[*] -- Certain information omitted and filed separately with the Commission
pursuant to a confidential treatment request under Rule 24b-2 of the Commission.

                                   LICENSE AND
                          TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGREEMENT


                               CREE RESEARCH, INC.


                           SHIN-ETSU HANDOTAI CO. LTD.

                            Dated September 30, 1996

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS; DEFINITIONS..........................................................................1
            1.1. Documents..................................................................................1
            1.2. Definitions................................................................................1

2. LICENSE GRANT............................................................................................3
            2.1. Grant..................................................................................... 3
            2.2. Duration...................................................................................4
            2.3. Exclusivity................................................................................4
            2.4. Sublicenses................................................................................5

3. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER......................................................................................6
            3.1. Delivery of Documentation..................................................................6
            3.2. Technical Assistance.......................................................................6
            3.3. Targeted Process Yields....................................................................6
            3.4. Restricted Information.....................................................................6

4. LICENSE FEE AND ROYALTIES................................................................................6
            4.1. License Issue Fee..........................................................................6
            4.2. Royalties..................................................................................7
            4.3. Record-Keeping and Reporting...............................................................7
            4.4. Payment....................................................................................8

5. ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS..................................................................8
            5.1. Cross-License to Covered Improvements......................................................8
            5.2. ************************...................................................................8
            5.3. Right of First Refusal on Wafer Manufacturing License.....................................10
            5.4. Representations and Warranties of Licensor................................................10

6. INFRINGEMENTS...........................................................................................11
            6.1. Infringement by Third Parties.............................................................11
            6.2. Infringement of Third Party Rights........................................................12

7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION................................................................................13
            7.1. Definition and Identification.............................................................13
            7.2. Confidentiality Obligations...............................................................13
            7.3. Survival..................................................................................14

8. TERM AND TERMINATION....................................................................................14
            8.1. Term......................................................................................14
            8.2. Termination...............................................................................14
            8.3. Rights after Termination..................................................................15

                                      - i -

9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.................................................................................15

10. ADDITIONAL UNDERTAKINGS................................................................................15
            10.1. Confidentiality of Terms.................................................................15
            10.2. Publicity................................................................................15
            10.3. Patent Marking...........................................................................15
            10.4. Use of Trademarks, Etc...................................................................16
            10.5. Export Regulation........................................................................16

11. ASSIGNMENT.............................................................................................16

12. FORCE MAJEURE..........................................................................................16

13. GENERAL............................................................................................... 16
            13.1. Notices..................................................................................16
            13.2. Authority; No Conflicting Obligations; Governmental Approval.............................17
            13.3. Relationship of the Parties..............................................................17
            13.4. Dispute Resolution.......................................................................17
            13.5. Severability.............................................................................17
            13.6. Amendments; Waiver.......................................................................18
            13.7. Enforcement Costs........................................................................18
            13.8. Governing Law............................................................................18
            13.9. Construction.............................................................................18
            13.10. United Nations Convention...............................................................18
            13.11. Fair Trade Commission Action............................................................18
            13.12. Entire Agreement........................................................................18


                                   LICENSE AND
                          TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGREEMENT

LICENSE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and effective
as of the 30th day of September, 1996 (the "Effective Date"), by and between
CREE RESEARCH, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
State of North Carolina and having offices at 2810 Meridian Parkway, Suite 176,
North Carolina 27713, USA (referred to below as "Licensor"), and SHIN-ETSU
HANDOTAI CO. LTD., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Japan
and having offices at Togin Bldg., 4-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100, Japan (referred to below as "Licensee").


WHEREAS, the parties have agreed on the terms and conditions under which
Licensor will license technology to Licensee for the manufacture and sale of
certain products and desire to memorialize such terms and conditions in this

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual obligations
undertaken in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:


     1.1.       Documents.

                        The following documents are annexed to and made a part
                        of this Agreement:

                   (a)   Schedule 1 -- Licensed Products and Processes

                   (b)   Schedule 2 -- Excluded Technology

                   (c)   Schedule 3 -- Technology Transfer Services

                   (d)   Schedule 4 -- License Fee and Royalties

                         Attachment A -- C430-DH85 Product Specifications

     1.2       Definitions.

              For purposes of this Agreement, the terms defined in this Section
              1.2 shall have the meaning specified and such definitions shall
              apply to both singular and plural forms:

             (a)     "Affiliates" of a designated corporation, company or other
                     entity means all entities which control, are controlled by,
                     or are under common control with the named entity, whether
                     directly or through one or more intermediaries. For
                     purposes of this definition "controlled" and "control" mean
                     ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting
                     capital stock or other interest having voting rights with
                     respect to the election of the board of directors or
                     similar governing authority.

             (b)     "Confidential Information" shall have the meaning defined
                     in Section 7.1.

             (c)     "Covered Improvements" means improvements to the Licensed
                     Products or Licensed Processes, whether or not patentable
                     and whether or not confidential, (i) which are described in
                     Schedule 1 and are developed or acquired by either


                     party or their respective Affiliates prior to the
                     expiration or termination of this Agreement; and (iii)
                     which such party is lawfully entitled to communicate to the
                     other party for its use without breaching any restrictions
                     on use or disclosure owed to third parties.

            (d)      "Licensed Products" means LED die products conforming to
                     the description set forth in Schedule 1.

            (e)      "Licensed Processes" means the processes described in
                     Schedule 1 which are necessary for the manufacture of
                     Licensed Products.

            (f)      "Licensed Rights" means the Subject Rights of Licensor.

            (g)      "Net Sales" means (for all purposes including computing Net
                      Sales of Licensed Products by Licensee and its Affiliates
                      and computing Net Sales of goods by Licensor to Licensee
                      and its Affiliates for use in the manufacture of Licensed
                      Products) the invoice price less: (i) actual cost of
                      freight charges, if any, separately stated in such
                      invoice; (ii) standard cash trade discounts actually
                      allowed, if any; (iii) any tax, duties or other
                      governmental charges on the sale, transportation, or
                      delivery which is separately stated on the invoice; and
                      (iv) credit and cash refunds for damaged or returned

                      "Net Sales" does not include sales or other dispositions
                      of Licensed Products by Licensee to its Affiliates, or
                      transfers among Licensee's Affiliates, but does include
                      all sales or other dispositions of Licensed Products by
                      Licensee or its Affiliates to others.

                      In computing Net Sales of Licensed Products
                      by Licensee and its Affiliates, the following provisions
                      also apply:

                      (A)  With respect to sales of Licensed Products made to
                           any purchaser which does not deal at arm's length
                           with the seller, or if Licensed Products are made
                           available by Licensor or its Affiliates to any third
                           party under circumstances in which no sale takes
                           place, Net Sales shall be computed using the then
                           current highest published list price of Licensee and
                           its Affiliates for Licensed Products offered for sale
                           or, if no such list price has been published, the
                           average of the published list prices of equivalent
                           products offered by other manufacturers (including

                      (B)  If Licensed Products are sold in the form of
                           combination products containing one or more products
                           or parts in addition to the Licensed Products, Net
                           Sales for such combination products shall be
                           calculated by multiplying actual Net Sales of such
                           combination products by the fraction A/(A+B), where A
                           is the invoice price of the Licensed Product, if sold
                           separately by Licensee or its Affiliate, and B is the
                           invoice price of any other product or part in the
                           combination, if sold separately by Licensee or its

                      (C)  If the other products or parts in the combination are
                           not sold separately by Licensee, Net Sales for such
                           combination products shall be calculated by
                           multiplying actual Net Sales of such combination
                           products by the fraction A/C where A is the invoice
                           price of the Licensed Product if sold

                              Page 2

                      separately by Licensee or its Affiliate and C is the
                      invoice price of the combination product.

