This  Agreement  is made this 24th day of April  1996,  by and  between
FAMILY  HEALTH  INTERNATIONAL,  a  North  Carolina  nonprofit  corporation  with
principal offices at 2222 Chapel  Hill-Nelson  Highway,  Durham,  North Carolina
(hereinafter  called the  "Sublessor"),  and DIGITAL  RECORDERS,  INC.,  a North
Carolina  corporation with offices at 4900 Prospectus Drive, Suite 1000, Durham,
North Carolina 27713 (hereinafter called the "Sublessee").

         WHEREAS,  Sublessor is  presently a tenant in a building  known as 4900
Prospectus  Drive in  Commercial  Park  West,  Durham  County,  North  Carolina,
occupying space commonly known as Suite 108 and comprising  approximately  5,068
square feet of space;

         WHEREAS,  Sublessor  occupies said space pursuant to that certain lease
dated 23 October 1989 (hereinafter  called the  "Overlease"),  providing for the
lease of the space commonly known as Suite 108  comprising  approximately  5,068
square feet of space,  which Overlease is attached as Exhibit "A" annexed hereto
and made a part hereof; and

         WHEREAS,  Sublessor's  Landlord and Sublessor  amended the Overlease by
First  Lease  Amendment  dated  11  May  1990  (hereinafter  referred  to as the
"Amendment"),  a copy of which  Amendment  is  attached  as Exhibit  "B" annexed
hereto and made a part hereof; and

         WHEREAS,   Sublessor's  Landlord  and  Sublessor  further  amended  the
Overlease by Lease Renewal Agreement dated 8 December 1994 (hereinafter referred
to as the "Renewal"),  providing for the extension of the Lease  Expiration Date
dated 30 April 2000 and  establishing  the Minimum Rent for the remainder of the
:ease term as extended  therein,  a copy of which Renewal is attached as Exhibit
"C" annexed hereto and made a part hereof.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  mutual  promises,   covenants  and
conditions hereinafter set forth, it is mutually agreed as follows:

1. Sublet  Premises:  Sublessor hereby leases Suite 108 in 4900 Prospectus Drive
comprising  approximately 5,068 square feet of space (hereinafter referred to as
the "Sublet  Premises")  to Sublessee,  and  Sublessee  hereby leases the Sublet
Premises from  Sublessor.  Sublessee  shall use the Sublet  Premises for uses of
office  space,  light  assembly,  and  warehouse,  and no other uses without the
written  consent of the  Sublessor's  landlord  (hereinafter  referred to as the
"overlandlord").  This  Sublease  shall not take effect until  execution of this
Sublease by Overlandlord, evidencing Overlandlord's consent to this Sublease and
to the Sublessee's intended uses of the Sublet Premises.

2. Term: The initial term of this Sublease shall commence on the first day of
June, 1996 and shall continue up to and including 11:59 P.M. on the 30th day of
April, 2000.

3. Rental: Sublessee hereby agrees to pay to Sublessor an annual rental, payable
in equal monthly installments in advance on the first day of each month
according to the following schedule of rent:

Term                                Annual Rent                    Monthly Rent
- ----                                -----------                    ------------
6/1/96 - 4/30/97           $36,996.40 ($7.30 per sq. ft.)          $3,083.03
5/1/97 - 4/30/98           $37,503.20 ($7.40 per sq. ft.)          $3,125.27
5/1/98 - 4/30/99           $38,010.00 ($7.50 per sq.ft.)           $3,167.50
5/1/99 - 4/30/2000         $38,516.80 ($7.60 per sq.ft.)           $3,209.73

Any rent  requirement  to be paid pursuant to this Sublease shall be in addition
to other  amounts by whatever  name called with  respect to the Sublet  Premises
payable  pursuant to the  Overlease,  Amendment  or renewal,  including  without
limitation  the  Additional  rent  payable to the  Overlandlord  as  provided in
Article 2 of the Overlease,  provided that all such amounts payable (or overages
returnable)  of  Additional  Rent shall be  pro-rated  for the year  1996,  with
Sublessor responsible for 5/12ths of all such payments and Sublessee responsible
for 7/12ths of all such payments.

