DATED AS OF MARCH 5, 1992 BETWEEN
                       A NEW YORK CORPORATION ("LANDLORD")

         THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE AND ENTERED INTO this 27th day of June. 1994, by
and between Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance  Company  ("Landlord") and Medtox
Laboratories,  Inc.,  a  Minnesota  Corporation  ("Tenant")  for the  purpose of
amending that certain  Lease  Agreement  ("the Lease")  entered into between the
Landlord and Tenant on March 5, 1992,  covering the premises  presently occupied
by Tenant at 402 West County Road D, New Brighton, Minnesota.

         WHEREAS,  Landlord  and Tenant  amended said Lease  (Amendment  No. 1 -
March 12,  1993),  expanding  the  premises  by 9,989  square feet to a total of
37,630 square feet.

         WHEREAS,  Landlord  and Tenant  hereby  agree  that the lease  shall be
further amended as follows:

1. Article 1: Description of Premises. The Leased Premises shall remain at Suite
402,  County Road D and 35W, New  Brighton,  Minnesota,  but the square  footage
shall be  increased  by 3,387 square feet by adding Suite 382 (shown on attached
Exhibit) for a total amended  square footage of 41,017 square feet. The Premises
now includes Suites 108, 410, 412, 414 and 382 as shown on the attached Exhibit.

2. Article 2: Term and Base Rent.  Effective  October 1, 1994,  Tenant agrees to
pay a Base Rent during the  remainder of the term of the Lease on the  following
rent schedule:
                             Months       Monthly Base Rent

                       10/1/94 - 3/31/97     $27,501.43

3.  Additional  Rent.  Effective  October 1, 1994, the Additional  Rent shall be
calculated on 41,017 square feet.

     4. Tenant Improvement Allowance. None; Tenant accepts Premises in "As Is"

7. Except as expressly  provided  herein above,  the Lease remains in full force
and effect and has not been otherwise amended.

TENANT:                                   LANDLORD:
Medtox Laboratories, Inc.                 Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co.

By: /s/ James S. Arrington                 By: /s/ Donald P. Maurus
Its: Chairman & CEO                       Its: Managing Director

                                 INTERSTATE 35W

(New Brighton Business Plaza Floor Plan appears here)

                            AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO LEASE
                        DATED AS OF MARCH 5, 1992 BETWEEN
                       A NEW YORK CORPORATION ("LANDLORD")

         THIS  AGREEMENT  IS MADE AND ENTERED INTO this 12th day of March , 1993
 by and between Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Company  ("Landlord") and the
Medtox Laboratories  Inc., a Minnesota Corporation ("Tenant) for the purpose  of
amending  that  certain Lease  Agreement  ("the Lease") entered into between the
Landlord and Tenant on March 5, 1992 covering the premises presently occupied by
Tenant at 402 West County Road D, New Brighton, Minnesota.

The Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that the lease shall be amended as follows:

1. Article 1: Description of Premises. The Leased Premises shall remain at Suite
402,  County Road D and 35W, New  Brighton,  Minnesota,  but the square  footage
shall be increased  by 9,989  square feet  (Suites 108,  410, 412 and 414) for a
total  amended  square  footage of 37,630  square feet.  The Leased  Premises as
changed and  amended  are  depicted on the  building  plans  attached  hereto as
Exhibit A-2 and said A-2 shall  replace  Exhibit Al  originally  attached to the

2. Article 2: Term and Base Rent.  The Tenant agrees to pay Base Rent during the
remainder  of  the  term  of  the  Lease  on  the   following   rent   schedule:

Months                               Monthly
4/1/93 to 7/31/93                    $18,749.81
8/1/93 to 2/28/94                    $25,525.68
3/1/94 to 3/31/94                         $0.00
4/1/94 to 3/31/97                    $25,525.68

3. Additional Rent. Effective April 1, 1993, the Additional Rent shall be 
calculated on 37,630 square feet.

4. Tenant Improvement Allowance. Tenant shall be given a Tenant Improvement 
Allowance not to exceed the sum of $86,673.00 (9,989 sf. x $8.68 p.s.f) which 
shall be paid to Tenant upon completion of the following conditions.

b. Medtox will provide Landlord a list of all contractors,  subcontractors.  and
vendors  performing  work on the project.  Such list shall include  contractor's
name. address, phone number,  description of work performed. and name of contact

c. Medtox will provide a copy of approved building permit.

d. Medtox will provide a certificate of occupancy from the City upon  completion
of work.

e.  Medtox  will  provide   final  lien  waivers   from  all   contractors   and
subcontractors  indicating final contract amount and full release of lien rights
contingent upon final payment

5. Tenant/Contractor  Construction  Amendment. In conjunction with approval from
Landlord for the Tenant to directly perform construction  activities,  and prior
to the commencement of any construction,  Tenant agrees to provide the following

a.  Contractor's  Certificate  of  Insurance  shall be forwarded to Landlord for
approval.  Insurance  limits and  certificate  shall be on forms  acceptable  to

b. A project construction schedule shall be provided to Landlord.

Tenant also agrees to perform work to the standards set forth below:

a. All roof penetrations  shall be installed per details provided or approved by

b. All roof penetrations  shall be inspected by representative of Landlord,  and
any cost associated with said inspection shall be paid for by the Landlord.

c.  All  remaining  paint,  wallcovering,  carpet,  etc.  shall  be  removed  at
completion of construction  unless Tenant  specifically  requests material to be
saved and stored within Tenant's Leased Premises.

Upon completion of she project, the following  information shall be submitted to

a. Copies of all project change orders approved by Tenant.

b.  Copies  of  project   punchlist   indicating  all  items  are  complete  and
satisfactory to Tenant

c. As-built drawings documenting any changes made during the project.

d. Operation and maintenance  manuals  including  warranties for all appropriate

e. Air balancing report from mechanical contractor certifying all diffusers have
been properly adjusted and all equipment has been inspected.

 6. Security Deposit. Tenant agrees to provide Landlord with a current financial
statement  on or before  four (4) months  after hue end of their  fiscal year as
defined as December 31. If after  reviewing said financial  statement.  Tenant's
net worth is less than  $1,500,000,  Tenant  agrees upon  Landlord's  request to
provide Landlord with one month's base rent totaling  $25,525.68 to be held as a
security deposit.

7. Except as expressly  provided  herein above.  the Lease remains in full force
and effect and has not been otherwise amended.

