
Date May 24, 1996                                              $2,000,000.00 FOR
VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned (hereinafter called the "Borrower") hereby
promises to pay in the order of WACHOVIA BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA, N.A.
(hereinafter called the "Lender") at its office where borrowed, in immediately
available funds, the sum of
        Two Million and NO/100-------------------------------dollars together
with any unpaid  interest  hereon from date of advance,  in accordance with the
terms contained in this Note. The optional provisions applicable to the Note are
checked below:

____     One payment in full of principal and unpaid interest due_______________
____     On demand______________________________________
_________Payments of $_____________beginning ______________and thereafter_______
______________________,____________,  when the entire  principal amount then
outstanding  and all accrued but unpaid interest shall be paid in full.
   X On Demand  the  principal  amount set forth  above or the unpaid  principal
amount  of all  advances  which  the  Lender  actually  makes  hereunder  to the
Borrower,  whichever  amount is less.  each  advance  and each  payment  made on
account of the principal  thereof,  shall be evidenced on an attachment  hereto;
provided,  however,  any such  notation  or the  failure  of the Lender or other
holder  to make any such  notation  shall  not  limit or  otherwise  affect  the
obligation  of the Borrower  with respect to repayment of all advances  actually
made hereunder.  This Note and any attachment hereto shall be used to record the
outstanding  principal balance advanced hereunder until it is surrendered to the
Borrower by the Lender,  and it shall  continue to be used even though there may
be periods  prior to such  surrender  when no amount of principal or interest is
owing  hereunder.  If advances of the principal  amount hereof are to be made by
Lender  to the  Borrower  after  the  date of this  Note,  Lender,  at its  sole
discretion,  is hereby  authorized  to make such  advances  under this Note upon
telephonic  or written  communication  of a  borrowing  request  from any person
representing himself or herself to be the Borrower or, in the event the Borrower
is a partnership or corporation,  a duly authorized officer or representative of


Payable:   X   in arrears; ____in advance.
           X in addition to the payments  described  above;  ____included in the
payments described above.
Payable  at the rate per annum of:  ____  Prime  Rate  plus_____________%;  ____
_____________%  of Prime Rate; ____ ________% Fixed;  ____ Those rates which may
be offered  from time to time by the Lender and agreed to by the Borrower and so
noted by the  Lender  on an  attachment  hereto.  In the  event of a good  faith
dispute  among the parties to this Note as to rate under this rate  option,  the
rate shall be the Prime Rate,  adjusted  for any changes in the Prime Rate as of
the day such Prime Rate changes;

____     The rate(s) set forth in Schedule 1 attached to this Note and
incorporated herein by reference;
 X Those  rates  which have been  offered by the Lender to the  Borrower in the
Loan Agreement or Commitment Letter checked below, the provisions of which shall
determine such rates, the procedure for the selection of such rates and the time
periods for which such rates shall apply.  In no case shall interest  exceed the
maximum rate permitted by applicable law.

To the  extent  not  prohibited  by law,  a late  charge not to exceed 4% of the
payment  amount  shall  be  assessed  on any  payment  remaining  unpaid  on the
fifteenth  day after the  payment  due date or 30 days in the case  interest  is
payable in advance.

If the  interest  is based  upon the  Prime  Rate,  such  interest  rate will be
adjusted on: ____ The day the Prime Rate changes;  ___Other____________________.
Due:       ____       On       principal        payment       dates;        ____
Other______________________________________.  Interest will be calculated on the
basis of X A year of 360 days and paid for the  actual  number of days  elapsed;
____Other____________________. After demand or maturity (whether by acceleration
or  otherwise),  as  applicable,  interest on any unpaid balance hereof shall be
payable  on demand at a rate per annum  equal to 150% of the Prime  Rate,  or if
greater, 2% above the rate applicable prior to demand or maturity,  adjusted for
any  changes in the Prime Rate as of the day such  Prime  Rate  changes,  not to
exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law.

As used herein, "Prime Rate" refers to that interest rate so denominated and set
by the Lender from time to time as an interest  rate basis for  borrowings.  The
Prime Rate is one of several interest rate bases used by the Lender.  The Lender
lends at interest rates above and below the Prime Rate.

All payments on this Note shall be applied  first to accrued  interest,  then to
principal, and then to late charges.