4.  Representations:  Sublessor  hereby  warrants and represents  that it is now
leasing the Sublet  Premises  pursuant to the terms and  provisions set forth in
the Overlease,  amendment and Renewal; that the Overlease, Amendment and Renewal
are in full force and

effect; that Sublessor has a valid leasehold interest in the Sublet Premises
under the Overlease, Amendment and Renewal; that neither the Overlease,
Amendment nor Renewal nor any of the obligations, duties, and Responsibilities
of the Sublessor or of the Sublessor's landlord (hereinafter referred to as the
"Overlandlord") under the Overlease, Amendment and Renewal have been amended,
modified, or altered in any manner whatsoever unless as shown herein; and that
there exists no circumstance, condition, or act of default which would entitle
or permit the Overlandlord to terminate the Overlease, Amendment or Renewal or
to abridge any rights of Sublessor as Lessee thereunder. Sublessor covenants
that during the term of this Sublease it will not surrender the Overlease,
Amendment or renewal with respect to the Sublet Premises without the prior
written consent of Sublessee, and represents that it has full right, power and
authority under the Overlease, Amendment and renewal to otherwise to enter into
this Sublease. Sublessor hereby reserves the right to modify the Overlease,
Amendment and Renewal so long as such modification or sublease does not
materially affect the use and occupancy of the Sublet Premises by Sublessee.

5. Utilities: Beginning on the date of its access, June 1, 1996, Sublessee shall
be responsible for and will contract in its name for all utilities to service
the Sublet Premises including without limitation power, gas, telephone and

6.  Overlease, Amendment and Renewal:

         A.  All  the  obligations,  rights  and  privileges  contained  in  the
Overlease,  Amendment and Renewal for the Sublet Premises  conferred and imposed
upon Sublessor (as tenant therein)  except as specifically  modified and amended
by this  Sublease are hereby  conferred  and imposed upon  Sublessee.  Sublessor
covenants  and agrees it will make  payment of the  rentals  payable  under this
Agreement  and the  additional  rentals  payable under the Overlease as and when
due.  Sublessee  covenants and agrees to otherwise fully and faithfully  perform
the terms and conditions of the Overlease, Amendment and Renewal with respect to
the Sublet Premises and the Sublease on its part o be performed. Sublessee shall
not do or cause to be done or suffer or permit any act to be done which would or
might cause the Overlease,  Amendment or Renewal,  or the rights of Sublessor as
tenant under the  Overlease,  Amendment or Renewal to be  endangered,  canceled,
terminated, forfeited or surrendered, or which would or might cause Sublessor to
be in default thereunder or liable for any damage,  claim or penalty.  Sublessee
agrees, as an express inducement for Sublessor executing this Sublease,  that if
there is an conflict  between the provisions of this Sublease and the provisions
of the  Overlease,  Amendment or Renewal  which would permit  Sublessee to do or
cause to be done or  suffer  or  permit  any act or  thing  to be done  which is
prohibited  by the  Overlease,  Amendment or Renewal then the  provisions of the
Overlease, Amendment or renewal shall prevail.

         B.  Sublessee  shall pay the monthly  rentals and other  amounts due to
Sublessor,  within ten (10) days after demand therefore by Sublessor,  including
any and all sums due pursuant to the Overlease,  Amendment or renewal. Sublessor
shall not demand such payment prior to the date which is thirty (30) days before
the date any such sum shall be due and owing under the  Overlease,  Amendment or
Renewal.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the absence of any demand, rents for
each  calendar  month shall be payable in advance on the first day such calendar

         C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, Sublessor
shall have no duty itself to perform any  obligations of the  Overlandlord,  nor
shall such default of the  Overlandlord  affect this  Sublease or waive or defer
the  performance  of  any  of  Sublessee's   obligations  hereunder;   provided,
nevertheless, that in the event of any such default or failure of performance by
Overlandlord,  Sublessor agrees,  upon notice from Sublessee,  to make immediate
demand  upon  Overlandlord  to  perform  its  obligations  under the  Overlease,
Amendment and renewal,  and if Overlandlord  shall  thereafter fail or refuse to
remedy  such  default or failure of  performance  within a period of thirty (30)
days following the notice given by Sublessor then Sublessee shall be entitled as
its sole remedy to terminate this Sublease.

7.  Default:

         A. If Sublessee  defaults in the  performance of any of its obligations
hereunder  and such  default  continues  for ten (10) days  after the  giving of
notice of such default with respect to the failure to pay any monies, or fifteen
(15) days after the giving of notice of default  with  respect to the failure to
perform or comply with any non-monetary obligations of Sublessee hereunder, then
Sublessor  may  cure  any  such  default  and add the  cost  thereof  (including
reasonable  attorneys'  fees) to rent due under this Sublease or terminate  this
Sublease  upon  giving  three  (3) days  notice  of  termination  to  Sublessee.
Sublessee shall have reasonable additional time beyond fifteen (15) days to cure
a  non-monetary  default if  Sublessee  has  commenced  to cure same within said
fifteen (15) days and thereafter with due diligence to cure same.