This Lease Amendment is contingent upon a mutually  executed  Amendment  between
Phoenix  Home  Life  Mutual  Insurance  Company  (Landlord)  and The  Pacesetter
Corporation  (Tenant)  providing for  Pacesetter to vacate Suite 108 in Building

LANDLORD:                                 TENANT:

Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co.    Medtox Laboratories Inc.

By:  /s/ Donald P. Maurus                 By: Kingsley R. Labrosse
Its: Managing Director                    Its: President
     North Central Region

                            EXHIBIT A-2

(Amended New Brighton Business Plaza Floor Plan appears here)

                            STANDARD LEASE AGREEMENT
                            FOR OFFICE/SERVICE SPACE

This lease, made this ________ day of ____________, 19___ by and between Phoenix
Mutual Life insurance Company, a Connecticut  corporation,  (hereinafter  called
the "Landlord"), and MEDTOX Laboratories, Inc. (hereinafter called "Tenant").



         Landlord, in consideration of the rents and covenants herein contained,
hereby leases the following to wit:  27,641 square feet of space in Suite 402 of
an office and Warehouse  building  ("The  Building")  located at County Road D &
35W, New  Brighton,  MN  Minnesota  as outlined in red on Exhibit  "A-1" to this
Lease  Agreement  said  space  hereinafter  called  the  "Premises",  having the
approximate  areas:  _______  square feet of office  space _____  square feet of
warehouse,  storage or service  space.  Appurtenant  to the Premises  shall be a
non-exclusive  license for access to and use of the common areas of New Brighton
Business  Center  including  without  limitation  the parking lots and driveways
thereon (together hereinafter "the Parking Area").


         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Premises  together with all appurtenant  rights
and  privileges,  unto Tenant for a term of 60 months,  commencing on the day of
April  1,  1992,  and  terminating  ________  on  the  31  day  of  March,  1997
(hereinafter called the "Term"),  Tenant to pay during the Term a monthly minium
rent ("Minimum Rent") of _________________________  Dollars ($18,749.81) payable
in advance on the first day of each  calendar  month or any extension or renewal
thereof; provided, that said commencement and termination dates are specifically
subject to the  provisions of Article 4 hereof.  In the event of any  fractional
calendar  month.  Tenant shall pay for each day in such  partial  month a rental
equal to 1/30 of said  base  rent.  The  monthly  base  rent  together  with any
additional  rent payable  hereunder,  shall be paid in advance without demand on
the first of each month during the Lease Term to Landlord's  Agent at its office
at United Properties  Brokerager and Management Company, NW 9044, P.O. Box 1450,
Minneapolis,  MN 55485,  or at such other  address as tenant shall be advised to
use by Landlord.


         The  Premises  shall be used by Tenant for  office/tech/laboratory/whse
and for no other purpose,  subject to all regulations  imposed by local state or
other  governmental  agencies and subject to rules and regulations  which may be
promulgated by Landlord.


         If  construction  of the  Premises  is not  complete  at  the  time  of
execution  of this Lease,  Landlord  agrees to  complete  such  construction  in
accordance  with  Exhibit  A-2,  which shall be attached  hereto and made a part
hereof. If Landlord for any reason cannot deliver  possession of the Premises to
Tenant at the  commencement of the term hereof.  Landlord shall not be liable to
Tenant for any loss or damage resulting  therefrom nor shall such failure affect
the  validity of this lease or the  obligations  of Tenant  hereunder  and shall
automatically  extend  the  term of  this  Lease  by the  number  of  days  that
possession is so delayed  (unless Tenant chooses to accept  possession  prior to
completion,  in which  case the term shall  commence  from the date of
possession  and full rental shall be payable from the date of  possession).  The
premises  shall be considered to be ready to be delivered to the Tenant when the
Premises are substantially  completed and generally  suitable for occupancy.  In
the event that the Tenant has  undertaken  to complete  some of the finishing in
the Premises,  unavailability of materials order independently by the Tenant for
installation  in the Premises or any other  inability  on the  Tenant's  part to
complete  that work  shall not be  considered  a reason  for the Tenant to delay
possession  and hence delay and/or avoid  payment of rent.  If Landlord  permits
Tenant to occupy the Premises prior to the commencement date of the term hereof,
such  occupancy  shall be subject to all of the  previsions  of this Lease,  but
early possession shall not advance the expiration date set forth herein.


         A. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as Additional  Rent throughout the term
its pro rata share of real estate taxes and operating expenses.

         (1.) Real Estate: Taxes Tenant shall pay its pro rata share of the Real
Estate  Taxes.  The term "Real Estate  Taxes"  herein shall mean all real estate
taxes,  all  assessments,  and any taxes in lien  thereof or any tax that may be
levied  assessed  or imposed  which may become due or payable  against or by the
Building  or the  parcel of land  upon  which it is  constructed.  All costs and
expenses incurred by Landlord during  negotiations for or contests of the amount
of Real  Estate  Taxes  shall be include  within the term "Real  Estate  Taxes".
Tenant  shall  pay to  Landlord,  in each  year  during  the Term of this  Lease
Agreement and any extension or renewal thereof,  Tenant's proportionate share of
all Real Estate  Taxes paid by Landlord  in that year.  Any tax year  commencing
during any lease year shall be deemed to  correspond  to such lease year. In the
event the taxing  authorities  include in the Real Estate Taxes the value of any
of machinery, equipment, fixtures, inventory or other personal property or asset
of Tenant,  then Tenant  shall pay all the taxes  attributable  to such items in
addition to its addition to its proportionate  share of said aforementioned Real
Estate Taxes.

         (2.) Common Area Operating Expense: Tenant shall pay its pro rate share
of the annual aggregate  Common Area Operating  Expenses  ("Operating  Expense")
incurred by Landlord in the operation,  maintenance  and repair of the Building,
the  Parking  Area and the  parcel of land on which  they are  locate.  The term
"Operating  Expense"  herein  shall  include but not be limited to  maintenance,
operator,  repair,  replacement  and care of all heating,  lighting and plumbing
fixture  in or  severing  common  areas and of all  equipment,  systems,  roofs,
exterior glass, landscaped areas, signs, Building exteriors (non-structural) and
parking  lots,  all  payments  by  Landlord  for snow  removal,  refuse  removal
insurance  premiums,  management  fees,  wages and fringe  benefits of personnel
employed for the aforesaid work and proportionate  costs of equipment  purchases
and used for such purposes;  and the cost (amortized over such reasonable period
as Landlord shall determine) of any capital improvements made to the building by
Landlord after commencement of the Term which result in a reduction of Operating
Expenses or which are required under any governmental law or regulation that was
not applicable to the Building at the time it was constructed.  Tenant shall pay
for all water, gas heat, light, power, and other utilities and services supplied
to the Premises,  together with any taxes thereon.  If any such services are not
separately  metered to Tenant then Tenant  shall pay a pro ratable  share of all
charges  jointly  metered with other portions of the Building such ratable share
to be calculated as the ratio of the tenant's  gross  rentable area to the total
gross renewable area of the Building.

