
(Photo depicting the world with various Culp products appears here.)


(Photo of fabrics samples, a chair and pillows appears here)


Culp's International Markets

        Culp's fabrics are used worldwide by an ever-broadening variety of
customers. Residential furniture and bedding remain the company's largest
end-use markets, but institutional furnishings ("contract"), juvenile furniture,
outdoor furniture and bed furnishings are among the newer markets which are
accounting for an increasing proportion of total sales.

        Culp now ranks as the largest supplier of upholstery fabrics to a global
array of furniture manufacturers and overseas fabric distributors. The company
provides the broadest product line of upholstery fabrics, including flat wovens
(jacquard and dobby), velvets (woven, tufted and flock) and prints (overprinted
jacquards). Culp's hallmark is providing innovative fabric designs at good
values with a consistently high level of customer service.

        In mattress ticking, Culp ranks as one of the top three suppliers to the
highly concentrated bedding industry. The company markets worldwide a broad
range of heat-transfer, pigment-printed and damask tickings. Through creative
designs utilizing various fabrics and colors, Culp has helped promote the use of
covers with a more "fashion-conscious" look to differentiate mattress lines at

(Photo of fabrics samples appears here)



Net sales for fiscal 1996 reached a new high of $351.7 million. Net income also
set a new annual record of $11.0 million, or $0.98 per share, up 13% from $0.87
per share in fiscal 1995. Fiscal 1996 represented the seventh consecutive year
of higher net income.

Net sales of $102.2 in the fourth quarter of fiscal 1996 marked the first time
Culp has surpassed $100 million in any quarter. Net income of $4.1 million in
the fourth quarter represented the fourteenth consecutive quarter of higher
earnings in comparison to the comparable period in the prior year.

The acquisition of Rayonese Textile Inc. in March 1995 expanded Culp's customer
base and enhanced the company's capacity for manufacturing wide and narrow
jacquard fabrics used for mattress ticking, comforters and upholstery fabrics.

International sales accounted for $77 million, or 22% of net sales, up from 19%
in fiscal 1995. Shipments were made to customers in more than 50 countries
during fiscal 1996.

In June 1996 the Board increased the regular quarterly cash dividend for the
seventh consecutive year. The current indicated annual rate of $0.13 per share
represents an 18% increase over the previous annualized payout.

Capital expenditures for fiscal 1996 totaled $14 million. Major initiatives
included expanding capacity for jacquard and wet print product lines as well as
completing the expansion project at Rayonese related to the installation of
high-speed, air-jet jacquard weaving machines.

The company's financial position remained sound at the close of fiscal 1996 with
a funded debt-to-capital ratio of 49%. Book value increased to a new high of
$7.21 per share.

The price of Culp's shares rose 33% during 1996, representing a 28.6% compound
return to shareholders over the past five years.

EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)              1996            1995      CHANGE     RATE
    Net sales                    $   351,667       308,026      14.2%   15.1%
    Gross profit                      62,538        54,681      14.4    18.2
    Income from operations            23,470        21,249      10.5    35.9
    Net income                        10,980         9,775      12.3    30.5
    Average shares outstanding        11,234        11,203       0.3     0.8
    Net income                   $      0.98          0.87      12.6%   29.4%
    Cash dividends                      0.11          0.10      10.0    19.6
    Book value                          7.21          6.37      13.2    10.1
    Year-end stock price               13.00          9.7       33.3    28.6
    Working capital              $    56,953        38,612      47.5%   11.9%
    Total assets                     211,644       194,999       8.5    19.0
    Funded debt                       76,791        72,947       5.3    33.0
    Shareholders' equity              81,446        71,396      14.1    11.2
    Gross profit margin                 17.8%         17.8%
    Operating income margin              6.7           6.9
    Net profit margin                    3.1           3.2
    Return on average equity            14.4          14.6
    Funded debt to equity               94.3         102.2
    Current ratio                        2.2%          1.7%

(Bar graph appears here with the following plot points.)

  92        93       94        95        96
$0.27      $0.41   $0.69     $0.87     $0.98

(Bar graph appears here with the following plot points.)

                                  91        92       93        94        95          96
Culp                              100       143      200       325      276         368
Media General Textile Mfg.        100       148      160       147      142         144
NASDAQ                            100       121      139       155      180         257


Letter to  Shareholders

        Fiscal 1996 was a year of rewarding progress. Sales rose to a new high
of $352 million, and net income increased 13% to $0.98 per share, also a record.
Sales and net income were up in each quarter versus the comparable year-earlier
periods; and in the fourth quarter, we achieved the milestone of surpassing $100
million in net sales for the first time ever for a three-month period. Our stock
price at the end of the year was up 33% from the close at the end of fiscal
1995. That gain contrasted with essentially no change in the market value of a
peer group of other companies in the home furnishings industry. Now, we
recognize that looking at stock prices, especially at two points in time just 12
months apart, does not always provide a valid measure of one's underlying
corporate performance. We are pleased, however, that the market has recognized
the progress we have made.

        Yes, these financial highlights present a gratifying backdrop. But
remember that fiscal 1996 was not a turnaround year for Culp. It actually marked
the seventh year in which we have attained higher net income in an industry
which historically has shown a more cyclical than consistent pattern of growth.
In fact, many of our competitors experienced a difficult year. Consumer spending
on furniture and other home furnishings is still subject to a host of variables
including interest rates, employment levels and the buoyancy of the overall
economy. None of these we can control. What we can influence are issues such as
fabric design, customer service, product quality and manufacturing efficiency.
By executing our strategy to make continued progress in each of these vital
areas, we have gained market share, increased the company's profitability and
experienced a broadening recognition of Culp's prospects by Wall Street. What
lies ahead? That is always the tough question to answer, but we have challenged
ourselves to sustain the outstanding record Culp has attained.

        This annual report provides a timely opportunity to review with you not
only the past year but also the steps we are taking to follow our vision for
Culp as one of the preeminent marketers of upholstery fabrics and mattress
ticking worldwide. Our message here is not intended to repeat the discussion
starting on page 23 about the significant operational and financial developments
during fiscal 1996. We did benefit from the inclusion for a full year of
Rayonese Textile which was acquired during the fourth quarter of fiscal 1995.
The major portion of the increase in sales for the year, however, reflected
growth in existing lines of upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking. Shipments
to customers based in the United States rose 10% while international sales
increased 34% and provided a key impetus to our corporate progress.

(Photo of a chair and pillow appear here)

        The insertion of the word "worldwide" in our corporate description for
Culp is intentional. Residential and commercial furnishings are global
industries, and we have literally redefined the company's mission statement to
encompass this perspective. The financial results of broadening our corporate
profile is clear. For fiscal 1996, international sales accounted for $77
million, or 22%, of net sales, up from 19% in fiscal 1995. Culp's


international shipments, principally upholstery fabrics, have risen more than
tenfold since fiscal 1990. Without those incremental sales, we would still have
compiled a well above-average record and would rank as one of the top marketers
of upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking in the United States. But the
contribution from higher sales to customers outside the United States has
markedly accelerated our progress and enabled us to achieve a stronger
competitive posture.

(Bar graph appears here with the following plot points.)
   92         93         94           95           96
$191,311   $200,783   $245,049     $308,026     $351,667

(Bar graph appears here with the following plot points.)
   92         93         94           95           96
$2,973      $4,501     $7,665      $9,775        $10,980

        What is driving our growth in sales? A critical underpinning is our
ability to provide value to customers. Value is a deceptively simple word that
may be one of the more complex terms any corporation has to comprehend.
Customers provide the true definition of value, not us. Whatever blend of
quality, service and price an account demands, we must strive to provide value
by delivering the required blend, regardless of the geographical location of the
customers we are servicing. Our success in building Culp's global presence
relates directly to our continuous quality improvement process that remains a
cornerstone of our corporate culture. We were far from the first company to
adopt this approach, but the tangible returns realized thus far have reinforced
teamwork throughout the Culp organization. The meaningful gains we have
accomplished in product quality not only indicate that we are headed in the
right direction, but also highlight that the drive to deliver value is an
ongoing journey.

        One element of value that is important for every customer we serve today
involves the physical delivery of our fabrics and mattress ticking. The
logistics of completing international deliveries within our objective of OTET
("on-time, every time") demands a sophisticated information system. Our
proprietary Culp Link software allows customers and sales agents as distant as
Australia, Belgium and Poland to check the status of orders and deliveries on a
real-time basis. Culp Link also provides the ability to review the accounting
status of any account, as well as check the exact status of any shipment with
individual identification of each roll and color specification. Shipments to
international accounts involve longer distances, but the same framework which
has allowed us to form working partnerships with many of the leading
manufacturers of furniture and bedding in the United States is proving to be
very effective in serving international customers.