         B. Notwithstanding anything on the contrary contained herein, Sublessor
may  terminate  this Sublease on three (3) days notice of  termination  (without
having  given  prior  notice of default) if in the  reasonable  apprehension  of
Sublessor  the act or omission  of  Sublessee  would  cause a default  under the
Overlease such as would entitle the Overlandlord within said period to terminate
the Overlease, Amendment or Renewal.

         C. In the event of termination  hereunder Sublessee shall remain liable
for all rent and other sums due under this  Sublease  for the  remainder of what
would have been the term (less the amount of any net  rentals  collected  upon a
reletting  for any part of such  period),  for all  damages  arising  out of its
default  and for all costs  incurred in  connection  with any  reletting  of the
Sublet Premises . Sublessor shall have the right to re-enter and take possession
of the Sublet Premises in the event of a termination for default. In addition to
any and all  remedies  set  forth  herein  Sublessor  shall  have  all  remedies
available at law or in equity and any and all remedies  shall be cumulative  and

8. No Representations:  Sublessor makes no representations  with respect to this
transaction or the Sublet Premises except as specifically set forth herein,  and
Sublessee expressly  acknowledges that no such  representations  have been made.
Sublessee  takes  the  Sublet  Premises  in an "as  is"  condition,  subject  to
reasonable wear and tear. Sublessor warrants that the Premises shall at the time
of possession as delivered to Sublessee be in  substantially  the same condition
as the date of execution to this  Sublease  and  Sublessor  shall have leave the
Sublet Premises broom swept.

9.  Mechanics  Lien:  Sublessee  shall  permit no  mechanics  liens to be placed
against the Premises or any portion thereof;  provided  Sublessee shall have the
right to contest the  correctness  or validity of any such lien if,  immediately
upon demand by Sublessor,  Sublessee procures and records a lien release bond in
form and substance  sufficient  under the General  Statutes of North Carolina to
release the Premises or portion thereof from such lien.

10. Indemnity:  Sublessee hereby agrees to defend,  indemnify and hold Sublessor
harmless  from and against any and all  expense,  including,  but not limited to
reasonable  attorneys' fees,  loss,  claims or liability for injury to person or
property  arising out of its use and possession of the Sublet  Premises,  or for
its breach of the Sublease.

11.  Restoration:  Sublessee shall immediately prior to the expiration or sooner
termination of this Sublease  restore the Sublet  Premises to the condition that
Sublessor is required to surrender  same under the  Overlease.  Sublessee  shall
remove all of its  fixtures,  upfit and  equipment  prior to the  expiration  or
sooner termination of the term hereof and shall repair all damage caused by such

12. Notices: All notices,  demands,  submissions and consents required hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if sent by certified mail,  return
receipt requested postage prepaid (a) to Sublessee,  at the address of Sublessee
as  hereinabove  set forth or such other  address as Sublessee  may designate by
notice to Sublessor, or (b) to Sublessor at the following address: Family Health
International,  Attn: Robert W. Hughes, Post Office Box 13950, Research Triangle
Park,  NC 27709,  or such other  address as Sublessor may designate by notice to

13.  Insurance:

         A.  Sublessee  shall,  during the term of this Sublease and at its sole
cost and expense,  maintain and deliver to Sublessor fully paid public liability
and property damage insurance policies (or certificates thereof) with respect to
the Sublet  Premises and any adjoining  sidewalks,  passageways,  parking areas,
driveways or other Common areas (naming Sublessor as an additional insured) with
limits  of at  least  $1,000,000.00  for  injury  or  death  to any one  person,
$1,000,000.00  for injury or death in any one occurrence and  $1,000,000.00  for
damage to property.  Such policy or policies  shall include a provision  that at
least ten (10) days prior written notice of  cancellation be given to Sublessor.
Such policies shall be carried by solvent and  responsible  insurance  companies
licensed  to do business  in North  Carolina.  At least ten (10) days before the
expiration of any such policy,  Sublessee shall provide Sublessor with a copy of
a fully paid renewal.

         B.  Sublessee  shall,  during the term of this Sublease and at its sole
cost and  expense,  maintain  and  deliver to  Sublessor  fully  paid  insurance
policies (or certificates thereof) upon its fixtures,  trade fixtures,  personal
property and any and all other property of Sublessee or of any third party which
may from time to time be  stored or  maintained  in,  on or  around  the  Sublet
premises an amount necessary to cover the replacement cost thereof.

