EXHIBIT 99.3 May 2000 Schedule 11 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE 11 NOTIFICATION OF INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS AND CONNECTED PERSONS AVS NO [875599] All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Name of company 2. Name of director BRIGHT STATION PLC DAVID GARY MATTEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Please state whether notification indicates that it is 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than one in respect of holding of the shareholder named in 2 holder, the number of shares held by each of them (if above or in respect of a non-beneficial interest or in notified) the case of an individual holder if it is a holding of that person's spouse or children under the age of 18 or in respect of an non-beneficial interest DIRECTOR NAMED IN 2 DAVID GARY MATTEY - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Please state whether notification relates to a 6. Please state the nature of the transaction. For PEP person(s) connected with the director named in 2 transactions please indicate whether general/single [11] above and identify the connected person(s) co PEP and if discretionary/non discretionary/non discretionary SHARE OPTIONS CANCELLED & DIRECTOR NAMED IN 2 SHARE OPTIONS GRANTED - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Number of 8. Percentage of issued 9. Number of 10. Percentage of issued class shares/amount of class shares/amount of stock stock acquired disposed N/A N/A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Class of security 12. Price per share 13. Date of transaction 14. Date company informed - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Total holding following this notification 16. Total percentage holding of issued class following this notification - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a director has been granted options by the company please complete the following boxes. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Date of grant 18. Period during which or date on which exercisable 25/09/2000 01/12/2005 - 31/05/2006 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Total amount paid (if any) for grant of the option 20. Description of shares or debentures involved: class, number 31,839 ORDINARY SHARES OF 1 PENCE - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. Exercise price (if fixed at time of grant) or indication 22. Total number od shares or debentures over which options that price is to be fixed at time of exercise held following this notification 53 PENCE 679,566 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. Any additional information 24. Name of contact and telephone number for queries JONATHAN BALL (020) 7925 7698 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification /s/ JONATHAN BALL DATE OF NOTIFICATION 26 SEPTEMBER 2000 JONATHAN BALL - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Company Announcements Office, Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HP Facsimile: 020 7588 6057, 020 7334 8964/8965/8966 (PLEASE DO NOT POST) Enquiries: Company Monitoring and Enquiries; UK Listing Authority