                      (D) If neither the Licensed Products nor the combination
                          product is sold separately by Licensee or its
                          Affiliate, Net Sales for such combination products
                          shall be calculated by multiplying actual Net Sales of
                          such combination products by the fraction A/C where A
                          is Licensee's and its Affiliates' total actual cost of
                          the Licensed Products and C is Licensee's and its
                          Affiliates' total actual cost of the combination

            (h)      "Patent Rights" means, insofar as the same apply within the
                     Territory with respect to the Licensed Products or Licensed
                     Processes, those patents and patent applications which are
                     listed on the separate schedule of patents and patent
                     applications delivered by Licensor to Licensee concurrently
                     with the execution of this Agreement, and all patents
                     issuing from such patent applications including all
                     divisions, reexaminations, reissues and continuations

            (i)      "Subject Rights" means all intellectual property rights
                     (including, by way of example, patents, patent
                     applications, inventions, know-how, trade secrets,
                     copyrights and Confidential Information, but excluding
                     trademarks and trade names) protecting Subject Technology
                     which rights are owned or controlled by a party or its
                     Affiliates at the Effective Date or at any time during the
                     term of this Agreement. "Controlled" as used with respect
                     to Subject Rights means at least the degree of control
                     needed to grant licenses of the scope and content granted
                     in this Agreement.

            (j)      "Subject Technology" means all information pertaining to
                     the manufacture of Licensed Products, including know-how,
                     trade secrets and inventions (whether patentable or not),
                     owned or possessed by a party or its Affiliates at the
                     Effective Date or at any time during the term of this
                     Agreement; provided, however, that "Subject Technology"
                     does not include information described in Schedule 2.

            (k)      "Territory" means the country of Japan.


       2.1     Grant.

            (a)      Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
                     Licensor hereby confers upon Licensee a license, under the
                     Licensed Rights, to make, use and sell Licensed Products
                     within the Territory and to use the Licensed Processes
                     within the Territory for the manufacture of Licensed

            (b)      No license is conferred hereby to make, have made, use or
                     sell articles which are not Licensed Products (other than
                     as a step in the manufacture of Licensed Products) or to
                     use the Licensed Processes for any purpose other than
                     manufacture of the Licensed Products. Except as otherwise
                     provided in Section 2.1(c) below, no license is conferred
                     hereby to make, have made, use or sell Licensed Products
                     outside the Territory or to use the Licensed Processes at
                     any location outside the Territory. Without limiting the
                     foregoing, the license does not include the right to (and
                     Licensee agrees that it will not) sell substrates with
                     epitaxial layers made using the Licensed Processes nor use
                     such substrates for

                                     Page 3

                     any purpose other than the manufacture of Licensed

            (c)      Licensor and Licensee may from time to time agree in
                     writing, on a customer by customer basis, that Licensee may
                     sell Licensed Products to specific customers outside the
                     Territory on a nonexclusive basis. Licensor and Licensee
                     may from time to time agree in writing, on a
                     country-by-country basis with respect to countries outside
                     the Territory, that Licensee may make and use the Licensed
                     Products and Licensed Processes within such country on a
                     nonexclusive basis. Actions of Licensee in accordance with
                     the terms and conditions of a written agreement which
                     references this paragraph and is signed on behalf of the
                     parties shall be considered licensed pursuant to this
                     Section 2.1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed
                     to obligate the parties to enter into any agreement under
                     this paragraph.

            (d)      Any sales of Licensed Products which Licensee is authorized
                     to make to a customer outside the Territory pursuant to
                     Section 2.1(c) may be made by Licensee or its Affiliates
                     directly or through Sumitomo Corporation and its

          2.2.   Duration.

                 The license granted under Section 2.1 shall commence on the
                 Effective Date and, except as otherwise provided in Section
                 8.3, shall continue until the later of the expiration of the
                 last-to-expire patent included in the Licensed Rights or for so
                 long as any of the Subject Technology is used in the
                 manufacture of the Licensed Products.

          2.3.  Exclusivity.

            (a)      The license granted under Section 2.1 shall be exclusive
                     within the Territory during the term of this Agreement as
                     provided in this Section 2.3.

            (b)      Licensor may sell Licensed Products to the Licensee or its
                     Affiliates or pursuant to the Distributorship Agreement
                     dated June 22, 1995 among Licensor, Licensee and the other
                     parties named therein, as such agreement may be amended
                     from time to time, but Licensor:

                     (i)  shall not otherwise retain any right to sell the
                          Licensed Products within the Territory during the term
                          of this Agreement; and

                     (ii) shall not retain any right to make or use the Licensed
                          Products within the Territory during the term of this
                          Agreement, or to use the Licensed Processes within the
                          Territory during the term of this Agreement for the
                          manufacture of the Licensed Products.

            (c)      Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Licensor:

                     (i)  after the expiration or termination of this Agreement,
                          from making, having made, using or selling Licensed
                          Products within the Territory or using Licensed
                          Processes within the Territory,

                     (ii) at any time, from making, having made, using or
                          selling Licensed Products outside the Territory or
                          using Licensed Processes outside the

                                     Page 4

                          Territory, or

                    (iii) at any time, from using Licensed Processes within the
                          Territory for the manufacture of products other than
                          LED products.

            (c) The exclusivity conferred hereby shall mean, except as otherwise
                provided in this Section 2.3, that:

                      (i) Licensor warrants that it has not previously granted
                          any license to any third party, with respect to
                          Subject Technology owned by Licensor at the Effective
                          Date, to make, have made, use or sell Licensed
                          Products within the Territory during the term of this
                          Agreement, or to use the Licensed Processes within the
                          Territory during the term of this Agreement for the
                          manufacture of Licensed Products; and

                     (ii) Licensor covenants that it will not hereafter, with
                          respect to Subject Technology owned by Licensor at the
                          Effective Date, grant any license to any third party,
                          ***************************************** chip-on-
                          board applications, to make, have made, use or
                          sell Licensed Products within the Territory during the
                          term of this Agreement, or to use the Licensed
                          Processes within the Territory during the term of this
                          Agreement for the manufacture of Licensed Products.

            (e)           It is understood that Licensor has previously granted
                          a nonexclusive license to a third party to make, have
                          made, use and sell certain LED products (including the
                          Licensed Products), subject to the limitation that
                          such third party shall not sell blue LED die without
                          Licensor's consent for any application other than a
                          "chip-on-board" application. ****************
                          "chip-on-board application" ************************
                          chip-on-board applications ***********************.

          2.4.   Sublicenses.

            (a)           The rights licensed under Section 2.1 may be exercised
                          by Licensee, or by any Affiliate of Licensee pursuant
                          to a sublicense granted to the Affiliate in accordance
                          with this Section 2.4, provided the Affiliate first
                          agrees in writing with Licensor to hold all
                          Confidential Information of Licensor in confidence
                          under terms of this Agreement and otherwise to comply
                          with all of the obligations imposed on Licensee under
                          this Agreement.

