Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                               (Amendment No. [ ])

[X] Filed by the Registrant

[ ] Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the Appropriate Box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[X] Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ] Definitive Additional Materials

[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or
     Sec. 240.14a-12

                             MID PENN BANCORP, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if
                           other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No filing fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
        computed pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule O-11 (Set forth
        the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
        state how it was determined):

     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5) Total fee paid:

[  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[  ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule previously.  Identify the previous filing by
registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its

     1)   Amount Previously paid:

     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3)   Filing Party:

     4)   Date Filed:

                                 March 26, 1999

Dear Shareholders:

     It is my  pleasure  to invite  you to attend  the 1999  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc. to be held on Tuesday, April 27, 1999, at
10:00 a.m.,  prevailing  time.  The Annual Meeting this year will be held at Mid
Penn Bank, 349 Union Street, Millersburg, Pennsylvania 17061.

     The Notice of the Annual  Meeting and the proxy  statement on the following
pages address the formal business of the meeting.  The formal business  schedule
includes  the  election  of 4 Class A  Directors  and  the  ratification  of the
selection of the independent  auditors for 1999. At the meeting,  members of the
corporation's  management will review the  corporation's  operations  during the
past year and will be available to respond to questions.

     We strongly  encourage you to vote your shares,  whether or not you plan to
attend the  meeting.  It is very  important  that you sign,  date and return the
accompanying  proxy as soon as possible in the postage prepaid envelope.  If you
do attend the meeting and wish to vote in person,  you must give written  notice
thereof  to the  Secretary  of the  corporation  so  that  your  proxy  will  be
superseded by any ballot that you submit at the meeting.


                                         Eugene F. Shaffer
                                         Chairman of the Board,
                                         President and Chief Executive Officer


                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 27, 1999


     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Mid Penn
Bancorp, Inc. will be held at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, on Tuesday, April 27,
1999, at Mid Penn Bank, 349 Union Street,  Millersburg,  Pennsylvania 17061, for
the following purposes:

1.   To elect 4 Class A  Directors  to serve for a 3 year  term and until  their
     successors are elected and qualified;

2.   To ratify the selection of Parente, Randolph,  Orlando, Carey & Associates,
     Certified  Public  Accountants,  of  Wilkes-Barre,   Pennsylvania,  as  the
     independent  auditors for the  corporation for the year ending December 31,
     1999; and

3.   To transact any other  business  that may  properly  come before the annual
     meeting and any adjournment or postponement of the meeting.

     In accordance with the Bylaws of the corporation and action of the Board of
Directors,  only those  shareholders of record at the close of business on March
19,  1999,  will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the annual  meeting and
any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     We enclose a copy of the  corporation's  Annual Report to Shareholders  for
the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1998.  You  may  obtain  a copy  of the
corporation's  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  for the 1997 fiscal year,  at no
cost, by  contacting  Eugene F.  Shaffer,  Chairman of the Board,  President and
Chief Executive  Officer,  349 Union Street,  Millersburg,  Pennsylvania  17061,
telephone: (717) 692-2133.

     We urge you to mark,  sign,  date and  promptly  return  your  proxy in the
enclosed  envelope  so that you may vote your  shares  and in order  that we may
assure  the  presence  of a quorum.  The  prompt  return of your  signed  proxy,
regardless  of the  number  of  shares  you hold,  will aid the  corporation  in
reducing the expense of additional  proxy  solicitation.  Giving your proxy does
not  affect  your right to vote in person if you  attend  the  meeting  and give
written notice to the Secretary of the corporation.

                                 By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                 Eugene F. Shaffer
                                 Chairman of the Board,
                                 President and Chief Executive Officer

March 26, 1999

                            Your vote is important.
     To vote your shares, please sign, date and complete the enclosed proxy
      and mail it promptly in the enclosed, postage-paid return envelope.

                             MID PENN BANCORP, INC.
                                349 UNION STREET
                              MILLERSBURG, PA 17061

                               Trading Symbol: MBP

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                       1999 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                          To be held on April 27, 1999

                Mailed to Shareholders on or about March 26, 1999



A:   Shareholders  as of the close of  business  on March 19,  1999 (the  Voting
     Record  Date)  are  entitled  to vote and each  share  of  common  stock is
     entitled to one vote.


A:   There are two methods. You may vote by completing and mailing your proxy or
     by  attending  the  meeting  and  voting  in  person.  (See page 3 for more


A:   If you sign your proxy but do not make any  selections,  you give authority
     to Roberta A. Hoffman,  Randall L. Klinger and Patricia A. Walter, as proxy
     holders,  to vote on the two  proposals and any other matter that may arise
     at the meeting.


A:   Yes. Only the Judges of Elections and the proxy holders have access to your
     proxy.  All comments remain  confidential  unless you ask that your name be


A:   Kathy I. Bordner, Kevin W. Laudenslager and Larry L. Novinger will tabulate
     the votes and act as Judges of Elections.


A:   Your shares are  probably  registered  differently  or are in more than one
     account.  Sign and return all  proxies to ensure  that all your  shares are
     voted.  Then, if you have all of your accounts  registered in the same name
     and address,  you should receive one proxy in future years. You may arrange
     to have your shares  registered  in the same name and address by contacting
     Norwest Shareowner Services at (800) 468-9716.


A:   At March 19, 1999,  the  corporation  had 2,892,930  shares of common stock
     issued and outstanding.  A majority of the outstanding  shares,  present or
     represented by proxy,  constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business
     at the meeting.  If you vote by proxy or in person, we consider your shares
     as a part of the quorum.


A:   Approximately 18.7% of our common stock, at February 19, 1999. (See page 16
     for more details.)


A:   As a shareholder,  you must submit your proposal in writing by November 30,
     1999,  to Cindy L. Wetzel,  Secretary,  Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc.,  349 Union
     Street, Millersburg, Pennsylvania 17061.

