The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheet as of March
31, 1996, and the unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements of
operations for the year ended December 31, 1995 and for the three month period
ended March 31, 1996 combine the historical financial statements of Digital
Recorders, Inc. and Transit-Media GmbH after giving effect to the acquisition.
The pro forma combined condensed balance sheet gives effect to the acquisition
as if it had occurred on March 31, 1996, and the pro forma combined condensed
statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 1995 and for the three
months ended March 31, 1996 give effect to the acquisition as if it had occurred
at the beginning of the period presented, by the purchase method of accounting.

The purchase price of the acquisition will be allocated to the tangible and
intangible assets and liabilities acquired based upon their respective fair
values as of the date of acquisition. The allocation of the aggregate purchase
price reflected in the pro forma combined condensed financial statements is
preliminary and based upon assumed acquisition dates of January 1, 1995 and
March 31, 1996 for the pro forma statement of operations and the pro forma
balance sheet, respectively. The final allocation of the purchase price is
contingent upon the final valuation of the acquired assets; however, that
allocation is not expected to differ materially from the preliminary allocation.

The pro forma adjustments and combined amounts are provided for informational
purposes only. The pro forma financial information presented is not necessarily
indicative of either future results of operations or the results that might have
occurred had the acquisition been consummated on the indicated dates.

                             DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.
                             PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET
                                 MARCH 31, 1996

                                                    Digital        Transit-
                                                   Recorders,        Media          Pro Forma
                Assets                                Inc.           GmbH          Adjustments       Pro Forma

Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents                $        909,170        -                  (35,000)(a)      874,170
      Investments                                     1,957,307        -                -                1,957,307
      Trade accounts receivable                       1,752,327        -                -                1,752,327
      Inventories                                     1,180,442        -                -                1,180,442
      Prepaids and other current assets                 169,859          10,996         -                  180,855
           Total current assets                       5,969,105          10,996           (35,000)       5,945,101

Intangible assets, net                                1,876,410        -                  106,792 (b)    1,983,202
Other assets, net                                       310,694          10,907         -                  321,601
                                               $      8,156,209          21,903            71,792        8,249,904

      Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable and accrued
           expenses                                     818,384          31,989         -                  850,373
      Bank borrowings                                   -                97,303         -                   97,303
           Total current liabilities                    818,384         129,292         -                  947,676

           Total liabilities                            818,384         129,292                            947,676

Stockholders' equity:
      Preferred stock                                        35        -                -                       35
      Common stock                                      267,407          33,855           (33,855)(c)      267,407
      Additional paid-in capital                     12,552,708        -                -               12,552,708
      Property held for resale                         (550,000)       -                -                 (550,000)
      Translation adjustment                            -                 2,771            (2,771)(c)            0
      Retained earnings (deficit)                    (4,932,325)       (144,015)          108,418(b)(c) (4,967,922)
           Net stockholders' equity                   7,337,825        (107,389)           71,792        7,302,228
                                               $      8,156,209          21,903            71,792        8,249,904

      See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma financial data.

                             DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995

                                                    Digital       Transit-
                                                   Recorders,       Media        Pro Forma
                                                      Inc.          GmbH        Adjustments      Pro Forma
Net sales                                      $      6,362,429       -              -              6,362,429
Cost of sales                                         3,170,171       -              -              3,170,171
       Gross profit                                   3,192,258       -              -              3,192,258

Selling, general and admin.
       expenses                                       2,865,626       163,442          28,478(b)    3,057,546

Research and development expenses                       379,870       -              -                379,870

       Operating income (loss)                          (53,238)     (163,442)        (28,478)       (245,158)

Other income                                            208,141         2,669        -                210,810

       Income (loss) before income taxes                154,903      (160,773)        (28,478)        (34,348)

Income taxes                                             10,000       -              -                 10,000

       Net income (loss)                       $        144,903      (160,773)        (28,478)        (44,348)

Net income (loss) per common and
       common equivalent share                 $              0.00         (3.22)    -                     (0.08)

Weighted average number of common
       and common equivalent shares
       outstanding                                    2,652,892        50,000        -              2,652,892

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma financial data.

                             DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.
                           PRO FORMA INCOME STATEMENT
                    FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1996

                                                    Digital       Transit-
                                                   Recorders,       Media        Pro Forma
                                                      Inc.          GmbH        Adjustments      Pro Forma

Net sales                                      $      1,750,568       -              -              1,750,568
Cost of sales                                           763,787       -              -                763,787
       Gross profit                                     986,781       -              -                986,781

Selling, general and admin.
       expenses                                         746,549        64,735           7,119(b)      818,403

Research and development expenses                        87,732       -              -                 87,732

       Operating income (loss)                          152,500       (64,735)         (7,119)         80,646

Other income (expense)                                   45,362          (113)       -                 45,249

       Income (loss) before income taxes                197,862       (64,848)         (7,119)        125,895

Income taxes                                             10,000       -              -                 10,000

       Net income (loss)                       $        187,862       (64,848)         (7,119)        115,895

Net income (loss) per common and
       common equivalent share                 $              0.06         (1.30)    -                      0.03

Weighted average number of common
       and common equivalent shares
       outstanding                                    2,674,075        50,000        -              2,674,075

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma financial data.

                             DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.
                                 MARCH 31, 1996

      (a)  Represents the total amount of cash paid for the acquisition.

      (b)  Intangible assets from the acquisition totalled $142,389, which were
           amortized $28,478 during the year ended December 31, 1995 and $7,119
           during the quarter ended March 31, 1996. Such intangible assets are
           being amortized on a straight-line basis over five years.

      (c)  Since the transaction was recorded by the purchase method of
           accounting, the equity of the seller was eliminated.

2)    The assets and liabilities of Transit-Media GmbH are translated at the
      current exchange rates at March 31, 1996, while income and expenses are
      translated at average rates for the period presented.