        Apart from the absolute growth in international shipments, the
geographical expansion of our customer base stands as firm evidence of our
success on a worldwide basis. Our initial shipments several years ago outside
the United States were logically into the nearby North American markets of
Canada and Mexico. During fiscal 1996, however, those two nations combined
represented less than one-third of the company's shipments outside of the United
States. Europe is now our largest market for exports outside of North America,
and we have established a growing presence in the Middle East, Asia and the
Pacific Rim. We fully intend to broaden the geographical diversity of our
customer base. We are continuing to add new customers, are considering
establishing sales offices in selected overseas locations, and plan to introduce
new products as part of an aggressive plan to capitalize on the potential we
have identified.

        To some, Culp's proven ability to prosper in international markets must
appear an anomaly within the overall textile industry. Two vital points
distinguish us from other companies caught in stiff competition with offshore
manufacturers. First,

(Photo of Rob Culp and Howard Dunn appears here.)
Rob Culp 
Howard Dunn 


weaving and printing upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking is more capital
intensive than other textile niches, particularly those that involve sewing and
garment-finishing steps. Second, customers value the creative designs and
finishes on our decorative fabrics as essential components of their product
planning and marketing programs.

        Our efforts to deliver innovative, appealing designs involve much more
than just investing more dollars in additional equipment. Culp has the latest
CAD (computer-aided design) workstations which facilitate the process of
creating desirable patterns. High-resolution images of prototype designs present
concepts to customers much fasterNand much less expensivelyNthan the
conventional practice of producing a proposed design on a sample swatch of
fabric. Designers are encouraged to experiment and to invite customers into the
process at a much earlier stage than practically possible in the past. This
involvement can help establish strong, long-lasting customer relationships; but
the step demands a recognition that the development of new designs has to be
linked integrally with practical manufacturing considerations. We have worked
hard to establish this internal coordination, and the progress to date
encouraged us to more than double the company's design staff during the last
several years.

        The same technological advances which support our design of new fabrics
have led us to move aggressively in pursuing new marketing opportunities. Having
the flexibility to generate new designs quickly is aided by our ability to
control resources in most every major discipline in fabric and yarn
manufacturing. In addition to being well established in jacquard and dobby woven
fabrics, we have expertise in woven and tufted velvets, as well as wet and
heat-transfer printing. This versatility plays directly to customer demands for
new fabrics, as customer preferences can change dramatically, even over a few
seasons. Being able to identify these shifts in the market has been helped
considerably by our formation of four distinct business units over two years
ago. By targeting our efforts based on major types of fabrics instead of by
customer categories, we have built an organization far more responsive to swings
in demand. We know that a Culp team focused on creative applications of their
assigned product lines has frequently served a key role in motivating customers
to try new placements for furniture and bedding. Because design is such an
integral aspect of our business, change truly is one constant we have to be able
to accept and use to our advantage. Having these four operational units has
proven to be an effective way of realizing overall corporate growth within such
a dynamic environment.

        Culp's strong balance sheet ensures our ability to continue making the
capital investments necessary to extend our competitive leadership. Capital
spending in fiscal 1996 totaled $14.4 million, and represented only 55% of
operating cash flow (net income plus depreciation, amortization and deferred
income taxes) for the year. Plans for fiscal 1997 include capital spending of
$16.5 million. The focus of this spending has increasingly shifted over the past
couple of years toward expanding capacity rather than modernizing existing
equipment. An example of that emphasis is the $6 million invested

(Bar graph appears here with the following plot points.)
   92         93         94           95           96
  6.0%       8.6%       13.1%       14.6%         14.4%

(Bar graph appears here with the following plot points.)
   92         93         94           95           96
 $5.23      $7.20      $11.63       $9.75        $13.00


at Rayonese Textile during fiscal 1995 and 1996 to install highly efficient,
air-jet jacquard looms, planned specifically for fabrics used for mattress
ticking, comforters, and overprinted jacquard fabrics.

        We are pleased that the company's performance for fiscal 1996 led the
Board to approve an 18% increase in the quarterly cash dividend in June 1996.
This marked the seventh consecutive year in which the quarterly cash dividend
has been raised. Our goal is to manage Culp's resources in a manner which allows
this record to be extended. The initial indications for fiscal 1997 are colored
in part by the strong finish we experienced in our business in fiscal 1996. The
pace of incoming orders has remained positive well into the first quarter.
Although we must acknowledge that there are conflicting projections about the
economy and interest rates, the sentiment among manufacturers and retailers of
home furnishings seems generally optimistic at this time.

        Our task, as always, is not to get entangled in the near term but to
focus on the longer term growth of Culp. The team of 3,000 associates under the
Culp banner has accomplished much over the past several years and certainly
seems eager for the challenges that we know lie ahead. We appreciate the earnest
efforts of each individual and join them in expressing thanks to our customers
for the opportunity to serve them. An increasing worldwide presence, a renewed
emphasis on developing innovative new fabrics and designs and a sound
organization all encourage us about our ability to meet the market's needs ever
more competently in the future.


(Signature of Robert G. Culp, III)      (Signature of Howard L. Dunn, Jr.)
Robert G. (Rob) Culp, III               Howard L. Dunn, Jr.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer    President and Chief Operating Officer


Financial Statements


To the Shareholders of Culp, Inc.:

    We have  changed our  process  for  distributing  information  about  Culp's
quarterly  progress  during  the year.  We want to keep you  informed  about the
Company's  performance  but  believe  that the most  timely  and  cost-effective
approach is to mail an update only to those requesting the information.

    We have  made this  decision  for two  reasons.  One is the  rising  cost of
producing and mailing quarterly reports.  The other is the recognition that many
investors  now have  access to the news wires and  computerized  data bases that
report Culp's results on the same day that we release them to the media.

    If you wish to be  mailed a copy of Culp's  three  quarterly  news  releases
during 1997, simply complete and return the attached postcard.  

    Please send me a copy of Culp's 1997 quarterly news releases.






Culp, Inc.
101 South Main Street
High Point, NC 27261



Balance Sheets

     EXCEPT SHARE DATA)                                                  1996        1995
    current assets:
      cash and cash investments                                       $    498      1,393
      accounts receivable                                               52,038     44,252
      inventories                                                       47,395     45,771
      other current assets                                               4,191      3,194
          total current assets                                         104,122     94,610

    restricted investments                                               5,250        795
    property, plant and equipment, net                                  76,961     75,805
    goodwill                                                            22,871     22,600
    other assets                                                         2,440      1,189
          total assets                                                $211,644    194,999

    current liabilities:
      current maturities of long-term debt                            $  7,100     11,555
      accounts payable                                                  27,308     32,250
      accrued expenses                                                  12,564     11,532
      income taxes payable                                                 197        661
          total current liabilities                                     47,169     55,998

    long-term debt                                                      74,941     62,187
    deferred income taxes                                                8,088      5,418
          total liabilities                                            130,198    123,603

    commitments and contingencies (note 11)
    shareholders' equity:
      preferred stock, $.05 par value, authorized 10,000,000 shares          0          0
      common stock, $.05 par value, authorized 40,000,000 shares,
          issued and outstanding 11,290,300 at April 28, 1996 and
          11,204,766 at April 30, 1995                                     565        560
      capital contributed in excess of par value                        16,878     16,577
      retained earnings                                                 64,003     54,259
          total shareholders' equity                                    81,446     71,396
          total liabilities and shareholders' equity                  $211,644    194,999



Statements of Income

FOR THE YEARS ENDED APRIL 28, 1996, APRIL 30, 1995, AND MAY 1, 1994
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)     1996         1995          1994
net sales                                      $ 351,667      308,026      245,049
cost of sales                                    289,129      253,345      202,426
    gross profit                                  62,538       54,681       42,623
selling, general and administrative expenses      39,068       33,432       27,858
    income from operations                        23,470       21,249       14,765
interest expense                                   5,316        4,715        2,515
interest income                                      (92)         (64)         (79)
other expense                                        956        1,082          350
    income before income taxes                    17,290       15,516       11,979
income taxes                                       6,310        5,741        4,314
    net income                                 $  10,980        9,775        7,665
net income per share                           $    0.98         0.87         0.69