           (b)            Any sublicense shall be subject to the terms and
                          conditions of this Agreement, and any act or omission
                          by the sublicensee which would constitute a breach of
                          this Agreement if done or omitted by Licensee shall be
                          considered a breach of this Agreement by Licensee.
                          Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee shall in all
                          events remain responsible for the reporting and
                          payment to Licensor of all royalties due with respect
                          to sales by sublicensees.

           (c)            Except as permitted by this Section 2.4, the rights
                          licensed under Section 2.1 may not be sublicensed
                          without the Licensor's prior consent, which the
                          Licensor may

                                     Page 5

                          withhold in its sole discretion, and may not be
                          transferred except as part of an assignment of this
                          Agreement made in accordance with Article 11.


        3.1. Delivery of Documentation.

             Licensor will provide Licensee documentation describing the Subject
             Technology in such reasonable detail and to such an extent as is
             adequate for competent technical personnel experienced in epitaxial
             deposition and device fabrication generally to understand the
             Subject Technology and to manufacture the Licensed Products. The
             documentation will disclose all matters which, at the time of
             delivery, are known or believed by Licensor's technical personnel,
             responsible for its own manufacture of Licensed Products, to have a
             material effect on the yield or repeatability of the Licensed
             Processes and which are not obvious to competent technical
             personnel experienced in epitaxial deposition and device
             fabrication generally. The documentation to be delivered pursuant
             to this Section 3.1 is listed in Schedule 3 and will be delivered
             in accordance with the schedule set forth in Schedule 3.

        3.2. Technical Assistance.

             Licensor shall provide technical assistance to Licensee in
             connection with the manufacture of the Licensed Products in the
             manner and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
             Schedule 3.

        3.3. Targeted Process Yields.

             In providing documentation and technical assistance required by
             this Article 3, and subject to the limitations on the commitment of
             the time of Licensor's personnel set forth in Schedule 3, Licensor
             will endeavor to assist Licensee in achieving on average, measured
             during one (1) calendar month, a die yield per wafer which is not
             less than *********************** of the Licensor's average die
             yield per wafer in manufacturing Licensed Products during the
             preceding six (6) calendar months. It is understood that Licensor
             makes no warranty and provides no other assurance that such yields
             can in fact be achieved. Licensor shall permit Licensee's duly
             authorized representative, reasonably acceptable to Licensor, to
             examine Licensor's records of its die yield per wafer at all
             reasonable business hours to the extent and insofar as it is
             necessary to verify the accuracy of the average die yield per wafer
             reported by Licensor to Licensee for purposes of this paragraph.

        3.4. Restricted Information.

             Nothing in this Article 3 shall be construed to require Licensor to
             grant Licensee access to, or otherwise to disclose to Licensee, any
             information held by Licensor under restrictions on use or
             disclosure which preclude disclosure to third parties.


        4.1. License Issue Fee.

             (a) In consideration of the license conferred by Section 2.1,
                 Licensee shall pay Licensor a license issue fee of Two Million
                 Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars

                                     Page 6

                 ($2,700,000) (U.S).

             (b) The license issue fee shall be due and payable in installments
                 in the amounts and on the dates specified in Schedule 4.

             (c) The license issue fee shall be considered fully earned at the
                 Effective Date of this Agreement. Thereafter Licensee's
                 obligation to pay the issue fee shall be unconditional, not
                 subject to set-off or deduction of any kind, and shall survive
                 any termination or expiration of this Agreement.

         4.2.  Royalties.

             (a) Licensee shall pay to Licensor, for all sales of Licensed
                 Products made by Licensee and its sublicensees during the
                 period specified in Schedule 4, a royalty equal to the
                 percentage specified in Schedule 4 multiplied times the
                 difference between (i) the Net Sales of Licensed Products by
                 Licensee and its sublicensees minus (ii) the Net Sales to
                 Licensee and its sublicensees of materials supplied by Licensor
                 for use in the manufacture of Licensed Products.

             (b) Upon payment in full of the license issue fee due under Section
                 4.1, and all royalties accrued during the period specified in
                 Schedule 4, the license conferred by Section 2.1 shall be fully
                 paid such that no further royalties shall be due with respect
                 to sales of the Licensed Products thereafter.

             (c) Royalties shall accrue on sales of Licensed Products made
                 during the period specified in Schedule 4 notwithstanding any
                 earlier termination of this Agreement. This Article 4 shall
                 survive any termination of this Agreement so as to cover sales
                 of Licensed Products made thereafter on which royalties are due
                 under the terms hereof. Survival of this Article 4 shall not be
                 construed as conferring any additional license, whether express
                 or implied, respect to the Licensed Rights.

             (d) In the event that, prior to expiration of the royalty period
                 specified in Schedule 4, all patents included in the Licensed
                 Rights shall have expired or been finally adjudged by a court
                 of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, and no patent
                 applications included in the Licensed Rights remain pending,
                 the parties shall in good faith negotiate an appropriate
                 adjustment in the royalty rate applicable to sales of Licensed
                 Products made thereafter.

         4.3.   Record-Keeping and Reporting.

            (a) Licensee shall keep and shall cause its sublicensees to keep
                true and accurate books of account concerning the Licensed
                Products. Licensee shall render a statement within thirty (30)
                days after the end of each calendar quarter setting forth the
                quantity of the Licensed Products sold during the during the
                quarter and the Net Sales and amount of royalties due thereon.
                The royalties due shall be paid in U.S. Dollars simultaneously
                with the sending of the statement. The amount of royalty first
                calculated in Japanese Yen shall be converted into U.S. Dollars
                at the T/T selling price rate quoted by Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank as
                of five (5) working days prior to the date of remittance.

           (b)  Licensee shall permit Licensor's duly authorized representative,
                reasonably acceptable to Licensee, to examine the
                above-mentioned books of account

                                     Page 7

                relating to the Licensed Products at all reasonable business
                hours to the extent and insofar as it is necessary to verify the
                accuracy of the statement rendered by the Licensee pursuant to
                Section 4.3(a) above.

           (c)  Licensor shall have the right to designate a firm of certified
                public accountants, reasonably acceptable to Licensee, to audit
                the above-mentioned books of account relating to the Licensed
                Products in order to ascertain the accuracy of the statement
                rendered by the Licensee pursuant to Section 4.3(a) above. The
                expense of the audit shall be Licensor's unless the audit shall
                demonstrate a discrepancy (in Licensee's favor) greater than
                five percent (5%) between the royalties reported and paid and
                those which were actually due, in which event the audit expenses
                shall be borne by Licensee.

         4.4.   Payment.

           (a)  All payments under this Article 4 shall be made in U.S. dollars
                by wire transfer deposited to Licensor's credit at such U.S.
                bank as Licensor may from time to time designate.

           (b)  All taxes levied in accordance with the tax laws of Japan, or
                any other country in which Licensed Products are sold under this
                Agreement, on any payments to be made by the Licensee to the
                Licensor hereunder (not including any taxes on Licensee's net
                income) shall be borne by the Licensor. When, pursuant to such
                tax laws, the Licensee is required to withhold such taxes and
                pay them to the taxing authority on the Licensor's behalf, the
                Licensee is hereby authorized to withhold and deduct such taxes
                from the applicable payments to the Licensor, provided that the
                Licensee shall furnish the Licensor with the tax receipts or
                other evidence showing the payment of such taxes.