  X The terms and conditions in a Loan Agreement  dated May 24, 1996 between the
parties  hereto,  as the  same  may be  amended  from  time to  time,  shall  be
considered a part hereof to the same extent as if written herein.

____    The    terms    and     conditions     in    a     Commitment     Letter
dated_______________________from  the Lender to the Borrower, as the same may be
amended,  extended or replaced  from time to time,  shall be  considered  a part
hereof to the same extent as if written herein.

No waiver by the Lender of any default shall be effective  unless in writing nor
operate as a waiver of any other  default on a past or future  occasion.  To the
extent not  prohibited  by law, the Borrower  hereby grants to the Lender and to
such  Lender's  Affiliates  (as the  case  may be) a  security  interest  in and
security title to and does hereby assign, pledge,  transfer and convey to Lender
and  such  Lender's  Affiliates  (as the case  may be) (i) all  property  of the
Borrower of every kind or  description  now or  hereafter in the  possession  or
control of he Lender or of any of the Lender's Affiliates,
                                          Wachovia Bank of Northe Carolina, N.A.

exclusive of any such property in the possession or control of the Lender any of
the  Lender's  Affiliates  as a  fiduciary  other than as agent,  for any reason
including,  without  limitation,  all  cash,  stock or other  dividends  and all
proceeds  thereof,  and all rights to subscribe for securities  incident thereto
and any  substitutions or replacements  for, or other rights in connection with,
any such  collateral  and (ii) any balance or deposit  accounts of the Borrower,
whether such accounts be general or special,  or  individual or multiple  party,
and upon all drafts, notes, or other items deposited for collection or presented
for payment by the Borrower with the Lender or the Lender's  Affiliates  (as the
case may be), exclusive of any such property in the possession or control of the
Lender or any of the Lender's Affiliates as a fiduciary other than as agent, and
the Lender  and the  Lender's  Affiliates  (as the case may be) may at any time,
without  demand or notice,  appropriate  and apply any of such to the payment of
any  indebtedness,  obligations and liabilities of the Borrower to the Lender or
to any of Lender's  Affiliates  (as the case may be),  now existing or hereafter
incurred  or arising  (hereinafter  sometimes  referred to  collectively  as the
"Obligations"),  whether  or  not  due,  with  the  exception  of  indebtedness,
obligations  and  liabilities  owing  to  Lender  or  Lender's  Affiliates  that
constitute open-end credit under, or are subject to, the disclosure requirements
of the Truth  -In-Lending  Act and federal  Reserve  Board  Regulation  Z or any
applicable state consumer protection laws. As used herein, "Lender's Affiliates"
means any entity or entities now or hereafter directly or indirectly  controlled
by Wachovia  Corporation  or any  successor  thereto.  All parties to this Note,
including the makers, endorsers, sureties and guarantors,  whether bound by this
or by separate  instrument or agreement,  shall be jointly and severally  liable
for the indebtedness evidenced by this Note and hereby (1) waive presentment for
payment,  demand,  protest,  notice of nonpayment or dishonor and of protest and
any and all other notices and demands whatsoever;  (2) consent that at any time,
or from time to time, payment of any sum payable under this Note may be extended
without  notice,  whether for a definite or  indefinite  time;  and (3) agree to
remain  liable  until  the  indebtedness   evidenced  hereby  is  paid  in  full
irrespective of any extension, modification or renewal. No conduct of the holder
shall be  deemed a waiver  or  release  of such  liability,  unless  the  holder
expressly  releases  such party in writing.  Upon (i) any failure of any Obligor
(which term shall include the Borrower and each  endorser,  surety  guarantor of
this Note) to pay any of the  Obligations  when due or to observe or perform any
agreement,  covenant  or  promise  hereunder  or in any other  agreement,  note,
instrument or  certificate  of any Obligor to the Lender,  or to any of Lender's
Affiliates,  now existing or hereafter  executed in  connection  with any of the
Obligations, including, but not limited to, a loan agreement, if applicable, and
any agreement  guaranteeing payment of any of the Obligations;  (ii) any default
of  any  Obligor  in the  payment  or  performance  of  any  other  liabilities,
indebtedness  or  obligations  to any other  creditor  or to allow or permit any
other  liabilities,  indebtedness  or  obligations  to any other  creditor to be
accelerated;  (iii)  any  failure  of any  Obligor  to  furnish  Lender  current
financial information upon request; (iv) any failure of any person to observe or
perform  any  agreement,   covenant  or  promise  contained  in  any  agreement,
instrument or certificate executed in connection with the granting of a security
interest in property to secure the Obligations; (v) any warranty, representation
or  statement  made or furnished to the Lender by or on behalf of any Obligor in
connection  with the extension of credit  evidenced by this Note proving to have
been  false in any  material  respect  when made or  furnished;  (vi) the death,
dissolution,  change of control, termination of existence,  insolvency, business
failure or appointment of a receiver of any part of the property of,  assignment
for the benefit of creditors by, or the commencement of any proceeding under any
bankruptcy or insolvency laws, state or federal, by or against,  the Borrower or
any other Obligor;  (vii) any  discontinuance  or termination or any guaranty of
any of the  Obligations  by a  guarantor;  or (viii) the Lender  deeming  itself
insecure,  thereupon,  or at any time  thereafter,  the Lender at its option may
terminate  any  obligation  to extend  any  additional  credit or make any other
financial   accommodation  to  the  Borrower  and/or  may  declare  all  of  the
Obligations to be immediately due and payable. If any Obligation  (including but
not limited to the Note) is a demand  instrument,  the  statement  of a maturity
date, the requirement of periodic interest or the recitation of defaults and the
right of Lender to declare any  Obligation  due and payable shall not constitute
an election by Lender to waive its right to demand payment under a demand at any
time and in any event as Lender in its sole discretion may deem appropriate.  In
the event the  indebtedness  evidenced  hereby is  collected  by or  through  an
attorney,  the holder shall be entitled to recover  reasonable  attorney's  fees
(15% of the then outstanding principal and interest of the indebtedness,  to the
extent not  prohibited  by law) and all other costs and expenses of  collection.
Time is of the essence.

