(Rule 14a-101)


                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

        Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                   Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

     Filed by the registrant  [ X ]

     Filed by a party other than the registrant  [   ]

     Check the appropriate box:

     [   ]     Preliminary proxy statement

     [ X ]     Definitive proxy statement

     [   ]     Definitive additional materials

     [   ]     Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                        UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

     [ X ]     $125 per Exchange Act Rule 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or

                        UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                           6168 St. Andrews Road
                       Columbia, South Carolina 29212


                             September 13, 1995

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of UCI
Medical Affiliates, Inc. will be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel, 1200
Hampton Street, Columbia, South Carolina on Wednesday, September 13, 1995,
at 10:00 a.m., for the following purposes:

     (1)  To elect three members to the Board of Directors;

     (2)  To approve an amendment to the Company's 1994 Incentive Stock
          Option Plan;

     (3)  To ratify the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as the
          Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
          September 30, 1995; and

     (4)  To transact such other business as may properly come before the
          Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Only shareholders whose names appeared of record on the books of the
Company at the close of business on July 20, 1995 will be entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     You are cordially invited and urged to attend the Annual Meeting in
person, but if you are unable to do so, please date, sign and promptly
return the enclosed proxy in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.  If you
attend the Annual Meeting and desire to revoke your proxy and vote in
person, you may do so.  In any event, a proxy may be revoked at any time
before it is exercised.

By Order of the Board of Directors,

M. F. McFarland, III, M.D.
Chairman of the Board

August 10, 1995

                        UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                           6168 St. Andrews Road
                       Columbia, South Carolina 29212

                              PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. (the
"Company") to be used in voting at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
the Company to be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel, 1200 Hampton Street,
Columbia, South Carolina, on Wednesday, September 13, 1995, at 10:00 a.m.,
and at any adjournment thereof. The purposes of the Annual Meeting are (1)
to elect three directors to the Company's Board of Directors, (2) to
approve an amendment to the Company's 1994 Incentive Stock Option Plan; (3)
to ratify the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as the Company's
independent auditors for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995; and (4)
to transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.  This Proxy Statement and the
accompanying form of proxy are being mailed to shareholders commencing on
or about August 10, 1995.

     Any shareholder who executes the form of proxy referred to in this
Proxy Statement may revoke it at any time before it is exercised.  The
proxy may be revoked by either giving written notice to the Secretary of
the Company of such revocation, or by executing and delivering to the
Secretary of the Company a proxy bearing a later date.  The voting of such
proxy will be suspended if the person executing the proxy attends the
Annual Meeting and elects to vote in person.  Whether or not you plan to
attend, you are urged to sign and return the enclosed proxy.

     The cost of preparing, assembling and mailing this Proxy Statement and
the form of proxy will be borne by the Company.  Directors, officers and
employees of the Company may also solicit proxies personally or by mail,
telephone or telegram.  No compensation will be paid for such
solicitations.  In addition, the Company may request banking institutions,
brokerage firms, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward the
Company's proxy solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of the
Company's common stock, $0.05 par value (the "Common Stock"), held of
record by such entities, and the Company will reimburse their reasonable
forwarding expenses.

Voting Securities Outstanding

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on July 20,
1995 as the record date (the "Record Date") for the determination of
shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting or
at any adjournment thereof.  As of the Record Date, there were 3,402,164
issued and outstanding shares of the Common Stock held of record by
approximately 693 shareholders.  All of such shares are eligible to be
voted on each matter currently scheduled to come before the Annual Meeting,
and there are no other outstanding shares of capital stock of the Company
eligible to be voted at the Annual Meeting.  Cumulative voting for the
election of directors is not available under the Company's Restated
Certificate of Incorporation.  Consequently, each share of Common Stock is
entitled to one vote on each matter to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting.
Except for the election of directors, for each matter specified in this
Proxy Statement to be submitted for shareholder approval at the Annual
Meeting, the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of Common Stock
present at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy and entitled to vote on
such matter is required for approval.  Abstentions will be considered
shares present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote and, therefore,
will have the effect of a vote against the matter.  Broker non-votes will
be considered shares not present for this purpose and will have no effect
on the outcome of the vote.

     The Bylaws of the Company provide that the presence in person or by
proxy of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is necessary to constitute a
quorum at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.  Directions to withhold
authority to vote for directors, abstentions and broker non-votes will be
counted for purposes of determining if a quorum is present at the Annual
Meeting.  If a quorum is not present or represented at the Annual Meeting,
the chairman of the meeting or the shareholders holding a majority of the
shares of Common Stock entitled to vote, present in person or represented


by proxy, have the power to adjourn the meeting from time to time, without
notice other than an announcement at the meeting, until a quorum is present
or represented.  Directors, officers and employees of the Company may
solicit proxies for the reconvened Annual Meeting in person or by mail,
telephone or telegraph.  At any such reconvened Annual Meeting at which a
quorum is present or represented, any business may be transacted that might
have been transacted at the meeting as originally scheduled.

Security Ownership Of Certain Beneficial Owners And Management

     The following table sets forth certain information known to the
Company regarding the beneficial ownership of the Common Stock of the
Company as of the Record Date.  Information is presented for (i)
shareholders owning more than five percent of the outstanding Common Stock,
(ii) each director, director nominee and executive officer of the Company,
individually, and (iii) all current directors and executive officers of the
Company, as a group.  Except as otherwise specified, each of the
shareholders named in the table has indicated to the Company that such
shareholder has sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares
of Common Stock beneficially owned by that shareholder.  Beneficial
ownership reflected in the table below is determined in accordance with the
rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and
generally includes voting or investment power with respect to securities.
Shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of options currently
exercisable or convertible, or exercisable or convertible within sixty
days, are deemed outstanding for computing the percentage ownership of the
person holding such options, but are not deemed outstanding for computing
the percentage ownership of any other person.

                                                               Number of Shares
 Name (1)                                                     Beneficially Owned            Percentage
 Companion HealthCare Corporation  . . . . . . . .                 1,460,991                    42.94%

 M.F. McFarland, III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   521,962   (2)              15.34

 D. Michael Stout  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   238,360                     7.01

 Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. . . . . . . . . .                   202,200                     5.94

 Harold H. Adams, Jr.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     2,000                     *

 Charles P. Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       -0-                    -0-

 Russell J. Froneberger  . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       -0-                    -0-

 Jitendra Mehta  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       -0-                    -0-

 Charles M. Potok  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       -0-                    -0-

 Stephen S. Seeling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       -0-                    -0-

 Jerry F. Wells, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       -0-                    -0-

 All current directors and executive officers
    as a group (7 persons) . . . . . . . . . . . .                   762,322                    22.41

*    Amount represents less than 1.0%.

(1)  The address of Companion HealthCare Corporation is I-20 at Alpine
     Road, Columbia, South Carolina 29219.  The address of Dr. McFarland
     and Dr. Stout is 6168 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, South Carolina
     29212.  The address of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. is 350 Fifth
     Avenue, Suite 426, New York, New York 10118.

(2)  Shares reflected as beneficially owned include 198 shares held by Dr.
     McFarland's children.

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Act")
requires the Company's directors and officers to file reports of holdings
and transactions in the Company's Common Stock with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the "SEC").  On the basis of Company records and other
information, the Company believes that all SEC filing requirements under
Section 16(a) of the Act applicable to its officers and directors with


to the Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 were complied
with, except that Forms 3 were inadvertently filed late by each of Messrs.
Adams, Froneberger, Mehta, Seeling and Stout, and a Form 4 with respect to
one transaction was inadvertently filed late by Dr. McFarland.