          (c)   Any amounts to be paid under this Agreement which are not paid
                at the later of the date due or the expiration of any stated
                grace period shall accrue interest from the date due until the
                date paid at a rate equal to one percent (1%) plus the prime
                rate as published by the Chase Manhattan Bank (N.A.), New York,
                New York or any successor bank thereof.


          5.1.  Cross-License to Covered Improvements.

                If either party or its Affiliates develops or acquires any
                Covered Improvements prior to the expiration or termination of
                this Agreement, it will promptly disclose such Covered
                Improvements to the other party, and the other party and its
                Affiliates shall be deemed to have an irrevocable, nonexclusive
                license to practice the same for the purpose of making, using
                and selling Licensed Products. The license shall not include the
                right to grant sublicenses. The license shall be royalty-free,
                except as otherwise provided in this Agreement with respect to
                Licensed Products sold by Licensee and its Affiliates. It is
                understood that neither party makes any warranty or provides any
                other assurance that any improvements will in fact be made.

          5.2.  ************************.

            (a) Licensor and Licensee each agree that it will not, and will not
                allow its Affiliates,

                                     Page 8

                during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, to
                assert against the other party or its Affiliates any Subject
                Rights on account of the manufacture, use or sale by such other
                party or its Affiliates of ****************************
                **************************** on silicon carbide substrates,
                provided that such substrates are manufactured by Licensor or
                its Affiliates or acquired from third parties in accordance with
                Section 5.2(e).

           (b)  Nothing in this Agreement shall obligate either party to
                transfer or disclose to the other information concerning the
                design, manufacture or other aspects of ********************
                ****************************** where such information is not
                necessary to the manufacture of the Licensed Products.

           (c)  Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.2(d), this Section 5.2
                constitutes a covenant to refrain from asserting certain rights
                and not the grant of a license, and nothing herein shall
                encumber the Subject Rights of either party or bind any assignee

           (d)  In the event that either party or its Affiliates are joint
                owners with any third party of Subject Rights which the third
                party owner is entitled assert contrary to Section 5.2(a), then
                the party to this Agreement which jointly owns such rights shall
                grant the other party and its Affiliates a royalty-free,
                nonexclusive license as provided in this paragraph, if and to
                the extent the terms of such joint ownership permit such
                licensing. The license shall be effective during the term of
                this Agreement, shall not include the right to grant
                sublicenses, and shall grant the right to practice such Subject
                Rights to make, use and sell *********************************
                ********************* on silicon carbide substrates, provided
                that such substrates are manufactured by Licensor or its
                Affiliates or acquired from third parties in accordance with
                Section 5.2(e).

           (e)  If a third party supplier (other than an Affiliate of Licensee)
                extends a bona fide written offer to supply silicon carbide
                substrates to Licensee or its Affiliates for use in
                manufacturing *********************************************
                *********** as described in this Section 5.2, Licensee and its
                Affiliates may purchase the quantity offered by such supplier
                pursuant to the offer, provided that (i) such third party
                substrates meet or exceed the specifications of the
                corresponding product offered by Licensor; (ii) Licensee gives
                Licensor written notice of the terms of the third party offer
                and Licensor does not, within thirty (30) days thereafter, agree
                to supply such quantity at the price and in accordance with the
                delivery schedule and other terms and conditions stated in the
                third party offer, and (iii) the aggregate quantity of such
                substrates (measured by nominal wafer area) purchased by
                Licensee and its Affiliates from third party suppliers during
                each period of twelve months following the Effective Date of
                this Agreement does not exceed the aggregate quantity purchased
                from Licensor during such period. Without limiting the
                foregoing, if in Licensee's view such substrate products offered
                by Licensor are noncompetitive with substrates offered by other
                suppliers in respect of price or specifications, or Licensor is
                unable to deliver substrates adequate to meet Licensee's
                requirements for use in manufacturing ************************
                ******************** ***************, and in either case
                Licensee furnishes Licensor reasonably adequate evidence of such
                facts, then upon Licensee's request representatives of the
                parties shall meet and in good faith discuss and endeavor to
                agree upon an appropriate amendment to this Section

                                     Page 9

                5.2(e) or other action to address Licensee's reasonable

         5.3.   Right of First Refusal on Wafer Manufacturing License.

            (a) Licensor agrees that it will not, during the first three (3)
                years of the term of this Agreement, grant to any third party
                (other than an Affiliate of Licensor) any license to manufacture
                silicon carbide substrates (including but not limited to bulk
                growth of silicon carbide, any polish, wafering, wafer
                refinishing or other pre-epitaxial process) within the Territory
                except in compliance with this Section 5.3(a). Licensor will
                first offer the license to Licensee in writing. If Licensee does
                not accept the offer by written notice of acceptance received by
                Licensor within ninety (90) days after Licensee receives the
                offer, Licensor may at any time thereafter grant the license to
                any third party provided that the terms of the license are no
                more favorable than those previously offered to Licensee.

            (b) Each party agrees that it will not, during the first three (3)
                years of the term of this Agreement, grant to any third party
                (other than its Affiliates), or permit its Affiliates to grant
                to any third party (other than another Affiliate), any license
                to make, use, sell or otherwise practice any Other LED
                Technology (as defined below) within the Territory in the case
                of Licensor, or outside the Territory in the case of Licensee,
                except in compliance with this Section 5.3(b). The party
                desiring to grant such license (the "offering party") shall
                first offer the license to the other party in writing (the
                "other party"). If the other party does not accept the offer by
                written notice of acceptance received by the offering party
                within thirty (30) days after the other party received the
                offer, the offering party may at any time thereafter grant the
                license to any third party, provided that the terms of the
                license are no more favorable than those previously offered to
                the other party. For purposes of this Section 5.3(b), the term
                "Other LED Technology" means:

                (i) improvements to blue LED die which are not within the
                    definition of Licensed Products and Covered Improvements;

               (ii) technology for *****************************************;

              (iii) other LED product technology.

         5.4. Representations and Warranties of Licensor.

          (a) Licensor warrants and represents:

                                     Page 10

              (i) that it has the entire right, title and interest in and to the
                  Patent Rights;

             (ii) that to the best of its knowledge there are no known
                  outstanding claims or licenses or other encumbrances upon such
                  Patent Rights, except as otherwise disclosed in Section

            (iii) that the Patent Rights are the only patents or patent
                  applications now owned or controlled by the Licensor which
                  cover the Licensed Products and/or the making, using or
                  selling of the Licensed Products within the Territory; and

             (iv) that Licensor has no information which would, in its opinion,
                  render any of the claims of any of the Patent Rights invalid
                  and/or unenforceable.

          (b) Licensor warrants and represents that it has no knowledge of any
              patent, Japan or foreign (other than the Patent Rights) owned or
              controlled by anyone which:

              (i) covers the Licensed Products, and/or

              (ii) would prevent the Licensee from making, using or selling
                   the Licensed Products

          (c) Licensor warrants and represents that it has full right and
              authority to disclose all Subject Technology which is disclosed to
              Licensee hereunder and to grant to Licensee the right to use said
              Subject Technology within the Territory as provided in this
              Agreement, and further warrants that it is aware of no claim in or
              to any present Subject Technology nor any residuary right therein
              by any third party whether governmental agency, educational
              institution, corporation or private person.