Statements of Shareholders' Equity

FOR THE YEARS ENDED APRIL 28, 1996,            COMMON      COMMON          CONTRIBUTED                     TOTAL
APRIL 30, 1995, AND MAY 1, 1994                STOCK         STOCK        IN EXCESS OF    RETAINED      SHAREHOLDERS'
balance, May 2, 1993                        7,259,161    $       362         15,333         38,826        54,521
    cash dividends ($0.08 per share)                                                          (887)         (887)
    net income                                                                               7,665         7,665
    common stock issued in connection
      with stock option plan, including
      $484 of tax benefit                     212,140             11          1,339                        1,350
    three-for-two stock split               3,706,052            185           (185)                          --
balance, May 1, 1994                       11,177,353            558         16,487         45,604        62,649
    cash dividends ($0.10 per share)                                                        (1,120)       (1,120)
    net income                                                                               9,775         9,775
    common stock issued in connection
      with stock option plan                   27,413              2             90                           92
balance, April 30, 1995                    11,204,766            560         16,577         54,259        71,396
    cash dividends ($0.11 per share)                                                        (1,236)       (1,236)
    net income                                                                              10,980        10,980
    common stock issued in connection
      with stock option plan                   85,534              5            301                          306
balance, April 28, 1996                    11,290,300    $       565         16,878         64,003        81,446



Statements of Cash Flows

FOR THE YEARS ENDED APRIL 28, 1996, APRIL 30, 1995, AND  MAY 1, 1994
(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                                   1996         1995       1994
cash flows from operating activities:
    net income                                                        $ 10,980       9,775       7,665
    adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
      provided by operating activities:
      depreciation                                                      12,348      11,257       8,497
      amortization of intangible assets                                    748         628         344
      provision for deferred income taxes                                2,210       1,373       1,118
      changes in assets and liabilities, net of effects
          of businesses acquired:
          accounts receivable                                           (7,786)     (5,515)     (1,839)
          inventories                                                   (1,624)     (7,281)     (4,330)
          other current assets                                            (537)       (310)       (304)
          other assets                                                    (103)       (518)       (389)
          accounts payable                                              (1,077)        159        (420)
          accrued expenses                                               1,032       2,180         539
          income taxes payable                                            (464)         25        (401)
            net cash provided by operating activities                   15,727      11,773      10,480
cash flows from investing activities:
    capital expenditures                                               (14,385)    (18,058)    (16,764)
    purchase of restricted investments                                  (6,019)        (57)     (3,593)
    purchase of investments to fund deferred compensation liability     (1,286)       --          --
    sale of restricted investments                                       1,564       2,185         670
    businesses acquired                                                   --       (10,455)    (38,205)
            net cash used in investing activities                      (20,126)    (26,385)    (57,892)

cash flows from financing activities:
    proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                            19,854      23,455      49,203
    principal payments on long-term debt                               (11,555)    (11,275)    (14,223)
    dividends paid                                                      (1,236)     (1,120)       (887)
    proceeds from common stock issued                                      306          92       1,350
    change in accounts payable - capital expenditures                   (3,865)      2,160       7,443
            net cash provided by financing activities                    3,504      13,312      42,886

decrease in cash and cash investments                                     (895)     (1,300)     (4,526)
cash and cash investments, beginning of year                             1,393       2,693       7,219
cash and cash investments, end of year                                $    498       1,393       2,693



To Consolidated Financial Statements

1    General and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION--The consolidated financial statements include the
accounts of the company and its subsidiary, which is wholly-owned. All
significant intercompany balances and transactions are eliminated in

DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS--The company manufactures and markets upholstery fabrics
and mattress ticking  internationally  for the furniture,  bedding,  and related
industries, with the majority of its business conducted in the United States.

FISCAL YEAR --The company's fiscal year is the 52 or 53 week period ending on
the Sunday  closest to April 30.  Fiscal years 1996,  1995 and 1994  included 52

STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS--For purposes of reporting cash flows, the company
considers all highly liquid debt instruments  purchased with a maturity of three
months or less to be cash investments.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE --Substantially all of the company's accounts receivable are
due from  manufacturers and distributors in the markets noted above. The company
grants  credit to customers,  a  substantial  number of which are located in the
United States. Management performs credit evaluations of the company's customers
and generally does not require collateral.

INVENTORIES --Principally all inventories are valued at the lower of last-in,
first-out (LIFO) cost or market. Information related to the first-in,  first-out
(FIFO) method may be useful in comparing operating results to those of companies
not on LIFO.  The LIFO valuation  method  decreased net income $66,000 ($.01 per
share) in 1996,  had no effect on net income in 1995,  and  decreased net income
$73,000 ($.01 per share) in 1994 compared with the FIFO method.

RESTRICTED INVESTMENTS--Restricted investments were purchased with proceeds from
industrial  revenue bond issues and are  invested  pending  application  of such
proceeds to project costs or repayment of the bonds.  The investments are stated
at cost which approximates market value.

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT --Property, plant and equipment is recorded at
cost. Depreciation is generally computed using the straight-line method over the
estimated useful lives of the respective assets.  Major renewals and betterments
are  capitalized.  Maintenance,  repairs  and minor  renewals  are  expensed  as
incurred. When properties are retired or otherwise disposed of, the related cost
and accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts.  Amounts received on
disposal less the book value of assets sold are charged or credited to income.

FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION--The United States dollar is the functional
currency for the company's Canadian subsidiary.  Translation gains or losses for
this subsidiary are reflected in net income.

GOODWILL AND OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS--Goodwill, which represents the unamortized
excess of the purchase price over the fair values of the net assets acquired, is
being amortized using the straight-line method over 40 years. The company
assesses the recoverability of goodwill by determining whe ther the amortization
of the balance over its remaining life can be recovered through undiscounted
future operating cash flows of the acquired businesses. The assessment of the
recoverability of goodwill will be impacted if estimated cash flows are not

Other intangible assets are included in other assets and consist principally
of debt issue costs.  Amortization  is computed using the  straight-line  method
over the respective terms of the debt agreements.

INCOME TAXES --Deferred taxes are recognized for the temporary differences
between the financial statement carrying amounts and the tax bases of the
company's assets and liabilities and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards
at income tax rates expected to be in effect when such amounts are realized or
settled. The effect on deferred taxes of a change in tax rates is recognized in
income in the period that includes the enactment date.

No provision is made for income taxes which may be payable if undistributed
income of the company's Canadian subsidiary were to be paid as dividends to the
company, since the company intends that such earnings will continue to be
invested. At April 28, 1996 the amount of such undistributed income was $1.5
million. Foreign tax credits may be available as a reduction of United States
income taxes in the event of such distributions.

REVENUE RECOGNITION --Revenue is recognized when products are shipped to
customers. Provision is made currently for estimated product returns, claims and

FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS--The carrying amount of cash and cash
investments, accounts receivable, other current assets, accounts payable and
accrued expenses approximates fair value because of the short maturity of these
financial instruments.

The fair value of the company's long-term debt is estimated by discounting the
future cash flows at rates currently offered to the company for similar debt
instruments of comparable maturities. The fair value of the company's long-term
debt approximates the carrying value of the debt due to the variable interest
rates on the majority of long-term debt at April 28, 1996.


INTEREST RATE SWAP AGREEMENTS --Interest rate swap agreements generally involve
the exchange of fixed and floating rate interest payment obligations without the
exchange of the underlying principal amounts. These agreements are used to
effectively fix the interest rates on certain variable rate borrowings. Net
amounts paid or received are reflected as adjustments to interest expense.

FORWARD CONTRACTS--Gains and losses related to qualifying hedges of firm
commitments are deferred and included in the measurement of the related foreign
currency transaction when the hedged transaction occurs.

PER SHARE DATA --Primary income per share is computed by dividing net income by
the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during each year, as
restated for stock splits (11,234,363 in 1996, 11,203,160 in 1995, and
11,075,988 in 1994). The effect of stock options on the calculation is not
materially dilutive.

USE OF ESTIMATES--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

RECLASSIFICATION--Certain items in the 1995 consolidated financial statements
have been reclassified to conform with the presentation adopted in the current
year. The reclassifications did not impact net income as previously reported.

2    Acquisitions

On March 6, 1995, the company acquired Rayonese Textile Inc. (Rayonese), a
manufacturer of home furnishings fabrics based near Montreal, Canada. The
transaction was valued at approximately $10.5 million and included the purchase
of 100% of the Rayonese common stock and the assumption of Rayonese's funded
debt. Goodwill on the transaction was approximately $5 million, which is being
amortized on the straight-line method over 40 years. The acquisition was
accounted for as a purchase, and accordingly, the net assets and operations of
Rayonese have been included in the company's consolidated financial statements
since March 6, 1995.

