and other payments in the normal
course of business made by Mutual immediately preceding the transaction) will in
the aggregate  constitute less than 1% of the net assets of Mutual, and any such
expenses and distributions will be paid from the proceeds of the sale of Holding
Company Common Stock.

         12. All  distributions  to deposit account holders in their capacity as
deposit account holders  (except for regular,  normal interest  payments made by
Mutual),  will,  in the  aggregate,  constitute  less than 1% of the fair market
value of the net assets of Mutual.

         13. At the time of the proposed  transaction,  the fair market value of
the assets of Mutual on a going concern basis (including intangibles) will equal
or exceed the amount of its liabilities  plus the amount of liabilities to which
such assets are subject. Mutual will have a positive regulatory net worth at the
time of the Conversion.

         14.  Mutual is not under the  jurisdiction  of a court in a Title 11 or
similar case

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Cohoes Savings Bank
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within the meaning of Section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code. The proposed transaction
does not involve a receivership,  foreclosure,  or similar  proceeding  before a
federal or state agency  involving a financial  institution to which Section 585
of the Code applies.

         15. Mutual's Eligible Account Holders and Supplemental Eligible Account
Holders will pay expenses of the Conversion solely attributable to them, if any.

         16. The  liabilities  of Mutual assumed by Stock  Institution  plus the
liabilities,  if any, to which the transferred  assets are subject were incurred
by Mutual in the ordinary  course of its business  and are  associated  with the
assets being transferred.

         17. There will be no purchase  price  advantage  for  Mutual's  deposit
account holders who purchase Holding Company Common Stock.

         18. None of the  compensation  to be  received  by any deposit  account
holder-  employees of Mutual or Holding  Company will be separate  consideration
for,  or  allocable  to, any of their  deposits  in Mutual.  No  interest in the
liquidation account of Stock Institution will be received by any deposit account
holder-employee  as separate  consideration  for, or will otherwise be allocable
to, any employment agreement,  and the compensation paid to each deposit account
holder-employee,  during the twelve-month  period preceding or subsequent to the
Conversion, will be for services actually rendered and will be commensurate with
amounts  paid to the  third  parties  bargaining  at  arm's-length  for  similar
services.  No  shares  of  Holding  Company  Common  Stock  will be issued to or
purchased by any deposit account holder-employee of Mutual or Holding Company at
a discount or as compensation in the proposed transaction.

         19.  No  creditors  of  Mutual  or the  depositors  in  their  role  as
creditors,  have  taken any steps to  enforce  their  claims  against  Mutual by
instituting  bankruptcy  or  other  legal  proceedings,  in  either  a court  or
appropriate regulatory agency, that would eliminate the proprietary interests of
depositors prior to the Conversion of Mutual as the equity holders of Mutual.

         20. The  proposed  transaction  does not  involve  the payment to Stock

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Cohoes Savings Bank
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or Mutual of financial  assistance  from federal  agencies within the meaning of
Notice 89-102, 1989-40 C.B. 1.

         21. On a per share basis,  the purchase price of Holding Company Common
Stock  will be equal to the fair  market  value of such stock at the time of the
completion of the proposed transaction.

         22.  Mutual has  received or will  receive an opinion from RP Financial
LC. ("Appraiser's Opinion"),  which concludes that the Subscription Rights to be
received by Eligible Account Holders,  Supplemental Eligible Account Holders and
other  eligible  subscribers  do not have any  ascertainable  fair market value,
since they are acquired by the recipients without cost, are non-transferable and
of short  duration,  and afford the recipients a right only to purchase  Holding
Company Common Stock at a price equal to its estimated fair market value,  which
will be the same price as the Public Offering Price for  unsubscribed  shares of
Holding Company Common Stock.

         23.  Mutual  will not  have  any net  operating  losses,  capital  loss
carryovers or built-in losses at the time of the Conversion.

         As part of the  Conversion,  Holding  Company  intends to donate to the
Foundation up to 3% shares of its common stock.

         The Plan states that the Foundation is intended to complement  Mutual's
existing  community  reinvestment  activities and to support the  communities in
which Mutual operates.

         The  Foundation  will  be  dedicated  to the  promotion  of  charitable
purposes within the  communities in which Mutual  operates,  including,  but not
limited to grants or donations  to support  not-for-profit  medical  facilities,
cultural  activities,  community  groups  and other  types of  organizations  or
projects.  The Foundation will annually distribute total grants and donations to
assist  charitable  organizations  or to fund  projects  of not less  than  five
percent (5%) of its net investment assets.

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Cohoes Savings Bank
October 29, 1998
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         Based solely on the assumptions set forth  hereinabove and our analysis
and  examination of applicable  federal income tax laws,  rulings,  regulations,
judicial  precedents and the Appraiser's  Opinion, we are of the opinion that if
the transaction is undertaken in accordance with the above assumptions:

         (1) The Conversion will constitute a reorganization  within the meaning
of Section  368(a)(1)(F) of the Code.  Neither Mutual nor Stock Institution will
recognize any gain or loss as a result of the  transaction  (Rev.  Rul.  80-105,
1980-1  C.B.  78).  Mutual  and  Stock  Institution  will  each be a party  to a
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

         (2) Stock  Institution  will recognize no gain or loss upon the receipt
of money and other  property,  if any, in the  Conversion,  in exchange  for its
shares. (Section 1032(a) of the Code.)