Executive Officers and Directors

     Set forth below are the age and certain other biographical information
with respect to each of the current executive officers and directors of the

     M.F. McFarland, III, 46, has served as Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company since January 1987, as President and
Secretary of the Company since November 1993, and as a director of the
Company since September 1984.  From September 1984 until January 1987, he
served as Vice-President of the Company.  He served as Associate
Professional Director of the Emergency Department of Richland Memorial
Hospital in Columbia, South Carolina from 1978 to 1981 and was President of
the South Carolina Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians
in 1979.  Dr. McFarland is currently a member of the Columbia Medical
Society, the South Carolina Medical Association and the American Medical

     Stephen S. Seeling, 45, has served as Chief Operating Officer, General
Counsel and Corporate Secretary of the Company since he joined the Company
in January 1994.  Prior to that time, Mr. Seeling served as the Executive
Director of the South Carolina State Board of Medical Examiners from 1987
to January 1994, as the Assistant Attorney General for the South Carolina
State Board of Medical Examiners from 1983 to 1987, and as Assistant
District Attorney for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 1976 to 1981.

     D. Michael Stout, 50, has served as Vice President of Medical Affairs
of the Company since 1985.  He is a member of the Emergency Medicine
Residents Association, the National Association of Residents and Interns,
the American College of Engineering Physicians and the Columbia Medical

     Jerry F. Wells, Jr., 33, has served as Chief Financial Officer of the
Company since he joined the Company in February 1995.  Prior to that time,
he served as a Senior Manager and consultant for Price Waterhouse LLP from
1985 until February 1995.  Mr. Wells is a certified public accountant and
is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the
South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants and the North
Carolina CPA Association.

     Jitendra Mehta, 44, has served as Vice President of Operations of the
Company since he joined the Company in November 1993.  Prior to that time,
he served as Partner and Director of Radiology at Citrus Diagnostic Center
from 1990 to November 1993, as Administrator of Shah Associates, MDPA from
1985 to 1990, and as Supervisor of the Nuclear Medicine Department of
Community Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, from 1976 to 1985.

     Harold H. Adams, Jr., 47, has served as President and owner of Adams
and Associates, International, Adam and Associates, and Southern Insurance
Managers since June 1992, and served as President of Adams Eaddy &
Associates, an independent insurance agency, from 1980 to 1992.  Mr. Adams
has been awarded the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter designation
and is a member of the President's Board of Visitors of Charleston Southern
University in Charleston, South Carolina.

     Russell J. Froneberger, 49, has served as President of Global
Consulting, Inc., an affiliate of First Sun South Corporation, since 1991.
Mr. Froneberger has twenty-six years of international and corporate finance
experience, having been associated with Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company
from 1967 to 1972, and South Carolina National Bank, where he served as
Senior Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Development Relations from
1972 to 1991.


                                PROPOSAL ONE

                           ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Three directors are to be elected at the Annual Meeting.  The
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation provides for a classified
Board of Directors so that, as nearly as possible, one-third of the
Company's Board of Directors is elected each year to serve a three-year
term.  Currently, the Board of Directors consists of three directorships
with staggered terms expiring at the forthcoming Annual Meeting and at the
Annual Meetings of Shareholders in 1996 and 1997.  The Company's Bylaws
provide the Board of Directors with the power and authority to determine
the number of directors constituting the entire Board of Directors.  At a
meeting of the Board of Directors on July 26, 1995, the Board of Directors
voted to increase the size of the Board from three members to five members,
with such increase to be effective immediately prior to the election of
directors at the Annual Meeting.  To give effect to such increase, the
Board of Directors approved the addition of one directorship to each of the
classes of directors whose terms expire at the Annual Meetings of
Shareholders in 1997 and 1998.

     The Board of Directors has nominated the following individuals for
election as directors at the Annual Meeting, to serve from the date of
their election until their respective successors are elected and shall have

     Director Nominee for Term Expiring in 1997:       Charles M. Potok

     Director Nominees for Terms Expiring in 1998:     Charles P. Cannon
                                                       Russell J. Froneberger

     Of the nominees listed above, only Mr. Froneberger is currently a
member of the Board of Directors.  Set forth below are the age and certain
other biographical information with respect to the nominees who are not
currently members of the Board of Directors.

     Charles M. Potok, 46, has served as Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer of Companion Property and Casualty Insurance Company
("CPCIC") since March 1984.  Mr. Potok is an Associate of the Casualty
Actuarial Society and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.  Prior
to joining CPCIC, Mr. Potok served as Chief Property and Casualty Actuary
and Director of the Property and Casualty Division of the South Carolina
Department of Insurance.

     Charles P. Cannon, 45, has served as Vice President, Corporate
Controller and Assistant Treasurer for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South
Carolina ("Blue Cross") since April 1988 and as Assistant Treasurer for its
subsidiary, Companion HealthCare Corporation, since April 1988.  Prior to
joining Blue Cross in April 1988, he was a Senior Manager and consultant
for Price Waterhouse for 11 years.  Mr. Cannon is a member of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the South Carolina Association
of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Management Accountants,
the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants and the Controller's
Council of the National Association of Accountants.

     In accordance with the Bylaws of the Company, those nominees receiving
the greatest number of votes cast (although not necessarily a majority of
the votes cast) at the Annual Meeting will be elected to the Board of
Directors.  Accordingly, directions to withhold authority and broker non-
votes will have no effect on the outcome of the vote.  The Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation does not allow for cumulative voting
in the election of directors.

     The persons named in the accompanying proxy have been designated by
the Board of Directors and, unless authority is specifically withheld, they
intend to vote for the election of the nominees listed above.  A
shareholder executing the enclosed proxy may vote for all or any of the
nominees or may withhold such vote from any or all nominees.  In each case
where the shareholder has appropriately specified how the proxy is to be
voted, it will be voted in accordance with such shareholder's
specifications.  Although it is not contemplated that any of the nominees


will become unable to serve prior to the Annual Meeting, the persons named
on the enclosed proxy will have the authority to vote for the election of
other persons in accordance with their best judgment.


Board Meetings and Committees

     The Board of Directors of the Company had a total of three regular
meetings during the Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1994.  Each
director attended all of such Board of Directors meetings.  The Board of
Directors currently has no standing or ad hoc committees performing the
functions traditionally performed by an audit committee, a compensation
committee or a nominating committee.  Such functions are currently
performed by the Board of Directors acting as a whole.

                          MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION

Compensation of Directors

     Directors of the Company are paid a fee of $500 for attendance at each
meeting of the Board of Directors.  Directors of the Company are also
reimbursed by the Company for all out-of-pocket expenses reasonably
incurred by them in the discharge of their duties as directors, including
out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board of

Compensation of Officers

     Currently, and during each of the Company's three prior fiscal years,
M.F. McFarland, III, the Company's Chief Executive Officer and President,
and D. Michael Stout, the Company's Vice President of Medical Affairs, have
served without compensation from the Company for their services in the
executive offices they have held with the Company during such periods.  No
other executive officer of the Company earned compensation in excess of
$100,000 for services provided to the Company in any of the Company's three
prior fiscal years.

     Currently, and during each of the Company's three prior fiscal years,
Dr. McFarland and Dr. Stout have received compensation for the services
they perform for Doctor's Care, P.A. ("Doctor's Care"), an affiliated
professional association that contracts with the Company to provide or
supervise all medical services at each of the Company's medical facilities.
For services performed for Doctor's Care during each of the Company's
fiscal years ended September 30, 1994, 1993 and 1992, Dr. McFarland was
paid aggregate compensation, including bonuses, of $ 343,500, $253,603 and
$230,000, respectively.  For services performed for Doctor's Care during
each of the Company's fiscal years ended September 30, 1994, 1993 and 1992,
Dr. Stout was paid aggregate compensation, including bonuses, of $ 180,394,
$169,665 and $161,016, respectively.  See "Certain Transactions -
Agreements With Doctor's Care."

Stock Option Plans

     In 1984, the Company adopted and approved an employee incentive stock
option plan (the "1984 Plan") which provided for the grant of options to
purchase shares of Common Stock intended to qualify as incentive stock
options within the meaning of Section 422 of the United States Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code").  The Plan provided for the grant of
options to purchase shares of Common Stock to officers and other eligible
employees of the Company.  The per-share exercise price of all options
granted was not less than the fair market value of a share of the Common
Stock on the date the option was granted.  Options that have been awarded
under the 1984 Plan become exercisable one year after the date of grant and
can be exercised within ten years from the date of grant.


