[*] -- Certain information omitted and filed separately with the
Commission pursuant to a confidential treatment request under Rule 24b-2
of the Commission.

                                SUPPLY AGREEMENT


                               CREE RESEARCH, INC.


                           SHIN-ETSU HANDOTAI CO. LTD.



                              SUMITOMO CORPORATION

                         SUMITOMO CORPORATION OF AMERICA

                           ( collectively, "Sumitomo")

                            Dated September 30, 1996

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS; DEFINITIONS........................1
         1.1. Documents...................................1
         1.2. Definitions.................................1

2. PURCHASE AND SALE......................................2
         2.1. Purchase of Products........................2
         2.2. Price.......................................3
         2.3. Payment Terms...............................3

3. ORDERING, SHIPMENT AND DELIVERY........................3
         3.1. Orders......................................3
         3.2. Shipment....................................3
         3.3. Packaging...................................4
         3.4. Manner of Shipment..........................4

4. NON-CONFORMING SHIPMENTS...............................4
         4.1. Reporting of Claims.........................4
         4.2. Remedies for Non-Conforming Shipments.......4
         4.3. Compliance with Instructions................4

5. WARRANTIES.............................................4
         5.1. Limited Warranty............................4
         5.2. Warranty Disclaimer.........................5

6. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY...............................5

7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION...............................5
         7.1. Definition and Identification...............5
         7.2. Confidentiality Obligations.................6
         7.3. Survival....................................6

8. TERM AND TERMINATION...................................6
         8.1. Term........................................7
         8.2. Termination.................................7
         8.3. Effect of Termination.......................7

9. ADDITIONAL UNDERTAKINGS................................7
         9.1. Confidentiality of Terms....................7
         9.2. Publicity...................................7
         9.3. Record-Keeping..............................7
         9.4. Export Regulation...........................8


10. ASSIGNMENT............................................8

11. FORCE MAJEURE.........................................8

12. GENERAL...............................................8
         12.1. Notices....................................8
         12.2. Authority; No Conflicting Obligations......9
         12.3. Relationship of the Parties................9
         12.4. Dispute Resolution.........................9
         12.5. Severability...............................9
         12.6. Amendments; Waiver.........................9
         12.7. No Implied License........................10
         12.8. Enforcement Costs.........................10
         12.9. Governing Law.............................10
         12.10. Construction.............................10
         12.11. United Nations Convention................10
         12.12. Fair Trade Commission Action.............10
         12.13. Entire Agreement.........................10


                                SUPPLY AGREEMENT

SUPPLY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and effective as of the 30th day of
September, 1996 (the "Effective Date"), by and between CREE RESEARCH, INC., a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina
and having offices at 2810 Meridian Parkway, Suite 176, North Carolina 27713,
USA (referred to below as "Seller"); SHIN-ETSU HANDOTAI CO. LTD., a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of Japan and having offices at Togin
Bldg., 4-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (referred to below
as "Purchaser"); SUMITOMO CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of Japan and having offices at 2-2, Hitotsubashi 1-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (referred to below as "SC"); and SUMITOMO
CORPORATION OF AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
the State of New York and having offices at 345 Park Avenue, New York, New York
10154 (referred to below as "SCOA") (SC and SCOA being referred to below
collectively as "Sumitomo").


WHEREAS, concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Seller and Purchaser
have entered into a License and Technology Transfer Agreement (the "License
Agreement") pursuant to which Seller has licensed certain technology to
Purchaser for the manufacture and sale of LED die products defined in the
License Agreement as the "Licensed Products"; and

WHEREAS, the parties have agreed on the terms and conditions under which Seller
will supply certain substrates, both with and without epitaxial coatings, for
use by Purchaser in manufacturing the Licensed Products under the License
Agreement, and the parties desire to memorialize such terms and conditions in
this Agreement; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to separate arrangements between Purchaser and Sumitomo,
Sumitomo has undertaken to act on behalf of Purchaser in purchasing products
from Seller under this Agreement and exporting such products to Purchaser;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual obligations
undertaken in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:


    1.1.  Documents.

          The following documents are annexed to and made a part of this

          (a) Schedule 1 -- Quantity Commitment

          (b) Schedule 2 -- Price

    1.2.  Definitions.

          For purposes of this Agreement, the terms defined in this
          Section 1.2 shall have the meaning specified and such
          definitions shall apply to both singular and plural forms:

          (a) "Affiliates" of a designated corporation, company or other
              entity means all entities which control, are controlled
              by, or are under common control with the named entity,
              whether directly or through one or more intermediaries.
              For purposes of this definition "controlled" and "control"
              mean ownership of more than fifty percent

              (50%)    of the voting capital stock or other interest
              having voting rights with respect to the election of the
              board of directors or similar governing authority.