This Note,  and the rights and  obligations of the parties  hereunder,  shall be
governed  and  construed  in  accordance  with  the  laws of the  State of North

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Borrower has executed this Note under seal the day and
year set forth above.

Witness:                                    ______________________________(Seal)
                                                    (Individual Borrower)
______________________________________      ______________________________(Seal)
                                                    (Individual Borrower)
______________________________________      Borrower:

Attest:                                     Digital Recorders,
                                            (Name of Corporation or Partnership)
Michael J. Schierbeek                       By  J. Phillips L. Johnston   (Seal)

Title Asst Secretary                        Title President

[Corporate Seal]

                  NUMBER   OFFICER   CODE   CODE    TYPE    CODE    QUAL      DATE      CODE-FACTOR
- ---------------   ------   --------  ----   -----   -----   ------  -----  -----------  -----------   -------------

      DATE        BASE         COLLECTED                       ACCOUNT NUMBER   NUMBER   BAL   CODE    CODE
- ----------------  ------   ------------------ --------------  ----------------  -------  ---   ----   -------

                                           Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A.


Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A.
Post Office Box 27886
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7886

May 24, 1996

Mr. J. Phillips L. Johnston
President and Chief Executive Officer
Digital Recorders, Inc.
P.O. Box 14068
Research Triangle Park, NC  27709-4068

Dear Phil:

Wachovia Bank of North Carolina,  N.A. ("Bank"), is pleased to make available to
your company a Two Million  dollar  ($2,000,000.00)  credit  facility for Import
Letters of Credit  and Line of Credit  borrowings.  This  credit  facility  will
become effective upon your acceptance of this commitment letter,  your return of
the executed copy of same to the Bank, and,  subject to the conditions set forth
herein, a closing transaction in a manner  satisfactory to the Bank.  "Closing,"
"close,  " or "closed," as used herein,  shall mean the  execution,  recordation
where necessary,  and delivery to the Bank of all documentation required by this
commitment  letter.  After  closing,  this line of credit will expire on May 23,
1997.  This line of credit  commitment  is  subject to the  maintenance  by your
company of a  condition  satisfactory  to the Bank and the  following  terms and

As used herein,  the term "loan" shall  include loan,  line of credit,  advance.
drawing, debit, liability,  and any other obligation of your company to the Bank
arising out of this commitment.