          (d) Licensor further warrants that the Subject Technology to be
              furnished to Licensee pursuant to Article 3 shall be the same as
              that used by Licensor for the manufacture of Licensed Products at
              the time of furnishing thereof.


         6.1. Infringement by Third Parties.

          (a) Each party shall advise the other promptly upon becoming aware of
              any infringement by a third party of any Patent Right within the
              Territory. The Licensor shall, within reasonable limits and at its
              own discretion, promptly take such action (legal or otherwise) as
              is required to restrain such infringement. The Licensee shall
              cooperate fully with the Licensor, at the latter's reasonable
              expense, in the Licensor's effort to restrain such infringement.
              The Licensee may be represented by counsel of its own selection at
              its own expense in any suit or proceeding brought to restrain such
              infringement, but the Licensor shall have the right to control the
              suit or proceeding and obtain all benefits in the recoveries
              resulting from such suit or proceeding, whether by judgment,
              award, decree or settlement.

         (b)  If, within sixty (60) days of the Licensee's giving notice to the
              Licensor of any third party infringement within the Territory, the
              Licensor fails to institute an

                                     Page 11

             infringementaction or proceeding that the Licensee reasonably feels
             is required, the Licensee shall have the right at its own
             discretion at any time thereafter to institute an action or
             proceeding in the Territory for infringement of any of the claim or
             claims of the Patent Rights. It is agreed that in such event the
             Licensee or its sublicensee may institute any such suit in its own
             name or in the names of each party to this Agreement (subject, in
             the case of Licensor, to its prior written consent which shall not
             be unreasonably withheld) and the Licensee shall bear the expense
             of any such suit or suits and shall obtain all of the benefits in
             the recoveries resulting therefrom, whether by judgment, award,
             decree or settlement. Should the Licensee bring any such suit or
             proceeding, the Licensor shall cooperate in all reasonable ways
             with the Licensee in such suit or proceeding at the Licensee's

         (c) Both the parties hereto may mutually agree to bear equally the
             costs and expenses in any such suit or proceeding. If the parties
             so agree, they shall share equally in any and all benefits in the
             recovery whether by judgment, award, decree or settlement.

        6.2. Infringement of Third Party Rights.

         (a) If any third party claims or institutes legal action against the
             Licensee alleging that the manufacture, sale, or use of the
             Licensed Products under the license conferred by this Agreement
             infringes patent rights of such third party, the Licensee shall
             promptly notify the Licensor in writing of such claim or action.

         (b) Upon such notice, the Licensor and the Licensee shall consult and
             discuss whether it would be reasonable to bring or defend any suit
             or proceeding concerning infringement of a third party's patent in
             the Territory or whether other measures should be undertaken in
             order to avoid the time and expense inherent in any such suit or
             proceeding. Both parties shall have the right to participate, at
             their own expense and through counsel of their own choosing, in any
             settlement discussions relating to, or the defense of, any claim of
             infringement lodged as a consequence of the Licensee's marketing of
             Licensed Products within the Territory under the license conferred
             by this Agreement.

         (c) Should the Licensee or its sublicensees be required either by
             judgment, award or decree, or by settlement consented to by the
             Licensor (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) to make
             royalty payments to a third party (other than an Affiliate of
             Licensee) as a consequence of any claim that the Licensee's or its
             sublicensees' marketing of the Licensed Products in a country
             within the Territory, under the license conferred by this
             Agreement, infringes patent rights of such third party, it is
             agreed that the running royalties due and payable to the Licensor
             under this Agreement for the manufacture, use and sale of the
             Licensed Products in such country shall be reduced by an amount
             equal to that which the Licensee or its sublicensees are required
             to pay said third party; provided, that (i) Licensee promptly
             notifies Licensor in writing of any such claim of infringement,
             (ii) Licensee cooperates fully with the Licensor, at the Licensee's
             expense, in the defense thereof, and (iii) Licensee allows the
             Licensor to control the defense to such claim and any settlement
             discussions relating thereto.

                                     Page 12


   7.1.  Definition and Identification.

    (a)  "Confidential Information" means any information concerning the Subject
         Technology received by one party (the "receiving party") from the other
         party or its Affiliates (the "disclosing party"), including but not
         limited to processes and process parameters, methods, practices,
         techniques, designs, technical plans, algorithms, computer programs and
         related documentation, supplier lists, marketing plans, research and
         development strategies, evaluation of relevant technologies, and any
         other information relating to the development, design, engineering,
         testing, manufacture, marketing, use of, or to methods and apparatus
         related to the manufacture or use of, the Licensed Products, which the
         receiving party has been informed or has a reasonable basis to believe
         is confidential to the disclosing party.

    (b)  "Confidential Information" shall not extend to information which: (i)
         was known to the receiving party prior to receipt from the disclosing
         party; (ii) was lawfully available to the public prior to receipt from
         the disclosing party; (iii) becomes lawfully available to the public
         after receipt from the disclosing party, through no act or omission on
         the part of the receiving party; (iv) corresponds in substance to any
         information received in good faith by the receiving party from any
         third party without restriction as to confidentiality; or (v) is
         independently developed by an employee or agent of the receiving party
         who has not received or had access to such information.

    (c)  Information which the disclosing party wishes to have treated as
         Confidential Information under this Agreement shall be identified at
         the time of disclosure as "confidential" by marking, or in the case of
         oral disclosures, shall be confirmed as such in writing within thirty
         (30) days following the oral disclosure. However, if not so identified,
         the receiving party before making use of any such information that
         could reasonably be assumed to be Confidential Information for any
         purpose, other than exercise of the licenses granted hereunder or the
         performance of this Agreement, shall inquire of the disclosing party as
         to the status of such information and shall designate and treat the
         same as Confidential Information if so requested.

     (d) In the event that visiting personnel are present on the premises of the
         host party, all information of the host party received or learned by
         the visiting personnel shall be treated as Confidential Information of
         the host party, regardless of whether such information is related to
         the Subject Technology or marked or otherwise identified as

7.2. Confidentiality Obligations.

     (a) Each party agrees to maintain received Confidential Information in
         confidence and not to use such Confidential Information for any purpose
         other than exercise of the licenses granted hereunder and the
         performance of this Agreement. Neither party shall disclose any
         Confidential Information without the prior written approval of the
         disclosing party, except as required to comply with any order of a
         court or any applicable rule, regulation or law of any jurisdiction or
         as provided in Section 10.1. In the event that a receiving party is
         required by judicial or

                                     Page 13

         administrative process to disclose Confidential Information of the
         disclosing party, it shall promptly notify the disclosing party and to
         the extent permitted by the circumstances allow the disclosing party a
         reasonable time to oppose such process.

     (b) Each party shall protect Confidential Information of the other by using
         the same degree of care, but not less than a reasonable degree of care,
         to prevent unauthorized disclosure or use as that party uses to protect
         its own confidential information of like nature. Within each party and
         their respective Affiliates, Confidential Information shall be
         disclosed only to employees to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary
         to the exercise of the licenses granted hereunder or the performance of
         this Agreement. Each party shall limit the number of copies made of any
         item of received Confidential Information.

