AGREEMENT   dated  as  of  January  2,  1996   between   EDITEK,   Inc.
("Purchaser") and MedTox Laboratories, Inc. ("Seller").


         WHEREAS,  Seller and Purchaser are parties to a certain Asset  Purchase
Agreement dated July 1, 1995 (the "Purchase Agreement"), and desire to delay the
closing of the  transactions  contemplated by the Purchase  Agreement until 1996
and to change the nature of the consideration to be paid to Seller by Purchaser.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and  the  mutual
promises of the parties set forth below, the parties hereby agree as follows:

(1)      The  Purchase  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  so that  (i) the  Seller
         Termination  Date  referred  to in  Section  10.1  (b),  the  Purchaser
         Termination  Date  referred  to  in  Section  10.1  (c)  and  the  date
         contemplated  by Section  10.1 (d) of the  Purchase  Agreement  are all
         changed to January 15,  1996,  and (ii) Section 4.1 is changed to allow
         Purchaser  to set a Closing Date to be not earlier than January 1, 1996
         and not later than the new Seller Termination Date.

(2)      The Escrow Agent is hereby authorized  pursuant to the Escrow Agreement
         attached   to  the   Purchase   Agreement   as   Exhibit   A   executed
         contemporaneously with the Purchase Agreement between Seller, Purchaser
         and Henson & Efron, P. A., as Escrow Agent (the "Escrow  Agreement") to
         deliver to Seller the funds  deposited into escrow by Purchaser and all
         interest thereon. The amount delivered shall constitute a nonrefundable
         deposit to be credited  against the purchase price in the  transactions
         contemplated by the Purchase  Agreement.  If the Purchase  Agreement is
         terminated by either party for any reason,  Seller shall be entitled to
         retain  the funds  delivered  to Seller  and being  held by Seller as a
         nonrefundable deposit. All obligations and
         rights of the parties to the Escrow Agreement are hereby terminated.

(3)      Article III of the Purchase  Agreement is hereby amended to read in its
         entirety as follows:

                                   ARTICLE III

                  Section 3.1 Cash Purchase  Price. In addition to assumption of
the Assumed  Liabilities,  Purchaser shall pay Seller an aggregate cash purchase
price of Nineteen Million ($19,000,000) Dollars for the Assets as follows:

                  (a) Upon  execution of this Amendment  Agreement,  $509,569.90
nonrefundable  deposit delivered to Seller by legal counsel to Seller,  formerly
held  pursuant to the terms of the Escrow  Agreement  attached  to the  Purchase
Agreement as Exhibit A;

                  (b) At Closing, the remainder of the cash Purchase Price shall
be paid by wire transfer to Seller's bank account in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

                  Section 3.2  Definitions.  The following  terms shall have the
definitions set forth below:

                  (a)  "Additional  Shares" shall mean shares of Common Stock of
Purchaser issued pursuant to Section 3.4 of this Agreement.

                  (b) "Closing Date Market Price" shall mean the average for the
five  Trading  Days  immediately  preceding  the Closing Date of the mean of the
daily  high and low  sales  prices of the  Common  Stock on the  American  Stock
Exchange, Inc.

                  (c)  "Closing  Shares"  shall mean  shares of Common  Stock of
Purchaser  issued to Seller at the Closing of the  transactions  contemplated by
the Purchase Agreement.

                  (d) "Common Stock" shall mean shares of the Common Stock,  par
value $0.15 per share, of Purchaser

                  (e) "Holder" shall mean Seller or the shareholder of Seller to
whom Seller distributes the Closing Shares.

                  (f) "Price  Protection  Price" shall mean the lower of (i) the
Purchase  Price or (ii) the lowest  Repricing Date Market Price for any previous
Repricing Date.

                  (g)  "Purchase  Price" shall mean Seventy (70%) Percent of the
Closing Date Market Price of a share of Common Stock of Purchaser.

                  (h) "Release Date(s)" shall mean the calendar date(s) on which
Purchaser  issues a press release  announcing its financial  performance for (i)
the fiscal quarter that ends on March 31, 1996, but not later than May 14, 1996,
(ii) the fiscal  


quarter that ends on September  30, 1996,  but not later than November 14, 1996,
(iii) the fiscal year that ends on December 31,  1996,  but not later than March
31, 1997 and (iv) the fiscal  quarter that ends on September  30, 1997,  but not
later than November 14, 1997.

                  (i)  "Repricing   Date"  shall  mean  the  fifth  Trading  Day
following  each Release  Date,  with the Trading Day  immediately  following the
Release Date constituting the first Trading Day.

                  (j)  "Repricing  Date Market  Price" shall mean the average on
the Repricing  Date and four Trading Days  preceding  the Repricing  Date of the
mean  between  the  daily  high and low  sales  prices  of the  Common  Stock of
Purchaser  on the  national  securities  exchange  or NASDAQ on which the Common
Stock of Purchaser is listed or quoted.

                  (j)  "Trading  Day" shall mean any day on which at least 1,000
shares of Common Stock of Purchaser are sold on any national securities exchange
or NASDAQ;  provided,  however, if for any applicable period there are more than
two  consecutive  trading  days when there are fewer than 1,000 shares of Common
Stock sold, then each trading day thereafter shall be deemed to be a Trading Day
regardless of the number of shares of Common
Stock sold.

                  Section  3.3  (a)  Equity   Purchase  Price.  At  Closing  the
Purchaser  shall  issue to Seller a number of  shares of Common  Stock  ("Common
Stock") of Purchaser equal to the quotient obtained by dividing (i) Five Million
(5,000,000), by (ii) Seventy (70%) Percent of the Closing Date Market Price of a
share of Common Stock of Purchaser. No fractional shares shall be issued.
Purchaser shall have the option to pay cash or to issue a whole share in lieu of
fractional shares.

                  (b)  Escrowed  Shares.  At Closing,  a number of the shares of
Common Stock  issuable  pursuant to Section 3.3 (a) having a Closing Date Market
Price equal to Two Hundred Fifty Thousand  ($250,000) Dollars shall be deposited
in escrow (the "Escrowed  Shares") with legal counsel to Purchaser with executed
stock powers  acceptable to Purchaser to be held and  delivered  pursuant to the
terms of the escrow agreement  attached to the Purchase  Agreement as Exhibit B;

                  Section 3.4  Additional  Shares of Common Stock.  To encourage
retention of the Closing  Shares,  Purchaser  hereby  agrees to  compensate  the
Holders of Closing  Shares for  declines in the market price of the Common Stock
of Purchaser  below the Purchase  Price as follows.  To the extent  necessary to
compensate  a Holder for  declines  in the market  price of the Common  Stock of
Purchaser below the Purchase Price, Purchaser shall issue to the Holder a number
of Additional Shares such that after issuance of any such Additional Shares, the
Closing  Shares and the  Additional 


Shares held by Holder on the  Repricing  Date are equal in value  (valued at the
applicable Repricing Date Market Price) to the product determined by multiplying
(a) the number of Closing Shares and Additional  Shares held by the Holder after
the close of trading on the day immediately preceding the Repricing Date, by (b)
the Price Protection Price.

                  Additional  Shares shall be issued  within ten (10) days after
the Repricing Date. No fractional  shares shall be issued.  Purchaser shall have
the option to pay cash or to issue a whole share in lieu of fractional shares.

                  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no Additional Shares shall be
issued to any Holder who at any time prior to the Repricing Date shall engage in
any short sales of the Common Stock of Purchaser, acquire any put option or sell
any call  option on the  Common  Stock of  Purchaser,  loan any shares of Common
Stock to any other person or entity who Holder knows has a short position in the
Common Stock of Purchaser or who Holder knows has any put or call options on the
Common Stock of Purchaser,  sell any shares of Common Stock of Purchaser  during
the  period  between  any  Release  Date  and the  following  Repricing  Date or
encourage  or assist  any other  person or entity to engage in any such  trading

         Section 3.6       Tax Liability.

         (a) In the event Seller  distributes  Closing Shares to any shareholder
and a Sales Window does not occur between the date Purchaser  notifies Seller in
writing that the Closing  Shares and  Additional  Shares are  registered and are
sellable under  securities  laws and April 10,1997,  Purchaser shall pay the Tax
Liability to each of Seller's shareholders who received Closing Shares.

         The  term  "Tax  Liability"   shall  mean  the  amount   determined  by
multiplying  (i) the  amount by which  the  Purchase  Price of a  Closing  Share
exceeds the Market  Price of a share of Common  Stock of  Purchaser on April 10,
1997, by (ii) the quotient  derived by dividing (x) the Federal and state income
tax  liability  associated  with Seller's  shareholder's  receipt of the Closing
Shares (but not any penalties or  interest),  by (y) the Market Price of a share
of Common Stock of Purchaser  on April 10,  1997,  provided  that in the event a
shareholder of Seller does not sell any Closing  Shares or Additional  Shares to
pay such taxes, clause (y) of the foregoing calculation
shall read as follows: "(y) the Purchase Price."

         The term "Sales Window" shall mean a period of twenty (20)  consecutive
Trading Days in which the aggregate Tax  Liability  Price of the Closing  Shares
and Additional  Shares issued by Purchaser  equals or exceeds the Purchase Price
for the Closing Shares of such shareholder.


         The term "Tax Liability Price" for any shareholder of Seller shall mean
the sum of the following:
                           (i) the  aggregate  average  Market  Price during the
                  Trading  Window of all Closing  Shares and  Additional  Shares
                  held by such  shareholder  of Seller  throughout  the  Trading

                           (ii) if during or prior to the  Trading  Window  such
                  shareholder  sells any Closing Shares or Additional Shares for
                  a price that is less than the average  Market Price during the
                  Trading Window,  the aggregate average Market Price during the
                  Trading  Window of the Closing  Shares and  Additional  Shares
                  sold by such shareholder; and

                           (iii)if  during or prior to the  Trading  Window such
                  shareholder  sells any Closing Shares or Additional Shares for
                  a price  that is equal to or  greater  than the  Market  Price
                  during the  Closing  Window,  the sales  price of the  Closing
                  Shares and Additional Shares sold by such shareholder.

         The term  "Market  Price" shall mean the mean of the high and low sales
prices on the date in question of the Common  Stock of Purchaser on any national
securities exchange or NASDAQ on which the Common Stock of
Purchaser is listed or quoted.

