                                  EDITEK, INC.

     Pursuant to Section 151 of the Delaware  Corporation Law,  EDITEK,  Inc., a
Delaware  corporation  (the  "Corporation"),  does hereby  submit  this  Amended
Certificate of  Designations  of Preferred Stock for the purpose of amending the
powers,  preferences,  limitations  and  rights  of  the  Series  A  Convertible
Preferred Stock of the  Corporation,  as determined by the Board of Directors of
the Corporation  pursuant to the authority vested in it by the provisions of the
Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Corporation and as originally set forth in
the  Certificate  of  Designations  of  Preferred  Stock filed with the Delaware
Secretary of State on January 10, 1996.  There have been no shares of the Series
A Convertible Preferred Stock issued.

     The Board of Directors of the Corporation unanimously adopted the following
resolutions,  effective  as of  January  25,  1996,  with  respect to up to Four
Hundred Eighty (480) shares of Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock, par value
$1.00 per share, of the Corporation:


          The Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock of the  Corporation  shall
     consist  of Four  Hundred  Eighty  (480)  shares  of  Series A  Convertible
     Preferred Stock, par value $1.00 per share ("Series A Stock"),  the powers,
     preferences,   privileges,   rights,   qualifications,    limitations   and
     restrictions of which are as follows:

          Section 1.Dividends.

          On December  31st of each year  commencing  on December  31,  1996,  a
     dividend equal to Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars  ($4,500.00) per share
     shall accrue on each share of Series A Stock issued and outstanding on such
     date.  Such  dividend  shall  be  payable  out of funds  legally  available
     therefor,   when  and  as  declared  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
     Corporation.  Such  dividends  are  hereinafter  referred to as  "Preferred
     Dividends." Preferred Dividends which accrue on or before December 31, 1997
     shall be cumulative,  but Preferred  Dividends  accruing after December 31,
     1997 shall not be cumulative.  No dividends  shall be payable on the shares
     of Common Stock of the  Corporation  (the "Common Stock") until all accrued
     cumulative  Preferred Dividends have been fully paid. The Corporation shall
     have no  obligation  to pay any dividend  until the dividend is declared by
     the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

          Section 2.Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.

          (a) (i) In the event of any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of
     the  Corporation,   whether  voluntary  or  involuntary,   the  holders  of
     outstanding shares of Series A Stock,  subject to the provisions of Section
     2(b)  hereof,  shall  be  entitled  to be  

     paid out of the assets of the  Corporation  available for  distribution  to
     stockholders,  whether such assets are capital,  surplus, or earnings,  and
     before any additional  payment shall be made to the holders of any class of
     Common  Stock  or of  any  other  class  or  series  of  stock  ranking  on
     liquidation  junior to the Series A Stock,  a liquidation  preference in an
     amount,  for each  share of Series A Stock  held,  equal to Fifty  Thousand
     Dollars  ($50,000.00),  plus all  accrued but unpaid  cumulative  Preferred
     Dividends and all accrued noncumulative  Preferred Dividends that have been
     declared but which remain unpaid (the "Series A Liquidation Preference").

               (ii) If, upon any  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the
     Corporation,  the  assets  to be  distributed  pursuant  to  the  Series  A
     Liquidation  Preference  set forth  above shall be  insufficient  to permit
     payment  in full of such  Series A  Liquidation  Preference  and the Parity
     Preferred Liquidation  Preference which may be payable to holders of Parity
     Preferred Stock (both as defined in subsection (b) below),  then the Series
     A Liquidation  Preference shall entitle the holders of Series A Stock to be
     distributed  that portion of the assets  available for  distribution as (x)
     the Series A  Liquidation  Preference  bears to (y) the sum of the Series A
     Liquidation  Preference plus the Parity  Preferred  Liquidation  Preference
     (which amount shall be distributed pro rata to each owner of Series A Stock
     based on the number of shares owned by each).