         (3) No gain or loss will be  recognized  by  Holding  Company  upon the
receipt of money for  Holding  Company  Common  Stock.  (Section  1032(a) of the

         (4) The basis of Mutual's assets in the hands of Stock Institution will
be the same as the basis of those  assets  in the  hands of  Mutual  immediately
prior to the transaction. (Section 362(b) of the Code.)

         (5) Mutual, Stock Institution and Holding Company are each corporations
within the meaning of Section 7701(a)(3) of the Code.

         (6)  Mutual  and Stock  Institution  are not  investment  companies  as
defined in Sections 368(a)(2)(F)(iii) and (iv) of the Code.

         (7) Stock  Institution's  holding  period of the assets of Mutual  will
include the period  during  which such  assets were held by Mutual  prior to the
Conversion. (Section 1223(2) of the Code).

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Cohoes Savings Bank
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         (8) The tax year of Mutual  will not end on the  effective  date of the
Conversion.  The part of the tax year of Mutual  before the  Conversion  will be
includible in the tax year of Stock Institution after the Conversion. Therefore,
Mutual will not have to file a federal  income tax return for the portion of the
tax year prior to the Conversion. (Rev. Rul. 57-276, 1957-1 C.B. 126).

         (9)  Depositors  will  realize  gain,  if any,  upon  the  constructive
issuance  to  them  of  withdrawable  deposit  accounts  of  Stock  Institution,
Subscription  Rights  and/or  interests  in the  liquidation  account  of  Stock
Institution.  Any gain resulting  therefrom  will be recognized,  but only in an
amount not in excess of the fair market value of the liquidation accounts and/or
Subscription  Rights received.  The liquidation  accounts will have nominal,  if
any, fair market value.  Based solely on the accuracy of the conclusion  reached
in the  Appraiser's  Opinion,  and  our  reliance  on  such  opinion,  that  the
Subscription  Rights have no value at the time of distribution  or exercise,  no
gain or loss will be required to be  recognized  by  depositors  upon receipt or
distribution of Subscription Rights.  (Section 1001 of the Code); See Paulsen v.
Commissioner, 469 U.S. 131,139 (1985). Likewise, based solely on the accuracy of
the aforesaid  conclusion reached in the Appraiser's  Opinion,  and our reliance
thereon,  we  give  the  following  opinions:  (a) no  taxable  income  will  be
recognized  by  the  trustees,   officers  and  employees  of  Mutual  upon  the
distribution to them of Subscription Rights or upon the exercise or lapse of the
Subscription  Rights to acquire  Holding  Company  Common  Stock at fair  market
value;  (b) no taxable  income will be realized by the depositors of Mutual as a
result of the exercise or lapse of the  Subscription  Rights to purchase Holding
Company Common Stock at fair market value (Rev. Rul.  56-572,  1956-2 C.B. 182);
and (c) no taxable  income  will be  realized by Mutual,  Stock  Institution  or
Holding  Company on the  issuance  or  distribution  of  Subscription  Rights to
depositors of Mutual to purchase  shares of Holding Company Common Stock at fair
market value. (Section 311 of the Code.)

         Notwithstanding the Appraiser's Opinion, if the Subscription Rights are
subsequently  found to have a fair market  value,  income may be  recognized  by
various recipients of the Subscription Rights (in certain cases,  whether or not
the rights are exercised) and Holding  Company and/or Stock  Institution  may be
taxable on the  distribution  of the  Subscription  Rights.  (Section 311 of the
Code).  In this  regard,  the  Subscription  Rights  may be taxed  partially  or
entirely at ordinary income tax rates.

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Cohoes Savings Bank
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         (10) The  creation of the  liquidation  account on the records of Stock
Institution  will have no  effect on  Mutual's  or Stock  Institution's  taxable
income, deductions, or tax bad debt reserve.

         (11) A depositor's  basis in the savings deposits of Stock  Institution
will be the same as the basis of his savings  deposits in Mutual.  (Section 1012
of the Code). Based upon the Appraiser's  Opinion, the basis of the Subscription
Rights will be zero.  The basis of the  interest in the  liquidation  account of
Stock Institution received by Eligible Account Holders and Supplemental Eligible
Account  Holders  will be  equal to the cost of such  property,  i.e.,  the fair
market value of the proprietary interest in Mutual, which in this transaction we
assume to be zero.

         (12) The basis of Holding Company Common Stock to its shareholders will
be the purchase price thereof. (Section 1012 of the Code).

         (13) Regardless of any book entries that are made for the establishment
of a liquidation  account,  the reorganization will not diminish the accumulated
earnings and profits of Mutual  available  for the  subsequent  distribution  of
dividends,  within the meaning of Section 316 of the Code. (Section  1.312-11(b)
and (c) of the  Regulations).  Stock  Institution  will succeed to and take into
account the earnings  and profits or deficit in earnings and profits,  of Mutual
as of the date of Conversion.

         The above  opinions are effective to the extent that Mutual is solvent.
No opinion is expressed  about the tax treatment of the transaction if Mutual is
insolvent. Whether or not Mutual is solvent will be determined at the end of the
taxable year in which the transaction is consummated.

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Cohoes Savings Bank
October 29, 1998
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         No opinion is  expressed  as to the tax  treatment  of the  transaction
under the  provisions  of any of the other  sections  of the Code and Income Tax
Regulations which may also be applicable thereto, or to the tax treatment of any
conditions  existing at the time of, or effects  resulting from, the transaction
which are not  specifically  covered by the opinions set forth above. No opinion
is expressed  as to the tax  treatment  of the  establishment  or funding of the

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         SILVER, FREEDMAN & TAFF, L.L.P.

                                         /s/ Gary A. Lax, P.C.