                               MICHAEL STOUT, M.D.



                           )                           EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT


     THIS  AGREEMENT  made and entered into this 1st. day of November,  19 1995,
between  Doctor's  Care,  P.  A.  (hereinafter  "Employer"),  a  South  Carolina
Professional  Association with its principal office in Columbia, South Carolina,
and Michael Stout, (hereinafter "Employee").

     WHEREAS, Employer is a South Carolina Professional Association and wishes
to employ the Employee to render services for it; and,

     WHEREAS, Employee is a licensed physician in South Carolina and desires and
is willing to become a professional employee of Employer, in accordance with the
following terms, conditions, and provisions:

     NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises herein and other
valuable consideration, it is agreed that:

         (1)      Employment Term. Subject to the provisions for termination as
                  hereinafter provided, the term of this Agreement shall be five
                  (5) year beginning November 1, 19 95 . After the initial five
                  (5) year term, this Agreement shall be renewable from year to
                  year upon the mutual agreement of both parties.

         (2)      Duties.

                  A.  Other than Employee's duties as an Employee of UCI Medical
                      Affiliates of South Carolina, Inc., Employee shall devote
                      his full-time professional skill and attention to the
                      performance of services in the practice for the benefit of
                      Employer at Doctor's Care Beltline or such other clinic
                      within the Columbia, South Carolina area as shall be
                      reasonably assigned by Employer. Employee's duty schedule
                      shall be determined by Employer and Employee shall provide
                      such emergency evening and weekend coverage as shall be
                      needed and be reasonably assigned to Employee by Employer.

                  B.  Employee shall not engage in any outside professional
                      activities involving the personal services of Employee and
                      yielding a financial return without Employer's prior
                      written consent. However, nothing stated herein shall
                      restrict or prevent employee from personally and on
                      Employee's own account, investing in stocks, bond
                      securities, commodities, real estate, or other forms of

                  C.  Employee will actively and industriously pursue his
                      profession in Employer's interest, will faithfully adhere
                      to the principles and ethics of the profession, and will
                      carefully avoid any and all personal acts, habits and
                      usages which might injure in any way, directly or


                      Employee's professional reputation or that of
                      any other Employee of Employer, or which might otherwise
                      be detrimental to any interest of Employer.

                  D.  Employee hereby agrees that all fees received or collected
                      as a result of professional services rendered by Employee,
                      together with all other emolument, e.g., witness fees,
                      report fees, speaker feets, etc., shall be the property of
                      Employer. Accordingly, Employee acknowledges that
                      Employee's employment renders him an agent and servant of
                      Employer and does not confer upon Employee any ownership
                      interest in or professional claim upon any fees charged by
                      Employer for Employee's services, whether said fees are
                      collected during Employee's employment or after
                      termination thereof.

         (3)      Compensation.

                  (A)      Regular Compensation. For all services rendered under
                           this Agreement, Employer shall pay the Employee an
                           initial salary of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars
                           ($ 160,000.00) per year, payable bi-weekly.

                  (B)      Changes in Compensation. From time to time, increases
                           in the Employee's salary may be made, said increases
                           to be reflected on the "Schedule of Compensation"
                           attached hereto and made a part hereof.

                  (C)      Bonuses. Employer may from time to time review
                           Employee's compensation arrangement with respect to
                           the payment of a bonus for superior performance;
                           provided however that the decision to make bonus
                           payments, if any, shall be at the sole discretion of

         (4)      Fringe Benefits. As further consideration for the performance
                  by Employee of the services set forth herein, Employee shall
                  be eligible on a non-discriminatory basis for participation in
                  any tax qualified deferred compensation plan maintained by
                  Employer and also for inclusion in any group-term life
                  insurance plan maintained by Employer. However, Employee
                  understands that the decision to maintain any such plans shall
                  be in sole discretion of Employer.

                  (A) Health Insurance  Coverage.  Employer,  shall provide for 
                  Employee such health  coverage as provided to other  employees
                  of Doctor's  Care, P. A. Family coverage  is  available  on 
                  the  same  basis  as is  provided  to  other  senior 
                  executives of Employer or UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc.

                  (B)      Group Term Life Insurance & Group Disability
                           Insurance. Employer, at its cost, shall furnish such
                           life and disability insurance for Employee as it,
                           from time to time, may provide to other Employees.


         (5)      Vacation and Professional Meetings. Employee shall be entitled
                  to four weeks paid vacation. All above leave shall be taken on
                  reasonable prior notice and at such time or times as shall be
                  agreed to by Employer and that does not interfere with proper
                  operation of the Practice. In addition, Employee is entitled
                  to one week of paid leave for Continuing Medical Education.

         (6)      Inability to Perform Essential Services. If Employee is unable
                  to perform the essential professional services contemplated by
                  this agreement as a result of illness or incapacity, Employee
                  shall continue to receive those benefits which become payable
                  to Employee under contracts, if any, provided for Employee by
                  Employer. Anything to the contrary contained herein
                  notwithstanding if Employee is not able to resume the
                  performance of such essential professional duties within
                  ninety (90) days of the date Employee was first unable to
                  perform such duties, Employee may be deemed, at the sole
                  discretion of the Employer, to have terminated this Agreement
                  and Employer shall have the right to pursue all remedies set
                  forth herein related to such a termination.