          (b) "Confidential Information" shall have the meaning defined
              in Section 7.1.

          (c) "License Agreement" means the License and Technology
              Transfer Agreement between Seller and Purchaser executed
              concurrently with this Agreement, as the same may be
              amended from time to time by mutual written agreement of
              the parties thereto.

          (d) "Licensed Products" shall have the meaning defined in the
              License Agreement.

          (e) "Product Specifications" means the specifications of
              Products Seller uses for its own internal production of
              Licensed Products or such other specifications as the
              parties may mutually agree upon in writing from time to
              time. Seller will deliver to Purchaser the specifications
              Seller uses for its own internal production of Licensed
              Products as part of the documentation to be delivered
              pursuant to Paragraph A(6) of Schedule 3 of the License

          (f) The specifications for all Products supplied under this
              Agreement shall in all events be of at least the same
              quality as those Seller then uses for its own internal
              production of Licensed Products.

          (g) "Products" means Bare Wafers and Epi Wafers, collectively.
              "Bare Wafers" means silicon carbide wafers, without
              epitaxial coatings, which conform to the applicable
              Product Specifications.  "Epi Wafers" means silicon
              carbide wafers, with epitaxial coatings, which conform to
              the applicable Product Specifications.


    2.1.  Purchase of Products.

          (a) Subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions
              of this Agreement, Purchaser will purchase from Seller,
              and Seller will sell to Purchaser, the applicable
              percentage specified in Schedule 1 of all Products
              required by Purchaser and its Affiliates for the
              manufacture of Licensed Products during the term hereof.

          (b) Purchaser will provide to Seller, not later than ninety
              (90) days before the beginning of each calendar quarter, a
              forecast of the quantity of Products required by Purchaser
              and its Affiliates during that quarter and the immediately
              succeeding quarter and showing the percentage to be
              purchased under this Agreement in accordance with Schedule
              1.  The first quarter included in each forecast will
              constitute a binding commitment to purchase at least
              eighty percent (80%) of the quantities projected to be
              purchased under this Agreement.  The second quarter will
              be nonbinding.  In the event this Agreement is terminated
              in accordance with Section 8.2 due to a breach or other
              event of default with respect to Seller, Purchaser shall
              have no further obligation under the commitment provided
              for in this paragraph.

          (c) All sales of Products under this Agreement shall be made
              by Seller to SC or SCOA, and SC and SCOA (as the case may
              be) shall export the same solely to Purchaser for use by
              Purchaser in accordance with this Agreement.  Products

                                 Page 2

              purchased under this Agreement shall be used by Purchaser
              and its Affiliates in the manufacture of Licensed Products
              pursuant to the License Agreement and shall not be resold
              or used for any other purpose without Seller's prior
              written consent, which Seller may withhold in its sole

    2.2.  Price.

          (a) The purchase price of Products shall be determined as set
              forth in Schedule 2.

          (b) The prices stated in this Agreement do not include
              transportation costs, or the cost of insurance against
              loss or damage in transit, all of which shall be the
              responsibility of Sumitomo and Purchaser. Any such amounts
              paid by Seller with the prior consent of SC or SCOA will
              be invoiced to SC or SCOA (as the case may be) and
              reimbursed to Seller.

          (c) The prices stated in this Agreement do not include sales,
              use, excise or other taxes, duties, fees or assessments
              imposed by any jurisdiction. All such amounts imposed with
              respect to the purchase of the Products (other than taxes
              on Seller's net income) will be the responsibility of
              Sumitomo and Purchaser, and any such amounts paid by
              Seller will be invoiced to SC or SCOA (as the case may be)
              and reimbursed to Seller.

    2.3.  Payment Terms.

          (a) Products purchased under this Agreement will be invoiced
              to SC or SCOA, whichever submitted the order. Payment
              shall be made, in accordance with the terms set forth in
              Schedule 2, in U.S. dollars by wire transfer to an account
              designated in writing by Seller, without reduction for any
              currency exchange, wire transfer or other similar charges.