1.       Interest Rate:  The rate of interest for the term of the loan shall be 
         a choice of the 30, 60 or 90 day "LIBOR Base Rate" plus  2.30%, subject
         to change by the Bank from time to time.  Rate of
         interest  shall  be  calculated  on a basis of a 360 day a year for the
         actual  number of days in each  interest  period.  As used herein,  the
         "LIBOR  Base Rate" shall mean a rate for  deposits in US dollars,  with
         maturities  comparable  to the  selected  LIBOR  interest  period  that
         appears on the  displayed  designated  as page  "3750" of the  Telerate
         Service  (or as such page as may replace  page 3750 of that  service or
         such other  services  or services  as may be  nominated  by the British
         bankers  Association  for the purpose of  displaying  London  Interbank
         offered  rates for US dollar  deposits)  determined as of 1:00 p.m. New
         York Time two  business  days prior to  commencement  of such  interest

2.       Interest Payments and Principal Payments: At the end of each applicable
         Interest period or quarterly, if earlier, calculated on an actual /360 
         day basis. Adjusted LIBOR Loans may not be prepaid before the end of 
         the Interest Period applicable to such Loans.  Base Rate Loans may be 
         paid at any time on one Business Day's notice in a minimum amount of
         $1,000,000.00 and  any incremental multiple of $500,000.00.

3.       Fees:  The bank shall receive a commitment and documentation fee in 
         the amount of $500.00 to be paid to the Bank simultaneously with the 
         acceptance of this commitment by your Company, which commitment and 
         documentation fee shall be fully earned when paid and non-refundable.

         In addition, there will be an unused fee of .20% annually on the 
         unused portion of the commitment amount, calculated and payable 
         quarterly in arrears.

4.       Used of Proceeds:  The loan will be used by your company for general 
         working capital purposes and Import Letters of Credit.

5.       Loan Covenants:  Unless the Bank shall otherwise agree in writing, for 
         so long as this agreement shall remain in effect and until all of the 
         Obligations are paid in full, the Borrower agrees as follows:

         1. Cash plus  short  term,  liquid  investments  shall not be less than
            $1,500,000.00  and shall at all times be at least 1.5 times greater
            than the amount of cash borrowings outstanding under the line of 
         2. Each calendar quarter, Digital Recorders shall have a positive net 
            income; and total net income for the year shall be greater than 
         3.  All of the assets of the Company are to remain unencumbered.
         4.  All changes in executive management require the prior approval of 
             the Bank and the President will maintain key man life insurance in 
             the amount of $1,000,000.00.
         5.  The Company will inform the Bank of any acquisitions insofar as 
             this information compliance with all SEC regulations.
         6.  The Bank will be provided with monthly internal financial 
             statements in addition to quarterly and annual financial reports on
             the Company.

6.       Applicable Law: This commitment  shall be interpreted,  construed, 
         enforced, and governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina.  
         Upon return by your company  to the Bank of a fully-executed copy of 
         this  commitment  by its expiration date of June 7, 1996, this 
         commitment will be considered accepted and will constitute an agreement
         obligating the Bank to make your company accept the loan in accordance 
         with the terms as conditions set forth above. If the executed copy is 
         not received  by the Bank by the  expiration  date  noted  above,  this
         commitment shall be considered null and void.

         Should you have any questions  concerning  the terms hereof,  please do
not hesitate to call me at (919) 755-7628.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Tom Roberts

Thomas A. Roberts, III
Banking Officer

                                  ACCEPTED THE 24TH DAY OF MAY, 1996.

                                  DIGITAL RECORDERS, INC.

                                  By:  /s/  J. Phillips L. Johnston
                                  Title: President

Accepted Copy Received by Bank

Date:  May 24, 1996

By:  /s/  Thomas A. Roberts, III




         THIS AGREEMENT, dated the 24th day of May, 1994, and hereby executed by
Digital Recorders,  Inc.  (hereinafter  called the "Company") for the benefit of
the Banks.


A. From time to time the Company and its Affiliates are required in the ordinary
course of  business to obtain on short  notice  certain  Credits and  amendments
thereto,  and the Company  wishes to  establish  procedures  to  facilitate  the
reasonably  prompt  issuance  of  such  Credits  by the  Banks,  or  the  remote
Correspondent Banks upon electronic instructions.