14. Waiver of Subrogation:  Sublessor hereby releases Sublessee, but only to the
extent of Sublessor's insurance coverage,  from any liability for loss or damage
caused by fire or any of the extended  coverage  perils  included in Sublessor's
insurance policies covering the Demised Premises even if the insured peril shall
be brought about by default,  negligence or other action of the  Sublessee,  its
tenants,  employees or any of them;  provided,  this release  shall be in effect
only with  respect to an  insured  loss and only so long as  Sublessor's  policy
applicable  to such loss shall  contain a clause to the effect that this release
shall not affect the right of Sublessor to recover under such policy.  Sublessor
does not waive  and  hereby  reserves  the  right to  secure  compensation  from
Sublessee for any uninsured  loss,  any amounts not paid because of  deductibles
and other amounts not paid for any reason whatsoever.

Sublessee  hereby  releases  Sublessor,  but only to the  extent of  Sublessee's
insurance coverage,  from any liability for loss or damage caused by fire or any
of the extended  coverage  perils  included in  Sublessee's  insurance  policies
covering any property of Sublessee  stored at the Demised  Premises  even if the
insured peril shall be brought about by the default,  negligence or other action
of the Sublessor,  its agents,  employees or any of them; provided, this release
shall be in effect  only with  respect  to an  insured  loss and only so long as
Sublessee's  policy applicable to such loss shall contain a clause to the effect
that this release  shall not affect the right of Sublessee to recover under such
policy.  Sublessee  does not  waive  and  hereby  reserves  the  right to secure
compensation from Sublessor for any uninsured loss, any amounts not paid because
of deductibles and other amounts not paid for any reason whatsoever.

15. Alterations: Sublessee shall not make any alterations or additions to the
Sublet Premises without first obtaining Sublessor's consent, which shall not
unreasonably be withheld, and Overlandlord's consent as provided in the

16. Condemnation: If, during the term of this Sublease, any part or the whole of
the Sublet Premises shall be taken by any competent authority under the power of
eminent domain,  Sublessor may execute such conveyances as may be required;  and
this Lease shall be affected as follows:

         A. If any portion of the Sublet Premises be taken, and if the remainder
of the Sublet  Premises is not suitable for Sublessee's  purposes,  then in that
event  Sublessee  may elect to terminate  this Sublease or may elect to continue
this  Sublease,  in which event the monthly rental payable shall be adjusted and
prorated in the ratio  which the value of the Sublet  Premises  remaining  after
such taking bears to the value of the Sublet Premises immediately  preceding the

         B. In the event that all or substantially  all of the Premises shall be
taken,  then in that event upon notice  from any  competent  authority  for such
taking,  this  Sublease may be canceled  upon notice in writing by either party,
and this Sublease shall  terminate on the date when title to the Sublet Premises
vests in the condemning authority.

         C.  Sublessee  shall have no claim against  Sublessor or the condemning
authority  for any  portion  of the  amount  that may be awarded as damages as a
result of such taking or  condemnation or for the value of any unexpired term of
this Sublease.

17.  Destruction or Damage:  In the event of damage by fire or other casualty to
the Sublet  Premises or to the building in which the Sublet Premises are located
materially  interfering with  Sublessee's use of the Sublet Premises,  Sublessor
may, at its sole  option,  repair said Sublet  Premises to as good  condition as
that  existing  immediately  prior  to said  fire or  other  casualty,  and this
Sublease  shall not  terminate  except  that the rent shall abate for the period
when,  and to the extent that,  the Sublet  Premises were  untenantable  for the
purposes of this Sublease.  In the event  Sublessor does not elect to rebuild or
restore  said  Sublet  Premises  within  thirty  (30)  days of the  date of said
casualty,  Sublessee  shall have the right to terminate  this Sublease as of the
date of said casualty.  In the event that Sublessor  timely elects to rebuild or
restore said Sublet  Premises but shall not have  completed  such  rebuilding or
restoration  within ninety (90) days of said casualty,  Sublessee shall have the
right to terminate this Sublease as of the date of said  casualty,  but shall so
notify Sublessor within one hundred and five (105) days of the date of said