                                Table of Contents

Proxy Statement                                                            Page
     General Information............................... .....................1
     Date, Time and Place of Annual Meeting........... ......................1
          o Description of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.............................1
     Voting Procedures..............................  .......................1
          o Solicitation and Voting of Proxies..... .........................1
          o Quorum and Vote Required for Approval. ..........................2
          o Revocability of Proxy............................................3
          o Methods of Voting................................................3

Board of Directors and Executive Officers....................................4
     Directors of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc    ..................................4
     Executive Officers of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc    .........................4
     Executive Officers of Mid Penn Bank    .................................5
     Committees and Meetings of the Corporation's Board of Directors.........6
     Committees and Meetings of the Board of Directors of Mid Penn Bank......6
     Qualifications and Nomination of Directors..............................7
     Compensation of the Board of Directors..................................9

Salary & Personnel Committee Report on Executive Compensation...............11
     Chief Executive Officer Compensation...................................11
     Executive Officers.....................................................12
     Compensation of Officers and Directors.................................12
     Profit Sharing Retirement Plan.........................................13
     Employee Stock Ownership Plan..........................................14
     Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.........................15

Beneficial Ownership of Mid Penn Bancorp's Stock Held by
     Principal Shareholders and Management..................................15
     Principal Shareholders.................................................15
     Share Ownership by the Directors, Officers and Nominees................16
     Compliance With Section 16(a) Reporting ...............................17

Shareholder Return Performance Graph........................................18

     Election of Class A Directors..........................................19
     Ratification of Selection of Independent Auditors......................19

Compensation Committee Interlocks And Insider Participation.................20

Shareholder Proposals for 2000 Annual Meeting...............................20

Other Matters That May Come Before the Annual Meeting.......................20

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                             MID PENN BANCORP, INC.
                          TO BE HELD ON APRIL 27, 1999

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

Date, Time and Place of Annual Meeting

     Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc., a Pennsylvania business corporation and registered
bank holding  company,  furnishes  this proxy  statement in connection  with the
Board of Directors  solicitation of proxies to be voted at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders.  The  annual  meeting  will be held at Mid Penn  Bank,  349  Union
Street,  Millersburg,  Pennsylvania 17061, on Tuesday,  April 27, 1999, at 10:00
a.m.  The  corporation's  principal  executive  office is  located  at 349 Union
Street, Millersburg, Pennsylvania 17061; the telephone number is (717) 692-2133.
All inquiries  should be directed to Eugene F.  Shaffer,  Chairman of the Board,
President and Chief Executive Officer of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.

Description of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.

     Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc., 349 Union Street, Millersburg,  Pennsylvania 17061,
became a bank holding company under  Pennsylvania law, on December 31, 1991. Mid
Penn Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary Pennsylvania chartered commercial bank.

     We are mailing a copy of the  corporation's  Annual Report to  Shareholders
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998, with this proxy statement.  You may
obtain a copy of the  corporation's  Annual Report to Shareholders  for the 1997
fiscal year at no cost by contacting  Eugene F. Shaffer,  Chairman of the Board,
President  and  Chief  Executive   Officer,   349  Union  Street,   Millersburg,
Pennsylvania 17061, telephone (717) 692-2133.

     We have not  authorized  anyone  to  provide  you with  information  on the
corporation.  You should rely only on the information contained in this document
or on  information  to which we refer.  Although we believe we have provided you
with all the information you need to vote, events may occur at Mid Penn Bancorp,
Inc. subsequent to printing this proxy statement that might affect your decision
or the value of your stock.

                                VOTING PROCEDURES

Solicitation and Voting of Proxies

     The Board of  Directors  solicits  this proxy for use at the  corporation's
1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  The corporation's directors,  officers and
other  employees  may  solicit  proxies  in person or by  telephone,  facsimile,
telegraph or mail, but only for use at the annual


meeting. Mid Penn will pay the cost of preparing,  assembling, printing, mailing
and soliciting proxies and any additional material that the corporation sends to
shareholders.  Mid Penn will make  arrangements  with brokerage houses and other
custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries to forward proxy solicitation materials to
the owners of stock held by these persons. Mid Penn will reimburse these persons
for their reasonable forwarding expenses.

     Only  shareholders  of record as of the close of business on March 19, 1999
may vote at the annual  meeting.  Mid Penn records  show that,  as of the voting
record date,  2,892,930 shares of common stock were outstanding.  On all matters
to come before the annual meeting, shareholders may cast one vote for each share
held.  Cumulative  voting  rights do not exist with  respect to the  election of
directors.  See  "Principal  Shareholders"  on page 15 for a list of the persons
known  by the  corporation  to be  beneficial  owners  of 5% or more of Mid Penn
common stock.

     By properly completing a proxy, a shareholder  appoints Roberta A. Hoffman,
Randall L.  Klinger and  Patricia  A. Walter as proxy  holders to vote shares as
specified on the proxy.  Proxy holders will vote any proxy not specifying to the
contrary as follows:

     FOR the election of Gregory M. Kerwin,  Warren A. Miller, Edwin D. Schlegel
     and Eugene F.  Shaffer as Class A  directors  for 3 year terms  expiring in
     2002; and

     FOR the ratification of the selection of Parente, Randolph,  Orlando, Carey
     & Associates, as the corporation's independent auditors for 1999.

     The  Board of  Directors  proposes  to mail  this  proxy  statement  to the
shareholders on or about March 26, 1999.

Quorum and Vote Required For Approval

     In order to hold the annual  meeting,  a "quorum" of  shareholders  must be
present.  Under Pennsylvania law and the corporation's  Bylaws, the presence, in
person or by proxy,  of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote
is  necessary  to  constitute  a quorum for the  transaction  of business at the
meeting.  The proxy  holders  will count votes  withheld  and  abstentions  when
determining  the  presence  of a quorum  for the  particular  matter.  The proxy
holders  will not count  broker  non-votes  when  determining  the presence of a
quorum for the particular matter as to which the broker withheld authority.