               (iii)After payment in full of the Series A Liquidation Preference
     and the  Parity  Preferred  Liquidation  Preference  payable  to holders of
     Parity Preferred Stock (as defined in subsection (b) below) (or after funds
     necessary for such payment shall have been set aside by the  Corporation in
     trust  for the  account  of such  holders  so as to be  available  for such
     payment),   any  assets  remaining  available  for  distribution  shall  be
     distributed  to the  holders of the Common  Stock  and/or  other  series or
     classes of stock, and no further  distribution shall be made to the holders
     of Series A Stock.

          (b) The  Corporation  shall have the right to create a series or class
     (or  series  or  classes)  of  Preferred  Stock  of  the  Corporation  with
     liquidation  rights and  preferences  which are equal,  but not senior,  to
     those  of the  Series  A  Stock,  and  the  Series  A Stock  shall  rank in
     liquidation on a parity with any such series or class of preferred stock of
     the  Corporation  ("Parity  Preferred  Stock")  to the extent of the Parity
     Preferred  Liquidation  Preference  if the rights of such Parity  Preferred
     Stock  indicate  that it is equal to the Series A Stock.  The term  "Parity
     Preferred  Liquidation  Preference"  shall  mean the sum of (i) the  lowest
     purchase  price  paid  to the  Corporation  upon  issuance  of  the  Parity
     Preferred  Stock,  plus  (ii) all  accrued  cumulative  dividends  (up to a
     maximum  annual  dividend  per share of nine  percent  (9%) of the purchase
     price per share of the Parity  Preferred  Stock)  payable to the holders of
     the Parity Preferred Stock ("Parity  Dividends")  which remain unpaid,  and
     all accrued  noncumulative  Parity  Dividends  that have been  declared but
     which remain unpaid.

          (c) A  consolidation  or  merger  of  the  Corporation  (other  than a
     subdivision,  combination,  reclassification or exchange of shares provided
     for elsewhere in Section 4 hereof) or a sale of all or substantially all of
     the  assets  of the  Corporation  (other  than a 

     transaction  to which the provisions of Section 4(e) hereof apply) shall be
     regarded as a liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the
     Corporation within the meaning of this Section 2; provided,  however, that,
     except  in the  case  of a sale of  substantially  all  the  assets  of the
     Corporation,  each  holder of Series A Stock  shall have the right to elect
     the benefits of the  provisions of Section 4(e) hereof in lieu of receiving
     payment  in  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the  Corporation
     pursuant  to this  Section  2. For  purposes  of this  Section 2, a sale of
     substantially all of the assets of the Corporation  shall include,  without
     limitation,  the sale or other disposition of more than 50% of such assets,
     as determined  by reference to either (i) the book value,  or (ii) the fair
     market value, of such assets.

          (d) In the event of a  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the
     Corporation  resulting  in the  availability  of assets other than cash for
     distribution  to the  holders  of Series A Stock,  the  holders of Series A
     Stock shall be entitled to a  distribution  of cash and/or  assets equal in
     value to the Series A Liquidation Preference,  subject to the provisions of
     Section 2(a). In the event that such  distribution to the holders of Series
     A Stock shall include any assets other than cash, the Board of Directors of
     the Corporation  shall determine the value of such assets to be distributed
     for such  purpose  and shall  notify all  holders of Series A Stock of such
     determination.  The value of such assets for  purposes of the  distribution
     under this  Section 2(d) shall be the value as  determined  by the Board of
     Directors of the Corporation in good faith. The  determination of the Board
     of Directors shall be final and binding.

          Section 3.Voting Power.  Except as otherwise expressly provided herein
     or as required  by law,  the holders of Series A Stock shall have no voting
     power,  and the holders of the Common Stock shall  exclusively  possess all
     voting power for the election of directors and for all other purposes.

          Section  4.Conversion.The  holders  of Series A Stock  shall  have the
     following conversion rights:

          (a) Subject to and in compliance  with the  provisions of this Section
     4, during the  Conversion  Period (as defined in Section  4(c)  hereof),  a
     share of Series A Stock may be converted into fully-paid and  nonassessable
     shares of Common  Stock.  The  number of shares of Common  Stock to which a
     holder  of  Series  A Stock  shall be  entitled  upon  conversion  shall be
     obtained by  multiplying  the  Applicable  Conversion  Rate  (determined as
     provided in Section  4(b) hereof) by the number of shares of Series A Stock
     being converted.