         B. In the event the Term shall  begin or expire at any time  during the
calendar year.  Tenant shall be responsible for his pro rata share of Additional
Rent under subdivisions 1 and 2 of paragraph A for such partial year.

         C.  Prior to  commencement  of this  Lease  Agreement  and prior to the
commencement of each calendar year thereafter  commencing during the Term or any
renewal or extension thereof.  Landlord may estimate for the following  calendar
year, or portion,  thereof  remaining.  Tenant's  share of Real Estate Taxes and
Operating  Expenses and the ___ Rent payable by Tenant during such calendar year
to cover those charges or a current  basis.  Such estimates will be in wrong and
will be delivered or mailed to Tenant at the Premises.  The  Additional  Rent so
estimated shall be payable by Tenant an equal monthly installments,  an advance,
on the first day of each month during such calendar year. In the event that each
estimate is delivered  to Tenant after the fist day of January of such  calendar
year, the estimated Additional Rent for that year shall be payable as Additional
Rent in equal monthly  installments,  in advance, on the first day of each month
over the balance of such calendar year,  with the number of  installments  being
equal to the number of full  calendar  months  remaining in such  calendar  year
after delivery of the estimate.

         D. For  purposes of this  Article  Tenant's  "pro rata share"  shall be
determined as the ratio of the local rentable square feet in the Premises to the
total rentable square feet in the Building.

         E. Upon completion of each calendar year during the Term or any renewal
or extension  thereof.  Landlord shall  determined the actual amount of the Real
Estate Taxes and Operating  Expenses payable by Tenant in such calendar year and
deliver a written  certification of the amounts thereof to Tenant. If Tenant has
underpaid its proportionate share of Real Estate Taxes or Operating Expenses for
such calendar  year,  Tenant shall pay the balance  thereof within ten (10) days
after the receipt of such statement.  If Tenant has overpaid the same,  Landlord
shall  either (i) refused such  excess,  or (ii) credit such excess  against the
next  monthly  installment  of  Additional  Rent  payable by Tenant.  A pro rata
adjustment  shall be made for a fractional  calendar year  occurring  during the
Term of this Lease Agreement or any renewal or extension  thereof based upon the
number of days of the Term of the Lease  Agreement  during said calendar year as
compared to three hundred  sixty-five (365) days and all additional sums payable
by Tenant or credit due Tenant as a result of the  provisions  of this Article 5
shall be adjusted accordingly.

         F. Landlord reserves,  and Tenant hereby assigns to Landlord,  the sole
and exclusive right to contest, protest, petition for review, or otherwise seek
a reduction in the Real Estate Taxes.


         A. In addition to section 2 above,  Tenant shall be responsible for the
maintenance of the Premises, including but not limited to maintenance, repair or
replacement of entrance doors, overhead garage doors, truck dock doors, heating,
plumbing,  electrical,  mechanical and air conditioning fixtures, and equipment
used by Tenant.

         B. Maintenance of heating, mechanical and air conditioning fixtures and
equipment   shall   specifically   include  the  reasonable  cost  of  quarterly
inspections  and  repairs  preformed  by  Landlord's  own  engineers  and  by an
independent mechanical contractor who shall be contracted for by Landlord said 
cost to be included in Operating Expenses under Article 5 of this Lease 

         C. Tenant shall pay for and provide for trash removal  unless  Landlord
chooses to use a single trash removal  company for the property and allocate the
prorata share of the cost to the Tenant.  Tenant shall use the dumpster provided
by Landlord or trash removal company and shall not leave or store any materials 
or trash on the grounds, in the Parking Areas or in any common areas. If 
Landlord makes a trash room or area available to the Tenant in the building. 
Tenant shall dispose of its trash in said room or area if so requested by 

         D. Tenant shall be  responsible  for prompt and adequate removal of 
snow, ice and other hazardous conditions accumulating or occurring on all 
sidewalk and walkways between the Premises and the Parking Areas and/or 

         E. Tenant  further agrees (a) to keep the Premises in as good condition
and  repair  as it was in at the  time  that  Tenant  took  possession  of  same
reasonable  wear and tear and  damage  from  fire and other  casualty  for which
insurance is normally procured excepted; (b) to keep the Premises in a clean and
sanitary  condition;  (c) not to commit any  nuisance or waste on the  Premises,
throw foreign substances in plumbing  facilities,  or waste any of the utilities
furnished by Landlord; (d) not to obstruct entries, halls, stairways, 
lavatories, or other common areas not use the same for  anything  other than 
their intended purposes; (e) and (f) that the use of the Premises, Parking 
Areas and the common areas  shall be  subject  to such  reasonable  Rules and  
Regulations  as may be procumlgated  by  Landlord  for  the  comfort  and  
convenience  of the  owners, occupants, and visitors of the Building.

         F. If Tenant  shall fail to keep and preserve the Premises in the state
of condition  required by the provisions of this Lease Agreement,  Landlord may,
at its  option,  put or cause the same to be put in the  condition  and state of
repair agreed upon, and in such case, Tenant shall pay the cost thereof.

         G.  Tenant  shall pay when due all  charges  for sewer usage or rental,
garbage  disposal,  refuse removal, water,  electricity, gas, fuel oil, L.P. Gas
telephone  and/or  other  utility  services or energy  source  furnished  to the
Premises during the Term or any renewal or extension thereof.

      * Landlord shall remove snow one inch or greater from sidewalk.


         Landlord  shall at its own expense keep in good order,  safe  condition
and repair the structural  parts of the Building  including the outer walls roof
foundation,   and  interior  support  columns,   except  that  Tenant  shall  be
responsible  for the  cost of the  repairs  that  are  caused  by the  fault or
negligence of Tenant its employees,  or invites.  Landlord  warrants that it has
full right to  execute  and to perform  this  Lease  Agreement  and to grant the
estate ___ and that Tenant,  upon payment of the rents and other amounts due and
the  performance  of all the terms,  conditions,  covenants  and  agreements  on
Tenant's  part to be observed  and  performed  under this Lease  Agreement,  may
peaceably  and quietly  enjoy the  Premises  for the uses  permitted  hereunder,
subject, nevertheless, to the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement.