     Assuming the presence of a quorum,  the candidates  for director  receiving
the highest  number of votes cast by  shareholders  will be  elected.  The proxy
holders  will not cast  votes  withheld  or  broker  non-votes  for the  Board's

     Assuming  the  presence  of a  quorum,  ratification  of the  selection  of
independent  auditors  requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of all votes
cast by shareholders. Abstentions and


broker non-votes are not deemed to constitute  "votes cast" and,  therefore,  do
not count either for or against ratification.  Abstentions and broker non-votes,
however,  have the practical effect of reducing the number of affirmative  votes
required to achieve a majority  for the matter by reducing  the total  number of
shares voted from which the required majority is calculated.

Revocability of Proxy

     Shareholders  who sign  proxies may revoke them at any time before they are
voted by:

     o    giving written  notice of revocation to Cindy L. Wetzel,  Secretary of
          Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc., at 349 Union Street, Millersburg, Pennsylvania

     o    executing a later-dated proxy and giving written notice thereof to the
          Secretary of the corporation; or

     o    voting in person after giving  written  notice to the Secretary of the

     You have the right to vote and, if  desired,  to revoke your proxy any time
before the annual meeting.  Should you have any questions,  please call Cindy L.
Wetzel, at (717) 692-2133.

Methods of Voting

     Voting by Proxy

     o    Mark your selections.

     o    Date  your  proxy and sign your name  exactly  as it  appears  on your

     o    Mail to the corporation in the enclosed, postage-paid envelope.

    Voting in Person

     o    Attend the annual meeting.

     o    Obtain a proxy.

     o    Mark your selections.

     o    Date your proxy and sign your name exactly as it appears in Mid Penn's
          transfer books.




     Mid Penn's Board of Directors oversees all business,  property, and affairs
of the corporation. The Chairman and the corporation's officers keep the members
of the  Board  informed  of  Mid  Penn's  business  through  discussions  and by
providing materials to the members. The members also keep themselves informed by
attending Board meetings.

     During  fiscal  1998,  the Board of  Directors  of the  corporation  held 6
meetings.  The Board of  Directors  of the Bank held 14 meetings  during  fiscal

Directors of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.

     The  following  table  sets  forth  selected  information  about Mid Penn's

                           Director             Class of           Age as of
Name                        Since               Director         March 31, 1999
- ----                        -----               --------         --------------

Jere M. Coxon                1991                  B                   56
Alan W. Dakey                1995                  B                   47
Earl R. Etzweiler            1991                  C                   65
Gregory M. Kerwin            1999                  A                   48
Charles F. Lebo              1991                  B                   65
Warren A. Miller             1991                  A                   66
William G. Nelson            1991                  C                   63
Donald E. Sauve              1999                  C                   57
Edwin D. Schlegel            1991                  A                   61
Eugene F. Shaffer            1991                  A                   63
Guy J. Snyder, Jr.           1991                  B                   61

Executive Officers of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.

     The  following  table  sets  forth  selected  information  about Mid Penn's
principal  officers,  each of whom is elected by the Board of Directors and each
of whom holds office at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


                                                         Position Held  
Name                       Position                          Since      
- ----                       --------                          -----      

Eugene F. Shaffer          Chairman                           1991      
                           President &
                           Chief Executive Officer
Alan W. Dakey              Executive Vice President &         1995      
                           Chief Operating Officer
Earl R. Etzweiler          Vice Chairman                      1991      
Kevin W. Laudenslager      Treasurer                          1998      
Cindy L. Wetzel            Secretary                          1991      

                                    Age as of     
Name                              March 31, 1999  
- ----                              --------------  
Eugene F. Shaffer                       63        
Alan W. Dakey                           47        
Earl R. Etzweiler                       65        
Kevin W. Laudenslager                   35        
Cindy L. Wetzel                         37        

Executive Officers of Mid Penn Bank

     The following  table sets forth  selected  information  about the principal
officers of Mid Penn Bank, each of whom is elected by the Board of Directors and
each of whom holds office at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

                                                                 Position Held
Name                              Position                            Since    
- ----                              --------                            -----    

Eugene F. Shaffer                 Chairman of the Board               1976     
Alan W. Dakey                     President and Chief                 1994     
                                  Executive Officer
Robert M. Garst                   Senior Vice President               1998     
                                  and Senior Commercial
                                  Loan Officer
Randall L. Klinger                Senior Vice President               1989     
                                  and Senior Loan Officer             1986
Norman L. Houser                  Senior Vice President               1989     
                                  and Business
                                  Development Officer
Allen J. Trawitz                  Executive Vice                      1998     
Dennis E. Spotts                  Vice President and                  1980     
                                  EDP Manager                         1976
Larry L. Novinger                 Vice President and                  1997     
                                  Operations Officer                  1986
Kevin W. Laudenslager             Vice President and                  1997     

                                           Employee           Age as of    
Name                                         Since         March 31, 1999  
- ----                                         -----         --------------  

Eugene F. Shaffer                            1969                63        
Alan W. Dakey                                1993                47        
Robert M. Garst                              1998                41        
Randall L. Klinger                           1974                50        
Norman L. Houser                             1984                60        
Allen J. Trawitz                             1998                52        
Dennis E. Spotts                             1973                45        
Larry L. Novinger                            1985                55        
Kevin W. Laudenslager                        1985                35        



Committees and Meetings of the Corporation's Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors of Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc. does not have committees.
The entire Board meets to discuss Mid Penn's business.

Committees and Meetings of the Board of Directors of Mid Penn Bank

     During  1998,  Mid Penn Bank's  Board of  Directors  maintained  5 standing
committees:  Executive,  Trust, Audit, Loan and Salary & Personnel. The function
of each of these committees is described below.

     EXECUTIVE:  Acts with  limited  powers on behalf of the Board  whenever the
     Board is not in session. Meets only as needed.