          (b) Any amounts to be paid under this Agreement which are not
              paid at the later of the date due or the expiration of any
              stated grace period shall accrue interest from the date
              due until the date paid at a rate equal to one percent
              (1%) plus the prime rate as published by the Chase
              Manhattan Bank (N.A.), New York, New York or any successor
              bank thereof.


    3.1. Orders.

              All sales of Products under this Agreement shall be made
              pursuant to written purchase orders submitted by SC or SCOA to
              Seller and accepted in writing by Seller. The terms and
              conditions of this Agreement shall govern the purchase of all
              Products hereunder notwithstanding any contrary provisions of
              such purchase orders. Purchase orders must be received at
              least forty-five (45) days prior to the requested shipping

    3.2. Shipment.

              Seller will use all commercially reasonable efforts to ship
              Products in accordance with the shipping dates requested in
              orders submitted in accordance with Section 3.1. If Seller
              fails to ship ordered Products within thirty (30) days after a
              shipping date agreed to in writing by Seller, Purchaser may at
              any time upon written notice to Seller cancel the unshipped
              portion of such order. Seller's obligations to fill orders
              under this Agreement

                                 Page 3

              shall be subject to Article 11 and all other provisions of
              this Agreement.

    3.3. Packaging.

              Seller will ship Products in Seller's standard packaging or
              packaged in such other manner as the parties may mutually
              agree in writing.

    3.4. Manner of Shipment.

              Products shall be shipped F.O.B. Seller's manufacturing
              facilities. Products shall be deemed delivered when delivered
              to the transportation company at the shipping point. Title and
              risk of loss or damage shall pass to SC or SCOA (whichever
              submitted the order) upon delivery.


    4.1. Reporting of Claims.

              Except for warranty claims under Article 5, in the event any
              shipment does not conform to the ordered amount and type of
              Product or is otherwise non-conforming in a manner
              discoverable upon reasonable inspection (such as, by way of
              illustration, broken wafers), such non-conformity will be
              reported in writing to Seller as soon as possible and in any
              event no later than thirty (30) days after the date Products
              are delivered to the carrier at Seller's facilities. In all
              other cases, the non-conformity shall be reported in writing
              no later than ninety (90) days after such delivery date. Any
              non-conformity not reported as required by this paragraph
              shall be deemed waived.

    4.2. Remedies for Non-Conforming Shipments.

              Seller's sole obligation with respect to shipments
              determined to be non-conforming shall be, at its option,
              to replace the non-conforming Products (with shipment at
              Seller's expense) or to issue a credit to SC or SCOA, as
              the case may be, in the amount of the price paid for such
              Products with interest calculated at the rate specified in
              Section 2.3 from the date of payment to the date of
              credit. This paragraph states the exclusive remedy of
              Sumitomo and Purchaser with respect to non-conforming
              shipments. After acceptance of any shipment the sole
              remedies for defects in such shipment shall be as provided
              in the warranty provisions of this Agreement.

    4.3. Compliance with Instructions.

              In addition to such other duties as may be imposed by law,
              Sumitomo and Purchaser will comply with all of Seller's
              reasonable instructions regarding rejected goods. If
              Sumitomo or Purchaser incurs any expenses in complying
              with such instructions, including without limitation
              shipping expenses incurred in returning any rejected goods
              to Seller, Seller shall reimburse such expenses promptly
              upon receipt of a written request therefor.


    5.1. Limited Warranty.

          (a) Seller warrants to Sumitomo and Purchaser that Products
              purchased from Seller under this Agreement will meet the
              applicable Product Specifications.

                                 Page 4

          (b) This warranty is extended only to Sumitomo and
              Purchaser and does not constitute a warranty to any
              other person. This warranty shall not apply to any
              defect or failure to perform resulting in whole or in
              part from improper use or application, and Seller
              shall have no liability of any kind for failure of or
              defects in any items manufactured using the Products.

          (c) All claims under this warranty must be reported in
              writing to Seller (with such report accompanied by
              the Product claimed to be defective) as soon as
              possible, but in any event no later than three
              hundred sixty (360) days after the date Products are
              delivered to the carrier at Seller's facilities. If
              not so reported, such claims shall be waived.