     The 1984 Plan expired under its terms in December 1993.  As of the
date of the 1984 Plan's expiration, the Company had granted options under
the 1984 Plan to purchase an aggregate of 33,900 shares of Common Stock to
50 employees.  Options to purchase 9,100 shares of Common Stock have been
exercised, options to purchase 7,600 shares have expired, and options to
purchase 17,200 shares are currently exercisable.

     In 1994, the Company adopted and approved an employee incentive stock
option plan (the "1994 Plan") which provided for the grant of options to
purchase shares of Common Stock intended to qualify as incentive stock
options within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.  The 1994 Plan
provides for the grant of options to purchase shares of Common Stock to
officers and other eligible employees of the Company.  The per-share
exercise price of all options granted cannot be less than the fair market
value of a share of the Common Stock on the date the option is granted.
Options granted under the 1994 Plan become exercisable under a three-year
vesting at a rate of 33% in each of the three years following the grant of
the option and can be exercised within ten years from the date of grant.
As originally approved, the 1994 Plan made available for issuance 50,000
shares of Common Stock.  A proposal to amend the 1994 Plan to increase the
number of shares available for issuance under the 1994 Plan to 750,000
shares is being presented for shareholder approval at the Annual Meeting
and is further described in this Proxy Statement under Proposal Two.

     As of July 31, 1995, the Company had granted options under the 1994
Plan to purchase an aggregate of 49,000 shares of Common Stock to four
employees, none of which are currently exercisable under their respective
vesting schedules.

                            CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

Agreements with Doctor's Care

     General.  All of the Company's operations are conducted through its
wholly-owned subsidiary, UCI Medical Affiliates of South Carolina, Inc.
("UCI-SC"), which operates a network of twenty-three freestanding primary
care medical centers located throughout South Carolina, all of which
conduct business under the name "Doctor's Care."  In order to comply with
prohibitions against corporations other than professional medical
associations providing medical care, all medical services at these medical
facilities are provided by or under the supervision of Doctor's Care.  M.F.
McFarland, III, the Company's Chief Executive Officer and a principal
shareholder of the Company, owns a 90% interest in Doctor's Care.

     Facilities Agreement.  Pursuant to a Facilities Agreement between UCI-
SC and Doctor's Care (the "Facilities Agreement"), UCI-SC supplies to
Doctor's Care the facilities, equipment and assets of the twenty-three
Doctor's Care medical centers, as well as such non-medical personnel as are
reasonably required by Doctor's Care in the operation of the centers.  In
exchange, Doctor's Care provides the necessary staffing for the performance
of medical services at the centers, including a physician to serve as
Executive Medical Director having overall responsibility for the operations
of the centers.  From the fees paid each month to Doctor's Care for
services rendered at the centers, Doctor's Care retains an amount equal to
the cost of all narcotic drugs purchased by Doctor's Care during the month
and an amount sufficient to satisfy the payroll and related personnel costs
of Doctor's Care for physicians and other medical staff at the centers,
with the balance of the fees paid to UCI-SC.  During the Company's fiscal
years ended September 30, 1994 and 1993, Doctor's Care received an
aggregate of approximately $12,540,000 and $9,799,000, respectively, in
fees prior to deduction by Doctor's Care of its payroll and other related
deductible costs covered under the Facilities Agreement.  For accounting
purposes, the operations of Doctor's Care are combined with the operations
of the Company and are reflected in the consolidated financial statements
of the Company.  Pursuant to an employment agreement between Dr. McFarland
and Doctor's Care, Dr. McFarland serves as Executive Medical Director of
the Doctor's Care medical centers.  For his services in such position
during each of the Company's fiscal years ended September 30, 1994, 1993
and 1992, Dr. McFarland received an annual salary from Doctor's Care of
$160,000, $163,503 and $200,000, respectively, and additional compensation
from Doctor's Care of $183,500, $90,100 and $30,000, respectively.  For
medical services rendered to Doctor's Care during the Company's fiscal
years ended September 30, 1994, 1993 and 1992, Dr. Stout received an annual
salary from Doctor's Care of $150,394, $139,665 and $141,016, respectively,
and additional compensation from Doctor's Care of $30,000, $30,000 and
$20,000, respectively.   In September 1994, the Facilities Agreement was
renewed for an additional five year term.  In January 1995, the Facilities
Agreement was


modified to provide UCI-SC with certain rights to terminate the
Facilities Agreement (a) upon the death of Dr. McFarland, (b) upon Dr.
McFarland ceasing to own, either directly or indirectly, a controlling
interest in Doctor's Care, or (c) upon Dr. McFarland becoming a
"disqualified person" as defined by the South Carolina Business
Corporation Act of 1988, as amended.

     Refund Agreement.  Pursuant to a Facilities Fee Refund Agreement (the
"Refund Agreement") entered into among the Company, UCI-SC and Doctor's
Care, Doctor's Care is entitled to receive a refund of a portion of the
fees payable to UCI-SC under the Facilities Agreement with respect to
fourteen of the Doctor's Care medical centers.   With regard to the
Doctor's Care-Northeast center, the refund is equal to the sum of (i) 35%
of the first $60,000 of annual pre-tax profits of the center, plus (ii) 25%
of the center's pre-tax profit in excess of $60,000.  The refund applicable
to the Doctor's Care - Seven Oaks center is equal to 35% of the center's
pre-tax profit in excess of $135,000.  The refund applicable to the
Doctor's Care - Lexington and Doctor's Care - Sumter centers is equal to
35% of the annual pre-tax profit in excess of $ 22,500 and $12,000,
respectively.  The refund is equal to 50% of the annual pre-tax profit of
the Doctor's Care - Columbia East center, 35% of the annual pre-tax profits
of the Doctor's Care - Forest Acres and Doctor's Care - West Columbia
centers, and 25% of the annual pre-tax profits of the Doctor's Care centers
at each of the Beltline, West Wateree, West Ashley, Northwoods,
Summerville, East Blackstock and Greenville locations.  During the
Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1993, UCI-SC accrued total
refunds payable to Doctor's Care under the Refund Agreement of $225,007,
and made payments of $170,100 against such payables.  During the Company's
fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, UCI-SC accrued total refunds payable
to Doctor's Care under the Refund Agreement of $131,000 and made payments
of $213,500 against such payables.  At September 30, 1994 and 1993, the
Company had refunds payable to Doctor's Care of $298,821 and $381,321,
respectively.  In September 1994, the Refund Agreement was renewed for an
additional five year term.  In January 1995, the Refund Agreement was
modified to provide UCI-SC with certain rights to terminate the Refund
Agreement (a) upon the death of Dr. McFarland, (b) upon Dr. McFarland
ceasing to own, either directly or indirectly, a controlling interest in
Doctor's Care, or (c) upon Dr. McFarland becoming a "disqualified person"
as defined by the South Carolina Business Corporation Act of 1988, as

Facility Leases

     Several of the medical centers operated by UCI-SC are leased from
entities owned or controlled by certain principal shareholders and/or
members of the Company's management.  The Doctor's Care - Northeast medical
center is leased from a partnership in which Dr. McFarland is a general
partner.  The lease was renewed in October 1994 for a five year term.  The
lease has two five year renewal options and provides UCI-SC with an option
to purchase the facility at its fair market value after October 1995.
Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under the lease during the Company's
fiscal years ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 were $42,696 and $42,696,
respectively, plus utilities and real estate taxes.  The Doctor's Care -
Lexington and the Doctor's Care - Forest Acres medical centers are leased
from a general partnership in which Dr. McFarland and Dr. Stout are general
partners.  The Doctor's Care - Lexington lease was renewed in October 1994
for a five year term and the Doctor's Care - Forest Acres lease was renewed
in November 1994 for a five year term.  These leases have five year renewal
options and provide UCI-SC with an option to purchase the respective
property at its fair market value at any time during the lease term.  Total
lease payments made by UCI-SC under these two leases during the Company's
fiscal years ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 were $68,785 and $77,088,
respectively, plus utilities and real estate taxes.  The Doctor's Care -
West Columbia and the Doctor's Care - Beltline medical centers are leased
from a general partnership in which Dr. McFarland and Dr. Stout are general
partners.  These two leases expire in October 1998 and provide for a five
year renewal option.  Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under these two
leases during the Company's fiscal years ended September 30, 1994 and 1993
were $87,000 and $78,000, respectively, plus utilities and real estate
taxes.  In connection with its agreement to lease these two centers, UCI-SC
guaranteed the lessor's mortgage debt relating to the two centers.  The
maximum outstanding balance of such debt during the Company's fiscal years
ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 was $389,169 and $391,029, respectively.
At September 30, 1994 and 1993, the outstanding balance of such debt was
$386,110 and $389,169, respectively.  The Doctor's Care - West Wateree
medical center is leased directly from Dr. McFarland under a month-to-month
lease.  Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under this lease during the
Company's fiscal years ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 were $19,649 and
$21,522, respectively.