         (7)      Equipment and Expenses.

                  (A)      Facilities. Employer shall provide and pay for
                           suitable office space and facilities, furniture,
                           fixtures, equipment, supplies, employees and
                           assistants necessary and appropriate for the proper
                           performance of the duties of Employee.

     (B) Professional  Liability  Insurance.  Employer shall either pay or, upon
proof  of  payment  by the  Employee,  reimburse  the  Employee  for the cost of
Professional  Liability   (malpractice)  Insurance  covering  the  Employee  for
services  provided  hereinunder  for claims as  follows:  the first One  Hundred
Thousand  Dollars  ($100,000)  in coverage  shall be through the South  Carolina
Medical Malpractice Joint Underwriters  Association ("JUA"); the excess coverage
shall be  provided  through  the  South  Carolina  Patients'  Compensation  Fund
("PCF").  Employee  understands that the amount of coverage  provided by JUA and
PCF may not be  adequate  to protect  Employee  against  all claims and that the
responsibility of securing additional insurance coverage, if any, is solely that
of Employee.

     (C) License Fees,  Memberships and Dues. Employer shall either pay or, upon
proof of payment by the Employee, reimburse up to $300, to Employee for the cost
of professional license fees, and the cost of reasonable professional membership
and dues.

                  (D)      Documentation. Employee agrees to submit to Employer
                           the documentation as may be necessary to substantiate
                           the deductibility of the foregoing expenses for
                           income tax purposes.


         (8)      Employee Death. If Employee dies while this Agreement is in
                  full force and effect, Employer shall pay to Employee's named
                  beneficiary, or in default of the named beneficiary to
                  Employee's estate, all salary accrued but unpaid through the
                  pay period which includes the date of Employee's death.

         (9)      Patients and Records. Employer and Employee agree that all
                  patient lists, records, and charts are the property of
                  Employer, and that upon termination of this Agreement,
                  Employee shall not be entitled to receive any patient lists,
                  records, or charts whether or not the Employee shall have seen
                  or attended any patient with which such terms are covered;
                  provided however, that record keeping for patients treated by
                  Employee shall be the sole responsibility of Employee, and
                  Employee shall complete all such charts and records for such
                  patients in accordance with professional standards.

         (10)     Policy Decisions. It is understood that Employer shall have
                  the sole and exclusive right of management over the practice,
                  including without limitation, the determination of the
                  professional standards to be observed, the determination of
                  the fees to be charged, and the determination of the office
                  hours to be maintained.

     (11) Conditions of Termination. Physician understands and agrees that cause
for termination of employment includes, but
                  is not limited to the following:

                  (A) At any time by mutual agreement in writing between
Employer and Employee.

                  (B)      At the loss or the suspension of the right to conduct
                           the practice of medicine by Employee, or the loss, or
                           suspension of any right or privilege necessary or
                           incident thereto, or the loss, suspension, or
                           limitation of Employee's Controlled Substance
                           license, or if Employee performs any negligent or
                           intentional act which directly or indirectly damages
                           the reputation or property of Employer.

                  (C)      At the death of Employee, provided however, that the
                           provisions of this Agreement regarding Employee's
                           death shall be performed by the Employer.

                  (D)      At the option of the Employer, upon thirty (30) days
                           prior written notice for "good cause", which shall
                           mean failure of Employee to provide the agreed duties
                           hereunder or willful violation by Employee of any of
                           the terms of this Agreement.

                  (E)      Upon a party hereto failing to perform any covenant
                           or condition hereunder within thirty (30) days after
                           written notice and demand, the non-defaulting party
                           may terminate this Agreement.

                  (F)      Upon the bankruptcy, insolvency or assignment for the
                           benefit of the creditors of Employer, or any other
                           type of voluntary or


                           involuntary creditors proceeding
                           involving the property of Employer.

                  (G)      Upon Employee's failure to satisfactorily comply with
                           accepted standards of medical practice and
                           professional conduct.

                  (H)      If Employee engages in the abuse of drugs,
                           intoxicants or other mood-altering substances or if
                           Employee treats or attempts to treat a patient while
                           under the influence of drugs, intoxicants or other
                           mood-altering substances.

                  (I)      Upon thirty days notice, at the option of the
                           Employer if Employee does not satisfy the
                           credentialing requirements of the managed care and
                           other plans with which Employer participate.

         (12)     First Year. For a period of twelve (12) months after execution
                  of this Agreement, either party shall have the right to
                  terminate the Agreement for any reason or for no reason upon
                  sixty day written notice of the other party. In the event the
                  Employer exercises its rights under this provision, the
                  restrictive covenants set forth in paragraphs 13B, 13C and 13D
                  shall be null and void.