     (c) Each party shall appropriately notify each employee, agent or
         consultant to whom any disclosure of received Confidential Information
         is made and shall obtain their agreement that they will maintain
         Confidential Information in confidence in accordance with the
         provisions set forth herein. Each party represents and warrants to the
         other that its employees, agents and consultants to whom any disclosure
         of received Confidential Information is made shall be subject to a
         valid, binding and enforceable agreement to maintain such Confidential
         Information in confidence in accordance with the provisions set forth

    7.3. Survival.

         The obligations of confidentiality set forth in this Article 7 shall
         continue for so long as the Confidential Information continues to come
         within the definition thereof set forth in Section 7.1 and shall
         survive the expiration or any termination of this Agreement.


    8.1. Term.

     (a) This Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date first above

     (b) This Agreement shall continue to be effective for a period of seven (7)
         years from the Effective Date, unless this Agreement is sooner
         terminated pursuant to other provisions of this Agreement.

    8.2. Termination.

         If one or more of the following events shall have occurred and be

     (a) one party shall at any time commit a breach of any of the terms and
         conditions of this Agreement, or the Supply Agreement executed
         concurrently herewith, and shall fail to remedy such breach within
         thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the other party; or

     (b) one party shall be dissolved, liquidated or declared insolvent or
         bankrupt; or

     (c) any representation or warranty made by one party in this Agreement
         shall prove to have been incorrect or misleading in any material
         respect when made;

                                     Page 14

         then and in any such event, the other party shall have the right
         forthwith to terminate this Agreement by written notice thereof to the
         defaulting party, to take effect immediately upon such notice, without
         prejudice to any other rights and remedies conferred by this Agreement
         or by law.

    8.3. Rights after Termination.

         After termination, each party shall retain the right to use Subject
         Technology licensed to it hereunder to make, use and sell Licensed
         Products in accordance with the terms and conditions and subject to the
         limitations set forth in this Agreement, except that in case of
         termination for breach pursuant to Section 8.2 the breaching party
         shall not retain nor have such rights and except that in case of
         termination under Section 13.11 neither party shall retain nor have
         such rights.


   Except as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, neither party shall
   under any circumstances be liable to the other for indirect, incidental,
   special or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of
   profits, revenue or business) resulting from or in any way related to this
   Agreement, or the termination of this Agreement, or arising out of or alleged
   to have arisen out of breach of this Agreement or the exercise of any license
   granted hereunder. This limitation applies regardless of whether such damages
   are sought based on breach of contract, warranty, negligence, strict
   liability or other legal theory.

   Without limiting the foregoing, except as expressly provided otherwise in
   this Agreement, Licensor shall have no liability whatsoever to Licensee or
   any third parties for or on account of any injury, loss or damage, of any
   kind or nature, sustained by, or any damage assessed or asserted against, or
   any other liability incurred by or imposed upon Licensee or any other person
   or entity, arising out of or in connection with or resulting from the
   manufacture, use or sale of the Licensed Products or use of the Licensed
   Processes or other Subject Technology, or any advertising or other
   promotional activities with respect to any of the foregoing.


    10.1. Confidentiality of Terms.

          The parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall be treated as
          Confidential Information of each other subject to Article 7; provided,
          however, that either party may, upon notice to the other, make such
          public disclosures regarding this Agreement as in the opinion of
          counsel for such party are required by applicable securities laws or

    10.2. Publicity.

          The parties agree to cooperate in the preparation of a mutually
          acceptable joint press release announcing the relationship established
          hereby, to be issued promptly following execution of this Agreement,
          but shall otherwise make no public announcement regarding the terms of
          this Agreement.

    10.3. Patent Marking.

          Licensee agrees to use reasonable efforts to ensure that Licensed
          Products sold by it and its sublicensees are marked in accordance with
          applicable patent laws with the number of

                                     Page 15

          any appropriate patents included in the Licensed Rights.

    10.4. Use of Trademarks, Etc.

          Licensee agrees that it will not, without the prior written consent of
          Licensor, (i) use in advertising, publicity or otherwise in connection
          with any Licensed Products sold under this Agreement, any trade name,
          trademark, trade device, service mark, or symbol owned by Licensor or
          its Affiliates; or (ii) represent, either directly or indirectly, that
          any product of Licensee or its sublicensees is a product manufactured
          by Licensor or its Affiliates, or vice versa.

    10.5. Export Regulation.

          Licensee agrees to comply in all respects with all applicable laws and
          regulations of the United States government or any agency thereof
          pertaining to exports.


    Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights or obligations created herein
    is assignable by either of the parties hereto without the prior written
    consent of the other party, except to a successor to its entire business or
    of substantially all of its assets relating to the manufacture, use, sale or
    other disposal of the Licensed Products, provided, however, that any such
    assignment shall require the delivery to the other party of the assignee's
    written agreement to accept such assignment and be bound by this Agreement.
    Any purported assignment in violation of this paragraph shall be void. No
    assignment shall relieve the assignor of responsibility for the performance
    of its obligations hereunder.


    If the performance of this Agreement or any obligations under this Agreement
    is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by reason of fire, flood,
    explosion, or other casualty, accident, or act of God; strikes or labor
    disturbances; war, whether declared or not, or other violence; sabotage; any
    law, or order, proclamation, regulation, ordinance, demand, or requirement
    of any government agency; or any other event beyond the reasonable control
    of the parties, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing and whether
    or not foreseen, the affected party, upon giving prompt notice to the other
    party, shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such
    prevention, restriction or interference. The affected party shall use its
    reasonable efforts to avoid or remove such cause of non-performance or to
    limit the impact of the event on such party's performance and shall continue
    performance with the utmost dispatch whenever such causes are removed.


    13.1. Notices.

          All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by
          prepaid airmail post, by reputable courier service, or by facsimile
          message (with a confirmation copy concurrently dispatched by prepaid
          airmail post or courier service), to the addresses of the respective
          parties as set forth by their signatures below or to such other
          address as the party may hereafter specify by written notice so given.
          Notices shall be effective upon receipt at the location of the
          specified address.

                                     Page 16

    13.2. Authority; No Conflicting Obligations; Governmental Approval.

      (a) Each party warrants that its has all requisite power and authority to
          enter into and perform this Agreement, and that it has no agreement
          with any third party or commitments or obligations which conflict in
          any way with its obligations hereunder. Each party agrees during the
          term of this Agreement not to enter into any agreement, commitment or
          obligation in conflict with its obligations under this Agreement.

      (b) Each party warrants to the other that all approvals of any
          governmental agency required for such party to enter into and perform
          its obligations under this Agreement have been obtained prior to the
          execution hereof.

    13.3. Relationship of the Parties.

          The relationship of the parties under this Agreement is intended to be
          that of independent contractors. Nothing herein shall be construed to
          create any partnership, joint venture or agency relationship of any
          kind. Neither party has any authority under this Agreement to assume
          or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of the other
          party or to bind the other party to any contract, agreement or
          undertaking with any third party.