     UCI-SC leases six medical centers from Companion HealthCare
Corporation under operating leases with fifteen year terms expiring in 2008
and 2009.  Each of these leases has a five year renewal option, and a rent


guarantee by Doctor's Care.  One of the leases has a purchase option
allowing UCI-SC to purchase the center at fair market value after February
1, 1995.  Total lease payments made by UCI-SC under these leases during the
Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 were $224,036.

Other Transactions with Related Companies

     Blue Cross owns 100% of Companion HealthCare Corporation, which owns
approximately 43% of the Company's outstanding Common Stock.  During the
Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, UCI-SC purchased a new
billing, and accounts receivable system from Companion Technologies, Inc.,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Blue Cross for an aggregate purchase price of
$460,640.  The terms of the purchase agreement are believed to have been no
more or less favorable to UCI-SC than the terms that would have been
obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties
for a similar billing and accounts receivable system.  Additionally, during
the Company's fiscal year ended September 30, 1994, UCI-SC entered into an
agreement with Companion Property and Casualty Insurance Company, a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Blue Cross, pursuant to which UCI-SC acts as the
primary care provider for injured workers of firms carrying worker's
compensation insurance through Companion Property and Casualty Insurance
Company.  Finally, during the Company's fiscal year ended September 30,
1994, UCI-SC began providing services for a health maintenance organization
("HMO") operated by Companion HealthCare Corporation, pursuant to which
UCI-SC, through Doctor's Care, acts as the designated primary care provider
for members of the HMO who have selected Doctor's Care as their primary
care provider.  The terms of the agreements with Companion Property and
Casualty Insurance Company and with Companion HealthCare Corporation are
believed to be no more or less favorable to UCI-SC than those that would be
obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties
for similar arrangements.

     The employees of the Company are offered health, life, dental and
disability coverage at group rates from Blue Cross and its subsidiaries.
The group rates offered to the employees of the Company are believed to be
no more or less favorable to the Company than those that would be
obtainable through arm's-length negotiations with unrelated third parties
for similar services.

Loan from Doctor's Care

     In 1989, Doctor's Care loaned $250,000 to UCI-SC pursuant to the terms
of a loan agreement (the "Loan") maturing in October 1994 and providing for
an annual interest rate of 10.8%, with interest and principal payable in
equal monthly installments through maturity.  The Loan was repaid in 1994
and was personally guaranteed by Dr. McFarland.  The maximum outstanding
balances under the Loan during the Company's fiscal years ended September
30, 1994 and 1993 were $91,637 and $168,670, respectively.  In connection
with obtaining the Loan, UCI-SC agreed that in the event of a default by
UCI-SC under the Loan, Doctor's Care would be entitled to exercise a right
of offset by applying amounts otherwise due from Doctor's Care to UCI-SC
under the Facilities Agreement toward the payment of the amounts past due
under the Loan. At the same time, the Company agreed that to the extent the
right of offset of Doctor's Care would be insufficient to fully satisfy the
default, the Company would satisfy the balance of the past due amount.
UCI-SC carries life insurance policies in the aggregate amount of $2.5
million on the life of Dr. McFarland, with all proceeds payable to UCI-SC.
Payment under such life insurance policy would have terminated the
obligation under Dr. McFarland's personal guarantee of the Loan.


                                PROPOSAL TWO


     General.  On July 26, 1995, the Board of Directors approved an
amendment (the "Amendment") to the UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1994
Incentive Stock Option Plan (the "Stock Plan"), subject to the approval of
the Amendment by the shareholders at the Annual Meeting.  The Amendment
increases the number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued under the
Stock Plan from 50,000 shares to 750,000 shares.  The increase in such
number of issuable shares is expected to be sufficient for the remainder of
the term of the Stock Plan, thereby removing the need for any future
shareholder approval of the number of shares issuable under the Stock Plan.
The Board of Directors approved the Amendment to be effective July 26,
1995.  The approval of the Amendment requires the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock present or represented
by properly executed and delivered proxies at the Annual Meeting.
Abstentions and shares held in street name voted as to any matter at the
Annual Meeting will be included in determining the number of votes present
or represented at the Annual Meeting.  If the Amendment is not approved by
the shareholders, the Stock Plan will remain in effect without the
Amendment.  The following discussion of the Stock Plan, as amended by the
proposed Amendment, is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Stock
Plan.  The Company will provide promptly, upon request and without charge,
a copy of the full text of the Stock Plan to each shareholder to whom a
copy of this Proxy Statement is delivered.  Requests should be directed to
Mr. Jerry F. Wells, Jr., Chief Financial Officer, UCI Medical Affiliates,
Inc., 6168 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, South Carolina 29212, (803) 772-

     Purpose.  The Stock Plan was approved by the shareholders of the
Company at the Company's 1994 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  The Stock
Plan is intended to provide the Company maximum flexibility to meet the
evolving needs of the Company and its subsidiaries in providing stock-based
compensation to officers and employees in order to align more closely the
interests of corporate management and employees with those of shareholders.
The Stock Plan is also expected to promote the interests of the Company and
its shareholders by strengthening the Company's ability to attract and
retain key officers and employees through furnishing additional incentives
whereby such present and future executive officers and employees may be
encouraged to acquire, or to increase their acquisition of, Common Stock,
thus maintaining their personal and proprietary interests in the Company's
continued success and progress.

     Administration and Operation.  The Board of Directors has established
a Stock Option Plan Committee of the Board of Directors (the "Committee")
to oversee and carry out the provisions of the Stock Plan, and to assume
such other duties as are contemplated for such Committee under the terms of
the Stock Plan.  The Committee is currently comprised of Mr. Harold H.
Adams, Jr. and Mr. Russell J. Froneberger, neither of whom is an officer or
employee eligible to receive awards under the Stock Plan.  The Committee is
responsible to the Board of Directors for the operation of the Stock Plan
and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to
participation in the Stock Plan by employees and officers of the Company
and its subsidiaries, and with respect to the extent of that participation.
The interpretation and construction of any provision of the Stock Plan by
the Committee is final, unless otherwise determined by the Board.  All
awards made under the Stock Plan are evidenced by written agreements
between the Company and the participant.

     As amended by the proposed Amendment, a maximum of 750,000 shares of
Common Stock may be issued pursuant to awards granted under the Stock Plan,
and the Board of Directors has reserved 750,000 shares for this purpose.
The number of shares reserved for issuance under the Stock Plan will be
adjusted in the event of an adjustment in the capital stock structure of
the Company affecting the Common Stock (due to a merger, share exchange,
stock split, stock dividend, combination, recapitalization or similar
event), and the Committee is authorized to adjust awards in the terms of
the Stock Plan in the event of a change in the capital stock in order to
prevent dilution or enlargement of awards under the Stock Plan.