         A. Each party  hereto  agrees  that at any time,  and from time to time
during the Term (but not more often than twice in each  calendar  year),  within
ten (10)  days  after  request  by the  other  party  hereto,  it will  execute,
acknowledge  and  deliver to such other  party or to any  prospective  purchase,
assignee or mortgage designated by such other party, an estoppel certificate in
a form acceptable to Landlord.


         Tenant  agrees not to commit or permit any act to be  performed  on the
Premises or any  omission to occur which will be in  violation  of any  statute,
regulation,  or ordinance of any  governmental  body or which will  increase the
insurance  rates on the Building or which will be in violation of any  insurance
policy  carried on the  Premises by  Landlord.  Tenant  shall not disturb  other
occupants of the Building by making any undue or unseemly noise and shall not do
or permit to be done in or about the Premises  anything  which will be dangerous
to life or limb. Tenant warrants and represents it shall not nor shall it permit
the storage,  production,  use or disposal of hazardous wastes or substances (as
defined  under  Federal  or State law) in or around the  Premises  Building  or
Parking Areas.  Tenant's  indemnification in the next Article shall be deemed to
include any breach of this representation and warranty. There shall be no sale 
of food or beverages by mobile facility or otherwise on the Premises without the
written consent of Landlord.  Tenant further agrees not to use or permit the use
by its employees or visitors of the Parking  Areas for the overnight  storage of


         A.  Tenant shall  maintain in full  force and effect  during the Term a
policy of public  liability  insurance under which Landlord is named  additional
insured. The maximum  limits of liability of such insurance shall be $1,000,000.
This  limit shall apply  per  ___. Said insurance also provides  for contractual
liability  coverage  by  endorsement.  Tenant  further  covenants  and agrees to
indemnify and hold Landlord and Landlord's manager of the Building harmless from
any claim, loss or damage,  including  reasonable  attorney's fees, suffered by
Landlord. Landlord's  manager or  Landlord's  other tenants caused by any act or
omission of Tenant.  Tenant's  employees or anyone claiming through or by Tenant
in, at or around the Premises or the  Building.  If Tenant shall not comply with
its  covenants  made in this  Article 10,  Landlord  may,  at its option,  cause
insurance as aforesaid to be issued,  and in such event Tenant agrees to pay the
premium for such insurance promptly upon Landlord's demand.

         B. Landlord shall carry and cause to be in full force and effect a fire
and extended  coverage  insurance policy on the Building but not contents owned,
leased to or otherwise in possession of Tenant. The cost of such insurance shall
be as an Operating Expense as defined in Article 5 of this Lease Agreement.

         C.  Landlord  and Tenant  each  waives  any  and all rights of recovery
against   the  other  or  against   the   officers,   employees,   agents,   and
representatives  of the other,  for loss of or damage to such waivering party or
property or the property of others under its control,  where such loss or damage
is insured against under any insurance  policy in force at the time of such loss
or damage.


         In the absence of fraud, no person, firm, or corperation, or the heirs,
legal representatives,  successors and assigns, respectively, thereof, executing
this lease on Landlord's behalf as agent, trustee or in any other representative
capacity  shall ever be deemed or held  individually  liable  hereunder  for any
reason or cause whatsoever. Landlord's liability under this lease shall not 
extend to any of Landlord's  assets or property  other than the Building,  
but shall be limited to Landlord's interest in the Building and the underlying 
real estate.


         In the event of  damage to the  Building  or the  Premises by fire, the
elements,  or other  casualty,  Landlord at its option may terminate this  Lease
Agreement or repair the damage. If the damage renders the Premises  untenantable
in whole or in such part that it is  impracticable  to conduct  business therein
the rent shall  wholly abate until the damage has been  repaired.  If the damage
renders the Premises untenantable in part but Tenant continues to occupy them in
part the rent shall be reduced in the proportion that the unoccupied  portion of
the Premises bears to the entire Premises until the damage has been repaired.


         Should all the  Premises  be taken in  condemnation  proceedings  or by
exercise  of any right of eminent   domain,   then  this  Lease  Agreement shall
automatically terminate as of the case the condemning authority or the authority
exercising  its right of eminent  domain takes  possession of the  Premises.  If
there is a partial  taking but Tenant  continues  to occupy the Premises in part
the rent shall be  reduced in the  proportion  that the  unoccupied  part of the
Premises bears to the entire Premises.  If as a result of a partial taking,  the
Premises are no longer usable for the purpose(s)  specified in Article 3 of this
Lease  Agreement.  Tenant may terminate this Lease  Agreement as of the date the
condemning authority or the authority exercises its right  of eminent domain and
takes  possession of the Premises by giving  written notice thereof to Landlord.
If there is a partial taking of the Building or other Parking Area. Landlord may
terminate  this  Lease  Agreement  as of the  date  specified  in the  foregoing
sentence by giving written notice thereof to Tenant. All damages awarded for any
such taking shall belong to and be the property of Landlord irrespective of this
basis upon which they are awarded  provided,  however,  that  nothing  contained
herein  shall  prevent  Tenant  from making a separate  claim to the  condemning
authority for its moving expenses, trade fixtures and Tenant's loss of business.
For purposes of this Article a taking by eminent domain shall include Landlord's
giving of a deed under threat of condemnation.


         A. Tenant  agrees not to assign, sublet, license   mortgage or encumber
this Lease Agreement the Premises or any part thereof,  whether by voluntary act
operation of law, or otherwise,  without the specific  prior written  consent of
Landlord in each instance.  If Tenant is a corporation or partnership,  transfer
of a  controlling  interest of Tenant shall be  considered an assignment of this
Lease  Agreement for purposes of this  Article.  Consent by Landlord in one such
instance  shall not be a waiver of Landlord in one such instance  shall not be a
waiver of  Landlord's  rights under this Article as to requiring consent for any
subsequent instance.  In the event Tenant desires to sublet a part or all of the
Premises,  or assign this Lease  Agreement.  Tenant shall give written notice to
Landlord  at  lease  thirty  (30)  days  prior  to the  proposed  subletting  or
assignment,  which  notice  shall state the name of the  proposed  subtenant  or
assignee,  the terms of any  sublease  or  assignment  documents  and  copies of
financial  reports  or other  relevant  financial  information  of the  proposed
subtenant  or  assignee.  At  Landlord's  option,  any and all  payments  by the
proposed  assignee or sublessee with respect to the assignment or sublease shall
be paid directly to Landlord.  In any event,  no subletting or assignment  shall
release  Tenant  of its  obligation  to pay the rent and to  perform  all  other
obligations  to be  performed  by Tenant  hereunder  for the Term of this  Lease
Agreement. The acceptance of rent by Landlord from any other person shall not be
deemed to be a waiver by Landlord of any provision hereof. At Landlord's option,
Landlord may terminate the Lease Agreement in lien of giving it's consent to any
proposed assignment of this Lease Agreement or subletting of the Premises (which
termination  may contingent  upon the execution of a new lease with the proposed
assignee or subtenant).