         (b) The  obligations  of  Purchaser  to pay the  Tax  Liability  to any
shareholder of Seller shall be subject to such shareholder  providing  Purchaser
with  proof  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Purchaser  of the  amount  of the Tax
Liability,  including  (i) the date and  sales  price of any  Closing  Shares or
Additional Shares and (ii) continued  ownership of Closing Shares and Additional
Shares during the applicable period.

         (c) Purchaser shall pay its Tax Liability  hereunder on or before April
15, 1997,  provided  that  Purchaser may delay payment of all or part of its Tax
Liability  hereunder to the extent payment is not permissible under law or under
any  covenant  or  agreement  with the  lender(s)  providing  financing  for the
acquisition of the assets of Seller,  including any covenant or agreement in any
line of credit extended in connection with the acquisition  loans. If all or any
part of payment of the Tax Liability is delayed by reason of the foregoing,  (i)
Purchaser  shall  notify  Seller of the  basis for the delay and (ii)  Purchaser
shall pay the  delayed the Tax  Liability  payment to the extent  payment  later
becomes  permissible  under such legal or  contractual  restriction  on payment,
provided  that in the  event at any  time  prior to  additional  payment  of Tax
Liability becoming  permissible


a Sales Window occurs,  Purchaser shall cease to have any further  obligation to
pay the tax liability that has not previously  been paid. The ability to pay Tax
Liability  shall  be  measured  as of the  last day of each  fiscal  quarter  of

         (d) In the  event  of any  partial  payment  of the  Tax  Liability  by
Purchaser,  all persons  entitled to Tax Liability  payments shall be paid their
pro rata  share  based on the number of Closing  Shares  distributed  to them by

         Section 3.6 Stock Dividends,  Splits, Combinations etc. In the event of
any stock, dividend,  split,  combination,  reorganization or similar event with
respect to the shares of Common Stock of Purchaser, (i) shares issued on account
of or in exchange for Closing Shares shall be Closing Shares, (ii) shares issued
on account of or in exchange for  Additional  Shares shall be Additional  Shares
and  (iii)  stock  prices  shall  be  proportionately  adjusted  to  the  extent
adjustment is required to fulfill the original intention of the parties.

         Section 3.7       Transfer Restrictions.

         (a) Holders of Closing Shares shall not sell or otherwise  transfer any
Closing  Shares  until  the  sixtieth  (60th)  day after the  Closing  Date.  In
determining  a  Holder's  right  to sell  Closing  Shares,  the day  immediately
following the Closing Date shall be Day One.

         Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  nothing  contained in this Section 3.7
(a) shall prohibit  transfer by Seller of Closing  Shares to any  shareholder of
Seller who shall  execute and deliver to  Purchaser  an agreement to comply with
the provisions of this Section 3.7.

         (b) Because the Closing Shares and the Additional  Shares have not been
registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act")
or applicable state securities laws,  Seller cannot dispose of any or all of the
Closing  Shares or the  Additional  Shares  unless such shares are  subsequently
registered under the Securities Act, and/or applicable state securities laws, or
exemptions from such  registration  are available.  Purchaser shall register the
Closing Shares and the Additional Shares as provided in the Registration  Rights
Agreement  attached  as  Exhibit  A  hereto.  Seller  further  understands  that
Purchaser,  as a  condition  to the  transfer  of any of the  Closing  Shares or
Additional  Shares,  may require that the request for transfer be accompanied by
an opinion of  counsel  satisfactory  to the  Purchaser,  in form and  substance
satisfactory  to the  Purchaser  and preceded by prior  written  notice,  to the
effect that the proposed transfer does not result in violation of the Securities
Act or applicable state  securities laws,  unless such transfer is covered by an
effective  registration  statement 


under the  Securities  Act and all  applicable  state  securities  laws.  Seller
understands that each certificate representing the Closing Shares and Additional
Shares and any securities  issued on account of ownership  thereof will bear the
following legend or one substantially similar thereto:

         The securities represented by this certificate have not been registered
         under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or
         the securities laws of any state.  These  securities have been acquired
         for investment and not with a view to distribution  or resale,  and may
         not be sold, mortgaged,  pledged, hypothecated or otherwise transferred
         without an effective  registration  statement for such shares under the
         Securities Act and applicable  state  securities laws, or an opinion of
         counsel  satisfactory  to  the  corporation  that  registration  is not
         required under the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws.

                  Section 3.8 Representations  and Agreements of Seller.  Seller
hereby represents, warrants and agrees as follows:

                  (a) Seller has a total of thirty-five (35)  shareholders.  The
name and address of each shareholder are set forth on Schedule 3.8 hereto.

                  (b) Prior to the meeting of  shareholders of Seller to approve
this Amendment Agreement,  Seller shall distribute to all shareholders of Seller
a copy of the Private  Placement  Memorandum  (and all exhibits  thereto) and an
Investor Questionnaire furnished by Purchaser to Seller.

                  (c)  Seller   agrees  to  furnish  to   Purchaser   any  other
information about Seller reasonably requested by Purchaser to allow Purchaser to
comply  with  securities  laws and that no shares of Common  Stock of  Purchaser
shall be  distributed to any  shareholder  (i) who fails to deliver to Purchaser
and/or  Seller  prior to the  Closing  a  completed  Investor  Questionnaire  of
Purchaser, or (ii) who alone or together with their Purchaser Representative (as
defined in Rule 501 (h) of Regulation  D), fails to furnish prior to the Closing
such  information  or  assurances  necessary  for Purchaser to conclude that the
issuance and delivery of the Closing Shares to Seller as contemplated herein, is
exempt from registration under Federal and state securities laws. Determinations
of  information  required  and whether the  conditions  to  exemption  have been
satisfied shall be made jointly in good faith by both Purchaser and Seller.

(4)      All  representations  and  warranties  made  by  Seller  and  Purchaser
         Sections in 5.2 and 6.2 of the Purchase  Agreement are hereby  extended
         to this Amendment  


         Agreement and the  Registration  Rights  Agreement and the transactions
         contemplated hereby and thereby.

(5)      Sections 5.4 and 5.5,  which shall read in their  entirety as set forth
         below, are hereby added to the Purchase Agreement:

                  Section 5.4 Closing Shares and Additional  Shares. The Closing
Shares and the Additional  Shares will upon issuance in accordance  with Article
III of the Purchase  Agreement be duly and validly  authorized,  fully-paid  and
nonassessable shares of Common Stock of Purchaser,  except that the shareholders
of  Purchaser  are  not  required  to  approve  this  Amendment  Agreement,  the
Registration  Rights  Agreement  or  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  or
thereby.  Purchaser has obtained  confirmation  from the American Stock Exchange
("AMEX")  that the vote of the  shareholders  of  Purchaser at a meeting held on
October  26,  1995 is  sufficient  to satisfy  AMEX  rules  with  respect to the
transactions contemplated by this Amendment Agreement. No filing or registration
with,  no notice to and no permit,  authorization,  consent or  approval  of any
public body or authority is necessary for the  consummation  by Purchaser of the
transactions contemplated by this Amendment Agreement or the Registration Rights
Agreement,  except that (i) offers and/or sales of Closing Shares and Additional
Shares may require filings with, and approvals by, state securities  regulators,
which  filings  and  approvals  will be made and  obtained by  Purchaser  at its
expense  prior to issuance of the Closing  Shares and  Additional  Shares;  (ii)
Purchaser  will file a Form D at its expense  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  following the Closing;  and (iii)  performance  of the  Registration
Rights Agreement will require filings with, and approvals by, the Securities and
Exchange Commission and various State securities regulators, with the expense of
such filings to be allocated as set forth in the Registration Rights Agreement.

                  Section  5.5  Securities  Documents.   The  Private  Placement
Memorandum  delivered by Purchaser to Seller and the documents  incorporated  by
reference  therein do not contain any untrue  statements of material fact and do
not omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements of material
fact  therein,  in light of the  circumstances  under which they were made,  not
misleading.  This representation shall not apply to any statements contained in,
or  omitted  from,  such  documents  to the  extent  the  statement  is based on
information supplied to Purchaser by Seller.

(6)      Article IV of the Purchase  Agreement is hereby  amended to add Section
         4.2 (d), 4.3 (d), (e) and (f), and Section 4.4 (j), which shall read in
         their entirety as follows:

         4.2 (d) All  shareholders  of Seller shall have completed and delivered
         to Purchaser and Seller the Investor Questionnaire in the form attached
         as Exhibit A hereto,  and 


         together with their  Purchaser  Representative  (as defined in Rule 501
         (h) of Regulation  D), shall satisfy the  conditions  for exempting the
         offer and sale by  Purchaser  of shares of Common  Stock to such person
         under Federal or state securities laws.

         4.3 (d)  Purchaser  shall have  executed  and  delivered  to Seller the
         Registration Rights Agreement in the Form attached as Exhibit B to this
         Amendment Agreement.

         4.3 (e)  Shareholders  of Seller shall have  approved the execution and
         delivery  of  this  Amendment  Agreement  and the  consummation  of the
         transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, as amended by this
         Amendment Agreement.

         4.3 (f) No holders of the  outstanding  shares of stock of Seller shall
         have  elected to  exercise  their  dissenters  rights  under  Minnesota
         Statutes Sections 302A.471 and 302A.473.

         4.4 (j) Seller  shall have  executed and  delivered  to  Purchaser  the
         Registration Rights Agreement in the Form attached as Exhibit B to this
         Amendment Agreement.

(7)      The opinion  letters to be  delivered by attorneys  for  Purchaser  and
         attorneys  for Seller  pursuant to Sections  4.3 (b) and 4.4 (b) of the
         Purchase  Agreement  shall be changed to read in their  entirety as set
         forth on Exhibit C and Exhibit D hereto.

(8)      Section  8.4 of the  Purchase  Agreement  is hereby  amended to add the

         Purchaser shall pay at Closing all reasonable attorneys fees, costs and
         expenses  incurred by Seller on or after  November 16, 1995 through the
         Closing Date, and amounts reasonably estimated to be incurred after the
         Closing  Date up to a maximum  of  $25,000  in  post-Closing  fees,  in
         connection with the negotiation, preparation, documentation, execution,
         delivery and performance of the Purchase Agreement,  as amended by this
         Amendment  Agreement,  and the Registration Rights Agreement,  provided
         that  Purchaser  shall not be liable for  amounts  related to work that
         would have been performed had the Purchase Agreement closed without the
         changed terms contained in the Amendment Agreement.

(9)      Article VIII of the Purchase Agreement is hereby amended to add Section
         8.8, which shall read in its entirety as follows:

         Purchaser shall continue to have its Common Stock listed for trading on
         a national securities exchange or quoted on the Automated Quotation 
         System of the


         National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. until the last 
         Repricing Date.

(10)     Except  as  set  forth  above,  the  Purchase  Agreement  shall  remain
         unchanged and in full force and effect.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment Agreement to
be signed by their  respective  officers  thereto duly authorized as of the date
first written above.


ATTEST:                                By:______________________________
   ______________, Secretary

[CORPORATE SEAL]                    EDITEK, INC.

ATTEST:                                By:______________________________
   ______________, Secretary


                          REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT

         THIS REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT,  dated as of January __, 1996 (this
"Agreement"),  is made between Editek,  Inc., a corporation  organized under the
laws of Delaware (the "Company"),  and MedTox Laboratories,  Inc., a corporation
organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Initial Investor").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS, in connection with the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of
July 1, 1995, as amended by the Amendment Agreement dated as of December 1, 1995
between the Initial  Investor and the Company (the  "Purchase  Agreement"),  the
Company has agreed, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the Purchase
Agreement,  to issue and sell to the Initial  Investor shares of Common Stock at
the closing of the  transactions  contemplated  by the Purchase  Agreement  (the
"Closing  Shares"),  and,  under  certain  conditions  described in the Purchase
Agreement to issue without  additional  cost  additional  shares of Common Stock
(the "Additional Shares"); and

         WHEREAS, the Company is agreeing to provide certain registration rights
under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  and the rules and  regulations
thereunder,  or any similar  successor  statute  (collectively,  the "Securities
Act"),  and applicable  state securities laws with respect to the Closing Shares
and the Additional Shares (the "Shares");

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and  the  mutual
covenants  contained  herein  and other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and  sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the Company and the
Initial Investor hereby agree as follows:

         1.       Definitions.

                  (a)      As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall
have the following meanings:

                           (i)      "Register," "registered," and "registration"
refer to a registration effected by preparing  and filing a  Registration
Statement or  Statements in compliance with the Securities Act on such
appropriate registration form promulgated by the Commission as shall be selected
by the Company and the  declaration  or ordering of effectiveness of such
Registration  Statement by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
("SEC") and applicable state laws.

                           (ii)     "Registrable Securities" means the Closing
Shares and the Additional Shares.

                           (iii)    "Registration Statement"  means  a
registration statement under the Securities Act registering securities of the

         (b) As used in this  Agreement,  the  term  Investor  includes  (i) the
Initial  Investor  (as  defined  above) and (ii) each  person who is a permitted
transferee or assignee of the  Registrable  Securities  pursuant to Section 9 of
this Agreement.

         2.       Registration.

                  (a)  Piggy-Back  Registrations.  Subject to the  provisions of
Sections 3 and 4 hereof,  if at any time the Company shall  determine to prepare
and file with the SEC a Registration Statement relating to an offering under the
Securities  Act of any of its  equity  securities  for  its own  account  or the
account of others,  other than on Form S-4 or Form S-8 or their then equivalents
relating  to equity  securities  to be  issued  solely  in  connection  with any
acquisition  of  any  entity  or  business  or  equity  securities  issuable  in
connection with stock option or other employee  benefit plans, the Company shall
send to each Investor who owns  Registrable  Securities  written  notice of such
determination and, if within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice, such
Investor  shall so  request  in  writing,  the  Company  shall  include  in such
Registration  Statement all or any part of the Investor's Registrable Securities
that such Investor requests to be registered, except that if, in connection with
any  underwritten  public  offering  for the account of the Company the managing
underwriter(s)  thereof  shall  impose a  limitation  on the number of shares of
Common Stock which may be included in the  Registration  Statement  because,  in
such underwriter(s)' judgment, such limitation is necessary to effect an orderly
public  distribution,  then the Company  shall be  obligated  to include in such
Registration  Statement only such limited  portion,  if any, of the  Registrable
Securities  with  respect  to  which  such  Investor  has  requested   inclusion
hereunder.  Any exclusion of Registrable  Securities and other securities having
registration  rights  shall be made pro  rata  among  the  Investors  and  other
shareholders seeking to include Registrable Securities and other securities have
registration  rights and in proportion to the number of  Registrable  Securities
and other securities  having  registration  rights sought to be included in such
registration;  provided,  however,  that  the  Company  shall  not  exclude  any
Registrable  Securities  unless the Company has first  excluded all  outstanding
securities  the holders of which are not entitled to inclusion of  securities in
such Registration  Statement. No right to registration of Registrable Securities
under this Section 2(a) shall be  construed to limit any  registration  required
under  Section 2(b) hereof.  The  obligations  of the Company under this Section
2(a) may be waived by Investors  holding Eighty (80%) Percent in interest of the
Registrable  Securities  and shall  terminate (i) after the Company has afforded
the  opportunity  for the Investors to exercise  registration  rights under this
Section 2(a) for two  registrations;  provided,  however,  that any Investor who


have  had any  Registrable  Securities  excluded  from  any  Registration
Statement in  accordance  with this Section 2(a) shall be entitled to include in
an  additional  Registration  Statement  filed by the  Company  the  Registrable
Securities  so excluded,  or (ii) after the  expiration of three years after the
Closing Date of the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement.

                  (b)  Immediate  Registration.  Subject  to the  provisions  of
Sections 3 and 4 hereof,  the  Company  shall  prepare  and file a  Registration
Statement  with the SEC within fifteen (15) business days after the Closing Date
of the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement;  provided,  however,
that such registration  statement need not be filed until five (5) business days
after all persons  having the right to include  shares therein have provided the
Company with all information  reasonably  requested by the Company in connection
with such  registration.  The Registration  Statement required by this Section 2
(b) shall cover a number of  Registrable  Securities  of  Investor  equal to the
number of Closing Shares issued at the Closing of the transactions  contemplated
by the Purchase  Agreement,  plus an equal number of Additional  Shares.  In the
event the Company  becomes  obligated to issue a number of Additional  Shares in
excess of the number covered by such Registration  Statement,  the Company shall
either amend the Registration  Statement to cover the extra Additional Shares or
file a new  Registration  Statement to cover the extra Additional  Shares.  Such
amendment or new  Registration  Statement  shall be filed a number of days after
the issuance of such Additional  Shares as the first  Registration  Statement is
required to be filed after the Closing Date of the transactions  contemplated by
the Purchase Agreement.

                  (c) If any  registration  is  underwritten,  the Investors who
hold the Registrable  Securities to be included in such  underwriting  shall pay
all  underwriting  discounts and commissions  with respect to their  Registrable
Securities and the fees and expenses of legal counsel selected by the Investors.

                  (d)  Nothing  herein  shall  limit the right of the Company to
grant registration rights to any other person or entity and to include shares of
such person or entity on any Registration Statement.

         3.       Obligations of the Company.  In connection with the
registration of the Registrable Securities under this Agreement, the Company

                  (a) prepare promptly and file with the SEC promptly (but in no
event later than 15 business  days after the  Closing  Date of the  transactions
contemplated by the Purchase  Agreement) a Registration  Statement or Statements
with  respect  to  all  Registrable  Securities  to  be  included  therein,  and
thereafter  use its best efforts to cause the  Registration  Statement to become
effective as soon as reasonably possible after such filing. If such Registration
Statement is filed pursuant to Rule 415, the Company shall keep the Registration
Statement  effective pursuant to Rule 415 at all times until such date as is two
years after the date such  Registration  Statement is first ordered effective by
the SEC. In any case, the  Registration


Statement  (including any amendments or supplements  thereto and  prospectuses
contained  therein) filed by the Company shall not contain  any untrue statement
of a material  fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated
therein, or necessary to make the statements therein,  in light of the
circumstances in which they were made, not misleading; provided,  however, that,
subject to the  conditions set forth in Section 4(a) below, each Investor may
notify the Company in writing that it wishes to exclude all or a portion of its
Registrable Securities from such Registration Statement.

                  (b) prepare and file with the SEC such  amendments  (including
post-effective amendments) and supplements to the Registration Statement and the
prospectus  used  in  connection  with  the  Registration  Statement  as  may be
necessary to keep the Registration  Statement  effective at all times until such
date as is two years after the date such Registration Statement is first ordered
effective by the SEC, and, during such period, comply with the provisions of the
Securities Act with respect to the disposition of all Registrable  Securities of
the Company covered by the Registration Statement until such time as all of such
Registrable Securities have been disposed of by the Investors in accordance with
the  intended  methods  of  disposition  by the  Investors  as set  forth in the
Registration Statement.

                  (c) furnish to each Investor whose Registrable  Securities are
included in the Registration  Statement,  such number of copies of a prospectus,
including a preliminary  prospectus,  and all amendments and supplements thereto
promptly  upon  approval  thereof  by the SEC and such other  documents  as such
Investor may reasonably  request in order to facilitate  the  disposition of the
Registrable  Securities owned by such Investor; The Company shall provide copies
of all such  documents  upon  approval  thereof  by the SEC to  counsel  for the
Initial Investor at such address designated in writing by the Initial Investor;

                  (d)  (i)  register  or  qualify,   or  obtain  exemption  from
registration or  qualification  for, the Registrable  Securities  covered by the
Registration  Statement  under  such other  securities  or blue sky laws of such
jurisdictions as required for sale of the Registrable Securities by the investor
as the Investors who hold a majority in interest of the  Registrable  Securities
being offered reasonably  request,  (ii) prepare and file in those jurisdictions
such amendments  (including  post-effective  amendments) and supplements,  (iii)
take such other  actions as may be necessary to maintain such  registrations  or
qualifications  in effect at all times  until such date as is the earlier of two
years after the date such  Registration  Statement is first ordered effective by
the SEC or is two years after the Initial Investor  acquired the Shares and (iv)
take all  other  actions  reasonably  necessary  or  advisable  to  qualify  the
Registrable Securities for sale in such jurisdictions or to otherwise permit the
Holders to dispose of the Registrable  Securities;  provided,  however, that the
Company shall not be required in connection  therewith or as a condition thereto
to (I) qualify to do business in any  jurisdiction  where it would not otherwise
be required to qualify but for this Section 3(d), (II) subject itself to general
taxation in any such  jurisdiction,  (III) file a general  consent to service of
process  in any such  jurisdiction,  (IV)  make any  change  in its  charter  or
by-laws,  which in each case the


Board of Directors of the Company determines to be contrary to the best
interests  of the Company and its  stockholders  or (V) subject  any  officer,
director  or  shareholder  to any  penalty  or  risk  of forfeiture  other than
those penalties and risks to which officers and directors are ordinarily liable
in a public offering of securities;

                  (e) in the event  Investors who hold a majority in interest of
the Registrable  Securities being offered pursuant to Section 2(b) hereof select
underwriters for the offering,  or an underwritten  public offering is conducted
pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof, enter into and perform its obligations under an
underwriting   agreement  in  usual  and  customary  form,  including,   without
limitation,  customary  indemnification and contribution  obligations,  with the
managing underwriter of such offering;

                  (f) as promptly as  practicable  after  becoming aware of such
event, notify each Investor who holds Registrable Securities being sold pursuant
to such  registration  of the  happening  of any event of which the  Company has
knowledge,  as a result of which the  prospectus  included  in the  Registration
Statement, as then in effect, contains an untrue statement of a material fact or
omits to state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading,  and use its best efforts promptly to prepare a supplement
or amendment to the  Registration  Statement to correct such untrue statement or
omission, and deliver a number of copies of such supplement or amendment to each
Investor as such Investor may reasonably request;

                  (g) as promptly as  practicable  after  becoming aware of such
event, notify each Investor who holds Registrable Securities being sold pursuant
to such registration (or, in the event of an underwritten offering, the managing
underwriters)  of the issuance by the SEC of any stop order or other  suspension
of effectiveness of the Registration Statement at the earliest possible time;

                  (h)  permit a single  firm of  counsel  designated  as selling
Investors'  counsel by the  Investors  who hold a majority  in  interest  of the
Registrable  Securities  being sold pursuant to such  registration to review the
Registration  Statement and all amendments and supplements  thereto a reasonable
period of time prior to their  filing with the SEC, and not file any document in
a form to which such counsel reasonably objects,  provided that any unreasonable
delay by such counsel  shall  automatically  extend the period  provided in this
Agreement for filing the Registration Statement;

                  (i) at the  request of the  Investors  who hold a majority  in
interest of the  Registrable  Securities  being sold pursuant to an underwritten
registration,  furnish on the date that Registrable  Securities are delivered to
an  underwriter  for sale in connection  with the  Registration  Statement (i) a
letter,  dated  such  date,  from the  Company's  independent  certified public
accountants  in form  and  substance  as is  customarily  given  by independent
certified public


accountants to underwriters in an underwriter public offering, addressed to the
underwriters;  and (ii) an  opinion,  dated such  date,  from counsel
representing the Company for purposes of such Registration Statement, in form
and substance as is customarily  given in an underwritten  public offering,
addressed to the underwriters and Investors;

                  (j)  make  available  for  inspection  by any  Investor  whose
Registrable  Securities  are  being  sold  pursuant  to such  registration,  any
underwriter  participating  in any  disposition  pursuant  to  the  Registration
Statement,  and any  attorney,  accountant  or other agent  retained by any such
Investor  or  underwriter  (collectively,   the  "Inspectors"),   all  pertinent
financial and other records, pertinent corporate documents and properties of the
Company  (collectively,  the  "Records"),  as shall be  reasonably  necessary to
enable each  Inspector to exercise its due diligence  responsibility,  and cause
the Company's officers,  directors and employees to supply all information which
any  Inspector  may  reasonably  request  for  purposes  of such due  diligence;
provided,  however,  that each Inspector  shall hold in confidence and shall not
make any disclosure  (except to an Investor) of any Record or other  information
which the  Company  determines  in good faith to be  confidential,  and of which
determination the Inspectors are so notified,  unless (i) the disclosure of such
Records is  necessary  to avoid or correct a  misstatement  or  omission  in any
Registration Statement,  (ii) the release of such Records is ordered pursuant to
a  subpoena  or  other  order  from a court  or  government  body  of  competent
jurisdiction  or (iii) the  information  in such Records has been made generally
available  to the public  other than by  disclosure  in violation of this or any
other agreement.  The Company shall not be required to disclose any confidential
information  in such Records to any  Inspector  until and unless such  Inspector
shall  have  entered  into  confidentiality  agreements  (in form and  substance
satisfactory  to the  Company)  with the  Company  with  respect  thereto.  Each
Investor agrees that it shall,  upon learning that disclosure of such Records is
sought  in or by a court  or  governmental  body of  competent  jurisdiction  or
through other means, give prompt notice to the Company and allow the Company, at
its expense,  to undertake  appropriate  action to prevent  disclosure of, or to
obtain a protective  order for,  the Records  deemed  confidential.  The Company
shall  hold in  confidence  and shall  not make any  disclosure  of  information
concerning an Investor  provided to the Company  pursuant to Section 4(e) hereof
unless (i) disclosure of such information is necessary to comply with federal or
state  securities  laws, (ii) the disclosure of such information is necessary to
avoid or correct a misstatement or omission in any Registration Statement, (iii)
the release of such information is ordered pursuant to a subpoena or other order
from a  court  or  governmental  body of  competent  jurisdiction  or (iv)  such
information  has been made  generally  available  to the  public  other  than by
disclosure in violation of this or any other agreement.  The Company agrees that
it shall,  upon  learning  that  disclosure  of such  information  concerning an
Investor  is  sought  in  or  by a  court  or  governmental  body  of  competent
jurisdiction  or through other means,  give prompt notice to such Investor,  and
allow such Investor,  at its expense, to undertake appropriate action to prevent
disclosure of, or to obtain a protective order for, such information;


                  (k)  use  its  best  efforts  either  to  (i)  cause  all  the
Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement to be listed on the
American  Stock  Exchange or another  national  securities  exchange and on each
additional  national  securities  exchange on which similar securities issued by
the  Company  are  then  listed,  if any,  if the  listing  of such  Registrable
Securities  is then  permitted  under the rules of such  exchange or (ii) secure
designation  of all  the  Registrable  Securities  covered  by the  Registration
Statement as a National  Association of Securities Dealers Automated  Quotations
System  ("NASDAQ")  "national market system security" within the meaning of Rule
11Aa2-1 of the SEC under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended (the
"Exchange Act"),  and the quotation of the Registrable  Securities on the NASDAQ
National Market System or, if, despite the Company's best efforts to satisfy the
preceding  clause (i) or (ii),  the Company is  unsuccessful  in satisfying  the
preceding  clause  (i) or (ii),  to  secure  listing  on a  national  securities
exchange or NASDAQ authorization and quotation for such Registrable Securities;

                  (l)      provide a transfer agent and registrar, which may be
a single entity, for the Registrable Securities not later than the effective
date of the Registration Statement;

                  (m)  cooperate   with  the  Investors  who  hold   Registrable
Securities  being sold  pursuant to  registration  statements  and the  managing
underwriter or  underwriters,  if any, to facilitate the timely  preparation and
delivery of certificates to the transferees to whom such Registrable  Securities
are  being  sold  (not  bearing  any  restrictive   legends)   pursuant  to  the
denominations  or amounts as the case may be, and  registered,  in such names as
the  managing  underwriter  or  underwriters,  if  any,  or  the  Investors  may
reasonably  request;  and,  within  three  business  days  after a  Registration
Statement which includes Registrable Securities is ordered effective by the SEC,
the Company shall deliver,  or shall cause legal counsel selected by the Company
to deliver, to the transfer agent for the Registrable Securities (with copies to
the Investors whose Registrable  Securities are being sold)  instructions to the
transfer  agent  to issue  new  stock  certificates  without  a  legend  to such
transferees and an opinion of such counsel that the shares have been registered;

                  (n) take all other  reasonable  actions  necessary to expedite
and  facilitate  disposition  by  the  Investor  of the  Registrable  Securities
pursuant to the Registration Statement.

                  (o)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company's
obligations in connection with the registration of Registrable Securities shall
be limited as follows:

                           (i)      The Company shall not be obligated under
this Agreement to register or include in any registration Registrable Securities
that any Investor has requested to be registered if the Company shall furnish
such Investor with a written  opinion of counsel  reasonably   satisfactory  to
such  Investor,   that  all  Registrable Securities that such Investor holds may
be publicly offered, sold or distributed without  registration under the Act
pursuant to Rule 144 without  restriction as to the amount of securities that
can be sold.


                           (ii)     The Company's obligation to amend,
supplement and cause to continue to be effective any registration statement may
be suspended,  for a reasonable period of time,  not to exceed 45 days,  if the
Company has been  advised in writing by independent  legal  counsel that such
filing would  require the  disclosure of a material  transaction or other facts
and the Board of  Directors of the Company determines  reasonably  and in good
faith  that such  disclosure  would  have a material,  adverse effect on the
Company;  provided,  however,  that the Company shall not under any
circumstances be permitted to exercise such rights more than two (2) times in
any twelve (12) month  period.  The Company  shall  immediately notify in
writing all Investors who hold Registrable  Securities covered by such
registration statement of such determination,  and such Investors shall maintain
the confidentiality of such notice and shall cease all trading in the securities
of the Company  until the Company  notifies  such  Investors in writing that the
circumstances  that caused such suspension or postponement are no longer present
and that the Registration  Statement is currently  effective.  The Company shall
use its best efforts to promptly  take all such  actions  necessary to eliminate
any such suspension or postponement as soon as reasonably possible.

                           (iii)    The Company may in its discretion grant to
any owner of securities of the Company registration rights of any kind or

                  (p) If  the  Company  shall  fail  to  file  the  Registration
Statement  required to be filed by the Company  pursuant to Section 2 (b) hereof
within the time  provided  therefor,  or if the  Company  shall fail to actively
attempt to obtain  effectiveness  of the Registration  Statement,  the Investors
shall be entitled, at the Company's expense, to prepare a Registration Statement
and/or to attempt to obtain effectiveness of the Registration Statement. In such
event,  the  Company  shall  cause its  directors  and  officers  to provide all
required  information  and to execute all documents as  reasonably  requested by
such  Investors  to  file  such   Registration   Statement   and/or  cause  such
Registration Statement to become effective.