          (b) The number of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon  conversion of
     each share of the Series A Stock (the "Applicable  Conversion  Rate") shall
     equal  the  quotient  obtained  by  dividing  (i)  Fifty  Thousand  Dollars
     ($50,000.00)  by (ii) 75% of the Market Price per share of the Common Stock
     on the Conversion Date (as defined in Section 4(f) below).  Notwithstanding
     the  foregoing,  in no event shall the Applicable  Conversion  Rate be less
     than the number of shares of Common Stock equal to the quotient obtained by

     dividing (i) Fifty Thousand  Dollars  ($50,000.00) by (ii) $2.775.  "Market
     Price" shall mean for this  purpose the daily  average for the five trading
     days  immediately  prior to the First Issuance Date or the Conversion Date,
     as the case may be, of the closing bid prices quoted on the American  Stock
     Exchange,  Nasdaq  National Market System or other  securities  exchange on
     which the Common Stock is traded.

          (c) A holder of Series A Stock shall have no right to convert Series A
     Stock into Common Stock (A) from the date the first share of Series A Stock
     is  issued  by the  Corporation  (the  "First  Issuance  Date")  until  the
     beginning  of the  Conversion  Period  (as  defined  below),  and  (B)  all
     conversion rights terminate and the Series A Stock ceases to be convertible
     on the  second  anniversary  of the First  Issuance  Date (the  "Conversion
     Termination  Date").  The  period  commencing  on the  sixtieth  (60th) day
     following the First Issuance Date and ending on the Conversion  Termination
     Date shall be referred to herein as the "Conversion  Period." All shares of
     Series A Stock not theretofore  converted shall  automatically be converted
     into  shares  of  Common  Stock on the last day of the  Conversion  Period,
     unless  prior to 5:00 P. M. on the last day of the  Conversion  Period  the
     holder of such shares of Series A Stock  delivers to the principal  offices
     of the Corporation  written notice executed by such holder  instructing the
     Corporation  not to  convert  the  Series  A  Stock  of  such  holder.  The
     Corporation   shall  not  be   required  to  deliver   stock   certificates
     representing  shares of Common  Stock  until  the  holder of the  converted
     Series A Stock  surrenders the stock  certificates  evidencing the Series A
     Stock as required by Section 4 (f) hereof.  In determining the commencement
     of a  holder's  right  to  convert  shares  of  Series  A  Stock,  the  day
     immediately following the First Issuance Date shall be counted as the first

          (d) If, during the Conversion  Period,  the Common Stock issuable upon
     the  conversion  of the Series A Stock  shall be  changed  into the same or
     different  number of shares of any class or  classes  of stock,  whether by
     reclassification  or  otherwise  (other  than  a  reorganization,   merger,
     consolidation  or sale of assets provided for elsewhere in this Section 4),
     then and in each  such  event the  holder  of each  share of Series A Stock
     shall have the right  thereafter  to  convert  such share into the kind and
     amount of shares of stock and other securities and property receivable upon
     such  reorganization,  reclassification  or other change, by holders of the
     number of shares of Common  Stock into which such Series A Stock might have
     been converted  immediately prior to such reorganization,  reclassification
     or change.