     Stock Options.  The Stock Plan provides for the grant of incentive
stock options ("ISOs").  A stock option entitles the participant to
purchase shares of Common Stock from the Company at the option exercise
price.  The option exercise price is fixed by the Committee at the time the
option is granted, but the exercise price per share cannot be less than
100% of the fair market value of a share of Common Stock on the date of
grant.  All stock options that may be granted under the Stock Plan provide
for three-year vesting at a rate of 33% in each of the three years
following the grant of the option.  Except as may otherwise be provided in
an option agreement, an option


may be exercised in whole or in part at any time during its term, but no
option may be exercised after the expiration of ten years from the date
it is granted, and no option may be exercised prior to the date one
year, or after the date ten years, from the date the option is granted.
The option price may be paid in cash, with shares of Common Stock, or
with a combination of cash and Common Stock.

     Eligibility.  Each employee and officer of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries is eligible to participate in the Stock Plan.  The Committee
will select the individuals who will participate in the Stock Plan, and
members of the Committee who are also employees of the Company are not
restricted under the terms of the Stock Plan from participating in the
Stock Plan while serving as members of the Committee.  The Board of
Directors, upon recommendation of the Committee, may grant ISOs to any
officer, key executive, administrative or other employee of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries (including an employee who is a director of the
Company).  Options that are granted at different times need not contain
similar provisions.

     No option may be granted under the Stock Plan after April 20, 2004.
The Board of Directors may terminate the Stock Plan sooner without further
action by the shareholders.  The Board of Directors also may amend the
Stock Plan except that no amendment that increases the number of shares of
Common Stock that may be issued under the Stock Plan or changes the class
of individuals who may be selected to participate in the Stock Plan will
become effective until it is approved by the shareholders.

     Federal Income Tax Consequences. The Company has been advised by
counsel regarding the federal income tax consequences of the Stock Plan.
Assuming the stock options qualify as ISOs under Section 422 of the Code,
no income should be recognized by a participant at the time an option is
granted, and no income should be recognized upon the participant's exercise
of the option. Income will be recognized by a participant when the
participant disposes of the shares of Common Stock acquired under an
option.  The Company will not be entitled to a federal income tax deduction
on account of the grant or the exercise of an option.  The Company may
claim a federal income tax deduction on account of certain dispositions of
Common Stock acquired upon the exercise of an option.

     Set forth below are the numbers of shares underlying options which
have been awarded under the Stock Plan as of July 31,1995 to the persons
and groups identified.  The amounts of options that may be awarded in the
future to participating employees and officers of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries cannot currently be determined and will be within the
discretion of the Committee.

                                                                                      Number of Shares
Name and                                                                                 Underlying
Position                                                                               Options Granted

M.F. McFarland, III
   Chief Executive Officer, President
     and Chairman of the Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                -0-

D. Michael Stout
   Vice President of Medical Affairs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                -0-

All current executive officers, as a group
   (including the persons named above)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              45,000

All current directors who are not
   executive officers, as a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                -0-

All employees, including all current officers
   who are not executive officers, as a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               4,000



                               PROPOSAL THREE


     The Board of Directors has appointed the firm of Price Waterhouse LLP
as independent auditors to make an examination of the accounts of the
Company for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995, subject to
shareholder ratification.  If the shareholders do not ratify this
appointment, other certified public accountants will be considered by the
Board of Directors.


     A representative of Price Waterhouse LLP is expected to be in
attendance at the Annual Meeting and will have the opportunity to make a
statement and be available to respond to appropriate questions.


     On July 27, 1995, the Company notified Scott and Holloway, LLP
(formerly, Moore Kirkland Scott & Beauston) that it would not be retained
as the Company's independent accountants for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 1995.  The Company's decision not to retain Scott and
Holloway, LLP was approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on
July 26, 1995 and was not the result of any prior, existing or expected
disagreement with the Company.  The reports of Moore Kirkland Scott &
Beauston on the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal years
ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 contained no adverse opinion or
disclaimer of opinion.  The reports were modified because of an uncertainty
as to the Company's ability to continue as a going concern as a consequence
of losses incurred from continuing operations.  In connection with its
audits of financial statements of the Company for the fiscal years ended
September 30, 1994 and 1993, and the interim period through July 27, 1995,
the Company had no disagreement with Moore Kirkland Scott & Beauston on any
matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement
disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreement, if not
resolved to the satisfaction of Moore Kirkland Scott & Beauston, would have
caused them to make reference to the subject matter of the disagreement in
connection with their report on the financial statements for such periods.

     Scott and Holloway, LLP has furnished the Company with a letter
addressed to the SEC stating that they agree with the statements made by
the Company with respect to their dismissal.

     Only July 26, 1995, the Company engaged Price Waterhouse LLP as its
independent accountants to audit the Company's financial statements for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 1995.  The decision to engage Price
Waterhouse LLP was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at a
meeting held on July 26, 1995.  During the Company's fiscal years ended
September 30, 1994 and 1993, the Company did not consult with Price
Waterhouse LLP regarding any matters (a) which were, or should have been,
subject to SAS 50, or (b) concerning the subject matter of a disagreement
or reportable event with the Company's former independent accountants (as
described in Regulation S-B, Item 304(a)(2)).

     On September 1, 1993, the Company notified Ernst & Young that it would
not be retained as the Company's independent accountants for the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1993.  The Company's decision not to retain Ernst
& Young was approved by the Company's Board of Directors at a meeting held
on August 24, 1993 and was not the result of any prior, existing or
expected disagreement with the Company.  The reports of Ernst & Young on
the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal years ended
September 30, 1992 and 1991 contained no adverse opinion or disclaimer of
opinion.  The reports were modified because of an uncertainty as to the
Company's ability to continue as a going concern as a consequence of losses
incurred from continuing operations.  In connection with its audits of
financial statements of the Company for the fiscal years ended September
30, 1992 and 1991, and the interim period through September 1, 1993, the
Company had no disagreement with Ernst & Young on any matter of accounting
principles or practices, financial statement disclosure,


or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreement, if not resolved to
the satisfaction of Ernst & Young, would have caused them to make
reference to the subject matter of the disagreement in connection with
their report on the financial statements for such periods.

     Ernst & Young has furnished the Company with a letter addressed to the
SEC stating that they agree with the statements made by the Company with
respect to their dismissal.

     On September 1, 1993, the Company engaged Moore Kirkland Scott &
Beauston as its independent accountants to audit the Company's financial
statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993.  The decision to
engage Moore Kirkland Scott & Beauston was approved by the Board of
Directors of the Company at a meeting held on August 24, 1993.  During the
Company's fiscal years ended September 30, 1992 and 1991, the Company did
not consult with Moore Kirkland Scott & Beauston regarding any matters (a)
which were, or should have been, subject to SAS 50, or (b) concerning the
subject matter of a disagreement or reportable event with the Company's
former independent accountants (as described in Regulation S-B, Item 304

                               OTHER BUSINESS

     The Board of Directors of the Company knows of no other matter to come
before the Annual Meeting.  However, if any matter requiring a vote of the
shareholders should arise, it is the intention of the persons named in the
enclosed form of proxy to vote such proxy in accordance with their best

                     PROPOSALS FOR 1996 ANNUAL MEETING

     Shareholder proposals intended to be presented at the 1996 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders must be received by the Company by December 31,
1995 for possible inclusion in the proxy material relating to such meeting.

                               ANNUAL REPORT

          A copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended September 30, 1994, which has been filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, will be made available to shareholders to whom this
Proxy Statement is mailed, without charge, upon written request to Jerry F.
Wells, Jr., Chief Financial Officer, UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., 6168 St.
Andrew Road, Columbia, South Carolina 29212.