    13.4. Dispute Resolution.

          Any disputes or claims arising from this Agreement or its breach shall
          be submitted to and resolved exclusively by arbitration conducted in
          accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the
          International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration shall be conducted
          by three (3) arbitrators appointed in accordance with such rules. The
          place of arbitration shall be in San Francisco, California. An award
          rendered in the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the
          parties and judgment may be entered thereon in any court of competent
          jurisdiction. The arbitrators shall apply the laws specified in this
          Agreement in determining the rights, obligations and liabilities of
          the parties and shall not have the power to alter, modify, amend, add
          to or subtract from any term or provision of this Agreement nor to
          rule upon or grant any extension, renewal or continuance of this
          Agreement, nor to award damages or other remedies expressly prohibited
          by this Agreement, nor to grant injunctive relief, including interim
          relief, of any nature, notwithstanding any contrary provisions of the
          Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration specified above. If, under
          applicable law, this arbitration provision is not enforceable as to a
          particular claim brought by one party against the other, then legal
          proceedings involving only that claim may be instituted solely in the
          United States District Court of the Eastern District of North Carolina
          or, if such court may not exercise jurisdiction, a court of the State
          of North Carolina. For all purposes of this Agreement, all parties
          hereby irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of such court and waive
          any defense based on improper or inconvenient venue or lack of
          personal jurisdiction.

    13.5. Severability.

          If any provision of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable,
          the remaining provisions will be given effect as if the invalid or
          unenforceable provision were not a part of this Agreement.

                                     Page 17

    13.6. Amendments; Waiver.

          This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing signed by the
          authorized representatives of both parties. No waiver of any provision
          of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed
          by the party sought to be charged therewith. The failure of either
          party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute
          or be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right to
          enforce it at a later time.

    13.7. Enforcement Costs.

          The prevailing party in any arbitration or judicial action brought to
          enforce the provisions of this Agreement shall be entitled to recover
          its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred
          in filing and prosecuting or defending such action.

    13.8. Governing Law.

          This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
          the laws of the State of North Carolina, without regard to conflicts
          of laws principles.

    13.9. Construction.

          The captions contained in this Agreement are for reference only and
          shall not be used in its construction or interpretation. The
          provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted fairly
          to both parties without regard to which party drafted the same.

   13.10. United Nations Convention.

          The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
          of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement.

   13.11. Fair Trade Commission Action.

          In the event that the Fair Trade Commission of Japan should advise or
          recommend modification, amendment and/or deletion of any terms and
          conditions of this Agreement pursuant to the "Law relating to
          Prohibition of Private Monopoly and Methods of Preserving Fair Trade"
          of Japan, Licensee shall immediately inform Licensor in writing of
          such advice or recommendation and the parties hereto agree to
          negotiate in good faith to modify, amend, and/or delete the terms and
          conditions concerned in this Agreement in accordance with the said
          advice or recommendation. In the event that the parties are unable to
          agree in writing within thirty (30) days after Licensee informs
          Licensor of the action of the Fair Trade Commission, either of the
          parties hereto may upon written notice to the other terminate this
          Agreement without incurring any liability.

   13.12. Entire Agreement.

          This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties
          with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous
          agreements and understandings between the parties, whether oral or
          written, relating to such subject matter.

                                     Page 18

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, through their respective duly authorized
officers, have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the Effective Date
set out in the preamble hereto.

CREE RESEARCH, INC.                          SHIN-ETSU HANDOTAI CO. LTD.

By              /s/ F. Neal Hunter           By           /s/ Ryuichi Hiraishi
     ---------------------------------          -------------------------------
Name    F. Neal Hunter                       Name     Ryuichi Hiraishi
     ---------------------------------           ------------------------------
Title           President                    Title        Director
     ---------------------------------             ----------------------------
Date          September 30, 1996             Date
    ----------------------------------             ----------------------------

Address for Notices                          Address for Notices

Cree Research, Inc.                          Shin-Etsu Handotai Co. Ltd.
2810 Meridian Parkway, Suite 176             Togin Bldg.
Durham, North Carolina 27713                 4-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
USA                                          Tokyo 100, Japan
Attention:  President                        Attention: Director,
Fax No:  (919) 361-4630                                 Compound Semiconductor
                                             Fax No: 03-3214-0017     Division

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SUMITOMO CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of Japan, and SUMITOMO CORPORATION OF AMERICA, a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, acting through
their respective duly authorized officers, have executed this Agreement below
and, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, do hereby covenant and agree to be bound in the same
manner as the parties hereto by the provisions of Article 7 and Section 10.1 of
this Agreement.


By         /s/ Toshiaki Matsuo           By      /s/ K. Takaishi
   ------------------------------           ----------------------------
Name Toshiaki Matsuo                     Name   K. Takaishi
     ----------------------------             --------------------------
Title Senior Vice President & Gen. Mgr.  Title    General Manager
      ---------------------------------        -------------------------
Date   September 30, 1996                Date  Electronic Materials &
      ---------------------------------        Equipment Dept.
Address for Notices                      Address for Notices

Sumitomo Corporation of America          Sumitomo Corporation
345 Park Avenue                          2-2, Hitotsubashi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
New York, New York 10154                 Tokyo 100, Japan
USA                                                 General Manager
Attention:   Michael Vitale              Attention: Electronic Materials &
          ------------------------------            Equipment Dept.
Fax No:     415-984-3365
          ------------------------------    Fax No:     03-3217-6802

                                    Page 19

                                   SCHEDULE 1

                         Licensed Products and Processes

A.          Licensed Products

            The Licensed Products are blue LED die products which:

            (1)         are made on silicon carbide substrates,
            (2)         contain epitaxial layers comprised solely of
            (3)         contain an insulating buffer between the substrate and
                        the epitaxial layers,  and
            (4)         are produced using the Licensed Processes (not including
                        any Excluded Technology as described in Schedule 2).

            The Licensed Products include but are not limited to those
            conforming to the specifications for Licensor's DH-85 LED die
            product as set forth in Attachment A hereto.

            The Licensed Products shall also include any improved version
            thereof made by Licensor during the term of this Agreement where the
            improvements consist of Covered Improvements.

B.          Licensed Processes

            The Licensed Processes are (i) the processes necessary to perform
            MOCVD epitaxial deposition on silicon carbide substrates as a step
            in manufacturing the Licensed Products and (ii) the processes
            necessary to fabricate and test the Licensed Products on silicon
            carbide substrates having epitaxially deposited layers.

            The Licensed Processes include the processes described above only
            insofar as the same are in use by Licensor at the Effective Date and
            as they may be improved by Licensor during the term of this
            Agreement to allow the manufacture of Licensed Products that
            incorporate Covered Improvements.

C.          Covered Improvements

            The Covered Improvements consist of the substitution of a conductive
            buffer layer for the insulating buffer layer used between the
            silicon carbide substrate and the gallium nitride layers in the
            Licensed Product and any improvements made to the Licensed Processes
            to allow for the manufacture of Licensed Products containing such a
            conductive buffer layer.

                                    Page 20

                                   SCHEDULE 2

                               Excluded Technology

"Subject Technology" as used in this Agreement does not include any information

1.          Bulk growth of silicon carbide.

2.          Any polish, wafering, wafer refinishing or other pre-epitaxial
            process other than wafer surface preparation steps necessary to
            manufacture Licensed Products.

3.          Any epitaxial deposition process other than those necessary to
            manufacture the Licensed Products.

4.          Any laser diode technology.

5.          Design, manufacture or other aspects of ****************************
            where such information is not necessary to the manufacture of the
            Licensed Products.