          (e) If at any time or from time to time during the  Conversion  Period
     there shall be a capital  reorganization  of the Common Stock (other than a
     reclassification  or  exchange of shares  provided  for  elsewhere  in this
     Section 4) or a merger or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  with or into
     another  Corporation,  then,  as a  part  of  and  as a  condition  to  the
     effectiveness of such reorganization,  merger or consolidation,  lawful and
     adequate  provision  shall  be made so that if the  Corporation  is not the
     surviving corporation, any shares of Series A Stock shall be converted into
     preferred stock of the surviving  corporation ("New  Corporation  Preferred
     Stock") having equivalent preferences,  rights and privileges to the Series
     A Stock, except that in lieu of being able to convert into 

     shares of Common Stock, the holders of the New Corporation  Preferred Stock
     shall  thereafter  be  entitled  to  receive  upon  conversion  of the  New
     Corporation  Preferred  Stock  the  number  of  shares  of  stock  or other
     securities or property of the  Corporation or of the successor  corporation
     resulting  from  such  merger  or  consolidation,  to which a holder of the
     number of shares of Common Stock  deliverable upon conversion of the Series
     A  Stock   immediately  prior  to  the  capital   reorganization,   merger,
     consolidation   or  sale  would  have  been   entitled   on  such   capital
     reorganization, merger or consolidation.

          Each  holder  of  Series A Stock  upon  the  occurrence  of a  capital
     reorganization,  merger or  consolidation of the Corporation as such events
     are more fully set forth in the first paragraph of this Section 4(e), shall
     have the option of electing  treatment of the shares of Series A Stock held
     by such holder  under  either this  Section  4(e) or Section  2(c)  hereof,
     except as otherwise provided in said Section 2(c), notice of which election
     shall be submitted in writing to the  Corporation at its principal  offices
     no later  than ten (10)  days  before  the  effective  date of such  event,
     provided  that any such notice  shall be  effective if given not later than
     fifteen (15) days after the date of the Corporation's  notice,  pursuant to
     Section 6, with respect to such event.

          (f) To exercise the conversion  privilege,  a holder of Series A Stock
     shall  surrender the certificate or  certificates  representing  the shares
     being converted to the Corporation at its principal office,  and shall give
     written  notice  (which  notice  may be  made  by fax,  telecopy  or  other
     electronic transmission) to the Corporation at that office that such holder
     elects to convert  such  shares.  Such notice  shall also state the name or
     names (with address or addresses) in which the  certificate or certificates
     for shares of Common Stock issuable upon such  conversion  shall be issued.
     The  certificate or certificates  for shares of Series A Stock  surrendered
     for conversion  shall be accompanied  by proper  assignment  thereof to the
     Corporation  or in blank.  The date when such written notice is received by
     the Corporation shall be the "Conversion Date" with respect to such shares.
     Within three (3) trading days after the Conversion  Date,  the  Corporation
     shall issue and shall deliver to the holder of the shares of Series A Stock
     being  converted,  or on written order from such holder,  a certificate  or
     certificates  as such  holder may  request for the number of full shares of
     Common Stock  issuable upon the conversion of such shares of Series A Stock
     in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4 and cash as provided in
     Section  4(g),  in  respect  of any  fraction  of a share of  Common  Stock
     issuable upon such  conversion;  provided,  however,  that the  Corporation
     shall not be required to deliver stock certificates  representing shares of
     Common Stock until its receipt of the surrendered  stock  certificates  for
     the Series A Stock from the holder of the  converted  Series A Stock.  Such
     conversion shall be deemed to have been effected  immediately  prior to the
     close of business on the  Conversion  Date,  and at such time the rights of
     the holder as holder of the converted  shares of Series A Stock shall cease
     and the  person  or  persons  in whose  name or names  any  certificate  or
     certificates  for  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall be  issuable  upon such
     conversion  shall be deemed to have  become the holder or holders of record
     of shares of Common Stock represented thereby.

          (g) No  fractional  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  scrip  representing

     shares shall be issued upon  conversion  of Series A Stock.  Instead of any
     fractional  shares of Common Stock which would  otherwise be issuable  upon
     conversion of Series A Stock,  the  Corporation  shall pay to the holder of
     the shares of Series A Stock  which were  converted  a cash  adjustment  in
     respect of such  fraction  in an amount  equal to the same  fraction of the
     Market Price (as defined in Section  4(b)) per share of the Common Stock on
     the Conversion Date.