By order of the Board of Directors,

M. F. McFarland, III, M.D.
  Chairman of the Board

Columbia, South Carolina
August 10, 1995


                             UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                           1994 INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION PLAN
                                     (AS AMENDED)

               1.   Purpose.   The  purposes of  this 1994  Incentive Stock
          Option  Plan (the "Plan")  are to:   (1)   closely  associate the
          interests  of the employees  of UCI Medical  Affiliates, Inc. and
          its   subsidiaries  (collectively,   the  "Company")  with  the
          shareholders  of  the  Company by  reinforcing  the  relationship
          between employees'  rewards and  shareholder gains; (2)   provide
          selected  employees,  officers  and   directors  with  an  equity
          ownership in the  Company commensurate with  Company performance,
          as  reflected in  increased  shareholder value;    (3)   maintain
          competitive compensation levels; and  (4) provide an incentive to
          employees for continuous employment with the Company.   The stock
          options granted  under  the  Plan  are  intended  to  qualify  as
          incentive stock  options within  the meaning of  Internal Revenue
          Code Section 422.

               2.   Amount  of Stock.  The total number of shares of Common
          Stock to  be subject to  options granted  on and after  April 20,
          1994 pursuant to the Plan shall not  exceed 750,000 shares of the
          Company's Common Stock, par value $0.05 per share.   In the event
          that options  granted under this  Plan shall lapse  without being
          exercised  in  whole or  in part,  other  options may  be granted
          covering the shares not purchased under such lapsed options.

               3.   Stock Option  Committee.  The Board  of Directors shall
          from time to  time appoint a  Committee (the "Committee"),  which
          may also be the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors,
          to serve  under this Plan.  The Committee shall consist of two or
          more directors.

               4.   Eligibility and participation.  Options  may be granted
          pursuant to the  Plan to any officer or  employee of the Company.
          From time to  time the  Committee shall select  the officers  and
          employees  to whom  options  may  be  granted  by  the  Board  of
          Directors  and shall determine the number of shares to be covered
          by  each option so  granted.  Future as  well as present officers
          and employees (including officers and employees who are directors
          but  who are not members  of the Committee)  shall be eligible to
          participate  in the  Plan.   Directors  who  are members  of  the
          Committee or who are not officers or employees of the Company are
          not  eligible  to participate  in  the Plan.   No  option  may be
          granted under the Plan after April 20, 2004.

               5.   Option Agreement. The  terms and provisions  of options
          granted pursuant to the  Plan shall be set forth in an agreement,
          herein  called  Option Agreement,  between  the  Company and  the
          grantee receiving the same.  The Options may be in such form, not
          inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as shall be approved by
          the Board of  Directors and may include  provisions regarding the
          timing of the exercisability of the Options.

               6.   Price.   The purchase price  per share of  Common Stock
          purchasable under options granted pursuant  to the Plan shall not
          be less that 100 percent of the fair market value at the time the
          options  are granted.   The  purchase price  per share  of Common
          Stock  purchasable under options granted pursuant to this Plan to
          a person who owns more than 10 percent of the voting power of the
          Company's voting stock  shall not be less than 110 percent of the
          fair market  value 

          1994 Incentive Stock Option Plan
          Page 1

          of such  shares, at  the time the  options are granted.   For  the
          purposes  of the  preceding sentence  (a) the optionee shall be
          considered as owning the stock owned directly or indirectly by or
          for himself, the stock which the optionee may purchase under
          outstanding options and the stock owned, directly or indirectly, by
          or for his brothers and sisters (whether of the whole or  half blood),
          spouse, ancestors,  and lineal descendants and  (b)  stock  owned
          directly  or  indirectly,  by  or  for  a corporation, partnership,
          estate, or trust shall be considered as being owned proportionately
          by or for its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries.  For all
          purposes of this Plan, the fair market value of the  Common Stock of
          the Company shall  be determined in good faith at the time of the
          grant of any option by decision  of the Stock Option  Committee.
          In  making such determination,  the Stock  Option Committee shall not
          take into account the effect of any  restrictions on  the  Common
          Stock  other than  restrictions which, by their terms, will never
          lapse.  The full purchase price of shares purchased shall be  paid
          upon exercise  of the option. Under certain circumstances such
          purchase price  per share shall be subject to adjustment as referred
          to in Section  10 of  this Plan.

               7.   Option period.  No option granted  pursuant to the Plan
          shall be exercisable after  the expiration of ten years  from the
          date the option is first granted.  No option  granted pursuant to
          the  Plan to  a person then  owning more  than 10  percent of the
          voting power of  the Company's voting stock  shall be exercisable
          after the expiration of  five years from the  date the option  is
          first  granted.  For the  purposes of the  preceding sentence (a)
          the  optionee  shall  be considered  as  owning  the  stock owned
          directly or indirectly  by or  for himself, the  stock which  the
          optionee  may purchase  under outstanding  options and  the stock
          owned, directly or indirectly, by or for his brothers and sisters
          (whether  of the  whole or  half  blood), spouse,  ancestors, and
          lineal descendants and (b) stock owned directly or indirectly, by
          or  for a  corporation, partnership,  estate, or  trust shall  be
          considered  as   being  owned  proportionately  by   or  for  its
          shareholders,  partners, or  beneficiaries.  The  expiration date
          stated in the Option Agreement is hereafter called the Expiration

               8.   Termination of employment.   The Option Agreement shall
          provide  that upon the occurrence of the optionee ceasing for any
          reason to be  employed by  the Company (such  occurrence being  a
          "termination  of  employment"),  any  unexercised   option  shall
          terminate  and  become  null   and  void  immediately  upon  such
          termination of employment, except in a case where the termination
          of employment  is by reason  of retirement, disability  or death.
          Upon  a  termination  of  employment  by  reason  of  retirement,
          disability  or death, the Option Agreement  shall provide that an
          outstanding and unexercised option may be exercised during a time
          not exceeding the following periods: 

               (a)  the   one-year  period  following  the   date  of  such
               termination of the  employee's employment in  the case of  a
               disability (within  the meaning  of Section 22(e)(3)  of the

               (b) the one-year period following the date of  an employee's
               death, and 

          1994 Incentive Stock Option Plan
          Page 2

               (c)  the  three-month  period  following the  date  of  such
               termination in the case of retirement on or after attainment
               of  age 65,  or in  the  case of  disability  other than  as
               described in (a) above. 

          In no event,  however, shall  any such period  extend beyond  the
          Expiration Date.

               9.   Assignability.  The Option Agreement shall provide that
          the  option   granted  thereby  shall  not   be  transferable  or
          assignable by the optionee otherwise than by will  or by the laws
          of descent  and distribution or pursuant to  a qualified domestic
          relations  order as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
          as amended, or Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security
          Act,  or  the  Rules thereunder.    During  the  lifetime of  the
          optionee,  the option granted   shall be exercisable  only by the

               10.  Adjustment  in case of  stock splits,  stock dividends,
          etc. The  Option  Agreement may  contain such  provisions as  the
          Board of Directors may approve as equitable concerning the effect
          upon  options granted  and  the option  price  due to  (a)  stock
          dividends   upon,   or  subdivisions,   split-ups,  combinations,
          consolidations   or   reclassifications   of,    the   securities
          purchasable under  the  option,  or  (b) proposals  to  merge  or
          consolidate  the Company or to  sell all or  substantially all of
          its assets, or to liquidate or dissolve the Company.

               11.  Stock  for  Investment.   The  Option  Agreement  shall
          provide that the optionee shall  upon each exercise of a  part or
          all of the option granted represent and warrant that his purchase
          of stock pursuant to such option  is for investment only, and not
          with a view to distribution involving a public  offering.  At any
          time  the Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company  may  waive  the
          requirement of such  a provision in any Option  Agreement entered
          into under this  Stock Option Plan  of the  Company.  The  Option
          Agreement  may  also  provide  such  additional restrictions  and
          requirements concerning  the exercise of options  and issuance of
          shares as  the Company determines in its discretion are necessary
          to  meet all  applicable  laws, rules,  and  regulations, and  to
          obtain  such  approvals as  may be  required by  any governmental
          agencies,  including  state and  Federal securities  agencies and
          national securities exchanges.