          (d) Seller's sole obligation with respect to Products
              determined not to meet the terms of this warranty
              shall be, at its option, to replace such Products or
              to issue a credit or refund in the amount of the
              price received by Seller for the Products. This
              paragraph states the exclusive remedy against Seller
              with respect to breach of the warranty given herein
              or other alleged defects in the Products.

          (e) This Section 5.1, as limited by Section 5.2 and other
              applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement,
              shall survive the expiration or any termination of
              this Agreement with respect to Products purchased
              prior to such expiration or termination.

    5.2. Warranty Disclaimer.



   No party will have any liability to the others for any consequential,
   incidental, indirect or special damages arising out of or in
   connection with this Agreement (including, but not limited to, loss
   of profits, revenue or business) resulting from or in any way related
   to this Agreement, or the termination of this Agreement, or arising
   out of or alleged to have arisen out of breach of this Agreement or
   the use or performance of any Products, even if advised of the
   possibility of such damages. This limitation applies regardless of
   whether such damages are sought based on breach of contract,
   warranty, negligence, strict liability or other legal theory.


    7.1. Definition and Identification.

          (a) "Confidential Information" means any information
              concerning the transactions covered by this Agreement
              received by a party (the "receiving party") from another
              party or its Affiliates (the "disclosing party") and which
              the receiving party has been informed or has a reasonable
              basis to believe is confidential to the disclosing party.

          (b) "Confidential Information" shall not extend to
              information:  (1) was known to the receiving party prior
              to receipt from the disclosing party; (2) was lawfully

                                 Page 5

              to the public prior to receipt from the disclosing
              party; (3) becomes lawfully available to the public
              after receipt from the disclosing party, through no
              act or omission on the part of the receiving party;
              (4) corresponds in substance to any information
              received in good faith by the receiving party from
              any third party without restriction as to
              confidentiality; or (5) is independently developed by
              an employee or agent of the receiving party who has
              not received or had access to such information.

          (c) Information which the disclosing party wishes to have
              treated as Confidential Information under this Agreement
              shall be identified at the time of disclosure as
              "confidential" by marking, or in the case of oral
              disclosures, shall be confirmed as such in writing within
              thirty (30) days following the oral disclosure.  However,
              if not so identified, the receiving party before making
              use of any such information that could reasonably be
              assumed to be Confidential Information for any purpose,
              other than the performance of this Agreement, shall
              inquire of the disclosing party as to the status of such
              information and shall designate and treat the same as
              Confidential Information if so requested.

7.2. Confidentiality Obligations.

          (a) Each party agrees to maintain received Confidential
              Information in confidence and not to use such Confidential
              Information for any purpose other than the performance of
              this Agreement.  Neither party shall disclose any
              Confidential Information without the prior written
              approval of the disclosing party, except as required to
              comply with any order of a court or any applicable rule,
              regulation or law of any jurisdiction or as provided in
              Section 9.1.  In the event that a receiving party is
              required by judicial or administrative process to disclose
              Confidential Information of the disclosing party, it shall
              promptly notify the disclosing party and to the extent
              permitted by the circumstances allow the disclosing party
              a reasonable time to oppose such process.

          (b) Each party shall protect Confidential Information of the
              other by using the same degree of care, but not less than
              a reasonable degree of care, to prevent unauthorized
              disclosure or use as that party uses to protect its own
              confidential information of like nature. Within each
              party, Confidential Information shall be disclosed only to
              employees to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary to
              the performance of this Agreement. Each party shall limit
              the number of copies made of any item of received
              Confidential Information.

          (c) Each party shall appropriately notify each employee, agent
              or consultant to whom any disclosure of received
              Confidential Information is made and shall obtain their
              agreement that they will maintain Confidential Information
              in confidence in accordance with the provisions set forth
              herein. Each party represents and warrants to the others
              that its employees, agents and consultants to whom any
              disclosure of received Confidential Information is made
              shall be subject to a valid, binding and enforceable
              agreement to maintain such Confidential Information in
              confidence in accordance with the provisions set forth

7.3. Survival.

              The obligations of confidentiality set forth in this
              Article 7 shall continue for so long as the Confidential
              Information continues to come within the definition
              thereof set forth in Section 7.1 and shall survive the
              expiration or any termination of this Agreement.

                                 Page 6


    8.1. Term.

              The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective
              Date and, unless earlier terminated in accordance with
              Section 8.2, shall continue for a period ending seven (7)
              years after the Effective Date.