         B. Landlord's  right to assign this Lease Agreement is and shall remain
unqualified  upon  any sale or  transfer  of the  Building  and,  providing  the
purchaser  succeeds  to the  interest of  Landlord  under this Lease  Agreement.
Landlord shall  thereupon be entirely  freed of all  obligations of the Landlord
hereunder  and shall not be subject to any liability  resulting  from any act or
omission or event occurring after such conveyance.


         In the event any mechanic's lien shall at any time be filed against the
Premises  or any part of the  Building  by reason  of work  labor,  services  or
materials  performed or  furnished  to Tenant or to anyone  holding the Premises
through or under Tenant.  Tenant shall forthwith cause the same to be discharged
of record.  If Tenant shall fail to cause such lien  forthwith to be  discharged
within five (5) days after being  notified of the filing thereof ___ in addition
to any other  right or  remedy  for  Landlord.  Landlord  may,  but shall not be
obligated  to  discharge  the same by paying the amount  claimed to be due or by
bonding and the amount so paid by Landlord and all costs and expenses, including
reasonable  attorney's  fees  incurred by Landlord in procuring the discharge of
such lien, shall be due and payable in full by Tenant to Landlord on demand.


         On the last day of the Term or upon  the  sooner  termination  thereof,
Tenant  shall  peaceably  surrender  the Premises in good  condition  and repair
consistent  with  Tenant's duty to make repairs as provided in Article 6 hereof.
On or before the last day of the Term or the sooner termination thereof,  Tenant
shall at its expense  remove all of its  equipment and other  personal  property
from the Premises,  repairing any damage  caused  thereby,  and any property not
removed shall be deemed abandoned. At the election of Landlord, all alterations,
additions and fixtures,  other than Tenant's equipment,  which have been made or
installed  by either Landlord  or  Tenant  upon the  Premises  shall  remain  as
Landlord's  property and shall be surrendered with the Premises as part thereof,
or  Landlord  may  require  removal  or the same at the end of the  Term.  It is
specifically  agreed that any and all  telephonic,  coaxial,  or other computer,
wordprocessing,  facsimile,  or electronic wiring installed by the Tenant within
the  Premises  (hereafter  "Wiring")  shall  be  removed  at  Tenant's  cost  at
expiration of the Term,  unless Landlord has  specifically  requested in writing
that said Wiring shall remain,  whereupon said Wiring shall be surrendered  with
the Premises as Landlord's property.  If the Premises are not surrendered at the
end of the Term or sooner termination  thereof.  Tenant shall indemnify Landlord
against loss or liability  resulting from delay by Tenant in so surrendering the
Premises,  including without  limitation claims made by a succeeding tenant as a
result of such delay.  Tenant shall promptly surrender all keys for the Premises
to Landlord at the place then fixed for payment of rent.


         In the event Tenant  remains in  possession  of the Premises  after the
expiration of this Lease Agreement, whether by lapse of time or termination, and
without  the  execution  of a new  Lease  Agreement,  it shall be  deemed  to be
occupying said Premises as a tenant at sufferance. Tenant  shall pay during that
time a  monthly  rental  at the  rate of  150%  of the  Minimum  Rent  plus  all
Additional Rent payable hereunder, subject to all the conditions, provisions and
obligations  of this Lease  Agreement  insofar as the same can be  applicable to
said tenancy.


         If any one or more of the following  occurs:  (1) a rent payment or any
other payment due from Tenant to Landlord shall be and remain unpaid in whole or
in part for more than  fifteen  (15) days  after  same is due and  payable;  (2)
Tenant  shall  violate  or default  on any of the other  covenants,  agreements,
stipulations or conditions herein or in any other agreement between Landlord and
Tenant  relating to the Premises and such  violation or defaults  shall continue
for a period of thirty  (30) days after  written  notice  from  Landlord of such
violation or default;  (3) if Tenant or any  guarantor  of this Lease  Agreement
shall  commence or have commenced  against  Tenant or any guarantor  proceedings
under a bankruptcy, receivership,  insolvency or similar types of action; or (4)
Landlord may, without process, re-enter immediately into the Leased Premises and
remove all persons and property  therefrom and at its option,  cancel this Lease
as to all  future  rights  of  Tenant,   and  regain,  repossess,  and enjoy the
Premises, and Tenant hereby  expressly waives the right of any notice in writing
of intention to re-entry and also the right of  restoration to possession of the
Leased Premises after re-entry or after judgment for possession thereof,  Tenant
shall be responsible for, in addition to the rentals and other sums agreed to be
paid  hereunder,  the cost of any necessary  maintenance,  repair,  restoration,
relenting   (including  related  cost  of  removal  or  modification  of  tenant
improvements) or cure as well as reasonable  attorney's fees incurred or awarded
in any suit or action  instituted by Landlord to enforce the  provisions of this
Lease  Agreement,  regain  possession  of the Premises or the  collection of the
rentals due Landlord hereunder. Tenant shall also be liable to  Landlord for the
payment of a late charge in the amount of 10% of rental installment or other sum
due Landlord  hereunder if said  payment has not been  received  within ten (10)
days  from  the date  said  payment  becomes  due and  payable,  or  cleared  by
Landlord's  bank within six (6)  business  days after  deposit.  Each night  or
remedy of Landlord  provided for in this Lease Agreement shall be cumulative and
shall be in addition to every other right or remedy  provided  for in this Lease
Agreement  now or  hereafter  existing  at law or in  equity  or by  statute  or


         Landlord  shall be deemed to be in default  under this Lease  Agreement
until the  Tenant  has  given Landlord written notice  specifying the nature  of
the default and  Landlord  does not cure such  default  within  thirty (30) days
after receipt of such notice or within such reasonable time thereafter as may be
necessary to cure such  default  where such default is of such a character as to
reasonably require more than thirty (30) days to cure.