     TRUST:  Determines the policies and investments of the Trust Department and
     approves the acceptance of all fiduciary  relationships and the closing out
     or  the  relinquishment  of  all  fiduciary  relationships.  The  Committee
     ratifies  the  acceptance,  closing  out, or  relinquishment  of  fiduciary
     relationships by officers designated for that purpose.

     AUDIT:  At least once a year,  completes a review of the audit of the books
     and  affairs  of Mid Penn Bank,  including  the Trust  Department,  made by
     certified  public  accountants;  upon completion of the audit,  reviews the
     report  and makes  recommendations  to the Board of  Directors  at its next
     regular meeting.

     LOAN:  Determines  if loans  over the  lending  limit of the loan  officers
     should be approved or rejected.

     SALARY & PERSONNEL:  Reviews  employee  performance  evaluations  and makes
     salary recommendations to the Board of Directors.

                                                                    Salary &
                    Executive    Trust      Audit       Loan       Personnel
Jere M. Coxon                                 X           X            X
Alan W. Dakey           X          X                      X            X
Earl R. Etzweiler       X          X
Gregory M. Kerwin                                                      X
Charles F. Lebo         X                     X           X


                                                                     Salary &
                     Executive    Trust      Audit       Loan       Personnel
Warren A. Miller                                           X
William G. Nelson        X          X                      X            X
Donald E. Sauve          X
Edwin D. Schlegel                   X          X
Eugene F. Shaffer        X          X                      X            X
Guy J. Snyder, Jr.                  X          X                        X
Meetings Held in 1998    0         12          4          23            2

Qualifications and Nomination of Directors

     The  Corporation's  Bylaws authorize the number of directors to be not less
than 5 nor more than 25. The Bylaws also provide for 3 classes of directors with
staggered 3 year terms of office. The Board of Directors nominated the 4 persons
named below to serve as directors  until the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
or until their earlier death, resignation,  or removal from office. The nominees
are  presently  members of the Board of  Directors  and have  consented to serve
another term as a director if re-elected.  If the nominees should be unavailable
to serve for any reason, a majority of the Board of Directors then in office may
select someone to fill the vacancy until the expiration of the term of the class
of directors to which he is appointed.

     The Board of Directors  is divided into 3 classes.  Terms of the members of
each class expire at successive annual meetings.  Currently, Class A consists of
4  directors,  Class B  consists  of 4  directors,  and  Class C  consists  of 3
directors. Shareholders will elect 4 Class A directors at this annual meeting to
serve for a 3 year term.

     The proxy holders  intend to vote proxies for the election of each of the 4
nominees named below, unless you indicate that your vote should be withheld from
any or all of them.  Each nominee  elected as a director will continue in office
until his  successor  has been duly elected and  qualified,  or until his death,
resignation or retirement.

     The Board of Directors is proposing the following  nominees for election as
Class A Directors at the annual meeting:

         o         Gregory M. Kerwin
         o         Warren A. Miller
         o         Edwin D. Schlegel
         o         Eugene F. Shaffer


     The  principal  occupation  and certain  other  information  regarding  the
nominees and other directors is set forth below. You will find information about
the share ownership of the nominees and other directors on page 15.

Current Class A Directors (to serve until 1999)
Nominees for Class A Directors (to serve until 2002)

     Gregory M. Kerwin Mr.  Kerwin,  age 48, has been a director since 1999. Mr.
     Kerwin is a senior  partner with the firm of Kerwin & Kerwin,  Attorneys at

     Warren A. Miller Mr.  Miller,  age 66, has been a director  since 1991. Mr.
     Miller is retired and previously  served as Assistant Vice President of Mid
     Penn Bank.

     Edwin D. Schlegel Mr. Schlegel, age 61, has been a director since 1991. Mr.
     Schlegel  is  retired  and  previously  served  as  Superintendent  of  the
     Millersburg Area School District.

     Eugene F. Shaffer Mr.  Shaffer,  age 63, has been  Chairman,  President and
     Chief Executive  Officer of the corporation  since 1991 and Chairman of the
     bank since 1976.

Board of Directors - Continuing as Directors

Class B Directors (to serve until 2000)

     Jere M. Coxon Mr.  Coxon,  age 56, has been a director  since  1991.  He is
     Executive Vice President of Penn Wood Products, Inc.

     Alan W. Dakey Mr.  Dakey,  age 47, has been a director  since 1995. He also
     serves as  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the
     corporation and President and Chief Executive Officer of the bank.


     Charles F. Lebo Mr. Lebo,  age 65, has been a director  since 1991. He is a
     retired educator of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

     Guy J. Snyder,  Jr. Mr. Snyder,  age 61, has been a director since 1991. He
     is President of Snyder Fuels, Inc.

Class C Directors (to serve until 2001)

     Earl R.  Etzweiler Mr.  Etzweiler,  age 65, has served as director and Vice
     Chairman  since 1991. He is the owner of Etzweiler & Associates,  Attorneys
     at Law.

     William G. Nelson Mr. Nelson, age 63, has been a director since 1991. He is
     President of Hess Trucking Co., Inc.

     Donald E. Sauve Mr. Sauve,  age 57, has been a director since 1999. He is a
     Consultant for Don's Food Market, Inc.

     The Board of Directors  recommends that  shareholders vote FOR the proposal
to elect the nominees  listed  above as Class A directors  of Mid Penn  Bancorp,

Compensation of the Board of Directors

     During  1998,  the  directors  of Mid Penn Bank  received  an annual fee of
$7,000, except Mr. Shaffer, who received no fees in 1998, and Messrs. Kerwin and
Sauve,  who each  received  $3,500 in 1998,  because  they  joined  the Board of
Directors in July. A bonus is payable to directors  each year based upon whether
the bank meets  certain  performance  criteria,  with  respect to  earnings  and
growth,  as outlined in the bank's  Performance  Bonus Plan.  Members of special
committees receive $80 for each meeting attended if the meeting is held on a day
other than that of the regularly scheduled Board meeting. Directors who are also
officers  employed  by the bank are not paid for  attending  meetings of special
committees.  In 1998, Attorney Etzweiler also received fees of $28,975 for legal
services  rendered.  In 1998,  the Board of Directors  received  $106,285 in the
aggregate, for all Board of Directors' meetings and committee meetings attended,
and all fees paid to Directors.