               12.  Amendment of  the Plan. The  Board of Directors  of the
          Company  may  from  time  to   time  alter,  amend,  suspend   or
          discontinue  the  Plan and  make  rules  for its  administration,
          except that  the Board of  Directors shall not amend  the Plan in
          any  manner which  would have  the effect  of preventing  options
          issued under the  Plan from  being "incentive  stock options"  as
          defined  in Section  422 of  the Internal  Revenue Code  of 1986.
          However,  nothing in  this Plan  shall be  deemed to  prevent the
          Board of  Directors from  issuing non-qualified stock  options to
          any officer or employee.

               13.  Options  discretionary. The  granting of  options under
          the Plan  shall be entirely  discretionary with the  Stock Option
          Committee and nothing  in the Plan  shall be  deemed to give  any
          officer or  employee any right  to participate in the  Plan or to
          receive options.

               14.  Limitation as to  amount. No person to whom options are
          granted hereunder shall receive options, first exercisable during
          any  single calendar year, for  shares, the fair  market value 

          1994 Incentive Stock Option Plan
          Page 3

          of which (determined at the time of grant of  the options) exceeds
          $100,000.  Accordingly, no optionee shall be entitled to exercise
          options in any single  calendar year, for shares of  Common Stock
          the  value of  which  (determined at  the time  of  grant of  the
          options) exceeds $100,000.

               15.  Stockholder approval.   The  Plan will be  submitted to
          the stockholders  of the Company for approval by the holders of a
          majority  of the outstanding shares of stock  of the Company.  If
          the  Plan is  not approved by  the holders  of a  majority of the
          outstanding shares of  stock of  the Company by  April 20,  1995,
          then the Plan  shall terminate and any  options granted hereunder
          shall be void and of no further force or effect. 

          1994 Incentive Stock Option Plan
          Page 4

                             UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.
                           INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

                           GRANT OF INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION

                          Date of Grant: _____________, 19__

               THIS GRANT, dated as of the date of grant first stated above
          (the "Date of  Grant"), is delivered  by UCI Medical  Affiliates,
          Inc.,    a    Delaware    corporation   (the    "Company"),    to
          ________________________ (the  "Grantee"), who is  an officer  or
          employee of the Company or a subsidiary of the Company.

               WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board")
          has  adopted, subject  to shareholder  approval, the  UCI Medical
          Affiliates, Inc.  1994 Incentive Stock Option  Plan (the "Plan");

               WHEREAS,  the Plan  provides for  the granting  of incentive
          stock  options  by the  Board to  officers  and employees  of the
          Company  and its  subsidiaries to purchase  shares of  the Common
          Stock  of the Company (the "Stock"), in accordance with the terms
          and provisions thereof; and

               WHEREAS,  the Board considers the Grantee to be a person who
          is  eligible for  a grant  of incentive  stock options  under the
          Plan, and has determined that it would be in the best interest of
          the  Company  to grant  the  incentive  stock options  documented

               NOW, THEREFORE, the parties  hereto, intending to be legally
          bound hereby, agree as follows:

          1.  Grant of  Option.    Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions
          hereinafter  set forth, the Company, with the approval and at the
          direction of the  Board, hereby grants to the  Grantee, as of the
          Date of  Grant, an  option to  purchase up to  _______ shares  of
          Stock at  a price of $_______ per share, the fair market value on
          the date hereof.   Such option is hereinafter referred  to as the
          "Option" and the shares of Stock purchasable upon exercise of the
          Option  are  hereinafter sometimes  referred  to  as the  "Option
          Shares."  The Option is intended by the parties hereto to be, and
          shall be treated as, an incentive  stock option (as such term  is
          defined  under section 422 of  the Internal Revenue  Code of 1986
          (the "Code")).

          2.  Installment Exercise.  Subject to such further limitations as
          are provided herein, the Option shall become exercisable in three
          (3)  installments,  the Grantee  having  the  right hereunder  to
          purchase from the  Company the following number  of Option Shares
          upon exercise of the Option, on and after the following dates, in
          cumulative fashion:

               (a)    on and  after the  first anniversary  of the  Date of
          Grant, up to one-third (ignoring fractional shares)  of the total
          number of Option Shares;

          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC. Incentive Stock Option Agreement
          Grant of Incentive Stock Option
          Page 1

               (b)   on and  after the  second anniversary  of the Date  of
          Grant, up to an additional one-third (ignoring fractional shares)
          of the total number of Option Shares; and

               (c)   on and  after the  third  anniversary of  the Date  of
          Grant, the remaining Option Shares.

          3. Termination of Option.  

               (a)  The  Option  and  all  rights  hereunder  with  respect
          thereto, to the extent such rights shall not have been exercised,
          shall  terminate and become null and void after the expiration of
          ten (10) years from the Date of Grant (the "Expiration Date").

               (b) Upon  the occurrence  of the  Grantee's ceasing  for any
          reason to be  employed by  the Company (such  occurrence being  a
          "termination of  the Grantee's  employment"), the Option,  to the
          extent not previously exercised,  shall terminate and become null
          and  void  immediately upon  such  termination  of the  Grantee's
          employment,  except  in  a  case  where the  termination  of  the
          Grantee's employment  is by  reason of retirement,  disability or
          death.   Upon a termination of the Grantee's employment by reason
          of  retirement, disability or death,  the Option may be exercised
          during the following  periods, but  only to the  extent that  the
          Option  was  outstanding  and  exercisable on  any  such  date of
          retirement, disability or death: 

                    (i)  the one-year  period  following the  date of  such
                    termination of the Grantee's  employment in the case of
                    a disability (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of
                    the Code), 

                    (ii)  the  six-month  period  following  the   date  of
                    issuance   of  letters   testamentary  or   letters  of
                    administration to  the executor or  administrator of  a
                    deceased Grantee,  in the  case of the  Grantee's death
                    during  his employment  by the  Company, but  not later
                    than one year after the Grantee's death, and 

                    (iii) the three-month period following the date of such
                    termination  in  the case  of  retirement  on or  after
                    attainment  of age  65, or  in the  case of  disability
                    other than as described in (i) above. 

          In no event,  however, shall  any such period  extend beyond  the
          Expiration Date.

               (c) In the event of the death of the Grantee, the Option may
          be exercised  by the Grantee's legal  representative(s), but only
          to  the  extent  that  the   Option  would  otherwise  have  been
          exercisable by the Grantee.

               (d)  A  transfer of  the  Grantee's  employment between  the
          Company  and  any  subsidiary  of the  Company,  or  between  any
          subsidiaries  of the  Company,  shall  not  be  deemed  to  be  a
          termination of the Grantee's employment.

               (e) Notwithstanding any other provisions set forth herein or
          in  the  Plan, if  the  Grantee  shall  (i)  commit  any  act  of
          malfeasance or wrongdoing affecting  the Company, (ii) breach any

          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC. Incentive Stock Option Agreement
          Grant of Incentive Stock Option
          Page 2

          covenant not to compete or employment contract with the  Company,
          or  (iii) engage  in  conduct that  would  warrant the  Grantee's
          discharge for cause  (excluding general dissatisfaction with  the
          performance of the  Grantee's duties,  but including  any act  of
          disloyalty or any conduct clearly tending to bring discredit upon
          the  Company),  any  unexercised  portion  of  the  Option  shall
          immediately terminate and be void.

          4. Exercise of Options.  

               (a)  Subject to  such  further limitations  as are  provided
          herein, the Option shall be exercisable at any time and from time
          to  time during the period commencing  one (1) year from the Date
          of Grant and ending ten (10) years (five (5) years for 10 percent
          shareholders  as described in the  Plan) from the  Date of Grant.
          The Grantee may exercise  the Option with respect  to all or  any
          part of the number of Option Shares then exercisable hereunder by
          giving the Secretary of  the Company written notice of  intent to
          exercise. The  notice of  exercise  shall specify  the number  of
          Option Shares as  to which the Option is to  be exercised and the
          date of exercise  thereof, which date shall be at least five days
          after the giving of such notice unless an earlier time shall have
          been mutually agreed upon.