B. This Agreement sets forth the procedures pursuant to which such Credits and
amendments thereto shall be issued and certain other terms and provisions
applicable thereto.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  the  Company  agrees  with and for the benefit of the
Banks as follows:

         1(a).    Definitions.  As used herein:

                  "Affiliate" means (a) as to the Company, each corporation that
directly or  indirectly  through  one or more  intermediaries,  controls,  or is
controlled  by or  under  common  control  with the  Company;  and (b) as to the
Principal Bank, any other bank that is,  directly or indirectly,  a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Wachovia Corporation. An Affiliate as to any of the Banks includes
without limitation all of the other banks.

                  "Authorized  Representative"  means the person or persons from
time to time  designated to act on behalf of the Company by written  certificate
in the form of Exhibit A attached  hereto  furnished to the Principal Bank. Once
such a  certificate  is  submitted  to  the  Principal  Bank,  the  Company  may
thereafter  make no changes  thereto  except  such  changes as are  specifically
acknowledged by the Principal Bank in writing.

                  "Banks" means  Wachovia (GA),  Wachovia  (NC),  Wachovia (SC),
Wachovia  International  Banking  Corporation  and any other banks or  financial
institutions  which are Affiliates of Wachovia  (GA),  Wachovia (NC) or Wachovia

                  "Credit(s)"   means   Letters  of  Credit  and  includes  both
Commercial and Standby Letters of Credit.

                  "Principal Bank" means the Bank listed on the signature page
to this Agreement.

                  "Remote  Correspondent  Bank" means any bank or trust  company
with which any of the Banks may have contracted, or otherwise made arrangements,
to issue  Credits  for the  account  of any of the Banks or the  Company  or the
Company's Affiliates.

                  "Wachovia  (GA)"  means  Wachovia  Bank of  Georgia,  N.A.,  a
national banking association.

                  "Wachovia (NC)" means Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A., a
national banking association.

                  "Wachovia (SC)" means Wachovia Bank of South Carolina, N.A., a
national banking association.

         1(b). Other References.  References in Exhibit B ("TERMS AND CONDITIONS
"undersigned," "we", "us", "our",  "ourselves" and similar words shall be deemed
to refer to the Company.  references  in Exhibit B to "you",  "your" and similar
words  shall be  deemed  to refer  to the  Banks.  references  in  Exhibit  B to
"correspondents"  shall be deemed to  include  any Remote  Correspondent  Banks.
References in Exhibit B to the  "Application"  shall be deemed with respect to a
Credit to refer to the  instructions  received by the Principal Bank pursuant to
paragraph 3 below from an Authorized representative with respect to such Credit.
references in Exhibit B to "your  issuing  office" or the "office" of any of the
Banks  shall be deemed to refer to the  Principal  Bank's  most  recent  address
furnished to the Company. References in Exhibit B to "agreement" shall be deemed
to refer to this  Agreement,  Exhibit  B and,  with  respect  to a  Credit,  the
instructions  received by the Principal  Bank pursuant to paragraph 3 below from
an Authorized  Representative with respect to such Credit.  Whenever used herein
or in Exhibit  B, the  singular  shall be deemed to  include  the plural and the
plural the singular.

         2. The  Credits.  At the  Company's  request,  but in the  Banks'  sole
discretion,  the Banks  shall  issue,  or cause to be  issued,  Credits  for the
account of the Company or the Company's Affiliates.  The Principal Bank shall be
the issuer of each Credit  unless the Principal  Bank,  in its sole  discretion,
determines  that an Affiliate of the  Principal  Bank or a Remote  Correspondent
bank shall be the  issuer of such  credit.  In the case of  Credits  issued by a
Remote Correspondent Bank, the applicant on such credits may appear as "Wachovia
Bank/for  the account of [Company or the  Company's  Affiliate(s)]"  or words of
similar import. The Company,  however,  shall be primarily  obligated  hereunder
with  respect to, and liable for,  each Credit  issued,  whether  such Credit is
issued  for  the  account  of  the  Company  or  one or  more  of the  Company's
Affiliates,  and whether issued by one of the Banks or by a Remote Correspondent