     Directors  received no  remuneration  for attendance at the meetings of the
Board of Directors of the corporation.

     In May of  1995,  the  Board  of  Directors  of Mid  Penn  Bank  adopted  a
retirement  bonus  plan.  The plan  pays a  retirement  bonus to  directors  who
voluntarily retire from service,  or who have attained the mandatory  retirement
age. The  retirement  bonus is determined by  multiplying  the "base  retirement
bonus" for the  member's  position  ($400 for the  Chairman,  $200 for all other
directors)  by the  number of full years the  member  served.  No portion of the
payment under this


plan is  assignable.  The plan contains an  inflationary  adjustment  provision.
Payments due under the plan are paid quarterly. Bruce C. Adams, Harvey J. Hummel
and Charles R. Phillips received a total of $8,163 under this plan in 1998.

     Each of the directors attended at least 75% of the total number of Board of
Directors  meetings  and  committee  meetings for the  corporation  and the bank
during their tenure on the Board in 1998.  Messrs.  Gregory M. Kerwin and Donald
E.  Sauve  were  appointed  to  the  bank's  Board  in  July  1998  and  to  the
corporation's  Board in February  1999,  and attended  every meeting since their


                          SALARY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE

     Mid Penn Bank, the wholly-owned bank subsidiary of Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc.,
provides  compensation  to the  employees of the bank and the  corporation.  The
Board  of  Directors,   acting  in  the  best  interests  of  the  corporation's
shareholders,  customers,  and the  communities it serves,  is  responsible  for
providing  compensation to all employees based on the individual's  contribution
and personal performance. The compensation program is administered by the Salary
& Personnel  Committee.  The committee  strives to offer a fair and  competitive
compensation  policy to govern  executive  officers' base salaries and incentive
plans and to attract and maintain competent,  dedicated,  and ambitious managers
whose efforts will enhance the products and services of the  corporation  and of
the bank,  resulting in higher  profitability,  and  increased  dividends to the
corporation's shareholders and appreciation in market value of the corporation's
common stock.

     The compensation of the corporation's and bank's top executives is reviewed
and approved annually by the Board of Directors upon the  recommendations of the
Salary and Personnel  Committee.  As a guideline for determining  base salaries,
the  committee  uses  the  Salary/Benefits   Survey  published  by  L.R.  Webber
Associates,  Inc. This peer group of banks with assets ranging from $200 million
to $299  million  by  region  is  different  from  the peer  group  used for the
performance chart. The committee uses this peer group of banks because of common
industry issues and competition for the same executive talent group.

     The committee does not deem Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code to
be applicable to the corporation at this time. The committee  intends to monitor
the  future  application  of  Section  162(m)  to the  compensation  paid to its
executive officers and, in the event that this section becomes applicable to the
corporation,  the committee intends to amend the corporation's and/or the bank's
compensation plans to preserve deductibility of compensation payable thereunder.

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

     The Board of Directors determined the bank's Chief Executive Officer's 1998
compensation  of  $143,106  comprised  of his annual cash salary and cash bonus,
exclusive  of  director's  fees and  bonus,  to be  appropriate  in light of the
corporation's  1998 performance.  The 1998 compensation  represents the combined
salary and bonus reported on the Summary  Compensation Table. There is no direct
correlation between the Chief Executive Officer's  compensation and any specific
performance  criteria,  nor is there any weight  given by the  committee  to any
specific  individual  criteria.  The Chief Executive  Officer's  compensation is
based  on  the  committee's   subjective   determination  after  review  of  all
information that it deems relevant.


Executive Officers

     The  committee  bases  compensation  increases  to  executive  officers  on
subjective  analysis of each individual's  contribution to the corporation.  The
Board of  Directors  considers  numerous  factors  in  determining  compensation
increases including:

         o         the corporation's earnings;
         o         return on assets;
         o         return on equity;
         o         market share;
         o         total assets; and
         o         loans

Although  performance  and  increases  in  compensation  were  measured by these
factors,  among  others,  there is no direct  correlation  between any  specific
criterion  and an  employee's  compensation.  The  committee's  analysis did not
provide a specific weight to any criteria. The determination by the committee is
subjective after review of all information deemed relevant.

     Individuals are reviewed annually on a calendar basis.  Total  compensation
opportunities  available  to  employees  of the bank are  influenced  by general
market  conditions,   specific  responsibilities  of  the  individual,  and  the
individual's  contributions to the success of the corporation.  The bank strives
to offer  compensation  that is  competitive  with that  offered by employers of
comparable size in the banking  industry.  The  corporation  strives to meet its
strategic  goals and  objectives to its  constituencies  and to provide fair and
meaningful compensation to its employees.

                      Salary and Personnel Committee
               Jere M. Coxon               Alan W. Dakey
               Gregory M. Kerwin           William G. Nelson
               Eugene F. Shaffer           Guy J. Snyder, Jr.

Compensation of Officers and Directors

     We show information  below concerning the annual  compensation for services
in all  capacities to the  corporation  for the fiscal years ended  December 31,
1998, 1997 and 1996 of those persons who were, at December 31, 1998:

     o    the  Chief  Executive  Officer;  and  

     o    the four other  most  highly  compensated  executive  officers  of the
          corporation to the extent these persons' total annual salary and bonus
          exceeded $100,000.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                       Annual Compensation             
(a)                    (b)       (c)         (d)         (e)           
- ---------------------  --------- ----------- ----------  ------------- 
Name and                         Salary      Bonus       sation        
Principal Position     Year      ($)(1)      ($)(2)      ($)           

Eugene F. Shaffer      1998        10,000      4,167        --            
 Chairman,             1997       132,000     31,113        --            
 President and         1996        56,800      8,384        --            
 Chief Executive
- ---------------------  --------- -------- ----------  ------------- 
Alan W. Dakey,         1998       113,000     38,261        --            
 Executive Vice        1997       108,000     36,965        --            
 President and         1996       101,800     22,734        --            
Chief Operating
- ---------------------  --------- -------- ----------  ------------- 

                          Long-Term Compensation                                
                                Awards                Payout                    
(a)                    (f)              (g)           (h)         (i)         
- ---------------------  ---------------- ------------  ----------- ------------
                       Restricted                                 All other   
                       Stock            Options/                  Compen      
Name and               Awards           SARs          Payouts     sation      
Principal Position     ($)              (#)           ($)         ($)(3)(4)(5)

Eugene F. Shaffer      --               --            --                 5,029
 Chairman,             --               --            --                25,026
 President and         --               --            --                13,423
 Chief Executive                                                              
- ---------------------  ---------------- ------------  ----------- ------------
Alan W. Dakey,         --               --            --                16,997
 Executive Vice        --               --            --                16,202
 President and         --               --            --                14,929
Chief Operating                                                               
- ---------------------  ---------------- ------------  ----------- ------------
(1)  Salary  includes annual Board of Directors fees of $7,000 paid to Mr. Dakey
     in 1998 and $7,000  paid to Messrs.  Shaffer  and Dakey in 1997 and $6,800,
     paid to Messrs. Shaffer and Dakey in 1996. 

(2)  Mr. Shaffer's bonus includes a Directors bonus paid to Mr. Shaffer in 1998,
     1997 and 1996 of $105,  $1,738, and $884,  respectively.  Mr. Dakey's bonus
     includes  a  Directors  bonus paid to Mr.  Dakey in 1998,  1997 and 1996 of
     $1,155, $1,738, and $884, respectively.

(3)  Includes life insurance premiums of $584,  $1,566, and $1,541,  paid by the
     Bank in  1998,  1997 and  1996,  respectively,  on  behalf  of Mr.  Shaffer
     pursuant to life  insurance  maintained  for executive  officers.  Includes
     premiums  paid by the Bank in 1998,  1997 and 1996 for  split  dollar  life
     insurance of $2,945,  $4,710,  and $4,383,  respectively,  on behalf of Mr.
     Shaffer.  The Bank can  recover  the  premium  costs  upon the death of Mr.
     Shaffer.  Includes life insurance premiums of $1,097, $1,052 and $679, paid
     by the Bank in 1998,  1997 and 1996,  respectively,  on behalf of Mr. Dakey
     pursuant to life insurance maintained for executive officers.

(4)  Includes $1,000, $18,750, and $7,500, contributed by the Bank to the Profit
     Sharing  Retirement  Plan on behalf of Mr. Shaffer in 1998,  1997 and 1996,
     respectively.  Includes  $10,600,  $15,150 and $14,250,  contributed by the
     Bank to the Profit Sharing  Retirement Plan on behalf of Mr. Dakey in 1998,
     1997 and 1996, respectively.

(5)  Includes $500  contributed by the Bank to the ESOP on behalf of Mr. Shaffer
     in 1998.  Includes $5,300  contributed by the Bank to the ESOP on behalf of
     Mr. Dakey in 1998.

Profit Sharing Retirement Plan

     The corporation does not have a pension plan. The bank, however,  maintains
the Employee  Profit Sharing  Retirement  Plan,  created in 1949 and restated in
1994,  which covers all bank  employees  who  accumulate at least 1,000 hours of
service in a 12 month period beginning on the first day of employment.  Eligible
employees are entitled to receive a share of the bank's contribution to the Plan
if they  accumulate at least 1,000 hours of service during the plan year and are
employed at the end of the year, December 31st.

     The annual contribution is determined by the Board of Directors of the bank
and is  contingent  upon  current or  accumulative  profits of the bank with the
total amount of the annual


contribution  not to exceed 15% of the total eligible  compensation  paid by the
bank to all participating  employees.  A participating  employee's share of such
annual  contribution is allocated on the basis of the  participating  employee's
eligible  compensation  up  to  $150,000  as  compared  to  the  total  eligible
compensation of all the  participating  employees.  Participating  employees are
permitted to make after-tax contributions of no more than 10% or less than 3% of
their eligible  compensation.  The contributions to the plan are to a trust fund
that is administered by the bank's Trust Department. A participating employee is
allocated  a share of the net  income  of the  trust  fund and the  increase  or
decrease in the fair market value of its assets on the basis of such  employee's
beginning of the plan year account balance, less any payments as compared to the
total  beginning  account  balances,  less  payments  to all  the  participating
employees.  A notice of the account balance is given to participating  employees

     Distributions  under the plan can be made to  participating  employees upon
retirement,  either normal or early  retirement as defined in the plan, at death
or  disability  of the  participating  employee or upon  severing  employment if
either  partially or fully vested.  The plan provides for percentage  vesting of
20% for the first full 3 years of service increasing annually thereafter to 100%
vesting  after  7  full  years  of  participation.  The  plan  provides  for  an
accelerated vesting schedule in the event it becomes top-heavy.

     The  corporation  cannot  determine  the  extent of the  benefits  that any
participating  employee may be entitled to receive under the plan on the date of
termination of employment because the amount of the benefits is dependent, among
other things,  upon the future earnings of the bank, the future  compensation of
the  participants  and the future  earnings  of the  plan's  trust  fund.  As of
December  31,  1998,  the total  market  value of the  Employee  Profit  Sharing
Retirement  Fund was  approximately  $3,588,878.  There are 28,507 shares of Mid
Penn Bancorp, Inc. common stock in the plan and the market value of these shares
was $24.50 per share for a total of $698,421.

     Contributions  paid to the plan by the bank were  $174,010 and $258,462 for
1998 and 1997. The bank contributed  $1,000 in 1998 to the plan for Mr. Shaffer,
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of the corporation.
The bank contributed  $10,600 in 1998 to the plan for Mr. Dakey,  Executive Vice
President of the  corporation.  As of March 1, 1999,  Mr.  Shaffer and Mr. Dakey
have 29 years and 5 years, respectively, of credited service under the plan.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

     Effective January 1, 1998, the Board of Directors adopted the Mid Penn Bank
Employee Stock Ownership Plan for all employees of the bank and its subsidiaries
who satisfy length of service  requirements.  Participants  do not contribute to
the plan. Each year the bank may, in its discretion,  contribute to the ESOP. In
1998, the bank contributed $87,005 to the plan.


Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     Neither  the  corporation  nor the bank  have  entered  into  any  material
transactions, proposed or consummated, with any director or executive officer of
Mid Penn  Bancorp,  Inc. or Mid Penn Bank,  or any  associate  of the  foregoing
persons.  The corporation and the bank have engaged in and intend to continue to
engage in banking and financial  transactions in the ordinary course of business
with  directors  and  officers and their  associates  on  comparable  terms with
similar  interest  rates  as  those  prevailing  from  time  to time  for  other

     Total loans  outstanding  from the corporation and the bank at February 16,
1999, to Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc.'s officers and directors as a group, members of
their immediate  families and companies in which they had an ownership  interest
of 10% or more  amounted  to  $1,510,678,  or  approximately  5.70% of the total
equity capital of the bank. The Bank made these loans in the ordinary  course of
business,  on  substantially  the  same  terms,  including  interest  rates  and
collateral,  as those  prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions  with
other  persons,  and did not involve more than the normal risk of  collection or
present other unfavorable features.

     During 1998, Mr. Earl R. Etzweiler,  Esquire, a Director of the corporation
and the bank,  served as solicitor of the  corporation  and of the Bank.  During
1998,  Mr.  Etzweiler  received fees of $28,975 from the bank for legal services

                             BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP OF
                        MID PENN BANCORP'S STOCK HELD BY

Principal Shareholders

     The  following  table sets forth,  as of February  19,  1999,  the name and
address  of each  person  who owns of  record  or who is  known by the  Board of
Directors  to be the  beneficial  owner  of more  than  5% of the  corporation's
outstanding common stock, the number of shares beneficially owned by the person,
and the percentage of the corporation's outstanding common stock so owned.

Title of Class    Name and Residential    Amount and Nature of
of Security       Address of Beneficial   Beneficial Ownership  Percent of Class

Common Stock      CEDE & Co                  332,349 shares           11.5%
                  P.O. Box 222
                  Bowling Green Station
                  New York, NY 10274


Title of Class  Name and Residential      Amount and Nature of
of Security     Address of Beneficial    Beneficial Ownership   Percent of Class

Common Stock    NEBCO (1)                     324,076 shares          11.2%
                c/o Mid Penn Bank
                349 Union Street
                Millersburg, PA 17061
(1)      Shares held for various trust accounts.

Share Ownership by the Directors, Officers and Nominees

     The  following  table  sets  forth,  as of  February  19,  1999,  and  from
information received from the respective individuals,  the amount and percentage
of the common stock beneficially  owned by each director,  executive officer and
all officers and directors of Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc. as a group,  excluding any
fractional  share holdings.  The shares are  individually  held unless otherwise
noted in a footnote.

                                      Amount and
                                      Nature of
Name of                               Beneficial                 Percent
Beneficial Owner                      Ownership (1)              of Class
- ----------------                      ---------                  --------

Jere M. Coxon                          33,452                     1.16%
Alan W. Dakey                           5,266(2)                  0.18%
Earl R. Etzweiler                     105,472                     3.65%
Gregory M. Kerwin                      13,101(3)                  0.45%
Charles F. Lebo                        31,083(4)                  1.07%
Warren A. Miller                       21,226(5)                  0.73%
William G. Nelson                      60,948(6)                  2.11%
Donald E. Sauve                         1,648(7)                  0.06%
Edwin D. Schlegel                      66,171(8)                  2.29%
Eugene F. Shaffer                     119,849(9)                  4.14%
Guy J. Snyder, Jr.                     80,772(10)                 2.79%
All Officers and Directors            541,278                    18.71%
as a Group (13 persons)


(1)  The  securities  "beneficially  owned" by an individual  are  determined in
     accordance with the definitions of "beneficial  ownership" set forth in the
     General Rules and Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and
     may include  securities owned by or for the  individual's  spouse and minor
     children  and  any  other  relative  who  has  the  same  home,  as well as
     securities  to which the  individual  has, or shares,  voting or investment
     power or has the right to acquire beneficial ownership within 60 days after
     March 1, 1999.  Beneficial ownership may be disclaimed as to certain of the

(2)  Includes 4,666 shares held jointly by Mr. Dakey and his spouse.


(3)  Shares held jointly by Mr. Kerwin and his spouse.

(4)  Includes 10,155 shares held jointly by Mr. Lebo and his spouse.

(5)  Shares held jointly by Mr. Miller and his spouse.

(6)  Includes 8,448 shares held by Mr. Nelson's spouse.

(7)Shares held jointly by Mr. Sauve and his spouse.

(8)  Shares held jointly by Mr. Schlegel and his spouse.

(9)  Includes  6,031  shares held  jointly by Mr.  Shaffer  and his spouse.  Mr.
     Shaffer is trustee of seven trusts,  held for the benefit of various family
     members, which hold a total of 44,888 shares.

(10) Includes 41,807 shares held jointly by Mr. Snyder and his spouse and 38,964
     shares held individually by his spouse.