               (b) Full payment  (in U.S.  dollars) by the  Grantee of  the
          option price  for the Option Shares purchased shall be made on or
          before the exercise date  specified in the notice of  exercise in
          cash, or, with  the prior  written consent of  the Secretary,  in
          whole  or in  part through  the surrender of  previously acquired
          shares of Stock at their fair market value on the exercise date.

               On the exercise date specified in the Grantee's notice or as
          soon  thereafter as is practicable, the Company shall cause to be
          delivered  to the Grantee, a  certificate or certificates for the
          Option Shares  then being purchased (out  of theretofore unissued
          Stock  or reacquired Stock, as  the Company may  elect) upon full
          payment  for such  Option Shares.   The  Grantee shall  upon each
          exercise of a  part or  all of the  option granted represent  and
          warrant that his purchase of stock pursuant to such option is for
          investment  only, and not with a view to distribution involving a
          public  offering.  The obligation of the Company to deliver Stock
          shall, however, be subject  to the condition that if  at any time
          the Board  shall determine  in its  discretion that  the listing,
          registration or qualification of the Option or  the Option Shares
          upon any securities exchange  or under any state or  federal law,
          or the consent or  approval of any governmental regulatory  body,
          is necessary or  desirable as  a condition of,  or in  connection
          with, the Option or the issuance or purchase of Stock thereunder,
          the Option may  not be exercised in whole or  in part unless such
          listing,  registration, qualification, consent  or approval shall
          have  been  effected or  obtained  free  of  any  conditions  not
          acceptable to the Board.

               (c) If the Grantee fails to pay for any of the Option Shares
          specified in such notice or fails to accept delivery thereof, the
          Grantee's right to purchase such  Option Shares may be terminated
          by the Company. The date specified in the Grantee's notice as the
          date of  exercise shall  be deemed  the date  of exercise of  the
          Option, provided that payment in full for the Option Shares to be
          purchased upon  such exercise  shall have  been received by  such

          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC. Incentive Stock Option Agreement
          Grant of Incentive Stock Option
          Page 3

          5. Adjustment of  and Changes in  Stock of the  Company.  In  the
          event of  a reorganization,  recapitalization, change of  shares,
          stock   split,   spin-off,   stock  dividend,   reclassification,
          subdivision,  consolidation or  combination  of  shares,  merger,
          consolidation,  rights  offering,  or  any other  change  in  the
          corporate  structure or shares  of capital stock  of the Company,
          the Board may make such adjustment as it deems appropriate in the
          number and  kind of shares of  Stock subject to the  Option or in
          the  option price;  provided,  however, that  no such  adjustment
          shall give the Grantee any additional benefits under the Option.

          6.  No Rights  of  Stockholders.   Neither  the Grantee  nor  any
          personal representative shall be, or shall have any of the rights
          and privileges of, a  stockholder of the Company with  respect to
          any  shares of Stock purchasable or issuable upon the exercise of
          the Option, in whole or in part, prior to the date of exercise of
          the Option.

          7. Non-Transferability of Option.  During the Grantee's lifetime,
          the  Option hereunder shall be exercisable only by the Grantee or
          any  guardian or  legal representative  of the  Grantee, and  the
          Option  shall not be transferable except, in case of the death of
          the Grantee, by will or the  laws of descent and distribution  or
          pursuant  to a qualified  domestic relations order  as defined by
          the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or Title  I of the
          Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or the Rules thereunder,
          nor shall the Option be subject to attachment, execution or other
          similar process. In the event  of (a) any attempt by  the Grantee
          to alienate, assign, pledge,  hypothecate or otherwise dispose of
          the Option, except as provided for herein, or (b) the levy of any
          attachment,  execution  or similar  process  upon  the rights  or
          interest hereby  conferred, the Company may  terminate the Option
          by notice to the  Grantee and it shall thereupon become  null and

          8. Employment Not Affected.   Neither the granting of  the Option
          nor  its exercise shall be  construed as granting  to the Grantee
          any  right  with respect  to continuance  of employment  with the
          Company or any of its  subsidiaries.  Except as may otherwise  be
          limited  by  a written  agreement  between  the  Company and  the
          Grantee,  the right  of  the Company  or  any subsidiary  of  the
          Company  to terminate at will the Grantee's employment with it at
          any  time   (whether  by  dismissal,   discharge,  retirement  or
          otherwise)  is  specifically  reserved  by  the  Company  or  any
          subsidiary of the Company,  as the employer, and is  acknowledged
          by the Grantee.

          9. Amendment of  Option.  The Option may be  amended by the Board
          or the Committee at any time (i) if the Board or the Stock Option
          Committee determines,  in its sole discretion,  that amendment is
          necessary or advisable in the light of any addition to  or change
          in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or in the regulations issued
          thereunder, or any federal  or state securities law or  other law
          or regulation, which change occurs after the Date of Grant and by
          its  terms  applies to  the  Option; or  (ii) other  than  in the
          circumstances described in  clause (i), with  the consent of  the

          10.  Notice.   Any notice  to the  Company provided  for  in this
          instrument shall be  addressed to it in care of  its Secretary at
          its executive offices at 6168  St. Andrews Road, Columbia,  South
          Carolina  29212, and any notice to the Grantee shall be addressed
          to  the Grantee  at  the current  

          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC. Incentive Stock Option Agreement
          Grant of Incentive Stock Option
          Page 4

          address  shown on  the  payroll records of  the Company.  Any notice
          shall  be deemed to  be duly given  if and when properly addressed 
          and posted by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid.

          12.  Incorporation of Plan by  Reference.  The  Option is granted
          pursuant  to the  terms  of  the Plan,  the  terms of  which  are
          incorporated  herein by reference,  and the  Option shall  in all
          respects be interpreted  in accordance with  the Plan. The  Stock
          Option Committee shall interpret  and construe the Plan and  this
          instrument, and its  interpretations and determinations  shall be
          conclusive and binding on the parties hereto and any other person
          claiming an interest hereunder, with respect to any issue arising
          hereunder or thereunder.

          13. Governing  Law.  The  validity, construction,  interpretation
          and  effect of this  instrument shall exclusively  be governed by
          and determined in accordance with  the law of the State  of South
          Carolina, except  to the extent  preempted by federal  law, which
          shall to such extent govern.

               IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the   Company  has  caused  its  duly
          authorized officers to execute and attest this Grant of Incentive
          Stock Option, and  the Grantee  has placed his  or her  signature
          hereon, effective as of the Date of Grant.

                                          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.


                                          ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO:


          UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC. Incentive Stock Option Agreement
          Grant of Incentive Stock Option
          Page 5


                        UCI MEDICAL AFFILIATES, INC.


    The undersigned hereby appoints Jerry F. Wells, Jr. and Stephen S.
Seeling, or any of them acting in the absence of the other, as attorneys
and proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote
all of the shares of the common stock of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc., a
South Carolina corporation, held or owned by the undersigned or standing in
the name of the undersigned at the 1995 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
the Company and at any adjournment thereof, and the undersigned hereby
instructs said attorneys to vote as follows:

   1.   Election of Directors:
        FOR all nominees listed below                   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
        (except as marked to the                    to vote as to all nominees
         contrary below)

                       [   ]                         [   ]

        (This is considered a vote for
         all nominees)

   NOTE:          To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee,
                  strike a line through the nominee's name in the list

        Term Expiring in 1997:

        1.  Charles M. Potok

        Term Expiring in 1998:

        2.  Charles P. Cannon
        3.  Russell J. Froneberger

   2.   Approval of the Amendment to the UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1994
        Incentive Stock Option Plan.

        FOR  [    ]               AGAINST  [   ]         ABSTAIN  [   ]

   3.   The ratification of the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP as
        independent auditors for the Company for the fiscal year ending
        September 30, 1995.

        FOR  [    ]               AGAINST  [   ]         ABSTAIN  [   ]

   4.   In their discretion, upon any other business which may properly
        come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

   DATE: ____________________, 1995       ______________________________



                  (Please sign exactly as show on envelope addressed to
                  you.  If securities are jointly owned, each should sign.)