* See Addendum


         The only Tenant signage permitted on or in any part of the Premises and
visible from the exterior of the Premises shall be Landlord's  standard building
signage* approved and installed by Landlord at Tenant's  expense.  Tenant agrees
to maintain its signage in good repair,  and to hold Landlord  harmless from any
loss, cost, or damages resulting from the erection,  existence,  maintenance, or
removal of the signage.  Landlord may with reasonable  notice enter the Premises
at any time and, at the expense of Tenant,  remove  unauthorized  signs  without
liability  for  damages.  Landlord  may  maintain any signage at the Premises or
Building  and the cost of such  maintenance  shall be the  obligation  of Tenant
payable on demand. * See Addendum


         Tenant agrees to provide  Landlord with a list of people which Landlord
may contact in order to gain access to Tenant's space in case of an emergency.


         It is mutually  agreed that this Lease  Agreement shall be subordinated
to any and all mortgages, including any renewals, modifications, consolidations,
replacements and extensions  thereof now or hereafter imposed on the building by
Landlord.  Tenants  right to quick possession  of the  Premises  shall not be
disturbed  if Tenant is not in default and so long as Tenant  shall pay the rent
and observe and perform all of the  provisions of this Lease  Agreement,  unless
this Lease Agreement is otherwise terminated pursuant to its terms. In the event
Landlord's  mortgagee wishes to waive the  subordinator  right set forth in this
Article, then upon written notice to Tenant, this lease shall be deemed prior in
encumbrance to said mortgage. In confirmation of such subordination or priority,
Tenant,  upon request,  shall promptly  execute and deliver any  instrument,  as
required by Landlord's mortgagee.


         This Lease Agreement does not create the  relationship of principal and
agent  or of  partnership  or of joint  venture  or of any  association  between
Landlord and Tenant,  the sole  relationship  between  Landlord and Tenant being
that of  landlord  and  tenant.  The  submission  of this  Lease  Agreement  for
examination  does not constitute a reservation  of, or option for, the Premises,
and this Lease Agreement shall become effective only upon execution and delivery
thereof by  Landlord  and Tenant.  No waiver of any default of Tenant  hereunder
shall be implied  from any omission by Landlord to take any action on account of
such default if such  default  persists or is  repeated,  and no express  waiver
shall affect any default other than the default  specified in the express waiver
and that only for the time and to the extent  therein  stated.  The covenants of
Tenant to pay the Minimum Rent and the Additional  Rent are each  independent of
any other covenant,  condition,  provision or agreement  contained in this Lease
Agreement.  The  marginal  or topical  headings of the  several  paragraphs  and
clauses  are for  convenience  only and do not  define,  limit or  construe  the
contents of such paragraphs or clauses. All preliminary  negotiations are merged
into and incorporated in this Lease Agreement.  This Lease Agreement can only be
modified or amended by an agreement in writing signed by the parties hereto. All
provisions  hereof  shall be binding upon the heirs,  successors  and assigns of
each party hereto.  Any notice required to be served in writing  hereunder shall
be delivered  personally or sent by registered  mail to Tenant at the address of
the Premises and to Landlord at the address then fixed for payment of rent.  The
place at which  Tenant  is to pay all rent  shall be  designated  in a  separate
writing from Landlord. This Lease Agreement shall be construed under the laws of
the State of Minnesota.  If Tenant is a corporation,  each individual  executing
this Lease Agreement on behalf of said corporation  represents and warrants that
he is duly  authorized to execute and deliver this Lease  Agreement on behalf of
said  corporation in accordance  with the Bylaws of said  corporation,  and that
this Lease  Agreement is binding upon said  corporation  in accordance  with its
terms. No receipt or acceptance by Landlord from Tenant of less than the monthly
rent  herein  stipulated  shall be deemed to be other than a partial  payment on
account for any due and unpaid  stipulated  rent no  endorsement or statement of
any check or any letter or other writing  accompany any check or payment of rent
to Landlord  shall be deemed an accord and  satisfaction,  and the  Landlord may
accept and  negotiate  such check or payment  without  prejudice  to  Landlord's
rights to: (i) recover the remaining  balance of such unpaid rent or (ii) pursue
any other remedy  provided in this Lease  Agreement.  Neither party shall record
this Lease Agreement or any memorandum thereof and any such recordation shall be
a breach  of this  Lease  Agreement,  void and  without  effect.  Time is of the
essence  with  respect  to the  due  performance  of the  terms,  covenants  and
conditions herein contained.




         Tenant agrees to look solely to Landlord's interest in the Building for
the recovery of any judgment  from  Landlord,  it being agreed that Landlord and
Landlord's  partners,  whether general or limited (if Landlord is a partnership)
or its directors, officers or shareholders (if Landlord is a corporation), shall
never be personally liable for any such judgment.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and Tenant have caused this instrument
to be executed in duplicate  the day and year first above  written.  Individuals
signing on behalf of a principal's  warrant that they have the authority to bind
said principal.


By /s/ Kingsley R. Labrosse                  By /s/ Donald P. Maurus
       Kingsley R. Labrosse                         Managing Director
                                                    North Central Region

By                                           By

ITS                                          ITS

DATE                                         DATE   3-5-95


(West Brighton Building Plaza Floor Plan Appears Here)


Article 2 - Term and Base Rent

Free minimum  rent:  Medtox,  Inc.  will not be required to pay minimum rent the
first six (6) months and the  Twenty-fourth  (24th) month of the lease term, but
shall be responsible for an other expenses pursuant to this lease.

Article 14 - Assignment and Subletting

Landlord will not unreasonably withhold consent

Article 20 - Alterations

Medtox Laboratories,  Inc. shall be given a Tenant improvement  allowance not to
exceed the sum of $171,752.40 which shall be paid to Medtox  Laboratories,  Inc.
upon the completion of the following conditions:

1. Medtox Laboratories, Inc. shall receive formal written acceptance from United
Properties  approving all  construction  to be done.  Said approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.

2. List of all contractors,  subcontractors,  and vendors performing work on the
project.   list  shall  include   contractor's  name,  address,   phone  number,
description of work performed, and name of contact person.

3. Copy of approved building permit.

4. Certificate of occupancy from the City.

5. Final lien waivers from all contractors and  subcontractors  indicating final
contract amount and full release of lien rights contingent upon final payment.

Tenant/Contractor Construction Amendment

In conjunction  with approval from United  Properties for the tenant to directly
perform  construction  activities,   tenant  agrees  to  provide  the  following
information and perform to the standards as set forth below.

1. Contractor's Certificate of Insurance shall be forwarded to United Properties
for approval.  Insurance limits and certificate  shall be on forms acceptable to
United Properties.