6.          Any information other than information which a party is lawfully
            entitled to communicate to the other party for its use without
            breaching any restrictions on use or disclosure owed to third

                                    Page 21

                                   SCHEDULE 3

                          Technology Transfer Services

A.          Technical Documentation

            Promptly following the Effective Date of this Agreement and in any
            event not later than the number of days after the Effective Date
            specified in the following schedule, Licensor will deliver to
            Licensee the following documentation describing the Subject

            Not later than sixty (60) days after the Effective Date:

            1.          Listing of equipment manufactured by third parties
                        (including the manufacturer and model designation) used
                        by Licensor to perform epitaxial deposition on SiC
                        substrates as a step in manufacturing the Licensed

            2.          Listing of equipment manufactured by third parties
                        (including the manufacturer and model designation) used
                        by Licensor fabricate the Licensed Products on coated

            3.          Descriptions and/or drawings and parts listings for any
                        modifications made by Licensor to the equipment listed
                        in Items 1 and 2 above for purposes of manufacturing the
                        Licensed Products, including a description of any
                        special maintenance needs of such modified equipment
                        known to Licensor.

            4.          Descriptions and/or drawings and parts listings for any
                        custom-built equipment used by Licensor in the Licensed
                        Processes, including a description of any special
                        maintenance needs of such equipment known to Licensor.

            5.          Drawings depicting the layout of those portions of
                        Licensor's production facilities in which the Licensed
                        Processes are performed.

            6.          Descriptions of the Licensed Processes, including all
                        process parameters and equipment settings used by
                        Licensor in performing the Licensed Processes, and the
                        specifications of all substrates, both with and without
                        epitaxial coatings, used by Seller for its own internal
                        production of Licensed Products.

            Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the Effective

            7.          Descriptions of all standard testing procedures
                        performed by Licensor on Licensed Products before

            8.          Such documents (if any) as Licensor may have prepared to
                        meet the requirements of the ISO-9000 standard with
                        respect to the manufacturing operations for the Licensed

B.          Technical Assistance with Chip Fabrication Process

            1.          Prior to ordering equipment necessary for chip
                        fabrication, representatives of Licensee will visit
                        Licensor's facilities and shall be permitted access to
                        those portions of the facilities in which Licensor
                        fabricates and tests Licensed Products. Such access
                        shall be permitted for the purpose of observing
                        operation of the Licensed Processes. There shall

                                    Page 22

                        be one (1) such visit, which shall include up to four
                        (4) Licensee representatives and shall extend up to five
                        (5) working days.

            2.          Representatives of Licensee will visit Licensor's
                        facilities for the purpose of training Licensee's
                        personnel for the start-up of Licensee's operations with
                        respect to fabrication and testing of Licensed Products.
                        There shall be one (1) such visit, which shall include
                        up to four (4) Licensee representatives and shall extend
                        up to five (5) working days.

            3.          Representatives of Licensor will visit Licensee's
                        facilities to provide technological assistance for the
                        manufacture of Licensed Products. There shall be one (1)
                        such visit, which shall include up to two (2) Licensor
                        representatives and shall extend up to five (5) working

C.          Technical Assistance with Epitaxial Deposition Process

            1.          Prior to ordering equipment necessary for epitaxial
                        deposition, representatives of Licensee will visit
                        Licensor's facilities and shall be permitted access to
                        those portions of the facilities in which Licensor
                        performs epitaxial deposition the manufacture of
                        Licensed Products. Such access shall be permitted for
                        the purpose of observing operation of the Licensed
                        Processes. There shall be one (1) such visit, which
                        shall include up to four (4) Licensee representatives
                        and shall extend up to five (5) working days.

            2.          A representative of Licensee experienced in epitaxial
                        deposition will visit Licensor's facilities for the
                        purpose of being trained in the operation of the MOCVD
                        reactor and other equipment used for epitaxial
                        deposition in manufacturing Licensed Products.  There
                        shall be one (1) such visit, which shall extend up to
                        six (6) weeks.

            3.          If requested by Licensee, and subject to mutual
                        agreement of the parties as to price, delivery and other
                        terms, Licensor will acquire and deliver to Licensee an
                        MOCVD reactor for use in manufacturing Licensed
                        Products.  Prior to delivery to Licensee, Licensor shall
                        make or have the manufacturer make all modifications
                        necessary for use of the reactor in manufacturing
                        Licensed Products and will make the modified reactor
                        available for inspection by Licensee of its performance
                        at a site within the United States.  Upon acceptance of
                        the modified reactor by Licensee, Licensor will arrange
                        for the manufacturer to deliver and install the reactor
                        at Licensee's facilities.

            4.          Representatives of Licensor will visit Licensee's
                        facilities to provide technological assistance with
                        manufacturing epitaxial wafers as a step in
                        manufacturing the Licensed Products. There shall be one
                        (1) such visit, which shall include up to two (2)
                        Licensor representatives and shall extend up to ten (10)
                        working days.

D.          Terms and Conditions Applicable to Visits

            Visits by one party's representatives to the facilities of the other
            party pursuant to this Schedule shall be conducted in accordance
            with and subject to the following:

            1.          Visits shall be scheduled at Licensor's and Licensee's
                        mutual convenience. Licensee shall make a request to
                        Licensor at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the
                        proposed visit for each visit to be scheduled.

            2.          Each party may require that representatives of the other
                        party granted access to its facilities agree in writing
                        to maintain all Confidential Information learned during
                        the visit in

                                    Page 23

                        confidence  under terms at least as strict as those
                        provided in this Agreement. Each party reserves the
                        right to preclude or restrict photographing of its
                        facilities during visits.

            3.          In connection with such visits each party shall be
                        solely responsible for:

                    (a) all salaries, travel and related expenses of its
                        visiting personnel; and

                    (b) any injury or damage sustained by them whether or not in
                        connection with such visit; and

                    (c) any damage or injury which may be caused by them to the
                        visited facilities or its employees by reason of their
                        negligence or intentional misconduct.

                                    Page 24

                                   SCHEDULE 4

                            License Fee and Royalties

A.          License Issue Fee

            The license issue fee to be paid under Section 4.1 shall be due and
            payable in installments in the amounts and on the dates shown below:

            Upon execution of this Agreement               $ 700,000
            December 31, 1996                              $ 500,000
            March 31, 1997                                 $ 500,000
            June 30, 1997                                  $ 500,000
            June 30, 1998                                  $ 500,000

            The installment payments may be paid without interest at any time
            within thirty (30) days after the date due.

B.          Royalties

            The royalties to be paid under Section 4.2 shall be due with respect
            to all sales of Licensed Products by Licensee and its Affiliates and
            any other sublicensees during the period ending seven (7) years
            after the Effective Date of this Agreement.

            The royalty shall be equal to ***************** percent
            (**********%) multiplied times the difference between (i) the Net
            Sales of Licensed Products by Licensee and its sublicensees minus
            (ii) the Net Sales to Licensee and its sublicensees of materials
            supplied by Licensor for use in the manufacture of Licensed

            Sample quantities (up to an aggregate of 50,000 die) sold prior to
            the commencement of commercial production of Licensed Products by
            Licensee will not be subject to the royalty. Such sales shall
            nonetheless be reported on the reports to be submitted under Section

                                    Page 25

Information in attachment omitted in its entirety and             ATTACHMENT A
filed separately with the Commission pursuant to a
confidential treatment request under Rule 24b-2 of the Commission.

                        C430-DH85 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS