Exhibit 1



1. Elmako Damm GmbH, vertr.d.d. GF Hand Aamm, IndustriestraBe 8, 76473 Iffezheim

2. Herrn Hand Damm Und Frau Anita Damm, IndustriestraBe 8, 76473 Iffezheim

3. Transit-Media  GmbH,  vertr.d.d.  GF Robert Huber,  IndustriestraBe  8, 76473

4. Digital  Recorders  Inc.  4900  Prospectus  Drive Suite 1000,  P.O. Box 14068
   vertr.d.d. Prasidenten J. Phillips L. Johnston

5. Robert Huber, Pforzheim

                                (Section Mark) 1
Digital  Buys the  shares of TRANSIT  MEDIA  GmbH held by Mr.  Hans Damm and Mr.
Robert Huber. The purchasing price is 25.000,00 DM each.

The  shareholders  of TRANSIT MEDIA (Mr. Damm and Mr. Huber and Mrs.  Damm) have
stood surety for the TRANSIT MEDIA towards the Stadtsparkasse  Baden-Baden.  The
suretyship  runs up to 62.500,00 DM for Mr. and Mrs. Damm and  125.000,00 DM for
Mr. Huber.

Digital is obliged to bring a certificate of release.

The purchasing price has to be payed at the time of notarization. The obligation
of bringing a release will be valid at the same time.

                                (Section Mark) 2
Elmako is obliged to make no  competition  on the field of selling  displays for
buses and trains towards TRANSIT MEDIA.  That implies the prohibition of selling
or  delivering  controllingboards  and displays and the  pertaining  software to
third parties. For each single violation of this competition class Elmako has to
pay a contract  penalty of 50.000,00 DM. The eventual  surpassing  damage can be
claimed in addition to that.

                                (Section Mark) 3
Transit is obliged to give Elmako an order of at least 50 controllerboards  with
Ibis-Function.  The single-price is 650,00 DM plus surplas tax, payable within a
week after invoicing.  The testation of EMI and RFI is not necessary.  Elmako is
obliged to accept the order.

Competition  clause will stay valid even if TRANSIT  will not order more than 50

                                (Section Mark) 4
The first 3 of the boards  mentioned in (Section Mark) 3 have to be delivered at
the latest till  30.04.1996.  The  following 15 boards has to be delivered  till
10.05.1996 and the remaining 32 boards at the latest till 30.05.96.  Elmako will
do best efforts to prepone time of delivery.

                                (Section Mark) 5
Mr. and Mrs.  Damm and Elmako are  obliged to treat  strictly  confidential  all
information they have gained as shareholders or managers of TRANSIT MEDIA and to
hand  back  all  material  of  the  TRANSIT  MEDIA,   especially  all  drawings,
descriptions and or other amterials concerning the Lite Vision Diswplay,  except
the material publicly known.

                                (Section Mark) 6
Mr. and Mrs.  Damm are obliged to hand forward the material and documents to Mr.
Huber,  which  have  been  asked for at the Due  Diligence  of  19.03.1996.  The
transfering of the shares has to take place till 30.04.1996.

All  parties of this  agreement  agree  that the  closing of the books will take
place at 22.03.1996.

                                (Section Mark) 7
Mr. and Mrs. Damm do consent that they have in their function as shareholders or
managers no claims whatsoever against the TRANSIT MEDIA.

                                (Section Mark) 8
The parties of this agreement know that the  notarization  of the transfering of
the shares is necessary for the final  validity of this paper.  The purchasing -
and order  obligation  according to (Section Mark) 3 and 4 of this agreement are
valid in any case.

Iffezheim, den 20.03.1996

/s/ Anita Damm & /s/ Hans Damm
Anita Damm und Hans Damm

/s/ Robert Huber
fur die TRANSIT MEDIA GmbH Herrn Robert Huber

/s/ J. Phillips L. Johnston
fur Digital Recorders Mr. J. Phillips L. Johnston

/s/ Hans Damm
fur Elmako Herrn Hans Damm

/s/ Robert Huber
Herrn Robert Huber