2. Provide project construction schedule to United Properties.

3. All roof penetrations  shall be installed per details provided or approved by
United Properties.

4.  All roof  penetrations  shall  be  inspected  by  representative  of  United

Upon completion of the project, the following  information shall be submitted to
United Properties.

5. Copies of all project change orders approved by tenant

6. Copy of project punchlist  indicating all items are complete and satisfactory
to tenant

7. As-built drawings documenting any charges made during the project

8. Submission of operation and maintenance  manuals including  warranties for an
appropriate equipment.

9. Air balancing report from mechanical contractor certifying all diffusers have
been properly adjusted and all equipment has been inspected.

10.  All  remaining  paint,  wallcovering,  carpet,  etc.  shall be  removed  at
completion of project unless tenant  specifically  requests material to be saved
and stored within tenant's leased premises.

Option To Expand

Medtox  shall have the one time right to expand into the  adjacent  3,239 square
feet  (Suite  #410) on  October  1, 1992 or upon  availability  of the  Premises
whichever is sooner.  Landlord  shall give Tenant a 30 day prior written  notice
(Notice) of the  availability of such space.  Upon receipt of such Notice Tenant
shall have fifteen  days to notify  Landlord in writing  (Tenant  Notice) of its
intent  to take the  Expansion  Space.  If Tenant  elects to take the  Expansion
Space,  it shall be on the same terms and  conditions  as their  existing  lease
except  that  Tenant  shall have a Tenant  Improvement  Allowance  of $10.00 per
square  foot and there  shall be six (6) months of free Base Rent  Landlord  and
Tenant shall then execute a Lease Amendment memorializing this Agreement.

Picnic Area

The Landlord agrees to create at Landlord's  expense a picnic area to be located
near Medtox's main entrance.


 Design Change

The landlord agrees to work with Medtox in achieving the following:

1. Increase tenant identity through signage alterations.

2. Create a greater  ease of entry into  Medtox's  space via their  current main

Any changes made to the building shall be subject to city codes and restrictions
and  Landlord's   sole  approval.   The  cost  of  said  changes  shall  be  the
responsibility of the tenant.

Lease Contingency

This lease is contingent  upon a mutually  executed  lease  cancellation  letter
between Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company and CRA Inc.


                               LEASE CANCELLATION

A lease  dated  March 6,  1990 by and  between  Phoenix  Mutual  LIFE  Insurance
Company, as successors in interests to WRI, Inc., DBA Winfield Realty, as agents
for the owner (the prior  landlord)  and C.R.A for the  premises  located at New
Brighton Business Center, Building "A", 382 West County Road "D" (partial Bay 2,
Bay 3 and 4, partial Bay 5) is hereby canceled effective April 1 , 1992 with the
following conditions:

Whereas:  Phoenix  Mutual Life  Insurance  Company  desires to extend and expand
Medtox Laboratories in the property.

Whereas: CRA desires to relocate from the above premises.

Therefore:  It is the desire of Phoenix Mutual Life  Insurance  Company and CRA,
Inc. to cancel this lease effective April l, 1992.

This lease  cancellation  is contingent  upon a mutually  executed lease for the
above space between Medtox Laboratories,  Inc. and Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance
Company for a term of five years, beginning April 1 , 1992.

/s/ Donald P. Maurus                   /s/ Brian C. Boevers
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company  CRA, Inc., a New York corporation


THIS LANDLORD'S WAIVER OF LIEN AND AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")was  made and entered
into on the 28 day of July , 1993 by and between  NORWEST BANK  MINNESOTA,  N.A.
with offices at 2329 Central  Avenue N.E.,  Minneapolis,  MN, 55418 (the "Bank')
and Phoenix  Home Life Mutual  Insurance  Company,  with offices at One American
Row, Hartford, CT 06115 (the "Landlord").

WHEREAS, MEDTOX Laboratories, Inc. (the 'Tenant") has a leasehold interest under
a certain  lease (the  "Lease")  dated  March 5, 1992,  covering  the  following
described real property  ("Leased  Premises") in the County of Ramsey,  State of
Minnesota to-wit:

         Suite 402
         New Brighton Business Center
         County Road D and 35W
         New Brighton, MN

WHEREAS,  Bank  proposes to extend  loans or credit from time to time to Tenant,
which loans or credit will be evidenced by notes or loan documents  which may be
extended or renewed from time to time (hereinafter  referred to as the "Loans"),
which  Loans may be secured by a security  interest  covering  certain  personal
property located or to be located on the Leased Premises described above; and,

WHEREAS,  Bank is  unwilling to make Loans to Tenant  unless and until  Landlord
executes this agreement with respect to the personal  property of Tenant located
in or on the Leased Premises.

NOW  THEREFORE,  in  order  to  induce  Bank to make  Loans  to  Tenant,  and in
consideration of Bank making said loans,  Landlord hereby certifies,  represents
and covenants to Bank as follows:

1. That the Tenant is presently in lawful  possession of the Leased  Premises by
virtue of the Lease.

2. That as of the date of this  Agreement  no default  exists under any terms of
the Lease or any other conditions relative to occupancy of the Leased Premises.


3. That should the Tenant  default in any of the Loans so that the Bank proposes
to foreclose or otherwise realize upon collateral  securing any such Loan, or in
the event of termination of Tenant's  rights to occupy said Leased  Premises for
any reason, Bank shall have the following rights:

(a) The right to enter upon the Leased Premises,  with notification to Landlord,
for the  purposes of  enforcing  its lien upon the  personal  property of Tenant
located in or on the Leased  Premises,  including  the  foreclosure  and sale of
machinery,  equipment,  furniture, or other personal property, title to which is
in  Tenant  and not in Bank and for the  purpose  of  removing  from the  Leased
Premises such machinery,  equipment,  furniture,  or other personal  property of
Tenant; and,

(b) The right upon such entry to retain  possession of Leased  Premises for such
time as shall be  required  by Bank to effect a  complete  removal  or  complete
disposition  of the  personal  property  of the  Tenant,  but such  duration  of
possession shall in no event exceed a period of sixty (60) days from the date of
such  entry and for such  possession  Bank  shall be liable for and shall pay to
Landlord a rental of not more than the rental  provided  for in the Lease or the
rent last paid by Tenant  prior to the entry of Bank in the event said Lease has
been terminated.  Bank shall repair any damages caused by Bank's entry,  use, or
removal of said personal property.