    On November 2, 1993, the company purchased the operations and assets
relating to an upholstery fabric business operating as Rossville Mills,
Chromatex and Rossville Velours (Rossville/Chromatex). The transaction was
valued at approximately $39.3 million and involved the purchase of assets for
cash, the repayment of Rossville/ Chromatex debt and the assumption of certain
liabilities. Goodwill on the transaction was approximately $18.9 million, which
is being amortized on the straight-line method over 40 years. The acquisition
was accounted for as a purchase, and accordingly, the net assets and operations
of Rossville/Chromatex have been included in the company's consolidated
financial statements since November 1, 1993.

3    Accounts Receivable

A summary of accounts receivable follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                   1996        1995
customers                            $ 53,321      44,014
factors                                    71       1,314
allowance for doubtful accounts        (1,016)       (739)
reserve for returns and allowances       (338)       (337)
                                     $ 52,038      44,252


4    Inventories 

A summary of inventories follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                           1996        1995
inventories on the FIFO cost method
    raw materials                                            $ 29,150      25,385
    work-in-process                                             5,067       3,465
    finished goods                                             16,708      19,834
      total inventories on the FIFO cost method                50,925      48,684
adjustments of certain inventories to the LIFO cost method     (3,530)     (2,913)
                                                             $ 47,395      45,771

5    Property, Plant and Equipment 

A summary of property, plant and equipment follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)       depreciable lives (in years)     1996         1995
land and improvements                            10       $  1,765           958
buildings and improvements                     7-40         13,529        12,793
leasehold improvements                         7-10          1,320         1,242
machinery and equipment                        3-12        109,906       101,427
office furniture and equipment                 3-10         12,152        12,020
capital projects in progress                                 8,517         6,047
                                                           147,189       134,487
accumulated depreciation                                   (70,228)     (58,682)
                                                          $ 76,961        75,805

6    Goodwill 

A summary of goodwill follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                 1996                1995
goodwill                                             $ 24,218             23,337
accumulated amortization                               (1,347)             (737)
                                                     $ 22,871             22,600

7     Accounts Payable

A summary of accounts payable follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                        1996         1995
accounts payable--trade                                     $21,570       22,647
accounts payable--capital expenditures                        5,738        9,603
                                                            $27,308       32,250


8      Accrued Expenses 

A summary of accrued expenses follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                    1996             1995
compensation and benefits                               $ 8,153            6,497
other                                                     4,411            5,035
                                                        $12,564           11,532

9      Income Taxes 

A summary of income taxes follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                      1996           1995           1994
    federal                               $3,345           3,473           2,420
    state                                    700             699             383
    Canadian                                   0               0               0
                                           4,045           4,172           2,803
    federal                                1,422           1,374           1,279
    state                                    145             195             232
    Canadian                                 698               0               0
                                           2,265           1,569           1,511
                                          $6,310           5,741           4,314

Income before income taxes related to the Company's  Canadian  operation for the
year ended  April 28, 1996 was  $2,100,000.  In the prior  year,  income  before
income taxes from this operation was not significant.
    The following schedule  summarizes the principal  differences between income
taxes at the federal income tax rate and the effective income tax rate reflected
in the consolidated financial statements:

                                       1996     1995        1994
federal income tax rate              34.2%      34.1%        34.0%
state income taxes, net of
    federal income tax benefit        3.4        3.8          3.8
exempt income of foreign sales
    corporation                      (1.7)      (1.5)        (1.4)
other                                  .6        0.6         (0.4)
                                     36.5%      37.0%        36.0%

The tax effects of temporary  differences that give rise to significant portions
of the deferred tax assets and liabilities consist of the following:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                       1996         1995
deferred tax liabilities:
    property, plant and equipment, net                   $(7,328)        (5,625)
    goodwill                                                (720)          (432)
    employee benefits                                       (295)          (249)
    other                                                   (142)          (139)
      total deferred tax liabilities                      (8,485)        (6,445)

deferred tax assets:
    accounts receivable                                      474            357
    inventories                                              148             81
    compensation                                             960            475
    liabilities and reserves                                 782            922
    alternative minimum tax                                    0            699
      gross deferred tax assets                            2,364          2,534
      valuation allowance                                      0              0
      total deferred tax assets                            2,364          2,534
                                                         $(6,121)        (3,911)

Deferred taxes are  classified in the  accompanying  consolidated  Balance Sheet
captions as follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                          1996     1995
other current assets                         $  1,967    1,507
deferred income taxes                          (8,088   (5,418)
                                             $ (6,121)  (3,911)

The company  believes that it is more likely than not that the results of future
operations  will  generate  sufficient  taxable  income to realize the remaining
deferred tax assets.
    Income  taxes paid,  net of income tax  refunds,  were  $4,623,000  in 1996;
$4,071,000 in 1995; and $3,113,000 in 1994.


10       Long-term Debt

 A summary of long-term debt follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                                    1996            1995
industrial revenue bonds and
    other obligations                                 $ 22,241            15,787
revolving credit line                                   23,300            10,000
term loan                                               35,500            41,500
subordinated note payable                                1,000             1,000
convertible note payable                                     0             5,455
                                                        82,041            73,742
current maturities                                      (7,100)         (11,555)
                                                      $ 74,941            62,187

The company has an unsecured loan agreement with two banks, which provides for a
$36,000,000  five-year term loan and a $33,500,000  revolving credit line, which
also has a  five-year  term.  The term loan  requires  monthly  installments  of
$500,000, and a final payment of $6,500,000 on March 1, 2001. The  revolving
credit  line  requires  payment  of an annual  facility  fee in advance.
Additionally,  the term loan and the credit  line  require  payment of interest
on any  outstanding  borrowings  at an interest  rate based on a spread over the
one month LIBOR (this LIBOR rate at April 28, 1996 was 5.4%).

    The  industrial   revenue  bonds  (IRB)  are  collateralized  by  restricted
investments  of $5,250,000  and letters of credit for  $22,436,000  at April 28,
1996.  Substantially  all of the bonds are due in  one-time  payments at various
dates from 2008 to 2013, with interest at variable rates at approximately 60% of
the prime rate (prime at April 28, 1996 was 8.25%).

    In connection with the Rossville/Chromatex acquisition (note 2), the company
has a  subordinated  note payable to the former owners with interest  based on a
spread over the one month LIBOR. The note is payable on November 1, 1996.

    In  connection  with the  purchase of Rayonese  Textile  Inc.  (note 2), the
company issued a convertible note payable of $5,455,000. The note was payable on
March 6, 1998 or upon 45 days notice to the  company by the holders  starting on
March 6, 1996. The holders gave 45 days notice,  and the company repaid the note
payable in March 1996.

The company's  loan  agreements  require,  among other things,  that the company
maintain  certain  financial  ratios.  At April 28,  1996,  the  company  was in
compliance with these required financial covenants.

    At April 28, 1996, the company had five interest rate swap  agreements  with
two  banks in order to reduce  its  exposure  to  floating  interest  rates on a
portion of its variable rate borrowings.

    The  following  table  summarizes  certain data  regarding the interest rate

$ 2,300,000              6.4%          July 1996
$   150,000              7.6%          July 1996
$15,000,000              7.3%          April 2000
$ 5,000,000              6.9%          June 2002
$ 5,000,000              6.6%          July 2002

The estimated amount at which the company could terminate these agreements as of
April 28,1996 is approximately $220,000. Net amounts paid under these agreements
increased interest expense by approximately  $290,000 in 1996; $138,000 in 1995;
and $227,000 in 1994. Management believes the risk of incurring losses resulting
from the inability of the bank to fulfill its obligation under the interest rate
swap agreements to be remote and that any losses incurred would be immaterial.

     The principal  payment  requirements of long-term debt during the next five
years     are:     1997--$7,100,000;     1998--$6,100,000;     1999--$6,275,000;
2000--$6,200,000;  and  2001--$5,154,000,  excluding  payments,  if any,  on the
revolving credit line for its five year term. The term loan and revolving credit
facilities  expire on March 1, 2001, at which time a final payment of $6,500,000
is due for the term loan and any outstanding borrowings on the revolver are due.
These final  payments at the  expiration  date are not included in the scheduled
payments above.

    Interest paid during 1996,  1995 and 1994 totalled  $5,365,000,  $4,668,000,
and $2,254,000, respectively.


11       Commitments and Contingencies

The company leases certain office,  manufacturing  and warehouse  facilities and
transportation and other equipment under noncancellable  operating leases. Lease
terms  related to real estate range from five to ten years with renewal  options
for additional  periods ranging from five to fifteen years. The leases generally
require the company to pay real estate taxes,  maintenance,  insurance and other
expenses.  Rental  expense for operating  leases,  net of sublease  income,  was
$3,502,000 in 1996;  $2,486,000 in 1995; and $2,021,000 in 1994.  Future minimum
rental commitments for  noncancellable  operating leases are $2,874,000 in 1997;
$2,466,000 in 1998;  $1,458,000 in 1999;  $1,221,000 in 2000;  $727,000 in 2001;
and $5,242,000 in later years.

    The company is involved in several legal  proceedings  and claims which have
arisen in the ordinary  course of its business.  These actions,  when ultimately
concluded and settled,  will not, in the opinion of management,  have a material
adverse effect upon the financial  position,  results of operations or liquidity
of the company.

    The company has outstanding capital expenditure commitments of $1,521,000 as
of April 28, 1996.

12      Stock Option Plans

The company has a stock option plan under which options to purchase common stock
may be granted to  officers,  directors  and key  employees.  At April 28, 1996,
984,187  shares of common stock were  authorized  for  issuance  under the plan.
Options are granted  under the plan at an option price not less than fair market
value at the date of grant. Options are generally exercisable one year after the
date of grant and generally  expire beginning ten years after the date of grant.
At April 28,  1996,  371,437  shares were  exercisable  and 540,750  shares were
available for future grants. At April 30, 1995,  369,721 shares were exercisable
and 614,000 shares were available for future grants.

    Stock option activity under this plan is summarized as follows:

                                                                        NUMBER OF SHARES
                         GRANTED  CANCELLED/EXPIRED          EXERCISED      AT YEAR-END             PER SHARE
1994                      98,269                0          (288,855)           385,884         $2.82-$14.03
1995                      97,250                0           (27,413)           455,721         $2.82-$14.03
1996                      83,250          (10,000)          (85,534)           443,437         $2.82-$14.03

During fiscal 1995, the company  adopted a  performance-based  stock option plan
which provided for the one-time grant to officers and certain senior managers of
options to purchase  121,000  shares of the company's  common stock at $.05 (par
value) per share.  Coincident with the adoption of this plan, the company's 1993
stock option plan was amended to reduce the number of shares issuable under that
plan by 121,000  shares.  Options under the plan are  exercisable the earlier of
January 1, 2003 or  approximately  45 days  after the end of fiscal  1997 if the
company  achieves an annual compound rate of growth in its primary  earnings per
share of 17% during the  three-year  period  ending April 28, 1997. At April 28,
1996, 114,000 options were outstanding.

 13      Defined Contribution Plan

The company  has a defined  contribution  plan which  covers  substantially  all
employees  and provides for  participant  contributions  on a pre-tax  basis and
discretionary  matching  contributions  by  the  company  which  are  determined
annually.  Company  contributions to the plan were $791,000 in 1996; $771,000 in
1995; and $574,000 in 1994. 


14       International Sales

International  sales, of which 90% were denominated in U.S.  dollars,  accounted
for 22% of net sales in 1996,  19% in 1995,  and 18% in 1994, and are summarized
by geographic area as follows:

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                        1996         1995           1994
Europe                                     $18,927         19,177         17,334
North America
    (excluding USA)                         23,528         16,707         12,128
Asia and Pacific Rim                        12,124          8,969          5,529
South America                                2,753          3,749          1,248
Middle East                                 15,609          6,081          1,740
All other areas                              4,456          3,288          6,059
                                           $77,397         57,971         44,038

15     Related Party Transactions

A director of the company is also an officer and director of a major customer of
the company. The amount of sales to this customer was approximately  $27,739,000
in 1996;  $20,484,000 in 1995; and $15,464,000 in 1994. The amount due from this
customer at April 28, 1996 was  approximately  $2,608,000  and at April 30, 1995
was approximately $2,443,000.

    A director of the company is also a director of the company's  lead bank, an
officer  and  director  of one of the  company's  factors,  and an  officer  and
director of the lessor of the company's  office  facilities  in High Point.  The
amount of factor  commissions paid to this factor was  approximately  $28,000 in
1996;  $55,000 in 1995; and $158,000 in 1994, and the amount due from the factor
at April 28, 1996 and April 30, 1995 was $67,000 and $808,000, respectively. The
amount of interest and other fees paid to the bank was approximately  $2,580,000
in 1996;  $2,039,000 in 1995;  and  $1,555,000 in 1994, and the loans payable to
the bank and amounts  guaranteed  through letters of credit by the bank at April
28,  1996  and  April  30,  1995   aggregated   $48,402,000   and   $42,862,000,
respectively. Rent expense for the company's office facilities in High Point was
approximately $421,000 in 1996; $435,000 in 1995; and $427,000 in 1994.

    Rents paid to entities owned by certain shareholders and officers of the
company and their immediate families were $680,000 in 1996; $670,000 in 1995;
and $630,000 in 1994.

16      Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts

The company  generally enters into foreign exchange forward contracts as a hedge
against its exposure to currency  fluctuations  on firm  commitments to purchase
certain  machinery and equipment and raw materials.  Machinery and equipment and
raw material  purchases hedged by foreign exchange forward  contracts are valued
by using the exchange rate of the applicable  foreign exchange forward contract.
The company had approximately  $1,924,000 and $6,056,000 of outstanding  foreign
exchange forward contracts as of April 28, 1996 and April 30, 1995, respectively
(primarily denominated in German marks and Australian shillings).  The contracts
outstanding  at April 28, 1996 mature at various dates in fiscal 1997.  The fair
values of these  contracts were  $1,850,000 and $6,553,000 at April 28, 1996 and
April 30, 1995,  respectively.  Fair values were  estimated by obtaining  quotes
from banks assuming all contracts were purchased on April 28, 1996 and April 30,
1995, respectively.


Report of Independent Auditors

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Culp, Inc.:

    We have audited the accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets of Culp, Inc.
and  subsidiary  as of April  28,  1996 and  April  30,  1995,  and the  related
consolidated statements of income, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each
of the years in the three-year  period ended April 28, 1996. These  consolidated
financial  statements are the  responsibility of the company's  management.  Our
responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion  on  these  consolidated  financial
statements based on our audits.

    We conducted  our audits in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

    In our opinion,  the  consolidated  financial  statements  referred to above
present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of Culp, Inc.
and subsidiary as of April 28, 1996 and April 30, 1995, and the results of their
operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the  three-year  period
ended  April  28,  1996,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted   accounting

(signature of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP appears here)
Greensboro, North Carolina
May 29, 1996


Management's Responsibility
For Financial Statements

    The management of Culp, Inc. is responsible for the accuracy and consistency
of all the information contained in this Annual Report,  including the financial
statements.  These  statements  have been  prepared  to conform  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles.  The  preparation of financial  statements and
related data involves estimates and the use of judgment.

    Culp,  Inc.  maintains  internal  accounting  controls  designed  to provide
reasonable assurance that the financial records are accurate, that the assets of
the company are safeguarded,  and that the financial  statements  present fairly
the financial position and results of operations of the company.

    KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, the company's independent auditors, conducts an audit
in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and provides an opinion
on the  financial  statements  prepared  by  management.  Their  report for 1996
appears on the preceding page.

    The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors reviews the scope of the audit
and the  findings of the  independent  auditors.  The  internal  auditor and the
independent  auditors  meet  with the  Audit  Committee  to  discuss  audit  and
financial  reporting issues. The Committee also reviews the company's  principal
accounting policies, significant internal accounting controls, the Annual Report
and annual SEC filings (Form 10-K and Proxy Statement).

(signature of Robert G. Culp, III appears here)
Robert G. Culp, III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

(signature of Franklin N. Saxon appears here)
Franklin N. Saxon
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
May 29, 1996

(bar chart appears here, plot points are below)

92       93         94          95          96
6.0%    7.4%       9.2%        9.6%         9.5%

(bar chart appears here, plot points are below)

92             93        94        95       96
$12,396   $11,938    $16,764    $18,058    $14,385

(bar chart appears here, plot points are below)

92              93          94      95        96
126.7%       101.8%       95.1%    78.4%    54.7%

(bar chart appears here, plot points are below)

92          93           94         95         96
$37,913     $41,471   $44,038   $57,971    $77,397         


Management's Discussion & Analysis

The following analysis of the financial condition and results of operations
should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements and Notes thereto
included elsewhere in this report.

GENERAL--The company's business, which is linked to the demand for upholstery
fabrics and mattress ticking, is cyclical in nature and can be significantly
affected by changes in overall economic conditions. The company believes the key
economic indicators influencing demand for its products are housing starts,
sales of existing homes, the level of consumer confidence, population
demographics, trends in disposable income and prevailing interest rates for home
mortgages. Industry-wide demand for upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking is
directly determined by consumer purchases of upholstered furniture and bedding
(mattresses and box springs). Although the majority of the company's sales
continues to be derived from sales to U.S.-based manufacturers, international
sales are increasing as a percentage of total shipments. The company believes
that most of its upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking sold internationally is
used in the manufacture of furniture and bedding which is marketed outside the
United States.

OVERVIEW--For the fiscal year ended April 28, 1996, net sales were $351.7
million, up 14% from $308.0 million in fiscal 1995. For the year, sales of
upholstery fabrics increased 11% and accounted for 81% of the company's net
sales. Sales of mattress ticking, including sales for Rayonese, contributed the
balance of net sales and rose 29% from the prior year. The gain in sales
reflected higher shipments of upholstery fabrics and mattress ticking to
U.S.-based manufacturers as well as increased international shipments.
principally of upholstery fabrics. Net income for fiscal 1996 increased to $11.0
million, or $0.98 per share, up from $9.8 million, or $0.87 per share, for
fiscal 1995. The company's business ended fiscal 1996 on a generally strong note
with a 19.6% increase in sales in the fourth quarter. Although the pace of
incoming orders remains positive, there are conflicting projections about the
economy and interest rates over the remainder of the company's fiscal 1997 year.
The company's managerial focus continues to be extending the longer term gains
realized in market share and corporate profitability.

RECENT ACQUISITIONS--On March 6, 1995, the company completed the acquisition of
Rayonese Textile Inc. ("Rayonese"). The transaction was valued at approximately
$10.5 million and included the purchase of 100% of the common stock of Rayonese
and the assumption of that company's funded debt. The acquisition is described
in more detail elsewhere in this report and in the company's filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 8-K filed December 23, 1994. See also
footnote 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

As of November 1, 1993, the company completed the purchase of the upholstery
fabric business operating as Rossville Mills, Chromatex, and Rossville Velours.
The transaction was valued at $39.3 million and involved the purchase of assets
for cash and the assumption of certain liabilities related to the business. The
assets acquired are principally located in Rossville, Georgia and West Hazelton,
Pennsylvania. The acquisition is described in more detail elsewhere in this
report and in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
on form 8-K filed November 16, 1993, and amendments to that filing on Form 8-K/A
filed January 15, 1994, and July 15, 1994. See also footnote 2 to the
consolidated financial statements.

ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS--The table below sets forth certain items in the
Consolidated Statements of Income as a percentage of net sales. Income taxes are
expressed as a percentage of income before income taxes.

                                         1996      1995      1994
Net sales                                100.0%    100.0%    100.0%
Cost of sales                             82.2      82.2      82.6
    Gross profit                          17.8      17.8      17.4
Selling, general and administrative
    expenses                              11.1      10.9      11.4
    Income from operations                 6.7       6.9       6.0
Interest expense                           1.5       1.5       1.0
Interest income                            0.0       0.0       0.0
Other expense                              0.3       0.4       0.1
    Income before income taxes             4.9       5.0       4.9
    Income taxes (*)                      36.5      37.0      36.0
    Net income                             3.1%      3.2%      3.1%

(*)  Calculated as a percent of income before income taxes

FISCAL 1996 COMPARED WITH FISCAL 1995--The following table sets forth the
company's sales divided into various categories, including in each case the
percentage change in the category's sales from fiscal 1995 to fiscal 1996. The
first major division is between the company's major product categories,
Upholstery Fabrics and Mattress Ticking. Additionally, sales are broken down by
the company's four business units: Culp Textures, Rossville/Chromatex and
Velvets/Prints, which produce upholstery fabrics, and Culp Home Fashions, which
produces primarily mattress ticking.

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                             AMOUNTS       PERCENT
PRODUCT CATEGORY/BUSINESS UNIT                 1996     1995     CHANGE
Upholstery Fabrics
    Culp Textures                           $ 84,384   85 125    (0.9)%
    Rossville/Chromatex                       74,203    63,765   16.4 %
                                             158,587   148,890    6.5 %
    Velvets/Prints                            125,70   106,803   17.7 %
                                              284,28   255,693   11.2 %
Mattress Ticking
    Culp Home Fashions                        67,379    52,333   28.8 %
                                            $351,667   308,026   14.2 %


    The company's sales of upholstery fabrics increased $28.6 million, or 11.2%.
Sales from the Rossville/Chromatex and Velvets/Prints business units were up
significantly from last year while sales of the Culp Textures business unit were
down slightly. The gain of $15.0 million in sales of mattress ticking reflected
higher shipments to existing accounts and the additional sales from Rayonese.
Sales of mattress ticking for fiscal 1996 included $7.7 million from Rayonese
which was acquired on March 6, 1995. Rayonese contributed $1.4 million to sales
for the portion of fiscal 1995 in which it was included in the company's
results. International sales, consisting primarily of upholstery fabrics,
increased to $77.4 million, up 34% from fiscal 1995. International shipments
accounted for 22% of the company's sales for fiscal 1996, up from 19% in fiscal
1995. The base of the company's international customers continued to broaden,
with sales to over 50 countries during fiscal 1996.

    Gross profit for fiscal 1996 increased by $7.9 million and remained constant
as a percentage of net sales at 17.8%. The cost of most raw materials generally
rose throughout fiscal 1996, and the company was unable to offset very much of
the impact of these increases through higher prices. During the latter part of
the year, the company began experiencing some easing in the rate of increase in
the cost of raw materials. A continuation of this trend could help the company's
profitability in future periods.

    Selling, general and administrative expenses increased as a percentage of
net sales for fiscal 1996. Although the company is continuing to emphasize
cost-containment programs, planned increases in expenses related to the design
of new fabrics and higher selling commissions related to international sales led
to the higher ratio of expenses to net sales.

    Interest expense for fiscal 1996 rose 12.7% to $5.3 million. The increase
principally reflected additional borrowings related to funding the acquisition
of Rayonese, capital expenditures and an increased level of working capital
needed to support increased sales. The company experienced generally lower
prevailing interest rates during fiscal 1996. The effective tax rate for fiscal
1996 decreased slightly to 36.5% compared with 37.0% in fiscal 1995.

FISCAL 1995 COMPARED WITH FISCAL 1994--The following table sets forth the
company's sales divided into various categories, including in each case the
percentage change in the category's sales from fiscal 1994 to fiscal 1995. The
first major division is between the company's major product categories,
Upholstery Fabrics and Mattress Ticking. Additionally, sales are broken down by
the company's four business units: Culp Textures, Rossville/Chromatex and
Velvets/Prints, which produce upholstery fabrics, and Culp Home Fashions, which
produces primarily mattress ticking.

(DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)                             AMOUNTS        PERCENT
PRODUCT CATEGORY/BUSINESS UNIT                 1995       1994     CHANGE
Upholstery Fabrics
    Culp Textures                           $ 85,125     78,317    8.7 %
    Rossville/Chromatex                        63,76    531,047    N/A
                                             148,890    109,364    36.1 %
    Velvets/Prints                            106,80     97,036    10.1 %
                                              255,69    206,400     23.9%
Mattress Ticking
    Culp Home Fashions                        52,333     38,649    35.4 %
                                            $308,026    245,049    25.7 %

    The increase of $49.3 million in upholstery fabrics was attributable
primarily to the incremental sales of $32.8 million contributed by
Rossville/Chromatex acquired on November 1, 1993. Excluding that contribution,
the company's sales of upholstery fabrics increased $16.5 million, or 8.0%.
Shipments of each business unit within upholstery fabrics were up for the year.
The sales gain in mattress ticking primarily reflected higher shipments to
existing accounts and, to a lesser degree, to the success of programs to broaden
the customer base. Sales of mattress ticking for fiscal 1995 included $1.4
million from Rayonese, which was acquired on March 6, 1995. International sales,
consisting primarily of upholstery fabrics, increased to $58.0 million, up 32%
from fiscal 1994. This category of sales represented 19% of total sales in
fiscal 1995 and 18% of total sales in fiscal 1994.

    Gross profit for fiscal 1995 increased both in absolute dollars and as a
percentage of net sales. The Rossville/Chromatex and Culp Home Fashions business
units contributed significantly to those gains. Culp Textures and Velvets/Prints
were up, although not as significantly. The company experienced increased raw
material prices during fiscal 1995 which were not passed along to customers
through price increases. Selling, general and administrative expenses declined
as a percentage of net sales for fiscal 1995.

    Interest expense for fiscal 1995 increased 88% to $4.7 million. The increase
principally reflected the full-year inclusion of the bank borrowings and
financing provided by the seller related to the acquisition of
Rossville/Chromatex and increased capital expenditures. Significantly higher
prevailing interest rates also contributed to the increase in interest expense
for the year.

    Other expense for fiscal 1995 increased to $1.1 million compared with
$350,000 in fiscal 1994. The principal factors contributing to the increased
expense were amortization of goodwill related to the Rossville/Chromatex
acquisition and to higher debt issue costs.

    The effective tax rate for fiscal 1995 increased to 37.0% compared with
36.0% in fiscal 1994. The increase was primarily due to the significantly higher
level of pretax income for fiscal 1995.


    LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES--The company maintained a sound financial
position during fiscal 1996. Funded debt (which includes long-and short-term
debt less restricted investments) increased 5.3% to $76.8 million at the close
of fiscal 1996, up from $72.9 million a year earlier. As a percentage of total
capital (funded debt plus shareholders' equity), the company's debt declined to
48.5% as of April 28, 1996 compared with 50.5% as of April 30, 1995. The
company's current ratio at the close of fiscal 1996 increased to 2.2 compared
with 1.7 a year earlier. Shareholders' equity increased 14.1% to $81.4 million
as of April 28, 1996 compared with $71.4 million as of April 30, 1995.

    Cash flows from operating activities totaled $15.7 million for fiscal 1996.
The primary factor contributing to operating cash flows was cash from earnings
(net income plus depreciation, amortization, and deferred income taxes) of $26.3
million. An increase of $7.8 million in accounts receivable and $1.6 million in
inventories offset a portion of these sources of operating cash flows. The funds
from operations and financing activities were used to fund capital expenditures
for fiscal 1996 of $14.4 million compared with $18.1 million for fiscal 1995.

    The company's borrowings are through financing arrangements with two banks
that provide for a $36.0 million term loan and a $33.5 million revolving credit
facility and letters of credit on its IRB's. As of April 28, 1996, the company
had $10.2 million in borrowings available under the revolving credit facility.
In April 1996, the company amended its loan agreements to provide for certain
less stringent financial covenants including the provision for all borrowings
under the agreement to be unsecured.

    The company's Board of Directors has approved a capital expenditure budget
of $16.5 million for fiscal 1997. The company believes that cash flows from
operations and funds available under existing credit facilities and new IRB's,
where available, will be sufficient to fund capital expenditures and working
capital requirements during fiscal 1997.

    At April 28, 1996, the company had five interest rate swap agreements with
two banks to reduce its exposure to floating interest rates on a portion of its
variable rate borrowings. The effect of these contracts is to "fix" the interest
rate payable on approximately 43% of the company's bank borrowings at a weighted
average rate of 7.1%. The company also enters into foreign exchange forward
contracts to hedge against currency fluctuations with respect to firm
commitments to purchase machinery, equipment and certain raw materials when
those commitments are denominated in foreign currencies. See footnotes 10 and 16
to the company's consolidated financial statements.

NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS--The Financial Accounting Standards Board has
issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 123, "Accounting
for Stock-Based Compensation," which permits a change from the intrinsic value
based method of accounting for stock options (Accounting Principles Board
Opinion No. 25) to a fair value based method for employee stock option and
similar equity investments.

    As an alternative, the Statement allows the continued use of the intrinsic
value based method accompanied with pro forma disclosures of the fair value
based method. The company plans to adopt this alternative.

    Other than the disclosure required by SFAS No. 123, the implementation of
new accounting standards will not have a material impact on the company's
financial statements in 1997.

INFLATION--The company has experienced higher costs of raw materials over the
past two fiscal years. Other operating expenses such as for manufacturing
supplies and spare parts also rose over this period, putting pressure on the
company's profitability. Competitive conditions did not allow the company to
offset very much of these increases through higher prices for its products. Some
easing in the cost of raw materials has begun to occur.

FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION--This annual report to shareholders and the
company's annual report on Form 10-K contain forward-looking statements that are
inherently subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that could influence the
matters discussed in the forward-looking statements include the level of housing
starts and existing home sales, consumer confidence, and trends in disposable
income. Decreases in these economic indicators could have a negative effect on
the company's business and its prospects. Likewise, increases in interest rates,
particularly home mortgage rates, and increases in consumer debt or the general
rate of inflation, could affect the company adversely.

(Bar chart appears here, plot points are below)

92              93          94      95        96
6.6%           7.4%        9.5%    10.4%     10.1%

(Bar chart appears here, plot points are below)

  92             93          94      95        96
$0.049         $0.064      $0.080  $0.100    $0.110


Quarterly Data

                                             FISCAL     FISCAL       FISCAL        FISCAL       FISCAL    FISCAL     
                                               1996       1996         1996          1996         1995      1995     
    net sales                              $ 102,162      86,476       90,672       72,357       85,441     77,791
    cost of sales                             82,957      71,447       74,565       60,159       69,039     64,785   
      gross profit                            19,205      15,029       16,107       12,198       16,402     13,006   
    SG & A expenses                           11,300       9,639        9,675        8,454        9,205      8,295   
      income from operations                   7,905       5,390        6,432        3,744        7,197      4,711   
    interest expense                           1,352       1,279        1,388        1,297        1,374      1,120   
    interest income                              (92)          0            0            0           (3)       (14)  
    other expense                                365         266          219          107          470        245   
      income before income taxes               6,280       3,845        4,825        2,340        5,356      3,360   
    income taxes                               2,230       1,430        1,825          825        1,931      1,260   
      net income                               4,050       2,415        3,000        1,515        3,425      2,100   
    EBITDA (6)                             $  10,814       8,450        9,494        6,852        9,917      7,523   
    depreciation                               3,070       3,140        3,071        3,067        3,020      2,897   
    cash dividends                               310         309          309          308          280        280   
    weighted average shares outstanding       11,284      11,211       11,211       11,207       11,205     11,205   
PER SHARE DATA (3) (4) (5)
    net income                             $    0.36       0.22         0.27         0.14          0.31       0.19   
    cash dividends                            0.0275     0.0275       0.0275       0.0275         0.025      0.025   
    book value                                  7.21       6.89         6.72         6.48          6.37       6.09
    working capital                        $  56,953      52,266       46,373       45,069       38,612     46,399   
    property, plant and equipment             76,961      73,356       73,876       75,744       75,805     69,373   
    total assets                             211,644     197,704      200,404      192,725      194,999    179,138   
    capital expenditures                       6,675       2,620        2,084        3,006        4,452      3,422   
    long-term debt                            74,941      68,112       65,137       67,662       62,187     65,711   
    funded debt (1)                           76,791      79,667       76,692       79,217       72,947     70,209   
    shareholders' equity                      81,446      77,623       75,351       72,624       71,396     68,251   
    capital employed (7)                     158,237     157,290      152,043      151,841      144,343    138,460   
    gross profit margin                         18.8%      17.4%        17.8%        16.9%         19.2%      16.7%  
    operating income margin                      7.7        6.2          7.1          5.2           8.4        6.1   
    net profit margin                            4.0        2.8          3.3          2.1           4.0        2.7   
    EBITDA margin                               10.6        9.8         10.5          9.5          11.6        9.7   
    effective income tax rate                   35.5       37.2         37.8         35.3          36.1       37.5   
    funded debt-to-total capital ratio (1)      48.5       50.6         50.4         52.2          50.5       50.7   
    working capital turnover                     5.3        5.3          5.4          5.4           5.6        5.5   
    days sales in receivables                     46          43           47           45           47         44   
    inventory turnover                           6.8        5.7          6.0          5.1           6.1        6.0   
    stock price
      high                                 $   13.25      11.50        11.00        10.00          9.75      10.50
      low                                      10.00       9.50         9.00         7.75          8.50       8.75
      close                                    13.00       10.00         9.75         7.75         9.75       9.50
P/E ratio (2)
      high                                      13.5       12.2         12.1         11.2          11.2       12.3
      low                                       10.2       10.1          9.9          8.7           9.7       10.3
    trading volume (shares)                    1,325       1,142        1,011        1,454        1,617      1,886

                                                     FISCAL       FISCAL       
                                                      1995         1995        
(AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER                                              
     SHARE AMOUNTS)                                2ND QUARTER   1ST QUARTER   
INCOME STATEMENT DATA (4) (5)                                                  
    net sales                                        78,445       66,349       
    cost of sales                                    64,272       55,249       
      gross profit                                   14,173       11,100       
    SG & A expenses                                   8,363        7,569       
      income from operations                          5,810        3,531       
    interest expense                                  1,144        1,077       
    interest income                                     (24)         (23)
    other expense                                       190          177       
      income before income taxes                      4,500        2,300       
    income taxes                                      1,700          850       
      net income                                      2,800        1,450       
    EBITDA (6)                                        8,500        6,112       
    depreciation                                      2,718        2,622       
    cash dividends                                      280          280       
    weighted average shares outstanding              11,205       11,198       
PER SHARE DATA (3) (4) (5)                                                     
    net income                                         0.25         0.13       
    cash dividends                                    0.025        0.025       
    book value                                         5.93         5.70       
BALANCE SHEET DATA (4) (5)                                                     
    working capital                                  42,964       43,164       
    property, plant and equipment                    68,848       66,535       
    total assets                                    178,404      164,585       
    capital expenditures                              5,031        5,153       
    long-term debt                                   63,462       64,187       
    funded debt (1)                                  67,846       66,493       
    shareholders' equity                             66,431       63,912       
    capital employed (7)                            134,277      130,405       
    gross profit margin                                18.1%        16.7%      
    operating income margin                             7.4          5.3       
    net profit margin                                   3.6          2.2       
    EBITDA margin                                      10.8          9.2       
    effective income tax rate                          37.8         37.0       
    funded debt-to-total capital ratio (1)             50.5         51.0       
    working capital turnover                            5.8          5.7       
    days sales in receivables                            50         42         
    inventory turnover                                  6.2          5.8       
STOCK DATA (3)                                                                 
    stock price                                                                
      high                                             9.25        12.50       
      low                                              7.50         7.25
      close                                            8.75         8.75
P/E ratio (2)
      high                                             11.2         17.0
      low                                               9.1          9.8
    trading volume (shares)                           3,702        2,956





    BY CULP.




Annual Data

                                                                                                             PERCENT  FIVE-YEAR
                                            FISCAL       FISCAL       FISCAL        FISCAL      FISCAL       CHANGE   GROWTH
     AMOUNTS)                                1996         1995         1994          1993        1992       1996/1995   RATE
    net sales                             $ 351,667      308,026      245,049      200,783      191,311       14.2%    15.1%
    cost of sales                           289,129      253,345      202,426      168,599      161,204       14.1     14.5
      gross profit                           62,538       54,681       42,623       32,184       30,107       14.4     18.2
    S G & A expenses                         39,068       33,432       27,858       24,203       24,597       16.9     12.2
      income from operations                 23,470       21,249       14,765        7,981         5,51       10.5     35.9
    interest expense                          5,316        4,715        2,515        1,409        1,421       12.7     27.9
    interest income                             (92)         (64)         (79)         (29)        (136)      43.8      --
    other expense                               956        1,082          350            1          288      (11.6)    26.8
      income before income taxes             17,290       15,516       11,979        6,600        3,937       11.4     35.8
    income taxes                              6,310        5,741        4,314        2,099          964        9.9     49.4
      net income                             10,980        9,775        7,665        4,501        2,973       12.3     30.5
    EBITDA(6)                             $  35,610       32,052       23,256       14,933       12,562       11.1     26.0
    depreciation                             12,348       11,257        8,497        6,724        7,085        9.7     14.8
    cash dividends                            1,236        1,120          887          696          533       10.4     20.5
    weighted average shares outstanding      11,234       11,203       11,076       10,875       10,827        0.3      0.8
PER SHARE DATA (3) (4) (5)
    net income                            $    0.98         0.87         0.69         0.41         0.27       12.6%    29.4%
    cash dividends                             0.11         0.10         0.08        0.064        0.049       10.0     19.6
    book value                                 7.21         6.37         5.60         5.01         4.66       13.2     10.1
    working capital                       $  56,953       38,612       37,949       34,942       26,665       47.5%    11.9%
    property, plant and equipment            76,961       75,805       64,004       44,529       39,315        1.5     17.5
    total assets                            211,644      194,999      164,948      106,548       93,195        8.5     19.0
    capital expenditures                     14,385       18,058       16,764       11,938       12,396      (20.3)     5.2
    businesses acquired                           0       10,455       38,205            0            0          0       --
    long-term debt                           74,941       62,187       58,512       23,147       14,082       20.5     34.8
    funded debt (1)                          76,791       72,947       58,639       26,582       16,817        5.3     33.0
    shareholders' equity                     81,446       71,396       62,649       54,521       50,651       14.1     11.2
    capital employed (7)                    158,237      144,343      121,288       81,103       67,468        9.6     19.0
    gross profit margin                        17.8%        17.8%        17.4%       16.0%        15.7% 
    operating income margin                     6.7          6.9          6.0         4.0          2.9  
    net profit margin                           3.1          3.2          3.1         2.2          1.6  
    EBITDA margin                              10.1         10.4          9.5         7.4          6.6  
    effective income tax rate                  36.5         37.0         36.0        31.8         24.5  
    funded debt-to-total capital                                                                        
          ratio (1)                            48.5         50.5         48.3        32.8         24.9  
    return on average total capital             9.5          9.6          9.2         7.4          6.0  
    return on average equity                   14.4         14.6         13.1         8.6          6.0  
    working capital turnover                    5.3          5.6          5.7         5.4          5.7  
    days sales in receivables                  46           47           43          43           43    
    inventory turnover                          6.0          6.0          6.3         6.4          7.0  
STOCK DATA (3)                                                                                          
    stock price                                                                                         
      high                              $      13.25        12.50        17.33        7.33         5.59 
      low                                       7.75         7.25         5.67        3.60         3.28 
      close                                    13.00         9.75        11.63        7.20         5.23 
    P/E ratio (2)                                                                                       
      high                                     13.5         14.3         25.1        17.7         20.4  
      low                                       7.9          8.3          8.2         8.7         11.9  
    trading volume (shares)                   4,932       10,161       11,178       2,646        1,497  




Robert G. Culp, III
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer;
Director (E,N)

Howard L. Dunn, Jr.
President and Chief Operating Officer; Director (E)

Andrew W. Adams
Senior Vice President of Corporate Development; Director (E)

Franklin N. Saxon
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary;
Director (E)

Kenneth M. Ludwig
Senior Vice President-Human Resources; Assistant Secretary

Baxter P. Freeze, Sr.
Director (A,C); Retired President, Chairman of the Board,
Commonwealth Hosiery Mills, Inc., Randleman, NC

Earl M. Honeycutt
Director (A,C); Retired President, Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Company, 
Atlanta, GA

Bland W. Worley
Director (A,C,N); Retired Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive 
Officer, BarclaysAmericanCorporation, 
Charlotte, NC

Patrick H. Norton
Director (N); Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing;
La-Z-Boy Chair Company, Monroe, MI

Judith C. Walker
Charlotte, NC

Earl N. Phillips, Jr.
Director; Co-Founder and President, First Factors Corporation, High
Point, NC



Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A.
Corporate Trust Department
P. O. Box 3001
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27102
(800) 633-4236

Robinson,  Bradshaw & Hinson, PA 
Charlotte,  NC 28246 

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP 
Greensboro,  NC 27401 

Herzog, Heine, Geduld, Inc.
Interstate/Johnson Lane 
Mayer & Schweitzer, Inc. 
Nash Weiss/Div. of Shatkin Inv.
Neuberger & Berman  
Raymond, James & Associates
Robinson-Humphrey  Co.,  Inc.
Sherwood Securities Corp.
Troster Singer Corp. 
Wheat First Securities, Inc.

Culp, Inc. common stock is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market (National Market)
under the symbol CULP. As of April 28, 1996, the company had approximately 2,800
shareholders based on the number of holders of record and an estimate of the
number of individual participants represented by security position listings.

Culp, Inc.
101 South Main Street
Post Office Box 2686
High Point, NC 27261
(910) 889-5161

If you would like a copy of the Form 10K (Annual Report filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission) or other information about Culp, please
contact Frank Saxon at the address listed above or at telephone number (910)

Shareholders are cordially invited to attend the
company's annual meeting to be held
Tuesday, September 17, 1996 at 9:00 AM in
the Radisson Hotel,
135 South Main Street,
High Point,
North Carolina.


(Full page photo of fabric appears here)


(910) 889-5161