         (13)     Non-Disclosure of Information. Employee shall not, at any time
                  after the date hereof, directly or indirectly, divulge or
                  disclose for any purpose whatsoever any confidential
                  information that has been developed or obtained by, or
                  disclosed to, Employee by Employer at any time or after the
                  date hereof (exclusive of such information as is in the public
                  domain). Employee acknowledges that such confidential
                  information is of a special and unique nature and value
                  relating to matters of Employer's business, including, without
                  limitation, Employer's patents, copyrights, proprietary
                  information, trade secrets, trademarks, systems, procedures,
                  manuals, confidential reports, records, operational expertise,
                  locations and lists of clients and potential clients, pricing
                  information and lists, marketing materials and methods, the
                  nature and type of services rendered by Employer, the methods
                  used and preferred by Employer's clients, and the fees paid by
                  them (all of which are deemed for all purposes to be
                  confidential, proprietary, and trade secrets of Employer). Any
                  confidential information in Employee's possession shall be
                  returned to Employer upon any termination or expiration of
                  this Agreement.

         (14)     Covenants Against Competition.

                  A.       Exclusivity. For the period of Employee's retention
                           by Employer, Employee will not, directly or
                           indirectly, plan, operate, organize or otherwise be
                           involved in any primary or urgent care facility of a
                           type similar to those operated by Employer other than
                           on behalf of Employer. Employee further agrees that
                           so long as this Agreement is in effect, Employee will
                           not undertake the planning or organizing of any
                           business activity competitive with the work Employee
                           performs for Employer.


     B.  Restrictive  Covenant.  In addition to (but not in  limitation  of) the
restrictions  of  Section  14 (A),  for the period of  Employee's  retention  by
Employer  plus a period of two (2) years after  termination  of this  Agreement,
Employee shall not,  directly or indirectly  engage in, or assist another person
or entity to engage in, any sales of products and services furnished (or similar
business  operated) by Employer in competition  with Employer  within a five (5)
mile radius of the primary Clinic maintained, managed or otherwise controlled by
Employer at which  Employee  performed  services  during the term of  Employee's
retention by Employer (collectively, the "Territory").

     C. Ownership. In addition to (but not in limitation of) the restrictions of
Sections  14 ^A and B, for the  period  of  Employee's  retention  by  Employer,
Employee shall not,  directly or indirectly,  own an equity interest (other than
as the  holder  for  investment  purposes  only  of up to 2% of the  outstanding
capital stock of any  corporation  which is publicly  traded on a national stock
exchange  or the NASDAQ  National  Market  System,  so long as Employee is not a
controlling  person of, or a member of a group that controls,  such  corporation
and Employee is not otherwise  affiliated in any capacity with such corporation)
in any entity or enterprise  conducting  operations  in the  Territory  which is
competitive with Employer's business activities.

     D. Employees. In addition to (but not in limitation of) the restrictions of
(Sections A, B and C), for the period of Employee's retention by Employer,  plus
a period of two years after  termination of this Agreement,  Employee shall not,
directly or  indirectly,  solicit or in any manner  attempt to solicit or induce
any person  employed  by, or an agent of,  Employer to terminate  such  person's
association  or  contract  of  employment  or agency,  as the case may be,  with

         (15)     Remedy for Violation. Employer and Employee agree that
                  remedies at law are inadequate and that Employer may seek
                  injunctive relief in the event of violation of this covenant.
                  In addition, it is agreed that the actual damages occasioned
                  by any breach of the covenants by Employee not to solicit
                  and/or perform services except as provided above will not be
                  susceptible to exact determination and Employer shall be
                  entitled to liquidated damages in an amount equal to three (3)
                  times the gross fees billed by Employer to any such patients
                  solicited or treated in violation of this covenant during the
                  two (2) year (twenty four (24) month) period immediately
                  preceding the violation of this covenant.

     (16) Binding  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall be binding on the parties,
their distributees, legal representatives, successors and assigns.


         (17)     Notices. All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing
                  and shall be served by personal service or registered mail,
                  return receipt requested. Notice by mail shall be addressed to
                  each party at such party's last known address.

         (18)     Cost of Enforcement. Employer and Employee each hereby agree
                  that should they default in any of the obligations contained
                  herein, the defaulting party shall pay all costs and expenses,
                  including a reasonable attorney's fee which may arise or
                  accrue from enforcing this Agreement or in pursuing any remedy
                  provided by the statues of the State of South Carolina,
                  whether such remedy is pursued by filing a suit or otherwise.

     (19)  Captions.  Captions  and  paragraph  headings  used  herein  are  for
convenience  only and are not a part of this  Agreement and shall not be used in
construing it.

     (20)  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by the Laws of the
State of South Carolina.

         (21)     Waiver. Waiver by either party of a breach or violation of any
                  provision of this Agreement shall not operate as or be
                  constrained as a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof.

         (22)     Severability. If any provision of this Agreement, or portion
                  thereof, shall be declared invalid or unforceable, the
                  remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first
set forth above.

                       DOCTOR'S CARE, P. A.

                       EMPLOYER:   By:   /s/ M.F. McFarland, III, M.D.
                                                  M. F. McFarland, III,

                                         Its:     President

                       EMPLOYEE:         /s/ Michael Stout, M.D.
                                                           Michael Stout, MD


                                    SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION

Date Change Effective         New Annual Salary    Employer  Employee