    8.2. Termination.

              Either of the parties may terminate this Agreement by
              giving written notice of termination to the other parties
              (for purposes of this Section 8.2 the phrase "either of
              the other parties" shall mean, with respect to termination
              by Seller, any of the Purchaser or SC or SCOA, and shall
              mean, with respect to a termination by any of the
              Purchaser or SC or SCOA, Seller alone):

              (a) if either of the other parties commits a material
                  breach of its obligations under this Agreement or the
                  License Agreement and does not cure such breach within
                  thirty (30) after receipt of written notice of the
                  breach from the nonbreaching party (which notice shall
                  give reasonable particulars of the breach and of the
                  intention of the party serving the notice to terminate
                  this Agreement unless the breach is cured); or

             (b)  if either of the other parties becomes insolvent, or
                  any voluntary or involuntary petition for bankruptcy
                  or for reorganization is filed by or against either
                  of the other parties, or a receiver is appointed with
                  respect to all or any substantial portion of the
                  assets of either of the other parties, or a
                  liquidation proceeding is commenced by or against
                  either of the other parties; provided that, in the
                  case of any involuntary petition or proceeding filed
                  or commenced against a party, the same is not
                  dismissed within sixty (60) days.

    8.3. Effect of Termination.

              Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement,
              no termination of this Agreement shall release a party
              from any liability or obligation which has theretofore
              accrued and remains to be performed as of the date of such


    9.1. Confidentiality of Terms.

              The parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall
              be treated as Confidential Information of each other
              subject to Article 7; provided, however, that either party
              may, upon notice to the other, make such public
              disclosures regarding this Agreement as in the opinion of
              counsel for such party are required by applicable
              securities laws or regulations.

    9.2. Publicity.

              The parties agree to cooperate in the preparation of a
              mutually acceptable joint press release announcing the
              relationship established hereby, to be issued promptly
              following execution of this Agreement, but shall otherwise
              make no public announcement regarding the terms of this

                                 Page 7

    9.3. Record-Keeping.

              Purchaser shall keep and maintain, and shall cause its
              Affiliates to keep and maintain, sufficient records to
              demonstrate that Purchaser has complied with the obligations
              under this Agreement to purchase from Seller the specified
              percentage of the requirements of Purchaser and its Affiliates
              for Products required for use in the manufactured of Licensed
              Products. Purchaser shall permit Seller's duly authorized
              representative, reasonably acceptable to Purchaser, to examine
              such records at all reasonable business hours to the extent
              and insofar as it is necessary to verify compliance with the
              purchase commitment under this Agreement. Seller shall have
              the right to designate a firm of certified public accountants,
              reasonably acceptable to Purchaser, to audit such records to
              the extent and insofar as it is necessary to verify compliance
              with the purchase commitment under this Agreement. The expense
              of the audit shall be Seller's unless the audit shall
              demonstrate a discrepancy (in Purchaser's favor) greater than
              five percent (5%) between the quantities actually purchased
              hereunder and those which were due to be purchased, in which
              event the audit expenses shall be borne by Purchaser.

    9.4. Export Regulation.

              Sumitomo and Purchaser shall comply in all respects with
              all laws and regulations of the United States government
              or any agency thereof pertaining to exports.


              Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or
              obligations created herein is assignable by any of the
              parties hereto without the prior written consent of the
              other parties, except that Seller or Purchaser may assign
              this Agreement to any permitted assignee of the License
              Agreement; provided, however, that any such assignment
              shall require the delivery to the other parties of the
              assignee's written agreement to accept such assignment and
              be bound by this Agreement. Any purported assignment in
              violation of this paragraph shall be void. No assignment
              shall relieve the assignor of responsibility for the
              performance of its obligations hereunder.


              If the performance of this Agreement or any obligations
              under this Agreement is prevented, restricted, or
              interfered with by reason of fire, flood, explosion, or
              other casualty, accident, or act of God; strikes or labor
              disturbances; war, whether declared or not, or other
              violence; sabotage; any law, or order, proclamation,
              regulation, ordinance, demand, or requirement of any
              government agency; or any other event beyond the
              reasonable control of the parties, whether similar or
              dissimilar to the foregoing and whether or not foreseen,
              the affected party, upon giving prompt notice to the other
              parties, shall be excused from such performance to the
              extent of such prevention, restriction or interference.
              The affected party shall use its reasonable efforts to
              avoid or remove such cause of non-performance or to limit
              the impact of the event on such party's performance and
              shall continue performance with the utmost dispatch
              whenever such causes are removed.