          (h) In the  event  some but not all of the  shares  of  Series A Stock
     represented  by a certificate or  certificates  surrendered by a holder are
     converted,  the Corporation shall execute and deliver to or on the order of
     the  holder,  at  the  expense  of  the  Corporation,   a  new  certificate
     representing  the  number  of  shares  of  Series  A Stock  which  were not

          (i) The  Corporation  shall at all times during the Conversion  Period
     reserve and keep  available out of its  authorized  but unissued  shares of
     Common  Stock,  solely for the purpose of effecting  the  conversion of the
     shares of Series A Stock,  such  number  of its  shares of Common  Stock as
     shall  from time to time be  sufficient  to effect  the  conversion  of all
     outstanding  shares  of  Series A Stock,  and if at any time the  number of
     authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock shall not be sufficient to
     effect the conversion of all then outstanding shares of Series A Stock, the
     Corporation  shall take such corporate action as may, in the opinion of its
     counsel,  be necessary to increase its  authorized  but unissued  shares of
     Common  Stock to such  number  of shares  as shall be  sufficient  for such

          Section 5.No Reissuance of Series A Stock.No share or shares of Series
     A Stock  acquired by the  Corporation  by reason of  redemption,  purchase,
     conversion  or otherwise  shall be  reissued,  and all such shares shall be
     cancelled,  retired,  and eliminated  from the shares which the Corporation
     shall be authorized to issue.  The  Corporation  may from time to time take
     such  appropriate  corporate  action  as may be  necessary  to  reduce  the
     authorized number of shares of Series A Stock accordingly.

          Section  6.Notices  of Record  Date.In  the event (a) the  Corporation
     establishes  a  record  date to  determine  the  holders  of any  class  of
     securities who are entitled to receive any dividend or other  distribution,
     or (b) there  occurs any capital  reorganization  of the  Corporation,  any
     reclassification   or   recapitalization   of  the  capital  stock  of  the
     Corporation,  any  merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation,  and any
     transfer of all or  substantially  all of the assets of the  Corporation to
     any other  corporation,  or any other entity or person, or any voluntary or
     involuntary dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Corporation, the
     Corporation  shall  mail to each  holder of Series A Stock at least  twenty
     (20) days prior to the record date specified  therein,  a notice specifying
     (i) the  date of such  record  date for the  purpose  of such  dividend  or
     distribution and a description of such dividend or  distribution,  (ii) the
     date  on  which  any  such  reorganization,   reclassification,   transfer,
     consolidation,  merger, dissolution,  liquidation or winding up is expected
     to become effective, and (iii) the time, if any, that is to be fixed, as to
     when the holders of record of Common Stock (or other  securities)  

     shall be  entitled  to  exchange  their  shares of  Common  Stock (or other
     securities)  for  securities  or  other  property   deliverable  upon  such
     reorganization,    reclassification,   transfer,   consolidation,   merger,
     dissolution, liquidation or winding up.

          Section  7.No  Preemptive  Rights.The  holders of Series A Stock shall
     have no preemptive  rights or other right to purchase  additional shares of
     capital  stock or other  securities of the  Corporation  by reason of their
     ownership  of shares of Series A Stock,  except as may from time to time be
     specified in a written  contract  between such  holder(s) of Series A Stock
     and the Corporation.

          Section 8.Other  Rights.Except as otherwise  provided herein or in the
     Certificate of  Incorporation,  each share of Series A Stock and each share
     of Common  Stock shall be identical  in all  respects,  shall have the same
     powers,  preferences  and rights,  without  preference of any such class or
     share over any other such class or share,  and shall be treated as a single
     class of stock for all purposes.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  has  caused  this  Certificate  of
Designations  to be executed on its behalf by James D. Skinner,  its  President,
and Peter J. Heath, its Secretary,  as of this 25th day of January, 1996, hereby
declaring and certifying  that this is the act and deed of the  Corporation  and
that the facts stated herein are true.

                         EDITEK, INC.


                         By:   /s/ James D. Skinner
                         James D. Skinner


   /s/ Peter J. Heath
Peter J. Heath, Secretary