         3.  Instructions  to Issue Credits and  Amendments.  The Company hereby
authorizes  the Banks to issue,  or cause to be issued,  Credits and  amendments
thereto upon receipt of instructions  from an Authorized  Representative  of the
Company. Such instructions shall specify the amount,  beneficiary,  and terms of
the requested  Credit.  Such  instructions  may be communicated to the Principal
Bank by means of data transmission (telex, telecopier,  terminals,  telephone or
otherwise) at the most recent  address  furnished to the Company by or on behalf
of the  Principal  Bank or by means of direct  telephonic  instructions  from an
Authorized  Representative.  The  Company  agrees  to  promptly  confirm  to the
Principal  Bank in  writing  any  verbal  instructions,  but the  failure of the
Company to confirm such instructions  shall not impair or diminish the Company's
duties  and  obligations  to the Banks  hereunder  arising  on  account  of such

         4.  Company's  Covenants.  Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  the
Company  hereby  agrees that as to each Credit issued  hereunder,  the terms and
provisions set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto shall apply to such Credit and
shall bind the Company with respect to such Credit.

         5. Responsibility. The Banks shall be entitled to rely and act upon
instructions from any Authorized Representative. The Banks shall also be
entitled to rely and act upon the instructions of any person identifying himself
or herself as an Authorized Representative, whether or not such person is in
fact an Authorized Representative, and the Company shall be bound thereby in the
same manner and to the same extent as if such person was actually authorized.
The Company agrees to indemnify and hold the Banks harmless from any and all
claims, damages, losses, liability, costs and expenses (including reasonable
attorneys' fees) which may result from or arise out of or may be incurred by the
Banks, the Remote Correspondent Banks, or any of them, as a result of acceptance
of and reliance on instructions from or on behalf of the Company pursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement.

         6.  Examination  of Documents by Company.  Upon receipt by the Company,
the Company agrees to promptly examine all drafts and documents  presented under
any  credit  and to  notify  the  Principal  Bank  in  writing  of  any  alleged
discrepancies or  irregularities.  Failure of the Company to give such notice to
the  Principal  Bank within a reasonable  time not to exceed five  business days
shall be deemed to be a waiver by the Company (and any Affiliate of the Company)
of any such alleged discrepancies and/or irregularities.

         7. Termination. This Agreement shall continue in effect until such date
of  discontinuance  as may be specified in a written  notice from the Company to
the Principal Bank at the Principal Bank's most recent address  furnished to the
Company;  provided,  however,  that the date so specified  shall be at least ten
(10) days after the receipt of such notice by the Principal  Bank; and provided,
further,   that  notwithstanding  any  discontinuance  or  termination  of  this
Agreement,  this  Agreement  shall  apply  to all  Credits  issued  prior to the
effective date of such  discontinuance or termination and to all obligations and
liabilities  of the Company with respect to such Credits  existing at such date.
Any security  interests granted to the Banks hereunder and under Exhibit B shall
continue  until such time as all  obligations  and  liabilities  of the  Company
hereunder have been satisfied.

         8. Construction and Interpretation. This Agreement (but not the Credits
or Exhibit B) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of
the state where the Principal Bank has its principal office. The Credits and
Exhibit B shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the provisions
of Exhibit B.

         9. Delay and Waiver. No delay on the part of the Banks or the Remote
Correspondent Banks in the exercise of any right or remedy shall operate as a
waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise by the Banks or the Remote
Correspondent Banks of any right or remedy shall preclude other or further
exercise thereof, or the exercise of any other right or remedy. The Banks and
the Remote Correspondent Banks shall not be deemed to have waived any of their
rights hereunder unless they or their duly authorized agent shall have signed an
express waiver thereof in writing. No such waiver shall, unless expressly stated
therein, be effective as to any transaction or event which occurred subsequent
to the date of such waiver, nor as to any continuance of any breach.

         10. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except
by a writing signed by the Company,  the Principal Bank and any other Bank which
then has issued a Credit  hereunder  which remains  outstanding.  This Agreement
shall be binding upon the Company and its successors and assigns and shall inure
to the benefit of the Banks and their successors and assigns.

                                        Digital Recorders, Inc.
                                        (Corporation or Firm)

                                        By: J. Phillips L. Johnston,  President
                                        (Authorized Signature & Title)

Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, N.A.
- --------------------------------------

Address of Principal Bank:

Post Office Box 27886 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
- ----------------------------------------------------
Telephone: (919) 755-7628
Telex:     (919) 755-7722