    12.1. Notices.

              All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and
              sent by prepaid airmail post, by reputable courier
              service, or by facsimile message (with a confirmation copy
              concurrently dispatched by prepaid airmail post or courier
              service), to the addresses of the respective

                                 Page 8

              parties as set forth by their signatures below or to such
              other address as the party may hereafter specify by
              written notice so given. Notices shall be effective upon
              receipt at the location of the specified address.

    12.2. Authority; No Conflicting Obligations.

              (a) Each party warrants that its has all requisite power
                  and authority to enter into and perform this
                  Agreement, and that it has no agreement with any third
                  party or commitments or obligations which conflict in
                  any way with its obligations hereunder.

              (b) Each party warrants to the other that all approvals of
                  any governmental agency required for such party to
                  enter into and perform its obligations under this
                  Agreement have been obtained prior to the execution

    12.3. Relationship of the Parties.

              The relationship of the parties under this Agreement is
              intended to be that of independent contractors. Nothing
              herein shall be construed to create any partnership, joint
              venture or agency relationship of any kind. No party has
              any authority under this Agreement to assume or create any
              obligations on behalf of or in the name of any other party
              or to bind any other party to any contract, agreement or
              undertaking with any third party, except that SC and SCOA
              are authorized to act on behalf of the Purchaser as
              contemplated by this Agreement.

    12.4. Dispute Resolution.

              Any disputes or claims arising from this Agreement or its
              breach shall be submitted to and resolved exclusively by
              arbitration conducted in accordance with the Rules of
              Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber
              of Commerce. The arbitration shall be conducted by three
              (3) arbitrators appointed in accordance with such rules.
              The place of arbitration shall be in San Francisco,
              California. An award rendered in the arbitration shall be
              final and binding upon the parties and judgment may be
              entered thereon in any court of competent jurisdiction.
              The arbitrators shall apply the laws specified in this
              Agreement in determining the rights, obligations and
              liabilities of the parties and shall not have the power to
              alter, modify, amend, add to or subtract from any term or
              provision of this Agreement nor to rule upon or grant any
              extension, renewal or continuance of this Agreement, nor
              to award damages or other remedies expressly prohibited by
              this Agreement, nor to grant injunctive relief, including
              interim relief, of any nature, notwithstanding any
              contrary provisions of the Rules of Conciliation and
              Arbitration specified above. If, under applicable law,
              this arbitration provision is not enforceable as to a
              particular claim brought by one party against the other,
              then legal proceedings involving only that claim may be
              instituted solely in the United States District Court of
              the Eastern District of North Carolina or, if such court
              may not exercise jurisdiction, a court of the State of
              North Carolina. For all purposes of this Agreement, all
              parties hereby irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of
              such court and waive any defense based on improper or
              inconvenient venue or lack of personal jurisdiction.

    12.5. Severability.

              If any provision of this Agreement is found invalid or
              unenforceable, the remaining provisions will be given
              effect as if the invalid or unenforceable provision were
              not a part of this Agreement.

                                Page 10

    12.6. Amendments; Waiver.

              This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing
              signed by the authorized representatives of the parties.
              No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be
              effective unless made in writing and signed by the party
              sought to be charged therewith. The failure of either
              party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not
              constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision
              or of the right to enforce it at a later time.

    12.7. No Implied License.

              Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to convey any
              license under any patent, copyright, trademark or other
              proprietary rights owned or controlled by either party,
              whether relating to the Products sold or any other matter.

    12.8. Enforcement Costs.

              The prevailing party in any arbitration or judicial action
              brought to enforce the provisions of this Agreement shall
              be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including
              reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in filing and
              prosecuting or defending such action.

    12.9. Governing Law.

              This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
              accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina,
              without regard to conflicts of laws principles.

    12.10. Construction.

              The captions contained in this Agreement are for reference
              only and shall not be used in its construction or
              interpretation. The provisions of this Agreement shall be
              construed and interpreted fairly to both parties without
              regard to which party drafted the same.