18.  Assignment:  Without the previous 
consent of Sublessor, not unreasonably to be withheld, and the Overlandlord,  as
may be required by the  Overlease,  neither  Sublessee,  nor  Sublessee's  legal
representatives  or  successors  in interest by operation  of law or  otherwise,
shall assign or mortgage  this  Sublease,  or sublet or license the whole or any
part of the Sublet Premises or permit the Sublet Premises or any part thereof to
be used or occupied by others. Any consent by Sublessor to any act of assignment
or subletting  shall be held to apply only to the specific  transaction  thereby
authorized.  Such  consent  shall  not be  construed  as a  waiver  of  duty  of
Sublessee,  or the legal representatives or assigns of Sublessee, to obtain from
Sublessor  consent to any other or subsequent  assignment or  subletting,  or as
modifying or limiting the rights of Sublessor  under the  foregoing  covenant by
the Sublessee not to assign or sublet without such consent. Any violation of any
provision  of  this  Sublease,  whether  by act or  omission,  by any  assignee,
subtenant  or  undertenant  or  occupant,  shall

be deemed a violation of such provisions of Sublease it being the intention and
meaning of the parties hereto that Sublessee shall assume and be liable to
Sublessor for any and all acts and omissions of any and all assignees,
subtenants, undertenants and occupants. If this lease is assigned, Sublessor may
and is hereby empowered to collect rent from the undertenant or occupant. In
either of such events, Sublessor may apply the net amount collected by it to the
rent herein reserved, and no such collection shall be deemed a waiver of the
covenant herein against assignment and underletting, or the acceptance of the
assignee, undertenant or occupant as Sublessee, or a release of Sublessee from
the further performance of the covenants herein contained on the part of

19. Consents:  With respect to any provision of this Sublease which provides, in
effect, that Sublessor shall not unreasonably withhold or unreasonably delay any
consent or any approval,  Sublessee  shall in no event be entitled to make,  nor
shall  Sublessee  make,  any  claim for money  damages  based  upon any claim or
assertion by Sublessee that Sublessor has unreasonably  withheld or unreasonably
delayed any consent or  approval.  Sublessee  hereby  waives any claim for money
damages, whether by way of setoff,  counterclaim,  defense or otherwise which is
based upon any claim or assertion by Sublessee that  Sublessor has  unreasonably
withheld  or  unreasonably  delayed  any  consent  or  approval;  and  Sublessee
acknowledges  that its sole remedy shall be an action or  proceeding  to enforce
any such  provisions,  or for specific  performance,  injunction or  declaratory
judgment.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this  Agreement,  Sublessor's
failure to consent shall not be deemed to be  unreasonable  when such consent is
also required of Overlandlord by the Overlease,  and such consent is not granted
by the Overlandlord.

20. Liability of Sublessor:  In the event of a transfer of Sublessor's  interest
in the Overlease,  Amendment,  Renewal or in this  Sublease,  it shall be deemed
without further agreement between the parties and such transferee that Sublessor
is released from further  obligations  and that the  transferee  has assumed and
agreed to observe  and  perform  all  obligations  of the  Sublessor  hereunder.
Notwithstanding  any such transfer,  Sublessee shall be and remain liable to the
transferee  for  the  observance  and  performance  of  all  obligations  of the
Sublessee hereunder, and for breach of any of the representations and warranties
made by Sublessee herein.

21. Waiver:  One or more waivers of any covenant or condition by Sublessor shall
nit be  construed  as a waiver of s  subsequent  breach of the same or any other
covenant or condition, and the consent or approval by Sublessor to or of any act
by Sublessee requiring Sublessor's consent or approval shall not be construed to
waive  or  render  unnecessary  Sublessor's  consent  or  approval  to or of any
subsequent similar act by Sublessee.

22. Effect: This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their
heirs, successors and permitted assigns, and may not be altered, amended,
terminated or modified except by written instrument executed by each of the
parties hereto.

23. Forum: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have hereunto affixed their hands and
seals the day and year first above written.

SUBLESSOR                                     SUBLESSEE

By: /s/Robert W. Hughes                       By: /s/J. Phillips L. Johnston
         Robert  W. Hughes                    Name:  J. Phillips L. Johnston
         Senior Vice President                Its:  President & CEO

Attest: /s/ Marie F. Porter                   Attest:  /s/ Michael J. Schierbeek
         Marie F. Porter                               Assistant Secretary
         Assistant Secretary

We consent to this Sublease,  Sublessee's  use of the Sublet Premises for office
space, light assembly and warehouse:

By: /s/  John M.  Cambia, Jr.
Name:  John M.  Cambia, Jr.
Its: Asset Manager