Compliance With Section 16(a) Reporting

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires
that officers and  directors,  and persons who own more than 10% of a registered
class of Mid Penn's equity securities,  file reports of ownership and changes in
ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Officers, directors, and
greater  than 10%  shareholders  are required by SEC  regulation  to furnish the
corporation with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

     Based  solely  on our  review  of the  copies of these  forms,  or  written
representations from certain reporting persons that no Forms 5 were required for
those  persons,  Mid Penn  Bancorp,  Inc.  believes  that during the period from
January 1, 1998,  through December 31, 1998, its officers and directors complied
with all applicable filing  requirements,  except that Messrs. Dakey and Trawitz
each individually filed one late report for one transaction.



     A line graph is set forth below.  The line graph compares the yearly dollar
change in the cumulative total shareholder  return on the  corporation's  common
stock  against the  cumulative  total  return of the S&P 500 Stock Index and the
Peer Group Index for the period of five fiscal years commencing January 1, 1994,
and ending December 31, 1998. The shareholder return shown on the graph below is
not necessarily indicative of future performance.


                    1993      1994      1995      1996      1997      1998      

Peer Group Total       100   1199.16   1383.18   1714.51   2362.12   2889.1
Peer Group Index    100.00    119.92    138.32     11.45    236.21   288.91

Mid Penn 
Bancorp, Inc.       100.00    123.34    139.56    142.65    297.98   248.68
S&P 500 
Total Return        100.00     99.26    139.31    171.21    228.26   293.36

S&P 500
Total Return Index  100.00     99.26    139.31    171.21    228.26   293.36 

(1)  The Peer Group for which  information  appears above includes the following
     companies:  CNB  Financial  Corporation;  Citizens & Northern  Corporation;
     Citizens Financial Services,  Inc.; Codorus Valley Bancorp,  Inc.; Columbia
     Financial Corporation;  Comm. Bancorp, Inc.; Norwood Financial Corporation;
     Penesco Financial Services,  Corp.; Penns Woods Bancorp,  Inc.; and Pioneer
     American  Holding  Company.  These  companies  were selected  based on four
     criteria:  total  assets  between  $150  million and $600  million;  market
     capitalization   greater   than  $15  million;   headquarters   located  in
     Pennsylvania; and not quoted on NASDAQ.




         Nominees for election this year are:

         o         Gregory M. Kerwin (director since 1999)

         o         Warren A. Miller (director since 1991)

         o         Edwin D. Schlegel (director since 1991)

         o         Eugene F. Shaffer (director since 1991)

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the election of the 4 nominees
as Class A Directors.


     The Board of Directors of the corporation believes that Parente, Randolph's
knowledge of Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc. and Mid Penn Bank is  invaluable.  Parente,
Randolph  advised us that none of its members has any financial  interest in the
corporation  or the  bank.  Parente,  Randolph  has  served  as our  independent
auditors for the 1998 fiscal year.  They assisted us with the preparation of our
federal  and state tax  returns  and  provided  assistance  in  connection  with
regulatory  matters,  charging for such services at its customary hourly billing
rates.  The  corporation's  and the bank's  Board of  Directors  approved  these
non-audit  services after due consideration of the accountants'  objectivity and
after finding them to be wholly independent.

     In the event that the  shareholders do not ratify the selection of Parente,
Randolph  as  independent  auditors  for the  1999  fiscal  year,  the  Board of
Directors  may choose  another  accounting  firm to provide  independent  public
accountant/audit services for the 1999 fiscal year.

     The majority of shares present, in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote
at the annual meeting, must vote in the affirmative to ratify Parente,  Randolph
as independent auditors for 1999.

     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR the  ratification of Parente,
Randolph, Orlando, Carey & Associates as independent auditors.


                            AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     Mr. Eugene F. Shaffer, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive
Officer of the  Corporation  and Mr. Alan W. Dakey,  Executive Vice President of
the  Corporation,  are members of the Board's Salary & Personnel  Committee that
performs the functions of a compensation committee. Messrs. Shaffer and Dakey do
not  participate  in  conducting  their  own  reviews  nor do they  take part in
determining their own compensation.


     Any shareholder who, in accordance with the corporation's Bylaws, wishes to
submit a proposal  for  inclusion  in the proxy  statement  for the 2000  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders  must deliver their proposal in writing to the Secretary
of Mid Penn Bancorp,  Inc. at its principal  executive office, 349 Union Street,
Millersburg, Pennsylvania 17061, not later than Tuesday, November 30, 1999.


     The Board of Directors  knows of no matters other than those referred to in
the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders that properly may come
before the annual  meeting.  However,  if any other  matter  should be  properly
presented for consideration and voting at the annual meeting or any adjournments
of the meeting, the persons named as proxy holders will vote the proxies in what
they determine to be the best interest of Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc.


                             MID PENN BANCORP, INC.



     The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Roberta A. Hoffman, Randall
L.  Klinger  and  Patricia  A.  Walter  and each or any of them,  proxies of the
undersigned,  with full power of  substitution  to vote all of the shares of Mid
Penn Bancorp,  Inc. that the  undersigned  may be entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be  held  at Mid  Penn  Bank,  349  Union  Street,
Millersburg,  Pennsylvania  17061,  on  Tuesday,  April 27,  1999 at 10:00 a.m.,
E.S.T., and at any adjournment or postponement thereof as follows:


     Gregory  M.  Kerwin,  Warren A.  Miller,  Edwin D.  Schlegel  and Eugene F.

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR these nominees.

 [    ]   FOR all nominees                    [    ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
          listed above (except                         to vote for all nominees
          as marked to the contrary below)             listed above


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    [    ]  FOR               [    ]  AGAINST                    [    ] ABSTAIN

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR this proposal.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.   In their  discretion,  the proxy  holders are  authorized to vote upon such
     other business as may properly come before the meeting and any  adjournment
     or postponement thereof.


Dated: ______________________, 1999              ___________________________


Number of Shares Held of Record
on March 19, 1999