    12.11. United Nations Convention.

              The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
              International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this

    12.12. Fair Trade Commission Action.

              In the event that the Fair Trade Commission of Japan
              should advise or recommend modification, amendment and/or
              deletion of any terms and conditions of this Agreement
              pursuant to the "Law relating to Prohibition of Private
              Monopoly and Methods of Preserving Fair Trade" of Japan,
              Purchaser and Sumitomo shall immediately inform Seller in
              writing of such advice or recommendation and the parties
              hereto agree to negotiate in good faith to modify, amend,
              and/or delete the terms and conditions concerned in this
              Agreement in accordance with the said advice or
              recommendation. In the event that the parties are unable
              to agree in writing within thirty (30) days after
              Purchaser and Sumitomo inform Seller of the action of the
              Fair Trade Commission, any of the parties hereto may upon
              written notice to the others terminate this Agreement
              without incurring any liability.

                                Page 10

    12.13. Entire Agreement.

              This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the
              parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
              supersedes all previous agreements and understandings
              between the parties, whether oral or written, relating to
              such subject matter.

      (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.)

                                Page 11

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, through their respective duly authorized
officers, have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the Effective Date
set out in the preamble hereto.


By /s/ F. Neal Hunter
Name  F. Neal Hunter
Title President
Date September 30, 1996

Address for Notices

Cree Research, Inc.
2810 Meridian Parkway, Suite 176
Durham, North Carolina 27713
Attention:  President
Fax No:  (919) 361-4630


By /s/ Toshiaki Hatsuo
Name Toshiaki Hatsuo
Title Senior Vice President & Gen. Mgr.
Date  September 30, 1996

Address for Notices

Sumitomo Corporation of America
345 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10154
Attention:   Michael Vitale
Fax No:     415-984-3365


By  /s/ Ryuichi Hiraishi
Name  Ryuichi Hiraishi
Title Director

Address for Notices

Shin-Etsu Handotai Co. Ltd.
Togin Bldg.
4-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100, Japan
Attention: Director, Compound Semiconductor
Fax No:     03-3214-0017   Division


By  /s/ K. Takaishi
Name  K. Takaishi
Title  General Manager
 Date   Electronic Materials & Equipment Dept.

   Address for Notices

   Sumitomo Corporation
   2-2, Hitotsubashi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
   Tokyo 100, Japan
                     General Manager
   Attention:  Electronic Materials & Equipment Dept.
   Fax No:     03-3217-6802

                                Page 12

                                     SCHEDULE 1

                                 Quantity Commitment

  A.       Epi Wafers

           Purchaser, acting through SC or SCOA, will purchase from Seller the
           percentage specified below of all Epi Wafers required by Purchaser
           and its Affiliates for the manufacture of Licensed Products during
           the term of this Agreement:

                     Agreement Year*                  % of Requirements

                          Year 1                            *****%
                          Year 2                            ***** %
                          Year 3                            ***** %
                          Year 4                            ***** %
                          Year 5                            ***** %
                          Year 6                            ***** %
                          Year 7                            ***** %

                 *As used in this Agreement, "Agreement Year" refers
                 to the successive twelve-month periods commencing
                 with the Effective Date, and "Year 1," "Year 2,"
                 "Year 3" and so forth refer to the first, second,
                 third, etc. of the Agreement Years.

  B.       Bare Wafers

           1. Subject to Paragraph 2 below, Purchaser, acting through SC or
              SCOA, will purchase from Seller ********************* % of all
              Bare Wafers required by Purchaser and its Affiliates for the
              manufacture of Licensed Products during the term of this

           2. If in Purchaser's view Seller's Bare Wafer products become
              noncompetitive with substrates offered by other suppliers
              in respect of price or specifications, or Seller is unable
              to deliver Bare Wafers adequate to meet Purchaser's
              requirement under this Agreement, and in either case
              Purchaser furnishes Seller reasonably adequate evidence of
              such facts, then upon Purchaser's request representatives
              of the parties shall meet and in good faith discuss and
              endeavor to agree upon an appropriate amendment to this
              Agreement or other action to address Purchaser's
              reasonable concerns.

         3.   Without limiting Paragraph 2 above, if during Year 4
              through Year 7 any third party supplier (other than an
              Affiliate of Purchaser) extends a bona fide written offer
              to supply Bare Wafers under terms and conditions at least
              as favorable to Purchaser as those contained in this
              Agreement but at a price lower than the price charged by
              Seller hereunder, Purchaser may purchase the quantity
              offered by such supplier pursuant to the offer, provided
              that (i) such third party substrates meet or exceed the
              applicable Product Specifications under this Agreement,
              (ii) Purchaser gives Seller written notice of the terms of
              the third party offer and Seller does not, within thirty
              (30) days thereafter, agree to supply such quantity under
              the terms and conditions of this Agreement but at the
              price and in accordance with the delivery schedule stated
              in the third party offer, and (iii) the aggregate quantity
              of such substrates (measured by nominal wafer area)
              purchased by Purchaser and its Affiliates from third party
              suppliers during each Agreement Year does not exceed the
              aggregate quantity purchased from Seller during such

                                Page 13

                                   SCHEDULE 2


A.       Epi Wafers

         1. The prices for Epi Wafers purchased under this Agreement
         will be as follows:

                                                      Price Per Nominal
              Agreement Year*                         Wafer Area (US$)**

                   Year 1                             $ ******** per wafer
                   Year 2                             $ ******** per sq. in.
                   Year 3                             $ ******** per sq. in.
                   Year 4                             $ ******** per sq. in.
                   Year 5                             $ ******** per sq. in.
                   Year 6                             $ ******** per sq. in.
                   Year 7                             $ ******** per sq. in.

          *As defined in Schedule 1.

          **Seller will deliver wafers in the diameter then
          being used by Seller for its own internal production
          of Licensed Products. In Year 1 the price will be the
          same regardless of the wafer diameter. The wafer
          diameter in Year 1 will not be less than 1.6 inches.

         2. The prices in Paragraph 1 above are firm and may be revised
            only upon mutual agreement, except that if Seller's
            fully-loaded manufacturing costs during Years 6 or Year 7,
            divided by 0.5, are greater than the price listed above Seller
            may charge a higher price up to a maximum of $******** per
            square inch for purchases during such year.

B. Bare Wafers

         1. The anticipated prices for Bare Wafers purchased under this
         Agreement are as follows:

                                          Price Per Nominal
                Agreement Year            Wafer Area (US$)*

                     Year 1               $ ******** per wafer
                     Year 2               $ ******** per sq. in.
                     Year 3               $ ******** per sq. in.
                     Year 4               $ ******** per sq. in.
                     Year 5               $ ******** per sq. in.
                     Year 6               $ ******** per sq. in.
                     Year 7               $ ******** per sq. in.

            *Seller will deliver wafers in the diameter then
            being used by Seller for its own internal production
            of Licensed Products. In Year 1 the price will be the
            same regardless of the wafer diameter. The wafer
            diameter in Year 1 will not be less than 1.6 inches.

         2. Except for the prices for Year 1, which are firm, the
         foregoing are estimated prices only.

            Actual   prices applicable to each year will be negotiated
            and agreed upon in writing in advance of such year. The
            obligation of the parties to purchase and sell Bare Wafers
            during each Agreement Year is subject to the condition that
            the parties mutually agree as to the price applicable to
            such purchases. In negotiating the price each year, the
            parties shall not be bound by the prices stated in this
            Agreement and shall not be bound by the prices agreed to
            with respect to any prior year.

         3. Seller will extend to Purchaser its "most favored customer"
            pricing for Bare Wafers, meaning that the prices applicable
            to orders for Bare Wafers under this Agreement will be the
            lowest price at which Seller at any time prior to shipment
            of such order has sold Bare Wafers to any customer in the
            world for use in manufacturing Licensed Products.

C. Other Price and Payment Terms

         1. Except as otherwise provided in Paragraph B(3) above, the
            applicable price will be the price in effect at the time of
            receipt of the order under Section 3.1, provided that the
            order requests delivery within ninety (90) days from the
            order date. In all other cases the applicable price will be
            the price in effect at the time of shipment.

         2. Purchases will be invoiced upon shipment.  Invoiced amounts
            will be due and payable thirty (30) days from the invoice

         3. At the time the prices set forth in this Schedule 2 were
            determined the exchange rate between Japanese yen and U.S.
            dollars was a ratio of 110 Japanese yen per one U.S. dollar.
            In the event the exchange rate increases or decreases more
            than twenty percent (20%) from such ratio, the parties shall
            in good faith discuss adjustments to the prices stated in
            this Schedule 1. No such adjustments will be effective
            unless mutually agreed upon writing.