         4.       Obligations of the Investors.  In connection with the
registration of the Registrable Securities, the Investors shall have the
following obligations:

                  (a) It shall be a condition  precedent to the  obligations  of
the Company to take any action  pursuant to this  Agreement with respect to each
Investor that such Investor  furnish to the Company such  information  regarding
itself,  the  Registrable  Securities  held by it and  the  intended  method  of
disposition  of the  Registrable  Securities  held by it as shall be  reasonably
required to effect the  registration of the  Registrable  Securities and execute
such  documents  in  connection  with  such  registration  as  the  Company  may
reasonably  request.  At least fifteen (15) days prior to the first  anticipated
filing  date of the  Registration  Statement,  the  Company  shall  notify  each
Investor of the  information  the Company  requires from each such investor (the
"Requested  Information") if such Investor elects to have any of such Investor's
Registrable  Securities included in the Registration  Statement.  If within five
(5) business days


prior to the filing date the Company has not received a signed writing
containing the Requested Information from an Investor (a "Non-Responsive
Investor"),  then  the  Company  may  file the  Registration  Statement  without
including Registrable Securities of such Non-Responsive Investor;

                  (b)  Each  Investor  by  such  Investor's  acceptance  of  the
Registrable  Securities  agrees to  cooperate  with the  Company  as  reasonably
requested by the Company in connection  with the  preparation  and filing of the
Registration Statement hereunder,  unless such Investor has notified the Company
in  writing  of such  Investor's  election  to  exclude  all of such  Investor's
Registrable Securities from the Registration Statement;

                  (c) In the event the Company or  Investors  holding a majority
in interest of the Registrable  Securities being registered  determine to engage
the services of an  underwriter  in accordance  with Section 2(b) hereof,  or in
connection  with any  underwritten  public  offering  pursuant  to Section  2(a)
hereof,  each  Investor  agrees  to  enter  into  and  perform  such  Investor's
obligations  under an  underwriting  agreement,  in usual  and  customary  form,
including,  without  limitation,   customary  indemnification  and  contribution
obligations,  with the managing underwriter of such offering and take such other
actions as are  reasonably  required  in order to  expedite  or  facilitate  the
disposition of the Registrable Securities, unless such Investor has notified the
Company in writing of such Investor's election to exclude all of such Investor's
Registrable  Securities from the Registration  Statement,  and the Company shall
have no  obligation to register the  Registrable  Securities of any Investor who
fails to comply with this paragraph;

                  (d) Each Investor agrees that, upon receipt of any notice from
the Company of the happening of any event of the kind  described in Section 3(f)
and 3(g), such Investor will immediately  discontinue disposition of Registrable
Securities  pursuant to the  Registration  Statement  covering such  Registrable
Securities  until such Investor's  receipt of the copies of the  supplemented or
amended  prospectus  contemplated by Section 3(f) or 3(g) and, if so directed by
the Company,  such Investor  shall,  at the option of the  Investor,  either (i)
deliver to the Company or (ii) destroy (and deliver to the Company a certificate
of  destruction)  all copies in such  Investor's  possession,  of the prospectus
covering  such  Registrable  Securities  current  at the time of receipt of such
notice; and

                  (e) No Investor may  participate and the Company shall have no
obligation  to  register  the  Registrable  Securities  of any  Investor  in any
underwritten registration hereunder unless such Investor (i) agrees to sell such
Investor's  Registrable  Securities  on the basis  provided in any  underwriting
arrangements  approved  by the  Investors  entitled  hereunder  to approve  such
arrangements,  (ii)  completes  and  executes  all  questionnaires,   powers  of
attorney,  indemnities,  underwriting  agreements and other documents reasonably
required under the terms of such  underwriting  arrangements and (iii) agrees to
pay its pro rata share of all underwriting  discounts and commissions applicable
with  respect  to its  Registrable  Securities,


in each case to the  extent not payable by the Company pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement.

         5.  Expenses of  Registration.  All expenses  (other than  underwriting
discounts and commissions or brokerage  commissions) incurred in connection with
registrations,  filings or  qualifications  pursuant  to  Section 3,  including,
without limitation, all registration, listing and qualifications fees, printers'
and accounting fees and the fees and  disbursements  of counsel for the Company,
shall be borne by the Company; provided,  however, that the Investors shall bear
the fees and  out-of-pocket  expenses of the one legal  counsel  selected by the
Investors pursuant to Section 3(h) hereof.

         6.       Indemnification.  In the event any Registrable Securities are
included in a Registration Statement under this Agreement:

                  (a) To the extent permitted by law, the Company will indemnify
and hold  harmless  each  Investor who holds such  Registrable  Securities,  the
directors,  if any, of such  Investor,  the officers,  if any, of such Investor,
each  person,  if any,  who  controls  any  Investor  within the  meaning of the
Securities  Act  or  the  Exchange  Act,  any  underwriter  (as  defined  in the
Securities Act) for the Investors,  the directors,  if any, of such  underwriter
and the  officers,  if any, of such  underwriter,  and each person,  if any, who
controls any such  underwriter  within the meaning of the  Securities Act or the
Exchange  Act (each,  an  "Indemnified  Person"),  against any  losses,  claims,
damages,  expenses or liabilities (joint or several) (collectively  "Claims") to
which any of them become subject under the  Securities  Act, the Exchange Act or
otherwise, insofar as such Claims (or actions or proceedings,  whether commenced
or  threatened,  in respect  thereof)  arise out of or are based upon any of the
following statements,  omissions or violations in the Registration Statement, or
any post-effective  amendment thereof, or any prospectus  included therein:  (i)
any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in
the  Registration  Statement  or any  post-effective  amendment  thereof  or the
omission or alleged  omission to state  therein a material  fact  required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading,  (ii)
any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material fact contained in
any  preliminary  prospectus  if  used  prior  to the  effective  date  of  such
Registration  Statement,  or  contained in the final  prospectus  (as amended or
supplemented,  if the Company files any amendment thereof or supplement  thereto
with the SEC) or the omission or alleged  omission to state therein any material
fact  necessary  to  make  the  statements   made  therein,   in  light  of  the
circumstances  under which the  statements  therein were made, not misleading or
(iii) any violation or alleged  violation by the Company of the Securities  Act,
the  Exchange Act or any state  securities  law or any rule or  regulation  (the
matters  in  the  foregoing  clauses  (i)  through  (iii)  being,  collectively,
"Violations").  Subject  to the  restrictions  set  forth in  Section  6(d) with
respect  to the  number  of legal  counsel,  the  Company  shall  reimburse  the
Investors and each such  underwriter  or  controlling  person,  promptly as such
expenses  are  incurred  and are due and  payable,  for any legal  fees or other
reasonable  expenses  incurred  by  them in  connection  with  investigating  or
defending  any such


Claim.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained herein, the
indemnification  agreement contained in this Section 6(a) (I) shall not apply to
a Claim  arising out of or based upon a Violation  which  occurs in reliance
upon and in  conformity  with  information  furnished in writing to the Company
by any  Indemnified  Person or underwriter for such Indemnified Person expressly
for  use in  connection  with  the  preparation  of the  Registration Statement,
preliminary prospectus, final prospectus or any amendments thereof or
supplements thereto, if such prospectus was timely made available by the Company
pursuant to Section 3(c) hereof; (II) with respect to any preliminary prospectus
shall not inure to the benefit of any such person from whom the person asserting
any such Claim purchased the Registrable Securities that are the subject thereof
(or  to the  benefit  of any  person  controlling  such  person)  if the  untrue
statement or omission of material fact contained in the  preliminary  prospectus
was  corrected  in the  prospectus,  as then  amended or  supplemented,  if such
prospectus  was timely made  available  by the Company  pursuant to Section 3(c)
hereof;  and (III) shall not apply to amounts paid in settlement of any Claim if
such  settlement is effected  without the prior written  consent of the Company,
which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such indemnity shall remain in
full force and effect  regardless of any  investigation  made by or on behalf of
the  Indemnified  Persons  and shall  survive the  transfer  of the  Registrable
Securities by the Investors pursuant to Section 9.

                  (b) In connection with any Registration  Statement in which an
Investor is  participating,  each such  Investor  agrees to  indemnify  and hold
harmless,  to the same extent and in the same manner set forth in Section  6(a),
the  Company,  each  of its  directors,  each  of its  officers  who  signs  the
Registration Statement, each person, if any, who controls the Company within the
meaning of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, any underwriter and any other
stockholder selling securities pursuant to the Registration  Statement of any of
its  directors  or  officers  or any person who  controls  such  stockholder  or
underwriter  within  the  meaning  of the  Securities  Act or the  Exchange  Act
(collectively and together with an Indemnified person, an "Indemnified  Party"),
against any Claims to which any of them may become subject, under the Securities
Act, the Exchange Act or otherwise,  insofar as such Claims(s)  arises out of or
is based  upon any  Violation(s),  in each case to the  extent  (and only to the
extent) that such  Violation(s)  occurs in reliance upon and in conformity  with
written information  furnished to the Company by such Investor expressly for use
in connection with such Registration Statement;  and such Investor will promptly
reimburse any legal or other expenses  reasonably incurred by them in connection
with  investigating  or defending any such Claim;  provided,  however,  that the
indemnity  agreement  contained  in this Section 6(b) shall not apply to amounts
paid in settlement of any Claim if such settlement is effected without the prior
written  consent  of such  Investor,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably
withheld;  provided,  further,  however, that the Investor shall be liable under
this  Section  6(b) for only that  amount of a Claim as does not  exceed the net
proceeds  to such  Investor  as a result of the sale of  Registrable  Securities
pursuant to such  Registration  Statement.  Such indemnity  shall remain in full
force and effect  regardless of any  investigation  made by or on behalf of such
Indemnified  Party and shall survive the transfer of the Registrable  Securities
by the Investors


pursuant to Section 9. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,  the
indemnification  agreement  contained  in this  Section  6(b) with respect  to
any  preliminary  prospectus  shall not inure to the  benefit of any
Indemnified Party if the untrue statement or omission of material fact contained
in the preliminary prospectus was corrected on a timely basis in the prospectus,
as then amended or supplemented.

                  (c) The Company shall be entitled to receive  indemnities from
underwriters,  selling brokers,  dealer managers and similar securities industry
professionals participating in any distribution,  to the same extent as provided
above,  with respect to information such persons so furnished in writing by such
persons expressly for inclusion in the Registration Statement.

                  (d)  Promptly  after  receipt  by  an  Indemnified  Person  or
Indemnified  Party  under this  Section 6 of notice of the  commencement  of any
action  (including  any  governmental   action),   such  Indemnified  Person  or
Indemnified Party shall, if a Claim in respect thereof is to be made against any
indemnifying  party under this  Section 6, deliver to the  indemnifying  party a
written notice of the commencement thereof and the indemnifying party shall have
the right to  participate  in,  and,  to the  extent the  indemnifying  party so
desires,  jointly with any other indemnifying party similarly noticed, to assume
control  of the  defense  thereof  with  counsel  mutually  satisfactory  to the
indemnifying  parties;   provided,   however,  that  an  Indemnified  Person  or
Indemnified Party shall have the right to retain its own counsel,  with the fees
and expenses to be paid by the indemnifying party, if, in the reasonable opinion
of counsel  retained  by the  indemnifying  party,  the  representation  by such
counsel of the  Indemnified  Person or  Indemnified  Party and the  indemnifying
party would be  inappropriate  due to actual or  potential  differing  interests
between such Indemnified  Person or Indemnified Party and indemnifying  party in
such  proceeding.  The Company shall pay for only one separate legal counsel for
such of the Investors as may become Indemnified Parties or Indemnified  Persons;
such legal  counsel  shall be  selected by the  Investors  holding a majority in
interest of the Registrable Securities. The failure to deliver written notice to
the indemnifying  party within a reasonable time of the commencement of any such
action  shall  not  relieve  such  indemnifying  party of any  liability  to the
Indemnified  Person or  Indemnified  Party  under this  Section 6, except to the
extent that the  indemnifying  party is prejudiced in its ability to defend such
action. The indemnification required by this Section 6 shall be made by periodic
payments  of the  amount  thereof  during  the  course of the  investigation  or
defense,  as such expense,  loss, damage or liability is incurred and is due and

                  (e) Any Holder  required to indemnify  the Company as provided
in this  Section  6 shall  cease to have the right to  participate  in any other
registration pursuant to this Agreement.

         7. Contribution.  To the extent any indemnification provided for herein
is  prohibited  or limited by law,  the  indemnifying  party  agrees to make the
maximum contribution


with respect to any amounts for which it would otherwise be liable  under
Section  6 to the  fullest  extent  permitted  by law;  provided, however, that
(a) no contribution shall be made under  circumstances  where the maker would
not have been liable for  indemnification  under the fault standards set  forth
in  Section  6, (b) no  Holder of  Registrable  Securities  guilty of fraudulent
misrepresentation  (within  the  meaning  of  Section  11(f)  of the Securities
Act) shall be entitled to contribution from any Holder of Registrable Securities
who was not  guilty  of such  fraudulent  misrepresentation  and (c)
contribution by any Holder of Registrable  Securities shall be limited in amount
to the net amount of  proceeds  received  by such  Holder  from the sale of such
Registrable Securities.

         8. Reports under  Exchange Act. With a view to making  available to the
Investors  the benefits of Rule 144 or any other  similar rule or  regulation of
the SEC that may at any time  permit the  Investors  to sell  securities  of the
Company to the public  without  registration,  until such time as the  Investors
have sold all the Registrable Securities held by them pursuant to a Registration
Statement or Rule 144 or otherwise, the Company agrees to:

                  (a)      make and keep public information available, as those
terms are understood and defined in Rule 144;

                  (b)      file with the SEC in a timely manner all reports and
other documents required of the Company under the Securities Act and the
Exchange Act; and

                  (c)  furnish to each  Investor so long as such  Investor  owns
Registrable  Securities,  promptly upon request,  (i) a written statement by the
Company that it has complied  with the reporting  requirements  of Rule 144, the
Securities  Act and the Exchange  Act,  (ii) a copy of the most recent annual or
quarterly report of the Company and such other reports and documents so filed by
the Company and (iii) such other  information as may be reasonably  requested to
permit  the  Investors  to sell such  securities  pursuant  to Rule 144  without

         9.  Assignment  of the  Registration  Rights.  The  rights  to have the
Company  register  Registrable  Securities  pursuant  to this  Agreement  may be
assigned by the Initial  Investor to any shareholder of the Initial  Investor to
whom the Initial Investor  transfers any Closing Shares or Additional Shares if:
(a) the Company is, within a reasonable  time after such transfer or assignment,
furnished with written notice of (i) the name and address of such  transferee or
assignee and (ii) the securities with respect to which such registration  rights
are being  transferred or assigned,  (b) immediately  following such transfer or
assignment  the further  disposition  of such  securities  by the  transferee or
assignee is restricted  under the Securities Act and applicable state securities
laws,  and (c) at or before the time the Company  receives  the  written  notice
contemplated by clause (a) of this sentence the transferee or assignee agrees in
writing with the Company to be bound by all of the provisions  contained


herein. Except for transfers to  shareholders  of the Initial  Investor that
comply with the requirements of this Section, registration rights are not

         10. Amendment of Registration  Rights.  Any provision of this Agreement
may be amended and the observance  thereof may be waived (either generally or in
a particular instance and either retroactively or prospectively),  only with the
written  consent of the Company and Investors who hold a majority in interest of
the Registrable Securities.  Any amendment or waiver effected in accordance with
this Section 10 shall be binding upon each Investor and the Company.

         11.      Miscellaneous.

                  (a) A person or entity is deemed to be a holder of Registrable
Securities  whenever  such  person or entity  owns of  record  such  Registrable
Securities.  If  the  Company  receives  conflicting  instructions,  notices  or
elections  from  two or more  persons  or  entities  with  respect  to the  same
Registrable  Securities,  the Company shall act upon the basis of  instructions,
notice  or  election  received  from the  registered  owner of such  Registrable

                  (b) Notices  required or permitted to be given hereunder shall
be in writing (including facsimile) and shall be deemed to be sufficiently given
and delivered when personally delivered,  faxed (with a copy sent by first class
mail) or when sent by registered mail, return receipt  requested,  addressed (i)
if to the  Company,  at EDITEK,  Inc.,  1238  Anthony  Road,  Burlington,  North
Carolina 27215,  Attention:  Peter J. Heath, Chief Financial Officer, (ii) if to
the Initial Investor, at the address set forth in the Purchase Agreement, with a
copy to Henson & Efron,  P. A.,  1200  Title  Insurance  Building,  Minneapolis,
Minnesota  55401,  Attention  Alan C.  Eidsness,  Esq. and (iii) if to any other
Investor, at such address as such Investor shall have provided in writing to the
Company,  or at such other address as each such party  furnishes by notice given
in accordance  with this Section  11(b),  with a copy to Henson & Efron,  P. A.,
1200 Title Insurance Building,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota 55401, Attention Alan C.
Eidsness, Esq., and shall be effective, when personally delivered, upon receipt,
when faxed, the day after transmission, and when so sent by certified mail, four
business days after deposit with the United States Postal Service.

                  (c) Failure of any party to exercise any right or remedy under
this  Agreement,  or otherwise,  or delay by a party in exercising such right or
remedy, shall not operate as a waiver thereof.

                  (d)  This  Agreement  shall  be  enforced,   governed  by  and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable to the
agreements  made and to be performed  entirely  within such state.  In the event
that any  provision  of this  Agreement  is invalid or  unenforceable  under any
applicable  statute  or  rule  of law,  then  such  provision  shall


be  deemed inoperative  to the extent that it may  conflict therewith and shall
be deemed modified to conform with such statute or rule of law. Any provision
hereof which may prove invalid or  unenforceable  under any law shall not affect
the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof.

                  (e) This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement among the
parties  hereto  with  respect  to  the  subject  matter  hereof.  There  are no
restrictions,  promises, warranties or undertakings,  other than those set forth
or  referred to herein.  This  Agreement  supersedes  all prior  agreements  and
understandings  among the  parties  hereto with  respect to the  subject  matter

                  (f)  Subject to the  requirements  of  Section 9 hereof,  this
Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the  successors and
assigns of each of the parties hereto.

                  (g)      All pronouns and any variations thereof refer to the
masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or plural, as the context may required.

                  (h)      The headings in the Agreement are for convenience of
reference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof.

                  (i)  This   Agreement   may  be   executed   in  two  or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original  but all of which shall
constitute one and the same agreement. This Agreement, once executed by a party,
may be  delivered  to  the  other  party  hereto  by  telephone  line  facsimile
transmission  of a copy of this Agreement  bearing the signature of the party so
delivering this Agreement.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed by their  respective  officers  thereunto duly authorized as of day and
year first above written.

EDITEK, INC.                                         MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC.

By: _______________________                          By:_______________________
Title:_____________________                          Title:____________________


                           EDITEK, INC. QUESTIONNAIRE

         As partial  consideration  for the acquisition of substantially  all of
the  assets of  MedTox  Laboratories,  Inc.  ("MedTox")  by  EDITEK,  Inc.  (the
"Company"),  shares (the "Shares") of the common stock, par value $.15 per share
("Common  Stock"),  of the  Company are being  offered to MedTox,  at a purchase
price and on the terms described in the Company's Private  Placement  Memorandum
(the "Offering").

         The Shares are being offered without  registration under the Securities
Act of 1933,  as amended  (the  "Securities  Act"),  or the  securities  laws of
certain  states,  in reliance on the exemption  contained in Section 4(2) of the
Securities  Act and on Regulation D promulgated  by the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  pursuant to the Securities Act ("Regulation  D"), and in reliance on
applicable  exemptions  claimed under certain applicable state laws. The Company
has  agreed  to file a  registration  statement  on Form S-3 (the  "Registration
Statement")  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission to  registering  for
resale the Shares.

                         PURPOSES OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE

         PART I:   Suitability Requirements and General Solicitation 

         Under the  Securities  Act,  Regulation D and certain  state laws,  the
Company must determine that an individual meets certain suitability requirements
before selling (or, in some states,  offering) the Shares to such individual and
must ensure that no general solicitation occurs in connection with the Offering.
This  Questionnaire does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an
offer  to sell or a  solicitation  of an offer to buy the  Shares  or any  other


         PART II: Stock Ownership.

         Certain information regarding ownership of the Company's securities and
the  intended  plan of  distribution  of the Shares is  necessary to prepare the
Registration  Statement and other securities  documents which may be required in
connection with the  Registration  Statement to be filed by the Company with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  to  register  for resale the  Shares,  in
accordance  with the rights granted to you pursuant to the  Registration  Rights
Agreement between the Company and MedTox (the "Registration Rights Agreement").

         Because the information provided herein will be used in connection with
the  preparation  of  documents to be filed with state or federal  agencies,  it
should be accurate,  complete  and true,  and not omit any material or important

         One copy of this  questionnaire  should be completed  and  delivered to
Editek, Inc., 1238 Anthony Road, Burlington, NC 27215, Attn: Peter J. Heath.


                                     PART I


         PLEASE ANSWER ALL  QUESTIONS.  If the  appropriate  answer is "None" or
"Not Applicable," so state.  Please print or type your answers to all questions.
Attach additional sheets if necessary to complete your answers to
any item.

         Your answers to Part I will be kept strictly confidential at all times;
however,  the Company may present this  Questionnaire to such parties (including
lenders or  governmental  entities) as it deems  appropriate  in order to assure
itself and such entities that the offer and sale of the Units will not result in
a violation of the registration  provisions of the Securities Act or a violation
of Regulation D or the securities laws of any state.

         NOTE:  Individuals  responding  to  this  questionnaire  should  answer
questions 1 through 3.2 of Part I. Partnerships,  corporations,  trusts or other
entities responding to this questionnaire  should answer questions 4 through 7.2
of Part I.


         1.       Name and Address.

Name:_____________________________________     Date of Birth:__________________
Residence Address (include Zip Code):__________________________________________

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Business Address (include Zip Code)____________________________________________

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Telephone Nos. Res.:_______________________          Bus.:_____________________
Preferred Mailing Address: [  ] Residence   [  ] Business

Citizenship:      [  ] U.S.   [  ] Other (specify)_____________________________

State of Residence:____________________________________________________________

Social Security No.:___________________________________________________________

Marital Status:________________________________________________________________

         2.  Financial   Condition.   Please  answer  the  following   questions
concerning your financial condition by marking the appropriate response box.

         2.1      Did your  individual  annual  gross  income  (net of  expenses
                  directly related to the production of such income) during each
                  of 1993 and 1994 exceed $200,000, and do you reasonably expect
                  your individual annual income during 1995 to exceed $200,000?

                                                                   [ ]   [ ] 
                                                                   Yes    No

         2.2      Did your joint annual gross income (together with your spouse)
                  (net of expenses  directly  related to the  production of such
                  income) during each of 1993 and 1994 exceed  $300,000,  and do
                  you reasonably  expect your joint annual income during 1995 to
                  exceed $300,000?
                                                                     [ ]  [ ]
                                                                     Yes    No

         2.3     Does your  individual  or joint  (together  with your  spouse) 
                 net worth 1 exceed $1,000,000?
                                                                     [ ]   [ ]
                                                                     Yes    No

1 For this purpose, a person's net worth is the excess of all of the person's 
assets over all of the person's liabilities, based upon current fair market 


         3.                Sophistication:

         3.1               (a) Do  you  consider  yourself  to  have  sufficient
                           knowledge  and  experience  in financial and business
                           matters  to enable  you to  evaluate  the  merits and
                           risks of an investment in the Shares?

                                                                     [ ]    [ ]
                                                                     Yes     No

                  (b)      If the answer to 3.1(a) is "No," you will be required
                           to have an attorney,  accountant or other  investment
                           adviser serve as your purchaser  representative(s) to
                           evaluate   and  advise  you  with   respect  to  your
                           prospective  investment  in  the  Shares.  Each  such
                           person  must  complete,   and  you  must  review  and
                           acknowledge,   a  separate  Purchaser  Representative
                           Questionnaire    and    Disclosure    Statement   and
                           Acknowledgement which must be returned to the Company
                           prior to the sale of any Shares to you.

         3.2      In  connection  with your  proposed  investment in the Shares,
                  will you seek advice from any attorney, accountant, investment
                  adviser or other person or persons?

                                                                     [ ]   [ ]
                                                                     Yes    No

                  If yes,  please set forth the name,  profession or occupation,
                  business address and telephone number of each such prospective
                  adviser and, if more than one, explain briefly the division of
                  responsibilities between them:







         4.       Name and Address.

Name of entity: ________________________________________________________________

Indicate type of entity:
                           [   ]   General Partnership
                           [   ]   Limited Partnership
                           [   ]   Corporation
                           [   ]   Trust
                           [   ]   Other ____________________________________

Taxpayer identification number:___________________

Business address:______________________________________________________________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  (City)            (State)          (Zip Code)

Business telephone number:_______________________________________
                                    (Area Code)           (Number)

State in which organized or incorporated:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date of organization or incorporation:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Was this partnership, corporation, trust or other entity formed for the specific
purpose of investing in the Shares?

                           [   ]  Yes                         [   ]  No

         5.       Business

         Please describe the nature of the business the entity conducts.



         6.       Financial Condition:

         6.1      Please answer Questions 6.1.1 through 6.1.6 by checking the 
                  appropriate box or boxes below:

                  6.1.1 The  undersigned  entity is (a) a bank,  as  defined  in
                  Section 3(a)(2) of the Securities Act os 1933, as amended (the
                  "Act"), or a savings and loan association or other institution
                  as defined in Section 3(a)(5)(A) of the Act, whether acting in
                  its individual or fiduciary  capacity;  (b) a broker or dealer
                  registered  pursuant to Section 15 of the Securities  Exchange
                  Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"); (c) an insurance
                  company,  as  defined  in  Section  2(13) of the  Act;  (d) an
                  investment company registered under the Investment Partnership
                  Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") or a business development company
                  as  defined  in  Section  310(c) or (d) of the Small  Business
                  Investment Act of 1958; (e) a plan  established and maintained
                  by a  state,  it  political  subdivision,  or  any  agency  or
                  instrumentality of a state or its political subdivisions,  for
                  the benefit of its  employees if such plan has total assets in
                  excess of $5,000,000;  or an employee  benefit plan within the
                  meaning of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
                  ("ERISA"),  if  the  investment  decision  is  made  by a plan
                  fiduciary,  as  defined  in  Section  3(21) of ERISA,  that is
                  either a bank, savings and loan association, insurance company
                  or registered  investment  adviser, or if the employee benefit
                  plan has  total  assets  in  excess  of  $5,000,000  or,  if a
                  self-directed  plan, with investment  decisions made solely by
                  persons that are accredited investors.

                                                                      [ ]   [ ]
                                                                      Yes    No

                  6.1.2  The   undersigned   entity  is  a   "private   business
                  development  company" as defined in Section  202(a)(22) of the
                  Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

                                                                      [ ]   [ ]
                                                                      Yes    No

                  6.1.3 The undersigned  entity is an organization  described in
                  Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, a corporation,
                  a Massachusetts  or similar  business trust, or a partnership,
                  not formed for the specific  purpose of making the investment,
                  with total assets in excess of $5,000,000.

                                                                      [ ]   [ ]
                                                                      Yes    No


                  6.1.4 The undersigned  entity is a trust, with total assets in
                  excess of $5,000,000,  not formed for the purpose of investing
                  in the Shares.

                                                                       [ ]   [ ]
                                                                       Yes    No

                  6.1.5 The undersigned is an entity and each partner (including
                  general  and  limited  partners),  shareholder,  grantor  of a
                  revocable  trust or  other  equity  owner  of the  undersigned
                  entity (a) has a net worth,  individually  or jointly with his
                  or her spouse, of at least  $1,000,000;  (b) had an individual
                  income  in  excess  of  $200,000  in each of 1993 and 1994 and
                  reasonably  expects such individual  income to exceed $200,000
                  in 1995 (or with his or her spouse, had and expects to have an
                  income of  $300,000  for such  periods;  (c) is an  officer or
                  director of the Company;  or (d) meets the requirements of any
                  of categories 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4 above.

                                                                       [ ]  [ ]
                                                                       Yes   No

                  6.1.6  The  undersigned  entity  does  not  meet  any  of  the
                  standards set forth in the categories  listed in 6.1.1 through
                  6.1.5 above.

                                                                      [ ]   [ ]
                                                                      Yes    No

         7.       Sophistication

         7.1               (a) Does the entity  have  sufficient  knowledge  and
                           experience  in  financial  and  business  matters  to
                           enable  it to  evaluate  the  merits  and risks of an
                           investment in the Shares?

                                                                     [ ]    [ ]
                                                                     Yes     No

                  (b)      If the answer to 7.1(a) is "No," the  entity  will be
                           required  to have an  attorney,  accountant  or other
                           investment    adviser    serve   as   its   purchaser
                           representative(s)  to  evaluate  and  advise  it with
                           respect to the prospective  investment in the Shares.
                           Each such person must  complete,  and the entity must
                           review  and   acknowledge,   a   separate   Purchaser
                           Representative Questionnaire and Disclosure Statement
                           and  Acknowledgement  which must be  returned  to the
                           Company  prior  to  the  sale  of any  Shares  to the


         7.2      In connection with the proposed investment in the Shares, will
                  the  entity  seek  advice  from  any   attorney,   accountant,
                  investment adviser or other person or persons?

                                                                      [ ]   [ ]
                                                                      Yes    No

                  If yes,  please set forth the name,  profession or occupation,
                  business address and telephone number of each such prospective
                  adviser and, if more than one, explain briefly the division of
                  responsibilities between them:






                                     PART II


         Please answer each question  fully,  giving the most exact and accurate
answers possible and provide  information as of December 1, 1995.  Certain terms
used in Part II are defined in Appendix A hereto, which should be referred to in
completing this part of the questionnaire.

         For purposes of the questions in Part II, references to "you" or "your"
refer equally to individuals and entities responding to this questionnaire.

         1.       General.

                  State  your  name  as  it  should  appear  in  any  securities
registration filings made.


                  If an entity, indicate principal contact for questions:



         2.       Business.

                  Please  describe the nature of the business your  organization

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         3.       Relationship with the Company.

                  Please  state  your  (or  the  undersigned  entity's)  current
position  or  relationship   with  the  Company  (or  its  affiliates)  and  any
relationship with the Company (or its affiliates) during the past three years:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         4.       Security Holdings.

                  (a) Please state below the respective numbers of shares of the
Company's Common Stock (or any other class of equity securities),  excluding the
shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock  offered  by  the  Company  as  partial
consideration  for the  acquisition of the assets of MedTox,  owned of record or
beneficially*, directly or indirectly, by you or members of your family, or by a
group* of which you are a member, or by an associate* of yours, as indicated, as
of __________________  (the "Non-MedTox Shares"). For purposes of this question,
your family members include your spouse, your minor children and any relative of
you or your spouse who lives with you.

                                    Class & Number of       Name and               Amount and
                                    Non-MedTox Shares       Address of             Nature of
                                    Currently Owned         Beneficial Owner*      Beneficial Ownership2

Non-MedTox Shares owned
by you, both of record
and beneficially*

Non-MedTox Shares owned
by you, of record only

Non-MedTox Shares owned
by you, beneficially* only

Non-MedTox  Shares owned
of record or beneficially*  
by your spouse,  your 
minor children and  
relatives of yours or
of your spouse  
(including  adult  children)
living in your home

2 State whether this is by (1) sole voting power, (2) shared voting power, (3)
sole investment power, (4) shared investment power, or any combination of the 


                                    Class & Number of         Name and          Amount and
                                    Non-MedTox Share          Address of        Nature of
                                    Currently Owned           Beneficial Owner* Beneficial Ownership3

Non-MedTox Shares owned
by a group* of which you
are a member, both of
record and beneficially*

Non-MedTox Shares owned
by a group* of which
you are a member,
of record only

Non-MedTox Shares owned
by a group* of which
you are a member,
beneficially* only

Non-MedTox  Shares  
which  you  have a 
right to  acquire  
pursuant  to  options,
warrants or otherwise  
within 60 days of 
 _____________,  1995 
(please  describe
arrangements on reverse 
side of this page)

         (b) Are any of the shares of stock or notes of the Company owned by you
subject to any pledge or other contractual arrangement*?

                           No _____                  Yes _____

                  If yes,  please  explain  such  pledge  or  other  contractual

3 State whether this is by (1) sole voting power, (2) shared voting power, 
(3) sole investment power, (4) shared investment power, or any combination
of the foregoing.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         (c) Please  describe  any other  rights to purchase  securities  of the
Company that you have:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         5. Plan of Distribution. Attached as Appendix B hereto is a description
of a plan of  distribution  that  is  intended  to be  used in the  Registration
Statement.  Please indicate  whether anything stated in Appendix B is inaccurate
or misleading with respect to any plan you may have to distribute the securities
owned by you or  whether  Appendix B omits to state any  information  about such
plan of distribution.

                           No _____                  Yes _____

                  If yes, describe below  specifically in what manner Appendix B
is  inaccurate  or  misleading.   Please  also  describe  below  any  additional
information  about any plan you may have to distribute the  securities  that you

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         The  undersigned  hereby  affirms  that the  preceding  information  is
correct as of the date hereof.  The undersigned will promptly notify the Company
or its  legal  counsel  of any  changes  in such  information.  The  undersigned
understands and agrees that this  Questionnaire,  as completed,  and any further
communications  by the undersigned  regarding the matters  contemplated  herein,
will be relied  upon,  in  connection  with the  offering  by the Company of the
Shares and the filings related to the  Registration  Statement,  by the Company,
its legal counsel,  and the  representatives  of the  underwriters  (if any) and
their counsel.

                             Signature of Investor 4

                   Please type or print name and title, if any


4 If this Questionnaire is being completed by or on behalf of a person* other 
than an individual, the entity on whose behalf the Questionnaire is being 
completed should be stated.


                                   APPENDIX A

1.       Affiliate,  Affiliated  Company.  The term  "affiliate"  or "affiliated
         company"  means any person* that directly or indirectly  through one or
         more intermediaries  controls,  or is controlled by, or is under common
         control with a specific entity,  by means of possession of the power to
         direct or cause the direction of its management  and policies,  whether
         through ownership or otherwise. Persons who have acted or are acting on
         behalf  or  for  the  benefit  of  any  entity  include,  but  are  not
         necessarily  limited  to,  directors,   officers,   employees,  agents,
         consultants and sales representatives.

2.       Associate.  The term "associate" means:

         (a)      Any  corporation or  organization,  except the Company and its
                  subsidiaries, of which you are an executive officer or partner
                  or of which you,  together with other officers or directors of
                  the Company, are, directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner
                  of 10% or more of any class of equity securities.

         (b)      Any  trust or other  estate  in which  you have a  substantial
                  beneficial  interest or as to which you serve as trustee or in
                  a similar fiduciary capacity.

         (c)      Any  relative,  your spouse or any relative of your spouse who
                  resides  with  your or who is a  director  of  officer  of the
                  Company or its subsidiaries.

3.       Beneficial Owner. A "beneficial owner" of securities is any person who,
         directly   or   indirectly,   through   any   contract,    arrangement,
         understanding, relationship or otherwise has or shares:

         (i)      Voting power,  which  includes the power to vote, or to direct
                  the voting of, such security; and/or,

         (ii)     Investment  power,  which  includes  the power to  dispose  or
                  direct the disposition of, such security.

         Furthermore, a "beneficial owner" of a security includes any person who
         has the right to acquire  beneficial  ownership of such security at any
         time within sixty (60) days. The right to acquire beneficial  ownership
         could (but need not  necessarily)  be through  (i) the  exercise of any
         option,  warrant or right,  (ii) the conversion of a security,  (iii) a
         power to  revoke or  automatic  termination  of a trust,  discretionary
         account, or similar arrangement, or otherwise.


         A  "beneficial  owner"  also  includes  any  person  who,  directly  or
         indirectly,  creates or uses a trust, proxy, power of attorney, pooling
         arrangement  or any other  contract,  arrangement,  or device  with the
         purpose or effect of divesting such person or beneficial ownership of a
         security or preventing the vesting of such beneficial ownership as part
         of a plan to evade the reporting  requirements  of any federal or state
         securities act.

         Securities owned beneficially would include not only securities held by
         you for your own benefit,  whether in bearer form or registered in your
         own name or otherwise, but would also include securities held by others
         for your benefit  (regardless  of whether or how they are  registered),
         such  as,  for  example,  securities  held  for you by  banks  or other
         custodians,  brokers  (whether  in your name,  their name or in "street
         name"),  executors,  administrators,  or trustees  (including trusts in
         which you have only a remainder  interest) and securities held for your
         account by pledges,  and securities owned by a partnership in which you
         are a member,  and securities owned by any corporation in which you and
         your associates* own 10% or more of the stock. A person is deemed to be
         the beneficial  owner of securities  beneficially  owned by his spouse,
         his minor children, or any relative sharing his home.

         "Indirectly", when used to refer to beneficial ownership of securities,
         means  ownership  through  another  such as a  controlled  corporation,
         member of the family, estate, trust, partnership or other entity.

4.       Family  Member.  The term "family  member" means your spouse,  parents,
         children,    siblings,    mothers   and   fathers-in-law,    sons   and
         daughters-in-law, and brothers and sisters-in-law.

5.       Family   Relationship.   The  term  "family   relationship"  means  any
         relationship by blood, marriage or adoption, not more remote than first

6.       Group.  The term  "group"  means  any two or more  persons  acting as a
         partnership, limited partnership, syndicate or otherwise.

7.       Person. The term "person" means a natural person, company, partnership,
         joint venture, limited partnership, trust, estate, government, or other
         entity, or a political  subdivision,  agency, or  instrumentality  of a

8.       Public Company.  The term "public company" means a company with a class
         of  securities  registered  pursuant  to section  12 of the  Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934 or subject to the requirements of section 15(d) of
         that Act or any company  registered as an investment  company under the
         Investment Company Act of 1940.

9.       Arrangement.  Any  plan,*  contract,  authorization  or  understanding,
         whether or not set forth in a formal document.

10.      Immediate  Family.  Any  relationship  by blood,  marriage or adoption,
         including the person's spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters,
         mothers and fathers-in-law,  sons and daughters-in-law and brothers and
         sisters-in law, but not more remote than first cousin.


                                   APPENDIX B

                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

         The MedTox  Shareholders may from time to time effect the sale of their
Shares in one or more  transactions in the public market, at prices and at terms
then  prevailing or at prices related to the  then-current  market price,  or in
negotiated  transactions  or  otherwise.  The Shares may be sold pursuant to the
Registration  Statement,  another  registration  statement  or  pursuant  to  an
exemption  from  registration,  including  Rule 144.  If all or a portion of the
Shares are sold in such transactions,  they may be sold by means of: (a) a block
trade in which the broker or dealer so engaged  will  attempt to sell the Shares
as agent but may  position  and  resell a portion of the block as  principal  to
facilitate the  transactions;  (b) purchases by a broker as principal and resale
by such broker for its account  pursuant to the Prospectus that is a part of the
Registration  Statement;  (c) an exchange  distribution  in accordance  with the
rules of such exchange;  (d) ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in
which the broker  solicits  purchasers;  or (e) a  combination  of the foregoing
methods.  In  effecting  sales,   brokers  or  dealers  engaged  by  the  MedTox
Shareholders  may  arrange  for other  brokers or dealers  to  participate.  The
brokers or dealers engaged by the MedTox  Shareholders will receive  commissions
or discounts from the MedTox  Shareholders in amounts to be negotiated  prior to
the sale.  Such  brokers  or  dealers  and any other  participating  brokers  or
dealers, as well as the MedTox Shareholders,  may be deemed to be "underwriters"
within the meaning of the  Securities Act in connection  with such sales.  There
are currently no plans, arrangements or understandings between any of the MedTox
Shareholders  and any broker or dealer regarding the sale of stock by the MedTox