 4. That none of the  personal  property  of the Tenant  situated on said Leased
Premises  constitutes  fixtures or any part of the real estate of the  Landlord.
The personal property has been placed on said Leased Premises with the agreement
and  understanding  that part or all of such property may at any time be removed
therefrom by the Tenant or his assigns,  and that any and all personal  property
hereafter placed on said Leased Premises by Tenant may be removed  therefrom and
shall not be considered affixed to or as a part of said real estate.

 5. That Landlord  shall give Bank written notice of any default under or breach
of the Lease which left uncured  would cause a  termination  of the Lease by the
Landlord.  Said notice shall be in writing and be forwarded to Bank by certified
mail addressed to Bank at its aforementioned address.


This Agreement shall be incorporated as part of the Lease by reference and shall
be binding on and inure to the benefit of the signatories hereto and their 
executors, administrators, heirs, successors, and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement this 28 day of
July, 1993.

                       (Landlord)  PHOENIX HOME LIFE MUTUAL INSURANCE 
                                   By: /s/ Nadine F. Huff
                                   Its: Directors, Real Estate

                       (Bank)      NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, N.A.
                                   By: Janet Stodola
                                   Its: Commercial Banking Officer

The undersigned hereby consents to the above agreement and agrees to be bound
thereby. Dated this         of                      ,                .

                       (Tenant)    MEDTOX Laboratories, Inc.
                                   By: John ? McC???
                                   Its: Executive Vice President


                               SUBLEASE AGREEMENT

This  Sublease  Agreement,  is made this l day of April,  1993,  by and  between
MEDTOX  Laboratories,  Inc.,  as  SUBLESSOR  and  Wooddale  Builders,  Inc.,  as

WHEREAS,  SUBLESSOR  and SUBLESSEE  hereto now mutually  agree to lease space as
herein provided.

1.       SUBLESSEE  shall  sublease  approximately  6,499 square  feet,  for the
         purpose of  office/showroom in the demised premises located at 410 West
         County Road D, New Brighton, Minnesota.

 2.      Term: The term for the 6,499 square feet at 410 West County Road D
         shall commence April 1, 1993 and continue until May 31, 1993.
         SUBLESSEE specifically agrees to vacate premises no later than May 31,

3.       Gross Rent:  SUBLESSEE  shall pay rent in the amount of Three  Thousand
         Three  Hundred  Eighty  Five and no/100  ($3,385.00)  Dollars per month
         gross  for the  term of this  Agreement.  However,  SUBLESSEE  shall be
         responsible for any utility cost  throughout  Sublease Term. Said gross
         rent shall be due on the first of every month.

4.       Master  Lease:  SUBLESSOR  is the Lessee of the premises by virtue of a
         lease hereinafter  referred to as the Master Lease dated March 5, 1992,
         wherein  Phoenix  Home Life  Mutual  Insurance  Company is the  LESSOR,
         hereinafter referred to as the Master Lessor. The SUBLEASE is and shall
         be at all times subject and subordinate to the Master Lease.  SUBLESSOR
         represents  to  SUBLESSEE  that the  Master  Lease is in full force and
         effect and that to the best of  SUBLESSOR's  knowledge  and belief,  no
         default exists on the part of any party to the Master Lease. The terms,
         conditions  and  respective  obligations  of SUBLESSOR and SUBLESSEE to
         each other under this Sublease  shall,  be the terms and  conditions of
         the Master Lease except for those  provisions of the Master Lease which
         are directly  contradicted by this Sublease in which event the terms of
         this Sublease document shall control over the Master Lease.  Therefore,
         for the  purposes of this  Sublease,  wherever in the Master  Lease the
         word  "Landlord"  is used it shall be  deemed  to mean,  the  SUBLESSOR
         herein and  wherever in the Master  Lease the word  "Tenant" is used it
         shall be deemed to mean the SUBLESSEE herein.

 5.      SUBLESSEE shall not at any time during its temporary occupancy make any
         changes  or  alterations  to  the  demised   premises,   structural  or
         otherwise,  including changing of any locks, nor to any improvements or
         fixtures located in the demised premises,  nor shall it cause or suffer
         any mechanic's or other liens or claims therefore to be imposed against
         the demised premises.

6.       It is expressly agreed that SUBLESSOR shall have no  responsibility  or
         liability  for damage  caused to any  inventory  or  personal  property
         placed by  SUBLESSEE  in the  premises  regardless  of the cause of the
         damage,  and SUBLESSEE  agrees to carry,  at its own expense,  adequate
         inventory insurance and public liability insurance.  SUBLESSOR shall be
         named as an additional insured party. SUBLESSEE shall provide SUBLESSOR
         with  proof  of  insurance  prior  to  commencement  of this  Sublease.
         SUBLESSEE's insurance policy shall provide for at a minimum $100,000.00
         individual,  $300,000.00  liability,  and $50,000.00 property coverages
         and shall not be  canceled  without 15 days'  prior  written  notice to

 7.      SUBLESSEE shall allow no improper or unlawful use of the demised

 8.      In the event of damage or destruction of all or any part of the demised
         premises,  the  right  of  SUBLESSEE  to  occupancy  shall  immediately
         terminate  and any  obligation  of SUBLESSOR  arising  hereunder  shall

 9.      SUBLESSEE  agrees that SUBLESSOR and its agents shall not be liable for
         any damage or injury to  SUBLESSEE,  its agents,  employees or invitees
         entering the  premises;  or the building of which the demised  premises
         forms a part; or to goods or chattels therein resulting from any defect
         in the  demised  premises or its  equipment  or  fixtures,  and further
         agrees to  indemnify  and save  SUBLESSOR  harmless  from all claims of
         every kind and nature  resulting  from its  temporary  occupancy of the
         demised premises.

10.      SUBLESSEE  agrees  to  accept  the  demised  premises  in  an  "as  is"

11.      Utility cost  incurred  during the Sublease  Term shall be the sole and
         exclusive  responsibility of SUBLESSEE. in no event shall the SUBLESSOR
         be responsible for any utility costs.

12.      Attorney's  Fees: If any party named herein brings an action to enforce
         the terms hereof or to declare rights  hereunder,  the prevailing party
         in  such  action,  on  trial  and  appeal,  shall  be  entitled  to his
         reasonable  attorney's  fees to be paid by the losing party as fixed by
         the Court.

SUBLESSEE:                           SUBLESSOR:

Wooddale Builders, Inc.              MEDTOX Laboratories, Inc.
By: /s/  ???????                     By:  /s/ ??????
Its: President                       Its: President
Date: 4/1/93                         Date: 4/9/93

Master LESSOR's Consent:
By: Nadine Huff
Its: Director, Real Estate
Date: 4/16/93